Types of infertility (impotence) in males and their causes. Artificially induced infertility

1. The meaning, objectives and prospects for the development of obstetrics

Obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination are closely related to other sciences: anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, pharmacology, surgery, clinical diagnosis, etc. The main task of obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination is the development and implementation of effective methods for the prevention and treatment of infertility and obtaining the maximum number of healthy offspring. Serious attention should be paid to studying the physiology of pregnancy, finding rational methods of artificial insemination, more precise methods diagnosis of pregnancy. Of great importance is the development and implementation into practice of the most effective methods for the prevention and treatment of breast diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders (protein, mineral, carbohydrate, etc. metabolism). The main task of gynecology is the study of diseases of the female genital organs and rational methods of prevention and treatment in order to prevent infertility caused by them. The task of obstetrics and gynecology is to study the physiology and pathology of male reproduction, in particular the infertility of producers.

2. Selection and preparation of donors and recipients for embryo transplantation

The donor is a highly valuable female from which, after inducing polyovulation and insemination with the sperm of a proven improver, several embryos are obtained. Select only those women that are capable of multiple ovulations in the region and produce a large number of embryos suitable for transplantation over a long period of time. As donors, it is better to use healthy cows aged 4-5 years, with well-developed mammary glands, suitable for machine milking, who have not had any kind of birth or postpartum period. The first stage of hunting should be synchronous, with clearly expressed phenomena: estrus, sexual intercourse and heat. The recipient is a living person who is transplanted into the uterus with one or two embryos at an early stage of development. Recipients are selected 6-8 heads per donor, from among animals that have no breeding value: 1. Heifers aged 16-18 months weighing 350-380 kg. 2. Cows are not older than 7 years. Animals must be well physically developed, healthy, without signs of metabolic disorders, with regular full sexual cycles, with well-developed external and internal genital organs without pathological changes. For successful engraftment of embryos, it is necessary that the state of the recipient’s body corresponds to the stage of development of the embryo. The difference in the timing of the onset of the sexual cycle between the donor and the recipient should not exceed 12 hours. It is better to transplant embryos under production conditions with precise sex synchronization. When there are a large number of recipients, synchronization is carried out by selecting females that have reached the stage of excitability, but within the same time frame as the donor, using a test bull. With a small number of recipients, synchronization of sexual cycles is achieved by using drugs such as gestagens (dimol) and prostaglandins (estrophan). Before transfer, selected embryos are re-examined.

3. Physiological basis for obtaining sperm using an artificial vagina

In all living species, the artificial vagina (IV) method makes it possible to obtain sperm in two ways: 1) on the ♀, ♂ or castrato and 2) on a stuffed animal. Live sperm is obtained in an environment usually created during natural insemination. It is better to place it in the machine. At the moment of mounting, the technician holds the prepared vagina on the right at the level of the living person’s pelvis. You should not expose the vagina to the head of the penis prematurely, because... this causes inhibition of ejaculation. It is inserted at the moment when the manufacturer's penis approaches the mannequin's croup. In this case, in a bull, ram and boar, with the left hand, the preputial sac together with the penis is shifted to the right so that its head is directed into the opening of the IV, which is held with the other hand to the right of the pelvis of a living dummy at the level of the hip joint. When receiving sperm from a boar, the IV should be pressed during ejaculation to the side of the sow's pelvis and slightly tilt the end of the vagina with the sperm receptacle so that the ejaculate flows faster into the latter. From producers of all types of agricultural livestock, you can receive sperm in the IV, using instead alive as a stuffed animal. The IV is placed on the side of the stuffed animal in the same way as when obtaining sperm on a living person, or most often the vagina is placed inside the stuffed animal. However, when receiving sperm on a stuffed animal, the necessary neurosexual stimuli are absent, which leads to inhibition of sexual reflexes. Over time, it leads to artificially acquired impotence. To enhance sex reflex and obtain greater and better sperm quality from production bulls, it is better to use a mobile stuffed animal designed by P.I. Paquenasa. The bull actively follows the stuffed animal. When the scarecrow is stopped, the bull mounts. The stuffed animal with the reclining back turned out to be convenient. Inside the stuffed animal there is a vagina with a sperm receptacle. The essence is a metal effigy designed by V.B. Doroshkova. Its advantage is the ability to heat the rear part and change the angle of the IV. When obtaining sperm from a stallion, the vagina must be held firmly against the mare's pelvis in order to create the necessary support for the penis. Vsl. a strong increase in the volume of the penis during an erection of the head creates a danger of rupture of the chamber. Therefore, vaginal pressure should be adjusted based on the stallion's individual reactions. Obtaining sperm from a bird. First, the producer is taught to make a cage on ♀, fixed by hand. For convenience, a high table is used. When obtaining sperm, the bird is fixed with the left hand, and the vagina is held in the right hand. At the moment of manifestation of the hugging reflex, the IV is brought to the bird’s cloaca. The rooster has no penis. Therefore, there is no copulatory reflex and ejaculation ends quickly, with a characteristic push. In the drake, the copulatory reflex and ejaculation last from 2 to 5 minutes. The penis is well developed, its length is 10-12 cm or more. To facilitate insertion of the drake's penis into the vagina, the duck is fixed on the edge of the table in a spread-eagled state. TYPES OF INHIBITION OF SEXUAL REFLEXES. Improper use of ♂ can lead to inhibition of sexual reflexes. Unconditional types of inhibition. Unconditional types of inhibition include negative induction and extreme inhibition. Negative induction. The essence of this type of inhibition is the following: is that the manifestation of a conditioned reflex is inhibited by an orienting reflex to extraneous stimuli. Extreme braking. This type of inhibition is observed with a very strong conditioned stimulus or sum of stimuli. Extreme inhibition appears in highly excitable animals, especially if they have not been used in mating for a long time. In such breeders, a strong manifestation of the locomotor reflex (extreme irritation) inhibits the subsequent links of sexual reflexes. Conditional types of braking. These include extinction and differentiation inhibition and inhibition of the delayed reflex.1 Extinction inhibition. This type of inhibition is developed if the conditioned reflex is not reinforced by the unconditioned one. The combined content of ♂ and ♀ often leads to extinction inhibition. Constant stimulation (smell, sight ♀) excites sexual reflexes, but the stimulation is not reinforced by mating. Due to this, sexual reflexes fade away, i.e. extinctive inhibition occurs. Differential inhibition. Very often diff. braking develops on poor coverage ♀, as well as on ♀ a certain size, height, etc. Diff. inhibition can be developed in sires who are periodically used in natural mating with ♀ in heat, if mating is carried out in a new room, and not in the arena where this sire was used in IV. Inhibition of the delayed reflex. This type of inhibition is developed when a large period of time passes between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. If the conditioned stimulus acts prematurely, then arousal is inhibited and the sexual reflex fades. In working with producers, inhibition of the delayed reflex develops when ♂ is brought into the arena prematurely.

4. Sperm, its composition, physiological and biological properties

Sperm is a mixture of sperm (male reproductive cells) and plasma (serum). Sperm serum is the secretion of the appendages of the testes and accessory sex glands (prostate, vesicular, Cooper and urethral). The sperm released by the male during sexual intercourse is called ejaculate. Depending on the type of animal, the concentration of sperm varies. In animals with the vaginal type of insemination, the sperm concentration is 5-10 times higher than in animals with the uterine type of insemination. In terms of chemical composition, sperm is one of the most complex body fluids. About 90-98% of its mass is water, 10-2% is dry matter, about 60% of which is protein. Main components parts of sperm - proteins and lipids.. Sperm contains complex organic compounds: phosphagen, cholesterol, urea, choline, citric acid. Found in semen ascorbic acid(vitamin C), thiamine (BJ, riboflavin (B 2), retinol (A), etc. An important place in the chemical composition of sperm is occupied by sugar (especially fructose), which is a source of sperm energy. Animals of different species differ not only in the total amount of sugar, but also in its composition. For the practice of artificial insemination, it is important to know the composition and properties of both sperm and serum, since such strong degrees of sperm dilution are currently used that the serum is actually replaced by a diluent. The composition, quantity and biological properties of sperm are highly dependent on the conditions of existence of the producer (feeding, care, maintenance, operation, etc.).

5. Sperm structure

Sources of energy for the vital processes of sperm. The sperm is a uniquely constructed cell that is fundamentally different from all other cells of the body. Sperm has four main parts: the head, the neck, the body and the long, mobile tail. The size of sperm varies between 50-80 microns. The head is a spoon-shaped plate. Most of the head is occupied by the nucleus. The anterior part of the head has a delicate body covered with an acrosome that secretes the enzyme hyalorunedase, cat. Dissolves the corona radiata of the oocyte. When acrosomes are lost, the ability to fertilize is lost. In the middle and back of the head there is a nucleus and DNA carrying heredity inside the head is covered with a thin nuclear membrane, and on the outside with a membrane; if damaged, the fetus can be lost. The neck is the shortest part of the sperm; consists of coarse and fine fibrils. Coarse ones form the anterior centriole, thin ones form the posterior centriole.

The center of movement is found in the neck and body. covered with a thin membrane when the cat- violating the center of movement. Tail - consists only of an axial thread covering the membranes. The tip of the tail has no axis of thread and transitions into a brush. The movement occurs due to the flow, the cat turns to the left, thus pushing off to the right from the flow of liquid, having a rectilinear movement. The movement of sperm in a drop against the current is liquid retaxy.

Sperm cells have a membrane that protrudes around the head in the form of a transparent rim, and in the area of ​​the tail and other areas it resembles shreds of torn thin dense tissue. This membrane is revealed under a microscope only after long-term storage of sperm or keeping sperm in water. The shell consists predominantly of cystine and is the same protein formation as the keratin of the skin. A protein containing sulfur gives the sperm membrane its strength.

6. Evaluation of sperm of agricultural animal producers based on external characteristics

Visual assessment of the quality of freshly obtained sperm is carried out based on its external signs: volume, color, smell and consistency. The volume is determined immediately after its receipt from production. Semen from a ram is collected into warm graduated pipettes in a quantity of 0.8-2 ml, bull 3-5 max. 10 ml, for a stallion - 40-120, max 250, for a boar 250-500, max 100 ml. Color inspected in good lighting. The sperm produced should be white. In bulls and rams, sperm is normally white with a yellowish tint; in boars and stallions, it is milky white with a grayish tint. Sperm is discarded if it is pink, reddish, intense yellow, mixed with pus or flakes. Consistency. The ram has a creamy smell, the bull has a creamy taste, the boar and stallion have a watery smell.. The smell. As a rule, it is absent, but the sperm of a ram may have the smell of grease; in a bull, it is full of milk; if a putrid odor is detected, it is discarded.

7. Preparation of solutions and materials for the arts of insemination

Utensils and instruments used for this purpose must be clean and sterile. First, the dishes and tools are washed with 2-3% sodium bicarbonate solution or 1-1.5% soda ash solution, then rinse with warm boiled water and distilled water and dry. New glassware is first washed with soap or other detergents, then immersed in HCl solution (1 tablespoon/3 liters of distilled water) for 24 hours, rinsed with running water and repeatedly distilled and dried. Load the dishes with protein and sperm and soak them in the chrome mixture for 24 hours, then rinse them several times with running water, rinse with distilled water and dry. Metalich instruments are washed with 2-3% sodium hydrocarb solution, washed with warm boiling water and wiped dry with a clean towel. Sterilization of utensils using several methods: autoclave, boiling, dry, flaming, alcohol 70° and 96°, Ural irradiation. Solutions: 1) Distilled water (boiled and rinsed) 2) 16% Na hydrocarbon solution (used for assessing sperm quality, must be fresh so prepared daily) 3) 2-3% Na bicarbonate solution (ready in enamel or glass dishes, 20-30 g of Na bicarbonate per liter of water. 4) 0.09% NaCl solution. A solution of 9g in 1 liter of distilled water. Use to dissolve the sperm, remove any remaining alcohol, rinse the dishes, remove moisture from the mirrors before insertion (should be warm). 5) 2.8% Na citrate solution used when assessing sperm activity. The solution is ready every day. 6) Furacilin solution, used for hand disinfection, washing the floor of the female body, prepuce, disinfecting the vagina after taking the sperm. Shelf life: 2 days in dark glass containers.

8. Influence of physical and chemical factors on sperm

Action t°. Sperm are most active at t 37-39°C, t 0- death due to protein coagulation. At t° ↓ t° of the body, the movement of sperm slows down. At a temperature of about 0°, sperm movement stops and they enter a state of suspended animation. When the sperm is heated to t° +37-39°, the mobility of the sperm is restored. A sharp cooling of sperm causes a shock - death of sperm or damage to them with loss of heat capacity.

Direct sun rays kill, scattered - not harmful. 2 Viane hypertonic r-v. What is disastrous for sperm is distilled water (manege water) - the head of the sperm swells, its mobility is lost, the tail curls and it dies. Under the influence of hypertonic NaCl solution, rapid death of sperm occurs due to dehydration. When sperm is diluted with 0.9% NaCl solution or 2.9% sodium citrate solution, active two sperm cells are observed. All medications and disinfectants. The environment influences negatively, some destroys. (mercury, iron)

9. Methods of obtaining sperm, their advantages and disadvantages

All existing methods of obtaining sperm can be divided into urethral, ​​which allows one to obtain sperm directly from the male’s urethra, and vaginal, which involves collecting sperm from the vagina ♀ after its natural insemination. Urethral methods of obtaining sperm. The use of an artificial vagina (IV), which makes it possible to reproduce mechanical and thermal irritations of the nerve endings of the manufacturer’s penis and obtain a full-fledged ejaculate from it. The method of obtaining sperm on the vagina is the most common in the practice of artificial insemination and is considered the best of all existing methods in terms of simplicity of technique and the quality and quantity of sperm obtained. Fistula method of obtaining sperm with this method it is possible to obtain perfectly clean, sterile sperm with high sperm survival. When using such sperm, increased fertility is achieved. Producers with urethral fistula can be used for many years. To obtain sperm through a fistula, a perineal urethrostomy is performed. Urethrostomy is performed in such a way that the lower end of the fistula is located at the level of the pelvic floor at the ischial tuberosities. For several days after the operation, stallions adapt to the new conditions; to urinate, they take a posture characteristic of a mare and do not wet their limbs with urine. 3-4 weeks after the operation, the manufacturer is used to obtain sperm through the fistula. Before obtaining sperm, the root of the tail is bandaged, and the edges of the fistula are wiped with cotton swabs soaked in boric solution, saline. sodium chloride solution, 50-60% alcohol, etc. At the moment the stallion mounts the mare in heat, the sire's tail is moved to the side and a vessel with an oval entrance is placed under the fistula. Within a few seconds, sperm fills the sperm receptacle (vessel) in a strong stream. All this takes 3-4 minutes. Obtaining sperm using sperm collectors. A sperm collector is a device consisting of a thin rubber tube, one end of which is tightly closed, and the free end is stretched on a wide rubber ring. By using a sperm collector, sperm is obtained in two ways: without inserting it into the vagina and with insertion into the vagina ♀. Obtaining sperm by masturbation - by mechanically irritating the glans penis by rubbing the preputial sac against it. This method only works well in dogs. It is not possible to obtain sperm from living ungulates using this method. Receiving sperm by massage. In a bull, the hair on the preputial sac is trimmed before receiving sperm. Without prior contact between the producer and the cow (without arousal), sperm cannot be obtained. Therefore, the bull is brought to the cow for general stimulation, under the influence of which sperm from the epididymis moves into the ampoules of the sperm duct. After this, a hand generously lubricated with Vaseline is inserted into the bull's rectum - behind the ampulla-shaped extension, and then taken back along with the freely moving part of the rectum into the pelvic cavity, where the neck of the bladder and the sperm duct ampoules located in front, protruding in the form of thickened cords, are felt. and vesicular glands. By gently stroking with your hand, their contents are squeezed out and, as they are released, they are collected into a glass vessel or into a regular sperm receptacle. Vaginal methods of obtaining sperm. The sponge method of obtaining sperm was used to obtain sperm from bulls, rams and stallions. The essence of the method is to use a sponge, which, after appropriate treatment, is inserted into the vagina ♀, which is in a state of sexual desire, and then coitus is allowed with the manufacturer.

After ejaculation, the sponge is removed from the vagina, and the ejaculate released during sexual intercourse and absorbed into the sponge is squeezed out by hand or with a special press. The vaginal (mirror) method involves collecting sperm from the vagina using a vaginal speculum or other devices.

This technique has been used in cows, sheep and horses; in horses, sperm can only be collected when the cervix is ​​closed.

10. Cooling mode and sperm freezing technology

To freeze and store sperm, special devices and permanent storage facilities are used. From the storage facilities, sperm is transported in Dewar vessels of varying volumes to the household service. Sperm is frozen in coated and unclad granules, paillettes, and fluoroplastic plates. To freeze sperm in 0.5 ml granules, it is diluted 10 times or more. These granules are not separated before the axle. To freeze sperm in granules after dilution, cool to a temperature of 2-5°, then pour out the calibration pipettes, polyethylene syringes, or pour by machine into the wells, cool in liquid nitrogen on fluoroplastic plates. After the spill, hold the plate above liquid nitrogen at a distance of 5-10 cm for 1-2 minutes, then immerse it in liquid nitrogen for 1-2 minutes. After freezing, the granules are collected in a container and placed in a Dewar flask with liquid nitrogen for storage. Freezing in pellets. Use freshly received sperm diluted with media No. 1 (11% solution of glucose or sucrose - 63 ml, yolk - 30 ml, glycerin - 7 ml) and 2 (lactose or sucrose - 6 g, sodium citrate - 1.4 g, glycerin - 5 ml, distilled water - 100ml).

Prepare the medium by pouring 200-400 ml into sterilized polyethylene containers and attaching them to a special device for diluting sperm. Receive the sperm, dilute it with medium No. 1 in a ratio of 1:1, keep it at room temperature for 5-10 minutes. Then the sperm was diluted with medium No. 2 (15 ml). Having diluted the sperm, pour it into a thin-walled polymer tube, and divide it using the PZhR apparatus into doses of 0.25-0.33 ml and seal it by thermal welding. The granules were placed in aluminum tubes, closed with foam rubber stoppers and secured into the cages of the device for equilibration and sperm freezing. The device was placed in the refrigerator to cool to 2-5°C, kept for 4-6 hours, then immersed in liquid with liquid nitrogen for 8-10 minutes, and then completely immersed in it until the sperm quality was checked. Sperm activity after death was checked within 24 hours. Freezing sperm in payettes. Use polypropylene tubes with a capacity of 0.25 ml. The sperm was diluted with lactose-fructose-raffinose-magnesium-glycerol-yolk medium, with the expectation that the payette, after thawing, would contain at least 15 million sperm cells. Each payette is marked with the name of the breeder, the nickname and number of the bull, and the date of sperm collection. After dividing the sperm into 0.25 ml packages using a machine, it automatically filled the straws with sperm and sealed them with sterile balls. Straws can also be filled using a vacuum method using a special vacuum chamber. Before freezing, the straws are placed in racks and placed in plastic boxes, which are cooled in the refrigerator at 4°C for 3-4 hours. After cooling, sperm motility is assessed and sperm with a score of at least 8b is accepted for freezing. Sperm is frozen in nitrogen gas on a sieve in stationary storage KV-6202 at a temperature of 120-130° for 5 minutes. The frozen sperm was placed in plastic glasses of 500 pieces each and stored in a stationary storage facility at -196°c.

11. Evaluation of sperm by density and activity

Freshly obtained sperm is examined for sperm density and motility, and in stored sperm, only sperm motility is determined using a microscope with a magnification of 200-300 times. Difference: thick, medium and rare. Sperm is considered thick; the entire field of view of the microscope is filled with sperm so that they have no gaps. In thick sperm it is usually difficult to distinguish the movements of individual sperm. Average sperm - in the field of view of the microscope, gaps between sperm are noticeable, not exceeding the length of one sperm. The movements of individual sperm are clearly visible. Rare sperm - sperm are in the field of view of the microscope so that they have large gaps. If there are no sperm cells in the test sperm, then such sperm is assessed as aspermia. If a single sperm is detected, then this is oligospermia. Mobility was assessed visually on a 10-point scale. When all the sperm in the region are moving, the sperm is valued at 10 points, if approximately 90% - 9 points, 80% - 8 points, etc. The final evaluation of sperm production is based on 2 indicators: thickness and density. P: G10 - thick sperm, about 100% sperm with linear motion.

12. Calculation of sperm concentration in Goryaev’s counting chamber

To count sperm, a clean counting chamber and a glass section are wiped with alcohol, a swab and ether, then with a dry cloth. The mixture is washed with distilled water, 96° alcohol and ether, and dried. Sperm is taken into the mixer, then a 3% NaCl solution in an erythrocyte mixer for a ram, goat, bull up to mark 101, into a leukocyte for a stallion, boar, rabbit up to mark 11. Mix the sperm with the solution and remove the first 4 drops. Then a small drop of broken sperm is applied to the side of the mesh of Goryaev’s chamber. Counting is carried out at 200x400 in five large squares diagonally. Only the sperm heads are counted, located inside small cells. The sperm count was calculated using the formula:

K = N x D x 4000 x 1000 / 80.

K-k-tion of sperm-in. N-number will count sperm in 80 small kV-x; d-degree of separation; 4000 and 1000 are post magnitude. Number of sperm expressed billion/ml.

13 . Infectious follicular vestibulitis of cows - IB of the external genitalia

It is assumed that the causative agent is streptococcus; a number of researchers believe that it is caused by filterable V. Symptoms. Acute infectious follicular vestibulitis is characterized by redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa and the formation of dense, smooth nodules on it - granulomas, the size of a millet grain. Nodules appear 1-10 days after mating. They are located in rows or groups around the clitoris and partially on the lateral surfaces of the vestibule of the vagina. At the beginning of the disease, the nodules are dark red in color, then they become yellowish, gray-yellow and pale in color. With the appearance of nodules, catarrhal-purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule occurs. After 3-4 weeks, acute follicular vestibulitis becomes chronic. Chronic infectious follicular vestibulitis occurs without significant symptoms. The disease periodically worsens, usually during estrus and hunting. Diagnosis. Inf. follicular vestibulitis is diagnosed based on the detection of characteristic nodules and glassy or catarrhal-purulent exudate in the clitoral area. Exclude trichomoniasis, vibriosis, vesicular rash. Treatment. To thin the viscous exudate, the vagina is first washed with 2-3% solution of table salt. Then irrigate with a solution: furacillin 1:5000, or rivanol 1:1000-2000. Slime The vestibule and vagina are lubricated 1-2 times a day with ichthyol-glycerin, emulsions, ointments and liniments containing antibiotics (streptomycin, synthomycin, etc.) or tampons soaked in the listed agents are inserted into the vagina. It is recommended to introduce ichthyol tampons (once a day). Effectively lubricate the mucous membrane of the vagina and vestibule with 10% propolis ointment, a solution of pine-carotene paste 1:3-5 and iodinol. Blistering rash on the vestibule of the vagina. A blistering rash is observed in cows, mares, and sometimes in pigs and sheep. Etiology. The disease is caused by a filterable virus. Symptoms. 3-6 days after infection, a large number of small red spots and nodules are found on the surface of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule, located in the lower corner of the vulva, around the clitoris and at the tops of the folds of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule. The blisters turn into pea-sized pus-filled blisters. Erosion and superficial ulcers remain in their place. In addition, swelling of the vulva and vaginal vestibule, hyperemia of the mucous membrane, and the release of mucopurulent exudate, which dries out in the form of crusts on the tail, are noted. Forecast. If the course is not complicated, it is favorable. With deep ulceration of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule, be careful. Treatment. In uncomplicated cases, treatment is the same as for infectious follicular vestibulitis. If the vesicular rash is complicated by pyogenic microflora, vaginal rinsing is contraindicated. Exudate is removed using tampons. The affected and ulcerated areas are lubricated antiseptic ointments, having previously treated erosions and ulcers with tincture of iodine.

