Intolerance occurs more often than in... Food intolerance and food intolerance testing. How and where the analysis is carried out

The term “food intolerance” appeared in the medical industry relatively recently: it refers to individual hypersensitivity to certain types of foods. But if, for example, a food allergy finds real confirmation in the form of clearly established symptoms and markers, then such intolerance evidence base can't boast.

In private prices medical laboratories you can meet various options hematological tests, which, as their developers assure, can easily identify food products that are dangerous for a particular person. However, why is the vast majority of them not recognized? official medicine and not even registered? To clarify the question of what blood test for food intolerance more reliable, this article will help.

Characteristics of popular types of blood diagnostics

Most often there are three types of studies - FED, hemocode and ELISA. Since their cost often exceeds 11,000–16,000 rubles, the choice of the most reliable method should be approached with the utmost responsibility. In the worst case, it will be a shame to lose a considerable sum of money paid for an uninformative blood test.


It is believed that screening venous blood This type helps to normalize almost all body processes and gradual weight loss, which does not provoke an imbalance. The biomaterial obtained as a result of laboratory blood sampling is studied for susceptibility to an extensive list of products. Upon completion diagnostic work food products are distributed in 4 color columns of the final form depending on their safety for human health:

  • Green– beneficial effects on the body. Unlimited consumption is allowed.
  • Yellow– influence both positive and negative is excluded. Food is not prohibited.
  • Orange color – minor immune response. The number of products should be reduced.
  • Red color is an extremely negative reaction, rejection. Food consumption must be reduced to zero.

Along with the results, patients are given reminders and recommendations that can help overcome problems with overweight.


This diagnosis is also based on the collection of biomaterial from a vein. The concentrated components of each product (extracts) are dropped into a test tube with liquid, and a result is formed based on the resulting reactions. Only it, in turn, consists of lists of only 2 shades - red and green.

A chemiluminometer is a laboratory apparatus used in blood testing for hemocode


Enzyme immunoassay allows you to detect the concentration of IgG immunoglobulin in blood cells. These antibodies, according to one of the voiced versions, attack lumps of food that are difficult to digest due to intolerance, which do not have the opportunity to give up their useful components body. Normally, IgG destroys pathogenic agents.

In order to determine the reaction of immunoglobulin to selected products, it is not at all necessary to memorize its numerical designations. Useful, dubious and dangerous species food will be placed in green, yellow and red colored tables respectively.

Food intolerance is still not characterized by clear symptoms by which its presence could be determined. Individual signs indicate thousands of diseases, so relative indication It is generally accepted that a person has a complex of physiological abnormalities.

The most frequently mentioned pathological manifestations include:

  • bloating;
  • chronic heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • anorexia;
  • obesity;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • unexplained increase in BMI;
  • tachycardia;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness immediately after eating.
  • swelling;
  • diarrhea;
  • cellulite.

Special indications include various shapes inflammation - cholecystitis, gastritis, sinusitis, glomerulonephritis, colitis, pancreatitis, enteritis, otitis media, etc. Donating blood for food intolerance is also recommended for those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract, mainly gastric ulcers, hypolactasia (lactose intolerance), dysbacteriosis or erosion.

Skin rashes (acne, papules, pustules) are often the result of poor nutrition

Conducting screening

All 3 types of diagnosis require venous blood from the ulnar vessel. The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  1. The person sits on a couch or chair.
  2. The laboratory assistant selects the arm more suitable for analysis and fixes a tourniquet on the lower part of the shoulder. If the vessel is not visible well enough, the patient will have to work a little with his fist.
  3. The future puncture site is disinfected with medical alcohol.
  4. The needle of a syringe or vacuum system is inserted into the vein at a slight angle. Through it, the required amount of blood is collected.
  5. A sterile swab is pressed onto the wound while the needle is withdrawn from the vein. The tourniquet is removed.

It is necessary to hold the gauze disc over the puncture until the bleeding stops completely. Detailed results you will have to wait from 7 to 10 days.

What does the preparation include?

