Why are cucumber seeds not digested? Cucumber - beneficial properties or harm - what is more? But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause

(approximate time spent in the stomach before passing on)

if the stomach is empty, it passes immediately into the intestines

fruits and vegetables, vegetable broth - 15-20 minutes
Semi-liquid (mashed salad, vegetables or fruits) - 20-30 minutes

Watermelon - 20 minutes
Melons - 30 minutes
Oranges, grapefruits, grapes - 30 minutes
Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc. - 40 minutes

Raw mixed vegetable salads - tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, celery, green or red pepper, other juicy vegetables - 30-40 minutes

Boiled, stewed or steamed vegetables
Leafy vegetables - spinach, endive, kale - 40 minutes
Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin, corn on the cob - 45 minutes
Root vegetables - carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc. - 50 minutes

Semi-concentrated carbohydrates - starches
Jerusalem artichoke, acorns, corn, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams, chestnuts - 60 minutes

Concentrated carbohydrates - cereals
Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, corn flakes, oats (the first 3 are best) - 90 minutes

Beans and Legumes (Concentrated Carbohydrates and Protein)
Lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, peas, beans and beans - 90 minutes
Soybeans - 120 minutes

Nuts and seeds
Seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, pepita, sesame - about 2 hours
Nuts - almonds, filberts, peanuts (raw), cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans - 2.5-3 hours

Dairy products
Skim milk, ricotta, low-fat cottage cheese or cream cheese - about 90 minutes
Whole milk cottage cheese - 120 minutes
Hard cheese made from whole milk - 4-5 hours

Animal proteins
Egg yolk - 30 minutes
Egg (whole) - 45 minutes
Fish - cod, scrod, flounder, sole seafood - 30 minutes
Fish - salmon, trout, herring, fattier fish - 45-60 minutes
Chicken - 1-2 hours (without skin)
Turkey - 2 hours (without skin)
Beef, lamb - 3-4 hours
Pork - 4-5 hours

Editor's Notes
approx. 1: raw animal proteins are digested in a shorter time than that stated above for cooked/heated animal fats.
approx. 2: This digestion time is for an ideal situation where you eat one food at a time, chew well, and your digestive tract is working efficiently, such as after fasting. This is the digestion time for an optimally healthy person with healthy eating behavior. Much of this data comes from the work of Dr. Gian-Curcio and Dr. Bass.
Digestion time for a normal diet, for people with suboptimal digestion who have little energy, and for dishes mixed with a large number of ingredients (not assembled in the correct order) is much longer.

For proper nutrition, you need to know not only the number of calories in food, but also the time it takes to digest a particular product, so as not to burden your stomach with a meaningless load in the form of some apple eaten between lunch and dinner. Fast-digesting foods give a person quick energy, while slowly digested foods provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Everything that is not included in the digestion time described below takes even longer to digest.
1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 30 minutes
Sea kale

1 hour 45 minutes

2 hours
Coconut milk
Brown rice

2 hours 15 minutes
Fresh figs
Salads: lettuce, lettuce, etc.

2 hours 30 minutes
Dried figs
Fresh peach
White rice
Basmati rice

2 hours 45 minutes
Fresh apples
Fresh apricots
Dried apricots
Fresh coconut meat
Pine nut
Wheat bran

3 hours
Dried prunes
Swiss chard
sweet corn
White beans
Sprouted wheat

3 hours 15 minutes
Melon “torpedo”
Olive oil
Dried coconut meat
Sweet green pepper
Sweet potato
Fresh peas

3 hours 30 minutes
Sesame oil
Dried peas
Soybean oil

3 hours 45 minutes
Red cabbage

4 hours
Brussels sprouts

Healthy products that deserve more attention.

