Warm nose in a cat: health condition. A cat's warm nose is a cause for concern. Dry nose is not a problem

What should a healthy cat's nose be like - dry or wet?

Observant cat owners always notice that something is wrong with their pet. - a reason to contact the veterinarian, bad smell from the mouth - most likely, problems with teeth (find out about), but what can a cat’s nose tell us about? What should it be like for a healthy cat, and what to do if the cat has a dry nose?

Today, in our publication we will try to find answers to these questions...

Features of a cat's nose

In fact, a cat's nose is a fantastically precise and sophisticated tool that helps a cat learn about the world around it. So, when a kitten is born, he is completely blind, deaf and helpless, and his only way of understanding the world around him is his nose. With the help of his sense of smell, the baby finds his mother’s warm side, milk, his lair and his brothers and sisters. Later, when other sensing abilities are added to the cat’s sense of smell, the nose becomes a kind of indicator of the cat’s health status. So,

when it is dry, it indicates that the cat is hot; when the nose is simply hot and wet, the pet’s body temperature is elevated; when it is congested and swollen, it looks like the cat is sick with a viral infection...

The structure of a cat's nose

A simplified version of the structure of a cat's nose consists of 2 nasal passages - 2 nostrils separated by cartilage - all this is similar to the structure of the human nose. These nasal passages lead into a labyrinth of ethmoid conchae. Believe it or not, if necessary, a cat can retain odors in these shells and labyrinths of passages in order to more accurately identify them. However, when a cat's nose is clogged with dust, dirt or secretions, the ability to smell is reduced and the cat no longer senses odors as keenly.

After passing through the labyrinth of passages, odor molecules irritate the cells responsible for the perception of odors, which are closely connected to the olfactory center of the cat’s brain - this is how odors are identified. Please note There are many times more perception receptors in a cat’s nose than there are receptors in a person’s nose, therefore, it is not surprising that cats’ sense of smell is 15 times better developed than yours and mine.

The odors of irritating chemicals, perfumes, herbs and spices, the smell of vinegar, citruses... It seems to you and I that the smell of tangerines is barely audible in the room, but our cat physically suffers from their aroma, therefore, if possible, we should try to protect their pets from such fragrant “attacks”.

It is also noteworthy that the very shape of a cat’s nose is determined by the structure of the cranial bones and cartilage, therefore, cats with natural head proportions have the most healthy noses, while cats that have flattened faces due to their breed characteristics are more likely to suffer from diseases than other cats respiratory system(read more about) as their nasal bones and cartilages are compressed and deformed.

The main functions of a cat's nose

In addition to the fact that the cat’s nose is an accurate organ of smell, as well as an indicator of the pet’s health status, cats breathe with the help of their nose, the mucous membranes of the nasal passages warm the air inhaled by the cat, where it not only goes through the heating stage, but also filters, purifying from small particles of dust, bacteria and viruses. At the same time,

if the cat has a nose for a long time hot - there is a malfunction in the thermoregulation processes of the cat's body, which is why you should not ignore what kind of nose the cat has - dry, wet, hot.

By the way, you won't believe it, but skin Their nose lobes are so highly sensitive to temperature changes that cats can accurately determine the temperature of a surface or food without even touching these objects with the tip of their nose.

Diagnosis of a cat's health based on the condition of its nose

However, we are still interested in how the state of a cat’s health can be determined by the condition of its nose. And now we invite you to consider with us various possible options and explanations for them. So,

The cat has a dry and warm nose

In fact, all cats experience dry and warm noses several times throughout the day. Ah, all because this is exactly how it should be for a sleeping cat or for a cat after waking up. This is quite normal reaction the cat's body into an inactive state. But, already 30 minutes after the cat wakes up, its nose should become wet. If this does not happen, you should try to find the answer to the question “why?”

By the way, I would like to remind you that cats body temperature is higher than human body by 2 degrees. And, during active pastime (games, for example - read how and what to play with your cat), the cat’s nose may alternate between heating and cooling, because the nose shows the reaction of the animal’s body to its physical activity.

