What can a woman who has given birth eat for the first time? There is a list of foods that should be excluded throughout feeding. Can a nursing mother have compote?

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There is one main way to help a newborn baby quickly get used to life outside the mother’s tummy - to provide him with proper and timely feeding in addition to regular hygiene and good sleep. The first months of life are the most difficult for both mother and child. Their most important task is to get used to each other and develop correct mode day.

Mom will have the hardest time, because between caring for the baby and the house, she will have to deny herself both her favorite dishes and enjoyable activities. Let's look at what you can eat after childbirth without consequences for the health and well-being of the baby in the first weeks after discharge.

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first 1.5-2 months

Not a single doctor can say with 100% accuracy that certain products are harmless to the body of a newborn baby. But the practice of pediatricians shows that mother’s diet after childbirth should consist only of cooked foods, raw fruits and vegetables are unacceptable, this is one of the distinctive features diet of a nursing mother.

The point is that digestive system The baby will continue to mature for the next few years, so only the easiest foods to digest are suitable for him to eat. From not proper nutrition mothers very often occurs food allergy, manifested atopic dermatitis and even obstructive bronchitis. In second place are digestive problems, frequent constipation, bloating and colic.

List of foods acceptable for feeding a nursing mother:

For everyone and listed products There are rules for its preparation and the amount allowed for use. None of the products should be overused and eaten more than 3-4 times a week. When compiling a diet, doctors recommend keeping an observation diary consisting of 2 columns. The first indicates the ingredient being introduced, the second indicates the baby’s reaction to it. It is best to eat new “dishes” in the morning, so that by the evening the negative consequences from the small tummy will pass and the whole family will sleep peacefully.

Any porridge is cooked in water with a minimum amount of salt and oil. Buckwheat is pre-soaked for several hours, then the water is drained, the swollen grain is washed and boiled. They do the same with rice, but it strengthens, so it can cause constipation in the baby. You can season the porridge with olive oil, unrefined sunflower oil and butter. This is the simplest and healthy food for the whole family.

Among fermented milk products, preference should be given to kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk. It is advisable not to consume sour cream, cream and, of course, milk. The first two products have too high a fat content, and milk can be described as one of the most powerful allergens; no diet accepts these ingredients. Of course, the degree of allergenicity of milk decreases after boiling, but you should not experiment. You can drink up to 500 ml of fermented milk products per day. You can eat yogurt, but only if it is prepared at home without additives or dyes. Fermented milk products should be considered food, and not an addition to the morning and lunch menu. Let them form the basis of a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Meat is always a separate item. This product is rich in protein necessary for the full growth and development of a child. It is preferable to base your diet after childbirth on eating rabbit, turkey or lean pork. The meat must be boiled or baked until cooked. A side dish for this dish can be potatoes (boiled or baked), stewed vegetables. Potatoes are soaked for 8-10 hours to remove excess starch and possible nitrates. You can boil pasta from durum wheat.

Eggs, like milk, are strong allergens. They can be consumed boiled (soft-boiled) 2-3 times a week. If the child reacts poorly to them, you can try again after 2-3 weeks. Maybe, allergic reaction has developed into protein, then the yolk can be safely consumed.

Low-fat fish, such as hake or pollock, are best baked. River fish is considered more allergenic. Other seafood such as crabs and shrimp are not allowed. By the way, fish can be cooked with spices such as pepper, marjoram, bay leaf, dill. They improve digestion.

A nursing mother's diet after childbirth can be varied with fruits and vegetables. Fruits include apples and bananas, and apples only baked. Baked apples – unique product, it contains easily digestible pectin and vitamin C, as well as a lot of useful microelements. In addition, the pulp of a baked apple improves the intestinal microflora, promoting good local immunity, which is also weakened in the mother after childbirth. Bananas are consumed raw in small quantities.

