Why do you dream about berries? Why do you dream of berries: interpretation according to various dream books for men and women

A dream in which there were berries can be a harbinger of pleasant surprises or bitter regrets. The interpretation of this dream is dual and contradictory. If you dreamed of berries in a dream, check out all the possible options for its meaning in order to be fully prepared.

Red berries are a symbol of blood and family ties. They are often sent to dreams to warn of an unexpected visit from relatives living very far away. They can also serve as a sign that your loved ones are worried and worried about your fate. A dream with red berries can also be sent as a warning: perhaps one of the family members will soon need support. In some dream books, red berries are interpreted as harbingers of tears.

Seeing black berries in a dream signifies negative emotions: disappointment, sadness, and regret await you.

If you dreamed of ripe berries, this is a good sign. It shows that the patience, endurance and perseverance you have shown will soon be rewarded. Moreover, this applies not only to the sphere of working relationships, but also to the family circle, friends, and acquaintances. Choose for yourself in which direction this result is most desirable.

Green or unripe berries in a dream signal that you need to be more in control of your emotions, as you are unbalanced, irritable and impatient. You will be successful in business only if you eliminate these qualities from yourself. Dried fruits have the same meaning.

If you dreamed that the berries were wormy or rotten, take a closer look at your surroundings. Most likely, someone is harming you, wittingly or unwittingly, or wishes harm. A lot of berries in a dream, especially if they are dark in color, signify health problems: painful conditions, exacerbations of existing diseases or the development of new ones. But if you walked on berries in a dream, victory over an enemy or rival soon awaits you.

Berries growing in a clearing indicate a speedy recovery from the disease.

If in a dream you saw a bucket filled with berries, then your body is in dire need of vitamins. Do not refuse the offered treat, enjoy it to your heart's content.

Picking berries in a dream - why?

Picking berries in a dream means that you will soon be entrusted with tedious, monotonous and labor-intensive work that will require maximum concentration, attention and perseverance. However, do not rush to be disappointed, but try to understand the prospects of the goals and objectives facing you. In this case, the activity will bring valuable results, and the process itself will become less joyless and routine.

In the Jewish dream book, picking berries is interpreted as a harbinger of upcoming worries and experiences.

If berry juice gets on your clothes, be careful when communicating with strangers: there is a high probability of trouble.

If you sold berries in a dream, this signifies financial troubles.

Why do you dream about eating berries?

I dream that I eat berries

If in a dream you have to eat berries, take advantage of the opportunity provided and taste what they taste like. The enjoyable process of eating sweet, tender, oozing, delicious-looking fruits is a sign that you have nothing to worry about, because luck will be on your side in all matters. But if you had to taste unattractive, sour, bitter, dry, rotten berries, you should be wary and prepare for likely significant difficulties.

Why do you dream of eating berries?

If in a dream another person eats berries and your profession is related to tasting, this is a good sign. Here the berries foretell that work will soon bring you great pleasure.

The type of berry also matters. Eating wine berries means quick joy. Dried or boiled berries - prosperity and good luck in your business, profit.

Why do you dream of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, bird cherry, currants, wild strawberries, blueberries, Victoria berries, gooseberries, cherries, grapes, rowan berries, wild berries?


Strawberries are a life-affirming symbol of sensual pleasure, voluptuousness, and love. In France it is even considered an aphrodisiac. Strawberries in a dream predict an erotic adventure that will give unforgettable pleasure.


Raspberry berries are dreamed of by cheerful optimists and people with delicate taste. They portend a lot of pleasant situations: receiving a long-awaited and well-deserved award, pleasant leisure time, relaxation after hard work. Picking raspberries in a dream means a quick wedding, quite possibly with the hero of the dream in the leading role. There is another interpretation, less positive: to see raspberries in a dream means poor health and even illness.


Cherry berries warn of upcoming upsets, regrets, and tears. Their likely cause will be failures in the love sphere, especially related to the encroachment on the forbidden fruit. Such a dream can also be interpreted as a signal to reconsider your priorities, because the world does not revolve around one single subject, there are many other exciting moments in it.

