Bird cherry - beneficial properties and contraindications. Bird cherry fruits

  • PFAF rating of medicinal properties: 2
  • Mature fruit Bird cherry has a strengthening, astringent, bactericidal, vitamin, restorative, anti-inflammatory effect, and normalizes the function of the intestines and stomach. Anthocyanins with P-vitamin activity have a capillary-strengthening effect.
  • Decoctions and infusions of fruits are used for diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders. The fruits are included in stomach tea. In terms of their action, they can replace blueberries and are often used together.
  • During the Great Patriotic War Many hospitals successfully used the juice of bird cherry fruits to treat purulent wounds.
  • Bark Bird cherry has a diaphoretic, antipyretic, and diuretic effect. An infusion of the bark is used to treat colds. A decoction of the bark - as an insecticidal agent (against lice and flies), for eye diseases, radiculitis. An infusion of the bark with vodka is rubbed on sore spots with radiculitis.
  • Leaves Bird cherry has strengthening and vitamin properties.
  • Internal preparations from bird cherry leaves are used for pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, as an antitussive, for diarrhea, and anemia.
  • Externally, the leaves are used to treat skin diseases, to rinse the mouth for rotting teeth, and furunculosis. An aqueous infusion of the leaves is used as a lotion for conjunctivitis and blepharitis. An infusion of flowers is also used for a similar purpose.
  • Flowers Bird cherry is used as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and phytoncidal agent. Flowers in the form of infusion or decoction - how contraceptive, in the form of a tincture - for rheumatism, gout.
  • Bird cherry produces phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on microbes. For this reason, there was a popular belief that it was enough to stand in the shade of a bird cherry tree to scare away an incipient disease.
  • Poisonous plant. Internal use bird cherry requires caution. The glycoside amygdalin, which is contained in all parts of the bird cherry, when ingested by the body, can be broken down into hydrocyanic acid, which when excessive consumption is fraught with poisoning.
  • Bird cherry is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as those who are trying to get pregnant, since the berries have contraceptive effect. The smell of cherry blossoms can cause headaches.
  • Dendrotherapy. Bird cherry is a weak vampire tree; it gently absorbs excess energy and helps with illnesses and stress. The human nervous system perceives bird cherry beneficially and is normalized nervous activity, excessive emotionality calms down, bird cherry also produces a tonic effect. Bird cherry is also useful for men; it is believed that it increases potency. People suffering from melancholy, blues, and indifference turn to bird cherry. It instills optimism and joy in the soul, relieves the pain of disappointment and helps in love. Contact with bird cherry also helps to forgive and ask for forgiveness.

Instructions for use:

Bird cherry is a shrub up to 15 meters high.

The bird cherry trunk is distinguished by cracking black-gray bark. The branches of the plant are quite thin, so they always droop towards the bottom. In winter, bird cherry buds are covered with peculiar cilia. They are round, spherical. Bird cherry leaves are bright green, oblong, elongated. Bird cherry flowers are known to many of us for their bright, unique aroma. A brush with white flowers is the inflorescence of bird cherry.

Bird cherry blossoms from April to June. Bird cherry loves the sun, so it does not develop well in the shade. Bird cherry grows in nature along river banks, on forest edges, and in thickets of bushes.

Most common popular names common bird cherry are as follows:

  • Cheremshina;
  • Glotikha;
  • Bellflower.

Composition and beneficial properties of bird cherry

Bird cherry has long been recognized by many due to its medicinal properties. Almost all parts of this shrub are used in traditional medicine, since the list of beneficial properties of bird cherry is extremely wide. Thus, bird cherry is rightfully considered a storehouse of beneficial properties for human health.

The main value of bird cherry is represented by the components included in its composition:

  • Vitamins;
  • Tannins;
  • Organic acids;
  • Glycosides;
  • Acids;
  • Anthocyanins;
  • Saccharides;
  • Rutin;
  • Oils;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Phytoncides.

