How to determine a man's testosterone level by external signs? Reliable ways to check testosterone levels

Testosterone(test, dough - in the world of bodybuilding) is the main male sex hormone. He is the one who plays important role in the quality of life of a man, has a huge impact on the processes occurring in the body. The level of this hormone changes throughout the day (maximum concentration in the morning and minimum in the evening). Exercising in the gym raises the test level, but if you train too intensely and become ‘overtrained’, the concentration of the hormone will, on the contrary, decrease. Today we’ll talk about how to determine your testosterone level and how to increase it.

To the main level male hormone affects:

  • age (after about 25-30 years the level begins to fall by 1% per year);
  • way of life (well, I think everything is clear here - with healthy way the standard of living increases with smoking, alcoholism, excess weight, poor nutrition on the contrary, it will be very low);
  • general health ( immune system, chronic diseases);
  • mood or mental state(stress and depression lower testosterone concentrations).

How to determine the level of the main male sex hormone

There are only 2 ways to determine your own testosterone level: by blood test, by external signs. Naturally, the first method will be better, since it will show the exact concentration of the hormone, and the second can only show the general picture - whether the level is increased or decreased. It is better to take the test in a hospital morning time to get real result Before going to the hospital, it is not recommended to: eat (8 hours before donating blood), exercise (one day before donating), smoking (6 hours before donating blood). The accuracy of the results depends on whether you followed our recommendations or not. For an accurate result, it is better to donate blood several times a day. different days, since the concentration of the hormone is constantly changing. A level in the range of 500 to 700 ng/dL (testosterone level measurement units) is considered normal; if the tests show below 350 ng/dL, then you should act. Therefore, if you want to determine your own testosterone level, we advise you to contact specialists who, if necessary, can prescribe treatment for you.

Testosterone levels can be determined by certain signs. A low test concentration is indicated by:

  • Depression, irritability, insomnia;
  • Loss muscle mass and strength;
  • Reduced hair growth;
  • Excess weight;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Infertility;
  • Anemia;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Dry skin;
  • Impotence.

If you recognize yourself at least in three signs, then immediately get tested for sex hormones and consult with your doctors. Perhaps changing your lifestyle will help you improve your test level.

At high concentration it's the other way around:

  • High sexual activity;
  • Developed muscles;
  • Low, male timbre of voice;
  • Positive attitude;
  • Confidence;
  • Absence excess weight;
  • High endurance;
  • Feeling great.

The following will help you increase the concentration of the main male hormone:

  • Elimination of bad habits;
  • Proper balanced nutrition;
  • Positive mood, lack of stress;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • Full recovery, sleep;
  • Maintaining regular sex life;
  • Refusal to consume sugar and salt;
  • Caffeine withdrawal;
  • Obtaining vitamins in required quantities;
  • When training, give preference to basic exercises;
  • Aerobic exercise reduces testosterone levels, while anaerobic exercise increases it (in this case, powerlifting and bodybuilding are ideal).

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone that has a huge impact on work reproductive system, many other vital organs. Its sufficient content is necessary for a man to feel complete in all respects: to have an enviable libido and potency, to have an attractive, masculine appearance, and to be an irreplaceable worker.

With a deficiency of testosterone, a person begins to suffer from a decrease in sexual desire and expression. erectile dysfunction, his general hormonal levels are disrupted, his work deteriorates endocrine system and hearts. In order to identify the disorder as soon as possible, determine its degree and begin to treat it, let's figure out how to find out your testosterone level.

How does the level of testosterone levels appear externally?

At any age, testosterone levels have a significant impact on a person’s external characteristics. Even little boys are different from each other physical structure and character traits. In an adult man, the following factors can give an idea of ​​the hormone content:

