Fruits you can eat at night. What local and exotic fruits can you eat (including in the evening) while losing weight?

Recently, English researchers came to a paradoxical conclusion: fruits do not really help you lose weight, but on the contrary - the more you eat them, the more you risk gaining extra pounds. Scientists at King's College London were puzzled by this question. They found that when consumed large quantity Eating fruits upsets the satiety mechanism, and the feeling of hunger is practically not dulled. These fruits contain a lot of fructose and glucose, which help increase insulin in the blood, and as a result, a person begins to eat even more. Naturally, when more calories enter the body, weight does not disappear, but only increases. In addition, triglycerides enter the body with fruits, which increase the risk of formation cardiovascular diseases. So, if you have problems with blood vessels or heart disease, then eat fresh vegetables instead of fruits.

Is it possible to eat fruit in the evening

Nutritionists do not advise over-consuming fruits in the afternoon. Especially for those who are on a diet and do not eat after 17-18 hours. Many people believe that in this case, they can satisfy the feeling of hunger that arises in the evening with some low-calorie fruit, for example, an apple. In fact, you can't do this. Apples and other unsweetened fruits are high in acids that irritate your stomach, and starchy, sweet fruits like bananas are high in calories. Instead of eating fruits in the evening, it is better to eat them in the first half of the day, for example, during second breakfast at 11-12 o'clock.

In general, both fresh fruits and fruit juices should not be underestimated. IN lately gastroenterologists and nutritionists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that it is freshly squeezed juices and fruit salads played a big role in the fact that a real obesity epidemic began in many countries. Therefore, those who want to be healthy and slim should not eat fruit in the evening. It is better to do this before 17-18 pm.

Surely many have noticed that it is not so easy to satisfy your hunger with fruits. The fact is that sweet and sour, and especially sour, fruits do not reduce, but rather whet, appetite, since the acids they contain stimulate the production of gastric juice. Therefore, people suffering from stomach ulcers are not recommended to eat fresh apples at all. It is not at all surprising that after eating an apple, we want to eat something else more satisfying.

As for sweet fruits, they overload the pancreas, which is completely unacceptable in the evening.

In short, the less fruit you eat in the evening, the greater your chances of losing weight and maintaining it.

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All nutritionists in the world unanimously say that eating at night is harmful. Not everyone likes to give up a late-night snack, and many people can’t even do it. If the desire is too great, then there is no need to fight it, just choose the right products! You will get rid of the feeling of hunger, you will not suffer from insomnia without special harm for the figure.

What foods can you eat at night?

It's already time to go to bed, and you've developed a childish appetite? Before heading to the refrigerator, check to see if you are really hungry? Drink a glass of water, the feeling of hunger will dull a little. If this technique does not work, foods that you can eat at night will come in handy. Their list is not too long, but you will certainly find a tasty treat that will not cause serious harm to your figure and stomach.

The problem of eating at night is especially relevant for those whose work ends late, and there is simply no opportunity to have dinner earlier, for example, ten in the evening. In this case, try not to make dinner the main meal, keep it as light as possible. Choose dishes from next list to avoid digestive problems:

  • small portion vegetable soup(can be with chicken broth);
  • plate oatmeal with a spoon of honey;
  • beans stewed with vegetables;
  • light salad with fresh vegetables(for example, an apple, carrots, grated beets, seasoned with yogurt, not sour cream) with a minimum salt content;
  • omelet (eggs without yolks) with a large number dill and parsley;
  • a piece of baked, boiled chicken breast or fish with vegetables;
  • fresh vegetable salad with seafood.

Cottage cheese for the night

Safe and healthy cottage cheese is absorbed quickly. Your body will only need 1.5 hours to digest it. For those who are on a diet and want to lose weight, it is better to choose cottage cheese with a low fat content at night. Eating this product will be beneficial for athletes. The protein contained in cottage cheese will support muscles for several hours.

Nuts at night

If you are wondering what you can eat in the evening that will benefit your body and health, think about nuts. When choosing this evening snack Remember that it is important to be careful here. If you snack on a small amount of tasty nuts, your body will receive vitamins and energy. When nuts are consumed in large quantities at night, forget about your attempts to lose weight - this product is very high in calories. 10 almonds, peanuts, cashews or others - the optimal night snack. Walnut is not best food at night for the hungry due to difficulty in digestion.