Vegetables allowed are zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and beets. You can start with zucchini and potatoes. They are absorbed well and their degree of allergenicity is the lowest. You can cook vegetable soup from these vegetables by adding a little dill. Caviar is prepared from beets and carrots and consumed in very small quantities. Cabbage often causes bloating, so it is administered boiled in small doses; it is good if it is broccoli. Pediatricians often recommend that mothers introduce baby vegetable purees into their diet after giving birth. This includes both canned food and homemade food from fresh vegetables.

The diet of a nursing mother includes wholemeal bread, possibly with bran. It is better to prefer products from rye flour. Baked goods are also not prohibited. Let it be an ordinary loaf, the simplest cookie, devoid of leavening agents, flavor enhancers and fillings. Can be baked oatmeal cookies Houses.

What can you drink?

This includes drinking still water, green and black tea, and dried fruit compote. Compote made from dried apples with no a large number raisins and rose hips. If your child suffers from constipation, you can add a little prunes and dried apricots. Drinking a lot is good. From a sufficient amount of liquid, milk comes in, toxins are eliminated, and the intestines are quickly cleansed. You should drink especially a lot in the first weeks after childbirth in order to remove the remaining drugs from the body and minimize their exposure to the baby.

There is an opinion that the menu of a nursing mother should not differ much from what she ate during the period of bearing the baby. Theoretically, we can agree with this. In practice, a different picture is observed. Previously baby did not feel any impact environment, since it was securely hidden in my mother’s tummy. After birth, his weak body is “attacked” by numerous microbes, viruses, unstable ambient temperature etc.

If you complicate this situation aggressive nutrition, the baby will have a very hard time, and the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Parents are obliged to take care of their own child so that their mistakes do not lead to illness, sleepless nights, experiences and failures. At this point, the question covering the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can be considered closed, although there is still a group of products that every woman should know about the prohibition of consumption.

Prohibited Products

Nutrition for the mother of a newborn is a strict diet consisting of a huge number of prohibitions. But what can you not do for the health of your own baby? In addition, it is good for your figure. So, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • fast food and any semi-finished products;
  • canned food and pickles;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • pearl barley and semolina porridge;
  • caviar;
  • coffee, cocoa and alcoholic drinks;
  • sugar, halva;
  • garlic and onion;
  • legumes;
  • ice cream;
  • berries, pears, watermelon and other “overseas” fruits;
  • radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • tomato sauce and mayonnaise.

Based on this list, we can conclude that the menu of a nursing mother should include fresh, healthy and neutral products. You should not include fried, too salty, sweet or seasoned with too many spices in your diet. Nutrition after childbirth should be light, but complete, in order to provide everything for the baby and your own body. necessary set nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

All of the above products either cause allergies, are difficult to digest, or contain large amounts of preservatives and other additives. Mom can be a little reassured by the fact that her diet will come to an end in about 4-6 months. It is by this time that the child is allergic to certain products or its absence, and the small tummy begins to get used to the changing composition of mother's milk.

When should you expand your diet?

When wondering what you can eat after giving birth, at first glance it seems like almost nothing. But this is a temporary diet that can be significantly relaxed in six months or even earlier. Many mothers get so used to the restrictions that they follow them for a very long time. This is good, since no one has yet canceled the principles of proper nutrition.

If up to 3 months the baby responded well to a changing diet and rarely bothered the parents with scarlet cheeks and colic, the mother may well begin to create a new menu. Now pearl barley and millet may appear in her diet, boiled beans or soup from it, boiled milk, cheese, sour cream, boiled pear, compote of blueberries, currants, cherries, etc. delicious food. You can treat yourself to chicken and veal, homemade jam, nuts, and freshly squeezed juices. Again, all products of the new menu are introduced gradually, no more than 1-3 per week. Alcohol, coffee and canned goods are still prohibited. Every mother should remember that only after introducing her child to the common table will she be able to return to her previous menu, if its recipes are still preserved in memory and the taste is “on the tongue”.

Eating after childbirth sometimes resembles the most restrictive diet. But one point distinguishes it from similar diets developed by specialists. This is an incentive or expected result, which means the health of the most precious person in the world. Follow the principles of proper nutrition and raise healthy kids.

