Instructions for use of valerian tablets. How to take valerian tablets correctly: useful knowledge and tips

– a natural sedative that helps get rid of stress, insomnia, discomfort in certain diseases of the heart and organs digestive system. The medicine has certain contraindications that should be taken into account before taking it.

Valerian - a natural sedative

Release form and composition of Valerian

Valerian is a medicinal product based on an extract of the rhizomes of the valerian plant; it is used as an analgesic and a mild antispasmodic. They are produced in tablets, drops, and in the form of dry herbs for brewing. You can see what the medicine looks like in the photo.

Composition and release form:

  1. Tablets are round, small, coated yellow color, contain 20 mg of active ingredient. They are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, or in dark glass containers of 25, 50 pills each.

    Valerian tablets, coated

  2. Valerian tablets 200 mg black or Brown without shell in blisters of 10 pieces.

    Packaging of Valerian tablets

  3. Valerian P tablets Green colour– in the production of the drug they use the technology of cryoprocessing of valerian rhizome powder, which allows you to save more medicinal properties plants. Contains 33.6 mg of valerian root powder, additionally containing 6 mg of ascorbic acid.

    Valerian in pill form

  4. Alcohol tincture– 1 liter of medicine contains 200 g of crushed roots and rhizomes of valerian in 70% medical alcohol. Drops for oral administration They are supplied to pharmacies in darkened glass bottles of 15.25, 50 or 100 ml.

    Valerian tincture for internal use

  5. Valerian - crushed rhizomes and roots for brewing in filter bags of 1.5 g or 50 g in cardboard packages.

    Packaging of dry rhizomes and roots of Valerian

  6. Liquid concentrate for taking medicinal baths 190 ml in dark bottles.

    Valerian concentrate for medicinal baths

Bulgarian Valerian - pale orange tablets, contain 30 mg of active substance, 100 pills in a package. Many patients think this medicine more effective than conventional yellow tablets.

The pharmacy sells lozenges made from valerian with motherwort from Merzan's company. The product is intended to eliminate nervous tension, insomnia, to improve heart function, but officially refers to dietary supplements, not medications. The composition contains 0.3 g of valeric acid, 1 mg of flavonoids, citric and glutamic acid, sorbitol, calcium stearate, the package contains 60 lollipops. The absence of sugar in the pills allows them to be used for diabetes.

Price and analogues

How much does Valerian cost? average price– 70–100 rubles, depending on the form of release and manufacturer. You can find many analogues of the drug in pharmacies, but most often they have a higher cost.

Analogues of Valerian

Indications of Valerian

Valerian is often prescribed for nerves, to normalize sleep, eliminate signs of emotional and mental fatigue, and with a tendency to hysteria. The medicine quickly eliminates irritability, anxiety, and increased excitability. The drug is included in the composition complex therapy in the treatment of cholecystitis, urolithiasis.

What does the medicine help with:

  • to calm down, with nervous excitement, stress - you should not resort to pills at the slightest worry;
  • insomnia – valerian calms, relaxes muscles, which promotes rapid sleep;
  • eliminates the manifestations of VSD with long-term use;
  • from the heart – helps eliminate functional disorders in the work of the body;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • migraine.

Valerian helps with insomnia

Does Valerian help with hypertension? If high blood pressure provoked by stress, the release of adrenaline, then a sedative will help reduce indicators by dilating blood vessels and eliminating their spasms. If hypertension occurs against the background of diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, That natural preparation in such cases it is ineffective. For hypotension, the medicine does not affect blood pressure values ​​in any way.

Valerian improves the outflow of bile and promotes the expansion of coronary vessels.

pharmachologic effect

Valerian – completely natural medicine, has a gentle sedative effect on the body, which is due to the presence of essential oils, Valerina, Khotenina. With regular use of the drug, nervous excitement disappears, the functioning of the heart muscle, spasms of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract improve.

Valerian enhances inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, promotes rapid and high-quality sleep, and stimulates the functioning of the gastric mucosa. On average, the drug begins to act within 20–40 minutes.

Valerian perfectly helps women eliminate the main negative signs of PMS and menopause.

Instructions for use of Valerian

How to drink Valerian correctly - the answer to this question depends on the form of release and the manufacturer of the medicine, so you should first carefully study the description of the drug. Maximum dose per day – 200 mg of the drug.

