How to increase vitality - tips for every day. How to increase the tone of the body

Has it ever happened to you that you didn’t want to wake up in the morning, didn’t have the strength to go to work, and upon returning home, you immediately wanted to lie down and fall asleep? Have you thought about what for some reason, strength and energy become less and less over the years ... And the joy of life too.About why our energy weakens over the years and how to increase your energy read this article.

1. Why increase your energy

  • Your wishes come true faster
  • rises self confidence
  • Appears sense of satisfaction from life in general
  • rises vitality and performance you get more things done

Man with high energy always cheerful, energetic, he has enough strength for everything. He realizes his desires quickly and easily. There is a feeling that he is lucky in everything, everything is so easy for him.

In a person with low energy everything turns out “with a creak”, he meets obstacles and resistance. From this he becomes not very happy and he falls into negative emotions and his energy goes down even more. The circle is closed.

2. Causes of low energy

There are several such reasons and they can be divided into two groups - external(manifested in the physical world) and domestic(unmanifested in the physical world).

External causes of low energy:

1. Wrong diet

If a person eats unhealthy and inanimate food (fast food, semi-finished products, etc.), then he receives very little real energy from food. Such food even depletes the body, that is, it lowers energy.

2.Sedentary lifestyle

If a person leads sedentary image life, then his energy begins to circulate poorly and various stagnations develop in the body, the maintenance of which requires much more energy.

3.TV, communication with people you don't like

If you constantly spend time in front of the TV or in the company of people who are unpleasant to you, then you do not rest and gain strength, but squander your precious energy outside, instead of directing it to yourself, to your affairs, plans or tasks . You voluntarily give your energy and it will never come back to you.

4. Negative emotions

Negative emotions like anger, fear, anger, resentment, envy, disappointment, weaken the energy and take away the energy needed for other useful things. You are giving away your energy to nowhere.

5. Unfinished business

Every unfinished business takes away your energy, because that's where you left your attention. Where there is attention, there is energy. You still return there with attention until you complete this business or make the final decision to finish this business at the stage at which it is. When you do this, you will immediately notice how you stop going back there with your thoughts, which means you can use this energy for something else.


Doubt takes the lion's share of energy. People who cannot make a decision often never make a decision until something from outside pushes them in one direction or another. That is, in this case, you do not make a decision, but it is imposed on you. Besides, while you are in doubt, you are wasting your energy.

7. Stress or uncontrolled running of thoughts

Stress, rush, panic steal your energy. Think back to yourself after a day at work, when you come home and you only have the strength to fall into bed. Your energy has gone to deal with stress. If you are also constantly spinning some thoughts in your head or scrolling through conversations with your boss or other people, then this process also devours your energy.

9. Alcohol, smoking, bad habits

Alcohol is a poison for the body, so the body throws all its strength into neutralizing this poison. At the same time, your energy is reduced.

10. Bad ecology

Bad ecology acts in the same way as alcohol and other poisons for the body. To live in big city- it huge pressure for the body, especially if the city has a bad environment. Well, if you have the opportunity to regularly get out into nature. In nature, you are energized.

Internal causes of low energy:

These reasons are directly related to the operation of the energy system.

The human energy system consists of the following elements:

Thin bodies

There are several thin bodies. Together they form the human aura. etheric body consists of bioplasma secreted physical body. The astral body is associated with feelings and is colored in the colors of emotional states.

The mental body is associated with thoughts and intellect, it increases when focusing on mental processes. Its borders go beyond the head and upper body at a distance of 7-20 cm.

The karmic (casual) body is formed by a set of cause-and-effect relationships that make up the fate of a person. Usually its size is 70-100 cm from the body.


Meridians are located all over the body. Energy flows through them. Acupuncture points are usually located on the meridians.


Chakras are energy centers, they do not have a direct physical embodiment in the human body. The location of the seven main chakras corresponds to the main nerve plexuses of the physical body. Each chakra transmits certain information about you to the outside world.

When it happens crash in subtle bodies, meridians or chakras, then your energy goes down. Cause of failures– negative emotions, wrong thoughts, distorted perception of oneself or reality. If you do not pay attention to failures and do nothing about it, then the distortion in the energy can lead to diseases of the organs in this place.

Diseases are first formed in the subtle bodies of a person, and then projected onto the physical body. Even those diseases that are associated with improper care of the physical body, such as sitting in a draft, dressing inappropriately for the weather, catching a virus at work from a sick colleague, etc. also originate in subtle bodies.

A failure in energy is felt as a general depressed state or aggressive reactions, pain in some organs, etc.

3. Ways to increase energy

There are a lot of ways to increase energy and they can also be divided into two groups - external(across physical actions) and domestic(through working with your thoughts and emotions).

External ways (through actions):


Playing sports in any form fills the body with energy. Regular classes are very important here, 1-2 times a week, and not less than an hour. It is also important that you like the sport you choose.

2. Bath, hardening, water procedures

bath, cold and hot shower, winter swimming and other water procedures fill the human body with energy and bring many benefits for general well-being. The easiest type of hardening is a contrast shower, when you alternate hot and cold water.