Useful video about nutrition principles

Mom and baby in her belly are one. Therefore, everything that is eaten in a day expectant mother, appears in the fetal body. But even after childbirth, her diet is no less important. After all, all the ingredients in a breastfeeding mother’s menu reach the baby along with the milk. Balanced and healthy eating in the first days after birth – amounts to important basis future immunity of the child. Doctors say that it is on the first day that microflora begins to form in the baby’s small body. An unbalanced diet of a nursing mother can harm the baby and cause diathesis manifestations, bloating and poor appetite. How to behave correctly on the day of childbirth, what you can eat and drink, how to eat properly in the first days after childbirth - this is what we will talk about today.

Food on the day of birth: list of allowed and prohibited foods

Not so long ago, the question of what foods can be consumed on the day of birth simply did not arise. The thing is that most doctors simply forbade eating after the start of contractions. This prohibition was explained by the fact that the intestines should be empty on the day of birth. Upon arrival and admission to the maternity hospital, all women were given an enema, the intestines were emptied, and any food should be forgotten. Of course, a full stomach makes the birth process much more difficult. During pushing, involuntary bowel movements may occur. Yes and in case caesarean section under general anesthesia (which was used before) full stomach could lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Currently, the ban on eating on the day of birth has been completely lifted. Experienced obstetricians believe that a small snack won't hurt a woman . Moreover, general anesthesia Currently, it is practically not used; in most clinics it has been replaced by epidural anesthesia. Modern doctors They believe that, sensing the approach of childbirth, female body itself will provoke bowel movement.

However, lifting the ban on food does not mean at all that the bedside table in the prenatal ward should turn into a “self-assembled tablecloth” filled with all kinds of dishes.

What can a hungry pregnant woman who has just begun her first contractions eat?

  • Doctors recommend the lightest possible snack . For example, you can eat yogurt, biscuits, or a baked apple. You are allowed to chew dried fruits, which perfectly relieve hunger.
  • No way You should not eat fatty, smoked, salty or sweet foods on the day of birth .

As practice shows, after the start of contractions, the desire to eat arises in women quite rarely. However, there are representatives of the fair sex who are stressful situations a real “zhor” attacks. Knowing this feature, it is advisable to include products - a couple of yoghurts and biscuits.

What can you eat and drink during contractions: what foods speed up and slow down labor?

You can drink during labor, but only take a sip. Excess liquid no use! If you really want to, you can add a small slice of lemon to the water. Drink in small sips, or even better, as they say, just wet your throat.

Under no circumstances should you drink carbonated drinks, sweet juices, strong tea, etc. Regular only clean water no gases!

Of course, any mother wants to see her baby quickly. But should we rush too much? The child himself knows when he will be born into this world. This process should be accelerated only when medical indications and under the supervision of doctors.

And yet, many women are interested in the question: “What products can speed up labor?” Let's face it, such products exist.

The process of labor can be speeded up by:

  • boiled beets and beet juice;
  • regular parsley;
  • blackcurrant juice;
  • tea infused with raspberry leaves.

Many mothers are no less urgently interested in products that can slow down the process of childbirth? As a rule, they are afraid premature birth. We would like to say right away that if you are at risk of premature birth, you need to immediately go to the clinic. Such women in labor are urgently hospitalized. At the clinic they are prescribed strict bed rest and diet. This diet completely excludes the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty foods. Pregnant women should be clearly aware that no “special” products can stop the labor process that has begun.

Nutrition in the first days after childbirth: what can and cannot be eaten by a woman in labor?

The birth was successful, the baby was snoring happily at his mother’s side, what now? Now you can quench your thirst without any problems.

On the first day after birth, you are allowed to drink still water, dried fruit compote, weak tea, and unsweetened cranberry juice. Of course, after childbirth, the female body needs reinforcement, so doctors recommend that women in labor drink a cup of vegetable broth or snack on fruit puree.