14. Sperm storage. Composition for different animals

The composition depends on the type of food and the method of storage. Diluted 30 minutes after receiving. Diluents: GF - glucose phosphate diluent, gelatinized, glucose-yolk media. Razb. prepared in distilled water. For a bull: GCG, water 100 ml, glucose 3, Na citrate 1.4, egg yolk 20, spermosan-3 75-90 thousand units.

For a ram: HCG, water 100 ml, glucose 0.8, citrate Na 2.8, egg yolk 20, spermosan-3 50-75 thousand units. For a stallion: LCG, water 100 ml, lactose 11, citrate Na 0.089, bicarbonate Na 0.008, chelaton (trilon B ) 0.1, egg yolk 1.6, spermosan-3 25-30 thousand units.

For boar: HCC, water 100 ml, glucose 4, Na citrate 0.38, Na bicarbonate 0.05, ammonium sulfate 0.18, chelaton (Trilon B) 0.1, spermosan-3 25-30 thousand units. For rooster, turkey: VIRGZH-2, water 100 ml, fructose 1.8, Na glutamic acid 2.8. For gander: VIRGZH-2, water 100 ml, fructose 0.31, Na citrate 0.57, Na glutamic acid 1.67 Glu, fru, lact, etc. reduce the electrical conductivity of the solution, preventing agglutin, like ist E. Citrate - buffer pH 7.8-8. Egg yolk is a source of lecithin non-oxide, preventing the consumption of lipids by the sperm cytoplasm, weakening the temperature shock.

There are several methods for storing sperm: short-term storage at positive temperatures: 1) sperm is stored at room temperature 16-20°. Use chelate media. Chelaton (trilon b) is a compound that inactivates farms at room temperature, thereby suppressing the metabolism of sperm. D-e chelone is stopped if the sperm is warmed up to body temperature (occurs when introduced halfway). 2) Stored at t when ice melts. This t is suitable for storing bull, ram and stallion sperm. To cool sperm, use refrigerators and a thermos bottle where the temperature is maintained at 2-5°C. Apply yolk diluted because it makes sperm more resistant to tempo shock, but it is not completely eliminated. Therefore, the sperm is cooled gradually. The recommendation for this method is to store bull sperm no later than 3 days, stallion sperm no later than 2 days, and ram sperm for 24 hours. Long-lasting storage - stored frozen in liquid nitrogen in Dewar flasks at t -196°.

15. Pathogen therapy for mastitis

Novocaine is used to normalize neurovascular reactions. It is not only a purely anesthetic factor that interrupts the passage of excitation, but also contributes to the emergence of high-quality new irritation, which has the ability to regulate the trophic function of the nervous system. Novocaine always gives an effect if mastitis has not reached irreversible processes in the form of purulent melting, necrosis, gangrene, atrophy or induration of the udder. The simplest method of treatment is intramuscular infusion of 100-150 ml of 0.5-0.1% novocaine solution with an interval of 12 hours. Logvinov received good results, using the method he developed of a short novocaine blockade of the udder. For injection, use a syringe connected by a rubber tube to a long injection needle. The needle is inserted from behind the base of the udder and the abdominal wall, retreating 1-2 cm from the midline towards the diseased half of the udder, and advancing it towards the wrist joint of the same side to a depth of 8-12 cm. Inject 150-200 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution.

By moving the needle in different directions, the solution is evenly distributed in the suprauterine space. Sheep are injected with 0.25% novocaine solution in a dose of 40-50 ml in front, and in goats behind the udder. In sows, the nerves of each affected glandular lobe of the udder are blocked separately with 0.25% novocaine solution, 20-40 ml. If necessary, repeated blockades are carried out for 48-96 hours. The results are obtained by administering 1% novacaine solution into the abdominal aorta using the Logvinov method.

A good effect is obtained by administering 100-150 ml of 1% novocaine solution intravenously with an interval of 24-48 hours. Lives with serous mastitis recover in most cases within 2-3 days, with catarrhal - within 4-5 days, with fibrinous - 6 days, with purulent-catarrhal - 5 days and with hemorrhagic - 6 days.

The results are given by conduction anesthesia. glands according to I.I. Magda, blockade according to V.V. Mosin, G.S. Fateev and others.

16. State breeding enterprises their goals and objectives

The breeding enterprise may be special for axles of one type, alive and combined. The breeding enterprise carried out its activities through the points of the claim of the axis. The breeding plant consists of a plan for breeding work and the art of breeding for its zone and exercising control over its production, developing a plan for the distribution of sperm across households, assigning to each of them a determination of the production of breeding stock, production and selection of products for the uterine The staff, selecting a reserve of bulls and controlling their use, monitors the mandatory castration of all non-breeding mature males in the breeding area, controls the work of the technical process of breeding and manages it. One of the main tasks of the tribes was undertaken by the organization so that, using this method, in the shortest possible time, it would improve the valuable qualities acceptable for a given zone

17. Male samplers

To detect heat in ♀, it is advisable to use sampler males. Depending on the specific conditions, a specialist can use two types of probes: 1) capable of performing sexual intercourse, but not releasing sperm in the ejaculate, and 2) not producing coitus. To prepare probes capable of performing coitus, young non-tribals ♂ are selected, from whom a vasectomy or urethrostomy is performed. Vasectomy is an operation that involves excision of a section of the sperm duct or testicular appendage. Those operated in this way ♂ are used to diagnose heat, infertility, initial stages pregnancy and stimulation of sexual function. In bulls and rams, vasectomy is performed according to the methods of A.Ya. Krasnitsky, V.S. Shipilova, V.Ya. Andreevsky. Method A.Ya. Krasnitsky consists of dissecting all layers of the scrotum and the common vaginal membrane in the area of ​​the caudal surface of the scrotal neck, removing the sperm duct and excision of its section 1-2 cm long.

B.C. Method Shipilova. Incisions are made not in the caudal, but in the cranial part of the scrotum, which makes it easier to locate the sperm duct. The layers of the scrotum are dissected by making two incisions parallel to the suture of the scrotum at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from it. Young ♂ are vasectomized through one incision. After dissecting the common vaginal membrane and removing the spermatic cord with the sperm duct, the latter is excised. The wound is closed with knotted sutures. Excision of the sperm duct is mandatory. V. Ya. Andreevsky's method consists of dissecting the right and left halves of the apex of the scrotum, opening the common vaginal membrane, extracting the tail of the appendage through the wound and excising it. Vasectomized ♂ retain spermiogenic and hormonal functions. ♂ are very active, because During vasectomy, sperm released into the cavity of the common vaginal membrane are absorbed and have a stimulating effect on the body. Urethrostomy can also be used to prepare test bulls, but the technique of this operation is more complicated than vasectomy. Probes incapable of sexual intercourse can be prepared using the following surgical techniques: a) fixation of the penis in the preputial sac; b) abduction of the penis together with the preputial sac to the side or its inversion; c) preputiotomy. Penis abduction to the side according to V.S. Shipilov. The prepuce of a bull, ram or boar is moved to the side at an angle of 70-80° from the white line. Moving the prepuce to a smaller angle can lead to coitus. According to another method by V.S. Shipilov, in the area of ​​the S-shaped bend of the penis, three knotted sutures are placed on the upper and lower knees. A probe prepared in this way is good at detecting cows in heat and making cages. Preputiotomy (method of V.S. Reshetnyak, I.Ya. Pasechnik) consists in the formation of an artificial opening in the preputial sac, from which during mounting the bull’s penis comes out without touching the female’s genitals.

18. Types of natural insemination of animals

Appl. Several mating methods: manual, cook, free, joint, class, harem. Manual mating - individual selection of queens for breeders is carried out, sexual intercourse takes place under the direct control and supervision of the livestock breeder. This method allows you to keep accurate records of insemination, regulate sexual load, and conduct veterinary examinations. 1 stallion is assigned 40-50 queens, a bull 60-100, a ram 50-60, and a boar 15-20 queens. However, isolation of the offspring from the queens delays the development of half of the cycles and makes it difficult, especially during the stall period, to detect sexual heat in them, causing it to be omitted. Therefore, when manually mating, it is very important to be able to choose the right moment for inseminating animals. For this purpose, probe males are used. Only healthy health is added to mating. Cooking spar is a method that makes it possible to use valuable products for inseminating queens, detecting heat, infertility and stimulating sexual function. The queens scheduled for insemination are brought into a spacious enclosure (varok, base), a sampler is released to them and immediately a producer, who himself selects the queens in heat and inseminates them without the intervention of personnel. Mares and stallions should be relaxed. The burden of the queens on the producer is the same as with manual mating. Producers are kept separately from the queens and released into the brew for 1-2 hours in the morning and evening. Free mating. The breeder is constantly present in the herd as an irritant to the sexual function of females. The onset of the stage of arousal in this case is accelerated, proceeds brightly, excluding the possibility of missing sexual heat, the full act is accomplished in the middle of the night, as a result of which a high percentage of fertilization is achieved. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to record insemination; it is impossible to breed slaves in a large herd. School mating is used in herd horse breeding. The stud stallion is kept around the clock together with the mares in the pasture under the supervision of the herdmaster, who registers the inseminated queens. Due to the rational use of stallions, early gynecological examination of inseminated mares (25-30th day) and high sperm survival (50 hours and >), the load on 1 stallion can be increased to 50-60 mares, obtaining a high% pregnancy rate. Class mating is used in sheep breeding; sheep are divided into large and individual classes, and certain rams are assigned to them.

19. Sheep insemination

Heat and estrus in sheep can occur 15-30 days after lambing, but most often they appear after the lambs are weaned. Hunting in sheep is manifested by some anxiety, a desire for the ram. However, these signs are not clearly expressed, and therefore the only reliable way is to sample them using sample rams. It is recommended to inseminate sheep immediately after sampling. Because within 3-4 hours, some sheep’s heat and estrus are over, and insemination in this case may not lead to fertilization. The morning after insemination, the inseminated sheep are sampled again, and those that are not yet finished in heat are inseminated again. Double insemination of sheep significantly increases the percentage of twins and helps reduce the percentage of laying queens.

That. When inseminating sheep they use cervical method. Insemination of sheep is carried out using a glass syringe-catheter or a semi-automatic syringe. For insemination, the sheep is placed in a special pen. The worker holding the sheep, holding its tail up, wipes the genitals with clean cotton wool. Inserts a flaming speculum into the sheep's vagina. Having found the cervix, the technician inserts the end of the catheter to a depth of 1-2 cm and, pressing the end of the piston, injects the required dose of sperm into the cervical canal.

20. Insemination of pigs

Currently, 2 methods of artificial insemination of pigs are used: insemination with diluted sperm and the fractional method.

T.O. with diluted sperm. For insemination, a polyethylene device is used, consisting of a thin-walled bottle with a capacity of 150-250 ml, a screw-on cap and a catheter with a connecting coupling. Before insemination, bottles with sperm are heated in warm water to a temperature of 30-35°C and then placed in a foam thermos. Before insemination, unscrew the cap of the polyethylene bottle and attach the catheter. Pigs are inseminated at the acting point. The technician inserts the catheter into the pig's genitals until it reaches the cervix. The polyethylene bottle is lifted up and its walls are slightly squeezed. If the cervix is ​​dilated, sperm flows by gravity into the uterus. To force the sperm out of the glass vial, air pressure is created by squeezing the Richardson balls. The sperm must be injected slowly over several minutes. If sperm leaks from the vagina, you need to stop introducing it until the cervix dilates again.

When inseminating with diluted sperm, 1 ml of sperm is injected per 1 kg of live weight of the pig, but not more than 150 ml. The dose should contain 3-5 billion active sperm. Technique for insemination of pigs using the fractional method. Fractional injection of sperm allows you to reduce the dose of undiluted sperm for insemination of one sow.

For insemination, a unified probe UZK-5 is used, consisting of two glass ampoules with a capacity of 100 ml, a plexiglass cap, a metal probe (catheter), connecting rubber tubes, a cotton air filter and Richardson balls. One of the ampoules is for sperm, the other for filler. Before insemination, the pig is washed with clean warm water. Before inserting the probe into the pig’s vagina, open the clamp of the ampoule with sperm and, lowering the probe downwards with your hands, then insert the probe into the vagina until it stops. Holding the probe with your left hand, open the clamp of the ampoule with sperm and, pressing on the Richardson balls connected to the ampoule, force the sperm into the canal of the pig’s cervix with air pressure. If the cervix is ​​closed, then sperm does not flow even under strong pressure. In this case, you should wait from 5 to 40 seconds until the cervix opens again. After introducing sperm from another ampoule, 100 ml of filler is injected, after which an air “plug” is created in the uterus to prevent sperm from leaking out. To do this, a small volume of air is injected, compressing the Richardson balloon.

21. Methods and techniques for artificial insemination of cows and heifers

Manocervical method. Used only for insemination of cows. The animal is fixed. They toilet the floor of the cow, put a glove on the hand, wash it with sterile saline or 2.9% sodium citrate solution, carefully insert the hand into the vagina, check the condition and do a light massage of the cervix. Then, with the other hand, feed an ampoule with a catheter charged with a portion of sperm and, under the control of the index finger, push the catheter until it is inserted into the cervix to a depth of 5-6 cm. Then the contents of the ampoule are squeezed out. Gently extend your hand and do a light massage of the clitoris for 1-2 minutes to stimulate the suction function of the cervix. Disadvantage of this method: it cannot be used for insemination of animals with a narrow vagina. Fertility rate is 65-70%. Vizocervical method - insemination with visual control of the localization of the cervix.

Fix is ​​alive. Having collected a portion of the semen into the syringe, it is held vertically, with the catheter facing up. The vaginal speculum is moistened with a warm 1% sodium chloride solution or baking soda, then they insert it into the vagina, open it and, into the opening of the cervix, insert a syringe catheter to a depth of 5-6 cm. Slowly, pressing the syringe plunger, squeeze out the sperm. After this, the syringe catheter and the speculum are removed. Disadvantage of this method: the possibility of causing injury to the walls of the vagina due to careless manipulation of the speculum. Fertility rate is 50-60%. The rectocervical method is insemination with control of the localization of the cervix through the rectum. The best method of insemination, since this ensures the precise introduction of sperm into the cervical canal, as well as simultaneous massage of the animal’s genitals. Alive fic. Toilet the external genitalia of the cow, put a glove on your hand, and wash it with a 2.9% solution of sodium citrate. With the other hand, they spread the labia and insert a catheter into the vagina. To avoid getting into the opening of the urinary canal, the catheter is first moved from the bottom up and forward, then horizontally until it stops at the cervix. A gloved hand is inserted into the rectum, and the cervix is ​​fixed between the index and middle fingers. Use your thumb to probe the opening of the cervical canal and insert a catheter there. There is some difficulty in fixing the neck hole due to its slightly larger diameter compared to the diameter of the neck itself. When the catheter enters the cervical canal, the cervix is ​​pulled onto the catheter using rotational movements. The catheter is advanced into the cervix as deeply as possible. After this, the hand is carefully removed from the rectum.

The syringe or ampoule is disconnected from the catheter. Then the catheter is carefully pulled out, accompanying this procedure with a light massage of the clitoris. After removing the catheter, the clitoral massage is continued for another 1-2 minutes. After insemination, the animal is provided with rest. Disadvantage of this method: the need for highly qualified operator. The likelihood of injury to the cervical canal due to careless manipulation of the catheter. The fertilization rate is about 70-75%.

22. Storage during transportation of sperm

Short-term storage of sperm at the temperature of melting ice (2-5°C) is suitable for storing bull, ram and stallion sperm. Temperatures close to 0°C significantly prolong sperm survival and slow down metabolic processes; To cool sperm, use a refrigerator, cold cabinets or thermoses of various designs, in which the temperature is maintained at about 2-5°C. The use of yolk diluents significantly increases the resistance of sperm to temperature shock, but does not completely eliminate it. Therefore, the sperm must be cooled slowly and gradually. Long-term storage of germ cells is possible only under conditions of complete anabiosis, when all biochemical processes are greatly slowed down. For long-term storage of sperm in liquid nitrogen and for its transportation, it is necessary to have special refrigeration equipment: nitrogen refrigeration chambers, nitrogen thermoses, vacuum containers and transport tanks. Dewar flasks are more common for storing sperm. Transportation of sperm. Currently, insemination with sperm, usually delivered from breeding farms, is the most common form of artificial insemination. When transporting sperm, conditions must be observed that can preserve its viability from the moment of collection to insemination. Sperm is usually transported in thermoses in which it is stored. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of damage to containers with sperm and thermoses. Sperm placed for short-term storage must be protected from temperature fluctuations. Frozen sperm is transported in Dewar flasks, in which it is stored. When transporting such vessels with liquid nitrogen by land, they must be carefully secured, since the fall of the vessel may be accompanied by an explosion. Each batch of sperm sent is accompanied by an order, which indicates the date and time of receipt of the sperm, the name of the manufacturer, the dose and evaluation of the sperm. Transportation of sperm must be carried out in compliance with all the rules of the current instructions for artificial insemination of animals of this species.

23. Morphological and functional disorders of the female reproductive system cause infertility and infertility

Of all stimulation methods, natural rather than artificial factors should be given first place. The most important methods for activating the functions of the reproductive apparatus include improving the conditions of keeping and feeding animals. A strong specific stimulator of the female reproductive system is the male probe. The influence of the vasectomized probe on the female is carried out not only through visual, olfactory, tactile and auditory perceptions, but also by influencing her nervous system through biochemical irritation of the receptors of the genital apparatus with the secretions of the accessory sex glands released during coitus.

Under the influence of the male, estrus and heat are shortened, their manifestation intensifies, ovulation occurs faster, and uterine motility increases. Often good results are obtained from physiotherapy. Ovarian massage is performed through the rectum. After carefully freeing it from feces, the ovary is grabbed with your fingers, stroked and kneaded between the crumbs. Compacted areas are kneaded more intensively.

To stimulate sexual function, many different drugs are currently proposed: gonadotropins (FFA, SCFA, gravohormone), neurotropic substances (carbacholin, proserin, furamon), tissue stimulants (suspensions and extracts from the liver, testes, spleen; nitrated blood, colostrum) and etc. However, it should be taken into account that the use of various gonadotropins promotes the formation of cysts, and when using FFA, anaphylaxis is also observed.

24. Anatomy and physiology of female genital organs

Usually the left oviduct is longer than the right. Uterus Composed of endometrium, myometrium and perimeter. Almost everyone has a 2-horned uterus. Distinguish between the horns, the body of the uterus, and the cervix. The horns merge with the body of the uterus. The place where the horns split is the bifurcation. The special structure of the endometrium in cattle has caruncles, which are arranged in 4 rows of 8-12 pieces, their number can range from 80 to 120 according to their size, which determines the gestational age. The uterus and ovaries are located in the pelvic cavity. In mares, the uterus is located in the posterior abdominal cavity. The vagina is a muscular tube, the organ of copulation. The mucus of the body is devoid of glands, lined with stratified squamous epithelium and collected in longitudinal folds of various types. The murine membrane is built from circular internal and longitudinal external bundles of smooth muscle fibers. In a cow, the vault is wide, 22-28 cm in length, the fornix is ​​dorsal to the cervix, in a pig, the transition to the cervix is ​​10-12 cm. The mare's moisture is longer than the previous one. The vestibule continues from the vagina behind the external opening and ends with the vulva. The vulva is made up of half the lips, m-y who finding the floor slit and clitoris.

25 . Anatomical and histological characteristics of male genital organs

The physiological purpose of the male reproductive system is the formation of sperm, their removal from the genital organs and their introduction into the genital organs of females. The male reproductive system consists of the gonads, their excretory ducts, accessory sex glands and the organ of copulation - the penis. The testis is a paired organ of oval or round shape, it is a complex tubular gland in which sperm go through all stages of development and maturation. Outside, the testis is covered with a serous membrane, firmly fused with the underlying tunica albuginea, containing a number of elastic fibers. On the testis there are 2 ends of the capitol and caudate, 2 edges of the appendage and free and 2 p-ti lats and medial. 10-30 strongly writhing sperm-efferent tubules depart from the testicular network, the latter forming the head of the epididymis, and then merge. The epididymal canal, with its numerous twists, creates the mass of the body of the epididymis. Semyaprov together with vessels and nerves, forming spermatic cords, pass through the vaginal canals into the abdominal cavity. At the level of the neck of the bladder, both sperm, merging into the common ejaculatory duct, flow into the urinary canal, which continues further in the form of a urogenital drip. The urogenital canal runs along the bottom of the pelvic cavity and ends freely at the head of the penis. Near the neck of the bladder there are vesicular glands, which open through ducts into the lumen of the vas deferens. The vesicle-like structure is developed in horses and gnawing; in ruminants and boars there are massive, lobulated, tubular-alveolar formations; in carnivores they are absent. Numerous prostatic ducts flow into the lumen of the urogenital canal into the cervical region of the bladder. At the exit from the pelvis, on the bulb of the urogenital canal, paired Cooper glands are located, opening the urogenital canal into the lumen with two ducts, one on each side; in males they are absent. Along the urogenital canal, tubular urethral glands are embedded in the thickness of the urethral mucosa. The sex consists of a head, body and root. The head is formed by one venous, and the base of the body is formed by two arteries of the cavernous (cavernous) bodies, which are modified blood vessels. These cave bodies contain the cavernous body of the urogenital canal, surrounding the urethra, which opens at the head of the intestinal tract.

26. Detection of heat in mares

Young, energetic stallions that have no breeding value are used as samplers, and if the number of mares on the farm is small, it is allowed to use the main breeding stallion as a sampler. A mare in a state of sexual rest has no desire for the stallion; when the probe approaches, she tries to hit him with her pelvic limbs or bite him. During the hunt, the mare shows restlessness, often neighs, and strives for other horses, especially stallions. When the probe approaches, she urinates. Signs of estrus can be determined by the state of the NPO (hyperemia, swelling), vagina and cervix. To do this, a vaginal speculum is prepared, the mare is placed in a special one, and the condition of her vagina and cervix is ​​examined. At the height of estrus, sl.ob. the vestibule of the vagina and vagina is hyperemic, the cervical canal is opened so wide that 3-4 fingers can enter it, there is transparent stretchy mucus in the vagina. The vulva swells. By the end of estrus, all these signs gradually disappear. During insemination, the mare is placed in a special pen. The root of the mare's tail should be bandaged to prevent coarse tail hairs from getting into the vagina. Mares are inseminated only into the uterus, inserting a catheter to a depth of 10-12 cm through the dilated cervix. Warm up sperm stored at low temperatures to a temperature of 30-35°C in warm water or in the palms of your hands for 15-20 minutes.

There are several ways to inject sperm into mares. Most often, a soft rubber Ivanov catheter is used, connected to a glass syringe with a capacity of 20-30 ml or with a glass ampoule with a capacity of 30 ml. A rubber catheter is inserted into the mare's vagina by hand. Having determined with the ends of your fingers the degree of dilatation of the cervix, direct the end of the catheter into the cervical canal until the catheter enters the uterus to a depth of 10-12 cm. Then a syringe with sperm is attached to the catheter and slowly pushes the sperm into the uterus, pressing the piston. The catheter is then slowly removed from the mare's genitals. Sometimes a glass or ebonite catheter is used. These catheters are inserted into the uterus through a vaginal speculum.