In addition, quite rare substances in the composition of bird cherry are free hydrocyanic acid and benzoaldehyde.
Thanks to such a rich composition, bird cherry has numerous properties used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • Sweatshop;
  • Diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiscorbutic;
  • Contraceptive;
  • Sedative;
  • Tonic;
  • Hemostatic.

Application of bird cherry

IN medicinal purposes All parts of the plant are used. But the fruits of the bird cherry are considered the most valuable and the most used.

In traditional medicine, the fruits of bird cherry are used as a remedy that has the following effect:

  • General strengthening;
  • Astringent;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Fixing;
  • Normalizing.

The strengthening and normalizing properties of bird cherry are especially relevant for pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Bird cherry bark also has considerable benefits. Thus, this part of the plant is often used for the manufacture of drugs belonging to the following pharmacological groups:

  • Diuretic;
  • Sweatshop;
  • Antipyretic.

Preparations based on bird cherry are excellent for colds, flu, and sore throat. In addition, an infusion of bird cherry fruits will help strengthen the immune system and resist infections in the autumn-winter period.

Bird cherry leaves have a powerful fixing property. A decoction of bird cherry leaves is used for diarrhea, intoxication, disorders and digestive disorders.

Bird cherry flowers are extremely useful for all kinds of inflammation, especially those associated with cuts, wounds or burns. Bird cherry is quite capable of helping a person with vitamin deficiency, loss of strength and decreased protective forces body.

List of diseases that can be effectively treated beneficial properties bird cherry, extremely wide:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Decreased sexual function;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Fever;
  • Anemia;
  • Gout;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Venereal diseases.

Regular consumption of bird cherry can increase potency in men, normalize intestinal activity, and quickly cure any cold. The excellent anti-inflammatory property of bird cherry is due to the presence of phytoncides in its composition. These substances actively fight harmful microorganisms:

  • Microbes;
  • Bacteria;
  • Fungi;
  • Mold
  • Insects.

Using bird cherry inside and outside (on the skin) leads to the fact that insects (flies, mosquitoes) stop biting a person. The same method of prevention can be used against ticks.

A decoction of twigs and leaves of bird cherry helps to get rid of rheumatic pain. To do this, you need to drink it regularly and follow the rules healthy image life. This remedy is suitable for both articular and muscular rheumatism.

Skin problems such as furunculosis, dermatitis, and ulcers on the body are treated with an infusion of the stems and leaves of bird cherry. This infusion should be used to regularly wash the affected areas of the skin.

Bird cherry has the valuable property of having a beneficial effect on human vision. So, with heavy strain on the eyes, for example, with long work at the computer, you need to make lotions from bird cherry decoction. To prevent eye diseases and relieve tension, you can do this procedure once a week. But when treating an existing disease or when vision deteriorates, of course, treatment should be carried out much more often. Preventing vision problems with the help of such lotions and taking an infusion of bird cherry fruits, its leaves and flowers inside will allow you to maintain excellent vision for life.

The beneficial effect of bird cherry on human skin is also manifested in its ability to cleanse acne. So, regularly using a decoction of bird cherry twigs and bark as a lotion, you can get rid of rosacea and dermatosis. In addition, masks made from bird cherry fruits and taking the decoction internally provide a rejuvenating effect. In this way, the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging can be avoided.

Bird cherry is used not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in cosmetology, food industry, perfumes.

Traditional medicine has many recipes using bird cherry. Doctors focus their patients’ attention on observing the dosage of this medicine.

Contraindications and harm from bird cherry

When carrying out treatment with drugs based on bird cherry, its decoctions and infusions, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician. You need to be especially careful with doses of medications containing seeds, bark and leaves of the plant. The fact is that these parts of the bird cherry contain the glycoside amygdalin. This substance has the property of disintegrating as a result chemical reaction, occurring in the human body, on hydrocyanic acid and glucose. Glucose is necessary and beneficial for humans, but hydrocyanic acid is considered poisonous. Therefore, its excessive formation in the body can lead to poisoning (intoxication).

