What foods should you not eat when losing weight (list). The main pros and cons of diets. Harm of the right foods

Whether you are on a diet or eat everything indiscriminately, it doesn’t matter. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the products that are most useful for human body. This is not about losing weight or gaining weight, we're talking about about healthy eating!

The best protein food

POULTRY: CHICKENS and TURKEY. Eat only white meat (breast). Dark meat (legs and wings) contains a lot of fat. The duck and goose are also good, especially the breast. Pheasant and partridge contain very little fat, but not everyone likes the taste of game. To avoid dryness, before cooking, pounded meat can be marinated in a marinade with the addition of olive oil.

FISH AND SEAFOOD. These products sometimes contain almost 0 g of fat per 100 g of product, and sometimes they are extremely fatty. However, this fat is healthy, so feel free to eat it.

LEGUMES. Soy is very rich in protein, but it also has its drawbacks. For example, soy suppresses the immune system ( thymus reacts poorly to soy genistein) and even promotes growth cancer cells if you already have breast cancer.

DAIRY PRODUCTS. Watch the amount of sugar and fat in the dairy products you consume. Consume dairy products with a fat content of no more than 2%.

EGGS. The best source of protein in the world. Eggs have the highest biological value among all protein sources. Protein one large egg contains 4 g of protein. There is the same amount of protein in each yolk. The yolks alone also contain 2 g of unwanted fat. So handle the yolks with care.

PROTEIN POWDERS. If for some reason you find it difficult to dial required quantity proteins from normal food, you can always rely on protein shakes from powders (they can be mixed into porridge, cutlets, omelettes and baked goods, and so on). Protein powders are not a necessity, but a simple convenience in some cases. Of all the protein powders on the market, the best protein powders are those made from a blend of whey and casein. These milk proteins complement each other and are digestible at different speeds, which makes protein powder more satisfying and long-lasting.

BEEF. Lean beef is considered a tasty source of amino acids needed as fuel for muscles during strength training and for normal operation memory. Experts estimate that up to 80% of people do not produce enough creatine in their bodies and brains and need an external supply of this substance. Game in any case contains more creatine than meat from farmed cows and calves. Pork, tuna and red fish contain the same amount of creatine as beef (5 g per 1 kg of meat or fish), and herring contains up to two times more (6.5-10 g per kg of herring). You can take a dietary supplement: creatine monohydrate, but always with a glass of juice with a high glycemic index, such as cranberry or grape. The insulin response to the juice will help drive creatine into the muscles and brain cells. Just keep in mind that approximately 30% of people will not respond to additional creatine supplies from animal products or dietary supplements. If you're one of the lucky 70%, this will help you train longer and harder and add a few pounds. muscle mass.

The best carbohydrate food

GRAINS AND CEREALS. The carbohydrates in these foods are mostly starches: long chains of glucose molecules linked together. The breakdown of these chains into individual glucose molecules begins in the mouth under the influence of the amylase enzyme contained in saliva. Typical representatives of starch-containing products in this group would be bread, rice and pasta.
Try to stay away from anything white among these foods. Eat as little processed and bran-free foods as possible. The browner the better. “Brown carbohydrates” are slowly broken down into glucose, insulin is stabilized within a moderate range and there will be no fat deposition.

For bread, rely on this technique (test). If the crumb is soft, flexible and sticky, then this bread is not for you. Good bread- rough, grainy, brittle.

Pay attention to the calorie content of starchy foods. It is up to three times higher in calories than, for example, lean meat. Overeating starchy foods is the main cause of weight problems, not the starchy foods themselves.

Remember also that among people approximately 1 in 200 or even 1 in 50 (according to various expert estimates) suffers from in different forms intolerance to gluten - a protein found in cereals: wheat, rye, oats. Symptoms include abdominal swelling, edema, bowel dysfunction, muscle cramps and general weakness after consuming such cereals and products made from them. If you have similar symptoms, then be sure to check with your doctor and modify your diet accordingly.

