How many calories are in jelly and what does it depend on? Jelly for weight loss How many calories are in fruit jelly

Kissel has long been valued for good taste And useful qualities. And today it remains a fairly popular drink among domestic consumers. It is usually made from starch or grains (such as rye or oats). Grain jelly is an old Russian dish that was consumed with milk, butter or broth. For modern man Kissel is a fruit and berry drink or dessert that you can prepare at home yourself from scratch or using a special preparation purchased in the store.

Many people are concerned about the question of whether this sweet treat can be consumed by those who are watching their figure or are on a diet. One of the most important questions for them is how many kilocalories are contained in such a drink.

Composition and nutritional value

Typically, jelly consists of a thickening component and fruit. Starch most often plays the role of the first. Both dried and fresh fruits or berries can be used as the latter. For example, it could be cherries, cranberries, strawberries, etc.

The calorie content of the finished product per 100 grams depends on the components that make up the drink. Thus, the fewest calories are in jelly made from cranberries, cherries or currants - from 150 to 200 kcal in 1 glass. Milk jelly is considered the most high-calorie - 100 kcal per 100 grams.

Let's take a closer look at the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJC) in the dessert. It is believed that jelly contains no proteins or fats (with the exception of milk and flax versions). However, the product contains a large amount of carbohydrates. For example, berry jelly (per 100 grams) contains about 20 grams of carbohydrates, currant jelly - 15 grams, cranberry jelly - 13 grams, cherry jelly - 11 grams.

If you prefer to drink jelly made from concentrate (usually sold in a pack), then know that the dry product contains 87 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of powder. If you prepare jelly yourself at home, it is better to avoid adding sugar to the dessert - this product will significantly increase the calorie content.

Benefits and harms

Like any other product, jelly has a number of different properties. Some of them are beneficial to the human body, while others cause harm.

Nutritionists and doctors report the following beneficial properties of jelly for humans:

  • this dessert has an enveloping effect in the stomach, which helps reduce or even completely eliminate pain in people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the drink eliminates signs of dysbiosis and tidies up intestinal activity;
  • jelly will become excellent medicine for those who, after holidays and noisy feasts, feel heaviness in the stomach;
  • the product stimulates kidney function;
  • the vitamins contained in the product will save you from vitamin deficiency;
  • The dish strengthens the immune system and helps strengthen the body's resistance to various infections and viruses.

However, in addition to beneficial influence, jelly is capable of providing negative impact on the human body:

  • Kissel should not be drunk by people prone to allergies;
  • Those who are obese or have extra pounds should also avoid drinking the drink;
  • Dessert is contraindicated for people with diabetes.

In addition, you should be careful and careful if you do not prepare the drink yourself, but purchase a special powder preparation. Such a product may contain various chemical additives (for example, dyes, flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners, etc.). The presence of such harmful components in a store-bought product can cause various skin rashes and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

As you have already seen, the drink does not contain as many calories as one might expect. However, this product contains quite a lot large quantities carbohydrates (especially when considering the percentage). That is why it is not recommended to consume jelly for those who adhere to a strict carbohydrate-free diet. For those who do not restrict themselves in nutrition, but still watch their calories, this product It is better to drink in the morning rather than in the evening to avoid the appearance of extra pounds.

How to prepare delicious jelly for flat stomach, see below.

A surprising and pleasant discovery for all lovers of jelly will be the fact of its use for weight loss. It turns out that this childhood favorite drink is not just a tasty treat that you can pamper yourself with while dieting, but also promotes weight loss.

Known for a long time, jelly has a lot of recipes.Which jelly recipes for weight loss are most effective when dieting?, how to choose the right ingredients for their preparation, how many calories are in jelly and how jelly affects weight loss - more on that below.

What are the benefits of jelly for weight loss?

Of course, the point of using jelly for weight loss is not to replace all dishes and meals with it. Kissel should be included in the diet in order to improve the functioning of the intestines and help it cope with the load that falls on it during dietary restrictions.