27. Organization and technique of artificial insemination of birds

Usually we breed chickens and turkeys. The sperm is always used fresh and diluted 1:3, 1:7. Inseminate using pipettes. Press the cloaca with fingers until the oviduct exits, then 0.2 ml of sperm is injected there. Timing of insemination: laying hens are inseminated from the moment they begin laying eggs. We settle them for 2 days, then repeat them for 7 days. Eggs for incubation are selected 2 days after the 2nd insemination. Chickens are inseminated in the 2nd half of the day no later than 3 hours after egg laying. Turkeys are inseminated in the morning from 8 o'clock, ending an hour before the start of egg laying.

The most widely used methods are for assessing the quality and viability of embryos based on morphological characteristics and the results of their cultivation. Morphological assessment of embryos is carried out using an MBI-13 microscope. At the same time, it teaches the corresponding stages of development of the embryo, its age, the integrity of the shape of the transparent membrane, the uniformity of fragmentation of blastomeres and the state of their cytoplasm, and size. Embryos with signs of degeneration, deformities and underdevelopment are not suitable for transplantation. After morphological assessment, the embryos can be briefly stored in a thermostat at 37C before transplantation. At the same time, they are placed on a watch glass in 0.5 ml of Dulbenko's medium with the addition of 20% fetal calf serum or sheep serum. Watch glasses with embryos are placed in petri dishes, on the bottom of which moistened filter paper is placed. A medium is prepared for freezing the embryos. Then a series of solutions with different concentrations of glycerol are placed and the embryo is saturated with glycerol in a single or multi-stage manner. The entire process is monitored under a microscope in sterile conditions at a temperature of 20C, after which the embryos are frozen in glass tubes or ampoules, plastic straws, and are marked. Cooling is carried out in several stages: 1) reduce the rate from 20 to -5-7 at a speed of 1-10C per minute. 2) at -6-7C, artificial crystallization is carried out by touching the surface of the container with embryos with tweezers, supercooled in liquid nitrogen. 3) continue to cool at a rate of 0.3C per 1 minute to -36C. 4) immersed in liquid nitrogen for rapid cooling to -196C. Frozen embryos are stored in Dewar flasks. To thaw, containers with embryos are quickly transferred to a water bath at a temperature of 25-37C and kept until the ice disappears.

28 .Birth act

The birth act is a physiological process consisting in the removal of a mature living fetus from the mother’s body with the expulsion of membranes and fetal fluid. Childbirth is carried out by active contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdominal muscles, with the participation of the entire mother’s body and partly the fetus. During childbirth, contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which consist in pulling its cranial section towards the cervix, are accompanied by pressure on the fetus and the surrounding fetal fluid, from which it encounters resistance of equal strength. The pressure created in the uterine cavity due to the presence of fetal fluid in it is distributed evenly in all directions. The uniform pressure of amniotic fluid enclosed in the amniotic sac leads to the gradual opening of the cervix and smoothing of its contours. If for some reason there is little fetal fluid (oligohydramnios) or the membranes rupture prematurely, the process of cervical dilatation is disrupted.

The uterine cavity becomes smaller with each contraction. The muscle relaxation that occurs during the pause does not return the uterus to the volume that it had before the next contraction, because, in addition to contraction, the muscles move in muscle layers (retraction), causing a thickening of the wall and a decrease in the uterine cavity without increasing the tone of the muscle fibers. Violation of retraction, especially with weak contraction of the uterine muscles and vigorous activity of the abdominal press, predisposes to intussusception and even complete inversion of the uterus. A similar position is obtained when the fetus is quickly pulled out during a pause: pinched in the lumen of the birth canal, when pulled out, it acts like a pump piston, creating a “void” in the cranial part of the uterus. The retraction properties of the uterine muscles make it possible to complete the removal of the fetus and membranes, because contractions alone cannot advance the fetus throughout the birth canal.

29. Andrological study

Andrological research is carried out according to a specific plan, which makes it possible to establish the form of impotence, determine the prognosis and carry out therapeutic and preventive measures. After registration, the manufacturer collected anamnestic data: time spent in the household. or at a breeding farm; care and maintenance, diet, food, sexual regime, count and quality of sperm display; fertilization of cows and output of calves in the service area; time of onset of sexual disorder, degree of violation of sexual reflexes; the treatment used and its effectiveness; well-being regarding infectious and invasive diseases; veterinary treatments. Generally speaking, special attention is paid to joints, hooves, and muscles. When examining the genital organs, the condition of the testes, appendages, vas deferens, scrotum, preputial sac and penis is determined. In animals with good and high reproductive ability, the scrotum is symmetrical, painless, without damage, with well-defined mobility of the layers, the testes are symmetrical or with an asymmetry of no more than 5 - 10%, longitudinally oval in shape, elastic consistency, with a smooth surface and good mobility, painless. The resulting sperm is subjected to laboratory analysis. Macroscopic examination determines volume, color, smell and consistency; These indicators can be used to evaluate the sanitary quality of sperm. Microscopic examination determines the density and activity of sperm, concentration, number of living, dead, normal and pathological germ cells. Biochemical analysis determines the content of fructose and enzymes in sperm. Bacteriological examination of semen provides data on microbial contamination. Andrological medical examination of sires, taking into account age, is carried out in three stages: medical examination of bulls at the age of 6 months, which allows timely identification of congenital anomalies of the reproductive system and culling; medical examination of breeding bulls aged 6-12 months. when growing them and testing their breeding qualities; clinical examination of breeding bulls of breeding associations and constant monitoring of their reproductive ability and health status.

Based on data from a clinical study and analysis of bull semen, as well as taking into account the efficiency of insemination of cows, bulls are divided into four groups: I. Bulls with high fertility - the fertility of cows and heifers from the first insemination with sperm is over 70%, characterized by a clear manifestation of sexual reflexes and rapid release of sperm. II. Bulls with good fertility - the fertility rate of cows and heifers from the first insemination is 50-70%, are characterized by a vivid manifestation of sexual reflexes and a fairly rapid release of sperm. III. Bulls with reduced fertility are characterized by a high percentage of repeated inseminations of cows, frequent refusal to release sperm into an artificial vagina, or the release of low-quality ejaculates. IV. Bulls are infertile - they secrete little sperm, which has low levels of concentration, activity, resistance and survival of germ cells. Some infertile bulls do not produce sperm. In bulls of this group, infertility is associated with the absence of sperm or with a deterioration in its quality, which is manifested by aspermatism, oligospermatism, aspermia, oligospermia, asthenospermia, necrospermia. The severity of these changes in individual bulls varies greatly. Bulls with high and good fertility are used in breeding enterprises.

30 . Fertilization

Fertilization is a physiological process consisting of the fusion of an egg and sperm followed by their assimilation and dissimilation, resulting in the formation of a new cell (zygote) with double heredity. During fertilization, mutual assimilation (mutual absorption) and dissimilation (dissimilarity) of eggs and sperm occur, as a result of which neither the egg nor the sperm exists anymore, but a new, third cell is formed - the zygote..

The complex process of fertilization occurs in the upper third of the egg-wire. Fertilization in animals consists of several stages.

The first stage, denudation, is characterized by the fact that the egg, passing through the oviduct, is freed from the follicular cells surrounding it (corona radiata). The main role in denudation belongs to sperm, which, penetrating between the cells of the follicular epithelium, secrete enzymes, mainly hyaluronidase. There is only enough space for sperm to penetrate through the transparent membrane of the egg into the vitelline space. This process, which constitutes the second stage of fertilization, At this time, the maturation of the egg ends (the release of the second guide body). The nucleus containing the haploid number of chromosomes turns into the female pronucleus. At the third stage of fertilization, one, or less often several, sperm penetrate through the vitelline membrane of the egg into its cytoplasm. This is a strictly specific process, since only sperm of its own species can penetrate the egg. In this case, not the entire sperm penetrates, but only its head and neck. Having penetrated the cytoplasm of the egg, the sperm undergoes great changes. The head of the sperm quickly increases tens of times; Due to the assimilation of the cytoplasm of the egg, it reaches the size of the nucleus of the egg and turns into a male pronucleus, which, like the female pronucleus, has a half set of chromosomes. At the fourth stage, the pronuclei (nuclei of the egg and sperm) gradually come closer, come into close contact, quickly decrease in volume and completely merge.

Postpartum point PP - the time from the end of labor to the completion of involution of the genital and other organs of the woman in labor, i.e. recovery period to the state they were in before pregnancy. Everyone alive is running out of PP new pregnancy or infertility. The duration of PP depends on the species characteristics of the living creature, but primarily on the living conditions during pregnancy and after childbirth. In agricultural animals living under normal living conditions, the postpartum period ends within 3 weeks, no later than a month.

In the PP, a restructuring of the entire body occurs, the body temperature slightly increases, the pulse and breathing become more frequent, and the blood pressure decreases compared to the prenatal state. All these deviations are leveled out over time. first days of PP. Involution of the uterus consists of further retraction of its muscles, fatty degeneration and resorption of muscle fibers formed during pregnancy. Over time, the wall becomes thinner again, the stretched uterine ligaments are shortened and the uterus returns to its original position. As the uterus shrinks, the cervical muscles also contract. The cervix usually closes completely after the involution of the uterus is completed. All words about. and especially its part, which performed the functions of the maternal placenta, is destroyed and released from the uterus in the form of lochia (postpartum cleansing). Lochia also includes contents formed in the uterine cavity during regeneration of the uterine lining, blood from ruptured vessels of the umbilical cord, remnants of fetal fluid and placental particles. In the first days, lochia have a red-brown color from the blood present in them; drying on the skin of the vulva, the viscous discharge turns into brownish crusts. Later they become lighter, the reddish tint is replaced by a yellowish one; then clear, colorless mucus is released. Discharge observed later than 12-15 days after birth in live animals of all species is a sign of complications of the postpartum period. The vagina and vulva already in the first days (in the absence of injuries) after childbirth take on a normal appearance. Restoration of the abdominal configuration is completed within. the first 2-3 days. Swelling resolves within the first 5-6 days. The involution of the ovaries, uterus and other organs is significantly accelerated when the living are provided with active exercise, communicating with the probe, starting from the 3rd day after birth. In the living, after a normal birth, the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle quickly manifests itself, therefore ♀ of all s/ x alive x needs to be inseminated in the first month. The absence of the arousal stage 3-4 weeks after birth or the failure of insemination in the presence of heat and other phenomena of the reproductive cycle is always a consequence and sign of one or another form of infertility.

31. Diagnosis of pregnancy and infertility

Diagnosis of pregnancy and infertility is paramount and mandatory event in every household. When examining animals, specialists must not only identify pregnancy and its timing, but first of all establish infertility in order to take timely measures to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Therefore, diagnosing pregnancy and infertility is a single, inseparable event.

Existing methods for diagnosing pregnancy and infertility can be divided into two groups.

Methods of clinical diagnosis of pregnancy and infertility.

Reflexological method (The use of a probe is based on taking into account the reaction of a female to a male or the reaction of a male to a female).

External examination (inspection, palpation and auscultation).

Internal examination: a) rectal (based on identifying the condition of the following components of the genital area: ovaries, horns, body and cervix, uterine mesenteries, as well as the uterine arteries passing through them and, finally, the fetus); b) vaginal (signs of pregnancy: 1) dryness of the mucous membrane, its pallor and sticky mucus; 2) tight closure of the cervix and the presence of a mucous plug at its mouth; 3) palpation of the presenting parts of the fetus through the vaginal vault. In general, the method has little practical value). II. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of pregnancy.

Examination of cervical or vaginal mucus.

Blood test.

Urine examination.

Milk research.

Detection of hormones.

Other laboratory methods.

32. Modern method of treating mastitis

Novocaine is used to normalize neurovascular reactions. The simplest method of treatment is intramuscular infusion of 100-150 ml of 0.5-0.1% novocaine solution with an interval of 12 hours. Use blockade according to Logvinov. The needle is inserted from behind the base of the udder and the abdominal wall, retreating 1-2 cm from the midline towards the diseased half of the udder, and advancing it towards the wrist joint of the same side to a depth of 8-12 cm. Sheep are injected with 0.25% novocaine solution in 40-50 ml in front, and goats are injected behind the udder. In sows, the nerves of each affected glandular lobe of the udder are blocked separately with 0.25% novocaine solution, 20-40 ml. A good effect is obtained by administering 100-150 ml of 1% novocaine solution intravenously with an interval of 24-48 hours. Lives with serous mastitis recover in most cases within 2-3 days, with catarrhal - within 4-5 days, with fibrinous - h/w 6, with purulent-catarrhal - h/w 5 and with hemorrhagic - h/w 6 days Antibiotic therapy. Often leaking playback the process is complicated by microbes; To select a more effective a/b, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogenic microflora and its sensitivity to the drug. In case of acute heat with an increase in temperature, a/b (penicillin, streptomycin, bicillin, etc.) is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 3-5 thousand units per 1 kg of body weight. It is also recommended to administer antibiotics in combination (penicillin + streptomycin, tetracycline + neomycin, etc.). In the initial stage of the lesion, they say. glands, when changes in milk quality can only be determined with dimastin, it is recommended to administer intrauderminally penicillin solution or erythromycin. Erythromycin is first diluted in 10 ml of ethyl alcohol, and then in 90 ml of distilled water. Therapeutic drugs are administered after the quarter is freed from secretion, 50-100 ml heated to 38-40C. The solution is milked 1-2 hours after administration. Infusion is carried out 1-2 times a day. In case of abundant exudate, intramuscular administration of antibiotics is ineffective, therefore, 1% solution of streptocide, ethacridine lactate, furacilin 1:5000, 2-5% solution of ichthyol, 1-5% solution of norsulfazole should be administered to the affected quarter, During the treatment process, the secretion from the diseased quarters is destroyed. After intrauderminal administration of antibiotics to diseased quarters, the milk from them is discarded according to the instructions. S\a therapy.

Sulfonamide drugs (sulfadimethoxine, sulfamonomethoxine, phthazine, etc.) have high therapeutic effectiveness. Antimicrobial drugs are also used: aseptol is applied to wounds. damage to the skin of the nipples after milking and rub lightly; mastivalen, 10 ml, heated to 40 °C, 1 time per day (during treatment and for 3 days after its completion, milk is not used for food); The results of any treatment are monitored clinically and laboratory. studied 5-7 days after completion of therapy. If there are signs of pathology, the course of treatment is repeated or a new version is prescribed.

33. Gynecological examination

Gynecological medical examination is a complex of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at identifying the causes and forms of infertility in animals, restoring their reproductive function and high milk productivity. Cows undergo gynecological examination 45 days after calving, and heifers upon reaching physiological maturity. D.'s ultimate goal is to create healthy, highly productive herds. Carrying out D. is provided for in a comprehensive plan. Usually it is carried out 2 times a year: when transferring live animals to stabling (in October-November) and at the end of stabling (in March-April). D. does not exclude everyday veterinary care. observation and sampling of living things, it provides for the following activities: 1) analysis of the feeding regime, conditions of detention and use of living things; 2) clinical research alive-x; 3) lab., research. blood, milk, urine, stomach contents, etc.

Along with the planned conduct of these studies in dairy farming, it is necessary to carry out gynecological D. This D. provides for a whole complex of diagnostic studies, the results of which are analyzed and, taking them into account, preventive and therapeutic measures are planned, ensuring high fertility, reliable prevention of infertility and optimal productivity alive

Gynecological D. includes the following activities: 1) study of physiol. comp. alive-x by general clinical. research; 2) gynecological examination; 3) lab. research blood, urine, milk, cervicovaginal mucus, performing a biopsy of the following. uterus and a number of other specials. research; 4) analysis of herd reproduction.

All lactating cows are subjected to mandatory diagnostic testing once a month using the drugs Dimastin and Mastidine, and if the results are positive, a sedimentation test is additionally performed.

It is more advisable to carry out this event during control milking. Milk is taken for testing and applied to milk control plates after milking. The contrasting bottom of the wells makes it easier to identify white flakes on black or blood on a white background in milk. For the study, prepare a 5% solution of dimastin in distilled warm water. 1 ml of milk is pumped into each recess of the plate from the corresponding quarter of the udder and 1 ml of dimastin is added from a bottle with an automatic pipette. The mixture of milk and reagent is stirred with a stick in each well for 10-15 seconds.

Accounting for the reaction based on the viscosity of the jelly: - negative reaction - homogeneous liquid (-); - questionable reaction - traces of jelly formation (±); a positive reaction is a clearly visible clot (from weak to dense), which can be thrown out of the socket with a stick (+) Test with a 10% mastidine solution. The technique of testing on MKP-1 and MKP-2 plates and taking into account the reaction for the formation of jelly is carried out in the same way as when testing with dimastin. To determine the affected quarter of the udder from animals that have given a positive or questionable reaction with a 10% mastidine solution, milk samples are taken from each quarter and examined with 5% or 2% mastidine solutions or by sedimentation test. Test with 2% mastidine solution. To prepare a 2% mastidine solution, add 400 ml of distilled water to 100 ml of a 10% solution. The sample is taken and the reaction is recorded based on the formation of a clot and a change in color. The formation of a clot is the main diagnostic sign when examining milk using the dimastine and mastidine tests. Indications of reactions with dimastin or mastidine have no independent significance; they must be confirmed by a sedimentation test. Settling test. It is carried out by collecting secretion from quarters of the udder that responded positively to the dimastine or mastidine tests. At the end of milking, 10 ml of milk is poured into a test tube and placed in the refrigerator for 16-18 hours so that it does not sour. On the second day, the result is taken into account. At the same time, pay attention to the presence of sediment, the amount and nature of the cream and the color of the milk. Treatment of subclinical mastitis. To relieve interstitial pressure, frequent, careful milking is used. Udder blockades and the use of ultrasound have a good effect. Ichthyol, camphor and other ointments are lubricated or rubbed into the skin. A light massage from bottom to top is useful at least 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. And then, especially from the second or third day of illness, you should practice warm wraps, poultices, quartz lamps, and diathermy 2-3 times a day.

34. Main causes of pathological childbirth

The main causes of pathological childbirth are abnormalities in the body of the mother and fetus. Let's look at the most common of them: 1. Discrepancy between the diameter of the birth canal and the size of the fetus. Difficulty in childbirth occurs due to large fetuses, narrowness of the vagina, and neoplasms in the pelvic cavity of the female. Need help. When there is a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the diameter of the birth canal, birth through the birth canal is indicated; in case of absolute discrepancy, a cesarean section is indicated. 2. Incorrect placement of the fetuses is the most common cause of labor difficulties. Causes of abnormal positioning of the fetus(es) in the birth canal: incomplete dilatation of the cervix, narrow pelvis, large or dead fetuses. Anomalies in the location of the fetus in the birth canal: incorrect articulation, incorrect position, incorrect position of the fetus. Needed help. If it is impossible to extract the fetus through the natural birth canal, a caesarean section is indicated. 3. Disorders of the function of the myometrium and abdominal muscles (weak and violent contractions and attempts). Weak contractions are divided into primary and secondary. Primary ones are detected at the very beginning of labor. They are caused by endocrine disorders, obesity and the inflammatory state of the myometrium. Secondary ones develop after prolonged physical stress of the uterus. They are facilitated by dry labor, a narrow pelvis, and abnormal positioning of the fetus. Signs: contractions and pushing are insufficient in intensity, duration and frequency, the cervix does not dilate, the fetuses do not move along the birth canal and are not excreted. As a result, hypoxia and fetal death, retention of placenta, and bleeding may occur. Necessary assistance: B vitamins, ascorbic acid, 5% glucose solution subcutaneously or intravenously drip 5-10 ml/kg, 10% calcium gluconate solution 0.5 ml/kg. To stimulate labor, oxytocin subcutaneously or intramuscularly, if there is no effect, is administered twice with a 30-minute break in combination with calcium gluconate. If ineffective, a caesarean section is performed. Drug stimulation of labor is possible only if the cervix is ​​dilated and the birth canal is completely patency. Violent attempts are strong, prolonged contractions of the uterus at short intervals. The cause may be obstruction of the fetus, its improper erection. Violent efforts compress the blood vessels, which causes oxygen starvation, which leads to the death of the fetus. Possible ruptures of the cervix, vagina, perineum; hypoxia, birth trauma of fetuses. Requirement of assistant : at the moment of eruption of the presenting part of the fetus, the perineum is protected. If the birth canal is narrow or complications develop (the fetus is not wedged into the pelvic cavity or is strangulated in the birth canal), a cesarean section is indicated.

35. Mammary gland

The pier of iron is a ferrous org consisting of 4 quarters; each of them ends with a nipple. Composition of the udder: glandular tissue, excretory ducts, interstitial tissue, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. Right and left half the department of the other from the other is suspended by a ligament of the udder, serving as a continuation of the yellow abdominal fascia. P/c spread over the fascia of the gland, covering each half of the udder. The fascia proper follows on top, covering the glands of the udder and giving leads (trabeculae) into the parenchyma, dividing it into quarters and small lobules, each lobule surrounding the interlobular region. The alveoli are lined with the secretion of milk. Small ducts depart from the alveoli. The middle ducts merge into milk passages that flow into the mole cistern, which is a reservoir for milk. The nipples, appearing conical, bluntly ended with branches that said. The nipple has a base, an apex, and a cylinder; the part is divided into the apex and the base. At the apex of the mouse's nipple, the fibers are collected in a circular layer - the sphincter of the nipple canal.

36. Vaginal and uterine prolapse

Vaginal prolapse is the result of invagination of the vaginal tube with protrusion of the resulting fold through the genital opening. According to the degree of loss, they are clinically distinguished:

incomplete, partial prolapse of the vagina, expressed in the displacement of part of the vaginal wall protruding from the vulva in the form of a fold, prolapse only when lying down; - complete vaginal prolapse when the entire vaginal tube and the cervix and body of the uterus enclosed in its fold extend beyond the vulva. Observed in the second half of pregnancy. Often observed in cows and goats, less often in mares, sheep, st., caused by relaxation of the fixing ap. alive genitals in combination with increased intra-abdominal pressure. Predisposing causes: insufficient nutrition and exhaustion of the animal due to dysfunction of the digestive system, general diseases, feeding with rough or easily fermentable feed; in goats, vaginal prolapse is often observed with osteomalacia; insufficient exercise when keeping animals in stalls; keeping females in stalls with a floor strongly inclined posteriorly, which promotes displacement of the uterus into the pelvic cavity. In multiparous animals, due to a decrease in the general tone of the tissues and stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, individual areas of the reproductive apparatus are more easily displaced. Treatment: reduction of the vagina is carried out in 2 ways: 1) wrap the entire prolapsed part of the vagina with a moistened towel (or napkin) disinfectant solution. Grabbing the vagina from all sides with both hands, gradually push it into place. 2) a hand clenched into a fist and wrapped in a napkin is placed on the area of ​​the vaginal part of the cervix; By pressing on it, the vagina is smoothly inserted into the pelvic cavity. Reinforced with pessaries (foreign body), loops - rope or metal, surgically - 5-6 sutures with rollers, or sutures through all tissues of the vulva. Prolapse (eversion) of the uterus is a complication of childbirth. More often fuss occurs in cows and goats. Causes: dropsy of the membranes, multiple pregnancies, muscle sagging due to lack of exercise, rapid stretching of the fetus, at the time of birth due to a short umbilical cord, and with retained placenta. Clinic - anxiety, pushing, during rectal examination it is possible to palpate the fold, with complete prolapse it protrudes. Sometimes, along with the uterus, the intestine and urinary tract will fall out. The prolapsed uterus is initially pink or red, then bluish, dark gray. If left untreated, gangrene and sepsis begin. The treatment is surgical, it is adjusted by hand or by infusion of a large amount of disinfectant solutions. Anesthesia can be used. In case of complete prolapse, sacral anesthesia is first given, washed with an astringent solution of tannin, potassium permanganate, and a thick layer of oxytocin. Then they fix it.