But, if your cat’s nose is dry and warm all the time, observe her condition to see if her appetite has changed (find out), behavior (read here), how she behaves. If your pet begins to sleep a lot, has lost its appetite and is inactive, consult a specialist so as not to miss the onset of the disease.

The cat has spots on his nose

Most often, the color of a cat’s nose depends on her and most often duplicates the color of the fur in the muzzle area, or is several shades darker. However, even if your cat has had it on her nose since birth age spot, is it 3-colored () or is it simply already in old age(read about how cats age and what happens to their bodies) – this is not a cause for concern (many cats’ noses simply turn black in old age). But,

If your cat’s nose color suddenly changes for no reason, consult your veterinarian about this.

Perhaps the whole point is that the cat lives in a room where it is cold. Scientists have noticed an amazing pattern: the colder the room, the darker and richer the cat’s color becomes (but for light-colored cats the opposite is true: the colder the room, the paler the nose; the hotter it is, the brighter it is). And perhaps it is worth having the animal examined and examined to identify the cause of such changes.

By the way, if the cat white nose, then by the way its color changes, you can find out about the work circulatory system animal, since the outflow of blood is very clearly visible through the skin, which is devoid of pigmentation. Thus, a bluish tint to the skin will indicate a sign of lack of oxygen or heart disease.

A red, inflamed nose may be a sign of rhinitis, infection, mechanical irritation, high blood pressure, high fever or allergies. Ah, a yellowish tint to the nose indicates liver or kidney disease. But in cats, whose noses are naturally colored dark color, carrying out such a diagnosis is not so easy. To determine the condition of the pet, they examine the mucous membranes of the eyelids and lips.

The cat has a cold and dry nose

If you notice that your cat has a cold and dry nose, this may indicate the presence of colds at your pet. Especially if you are also watching following symptoms: loss of appetite, sneezing (find out), elevated body temperature (it must be determined not by eye, but based on accurate thermometer readings - did you know?), hot ears, purulent discharge from the nose. In this case, it would be appropriate to consult a veterinarian for advice, and the sooner the better.

Nose pet does not always serve as an indicator of disease. Based only on the surface temperature of the organ of smell, it is impossible to determine whether a pet is sick.

A cat's nose is designed to perform many tasks and functions.

In terms of functionality, the nose is complex mechanism and performs many tasks assigned to it by nature. To put it simply in simple language, then the structure of the organ can be described in a few sentences.

  • It consists of the body itself, which includes two passages, the so-called nostrils, separated from each other by a fragile partition - cartilage.
  • These passages pave the way into a depth consisting of several corners in which the cat, if necessary, retains the scent he needs, first getting rid of other scents in order to highlight the main scent.
  • The stored aroma molecules irritate the receptors associated with the olfactory part of the brain and odor recognition occurs.

A healthy cat's nose is moist and not dry. But the absence of these signs is not yet a fact of illness.

Strong and pungent odors

Too much strong odors may injure your pet's nose.

By the way, a cat, due to its predatory nature, has much more of these receptors than a human.

Therefore, strong and pungent odors can injure your pet’s overly sensitive sense of smell.

Naturally, a cat's nose performs not only an olfactory function. This is also important element mechanism of the respiratory system . Inhaling too humid, hot or cold air, mucous membranes this mechanism adapts it to the most comfortable temperature and normal functioning the entire system.

The cat has a warm nose, what should I do?

A pet's warm nose may not always mean the onset of a disease.

Surface temperature of the nose is important for preliminary examination and suspicion of the presence of a problem, however There are many reasons when hyperthermia is not a symptom of the disease.

When you shouldn't worry

It is important to remember that hyperthermia of the olfactory organ without any accompanying symptoms- this may simply be a reaction of the cat’s dissatisfaction to certain circumstances.

Causes for concern

Reasons for concern should arise when there are alarming, previously unusual signs of animal behavior.

Lack of interest in food, water and lethargy of the pet can alert the owner.