Bird cherry

Bird cherry berries seen in a dream bring positivity, joy, delight, jubilation, and the onset of long-awaited changes. Soon your life will be filled with a whole series of bright events that will give you a great mood and a desire to love the whole world. You will want to convey a piece of your cheerfulness to those around you, and give gratuitous gifts to your loved ones. In the love sphere, complete mutual understanding also awaits. If you ate bird cherry in a dream, it means that peace and harmony will accompany you. And if at the same time you share the berries with other people, then you are destined for great profits and an outstanding career.


Have you seen currant berries in your night dreams? The circumstances under which you encountered them will help you correctly interpret their meaning. Picking currants portends a quick and worthy reward for your labors. If you were selling currants in a dream, be prepared to face temptation and a test of your fortitude. Eating currants symbolizes the emergence of new opportunities: very soon you will receive a tempting offer that you must accept.


Strawberries in a dream are harbingers that unexpected luck will smile on you. You can hope for pleasant surprises and important meetings that will dramatically change your destiny. They may not fit into your plans and significantly disrupt your routine, but this will only benefit you. And if you dreamed of not just berries, but a whole strawberry meadow, great luck awaits you.


Seeing blueberries in a dream means that you will soon find yourself at a big feast with an abundance of all kinds of treats. There is likely to be an event that will bring romance into your life, brightening up the drab routine. Blueberries also indicate that you need to take care of your well-being, take care of your eyesight, and not worry about little things.

Yagoda Victoria

Victoria berry in a dream predicts euphoric fun, a big holiday and incredible sexual pleasure. But keep in mind: if the berry is rotten or unripe, joy will quickly be replaced by disappointment.

In Miller's dream book, the Victoria berry is interpreted in two ways: as a sign of unexpected difficulties and obstacles and at the same time as their successful resolution. Maybe she appears in dreams at night, leading to bitterness and tears. And if the berry is ripe and bright red, begin to prepare for the arrival of relatives whom you have not met for a long time.


According to the universal dream book, seeing cherry berries on a tree means quick tears. But eating cherries, on the contrary, is a good sign, indicating favorable news. For example, if you were born in the summer, late spring or early autumn (during warm weather), you can count on a successful deal that will bring great benefits.


Picking gooseberries in a dream portends great happiness and the opening of great prospects for you. True, before the onset of happy days you will have to go through many disturbing and sad events. The larger the berries you dream about, the greater the joy. If you pick unripe gooseberries, you are likely to make a big mistake. Control your emotions to avoid danger.

Berries that take a long time to look for among the leaves signal you about a possible disease. Take care of your health.

Eating ripe gooseberries in a dream is a favorable sign. You will be able to achieve the desired result in your affairs. But for women, such a plot predicts disappointment. If the gooseberries turn out to be unripe and sour, get ready to pay the bills.


Eating grapes in a dream promises you troubles and anxieties, overcoming which will strengthen your character and make you stronger. Along with acquiring useful skills, you will be guaranteed a worthy place in society. If another person eats grapes, it means a large purchase and joy. But be careful. If such a dream was seen by a person in poor health or a workaholic, a heart attack is possible.

Wild berries

Wild berries do not have a clear interpretation. If you dreamed that you were collecting them, anxiety, excitement, and vanity await you ahead. However, in the end, you will definitely be rewarded for your troubles.

If you suddenly step on berries and crush them, do not be sad, this is a sign of imminent victory. Seeing unappetizing, wrinkled, dried berries in a dream is an alarming signal. If this happens, it's time to start taking care of your health.

If you want to improve your prediction, make jam from wild berries. It signifies good luck in business and making big profits.


Clusters of ripe rowan berries indicate the possibility of a relationship with an object of interest to you. If you are collecting rowan, you will have a serious conversation with him. Eating sour rowan berries is an omen of love troubles, quarrels, and disputes. They will be stronger if the berries taste very bitter. But if the berries are sweet, expect a pleasant vacation or a short trip.