  • Degree of development skeletal muscles - testosterone acts as a powerful hormonal substance With anabolic effect, increasing muscle mass and muscle strength. Men with high testosterone have developed muscles in the shoulders, chest and back. And if, in addition to your natural abilities, you also play sports, you will be able to boast of a truly athletic build.
  • Facial and body hair- if in order to keep his skin smooth, a man is forced to shave every day, hair thickly covers his chest, stomach, legs and arms, then we can almost certainly say that he has an enviable level of testosterone. In addition, when high content male hormone in the groin, the hair grows in a characteristic diamond shape, from one of the peaks of which the hair line continues to the navel. With age (and for some men even in very young years), most of these people experience male pattern baldness, when the hair thins and then falls out completely on the crown, temples and forehead. Low level hormone deficiency manifests itself in a rather thin beard and mustache, a virtual absence of hair on the chest, arms and legs.
  • Fat deposits- at normal level testosterone supported male type constitution, and it is quite easy to avoid gaining excess weight. In men with overweight The body always has a low level of this hormone. It is considered normal when, with a height of approximately one hundred and eighty centimeters, a person’s waist circumference is no more than ninety-four centimeters. When testosterone is low, there is weight gain and the appearance of fatty folds in the breasts, thighs and abdomen (symptoms of gynecomastia).
  • State skin - with high testosterone, appear on the skin of the face and neck purulent pimples, oily skin, with enlarged pores, in some cases it is noted excessive sweating. With androgen deficiency, the skin, on the contrary, dries out and premature wrinkles appear.
  • Voice- with high testosterone, a man is the happy owner of a thick, powerful bass, while with low levels of the hormone, the timbre of his voice is much higher.
  • Sexual activity- the higher a man’s testosterone, the greater the number of love affairs and intimate partners he has. As a rule, such men are avid bachelors, not inclined to permanent relationships, very often change lovers and easily enter into new relationships. At reduced level androgen libido drops noticeably, the man ceases to be interested in the opposite sex, and rarely enters into intimate relationships.
  • Character and brain activity - with a high degree of probability, we can conclude that testosterone levels are high if a man is overly hot-tempered, irritable, or shows excessive aggressiveness. In addition, such people love extreme adventures, they are ready to unexpectedly take off at any moment and, at their own peril and risk, go wherever their eyes look. If a man is constantly in a depressed mood, depressed, apathetic and indifferent to everything, he most likely has a testosterone deficiency. With normal androgen levels, a person is active, collected, and able to quickly switch to new topic, can concentrate and concentrate, has a good memory.

You can most often tell about testosterone levels simply by looking at a man and studying his behavior and character. With normal hormone levels, a person has good physical fitness, sufficient hair on the face, chest, arms and legs, in a low voice, is not overweight, balanced and attentive. With low testosterone levels, a man most often bad mood, is indifferent to what is happening around him, prefers loneliness to communication with the opposite sex. makes a man aggressive, unrestrained, irritable, prone to rash, risky actions.

But external signs are not enough to accurately assess the level of hormone content. A man needs to be tested for testosterone levels, the levels of which are determined in venous blood.

In what cases is analysis indicated?

When visiting a doctor, the specialist talks with the patient, conducts initial examination and sends it for analysis to determine androgen levels in the following cases:

  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Manifestations of erectile dysfunction.
  • Inability to conceive a child for a long time.
  • Overweight.
  • Fat deposits by female type.
  • Baldness.
  • Flabbiness of muscles.
  • Changes in voice timbre.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Memory problems.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Taking some .

How to prepare for analysis

It must be remembered that a blood test for testosterone in men requires compliance certain rules preparation:

  • The test must be taken before eleven in the morning, no later than two hours after waking up - this is explained by the fact that maximum testosterone production is observed during night sleep, and in the morning it is determined in the blood greatest content hormone.
  • When donating blood, a man should be calm and not nervous, so at least half an hour before the test you should tune in to a positive mood and, at least for a while, forget about pressing problems.
  • You can eat your last meal no later than eight hours before blood sampling, since food can significantly affect testosterone levels. It is forbidden to even drink tea before taking the test.
  • Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed one day before the test, and four hours before the test you should give up cigarettes.
  • Two days before a testosterone test in men, you should stop taking certain medications - testosterone levels are affected by drugs from the glucocorticoid group, hormonal agents and other medicines.
  • On the eve of the test, you should avoid heavy physical activity and nervous tension.

A blood test to determine testosterone levels provides the doctor with the opportunity to most accurately assess the patient’s hormonal background and select effective scheme treatment. To eliminate errors during the analysis and obtaining distorted results, a man must strictly adhere to the rules for preparing for the analysis.

An analysis to determine testosterone levels is quite painless, simple and does not require special preparation from a man. Timely clarification of the state of hormonal levels allows you to choose the right tactics therapy, eliminate the symptoms of the disorder and prevent the disease from developing into severe, intractable forms.