A substance such as blood requires a careful attitude towards itself, since the wrong approach to daily routine and diet can seriously affect its composition. To avoid false result, you should introduce several rules into your life 3–7 days before the diagnosis. Stop drinking all drinks containing alcohol and caffeine. Replace fast food and processed foods with fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and simple dishes, cooked with my own hands.

Follow psychological state, stopping attacks nervous overstrain, panic and stress. Minimize the amount of sweets and flour products. Do not move more high-calorie meals into the evening. Eliminate this method heat treatment dishes like frying in favor of baking and steaming. Avoid heavy physical activity on musculoskeletal system.

Venous blood is taken on an empty stomach, so you should take your last meal 8–12 hours before the procedure.

Before the blood test, you are not allowed to smoke or move actively. If on the day of a planned visit to the clinic a person develops symptoms of acute respiratory diseases(nasal congestion, lacrimation, weakness, fever), then the blood collection procedure should be postponed until full recovery.

Reliability of the analysis

Not a single hematological study associated with the detection of food intolerance has been accepted by official medicine. The extreme ambiguity of such procedures is regularly reminded Russian scientists, USA, Australia, Japan and UK. Even the very principle of identifying a ghostly pathology that has not yet been assigned the status of a disease is called into question.

As noted earlier, IgG antibodies are indeed produced in greater volumes when certain foods are ingested. But it turned out that this normal phenomenon caused by regular consumption of the same food. And if we take into account the widespread chemicalization food industry, it is not surprising that the body rejects food consisting of a complex of dyes, flavors and preservatives. In most cases, the cause of intolerance is not the food at all, but dangerous additives in them.

Mandatory item preparation is a discussion with a specialist about further application medicines(at least 8–10 days before screening)

That is, we are not talking about deviations, on which, in fact, the derivation of ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) results is based. The technique of performing hemocode also raises a number of questions. For example, if a blood test suggests isolation from variety of products nutrition of extracts, why are they all formed in one solvent? Such an omission reduces the diagnostic information value to zero.

Neither hematologists nor immunologists can explain the algorithm for identifying food intolerance through the use of expensive blood tests. Moreover, even the developers themselves do not provide a clear explanation on this matter. Some experts believe that such tests are a form of lucrative fraud.

On the one hand, patients may think about their health after receiving unsatisfactory test results, and subsequently healthy image life. But on the other hand, if the principle of the procedures is still unknown, who will guarantee that the study indicators will not be falsified. After all, then a gullible person can throw all his energy into solving the identified “problem,” while the real disease, which the vague symptoms indicated, will continue to progress.

There have been known cases when allergenic products were highlighted on the red list of final forms. But an allergic reaction, as mentioned earlier, has nothing to do with the newly coined term - its existence has been proven for a long time, and it is diagnosed using much more reliable research methods.

Classic blood tests, such as CBC, take into account many factors that influence changes in markers. And tests for food intolerance often do not take into account either the patient’s medical history or age category. Another aspect is the set of symptoms. Any recognized disease is characterized by a set of ailments, thanks to which people distinguish one pathology from another. But how then to describe food intolerance?

If you look closely, you will notice that the list of indications for a blood test includes physiological ailments that are observed in most people. For example, drowsiness and dizziness - many schoolchildren, students, workers, and pensioners suffer from these symptoms alone. Very convenient signs for making a profit with maximum quantity Human.

A negative response from the body to the consumption of any food or drink, associated with problems with their digestion.

Most patients are not sufficiently informed about food intolerance, which is even b O greater danger than allergies. Intolerance to milk and dairy products is often observed; cereals (wheat, rye, barley); peas, mushrooms, strawberries, etc. According to the latest data, many people have intolerance to some foods, but they are not aware of its existence, because the reaction appears only after a few days.

If general condition worsens after consuming any product, this is not direct evidence of an allergic reaction or poisoning. Perhaps the reason is food intolerance.