Firstly, The calorie content of jelly is low, which means that a dessert or snack will not only be pleasant, but also light. Secondly, jelly enhances intestinal motility, helping it more effectively remove toxins and waste. A fully functioning intestine digests food more efficiently, thereby reducing the likelihood of congestion in the intestines, and nutrients are consumed by the body and not stored in reserve. Finally, the thick drink softens the manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Although berry jelly is rightfully considered the most delicious, aromatic and desirable, it will have to be abandoned during the diet due to great content Sahara.

The most acceptable type of jelly for weight loss is oatmeal. Most popular recipe This drink is called “jelly for a flat stomach”, because it is believed that it cleanses the body and intestines so effectively that the stomach shrinks within one day after its use. The basis of this jelly is oat flakes, and the effect is enhanced by prunes and raw beets. Making jelly for a flat stomach is easy: pour two liters of boiling water over a cup of prunes, the same amount oatmeal and a handful of grated beets. The resulting cocktail must be simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. During this time, the broth will change consistency and turn into a viscous jelly-like drink. The resulting jelly should be strained, getting rid of excess liquid, then drink the maximum possible amount two hours before bedtime. The number of calories in this type of jelly does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. The grounds from the drink should be crushed and taken in the morning as breakfast. All components of this jelly serve one purpose: to improve digestion by eliminating blockages and toxic substances.

Fasting day, the diet of which includes only oatmeal jelly for weight loss, will cleanse the body well, give lightness, and will not be spoiled by the presence constant feeling hunger. Otherwise Oatmeal jelly for weight loss is recommended for morning consumption: it will help the intestines wake up, satiate for a long time, supply the body with amino acids, vitamins, and enrich it with fiber necessary for the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This jelly is also very effective for constipation, but you should prepare it yourself and be sure to eat it fresh.

There are many other recipes for oatmeal jelly for weight loss. So, for example, you can add a glass of kefir to 100 grams of oatmeal, place it in an airtight container and leave for 24 hours. Cereals that didn't pass heat treatment, retain much more useful properties and components.

Other types of jelly for weight loss

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss is the most effective, but it quickly becomes boring. Other types of drink will help diversify the jelly menu.

Flaxseed jelly is perhaps healthier than others, because... flax seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, which improve immunity and have a positive effect on mental activity. Of course, they also effectively cleanse the body. One of the most simple ways The preparation of flaxseed jelly is as follows: pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and place in a thermos overnight. Dilute the resulting infusion with a glass in the morning hot water, take along with the seeds three times a day. The duration of the course is one week. Calorie content of flax jelly, despite high content fatty acids, is not so high, but at the same time it is better absorbed than oil or just seed.

Kissel is a favorite Russian drink since childhood. In the old days it was cooked with the addition of fermented cereal decoctions. Modern recipes based on the use of starch. Its quantity determines the degree of thickness of the drink. Considering how many calories there are in jelly, it can be used as a dessert or an independent dish.


Kissel as it is known modern population, appeared from the time when Rus' began to grow potatoes, from which they began to extract starch. The amount of it in the jelly determines the thickness of the product. There are 5 drink consistencies:

  • liquid - to prepare it, take starch in the amount of 1-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • semi-thick - requires 2 tbsp. l. with a top of potato starch or corn;
  • medium thickness - you need 3 tablespoons with a heap of starch powder;
  • thick - starch for its preparation requires 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • very thick - up to 6 tbsp is needed. l. starch powder.

Starch is diluted in 1 glass cold water(necessarily cold). Using it provides calories to the drink. The nutritious drink is also popular during a weight loss diet. Knowing how many calories there are in jelly, you can replace one of your meals with this product.

Berry drink. Cooking methods

Prepare healthy drink can be from berries and fruits that grow in your garden. The fruits can be used both fresh and frozen. Their variety shows how many calories are in berry jelly. The calorie content of the drink can vary between 54-59 kcal per 100 g of product. Have you decided to make a drink, but don’t know how to make jelly from berries and starch? There are two ways to prepare the Russian delicacy. The amount of ingredients does not change. Their difference is in the order in which the products are placed.

Option 1


  • Any berries - 2 cups. You can take a little of different berries and get an assortment. If you combine sour and sweet fruits, the taste of the drink will be brighter and richer. They can be used in in kind or grind into puree. How many calories there are in the jelly will depend on the type of berries.
  • Starch - from 3 to 5 tbsp. l. It all depends on how thick the drink you want as a result.
  • Sugar - 10-15 tbsp. l. Depends on its quantity taste qualities drink
  • Water - 3-4 liters.


Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place the washed berries in water and cook for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting compote. Add sugar to it and stir. Dilute the starch with water, slowly pour into the pan with the sweet broth, stirring constantly. For berry jelly It is better to use potato starch. It ensures the clarity of the drink. How many calories are in the jelly depends on the type of starch. Bring the drink to a boil and cook for no more than 4 minutes. Turn off and let the jelly brew. The drink is ready.

Option 2

The proportions of ingredients remain the same. Only the berries need to be mashed into puree.

  • First, a sweet syrup is prepared from water and sugar.
  • Then add diluted starch and bring to a boil.
  • Place berry puree into boiling syrup.

Cranberry jelly

A drink made from northern berries has beneficial properties. Only the method of preparing cranberry jelly is slightly different from standard methods. How to cook jelly from berries and starch to get a magical drink?

From 1 tbsp. Squeeze the juice out of the cranberries and put them in the refrigerator for a while. Add 3 cups of hot water to the berry mass and boil. Strain the resulting compote, add 3/4 cup of sugar, and bring to a boil. Prepare starch by diluting 3 tbsp. l. in a glass of cold water. Bring to a boil. Add cranberry juice to the resulting mixture. Before serving, sprinkle the jelly with sugar, which will prevent a film from forming.

Milk drink

Milk jelly is no less tasty and healthy. Calories contained in this drink, allow you to use it as an independent product. Its calorie content depends on the milk used in preparing the drink. Whole milk provides 117 kcal per 100 g of drink. When using pasteurized milk, the calorie content of the dish will be less than 100 kcal. You can prepare the drink from 4 glasses of milk, 3 tbsp. l. starch, 4 tbsp. l. fruit or berry syrup, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, vanilla to taste.

Bring 3 cups of milk to a boil and add sugar. Prepare starch by diluting it in 1 glass warm milk. Add it to the pan, stirring constantly. Add the syrup without stopping stirring, cook over low heat for another 4 minutes, turn off. Add vanillin and mix. Can be served.

Kissel is recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases. It is also an indispensable dish for young children. Kissel is a drink that can be prepared at any time of the year, regardless of the seasonality of the berry component. You can prepare the drink by adding cinnamon, lemon or orange zest.

Kisel is one of the Russians traditional dishes, whose history dates back centuries. The high nutritional value and calorie content of this drink is explained by the presence of starch in it. Everything is fully preserved beneficial properties components used for its preparation. People with peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis and with increased secretion gastric juice Doctors recommend eating jelly. It is also recommended to drink them after eating spicy food that irritates the mucous membrane, since thanks to the viscous structure of the jelly, it envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting them from damage, and generally improves its functioning. Kissel is a dish that will give wellness and joy!

Calorie content of oatmeal jelly

Known back in the days Ancient Rus' Oatmeal jelly is considered the healthiest. It contains , which accelerates the elimination of harmful and toxic substances, activating metabolic processes, improves digestion. If you regularly consume oatmeal jelly, you will not be at risk of developing a disease such as dysbacteriosis. Its viscous consistency envelops the walls of the stomach and has a healing effect. Oatmeal jelly is rich in minerals and trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. It has a beneficial effect on human immunity, and the calorie content of jelly per 100 grams is 100 kcal.

Calorie content of milk jelly

It is very useful to include milk jelly in the diet of young children, because its benefits are obvious. Milk itself is a storehouse useful substances, and the jelly made from it, with its viscous structure, is good for the stomach. It envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach, improves gastric motility and relieves painful sensations. The calorie content of jelly per 100 grams varies depending on the milk that is used for its preparations. Thus, the calorie content of jelly made from skim milk is 79 kcal, and from whole milk - 117 kcal.

Calorie content of berry jelly

Berry jelly, in addition pleasant aroma and taste, has beneficial and nutritional properties. It is prepared on the basis various berries and potato starch. The drink often turns out sweet, but its calorie content is not so high. It can be used by almost everyone, including small children. The calorie content of berry jelly, depending on the composition, ranges from 54-59 kcal per 100 grams.