Nutrition of vigor. Healthy foods for energy and vitality

How often it happens that our strength leaves us in the midst of the working day, just at the moment when our heads should be clear, with many ideas and plans. But what kind of work can we talk about when the body aches from fatigue, and the brain gives continuous impulses, signaling its desire to quit everything and go to bed. To come to your senses and recharge your body with energy, we bring to your attention 10 superfood batteries that will fill you with new vitality.


This affordable and widespread fruit in our area is rich in quercetin. We will not delve into all the beneficial properties of this substance, we will only note what is important for us in the first place: quercetin makes muscle cells produce more energy. So before training or work, eat a few apples.


Red meat (beef, veal)

You will be surprised, but this is not heavy food at all. Meat contains a lot of bioactive iron, and iron affects the accumulation of oxygen in the blood. And the more oxygen in your body, the higher your tone. The meat also contains creatine, B vitamins, and zinc. To ensure that red meat is fully digested, eat it with vegetables. But don’t mix it with bread, porridge, potatoes - after such a combination you will want to sleep.


This delicious paste is made from chickpeas, sesame seeds, lemon and olive oil. An excellent source of protein and fiber, as well as iron, vitamin C and folic acid. You can use it as a sauce and dip carrots, bell peppers and whole grain tortillas into it.


Shellfish contain a lot of natural energy - vitamin B12. In addition, this vitamin stimulates brain function. Seafood also contains large amounts of tyrosine. This acid helps increase the production of the hormone norepinephrine, which will noticeably give you more energy.


The amino acid leucine contained in chicken egg, is responsible for energy production during power work. And B vitamins, of which there are many in eggs, stimulate energy production in the body’s cells. A breakfast of 3-4 eggs will literally charge you with energy in the morning.

pumpkin seeds


Omega 3 fatty acids, contained in this product, are not deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat, but are immediately included in energy processes. Nuts also “inhibit” the absorption of carbohydrates.



This South American drink is not as invigorating as coffee, but its effect is milder. In addition, this tea contains stimulants such as theobromine and theophylline, and together with caffeine they perfectly increase tone.

Now it’s easy for me to talk about this topic, but once upon a time I had no idea that food could affect our activity. Yes, I kind of felt that after hearty dinner It’s hard to force yourself to move, all enthusiasm disappears. But since this was observed in everyone and everywhere, I considered it as the norm of life.

But a person wants to be full of energy and strength. Mothers simply need strength in huge quantities. And bear it, and give birth, and survive the first sleepless year, educate, help with homework, worry about the teenager. Don’t forget about other areas of your life. Well, you have to live near some kind of energy source in order to withstand such long-term loads non-stop.

Therefore, it would be completely careless to dismiss such a simple opportunity to support your vitality as our "everyday food". She can nourish us with strength, or she can take away the latter.

If you want to know what foods give energy and strength to the body, then this article is for you. By using " the right products» you will be able to significantly increase your energy level. You will have enough strength to more business What in at the moment no resource? For self-care, for self-realization? Today you will find this resource.

What comes first on the path to a beautiful body and vigor - nutrition or movement?

Experts answered this question a long time ago: of course, both matters, but nutrition comes first here. Yes, this is logical: the same vigor directly depends on what you ate and in what quantity. Do you want to exercise after a large, heavy meal? Or is it easier to move yourself after eating a low-calorie meal?

It is enough to imagine two people who are losing weight. One eats like crazy and works hard during training. Another has simply reduced the amount of food he eats and does not exercise at all. Question: who will lose weight? Perhaps both. But the second one is also without tension. And if you also connect a small load... then a toned silhouette will soon be added to the reduction in volume.

Therefore, if you feel that you do not have enough strength, and after eating there is no energy left at all, do not rush to kill yourself in the gym. Start with what affects you directly—your food.

My experiments with nutrition and where I settled on.

Attention! My experience is my personal path! This is not a specialist recommendation for you personally. Everyone has different bodies and health problems (or lack thereof:) Please be understanding.