But also the presence of symptoms indicating that the pet is experiencing discomfort:

  • loss of interest in food and water;
  • insatiable appetite or thirst;
  • breathing problems - shortness of breath;
  • body hyperthermia above 40 degrees;
  • presence of signs respiratory diseases – , ;
  • observed pain syndrome in any area;
  • signs of disorder digestive system– nausea, diarrhea;
  • violation of the act of urination;
  • discharge mixed with blood or pus;
  • sloppy appearance– dull or unkempt fur;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, weakness;
  • the presence of blood or mucus in the urine or feces, change in the color of stool.

Such signs indicate the presence of pathology in the animal’s body, and you should immediately consult a doctor.

First diagnosis

A careful examination of the cat is very important to make the correct diagnosis.

If one or more alarming symptoms are observed, the first thing the owner needs to do is carefully examine the pet.

  • Check skin and coat.
  • Find out presence or absence of wounds , ulcers, rashes.
  • Examine the nasal mucous membranes , ears and eyes for discharge or discoloration.
  • IN in good condition all mucous membranes should be pale pink color . If there are deviations in any direction - too pale color or bright red, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Inspect and feel the cat's belly for swelling, pain, or increase in size.
  • Feel the bladder , determine the occupancy level.
  • Every owner's house should have a special thermometer for animals.

    Monitor the cat's breathing. This can be done by placing your hand on your stomach or counting the number of inhalations and exhalations. The norm is from eighteen to thirty-three inhalations and exhalations. Females may have about ten more inhalations and exhalations than males.

    Pulse measurement

    You should put your fingers on inner side hips. The norm is from one hundred to one hundred and twenty beats per minute. In young animals the norm can be an order of magnitude higher.

Very often the cause of concern for cat owners is pet's hot dry nose . It is believed that dryness of the organ of smell certainly indicates the presence of a pet disease. However, is this so?

What should a cat's nose look like: wet or dry?

A slightly damp nose is an indicator of a cat's healthy well-being.

In normal healthy condition The cat’s nose should be slightly damp and cold due to the fact that a certain secretion of its mucous membrane constantly appears on the surface of the olfactory organ, and also because the animal often licks it.

What does a hot and dry nose mean (reasons)?

A cat's body temperature is different from a human's body temperature. a couple of degrees higher . This fact can mislead the owner and touching the cat’s nose and ears can cause a false alarm.


Often, a cat's nose becomes dry during or immediately after sleep.

However, false dryness and increased temperature may be present for several other reasons, and if you discover them, you should not panic:

  • the animal is sleeping;
  • cat only after sleep;
  • lying in the sun for a long time or near a stove or fireplace;
  • excessive heat in the house.

Such reasons are called domestic. As a rule, they are not associated with pathologies, and there is no need to worry. You should give your pet time to recover from sleep, place it in a cooler place, and check again after some time.


Overeating – common reason dry nose in cats.

Pathological causes of dry and hot nose and ears can be due to overeating, sedentary lifestyle life, presence inflammatory processes, .

Signs of diseases and treatment

Examination of a cat's nose.

The most alarming symptom in the presence of a dry and hot nose, along with hot ears, the animal is lethargic, apathy, constant drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite.

Should listen pet's pulse. If there are diseases, it will be more frequent. At the same time, it is observed deep breathing, Maybe .

Dilation of the pet's pupils along with an increase in body temperature - alarm signal cat diseases.

Depending on the disease that affects you, the following may appear:

At warning signs it is necessary to try to examine the mucous membrane of the animal.

Should be investigated fullness bladder to exclude pathologies genitourinary system. Take a close look at the animal's excrement for uncharacteristic consistency, impurities, and worms. And also examine the urine for blood, mucus, changes in color and odor.

Making a diagnosis

When starting treatment for your pet, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

The most frequent pathologies associated with increased temperature inflammatory in nature. When stomatitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. It is recommended to treat the affected oral cavity with disinfectants. To do this, it is permissible to use a solution baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin.