FRUITS. Fruits contain large quantities a special type of sugar called fructose. Glucose goes directly into the blood, and fructose first goes to the liver to be processed there. For this reason, fructose (and fruit consumption) does not affect blood sugar and insulin levels as much.

Fruits are good because they are rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances, fiber, and they are also quite low in calories. How can they be bad then? But what is bad about fruits, or rather, overeating them?

Excess carbohydrates can only be stored in the body in the form of glycogen. The liver can take on approximately 50 g of carbohydrates per day and another 200 g per day can be stored by the muscles. Excess fructose can only be stored by the liver, because muscles do not have the enzyme that will convert fructose into glycogen. After the liver is filled to capacity with glycogen, excess fructose from fruits will be converted into triglycerides - fat precursors in your fat cells. So excess fructose in your diet quickly turns into fat on your sides, compared to other types of carbohydrates.

Carefully monitor your fruit intake throughout the day and do not eat more than 3-4 medium-sized fruits per day. Be especially careful with dried fruits, which are not as filling as fresh fruits and can be easy to overdose on fructose. Also be careful with fruit juices. In a glass orange juice already contains 3 oranges and very little fiber! The only appropriate time to consume fruit juices is carbohydrate window immediately after finishing training.

VEGETABLES. More and in all types! Dark green vegetables and leaves come first. Count them as green water. Eat as much as you like. A pound of broccoli contains only 120 kcal, compared to 500 g of pasta, which contains 1600 kcal. The exception is green peas, which are quite rich in calories from starch.
Pumpkins and carrots have twice the calories of green vegetables; corn and potatoes are considered vegetables, but behave like starchy grains and cereals.

FIBER. Fiber intake should exceed 20 g for every 1000 kcal of food in your menu. The minimum is 30 g of fiber per day. If fiber is more than 60 g per day, then this is no longer beneficial, but harmful. Such amounts of fiber interfere with normal metabolism and the functioning of various minerals, especially calcium, zinc and iron.

Sources of fiber: 20 g in a glass of boiled black beans or green peas; 15 g per glass of lentils or spotted beans; 10 g per cup breakfast bran, cup blueberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chickpeas, red beans, raspberries, spinach and yams; 5 g in an apple, a glass of pearl barley, blueberries, 2 pieces of coarse bread, a glass of corn, oatmeal, a pear, a glass of brown rice.

Great Sources of Healthy Fat

NUTS. Contain large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. Walnuts rich in omega-3. Coconut oil is lower in calories than all other fats, has a neutral taste and stimulates the thyroid gland. People with sluggish thyroid are healed and lose weight well if they consume coconut oil. According to scientists from Canadian McGill University, a simple switch from other fats to coconut oil in the diet led the experiment participants to lose weight from 5.5 to 16.5 kg per year. On coconut oil you can fry potatoes and meat, cook pilaf, add it to muffins, cakes, cookies and other baked goods, make delicious spreads on sandwiches, salad dressings, and so on.

It is unlikely that anyone has not heard the wisdom that “dinner should be given to the enemy.” We won't be so categorical. To refuse or not evening reception Everyone is free to decide for themselves about food, but you definitely shouldn’t have a snack right before going to the side. After all, the body will not have time to digest this meal before going to bed, and at night all processes in it will proceed much more slowly. As a result, a cutlet with potatoes or fish and rice will hang around undigested until you wake up. What not in the best possible way will affect health.

So it is no coincidence that nutritionists advise having dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime. The fact is that during this period the food is generally digested and partially absorbed. But even if your dinner takes place at the recommended time, you should be careful when choosing foods for it. Afternoon activity digestive system decreases, liver, gallbladder, the pancreas begins to work slower than during the day. All this needs to be taken into account. And give up heavy, high-calorie, fatty, spicy foods. Carbohydrates are also not recommended, especially easily digestible ones ( white bread, sugar, sweet fruits, cakes, etc.), however, it is also better to avoid complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and potatoes. In the evening, the body processes glucose very poorly, so all sweets are also prohibited; alas, you need to be careful with fresh fruits and dried fruits.


