The dog's wound does not heal for a long time. An open purulent wound in a dog - how to treat and how to treat? Treatment of festering wounds in dogs

A dog is man's best friend. And it is desirable for a person to know how to help a smaller comrade in a dangerous situation.

A dog can get hurt while walking, in the yard, during training, fighting with other animals, worst of all, colliding with a car on the road. Wounds are small, there are serious, and the poor animal is not able to help itself. Only people will be able to ease the torment and help him out. Therefore, even if a person does not have his own dog, he should understand how to provide medical support to a furry friend and how to treat a wound in a dog.

First aid for a cut in a dog

Surely, all dog lovers know how their restless pets love to stick around, and as a result get scratches and cuts. The paws are especially often cut, since the earth, unfortunately, is strewn with various sharp debris - this is broken glass, and building materials, pieces of iron, wire. In this case, do not panic. In general, it is required to perform the same manipulations that are undertaken in relation to a person.


The order of planned actions:

  • rinse the cut with clean, cool water;
  • cut around, or even shave off the hair;
  • treat the area surrounding the cut with hydrogen peroxide - it perfectly disinfects, removes impurities and stops the blood.

When the blood is stopped by peroxide, furatsilin can be used - it will not cause pain and will wash the cut again. The solution is very simple: 2 tablets, crushed to a powder state, are poured with half a glass of boiling water, after thorough mixing with cotton wool, the solution is applied to the damaged surface.

After cleaning the wound, you need to assess the degree of its depth and severity. If the cut is not deep and small (no more than 2 cm wide), then it can not be sewn up. Otherwise, without delay, contact the services of a surgeon.

When there is no way to do this, you can help the poor pet on your own. The main thing is not to be afraid and act calmly.

How to treat a dog's paw, the most vulnerable affected area, or cuts elsewhere:

  • the edges of the cut and the skin as close as possible to each other to pull off and apply adhesive tape, bandage;
  • with little bleeding, you can still moisten cotton wool in peroxide, wrap it with gauze and press it against the cut, bandage it tightly on top.

If the injury is not so serious that professional treatment by a veterinarian is necessary, at home it is quite possible to promote its rapid healing.

For minor damage, it is useful to rinse with chlorhexidine 2-3 times a day: draw a solution into a syringe without a needle and pour it as deeply as possible. Such procedures are carried out until complete tightening. Remember to apply hydrogen peroxide to the edges of the cut.

How to treat injuries in dogs after first aid? Large cuts are optimally treated with ointments - healing, anti-inflammatory. It is good to lay deep into wounds such remedies as iruksol, levomekol, streptomycin.

If possible, powder the injured area several times a day with powder.

Change the bandage also 2-3 times a day.

You need to make sure that the dog does not touch the cut and does not lick it, otherwise the regeneration period will be long. From the saliva of a dog, a lot of bacteria can only aggravate the situation. For these purposes, you can use a special surgical collar.

On the street, the pet will have to wear a dog boot or a sock from a plastic bag with footcloths.

During the entire healing period, it is necessary to control the movements of the dog, limiting its activity and avoiding stress on the sore paw.

On average, the wound will heal in 1-3 weeks.

Necessary dressing materials

Owners of playful restless pets should have a suitcase with dressings ready:

  • bandages;
  • cotton wool, cotton swabs;
  • adhesive plasters;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • furatsilin;
  • brilliant green;
  • tourniquet;
  • boiled water.

How to stop bleeding

A dog may run home bleeding profusely and frighten its owners. Sometimes, if the blood is not immediately stopped, the animal dies from its loss.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this technique. In the case of a wound on the muzzle or paws, a tight bandage is sufficient, because there are no large vessels in these areas.

But when the injury is dangerous and there is a lot of blood, immediately apply a tourniquet. Remember that in warm weather it is applied for 1-2 hours, in cold weather - 3 hours, no more.

Having stopped the blood, an ambulance is already being provided, starting with washing the injury and ending with a bandage.

Treatment of wounds depending on their complexity

There is a natural and medical gradation of wounds by depth, type, complexity. In any case, the owner of the dog should know how to treat the wound to the dog in order to have time to take the pet to the veterinary clinic without allowing it to bleed.

Small and superficial wound

The algorithm is simple:

  • wash the wound with furatsilin, rivanol or hydrogen peroxide;
  • process the edges with green;
  • apply a bandage.

If there are no medicines at hand, you can clean the wound with drinking water, cover it with a plantain leaf and also bandage it with improvised means.

Deep and extensive laceration, but uncontaminated

In this case it is necessary:

  • You need to remove the hair around the injury. To do this, generously lubricate it with alcohol, iodine, vodka or gasoline, without touching the wound itself, as this will cause the dog severe pain. Then cut off the hairs, preventing them from getting into the wound.
  • Now you need to apply a tight tight bandage and take the pet to the veterinary surgeon, since you will not be able to eliminate all the consequences on your own.