3.Healthy adequate sleep

If a person always sleeps his norm of hours, then this adds strength and energy to him. Everyone has their own sleep pattern. For some, 6 hours is enough, and for others, 10 is not enough. But good news is that when your energy goes up, your need for sleep goes down. For example, I used to have a sleep norm of 8 hours, and now it is 5-6 hours.


Relaxing the muscles of the whole body is good for the body. During relaxation, try to focus all your attention on your body, shifting your attention from one part of your body to another and relaxing it. In this case, there should not be any thoughts in the head. In this state, your body gains energy. Use relaxation for 20-30 minutes when you come home after work and see how your state will change and you will have enough strength for the whole evening.

Relaxation is also useful before going to bed, just before falling asleep - then your muscles will be relaxed throughout your sleep, which means you will have a good rest during the night and wake up full of strength and energy. It is very important that when falling asleep your brain is completely calm and does not twist any thoughts, otherwise your sleep will be restless.

5. Meditation

Meditation is relaxing as well as harmonizing. After meditation, there is a feeling of calmness, peace, purification.

6. Breathing exercises

If you want to increase energy and increase efficiency, then you definitely need to do breathing exercises- yoga, qigong or others that you like. I recommend starting your day with breathing exercises, it activates your energy right in the morning.

7. Special exercises for energy storage and concentration

Such exercises are in qigong, yoga, martial arts and they act in the following way: you focus on some harmless object, such as your own nose or a point on the wall, stop the flow of thoughts, stay in this state for a while, say half an hour. And during this time, your energy increases, because attention is inside you and it is not distracted by different thoughts, and where attention is, there is energy. You are energized and in addition train your concentration.


what to increase energy alone external ways can be dangerous. Because if some of your chakras broadcast some kind of destructive information (for example, you have an internal aggressor, etc.), then if you pump up such a chakra with energy, it will broadcast the same quality (i.e. aggression ) but many times more. And then from the outside world you can also shy away. So you need to work with the chakras from the inside, through understanding what kind of information they broadcast from you to the outside world and changing this information cleansing the negative.

Internal ways (through working with thoughts and emotions)

Internal ways to increase energy mainly involve working with the energy system.

Work with meridians directly hard. But the work of the meridians improves when you remove the blocks on the path of the meridians.

Blocks are a kind of stones that prevent energy from flowing freely.

What's happened block in energy? This is some a bundle of energy that impedes the flow of energy, blocks it in some place. This clot of energy appeared as a result of some situation in which a person had emotional reaction. The more often this situation repeated or what stronger man reacted, the stronger or the larger this block.

Blocks do not allow energy to flow freely through the body. Blocks eat up a huge part of your energy. Moreover, blocks control your reality, when you can no longer respond differently to similar situations. As soon as a similar situation arises, or with the same person, then you react in the same way. It's like a program that you wrote to yourself without knowing it. This program is based on some of your thoughts (idea, expectation), supported by negative emotions. These negative emotions you experience every time the situation repeats itself.

Example. You can struggle with the fear of public speaking for a long time, but if you take away the reason- an emotional charge from the first situation when this fear appeared - then you have a chance to experience other emotions (except fear) from your public speaking. As long as fear sits inside you, it controls you, and therefore your reality.

This exercise will help you identify your blocks and work on them:

1. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that makes you strong emotional reaction- both negative (irritation, anger, hatred, aggression, apathy, self-pity) and positive (for example, admiration for some qualities in other people) - in other people.

For example, “It infuriates me when they swear!”, or “I want to roar when they raise my voice at me,” or “I can’t stand it when they command!” etc. or “Well, how cool is he, how does he manage to do everything!”

Write down at least 100 such statements.

2. Work with this list to remove the blocks that cause these emotions. To do this, take each statement and work with it in the following way. For example, the statement from the previous paragraph, “It infuriates me when others swear.”

Then sit down, close your eyes, focus your attention inside yourself, remember situations when you yourself cursed. After that, you will no longer have grounds for claims to swearing people.

How this method works: in each of us there are things that we DO NOT want to know about ourselves and once forced out into shadow part US. Why ousted? Because they thought that it was impossible to do this, or they explained it to us in childhood or even scolded us for it. We now believe that it is impossible to do this and cannot admit to ourselves that we are doing this. Thus, we deny the part of ourselves that swears. Have you stopped cursing? But you think you can't do it. Then our subconscious pays attention to other people who do it. "They can, but I can't."

The main indicator of the “shadow side” (what you don’t want to see in yourself) is an emotional reaction to others.

Having done this exercise with high quality, you can remove a lot of blocks from yourself and clean your energy.

How to work with chakras

How to work with chakras there is a lot of information. But in order to change the quality of your life, it is enough to know what information broadcast healthy, balanced chakra, and compare it with the one what your chakras.

After all, chakras are energy centers, which broadcast certain information about you outside world. Depending on what you broadcast outside, then you attract into your life. "What's inside, so outside."

But often a person does not even know what is inside him.

But if you scan your chakras and read the information that they broadcast to the outside world, then you can understand what to expect in the near future, and if you don’t like it, then work with the chakra and remove what you don’t like. Work ahead. And at the same time increase your energy.

The energy at the same time rises for the simple reason that you remove blocks from your chakras– energy is released from the blocks, which was held there all this time while there was a block, and which you can now use for yourself.