Before listing the foods that give energy and strength to our body, I want to talk about the path that I have taken in matters of nutrition. By nature, I am not very inclined to be overweight, but I love treats. I easily overeat. Often I eat not because I’m hungry, but to enjoy it. I'm such an emotional eater. And until I was 30 years old, this diet scheme did not bother me in any way.

But everything ends someday. Including body resources. I began to feel lethargic, apathetic, and skin rashes of an unknown nature appeared. My weight increased slightly (from 48 to 50 kg, my height is 157 cm). I started thinking... Simultaneously with these problems, information about a raw food diet came to me. Honestly, it seemed like a lifesaver to me, a solution to all my problems.

I switched to this type of nutrition literally in 1 day, having previously sifted through a bunch of scientific literature. So what do you think? All my problems really went away! I just became like an electric broom! My health has improved.

Don’t think, I’m not promoting a raw food diet to the masses; I myself only lasted for six months. But it is this experience that now allows me to accurately choose products that will give me strength, rather than wasting my own resources.

The main difference between food “for vivacity”

Now I eat like everyone else. But I was happy to keep in my diet those foods that make me energetic. I decided not to delete articles and videos about my experience in raw food nutrition. This is part of my journey.

What did I keep permanently based on the results of this experiment?

Now I eat everything. But! The main thing here is proportions. I try to make sure that most of it comes from “live” food, which makes me energetic. Yes, there were many disadvantages to a raw food diet, but what you can’t argue with is the manifold increase in energy!

So what foods have this effect? This is the food that has retained fermets. This is not a processed food. Salads, fruits, nuts, greens. Why not a list on healthy eating? Anything that has been cooked no longer has enzymes for digestion in your body. They simply collapsed during the heat treatment process. You have to fork out and spend yours. Well, or flavor it with Mezimchik.

Meat also contains enzymes. True, raw :) As soon as you cook it, it begins to use your own resource in order to be digested.

What foods give energy and strength to the body?

So let's list those specific products, after eating which you will be full of strength. At least for training, at least for an active life.

1. Fruits and berries.

Digests instantly. Contain large number fiber. Therefore, even very sweet fruits will not give an instant jump in blood sugar; fiber will not allow it.

You can eat any fruit.

But! It is advisable to make them a separate meal or snack. Since eating fruit immediately after lunch, you risk fermentation in the intestines. Well, imagine: an apple is ready to move on, and then a second one blocks its way!

By the way, this is the basis for the false beliefs of some people who are simply sure that fruits are not good for them! They just don't know better than to mix them with the rest of their food. So eat fruit wisely!

2. Vegetables.

Let me remind you that we are considering exactly raw foods. That is, salads are quite suitable. Are you sitting down to eat? Try to ensure that approximately half of what you eat comes from vegetable salad. Then you will get up from the table easier than usual.

3. Greens.

Can also be added to salads. The only thing is that you usually can’t eat a lot of it. If you get interested and start weighing the greens you consume, you will simply be surprised at the insignificance of this value! This is some 5-10-15 grams per serving. To obtain the effect, this is, of course, very little.

What solution did people find? Green smoothies! This is one of the most important knowledge of my life. Vitamins and energy are what are contained there in their pure form.

If you think that green smoothies- it’s not tasty, then you don’t know the main thing: that you can take neutral greens (for example, spinach), and the taste will be determined by the fruit. Those that you definitely like. My favorite combination: banana, apple and spinach.

In this video I show how this all looks in practice.

4. Green buckwheat.

I would like to highlight it as a separate point.

Regular buckwheat, to which we are all accustomed, unfortunately, has lost some of its useful properties, since it was already fried before us (hence brown). It is, of course, also good, but products that provide energy include regular buckwheat. How to eat it? Of course, no one wants to chew dry cereal. But there is an easy way out. If you've already mastered green smoothies (or just fruit or vegetable smoothies), you can add it to it after soaking it in water to soften it. Its taste is completely neutral and difficult to detect. My youngest daughter really loves the “buckwheat cocktail.” And he often asks to do it.