37 .Udder research technique

Wedge and lab for mastitis. It consists of taking an anamnesis, a wedge examination, and checking the quality of milk. When collecting an anamnesis, we established: 1. The course of pregnancy, the duration of the dry period, preparation for lactation, time of birth, the state of the gland before and after it. 2. General composition of the organization before and after birth, herd gender, autumn time. 3. The composition of the district and households in relation to the slaughter of livestock in general and slaughter in particular. 4. They say, well, I noted in previous years. 5. Milk yield in previous years and the last lactation period. 6. Method of milking and pumping of milk. 7. Time to waste department of quarters, quantity and quality of the secret. The wedge was examined initially, then examined by inspection, palpation, test milking and determination of milk quality. The udder is examined from behind and from the side, paying attention to its shape, the integrity of the hair, skin color, and its integrity. Palpation determines the local temperature, soreness, consistency of the udder, whether lobulation is palpable, the composition of the lymph nodes; having examined the nipple Wedge and la diagnosis of mastitis. Lab research is mainly carried out on subclinical mastitis. Test with dimastidine: prepare a 5% solution of dimastidine with distil. water, to 1 ml. secretion (milk) quarter + 1 ml. reagent Milk from a healthy quarter acquires an orange color and normal consistency. The secretion from the diseased quarter is crimson coloring, clots. Test with mastidine: prepare a 2% solution of mastidine. R-yu is also carried out when forgetting. alive jelly-like clot with dark lilac coloring, healthy - smoky coloring without clots. The bromothymol test is also present. In patients, the milk is green in color. Apply a sample with indican. Good for treating hemorrhages and mastitis.

38. Intervention during labor

Intervention during labor should be carried out only if there are direct indications for it and with strict observance rules of asepsis. Assistance during normal childbirth, regardless of the type of animal, consists of a number of preventive measures aimed at preserving the health and productivity of the mother and the life of the newborn. When the fetal head and the presenting part in general appear, the attendant must monitor the condition of the perineum and, in cases of stretching, hold it with his hand to prevent ruptures. If, after the head and legs emerge, the fetus lingers in the birth canal, it is advisable to pull it by the legs and head, simply grabbing them with your hands or rope loops. These manipulations are mandatory for breech presentation, because after the exit of the pelvic girdle, when the fetus is wedged into the pelvis, the umbilical cord may be pinched, which threatens the death of the fetus from asphyxia due to the cessation of placental respiration and aspiration of amniotic fluid. The fetus is pulled out using the force of 2 people. This operation is performed exclusively during pushing. The normal course of labor with cephalic presentation is characterized by the following signs: the forelimbs protrude from the birth canal, with the plantar surfaces directed downward, the head rests on the limbs. With a breech presentation, only the limbs protrude with the soles pointing upward. This position should not be confused with cephalic presentation in the lower position. Breech presentation in this case is recognized by the presence of hock joints. The primary measures for caring for a newborn should be considered: placing it on a clean, ironed sheet, freeing its respiratory tract from mucus, tying the umbilical cord, drying the skin, wiping it with a clean sheet or towels, and drinking colostrum.

39. Basic principles of obstetric care

Operative obstetrics considers a complex of techniques for surgical care of the mother and fetus. The success of surgical intervention in the provision of obstetric care depends on: 1) making the correct diagnosis; 2) timely intervention; 3) choosing the appropriate method of operation and performing it quickly and skillfully. The correct diagnosis can be established based on the history and examination results of the woman in labor. Anamnestic data that makes it possible to identify primary and repeat pregnancy, its duration, time of onset of labor, rupture of membranes, discharge of amniotic fluid, characteristics of the animal’s behavior before and during childbirth, make it possible to foresee the nature of the complication of the birth act. The study consists of assessing the general condition of the woman in labor (temperature, pulse and respiration, general reaction to the environment) and determining the condition of her birth canal. When examining the birth canal, attention is paid, first of all, to the timeliness of the birth act (the presence of precursors of labor), then to the degree of dilatation of the cervix, dryness or moisture of the vaginal mucosa, and the integrity of the birth canal. Severe swelling and dryness of the birth canal are an indicator of rough or prolonged manipulation in it. The decisive factor when choosing a method of providing assistance should be considered the identification of the position, position and position of the fetus, as well as its condition. It is more convenient to examine the animal in a natural (standing) position, preferably with its pelvis elevated.

The study is carried out by an obstetrician after preparation for surgery. He inserts his gloved or treated hand, generously lubricated with fat, into the uterus and carefully, gradually, methodically palpates the birth canal, membranes and fetus.

40. Artificially acquired infertility (AI)

Violation reproduction of the living is possible forever. improper organization and conduct of natural or artificial insemination. Reasons for IPB ♀: 1) poor accounting of work on reproduction, insemination without a probe, missed heat; 2) low qualifications of technicians for insemination; 3) low quality of sperm used; 4) artificial insemination of live animals places of their detention, which causes infection. genitals and instruments; 5) failure to provide rest to the living after insemination (releasing cows into the herd; axial jumping on other cows, leading to infertility, because during this, sperm is squeezed out of the uterus along with the mucus); 6) inept choice of manufacturer, insufficient number or absence of manufacturers; 7) improper use of the manufacturer, such as excessive sexual activity; 8) incorrect selection of pairs: a large producer and a short one ♀ 9) failure to detect unfertilized queens in the first month after insemination; 10) incorrect culling of the mother stock. Liquidation of IPB ♀. The main attention is paid to the choice of insemination time. When working on the reproduction of living things, it is usually encountered with full-fledged sexual cycles, which are characterized by the presence in the arousal stage of all the phenomena of the sexual cycle - hunting, estrus, ovulation and sexual arousal, but under such conditions, fertilization may not occur. In cows, the stage of excitement can form and proceed in several ways. Often, three phenomena of the arousal stage of the sexual cycle (estrus, sexual arousal, heat) appear simultaneously, and ovulation occurs a few hours after the end of the heat. In such cases, insemination carried out after detection of only one of the phenomena may be accompanied by fertilization. The stage of arousal can last several days, gradually, sequentially including individual phenomena of the sexual cycle into the symptom complex of signs. Usually, signs of estrus appear first, followed by symptoms of sexual arousal within 2-3 days. The likelihood of fertilization is greater if you inseminate live animals when signs of estrus and sexual arousal are detected. However, even in this case, the period between sperm injection and ovulation may be too long and the sperm will die before the egg is released.

41. Postpartum paresis

Postpartum paresis is an acute severe disease, accompanied by paresis of the tongue and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, limbs, and coma. The reasons are an imbalance of the diet in terms of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D deficiency, and obesity. The disease occurs alive in the first 3 days after birth. Occurs due to overstrain of the nervous system. Clinic - semi-paralysis, malaise, depression, lack of appetite, uncertain gait, trembling or twitching of individual muscles, cold body, the cow lies with her limbs bent, dilated pupils, head to the side, tongue prolapses, the act of swallowing is impaired, no peristalsis, slow breathing, depression body temperature. Treatment is blowing air into the mammary gland using the Evers apparatus. A cotton filter is inserted into the hose to prevent infections. The cow is placed in a dorso-lateral position, milk is milked, the nipples are wiped with disinfectant, a catheter is carefully inserted into the nipple canal and air is gradually pumped in slowly, then the nipples are massaged. Warm wraps, rubbing the sides and croup, subcutaneous caffeine, hot enemas, intravenous calcium chloride, glucose. Prevention - giving sugar 300 g per day a few days before calving, mineral supplementation.

All ovarian lesions are divided into two groups: ovarian diseases that develop as a result of the penetration of an infectious agent or injury; functional disorders of the ovary, which are a sign of damage to other organs and systems of the body or the result of errors in the care of the female, her maintenance, feeding and exploitation.

Ovariitis-inflammation of the ovary. Develops when an infectious agent invades the ovaries during inflammation of the uterus, tubes, peritoneum and other organs; after squeezing the corpus luteum, cysts, massage. the first signs of inflammation in the ovary appear after 8-72 hours-6 days. begins with serous inflammation, which after 2-5 days turns into purulent or hemorrhagic, the latter can develop independently. On palpation the animal shows anxiety.

Treatment. Novocaine therapy is used, a\b.

Gn oophoritis - Characterized by the formation of abscesses in the ovarian tissues ranging in size from a pea to a chicken egg and larger.

On palpation the ovary is enlarged; sometimes a fluctuation can be felt; When you feel the ovary, the animal becomes very worried.

Treatment. Symptomatic, and in case of unilateral damage - surgical (oophorectomy).

Chron parenchyma oophoritis. It develops from an acute form of parenchymal or purulent oophoritis and represents a deep tissue change - the replacement of ovarian elements with connective tissue undergoing calcification. The organ enlarges, becomes as if stony, and its surface becomes lumpy due to the appearance of powerful scars.

If the ovaries are damaged on both sides, the animal is discarded.

The palps reveal the ovaries are dense, with an uneven surface, reduced in cows to the size of an acorn or bean.

Ovarian atrophy. Bilateral ovarian atrophy in combination with uterine atrophy often occurs in old, poorly fed cows with high milk yields. Ovarian atrophy is recognized by the absence of sexual cycles in animals. Upon rectal examination, the ovaries have an elastic consistency and size: in cows - the size of a bean and even a pea, in mares - the size of a pigeon egg.

Animals are culled from the breeding stock. For treatment, massage the ovaries and uterus.

Perioophoritis - chronic inflammation of the ovaries, excitability. as a complication of parenchymal or interstitial oophoritis or when inflammation spreads to the ovary from the peritoneum covering adjacent organs. Peri-oophoritis is characterized by the appearance of villous growths on the surface of the ovary. These growths are formed by the organization of fibrinous masses.

Persistent corpus luteum. Persistent is the corpus luteum that lingers in the ovary of a non-pregnant animal for longer than 25-30 days. observed with improper use of high-milk cows, with stall housing without exercise, one-sided feeding, and missed sexual cycles.

Clinical signs. Rectal examination reveals the corpus luteum, protruding above the surface of the ovary in the form of a mushroom-shaped elevation.

Ovarian cysts. Spherical cavities are formed in the ovary from unovulated mature follicles or corpora lutea as a result of excess fluid secretion or retention.

Corpus luteum cysts form after ovulation and differ from normal corpus luteum only in that they contain a cavity of varying shape and size, filled with a light yellow or intense yellow liquid, rich in progesterone. Follicular cysts are thin-walled spherical fluctuating formations. Luteal cysts differ from follicular cysts only in that their inner surface is partially or entirely lined with a layer of luteal tissue. Nymphomania is a neuroendocrine disorder in which sexual desire occurs over a short period of time (2-5 days) and lasts for several days with strong signs of estrus and sexual arousal.

42. Caesarean section in dogs and cats

In dogs and cats, caesarean section consists of laparotomy and hysterotomy (uterine incision).

The outcome of the operation is favorably influenced by the blockade according to V.V. Mosin,

The surgical field is prepared. The animal is placed in a dorsal position. An incision is made along the white line between the last two nipples. However, this surgical approach causes a more or less significant reaction from the mammary gland, which negatively affects the feeding of the offspring.

The incision is made from top to bottom and forward. The transverse abdominal muscle is separated bluntly in the direction of the fibers. Following the transverse muscle, the transversus abdominis fascia and peritoneum are dissected. The edges of the peritoneum, as they are dissected, are grabbed with tweezers, the surgical field is again covered with sterile napkins, and part or the entire uterine horn is removed through the incision.

The section of horn removed from the abdominal cavity is placed with the greater curvature upward. A longitudinal incision 10-15 cm long is made along it with a scalpel, depending on the size of the fruit. The horn wound should be located near the body of the uterus: this makes it possible to extract the fruits from both horns through one incision.

The edges of the horn wound are grabbed with tweezers and the fruits are removed through the incision. The first, closely located fruit is removed from the uterus with the fingers, the fruits adjacent to it and the fruits from the other horn. It is preferable to remove the fruits together with the membranes;

After the uterus is freed from the fetuses, bacteriostatic and bactericidal agents are introduced into its cavity.

The edges of the wound are sutured in layers. The first suture, continuous, made of catgut or thin silk, is placed on the serous and muscular membranes. The second knotted seromuscular suture (Lambert suture) inserts the first suture. The abdominal wall wound is sutured in the usual way and the collodion is secured with a bandage.

43. Surgical technique for breech presentation

Flexion of the limb in the jumping joint sus-ah D\z: one limb protrudes from the genus of the paths, the sole of the hooves is facing upward, during vaginal examination the flexion of the limb in the jumping joint is determined. Delivery: the hand is advanced deep into the uterus, the metatarsus is grabbed and the end is pulled closer to the exit from the birth canal, at the same time pushing the fetus into the uterine cavity, then the palm of the hand covers the claw, bends the limb in all joints and sets it into the pelvic cavity. Flexion of the end into the hip joint D\z: during vaginal examination with the hand, the tail of the fetus, the anus, the ischial tuberosities and the joint of the end bent into the hip joint are revealed. Delivery: pushing the fetus into the uterine cavity, grabbing the end by the tibia with the hand, bending the end in the hip and knee joint , transfer her to heel presentation. If the correction cannot be made by hand, then the obstetrician uses a rope, which is placed on the tibia with the help of a loop conductor and, with tension on the limb, is transferred to the heel presentation. Further correction of the limbs is carried out as with heel presentation of the limbs. If the fetus is small or the genus is large enough, the fetus can be removed without correction by using a Saacke loop or placing a cord between the abdominal wall and the end of the fetus, which is then tied together and secured to the cross-waist section of the fetus and the fetus is removed.

44. Changes in the mother’s body during pregnancy

There is an increase in progesterone levels due to the activation of the function of the corpus luteum. During pregnancy, new corpora lutea are formed in the ovaries of mares due to luteinization of the follicles. The placenta begins to function as a temporary endocrine organ from the second half of pregnancy; in females, the bulk of progesterone is produced in the placenta. This hormone makes the myometrium immune to oxytocin, so the uterus is in a relaxed state, and also supports the secretory function of the uterine glands. Through the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, progesterone blocks follicular growth and maturation. In pregnant females, intra-abdominal pressure increases as the fetus develops; this causes an increase in the acts of defecation and urination, the predominance of chest breathing and its increase in frequency. Kidney activity increases. In the second half of pregnancy, protein is often found in the urine. Increased load on the cardiovascular system causes hypertrophy of the heart muscle, mainly the left ventricle; the functional state of the myocardium and vascular tone increase. Due to the development of placental blood circulation, the vessels of the uterus grow. The amount of blood increases by 20-25%. Young forms of red blood cells appear. hemoglobin levels are within normal limits. Blood clotting increases. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerates. The amount of calcium and phosphorus decreases, potassium increases. Physiological “acidosis of pregnancy” is observed. Metabolism changes greatly. Initially, due to increased appetite and digestibility of feed, nutritional status improves; By the end of pregnancy, animals lose weight, and if fed and maintained improperly, they can become exhausted. A violation of mineral metabolism is often observed. Urine contains less urea; the amount of ammonia and other products of incomplete combustion of proteins increases. The absorption of carbohydrates (sugar) improves. With pregnancy, one or more corpora lutea of ​​pregnancy appear in the ovaries. The development of follicles does not stop, but ovulation and estrus, as a rule, are not observed.

45. Surgical assistance for incorrect placement of the thoracic limbs

Carpal presentation of the limbs. D\z: during a vaginal examination, the fetal head and one limb are wedged into the pelvic cavity are determined, the other is bent at the wrist joint. Obstetrics: an obstetric rope is placed on the correctly presented limb, and a one-bridle is placed on the fetal head. Then, grasping the hoof with the hand and bending the bent limb at the joints, covering the sole of the hoof with the palm of the hand, the limb is directed upward and towards itself, that is, into the birth canal. Flexion of the limbs at the elbow joint. D\z: the fetal muzzle appears from the birth canal during pushing and contractions at the level of the hooves. During vaginal examination, flexion of the knees in the elbow and shoulder joints is determined. Obstetrics: the fetal limbs are fixed with obstetric ropes and, when pushing the fetus into the uterine cavity, the ropes are carefully pulled, thereby removing the limbs from the genital tract. Shoulder presentation of the limbs. D\z: during vag examination, the fetal head and shoulder joints of the limbs are palpated, the thoracic limbs are located along the fetal body backwards. Obstetrics: grab the forearm with your hand, while pushing the fetus back, bend the limb at the wrist joint, i.e. transfer it to carpal presentation, then correction is carried out as with carpal presentation. If it is not possible to correct it by hand, then an obstetric rope is placed on the humerus using a loop guide, between the limb and the abdominal wall. After pushing the fetus into the uterine cavity, at this time the rope is tensioned and the limb is transferred to carpal presentation. Occipital location of the limbs. D\z: during the study, the hooves of the limbs are located above the fetal head. Obstetrics: both limbs are fixed with obstetric ropes and pulled forward and down, while simultaneously lifting the fetal head up.

46. ​​Serous mastitis

Serous inflammation of the udder is characterized by hyperemia, large effusion serous exudate and emigration of leukocytes, mainly into the interlobular tissue. Causes: trauma, improper machine milking, as a complication of congestive edema, with the penetration of microbes through the skin, gastrointestinal tract. The causative agents of serous mastitis can be streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, etc. Acute mastitis often develops in the first days of the postpartum period. with inflammatory processes of the endometrium of a purulent, fibrinous and diphtheritic nature.

Clinic. The affected quarter is enlarged, hot to the touch and painful. Swelling may be localized primarily in one quarter of the udder.

Milk productivity decreases, but the external quality of the milk initially does not change. Later, when the secretory parts of the gland are involved in the pathological process, the milk becomes liquid and contains flakes. Treatment. To relieve interstitial pressure, frequent, careful milking is used. Udder blockades have a good effect. Ichthyol, camphor and other ointments are lubricated or rubbed into the skin. A light massage from bottom to top is useful at least 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. you should practice warm wraps 2-3 times a day,

Good release of the udder in various forms of inflammation is achieved by using oxytocin.

Kaoar mastitis is characterized by the degeneration of the glandular and integumentary epithelium, its rejection, as well as the exudation of exudate and the emigration of leukocytes, mainly to the surface of the mucous membrane.

Catarrhal mastitis occurs in two forms: 1) catarrhal inflammation of the milk ducts and cistern and 2) catarrhal inflammation of the alveoli.

Catarrh of the milk ducts and cistern develops as a complication of the inflammation of the process passing from the skin of the nipples through the nipple canal during milking with a pinch; reduced vacuum (tears in the mucous membrane), penetration of microbes through the galactogenic route in cows with a weak sphincter of the teat canal. Under the influence of a pathogenic factor, hyperemia and emigration of leukocytes occur; as milking progresses, normal milk is released. Only later does the nipple wall become more juicy and doughy. Milk clots clog the milk ducts; fluctuating or doughy nodes are palpated. The mammary gland is painless. General condition unchanged. Milk productivity decreases slightly, but may remain unchanged.

Treatment. Frequent fisting, massage of the udder from top to bottom. Thermal procedures. The resulting nodes are kneaded by rubbing salicylic or camphor ointment.

With catarrhal inflammation of the alveoli, the gland parenchyma consists of many cavities formed by dilated milk ducts and filled with catarrhal secretion.

Clinical signs. The milk has changed, both at the beginning and at the end of milking, flakes and clots are found in it. At the base of the nipple, dense or fluctuating nodes formed from dilated milk ducts are felt. In the thickness of the parenchyma, compacted foci (affected udder lobes) are detected. At the bottom of the test tube, after the milk has settled, a mucopurulent sediment forms, the cream acquires a dirty color and a viscous consistency.

Treatment. The animal is given dry food and limited to water. To remove secretions and destroy clots in the milk passages, it is necessary to frequently milk and massage the udder. At the same time, it is useful to give the animal 3-4 g of streptocide every 3-4 hours. To dissolve casein clots, 40-50 ml of a warm 1-2% soda solution is introduced into the tank,

Blockades and ozokerite therapy give good results.

obstetrics mastitis childbirth infertility

47. Harbingers of childbirth

As the end of fruiting approaches, the mother's body undergoes a number of changes, the significance of which lies in its adaptation to the implementation of the birth act.

The harbingers of childbirth include: the transformation of the female’s usual pelvis into a “birth pelvis”, expressed in the relaxation of its ligamentous apparatus. All pelvic ligaments become loose; their length increases.

Usually the pelvis becomes “labor” 12-36 hours before the start of the fetus, enlargement and swelling of the labia; their skin becomes smooth, folds straighten out;

liquefaction of thick, sticky vaginal mucus before childbirth. The mucus plug that covers the cervical canal dissolves and is released in the form of “leashes,” which are stringy threads of transparent mucus hanging from the external genitalia. Liquefaction of vaginal mucus and “leashes” are observed 1-2 days before birth, shortening of the cervix, detected during rectal examination, indicates the beginning of its opening and the onset of labor in a mare after 12-24 hours, in a cow - within the next 2-3 h; preparation of a “nest for childbirth” by small animals.

Cow giving birth. The stage of cervical dilatation continues until 12 o'clock. The cow behaves more calmly. Occasionally he hums quietly for a long time. Under the influence of uterine contractions, the fetal bladder, consisting of the choroid and amniotic membranes, protrudes through the open cervix. The fetal hatching stage lasts from 20 minutes to 3-4 hours or more.

The succession stage can be considered up to 10 hours from the moment the fetus is born. 2-3 hours after birth, the uterine cavity appears to have collapsed. Caruncles fill almost its entire lumen. The uterus becomes dense, folds can be felt on its surface. Lochia in cows is bloody in the first days; on the 3-5th day they form a plug in the cervix, consisting of thick, cloudy, viscous mucus. Then the lochia becomes chocolate-colored; from the 8th day they acquire the character of mucus, and by the 10-14th day they stop. Isolation of lochia after the 14th day is a sign of uterine disease.

The duration of the birth act depends on the physiological state of the animals. In cows that use active exercise, all stages of labor proceed more intensely and faster. The cow is kept in a box without a leash; she takes a position that is comfortable for her during childbirth, which takes place in a quiet and calm environment. The cow repeatedly and thoroughly licks the entire calf, which enhances the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and other systems.

Licking in combination with the act of sucking the calf stimulates contractions of the uterus, as a result of which the separation of the placenta is accelerated and the time of involution of the uterus is reduced.

A newborn is given 1.5-2 liters of colostrum, preferably through special nipples. All cows, regardless of productivity, must be milked at least 4-5 times a day in the first 7-10 days in order to involve all lobes of the udder in lactation.

Childbirth in a sheep and goat. In sheep before birth, retraction of the sacrum, enlargement of the vulva, and “leashes” are clearly detected (in 3-4 days). During the dilatation of the cervix, the sheep becomes anxious, looks around at its belly, often gets up and lies down, carefully sniffs the bedding, and scratches with its limb. 1-2 days before birth, the blood vessels of the vaginal mucosa are clearly visible.

After hatching, the sheep (goat) is allowed to lick the lambs (kids) and given a small amount of warm water, and an hour later they are given good hay or grass.

The mare gives birth. In a mare, the stage of cervical dilatation lasts from several hours to 1-2 days, and sometimes for 30-50 minutes. It is possible to detect anxiety, glancing at the stomach, stepping on the feet, wariness, as if timidity. After the cervix dilates, the presenting part of the amniotic sac protrudes into the vagina. After the first water breaks, strong efforts begin. The mare usually lies on her stomach or side, sometimes quickly jumps up, moans, takes deep breaths, the protruding part of the amnion ruptures, and the fetus is quickly pushed out of the birth canal.

The fetal hatching stage lasts 5-30 minutes. Subsequent contractions after a 5-7 minute pause.

