After a cesarean section, you should not lift weights. New pregnancy after cesarean section. Sleep and rest mode

  • First day
  • Second day
  • Third day
  • Diet for constipation
  • After discharge

Caesarean section is a surgical intervention, the rehabilitation period of which requires a diet for quick recovery female body. In the first few days, doctors closely monitor not only the uterus, but also the work of the intestines and urinary system patients, as they are affected during the operation. To avoid any complications, proper nutrition, specially designed for such cases, is necessary after caesarean section, organized immediately, in the first few days.

How many times a day can you eat? How long after can you eat? How often? In what portions? What products are allowed in the first days and in what form? What is strictly prohibited for a young mother to eat? Doctors give extremely clear answers to all these questions.

First day

It is recommended to avoid solid food on the first day after birth. Many people ask what a new mother can eat after a cesarean section, as soon as she recovers from anesthesia, during these 24 hours. However, during this period she will only have to drink non-carbonated drinks. mineral water. It can be diluted with fruit juice in a proportion of 100 ml per 1 liter of water. It is better to give preference to lemon, which:

  • restores the body’s strength lost during the operation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects.

Although you can use any other fruit juice for these purposes.

Everyone else nutrients (medicinal solutions, vitamins, microelements), necessary for the body To recover after surgery, the woman receives IVs.

The doctor must warn that the diet of a woman in labor after a cesarean section excludes full meals on the first day. Both she herself and her loved ones should know about this. But you will have to endure quite a bit: on the second day the diet will be significantly replenished.

In addition to proper nutrition after a cesarean section, it is very important to maintain personal hygiene. Many doctors recommend paying more attention to washing cosmetics, which you use both after surgery and during everyday life. Many brands contain all kinds of chemicals, leaving behind irritation and allergic reactions that can cause complications during healing.

Do not ignore the composition of the product. If on the back you see a whole set of complex chemical formulas and incomprehensible abbreviations such as SLS, SLES, GMO, or mention of silicones and parabens - it is better to leave such a product on the shelf. The expiration date also indicates the abundance of harmful preservatives. In quality natural products it should not exceed one year.

To avoid fear of irritation and allergies after surgery, most doctors advise using cosmetic products based exclusively on natural and natural ingredients. Mulsan Cosmetic remains the leader in natural cleansing cosmetic products. Gel for intimate hygiene with calendula and chamomile extract will promote speedy healing, and macadamia oil will relieve swelling and redness. Abundance natural ingredients, without the use of dyes and magnesium sulfate, will help restore the beauty of your skin and protect your women's health. You can find out more on the website

Second day

Designed for women special food after a caesarean section by day, which they must strictly adhere to. The next two days pass much more comfortably for them. If the operation went without complications, on the 2nd day after it the list of permitted products expands significantly. They are good because they are healthy, light, quickly absorbed, and do not harm a weakened body. These include:

  • meat broth made from chicken or beef (exclude pork), to which some vegetables are added;
  • lean meat (chicken or beef), necessarily pre-boiled, then minced and beaten to a puree or soufflé;
  • if you include cottage cheese in your diet after a caesarean section, then only low-fat cottage cheese;
  • homemade yogurt without any additives, natural;
  • from drinks - juice, tea, fruit drink, rosehip decoction, liquid jelly, compote (the dosage of liquid drunk on the second day after cesarean section should be about 1.5 liters).

Here's what you can eat after a cesarean section on the second day. Sticking to this modest but healthy diet, a woman in labor will help her body quickly rehabilitate after suffering stress.

Since all cases are individual, in mandatory You need to consult about the menu with the supervising doctor. Here, a lot will depend on the young mother’s relatives and friends, who, when visiting her in the hospital, must provide her with the nutrition recommended for medical reasons, proper nutrition. In particular, the preparation requires special attention meat broth.

Broth recipe:

  1. Pour over meat cold water, boil.
  2. Drain off the first broth completely.
  3. Pour fresh water over the meat again and boil again.
  4. Drain the broth again.
  5. Pour in cold water again and boil.
  6. Add finely chopped vegetables, do not causing gas formation. Exclude cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, corn, artichokes, onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, and radishes from your diet.

During the second day after Caesarean woman You are allowed to eat this meat broth three times in small (100 ml) warm portions. This is where nutrition after a cesarean section is limited for now. Everything else can harm the gastrointestinal tract of a woman in labor, and is therefore prohibited. However, the diet expands again the next day.

Third day

On the third day, a woman’s diet after a cesarean section becomes more varied. To the above products of the second day after surgery are added:

  • cutlets, meatballs made from lean meat must be steamed;
  • porridge with water;
  • baked apples;
  • light meat and vegetable purees from the baby food series;
  • if there are problems with stool, the woman in labor is recommended to drink kefir on the 3rd day after cesarean section.

In the first days after surgery, it is recommended that the young mother’s menu include only those products that the doctors allow. They should not irritate the intestines, cause gas formation and constipation. All dishes must be heated to warm state, but under no circumstances should you consume them hot or cold.

Upon expiration three days After surgery, nutrition for a nursing mother becomes more complete. It includes the most variety of products, which are not excluded from the point of view of lactation.

Diet for constipation

As you know, after a caesarean section, many women suffer from constipation, and they cannot push so that the stitches do not come apart. This problem begins in the maternity hospital, but continues within the walls of the home, causing discomfort and anxiety. What to do? To begin with, you need to discuss this point in advance with your doctor. After all, only he can determine what exactly caused this phenomenon. Nutrition will depend on the type of constipation (atonic or spastic).


After a cesarean section, the intestinal motility of a woman in labor may decrease. As a result, paresis is diagnosed, characterized by symptoms such as gas retention and bloating.

With such delicate issue Proper nutrition helps cope. It is recommended to include in the diet such foods as:

  • muesli;
  • any vegetable oils;
  • porridges and soups with cereals such as buckwheat, pearl barley, millet;
  • black bread;
  • oat bran;
  • vegetables, fruits (it is recommended to enrich the diet after cesarean section with beets, pumpkin, zucchini, apricots, melon, green apples, dried fruits);
  • kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products that contain high content bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
  • strong tea;
  • semolina;
  • white bread;
  • muffins;
  • rice porridge;
  • blueberries;
  • quince;
  • pears;
  • legumes

To stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines after cesarean section, doctors recommend drinking the following herbal infusion on an empty stomach in small doses: mix cumin, anise and fennel seeds, brew 2 teaspoons of this grain mixture with a glass of boiling water. Drink the infusion cool, half an hour before meals, a teaspoon.