How to take the medicine:

  1. Regular tablets - 1-2 pills 3-4 times a day, they should be consumed whole, washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.
  2. Black tablets - 1 pill before bedtime.
  3. Valerian P – 2-3 tablets three times a day for two weeks.
  4. Bulgarian Valerian - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day after meals, duration of treatment - 3-4 weeks.
  5. Motherwort tablets – 1-2 three times a day with meals. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.
  6. Tincture – 20–30 drops after meals three times a day. Duration of treatment is 25–30 days. For prevention, you can take the drug once a week.
  7. Dry raw materials – 15–20 g of herb pour 200 ml hot water, simmer covered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, leave for 45 minutes, strain, add water to the initial volume. Directions for use: drink 15 ml of the medicine three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  8. The concentrate is liquid - for one procedure you will need 10 ml of the medicine; it must be dissolved in water at a temperature of 35–38 degrees. The duration of the session is 10–20 minutes, they need to be carried out every other day, treatment can be carried out for a long time.

Regular Valerian tablets should be taken 2 pieces several times a day

Valerian in tablets is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age; the dosage of the tincture depends on the age - 1 drop for each year of the child’s life; the medicine must be diluted in water. An infusion of the herb can be given twice a day, 5 ml to children under 10 years of age, 10 ml to children under 14 years of age.

Side effects

Valerian can cause a slow reaction, absent-mindedness, lethargy, and therefore avoid driving Vehicle should be discontinued during treatment.

Basic side effects:

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness.

Valerian causes a feeling of drowsiness

The consequences for the body of an overdose of Valerian can be unpredictable. If the dose indicated in the annotation is exceeded by 20 times, arrhythmia, bradycardia develops, severe vomiting, a person may become overly aggressive or fall into a stupor. The lethal dose of tincture for humans is 450 ml; there is no such data for tablets, but this does not mean that they can be taken haphazardly.

With prolonged use of the medicine, hypotension, heartburn, increased drowsiness, and decreased performance may develop. If after a week of therapy your health does not improve, it is necessary to replace the drug with a stronger drug.


Valerian has few contraindications - the drug cannot be taken if you have fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose intolerance food intolerance, lack of lactase in the body.

Valerian-based medications should not be taken in the following cases:

  • depressive states, pathologies in which there is depression of the central nervous system;
  • enterocolitis;
  • risk of heart attack, stroke.

Valerian tincture should not be taken if you are prone to alcoholism.

You should not take Valerian if you have enterocolitis.

Compatibility of Valerian with alcohol

Combining the use of a natural sedative with the consumption of alcoholic beverages is dangerous - irreversible processes may occur in the central nervous system and cardiac activity. During treatment you should refrain from coffee and tea.

Valerian and alcohol are incompatible

Which Valerian is better?

Despite similar therapeutic properties, different shapes Valerian releases are somewhat different in their effects.

Which Valerian to choose:

  1. The power of action. Most strong drugs– tincture and uncoated tablets.
  2. Speed ​​of action. IN critical situations You should take drops and dark tablets - they are absorbed most quickly. Coated pills act the slowest.
  3. Safety. The yellow tablets do not contain alcohol and are slowly absorbed, so the likelihood of adverse reactions minimal. Uncoated pills have a lower degree of purification, so they can cause allergies. Alcohol tincture is considered the least safe.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding You are allowed to take only yellow tablets after prior consultation with your doctor. You can take the medicine only after the end of the first trimester, and when the baby is one month old.

Valerian extract is the most popular and relatively safe sedative. Pills and tincture are used for stress, insomnia, and malaise. Although all people know what Valerian tablets are, the instructions for use will tell you how to use this natural medicine to prevent harm to the body. The composition has a number of contraindications and can cause allergies, so it is not recommended to start taking pills or tinctures without a prescription.

What is Valerian tablets

The product attracts low price and is very popular among Russians. The drug has between popular name Valeriana officinalis. It is produced in the form liquid tincture, tablets or included in other medications with a sedative effect. Valerian - a remedy plant origin. In addition to the fact that the drug calms the nervous system, it has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.