There are a number of products that we rarely or never buy. Let us at least remember those vegetables and fruits that our mothers and fathers forced us to eat, but we stubbornly refused. What a pity! They help improve your health without a doctor's prescription. The benefits of such products have been proven by many years of use, and some - literally for centuries.
First on the list -
kiwi. This exotic fruit has become a regular guest on our shelves in recent years. One kiwi a day covers the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is known to strengthen the immune system, blood vessels, increase the body's resistance to all kinds of infections, and help the body fight stress. In addition, kiwi contains a lot of magnesium, potassium mineral salts and fiber, which helps remove cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion.
The second useful product is
cranberry. This berry is indispensable for colds - it has an antipyretic effect, kills viruses in acute respiratory infections. The use of these healing berries lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, strengthens the gums, and enhances the secretory activity of the pancreas.
Raisins are a tasty and nutritious product with many beneficial properties. Raisins have a strengthening effect on the nervous system, help suppress anger, and strengthen the heart. Raisins contain substances that stop the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Finishes our list
broccoli. This is an excellent supplier of vitamins C, PP, K, U and beta-carotene. There is almost 2.5 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in broccoli than in such recognized suppliers of this vitamin as citrus fruits. In addition, broccoli is a valuable source of minerals: in terms of the content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron, it competes with its closest relative, cauliflower, surpassing it twice as much in the content of not only mineral salts, but also protein. Broccoli has also gained fame as a famous fighter against cancer - because of selenium, which this product is especially rich in. And finally, for those who care about their figure, it will be useful to know that the calorie content of broccoli is only about 30 kcal per 100 g!


"My stomach doesn't agree with vegetables." This phrase can be heard quite often. Typically, those who express this statement have health problems and/or weight problems. And if no external changes are noticeable today, then their appearance is only a matter of time.

Why am I confident in such an ominous forecast?

For two reasons. I'll tell you about them later.

The fact is clear: after eating vegetables, cramps, gas, loose stools or constipation may occur.

The reasons for poor tolerance to fiber in vegetables are a lack of enzymes and corresponding microflora. Friendly intestinal microflora is the main tool for digesting fiber.

How to accustom the digestive tract to vegetables?

There are several methods. Whatever method you use, it is better to start increasing the amount of vegetables gradually.

The first step is to introduce one to three cups of homemade milk and/or a small amount of coconut milk daily. These foods nourish damaged intestinal epithelium.

Important! Once the bone broth is ready, be sure to skim off any fat from the surface. What we are interested in in broth is not the fat, but the minerals and amino acids.

The next step in getting used to vegetables can be drinking vegetable broth. Bring the vegetables to a boil and simmer over low heat for about twenty minutes. Drain them in a colander and add the vegetable broth to the bone broth.

Once you have a good tolerance for the vegetable and bone broth mixture, you can start adding pureed vegetables to the broth. Again, start with small quantities.

Heat-treated fiber is more easily absorbed by the digestive system. And the body thus adapts to new nutrients.

Stewed vegetables are well digested. Gradually replace processed vegetables with salads, vegetable juices, vegetable smoothies and raw vegetables.

It is possible to start with less fibrous vegetables, and consume fibrous vegetables only after light cooking.

This way, the enzymatic systems and bacterial flora will gradually adapt to the shift in diet towards vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

Having analyzed the literature on the digestion of vegetables and their nutritional value, I recommend starting to expand your vegetable diet with the following representatives: avocados, olives, leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, spinach*, kale*, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, zucchini and zucchini.

*- these products are best eaten not raw, but slightly stewed, along with other vegetables.

Caution should be exercised at first with the bulbous and nightshade families: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. After the intestinal epithelium and intestinal microflora become stronger, the tolerance of this group of vegetables will also go smoothly.

Famous nutritionist Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in her book GutandPsychologySyndrome draws attention to one important point . It concerns the quality of vegetables. Some of her patients suffered from loose stools after eating certain vegetables. However, as soon as conventional vegetables were replaced with environmentally friendly (organic) ones, the problem was resolved instantly.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that in sick people the intestinal mucosa is too delicate. This vulnerable mucous membrane easily reacts to pesticides and other “chemicals” that are present in non-organic vegetables.

The mucous membrane of sick people often reacts to (especially cereal) and dairy products. Limiting or eliminating dairy and grains reduces stress on a compromised digestive system. At the same time, there will be more space in the stomach for vegetables.

In conclusion, I foresee that some people will find such methods of introducing vegetables into the diet too complicated and will be tempted to abandon this idea.

Why are negative consequences inevitable?

Firstly, the absence of vegetables in the diet dooms the body to serious nutritional deficiencies.