Dream interpretation of berries

Vanga's Dream Book

A large number of berries in a dream is a warning. You have to go through many temptations and temptations. But at the end of the journey, a reward awaits you. If you eat berries in a dream, it means get ready for a very severe shock and severe suffering. You will be distracted and disturbed in every possible way. Be patient and add a little persistence to it, then you will definitely be able to achieve your plans.

Berries that are scattered on the floor or on the ground signal minor adversity. You can easily overcome them if you go to confession and ask God for help.

Miller's Dream Book - seeing berries in a dream

If in a dream you were in a berry meadow, expect your affairs to get better and recover from an illness. If you saw a lot of green berries, you should restrain your impatience: your active actions at this stage will not bring the desired result, but will only add chaos and confusion to your affairs.

If berries are ripe on your window in winter, it means that you have character traits such as complacency and a willingness to help in any, even the most hopeless, situation.

Berry juice left a large stain on your favorite clothes, and you don’t know how to remove it - in this case, the person who set you up will go unpunished.

If a man treats his beloved with berries in a dream, but she does not agree, this is a sign of a break in a relationship that has long been disgusting. For women, such a situation in a dream promises intrigue among their lover’s friends.

Why do you dream of berries - Freud's Dream Book

In men's dreams, berries mean a person’s desire to make his sex life more varied. In women - the desire for sexual contact with the same sex.

If you eat berries in a dream or get dirty with their juice, then this expresses your subconscious readiness for the birth of a child. If you circle the forest while picking berries, this is an omen that your feelings are cooling. However, they can still be revived if you want.

Old Russian dream book - dreamed of berries

Interprets berries as a harbinger of tears. Eating them in a dream means illness.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a lot of berries in a dream means a lot of effort, but little return. It is also an omen of copious tears.

Red berries also accompany tears. White berries are a sign of triumph, victory, achievement, good luck. Black - sadness, regret, sorrow.

Picking berries suggests that with your own hands you are preparing the ground for disappointment and tears. Giving berries to others is a sign of sadness.

Eating berries with more or less appetite means shedding more or less tears.

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy, dream book of Hasse

Berries mean good luck in all matters.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Berries are interpreted as interest. Seeing wine berries promises profit.

Azar's Dream Book

Picking red berries means the death of a close blood relative.

Picking black berries is a sign of love experiences and excitement.

Seeing black berries means tears.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Picking berries in a dream is a signal that very soon you will be moving up the career ladder. To enhance the effect of the omen, place any berry on your cheek for 7 days after sleep and keep it there all the way to work.

Eating berries means that you should monitor the condition of your skin; problems with it are possible. You can avoid their occurrence if you wash your skin with salted water for a week before going to bed.

Eastern women's dream book

If you are in a berry meadow, expect progress in business, improved health, and healing. Carelessly putting berries in a basket where they become wrinkled is a warning against hasty actions: caused by good intentions, they will not bring good, but will turn into trouble. Green or unripe berries are a warning about disease.

Esoteric dream book

Picking berries in a dream shows that you are fate's favorite.

If in a dream you crush berries to make wine or jam, then you can safely start new things, they will all be successful. If you do this aimlessly and thoughtlessly, beware, as obstacles will soon appear in your path. Listen more to the voice of your intuition and do not resist fate.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing berries can mean either good luck in business, or tears or illness.

Eating berries means illness.

Black berries - tears of grief, sadness, disappointment.

Red berries - tears of joy or illness.

White berries are good luck.

Eating boiled berries means self-interest.

Picking white berries means defeating the enemy.

Gypsy dream book

Berries in a dream foreshadow tears.

Eating berries boiled with sugar or dried means profit.

Eating raw berries means harm and illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

There are berries - your efforts will be in vain and will remain unrecognized. Sadness, despondency and sadness await you.

Seeing a lot of berries, but not bitter ones, is good luck.

Blackberries and raspberries signify success in financial matters.

Picking berries means getting the fruits of your labors.

Dream interpretation of picking berries

The berry is a very ambiguous symbol. It is quite exciting, often incomprehensible. Birth comes from a flower - a beautiful and promising creation of nature, which promises delight, anticipation of unknown sensations, and moments of aesthetic bliss.