Nutrition after surgery will be completely different for women with spastic constipation.


If there were ruptures during the caesarean section, during episotomy the intestinal tone very often increases. Due to the fact that the intestine is pinched, peristalsis becomes ineffective. Again, proper nutrition comes to the rescue. Women in labor can eat:

  • boiled lean fish;
  • dishes made from low-fat minced meat;
  • olive oil;
  • pasta;
  • jams;
  • vegetable puree;
  • fruits and berries that do not contain coarse fibers: grapes, plums, melon, pear.

Accordingly, a number of products are prohibited for spastic constipation after cesarean section. New mothers should exclude from their diet:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked cheese;
  • cookie;
  • fried pies (in general, it is better to exclude fried foods from the diet after a caesarean section);
  • syrup;
  • chocolate;
  • white bread;
  • cakes;
  • sausages;
  • hot sauces.

If you normalize your diet for constipation after a cesarean section, having agreed on this issue with your doctor, you can quickly solve the problem without harming your health. And, of course, it is necessary to continue to follow the diet throughout the entire lactation period.

After discharge

If after the operation there are no serious complications, the condition of the woman’s gastrointestinal tract did not cause concern among doctors; dietary restrictions will apply only to those foods that are prohibited during lactation. Here's what a nursing mother can eat after a caesarean section, according to experts, after discharge:

  • dairy products: kefir, yogurt, milk (500 ml per day);
  • You can eat all vegetables, but still those that contribute to gas formation are best consumed in moderation; carrots are excluded;
  • cottage cheese;
  • meat;
  • very often women are interested in what fruits can be eaten without fear after a cesarean section: you can safely include an apple (green or yellow), pear, apricot, plum, peach, and some bananas in your diet;
  • butter, vegetable oil;
  • eggs (in limited quantities);
  • sufficient amount of liquid;
  • multivitamins designed specifically for nursing mothers and prescribed by a doctor.

You should know! Despite the fact that everyone has long rejected the banana exotic fruit, that's exactly what he is. Therefore, some experts do not recommend including it in the diet of nursing mothers after a cesarean section.

These products will not harm the woman’s stomach and will not cause allergic reactions in the baby. However, the diet after cesarean section during lactation includes a number of restrictions. The first week after surgery is especially difficult in this regard. It is not recommended to include in the mother's diet:

  • natural honey;
  • garlic;
  • citrus fruits: pamelo, tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits;
  • exotic fruits: pineapple, avocado, figs, coconut, mango, passion fruit, papaya, feijoa, persimmon;
  • strawberries;
  • mayonnaise, mustard;
  • marinades;
  • carrots (due to their red color, they should be excluded from the diet after cesarean section);
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • seafood;
  • sausages, small sausages, frankfurters;
  • chocolate.

Even before the operation, if it is planned, the doctor must tell the woman and her family what can be eaten after a cesarean section while breastfeeding, and what will have to be abandoned. At this stage, nutrition should be aimed not only at restoring the mother’s body after childbirth, but also at improving the quality of lactation. It will shorten the rehabilitation period, help the mother in labor quickly get into the usual rhythm of life without complications and troubles, and also preserve the health of the baby who is on birth. breastfeeding.

  1. New pregnancy after cesarean section.

Statistics show that today ten percent of newborns are born through caesarean section. Although this surgical intervention is not complicated, still, like any surgery, has a difficult recovery period.

And at this time, it is important for a woman to know many little things in order to recover faster and avoid making mistakes that will lead to disastrous consequences. Thanks to the analysis of women's thematic forums, we have identified the main questions about the recovery period after a caesarean section.

What can you eat after surgery?

Like any abdominal surgery, a cesarean section is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. The speed of recovery after anesthesia depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the type of medicine chosen, the correctness of the dose calculation by the anesthesiologist and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

On the first day after this operation, you can drink still water; you can acidify it a little with lemon juice. All nutrients for a woman are still supplied to blood vessels using droppers.

The patient is transferred from the ward intensive care postpartum on the second day after cesarean section. What can you eat? As after another abdominal operation, broths, unsweetened fruit drinks, tea, ground boiled meat, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without fruit fillers, and pureed vegetable purees are allowed. Dense food is not recommended, as it is still necessary to spare the digestive organs.

After three days and thereafter, the normal diet is gradually introduced, taking into account the diet for a breastfeeding mother. Pediatric doctors in the maternity hospital will tell you what you can eat after a caesarean section for quality lactation. Milk porridges, vegetable side dishes and broths are useful, fruit jelly, boiled meat and fish, steamed cutlets. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, flour, salty, sweet, carbonated drinks and other foods that are difficult for the body in postoperative period. It is allowed to completely resume the usual menu after the first independent bowel movement, which, as a rule, should be 3-5 days after the operation.

When can you move actively after a caesarean section?

How long after a cesarean section you can resume activity depends on individual characteristics your body. Listen to doctors' recommendations. And start moving only with their permission. Already on the second day after surgical birth, you will need to get out of bed on your own. Then slow walking is allowed. You can sit down only starting from the third day. In the first month after being discharged from the hospital, you should not lift anything heavier than your baby’s weight.

Starting sports after surgery

Again, it all depends on your body. But doctors usually recommend not starting regular exercise earlier than six weeks after surgery. Many women, puzzled by the restoration of their figure, are interested in when they can pump up their abs after a caesarean section. Loads on the abdominal muscles are recommended no earlier than a month later. Otherwise, you can cause deformations in the scar area and even a hernia on it.

Swimming in the pool, for example, after a caesarean section is allowed only after the discharge has stopped.

When is sex allowed after cesarean section?

There is no clear answer to this intimate question. Naturally, it is necessary that the discharge from the woman in labor stops. And it is worth understanding that postoperative uterus represents an extensive wound surface and an early return to sexual activity can not only entail painful sensations, but also poses a risk of infection of the mucous membrane. Resume sexual relations it is necessary no earlier than a month after surgical delivery.

New pregnancy after cesarean section

As a standard, gynecologists, when asked when you can get pregnant after a caesarean section, recommend that between the operation and next pregnancy at least 18 months must pass. Therefore, even if you are breastfeeding your newborn and menstrual cycle has not yet resumed, do not forget about contraception. After all, pregnancy soon after surgery poses a danger to both the fetus and its mother. And an abortion in this case can also negatively affect the condition of the already weakened uterus and can lead to infertility in the future.

When can you give birth after surgery?