The combination may pose some danger active ingredients in the composition of bird cherry with other drugs that people use. Therefore, before using it for treatment, you should consult your doctor. Absolute contraindication For taking preparations from bird cherry, pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) are recommended.

In vegetable gardens, summer cottages and in the courtyards of private houses, a small bird cherry tree or bush is often found. It is planted mainly as ornamental plant, and ripened berries are simply thrown away because of their astringency. And only a small number of people know that bird cherry is an extraordinary useful plant, and they use not only berries, but also twigs, leaves, and even bark.

Active substances and beneficial properties of bird cherry

Bird cherry is rich in vitamins A, C, group B. But its value lies in the content of valuable vitamins P and PP (niacin, nicotinic acid).

Vitamin P is a bioflavonoid that works the same way as vitamin C. These substances enhance each other's effects. The main function of vitamin P is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries by reducing their permeability. This prevents hemorrhages of any origin. This vitamin is also one of the few adrenal stimulants.

Niacin is an essential active ingredient in physical activity. It converts fats and carbohydrates into useful energy. It also promotes cellular respiration and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stomach. It has been proven that niacin is an anti-cancer substance, as it prevents normal cells from transforming into cancer cells.

The beneficial properties of bird cherry are enhanced by these microelements:



Cobalt is one of the key substances in hematopoietic processes and metabolism. It is part of vitamin B12, without which the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is impossible. In its function of hematopoiesis, it converts iron accumulated in the body into hemoglobin of red blood cells, and also participates in DNA synthesis.

The presence of copper makes bird cherry very beneficial for blood health. It ensures normal iron metabolism and ATP function. Copper is necessary for the passage of nerve impulses through the nervous system, as well as for respiratory organs. Elastin and collagen are not formed in connective tissues without sufficient concentration of copper in the blood.

The biologically active substances of bird cherry also include pectins, flavonoids, antioxidants, organic acids, and natural sugars.

Phytoncides, present in large quantities in bird cherry, effectively fight pathogenic flora. Therefore, this plant is considered antiseptic. This is confirmed by the fact that bird cherry phytoncides disinfect the air around the plant, making it practically sterile.

Useful properties of bird cherry for various diseases

The benefits of bird cherry human body hard to overestimate. Possessing general strengthening and vitamin property, it is often used as a remedy for scurvy. Also, compote of bird cherry berries is indicated for people exhausted by heavy physical labor.

IN complex therapy For atherosclerotic diseases, infusions, decoctions and bird cherry flour are used. This is explained by the fact that active substances plants clean large and small blood vessels from bad cholesterol. Also, when taking these medications, muscles are strengthened, including the heart. Bird cherry prevents heart attacks and improves a person’s condition with severe dystrophy of the heart muscle.

The astringency of bird cherry berries is explained by the presence of astringents in them, which are very beneficial for the digestive system. With their help, foci of inflammation in the stomach and intestines are eliminated. Bird cherry also has a mild choleretic effect. This helps to cope with bile stagnation in gallbladder And bile ducts.

Bird cherry components simulate the functioning of the pancreas. Participating in synthesis digestive enzymes, they increase the amount of pancreatic secretory fluid and activate the entire process of food digestion.

Compote with bird cherry or its decoction effectively eliminates diarrhea. But large number pectins allow you to gently remove all excess from the intestines without causing constipation and cramps.