Sugar and flour premium- all this very quickly raises the blood sugar level, but after this sweet pie it drops just as quickly and you want to eat with new strength. In addition, it is refined foods that are primarily deposited on the hips. There is nothing useful left in them after industrial processing, but there is as much glucose and starch as you want.

Red meat

Especially fried, but baked or boiled is also not worth it. The fact is that red meat contains large number tyrosine, which increases adrenaline levels. Therefore, it is best to eat it in the morning, by the evening the adrenaline level will return to normal and you will be able to sleep peacefully. As a light protein component of dinner, we can recommend white poultry and lean fish.

Smoked meats and sausages

Smoked meat, boiled and raw smoked sausage, boiled pork and other delicacies contain the amino acid teramine. It increases the production of norepinephrine, a substance responsible for the production of nerve impulses. Its excess excites our brain and prevents us from falling asleep. They no longer say that smoked meats are too fatty and harmful.


We usually eat refined rice. And it is too well absorbed. It contains a lot of starches and, accordingly, fast carbohydrates. So it is better to avoid rice and other cereals in the afternoon.


Even a small piece of dark chocolate in the afternoon will help great harm both for weight loss and good health. Firstly, it contains too much sugar, that is, fast carbohydrates, and secondly, it contains caffeine. So it is recommended to eat chocolate, as well as other sweets, only in the morning.


They are very high in calories and very fatty. Think about it, a handful of nuts contains up to 600 Kcal. This is more than half of the daily diet for those losing weight. Those who are not on diets should still avoid nuts. There is too much fat in them (albeit healthy), for the last meal of the day - not a very healthy and easily digestible food.

Sweet fruits

Grapes, apricots, peaches, watermelon, melon - healthy products, but contain a lot of sugars and fast carbohydrates. So it is advisable to avoid them in the evening and eat them only in the first half of the day. It is also better not to eat dried fruits.

True, if you feel that you are unable to refuse dessert in the evening, grapes are better than cake.

Horseradish and mustard

Horseradish and mustard, or rather hot sauces based on them, are what drive away sleep well and for a long time. In addition, in the second half of the day the gastrointestinal tract is not so active and may not cope with spicy foods, and this can cause heartburn and other unpleasant sensations.


Salted and pickled vegetables are too heavy on the stomach; they often cause heartburn, which can occur not even immediately after dinner, but just when you go to bed.

Fast food

It goes without saying, but we'll still include hamburgers and stuff." fast food» to the list. Such products are very fatty, salty, often spicy, and contain a lot of sugar. Fatty cutlets on buns are topped with sweet sauce. Eating this is generally very harmful, and even more so in the evening. At a minimum, you are guaranteed a heavy stomach for the whole night.

What can you eat in the evening

We have at our disposal for dinner: various fish (preferably not too fatty), crustaceans and mollusks, white poultry meat, rabbit, almost all vegetables, fermented milk products, eggs, unsweetened fruits. In terms of volume, the portion eaten for dinner should not be larger than two of your palms folded into a boat.

In an effort to possess perfect figure it is necessary to focus on two aspects: losing weight and physical activity. Wise selection of products included in daily diet diets will allow you to easily say goodbye to extra pounds, and regular exercise will help you achieve the desired result many times faster. The diet menu for weight loss should be dominated by foods containing protein and complex carbohydrates, since the body spends more energy on their digestion than their value, which helps burn excess fat (you can find out what percentage of fat is excess using a calculator :).

What you can’t eat when losing weight - food list

Nutritionists have developed a list of foods that you absolutely cannot eat when losing weight, because they contain easily digestible carbohydrates and fats leading to weight gain excess weight.

List of foods that you should not eat when losing belly and body weight:

  • Fatty meats and poultry: pork, lamb, duck, goose;
  • Fried, smoked, pickled, salted dishes;
  • High-fat dairy products: butter, cream, cheese, sweet yoghurts;
  • Mayonnaise and sauces made from this product;
  • Potato;
  • bananas and grapes;
  • Pasta and bakery products from wheat;
  • Fresh baked goods, high-calorie desserts with plenty of creams;
  • Sweets, ice cream, candies, chocolate;
  • Sugar;
  • Fast food products;
  • Carbonated drinks, lemonades;
  • Alcohol products.