Pig giving birth. The stage of cervical dilatation lasts for 2-6 hours. Digs the litter (“prepares the nest”). Hatching in pigs lasts 2-6 hours. With weak efforts, labor can last up to 18 hours or longer.

The fetal fluid flows before the birth of each piglet.

During the hatching stage, the pig usually lies stretched out on its side. The afterbirths are usually released in sets after the birth of all piglets in two stages: first from one horn, then from the other, while the afterbirths in each set are glued together at the ends.

The postpartum period in pigs lasts 18-21 days. Lochia is initially cloudy, whitish in color, becomes transparent and stops by the 8th day. Childbirth in a dog and cat. Before giving birth, females are placed in the maternity ward. The stage of cervical dilatation in dogs and cats lasts 3-6 hours and is characterized by the female’s desire for privacy; Frequent urination and defecation, general restlessness and squealing are observed. Cats sometimes rush from corner to corner and meow protractedly. The birth stage lasts from 10-15 minutes to 12 hours. Often the fruits are born in shells, and the mother quickly tears them apart with her teeth. The afterbirth is separated along with the fetus, the umbilical cord is strong, and the mother bites it. The afterbirth and dead fruits are usually eaten by the female.

Separation of the placenta in dogs and cats is accompanied by bleeding. During the postpartum period, during the first 4-5 days, brown-greenish lochia are released from the external genitalia. Involution of the uterus ends on the 10-15th day. Birth of a female rabbit. A sign of approaching birth is the preparation of the nest by the female (2-7 days before birth). Childbirth in a female rabbit, as a rule, occurs without complications and ends within 15-30 minutes. Usually the litter consists of 6-8 rabbits weighing 50-70 g each. The female rabbit eats the afterbirth, licks the babies, collects them in the nest and covers them with down.

48. Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse (coitus) is a complex complex of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes that ensures the removal of sperm and secretions of the accessory sex glands from the male reproductive system and their introduction into the female’s reproductive tract (insemination).

Sexual intercourse consists of the following reflexes: erection; huggable; copulatory and ejaculation.

All sexual reflexes are unconditional. However, in animals they are layered with a complex of conditioned reflexes.

The set of unconditioned reflexes is nothing more than the sexual instinct - an evolutionarily developed biological law to which every normal organism obeys. The sexual instinct manifests itself simultaneously with the sexual maturity of the organism and is directly dependent on functional state gonads and living conditions of the organism. In female individuals, the sexual instinct manifests itself with the beginning of follicle maturation, in male individuals, with the beginning of spermiogenesis.

The function of the reproductive system of males is regulated according to the same principles as that of females, neurohumorally through the central nervous system, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland. The erection reflex consists of a strong filling of the sexual apparatus, in particular the penis, with blood. The physiological significance of the erection reflex is to give the penis elasticity, ensuring the normal course of sexual intercourse. Erection occurs gradually. First, the cavernous bodies of the shaft of the penis swell, and only after the latter is inserted into the vagina, the cavernous body of the glans begins to enlarge.

From the center of the erection, the impulse is directed to the genitals, causing a corresponding reaction in the muscles of the blood vessels and the genital apparatus.

Sometimes an erection occurs without the participation of the central nervous system. An erection can be caused by electrical stimulation of the sacral nerves, mechanical stimulation of the penis, etc.

Hugging reflex - the breeder jumps onto the female and clasps her sides with the forelimbs (mounting, covering). Stallions and boars have a well-defined cuddle reflex; in bulls and rams it is less pronounced. The copulatory reflex consists of pushing movements of the producer, aimed at the perception by the receptors of the skin of the penis of thermal and mechanical irritations that occur when it rubs against the mucous membrane of the vagina. These irritations cause ejaculation.

Ejaculation reflex (ejaculation) is the removal of sperm and secretions of the accessory sex glands from the male reproductive system, carried out by contraction of the muscles of the genital apparatus. The muscles of the epididymis, sperm ducts, urogenital canal and accessory sex glands are involved in the process of ejaculation. The entire mass of secretions released during one sexual act is called ejaculate.

During ejaculation, the accessory sex glands of the male genital apparatus begin to function sequentially: first, following an erection, the urethral glands secrete a few drops of sperm-free secretion, then the Cooper glands. The secretion of the Cooper glands is followed by the contents of the epididymis (mass of sperm). After them, the liquid secretion of the prostate is secreted, and finally the secretion of the vesicular glands enters. Ejaculation can be synchronous or asynchronous.

49 . Ectopic pregnancy

The zygote can be grafted under favorable conditions in any part of the animal's abdominal cavity, causing the development of a primary ectopic pregnancy. Depending on the site of implantation of the embryo, pregnancies are distinguished as ovarian, tubal, and abdominal. In animals, abdominal ectopic pregnancy is more common.

The cause of ectopic pregnancy is a violation of the processes of egg cell advancement. Sometimes the zygote can enter the abdominal cavity. In the presence of a trophoblast, an embryo lingering here can cause a reactive change in tissue in any part of the serous membrane with the subsequent establishment of placental communication. In an ectopic pregnancy, due to lack of nutrition, the fetus dies, dissolves, mummifies,

50. Infertility

Infertility is a violation of the reproduction of offspring caused by abnormal conditions of existence of females and males; infertility causes a lack of offspring; decreased milk productivity of livestock; stranded costs of feeding and maintenance, a significant increase in costs due to multiple inseminations of infertile females.

In the doctrine of infertility, the following phenomena and concepts are distinguished: fertility - the property of females and males to regularly reproduce offspring; infertility - impaired reproduction of offspring; female fertility - the number of fetuses developing in the uterus and being born during one pregnancy; it can manifest itself in the form of infertility and multiple fertility, in relation to infertile males. Impotent (sterile) are considered to be producers who have reached physiological maturity, but do not normally exhibit sexual reflexes or produce sperm of poor quality, with low fertilizing ability as a result of errors in feeding, maintenance, exploitation, anomalies and diseases of the genital and other organs.

51. Complete and defective sexual cycles

Floor. cycle is a complex neurohumoral reflex process characterized by a complex of physiological and morphological changes in the genital organs and throughout the female body<#"justify">56. Amputation of the correctly presented head and its incorrect position

The head, fixed with eye hooks, is removed from the external genitalia. An anatomical knife is used to make a bilateral skin incision from the back of the head to the body of the lower jaw. The incision lines should run in front of the ears, behind the eye sockets, towards the body of the lower jaw. The occipito-spinous ligament is cut above the occipital-atlas joint. A hook is inserted into the occipital hole and the head is pulled away from the neck. The muscles connecting them are simultaneously cut with a knife. After separating the head, a skin flap of three wedges remains on the neck stump: two with ears, one taken from the lower jaw. It is advisable to use these flaps for fetal fixation. The ropes are either strengthened on each flap, or, preferably, all three flaps are connected together with a tightening loop. If the head cannot be removed from the vulva, it can be amputated with a wire fetotome in the neck area. Amputation of the head due to its incorrect position. used when it is not possible to correct the incorrect position of the head. First, wrap the braid around the bent neck of the fetus. Then an instrument is advanced behind the neck, with which the neck is cut across. The separated head is pulled out with hooks secured in the dissected neck muscles. The body is removed by the presenting legs and the neck stump fixed with hooks. To prevent injury to the birth canal, cover the exposed vertebrae with your hand or a sterile napkin. When complex instruments are not available, the skin or muscles directed towards the exit are cut with a ring knife or a Malkmus knife. A rope is passed around the neck and the vertebrae are destroyed with a chisel. After separating the vertebrae, the muscles and skin of the second half of the neck are easily cut with a knife.

Germs can enter reproductive system females long before giving birth. Once in the genital or other (distant) organs, they often do not manifest themselves in anything (septic foci of dormant infection) until the birth act, when the body’s resistance decreases and favorable conditions are created for pathogenic action. Therefore, uterine atony, retention of the placenta, transportation, and early use of the animal at work should be considered as factors contributing to the occurrence of postpartum diseases due to endogenous infection. Depending on the course of the pathological process and clinical signs, three forms of general infection are distinguished. Septicemia is a complication of a local inflammatory process, characterized by the presence of microbes and their toxins in the blood, accompanied by a serious condition of the patient. This form also includes lesions in which the infectious factor remains in the primary focus, but poisons the body with toxins (tetanus, etc.). With septicemia, due to the flooding of the blood with microorganisms or their toxins, the defenses can be suppressed to such an extent that the body is often completely unable to resist infection. Pyemia is the spread of pathogenic microbes from the primary source of inflammation along the lymphatic and circulatory routes with the appearance of new purulent foci in certain organs. The pyemic course of a general infection is apparently due to the fact that the microbes that cause the disease cannot multiply in the blood and only when they reach distant organs and tissues do they exhibit a local and general pathogenic effect. Septicopyemia is the process of simultaneous development of septicemia and pyaemia. The course and outcome of a general infection depend not only on the reactive state of the body, but also on the pathogenicity of the microorganisms that cause the disease. Therefore, in each case, taking into account the results of a microbiological study, a distinction is made between pyogenic, putrefactive and general gas infections. Each of these varieties can occur with metastases or in a toxic form.

57. Sexual cycle of a cow

The duration of a cow's reproductive cycle varies on average 21 days. The cow is a polycyclic animal; With proper feeding, maintenance and use, her sexual cycles are repeated throughout the year. After childbirth, the arousal stage appears after 18-25 days. Anaphrodisia (absence of sexual cycles) later than 30 days after birth is always a sign of some form of infertility.

The excitement stage lasts 3-5 days; in summer, on average, 98 hours, and in winter - 84 hours. During estrus, the vulva is swollen, the mucous membrane of the vestibule and vagina is hyperemic, the cervix is ​​dilated, sometimes missing 1-2 fingers. Transparent, viscous mucus is secreted from the genital slit in threads. It has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. Towards the end of the heat, the mucus becomes thicker, somewhat cloudy, and sometimes contains an admixture of blood. Signs of sexual arousal. The cow is restless, moos often, does not lie down, and raises its tail; Appetite and milk yield decrease, Milk may acquire the properties of colostrum. Slight leukocytosis is noted. The cow often takes a position for urination, jumps on other cows and allows them to jump on her. The hunt for cows and heifers lasts 10-23 hours; in most animals it lasts 13-17 hours, on average 16 hours. During the hunting period, when a bull approaches, a cow heads in his direction, becomes in a sexual position and allows mounting. Ovulation in cows occurs 10-15 hours after the end of heat (28 hours from the start of heat),

Ovulation can be determined by systematic rectal examination of the ovaries by changes in the consistency of the follicle. At the beginning of the hunt, it has an elastic consistency, but by the time of ovulation it is fluctuating; a few hours before ovulation, the follicle enlarges, reaching 2-2.5 cm. After ovulation, a small depression is easily identified in the place of the previously fluctuating follicle. The inhibition stage lasts 1-3 days, it begins with the cessation of hunting and signs of sexual arousal, followed by a gradual weakening of signs of estrus. The cow reacts negatively to the bull. During rectal examination, the developing corpus luteum of pregnancy is felt

The equilibration stage lasts 6-14 days and is characterized by the absence of mucus secretion from the genitals. The reaction to the male is negative. A rectal examination reveals one large ovary with a corpus luteum in the form of a small doughy elevation,

Sexual cycle of a buffalo. It proceeds in the same way as in a cow, but heat is much more pronounced. It is classified as a polycyclic animal, but under the influence of climatic conditions and nutritional factors it exhibits sexual seasonality. After childbirth, the arousal stage occurs after 22-63 and even 168 days. The duration of the sexual cycle is 21-30, the duration of the hunt is 1-3 days.

The reproductive cycle of a camel is a polycyclic animal with a sexual season. The first stage of arousal, observed after birth, is the longest. They are characterized by hyperemia of the genital organs and a small amount of mucus. The decisive indication for insemination is the results of the probe test. A camel that is in heat, when a male approaches, begins to worry and lies down, taking a position for sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse in camels occurs in a lying position). Not being in heat, females run away from the male or, when he approaches, take a defensive pose, trying to bite the male.

Sheep reproductive cycle. The sheep is a polycyclic animal. from August to March. The duration of the sexual cycle ranges from 14-19. The excitation stage lasts 3-6 days. Estrus is manifested by swelling of the vulva, its hyperemia and hydration. Signs of sexual arousal are manifested by bleating, restlessness, and refusal to feed. To detect heat, they use test rams with an apron. Ovulation in sheep occurs mainly after 27-31 hours and ends 30-36 hours after the start of heat. Sexual cycle of mares. Duration on average is 20-21 days. The stage of excitement occurs after childbirth on the 5th, and more often on the 7th-12th day. Estrus lasts 5 days or more. It is characterized by hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the vestibule and vagina, the color of the mucous membrane is pink or bright pink, it is covered with mucus secreted from the genital slit. Most mares show well-expressed signs of sexual arousal, decreased appetite, anger, ticklishness when groomed, a desire to get closer to other horses, disobedience to the rider, and resistance to caring staff. The hunt lasts 2-12 days. The hunt is determined by a test stallion,

Ovulation. The follicle matures within 9-35 days. Ovulation occurs at the end of the heat, mainly after midnight (from 2 to 7 am).

During the inhibition stage (duration 2-8 days), all signs of sexual arousal and hunting are abrupt, and signs of estrus gradually disappear. The equilibration stage lasts 4-17 days. There are no signs of heat. The cervical canal is closed.

The reproductive cycle of a pig is a polycyclic animal with the duration of sexual cycles being 20-21 days. The stage of arousal in sows can develop synchronously (estrus, sexual arousal and heat appear one after another within 24 hours) and asynchronously (from 24 to 177 hours pass between individual phenomena). Estrus is characterized by redness and swelling of the vulva, slight hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule, and sometimes the discharge of mucus. The general reaction is manifested by anxiety, loss of appetite, and a desire to mount other queens.

The hunt lasts an average of 40 hours for replacement gilts, and 50 hours for main queens. During this period, the pig strives for the male and, upon contact with him, allows mounting. Ovulation most often occurs on the 2nd day after the onset of heat and usually ends within 24-48 hours, in young pigs - 1-3 hours

58. Subinvolution of the uterus

Subinvolution of the uterus is a slowdown in the reverse development of the uterus to the state inherent in this organ in non-pregnant animals. This complication can affect animals of all species, but cows are especially susceptible to it.

With subinvolution of the uterus, lochia accumulate in its uncontracted cavity and undergo decomposition. The body is poisoned by decay products or bacterial toxins. Causes of subinvolution: multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, overdevelopment of fetuses, functional inferiority of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and fetoplacental system. Predispositions to this disease are believed to be lack of exercise, improper use, insufficient or one-sided feeding, in particular vitamin and mineral deficiency of the diet.

Clinical signs. Copious discharge from the uterus, especially when the animal is lying down. Usually, from the first day of birth, there is a profuse discharge of liquid, bloody, then brown-red or dark brown lochia. Sometimes they are excreted mixed with blood for 2 weeks.

General lethargy, decreased appetite, body temperature fluctuates slightly.

The mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​edematous. The cervical canal is open, the uterus is enlarged, its walls are flabby; Fluctuation of the horn is often felt. Caruncles in cows are often palpated. On one ovary, usually from the side of the horn-fetal receptacle, a corpus luteum is detected.

In the chronic course of the disease, the secretion of lochia may completely stop, the general condition of the animal does not deviate from the norm, and only a gynecological examination can determine the enlargement of the uterus due to thickening of its walls and lack of response to stroking.

Treatment. Patients are treated with uterine agents (oxytocin, pihuichrin, sinestrol), massage the uterus through the rectum, exercise, vaginal irrigation with cold solutions, and faradization.

To prevent endometritis and increase the tone of the uterine muscles, a subcutaneous injection of colostrum is performed.

59. Agalaktia

Agalactia - lack of milk and hypogalactia - lack of milk - disturbance of lactation as a consequence of improper feeding, keeping and exploitation of animals, the result of diseases and congenital defects of the mammary gland or other organs.

Agalactia and hypogalactia should be considered as symptoms of various disorders in the body. A significant part of cases of hypogalactia occurs due to stressful conditions of lactating females, when the increased secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine inhibits the action of prolactin, reducing milk synthesis, disrupting its excretion from the mammary gland.

Congenital agalactia and hypogalactia. Observed in animals due to poor development of the mammary gland, hereditary linear or individual low milk production is observed. These defects often occur in animals obtained through inbreeding.

Clinical signs. Poor development of the gland is expressed with a complete absence of signs of inflammation.

Congenital absence of the nipple canal. Sometimes in first-calf heifers after birth.

the absence of the nipple canal or its skin opening is detected.

Clinical signs. A quarter of the udder is enlarged and overflowing with milk.

Treatment is surgical. The center of this elevation is pierced with a needle or the top is cut off with scissors using a thin trocar.

If there is a complete absence of a canal in the nipple, they try to make it artificially with a trocar.

the tip of the nipple or sew in an artificial fistula.

Senile agalactia and hypogalactia. The disease is characterized by a decrease in milk production due to age-related changes mammary gland and other organs of females.

Clinical signs. There is a uniform decrease (atrophy) of the mammary gland, its compaction (“meat udder”), the formation of dense, sometimes rocky areas, a decrease in milk production, a change in the quality of milk, the identification of milk stones, milk sand and other changes in it.

Nutritional (feed) agalactia and hypogalactia. These diseases are lactation disorders due to errors in animal feeding.

Reasons: poor feeding of replacement queens, improper feeding of adult animals, monotonous diet, digestive disorders, protein, carbohydrate, and mineral metabolism.

Artificially acquired agalactia and hypogalactia. These diseases occur in healthy animals under normal conditions as a result of under-milking, disruption of conditioned reflexes associated with the transition from manual milking to machine milking, and non-compliance with the rules of an individual approach to the animal. General strong nervous excitement, fear,

Milk retention. Some cows (goats) periodically retain milk during milking. Climatic hypogalactia is a violation of lactation due to exposure to unfavorable climatic factors (chemical and physical stressors) on the body.

Exploitative agalactia and hypogalactia. These lactation disorders are a consequence of overexploitation of animals.

60. Incorrect positions and positions of the fetus

Incorrect (lower and lateral) positions of the fetus, sometimes observed during cephalic and pelvic presentations, create an obstacle to childbirth in that bulky parts of the fetus must move through narrow areas of the pelvis. incorrect positions are a consequence of weak contractile activity of the uterus and abdominals or the death of the fetus and are observed, as a rule, in old living women. Lower and lateral positions with cephalic presentation. They are detected by palpating the presenting forelimbs and the head of the fetus. The soles of the hooves are turned upward or to the side. Help. To eliminate them, they sometimes act as when stretching an overdeveloped fetus, or slightly twist the fetal body around its axis in the hope that the widest dimensions of the shoulder or pelvic girdle will coincide with the oblique or vertical diameter of the mother’s pelvis. Lower position for breech presentation. The characteristic is that one or both legs usually protrude from the birth canal with the soles facing down. Diagnosis. It is placed after careful palpation of the presenting hock joints and other parts of the fetus. Help. The lower position during breech presentation is corrected in the same order as during cephalic presentation. Usually these operations are easier to perform because... the hind limbs protrude more from the birth canal and it is easier to fix them by tangling the limbs and turning the fetus around its axis with a stick. In exceptional cases, fetotomy is resorted to.

ABNORMAL POSITIONS OF THE FETUS: Transverse position of the fetus with dorsal presentation. Palpation reveals the presenting back, withers, and ribs. Help. The fetus is given the correct position by pulling the pelvic girdle and pushing the front half of the body or vice versa. To pull up the fetus, you should immediately use all the hooks and forceps at the obstetrician’s disposal. Transverse position of the fetus with abdominal presentation. With this presentation, all four limbs are wedged into the birth canal. Help. As with dorsal presentation, the pelvic limbs are fixed with obstetric loops, and the anterior half of the fetus is pushed into the uterine cavity. When applying obstetric ropes, it is important not to confuse the forelimbs with the hindlimbs. If the forelimbs with the head are more wedged into the birth canal, transfer the fetus to a cephalic presentation. Vertical position of the fetus with dorsal presentation. It is observed mainly in survivors with a voluminous abdomen and in twins. The principles of obstetrics are the same as in the transverse position, but it is better to extract the fetus in a cephalic rather than a pelvic presentation. Hooks are used to tighten the head and limbs. If it is not possible to extract the fetus, then they cut off the neck and then try to straighten its limbs. Vertical position of the fetus with abdominal presentation. With this presentation (sitting dog position), the head, front and hind limbs of the fetus are wedged into the mother’s pelvic cavity. Help. First of all, you need to make sure that there are no twins, understand the position of the front and rear limbs of the fetus (by palpation of the hock and carpal joints), and exclude double deformities. The operation is performed as in the transverse position, pushing away the shoulder girdle, and the fetus is transferred to the lower position with a breech presentation.

61. Caesarean section in cows

Cows can be operated on in a standing position (the animal is brought into the pen and pulled up to the fence with ropes). The surgical field is prepared. Local anesthesia: paralumbar anesthesia according to I.I. Magda, in which the last intercostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves are blocked. Upper, middle and lower surgical approaches on the left are used. The vertical incision begins at the level of the lower angle of the hungry fossa and passes paracostally. An oblique incision is made, stepping back on the palm of the hand, in the direction of the carpal joint. Ventrolateral incision - from the knee fold above the base of the udder in the cranial direction to the costal arch. The length of all incisions in cows is 25-40 cm. With average access to the uterus, the skin (simultaneously) with subcutaneous tissue, superficial fascia, subcutaneous muscle, yellow fascia, external and internal oblique muscles, their aponeuroses and transverse muscle are dissected sequentially. The muscles are cut layer by layer without taking into account the direction of the muscle fibers. Having cut the transverse fascia with retroperitoneal tissue, lift the peritoneum with tweezers and carefully dissect it so that the index and middle fingers of the left hand enter the abdominal cavity. Under finger control, the peritoneal incision is extended with straight scissors to the length of the wound. With the hand inserted in the cranial direction, the apex of the horn-containing fruit is located, pulled it towards the wound and the apex of the horn is removed. Having fixed the hind limb with the left hand in case of cephalic presentation, and in case of pelvic presentation - the head of the fetus, the uterus is dissected so that the obstetrician’s hand enters its cavity. After waiting until the waters recede, fix the hind or front limb of the fetus with your right hand and remove it out. Then the incision of the uterus (bypassing the placenta) is increased to the required length and, after dissecting the membranes, the fetus is slowly removed. the afterbirth is left in the uterus. To speed up its separation, after suturing the uterus, 40-60 units of oxytocin are injected into the myometrium and the cow is allowed to lick the calf thoroughly. The edges of the uterine wound are sutured with a two-layer suture: the first according to Schmieden (“herringbone”) and the second according to Lambert (serous-muscular suture). Catgut No. 6-8 is used as suture material. The abdominal wall wound is sutured with a three-layer suture.

62. Impotence

Impotence definition, classification, differential diagnosis and Impotence is a partial or complete loss of sexual ability in a male breeder. I. may be the result of a violation of the dynamics of copulation, and the impossibility of fertilization due to poor sperm quality. Classification according to Studentsov

1. Congenital impotence - underdevelopment of the penis, testes, the formation of cysts in them, one or two-sided cryptorchidism.

A) infantilism - general underdevelopment of the living, small size of the testicles and other organs of the reproductive system, lack of reaction to ♀ upon reaching the age of puberty.

B) cryptorchidism - underdevelopment of the testes. Installed using small sizes and doughy consistency. In the absence of testes in the scrotum.

) Senile - in those living who have reached the limits of age. Characteristics decreased sexual energy, quantity and quality of sperm, including aspermatism, aspermia, necrospermia, oligospermia.