When can you give birth to your next baby after a cesarean section is a question that worries many women. As a result of the operation, a scar remains on the uterus, which can rip apart during a new pregnancy, which poses a huge threat to the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, between surgical birth and the next pregnancy, ideally at least 2-3 years should pass so that the scar tissue has time to fully form.

But too long a gap between pregnancies is not advisable, because it will cause a powerful argument in favor of repeated surgical delivery. It is important that the pregnancy after a previous cesarean section is planned and proceeds under the careful supervision of a doctor. First you need to assess the condition of the scar, for which methods such as hysteroscopy and hysterography are used.

Is natural childbirth possible after cesarean?

First of all, it depends on the reason for which the caesarean section was performed. And if it has not yet been eliminated (for example, problems with the mother’s vision), then only surgical delivery is possible in the future. Is it possible to give birth after a cesarean section in other cases? If during a previous pregnancy the child simply lay incorrectly in the womb, which is why it was necessary to undergo surgery, then subsequent vaginal births are possible. But this takes into account the condition and type of scar (longitudinal or transverse), as well as the course of the new pregnancy. With a longitudinal suture, a woman gives birth naturally usually excluded.

With a transverse scar after a cesarean section, you can give birth yourself if there are no more contraindications for this. But the final verdict on the possibility of vaginal birth after previous surgical procedures is made after 35 weeks of pregnancy. This takes into account factors such as the size of the fetus, its presentation and position in the womb, the location of the placenta relative to the internal uterine os and suture, as well as the consistency of the scar itself. Only then will the woman be told whether she can give birth herself after a caesarean section.

Regarding how long you can give birth after a cesarean section, there is also no single answer. All this is individual and depends on the woman’s health condition. Since pregnancy with a scar on the uterus poses a danger to both the mother and the fetus, and each new operation more difficult than the previous one, surgeons advise permissible quantity no more than three caesarean sections.

It is known that after childbirth, the diet of a new mother is somewhat different from her usual one. A woman looks closely at each product and evaluates not only it taste qualities, but also usefulness for her and the baby, as well as the safety of eating such food for the baby while breastfeeding. And if the birth was operative, does this affect the woman’s menu? What can you eat after a caesarean section in the first hours and week? Is the food selection different in the future? Doctors after childbirth in such women especially close attention pay attention not only to the speed of uterine contraction, but also to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The healing process depends on this.

Healthy products for mother and child after surgery

During the first 24 hours after surgery, the woman is often in intensive care unit, the length of such stay depends on the complexity of the operation and general condition postpartum women. During this time, you are allowed to drink only still water. Gradually, easy-to-digest foods are introduced into the diet: broths, unsweetened yogurts without additives. And only after a few days you can start eating everything, but steamed or boiled.

Nutrition after a caesarean section is very important for a nursing mother. important role. The healing process depends on how quickly intestinal motility resumes. In the most severe cases of intestinal paresis, all toxins accumulated in it are absorbed into the blood, which causes general serious condition and requires immediate serious treatment.

Food after cesarean section should be as light as possible, but containing large number vitamins, minerals, microelements and other substances beneficial for mother and baby. In the first few weeks, low-fat broth should be a source of protein, as well as a restorative drink. The decoction may include:

  • a variety of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, zucchini, and later cabbage, beets and others),
  • chicken,
  • beef,
  • other low-fat varieties meat.

It is advisable to exclude fish during the first three months. This drink can be drunk several times a day, 150 - 200 ml. This is an excellent product for restoring strength after childbirth, for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also for lactation.

The diet after a cesarean section for a new mother should be rich in fruits and vegetables. You can introduce them into the diet after surgery no earlier than 5-7 days later. But here you should be careful and not choose products with bright colors, and consume them only after heat treatment– boiling, stewing, steaming, baking. Of course, some of the vitamins and useful substances will go away, but for the first time after the operation you will have to get used to such gentle food. These could be:

  • green apples,
  • bananas,
  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • celery,
  • carrot.

Invaluable benefits for the body of mother and baby lie in fermented milk products - yoghurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. All of them restore the intestinal microflora and are a source of protein, and this is the basis of immunity and tissue building. Milk should be treated with more caution and introduced little by little, as children have an allergic reaction to it.

Don’t forget about porridges, especially healthy and rich in vitamins and microelements: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, and pearl barley. They should also be included in the menu after a cesarean section.

Lean meats can be introduced after 5 - 7 days during a normal postoperative period. But, again, everything is just boiled and steamed. The fried delights can wait.

Eating right: menu for mom

It is useful to know what a woman in labor can eat after a caesarean section on a daily basis, especially for the first week. As a rule, during this time the woman is in the hospital, but caring relatives strive to bring something “dangerous”.

First day

In medicine, the first day after surgery is correctly called day zero. During this period, the postpartum woman cannot do anything other than still water. To add flavor, you can add a little squeezed lemon juice to it. But again, lemon is allergenic, so it’s better to refrain so as not to provoke a negative reaction from the baby. WITH therapeutic purpose, as well as to give strength and energy are always prescribed intravenous infusions solutions, including glucose.

Second day

If the postoperative period proceeds smoothly, there were no complications during cesarean section, on the first day (this is already the second day), you can use broths. They should be low-fat. You should drink 150 - 200 ml 2 - 3 times a day. You can also add unsweetened yoghurts without dyes.

Third day

As soon as a woman begins to feel rumbling in her stomach, gases leave, this is considered the first signal that the gastrointestinal tract has begun to work in full. Gradually, you can introduce lean boiled meat, steamed cutlets and meatballs, as well as cottage cheese and cheese, and various cereals. Vegetables and fruits should also be cooked, optimally baked apples, boiled carrots, etc. The diet after a cesarean section should expand gradually; the mother should monitor both her own condition and the baby’s reaction. A sign that a woman’s body is working smoothly and is recovering is the first stool on the 2nd - 3rd day, and then the absence of constipation, bloating, colic, etc.

After discharge

Upon arrival home, the mother should be careful about her diet, especially when breastfeeding. It is advisable to adhere to the recommendations for at least three months - this is the period of time the baby needs to complete adaptive reactions, including those from the gastrointestinal tract.

It is advisable to include in the diet:

  • fermented milk products;
  • meat, ideally lean;
  • liver, preferably chicken;
  • “calm” vegetables and fruits, for example, green apples.

Products that are best avoided:

  • everything to which the baby’s parents and their immediate relatives are allergic;
  • chocolate and cocoa-containing delicacies;
  • lemon and bright fruits;
  • fast foods;
  • smoked meats, pickled fruits and vegetables.
  • mushrooms;
  • fried and fatty foods.