I would like to once again remind young mothers that breastfeeding a child is a big responsibility, which imposes certain restrictions on their diet.

  • Breastfeeding women should not eat previously unfamiliar foods: no exotic foods.
  • You should temporarily avoid vegetables and fruits of bright colors.
  • Completely eliminate from your diet foods containing artificial preservatives, mayonnaise, smoked foods, black bread, legumes, lard and fatty varieties meat.
  • You need to forget about alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Approximate diet for the first 3 postpartum days

1 day

  • For breakfast, you can prepare oatmeal porridge with water. Neither salt nor sugar should be added to the porridge.
  • For lunch, unsalted vegetable soup.
  • For dinner: durum macaroni and cheese and a baked green apple.

On the first day after giving birth, the mother should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid. You can make compote from dried fruits, cranberry juice (not very concentrated) and brew weak tea. All drinks must be sugar-free.

Day 2

  • Buckwheat porridge cooked in water is perfect for breakfast. One green apple or banana.
  • For lunch: vegetable soup and a piece of boiled beef (100 g). Doctors recommend adding bran to soups, since many women suffer from constipation in the first days after childbirth.
  • For dinner: rolled oats porridge. Dried fruit compote.

Day 3

It's time to limit the amount of liquid you drink, since on the third day a woman's milk begins to flow. Doctors do not recommend that a nursing mother drink more than 700 ml. liquids. At extreme thirst Water should be drunk in small sips. Good for dealing with thirst plain water with a slice of lemon. But let's get back to the menu.

  • For breakfast you can cook rolled oats or buckwheat porridge on water, adding a piece of butter to it.
  • For lunch you can boil seafood lean fish. Pasta can be a side dish for it.
  • For dinner, it is advisable to prepare a vegetable stew and a small piece of turkey meat, previously boiled without salt.

Advice on nutrition for women during the first time after childbirth

  • We would like to note right away that a breastfeeding woman should eat 5-6 times a day.
  • Therefore, portions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be divided into two.
  • In between meals, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • A nursing mother should not starve, but she also should not overeat. The first three days are the most difficult for a woman in labor in terms of prohibitions. As you may have noticed, you can’t eat practically anything.
  • Portions should be small, food should not contain any products that can cause allergies in the baby. His intestines are just “starting up”, starting to work in a new mode.
  • Some doctors allow the mother to eat a boiled egg on the third day. But the egg must be fresh.
  • In the first days after childbirth, it is necessary to completely eliminate dairy products.
  • It is not advisable for women after a cesarean section to consume it in the first week. pasta and black bread. These foods may cause flatulence.
  • Each new dish should be introduced gradually. For breakfast we ate a small piece of boiled egg and carefully monitored the baby’s reaction. You are allowed to introduce only one new product into your diet per day. If a child has a tummy ache or strange rashes appear, this product should be discarded immediately.
  • It will be simply wonderful if a young mother starts a special diary for herself, in which every day she writes down the menu and new products introduced into her diet that day.
  • After 7-10 days, new foods and dishes are added to the nursing mother’s diet. The menu is becoming more varied. Dairy products are gradually added to it, cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes with sour cream, baked fruits, raw vegetables(green), boiled meat without fat, etc. Doctors recommend using dried fruits as snacks.

Of course, the obstetrician advises first-time mothers in detail about how they should eat. Some maternity hospitals even hand out special reminders about which products can be brought into the maternity hospital and which are strictly prohibited. All these recommendations must be followed. Only in this way can a breastfeeding mother not only quickly recover own strength, but not to harm your baby.

Nutrition after childbirth for a nursing woman has many peculiarities and prohibitions. After all, the composition and quantity directly depend on this breast milk. The baby's whims due to feeling unwell, short sleep, constipation - all these are consequences of non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother. So what should you eat to keep your child healthy and calm?
Meals in the first months after birth should be light but frequent; new foods should be introduced carefully, observing the baby's reaction. Don't forget about the restrictions on junk food. Let's consider the basic principles of creating a menu for a young mother.