Often patients mistakenly attribute food intolerance to food intolerance, but these are different conditions. Allergy manifests itself characteristic symptoms(rash, swelling, gastrointestinal reactions, respiratory system), manifestations of food intolerance are more varied (pustules on the skin, fullness, weakness, it is even possible urolithiasis, feeling tired). In some cases, food intolerance is asymptomatic. The only sign is feeling unwell. Therefore, identifying food intolerance can be quite difficult.

Diagnostics (test for food intolerance)

For diagnostics food allergies The METHOD OF IMMUNOENZYME DETERMINATION is used - a blood test for antigens of products that enter into an immune reaction. As a result, lists of permitted and prohibited products are compiled for the patient. After the final diagnosis, permitted foods should become the basis of the diet. Products from the prohibited list, on the recommendation of a doctor, must be excluded for a period of 6 weeks to 6 months (the duration depends on the strength of the reaction, which is shown by the level of immunoglobulin G). After some period of time intolerance individual products may pass - this is the main difference between intolerance and allergy.

If, as a result of excluding products from the “black list,” there is an improvement in well-being, condition of nails, hair, skin, weight loss, and normalization of intestinal function, the test was performed correctly. A control test for food intolerance is performed six months later to identify products that will forever remain on the prohibited list.

The test allows you to check from 20 to 300 products, the quantity is determined based on daily diet patient.

Testing for food intolerance requires preliminary preparation. It is forbidden to eat 5 hours before the event, do not drink alcohol and some medical supplies during the day, for example, antihistamines, hormonal and antibacterial. To clarify personal recommendations, you must first consult with a specialist.

Why EMC?

  • All EMC dermatologists-allergists have significant experience in diagnosing and correcting food intolerance in both adults and children.
  • All diagnostic capabilities are collected in one building. Diagnosis is carried out quickly, at any time convenient for the patient. The results are prepared as soon as possible.
  • Opportunities for multidisciplinary medical center allow you to treat any accompanying pathologies together with therapists, gastroentorologists, endocrinologists, cosmetologists and other specialists.

Complications of food intolerance

When a patient constantly eats foods that the body cannot digest, inflammatory processes begin to develop. Over time they acquire chronic form, arthritis, migraines, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue, depression, acne, constipation and other diseases. The load on the kidneys increases, which causes disturbances in the removal of fluid from the body. As a result, the patient begins to gain weight. The number of foods that are not absorbed by the body increases over time; the body can poorly digest even those foods with which there were no problems before. As a result, the patient becomes ill after almost every meal. Therefore, weight loss without compromising your health can be achieved by eliminating “intolerable” foods.

Symptoms of food intolerance

Symptoms of food intolerance can be very diverse in their manifestations, but none of them can be considered specific to this particular pathology. Symptoms may also not be obvious and manifest themselves in the form of disruptions in the digestive system. Regardless of the situation, only a doctor can correctly diagnose the condition.

Some of the manifestations of food intolerance

Intestinal problems(bloating, constipation, diarrhea). Digestive disorders are direct evidence that the body does not tolerate any foods.

Heartburn. Irritation of the esophageal mucosa occurs due to the body’s inability to properly absorb problematic foods.

Uncontrollable appetite. The expression “everything is good in moderation” does not apply to foods that cause food intolerance. For most people, one sip of milk is enough to trigger the production of antibodies that create a characteristic immune response. The body produces more of them than needed, which causes uncontrolled appetite.

Headaches. Headaches may occur due to the body's inability to digest foods containing gluten, lactose, or sugar.

Fatigue. Fatigue is caused by inflammatory processes that are associated with the consumption of problematic foods.

Joint pain. Joint pain can be associated with intolerance to dairy products, soy and gluten, and are a consequence of inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

Acne, rashes and other skin problems. Rash, eczema, itching, red spots or dark circles Under the eyes can also be an immune response to problematic foods.

Other possible symptoms: skin itching, swelling of mucous membranes, decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the mouth.

Some interesting medical facts:

Every 4th person cannot tolerate milk.

Every 250th person cannot eat rye, wheat, barley and products that contain them.

Often people cannot tolerate nuts and mushrooms, as well as soy and corn.