Classic symbols of tears

The berry, due to its peculiar shape, reminiscent of a tear, is traditionally interpreted in dreams as their harbinger. Just as the reasons why we shed tears are different, so is the message of each berry. Let's see what the soothsayers will tell us about this.

Berry picking according to classical soothsayers

It cannot be stated unequivocally that this delicacy in a dream promises tears and sadness, as mentioned above due to its similar shape. After all, the round shape imitates the sun.

Therefore, interpretations of dreams where delicacies were collected can be both positive and negative.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream where you came to the forest to pick berries and found a clearing in which there is an abundance of them is a guarantee of improved affairs. In case of illness of the dreamer - recovery.

Picking berries in a dream

Seeing fruits being collected in a deep container, knowing that they can be choked, foreshadows misfortunes that will result in the dreamer’s good-hearted intentions.

The dream book indicates that collecting unripe delicacies in the forest is a call not to run ahead of the locomotive, not to rush things. This will not speed up the progress of the project, but will only introduce chaos.

Freud's Dream Book

A skilled expert in the field of psychoanalysis considered the berries to be symbolic signs of the bulges of a woman’s figure. Therefore, their collection is associated with sexual intercourse.

If you don't find anything during the collection, it means your partner has lost interest in you.

The berries are ripe

The interpretation of such a phenomenon as the collection of juicy fruits sometimes has negative forecasts. This is facilitated by the detail associated with the purpose of picking berries.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A dream where you happened to see how they picked berries on a personal plot promises favor of fate towards the dreamer.

If the purpose of the collection was to make jam or prepare wine, then there was an opportunity for the successful implementation of all undertakings.

If you have not decided on a goal, difficulties are in store for you. You are not confident in your intuition and are afraid to take a step towards your destiny.

Noble dream book of Grishina

Picking berries with your own hands

A follower of her ancestors, in compiling dream interpreters, claims that picking these fruits in a dream is to personally create a reason for frustration and tears.

Danilova's erotic dream book

A dream where you picked berries for a romantic dinner indicates that your new betrothed shares your likes and passions.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician believes that dreams where you see the process of picking berries are very significant. He can warn you about a lot of things and suggest a plan of action.

Picking blackberries in a dream is a call not to do everything indiscriminately, in order to save time and effort. Moreover, even failures do not convince you that they occurred because of your haste and desire to do everything at once.

A dream in which you picked gooseberries and pricked yourself with a thorn is evidence that you take to heart the words spoken by the people around you. You react to every comment, sometimes thoughtlessly thrown, trying to change. But you only lose your individuality.

If you picked mushrooms along with berries, then you will achieve success in several areas of your activity.

Interpretations of opposite meanings

As mentioned above, the berry is a symbolic sign of tears, but also of the sun overnight. Their taste and maturity are different.

Why do you dream about picking tasty fruits?

Tears are different. A person pours them out of sadness and resentment, sometimes out of joy. It happens that we may shed tears from a heart-tugging feeling. In a moment when the soul is filled with the light of memories and comprehension of what has been lived. And sometimes - tears of empathy, tenderness, and also from laughter. So different berries have their own message, their own meaning, their own meaning.

Berry varieties

Receive grapes as a gift

Grapes that someone else cut and treated you to means the willingness of some close friend to serve and sacrifice something for you.

Why do you dream that you are picking one berry from a strawberry bush? This is evidence that the dreamer is prone to monogamous relationships. He will be faithful to his partner or spouse all his life.

Why do you dream that you have picked a lot of strawberries? This indicates your promiscuity in choosing a sex partner.. You are attracted to love games; the personality of your partner does not matter much to you.

If you happen to pick strawberries for a bouquet, then this promises frank desires for you by the one for whom the bouquet was intended in a dream.

Cherry picking promises physical intimacy with a person you have long sought.

A dream where you had to see how raspberries were picked foreshadows suffering due to the loss of newly acquired success. Perhaps you were unable to hold it in your hands due to loss of vigilance from joy. You need to understand that competitors are not ignorant people, and they are not asleep either.