Secondly, this is a red flag of trouble

and mentioned that eating these two vegetables together has been controversial for a long time. We'll tell you who doesn't recommend this familiar and beloved combination and why.

Often the only criterion for choosing ingredients is the taste and benefits of each individual product. However, eating even healthy vegetables together can be harmful. According to Ayurveda and food theory, tomatoes and cucumbers have different effects on digestion and are not digested together.

Combining ingredients that have different digestion times is not a good idea. While one product will only pass into the intestines, the second will already be completely digested, which will lead to the fermentation process of sugars and starches and will not allow you to enjoy the benefits of food as you thought. The fermentation process can cause gas, swelling, stomach pain and intestinal problems.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are not compatible with each other in this regard. When they reach the stomach and the fermentation process begins, the acid released in the abdominal cavity can cause numerous digestive problems.

Cucumbers alkalize the body, while tomatoes oxidize. So, when eating red and green fruits together, the ascorbinase enzyme, which is found in cucumbers, will destroy the ascorbic acid of tomatoes. This means that if we combine two vegetables, our body will not be able to get the vitamin C that the tomato comes from.

If you want to have a healthy stomach, liver and get enough vitamins from food, avoid frequent consumption of the popular salad. You can eat it occasionally, but only to please yourself with your favorite combination.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are not the only two foods that are advised not to be eaten together. Here are a few more combinations that you should avoid using:

Fruits after meals

Fruits do not stay in the stomach for long because they contain simple sugars that do not require digestion. If you eat foods rich in protein, fat and starch, they will take much longer to digest. When you eat fruit after your main meal, the fructose will cause fermentation, which will cause discomfort such as flatulence and pain.

Cereals and oatmeal with milk and orange juice

The acid in orange juice and any acidic fruit destroys the enzyme responsible for digesting the starches found in grains. Additionally, acidic juices can curdle milk inside the body, turning it into a heavy, slimy substance. If you can't give up your favorite breakfast, drink juice half an hour before oatmeal.

Yogurt with fruits

Ayurveda and food combining theory do not recommend mixing any sour fruits with dairy products as they can impair digestion, change intestinal flora, produce toxins and cause colds, coughs and allergies. For those who like fruit parfaits, Ayurveda recommends mixing yogurt with honey, cinnamon and raisins instead of sour fruits and berries.

Bananas with milk

Ayurveda ranks this combination as one of the most severe and toxin-forming. It creates heaviness in the body and slows down mental activity. If you like banana milk smoothies, use very ripe bananas and add cardamom and nutmeg to stimulate digestion.

Macaroni and cheese

The combination beloved by many is also not healthy. The starch found in pasta and the protein found in cheese have different digestion times, so this combination will also cause fermentation. Eating bread with cheese will have the same effect.

Macaroni with tomato sauce and cheese

Acid-containing tomatoes are not recommended to be mixed with starchy carbohydrates such as pasta. When you generously sprinkle the dish with cheese, digestion becomes even more problematic. You feel tired and want to rest because your body requires a ton of energy. This is one of the reasons why the afternoon siesta is celebrated in Italy and Spain. To avoid unpleasant consequences, season the pasta with vegetable oil or pesto sauce with the addition of roasted vegetables.

Beans with cheese

This is a favorite combination in many Mexican dishes. And if you add a portion of guacamole and hot sauce, you won’t even have to leave the table. Legumes themselves can cause bloating, and cheese will make the situation worse. Eat these foods separately from each other, especially if you have weak digestion.

Watermelon with melon

Perhaps these are the most famous products that are not recommended to be combined not only with each other, but also in general to be eaten separately from any food.

Ekaterina Romanova

Vegetables and fruits are not digested

Asked by: Svetlana Alexandrovna, Buzuluk

Gender: Female

Age: 41

Chronic diseases: sinusitis, arthrosis, obesity, biliary dysconesia

Hello, throughout the year I have been unable to digest vegetables and fruits, both fresh and heat-treated, especially tomatoes, plums, cucumbers, and grapes. Eggplant, orange, apples, etc. all immediately cause severe gas formation and bloating within 15 minutes. Acute pain in the intestines and will be eliminated over the next 15 minutes. Not in the form of diarrhea in unfeathered form

Bloating after eating, inability to eat fresh (and boiled) vegetables and fruits After a meal, if there are vegetables or fruits (usually fresh) in it, bloating begins right from the stomach and down and rumbling in the intestines occurs very strongly and loudly. I work with people and this is very unpleasant. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis and erosive esophagitis. She was treated with omez and phosphalugel, but this only relieves acute pain. But profuse drooling and constant hunger don’t relieve me, but I can somehow come to terms with it, but I can’t deal with the rumbling. Tell me what to do?