5. Nuts and seeds.

Great snack. However, here it is worth understanding that they must also be raw! Roasted nuts are a very, very heavy product! Don’t forget to ask the sellers or the packaging whether they are thermally processed or not. I can already taste it.

6. Dried fruits.

They are really useful if they are natural. True, it has become quite difficult to find such ones. To increase shelf life, many of them are soaked in syrup, so you can often get more damage. The price, of course, can vary significantly. I like to take dates, as they are easier to distinguish from harmful ones. The harmful ones are oiled and shiny. And natural ones have a matte surface, no shine.

As you can see, everything is very simple. All these products that can nourish us with energy have been familiar to all of us for a long time (well, perhaps, except for green buckwheat). We just didn't treat them as such. We're still waiting for something magic pill, which will solve all our problems.

In reality, everything is much simpler. Eat food created by nature, and you will have both strength and lightness.

How to make "energy eating" a part of your life: a step-by-step plan.

Let's summarize. Everything we need to know in theory, we already know. You need to eat more fresh plant foods. These are fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and dried fruits. This is a list of “goodies” that we all know from childhood. You just have to treat it like food and increase the share of these products in your daily diet.

How you can do this in practice:

  1. First, you need to observe your current diet. It is possible to write down what you ate during last days. How much of what you eat is useful? plant food? Just look at the facts. Maybe you think you're eating a lot of fruit, but in fact it was just one apple in 3 days. Monitor yourself.
  2. Once you know how things really are, write down your diet for the coming week. Just increase the amount of desired foods slightly. Write out a shopping list and replenish your supplies for the week. If you don't run ahead of the locomotive, your week will be easy and very tasty. When it comes to an end, evaluate how you feel and prescribe your diet for the next week.
  3. What you want to enter on an ongoing basis should be at your fingertips. There must be food in the house! You should know that you have something to snack on if you want. You can easily take a snack in the form of nuts and dried fruits with you.
  4. People usually enjoy eating fresh food, so there shouldn't be any problems. Just gradually make it a habit. When this food becomes part of your daily life, you will notice a difference in your well-being. And they are very easy to adjust. If you want to lose weight, eat more plant foods. If you want to get up easier in the morning, eat more plant-based foods for dinner.

What's in the future?

Well, now you know what to do. The key word here is do. Because knowledge alone will not satisfy you, unfortunately. Just gradually change your lifestyle, then you will inevitably have more energy. But, of course, we fill ourselves with more than just food. To be fulfilled “on all fronts”, pay attention to other areas of your life. , why we so often lack strength and energy for life. I also recommend that you download it, thanks to it you will be able to check and track them for yourself.

I wish you could organize your daily life so that there is a minimum of leaks, but maximum strength and energy! I look forward to your questions in the comments below. And share your experience, perhaps there are some products that help you stay cheerful and support you in difficult times?

It's not always possible to sleep eight hours a day. For those of us who are constantly stressed or sleep deprived, there are one, or rather ten, ways to recharge and gain strength without resorting to energy drinks, which later leave us feeling overwhelmed

Registered nutritionist, specialist, consultant nutritionist Lisa Moskowitz named 10 essential foods that will give you back your strength:

Egg yolks are rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for converting food into energy and replenish, which strengthens bones. What's more, they're a rich source of protein, which is especially important during intense workouts that often result in muscle strains, says Moskowitz.

Advice: To protect yourself from saturated fat and extra calories, try to eat one whole egg and 2-3 egg whites. This will provide you with a healthy and energy-rich breakfast.

When you need a quick pick-me-up, a small serving will help. “A cup allows you to perform much more efficiently and is also a great pre-workout drink,” says Moskowitz. Coffee with skim milk will provide the body with and, as well as carbohydrates for energy.

Advice: A little coffee is all you need for your benefit. Order 30ml hot or iced coffee.

Soybeans are rich in nutrients, especially B vitamins, copper and phosphorus. “B-complex vitamins help convert carbohydrates into glucose, while at the same time supplying oxygen to all cells in the body.