Cabbage at night

White cabbage belongs to the category of “negative calorie” vegetables. This term means that the body will need more calories to digest this product than it will receive with cabbage. Under the influence of the substances contained in this vegetable, the process of losing weight is activated and muscle endurance increases. Cabbage at night is the choice of those who monitor the slimness of their body and want to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice late in the evening as a snack if you want to say goodbye to extra pounds and improve your sleep.

Carrots at night

Juicy carrots, eaten before bed, will not allow you to gain weight. While you're dreaming, this orange root vegetable is actively fighting excess fat. Feel free to eat carrots at night and don’t worry about your figure, you won’t gain weight. You can eat carrots fresh or drink them in juice form. Add some carrots to low-fat cottage cheese or wash it down with a glass of kefir. Duet with fermented milk products good for your body.

Is it possible to have kefir at night?

For most people, the first answer to the question of what is best to eat at night is kefir. Sour milk in the late evening helps improve sleep and normalizes intestinal function. Kefir will suppress the appetite at night for those who do not want to gain weight, but cannot refuse an evening snack.

For late dinner use the kefir soup recipe. Take a liter fermented milk product, 1-2 cucumbers, a bunch of dill and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Grind the products and pour kefir over them. A delicious and safe late dinner is ready! An alternative to kefir is curdled milk or low-fat yogurt: you get the traditional Greek dish tzatziki.

Cheese at night

For those who want to eat at night, a couple of pieces of low-fat cheese will not hurt. Complete absence carbohydrates makes it not the most dangerous food for the diet. Give preference to varieties with minimal fat content so that overnight cheese will not be reflected in your mirror. To reduce calories, combine this product with fresh vegetables: broccoli, cucumbers or celery

What fruits can you eat at night?

When following a diet, many believe that fruits contain no fat, but only healthy fiber, so they are in no hurry to give up their favorite fruits. Often this statement is true, but sometimes fruit at night is a food that will not be slow to show up in the form of excess weight on your body. You need to know exactly what you can eat at night, and which fruits are best to avoid. Even late in the evening, citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits), pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, pears, and apples will not hurt. These fruits are among the foods that can be eaten after 6 pm. You shouldn't eat bananas and grapes.

Apples for the night

If you have trouble falling asleep, an apple will help curb your hunger. It is better to choose a green fruit; it has less sugar than red or yellow ones. To make it easier for the body to digest an apple eaten before bed, nutritionists recommend peeling it. For some people, these fruits, on the contrary, whet their appetite. In this case, it is better to eat apples baked.

Is it possible to eat bananas at night?

High calorie content of bananas - direct contraindication to the use of these fruits for those who are losing weight. Chemical composition banana causes vigor and relieves fatigue, so this fruit is not best solution for a late night snack. If your weight is normal, then you can easily afford to eat bananas at night, only in small quantities and not too late. From delicious and healthy fruit you can make a cocktail. Mix a glass of milk, half a banana and 50 ml in a blender carrot juice and some honey. It is better to drink the drink no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Orange for the night

Another answer to the question of what you can eat before bed is oranges. Low calorie content and significant content of healthy fiber make citrus fruit an excellent treat for a nighttime treat. Be careful, oranges at night can cause even more appetite. You have half an hour to fall asleep, otherwise hunger will soon appear again. If you notice this feature in yourself, then it is better to choose other products for a late dinner.

What not to eat at night

The list of foods that you should avoid in the evening is much longer than the list of permitted foods. Once in the stomach shortly before bedtime, many foods lie there like stones until the morning, poisoning the body. When you wake up, you will feel lethargic, tired, your immune system will weaken, and extra pounds will certainly appear over time. Experts say that you should absolutely not eat the following categories of foods at night:

  1. Snacks: chips, popcorn, crackers. The amount of calories in these foods is off the charts, so you shouldn’t eat them even during the day.
  2. Fatty meat. Prolonged digestion of this food item puts it on the blacklist for everyone who cares about their health.
  3. Bread, buns, pasta. Flour products will be digested by your stomach quickly, but will immediately settle on your sides, buttocks and tummy. Beware listed products if you don't want to gain weight.
  4. Chocolate and other sweets. Excess calories will certainly make themselves felt overweight.
  5. Dried fruits. Dried apricots, raisins, dried dates- these are products with high content fructose, so they cannot be used for late-night snacking.
  6. Avocado. The fruit contains a lot of fat and calories; you should not eat it in the evening.