4. What you need to know about chakras

(taken from the website of Alena Starovoitova)

1st chakra - Muladhara, root chakra

It is the basis of the entire energy system. Located at the base of the spine, perineum. Affects your career and manifestation in the material world. Responsible for stress resistance and the will to live. Associated with the instinct of survival and self-preservation.

A balanced chakra translates vitality, trust in the world, security, love of money, financial well-being, prosperity. Emotion that destroys the chakra - fear. Every time you experience fear, you destroy the root chakra.

a healthy balanced Root Chakra:

  • I feel comfortable in the physical body.
  • I have the right to be and have.
  • I appreciate everything I get from life.
  • I am grateful for how money supports me.
  • I am always supported in all areas of life.
  • I live and prosper.
  • I have a healthy, loving relationship.
  • I play a significant role in this world.
2nd chakra - Svadhisthana, sacral chakra

It is the energy center of sexuality and vitality, the center of passion, pleasure, feelings, intimacy, desire, movement and change. It is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. The task of this chakra is to make the energy move, pleasure starts the flow of energy.

A balanced chakra translates sexual satisfaction, physical pleasure, enjoyment of life, intimacy in relationships, acceptance of movement and change. Emotions that destroy the chakra - shame and guilt. Every time you experience these emotions, you destroy the sacral chakra.

Here's the information it sends a healthy balanced Sacral Chakra:

  • I am a creative being.
  • I express my creativity.
  • I create wonderful experiences in my life.
  • I create beautiful intimate relationships.
  • I am satisfied with my sexuality.
  • I am comfortable receiving love.
  • I am comfortable in my relationships.
  • I love who I am.
3rd chakra - Manipura, solar plexus chakra

It affects your self-esteem and credibility. Located above the navel. Affects your personal strength and ability to broadcast it to the world. It is the center of willpower, individuality and your uniqueness. The task of this chakra is to transform the inertia of matter and movement in a conscious direction by volitional action.

A balanced chakra conveys confidence, good self-esteem, a welcoming of challenges and trials, a balanced will, responsibility, a sense of personal strength. Emotion that destroys the chakra - shame. Every time you experience shame, you destroy the solar plexus chakra.

Here's the information it sends healthy balanced solar plexus chakra:

  • I am at peace with my strength.
  • I have a comfortable relationship with my power and with myself.
  • My power leads to change in the world.
  • I express my strength in peace.
  • I change my life and the lives of others.
  • I encourage my environment to use their own power.
  • I broadcast confidence wherever I go.
4th chakra - Annahata, heart center

It is the center of love, relationships, self-acceptance. Located in the center of the chest.

A balanced chakra translates love for people and the world, compassion, empathy, self-love, altruism, balance and peace, good immune system. The emotion that destroys the chakra is sadness. Every time you experience sadness, you destroy the heart center.

Here's the information it sends healthy balanced heart center:

  • I am a loving, gentle being.
  • My heart is healed. My heart is open.
  • I freely express love.
  • I love myself and other people.
  • I am a conductor of peace, love and joy.
  • My heart is huge.
5th chakra - Vishuddha, throat chakra

This is the center of your “authentic voice”. Influences your self-expression. This is the ability to show love in creativity, to connect the incompatible. Located on the throat, it is responsible for the creative, spontaneous beginning in a person. The task of this chakra is to show your image to the outside world, to tell about it.

A balanced chakra transmits the uneasiness to listen, good feeling time and rhythm, clear communication, creative self-expression, a resonant voice. Emotion that destroys the chakra - Lying. Every time you lie, you destroy the throat chakra.

Here's the information it sends a healthy balanced Throat Chakra:

  • I express my truth.
  • I express my truth with ease.
  • I am supported in expressing my truth.
  • I am comfortable expressing my truth.
  • My thoughts are clear and it is easy for me to express them.
  • I respect people who express their truth.
  • My throat chakra is open.
  • I am grateful for the ease with which I express myself.
6th chakra - Ajna, third eye chakra

This is the center of the manifestation of love in the ability to form images that then become a reality. Acts as your internal compass. Filters all information, all your beliefs are here. Located in the center of the forehead.

A balanced chakra means good intuition, high receptivity, good imagination, good memory, symbolic thinking, the ability to visualize.

Here's the information it sends a healthy, balanced third eye chakra:

  • I trust my inner knowing.
  • I have a good intuition.
  • My inner vision is clear and I trust it.
  • I am on my spiritual path.
  • I listen to my intuition.
  • They lead me, they support me.

7th chakra - Sahasrara, crown chakra

This is the chakra of divine consciousness, it affects your connection with the source. Located on top. The task of this chakra is to merge with the divine consciousness and realize your true nature.

A balanced chakra means the ability to perceive, analyze and simplify information, awareness, thoughtfulness, openness, spiritual connection, wisdom, a broad outlook, the ability to question. Attachment and rigid framework destroy this chakra. Every time you tightly tied to something, you destroy the crown chakra.

Here's the information it sends healthy balanced crown chakra:

  • I am connected to the Divine.
  • Every moment of every day I am sustained by divine love.
  • I am one with the universe.
  • I live my divine nature.
  • I get inspiration, insights, revelations.
  • I am in touch with my Divine Self, with my divine wisdom.