Deep and extensive laceration, heavily contaminated

  • Clean the wound by washing with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of furacilin, rivanol, or a weak concentration of potassium permanganate. You can use cold boiled water.
  • Then treat the edges of the wound with iodine, brilliant green or peroxide. Make a bandage
  • You can put a cotton swab soaked in peroxide and wrapped in a bandage under it.
  • Take your dog to the vet immediately.

paw cut

Most often, a wound appears on a dog's paw. Fortunately, the list of necessary measures is quite easy.

  • wash the wound with a disinfectant solution;
  • treat the edges with iodine, peroxide, brilliant green, creolin;
  • apply a tight bandage with a cotton swab and bandage tightly again;
  • when going for a walk, wear a special boot or sock.

Penetrating wound of the chest

This is a very serious injury to your pet. Symptoms are wheezing exhalations and bloody foam protruding from the wound and being sucked back when inhaled.

You need to react quickly and soberly in order to prevent the death of the dog from suffocation.


  • quickly treat the edges of the wound with iodine or brilliant green;
  • grease the wool around in a radius of 5 cm with petroleum jelly;
  • attach a sealed material to the wound - a plastic bag, film, paper, put cotton wool on top and bandage it;
  • as an alternative, you can make a swab out of gauze, cotton wool and bandages, moisten it abundantly in a disinfectant solution and cover the wound with it, bandage it with several layers of bandages on top;
  • deliver the pet to the veterinary clinic within 6-8 hours.

Abdominal injury

Such damage is fraught with prolapse of the intestines and death. If the intestines do not fall out, proper medical care increases the chances of the animal to survive. Find a piece of dense tissue and how to disinfect the wound - the usual furatsilin is best.

What needs to be done:

  • moisten a clean cloth in a solution of furacilin, rivanol, baking soda and cover the wound with it to prevent the intestines from drying out;
  • fix with adhesive tape or medical glue;
  • do not water or feed the pet! Since, perhaps, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged or perforated;
  • immediately, no later than 4-6 hours, take to the clinic.

It is impossible to control the movements of our four-legged friends, because they are very playful, inquisitive and active. Whatever happens, it is necessary to maintain sanity and calmness, act quickly and accurately. It must be remembered that time is precious and, having provided first aid, show a fluffy pet to a specialist. Do not skimp on affection and care, thus contributing to an even faster recovery of the dog.


See our video for the general principles of treating wounds in a dog.

A wound is a mechanical damage to the integument or organs with a violation of their anatomical integrity. In the wound, it is customary to distinguish between edges, walls, bottom and cavity. The gap between the edges of the wound is called the wound opening, and the space between the walls of the wound is called the wound channel. Stab and wound wounds usually have a deep and tortuous canal, superficial damage to the canal does not. In the event that, as a result of the injury, some part of the dog’s body turns out to be completely perforated, then such a wound is called a through wound by veterinarians. In this case, the inlet and outlet are distinguished. When there is a perforation of the wall of the anatomical cavity (joint capsule, pleura, peritoneum) by a wounding object, then such a wound is called penetrating. A penetrating wound has only one inlet.

Classification of wounds in dogs.

Depending on the nature of the wounding object and the mechanism of action, veterinarians distinguish several types of wounds.

stab wound occurs in a dog when pointed long objects are introduced into the tissues. In this case, the nature of tissue damage depends on the shape of the injuring object. Punching objects with a sharp end easily push apart tissues; blunt ones with rough surfaces tear tissues, crushing and crushing them along the wound channel.

incised wound in a dog it is formed in a dog when tissue is cut with sharp objects. An incised wound has smooth edges and walls and is manifested by significant gaping, especially in the middle part of the wound, and bleeding. At the same time, the sharper the object, the less necrotic tissue is visible along the wound channel.

Chopped wound. By the nature of the damage, a chopped wound is similar to a cut one, but not only superficial, but also deeply located tissues, large vessels, nerve trunks, bones, joints and other parts of the body are destroyed in it. With a chopped wound, gaping and pain are strongly expressed; bleeding is weaker than in a cut wound.

bruised wound in a dog it occurs as a result of the impact of a blunt object. At the site of impact of the object, the dog has a rupture of the skin, severe bruising of muscles, tendons, nerves and other tissues or crushing and crushing them, sometimes bones break, and small hemorrhages appear. Bleeding with a bruised wound is absent or insignificant. A strong pain reaction in a dog quickly subsides, as the nerve endings temporarily lose their ability to conduct impulses (wound stupor). Deprived of blood supply and innervation, the muscles are a good nutrient medium for the development of wound infection and purulent-putrefactive inflammation in the tissues adjacent to the wound channel.