The main component of the tablets is thick valerian extract. Additionally, the drug contains the following substances:

  • starch;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • gelatin;
  • sugar;
  • hatinin;
  • essential oils;
  • calcium stearate.

pharmachologic effect

Natural origin makes the medicine relatively safe for the body. The tablets give a moderate sedative effect. The action is explained by the presence in the composition of the drug of essential oil based on borneol with isovaleric acid. The effect appears only after 30-40 minutes, but lasts for a long time. The components included in the drug dilate coronary vessels, activate the growth of gastrointestinal secretion, and have a slight choleretic effect. If treated for a long time, the pills can cause hypotension.


Before you start taking pills, you should consult a specialist. Valerian can be used in combination with other drugs in the treatment of renal failure, spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, against migraines, hysteria, depression. In individual cases, tablets are prescribed to reduce blood pressure. However, the main indications for the use of valerian are following symptoms:

Does valerian help?

Before you begin to treat irritability, increased excitability, causeless fear and other problems, patients want to know if there is any result from using valerian. Because of slow impact active ingredients funds for the body, many people think that taking these pills is not worth it. However, Valerian, due to the content of natural essential oils, alkaloids and tannins, has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Knowing how to take Valerian tablets for nerves, you can withstand stressful situations. However, for example, pills do not provide a quick effect in case of hysteria. The medicine is more suitable for those who are preparing for stressful situations (trial, wedding, exams), because in this case you can take the drug in advance and ensure your own peace of mind. In addition, the medicine copes well with insomnia without causing harm to health.

How to use

It is important to remember that during the period of use of this product The patient may experience slow reactions, absent-mindedness, and inattention. The instructions on how to take Valerian tablets indicate that a long course of treatment may cause slight inhibition. If there is excessive absent-mindedness, you should stop taking valerian root extract.

You can use the product yourself or give it to a child only after a doctor’s prescription, following the following recommendations:

  1. The tablets are taken after meals.
  2. There is no need to chew the pills; they are swallowed whole.
  3. It is important to take the medicine with clean water.

The duration of use of the drug depends on its effectiveness for a particular patient. Courses can be prescribed for 14-30 days, but no more than one and a half months. Long-term use tablets leads to the development of heartburn, drowsiness, and decreased performance of the patient. If the result from using the pills is not observed within a week, then you should stop taking it and replace the product with another one.

Instructions for use of Valerian tablets

The medication taken depends on what problem the patient needs to solve, as well as on his individual characteristics. General course for 14 or 30 days is prescribed to relieve stress, headaches, and normalize heartbeat. Use 2-4 pills per day. According to the instructions, drink them strictly after meals twice a day.

For adults

Valerian for depression, irritability, hysteria and other problems of the nervous system can be used as a stand-alone drug or together with other medications. Children over 12 years of age and adults are recommended to use the product no more than 4 times in 24 hours. To reduce the aggressiveness of the effect on the gastrointestinal tract, you should not take the medicine on an empty stomach.

For children

Sometimes doctors prescribe this natural sedative not only to adults, but also to children. It is important to consider that it is not recommended to give medicine to children under three years of age, because their liver cannot process and remove the components included in the tablets. If the tincture, according to indications, can be taken by children over 1 year old, then the pills are allowed only for adolescents over 12 years old.

The doctor may prescribe for the child younger age Valerian tablets, but to be little patient must be under the constant supervision of a doctor. Dosage, frequency of use, etc. are prescribed by specialists taking into account the specific case. Children should not take the medicine for more than 14 days in a row. Valerian is contraindicated for children with a depressed nervous system or heart problems.

During pregnancy

For many women, the period of bearing a baby is associated with constant stress and worsening sleep. Can pregnant women drink Valerian? general instructions– depends on specific indications. Pills are prohibited in the first trimester, when the fetus is developing. If on later at expectant mother If corresponding symptoms are detected, then Valerian can be used under medical supervision.

During pregnancy, Valerian tablets can be prescribed as a mild sedative. Hormonal changes in the body often cause emotional instability in expectant mothers, and this drug effectively eliminates tension, irritability, and increased excitability of the patient. In this case, the instructions and dosage should be followed not the general one, but the one prescribed by the doctor. Neglecting the recommendations will negatively affect the development of the unborn baby.