Test yourself

Read the above affirmations for healthy, balanced chakras and track your inner reaction to them - how much they resonate with you or cause resistance. If there is a reaction of rejection or tension, then perhaps your chakras are out of balance and broadcast something else into the world.

Why is it important to have a balanced work of the ENTIRE energy, and not individual chakras

For correct operation the entire energy system needs active functioning ALL chakras. If you deal with only one particular chakra, then distortions will arise in your energy and in your life.

For example, by increasing the energy of the heart center when the solar plexus chakra and the root chakra are clamped, other people will use your kindness and step on your personal boundaries, but you will not be able to stand up for yourself.

Or, if you increase the energy of the sacral chakra, but at the same time your root chakra and heart center are closed, then of course you will have relationships with men, but they will not suit you, to put it mildly.

The conclusion is simple - do it an increase in the energy of ALL chakras, not some individual ones.

Watch the video in which I give an exercise to activate the chakras. This exercise will help energize the chakras.

So I just told you about several ways how you can increase your energy. But even these methods are enough to improve the functioning of your energy system and, with it, your life. Try all these methods and choose the most suitable for yourself, and practice them constantly. And the effect will not be long in coming. If you have a serious case, then you can seek help and sign up for a consultation.

From time to time, each person can feel tired, overwhelmed and generally not at ease. In most cases, this condition is temporary, it passes some time after recovery from some disease, or after good sleep. But if the problem of lethargy and weakness bothers you all the time, this is a serious reason to think about your health. It may well be that the reason for everything is a reduced tone of the body. In general, the tone of the body - what is it? Let's talk about it, and also learn how to increase the overall tone of the body. And let me remind you what products and medicines increasing the tone of the body.

What is body tone?

The very word "tonus" came to us in speech with Latin. Doctors use this term to refer to the ability of nerve endings to be in a special excited state, and quite stably and for a long time. Thus, vitality is the ability of a person to remain cheerful, energetic and joyful for quite a long time.

However, many people systematically complain that they fall asleep right during the work process, barely drag their feet in the evenings, and do not have the strength for any additional activities and interests.

In the event that you stay in this state for a long time and do nothing, it may well be that your body will react with the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue, depression and even neurotic disorders. In addition, a decrease in vitality can result in the development of more serious lesions of organs and systems, doctors in this case are talking about psychosomatics.

How to improve the overall tone of the body?

Experts are sure that in order to increase the overall tone of the body, you should first of all change your lifestyle towards a healthy one. This also applies to changes in the diet, and compliance with the regime of work and rest, and the rejection of bad habits. It is extremely important to renounce frankly harmful products, especially from sweets, fatty or spicy foods, as well as from fast food. A day should consume at least one and a half to two liters of ordinary clean water.

To increase vitality, you should also adhere to the daily routine. Regardless of the day of the week, it is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time, while the duration of the night's rest should be at least eight hours.

Sports also have a positive effect on the state of vitality. Even an ordinary exercise in the morning can wake up the body, add vigor, start the production of endorphins and keep you in great shape. physical form. And if you also take a contrast shower after it, the effect will be more noticeable.

Extremely important role playing still and spending time on fresh air. It can be a banal walk home from work or before going to bed, or going out somewhere in nature on the weekend.

Products that increase the tone of the body

In order for the vitality to be at its best, vegetables and fruits should always be present in your diet. Moreover, such products need to be purchased in a variety of colors, so they will saturate the body with the maximum amount useful substances. Especially invigorating properties have various citrus fruits, as well as berries such as raspberries, blueberries and blueberries. In addition, apples should be in the diet.

Scientists argue that one of the leading products in the ability to activate vitality is mint. Just a couple of mint leaves in a cup of morning tea will help you wake up and cheer up.

Also, to increase the tone, it will not be superfluous to eat a small slice of high-quality dark chocolate. It is a source of many substances needed for active work brain, as well as for the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin.

Among other things, to increase the tone of the body, it is worth including fish, meat, dairy products and other sources of high-quality easily digestible protein in your diet. Nuts should also be on the menu.

At constant lethargy experts also advise drinking green tea as an alternative to strong coffee. A morning is best to start with oatmeal with fruit and a small spoonful of honey.

Drugs that increase the tone of the body

Most often, to increase the vitality of the body, doctors advise taking medicines on a natural basis. An excellent choice would be ginseng extract, which is able to stimulate the central nervous system, reduce general weakness eliminate excessive drowsiness and fatigue. Also, such a tool effectively activates the efficiency and sexual function, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands.

Quite often, doctors prescribe liquid eleutherococcus extract for such patients. It is also able to increase efficiency, both mentally and physically. In addition, such a tool promotes adaptation to a variety of adverse effects.

Popular tonic preparations are also tinctures of lemongrass, zamaniha and aralia. Similar properties are also possessed by drugs pantocrine, saparal and ecdisten. All of them have natural basis, but it is better to use them after consulting a specialist.

With a significant decrease in the tone of the body, it is better to consult a doctor, because such a condition can be a symptom of many diseases, including quite serious ones.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Today, vitality can be considered as much a luxury as a stylish foreign car or Swiss Watches. It is he who is a necessary component career development, well, in his personal life without him at all in any way. Losing it, we become lethargic and no longer able to enjoy life, negative thoughts creep into our heads, and our hands drop for no apparent reason.