Food should be consumed in small portions and often, so the body will have time to cope with its processing and digestion.

How to cook dishes correctly

There is an opinion that the process of cooking while breastfeeding, especially after a caesarean section, requires incredible effort and imagination. This is not entirely true, it’s just that food should be as gentle as possible on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. One who is used to healthy eating, will notice virtually no changes to its menu.


In the first few days, broth will be a real salvation and the healthiest food for women. How to cook it correctly?

You need to take 500 - 1000 ml of water and boil a piece of lean meat in it. It is recommended to drain the water several times after boiling in order to reduce fat content and limit the flow harmful substances and so on in a weakened body.

The third time you pour the liquid, you can add some vegetables (usually potatoes, carrots, onions), as well as a small amount of spices (dill, ground pepper, salt). After the vegetables and meat have been boiled, it is advisable to grind everything with a blender. Then you can eat it. Over time, the percentage of meat and vegetables can be increased.

Second courses

At this time, the stomach and intestines will be grateful to their owner if the food is soft, healthy, and at the same time satisfying. For example, steamed cutlets, meatballs, baked meat, as well as all this in boiled form. This food goes well with cereals and porridges different types. Fried and fatty foods will put a strain on the gastrointestinal tract, causing constipation, bloating, etc.

Features of nutrition for constipation

One of common problems women after childbirth - constipation. How to eat after a cesarean section to avoid this problem and all the conditions that it provokes, for example, the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids?

The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fiber (this fresh vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread), it is also useful to eat creamy and vegetable oil, prunes.

It is better to exclude all foods that harden the stool for the first time. These are rice, potatoes, flour and bakery products, especially fresh (with the exception of baked goods made from wholemeal flour and flaxseed flour). If it is not possible to correct the regime with diet, it is better to resort additionally to safe and effective drugs, for example, based on lactulose.

We recommend reading the article about constipation after cesarean section. From it you will learn about the signs of bowel dysfunction after surgery, the causes of the problem, medications and remedies traditional medicine for recovery normal operation intestines.

Proper nutrition after childbirth, especially after a cesarean section, is the key to quick recovery, good mood and minimal negative consequences for the body of mother and baby. Especially after surgical childbirth, a woman should listen to the advice of her attending physician on the first day and follow all his instructions. Only he can adequately assess the needs in a specific period of time. Having tried healthy diet, many women gradually accustom the whole family to it and forever remain adherents of this diet.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event. But childbirth doesn’t always go as planned. expectant mother And medical staff. In some cases, the child is removed through surgery. It's called a "caesarean section." In this case, the woman’s recovery period may be delayed. Huge value has proper nutrition and adherence to a rest and wakefulness regime.

What do you need to know?

A caesarean section is a surgical procedure that, if done incorrectly, can affect a woman’s health. After the birth of a child, a young mother can be under the supervision of medical personnel for some time, who monitor her diet. Great value also has self-control. After all, after surgery (caesarean section) it can be difficult to recover.

In the first few days after surgical intervention the doctor monitors not only the uterus, but also the woman’s intestines, bladder. After childbirth, any system may malfunction. Therefore, a young mother after a caesarean section should be in medical institution at least 7 days.


What can you eat after a caesarean section? The answer to this question is further complicated by the fact that the young mother’s lactation begins to improve. It is important to eat well so that your baby gets as much as possible. useful vitamins and microelements. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the food is gentle on the stomach and intestines of the woman in labor. In the first few days, it is advisable to avoid foods that contain large amounts of glucose. You should also avoid citrus fruits, chocolate, and red fruits. All these products are dangerous for allergies. Not only the young mother, but also the newborn child can suffer.

The key to lactation is drinking plenty of fluids. Nutrition after surgery may be unsaturated. But clean water, given that normal functioning kidneys, it is advisable to consume at least two liters. Thanks to this, it will be possible to establish lactation. In addition, drinking fluids helps improve metabolic processes in the body. This means that it will be possible to normalize the stool, surgical scar will heal faster.

Principles of nutrition

Going to the toilet is a huge problem for women who have had to undergo a caesarean section. The second and subsequent children are most often born in the same way, if the girl has already had to undergo a similar surgical intervention once. Therefore, nutritional principles to avoid problems in postpartum period, every expectant mother should know.

The main focus should be on portions. It is advisable to eat often. The size of one serving should not exceed 150-200 grams. Any product must be washed down a large number water. In the first days after surgery, vegetable soup should be a must in the diet. All components can be pureed in a blender. This way the body will spend less energy digesting food.

Nutrition after cesarean section should be quite varied and at the same time gentle. It is important that the woman is able to recover quickly, and the little one does not remain hungry. Below will be presented approximate menu for a woman in labor after a cesarean section for several days.

First day

Many women who have had to undergo surgery wonder what they can eat after a cesarean section. On the first day after the intervention, it is advisable to do without solid food. As soon as the young mother recovers from anesthesia, she can be offered still mineral water. The drink needs to be diluted a little lemon juice. This product promotes rapid recovery of strength after surgery, strengthens protective forces body, has an anti-inflammatory effect. But you shouldn't use orange juice. It can cause allergies in the baby.

A woman after a caesarean section receives many useful microelements and vitamins from IVs. Therefore, nutrition after surgery can be limited to drinking liquids only. In this way it will be possible to establish lactation. And the body will not spend energy on digesting food. As soon as the woman comes to her senses, the doctor tells her what she can eat after a cesarean section. If the intervention was carried out in the morning, the first meal is possible only in the evening. Vegetable soup, dried fruit compote, tea with lemon will be beneficial.

Second day

If the surgical intervention went without complications, the next day the mother’s menu is expanded. You can already include more in your diet high-calorie foods. At the same time, we must not forget that the products should still be gentle on the stomach and intestines. Beef or chicken broth will be beneficial. It is advisable to use lean meat. It is not advisable to cook soup with pork. You can add some vegetables.

Boiled meat can be consumed without broth. To avoid problems with stool, preference should be given to products that have been rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder until pureed. What else are women who have had a caesarean section allowed to eat? You can start the second day by consuming fermented milk products. Preference should be given to low-fat cottage cheese, homemade yogurt without flavorings or dyes.

Third day

Every day the young mother's menu becomes more varied. The diet after cesarean section is enriched with new products, such as porridge, kefir, cheese, biscuits. The diet should be rich in nutrients, microelements and vitamins. At the same time, preference should be given to products that do not irritate the intestines. Going to the toilet on the third day after surgery may still be problematic.