Proper nutrition of the mother after childbirth will ensure successful lactation, wellness and the health of the newborn child.

Everything that the mother eats enters the baby’s body through breast milk and can cause negative consequences:

  1. Bloating and severe colic.
  2. or vice versa, diarrhea.
  3. Some products may experience allergic manifestations in the form of a rash.
  4. Food that has a strong taste and aroma worsens the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  5. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can have a stimulating effect on nervous system baby.

By adhering to a diet, a woman will also provide for herself and her family good rest. After all, a baby who does not suffer from colic or constipation sleeps better, eats well and gains weight.

Such a child grows and develops calmly, without suffering from allergic itching and from constant pain in the tummy, and the mother is not nervous, trying to calm the baby. In addition, a balanced and regular diet, excluding fried and fatty foods, will help a woman get rid of extra pounds accumulated during pregnancy.

Much depends on the mother's eating habits during pregnancy. If a woman previously regularly consumed persimmons, apples, plums, then after childbirth you can also add these products to the diet. However, if the mother did not eat these fruits before, and after giving birth she became interested in consuming them, then it is quite possible that the child will develop an allergy.

The menu must be compiled so that the daily diet includes:

  • proteins – 20%;
  • fats – 15-20%;
  • carbohydrates – 60%.

Nutrition in the first three days after birth

The question of following a certain diet should be considered by a woman not only after the birth of a child, but also during pregnancy. At bad tests, the doctor may advise her to limit the consumption of certain foods so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

A few days before giving birth, it is better to give up such excesses as:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • strawberries, tomatoes, red fish;
  • smoked or salty foods;
  • citrus fruits and various exotic foods.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of dairy products. This way, you will protect your newborn baby from appearing immediately after birth.

Meals on the first day after childbirth should consist of freshly prepared and light dishes, without spicy or aromatic seasonings. Indeed, during this period, the woman’s lactation process and the baby’s weaning to the breast are improving.

It is better to limit yourself to porridge with water, a boiled egg or a piece of lean meat; you can eat lean soup without frying. Sweets allowed include baked apple, banana and simple biscuits.

There is an opinion that in order to increase milk supply, a woman needs drinking plenty of fluids. This is not true, since the use large quantity fluid can lead to hot flashes and stagnation of milk in the breast. After all, a newborn baby eats very little.

I like!

To avoid fermentation in the intestines and not add extra pounds to your mother’s figure, choose porridge! Porridge is the No. 1 product for restoring the body. This is a high-calorie, energy-rich food that is useful for proper metabolism. Cooked with water rather than milk, without salt or sugar, this is an excellent carbohydrate food. Oatmeal and brown rice are especially beneficial.

Vegetable soups or soups cooked in low-fat chicken or rabbit broth will provide the body with energy and at the same time will not leave you feeling heavy after eating. At first, avoid adding cabbage, pepper and salt to soups.

Vegetables contain maximum useful vitamins and minerals. Vegetables baked in the oven, boiled and steamed are healthy: broccoli, spinach, leafy vegetables, beets, carrots.

Fish and meat
Choose from fish marine varieties, rich in useful Omega fatty acids: salmon, tuna, trout. Microelements contained in fish help fight postpartum depression and maintain good health. The main requirement for meat is that it must be lean. Lean beef or veal, white chicken, rabbit meat. To get balanced diet, alternate fish and meat days.

Don't forget about fruits. Apples, peaches, bananas, pears. You can avoid intestinal problems by peeling the hard skins of fruits. Apples are also good baked. Prunes will help fight constipation.

Dairy products
Dairy products are a valuable source of protein and calcium, but they should be introduced into the diet gradually. Choose skim milk, kefir, yoghurts, cottage cheese and cheese.