Such a condition can develop into chronic fatigue syndrome - a real scourge of modern managers. To prevent this from happening, it is important to recognize in time the moment when fatigue after have a hard day turns into a constant decline.

You notice yourself frequent drops sentiments? Hobby ceased to bring pleasure, and at work every call or question causes irritation? On the weekends, you want to spend the whole day at home, and on weekday mornings you can hardly take your head off the pillow?

Well, it's time to take action! Here are five ingredients effective program increase in vitality:

positive thinking;

Rejoice in the little things, smile more often - it has been proven that just as a good mood causes a smile, a smile can also cause a good mood.

regular meals;

To activate the work of your own body, it should be regularly supplied with a maximum of useful substances. Review your diet, add natural proteins and carbohydrates, try not to skip breakfast and do not replace a full lunch with a coffee sandwich.

physical exercise;

Within reasonable limits, they are absolutely necessary for raising vitality. Start small - use stairs instead of elevators, and if necessary, leave the car in the parking lot and walk a couple of blocks to your favorite cafe or business partner's office.

healthy lifestyle;

water procedures;

Water has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on all processes in the body. A regular shower can both cheer you up in the morning and help you relax after a hard day. Do not miss the opportunity to treat yourself to a warm bath - it is equally good for nervous system and for your muscles.

awaken hidden powers Your body will be helped by the drug Elcar from PIK-PHARMA. Its main component is water solution L-carnitine - a popular ingredient in sports nutrition. It is completely harmless, since a certain amount of it is initially found in the human body. Due to this, there is no allergy to the drug, it also does not cause side effects, including overdose.

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1) (definition, what influences vital energy);

2) How to raise vitality and energy(several ways to increase the level of vital energy, a description of the principle of work);

3) (description of the principle of action, on what they are based).


How to raise vitality.

6 How to restore vitality and energy through non-conflict consciousness.

Naturally, constantly thinking in accordance with the principle of “non-conflict thinking” will not work right away. There will definitely be individuals who, by their behavior towards us, will “infuriate themselves” (provoke with their words or actions condemnation from our side to - their address). You just need to analyze the situation again, and based on the knowledge gained, continue to work on keeping your OWN vital energy.

Non-conflict thinking in itself restores vitality. Because the brain scans information about “Potential Adversaries” less and less.

What else can be done to restore vitality and energy?

As noted earlier, most of all our vital energy is taken by information about people from our environment (family members, colleagues ...), in the event that our “biocomputer” perceives some of them as one of the “Potential Adversaries”. Moreover, they may not be real opponents. But as a result of the negative you ever showed in their direction (even only mentally), the “biocomputer” (brain) began to perceive them as “Potential adversaries”. And accordingly, when this person is next to you (and people from our environment are often next to us), the brain actively spends vital energy scanning information about them. And since a lot of information is always connected with people from close circle, a lot of vital energy is spent. This fact is often expressed as simply: "It's impossible to be around this person!" This is due to the fact that there is catastrophically little free vital energy for normal thinking in its presence.

What should be done in this case to restore vital energy?

It is necessary to "rewrite" the information about this person as information about the "Potential Enemy", into the usual - neutral information.

To do this, you need to consciously, based on the described slightly earlier method"Neutral thinking", to establish NORMAL communication with this person, neutral in their relationship. No need to specifically try to initiate communication with him. First, develop a permanent program - sustainable non-conflict thinking. Then, proceeding from this, to implement any daily necessary communication. It will take quite a bit of time, and your "biocomputer" will no longer perceive these personalities as - "Potential adversaries." And you, accordingly, will feel that now in their presence, vital energy is not spent.

It's not like that complicated thing. It needs to be tried do for yourself in order to restore your vital energy, preventing its unnecessary consumption. Life energy is a measure of the quality of your life . And nothing can be more expensive, just by definition!

All this is really not difficult. The main thing is to approach this through knowledge of how our consciousness works. And always remember: it is necessary first of all - you yourself!

The process of filling the memory with information about “Potential Adversaries” (PP), which negatively affects the vital energy, is reversible. The recorded “Program of non-conflict thinking” will set up our “biocomputer” in such a way that it will stop spending vital energy on scanning information about the “PP”. And information about people from those with whom we are constantly forced to meet ( inner circle), can be "remade" into - neutral information. You don’t need to “punish” people who behave in the wrong way with your condemnation and behavior. They have ALREADY punished themselves with this wrong behavior towards you and towards other people!

All “Potential Adversaries”, information about which is recorded in our memory, can be divided into those who did something bad to us, and those to whom we did something bad (or simply condemned them for something, behind the eyes or mentally).