A woman can already begin to consume unground products. Gastrointestinal tract during this period it returns to its normal state. It is worth remembering that each organism is individual. While the woman in labor is in the hospital, certain foods should be introduced into the diet in consultation with the doctor.

If you suffer from constipation

After childbirth, many women face such a delicate problem as constipation. This is due to the restructuring of the young mother’s body. The greatest difficulties are experienced by women in labor who have had a caesarean section. To empty the bowels, you have to use an enema. Proper nutrition is of great importance. The main rule is to drink enough fluid!

Nutrition after cesarean section should be complete and varied. A young mother should avoid dry food. She is recommended to eat at least three times per day. You should definitely include porridge, vegetables and fruits in your diet, not causing allergies, soups. It is advisable to exclude foods that hold the stool together. This is rice porridge, white bread, baked goods, legumes. Will help cope with constipation after cesarean section herbal infusions on fennel. This plant also has a positive effect on lactation and protects the baby from bloating.

How to eat after being discharged from the hospital?

On the seventh day after surgery, most women already feel great, and the baby begins to gain weight. At this time, the woman in labor and the baby can go home. Strength is restored - the young mother returns to life with her usual routine. But some rules will still have to be followed for several months. And they relate primarily to diet.

What can you eat after a caesarean section at home? The diet may contain meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Nutrition a week after giving birth becomes quite varied. You should only avoid foods that can cause allergic reaction. These are citrus fruits, chocolate, fruits with bright colors. Any new foods should be included gradually in a young mother’s diet. This is important from the point of view of not only the restoration of the female body, but also the reaction of the baby. A woman’s nutrition affects the quality breast milk. If the baby’s body is covered with a rash, it means that the mother ate a “forbidden” product.

Physical activity and proper nutrition are the key to success!

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, a young mother should expand her diet. This is necessary primarily for quick recovery. In addition, she must take care of the health of the newborn baby, who is fed breast milk. But good nutrition- this is a threat to a figure that has already become blurry during pregnancy! What should I do? Moderate physical activity will come to the rescue. Special exercises It should not be done immediately after discharge from the hospital. Gymnastics can be started no earlier than a month after giving birth.

Daily walks with the baby on the fresh air. Exceptions should be made only during cold and windy weather. Remember that proper nutrition after childbirth, active image life and joy for each new achievement of the baby - all this will have a positive effect on the figure of the young mother! The doctor's recommendations should not be ignored.


C-section - abdominal surgery performed under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. It can be accompanied by large blood loss, violates the integrity of the peritoneum, often provokes the formation of adhesions in it, and endomyometritis or uterine subinvolution are diagnosed among the consequences.

In order for a young mother to return to her usual, healthy, unrestricted lifestyle after surgery as soon as possible, she must initially follow a number of rules. Only in this case is it possible to fully restore the woman’s body, figure, and moral state after a caesarean section.

At first (about a week or a little more), recovery after surgery occurs under the supervision of doctors. The woman in labor spends the first day in the intensive care ward. To help her body adapt, the following activities are carried out:

  1. blood loss is corrected;
  2. appointed antibacterial therapy to avoid infectious complications after surgery;
  3. intestinal function is stimulated to restore its function;
  4. nutrient solutions are administered through a dropper;
  5. are being processed antiseptic solution seams;
  6. Bandages are changed regularly.

If all is well, on the second day the young mother is transferred to the general postpartum ward. There it is bed rest It’s already ending: she has to get up, walk on her own, and feed the baby. In a word, lead an active lifestyle. If a caesarean section did not cause any complications, recovery after 7-10 days takes place at home. It is during this time period that the woman in labor and her child are discharged. And here you will have to decide for yourself what you can do and what you cannot do.

Don't be afraid! Modern antibiotics to restore the body, used after cesarean section, are completely compatible with breastfeeding, so your baby will not suffer from taking them. But this applies only to light drugs aimed at natural, pathological-free recovery of the body after childbirth.


Before discharge, the doctor advises the young mother on how to recover from a cesarean section, following certain rules. If a woman takes them into account, her body will quickly return to normal, her figure will return to its former proportions, depression and fears will remain a thing of the past. However, all this will require some effort from her. In particular, during this period there will be a large number of restrictions regarding nutrition, lifestyle and even sex.

It is forbidden:

  • eat solid food in the first 3 days: on the 1st day you can have lemon water, on the 2nd - chicken broth, on the 3rd - boiled meat, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without fillers, fruit drink without sugar;
  • sit down for 3 days;
  • take a shower, bath (i.e. wet the seam) for 7 days;
  • rub the seam with a washcloth for 2 weeks;
  • lift more than 3 kg for 2 months;
  • work on your abs earlier than 1 month after giving birth;
  • have sex until they stop;
  • give birth within the next 2-3 years;
  • abuse wearing a bandage.

Compliance with these rules will allow the young mother to recover faster after a cesarean section, both physically and mentally. If any specific problems arise (sutures fester, lochia does not stop for too long, the lower abdomen sag very much, etc.), you also need to be able to solve them competently. The main thing here is not to harm your own body and make sure that the measures taken do not affect the child in any way.

And more! During the recovery period after a cesarean section, a young mother is strictly forbidden to be nervous, worry and not sleep at night. Rest, peace and good mood- this is what she needs most during this period.

Normalization of the menstrual cycle

The problem is relevant because physical activity, like exercise, sports, fitness, dancing, is simply prohibited in the first 1-1.5 months. And while mothers who gave birth naturally are already doing their best to normalize the contours of their bodies, those who have had a cesarean birth only sigh, looking at the saggy “apron” (the so-called postpartum fold). And it’s completely in vain. After all, abdominal restoration after a caesarean section is available to them from the first days of the baby’s birth.

Proper nutrition

  1. Eat foods rich in iron (boiled lean meat, leafy green vegetables, legumes) and calcium (cheese and yogurt).
  2. Take vitamin supplements for nursing mothers from Complivit, Elevit, Vitrum, Alphabet, etc.
  3. Eat often, but in small portions.
  4. During the recovery period after a cesarean section, it is recommended to drink more juices, fruit drinks, milk, and pure mineral water.
  5. Eliminate caffeine, fast food, everything fried, marinated, fatty, smoked, salted.

Physical activity

  1. Walk more.
  2. Sit on a fitness ball.
  3. Maintain your posture.
  4. Suck your stomach in.
  5. Walk outdoors every day.
  6. Fulfill simple work housework.