Due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, medicines based on bird cherry are used to treat diseases urinary system. For cystitis, take decoctions of berries and flowers, both internally and as lotions to eliminate discomfort. For pyelonephritis, bird cherry infusions are very effective, since by expelling sand from the kidneys, they heal the damaged membranes of the urinary canals and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

For colds and infectious diseases upper respiratory tract Alcohol and water infusions of berries and bird cherry flowers are used. They gargle with it, put it in the nose and take it orally. Possessing bactericidal properties, medicinal products bird cherry is cleaned of pathogenic flora and restores the functions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Warm lotions made from water infusions of bird cherry flowers are used for many eye diseases, as well as to relieve eye fatigue. For conjunctivitis, this infusion is instilled into the eyes, 1-2 drops for 7-10 days.

Bird cherry: beneficial properties in cosmetology

Bird cherry is a plant that can rejuvenate a person both inside and out.

Thanks to the substances in bird cherry that stimulate collagen production, masks with plant juice smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging skin.

The combination of tightening agents and vitamin C in bird cherry will help tighten and deeply cleanse pores.

To eliminate acne or furunculosis, damaged areas of the skin are smeared with the juice of bird cherry fruits, allowed to dry, and then applied warm compress with a decoction of flowers. Such manipulations literally heal the skin, improve its natural cleansing of sebum and remove red inflammation.

To remove makeup, lotions based on the juice and infusion of bird cherry bark are used. Thanks to organic acids, they cleanse the skin well and prevent irritation from cosmetics.

Acid peelings of the face are also carried out using the juice of the plant’s fruits. The juice is applied to the face in several layers. Acids, exfoliating dead cells, cleanse the skin while nourishing it with vitamins and minerals. Soft scrubs are made from ground bird cherry bark for daily use.

Bird cherry: contraindications

It is strictly contraindicated to use bird cherry fruits with seeds. They contain a high concentration of hydrocyanic acid, which causes severe poisoning. Hydrocyanic acid also accumulates in fruit infusions, so they cannot be stored for a long time.

Under no circumstances should pregnant women consume any products or medications containing bird cherry. This can cause miscarriage because the plant contains active substances that induce menstruation. Bird cherry is also contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Large quantity sugars in the plant make it impossible to use for diabetes (especially type 2).

Any contact with bird cherry is dangerous for people suffering from allergies. Potent substances in flower pollen can cause swelling of the respiratory tract. Therefore, allergies are also a complete contraindication to eating bird cherry.

Any plant can be both beneficial and harmful if consumed in excess, so the pledge successful treatment bird cherry is compliance correct dosage and regularity of taking medication.

Bird cherry (Padus avium Mill) is a member of the Rosaceae family. The plant, amazing in its properties, is not a rare occurrence in nature. Most often it can be seen in places of high humidity, on the banks of ponds, in the lowlands of rivers. The distribution area of ​​fragrant shrubs and trees is quite large; they are found in Africa and Ukraine, the Caucasus and Western regions of Siberia, Central Asia and Russia (European part). It is so famous for its healing properties that, along with the usual apple trees, pears and plums, bird cherry bushes began to be grown on personal plots. They can be a decoration for park areas.

The history of the use of the components of this unique, medicinal plant, goes back many centuries. She was sung in poetry and folklore. The period of active flowering was a sign that it was time to plant potatoes.

How to stock up correctly

Everything in a plant is valuable. Fragrant flowers, leaves, bark of young shoots.

The bark is collected in early spring, when the circulation of juices begins after winter sleep. It is at the beginning of the spring trimester that the bark is easily removed. Remove the valuable workpiece in rings from branches cut with scissors. Dry using an electric dryer (80 degrees Celsius). Such temperature regime promotes the preservation of amygdalin and prevents the destruction of enzymes. In order not to lose its diuretic properties, the bark is dried at 40 degrees. The shelf life of the resulting substance is 5 years.

Bird cherry flowers are collected in May - the period of active flowering. It is advisable to carry out the drying process outdoors under a canopy with the possibility of ventilation and without access to the sun. Raw materials are stored for about a year.