Why can't you drink coffee?

Coffee is an aromatic drink that lifts your mood and enhances your performance. The fact is that drinking coffee stimulates work nervous system and produces a pleasure hormone, which is why this invigorating drinking product has so many fans. However, when following a diet for weight loss, it is not recommended to consume it, especially on an empty stomach, since it leads to the formation of kidney stones and exacerbation of ailments gastrointestinal tract . Coffee increases blood pressure, and therefore people suffering from hypertension should completely exclude this product from their diet.

Thanks to caffeine, the glucose level increases after drinking coffee, and after a couple of hours it drops sharply, causing an ardent desire to eat some sweet product (chocolate, cake, ice cream), which is completely unacceptable when dieting. Coffee itself is a low-calorie product, however, adding sugar, cream, and syrups to the drink significantly increases it energy value. Thus, a cup of “Latte” or “Mocha” is not inferior in calorie content to a large piece of cake with an abundance of cream, and this only leads to gaining extra pounds.

Why can't there be alcohol?

Is it possible to drink alcohol while losing weight? Any alcoholic beverage inhibits weight loss. When following a diet, you must completely exclude it from your diet for a number of good reasons:

  • Alcohol is high in calories, which in itself contradicts the principles of a weight loss diet.
  • Alcohol contains empty calories that do not saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and beneficial microelements, and therefore do not bring any benefit.
  • Calories from alcoholic products are instantly absorbed by the body, deposited in excess fat, preventing them from being spent.
  • Alcoholic drinks cause accelerated work stomach and copious discharge gastric juice, due to which the appetite increases, therefore the diet during weight loss will be disrupted.
  • Drinking alcoholic products accompanied by a plentiful snack, which only leads to excess weight gain, and not to the desired weight loss.

Why can't there be salt?

It is strictly forbidden to consume salt for diseases such as: enuresis, hypertension, renal failure, edema, obesity, some diseases cardiovascular system. In these cases, doctors prescribe a salt-free diet.

Despite the fact that the salt plays important role in the body, namely, it is the main regulator of water; when dieting for weight loss, it is recommended to exclude it from your diet. Salt retains fluid, leading to swelling, which only interferes with weight loss. It has been established that daily consumption salt should be no more than 4 grams. However, do not forget that many foods (cucumbers, potatoes, bread, etc.) contain salt, so by consuming them in your diet, the body receives the necessary amount. You cannot add additional salt to foods when on a weight loss diet. By eliminating salt from your diet, excess liquid will come out along with the kilograms.

What to eat when losing weight - food list

Proper and healthy nutrition involves consuming foods enriched with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial microelements. It is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits) for the digestion of which the body spends a lot of energy, which significantly exceeds their energy value, contributing to weight loss.

Foods you can eat every day:

  • Fermented milk products low-fat or with a minimum fat content (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • Lean meat (beef, veal, rabbit) and poultry (chicken, turkey, quail);
  • Low-fat fish (sturgeon, hake, pollock, sardine, sea bass, potassu, perch);
  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, eggplants, zucchini, cabbage, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, green peas, carrots, beets, onions, celery stalk);
  • greens (spinach, parsley, dill, lettuce, arugula);
  • Non-sweet fruits and berries (apple, plum, cherry, orange, grapefruit, strawberry, blueberry, blueberry, pear, peach, kiwi, watermelon);
  • Vegetable soups and weak broths;
  • Rye, yeast-free and bran bread.

Is it possible to drink sparkling mineral water?

Drinking sparkling mineral water while losing weight is strictly prohibited. The carbon dioxide contained in its composition is helps increase the volume of the stomach, thereby increasing appetite. When drinking carbonated mineral water Digestion of food is accelerated 20 times, affecting the exacerbation of hunger, even if little time has passed since the last meal, which differs from the principles of the diet.

It is better to drink purified water (boiled, melted, settled), dilute juices with water. It is good to use decoctions and tinctures of herbs and berries.

How many calories should you consume per day to lose weight?