Sports activities

  1. From the first day to 5-6 weeks after cesarean section you need to perform breathing exercises, thanks to which the body’s recovery will take place much faster.
  2. As for the tummy tuck itself, they can be done only 1.5-2 months after the operation. And then only if everything went without complications and the doctor gave his permission.
  3. There are lungs, thanks to which restoration of the abdominal muscles after cesarean is possible already in the first week after the operation. However, they must be performed extremely carefully, smoothly, without making sudden movements.
  4. After the stitches have completely healed, you can sign up for the pool, gym, to the fitness club, depending on your preferences. All these sports will allow you to quickly restore your former shape after childbirth.


  1. Starting from the 3rd week, figure restoration may include the use of various tightening, anti-cellulite cosmetics.
  2. Make kelp wraps for the abdomen and sides at home, cabbage leaves, honey.
  3. Scrubs from sea and table salt or used coffee grounds will also help remove loose folds after childbirth.
  4. Store-bought masks and creams with the same effect (tightening) must be used extremely carefully so that their use does not cause suppuration of the sutures.

If a young mother sets out to regain her former slimness and become beautiful and attractive again without any folds or sagging on her stomach, restoring her shape is possible if all of the above measures are followed in combination. It's not that simple, but it can be solved. As a last resort, if you don’t have enough time (most of which is spent on the child) or energy (they are still spent at the same address), you can always turn to plastic surgery. She will definitely give you back your flat, tucked-in tummy and slim waist even after several caesareans.

Keep in mind. If you are not sure that you are already allowed to exercise, it is better not to start doing exercises. Restoring your figure is much easier than regaining your health.

If you are aiming for a quick recovery after a cesarean section, so that nothing limits your communication with your child, follow the above recommendations and take note of a few more useful tips.

  1. If you decide to wear it after a caesarean section to restore your figure, you don’t need to abuse it. It must be removed at night. And during the day, give your body a break from this structure every three hours. This will force the abdominal and uterine muscles to repair themselves, which is much healthier for them.
  2. For two years after cesarean section, you need to regularly visit the gynecologist and inform him of any abnormalities in your body.
  3. To restore stomach function after cesarean section, you should not treat constipation with enemas. It's better to apply glycerin suppositories and drink kefir.
  4. For pain relief, apply regular ice to the lower abdomen in the first days after cesarean.
  5. While still in the hospital, ask your doctor in advance what painkillers you can take after a cesarean section, and stock up on them. Believe me: they will come in handy for you.
  6. As a rule, recovery after a second cesarean section is slightly delayed, but not significantly. The uterus contracts more painfully, lochia can last for quite a long time, and the menstrual cycle does not return to normal immediately. And yet, if you follow all the recommendations, everything will go through with the least losses and complications.

If you are about to give birth to a baby via caesarean section, you do not need to worry about the recovery of your body and figure after it. With proper actions and execution certain rules complications mentioned above can be avoided, and the timing rehabilitation period reduce to a minimum.

A caesarean section is an obstetric operation performed when a woman is unable to give birth naturally. Women in labor need a little more time to recover after a cesarean section. In order for a woman to gain strength faster, she needs to follow some recommendations.

Postoperative period

If the operation went without complications and the child is healthy, after 2 hours the woman and baby are transferred to a shared ward. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of vital organs. To do this, medical personnel measure the mother's pulse, blood pressure, temperature, assesses the tone of the uterus, the nature of the discharge. The doctor also evaluates the state of urinary function and, if it is impossible for the woman to urinate, a urinary catheter is installed.

The first days after cesarean section require active drug treatment. The operation is inevitably associated with blood loss. To restore circulating blood volume and increase rheological properties The woman in labor is given rheopolyglucin, solutions of sodium chloride and glucose. In case of massive blood loss, blood components are administered.

After surgery, the woman may be prescribed painkillers, which are administered over one to three days. When carrying out any surgical intervention on organs abdominal cavity there is a risk of developing intestinal paresis. To prevent this from happening to a woman, she is prescribed prozerin. To prevent infectious complications, it is prescribed (in some cases, an antibiotic is administered intramuscularly or intravenously before surgery).

A woman stays in the hospital for 4–5 days or more if complications develop.

Nutrition for a woman in labor

On the first day after childbirth, a woman in labor should not eat anything, she can only drink still water. But don’t worry, the woman won’t go hungry. All necessary nutrients will be replenished with IVs.

On the second or fourth day, the woman in labor needs to follow a gentle diet, because her intestines are still not able to work fully. You can eat boiled, pureed food. It is allowed to add to the diet non-rich meat broth, steamed cutlets, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, mashed potatoes. Products that increase gas formation (legumes, flour products, grapes, etc.). If a woman is worried, she needs to stroke her stomach clockwise for a minute.

Already on the fifth day, the menu is gradually expanded. But this does not mean that you can eat absolutely everything. Now a woman needs to constantly remember that everything she eats can affect the baby’s condition. Therefore, during breastfeeding you should not use certain products that can harm the baby.

We recommend reading:

The importance of movement after surgery

The first day after a cesarean section, a woman will feel weak and experience pain in the abdomen, which is why the woman in labor will not want to move again. In addition, with active movements, divergence of the seams may occur. However, already 6 hours after the operation, doctors advise starting to roll over from side to side, slightly pulling your legs towards your stomach, and performing simple physical exercises right in bed (rotating your feet, hands, bending and straightening your legs in knee joint etc.), and then get up (strictly under the supervision of medical staff).

Important: you can sit down and stand up only after the woman puts on a special postpartum bandage(in many maternity hospitals, women in labor are first wrapped tightly with a folded sheet).

You need to get out of bed carefully, without straining your abdominal muscles. You need to slightly pull your knees towards you, turn over on your side, and then, leaning on your hands, take sitting position. By the end of the first day, the woman can already get out of bed and walk a little.

Many mothers are worried overweight and they wonder when they can start exercising. IN postpartum period only simple tasks are allowed physical exercise. You can start more active loads after a month and a half. This could be fitness, yoga, bodyflex. It’s worth holding off on doing ab exercises for six months.

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the woman in labor will be warned that in the near future she should not lift weights exceeding three to four kilograms, that is, no more than the weight of the child.

Healing of sutures after caesarean section

During the mother's stay in the maternity hospital, the nurse regularly treats the suture with antiseptics (diamond green, potassium permanganate solution) and changes the bandage. The sutures are removed approximately on the seventh to tenth day. Skin healing usually occurs quickly. The seam is initially very noticeable, red or purple. As time passes it will become less and less noticeable. To speed up the resorption of the scar, you can take special ointments, for example, Contractubex.