) Nutritional. Symptoms are nonspecific. These include weak sexual reflexes or their complete absence, aspermatism, aspermia, teratospermia, necrospermia, oligospermatism, oligospermia, and the presence of ketone bodies in semen.

A) due to a qualitative lack of diet

B) due to exhaustion

B) due to obesity

D) due to underfeeding of growing animals

) Exploitative impotence. This is usually a consequence of two reasons: fatigue due to excessive muscular work and sexual overload. Excessive work has a depressing effect on the manifestation of sexual reflexes and on the quantity and quality of sperm (necrospermia).

) Climatic impotence manifests itself in the form of a weakening or cessation of sexual reflexes or a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm.

) Artificial.

A) artificially acquired (violation of fertility due to the layering of vicious conditioned reflexes on innate sexual reflexes.

B) artificially directed (castration, vasectomy).

) Symptomatic (for diseases of the genital organs).

The invention relates to veterinary medicine and can be used to stimulate females and obtain multiple pregnancies. Male probes are prepared by dissecting the tissues of the prepuce and abdominal wall along the linea alba towards the anus. A skin flap is prepared in the shape of an isosceles triangle and the edges of the tissues of the abdominal wall and prepuce are sutured. During mounting, the penis extends beyond the prepuce with a deviation of up to 90 o from the natural one, which makes the male incapable of copulation. The method ensures the production of sample nutria males with high sexual activity. 4 ill.

The invention relates to veterinary medicine, in particular to veterinary andrology, and can be used in the preparation of male nutria samplers. The Reshetnik-Pasechnik-Shinkarev method is known (V.A. Akatov, N.M. Bulgakov, G.V. Zvereva, L.G. Subbotina, V.S. Shipilov "Workshop on obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination of farm animals", Moscow, " Kolos", 1973, pp. 43-46), which consists in the surgical formation of a new preputial foramen (preputiotomy). Males after such an operation are unable to copulate, since during mounting, through a new artificially formed ring of the preputial sac, the penis emerges at a different angle, different from the natural one, without touching the female’s genitals. To prevent impotence, it is recommended to periodically take sperm from an operated male into an artificial vagina. The disadvantages of this method are the rapid adaptation and adaptability of the operated producer to normal sexual intercourse, the proliferation of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process in the blind sac formed from the anterior part of the prepuce. There is a known method for preparing sample males according to B.C. Shipilov (V.A. Akatov, N.M. Bulgakov, G.V. Zvereva, L.G. Subbotina, V.S. Shipilov “Workshop on obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination of farm animals”, Moscow, “Kolos”, 1973, p. . 39), which consists in the operative movement of the prepuce and penis to the left side of the natural position, which makes the male incapable of copulation. The disadvantage of this method is labor intensity and high injury rate. To maintain sexual activity, it is recommended to periodically take sperm onto an artificial vagina in order to prevent impotence. In nutria farming, it is not advisable to use the proposed methods, which is associated with pronounced features in the structure and topography of the prepuce and penis. The prepuce has a rather large free part (not connected to the abdominal wall). The penis has a V-shaped bend and, when urinating, is directed caudally, towards the anus (tail). The purpose of the invention is to increase efficiency, taking into account the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the genital organ in nutria. This goal is achieved by the fact that, according to the method of preparing the male probe, the outer layer of the prepuce (skin) and the skin of the abdominal wall are dissected along the white line, towards the anus. A skin flap is prepared in the shape of an isosceles triangle, and then the skin of the abdominal wall and prepuce are sutured. The penis extends beyond the prepuce during mounting, but due to a significant deviation of the angle (about 90 o) from the natural one, it does not touch the female’s genitals, which makes the probe male incapable of copulation, although sexual activity remains. In fig. Figure 1 shows the position of the free part of the prepuce in a calm state of the animal and during urination; in fig. 2 - position of the free part of the prepuce during erection of the penis and during coitus; in fig. 3 - incision line and contour of the prepared skin flap; in fig. 4 - position of part of the prepuce after surgery and the penis during erection. The method is carried out as follows: to calm the male, a 0.2% solution of Rometar is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.15 ml per 1 kg of live weight. Fixed in a dorsal position in a pen for small animals. A tube with a diameter of 0.5 cm is inserted into the preputial sac. A 0.5% solution of novocaine is infiltrated along the incision line. The first incision is made 1.5-2 mm from the preputial opening, not reaching the anus 5-8 mm, directing it slightly to the left of the white line of the abdomen (10 o), and the second incision is made slightly to the right of the white line of the abdomen (10 o). The longitudinal incisions are connected with a third transverse one, and a skin flap is prepared in the form of a triangle. The skin of the prepuce and the greater wall is connected with an intermittent angular suture (5-7 stitches). Treat with Chemis spray. Sutures are removed 8-9 days after surgery. Example: male nutria, 6 months old, well developed, sexually active. The objects of inspection are the prepuce and penis. The operation was performed according to the method described above. The postoperative period proceeded smoothly, healing proceeded according to primary intention. The observation period for the sample male is 0.5 years. After the operation, at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months of age, the male’s sexual reflexes are clearly manifested, and copulation is absent. Thus, thanks to the operative fixation of the free part of the prepuce caudally, an obstacle to copulation is created, however, all other sexual reflexes in the male probe, prepared according to the method described above, appear normally. The proposed method was tested on six male nutria. The observation period covers 0.5 years. During this period, males were examined 4-5 times. The operation is not labor-intensive, the time required for the operation is veterinarians is 0.3-0.5 hours, the total length of the incisions is 6-8 cm, 5-7 sutures are applied to the skin wound. Males prepared by anopreputioplasty are the best samples for nutria breeding; they have high sexual activity and lack the copulation reflex. The use of the proposed method will make it possible to obtain test males for physiological stimulation and obtain multiple births of nutria females.


A method for preparing male nutria samplers, including dissection of the tissues of the prepuce and abdominal wall, characterized in that the tissues are dissected from the preputial ring to the anus along the white line of the abdomen at an angle of 10 o on both sides from it, a skin flap is excised in the form of a triangle and the edges are sutured tissues of the prepuce and abdominal wall.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Khizhnyakova Natalya Leonidovna. Preparation and use of male nutria samples operated on by epididymitomy: Dis. ...cand. vet. Sciences: 16.00.07: village. Persianovsky, 2003 164 p. RSL OD, 61:04-16/47-4


1. Brief biological characteristics of nutria 12

1.2. Sexual and physiological maturity - 18

1.3. Sexual cycle, its regulation. Features of manifestation of sexual function in nutria 20

1.4.The influence of various factors

1.5. Preparation and use of probe males 34

2. Own research 46

2.1.Materials and research methods 4 6

2.2. Development of a method for preparing a sample male in nutria 51

2.2.1.Anatomical and morphological characteristics of the reproductive system of male nutria 51

2.2.2 Technique for performing epididymytomy 61

2.2.3. The influence of epididymitomy on the morphological parameters of the genital organs of male nutria.66

2.2.4. Hematological parameters of epididymitised males 74

2.2.5. Sexual reflexes of epididymitised males - 76

2.3. The use of operated males "to study the stage of arousal of the sexual cycle in females. 80

2.3.1. Formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle of nutria in the presence of epididymytomized males 80

2.3.2. Sexual behavior of females in the presence of an epididymitised male during dosed contact

2.3.3. Sexual behavior of females in the presence of an epididymitised male when kept together

2.4. The use of operated males to stimulate the reproductive function of females.

2.4.1. Macro-micromorphological indicators of the reproductive organs of females under the influence

2.4.2. Hematological parameters of females kept with an epididymitised male

2.4.3. The influence of the sampler male on the reproductive rates and milk production of females.

2.5.Economic efficiency of using probes

2.6. Testing a method for keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity.

2.7.Testing epididymitised males under production conditions


Introduction to the work

The implementation of state agricultural policy involves the creation modern technologies production of products based on fundamentally new theoretical research and scientific and technical solutions that ensure the dynamic development of various sectors of livestock farming. Along with the reduction and destructuring of cattle breeding, pig farming, and poultry farming,

V# the spread of non-traditional livestock farming, which includes nutria farming.

Nutria farming is a promising branch of fur farming, which is an important reserve for the growth of production and expansion of the range of furs. Nutria fur is distinguished by its silky down, strong guard hair, lightness and high heat-protective properties. In terms of wearability, it is not inferior to the fur of a silver-black fox, blue fox and is approximately ten times superior to rabbit fur. Thus, in terms of strength, otter fur is taken as 100%, natural sable - 80, mink - 70, natural nutria - 50 and plucked - 25, natural fox - 40, plucked - 25, blue fox - 20, chinchillas - for 15 and rabbits - for 5 (57).

Nutria skins have different colors: gray-brown, black, pearlescent, pastel, golden, silver and white. Beautiful, durable products are made from natural and plucked skins, which are much cheaper than similar products from the skins of carnivorous animals.

Unlike minks, foxes and other fur-bearing animals, growing nutria requires mainly cheap plant feed. In addition, high-quality meat is obtained from nutria, which is not inferior in nutritional value and dietary properties to poultry and rabbit meat. It contains a lot of nitrogenous extractives and muscle hemoglobin (0.8-1.2%), which gives the interior an intense pink color, stimulates the appetite and secretion of the digestive glands in humans (12).

Nutria is fertile: in one or two years the female gives birth to 6-10 puppies, which can participate in reproduction in the same year. However, the results of an analysis of the breeding use of nutria on farms showed that the potential reproduction abilities of these seasonally polyestrous, prolific animals are not fully used.

According to L.V. Tolstenko(128), N.A. Tsepkova et al. (ІЗб), when breeding nutria in closed premises, the fertility of young females during shoal mating decreases by 20-30%. One of the reasons for this may be the lack effective method, which makes it possible to determine the optimal period of mating and insemination of females in the widely used harem or group breeding system of these animals (155).

Of great importance in the complex of measures for the prevention of infertility and low fertility, along with the organization of adequate feeding, maintenance, and preparation of producers for mating, is the activation of the function of the female genitals by natural factors and, above all, contact with the male (106,154). But contact with a male can lead to an unwanted early pregnancy. To avoid this, operated males, so-called probes, are used in animal husbandry. The probes stimulate physiologically full sexual functions in the female and help accurately determine the time of her sexual heat. The use of probe males has been practiced for quite some time. Various methods for their preparation and use have been developed.

Along with this, physiological stimulation by a male is an environmentally friendly method compared to the hormonal method of stimulation, since biologically active substances are produced naturally in the body and are not introduced from the outside, like their synthesized A analogues.

An analysis of the literature available to us indicates insufficient knowledge of the physiology of nutria reproduction, in particular, the influence of the male on the sexual function of females. There are no data in the literature on methods for preparing male nutria samplers and their use.

In this regard, the goal of our work was to develop a method for preparing a male nutria sampler and to find possible aspects of using operated males to improve the reproductive potential of females.

To achieve this goal, we set the following tasks to be resolved:

1. Study the anatomical and physiological features

/i reproductive system of male nutria.

2. To develop a surgical method for preparing a male nutria sample by resection of the tail of the epididymis (epididytomy).

3. To study the effect of epididymitomy on the morphology of the organs of the reproductive system, sexual behavior and hematological status of male nutria.

4. To establish the influence of the operated male on the morphological, hematological parameters and sexual behavior of females.

5. To study the formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle in the presence of an operated male and the sexual behavior of females during dosed contact and joint keeping with an epididymitised male.

6. Determine the effect of the operated male on the reproductive function and milk production of females. 7. Develop and introduce into production a method for keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity.

SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY. Based on the study of the anatomical features of the reproductive organs of male nutria, a surgical method for preparing male nutria samplers by resection of the tail of the epididymis was developed for the first time; Macro- and micromorphological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, hematological parameters and sexual reflexes of epididymitised males were studied. The influence of the operated male on the macro- and micro-morphological indicators of the organs of the reproductive system, hematological indicators, the formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle, sexual behavior, reproductive function, milk production of replacement females has been established. A method for keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity has been proposed; an original application has been submitted for the originality of the method of joint keeping.

PRACTICAL VALUE OF THE WORK. An operative method for preparing a sample nutria male - epididymitomy - has been developed, tested and put into production; the stimulating effect exerted by epididymitised males on the reproductive function of females and the possibility of selecting them in heat for the purpose of effective insemination and the formation of families, taking into account the close dates of whelping, has been proven. A new method has been developed and put into production "9 g of joint keeping of different-sex nutria puppies until the onset of physiological maturity, which makes it possible to rationally use the areas of cages (enclosures) to significantly reduce labor costs for caring for animals, to raise high-quality replacement females, to increase their fertility and milk production. Experimental results and the conclusions can be used when students studying veterinary specialties courses: “Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnology of animal reproduction”, “Animal husbandry”, “Diseases of fur-bearing animals”.

APPROBATION OF THE WORK. f The results of the dissertation work were presented and discussed at: 1. International scientific conference “Current issues of morphology and surgery of the XXI century”, Orenburg (2001); 2. Youth scientific conference “Current environmental problems in agricultural production”, Persianovsky village (2001, 2002); 3. Scientific and industrial conference on current problems of veterinary medicine and animal science, Kazan (2001); 4. International scientific and industrial conference on obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of animal reproduction, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor I.A. Bocharova, St. Petersburg (2001); 5. All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Biotechnology - the revival of Russian agriculture in the 21st century”, St. Petersburg (2001); 6. All-Russian Scientific and Industrial Conference on Current Issues of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Kazan (2002); 7. International scientific and practical conference “Current problems of diseases of young animals in modern conditions”, Voronezh (2002); 8. Extended meeting of the Department of Obstetrics and Surgery of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "DonGAU", protocol No. 5 of March 20, 2003. Based on the materials of the dissertation work, a competition was won in 2002, announced by the Federal Target Program “Integration of Science and Higher Education in Russia for 2002-2006.” As a reward, a paid three-month internship was awarded to a leading research institution studying the problems of fur farming - the State Scientific Institution “Research Institute of PZK named after. V. A. Afanasyeva"

IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. The developed/practical proposals are implemented in production (see the acts in the appendix). These dissertations are used in the educational process when conducting classes in the courses “Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnology of animal reproduction”, “Diseases of fur-bearing animals” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Donetsk State Agrarian University, are set out in scientific and practical recommendations “Anatomical and topographical characteristics of the reproductive system of male nutria and operations on genitals”, approved and recommended for implementation by the Veterinary Department of the Rostov Region (protocol No. 51 of October 19, 2001).

PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. The main provisions of the dissertation work are set out in 13 printed works, including in recommendations for veterinarians and students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine “Anatomical and topographical characteristics of the reproductive system of male nutria and operations on the genital organs.”

MAIN QUESTIONS FOR DEFENSE 1. Epididymytomy - a method of surgical preparation of a male nutria sample and its effect on the body and sexual behavior of the operated animals. 2. The influence of an epididymitised male on morphological, hematological parameters, the formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle, sexual behavior, reproductive function and milk production of females. 3. A method of keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity.

SCOPE AND STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION. The dissertation is presented on 150 pages of typewritten text, illustrated with 11 tables and 35 figures, consists of the following sections: "introduction, literature review, own research, discussion of research results, conclusions, practical suggestions, bibliography, including 197 sources, of which 4 3 foreign , applications.

Preparation and use of probe males

With the development of breeding and the introduction of artificial insemination into animal husbandry practice, the need arose to develop in various ways preparation of male probes and their use as a reliable way to detect sexual heat and stimulate sexual function. Depending on the anatomical features of the reproductive system of males of different animal species, a number of methods have been developed for preparing sample males. All methods can be divided into two groups: conservative and surgical (22).

Conservative methods of preparing probes include: tying an apron to males, treatment with testosterone or testosterone in combination with estradiol (androgenized animals), a probe with a tap.

A whole group of operational methods for preparing tester males has been developed, the main purpose of which is to prevent the male from being able to inseminate a female. Operational methods for preparing samples are divided into two groups. Without maintaining the ability to coitus: plastic movement of the penis; suturing the penis to the aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles; stitching the S-shaped bend of the penis; excision of the penile retractor muscle; penectomy; separation of part of the prepuce from the abdominal wall; creation of a fistula of the preputial sac; suturing to the tissues of the body of the penis; narrowing the external opening of the prepuce or blocking the penis in the preputial sac using the Pen-O-Block device;

With preservation of the ability to coitus: vasectomy; epididectomy; preparation of cryptorchids(73,76). The listed methods of preparation have their advantages and disadvantages and differ from each other in complexity, labor intensity and influence on the sexual activity of the male.

Of the conservative methods, according to foreign scientists, androgenic females are most often used (165,191).

Detector females can be culled non-lactating cows or ovariectomized heifers and freemartin heifers treated with androgenic and estrogenic drugs. With repeated administration of androgenic and estrogenic hormones, females develop sexual behavior characteristic of the other sex. They actively sniff the external genitalia of cows and heifers with signs of estrus, sexual arousal and hunting, and jump on them. These signs begin to appear in females from the second to third week after the start of hormonal treatment (179,190). The load on a detector with a tag is 30-40 cows or heifers.

Literature data on the effectiveness of this method of choosing the time of insemination in cows and heifers is ambiguous. According to some authors, its effectiveness is 84-95%, others - only 23-51.5% (26).

There have been attempts to use castrated males as samples. For this purpose, castrated bulls were treated with androgenic and estrogenic hormones, inducing in them sexual desire and even the manifestation of a copulatory reflex on cows and heifers with signs of heat. Moreover, it was noted that the age of castrated animals does not affect the effectiveness of hormonal treatment (156).

According to E.A. Karavaeva et al.(49), V.E. Sokolov (119), castrated bulls treated with sex hormones do not exhibit aggressive behavior and are safe to handle. At the same time, they are less effective in determining heat in cows and heifers than uncastrated test bulls. The effectiveness of the method is 79.0%.

As noted by A.Ya. Krasnitsky (63), operational methods of preparing probes are more effective.

Of all the numerous ways to prepare probes, vasectomy is the simplest and most quickly performed operation available in any household. The male retains the ability to have sexual intercourse, but fertilization does not occur, since the ejaculate contains only the secretions of the accessory glands. Physiologically, vasectomized males are the best probes, as they retain the ability to coitus. When used in females, all processes associated with the act of mating normally manifest themselves, due to which the sexual heat is shortened, the ovulation process is accelerated, uterine motility and other functions are enhanced, which leads to an increase in the fertility of females (146). This operation was first described by A.Ya. Krasnitsky (63), who proposed making two incisions on the back of the scrotal neck.

The sexual activity of vasectomized bulls persists for quite a long time, and their role as active stimulators of sexual function in cows and heifers is enormous (82,98,141, 86, 39,138,83,110,11,36).

In 1955, V. Ya. Andreevsky and Rosenberg developed a method that involved removing the tail of the epididymis. Such bulls successfully served as probe-stimulants for up to four years of age (7). Male cryptorchids can also be used as probes capable of sexual intercourse. Fertilization does not occur after such sexual intercourse, since only the secretions of the accessory sex glands enter the female genitals (154).

According to R.A. Vasilyeva, T.R. Leshchenko (24), cryptorchid bulls had good sexual activity and clearly demonstrated sexual reflexes. When studying ejaculates obtained from cryptorchids on an artificial vagina, aspermia was established.

Development of a method for preparing a sample male in nutria

For rational organization animal reproduction requires detailed knowledge of morphological and functional features reproductive system. In existing manuals, the structure and topography of the reproductive organs of nutria are not fully described

The reproductive organs of male nutria include: testes, epididymis, sperm ducts, urogenital canal, accessory sex glands (prostate, vesicular, bulbous and urethral), penis, prepuce (Fig. 1).

The scrotum (Scrotum) is absent. The common tunica vaginalis is a powerful sac-like formation with a well-developed muscular layer. In the area of ​​the external inguinal ring, it is attached to the abdominal wall and has the property of being screwed into the abdominal cavity through the wide inguinal rings and the short inguinal canal along with the testis and its appendage. At the point of transition into a special membrane, the testis and epididymis are closely connected by a transitional ligament with the common vaginal membrane in the area of ​​its saccularly protruded apex. In the extreme caudal position, the testis in the cavity of the common tunica vaginalis is located under the skin in the area of ​​the external inguinal ring and is easily palpable. The thermoregulatory function is performed by a powerfully developed layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue located between the skin and the common vaginal membrane. The testis (Testis) is a paired parenchymal organ that performs hormonal and generative functions. The testes are ovoid in shape, located almost horizontally, 3.1+0.9 cm long, 2.4+0.7 cm wide. Weight ranges from 4.3 to 7.0 g. Small blood vessels are clearly visible on the surface of the testes. The testis is a complex branching tubular gland. On the outside, it is covered with its own tunica vaginalis; underneath it is the tunica albuginea, which, penetrating inside, forms the mediastinum of the testis - the maxillary body. Trabeculae diverge radially from the mediastinum, dividing the testis into many lobules. Each of these lobules blindly begins with 3 to 5 seminiferous tubules. Between the tubules are interstitial or Leydig cells rich in cytoplasm.

These cells produce the male sex hormones androgens. The wall of convoluted tubules consists of connective tissue and epithelial sections (Fig. 2). The latter is represented by Sertoli syncytium (Sertoli cells), in the outgrowths of the cytoplasm of which sperm develop (Fig. 3). In a functioning convoluted tubule, the spermiogenic epithelium is located in 3-7 rows. Each subsequent row in the direction from the membrane to the lumen of the tubule corresponds to a certain stage of division of the spermiogenic epithelium. The convoluted tubules narrow towards the mediastinum of the testis, become straight tubules and form the testicular network. The straight tubules serve as excretory ducts and are lined with single-layer cuboidal epithelium.

The epididymis (Epididimis testis) is attached to the lateral surface of the testis.

The epididymis consists of a head, body and tail. There are no clear anatomical boundaries between these parts.

The head of the epididymis is located at the anterior pole of the testis, formed by 13-14 seminiferous tubules, which merge into one canal of the epididymis. The canal of the epididymis, twisting strongly, forms the body and tail of the epididymis. The largest diameter of the canal of the epididymis (1 mm) is in the area of ​​the caudal part. The specific feature is that the head and body of the appendage are located at a fairly large distance from the testis (7-10 mm), connecting to the testis with a special ligament. In the mesentery of the testis there is a significant deposition of fat, which performs a thermoregulatory function.

The close fit of the compactly located numerous loops of the tail of the epididymis to the common tunica vaginalis ensures its constant presence outside the abdominal cavity, regardless of the location of the testes, which migrate into the abdominal cavity and into the cavity of the common tunica vaginalis with the latter exiting under the skin.

The epididymal canal has a tortuous course, so in the section it is represented by a large number of tubules of transverse and oblique sections. The epithelium of the appendage consists of two types of cells. Single-layered double-row glandular (pseudo-multilayered), which are columnar secretory cells. These cells have oval nuclei located at the same level from the basement membrane. Another type of cells is cubic. Their nuclei are located next to the basement membrane, they are round and form their own row of nuclei. These cells are called basal cells. Outside the basement membrane lies a connective tissue layer. Smooth muscle cells and connective tissue form a single layer. The spermatic cord (Funiculus spermaticus) is absent.