You can moisturize with syringes. Wounds and ulcers are lubricated Lugol's solution with glycerin, methylene blue. In case of multiple lesions, the use of antibiotics is indicated - oxytetracycline, erythromycin. For general support and acceleration of healing - vitamins.

Nasal discharge

If a concomitant symptom is nasal discharge and a diagnosis of rhinitis is established, the first aid will be rinsing warm water, removing dried crusts. Drug treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system

In case of illness digestive tract in a cat, the veterinarian will also be able to make effective scheme treatment.

Treatment for diseases of the digestive system will depend on the specific pathology identified. The general purpose will be to use a course of antibiotics to avoid complications in the form of other infections, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms: antiemetics, antispasmodics, painkillers,. Mandatory application a gentle or starvation diet, depending on the illness.

The presence of accompanying symptoms in the form of difficulty urinating indicates the development of pathologies of the pet’s genitourinary system.

Every owner should have No-shpa in their first aid kit in case of emergency.

If the urinary tract is blocked, therapy will consist of the following components:

  • antispasmodics – no-spa, atropine sulfate, papaverine;
  • sedatives – rovatin, sodium bromide;
  • analgesics – analgin, aspirin, paracetamol;
  • disinfectants for the genitourinary system - biseptol, bearberry decoction;
  • diet.

At severe course– catheterization.


Schematic representation of urocystitis.

No less dangerous illness may be urocystitis. First aid is warmth and peace. At elevated temperatures, it is strictly forbidden to warm the cat's groin and stomach.

The next step in treatment is a diet in the form of vegetables, cereals, broths, and free access to drink.

Drugs used for urocystitis: antibiotics, sulfonamides, analgesics, antispasmodics. In severe cases, rinse the bladder through catheterization.

Cat cold

Dry nose is often explained away, but one should not discount the danger of such a disease.

A sluggish animal is a sponge that absorbs different secondary infections Therefore, colds must be treated.

  1. You should immediately provide the cat with a calm, dry and warm place.
  2. Give him a warm drink, maybe heated milk.
  3. Warm compresses and heating pads only in the absence of fever.
  4. To improve blood flow in superficial skin vessels, you can use light massage the entire body of the animal.
  5. Treatment is symptomatic. If lacrimation occurs, use is acceptable. antiseptics, for washing the eyes - potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

A solution of novocaine with adrenaline, ethacridine, tannin, solution boric acid, zinc sulfate. Nasal drops are prescribed in the form of a methanol solution with fish oil. In parallel, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins are used.

Most people keep some kind of pet at home. Someone's crazy about decorative rabbits, someone likes to watch fish in an aquarium or a hamster in a cage. But the most popular are still dogs and cats. When the family settles new pet, he is sure to become everyone's favorite. Cute habits and habits cause affection. Over time, pets become real members of the family, and each member of the household cannot imagine life without them. This is why pet illness is taken very seriously by owners.

When an animal is sick, the whole family worries about it, making attempts to help them and alleviate the suffering. One indicator of a cat's health is their nose. Let's look at the main indicators that may indicate that not everything is in order with the cat's health.

Features of a cat's nose

Through this organ, cats, like many other animals, breathe and also receive information about smells from environment. To understand the role this organ plays for a cat, it is necessary to understand how it is structured, as well as the mechanism of its operation. Their nose is designed as follows: It has two openings that are identical in function to the human nostrils. These passages are separated from each other by a partition made of thin cartilage.

Next is something like a winding labyrinth, in which the selection and analysis of the aroma takes place, for some reason the cat is interested. If the smell that the cat inhaled is of no interest to it, it will not pass further.

The work of this organ is associated with a filter. When the molecules of a particular odor pass through it, they affect the cells that perform the function of transmitting information about the odor to the animal’s brain. The brain, in turn, detects and recognizes the smell, which is the final stage of smell.

Everyone knows that the sense of smell in many animals, including cats, is much better developed than in humans. This is due to the fact that cats have many more receptors in their noses than we do. After all, cats are predators; they simply need this function in the hunting process. Therefore, nature made sure that their sense of smell was as acute as possible. This helps not only to smell prey, but also to be vigilant so as not to become victims of larger animals. Many domestic cats are completely indifferent to hunting, but they have a natural sense of smell, as it was passed down genetically from their ancestors.