In the Christian tradition, there is such a rule: on a certain day of the year, ask forgiveness from all your loved ones and friends (“Forgiveness Sunday”). Based on the analysis of the peculiarities of the work of our consciousness, we can conclude: if forgiveness is sincerely asked for and forgive another person, then such actions actually reduce information about our “Potential Enemies”. And consequently, free vital energy is released. If we ask (sincerely) for forgiveness, then this person (forgiving) will not consider us his enemy. Accordingly, our brain stop perceive the information recorded about him as information about the "Potential Adversary". If someone has ever reconciled with someone after a quarrel, then they probably remember a certain “tide” of internal energy after what happened - “RECONCILIATION OF THE PARTIES” (usually after someone asked for forgiveness). This “tide” is precisely the increase in free vital energy, which appeared as a result of the fact that the brain stopped scanning information about this person as a “Potential Adversary”.

All this can be experienced in practice.

For example, we decided to forgive someone who acted badly towards us, wrongly. Forgive - at least just in your mind. To forgive based on the knowledge that if a person acted in the wrong way (in relation to us), then he ALREADY punished himself, having lost his vital energy (a “Potential adversary” appeared in his mind). Even if he did NOT ask us for forgiveness, and never will. If we stop consciously condemning him (“he is so-and-so!!…”), from that moment our brain ceases to perceive information about him (stored in our memory) as information about a “Potential Enemy”. Accordingly, we restored (released) a certain amount of our free life energy. This restored amount is more - WILL NOT be spent on scanning information about this person as a "Potential Adversary".

You need to forgive on the grounds that the person who makes you feel bad does not have such knowledge (about vital energy) that you have! Bad attitude towards someone - overwhelms the memory with information about "Potential Enemies". Thus, a person punishes himself, depriving himself of free vital energy. And by forgiving this person for his ignorance of this law, you restore my free life force and energy, which is the source of all our abilities, life sensations, Have a good mood, self-confidence, etc.

You forgive this person - for yourself, to save your life energy. You need to forgive, because YOU have this knowledge, but he does not. Forgive not because he became “good”. And because he- loses your life energy, and you - forgiving him, and not perceiving him as a "Potential adversary" - restoreyour life energy. Sympathy is the only adequate attitude towards a person who does not have this knowledge.

But if you don't want to or can't forgive him, don't forgive him. But only now you know that you pay for your "unforgiveness" with your own life energy, in fact - with a part of your life! Your brain will spend this vital energy at a time when you are offended by it, remembering unpleasant moments associated with this person. And even in those moments when your brain - unconsciously expends vital energy, if something reminds you of this or your other “Potential Enemy”.

Life energy is not sold for money. You can spend your life energy earning money. But to make a reverse exchange is not possible. Recoverylife energy is given only through knowledge and the application of one's mind, using this knowledge. That's the way it should be.

Well, or in another way - no way.

7 How to get vital energy by performing auspicious actions.

What else can be done to get the free life energy that is at our disposal?

Many modern practicing psychologists give interesting and peculiar advice to people who feel apathy or depression. That is, those who need to raise the level of their vital energy. General meaning recommendations of psychologists in such cases may be as follows: make good deeds in relation to others. In other words, do good!

According to psychologists, such actions will - favorably affect general well-being, tone. Help to get rid of depression and general bad mood.

Agree: “doing good to someone”, when it’s bad for yourself, doesn’t sound very convincing (this is - to put it mildly). When it’s bad for yourself, then somehow it’s not up to others. Psychologists cannot say anything about why we should initiate good deeds towards others, and not towards ourselves, for example. To do “good deeds: or deeds - for oneself, this is quite more convincing than “doing good” for - others! Where is the connection between what is bad for us and what we will do to someone - “good”? Moreover, when we feel bad about ourselves, we don’t want to do anything at all, even for ourselves. Not to mention "stretching" for someone's benefit. But modern psychologists say that it works - for us!

There is an opinion that giving gifts is more pleasant than receiving them. Here, of course, a lot depends on the gift itself. But, you must admit, if a person is pleasant to us, and our gift really made a strong grateful impression on him, then we will experience an internal rise in our own vital energy!

If we try, we can remember that in those cases when we provided someone with some kind of service, for example, helped in something, or suggested something in right moment, then you can remember - a pleasant feeling somewhere inside, from helping someone absolutely stranger. And it doesn't matter who we helped. It may just be a stranger who asked how to get to such and such a place. Or just a grandmother whom we helped cross the road.

This means that any favorable actions we perform in relation to someone really have a certain positive effect! But what is the essence of such actions? And why does it really work for our own energy uplift?

Psychology, a relatively young science. And not every psychologist is able to analyze the work of the brain - in general. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the main tasks and functions of the brain. And only a rare “advanced” psychologist will tell you that our consciousness has nothing to do with our brain at all. And only based on this, you can give a complete exhaustive answer.

Earlier in the article we visually considered the causes and factors on which our vital energy is spent.

Vital energy is spent on processing information about:

- events past time,

- events future tense ,

- life energy that is expended in present time .

The latter is spent on the organization physiological processes organism. And the remaining - free life energy is the energy that is at our disposal in present moment . It is her (quantity) that we feel and feel and realize - EVERYTHING around us. Using free vital energy, we think, act, feel pleasure, happiness and the whole world around us (processing of signals from all senses takes place: eyes, ears, tongue ...). Free energy is the only indicator of the quality of our life, as it determines this very life!

So, the amount of free vital energy (LE) will depend on how much of our LE will be spent on scanning information about events that occurred in past tense, and expected events in the future tense.