The sperm duct (Ductus deferens) starts from the tail of the epididymis and goes to the dorsal surface of the bladder. Blood vessels and nerves within the mesentery of the testis run parallel to the sperm ducts at a distance of 1.5 cm. The length of the sperm tube is 12.3±0.2 cm, diameter 1-2 mm. The sperm ducts merge into one ejaculatory duct and unite with the ducts of the vesicular glands; later, when merging with the urinary canal, the urethra is formed, which passes in the ventral groove of the body of the penis. On the outside, the sperm duct is covered with a serous membrane, under which there are longitudinal and annular layers of smooth muscle. The mucous membrane of the sperm duct is covered in the initial part with double-row ciliated epithelium, and then with single-row prismatic epithelium (Fig. 4). The hollow member (Penis) is an organ of copulation with a length of 14.5 ± 0.5 cm, a diameter of 7-8 mm, consists of a root, body and head. The root (Radix) of the penis consists of two muscular legs attached to the ischial tuberosities, inside of which there are powerful cavernous bodies. The body (Corpus) forms a U-shaped bend, due to which the head of the penis is directed caudally towards the anus. During erection, the U-shaped bend straightens, the head of the penis extends beyond the prepuce, and deviates towards the male's head at an acute angle to the sagittal line. On a cross-section of the body of the penis, the tunica albuginea and the semilunar-shaped corpus cavernosum are clearly visible; the ventral groove contains the urethra, which has its own cavernous body.

The use of operated males "to study the stage of arousal of the sexual cycle in females

Knowledge of the reproductive cycle is necessary for organizing and maintaining controlled and regulated reproduction of the herd. There is data in the literature on identifying the stages of the reproductive cycle in nutria using laboratory methods. Thus, O. Shcheleschuk (155) established the relationship between the stages of the reproductive cycle and the cytogram of the vaginal epithelium. In our experience, we set the task of identifying a pattern between the cytogram of the vaginal epithelium (mucus) and the reaction of the female to the male in different periods stage of initiation of the sexual cycle, and also study the time of ovulation.

For the experiment, a group of 10 standard breed females at the age of eight months was formed. Every day the females had contact with the probe male for 2 hours in the morning and evening.

The animals were subjected to daily clinical observations. At the first signs of estrus and then at daily intervals until the end of the arousal stage, then on the 13th day of the sexual cycle, vaginal mucus was taken from females, from which fingerprint smears were made, fixed, and stained according to Pappenheim. The cytogram was calculated based on 100 cells, taking into account basal, parabasal, superficial non-keratinized and keratinized cells. In addition, the morphology of neutrophil leukocytes was studied and their number per 100 cytogram cells was calculated. We paid attention to the nature of the arrangement of mucus veins relative to each other.

During the inhibition and balancing stage, the animals spent most of the day quietly awake or in a semi-drowsy state. An increase in activity was observed only during feeding. In the presence of a probe male, the females made threatening sounds; when the male approached, they snapped and tried to run away.

The cytogram of the vaginal epithelium in the resting (equilibrium) stage was as follows; cells of the deep layers - basal (Fig. 20), having a round shape, a large, chromatin-rich nucleus, and uniformly colored cytoplasm in the form of a narrow strip between the nucleus and the cell membrane - 25.2%; cells of the middle layers - parabasal, winged (Fig. 21), oval in shape, a slightly smaller nucleus compared to basal cells and a wider strip of uniformly colored cytoplasm with outgrowths - 51.4%; cells of the surface layers with the ability to adsorb - superphytic non-keratinized (Fig. 22) - 22.0%; keratinized cells of the surface layers - scales (Fig. 23), without nuclei, painted in an uneven pink color - 1/4%.

The first signs of the arousal stage in females were barely noticeable. One can note a slight increase in the motor activity of some females and mild anxiety. Some females tried to be alone. During an external examination of such females, a clinical manifestation of the onset of estrus was noted: a weak, often barely noticeable swelling of the labia (slight enlargement of the loop), a slight secretion of transparent mucus, the vulva became moist, but there was no hyperemia of the labia and mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule. These signs appeared on average 2-3 days before the start of the hunt.

The cytogram of the vaginal epithelium was as follows: cells of the deep layers (basal) - 12.2%; cells of the middle layers (parabasal, winged) - 15.8%; cells of the superficial layers (superficial non-keratinized) -46.4%; superficial keratinized cells (scales) -25.6%. There were several (3-7) segmented neutrophilic leukocytes per 100 epithelial cells (Fig. 24). The mucus strands were colored pale pink and were randomly located relative to each other (Fig. 25).

During this period, the probe male became more active, sniffing the air around the females, their genitals, and the male’s persistent courtship was manifested by characteristic touches and calling sounds. The female, in whom the male showed persistent interest, behaved restlessly, made characteristic loud sounds, and tried to run away from the male.

The next day (after 24 hours), along with a slight increase in swelling of the labia, slight hyperemia of the vaginal vestibule was noted. The vulva was moist and discharged clear mucus.

The probe male persistently courted the female. The female reacted favorably to the male's touches, made loud, drawn-out sounds, but did not allow coitus and ran away from the male. Such signs were observed 24-30 hours before the start of the hunt. Cytogram of the vaginal epithelium: cells of deep layers (basal) - 6.2%; cells of the middle layers (parabasal, winged) - 10.0%; cells of the superficial layers (superficial non-keratinized) - 47.4%; superficial keratinized cells (scales) - 36.4% (Fig. 26). There were 25-30 segmented neutrophilic leukocytes with clearly defined nuclei and uniformly colored cytoplasm per 100 epithelial cells.

The mucus strands were painted a more intense pink color and were located more orderly relative to each other.

A day later, the female had slight swelling of the vulva and abundant moistening with transparent (in some females slightly cloudy) mucus. In the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule, mucus accumulates in a small amount in the form of a small mucous strand. The mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule is hyperemic (pink, in some females bright pink).

Cytogram: cells of deep layers (basal) -2.0%; cells of the middle layers (parabasal, winged) 4.4%; cells of the superficial layers (superficial non-keratinized) - 45.2%; keratinized cells of the surface layers (scales) - 48.4%. During this period, there were 55-60 neutrophilic leukocytes per 100 epithelial cells, in some of them the nuclei were fragmented and disintegrated; others have inclusions. The mucous cords are colored intensely pink and are located parallel to each other (Fig. 27). When a probe male approached, the female responded favorably to courtship/allowed him to sniff and lick the external genitalia; standing on four limbs, she rose on her hind legs, moved her tail to the side, taking a characteristic pose, and allowed coitus. Thus, the hunt was characterized, as a rule, by interest in the tester male and readiness for coitus.

Cytogram of the vaginal epithelium one day after coitus: the nuclei and cytoplasm of parabasal and superficial non-keratinized cells are vacuolated, unevenly and weakly stained, their boundaries are not clearly defined (Fig. 28); the nuclei of most neutrophil leukocytes have broken up into clumps, are weakly stained, and basal cells are not found (Fig. 29). The mucus in the smear is located in the form of a compact mass (individual strands are indistinguishable) with an intense pink color.

Ovulation was studied by slaughtering females 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26 hours after coitus; Copulations, as a rule, were 3-4 with a 10-15 minute interval. 8 and 10 hours after coitus, no ovulated follicles were found in both ovaries.

12 hours after coitus, it was noted: in the right ovary there was one ovulated follicle (hemorrhagic follicle), in the left - none was found

Using operated males to stimulate the reproductive function of females

One of the reasons for the infertility of animals, especially replacement females, is the underdevelopment of the genital organs, their low physiological activity due to the lack of natural stimuli, one of which is the male (31).

All this indicates the need to keep replacement females together with males, and in order to avoid early, unwanted pregnancies, with operated males (probes).

To study the effect on the organs of the reproductive system of repair females of a test male prepared by epididymitomy, an experiment was conducted. Two groups of standard breed animals were formed: experimental and control. The experimental group included 6 four-month-old females with a live weight of 2,300-2,500 kg and an operated male at the age of 6 months (one month after the operation). The control group included six females of the same age without a test male. Both groups were kept under the same conditions. Four months later, all females of the experimental and control groups were killed for macromorphological studies of the organs of the reproductive system, the summarized results of which are shown in Table 5.

Analyzing the materials in the table, it was found that the total mass of the genital organs of the experimental females was 2.1 g greater than the control (P 0.001). The length of the vaginal vestibule in females of the experimental group is greater compared to the control group by an average of 1.0 cm (P 0.05), the length of the vagina is greater by 1.25 cm (P 0.05), the length of the cervix is ​​by 0.44 cm (p 0.001), the length of the uterine horns - by 1.27-2.25 cm (p 0.05), the total length of the uterus - by 1-1.16 cm (p 0.05).

During slaughter, the right and left ovaries, pieces of tissue for histological examination were selected from the middle part of the right and left horns of the uterus and the middle part of the vagina.

According to Table 6, most morphometric indicators in experimental females were significantly higher (P 0.05) compared to similar indicators in control animals: the number of primary follicles in one field of view of the microscope was 1.38 times, both in the right and in left ovary; the height of the epithelium of the uterine horns is 1.4, the diameter and height of the epithelium of the uterine glands is 1.2-1.36 (Fig. 32-35). This is consistent with the results of a macromorphological study of the reproductive organs of experimental and control females and indicates that joint rearing of replacement females with a test male has a positive effect on the development of their reproductive system. 2.4.2. Hematological parameters of females kept with an epididymitised male

Along with morphological studies of the genital organs of replacement females, the task was set to study the indicators of the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood, the level of body resistance of female nutria kept with an epididymitised male for four months. For the experiment, 12 standard breed females of four months of age, similar in body weight and development, were selected, from which two groups were formed: experimental and control, six animals in each. An epididymitised male, seven months old, was placed with the females of the experimental group. Females of the control group were kept in similar conditions without a male.

Four months later, the females of the experimental and control groups were killed; during slaughter, blood samples were taken, in which the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, leukogram, and hemoglobin content were determined; in blood serum - levels of phosphorus, calcium, reserve alkalinity, alkaline phosphatase, content of total protein and its fractions (Tables 7,8).

From the materials presented in Table 7, it follows that in females kept together with a test male, the content of erythrocytes (p 0.001) and hemoglobin level (p 0.001) were significantly higher than in animals in the control group. The structure of the leukogram of experimental and control animals did not differ significantly (p 0.05). The levels of calcium, alkaline phosphatase, and a-globulins in experimental and control females are close (p 0.05).

According to Table 8, the indicators of reserve alkalinity (p 0.05), total protein (p 0.05), calcium (p 0.001), p- (p 0.001) and glbulins (p 0.001) in the blood of experimental females are significantly higher in compared with those in the control. The levels of phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, albumin and a-globulins in the blood of experimental and control females are close (P 0.05).

Nutritional infertility of farm animals. Causes, diagnosis and action plan for elimination and prevention. Classification and brief description of methods for choosing the time of insemination of cows and heifers. Types of placentas in different animal species.

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Question No. 17 Methods of using test bulls in cattle breeding (stimulation of sexual function, diagnosis of heat, pregnancy and infertility)

Classification and brief description of methods for choosing the time of insemination of cows and heifers.

There are very diverse methods for choosing the time of insemination in cows and heifers and can be divided into reflexological, visual, instrumental and laboratory.

Reflexological methods for determining the time of insemination. Test bulls.

The optimal time for insemination of cows and heifers is the period of heat. Since heat is a positive sexual reaction of a female to a male, it can only be accurately determined with the help of a male.

In production conditions, heat in cows and heifers is diagnosed using specially operated test bulls. Many methods of their preparation have been proposed: vasectomy, caudal epididectomy, penectomy, suturing the penis to the abdominal wall, suturing the upper and lower knee of the S-shaped bend of the penis, retracting it to the side, narrowing the external opening of the prepuce, blocking the penis in the preputial sac using a Pen-type device -0-Block. Each of the listed methods for preparing samples has its own advantages and disadvantages. They differ from each other in complexity, labor-intensiveness, riskiness and influence on the sexual activity of the male.

In our country, in production conditions, vasectomy and suturing of the upper and lower knees of the S-shaped bend of the penis according to the method of V. S. Shipilov are most often used.

During a vasectomy (from the Latin Vas - vessel, ectomia - remove), partial removal of both sperm ducts is performed. This is one of the easiest ways to prepare test bulls. During sexual intercourse with a vasectomized male, the secretions of the accessory sex glands (vesicular, prostatic and bulbous) without sperm enter the female’s genital tract. Naturally, fertilization does not occur from such sexual intercourse, but the biological active substances of the accessory sex glands have a certain stimulating effect on the female reproductive system. Vasectomized males are the most active probers. They are good at identifying females in heat and powerfully stimulating their sexual function. They can be used 6 weeks after surgery in herds that are free from sexually transmitted diseases.

Probes prepared by suturing the S-curve of the penis or retracting the preputial sac are not capable of coitus when done correctly. Therefore, when using them, the spread of contagious sexually transmitted diseases does not occur. Probes incapable of coitus are less active than vasectomized ones. For long-term preservation of sexual activity from bulls using probes with the retraction of the preputial sac, it is recommended to obtain sperm on an artificial vagina approximately 2-3 times a month. Sample bulls are prepared from healthy, sexually active, physically strong animals aged 8-10 months. When choosing a probe, special attention is paid to the condition of the genitals, hooves, and the position of the limbs, especially the pelvic ones, since they play a supporting role when jumping on females.

Operated bulls begin to be used from 12-15 months of age. They are used to diagnose hunting, early diagnosis pregnancy, stimulation of sexual function during puberty and the postpartum period. One sampler is used for 150-200 cows and heifers.

The use of sample bulls is effective only if work with them is properly organized. The sampler cannot be constantly kept in the herd, as its sexual reflexes are inhibited, fatness and live weight decrease. These animals are kept separately from the breeding stock, providing them with adequate feeding and good care. They are used for 1-1.5 years, after which they are sold for meat and this alone pays off all the costs of their maintenance.

Samplers are released daily in the morning and evening for 1.5-2 hours into the pens where there are infertile, recently calved (from the 3-4th day after birth) and inseminated (from the 10th to the 30th day after insemination) cows. At this time, the sexual behavior of the animals is carefully observed. Heat is considered detected if the female allows the probe to mount. Once heat is detected, the cow or heifer is removed from the pen so that the sampler can look for other females in heat. Based on the reaction of females to test bulls in the period from the 10th to the 30th day after insemination, infertility or pregnancy can be diagnosed in a timely manner. Heat detected during these periods is a true sign of infertility, and its absence is a probable sign of pregnancy.

In inclement weather, the test bull is led down the aisle barnyard, detaining him near cows to be checked for heat or pregnancy.

With the correct use of sample bulls, the efficiency of double sampling of cows in heat reaches 95 - 100%.

In a number of countries, test bulls with Chin-Ball type tags developed in New Zealand are used to diagnose heat in cows and heifers, especially beef breeds. This marking device is a metal container in the shape of a hemisphere, on the top of which there is a movable metal ball with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. Using straps, the tag is attached under the chin of the bull. The tap cavity is filled with special paint. The color of the paint is selected taking into account the color of cows and heifers. The release of the dye from the tap occurs when the ball is pressed and rotated. One refill is enough to mark 15-25 cows and heifers in heat. It is recommended to check the presence of paint in the tap once a week.

Probes with tags are usually used when cows and heifers are left unattended by staff for long periods of time. Several sample bulls are prepared for the herd, which are changed one by one, every 2-7 days. Testing bulls court females showing signs of sexual arousal and mount cows in heat. During mounting, they use a marking device to leave short lines on the lower back of cows in heat between the shoulder blades and rumps. Using these marks, animals are selected for insemination at least 2 times a day.

In beef cattle breeding, when grazing animals on large pastures (up to 0.4 hectares per animal), the best results are obtained when using one probe per 30 cows during the insemination season (Table 1).

Table 1. Efficiency of diagnosing heat in beef cows by test bulls with tags over 19 days of experience


Number of cows per sampler

Cows, total

Number of animals per pasture:

Sampler bulls

Cows selected for insemination,%:

By visual signs

According to marks left by probes

Number of animals marked with one probe

Castrated bulls. Castrated bulls are used as test samples after they have been treated with androgenic and estrogenic hormones (Table 2). Repeated injections of androgenic and estrogenic drugs stimulate libido (sexual desire) in castrated bulls towards cows and heifers with signs of the arousal stage of the sexual cycle. The age of castration does not affect the effectiveness of hormonal treatment. Castrated bulls treated with estrogen drugs are incapable of coitus: they lack the erection reflex.

For hormonal treatment, healthy castrated bulls are selected at the age of 12-21 months, not inferior in their physical development and live body weight to the average cow (heifer) of the herd. They must have average and high fatness, correct physique, strong limbs and hooves. The method of their use does not differ from that of uncastrated test bulls. One castrated bull can be used for 200 cows, a castrated bull with a mark (if it is constantly in the herd) - for about 50 cows.

Castrated bulls treated with sex hormones are not aggressive and safe to handle. At the same time, they are less effective in diagnosing heat in cows and heifers than uncastrated test bulls. According to Australian researchers, the effectiveness of the method is 79%.

Cows (heifers) are detectors. They can be non-lactating cows culled due to infertility, intact or ovariectomized heifers and freemartin heifers treated with androgenic and estrogenic drugs (Table 2). They should be of average size, strong limbs and hooves, and average to above-average fatness. With repeated administration of androgenic and estrogenic hormones, females develop sexual behavior characteristic of the other sex. They actively sniff the external genitalia of cows and heifers showing signs of estrus. Sexual arousal and hunting, they flem and jump on them. These signs begin to appear in females from the 2nd to 3rd week from the start of hormonal treatment.

Table 2. Schemes for hormonal treatment of castrated bulls and detector cows (heifers)

Dose, route and regimen of drug administration

Testosterone propionate - 200...250 mg intramuscularly every other day for 20 days, then 500 mg subcutaneously every 7 days

Testosterone propionate -200 mg subcutaneously or intramuscularly every other day for 20 days, then testosterone enanthate -500 mg subcutaneously or intramuscularly every 10...14 days

Testosterone enanthate - in the first 3 days, 1000 mg subcutaneously daily, then 500 mg subcutaneously every 14 days

Estradiol benzoate-10 mg per 250 kg of body weight subcutaneously or intramuscularly every 7 days

Note. Testosterone enanthate is a long-acting androgenic drug

After cessation of the administration of sex hormones, sexual activity continues for 10…12. sometimes 18 days. Cows respond well to hormonal treatment, then heifers, and freemartin heifers react poorly. Estrogens appear to be more effective in inducing male sexual reflexes in females than androgenic hormones. However, when using them, it is possible side effects: breast hypertrophy, mastitis, ovarian cysts, uterine prolapse.

Detection cows (heifers) are usually kept in a common herd or barn. They don't require special care and safe to handle. One detector is used for 100...150 cows or 50...70 heifers. When kept loose, animals are equipped with a marking device and females for insemination are selected according to the marks. The load on the detector with a tap is 30...40 cows or heifers.

Visual way to select the time of insemination

The most reliable indicator of the selection of animals for insemination is the active tolerance of jumping. The probability that the cow is in heat reaches 90%. It should be noted, however, that some cows do not allow other females to jump on them at all (arreactive sexual cycle), and in 20% of animals this type of behavior is observed for less than 6 hours. On areas with a dirt floor, a significantly higher number of jumps are performed on females than on concrete paved areas. Their total number per cow or heifer with signs of sexual arousal and heat can range from 3 to 104. The largest number of jumps per female with signs of sexual arousal and heat is observed when there are several cows and heifers in the herd at the same time with signs of the stage of excitement of the sexual cycle.

There are additional signs that suggest the presence of hunting. These include the presence of abrasions in the area of ​​the sacrum, root of the tail and ischial tuberosities; jumping on other females; mooing, restlessness, increased motor activity; swelling and redness of the vulva; mucous discharge; sometimes poor milk yield and decreased milk yield. However, the amount of milk yield is often influenced by other factors; in some cases, milk yield may even increase during the hunting period.

Some cows and many heifers experience mucous-blood discharge (metrogalia) 2-3 days after estrus. There is a connection between bloody discharge on the 2-3rd day after insemination and the low fertility of cows and heifers is disputed by many authors. However, their appearance at certain times after insemination may indicate a missed sexual cycle. Such animals must be monitored in order to detect a repeated stage of initiation of the sexual cycle after 18-19 days. To select animals for insemination in conditions of tethered housing, it is necessary to let them out for walks twice a day (morning and evening). In loose housing, selection of cows and heifers for insemination is carried out at least 3 times a day. In the daily routine, these periods should not coincide with feeding the animals and their movement to and from milking. The diagnostic capabilities of the visual method for choosing the time of insemination of cows and heifers are given in table. 3. In addition to the time and frequency of observation, the effectiveness of the visual method of selecting animals for insemination is also significantly influenced by its duration. The duration of visual observation should be at least 30 minutes. When it is reduced to 15 minutes, the effectiveness of double visual selection of animals with signs of sexual arousal and hunting drops by 15-17%. The use of the visual method leads to errors in choosing the time of insemination in 34.4-54.7% of cases, missed heat - in 40-62.5%, and in severe frosts - in 83.3% of cows.

Table 3. Influence of time and frequency of visual observation on the efficiency of selection of animals for insemination



Observation time, hours


Note. The duration of each observation was 30 minutes.

The selection of animals for insemination is carried out by a highly qualified specialist. However, all farm personnel must know the signs of the arousal stage of the reproductive cycle, be able to identify them, and immediately inform the specialist about noticed changes in the genitals and sexual behavior of animals.

All animals with signs of sexual arousal must be registered in a special journal. According to the journal, it is possible to predict the time of the next stage of initiation of the sexual cycle and thereby improve the results of selecting animals for insemination.

Cows must have clear, legible numbers on their collars and large ear tags. This makes it easier to identify cows, reduces errors in the selection of animals for insemination and allows for accurate recording on the farm.

Instrumental methods for choosing the time of insemination

There are many ways to instrumentally determine the time of insemination in cows and heifers. They are based on the registration, using special devices, of certain secondary signs of sexual arousal and hunting. You can use homemade detector devices designed by E. G. Samoilo. Registration of the hugging reflex of females towards other animals using a colored mark on the root of the tail. The colored mark is a longitudinal stripe on the skin of the animal measuring 5x20 cm, which extends from the first caudal vertebra in the cranial direction. Colored chalk, paint or paste is used as a coloring agent. Other animals jump on heifer cows that are in the stage of arousal of the sexual cycle and partially or completely erase the color mark. Females that allow jumping are selected for insemination at least 2 times a day. This is one of the most practical and effective additional methods for timing cows and heifers. It is suitable for use on both small and large farms. Its main drawback: the high level of false positive determinations - up to 37%.

Measurement of motor activity (pedometry)

A diagnostic sign is an increase in physical activity by 2 or more times compared to the previous day or its average level at the stage of balancing the sexual cycle. It is measured using mechanical or electronic pedometers (pedometers) attached to the front or rear limb. Instrument readings are taken 2 times a day. Electronic pedometers are more convenient for practical use: measurement results are reproduced on a “yes-no” basis. With a twofold increase in physical activity, the red light turns on, and with a lesser increase, the green light turns on. Literature data on the effectiveness of the method are contradictory. In addition, it has many disadvantages: pedometers often break; not all cows on the day of hunting increase their motor activity by more than 2 times; in 25-27% of cases, maximum motor activity is recorded within a day or, conversely, the next day after the onset of heat.

Monitoring cows and heifers using television installations. The time of insemination with this method is determined by signs of sexual arousal. Its main advantage is the ability to monitor animals around the clock. The results of the observation are recorded on videotape. It takes 1 hour to view a 24-hour recording. However this method has no practical significance due to its high cost, difficulties with identifying cows and heifers, and the impossibility of its use when grazing animals on pasture.

Question No. 35 Species characteristics of the fetal and maternal placenta, umbilical cord. What is the placental barrier?

Duration of pregnancy in different animal species

The duration of pregnancy depends on the species characteristics of the animal. The smaller the female, the shorter the pregnancy. The duration of pregnancy also depends on the number of fetuses, their sex, feeding and keeping conditions of the animal, and its age. If the animal develops a male fetus, the pregnancy is extended by several days. With twins and triplets, the pregnancy is shorter. In primigravidas, fruiting lasts longer than in multigravidas. Pregnancy usually lasts longer in sick animals. In some species of animals, during pregnancy there is latent period(diapause), for example, in sobo, roe deer, etc. The duration of pregnancy in female farm animals is as follows: mare - 340 days, cow - 285 days, sheep - 150 days, pig - 114 days, dog - 58-63 days.