Signs of a healthy nose

To determine whether a cat is healthy, many owners often touch its nose. This is due to the fact that any changes often signal problems in the pet’s body. A healthy cat's nose should be cool and slightly damp. It may even feel a little slippery to the touch. But changes in these parameters do not always signal a disease. It is important to consider that your pet’s nose may become warmer after the kitten has played for a long time, while actively moving, or slept for a long time. Therefore, if you feel a slight increase in nasal temperature after this, then there is no need to panic.

The cat's health is fine if after a while the nose becomes cool again. If this does not happen for quite a long time, then this is already a cause for concern.

Sore nose

There are other signs that indicate that not everything is in order with your pet’s health. If one of them is detected, you must immediately show your pet to a specialist to avoid complications. There can be quite a few reasons, so it will not be possible to determine them with great accuracy on your own.

Take your pet to the vet if you notice the following signs.

  1. In addition to changes in the normal parameters of the nose, the pet experiences lethargy and malaise, which is accompanied by a refusal to eat, and a reluctance to play and run.
  2. The cat's nose turned pale.
  3. He became even colder than usual.
  4. The nose has changed color. Depending on the cause, it may become white, bluish or yellowish.
  5. The pet's olfactory organ has become warm and dry.

Depending on the nature of the changes, one or another reason can be assumed:

  1. If your nose becomes pale and cooler than usual, this may be a sign of some systemic diseases. In addition, these signs may appear after severe hypothermia. This can be assumed if the pet walked for a long time in very frosty weather, or if it was exposed to cold rain. Against this background, it may be observed general decline body temperature. Perhaps the nose turned pale because the cat was in shock.
  2. This symptom may be caused by poisoning. Against this background, the animal refuses to eat.
  3. If the nose has acquired white Most likely, the cat has developed disturbances in the circulatory system.
  4. A cat's blue nose may indicate that he is developing heart disease or that his body lacks oxygen.
  5. Redness of the nose may occur due to mechanical stress, infection or rhinitis.

Alarming symptoms

These accompanying symptoms should alert owners if they notice that the cat’s nose has become dry:

  • lethargy, low activity. The cat doesn't want to play and doesn't move much.
  • The animal is thirsty.
  • Starts to sleep much longer than usual.
  • If the animal has not only hot nose, but also his ears, most likely he has a fever.
  • The pet is sneezing.
  • Breathing either becomes faster or slows down.
  • The temperature rose to 40.
  • The frequency of going to the toilet has changed.

How to treat if your pet's nose is dry

If you notice that your cat's nose remains dry and warm for a long time, be sure to measure your pet's temperature first. The most convenient way to do this is by placing a thermometer in the cat's anus. Any thermometer (electronic or mercury) is suitable for this. It's important to remember that normal temperature an animal's is different from a human's. It should be between 38 and 39. If a violation is observed, be sure to consult a specialist. He will certainly find out the cause and give advice on treatment. You will have peace of mind that you are doing everything possible to improve your pet’s condition. Self-medication is inappropriate here.

But a cat's dry nose doesn't necessarily mean she has high temperature. This could be, for example, due to hot weather outside. Often in the summer you can observe how cats try to moisten their nose by constantly licking it. There is also no need to worry if the cat has just woken up, has been running and playing for a long time, is very frightened by something, or the nose is dirty (in this case, nasal secretions are not released due to dirt). Also, the nose may dry out due to the fact that the air in the house is very dry. Kittens' noses can also remain dry for quite a long time. If there are no others bad symptoms, this should not bother the owners.

Why do cats clean their nose?

You can often notice that a cat not only carefully licks its entire body, but also cleans its nose. This is due to the fact that the slightest contamination significantly impairs your pet’s sense of smell. For a cat, this organ is even more important than for a person. Without its proper functioning, the pet simply cannot. After all, the sense of smell gives the animal a lot of information about the world around it. That's why cats take care of him so hard.