Berries are harvested in July - September. During this period, the fruits gain their healing properties and fully ripen. Bird cherry clusters are cut in dry, sunny weather. Dry with any in a convenient way(dryer, oven or open air), keeping to 40-50 degrees, spreading out in a loose layer. The finished berries are removed from the stalks and excess fragments are disposed of. They are stored for a long time in a dry, ventilated space, in paper or fabric bags for 3-5 years. The leaves are collected in June.

Chemical composition

To properly coordinate treatment, we have studied useful elements components of the berry:

  • Sucrose, glucose, fructose.
  • Amygdalin, prunasin.
  • Anthocyanins.
  • Essential oil.
  • Pectin.
  • Microelements (zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, boron, cobalt).
  • Vitamin R.
  • Carotene.
  • Gum.
  • Citric, ascorbic, malic organic acids.
  • Phenolcarbolic acids.
  • Resins.
  • Rutin.
  • Cyanogenic glycosides.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Phytocides.
  • Tannins and dyes.

The leaves also contain:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Phenolcarbolic acids.
  • Flavonoids (20%).

Bark, flowers, seeds - they contain a glycoside that releases acid (hydrocyanic acid).

All elements of the plant are saturated with essential oil with a bitter odor, gum, phytoncides and resins.

Healing properties of bird cherry substances

Experts highlight the following properties:

  1. Fixing. It has an astringent effect - this is due to the presence of tannins in the composition. They are not destroyed by heat treatments.
  2. Normalizing work digestive tract and stimulating the activity of intestinal smooth muscles through pectin.
  3. Strengthens the walls of the stomach. Bitters contained in wild crops are especially valuable. The developed varieties are not so rich in these substances. This is worth paying attention to when treating the digestive organ.
  4. Bactericidal - due to phytocides that can stop the development of microbes.
  5. Regenerating. Strengthens and restores capillary walls. This property is provided by potassium and vitamin P.
  6. Antioxidant - cleanses the blood from the action of cholesterol, removes toxic substances- the result of the action of vitamin PP and pectin.
  7. General strengthening (immunomodulatory), thanks to microelements, vitamins, flavonoids.
  8. Urinary. Potassium, bitters and essential oils favor kidney function.
  9. Anti-inflammatory. The disinfecting property is caused by the presence of vitamins and mineral complexes, phytocides that accelerate regeneration processes.
  10. Sweatshop. Potassium promotes the removal of fluid through the sweat glands.
  11. Contraceptive (this has not been scientifically proven).
  12. Salt-removing. Vitamins, minerals - remove salts heavy metals. Relieves symptoms of gout and arthritis.
  13. Painkiller. Proved to have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria.
  14. Toning, calming.
  15. Insecticidal. The presence of phytocides repels mosquitoes, ticks, and flies well.
  16. Bronchodilator. Characterized by exfoliation and removal of mucus. An expectorant effect is noted.

Indications for use

  • Dysentery.
  • Stomach diseases. Gastroenteritis (acute and chronic course).
  • Rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
  • Migraines, headaches.
  • Increase in temperature. Fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the small and large intestines.
  • Painful symptoms in joint diseases.
  • Toothache. Caries.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Furunculosis, dermatosis, purulent wounds, bedsores.
  • Psoriasis, scabies, acne.
  • Koch's wand.
  • Conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  • Colpitis, venereal diseases.
  • Toxicoses.