Video: what you can eat at night when losing weight

Fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, and they also have no fat at all. However, experts note that those who want to get rid of unnecessary pounds need to know which fruits can be eaten when losing weight and which ones cannot. After all, some of them contain a significant amount of carbohydrates and can, on the contrary, provoke the appearance of excess weight.

What fruits can you eat while losing weight?

First of all, you should pay attention to citrus fruits. They are low in calories but full of benefits. For example, 100 grams of oranges contain approximately 40 kcal, but at the same time they contain a huge amount of antioxidants, enzymes, phytoncides and other biologically active elements. They can improve metabolism, so they are recommended to be consumed after the main meal.

Another popular fruit for weight loss is the apple. These fruits quickly fill you up and eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time. They also perfectly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, and remove bad cholesterol. Experts advise doing fasting exercises at least once a week. apple days– I eat 1-1.5 kg of fruit during the day. It is also advisable to eat 1-2 small and not very sweet apples daily.

Many people have not yet tasted the exotic mango fruit. Meanwhile, it is also very valuable for those who want to get rid of excess weight. 100 grams of fruit contain about 65 calories, but one mango is enough to satisfy your hunger. And this fruit goes very well with yogurt and kefir, so they can be consumed together, which is even more beneficial.

Watermelon is considered the lowest in calories - only 27 kcal per 100 grams. But those who are losing weight should not get carried away with it. Firstly, at one time we always eat much more than one hundred grams of this product. And secondly, it can cause swelling in people prone to this. And this means new extra pounds and a slowdown in the weight loss process.

Fruits are not only for weight loss, but also for fat loss

Dietary fruits for weight loss, which promote more active breakdown of fats, should be included in a special category. These are grapefruits, pineapples and kiwis. Sweet and sour citrus with aromatic pulp contains only 35 kcal per 100 grams, its juice reduces appetite and helps improve lipid metabolism. But it has one drawback - it can cause severe allergies. Pineapple contains slightly more calories - 48 kcal per 100 grams. It is able to block the absorption of fats, due to the presence of a special substance -. Kiwi contains 60 calories per 100 grams. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, iron, magnesium and zinc, healthy fruit acids. It also contains carnitine, which has the ability to burn fat layers.

Rating of the healthiest fruits and vegetables for weight loss

When answering the question of which fruits are best to eat when losing weight, nutritionists clearly put grapefruit in first place. The rating of fruits useful for weight loss looks like this:

  1. 1st place - grapefruit.
  2. 2nd place – apple.
  3. 3rd place – pineapple.
  4. 4th place orange.
  5. 5th place - kiwi.
  6. 6th place – watermelon.

Experts definitely recommend supplementing the fruit component of your diet with vegetables. These must be so good for weight loss herbal products, like celery, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, peppers, Jerusalem artichoke.

Is it possible to eat fruit at night while losing weight?

A pressing question for many people who are losing weight is what fruits can be eaten in the evening when losing weight and whether it is possible at all. Nutritionists do not prohibit eating fruit at night, but I advise you to have your last snack at least an hour before bedtime. It is better to give preference to grapefruits or oranges. They definitely won’t harm your figure, and the feeling of hunger will quickly dull.

Have you decided to carefully monitor your diet to lose weight? “Puzzled” your body physical activity and are you waiting for the results? This is very good. But many who have decided to take their body seriously have doubts and a reasonable question: what fruits can you eat when losing weight? We will examine this topic in the article.

About calorie content and glycemic index

Fruits are healthy fiber and contain no fat.. This is how those who do not give up their favorite fruits while on a diet console themselves. Their point of view has a right to exist: in small quantities, natural sugars are not capable of harming weight loss. But you need to clearly understand what fruits you can eat in the morning or afternoon.

2 important reasons Do not exclude fruits from your diet even when losing weight:

  • They contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help remove free radicals, the harm of which is the oxidation of cells and the ability to cause various diseases.
  • They contain many micronutrients and vitamins. Without them, the body's functioning will malfunction. First of all it suffers immune system, hair falls out, vision deteriorates.

But when choosing fruits, you should focus on 2 important indicators– their calorie content and glycemic index. The calorie content of some fruits differs significantly. You can find impressive examples further in the article. Yes, you yourself may have noticed that after eating, for example, a banana, you feel full, but after an orange, on the contrary, you may want to eat something more substantial. If you want to lose weight, eat fruits whose calorie content does not exceed 25-40 kcal.