What can you eat in the evening?

What can you eat in the evening when losing weight:

  • Low-fat fish and seafood;
  • Lean poultry (chicken, quail, turkey);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir;
  • Vegetables (fresh, stewed, grilled, steamed or oven);
  • fruit and vegetable salads, seasoned with olive or vegetable oil, or better yet, lemon juice;
  • Unsweetened fruits: apple, grapefruit, orange, lemon, cherry;
  • protein omelet or hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg;
  • Soups.

Allowed carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are divided into two types: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body and are instantly stored as fat. Example of products: sweets, chocolate, candies, baked goods, ice cream. Complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber. To digest them, the body spends colossal energy exceeding their calorie content, which contributes to weight loss. It is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates in your diet during the day, but no less than 4 hours before bedtime.

What carbohydrates can you eat when losing weight:

  • Cereals and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, beans);
  • Cereals (barley, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, rice);
  • Coarse bread (bran, rye);
  • Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, eggplants, carrots, beets);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Non-sweet fruits and berries (citrus fruits, plums, apples, cherries).

Why can't you fast to lose weight?

Under hunger stress, the body will take nutrients where he can. Often these are not fat deposits at all, but lymphoid tissues And muscle fibers. Thus, weight loss during fasting will be due to a decrease in muscle mass, not excess fat. In addition to everything, the skin will begin to sag. Fasting always ends in failure due to the development of “food depression”; a person begins to consume everything in his diet. As a result, the weight returns to the same level as it was, but only in the form of fat deposits, of which there is even more in the body after the loss of muscle mass.

As a rule, different systems nutritionists offer a specific diet, but not every person is ready to eat strictly according to the instructions. Not only is this quite troublesome, but the body also rebels: every time you certainly want something that is not what you should have. If you don’t want to suffer by eating according to a prescribed diet, you can draw up your personal plan in accordance with the rules healthy eating. This will allow you to lose weight easily and eat deliciously even during this period. Let's look at what you can eat on a diet.

What can you drink on a diet?

The main thing that you can and should drink every day is the usual drinking water. Doctors recommend that women drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. You need to take water either half an hour before meals, or 1-2 hours after meals. It is also useful to drink water on an empty stomach - this allows you to awaken the body, start the metabolism and prepare the organs for breakfast. Of course, you need to drink at least 10-20 minutes before meals.

However, in addition to water, you can also use it unlimitedly. Scientists are still arguing about the other varieties, but green is definitely approved by all experts. Of course, you can’t add sugar or sugar substitutes to it - you shouldn’t get extra empty calories or poison your body with tablets of dubious composition.

But drinks that contain calories should be excluded - be it juice or soda. Drinking milk or kefir is considered eating, not drinking, so don't overdo it either.

What can you eat when you're losing weight?

You've probably heard that to lose weight you should exclude fatty, floury and sweet food. We will focus on what a diet should consist of, devoid of everything harmful.

Now you know everything you can eat while on a diet. We bring to your attention general scheme, thanks to which you can eat healthy and varied, creating your own diet.

  1. Breakfast: any porridge, fruit, tea OR a dish of 2 eggs, vegetables, tea.
  2. Lunch: any soup, a slice of bread, a light vegetable salad.
  3. Afternoon snack: portion fermented milk drink low fat content.
  4. Dinner: meat/poultry/fish and any vegetable side dish.

If desired, the afternoon snack can be moved to a time before bedtime; this is especially true for those who suffer from digestive problems.

Everything is good in moderation, and even on a diet you can and should pamper yourself. What and how - read below.

Having decided in once again change your life and your body for the better, many people make the same mistake, which quickly puts an end to all their efforts. They squeeze themselves into often insane limits as much as possible, so to speak, “tighten all possible screws.”

Yesterday these citizens ate kilograms of cookies, candy, hamburgers, French fries and other food “joys”, but today they only ate chicken breast, buckwheat and cucumbers with tomatoes. A week, two, or at most a month passes, and with the approach described above, a breakdown occurs. No, not like that - BREAKDOWN!