What happens to our consciousness when we initiate any actions that are favorable NOT for ourselves, but for someone else?

Recall that the work of our brain (like any computer) is based on the principle of comparing information. The brain ("biocomputer") compares incoming information in this moment, with the information that is recorded in his memory (brain).

When we perform any action that can be called - favorable - for others (NOT for yourself), then such actions are in no way connected with the information in our memory about the events that happened to us in the past, or with the events that excite us (attract our attention) in the future.

As a result: our life energyis not spent on scanning past events and prospective future events. All vital energy is at our disposal at the moment of the present time, as a free vital energy.

It is this sharp increase of our RELEASED vital energy, we feel when we do a good (useful) deed for someone. It is this increase in their vital energy that makes some people voluntarily and actively help others, people in need or even animals! Caring for others is a natural action that INCREASES YOUR LEVEL OF LIFE ENERGY!

Now the reason becomes - definitely clear. Now you can explain such expressions as "Helping someone, you help yourself!" Previously, such expressions, for the vast majority of people, sounded somewhat absurd.

And, nevertheless, analyzing the work of our brain, we came to an unambiguous conclusion:

A person, performing actions that are not directly related to his personality and his personal interests, has at his disposal - a maximum of free vital energy!

For the most part, we are engaged in the fact that we make plans for any material consumption during our lives. These plans, constantly attracting our attention, take away our vital energy to one degree or another. In the process of achieving our material interests, we ourselves do not notice how, with our judgmental thinking and behavior, we fill our memory with information about new “Potential Enemies”. Our free life energy is spent on scanning this information. And as a result, there is so little free vital energy left that we cannot fully analyze the state of our consciousness. Moreover, next to us are people who are in exactly the same delusion.

Based on the above analysis of the work of the brain, we can conclude that the moral and ethical behavior of a person is not “invented” in order to look “decent” in front of others (although - for this too). This behavior is based on the law of conservation of human life energy. And the observance of the basic commandments of various religious movements is also based on the knowledge of the operation of the law of conservation of vital energy, which in its essence is life itself!

Moreover, we can see that only actions that benefit others (no matter how much many people would like to believe in it) give a person the opportunity to get - the maximum amount of free vital energy. And this law works - regardless of whether we believe in it or not, whether we want it or not.

For those who have understood that such a law works, the question arises: what kind of favorable actions can be performed for others, with the maximum effect for others, and therefore for the maximum increase (release) of one’s free life energy? After all, few people can boast of having a lot of free time! What is needed, and what is better to do specifically?

Everything that happens in our world obeys the law of cause and effect. Everything that happens has a cause, and in itself is the cause of something.

Actions that affect the cause will be more effective than the same actions aimed at changing the effect of this cause.

A simple example. If there is a hole in the ship that allows water to pass through, then the actions to pump water out of the ship will be aimed at combating the investigation. And actions to eliminate the hole will be aimed at eliminating the cause itself. The second will be - more efficient (although you need to do both the first and the second).

The main reason why the most unpleasant things happen in society and in the world as a whole is the perverted consciousness of people. It lies in the maximum application of efforts for the consumption and acquisition of material values, money, power over others (everything that - MAXIMUM consumes a person's vital energy). The reason for such a perverted consciousness is ignorance and complete misunderstanding of how our consciousness works. The problem is that this understanding is not taught anywhere. And if they try to give an understanding of what should be done and what should not be done, then without any explanation of the reasons, namely - why shouldn't it be done . And it is clear that such an incomplete explanation has little effect on human consciousness (due to the lack of an acceptable justification.

Therefore, a clear and conclusive explanation of the law according to which our consciousness works, and the dissemination of this kind of knowledge, will have the most effective impact on people's consciousness. Human consciousness is the cause of all unpleasant, bad, terrible and disgusting deeds that we can observe. well and modern facilities transmission of information (Internet, etc.) can make such favorable actions - as effective as possible, both for the person who distributes them, and for those who are lucky enough to understand and accept them for their execution.

When we get used to this correct way of thinking, we can try further - more effective way thinking (to raise the level of free vital energy). This is more difficult than just getting used to a neutral (non-conflict) way of thinking.

The greatest amount of free vital energy can be observed in a holy person who has spent a lot of time advancing along the path. spiritual development. Confirmation of this fact can be seen in the fact that the eyes and gaze of a holy person are the same as the gaze of a child. Both of them have maximum free vital energy. A child, because he is not yet “loaded” with information about “Potential adversaries”, but a holy person, because he has cleared his memory of “Potential adversaries”. You can read more about what happens to the consciousness of a person who is moving along the path of spiritual development in the article.

There is such psychological method, which is as follows. For some time, we pronounce (preferably out loud) the following phrase: "I wish everyone happiness." It is very important to do this against the background of spiritual chants, that is, listening to people who have a pure consciousness to a greater extent!

This method of psychological practice (really effective!) is recommended in his lectures by a well-known specialist in public health(PhD) Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov. In my lectures. He uses not only theoretical studies and their application in practice, but also the most ancient Vedic knowledge, which, by its durability, prove their authority .