The glycemic index (in Internet sources you can find the abbreviation GI) is an indicator that is responsible for how quickly the sugar level in the body rises after eating certain foods, as well as how high this sugar “jumps.” The higher the fructose, the higher its glycemic index. It’s easy to conclude that you should temporarily give up sweet fruits.

The amount of fiber also varies. The leaders in healthy fiber are apples, raspberries, lingonberries, grapefruit, rose hips, and peaches. The benefits of fiber are in establishing microflora in your intestines, accelerating metabolism, and improving intestinal motility.

What fruits can you eat at night when losing weight?

Many people will immediately answer this question – citrus fruits. And they will be right. But besides oranges and grapefruits, there are other fruits that you can enjoy after 6-7 pm. When consuming the following foods, the energy required to digest them exceeds their calorie content.

  • Citrus fruits (32-37 kcal per 100 g of product). Oranges, tangerines, pomelo, grapefruits and even lemons contain minerals and vitamins that speed up metabolism. You may have noticed that after eating these fruits the feeling of hunger often worsens. By the way, this is a small “minus” of these delicacies. Most recommended and useful fruit for dieters is grapefruit. Its ability to tone the body, eliminating excess fat, has been repeatedly noted. It's all about enzymes that burn calories. It is interesting to know that if you eat half a grapefruit after any dish with a calorie content of up to 800 kcal, your figure will remain in shape.
  • Kiwi (50 kcal per 100 g of product). Kiwi was recommended to almost all of his patients by the French nutritionist Montignac. He claimed that by eating this fruit for breakfast before the main course, you can lose extra pounds even without grueling workouts. This is a hypoallergenic, rich in microelements and vitamin C product, 100 g of which contains no more than 60 kcal. The secret of the miracle properties of kiwi is in soluble plant fibers. They suppress the feeling of hunger, and at the same time remove “garbage” from the intestines. In addition, the pulp contains carnitine, known for its ability to reduce lipid deposits.
  • Mango (67 kcal per 100 g of product). Mango has been used for weight loss and waist reduction for centuries. By eating one fruit a day you can burn 1 – 1.5 kg in a week. In a month, your weight can decrease even by 5 kg. The advantages include laxative effect and lowering cholesterol in the blood, as well as containing a whole storehouse of useful microcomponents. The fruit makes amazingly tasty mousses and desserts with low-calorie yogurt.
  • Pineapple (48 kcal per 100 g of product). Everyone has heard that pineapple burns calories. But not everyone knows that there are so-called “girl” pineapples and “boy” pineapples. So, it is the “boy” fruits that will help you get rid of the excess, while the girls are rich in sugars and, on the contrary, will only harm your diet. But in general, the pulp contains bromelain, which provokes the production of gastric juice and the breakdown of proteins and fats. It is better to eat it after meals so that the food is absorbed faster without the formation of lipid deposits. And if you eat pineapple before meals, its juice will reduce the feeling of hunger and, accordingly, you will eat less.

What low-calorie fruits can you eat while losing weight during the day?

  • Nihonashi pear from Japan. This exotic fruit contains only 40 kcal, but you rarely see it on the shelves. It differs from an ordinary pear in its less pronounced aroma, but in sweeter pulp. Our domestic pears also belong to the class of neutral fruits that will not lead to weight gain.
  • Apples (56 kcal per 100 g of product). Organize apple fasting days to lose weight. They have a lot of fiber low level sugar and average calorie content. However, it is worth understanding that apple diets Not recommended for those who have stomach problems. In addition, you should not eat apples at night, as they can cause heartburn or bloating. A medium-sized apple contains on average 60-100 calories and has enough fiber to satisfy your hunger for a while.
  • Medlar. Another exotic fruit that you can afford on your diet is medlar, or loquat. Before use, remove the skin, as it has a specific taste. Calorie content is only 38 kcal. Externally it looks like a small peach.

Fruits that will destroy your diet results

Not all fruits are as healthy as those described above. There is a whole list of “pests” that can not only slow down the process of losing weight, but, on the contrary, lead to you gaining weight.