You should not shower completely until the stitches are removed. But you can wash your body parts separately. It will be possible to take a full shower only after the stitches are removed, but, of course, you should not actively rub the scar. But visiting the sauna and bathing should be postponed for two months until the suture on the uterus is completely healed.

Intimate life

The uterus after a cesarean section is a large wound surface. Therefore, until it heals, and this happens within one and a half to two months, you should refrain from sexual intercourse.

The uterine suture heals completely within two to three years. If a woman plans to become pregnant in the future, she should become pregnant no earlier than after the specified period. This is why you need to use . And, of course, you should not hope that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation - this is a myth.

The restoration of menstruation depends on whether the mother is breastfeeding. So, if a woman does not breastfeed, the menstrual cycle resumes after two months, if she does, after six months or more.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

Recovery after childbirth is different for everyone: some already lead their usual lifestyle at home on the third day, while others spend months in uncomfortable restrictions. A woman’s age, her initial level of health, endurance and many other factors influence the time of rehabilitation and full adaptation to new conditions. It is important natural childbirth had or had had a caesarean section. Lifting weights after childbirth is both possible and not. It depends various factors health and planned weight.

Read in this article

Reasons for not lifting weights

Each situation should be considered separately, and only a doctor can ultimately reliably indicate any restrictions in the postpartum period. Undoubtedly, there are cases where the prohibition on lifting weights will be unequivocal.

After performing a caesarean section

Naturally, the operation requires subsequent long-term recovery period. Especially if a caesarean section also involves, for example, bleeding or removal of the uterus. Special attention should be given to a woman in the first six to eight weeks. It is this period that is necessary for more or less sufficient rehabilitation after such a birth. The main complications that can occur if you neglect weight lifting after a cesarean section:

  • Due to tissue overstrain and increased intra-abdominal pressure, bleeding may develop in the different places wounds. This is especially true in the first hours, days, weeks after a cesarean section.
  • This may occur, as a result of which the healing process is significantly prolonged.
  • When performing a cesarean section using the lower median approach (along the white line of the abdomen down from the navel), there is a high risk of developing postoperative complications.

Of course, at first the woman herself will not lift weights, as she feels pain in the lower abdomen even with minor loads.

After suturing the genitals

Usually, after childbirth and examination of the genital tract, the doctor immediately warns the woman about the necessary restrictions to prevent the development of complications. Such situations usually occur under the following conditions:

  • at the birth of a large baby and, which often accompanies this, with ruptures of the birth canal;
  • in case of rapid labor;
  • when performing a dissection of the perineum according to indications or its sudden rupture.

In most cases, absorbable sutures are used. But failure to comply with basic hygiene rules and overstrain of the gluteal muscles, including when lifting weights, can lead to discrepancies.

Insolvency postoperative wound in the future it can lead to prolapse of the vaginal walls and prolapse of the genital organs.

After a complicated birth

Complications often arise during childbirth, resulting in doctors having to take additional measures to save the woman’s life. This is execution manual separation and discharge of the placenta (with dense growth), if necessary, curettage of the uterine cavity, etc. In these situations the likelihood various complications in the early and late postpartum period, as well as after 10 - 15 years, increases.

Often during childbirth with a child weighing more than 4 kg, pelvic ligaments and muscle tendons are torn. At first, this may not manifest itself in any way, but in the future, if the recommendations are ignored, this also leads to prolapse of the genital organs.

In multiparous women

Women who already have 3 or more children do not always have time to recover correctly after childbirth. Also, with age, the elasticity of tissues becomes less, so it is advisable to observe restrictions on loads to prevent complications in the future.

Now it becomes clear why you should not lift weights after childbirth. After all, failure to comply with the prescribed regime can sometimes result in serious consequences.

Acceptable weight for a woman after childbirth

In the first six to eight weeks after childbirth, following a regimen to limit exercise is mandatory for everyone. According to indications, the time can be extended even to several months and sometimes years.

If the birth occurred without complications, then it is allowed to lift no more than 5 - 7 kg in the first week, and up to 10 kg per month. In the future - according to general rules, as for all women.

After a cesarean section, it is best not to lift anything heavier than 5 kg for 6 to 8 weeks. In this case, it is useful to use a special postoperative to prevent the formation of hernias and reduce pain.

In some cases (with grade 3-4 perineal rupture, after a complicated cesarean section), you will have to limit yourself for up to 4-5 months. This must be done even if you feel generally good.

To summarize, we can say that at first it is better not to lift anything heavier than the weight of your own baby. And one of the other family members can pamper the older child or clean the house.

You can reduce recovery time by using various exercises for muscle training pelvic floor. They acquire particular relevance during this period, since after childbirth the muscles are overstretched and tense. Incorrect and uneven load can lead to micro-tears and subsequently to pathology.

When is it time to go back to normal life?

When can you lift weights after childbirth without fear for your own health? Only a specialist can establish a safe time interval after clarifying all the nuances of childbirth. On average, it is believed that in every possible way limit yourself from unnecessary physical activity follows within 6 - 8 weeks. This time is, for the most part, enough to restore strength and tone of all systems, organs, ligaments and muscles.

Exercises for speedy recovery

There are various complexes for restoring the pelvic floor muscles. They are useful for women not only after childbirth, but also preventively for all groups, especially with age.

Such exercises help restore tone to the muscles of the perineum, which helps prevent future complications such as prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs, venous stagnation, decreased libido, etc.

Checking the tone of the perineal muscles is easy and independently. To do this, you need to try to control the stream when urinating. If you can easily either delay or continue the process again, no complications are expected in the near future. Kegel exercise sets are based on training these particular muscle groups. You can perform them both at home and at work, and even in public places.

Option 1. To do this, you need to squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina and perineum alternately. First, holding for 10 seconds, and then quickly, 1 second at a time, relaxing and contracting.

Option 2 “Elevator”. You must first squeeze the muscles of the perineum a little, and then contract it strongly. In this case, you can compare the sensations to the rise of an elevator. Afterwards you should relax a little again (lowering down), and then completely.

Sometimes special vaginal weight balls are used to add variety to these exercises. They allow you to increase the impact on the muscles.

Step therapy

These exercises have some semblance of what Kegel once came up with. For them, special cones with different weights are used. Narrow part they are inserted into the vagina. The woman’s task is to prevent the cone from falling out for some time. Gradually you should move to larger masses.

Vaginal balls can also be used for this purpose. There are a large number of their modifications.

If things weren’t going well, what should you be wary of?

To maintain health and prevent various complications, it is better to protect a woman after childbirth from serious physical exertion. But sometimes life circumstances write their own rules, and then you don’t have to choose. Perhaps single loads will not have any effect or the body will be much stronger and more resilient than expected.