Valerian dosage in tablets

The package of pills must contain instructions according to which the product is taken. As a rule, adults drink the medicine 2-4 times every day after meals. You can take no more than 2 tablets at a time. The course of treatment is prescribed and monitored by a doctor. For greater effect, you can replace the pills with a fresh decoction of the rhizomes of the valerian plant. This option gives a more pronounced and faster result.

Lethal dose

The body's reaction to exceeding the dose specified in the instructions is unpredictable. A person may fall into a stupor, show aggression, or be overly active. Nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia, and bradycardia are sometimes observed (if the dose is 20 times higher). The amount of medication that causes Negative consequences, is individual for each person. The lethal dose of the tablets is not indicated in the instructions. However, it is worth remembering that consuming 450 ml of the drug tincture leads to fatal outcome, so you should also be careful with pills.

How long does Valerian last?

The use of the product has a gentle effect on the patient’s body and helps relieve emotional stress or spasms. The effect occurs after 30-40 minutes, but is accumulated by the body and will last for several hours. Depending on the patient’s data and the specific case, the period of taking the drug can reach 30 days, but no more.

Side effects

The use of Valerian tablets can cause the following: side symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • lethargy;
  • with prolonged use of constipation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness.


Valerian extract tablets – natural remedy, which has a number of contraindications:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age under 3 years;
  • first 3 months of pregnancy;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • lack of lactase/sucrase/isomaltose in the body;
  • glucose-galactose food intolerance.

Drug interactions

Valerian tablets help enhance the effect of other sedatives, antispasmodics and sleep-improving compounds. Before starting to take the drug, doctors require that you inform them about all the drugs that the patient is taking at the same time. If you do not follow the instructions and recommendations of specialists, then harmless valerian can lead to unpredictable consequences: increased activity or, conversely, stupor, semi-fainting.

It is especially dangerous to combine the product with alcohol. While using this medicine, it is better to refrain from overuse coffee, strong tea and energy drinks, since they can negate the desired effect of the drug.


Natural Valerian tablets can be bought in online stores or pharmacies under different commercial names. They differ in manufacturers, dosage and concentration of active substances:

  • Valerian forte;
  • Valdispert;
  • Dormiplant-valerian (with lemon balm);
  • Valerian extract.

In addition, there are the following analogues of this medicine:

  • Notta;
  • Kindinorm;
  • Trivalumen;
  • Sedavit;
  • Central-B;
  • Nervanorm;
  • Drmiplant.


You can purchase herbal pills at any pharmacy or order through the catalog on the website and buy in the online store. Valerian tablets are dispensed freely, without a prescription from a doctor. The average price for medicine without impurities in the capital is set at 45-70 rubles. The cost may vary depending on the manufacturer and the number of pills in the package.


Valerian - everyone knows herbal preparation, which is used to calm nervous tension, but it must be remembered that this is a medicine, which means that Valerian tablets instructions for use are required to be studied.

Valerian - what is it, its effect on humans?

Valerian is a familiar medicine that calms the nervous system, promotes good sleep, and also provides positive influence on the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. International name- Valeriana officinalis, in Latin Valerianae extract.


When taking Valerian, processes of inhibition of the cerebral cortex occur, which causes a state of natural sleep and weak antispasmodic action. The effect of taking valerian appears after 40 minutes, but lasts up to several hours. Valerian tincture will act faster, as it makes the active substance absorbed into the blood quickly. Brown pills They also act faster because they are without a shell. Everyone chooses the most convenient option release of the drug.

At long-term treatment Valerian may be the cause low blood pressure(hypotension).


Indications for use, why it is taken

Very often, people do not attach much importance to what is written in the instructions for Valerian, arguing that it is a safe sedative. Inept use of Valerian can only do harm. Only a doctor should prescribe Valerian according to the diagnosis.

The main indications for use are:

  • High nervous tension: stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system during severe stress when there is no way to calm down on your own.
  • Sleep disorders, manifestations of insomnia: syndrome chronic fatigue may cause sleep problems.
  • Migraine: severe headaches associated with nervous excitement.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD): can serve as first aid before visiting a doctor.
  • Heart problems: may be included in the treatment complex as an adjuvant.
  • Spasms of the digestive system: relieves the condition.