Copper and phosphorus help convert food into energy, which is stored in cells for later use by the body. Greens soybeans also nourish the body with carbohydrates, fiber and proteins beneficial for muscles. One cup of green soybeans contains 8 grams of fiber and 17 grams of protein,” says Moskowitz.

Advice: To restore the body after a long workout, you need to eat a handful of green soybeans. They can be slightly salted to replenish lost electrolytes.

The coarse, fibrous whole grain flakes slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream, providing energy for the day.

Moskowitz says a spike in blood glucose levels, usually after eating refined carbohydrates such as candy, leads to sharp increase blood sugar levels and the release of excessive amounts of insulin by the pancreas.

Insulin causes glucose to move from the blood into the cells. As soon as the blood glucose level rises, a corresponding amount of insulin is released.

Advice: Special vitamin-fortified whole grain cereals contain almost all important vitamins and minerals. Choose cereals that contain at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. For an extra dose of protein, sprinkle the cereal into a glass of skim milk or low-fat Greek yogurt.

Nuts and dried fruits are the perfect combination of healthy fats, fiber and protein. Refined carbohydrates do not contain fiber, so they are broken down faster and converted into glucose, providing the body with energy only for a short period of time.

Fiber helps slow the release of glucose so you have energy that lasts longer. Just like fiber, proteins slow down carbohydrate metabolism and restore damaged muscle tissue.

Therefore, proteins are consumed to avoid muscle pain after training. The fats found in nuts, seeds and oils are known to provide the body with energy when running or swimming for more than an hour.

Because carbohydrates are the main macronutrient during exercise, they are quickly depleted and the body begins to burn stored fat, says Moskowitz.

To avoid excess sugars and oils that are so often added to mixed nuts and dried fruits, make these mixtures yourself.

Mix your favorite nuts, such as pistachios or peanuts, with seeds and dried fruit. Top them with whole grain cereal or eat them with pretzels for a higher concentration of nutritious carbohydrates.

One of the main factors for keeping the body in good shape is water. When dehydrated, the body loses strength faster than when hungry. Water is responsible for delivering the nutrients from which we get energy into the blood. It also removes accumulated toxins from the body that cause us fatigue.

Without enough water, our body will not be able to process food into energy, and therefore will stop working. Drink anything throughout the day more water, especially before and after training.” This point of view is fully shared.

Advice: Divide your body weight by two to calculate the amount of water you should drink per day. Add 600-800 ml of water for every hour of exercise to maintain it normal level in the body. Do you think this is a lot? Most people need 8-10 glasses of water a day, says Moskowitz.

Guarana is a small red fruit round shape, widely used in the beverage industry as an additive ingredient that acts as a stimulant nervous system and increases physical endurance body, says the doctor.

Naturopathic Medicine Doctor, co-founder of superfood organization Genesis Today, and celebrity nutritionist Lindsay Duncan (who has worked with Tony Dorsett and Reggie Bush) says, “Guarana seeds are a rich source of caffeine and contain two and a half times the caffeine found in coffee.

Therefore, they are considered an effective stimulant for the body. They also contain theophylline and dimethylxanthine, which prevent caffeine overdose, making these seeds ideal for long-term use.

Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that contains more protein than any other cereal. It is so rich in amino acids that it is considered a source of complete protein, lysine, methionine and cysteine.

It is an ideal post-workout food to help build muscle. It also contains folic acid, magnesium (more in magnesium-containing foods), phosphorus and manganese, making quinoa a complete source of carbohydrates to help keep the body energized,” says Dr. Duncan.

Advice: Quinoa is a great substitute for wheat and refined carbohydrates because it supports health cardiovascular system And internal organs, and stabilizes blood pressure. Dr. Duncan recommends consuming quinoa instead of bread, rice and pasta. You will feel a surge of energy.

A handful of raw or baked ones will fill you with strength and energy for training. Pumpkin seeds are a source of protein, healthy fats and fiber, and help keep you energized, says Dr. Duncan. They also contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which provide the body with energy and help cope with prolonged stress.

Advice: If you are unable to eat pumpkin seeds, you can purchase food supplement containing pumpkin seed oil.