Laceration in a dog it happens when tissues are torn by pointed objects that act in an oblique direction (claws of various animals, barbed wire, etc.). When examining a lacerated wound, a veterinarian sees a large number of torn muscles, fascia, blood vessels and other tissues that create a favorable environment for the development of a wound infection.

crushed wound occurs in a dog under the influence of considerable force and pressure of a blunt injuring object. In such a wound, tissues and organs are crushed and saturated with blood; scraps of fascia and tendons hang from the wound.

bitten wound is applied by the teeth of animals, such a wound is especially dangerous when bitten by wild animals (foxes, raccoons), so it is possible for a dog to become infected with such a disease that is especially dangerous for dogs and humans as rabies (). This wound is manifested by symptoms of crushing, bruising and tissue rupture.

gun pit. Most common in hunting working dogs. A gunshot wound is accompanied by tissue damage not only in the zone of direct contact with the injuring object (bullet, etc.), but also beyond it. The destruction of tissues during a gunshot wound depends on the mass of the injuring object, the speed of its flight upon impact, and the speed of depreciation of the force of this object in the tissues. In the resulting gunshot wound, 3 zones are distinguished (from the surface to the depth). The 1st zone (the zone of the wound channel) is a wound channel with crushed tissues, foreign bodies, microbes and blood clots; the 2nd zone (the zone of traumatic necrosis) directly surrounds the wound channel and adjoins it; The 3rd zone (the zone of molecular concussion, or necrosis reserve) is a continuation of the 2nd zone. The 3rd zone is characterized by the absence of tissue necrosis, but tissue viability can be severely impaired. The edges of the gunshot wound are uneven, swollen, with bruising and marginal necrosis. Gunshot wounds in dogs are sometimes through and have two holes. The inlet at the wound is round, triangular or star-shaped. The outlet is usually larger than the inlet, often with torn, everted, scalloped edges.

poisoned wound in a dog, it occurs as a result of bites by poisonous snakes and insects, when stung by wasps, bees, or when various toxic substances and pesticides get into the wound.

Combined wounds. In combined wounds, veterinary specialists note elements of tissue dissection in combination with bruising or crushing, puncture injuries - with tissue bruising or rupture, etc. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between a stab - a bruised wound, a stab-cut wound, a bruised-lacerated wound.

Dog owners should keep in mind that all accidental wounds at the time of the dog's injury or immediately after the injury are contaminated with a variety of microorganisms that enter the wound with dust, foreign bodies, hair, etc. In the case when a purulent or putrefactive inflammation of the tissues develops in the wound, they speak of an infected wound.

Clinical signs of wounds in dogs.

Wounds in dogs are characterized by pain, gaping, and bleeding. Often there is a dysfunction of the affected organ. Pain in a dog it occurs at the time of injury and gradually begins to decrease over time. An increase in local inflammatory processes in the wound leads to an increase in pain, and a decrease in pain. The pain reaction in a dog is especially pronounced when tissues that are rich in nerve endings are damaged (periosteum, skin in the genital area, peritoneum, cornea). Injury to parenchymal organs in a dog does not cause severe pain. The intensity and duration of the pain reaction in a dog depends on the location of the wound, the nature of the injury, and the individual reactivity of the dog. Dogs, like cats, are very sensitive to pain and can die from pain shock. Older dogs are more sensitive to pain than younger ones.

Pain in a dog can be determined during a clinical examination, when the pain reaction is accompanied by an acceleration of heart rate, its strong anxiety and dilated pupils.

gaping wound accompanied in a dog by a divergence of its edges and walls. The gaping is expressed when the dog receives incised, chopped and lacerated wounds. With stab wounds, gaping is absent.

Bleeding, which occurs during injuries, directly depends on the damaged blood vessels and the type of wound itself. Bleeding in a dog can be external, internal, arterial, venous, capillary, parenchymal and mixed (arteriovenous). By the time of origin, bleeding is primary and secondary, by frequency - single and repeated.

Dysfunction in a dog is determined by the site of injury.

What research is done in dogs when they get a wound.

When a dog with a wound is admitted to a veterinary clinic, veterinary specialists use a general, local and special examination.

In a general study, a veterinarian determines the duration of the injury, the type of injuring object, how first aid was provided, etc. The dog is measured body temperature, pulse, respiration; carefully examine the condition of the visible mucous membranes, auscultation of the heart is performed.

In the event that there are injuries in the abdominal wall and pelvis, urine and feces are examined for blood impurities, with injuries in the chest area, percussion and auscultation of the lungs are performed. In the event that a dog with a bandage was admitted to the reception, the veterinarian, after removing it, determines the smell and nature of purulent discharge, determines the presence of skin lesions, inflammation, thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis, and inflammation of regional lymph nodes.

By palpation, the veterinarian determines changes in local temperature, the sensitivity of the skin itself (anesthesia, hyperesthesia), the presence of fluctuations (hematoma, abscess), fibrinous (fibrin clots) or gas (anaerobic infection). When examining the wound, the nature of epithelialization and the size of the epithelial rim are determined. After all this, the veterinary specialist proceeds to an internal examination of the wound received by the dog. When conducting an internal study, a veterinarian uses a rubber or ebonite catheter, a metal probe. If necessary, conduct a contrast radiography. After an internal examination of the wound, the wound exudate is examined by physicochemical and microbiological methods. To clarify the type of wound infection, a bacteriological study of the exudate is carried out.