Strictly prohibited foods after childbirth

  • First of all, alcohol is prohibited.
  • Carbonated drinks: mineral water, lemonade, Coca-Cola, etc.
  • Fried food.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Sausage, frankfurters and other semi-finished products like dumplings.
  • Canned food.
  • Chips, salty crackers and other fast food.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchups.
You should not save time by purchasing and preparing cutlets in packages. It is better to grind fresh meat in a meat grinder, steam it or cook it in the oven. This way you will avoid slagging your body and be confident in the quality of the product.

Baked goods in the form of pies and cakes can cause flatulence and have a bad effect on digestion. This food consists of simple carbohydrates, which are extremely unhealthful and are easily converted into fat deposits.

At first you should limit your consumption raw fruits and vegetables, they affect the quality of breast milk, and the baby’s imperfect digestive system is not yet ready for heavy enzymes.

The most healthy food for a nursing mother - boiled, steamed or baked in the oven.

The required daily amount of calories for a nursing woman is calculated to be 2700 kcal. This is the level required for full and rational nutrition, as well as for normal lactation.

If you eat unbalanced and illiterately, then failure metabolic processes will not keep you waiting. As a result, you will not be able to provide your child with the necessary useful substances for growth and development. Your daily diet must contain required quantity And correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

After each feeding, evaluate the child’s reaction and well-being - this is a kind of indicator of how healthy you are eating.

The science of breastfeeding takes into account both the frequency and quantity of feedings and the diet of mothers. You need to consider which products will be beneficial and which are harmful. Find out what a nursing mother can eat and what foods are recommended to be excluded from the diet during the feeding period. Find out what modern pediatricians say about this - this way you will quickly understand the principles of safe nutrition for nursing mothers.

Basic principles of nutrition for a nursing mother

What can you eat when breastfeeding– a controversial problem in pediatrics. Some doctors argue that the amount of food should not be greatly limited, others believe that a woman should follow a certain diet. The opinions of pediatricians agree on one thing: during the feeding period, mothers need to adhere to certain principles in their diet:

  1. Calorie principle. A nursing mother should not comply. The calorie content of the daily set of products should exceed the generally accepted value by approximately 600 kcal, and the main energy load should come from slow carbohydrates.
  2. The principle of fractionality. It is advisable that the nutrition of a nursing mother while breastfeeding complies with the “less, but more often” rule. Doctors recommend reducing the size of portions by increasing their number per day. The traditional three meals a day should be replaced with five or six meals a day.
  3. Compliance with diet. It is advisable to eat by the hour, correlating the regimen with the frequency of feedings of the baby. It is recommended to have a small snack immediately before feeding, and eat thoroughly in a calm environment when the baby is sleeping.
  4. The principle of diversity. It is strictly forbidden for nursing mothers to “sit” on mono-diets, even for a very short period of time. This will lead to imbalance necessary substances in breast milk.
  5. An increased drinking regime is recommended.

What can a nursing mother eat?

The unshakable rule is quality products! No canned food, synthetic flavoring additives and only “first freshness”. All products should be purchased only from trusted places. It is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in your native region. As for diversity, a nursing mother is allowed any foods that do not cause allergies in the baby.

You should make fresh fruit and vegetable purchases with caution; be sure to wash the products thoroughly, and leave some in water for half an hour to an hour. It should be remembered that many foods can change the taste of milk. This will easily lead to the baby refusing to breastfeed if new taste sensations he won't like it. Many foods can change the taste of breast milk, for example:

  • banana;
  • ginger;
  • herbs(mint, parsley, basil, celery).

Vegetables and fruits

These products must certainly be included in the set of dishes for nursing mothers, because nothing can replace the vitamins and fiber they contain. They prevent constipation in both mothers and babies, increase the immunity of babies, and some enhance lactation. A nursing woman should only remember about those foods that can harm the baby, and introduce the safest ones into the diet gradually. Here is an approximate list of fruits and vegetables, a safe minimum that determines what a nursing mother can eat:

  • potato;
  • carrots and beets;
  • eggplant;
  • pumpkin and zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • pears.