Food intolerance is a fashionable topic today. Moreover, scientists and doctors are increasingly discovering a relationship between it and obesity. Researcher Tommy Johnson from Lund University in Sweden, among others, suggested back in 2005 that metabolic disorders and resulting weight gain may be associated with gluten intolerance. In this condition, the body's sensitivity to the satiety hormone leptin may decrease, and this provokes gluttony.

Doctors often mention another study, the results of which were published in the journal Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy. This time, having recruited 120 fat people for the experiment, scientists first tested them for sensitivity to different products(up to salads and other garden greens). And then they asked to exclude from the diet those to which a reaction was detected. After 90 days, the subjects' weight and body mass index, waist and hip measurements decreased.

Commenting on addiction excess weight for food intolerance, YorkTest laboratory representative, Dr. Gill Hart, states: “Suffering because of her, digestive system is no longer as effective at providing energy and nutrients to all parts of your body. She is more likely to suffer from illnesses, particularly irritable bowel syndrome, and may have poorer immune function. The body feels besieged by invaders and accumulates resources, increasing fluid reserves and weight.”

“With food intolerance, it can really be quite difficult to lose weight, even if a person follows all the recommendations of a nutritionist,” says Mikhail Gavrilov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of a patented correction method eating behavior and weight loss, member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM, USA). - She provokes inflammatory reactions, which, on the one hand, slow down the breakdown of fat. On the other hand, they are accompanied by fluid retention and the formation of edema.”

"I wouldn't say that extra pounds, obesity can be directly caused by intolerance to certain foods, says Natalia Grigorieva, nutritionist, managing partner of the Premium Esetics and Epilike clinic chain. - But digestive disorders in any case affect metabolic processes. And, by the way, with food intolerance it can be difficult not only to lose weight, but also to gain it if you are too thin.”

Are food intolerances and allergies the same thing?

No, say the doctors. Just because you don't have allergies doesn't mean you don't suffer from food intolerances.

“This condition has nothing to do with true allergies; they have different molecular mechanism, says Mikhail Gavrilov. — Symptoms may be similar: dry skin, rashes, hives, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, increased gas formation. However, with allergies, such manifestations are pronounced; for them, it is not enough large quantity a provoking substance (and sometimes even its smell), and the reaction occurs immediately, so, as a rule, it is not difficult to find out what food triggered it. With food intolerance, the symptoms can be very vague and do not appear immediately, but 2-3 days after you have eaten a large amount of this or that product. So it can be difficult to identify the “aggressor.”

“Food intolerance is often confused with celiac disease,” adds Natalya Grigorieva. - But these are different states. Celiac disease - congenital disease, in which the body cannot digest the protein gluten and which is diagnosed already in the early childhood, up to a year. Food intolerance, such as a reaction to gluten, is also possible. But it can be associated not only with this protein, but also with other proteins and other substances in general. It appears for the first time not only in children, but also in adults, and not so brightly.”

How food intolerance occurs

Doctors identify several reasons. And the first of them is metabolic disorders. Congenital or acquired. As a rule, they are associated with enzyme deficiency. In children, this condition may be due to immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. In adults - one or another disease, for example, pancreatitis. It happens that the production of enzymes decreases with age. This is how lactose intolerance develops. Most children consume milk without problems. However, over time, the production of lactase, which breaks down milk sugar, decreases, and the body of every third person over the age of 25 does not accept whole milk (“fermented milk” is another matter).

Food intolerance can be caused by gastrointestinal problems. Because of them, food is processed incorrectly and is not fully absorbed. “The immune system perceives undigested particles as some kind of dangerous agents, almost like bacteria,” says Natalya Grigorieva. “The body begins to produce antibodies to them, which will subsequently recognize them. When you eat an irritant product again, the immune system will notice it already in the process of digestion and reject it: we do not absorb it. This is how food intolerance develops.”

Sometimes a reaction may occur not to the product itself, but to its constituents. artificial or natural additives . The molecular weight of such substances is so small that they are absorbed without the participation of enzymes. And they penetrate into the blood without problems even with in good condition intestines.