To exclude internal bleeding, as well as fractures resulting from injury, your dog will be x-rayed at the veterinary clinic. If there is a suspicion of damage to the internal organs of the dog, an ultrasound is prescribed.

Wound healing in dogs. Wound healing in dogs can be by primary or secondary intention.

Wound healing by primary intention in a dog is possible only with an anatomically correct connection of the edges and walls of the wounds, which should not contain dead tissues after the bleeding has stopped. By primary intention, the dog heals clean surgical and fresh accidental wounds after their appropriate treatment in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis (surgical excision of dead tissues, the use of chemicals, antibiotics, removal of foreign bodies).

Healing in the wound begins already in the first hours after the bleeding stops and the edges of the wound come together. Hyperemia begins to develop in the wound, the reaction of the wound environment changes to the acid side, the thinnest layer of fibrin falls out of the wound wall, which glues the edges of the wound. On the first day, the wound gap is quickly filled with migrating leukocytes, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, macrophages. The above cells show their plastic and phagocytic functions and form syncytium. Subsequently, capillaries and nerves grow in the wound channel. The presence of vasogenic and connective tissue cells in the slit-like cavity, which penetrate the fibrinous network, contributes to the ingrowth of blood vessels and nerves. After 6-8 days, connective tissue forms around the vessels in the wound. The final and firmly fusion of the edges and walls in dogs occurs within 6-8 days. It has been established that prolonged painful irritations sharply worsen the regenerative process in the wound.

Healing by secondary intention in a dog occurs when the wound gapes, the presence of dead and foreign bodies in the wound, the development of purulent inflammation, wound infection, repeated bleeding and contamination. Healing by secondary intention in a dog takes from 1 to 2 months. Healing by secondary intention ends with scar formation.

Treatment. When treating a wound in a dog, it should be complex and depend on the time of injury, the nature of tissue damage, the type of infection, and the nature of wound complications. The complex treatment includes mechanical, physical, chemical and biological antiseptics, pathogenetic therapy.

Mechanical antiseptic includes the removal of crushed and contaminated tissues, foreign bodies, various microorganisms from the wound. Mechanical antiseptic includes a wound toilet. The toilet of the wound is done to the dog during first aid and in the course of treatment. The toilet begins with treatment near the wound surface, while the wound is covered with a gauze pad. Hair is cut or shaved around the wound, the skin is treated with a disinfectant solution, alcohol, rivanol or iodine. Coarse contamination is removed from the surface of the wound with tweezers, treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Surgical treatment wounds is to eliminate the source of infection and intoxication, promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and healing of the resulting defect, prevents wound complications.

Basically, the following types of surgical treatment are distinguished: 1) Primary early, when carried out on the first day after injury; 2) primary late, held in the coming days; 3) secondary treatment, used by veterinarians in cases where the primary treatment was insufficient or was not used.

By the nature of the surgical intervention, there are: complete excision of the wound (excision of the wound), partial excision, dissection of the wound. Surgical treatment is used in the treatment of fresh contaminated and infected wounds as an urgent and necessary measure.

Emergency care for penetrating wounds of the chest.

With a penetrating wound of the chest cavity, the dog should be treated urgently, since the dog may die as a result of developed pneumothorax.

The owner of the dog should stop air from entering the chest cavity as soon as possible. To do this, we treat the skin and wool at a distance of 5 cm from the wound with tincture of iodine, lubricate the wound with petroleum jelly around the wound, apply a plastic bag, film to the wound, apply cotton wool on top and bandage tightly. In the future, the dog is delivered to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Emergency care for abdominal wounds.

With large abdominal wounds, the dog often has intestinal prolapse. And if the intestines are not damaged, then the dog can be saved.

Help consists in washing the intestines that have fallen out with a 0.1% solution of rivanol, furacilin, when they are not at hand, you can use boiled water. Then, with a clean cloth (towel, gauze, sheet), previously moistened with a solution of furatsilina, rivanol is carefully set through the wound hole into the abdominal cavity. We put a bandage bandage on the wound and deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

All dogs, regardless of breed, are usually very active animals. In addition to banal scratches and cuts, there are risks of serious injuries during training and fights among themselves. What is the owner to do? Minor injuries and abrasions can be treated independently - you just need to know what and how. But serious lacerations should be entrusted to a veterinarian, because. in most cases, such injuries require stitches and special care after.

Classification of possible wounds and the actions of the owner when they are detected

The most common in dogs are:

  • abrasions, scratches, scratches (most often on the back and legs);
  • incised wounds (have smooth edges);
  • bite wounds (bite marks are clearly visible - rounded lesions in accordance with the bite of the teeth with signs of a slight tear);
  • lacerated wounds (have uneven, fringed edges).