How to take Valerian (what time) and dosage

For complex therapy, the dosage of Valerian should be prescribed by a doctor. Directions for use: It is recommended for adults to drink 1-2 tablets three times a day after meals or 35 drops of tincture. Swallow the tablets completely, do not dissolve, do not place under the tongue. It is not recommended to take on an empty stomach. E If necessary, the dose can be increased under the supervision of a specialist. Drink Valerian tablets with only clean water.

The course is 2-4 weeks, no more than 1.5 months, since more long-term use provokes heartburn, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypotension. If after 7 days of treatment there is no result, you can replace the drug with Bulgarian valerian or brown valerian and see a doctor. Daily dosage(as much as possible per day) is no more than 200 mg of the drug (this is 10 tablets of 20 mg each). 450 ml of tincture – maximum and lethal dose for the human body.

If Valerian is used once for an adult (before important event to calm down), then you can drink 5 tablets or 40 drops of tincture.

If there are malfunctions in the liver or kidneys, it is necessary to adjust the doses of Valerian with a specialist.

To obtain a more pronounced effect, the tablets can be replaced with a decoction of the roots of the plant. Dry valerian can also be used, it calms the nerves, but treatment with valerian cannot be carried out for a long time, it is harmful in excess quantities. Valerian root is not recommended for use if excessive absent-mindedness is present.

Use in children

Children under three years of age are not recommended to take this drug, since the child’s liver at this age does not remove the drug. Children over 1 year of age are recommended to take the tincture if necessary.

From 7 years old you can take ½ tablet (10 mg) at a time, up to 7 years ¼ tablet to calm down. Treatment with Valerian should not exceed two weeks under constant supervision. Children who suffer from heart and central nervous system problems should avoid treatment with valerian.

Valerian tincture also treats fear in children.

Use in pregnant women and during lactation

Whether pregnant women should take Valerian or not depends on the duration of pregnancy: the drug should not be taken in the first trimester, since the formation of the fetus occurs at this time. If in subsequent trimesters pregnancy is stressful and sleep deteriorates, then the doctor may prescribe Valerian for special indications as a sedative against the background of a surge in hormones.

If you are depressed, you should not abuse valerian, as this can have consequences for the fetus. The doctor selects a safe dosage individually for each patient.

During lactation, Valerian is used only after consultation with a gynecologist, since the drug enters the breast milk, and the baby may have an allergic reaction and problems sleeping. Recommended only in extreme cases.

Use in animals

Compared to humans, animals are not recommended to use this drug. In dogs, taking Valerian can lead to allergic reactions, in cats, a violent reaction occurs due to stimulation of the nervous system. What happens if an animal takes a lot of the drug? In extreme quantities it can lead to the death of an animal, so the drug must be kept out of the reach of animals. Sometimes not large doses in situations, valerian helps the animal to return to normal vitality for further treatment.

Use in herbal preparations

Valerian is also taken as a course in combination with other medicinal plants. Dry collection is used in combination with:

  • motherwort: for heart neuroses, anxiety;
  • St. John's wort: for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • immortelle: for liver diseases.

In what doses to use - It is better to consult a specialist.

Valerian will also help with radiculitis - you need to take sitz baths of valerian (a decoction of the roots of the plant), there are no side effects of such baths.

Overdose and side effects on the body

Often, when using Valerian in tablets, the possibility of side effects is very high, even if the drug was taken as directed by a doctor. A side effect may occur in the form of drowsiness, inhibition speed reaction, lethargy is felt, speech becomes drawn-out, muscles are weakened, stool may be disrupted (constipation or diarrhea appears), and there is a constant feeling of nausea.

An allergy occurs in the form of a rash, itching, and redness of the skin. In case of poisoning big amount

Valerian causes disruption of the heart (bradycardia, arrhythmia). If such symptoms occur, you must stop taking Valerian and take Activated carbon , magnesium sulfate and a laxative to avoid absorption of substances into the intestines. Induce vomiting and cause ambulance

for professional help. There is no specific antidote. If poisoning with Valerian tincture occurs, migraine attacks become more frequent and may worsen digestive organs, constipation. Using the tincture may cause side effects after the first dose, so it is very important to consult a doctor before use.