A person falls into such severe intestinal fornication that he regains both the lost few kilograms and quite quickly gains a heel or two on top. Often this is excess water, but there is nothing good about carbohydrate edema either. Especially considering the fact that they do not fall off when not balanced diet and periodic overeating.

Yes, this is just one of them possible errors. It is also important to work with weights, a reasonable cardio load, enough sleep and other conditions, if not met, there will be difficulties. But today I propose to focus on the topic of safe snacks and treats that will allow you to feel more or less comfortable even on a serious diet. After all, nutrition, plus the ability to maintain the chosen regime, is 70–80% of success. So we’ll help ourselves maintain a regime with the help of a few tricks and a reasonable selection of products.


Let's start with products that are actively promoted on TV in the wake of the currently fashionable topic of fitness and weight loss, which are supposedly healthy and at the same time tasty. That's right ideal products. In fact, these are decoys that should not be consumed with a balanced diet (or overdo them if the regime is not very strict).

Breakfast cereals

Various types of cereal flakes, puffed rice and other things that fit well into the stomach, both dry and with milk or juice. Often the boxes with these mixtures have Fitness written in large letters. True, it’s only a name from fitness.

If you look at the composition, you will find 70-80 percent of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (that is, fast), including sugar or even worse - corn syrup (GI even higher than sugar), plus flavor enhancers. Don't be fooled by the fact that there's a bunch of healthy grains there - they really are there, but they're purified and ground into dust. There is little useful left.

In addition, such breakfast cereals are very high in calories - 350–400+ kcal per 100 g. Moreover, after eating 150–200 g of cereal, you won’t feel particularly full, but in fact you have already consumed as many calories as there are in a full lunch with meat, porridge and salad. But after the last one, you’ll want to eat within 3-4 hours, and after the first one, within an hour you’ll be ready to eat an elephant.

Diet bread

Here the deception is only partly true. You need to look at the composition and the bread itself. If there's only rye flour, there is no sugar or other strange additives, and the bread resembles a cracker - everything is ok. If it uses premium flour, and the consistency of the product is similar to compressed corn sticks, there is zero benefit from it.

Store juices

In general, you can also find natural, even reconstituted, juices there, like apple or orange. But they are quite high in calories, plus fructose is not the most best product when playing sports. It is stored in the form of glycogen only in the liver, but not in the muscles. And in the liver there is usually enough of it, so the excess is sent to fat.

Low-fat yoghurts and sweet curd masses

In general, this includes any sweet store-bought yoghurts, since they contain too much sugar. But the so-called “light” low-fat ones are generally hellish. In addition to a hefty dose of sugar, they also contain a ton of starch to compensate for the lack of fat and give them a nice, thick consistency.

As for sweets curd masses with raisins and dried apricots, then in addition to the mentioned sugar they add a lot vegetable fat in the form of margarine, that is, it is trans fat - a very harmful and dangerous product for the body.

Muesli bars

They also often have Fitness written on them, but, as in the case of breakfast cereals, there is no smell of fitness or benefit there. Contains dried fruits and grains, seemingly healthy things. It’s just that the grains are again in a highly processed form and in the form of fast carbohydrates, plus it’s all stuck together with corn syrup or honey (also not the best thing on a diet). And dried fruits are not nearly as harmless as they seem. The same dates or raisins differ little from sweets in terms of their effect on the body (insulin response, calorie content).

Classic sweets - choosing the lesser evil

Also not the healthiest things on a diet, but if the regime is not too strict or when you are in the stage of maintaining your shape, then you can please yourself with light carbohydrates. Let’s choose the lesser evil from the heap of evils and which is not disguised as a fitness theme.


Classic natural marshmallows consist of applesauce and molasses, as well as starch, egg white, and sugar, of course. The advantage of marshmallows is that they have a relatively low calorie content compared to other sweets and lack trans fats. But glycemic index quite high - 65 (like a bun or white rice)


Its benefits are similar to marshmallows, but the composition is slightly different: applesauce, gelatin, agar and pectins that are beneficial for digestion. There is no need to be harsh with the quantity, since marmalade contains a lot of fructose (the GI of such marmalade is only 30), although there is also sugar (GI 65). In any case, there should be a little of the good (tasty and sweet).