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and performs a number of functions in the body important functions. He is responsible for puberty young men, the appearance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, takes part in the process of sperm production. Androgen affects bone and muscular system, stimulates fat burning and the formation of sculpted muscles.

Human fertility, that is, the ability to conceive offspring, depends on the amount of testosterone. The hormone is produced in both men and women (in smaller quantities). A lack of this substance causes serious disorders in the body, so it is important to know how to determine testosterone levels in men.

The substance is produced by Leydig cells located in the testes and is controlled by luteinizing hormone.

Research methods

Currently informative method is laboratory diagnostics. Subject to research venous blood, taken on an empty stomach. The analysis is carried out using the ELISA method, during which blood serum is added to wells with a labeled reagent. A specific reaction occurs according to the “key-lock” principle, that is, the reagent binds only to the hormone being studied.

The doctor determines the amount of androgen by the color intensity of the reagents. Enzyme immunoassay- a very accurate technique; distortion of the reaction occurs only if the human factor intervenes.

How to properly prepare for research?

Before you check your total testosterone levels in men, here are some important tips to consider:

  • the night before, dinner should be light, without fatty foods;
  • the test is taken after an 8-hour fast;
  • In the morning it is forbidden to eat any food, even drink tea;
  • you should give up alcohol and heavy physical activity 2-3 days before the proposed test;
  • analysis cannot be performed after X-rays, ultrasound, fluorography, physiotherapy, or rectal examination;
  • 2 weeks before the study, any medicines, especially hormonal agents;
  • you can't smoke.

Before going to the laboratory, you should calm down; blood is donated in a calm environment. Any stressful situation may cause hormonal imbalance, which will distort the results. If you are taking any medications, be sure to tell your doctor in advance.

Important! Most high level hormone is observed until 11 am. It is at this time that research is recommended.

What types of testosterone are there?

Initially investigated general test osterone, the analysis consists of three indicators:

  1. Free testosterone, which is not associated with blood fractions. Its share is 2% of total number. This is the most active form of androgen that interacts with target cells. Determines the sexual qualities of a man.
  2. Specific globulin bound (SHBG) is the inactive form and accounts for 44%. This is a strong connection that does not have biological activity and is not destroyed during metabolism. Due to this fraction, the proportion of free form decreases.
  3. Bound to proteins, including albumin. This connection is fragile, so it quickly disintegrates, the hormone turns into its active form.

Important! Biologically active (bioavailable) androgens are in free form and bound to albumin. Testosterone, combined with a specific globulin, prevents the action of active forms in the body.

First, your doctor may suggest a general testosterone test. If the results obtained differ from the reference values, it is necessary to do a blood test for the full hormonal spectrum (determination of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, estradiol, SHBG).

Interpretation of results

It is recommended for all men to keep their sex hormone levels under control throughout their lives. Its quantity may vary at different time periods. From birth to puberty, androgen levels increase, then the levels stabilize for some time. After 40-45 years, the amount of androgens gradually decreases.

The hormone testosterone is influenced by circadian rhythms, so the greatest amount is present in the body in the morning, the smallest in the late evening. There are also seasonal fluctuations: a hormonal surge is observed in the spring, and synthesis decreases in winter.

The concentration of the hormone can change under the influence of stress, rich food, increased physical activity (under the influence of these factors, a short-term increase in androgens occurs).

Pay attention! Before donating blood, it is recommended to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages, cardiac glycosides, barbiturates, and diuretics. Otherwise, the results will not be reliable.

Normal values

You should be aware that in laboratories results can be given in the following units: nmol/l, ng/dl, pg/ml. Compare indicators made in different systems measurements are not possible. Typically, the forms indicate the reference (normal) values ​​of the hormone in the measurement system adopted in the laboratory. This allows the patient to conclude about the presence or absence of pathology. The price of the study is 500-600 rubles, the execution time is 2 days.

In addition to total testosterone, its fractions are tested:

  • free testosterone - normal values ​​5.5-42 pg/ml;
  • biologically active forms- normal values ​​are 3.5-12 nmol/l.

Important! If total testosterone is normal, and a person has signs of androgen deficiency, other fractions are examined - free and globulin-bound hormone.