But if there were some hardships, what should you be wary of? When identifying the following signs should apply for medical care and undergo an emergency examination by a doctor. These include:

  • The appearance of pain in the area postoperative suture. You should be especially wary of various types of protrusions that appear during physical activity.
  • The appearance of abdominal pain that does not go away within several hours and even after taking analgesic drugs.
  • The occurrence of discharge from the genital tract, which has not previously been noted. For example, bloody or dark brown.
  • The appearance of pain when sitting, in the perineum or in the vagina.
  • If there are problems with urination (both incontinence and infrequent ones) and bowel movements (constipation or inability to control the release of gas and the passage of stool).
  • Discomfort and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Watch the video about raising a baby after childbirth:

Answer the question whether it is possible to lift weights after childbirth, in each specific situation Only a specialist can do this after examining and identifying all the complications that have arisen. In any case, the first six to eight weeks should limit the woman from excessive overexertion, provide her good rest. This is the only way to recover from childbirth without consequences and not acquire any kind of consequences in the future.

Immediately after the operation, you will be transferred to a special unit where you will be cared for by experienced nurses. If the operation will take place without any special features and you will feel good, then after a few hours your child will be brought to you. You can try to breastfeed him: breastfeeding in the first hours after birth is useful if you plan to establish breastfeeding. Many new mothers find that feeding while lying on their side is most comfortable after a cesarean section. Ask the staff to help you with this and don't be shy about asking for advice.

Bleeding from the vagina may be quite strong, so you will need special gaskets for young mothers. More or less pronounced spotting can be observed in the first few weeks after childbirth - it does not matter whether they were natural or by caesarean section.

Experts recommend get out of bed already on the first day after surgery. At first, it will be enough to walk slowly to the toilet and back. Walking speeds up the recovery process after surgery, and also prevents the formation of blood clots and stimulates bowel function.

The day after surgery, doctors usually allow take a shower. You don't have to touch the seams, but it's okay if they get wet. After a shower, the seams can be blotted with a soft towel or even dried with a hair dryer in cold air mode. You will be able to take a bath no earlier than 7-10 days after the operation, when the wound has healed.

Pain after surgery A caesarean section can be quite severe, and in order for the new mother to be able to devote herself to her newborn, she must take painkillers. Be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor, taking into account the fact that not all medications are compatible with breastfeeding.

Seams applied to the skin may need to be removed the day before leaving the hospital. If you have had self-absorbing sutures, there is no need to remove them.

Many mothers are interested in what day after cesarean discharged from hospital. The answer to this question depends on the reasons why the cesarean section was performed, as well as on how the operation went, and how the young mother and newborn feel. After a planned cesarean section, which took place without any peculiarities or complications, the patient is usually discharged on the 6-7th day (in some countries on the 3-4th day).

What happens after discharge from the hospital: answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to carry a baby in your arms after a caesarean section?

You can carry your baby in your arms for as long as needed. Fortunately, newborns weigh no more than 3-4 kg, and such a load is safe for a young mother who has undergone surgery. At the same time, for at least 2 weeks after surgery, refrain from carrying anything that weighs more than your baby.

Is it possible to breastfeed after a caesarean section?

Yes, cesarean section is not a contraindication or obstacle to breastfeeding. There is nothing healthier for your baby than breast milk, so don't deny it to him.

Do I need to wear a bandage after a caesarean section?

Although some gynecologists recommend purchasing a bandage and wearing it in the first weeks after a cesarean section, this is not necessary. It is believed that the bandage helps to recover faster after surgery and reduce the size of the abdomen, however, not all women are comfortable wearing a bandage for a long time.

How long will the discharge last after a caesarean section?

Lochia (discharge after childbirth) can last up to 6 weeks. Heavy discharge Normally, they last no more than 2 weeks, and then bleeding after cesarean section gradually decreases. Use lochia all the time, but under no circumstances.

How long does the stitch hurt after a caesarean section?

As a rule, the most severe pain the woman experiences pain in the suture area in the first 2-3 days after surgery, and then the pain gradually subsides. Minor pain when touched in the suture area, they usually persist for 4-6 weeks. For several months (up to six months), the skin in the area postoperative scar may be numb.

How to care for a suture after a caesarean section?

In the first days after discharge, the bandage in the suture area should be changed once a day or more often if the bandage becomes wet or dirty. Your doctor will explain in detail how to apply dressings at home.

Is it possible to take a bath after a caesarean section?

Avoid bathing until the stitch heals. Usually this takes 7-10 days. These days you can take a shower without fear of getting the skin in the area of ​​the seam wet.

When can you exercise after a caesarean section?

You can return to your normal activities no earlier than 6 weeks after surgery. Before moving on to more intense exercise, consult your doctor.

Swimming is one of the best methods rapid recovery after cesarean section. You can sign up for the pool when the lochia runs out and the scar on the skin heals.

When can you have sex after a caesarean section?

Can a woman get pregnant after a caesarean section?

Pregnancy can occur in the first months after a cesarean section, even if the woman is breastfeeding, so be sure to take care of it.

Is it possible to put intrauterine device after a caesarean section?

The intrauterine device is great method contraception in the postpartum period, which is not contraindicated during breastfeeding. It can be installed no earlier than 6 weeks after birth, when the uterus shrinks to its original size.

Consequences of caesarean section

In the vast majority of cases, a caesarean section is successful and does not cause serious consequences. However, we should not forget that a caesarean section is a surgical operation, and, like any other operation, may be associated with certain risks: infectious complications, bleeding, blood clots, damage internal organs, the need for an intensive care unit stay and longer hospital stays.

Typically, a birth by Caesarean section has no consequences for the baby. However, there is a small risk of injury during removal of the baby from the womb, which V in rare cases leads to development movement disorders(cerebral palsy).

Pregnancy and childbirth after caesarean section

Many young mothers who have had a caesarean section wonder how long it will take for them to try to conceive again. Most gynecologists are of the opinion that the optimal interval between pregnancies is from 18 to 23 months, but it’s best to wait at least 2 years. This time is necessary for a young mother to properly recover from pregnancy and subsequent major surgery, as well as for the scar on the uterus to finally form.

What to do if pregnancy occurs earlier than 2 years after cesarean section?

Early pregnancy after cesarean does carry an increased risk of complications such as uterine rupture, premature birth and having a low birth weight baby. However, there are many known cases of successful outcome early pregnancy after caesarean section. It is obvious that for good result You should work closely with your doctor and listen carefully to his advice.