For thousands of years, nutritious wolfberries have been used to support the body's energy and release hormones. Dereza helps us cope with stress and relieves depression, improves memory and mental abilities, fills us with strength for new workouts, says Dr. Duncan.

Dereza accelerates blood circulation, thanks to which all cells and tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen, including the genitals - which increases libido. That's why wolfberry is called Chinese Viagra.

Advice: Buy wolfberry from liquid form, since liquid is easier to digest. To achieve the same effect, you would have to eat a hundred times more dried wolfberries. says Dr. Duncan.

Everything you eat directly affects the health of your body and how you feel every day. The foods you eat can give you energy throughout the day, but they can also take it away. In order for the vigor in your body to be constant, you need to figure out which foods are good for health and increase vigor, and what you should give up.

What is healthy to eat?

First, you should find out which foods have a positive effect on your alertness. Of course, it is not recommended to overeat on them. But it’s still worth adding them to your diet. Useful products include:

  1. Oatmeal. Oats are the healthiest carbohydrate food you can find. Recommended to eat oatmeal daily for breakfast. I recommend reading the article. You can add, for example, cinnamon to it for aroma and taste. After porridge, if the feeling of hunger is still present, you can eat an apple, as advised above;

  2. Nuts. Scientists have long been able to prove the benefits daily use eating nuts. Their useful action in reducing the risk of occurrence coronary disease hearts. The reason for this is the antioxidant ubiquinone-coenzyme Q10. There is quite a lot of it in nuts. With its help, you can “clean” your blood by getting rid of unnecessary cholesterol in it. In addition, nuts contain many vitamins, including B vitamins, as well as vitamin E. They not only have a beneficial effect on the human body, but also on his skin. Nuts are also known for their good effect on the brain, helping it to function normally. They are also an excellent option for a snack. They are easy to carry and can be eaten anywhere whenever you feel hungry;

  3. Natural chocolate. And natural is the key word in this case. It is especially useful for those with a sweet tooth. After all, this is much healthier than various cakes and other sweet desserts. This product does not contain refined starch, which destroys vitamins and deprives the body of energy. Natural dark chocolate contains many beneficial antioxidants. However, the product contains sugar, which is why it is recommended to eat no more than 50 g per day;

  4. Apples. Rich in vitamins, useful minerals and antioxidants that can saturate the body with the energy it needs. Eat at least one apple a day, and you will notice how you have increased strength and become more alert. For example, you can eat an apple in the morning;

  5. Bananas. Anyone who has been trying to eat healthy has long been aware of the beneficial properties bananas have. Rich in potassium, which helps a person normalize blood pressure and keep it in in good condition. Bananas also have beneficial effect on the cardiac activity of the body as a whole. This is also good option snack, convenient to take with you;

  6. Red pepper. The product is rich in vitamins A and C, which have a positive effect on appearance your skin. Sweet peppers also contain lycopene, which helps prevent cancer;

  7. Pumpkin seeds. A real storehouse of vitamins. Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, calcium, iron and are good for health. If you need an energy boost, be sure to snack on pumpkin seeds. They will quickly increase your performance level. Plus, pumpkin seeds are much lighter than nuts. It is enough to consume less than half a cup of these seeds and work immediately will go faster and easier;

  8. Carrot. Many people know that carrots are very good for vision. In addition, it is also useful as a snack. It will easily satisfy your hunger, while this snack will be correct and healthy for the body. Carrot juice helps strengthen the nervous system, and also improves mood and energy. So if you don't feel like crunching it, just juice it;

  9. Vegetable puree soup. Of course, this is not really a product, it is a dish. However, it can give you a huge boost of energy and a great mood for the whole day. Besides vegetable soup is a great option to combine everything healthy vegetables and eat them all at once. It is especially useful to eat this soup in cold, damp weather;

  10. Water with lemon. The benefits of water with lemon are also known to everyone who tries to adhere to healthy eating. It’s not for nothing that they recommend drinking water with lemon in the morning. After all, this way you can fill your body with energy and vigor. Water has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body; lemon is rich in vitamins and saturates the human body with them. It is better to drink this water in small sips, and only after that start breakfast;