Color Changes

A change in the color of a cat's nose is not always a sign of concern. First of all, this may be due to age. If the pet is already at an advanced age, then a change in color will be the norm. There are cats with color point color. Their nose may change color due to the weather getting worse and colder outside. Light-colored cats may have a paler nose due to temperature changes. But, if the color of your pet’s nose has changed for no apparent reason, it is better to show it to the veterinarian. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with this. But once you find out the cause, it will be easier to eliminate it.


It is important to remember that a cat's sense of smell is many times more sensitive than the human sense of smell. This should be taken into account when we use aggressive chemicals during repairs or cleaning. chemicals. When spraying perfume, it is better to check if your pet is nearby. This is best done away from his sensitive nose.

Very often, having found the nose of a beloved cat dry and warm, the owner worries about his health, since it is well known that the nose of a healthy animal should be cool and moist. In fact, a dry and warm nose in a cat occurs both in normal physiological situations and in truly serious illnesses requiring immediate delivery to the clinic. Therefore, it is important to be able to determine the difference between these two conditions.

What can a cat's nose tell you?

The skin of a cat's nose is covered with glandular secretion, which serves to retain molecules of odorous substances and protect the earlobe from drying out. As the liquid contained in the secretions of the glands evaporates, it cools the skin, so the nose of a healthy cat is cool and slightly slippery to the touch. The nose is considered to be an indicator of a cat's health. Veterinarians call it the nasal planum, since it reacts quite clearly to the fluid deficiency that has formed in the cat, especially in cases where it is provoked by overheating.

How does a cat’s dry and hot nose feel and look?

A nose that is dry and hot to the touch loses its smoothness and becomes rough. The color of the nose, especially with its light pink tint, may visually become darker; the skin of the noselobe looks rougher, more dry, and if the noselobe remains dry for a long time, minor damage forms on it, since there is no protective effect of the secretion of the nasal glands.

The cat's nose has a very high sensitivity, and its damage is always painful for the animal. In addition, when it dries out, the cat’s acute sense of smell, which he has always come to rely on, deteriorates, which depresses the pet and can even result in loss of appetite, since the animal does not smell food well.

Your nose may be dry and warm healthy cat who is sleeping or has recently woken up

When a dry and warm nose may be normal

A dry and warm nose in a cat does not always indicate a disease in the animal. There are a number of situations in which it is normal:

  • The cat is sleeping or woke up half an hour ago - during sleep, the work of the mucous glands slows down, the liquid gradually evaporates from the surface of the nose, and it becomes dry and warm. After waking up, it takes time to restore the amount of secretion covering the nose.
  • Absence drinking water freely available to the cat, in this case the animal cannot compensate for natural fluid losses, and the nose becomes dry, reflecting developing dehydration.

    To prevent dehydration, your cat should always have access to water.

  • Physical activity, active games - when moving, muscle work increases body temperature, metabolism also increases and natural fluid loss increases, while the nose can also become dry.

    The nose becomes dry and warm in an actively playing cat.

  • Emotional stress, stress - cats are very emotional, and unexpected changes in their environment can trigger stress reactions, in which the nose can become dry and warm. Usually, the cat’s behavior changes - it may avoid communication, hide, get angry, and lick itself often and nervously. Dry nose in this case is due to the inhibitory effect on the functioning of the glands of sympathetic impulses from the autonomic system. nervous system. The cat’s stress reaction either goes away on its own as it gets used to the changed conditions external environment, or you can apply sedatives, for example, Fospasim.

    The nose can become dry and warm under stress.

  • Hot and dry air in the room where the cat is kept - in this case, the rate of evaporation of secretion from the nasal mirror exceeds the rate of its formation by the glands of the nose, so the earlobe dries out. A dry and warm nose can be found in a cat basking near a radiator.
  • Subjective feelings of a person. Sometimes a person defines the temperature of a cat’s nose as elevated, due to the fact that the normal temperature of a cat is 2 o C higher than that of a person.