Any open wound is accompanied by bleeding:

  • capillary - blood seeps over the entire surface of the abrasion (scratch) in small droplets;
  • venous - the blood is dark, flows out in a uniform stream;
  • arterial - a bright scarlet pulsating or fountaining stream of blood.

Capillary bleeding can be easily stopped at home without much effort.

In case of venous and arterial bleeding, the dog should be urgently and as soon as possible delivered to the veterinarian, after applying a pre-pressure bandage. You won’t be able to stop them on your own, because. the situation will require the imposition of vascular sutures.

First aid for a pet:

  1. Assess the nature of the wound, how large it is, is there any bleeding and what kind? It is possible to start processing the damaged surface if it is insignificant and only with capillary bleeding. Wounds up to 2-3 cm long and not more than 1 cm deep are considered not dangerous and easy to heal with proper assistance. In all other cases, self-medication can lead to complications.
  2. Trim the hair around the damage (or shave with a clipper if possible). If this is not possible, try to carefully spread the wool in order to gain access to the wound surface and have a good look at everything.
  3. Rinse the damaged area with any antiseptic (chlorhexidine, furatsilin, rivanol or hydrogen peroxide 3%) or plain running water if there are no antiseptic solutions at hand. With each subsequent washing, it is important to remove purulent crusts, dirt, any foreign bodies that cling to ointments or the fluid released (exudate) during the healing process.
  4. Capillary bleeding is well stopped by hydrogen peroxide and / or powdered (powder) wound healing powders.
  5. You can treat the wound after washing: iodine, brilliant green, “sealing” spray, powdery wound healing powder or ointment / cream (one remedy to choose from).
  6. If severe bleeding is detected, a tight, pressure bandage should be arranged with a bandage or any other available means and the pet should be taken to a specialist. Untimely qualified assistance can cost the life of a pet against the background of heavy blood loss.
  7. If an old festering wound or abscess (hot seal at the site of a bite or other type of injury) is found, this is a direct path to the veterinarian.
  8. Lacerations (deep) wounds, even in the absence of heavy bleeding, must be sewn up, so the dog must be taken to the clinic.
  9. The basic rule for the treatment of any wounds: wet - dry, dry - wet. Those. drying wounds are well treated with ointments and liquid forms of medicines, wet wounds are better with sprays or powders.

Advice: even if at first glance the wound seems insignificant, after the initial treatment, the dog should be shown to the veterinarian. It is better to get the approval of a specialist that everything is done correctly than to receive complications from incorrectly rendered care in the form of suppuration, abscesses, longer healing and sepsis.

What does a veterinarian do

  • Depending on the complexity of the wound process, the veterinarian performs treatment according to all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, and, if necessary, sutures the wound. They can be superimposed not only on the skin, but also on deep muscle layers, as well as on bleeding vessels.
  • Suturing usually requires anesthesia. Depending on the temperament of the animal, the general state of health and the complexity of the potential operation, it can be either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The sutures are applied with different suture material, depending on the wound in each case, so some sutures will need to be removed after 10-14 days, and some will dissolve on their own.
  • The wound is never sutured tightly. A hole is always left through which the inflammatory exudate will drain, which should not stagnate.
  • With purulent wounds and the risk of sepsis, a course of antibiotic therapy is mandatory.
  • The dressing is applied at the discretion of the veterinarian, taking into account what kind of wound it is, its complexity and where it is located.
  • If there was extensive blood loss during the injury, then already during the operation or immediately after, replacement droppers are placed to make up for the lack of plasma blood in the body.
  • With the right approach, wound healing occurs in 7-14 days. In the event of complications, the process may be somewhat delayed. Often, skin grafting may be necessary for healing (when the surface is huge and the body simply does not have enough of its regenerative (restorative) forces), then treatments alone are not enough.

List of drugs for the treatment of wounds in dogs

The list of antiseptic and healing agents that can be used to treat a dog is huge. Here is a list of the most commonly used drugs:

Primary treatment of wounds, washing, washing abscesses
Any of the funds is directly poured onto the surface, sprayed in a spray or injected into the abscess cavity to wash out the inflammatory-purulent exudate. The funds are quite cheap, allow you to use them in large volumes.

Hydrogen peroxide 3%

(7-10 rubles/100 ml)


(about 20 rubles/100 ml)


(about 100 rubles / 10 tablets)

Absolutely all powders / powders have an excellent antiseptic, wound healing and suction effect.

It is good to use them in deep, weeping wounds where there is a cavity pocket. Often fall asleep wounds that are sutured. The wound cavity is filled up abundantly and tightly with any of these means and the outflow of the resulting exudate is controlled. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times per day until complete drying or according to the instructions for each drug. Then they usually switch to ointments.