  11. Watermelon. Great option summer snack. It contains lycopene, which was already noted above as an excellent prevention for cancer. It is better to eat the product on an empty stomach. Watermelon is a low-fat fruit, thanks to which it is quickly digested and also quickly absorbed. In return, you receive energy and vigor, and feel a surge of strength;

  12. Green salad. It contains many vitamins and minerals that contribute to its fast digestion. That's why after a snack green salad you will feel invigorated. You can add a small amount of lemon sauce to it;

  13. Pineapple. This product is also digested quickly and is great for snacking. However, it is recommended to consume it not only on an empty stomach, but also not to combine it with other products;

  14. Blueberry. Another useful and delicious product. In addition to the fact that blueberries give vigor, they also help to increase brain activity. It is best to use them before some important day, when you will need to fully gather and concentrate;

  15. Dried figs. It can relieve fatigue and energize a person. In addition, it perfectly helps cleanse the blood and remove various toxins from the body and harmful substances. However, you should not get too carried away with eating figs. It contains a lot of sugar, which is harmful to health. Therefore, it is better to limit the use of the product to a few pieces. Foods that take away energy

In addition to the fact that there are foods that help increase vigor and relieve fatigue, there are also foods that, on the contrary, lead to overwork and lethargy. To avoid this condition, you should exclude these foods from your diet or reduce their consumption to a minimum. The thing is that such food may contain a large amount of toxins, or be digested too slowly, which negatively affects the body. These include:

  • Red meat. This includes pork, veal and beef. It is better to completely exclude this meat from the diet. However, for many this will be quite problematic. Therefore, you should at least minimize the consumption of these products;
  • Fermented and old foods. For example, sour and aged cheeses, pickled products, smoked products, etc. The thing is that all of the listed products underwent lengthy processing, as a result of which everything useful that was originally contained in them was killed. When you use them, your body does not receive any useful substances On the contrary, he loses his vigor;
  • Potatoes and other root vegetables. Only carrots do not belong to them, the beneficial properties of which were mentioned above and beets. The thing is that it is believed that products that ripen underground carry less energy than those that are exposed to the sun and grow above the ground;
  • Alcoholic drinks, refined sugar, coffee. The thing is that these products contribute sharp increase vivacity, which is quickly followed by a sharp decline. That is, at first a person feels a surge of strength, and then suddenly severe fatigue appears. It is recommended to drink no more than one cup of coffee per day.
  • Stop smoking— this infection also takes away strength from the body.

You should also exclude food with chemical additives and GMOs from your diet, because they negatively affect human health in general and do not saturate you. essential vitamins. Of course, refuse listed products completely can be difficult. If you cannot do this, then try to at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Can food affect our mood and energy level?
In my opinion, the prospect is quite intriguing.

However, it is too early to say that eating an apple every day protects you from depression and depressed mood. Scientists are currently exploring the relationship between what we eat and how we feel. There is evidence that changing your eating plan can have an impact on your metabolism and brain chemistry, ultimately boosting your energy and mood.

Where to start?
There are 3 ways to increase energy through foods: by providing the body required quantity calories, consuming stimulants such as caffeine, or stimulating the metabolic process by burning calories more efficiently. As for mood, here we can isolate substances that normalize blood sugar levels and activate brain function, for example, serotonin. Thus, first of all, it is necessary to carefully study which foods and drinks can be truly beneficial.

"Good" carbohydrates
Some diets exclude carbohydrates from your diet, but they are essential for providing energy and improving your mood. Carbohydrates - main source fuel for the body, and they also increase serotonin levels. The main rule is to avoid consuming sweets, which causes sudden changes sugar and leads to increased fatigue and mood swings. Replace sweets with whole grains such as brown rice, whole grain bread or cereal. Whole grains take longer to be absorbed by the body, normalize sugar levels and maintain energy at a certain level.