If a pet's warm and dry nose persists only for a short time, this is a normal physiological condition. In this case, you need to make sure that the cat has fresh and clean water. A cat may be thirsty but not drink if the water or bowl is not completely clean.

Video: dry and hot nose in an animal

When a cat's dry and hot nose is a sign of illness

A cat's dry and hot nose can also be a symptom of a disease, and in this case, if you look closely at the animal, you can detect other manifestations of the disease. The value of the nose in this situation is that it is easily accessible for inspection. The owner should check his suspicions about the pet’s illness if the nose remains dry and warm for a long time, and the cat:

  • wasn't worried;
  • didn't play;
  • didn't sleep;
  • did not overheat;
  • has access to fresh, clean water.

If a dry and warm nose is observed for a long time or is combined with other symptoms, the cat’s temperature should be measured.

How to measure a cat's temperature

If you suspect a fever, it is best to measure your cat's temperature at home, since when delivered to veterinary clinic The cat may experience stress, and at the same time its body temperature will become even higher, which will distort the result of thermometry.

An assistant will be needed to measure the temperature in order to securely restrain the cat. The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

A low-grade increase in body temperature does not require measures to reduce it, unlike febrile, and even more so hyperpyretic fever. Not recommended for reducing fever in cats independent use human medications, as their effects on cats are very different and may cause dangerous consequences, especially stomach bleeding. Therefore, in cats at home, only physical methods fight against fever:

  • cold compresses on groin areas, as well as the neck area;
  • lightly wetting the cat's fur with water;
  • provision cool water for drinking.

You should hurry to take your cat to a veterinary clinic for examination and treatment.

Video: how to measure an animal's temperature

Table: diseases that cause the nose to dry out

Thus, a dry and hot nose is a symptom that signals dehydration or fever, which is also always accompanied to varying degrees dehydration. When these conditions, as well as their causes, are eliminated, the secretion of nasal mucus normalizes, and the nose becomes cool and moist. If, as a result of prolonged drying out, the nasal mirror is injured with the formation of wounds, abrasions, and crusts, you need to help it heal by treating sea ​​buckthorn oil or panthenol.

Video: how to tell if your cat is sick

The list of diseases that cause a warm and dry nose in a cat is very extensive, and to carry out the complex diagnostic measures you should contact a veterinary clinic.

Veterinarians do not recognize the dryness or wetness of an animal’s nose as particularly valuable. diagnostic criterion, since it is considered low specific, subject to changes in dynamics and dependent on external conditions. To accurately assess the animal’s condition, and even more so to reach a diagnosis, they need more reliable diagnostic criteria. However, according to my observations, many experienced veterinarians, when examining an animal after removing the drip and monitoring its condition, touch back side brush the patient's nose, assessing its temperature and humidity. In addition, they evaluate the moisture and color of the mucous membranes oral cavity, animal eye shine, turgor skin fold- does the skin straighten out after pinching it, and also control the rate of capillary filling by pressing on the gums - normally the color of the mucous membrane is restored in less than 2 seconds; this criterion helps them evaluate capillary blood flow. After this, they count the pulse, listen to the heart and lungs and measure blood pressure with a veterinary blood pressure monitor on the paw or tail; average rate blood pressure cats 120/80 mm Hg. Art. - just like a person. Thus, dryness of the nose for veterinarian- one of many auxiliary criteria for assessing the condition of the animal, but for the cat owner this indicator is very valuable, since the nose is easily accessible for examination and you can timely track its changes in response to developing fever and dehydration, regardless of their cause, and consult a doctor in time to clarify diagnosis and treatment.

If you suspect your cat has developed the disease, do not hesitate to visit the clinic.

What symptoms require immediate medical attention?