Benefits and harms

Impact on the control of machinery and vehicles

The medicine affects the control of transport and other mechanisms, since taking the drug slows down the reaction rate, and has a cumulative effect. The medication dosage regimen must be tailored to the limitations of driving.

Analogues of the drug, what to replace it with

An analogue is a drug that has a similar international name, but differs in manufacturer and concentration of the active substance. Analogues of Valerian include:

  • Notta
  • Nervonorm
  • Alora
  • Kindinorm
  • Sedavit
  • Valocordin
  • Bromocamphor
  • Valdispert
  • Valerian forte
  • Valerika
  • Devaccinated
  • Deprim
  • Donormil
  • Quiet
  • Valerian extra
  • Klimased
  • Valeron
  • Menovalen
  • Neurosal
  • Novo-passit
  • Persen
  • Motherwort
  • Relaxil
  • Sedavit
  • Sedafiton
  • Valerian Lux (Evening biocore)
  • Trypsidan
  • Flora
  • Florised
  • Skullcap extract










Release conditions, storage and expiration dates

You don’t need a prescription to buy valerian; you can use it yourself. You can buy it at any pharmacy or online.

The drug is stored in a cool (up to 17C) place, avoiding contact with sun rays. Protect from children.

Tablets and tincture can be stored for 5 years. Taking expired products is harmful to health.


The cost of Valerian depends on in which country the drug was released and on the number of tablets in the package.

The calming effect of valerian is known to everyone. Currently on pharmaceutical market presented a selection of various medicines similar action, while prices are often several times higher than for domestic drugs. People prefer imported sedatives, believing that higher price means higher quality, and loud inscriptions on packaging “100% natural origin” or “Based only herbal ingredients" mislead people and make them forget about the good old valerian, which is too early to write off.

But any drug is of little use if you don’t know how to use it correctly. Therefore, first, decide on the form of release of the drug - in solution or tablets. In the first case, the undeniable advantage is that active substance It will be absorbed almost immediately and you will feel the effect of the drug faster. You can take up to 30 drops at a time, dissolved in water. You will feel the effect in about 15 minutes. But what to do when stress can take you by surprise outside the home? Don’t carry a bottle of valerian tincture with you... This is where pills come to the rescue.

Valerian tablets are small and pale yellow in color. They cost very little (pennies, when compared with foreign analogues) and at correct use can solve many problems. Valerian is a drug with a sedative effect, that is, the substances it contains have a calming effect, so it should be taken if there is increased nervous excitability, insomnia, or anxiety. In addition, valerian has an analgesic effect during painful spasms in gastrointestinal tract. This drug is also used for angina pectoris and even for vomiting.

If you suddenly feel unwell, take 2 valerian tablets with water. It should take effect within the next 30 minutes. If after this time it has not helped you, then you should consult a doctor and under no circumstances take more pills, since the effect may be the opposite of what was expected. In the case when a person has a prolonged neurosis or is inclined to worry greatly, and in a few weeks, for example, a session will begin, then one should take preventive measures in advance.

Valerian has the ability to accumulate in the body, which means that its effect can last much longer, and you can prepare in advance for those situations when you might be nervous. Two weeks before the planned event, start taking valerian in a course - 1 tablet three times a day after meals. Within 14 days active substance will accumulate in your body and after you stop taking the pills, it will continue to act for some time, usually up to 7-10 days.

Do not under any circumstances exceed the doses indicated in the instructions. Everyone has sedatives of plant origin, there is one side effect - if you exceed the dose, you may experience nervous overexcitability, which means that you will begin to react to everything even more sharply and will definitely begin to suffer from insomnia. So if you do not notice the effect of taking valerian, it is better to consult a doctor who will select another drug that is right for you.

To summarize, it can be noted that valerian is an excellent and inexpensive analogue sedatives, produced abroad. The tablet form is more convenient than the tincture, since the packaging with tablets is easier to carry and it is more difficult to make a mistake in the dosage. If you are nervous, it is enough to take 2 tablets and wait until the drug takes effect. For valerian to help, for example, a person with constant feeling anxiety – it should be taken in a course of two weeks to a month. And, most importantly, never take more tablets than you should, and if in any doubt, consult your doctor. I wish you good health and complete peace of mind in any life situations!