The first period of pregnancy begins from the moment of fertilization and ends with the release of the blastocyst from the egg membranes. After this, the blastocyst stops intrauterine migration.

During the embryonic period, differentiation of embryoblast cells occurs with the formation of organs and tissues of the embryo, and the laying of extraembryonic formations - fetal membranes.

Differentiation begins with the appearance of germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm.

The endoderm (the inner layer surrounding the blastocele) gives rise to the digestive system and other internal organs. From the mesoderm (middle germinal layer), in the process of further differentiation, skeletal muscles, the circulatory system, and reproductive organs are formed. The ectoderm (outer germinal layer) is the primary structure of the nervous system, sensory organs, skin, hair, and mammary gland.

After differentiation is complete, the fertile period begins. The defining feature of this period is fetal growth.

At the beginning of the fetal period, the relative weight gain is faster than at the end, but the absolute gain is higher at the end of pregnancy.

Along with the increase in fetal weight, the weight of the uterus, membranes and fetal fluid increases.

As the systems and organs of the fetus are formed, their functions become established.

Development of membranes

Soon after the appearance of the germinal layers, the formation of provisional organs begins: the yolk sac, amnion, allantois, chorion.

The yolk sac is formed from embryoblast cells. It concentrates nutrients (in the form of embryotrophs) for the developing embryo. With the transition to placental nutrition, the yolk sac begins to regress.

The amnion (inner membrane) is formed from the folds of the trophoblast with the subsequent detachment of the internal leaves fused together. As the amnion develops, it begins to surround the embryo on all sides. The amnion cavity fills with fluid; it is secreted by the epithelium of the amniotic membrane.

The allantois (urinary membrane) is formed from the primary bladder of the embryo and contains the product of kidney activity - primary urine. Starting near the kidneys, it, in the form of the urinary duct (urachus), is included in the umbilical cord, expanding beyond the amniotic membrane. In mares and carnivores, the allantois, in the form of a blind sac, fills the entire space between the amnion and the outer membrane (chorion). The inner layer of the allantois closely fuses with the amnion, forming the allanto-amnion. The outer layer of the allantois fuses with the chorion, forming the allanto-chorion.

The chorion (choroid) is formed from the trophoblast, on which at the beginning of pregnancy a large number of avascular villi (prochorion) are formed. After vascularization, the prochorion turns into chorion. The chorionic villi are firmly connected to the wall of the uterus and ensure the exchange of substances between mother and fetus.

Types of placentas in different animal species

In the placenta of mammals, two parts are distinguished: maternal (modified uterine mucosa) and fetal (fetal chorionic villi).

Based on the nature of the connections between the maternal and fetal parts of the placenta, the following forms are distinguished:

Achorial (villous) (kangaroo, female whale);

Epitheliochorial (mare, pig, camel);

Desmochorionic (cow, sheep, goat);

Endotheliochorial (carnivores);

Hemochorionic (monkey).

Placentas are classified according to the location of the villi:

Absent-minded (mare, camel, pig);

Multiple (ruminants);

Zonal (carnivores);

Discoid (primates, rodents).

According to the nature of the nutrition of the fetus, the placenta can be:

Histiotrophic (nutrients are dissolved by chorionic enzymes);

Embryotrophic (the maternal part of the placenta produces embryotroph - royal jelly, which is absorbed by the chorionic villi).

Methods for determining pregnancy in animals

Existing diagnostic methods can be divided into 3 groups: clinical, laboratory and biophysical.

Clinical methods include external and internal methods. External methods for diagnosing pregnancy include reflexology, examination, palpation, and auscultation. Internal examination is divided into vaginal and rectal methods.

Among the laboratory methods for diagnosing pregnancy, hormonal, immunological and histovaginal methods have been developed, which require a specialized, well-equipped laboratory.

In recent years, biophysical methods for diagnosing pregnancy have been used: radiographic and ultrasound (ultrasound), especially in the study of small animals.

The nutrition of the embryo in the first days of life occurs due to the cytoplasm reserves in the egg. After the transparent membrane of the egg is reabsorbed, the embryo absorbs plastic material from the mother’s body. After the embryo moves into the uterine cavity, the embryo assimilates nutrients from the embryotroph (uterine milk) through the surrounding trophoblast. Subsequently, the yolk circulation develops, in the presence of which nutrients come from the yolk sac and are carried through its blood vessels to various parts of the embryo. Vitelline circulation is very important in the nutrition of oviparous animals, while in domestic animals it plays an insignificant role with the exception of rodents. In domestic animals, placental circulation is of great importance. It develops simultaneously with the yolk and begins to function by the end of the first third of pregnancy. With the development of the placenta, intensive growth of the fetus is observed.

Placental barrier

The placental barrier refers to the selective properties of the placenta, as a result of which some substances penetrate from the mother’s blood into the blood of the fetus, while others are retained or enter the fetal body after appropriate biochemical processing.

The barrier separating maternal and fetal blood in the intervillous space consists of the trophoblast epithelium, or syncytium, covering the villi, connective tissue villi and the endothelium of their capillaries.

The barrier function of the placenta can only be performed under physiological conditions. The permeability of the placental barrier to harmful substances and microbes increases with pathological changes in the placenta resulting from damage to the villi by microbes and their toxins. Placental permeability may also increase due to thinning of the syncytium with increasing gestational age.

The exchange of gases (oxygen, etc.), as well as true solutions through the placental membrane, occurs according to the laws of osmosis and diffusion. This is facilitated by the difference in partial pressure in the blood of the mother and fetus. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other substances penetrate the placental barrier in the form of simple compounds formed under the influence of the enzymatic function of the placenta.

Different concentrations of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and other substances are created in the blood of the mother and fetus. Mother's blood, compared to fetal blood, is richer in proteins, neutral fats and glucose.

The fetal blood contains more protein-free nitrogen, free amino acids, potassium, calcium, inorganic phosphorus and other substances.

The placental barrier only partially protects the fetus from the penetration of harmful substances. Drugs, alcohol, nicotine, potassium cyanide, sulfonamides, quinine, mercury, arsenic, potassium iodide, antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin), vitamins and hormones can pass through the placenta.

The penetration of substances from maternal blood into fetal blood is greatly influenced by the size of the molecules. At physiological pregnancy Substances with a molecular weight below 350 can penetrate through the placental barrier into the fetal blood. In case of pregnancy pathology (toxicosis, ionizing radiation, etc.), as a result of dysfunction of the placental barrier, high molecular weight substances (antigens, antibodies, viruses, toxins, etc.) can penetrate into the fetal blood. bacteria, protozoa and helminths).

Diagnosis of infertility and pregnancy in cows using the rectal method.

When examining an infertile animal and in the first three months of pregnancy, the main diagnostic signs are:

Localization of the cervix;

The size, consistency and shape of the uterine horns;

The severity (condition) of the interhornal groove (gutter).

Sterile animal. In the center of the pelvic cavity, the cervix is ​​palpated in the form of a dense cord with a tightly protruding end into the cranial space of the vagina. By moving your hand forward, you can find the horns of the uterus, between which the interhornal groove is clearly visible. The horns of the uterus are located symmetrically, have the same shape and size. On palpation, they contract and acquire an elastic consistency. The uterus, contracting, moves toward the entrance of the pelvic cavity and takes on a hemispherical shape; it can be completely grasped between the palm and fingers. The ovaries are located at the bottom of the pelvic cavity at the tops of the uterine horns on the corresponding sides. Their shape is bean-shaped or irregularly oval.

One month pregnant. The cervix moves slightly forward. The uterus is in the pelvic cavity, the horns are round, located at the bottom of the cavity, on the anterior edge of the pubic bones. The wall of the fetal horn is thinner and more elastic; sometimes in this horn there is a fluctuation of amniotic fluid of about 200 ml. The interhorn groove is well defined. In the ovary, from the side of the horn-fetal receptacle, the corpus luteum of pregnancy is palpated.

Two months pregnant. The cervix is ​​located on the edge of the pubic bones. The uterine horns, oviducts and ovaries are descended into the abdominal cavity. The fruit receptacle horn is twice as large as the free one, the walls of the horns are soft, the interhorn groove is preserved. Fluid fluctuation is about 400 ml. The ovary contains the corpus luteum of pregnancy (corpus luteum).

Three months pregnant. The cervix is ​​located on the anterior edge of the pubic bones. The uterus and ovaries are further displaced into the abdominal cavity. The fruit-containing horn reaches the size of an adult’s head. The “floating” fetus is clearly palpable. By the end of the 3rd month, the interhornal groove cannot be felt.

The main signs of pregnancy, starting from 4 months:

Localization of the cervix;

The size of the caruncles;

Vibration (buzzing) of the uterine arteries in a certain order.

Four months pregnant. The cervix is ​​located at the entrance to the pelvic cavity. The uterus in the abdominal cavity has the shape of a bubble with a diameter of 30-40 cm. The contours of the horn-fetal receptacle are not available for study. The caruncles are the size of a bean. Vibration of the middle uterine artery begins, feeding the horn-container of the fetus.

Five months pregnant. The vibration of the middle uterine artery from the side of the horn-fetal receptacle is more pronounced. Caruncles are 2-4 cm in size (about the size of an acorn).

Six months pregnant. Cervix in the abdominal cavity. The uterus lies on the lower abdominal wall, which makes it difficult to palpate. The vibration of both middle uterine arteries is well expressed. Caruncles are the size of a pigeon egg.

Seven months pregnant. The cervix returns to the pelvic cavity and is located on the pubic bones. The uterus is located on the lower abdominal wall; The placenta is the size of a small chicken egg. Vibration of the posterior uterine artery is noted from the side of the fetal horn.

Eight months pregnant. The cervix is ​​located in the pelvic cavity. The presenting parts of the fetus are easily palpable. The placenta is the size of a chicken egg. The posterior uterine artery from the side of the free horn begins to vibrate.

Nine months pregnant. The presenting parts of the fetus and the cervix are located in the pelvic cavity. All uterine arteries vibrate at full strength. The size of placentas ranges from a large chicken egg to a goose egg.

infertility placenta insemination animal

Question No. 58 Alimentary infertility of farm animals. Causes, diagnosis and action plan for elimination and prevention (using the example of one of the district’s farms).

Nutritional infertility of farm animals. Causes, diagnosis and action plan for elimination and prevention. Nutritional infertility is understood as a violation of a male’s ability to reproduce due to inadequate and insufficient feeding. This type of infertility is most often observed in bulls, rams, boars and stallions. Etiology. The cause of nutritional infertility is the insufficient content of vitamins A, B, E and O (or their provitamins) in the diet, as well as mineral elements, proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients during the period when males are used for insemination and in the preceding periods of their life. The cause of this infertility can also be excessive feeding of proteins and fats. The contributing cause is the lack of regular exercise and ultraviolet radiation.

Symptoms Signs of nutritional infertility depend on the etiology, degree of metabolic disorder and spermatogenesis. In case of infertility caused by exhaustion or obesity, a change in fatness is noted and, along with this, a gradual weakening of sexual reflexes, and subsequently, the absence of all sexual reflexes is possible. Sperm production decreases and then stops. When examining sperm, asthenospermia, opigospermia and reduced sperm survival are first established, and then necrospermia and aspermia.

In the first period of infertility development, caused by insufficiency of provitamins and vitamins A, E and B and minerals in the diet, there is only a decrease in the survival rate of spermatozoa formed in the testes. In this case, sexual reflexes and the ability to perform sexual intercourse are preserved, but the male’s sexual activity decreases. The ability to fertilize due to the release of weak and dead sperm is either little possible or excluded.

Infertility, which occurs while maintaining the ability to have sexual intercourse, is diagnosed only by examining sperm. In this case, asthenospermia, limited survival of sperm, necrospermia, iteratospermia, then oligospermia with the presence of only dead and decayed sperm, and, finally, aspermia are usually established first. At the same time, mass infertility is noted in females inseminated by such males.

In the second period of development of such infertility, degeneration and atrophy of spermatogenic cells of the seminiferous tubules occur. In this case, the formation of sperm gradually stops. In addition, there is a gradual decline in sexual reflexes. Females cannot be fertilized at this stage. Ultimately, the production of sex hormones also stops. In this regard, sexual reflexes do not appear, and the ability to perform sexual intercourse disappears.

In case of infertility caused by a lack of carotene, vitamin B and minerals, in addition, males, especially bulls, often have limited mobility and enlarged joints of the limbs. The movements of males become difficult. In this case, there is a kind of “stiffness” of the joints (arthropathia, osteopathy, bone dystrophy).

For a more accurate diagnosis of the origin of nutritional infertility, they resort to laboratory analysis of feed for the content of proteins, minerals, provitamins and other essential substances and to study the diet over the last 2-3 months preceding the clinical manifestation of infertility. In addition, a biochemical blood test is performed to determine the content of protein, provitamins (in particular, carotene) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus), and also determine the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. With a positive diagnosis, a decrease in the blood content of protein, sugar, carotene (less than 0.6 mg%), calcium, phosphorus and a change in the ratio between calcium and phosphorus are detected. In addition, a decrease in hemoglobin content and the number of red blood cells (anemia) is often detected.

Course and prognosis. Alimentary infertility usually develops gradually over 2-3 months or more. With timely elimination of the causes, infertility of this origin is temporary and is eliminated after appropriate treatment.

In cases where the causes are not eliminated, temporary infertility gradually becomes permanent. The reasons for the development of permanent infertility are degeneration and atrophy of testicular tissue. With the appearance of these changes in the testes, restoration of their functions is impossible even with regular use of vitamins and other medications. Males with persistent infertility should be culled. However, such a decision can only be made after repeated clinical examination of the male and several repeated examinations of his sperm.

Treatment into prevention. If there is a lack of protein, hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency, rational feeding is prescribed with the inclusion in the diet of a variety of concentrates (oats, bran, peas, cakes, etc.) and feed rich in proteins, provitamins, vitamins and minerals (green hay, preferably clover, freshly cut green hay). grass, red carrots, etc.). The positive effect of rational feeding does not appear immediately, but more often after several weeks of such feeding (3-7 weeks).

Therefore, along with improved feeding, agents are prescribed that stimulate spermatogenesis and sexual activity. For this purpose, bulls are fed up to 5-10 chicken eggs per day, whole cow milk - 5-6 liters, milk milk - 6-12 liters, flaxseed - 200-250 k, sprouted grains of oats, barley and wheat - by 0.5-1 kg, green grass grown hydroponically - but 1-2 kz per day, yeast feed.

In case of mineral deficiency, bone meal or meat and bone meal is prescribed orally, 20-50 g, blood meal - 400, calcium phosphate - 10-25 g, 10% solution of calcium chloride 100-200 ml, cobalt chloride - 1 tablet (40 mg every other day), copper sulfate - 100 mg, manganese sulfate - io 100, potassium iodide - 2 mg. Micro-elements are pre-dissolved in warm water and added to concentrated feed daily for a month. Then they take a break for one month. For rams and boars, the dose is reduced accordingly.

In case of vitamin deficiency, vitamin preparations or their provitamins are used. For this purpose, vitamin A concentrate (500 thousand units) and vitamin D (50-100 thousand units) are prescribed intramuscularly or subcutaneously to bulls once a day. For rams and boars, the doses of these vitamins are reduced accordingly. When administering concentrates of vitamins A and P once every 3-7 days, their doses to all animals are increased accordingly. For the same purpose, carotene is prescribed orally or intramuscularly at 1 mg per 1 kg of weight (on average per day for bulls - 700-800 mg, rams - 15-20, boars - 2 mg per 1 kg of weight), as well as fish oil in within 3-5 weeks. Natural fish oil is given to bulls 100-150 ml per day along with food, and fortified fish oil is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at 10-15 ml once every 5 days.

The quality of ejaculate after using vitamin A concentrates improves after 2-4 weeks, but after using carotene, it improves somewhat later.

Vitamin E is prescribed along with food for 15 days or more. The daily requirement of bulls weighing 800 kg for vitamin E is 90-120 mg. When used for prophylactic purposes, doses range from 40 to 100 mg per day. In case of vitamin deficiency, it is also useful to feed fresh yeast irradiated with a quartz lamp (fodder - 8-15 g, baker's - 4-10 g once every 3-5 days).

Physiotherapeutic methods that are useful in the summer include swimming and water showers, and washing the scrotum. cold water in the hot season and warm in the cold season.

Massaging the testes daily for 5-10 minutes for 10-15 days is also useful. During the massage, the spermatic cord is first stroked and lightly kneaded, then the epididymis and testis. Then the massage is repeated in reverse order. Through massage, blood circulation in the testes is improved and spermatogenesis is stimulated.

During the stall period, irradiation of males with quartz lamps (according to the instructions) is very useful.

As a means of increasing sexual potency males, in addition, glucose, spermine (subcutaneous), testolysates (intramuscular) are used for bulls and stallions 5-15 m.1 3-5 times with a one-day interval and regular walks or non-tiring work.

If there is inhibition of sexual reflexes, males are prescribed caffeine along with food (rams - 1 g, bulls - 2-6 g per day) in the form of a 5% solution daily for 2-3 weeks. Sometimes FFA is useful (for bulls - 3000-5000 units subcutaneously 2 times with an interval of 7 days).

In addition, methyltestosterol is used orally for bulls at 0.05-0.1 a, for rams - at 0.005-0.01 e 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

For obesity, a less abundant diet and active exercise are prescribed.

Otherwise, therapy and prevention are the same as for nutritional infertility in females.

List of used literature

I.A. Bocharov, A.V. Beskhlebnov. Obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination of farm animals. Leningrad "Spike" 1967

G.A. Kononov. Veterinary obstetrics and gynecology. Leningrad "Spike" 1977

Textbook edited by V.Ya. Nikitin and Professor M.G. Mirolyubova. Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of reproduction. Moscow "Spike" 1999

Posted on Allbest.ur


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The male detects females in heat mainly by perceiving specific odors (sex pheromones: epagons, gonophions and gamophions). These odors are not detected either visually or by various instrumental or any other methods that make it possible to diagnose hunting.

To conduct a heat test, cows are allocated a special pen with a hard surface and a high canopy next to the artificial insemination point and the barn. The paddock is surrounded by a solid fence. The presence of such a pen makes it possible to test cows for heat and stimulate sexual function with a probe at any time of the year.

Cows in the postpartum period (from the 4-5th day after birth, to stimulate sexual function), heifers that have reached 16 months of age, as well as all inseminated females (from 10th to 30th day after insemination, to diagnose the initial stages of pregnancy and infertility). The test bull is released to the females 2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours in the morning and evening. At this time, the animals are carefully monitored. A longer stay of a test bull among the breeding stock, and especially joint grazing with cows, is unacceptable, as this can quickly cause inhibition of sexual reflexes in the bull.

Once heat is detected, the cow or heifer is immediately taken out of the pen so that the probe can look for other females in heat.

It is convenient to test cows for heat in a dairy complex with a workshop system. Here, in the insemination workshop, calved cows are concentrated and kept until insemination and pregnancy is established. In a complex for 800 cows, four probes are kept in the insemination workshop (at the point) and they are used alternately (two per day). At the time of insemination, the probe is placed near the cows. This enhances the expression of sexual reflexes in animals and facilitates their insemination.

In heifer farms, a pen with a split and a “storage” is arranged opposite each section where replacement heifers are housed.

There may be different options for using test bulls. But in all cases, the principle of temporary presence of samples among cows and heifers and control over their use by animal health specialists must be strictly observed. In a number of countries, test bulls with markers are widely used (Fig. 32). The marker is a spherical metal box with a retractable protrusion in the center. The cavity of the box is filled with colored paste (depending on the color of the cows). At the moment the test bull is mounted, the protrusion protruding from the box, in contact with the lower back of the cow, moves inward, as a result of which the paint flows out. Numerous strokes of paint remain on the cow (a single stroke does not count), indicating that the cow is in heat. According to materials from American scientists, communication for 30 minutes in the morning and evening of two test bulls with tags allows you to select 15% more cows for insemination than with visual observation. It is especially important that the probes detect heat in cows that do not show signs of sexual arousal (arreactive sexual cycle). When choosing the time of insemination visually, such animals remain uninseminated.

It is faster and more reliable to detect heat with vasectomized test rams. Sampler rams with aprons are less desirable, since they quickly develop inhibition of sexual reflexes and, compared to vasectomized rams, do not detect 12-15% of sheep in heat. To facilitate the process of selecting sheep in heat, special dye tags are attached to the chest area of ​​vasectomized rams. Samplers are introduced into the flock one at a time, using 5-6 rams daily. Such probes detect heat in 93-98% of the breeding stock sheep within 18 days of the breeding season (N.A. Zheltobelukh).

While in the flock, vasectomized rams cage the ewes in heat and use markers to color them.

By passing the flock through a split, it is possible to select all the sheep in heat in 10-15 minutes instead of 1.5-2 hours with manual way selection. Communication between ewes and vasectomized rams, accompanied by multiple coitus, shortens heat, enhances uterine motility and accelerates ovulation. This allows you to replace double insemination with a single one.

Some farms successfully use cryptorchids as probes. They, like vasectomized rams, are valuable probes. Cryptorchids quickly find sheep in heat, strongly stimulate their sexual function, which significantly increases fertility during artificial insemination. In Bulgaria, artificial cryptorchids are specially prepared by operating on rams up to 3 months of age.

The test of young mares for hunting by a test stallion begins from the beginning of planned insemination, and of suckling mares - from the 3rd day after birth. It should be taken into account that a manual test does not provide 100% identification of mares in heat, and therefore it should be supplemented by a test using an operated test stallion. This is especially necessary for suckling mares, in which, under the influence of maternal instinct, sexual function is inhibited. Research by Kh. I. Zhivotkov has shown that often young, nervous mares, little accustomed to the environment of hand testing, also fight off the stallion, while in the herd they are constantly near the operated sampler and allow him to be mounted. Therefore, the best method for testing mares for hunting is double: a test by an operated stallion in the herd (at night the sampler is removed from the herd for rest) and a manual test, which must be carefully carried out by an experienced specialist.

In pigs, as in other animals, heat can be reliably determined only through individual contact between the sow and the test boar. To determine heat in pigs, some experts recommend running a test boar along the aisle of the pigsty, which is erroneous. In this case, not only queens in heat react to the test boar, but also queens with signs of estrus, sexual arousal, and even outside the period of the arousal stage of the sexual cycle. Test boars are used alternately (one sampler per 200 dams). Test boars obtained from the hybridization of domestic pigs with wild boar are very active. To avoid inhibition of sexual reflexes, sperm is obtained from test boars every 3 days of use onto an artificial vagina. It is less labor-intensive and more effective to use operated, especially vasectomized, test boars. But the effect of using vasectomized boars, as well as other probes, will only be achieved with the correct method of their use. When a vasectomized boar is mounted on a female, which indicates that she is in heat, coitus with this boar should not be allowed, as it then calms down and is difficult to find other queens in heat. Coitus with a vasectomized boar should be allowed only after the last gilt in heat has been identified, and then not daily, but every 2-3 days. This activates the manifestation of sexual reflexes. Such a probe retains sexual activity for a long time (there are known cases of using low-weight vasectomized boars for more than 4 years), and it quickly finds queens in heat. If boars are used as probes with the preputial sac retracted into right side(at 70-80°), then sperm is regularly obtained from them to activate their sexual reflexes onto an artificial vagina.

When using a probe during artificial insemination, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other phenomena of the arousal stage, since the sexual cycle can be complete or incomplete.