4 answers

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Svetlana! Your liver enzymatic functions are impaired due to liver staetosis. Cause obesity. The outflow of bile from the liver is difficult due to dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract. All the fruits you listed increase acidity in the stomach. You need to check the acidity. Do FGDS. Due to the fact that digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract is impaired, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) has developed. You need to test your stool for dysbacteriosis, to find out what flora is in the intestines. Now you can take steamed zucchini and cabbage. Bake the apple in the oven. Eat bananas. From the tablets, add Essentialae capsules for the liver. Take Panzinorm 20 thousand units with meals. Take Galsten drops for 3 months to improve the flow of bile from the liver.

Svetlana 2015-09-09 19:10

But, I have had this situation (dyskenisia and obesity) for the last 25 years, and the situation with diarrhea for the last two years. I can’t eat anything from vegetables and fruits, I love them very much, previously three or four years ago I could easily eat apples and fresh cabbage, grapes and everything else in abundance, although I had dyskinesia, and there were no complications from hereditary obesity. A month ago, I actively used antibiotics, which generally aggravated the situation. It seems to me that when I look at fruits and vegetables, I have a wild rumbling in my intestines and an urge to go to the toilet, while when consumed, everything comes out in an undigested form and with a large amount of liquid; there is no formed stool at all, it is always liquid. This situation makes life very difficult, I have to eat only fish, meat, I even react to borscht in general, guard.

Svetlana! If you know that it all started after taking antibiotics (I couldn’t know this, since you didn’t write anything about this), then have your stool tested for dysbacteriosis. This examination will show which microbes inhabit the intestines. If, as a result of the examination, dysbiosis is revealed, then undergo treatment with probiotics and everything will be restored.

Evgeniy 2019-06-05 08:05

Hello. When I eat apples, I then find undigested pulp in the calla lilies, namely small pieces that I did not chew. In this case, the stool always looks like a thick porridge. I don’t remember when it started, but a long time ago, a couple of years for sure. Why does this happen and should I see a doctor? Thanks in advance for your answer.

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We've been wrong all these years.

Experts warn that combining foods that digest at different rates is a very bad idea! Why?

Because one product will only have time to reach the intestines when the first one has already been completely digested, writes Woman Daily Tips.

This will lead to fermentation of food in the stomach, which may result in poisoning. Yes, the process of decomposition of sugar and starch can ruin your most delicious feast!

And one more thing: the fermentation process can cause gas, swelling, stomach pain, as well as intestinal problems.

Experts warn that cucumbers and tomatoes simply don't mix.

When these 2 foods reach the stomach, acid begins to be released which can cause numerous digestive problems.

Eating fruit immediately after the main course is also a bad idea!

Why? It's simple. Fruits take quite a long time to digest. If you eat them right after lunch, the food will ferment in your stomach, leading to acid reflux and other digestive problems.

We all know that mac and cheese is a very popular food in many countries around the world, especially in the USA.

However, this dish should be avoided. Pasta is rich in starch, which is digested differently than the protein in cheese. Who needs digestive problems? The same goes for pasta and meat.

Meat and cheese are a definite NO!

Why? Because you should avoid that much protein in one dish. Choose only one type of protein per meal.

Goodbye cheeseburgers...

Experts also say you shouldn't mix bread or noodles with orange juice.

Vegetables and cheese are another “combo” to avoid.

Combining these foods will lead to bloating.

What is especially important now is not to combine melon and watermelon.

And by the way, they cannot be combined with anything. Consider each of them as an independent dish.

Many people love banana smoothies, but...

...But the combination of milk and bananas slows down the digestion process. Significantly.

Many people also add fruit to yogurt.

Sounds good, so what's the problem? This dessert will slow down your digestion and harm your intestinal flora. This is especially true for pineapples.

Do you often combine these products?