Powder "Iodoform"

(75-105 rubles / 10 g)

Powder powder Edis

(150 rubles/200 g)

Gentaxan Powder

(170-210 rubles / 2 g)

Powder Baneocin

(up to 400 rubles/10 g)


(about 100 rubles / 10 g)

Wound healing, antimicrobial and analgesic ointments / creams are used in dried wounds or shallow weeping

They perfectly stimulate granulation (the formation of connective tissue - the tissue that forms scars). Some of them have an analgesic component in their composition (Oflomelit, Levosin, Fastin, Ranosan). May cause salivation due to licking by animals, as bitter. All preparations are applied in a thin layer, slightly rubbing. Surplus is better to get wet with a napkin, because. from body temperature melt, strongly spreading beyond the wound.


(about 120 rubles / 40 g)


(130-155 rubles / 50 g)

(80-100 rubles/40 g)

(50-85 rubles / 25 g)

(about 70 rubles / 10 g)


0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% solutions are used for washing wounds, as well as in the form of a powder powder or ointment. Do not use on extensive lesions if the dog has kidney problems.

Iodine solution

(17-25 rubles/25 ml)

It is good to treat places with iodine after removing ticks and abrasions / scratches. Open wounds are best treated only at the edges. Do not lubricate with iodine too extensive wound areas, because. a dog (especially a small one) can experience iodine poisoning. May cause burning and local irritation, which does not require cancellation for use.

Brilliant green solution (brilliant green)

(40-74 rubles/15 ml)

The most versatile remedy for the treatment of wounds, abrasions, postoperative sutures, etc. It has a pronounced antiseptic and drying effect.


(about 300 rubles/100 ml)

Suitable for the treatment of any wounds in animals. It is especially good to use on postoperative sutures. It has not only an antiseptic effect, but also enveloping. Spraying is carried out at a distance of 15-20 cm above the wound for 1-2 seconds. Usually once a day for 7-10 days is sufficient. It has no contraindications or side effects.

Chemi spray

(380-500 rubles/200 ml)

An agent with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a detrimental effect on fungi of the genus Candida. Non-irritating but very strong odor - best used outdoors. It is important to toilet the wound before spraying: remove pus, crusts, dirt, necrotic areas, etc. Apply up to 3 times a day, the duration of application usually does not exceed 10 days.


(1100-1300 rubles / 118 ml)

A very powerful all-purpose antimicrobial-healing agent for every kind of wound in dogs that can be. Apply 3-4 times a day - or simply spray on the surface or under the bandage (apply a moistened damp cloth, bag and bandage on top). There are no restrictions on the days for use - until healing.

Question answer

Are antibiotics given to dogs for wounds?

Yes, very often, with deep and / or chronic (purulent) wounds, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Antibiotics are almost always needed after suturing.

How to treat a wound after a tick?

The place where the tick was taken from is sufficiently abundant (but not extensive, namely at the site of the bite) to treat with iodine tincture. Even if parts of the body of an insect remain there, they will be “expelled” from the wound, like splinters, in a natural way.

If the dog licks his wounds?

Do not let the dog lick the affected area, because. with her tongue, she can damage the tissues around her and increase the area of ​​the wound surface. For large, deep and postoperative wounds, it is better to apply bandages.

Dog has an ear injury

If the injury in the middle of the auricle is not deep, then the treatment is performed as an ordinary abrasion. In case of ruptures of the auricle (perforation or torn edge), only a specialist can help by suturing. If desired, cosmetic sutures can be applied so that in the future no scars can be seen at the site of the wound (this may be necessary for exhibition dogs).

If a dog's wound does not heal for a long time?

Perhaps an error was made at the time of processing and / or something was not done in good faith. Wounds that do not heal for a long time dissolve healthy surrounding skin tissues, thereby increasing the area of ​​the injured surface. The four-legged pet must be shown to the doctor so that he can revise the wound and re-treat from the very beginning (cleaning, washing, applying wound healing solutions, ointments, powders, etc.).

What to do if there is a wound on the paw of a dog?

It all depends on where the damage is found on the paw. It is difficult to treat injuries on the folds, as well as in those places where external influence is constantly exerted (for example, an animal constantly steps on this place). The most important condition for rapid healing is rest. If it is impossible to provide peace to the wound, you need to be prepared that it will take a little longer to heal than usual. Also, dressings are almost always applied to such wounds, and ointments / creams are applied under them.

Purulent wound in a dog

The presence of pus indicates that bacteria have joined the inflammatory process. Reasons: incorrect processing, ignoring on the principle of "it will pass by itself" or the formation of an abscess. With purulent wounds, it is always worth taking your pet to the veterinarian, because. already simple washings and treatments will not be enough - you need qualified cleaning of the wound cavity / surface, antibiotic therapy and proper care after.

How to treat a wound in a dog?