The color of the products that a nursing mother includes in her menu is also important. So, for example, green vegetables and salad should be eaten fresh, but “colored” vegetables must be boiled, stewed or steamed. Introduce into the diet herbal products should be done gradually. Those that are colored with red pigment (apples, cherries, raspberries, cranberries) are eaten with special caution. The main thing is to monitor the baby’s behavior after the mother eats potentially dangerous food. Its danger lies in the allergenic nature of the red pigment.

Poultry, meat and meat products

Healthy diet It is unthinkable for a nursing woman to live without protein products, which are indispensable for a growing baby’s body. Their safe sources are lean meat and poultry:

  • rabbit;
  • veal;
  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey;
  • lamb meat

You should also follow the cooking rules. meat products. The meat needs to be steamed, boiled, stewed, baked. Soups should be prepared using secondary broths, because many modern manufacturers introduce growth hormones and antibiotics into feed. These elements fall into mother's milk and can harm babies during breastfeeding. Secondary broths (the first water is drained after boiling for five minutes) will prevent this potential danger from animal products.

Fish and seafood

If you include sea or river fish in the menu of mothers during breastfeeding. Low-fat types of this product are recommended, those that can be eaten by a nursing mother:

  • pollock;
  • zander;
  • crucian carp;
  • pink salmon;
  • flounder.

You should be aware that some types of fish (for example, flounder, mackerel) significantly change the taste of milk. Methods of preparing fish dishes allowed for nursing mothers are steaming, boiling, stewing, baking. The only seafood that is safe during breastfeeding is squid; all other seafood can easily provoke allergies in the baby.


This is a source of slow carbohydrates, which significantly increases the caloric intake of nursing women. Cereal products in the form of porridges are especially useful in the first thirty days of feeding. A clear advantage of cereals is their absolute safety. The only exception is semolina, which at low nutritional value easily leads to recruitment excess weight nursing mother, and porridge instant cooking devoid of vitamins. Here's what nursing mothers can eat from: cereal products:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley;
  • corn grits;
  • millet;
  • barley groats.

Dairy products

During breastfeeding, all dairy products are allowed, but some are only allowed. a certain form and quantity. For example, it is advisable to use whole milk (200 ml per day) for preparing porridge and be sure to dilute it with water. Fresh cottage cheese (fat content 5-9%) - 150 g per day, and those older than three days - only for making casseroles and cheesecakes. Fermented milk products allowed for consumption (2.5%, 800 ml per day) are:

  • kefir;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • bifilin;
  • acidolact.

What a nursing mother should not eat

There are several reasons why certain foods are prohibited for nursing mothers. This is all food containing potentially dangerous allergens for the baby:

  • red fruits and berries;
  • chocolate;
  • crayfish and crabs;
  • whole milk;
  • peanut;
  • red caviar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • exotic fruits;
  • citruses.

Products prohibited for nursing mothers include those that have a stimulating effect and can cause gas in the baby after feeding:

  • green, black tea;
  • coffee;
  • rye bread;
  • beans, peas;
  • grape;
  • soda;
  • raisin.

What should a nursing mother absolutely not eat? Dishes and products with toxic effects on the body of infants:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • vinegar;
  • watermelon (accumulates nitrates);
  • spices;
  • canned food;
  • snacks (chips, crackers);
  • factory-made confectionery products (sweets, pastries, cakes);
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • smoked products.

Table of allowed and prohibited products for breastfeeding

In the first six months of life, a breastfed baby should try all foods through mother's milk. This concerns natural food Therefore, the list of foods strictly prohibited for nursing mothers is headed by products with chemical additives. In second place is something that can cause allergies. All other products are considered safe. What nursing mothers can eat and what foods are prohibited are presented in the table.

Type of products (dishes)



Allowed in limited quantities

Fruit and vegetable food set

Red, orange berries and fruits (tomatoes, persimmons, pomegranates, etc.)