With age, the number of bioavailable forms gradually decreases and the level of the hormone associated with the SHBG protein increases.

Analysis of free testosterone is studied in situations:

  • if a man has clinical signs deficiency of the main male hormone;
  • discrepancy between the levels of androgens and estrogens, when there is an increase in the blood female hormones with normal testosterone levels.

Indications for research

A testosterone test in men is prescribed for:

  • infertility;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • male menopause;
  • decreased libido;
  • hypogonadism - primary (due to testicular damage) and secondary (due to disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system);
  • tumors of the testicles and adrenal glands;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • obesity;
  • acne;
  • osteoporosis.

Androgen testing is prescribed for women with heavy uterine bleeding, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, recurrent miscarriages.

A man's hormonal status is influenced by:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • use of anabolic steroids;
  • taking certain medications;
  • traumatic injury to the testicles and prostate.

All these factors lead to changes in laboratory parameters.

It has been noticed that testosterone analysis deviates from normal values ​​when a man has chronic diseases: diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, bronchial asthma.

Chronic pathology does not directly affect the sexual function of a man, but disrupts the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and causes hormonal imbalance.

If the testosterone hormone is elevated, this is also a cause for concern. In men, a tumor should be excluded prostate gland, pituitary gland, adrenal hyperplasia, liver disease. IN adolescence Exceeding the indicator indicates premature puberty.


Testosterone - essential hormone, which affects the health and well-being of a man. If an excess or deficiency of androgen is detected, you should consult a doctor for treatment.

Testosterone in the blood - important indicator characterizing the health of any man. It is useful to find out its quantity if there is a suspicion of a disease of the genital organs, for athletes who are active physical training and try to gain muscle mass, and ordinary people this will be interesting to check. How to determine testosterone levels - this will be discussed in this article.

List of existing methods

There are only two ways to check your testosterone levels: laboratory analysis blood and external signs. The first test is more reliable and can provide the most accurate quantitative characteristics of the hormone. Determination of biologically active testosterone in blood serum is possible only in a laboratory medical institution, which makes this test not so accessible to a simple man who simply does not want to visit a clinic or hospital. In addition, the analysis in most cases is carried out on a paid basis. Although a rapid test has now been developed that can be used to measure testosterone at home. This is rarely seen in domestic pharmacies, but in the West it is no longer a novelty.

A testosterone test conducted in a laboratory helps to find out the quantitative characteristics. Check whether there is a decrease or increase in androgen, possibly without leaving your home apartment. The test is inaccurate and gives only an approximate value, but it becomes possible to find out your testosterone level without the participation of a doctor. To do this you need:

  • Carry out a general examination, paying special attention to the external genitalia.
  • Investigate the properties of sweat.
  • Monitor the frequency and quality of erections.

A sign of decreased testosterone in the body is weak stubble on the face.

How to find out the steroid content by external signs in men at home, if it is not possible to measure the amount in a laboratory - more on this below.

General inspection

When testosterone decreases, a number of external signs allow one to suspect such a condition - this is the simplest and most proven way to determine the androgen saturation of the body. Helps to suspect pathology following symptoms:

  • Absence or insufficient hair growth in armpits and on the pubis.
  • Faint stubble on the face.
  • Voice with a high timbre.
  • Flaw muscle tissue.
  • Deposition of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area.
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Excessive sweating.

With normal hormone levels, none of the symptoms listed will be so pronounced.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to examining the external genitalia. As you know, testicles are male organ, performing testosterone synthesis. Accordingly, their size can indirectly indicate how actively they perform this function. If the testicles are small and have atrophied for a long time, the person probably has low testosterone; there is no need to even test anything in the laboratory. If they look large and full, this may indicate normal or high testosterone and good seminal fluid production.

Under certain circumstances, the synthesis of androgens decreases, and sometimes increases, and the size of the genitals changes accordingly. You can check this situation yourself at home. For example, testosterone in men negative influence provides consumption of strong alcoholic beverages. Examine your genitals before going to the banquet, try to find a reference point and measure the size, then in the morning, after the festivities, check if anything has changed. Of course, this method of determining testosterone is very subjective, but completely free.