Know the pests by sight:

  • Grapes (70 kcal per 100 grams of product). It is impossible not to mention it on this list. It is rich in fructose and has a high glycemic index. Also causes fermentation in the stomach. So you should temporarily refrain from this sweet and high-calorie treat.
  • Bananas (91 kcal per 100 g of product). Another diet killer is banana. Its caloric content is beyond doubt, so it’s better to stay away from the shelves with these delicious tropical fruits. By the way, There is very little fiber in this fruit. Although, if your goal is not to lose weight, but to build muscle, then such a product may be quite appropriate on your table.
  • Avocado (208 kcal per 100 g of product). Avocado is a very fatty product, it’s not for nothing that they make excellent food from it. cosmetic oil. Rich polyunsaturated fats that break down cholesterol. But this product can be seen very rarely in the diet of those losing weight.
  • Watermelon (32 kcal per 100 g of product). Although watermelon consists mostly of water, this water is very sweet. In addition, the fruit has the highest glycemic index, despite the fact that the calorie content is relatively low. However, what task watermelon does very well is the removal of harmful waste and toxins. Therefore, a fasting watermelon day still makes sense for those who want to lose weight.
  • Persimmon “Korolek” (67 kcal per 100 g of product). Persimmon is not a dietary food, although it contains antioxidants and helps normalize intestinal activity.

There are several nuances that lovers of eating fruit should remember when on a diet. For example, although pineapple is healthy, it won’t do anything good for your figure in canned form, rather the opposite. This applies to all fruits from the jar.

Avoid dried fruits. For example, the calorie content of prunes is 231 kcal (per 100 g). Agree: you hardly need such a killer dose of calories. Another example: a banana is considered a filling product, since its calorie content is 90 kcal, but dry bananas calorie content is easy nightmare for dieters. Their calorie content is 250 kcal.

It’s not just what fruits you can eat, but also how you eat it that matters. Be sure to keep these tips in mind.

  1. If you try to eat moderately and count calories, We recommend replacing one meal with fruit. The easiest way for the body to cope is by refusing a full breakfast and replacing it with fruit mix. But you will have to get used to such a change in diet: you will feel slightly hungry.
  2. Forget about the coffee + fruit “duet” beloved by many girls. It is important to eat fruits on an empty stomach(if you decide to do this in the morning). The interval between a cup of coffee and fruit should not be less than two hours, otherwise you will put a lot of stress on your stomach, since the enzymes produced to digest these products are completely different.
  3. Eat only whole (and preferably fresh) fruits. Freshly squeezed juices from sweet or citrus fruits hit the pancreas hard, and unprocessed sugar is transformed into fat, which everyone hates. Do you need it?

Uncontrolled intake of foods is unacceptable when it comes to evening (night) meals. Therefore it becomes topical issue what you can and cannot eat before going to bed. Let's consider the current aspects.

Is it possible to eat at night

Before talking about permitted or prohibited foods, you should clarify whether it is even possible to eat at night? The answer is obvious - yes, but only certain products. It is strictly forbidden to consume carbohydrates. They speed up the production of insulin, sending a signal to the brain that it is necessary to burn glucose, not fat.

When it comes to the interval immediately before bed, the answer is no! You can't eat before bed! When the body stops being awake, burning calories and fat stops. During rest, samatropin, or growth hormone, is released, which is responsible for the set muscle mass. During this period, cortisol is not produced, and premature aging of the body begins.

Harm from eating at night

  1. At the first feeling of hunger in the evening, the body gives a signal that you need to eat. You should not give in to the first provocations. In this case, tissues save glucose and are forced to process fat layers.
  2. If you go to rest with a slight feeling of hunger, you will not only restore strength and energy, but also actively renew your tissues. cellular level. This process prevents premature aging body.
  3. During wakefulness, such a process is impossible due to stress and food intake. When eating food at night, you should understand that such a move does not bode well. It is also worth remembering that everything is individual.
  4. It is not advisable for children and people under 25 years of age to go to rest on an empty stomach, but it is also prohibited to overeat. How younger age a person, the later he is supposed to eat. Thus, the baby’s body develops according to its own schedule, as it needs.
  5. To people old age It is recommended to limit your last meal 5 hours before going to bed. For dinner, it is better to give preference to protein dishes with kefir and vegetables. Fats and carbohydrates are needed only at lunchtime.
  6. When the body needs food, melatonin is produced. The enzyme helps a person maintain sound sleep and feel refreshed when you wake up. If you eat it at night, melatonin stops being produced.
  7. Often a person experiences problems sleeping. Again, it's worth considering individual characteristics. Some individuals are contraindicated from going to bed with a feeling of hunger. This category includes people suffering from ulcers and gastritis.

What can you eat at night

If you cannot live without eating at night, you can eat a handful of almonds or walnut. Also allowed are half an apple or pear without peel, a small persimmon, a whole avocado, and a slice of melon. You can eat a cucumber, a handful of broccoli, lettuce without restrictions, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.