What foods most often cause food intolerance?

“According to the American Dietetic Association, these are dairy products, corn, peanuts, pistachios, strawberries, citrus fruits,” says Mikhail Gavrilov.

“Most often this is food with a protein component,” confirms Natalya Grigorieva. — Products of animal origin, dairy group.”

Sometimes food intolerance is associated with foods that a person has refused for a long time for one reason or another. They say that the body has become unaccustomed to them and has stopped producing enzymes for them. However, both of our experts have the exact opposite opinion on this matter: the reaction usually occurs to food that we consume regularly and large quantities. Food intolerance often occurs with a mono-diet. And if you exclude the aggressor product from the diet, then after a while the body will be able to absorb it normally again.

How to identify food intolerances

As mentioned above, its symptoms may be vague and appear late. If you suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, drowsiness and cannot explain to yourself what is happening, seek advice from a nutritionist or gastroenterologist.

“During the first consultation good doctor will suspect that the patient’s condition may be related to the diet,” says Mikhail Gavrilov. - To confirm his hypothesis, he will ask him to keep a food diary, clearly recording everything he eats during the day and how he feels after the meal. And he will send you for tests. For example, a genetic test to see if the genes that are responsible for a particular type of food intolerance have been changed. Or an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test (ELISA). Or a stool test, which determines that the body is not able to normally perceive lactose and fructose.”

By eliminating the irritant product from the patient’s diet, the doctor can be completely sure that he has made the diagnosis correctly. After just three weeks, symptoms of food intolerance will begin to fade and will completely disappear by six weeks. After 4-6 months of treatment (and it may include not only a diet, but also restoration of the intestines and its microflora), the product removed from the menu can be tried to be reintroduced in a very small dose, individually calculated for each patient. And, of course, monitor the body’s reaction.

Even if you don't need to lose or gain weight, identifying food intolerances can be beneficial for your immune and gastrointestinal health.

The rapid change in the composition and quality of products and the style of nutrition itself leads to the development of a large number of different digestive disorders in people. They are expressed both in simple dyspepsia and in severe lesions organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food allergies are recorded in children from the very beginning. early age. An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a product that it considers hostile to the body. Another form eating disorders is food intolerance.

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance (FO) is a condition in which the digestive system is unable to properly process certain foods. PN cause enzyme deficiency in the body, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, some psychological problems or the products themselves and their components.

The influence of enzymatic disorders on the body's activity is very great. It is because of them that weight gain, skin diseases, and digestive problems are often observed. The most obvious sign of PN is dyspepsia after eating certain foods, which is sometimes mistaken for poisoning.

In most cases, the body's response caused by PN is not observed immediately after eating. It is much more difficult to diagnose than allergies. Often, after consuming food that is harmful to the body, it takes more than one day for symptoms to appear.

The difference between intolerance and allergy

PN can be defined as the body's inability to digest certain types of foods. For allergies, any amount dangerous product immediately triggers a response from the immune system.

Food allergies are expressed skin manifestations(the so-called diathesis in children), swelling of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion, later nausea and diarrhea. To accurately identify the disease, a comprehensive one is carried out.

Characteristics PN are:

  1. Slowness of reaction to the consumed product. The main difficulty in understanding the causes and identifying foods to which one is intolerant is that small doses do not cause a reaction. The response may appear a considerable time after ingestion and after repeated use.
  2. The start of the reaction occurs gradually and increases slowly.
  3. The list of products can constantly expand.
  4. To detect intolerance, you need to consume a large dose of the product at once.
  5. Mon often happens at the most simple types foods that are present in the daily diet.

Doctors believe that intolerance more dangerous than allergies, since its symptoms are less obvious and delayed, making it more difficult to correct. In particular, intolerance to dairy products causes. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugars.

What both conditions have in common is that the reaction does not occur to spoiled food containing toxins and harmful microorganisms, but to completely fresh food. Another common point is chronic course conditions that cannot be cured. It is necessary to exclude substances that provoke conditions from the diet.