Sweat study

You can find out about the amount of the hormone indirectly by determining what your sweat smells like. At first glance, the idea of ​​conducting such a test sounds pointless and even stupid. But this method has a logical scientific basis. During their experiments, scientists learned that testosterone affects the functioning of the apocrine glands of the skin. The secreted fluid of these glands is rich in various substances characteristic of a particular person, which gives the smell of sweat a peculiarity. In some literature there is the concept of “apocrine sweat”, which has a sharper, bitter and bad smell.

The amount of testosterone in the body can be determined by the smell of sweat.

The work of the apocrine glands is regulated by testosterone; accordingly, an excess of the hormone stimulates their functioning, observed excessive sweating with a characteristic odor, the deficiency manifests itself backfire. In children before puberty, the apocrine glands function poorly, the sweat fluid does not have such an unpleasant odor, because there are few androgens in the body.

Relationship to erectile function

A good erection is directly dependent on testosterone levels. Depending on how often during the day it occurs and with what force, the quantitative content of testosterone can be determined. It is clear that when there is not enough testosterone in the body, a person experiences certain difficulties in intimate life, and the more androgen, the easier it is to get an erection.

A pattern has been established whereby the need to measure the hormone in the blood in the laboratory disappears if there are no signs of other diseases. According to observations, erection problems develop when testosterone levels are around or below 300 ng/dl. For young people under 30, the number is slightly higher (some report erectile dysfunction at 400-500 ng/dL). At 800 ng/dL, men don’t even think about problems with sex.

What to consider when conducting an examination

Whatever test you choose to conduct your research, it is worth knowing that testosterone levels are variable and depend on a lot of factors. The first thing to consider is age. It is believed that the production male testosterone begins to decline from about the age of thirty, with a further decline of about 1% per year. A person’s appearance will change, and this will also affect sexual function.

With age, testosterone levels in the body decrease.

The habitat has a significant influence on the indicator. A study was conducted where it was necessary to measure testosterone in people different ages with a place of residence in the city and in the countryside. This study showed that in rural areas, people over 50 have the same amount of testosterone in their bodies as young guys born and living in the city. This difference is due to the characteristics of labor. There are more in the village physical work, a large number of household duties (gardening, farming), while in the city office work predominates.

The test results will be incorrect if you are taking any medical supplies, which can affect the synthetic activity of the testes.

To verify the correctness of this judgment, it is worth checking the presence side effects according to the instructions included with the medicine. From home remedies traditional medicine It is recommended to refuse altogether, since any test with high probability will show false result.

You now understand how to find out testosterone levels in men. Which method to choose is up to you. But if available serious problems With your health, it is best to seek help from a doctor and measure the steroid in the blood with a more reliable laboratory test. Good luck!

It is important for everyone to take care of their own health. This rule applies not only to women who are concerned about beauty, but also to men who pay less attention to their health. But this does not mean that you will have to visit a doctor regularly; you can check the level of testosterone in your blood at home.

There is a special questionnaire, it was specially developed based on the first signs of testosterone deficiency. The results show what changes can occur if a change is observed hormonal levels. The most common symptoms are fatigue, irritability, decreased sex drive, etc.

Main symptoms

It is impossible to calculate the exact content of the hormone at home, but there are certain symptoms that show that the body is beginning to experience a lack of it. If there are certain suspicions, then it is best to immediately contact the clinic, where they will prescribe the appropriate tests.

There are a number of symptoms that you need to pay attention to:

  • External signs of hormone deficiency can be seen even in infants. In boys, these are disturbances in the formation of the genital organs, which are increasingly beginning to resemble female ones. The formation of the figure occurs according to the female type, and this is a good reason to visit a doctor and undergo an examination;
  • in adolescents with a lack of the hormone, excessive thinness, breast enlargement, poor development of the genital organs are observed, the voice remains thin;
  • in adulthood - erectile dysfunction, decreased bone density, hair loss, weakness of muscle tissue;
  • In women, a lack of this hormone is expressed in impaired sexual desire, weight loss, severe irritability, and drowsiness.


To organize a testosterone level check at home, you can use a convenient questionnaire.

Symptoms that are accompanied by a lack of hormone in the body will be reflected on a piece of paper, and then a complete picture will emerge about the presence or absence of the disease.

N You need to independently compile your own home questionnaire and keep a special diary where all comments will be reflected. Keeping a questionnaire and diary should become a habit.