If the injury is not deep and is not accompanied by active bleeding (venous or arterial), then there is only one approach: washing with water or antiseptic liquids and treating with a wound healing component (powder, spray, ointment / cream). The main thing is to observe the basic principle of wound healing: wet - dry, dry - wet. This means that weeping places are best treated with brilliant green or powders, and those that dry out are best treated with ointments.

No matter how attentive the owner is, not a single dog is immune from injury. A pet can cut its paw during a walk, suddenly get involved in a skirmish with comrades and get a bite - in a word, there can be a lot of cases, and every responsible owner should be ready for them.

First of all, if the wound is deep, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet and bandage and deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. In other cases, it is enough to treat the wound yourself, with the help of a suitable remedy, which should always be in your first aid kit. What could be such a tool?

Contrary to stereotypes, this is by no means iodine or brilliant green. Why? - These products burn mucous and cannot be used to disinfect wounds. Yes, you can treat intact skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, but such protection is ineffective, because the microbes that enter the wound will not be destroyed.

On a small cat or dog, iodine and brilliant green can be poisonous!

Hydrogen peroxide is also not the best solution, despite the fact that it is quite suitable for treating a wound. When applied to the wound, the peroxide begins to foam and mechanically pushes the dirt out. However, the agent does not have a disinfectant effect and, therefore, is not characterized by high efficiency.

But chlorhexidine, also a familiar remedy, is your almost perfect assistant. Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic. It can be applied to the wound, it does not burn and is not addictive. The only drawback is the low spectrum of damage (when compared with special means for treating wounds).

We said above that chlorhexidine is an almost ideal wound disinfectant. The ideal remedy (without any practical) is truly considered to be specially developed high-quality preparations for the treatment of wounds and infections. Like chlorhexidine, they are non-irritating, do not require rinsing after use, and are not addictive. But, unlike chlorhexidine, such agents have a much higher means of destruction. For example, Vetericin solution kills 99.999% of bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores in just 30 seconds, including E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pasteurella, Moraxella bovis, Actinomyces and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A very impressive list! But can such efficiency be combined with absolute safety? - Maybe. Interestingly, the main active components of the same Vetericin are hypochlorous acid (HOCI) and electrolyzed water (H 2 O) - components similar to substances produced by the immune system. To a certain extent, these components are native to the body and do not adversely affect healthy tissues.

When treating a wound with special means, it is very important to follow the instructions for use. In general, the treatment is carried out approximately 3-4 times a day, until healing. In case of inflammation, purulent discharge, etc., contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Take care of your pets, and let reliable helpers always be at your fingertips - both at home and while traveling!

Dogs are often exposed to a variety of injuries. Damage to the skin can be both harmless and dangerous - purulent, weeping, torn. Competent actions of the owner to help the pet involve the use of antiseptic and antimicrobial local agents. Tactics of treatment of injuries depends on the nature of the injury and its course. In severe cases, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, surgical procedures are indicated.

Injuries to the skin to a large extent depend on the nature of the injuring object and are divided into the following types:

  • Stab. Wounds, as a rule, are applied with a sharp object that easily pushes living tissues apart. The wound channel can be smooth or rough, depending on the nature of the damaging factor.
  • Sliced. One of the common types of wounds in animals. Such injuries are applied by dissecting the integumentary and muscle tissues with sharp objects. As a rule, such injuries have smooth edges.
  • Chopped. This type of damage is characterized by severe destruction of the deep layers of tissues, blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves. Often, with a chopped wound, destruction of the joints and bone structures is noted.
  • Bruised. Wounds are observed when exposed to living tissue blunt objects. The injury is characterized by crushing and crushing of the skin layers and muscles, minor bleeding.
  • Torn. The injury is caused by a pointed object acting in an oblique direction. It is characterized by rupture of blood vessels, tendons, rapid penetration of infection.
  • Bitten. Most often, this type of damage to dogs is obtained in fights with relatives. This type of injury is dangerous by infecting the animal with rabies.
  • Gunshot. Characterized by severe tissue damage, severe bleeding. Often the outcome of such injuries is fatal.

Often, animals receive combined injuries, for example, stab-bruised, bruised-torn, etc. Any resulting wound carries a risk of infection. Dust, dirt, rust, wool, foreign bodies enter the wound channel with a damaging object. Therefore, any, even the most harmless at first glance, injuries, the owner must be able to treat with antiseptic agents in compliance with the rules of asepsis.

How to treat a superficial wound in a dog

Small and shallow damage to the skin, the owner is able to process himself. Veterinarians recommend in this case to carry out the following procedures for a sick pet:

  • Free the surface of the wound from dirt, dust and foreign bodies. This can be done with a cotton pad moistened with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine solution.
  • Remove hair around the wound channel with scissors or a safety razor.
  • Stop bleeding with hydrogen peroxide by briefly applying pressure to the blood vessel.
  • Treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic.
  • Prevent animals from licking the injury. The dog's rough tongue irritates damaged tissues, leading to infection of a clean wound. For this purpose, the wound surface can be closed with a bandage or put on a dog.