An analogue of marshmallows with the difference that the amount of fruit puree is different, plus berries are often added. The base is also built on gelatin and egg whites.

Dried fruits

Dried apricots, raisins, dates - all this is better than sweets stuffed with sugar and trans fats, but you also need to be careful. Dried fruits are high in calories and contain a lot of fructose.

Dark chocolate

This is chocolate that contains 70% cocoa or more. Very high in calories, fatty, but cocoa fat is healthy, and there is little sugar in such chocolate, as well as carbohydrates. So pay attention to the total calorie content so that the chocolate bar does not end up being too much. You can afford 10–15 g of dark chocolate per day even during a very strict diet.


Not exactly sweets, but also very tasty. They contain a decent amount of protein and fat, plus there are carbohydrates too. Here it is worth paying attention to the total calorie content. For example, 100 g of peanuts contain 550 kcal, so you need to be careful with the amount of nuts in your diet.


They are different. It is important not to overdo it with the quantity. Green apples are great. Reds are also good, but the GI is higher. Greenish bananas are great, but in reasonable quantities. Ripe bright yellow bananas - the glycemic index is quite high, almost like a bun. Grapes - a lot of fructose, little benefit. Watermelon or melon is often almost pure fructose with water and nitrates. Especially at the beginning of the season, you need to be extremely careful with melons.

Sports goodies

Sports nutrition can be sweet and tasty, but without sugar and extra carbohydrates. Someone will remember the types of harmful sweeteners, but their harm is greatly exaggerated. You don’t have to look far for examples - have many people died from sweetener? Google it, you won't find a single case. And people die from sugar, fast food and other food garbage. Yes, not directly, but due to obesity and its consequences, including diabetes.

In general, sports nutrition may well quell the craving for sweets and tasty things, if there are strict restrictions on such products.


Any whey, complex, casein. Most of these types of products are sweet and have some kind of flavor, starting with the classic “ Vanilla», « Chocolate», « Strawberry" and ending with various funny things like " Cream cookies», « Banana-coconut», « Straccitella"(don't forget to read the "T" in the first half of the word and it's not what you thought, but " combination of white creamy ice cream with pieces of dark Italian chocolate»).

True, there is a nuance here - not all options are equally tasty. Naturally, there are no comrades in taste and color, so before purchasing a bag of protein, you should first try it by purchasing a disposable sample.

In my experience, Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard very high quality protein, but not very tasty. But SAN Titanium Whey is wonderful (banana-coconut or cappuccino), although there is important point- It must be whipped in a blender. In a shaker it turns out watery and then seems too sweet, with a frankly pungent taste. In addition, I can recommend BSN Syntha 6 However, there are quite a lot of carbohydrates there. Not bad Syntraxx Whey And Matrix 5. Very tasty or, so to speak, neutral proteins from the British Protein Factory. In general, try it. Having chosen a good and tasty protein, you can usefully replace sweets with it.

Protein bars

This is where it is important to pay attention to the composition. Very often they use maltodextrin and soy protein. But there are also high-quality options based on whey protein and good carbohydrates with low GI.

For example, the bars are very good QuestBar from Quest Nutrition, but you should choose the flavor carefully. Some are similar to plasticine and almost tasteless. Also worthy in taste and high quality in composition Combat Crunch from Muscle Pharm.

Pay attention to the calorie content of protein bars. It's quite big. But it's better to eat QuestBar or Combat Crunch than Snickers.

Calorie-free sauces and jams

Water, some kind of thickener and sweetener, plus a flavoring agent - that's the whole composition. According to the manufacturers there 0 calories. I don’t know what food “chemistry” is used to achieve this, but the body perceives it normally. Tried different jams from Walden Farms- very pleasant. For example, stirring with cottage cheese is an excellent substitute for jam.

The main thing is not to compare it with ordinary jam, condensed milk, honey or anything else natural, which is called head-to-head. You will immediately notice the “chemical” taste of the jam and you will not get any pleasure. But when there is no pure sugar or sugar-based products in the diet, calorie-free jams are an excellent substitute for sweets. In reasonable quantities, of course.