Some symptoms accompanying drying out of the nasal planum require immediate veterinary help:

  • febrile and hyperpyretic fever;
  • combination of fever with:
    • vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • depression of general condition;
    • pallor or cyanosis of the mucous membranes;
    • severe pain syndrome;
    • changes in the amount and color of urine;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • shortness of breath;
    • bleeding of any location;
    • jaundice;
    • increase in peripheral lymph nodes, liver, spleen;
    • volumetric formations of any localization;
    • difficulty moving;
    • lack of vaccinations for the animal;
    • childhood;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • state of shock;
    • convulsions;
  • appearance of nasal discharge:
    • unilateral discharge of a mucous nature or mixed with blood may occur with foreign body in the nasal passage, the cat rubs its nose with its paw, trying to free itself from it;
    • copious watery bilateral discharge is characteristic of allergic rhinitis, may be accompanied by urticaria, rash, itchy skin;
    • unilateral bloody discharge can occur with polyps and tumors in the nasal cavity;
    • bilateral purulent discharge causes rhinitis of bacterial or fungal origin;
    • bilateral mucous discharge usually occurs at the onset of an infectious disease;
    • nosebleeds are typical for injuries and poisoning with anticoagulants that are part of rat poisons;
  • a sharp change in the color of the nasal planum:
    • paleness - possible shock, anemia;
    • cyanosis - insufficiency of heart and lung function;
    • jaundice - with the development of jaundice, a change in the color of the nose is clearly visible in animals with a non-pigmented lobe; if the lobe is colored, then these changes can be observed on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and conjunctiva of the eye.

What does a cat's too cold nose mean?

A cat's nose may be too cold when:

  • hypothermia - the cat is placed in a blanket, a warm heating pad is applied, and a warm drink is offered;
  • in a state of shock - shock manifests itself sharp decline blood pressure, and also:
    • rapid and arrhythmic heartbeat;
    • frequent shallow breathing, which slows down as the state of shock deepens;
    • lethargy, turning into loss of consciousness;
    • a decrease in body temperature below 37 o C;
    • pale mucous membranes;
    • cold nose, ears and paws;
    • slow capillary refill rate (exceeds 2 seconds).

A state of shock is a direct threat to the life of a cat and requires its immediate delivery to the nearest veterinary hospital where there is a resuscitator. The cat needs to be wrapped in a blanket, placed on its side, the pelvic end raised to improve blood supply to the brain - and a very big hurry to the clinic.

If a dry nose is combined with a subfebrile temperature, the animal should be monitored. It is not necessary to achieve a drop in temperature, because the symptom may be the animal’s reaction to overheating, stress, or the fight against an infectious agent. In most situations the nose is dry or slightly elevated temperature pass on their own.

If a febrile temperature is registered, the cat's skin and fur are slightly moistened, cold objects are applied to the groin or neck, and veterinary care. It is impossible to reduce the temperature with medicines intended for humans - action medical supplies on cats and people differently.

Kuleshov Evgeny Ivanovich; veterinarian, associate professor, candidate of agricultural sciences


If your cat has a high temperature (hyperthermia), do not immediately panic. An increase in the indicator may be due to heatstroke in the hot season, when the pet is pregnant. Often an increase in body temperature of several tenths of a degree occurs in animals when stressful situations, in kittens - during weaning from the mother, during overeating. However, if the indicator is exceeded by one degree or more, you should not hesitate to visit a veterinary institution. A specialist will advise you after carrying out necessary diagnostics and identifying the cause of hyperthermia in the animal. The owner's task is timely detection pet's ailments. You should not give your cat antipyretic medications on your own. Many human fever medications are contraindicated for use in animals. In addition, by lowering the temperature without using specific treatment at infectious diseases, you can waste time and worsen the condition of a sick pet.

Lyubov Ilyina, veterinarian


A dry and warm nose can often be found in healthy cats in a limited number of situations, and it can also be one of the symptoms of an illness, including a severe one. That's why great value When assessing the likelihood that a cat may develop a disease, the general condition of the animal, the results of thermometry, as well as the appearance of certain symptoms of the disease. A dry nose in a cat is not a specific symptom indicating any pathology; at the same time, a dry and warm nose is an easily accessible indicator indicating the occurrence of a water imbalance in the cat’s body caused by dehydration and fever. When the underlying disease is cured, the condition of the nose is normalized on its own and does not require separate measures.