An omelet made with low-calorie milk made from egg whites with spinach or broccoli is suitable for taking at night. Don't fry eggs; the yolks are too high in calories. To add nutritional value and, accordingly, calories, eat half a banana, a boiled potato, a piece of beet, a third of a carrot.

Suitable for people with a healthy stomach boiled beans and that's all legumes, apples, baked with peel, boiled chicken breast, shrimps. Consume seasonal or frozen berries and low-fat kefir without any prohibitions.

What vegetables can you eat at night?

  1. Celery is a negative calorie vegetable. It occupies a leading position among products that can be taken at night. Celery promotes destruction more calories than those contained in it.
  2. Boiled carrots and beets are suitable for the evening meal. You can make a salad by taking half of each fruit. The dish is seasoned with vinegar or low-fat sour cream.
  3. White cabbage and broccoli are suitable for the meal. It is better to add the listed vegetables to a protein omelet not cooked in oil. You can chop 1/3 of a potato or a handful of boiled beans into the salad.

  1. Fruits are considered the main components of the human diet. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about food for the night or a weekday meal. Fruits of this type do not negatively affect body weight, so they are recommended to be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Apples occupy the main place. They quickly satisfy the raging feeling of hunger, but provoke increased production of gastric juice. Therefore, you can eat an apple an hour or two after dinner. In addition, the fruits are widely used in dietary nutrition because they speed up weight loss.
  3. Particular attention is paid to citrus fruits. They excite nervous system, so you shouldn’t eat them right before bed. Make sure that your nighttime meal occurs 2 hours before going to bed. Preference is given to grapefruits, pomelo, oranges, and tangerines.
  4. If you really want a snack, eat 1 kiwi or half a handful of grapes. 1/3-1/2 banana will also work. Figs do not belong to the category of fruit, they are inflorescences, but 2-3 pieces will not harm your figure.
  5. Also suitable for a night meal are nectarines, peaches, quinces, pears, plums and cherry plums. The main thing is to know moderation in everything. You shouldn’t fill a whole plate; limit yourself to a few pieces.
  6. All of these fruits will help you satisfy sudden hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness until the next meal. At the same time, in the morning you will not wake up with a heaviness in your stomach.

What dairy products can you eat at night?

  1. The leading position is given to low-fat kefir. When consumed before bedtime, intestinal motility is normalized. Dairy products have laxative properties, so you cleanse your body of toxins.
  2. Made from milk natural yogurt thick or liquid. Give preference to Bio Max, Danone, Activia. The main thing is that the percentage of fat content does not exceed 1%.
  3. There are special milkshakes with lactobacilli aimed at weight loss. Skimmed milk is also suitable for taking at night.
  4. To avoid harm to your health, warm the foods you consume to room temperature. Take small sips, if possible through a straw.

What not to eat at night

  1. Caffeinated products. Many people know the special effect of the substance on the body. Drinking coffee or an energy drink before bed will keep you from falling asleep. You should also refrain from drinking tea before bed, especially green tea. Hot drinks can be consumed 2 hours before rest.
  2. Sweet products. If you are trying to keep your figure in good shape, you should completely abstain from sweets, not only before bed. First of all, chocolate is the main enemy on the list of prohibited foods at night. It will provide you with insomnia and greatly invigorate the body. In addition, chocolate significantly increases appetite after digestion.
  3. Fatty foods. Such products themselves, regardless of the time of day, carry potential harm body. By eating such food before bed, you doom yourself to development. chronic pathologies and build-up extra pounds. Fatty foods slow down metabolism, so even dietary and healthy dishes in this case they will only harm the person.
  4. Spicy dishes. Spicy food significantly increases appetite. The process produces gastric juice. Having had a hearty dinner with a spicy dish, you will soon want to eat again. Such food, in addition to the feeling of hunger, causes heartburn, flatulence and bloating.
  5. Beans and grains. Invaluable benefits Cereals and legumes are beneficial for the body. Products should not be consumed before bedtime if you have any ailments or contraindications. Beans and grains are rich in fiber; the substance is not fully digested, which is why colic, gastrointestinal upset and flatulence often occur. Cereals are especially contraindicated for consumption at night, as they are rich in carbohydrates.

Food not only satisfies a person’s physical needs, but also gives the body vigor and restores wasted energy. It is known that deliciously prepared dishes improve your mood. For this reason, we can say for sure that food affects the psycho-emotional background.

Video: eating before bed - great harm or benefit