I usually order protein bars and jams from iHerb.com (delivery to the Russian Federation and Ukraine is available). I’ll take advantage of this situation and publish my referral code, which gives a significant discount on your first order of $40 or more: SJW536.

What tasty treats I use on my diet, plus a few recipes

I wrote above about calorie-free jams and protein bars, but now they are not in my diet.

During the current period, I allow myself 20–30 g of dark chocolate (78%) per day. I also actively use sweetener. The best one I've tried is this sukrin, aka erythritol. Natural, similar to sugar and used in the same quantities. But dear.

For now I’ve settled on classic tablet sweeteners based on sodium cyclamate. Yes, “chemistry”, but in minimal quantities and the taste is very close to sugar. The tablet replaces 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, in these proportions I calculate when preparing any sweet food.

I also tried a more natural type of sukrasite, but I was not impressed with this sweetener because of the soda in the composition, which adds bitterness.

I drink tea and coffee unsweetened - they taste better that way. I use a sweetener, for example, in morning curd dessert:

  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese(you can use any fat content, but at the moment I use low-fat);
  • 70–80 g “Bifilife” (or any unsweetened yogurt, sour cream can be used);
  • 30 g of protein (1 scoop or “scoop” as fitness gurus now call them);
  • 2 sweetener tablets, diluted in 10–15 g of water;
  • mix all this and grind thoroughly in a blender.

The result is a very tasty and sweet thing in the style of store-bought desserts, but without starch, trans fats and other unnecessary things. With coffee and hard cheese it works just fine.

I also add sweetener to cheesecakes or casseroles. Casserole recipe:

  • 70 g oatmeal“Hercules” type, grind/stir in a blender with 30 g of protein (any flavor) and 30–50 g of vegetable fiber.
  • Add the resulting powder to 700 g of cottage cheese;
  • in a blender, beat 3 whole eggs mixed with 300 g of fruit starter, bifilife or sugar-free yoghurt, plus a sweetener to taste (I use 15-17 Huxol tablets diluted in 50 ml hot water, this is the equivalent of 100 g of sugar). You can also use kefir or 200 ml of milk if the products mentioned above are not available.
  • Add cottage cheese with oat-protein powder to the resulting mass and mix it all thoroughly again/beat in a blender until smooth.
  • If desired, add 50–100 g of raisins, nuts (50 g) or coconut flakes (30–50 g).
  • If you cook in the oven, then grease the pan butter, set for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180–200°C.
  • If you cook in a slow cooker, then set the casserole for an hour in the baking mode with the lid closed (also after greasing the pan with butter), and then for another 15–20 minutes in the baking mode, but with open lid so that excess liquid evaporates.

  • Mix 0.5 kg of cottage cheese in a food processor with 500 g of sour cream and 2 g of vanillin.
  • Pour 20 g of gelatin into 300 ml of boiled water at room temperature and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Then put this mixture on the fire for a couple of minutes so that the water warms up to warm state, remove from heat, leave for 5 minutes. Reheat and remove from heat. In about 20 minutes the gelatin will completely dissolve.
  • Dissolve 15 sweetener tablets in a small amount of water (or add it to dissolved gelatin). Or you can use 150 g of sucrin.
  • Mix everything in a blender at low speed (as for kneading dough).
  • Pour the resulting mixture into molds and refrigerate.
  • In a couple of hours, the jelly-curd dessert will be ready.

In addition, at the current stage of drying, I allow myself only green apples(“Simirenka”, “Golden”) - good option, if you want to eat something tasty. Sometimes I eat a little peanuts.

In general, I don’t suffer much with my current diet. There is no craving for sweets at all. Unless, due to a small calorie deficit, there are moments of severe hunger. For example, when you go home after strength training or cardio. But this is not critical. But the appetite is brutal and simple buckwheat With chicken breast, tomato paste and salad with dressing from lemon juice And soy sauce They deliver simply indescribable gastronomic pleasure.