Cashews, almonds, hazelnuts
These nuts are not only rich in protein, but also contain magnesium, a mineral that plays a vital role in important role when converting sugar into energy. According to some studies, magnesium deficiency can lead to energy depletion. Magnesium is also present in whole grains, especially bran, and in some types of fish, including halibut.

Brazil nut
By diversifying the above nut smoothie with a small amount brazil nut, you will receive a portion of selenium, which naturally will lift your spirits and give you strength. Studies have established a direct relationship between low amounts of selenium and bad mood. This mineral is present in small quantities in meat, seafood products, legumes or whole grains.

Lean meat
Lean pork, beef, chicken fillet and turkey are healthy sources protein, including tyrosine (an amino acid that is involved in mood regulation). Tyrosine increases levels of norepinephrine and dopamine, brain chemicals that increase alertness.

Salmon - fish with high content fat, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Researchers say this nutrient helps fight depression. The validity of this relationship is still under research, but it is clear that omega-3 fats have a number of other beneficial properties that ensure heart health. In addition to fish, omega-3 fatty acids are also found in nuts and leafy vegetables.

Leafy greens
Folic acid is another nutrient which may reduce the risk of depression. Just like omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid found in leafy vegetables including spinach and romaine lettuce. Legumes, nuts and citrus fruits are excellent sources of folic acid.

Fiber is an energy stabilizer. It slows down digestion, ensuring you maintain alertness and energy throughout the day. Beans, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and breads are staple foods that are rich in fiber.

Dehydration and body fatigue are inseparable concepts. According to some studies, even mild dehydration can slow down your metabolism and lead to energy depletion. Remedy: Drink as much water or other unsweetened beverages as possible throughout the day.

Fresh products
Another way to fully meet your body's fluid needs is to consume foods high in water content, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to avoid dry snacks (buns and other baked goods) in favor of apples or celery. Other foods that can help you stay hydrated include oatmeal and pasta, as they absorb liquid as they cook.

Coffee is rightfully considered one of the most common energy drinks, even if not for a long period of time. Caffeine speeds up metabolism, temporarily improves brain concentration and gives you energy. Frequent consumption of coffee in small quantities helps maintain concentration for a longer period of time than one large serving. However, it is not recommended to overuse this drink, otherwise you may experience sleep disturbances. As you know, lack of sleep is one of the reasons for exhaustion.

An alternative source of caffeine is, you guessed it, tea. Scientists believe that the caffeine and L-theanine contained in tea increase concentration, speed up reaction time and improve memory. Black tea also has the ability to cope with stress.

Dark chocolate
True “chocoholics” probably already know that a few pieces of dark chocolate replenish your energy and lift your spirits. This is due to the effects of caffeine along with another stimulant called theobromine.

If you really want to always be in good shape, radiate strength and energy and energize those around you great mood- means ignoring breakfast is not in your interests. Numerous studies confirm that breakfast in the morning gives you a boost of energy and mood for the whole day. The right breakfast must be nutritious (carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins) and include sufficient fiber.

Frequent meals
To maintain stable sugar levels, energy and mood, it is recommended to eat small portions every 3-4 hours. Energy-replenishing snacks include peanut butter with bread/crackers or whole grain cereal with milk.

Additional energy sources
Majority additional sources energy are an alternative to coffee or other stimulants. Moreover, many of them include caffeine or other chemicals. Vivid examples Such products are kola nut, Paraguayan tea (mate), green tea infusion or guarana. They can temporarily provide the body powerful charge energy, although, according to some scientists, regular coffee has an almost identical effect.

Energy drinks and gels
Most energy drinks and gels are satiating simple carbohydrates– in other words, sugar, which the body quickly converts into energy. These products are widely used by professional athletes when they urgently need energy and strength, although their benefits for ordinary people are very ambiguous. Energy drinks contain a lot of calories and very few nutrients.

In addition to changing your diet plan, working out is a proven way to boost your energy and lift your mood. A short 15 minute walk can give you strength. Moreover, the benefits from physical activity increases in proportion to the frequency of their execution. Systematic training helps fight depression and causes physiological changes, which help replenish energy costs during the day.