What happens to our consciousness when we repeat the phrase: “I wish everyone happiness!” By saying these words, we position ourselves as a new person. This new personality, simply by its definition (who "wishes everyone happiness") - has no enemies and "Potential Enemies". Based on this position, our brain - stops scanning all information related to our "Potential Enemies". This amount of vital energy, which previously scanned a given area of ​​memory, passes into our free disposal. That is, the level of free vital energy rises. We begin to feel it from the first minutes of pronouncing this phrase!

This method is unambiguous, evidence-based and effective. Further, a person who practices it tries to maintain such a state of his thinking (“wish everyone happiness”) - all the time. Because he understands, feels an unambiguous connection: between a certain way of thinking on the one hand, and with high vitality - on the other hand.

You can study the lectures of Oleg Gennadyevich Torsunov in more detail in text format, or in audio and video format:

If your image positive thinking is also combined with - favorable actions for others (at least as a distribution of this kind useful knowledge), then it will be to give - the maximum effect in order to raise the level of one's vital energy, and to receive - the maximum feeling of happiness and satisfaction from the restored tone and vitality.

I wish everyone happiness!!”

Peace to all!! S. Amalanov.

S. Amalanov.

Read online books Sergei Amalanov on the site: (page will open in a new WINDOW)

8 Spiritual practices of restoration of vital energy.

There are many articles on the Internet that offer various ways restoration of vital energy. But there, for some reason, no one gives a definition of the life energy itself, in what way it should be expressed.


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We wake up every day with the thought that a new day will give us new sensations, feelings, events and ideas that will help change our lives in better side. And the new day will bring us joy and happiness if we are ready to meet it in a fighting state.

But a man’s thoughts are not always positive, his body is not always on alert, and he himself is mentally ready for changes. Then every day turns into a test that is overcome with great difficulty and exhausts any man.

And the reason is that the man lost his vitality, which helped him cope with difficulties and prepared him for unexpected adventures. And only by returning the vitality, you can again begin to enjoy life, please your spouse and children and become a normal man who can do things and satisfy his woman.

Why do men lose their tone

Family life. We can say with full confidence that at a young age every guy is quite mobile and energetic. This manifests itself very clearly in communication with girls. When the goal is to conquer best girl, then running half the city at night is not a problem, and dragging a closet to the 5th floor is as easy as shelling pears. But only having achieved the girl and “taking her into his family”, the man loses one of his main motives and becomes fatter. And the longer this situation continues, the less agile it becomes.

Stationary work. If every day is waiting for you sedentary work, and your main resource is the head, then sooner or later other parts of the body begin to “ossify” and lose their tone. And everything would not be so bad if the man warmed up a little after work and took care of himself, but we all perfectly understand that after working in the office, work at home awaits us. And there is no time for anything else.

Inadequate nutrition. At a young age, the body of any man is quite unpretentious: and live a week on cold pasta, and eat some rolls from the dining room. But with age, the stomach becomes more demanding in the choice of products, and if you “refuel” yourself with the wrong products, then weakness, lethargy and drowsiness appear. And this state can no longer be called a high vitality!

Alcohol and cigarettes. In small amounts, alcohol and tobacco can help normalize blood pressure, boost immunity, and fight small nervous disorders. But men decently go over the dosage and cause gigantic harm to their body, which entails health problems and depressed morale.

Lack of sex. There are many reasons why men tolerate their women. And one of them is regular sex. It has already been proven that the lack of sex hits hard on the male psyche and turns even the most cheerful person into a notorious and depressed one.

How to increase the vitality of a man

Sports. No matter how old a man is, he should always be in great shape to protect himself, his family and the principles that guide his life. So, you need to devote time to sports and physical activities. For this, it is not necessary to go to the gym or a huge fitness center. A couple of shells and Soviet physical education will be quite enough at home.

Proper nutrition. You can look for excuses for a long time, complain about habits, the financial issue and the lack of time to cook normal food, or you can open any cookbook and start cooking healthy and light food that improves tone and normalizes metabolism.

Love and sex. Have you forgotten that one of the most delightful and charming women you have ever met in your life lives with you. You must show both her and yourself that you are still strong in spirit and courageous both inside and out.

It's time to remember the romantic evenings and walks that you both enjoyed there. It's time to remember that you are the most passionate man, who is still strong in spirit and full of energy. This will restore confidence to you and shine in the eyes of your missus.

No more alcohol and cigarettes. The older a man gets, the better he should take care of his health. And then it becomes more profitable to take biologically active additives, infusions and medical preparations rather than drinking alcohol. So you can stay healthy and prevent many diseases and male impotence.

Put things in order. successful man - happy man. And in order to achieve success in your business, you need to put things in order and prepare yourself for the opportunities that may be presented to you.

A study on a target group of men in the US found that men who make progress in their affairs are 57% happier than their counterparts who have stopped striving for more. So, it is time to think about your affairs and prospects.

What will increase the vitality of a man

Started with sports and proper nutrition, you can start moving towards happy life that will delight every day. To do this, you need to make a little effort to change your habits, raise some funds for the purchase of therapeutic and stimulant drugs, and use a little imagination to surprise your woman.

And then you will be able to do things with ease again, you will be able to advance in your career and help your family, and most importantly: you will be able to satisfy the needs of your woman. And this is one of the most important indicators of a real man.

Editorial Lieman

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