This questionnaire includes only 10 questions, which will take a couple of minutes to answer:

  1. Is there a decrease in sexual desire? This behavior is most often caused by a lack of testosterone, since the hormone forms sexual desire, is responsible for certain processes in the body. Once or twice can still be attributed to fatigue or other factors, but if a decrease in desire is observed regularly, then this is already an alarming sign.
  2. Is there a lack of energy? Testosterone for a man is a source of energy, fuel for the whole body. If you suddenly suddenly experience unexplained fatigue and lack of performance, this may be caused by a decrease in hormonal levels.
  3. Is there a decrease in the overall endurance of the body, strength? Testosterone is an anabolic hormone, it is responsible for correct formation muscle mass, for endurance. The lack of this hormone is determined at home by the fact that the strength, general level endurance suddenly begins to decline sharply, while apparent reason there is no such phenomenon.
  4. Is growth declining? Under normal conditions hormonal background bone mass is maintained at the proper level. With a lack of testosterone, bone density decreases, the skeleton becomes fragile, and height may decrease. This phenomenon may be age-related or associated with obesity. In the latter case, it is necessary to begin taking measures to reduce weight and restore strength to the bone mass.
  5. Is there a decrease in life satisfaction? Testosterone is directly related to the phenomenon of enjoying life. If everything seems great, life is full of colors, there is no reason for depression, then hormonal levels are normal. If testosterone levels drop, then dissatisfaction with life is observed.
  6. Is there increased irritability, depressive state? A man's character is mainly formed under the influence. If there is a shortage of it, then the character begins to change, and not to the fullest extent. better side. If you have become grumpier, overly irritable, touchy, then the reason lies in a sharp change in hormonal levels.
  7. Is there a decrease in erection? Erection is directly related to testosterone levels. A test for hormone levels always shows a lack of it when erection decreases.
  8. Has the volume of physical activity and intensity of sports activities been reduced? With a reduction in sports and other physical activities, a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood is observed.
  9. Do you need to sleep immediately after lunch? How do you know if your hormonal levels are abnormal? Fatigue increases, drowsiness is more common, especially after lunch. No clever methods help, coffee has almost no effect. Doctors attribute this to a drop in testosterone levels, but most often this condition occurs in obesity.
  10. Is there any sharp decline performance? This sign, together with a decrease in libido, weak erection, or a positive answer to any 3 other questions on the questionnaire, immediately indicates that testosterone levels have decreased.

To check your testosterone level, you need to answer all questions clearly and correctly; only in this case can you accurately determine your general condition.

How to increase testosterone levels?

In order for testosterone to return to normal, it is necessary not only to monitor its condition, but also to take appropriate measures. To do this, just follow the simple recommendations given by experts:

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is good nutrition. You cannot adhere to strict diets, as many nutrients, required to maintain hormonal levels, can only be obtained from food.
  2. It is necessary to consume vitamins E, B, C. It is recommended to include nuts, fruits, berries in the diet, be sure to fish oil. Zinc can only be obtained by eating fish; you also need to maintain the correct amount of selenium, calcium, and magnesium.
  3. A prerequisite for maintaining normal hormonal levels is the presence of the required amount of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. It is these substances that trigger and maintain vital processes in a man’s body. They cause the formation of a hormone such as testosterone. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce foods such as eggs, vegetables, fruits, any seafood, and nuts into the diet.
  4. It is imperative to ensure a healthy and good sleep, rest. The process of testosterone formation is directly related to the condition deep phase sleep. To keep it in the blood normal amount hormone, it is necessary to ensure proper sleep, while it is recommended to rest in complete silence. Sleep should last at least 7-8 hours.
  5. To maintain normal hormonal levels in the blood, regular physical activity and activity are required. Such classes can only be organized under the guidance of a professional trainer, then you can continue the classes at home.
  6. Testosterone levels at home should be checked, given that its content directly depends on cortisol, estrogen, and insulin. All of them negatively affect the amount of the hormone, reducing its production by the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the content of these substances and follow the recommendations of the supervising doctor.

Maintaining the required hormonal levels in the blood is prerequisite maintaining the health of every man.

This cannot be neglected, since testosterone has a direct effect on the course of many processes in the body. Monitoring this level at home is not so difficult; this can be done based on the recommendations of the supervising doctor.