Video about food allergies from Dr. Komarovsky:

Signs of pathology

If you are allergic to food, exposure to even a small dose dangerous substance instantly mobilizes immune system to a variety of reactions. They are obvious and can be stopped by taking antihistamines. A blood test for food allergens helps determine the type of food that is hazardous to health.

Signs of food intolerance include:

  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • fatigue;
  • headaches.

Less obvious symptom there is constant weight gain and the inability to stop it. Fatigue and drowsiness occur after consumption specific products, dark circles under the eyes, suspicion of allergies and inability to identify the allergen. If you have such symptoms, you should take an intolerance test.

Enzyme deficiency is the cause of the syndrome inflamed bowel, eczema, migraine, and arthritis may develop in the future. Undigested food disrupts the composition of urine, leads to kidney disease, impaired urine output, and promotes weight gain. Metabolism is disrupted.

Most often PN is observed on the following types products:

  • red meat;
  • cereals;
  • alcohol:
  • citrus;
  • eggs and chickens;
  • chocolate, coffee.

However, in most cases, PN is observed in foods that contain numerous dyes, preservatives, and additives.

Main types

Digestion of food consists of two main processes - its breakdown by enzymes and absorption into the blood. With PN, there is a disorder of one or both processes.

The main types are:

  • psychogenic PN – inability to digest food due to the influence of stress on the digestive organs;
  • fermentopathy - a lack of certain digestive enzymes necessary for digestion (these are celiac disease, phenylketonuria and other diseases);
  • irritable bowel syndrome – the release of toxins into the blood due to a diseased intestine;
  • reaction to biological substances in products - esters salicylic acid, caffeine and others;
  • intolerance to chemical additives in food.

A person may have different types of PN at the same time. Undigested food poisons the body - the intestines, liver, kidneys, and the bloodstream carries toxins to all cells.

Diagnostic methods

Some analyzes and tests help identify foods and substances that cause PN.

The most commonly used blood tests for food intolerance are:

  1. Hemotest or hemocode. To determine the patient's attitude towards different types products (up to 130 samples) extracts are injected into the blood taken for analysis nutrients. Based on the reaction, cells form lists of useful and harmful species meat, vegetables, grains. These lists serve to determine the diet in the future.
  2. FED. The reaction to 100 products and chemical additives is tested. As a result, 4 lists are issued in which all types of food are divided according to their usefulness and harmfulness to the body.
  3. ELISAenzyme immunoassay. Proposed by English experts. It involves drawing blood (a few drops) and identifying in the laboratory the patient’s recall (IgG) for a specific type of product. This method (Yorktest) is considered the most reliable and reproducible (95%). The recommendation is issued depending on the amount of antibodies produced to this substance.
  4. INVITRO. Blood test for the presence allergic reactions, that is, IgG immunoglobulin, as well as other reactions that are not IgG-specific. A series of studies is recommended to identify the exact types of intolerance.

The urgency of the problem leads to the constant emergence of new methods for identifying PN and increasing their reliability.

How and where can I get tested?

Testing for food intolerance requires compliance certain rules preparation.

These include:

  • absence of infectious and other somatic diseases;
  • refusal of admission medicines in consultation with a doctor;
  • performed on an empty stomach in the morning, without eating for 10-12 hours, only drinking plain water is allowed;
  • before the analysis you need a gentle diet for 3 days;
  • are not carried out during menstruation in women;
  • Brushing your teeth using toothpastes is prohibited.

To conduct the test, venous blood is collected. The result is given, depending on the methods, in a few hours or days (up to a week). Testing is carried out on a large group of vegetables, fruits, and cereals, which are the most traditional for our country.

Typically, a referral for testing is issued by a nutritionist. Testing can be carried out in specialized laboratories and clinics. How much a food intolerance test costs in a particular institution can be found on its website. The cost increases depending on the number of extracts involved in testing. The price of a blood test for food intolerance varies in the range of 15-25 thousand rubles.