Vegetables, fruits green, white, yellow


Dairy products

Fermented cheeses

Fermented milk products without flavoring additives

Natural yogurt

Diluted whole milk

Condensed milk

Pearl barley

Instant porridge


Seafood, Fish


Low-fat sea and river fish



Non-alcoholic soda

Strong tea

Apple juice

carrot juice

pumpkin juice


Factory-made cakes, pastries

Homemade baked goods

Meat products

Fatty meat



Nuts, seeds


Eggs, mayonnaise

Quail eggs

Canned food


Spices (pepper)

Smoked meats

Salty foods (herring)

Products with synthetic food additives

Wheat bread

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

Breast cells (lactocytes) have the ability to pass or block various substances. In the first few days after birth, there are gaps between lactocytes, so all substances enter the milk freely during feeding. Later, the gaps are reduced, a blood-milk barrier is formed, and the body blocks the potential danger to the newborn. This feature determines the nutrition of a nursing mother that is safe for a baby in the first month after childbirth:

  1. For the first week, a woman is allowed to eat porridge with water, baked apples, bananas, lean or vegetarian soups; lean meat, vegetable and cow oil, stewed or boiled vegetables, rosehip infusion, weak tea.
  2. The first two days of breastfeeding, a woman’s diet is poor. It is limited to low-fat soups, cereals, boiled vegetables (potatoes), gray (pecked) bread.
  3. From the third day, baked apples and meat are added to the diet.
  4. What can you eat after giving birth, from day 10? These are fermented milk products quail eggs, fish, pasta, stewed vegetables, tea, compotes, crackers, cookies, dried fruits.
  5. During the entire first month of breastfeeding, a woman should not eat meat broths, whole milk, raw (fresh) vegetables, berries and fruits, sour cream, coffee, wheat bread.

New foods should be introduced in minimal portions, being sure to observe the baby’s reaction after feeding:

  • how he takes the breast;
  • is there frequent regurgitation?
  • whether rashes have appeared on the skin;
  • Is sleep disturbed?
  • Are gases formed after feeding, etc.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother by month - table

During the feeding process (as during pregnancy), addiction develops child's body to a variety of foods, so it is necessary to calculate the menu of a nursing mother by month:

Products of the 1st month

Among meat products, preference should be given to poultry and fish, and meat should be consumed very moderately. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the functioning of the baby’s liver and kidneys. For the same reason, nursing mothers are required to give up everything salty, spicy, sweet, foods with synthetic dyes, canned food, raw fruits and vegetables.

Products of the 2nd month

From this time on, it is allowed to cook porridge (in diluted milk) from pearl barley and barley, seasoning it with butter and sugar. As for vegetables, you need to start eating carrots, beets, pumpkin, cabbage (borscht, cabbage soup), beef tongue, pasta, seasonal fruits, and herbs.

Products from the 3rd month of feeding

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, onions, honey, walnuts, homemade jam (except raspberry and strawberry).

Products from the 6th month of feeding

Beans, corn, white bread, beef and other permitted products.

Drinking regime during lactation

During childbirth and breastfeeding, a woman loses a lot of fluid. She needs to replenish the volume of double daily norm: instead of the prescribed one and a half liters - three. Pediatricians recommend drinking a glass of plain water immediately before feeding (20-30 minutes). The main drink of a nursing woman becomes plain water(you can buy bottled, but not carbonated).

Water can be replaced with rosehip infusion, herbal tea (chamomile, lemon balm, thyme, linden), and weak tea with lemon. Some breastfeeding women benefit from milk tea to enhance lactation, but start drinking it no earlier than the second month of breastfeeding. Other drinks allowed for a nursing mother are fruit drinks (cranberry), jelly, compotes (from dried fruits), and juices.


What can nursing mothers eat? Every pediatrician has his own opinion on this matter. It either coincides with or differs from the traditional idea of ​​the norms by which a nursing woman should eat. Watch the video from Dr. Komarovsky’s author’s program dedicated to breastfeeding. You will get to know the point of view professional doctor, learn about the areas of theoretical and practical pediatrics, get acquainted with reviews of nursing mothers, their vision of the list of useful and harmful products.