Owners, faced with the need to treat a wound, are often at a loss as to what is better to use from a wide arsenal of antiseptics. Veterinarians recommend keeping hydrogen peroxide in the first aid kit. The tool has an excellent hemostatic effect, does not cause damaged tissues.

Chlorhexidine solution is suitable for treating wounds of various nature. The drug is easy to use, effectively removes dirt and fights the most common pathogenic microorganisms.

Antiseptics for wound treatment

Miramistin's solution copes well with the antibacterial protection of the wound surface. The agent does not cause burns of injured tissues and mucous membranes, has excellent bactericidal properties, and is active against viruses. Miramistin not only resists the development of purulent inflammation in the wound, but also promotes the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

Furacilin is a widely used drug for treating wounds. The product does not have a strong odor, does not irritate damaged skin if the concentration is observed. To prepare an antiseptic, one tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. The solution is used both for the treatment of clean wounds and for injuries complicated by a purulent infection.

As for such products as a solution of iodine, brilliant green, veterinarians do not recommend these antiseptics for treating the wound surface in animals. Alcohol solutions cause burns of damaged tissues, dry and irritate the skin.

What to do if the wound does not heal

The wound healing process consists of a phase of purulent exudate formation and tissue granulation. Any violation of the integrity of the skin is accompanied by penetration into the wound channel of dirt, pieces of skin, hair, dust. This leads to the fact that the body's defenses activate mechanisms aimed at the formation of pus. The exudate has a proteolytic effect: it cleans the wound from purulent contents and dirt.

Superficial and non-infectious injuries usually heal in 7 to 14 days. According to the primary intention, overgrowth of surgical wounds also occurs.

Crushed, lacerated wounds, as well as infected skin lesions are often characterized by a long healing period. This is due to the fact that the process of fusion proceeds not according to primary, but according to secondary intention. In this case, the owner must seek qualified help from a veterinary institution.

Torn, crushed, as well as long-term non-healing non-infected lesions are subjected to surgical intervention with excision of the edges. This manipulation allows you to direct the process of fusion according to the primary tension. In the future, caring for an injury is no different from treating a clean wound.

How to treat a lacerated, weeping wound

Any damage to the skin of the dog is accompanied by seeding of the wound channel with pathogenic microorganisms. Deep penetrating wounds or lacerations are often accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process.

Non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the treatment of injuries can also lead to inflammation at the site of violation of the integrity of the skin. In these cases, exudate is released onto the surface of the wound. The composition of the liquid includes lymph, blood plasma, lymphocytes, leukocytes and other products of the inflammatory reaction.

Exudate on the surface of the wound is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. This leads to the development of the weeping nature of the injury. An unpleasant odor emanates from the wound. The general condition of the animal is depressed, apathetic.

Treatment is aimed at removing exudate, dried crusts. The wound should be treated in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. With itching and soreness, the pet, on the recommendation of a doctor, is used antihistamines, analgesics. Means such as Suprastin, Tavegil, reduce the production of histamine-like substances, which reduces the volume of exudate in the area of ​​the wound channel.


In order to combat pathogenic microflora, ointments with an antibacterial effect are used, for example, Levomikol, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Vishnevsky liniment. If necessary, the dog is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics.

For the treatment of wounds in dogs, see this video:

Antibiotic for purulent process

The purulent process in the wound channel is usually accompanied not only by the accumulation of exudate, but also by general symptoms: fever, lack of appetite, apathy, depression. In this case, the dog, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, is prescribed antibacterial drugs. In veterinary practice, the groups of penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines are most often used.

Of the antibiotics of the penicillin series, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Sinulox are used in the treatment of purulent wounds. Of the drugs of the cephalosporin group for the treatment of wounds complicated by purulent infection, Cefalexin, Cephalen, Cefotaxime are used. Tetracyclines, for example, Doxycycline, are effective in purulent processes. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days. In the event that the wound is complicated by an infection, it is forbidden to apply stitches.

An open deep wound was found on the leg, neck, back - what to do?

If a deep wound is found in a pet, the owner should provide first aid. The wound surface must be washed, freed from dirt, wool, foreign objects. To treat the injury, antiseptic solutions should be used - Formalin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.

After treatment of the wound surface, the owner must seek qualified help. A veterinarian, after examining the nature of the wound and debridement of the wound canal, usually performs suturing. This is done in order to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the deep layers of tissues.

With deep damage to the limbs, neck, back of the animal, broad-spectrum antibiotics are mandatory.

Treatment of wounds in dogs begins with the initial treatment of the injury. Superficial and uncomplicated wounds heal by first intention and usually do not require antibiotics. With the complication of damage by pathogenic microflora, the wound may acquire a purulent or weeping character.

To treat such injuries, ointments with antibacterial action, as well as antibiotics, are used. No sutures are applied to purulent wounds. Deep injuries require stitching and the use of effective antimicrobials.