  1. Bark decoction. Grind the bird cherry bark (5 g), add 200 g of water and boil (15 minutes). Let it brew for half an hour, filter and consume 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, effective as a diaphoretic in case of lack of sleep and malfunction metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Infusion of inflorescences (in case of metabolic failure). 2 tbsp. spoons of the dried collection are poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, filter through gauze. Take up to five meals a day, 1 tablespoon.
  3. Infusion of bird cherry inflorescences (for conjunctivitis). Freshly picked flowers (1 teaspoon), pour a glass of water, cooled after boiling. They stand overnight and strain. Apply the application to the eyes and drip.
  4. A decoction based on the bark (for cough, fever, cystitis, colds). The dry substance (10 g) is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Use up to 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.
  5. Berry decoction (for diarrhea). Take whole bird cherry berries (1 tablespoon), pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. on low heat. Leave for 2 hours, strain and take 100 ml three times a day.
  6. A decoction of bird cherry fruits with propolis (for stomach diseases, diarrhea). Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of whole berries with a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, set aside to cool to room temperature. An alcohol tincture of propolis (30 drops) is added to the strained broth. It is recommended to drink 100 ml three times a day. For dermatitis it is used externally.
  7. Infusion of fruits (with skin diseases caused by a fungus). Freshly picked fruits (2 tablespoons) are infused in a glass of water for 7 hours. Strain and use externally.
  8. Disinfecting tincture with a tonic effect. The bird cherry is immersed in water for a few minutes. Quench your thirst for something pleasant clean water, with a fragrant aftertaste.
  9. Tincture of bark (for pain in the joints, rheumatism, muscle spasms). Two tbsp. spoons of the crushed collection are infused with vodka (200 ml) for 21 days without access to light.
  10. Combined decoction (for psoriasis). To 1 part of dry bird cherry leaves add three parts of calendula flowers and 2 parts each of wild strawberry leaves, tricolor violet and birch buds. Take 1 tbsp from the total mass. spoon, add a glass of water and bring to a boil. Allow to cool, filter and take half a glass half an hour before meals, three times a day. They are treated in courses lasting 40 days, with breaks of 30 days.
  11. Combined decoction (for an astringent effect). Take three parts of bird cherry fruits and two parts of blueberries. Two tbsp. spoons of berries are poured into a glass of water brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes. Take half a glass four times a day.
  12. Combined infusion (for viruses, herpes). Bird cherry flowers (3 parts), lemon balm leaves (3 parts), juniper berries (1 part), rowan fruits (1 part), mixed. From general composition take 1 tbsp. spoon, brew with a glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour. Take a glass three times a day (warm).

Popular belief says that to prevent colds It is enough just to stand under a bird cherry tree for a short time. Regular walks in the park with planted shrubs will calm you down. nervous system and improve restless sleep.

Cases when use is prohibited

Like everyone else medicines, medicines containing bird cherry also have restrictions in their use and require serious treatment.

Bird cherry is a poisonous plant; amygdalin, which is present in all parts of the tree, makes it so. The breakdown product of this substance is hydrocyanic acid. This is the reason why berry-based preparations are prepared from whole dried fruits.

Bird cherry berries have a strong binding property, which can lead to constipation. It is also a means of contraception - therefore, it affects reproductive function female body. Use by pregnant women is contraindicated, as there is a risk of miscarriage in the first trimester. Negative influence The aroma of flowers may affect the gestation process; it is recommended to temporarily abandon bouquets of bird cherry flowers in the house.

Important! At long-term storage dosage forms poison is released from the berries and bark - hydrocyanic acid. Long-term storage is dangerous to health.

  1. The plant is believed to have magical properties and can cleanse the aura of negative influences.
  2. Can relieve depression and attract love.
  3. Possesses magical properties. Heals unrequited love.
  4. A bird cherry sprig can be used to test for the presence of the evil eye. Take a branch with a diameter of 5 mm and dry it. If a dry stick breaks easily, this is a sign of the evil eye.
  5. Bird cherry juice has coloring properties. It can add color to wine or confectionery product, they also used to dye fabrics brown and green.
  6. The wood was used for weaving products (baskets, hoops).
  7. Tea was brewed from the berry powder, the filling for pies was prepared, and it was added to flour for flavor.
  8. Used to control insects.
  9. There is an opinion that the shrub got its name from the Po River, which flows in Italy.
  10. The sweet smell attracts bees; this plant is a honey plant.
  11. The juice of the berries was used to treat infections in wounds during World War II. This gave many patients a chance to recover.

Video: medicinal properties of bird cherry