However, most clinics and laboratories warn about the possibility additional tests to confirm and specify the result.

General rules of behavior after receiving the analysis result

The results of the research are lists that indicate recommended and prohibited cereals, vegetables, types of meat, and dairy products. You can eat healthy ones without fear, try to avoid prohibited ones.

During the cleansing period, the body is freed from accumulated toxins. Good to drink clean water, eat fruits and vegetables from the recommended list. This usually takes from 2 to 4 weeks. The doctor decides when the strict period should end. Usually at this time the condition improves, there are no signs of dyspepsia, and metabolism normalizes.

During recovery stage prohibited species are introduced one at a time and the reaction is monitored. The absence of disorders makes the product approved for use once every 1-2 weeks.

Video about intolerance and its difference from allergies:

Criticism of the method

It should be noted that the view of food intolerance as the cause of a large number of different states and diseases are not shared by all doctors. Moreover, both the idea itself and the methods for diagnosing PN are criticized.

Many sources call the number of people suffering from allergies – 20%, and PN is almost 80%. Many doctors believe that there is overdiagnosis of both conditions. In fact clinical trials confirm true allergy in only 2-3%. Meanwhile, many are sure that they have allergies and regularly take antihistamines.

Gastroenterologists are alarmed by attempts to explain the digestive problems of PN. This often leads to untimely diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. If you experience reactions to food, you should do an allergy test. Increasing the level of immunoglobulin E will help accurately diagnose the disease.

It's a completely different matter with tests for PN. These methods raise serious doubts among experts.

Very often, food intolerance directly depends not on the characteristics of the body, but on diseases of the stomach, intestines or pancreas. In this case, the cause is confused with the effect. While the patient is looking for where to get tested for PN, the disease progresses.

The main complaints about the hemotest and other methods are the unreliability of the results and their non-reproducibility. In other words, when retest the results are different.

However, tests for PN still give positive result. It consists, according to the test subjects themselves, in the fact that they thought about their diet and reduced the amount of calories they consumed to the recommended minimum.

In addition, the advice based on the results of tests for PN is really correct - do not eat fried, salty, fatty foods, eat fruits and vegetables, watch your caloric intake. These recommendations are useful and improve the condition of the body. No method of organizing nutrition is harmful if followed with caution and concern for health.

What are the main causes of food intolerance? What symptoms appear, what tests need to be done for correct diagnosis? Here you will find answers and information about intolerance towards certain food products that the body may exhibit: examination methods necessary to detect possible methods treatment.

It is very difficult to talk about food intolerance, given that expert opinions differ significantly regarding this disorder. Everyone agrees that there are two specific intolerances - lactose and gluten. In this case, it is enough to conduct a test that with high accuracy determines whether a person is intolerant to these components.

However, there are symptoms not associated with other diseases that appear when consuming certain foods. Thus, these foods are assumed to cause intolerance. However, it is very difficult to accurately determine the component that causes the disorder.

For example, you know that you have a low tolerance to shellfish, but you don't know which of the many molecules is causing the problem. All this leads to difficulties in diagnosing the disease, as well as uncertainty about its treatment.

What is food intolerance - differences from allergies

To define food intolerance, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly distinguish food allergies. At the everyday level, these two terms are perceived as synonyms, but, with scientific point vision, these are two completely different disorders. True, even for specialists, this issue is quite controversial.

Celiac disease. Gluten intolerance causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa via the IgG immunoglobulin and, as a result, problems with absorption nutrients. If the pathology is not treated, children may have serious problems growth, such as stunting.

Adults may develop osteoporosis due to poor calcium absorption or seizures and epilepsy due to brain calcification caused by vitamin B9 deficiency. At long period permanent inflammatory process tumors may develop in the intestines. In pregnant women poor absorption nutrients may cause miscarriage.

Lactose intolerance. Problems with lactose absorption usually manifest as diarrhea and abdominal problems. There are no studies on the effects long absence treatment of lactose intolerance. Some authors point to an increase in the incidence of colon cancer, but it is difficult to talk about any certainty.