Why pick strawberries in the forest in a dream? This is a guarantee that the goal will be achieved, and success will be your constant companion.

If you happened to pick black strawberry fruits, then this indicates the need for painstaking and persistent work before it is adequately rewarded.

Picking strawberries

A dream about picking strawberries in your garden indicates your indecision regarding business and matters of the heart.

Berry qualities

Why do you have a dream where you found a huge clearing in the forest in which unfamiliar and black berry fruits grew, and you began to pick them?

This is an omen of the wrong direction in finding your way. Or the wrong choice of a partner whom you do not know at all, despite a sufficient period of acquaintance. He doesn't show his fake self.

Seeing the picking of sour berries in a dream is a disappointment in those things that were previously interesting. This is associated with the dreamer’s inconsistency in his hobbies. He cannot decide what to give preference to.

Sweet fruits dream of sensual and passionate pleasures. Bitter ones can either promise tears, or sometimes prophesy good health to the dreamer.

Interesting stories

Everyone loves to eat berries. To do this, they go to the market to buy delicacies or collect them at their summer cottage. And dreams sometimes depict us with non-standard options for getting what we want. Why do you dream about picking berries?

  • in someone else's garden;
  • at the top of the tree;
  • different sizes;
  • among which mushrooms grew?

Seeing berries being picked in a neighboring yard suggests that you are in need of new experiences. It is possible that you have been depressed for a long time. Be more open, try to communicate more with friends, do not withdraw into yourself.

Picking berries on a tree

Why do you dream about a plot where fruits grew on a tree, at its very top, and you tried to pick them, which you masterfully succeeded in doing? This means that you are persistent in achieving your goal. The reward will be worthy.

Why do you dream about a plot where you picked mushrooms and berries in the forest? The big ones were eaten right away, and the small ones were put on mushrooms in a basket. This indicates the dreamer's ambition. He is arrogant towards others. To achieve your goals and desire even more, you do not consider the interests of others.

Seeing black fruits in a dream, among which you are trying to find and pick juicy, large red ones, means the dreamer’s attempts to solve financial problems in production.

Things are not going well because there is little need for the product being sold that your company produces.

Are you dreaming about scenes where you planned to pick mushrooms, but, not finding them at the edge of the forest, you collected a basket full of berries? This is a sign of useless troubles that will take up the sleeper’s precious time.

Mushroom dreams are often associated with harbingers of poisoning. But what does the dream promise us about where they were collected?

  • Edible mushrooms promise good and stable profits.
  • Toadstools and fly agarics, black and rotten - these are uncertain or rash actions.
  • Mushrooms found in prohibited places are the personification of gossip.
  • A clearing with cut mushrooms indicates the sleeper’s incorrigible slowness in business matters.

In a dream, you may dream of sweets, a variety of foods, fruits and vegetables.

Why do you dream about berries? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream of berries - basic interpretation

Berries in a dream can speak both of a pleasant and joyful life in reality, and they can also foreshadow not very pleasant situations. They may even talk about a threat to your reputation; in order to fully understand the dream, you need to take into account its details and clues:

Where did the berries come from in your dream?

Were they ripe?

What they tasted like;

Have you collected them?

What feelings visited you;

Who else was present in your dream.

If in a dream you collect berries in a large basket and do it in the forest, in reality you will collect the fruits of your own labors. They were quite fruitful, and now you can deservedly hear praise addressed to you, but the dream also suggests that you will still have to work hard for the benefit of people.

Try to collect your thoughts if in a dream you see yourself trampling berries. You will not want to accept the gifts of fate, you will not want to rejoice in the events that life gives you. Try not to belittle your own and others’ merits, and then the situation will level out, and you will get what you have wanted for so long.

If in a dream you crush berries in your hands, in reality you will do the same with someone else’s opinion. You won't let anyone say anything. On the one hand, this will give you the opportunity to complete the task, on the other hand, it will limit your decision-making. You will not be able to consult with anyone, discuss with anyone everything that is happening in your life. In this way, you will abandon your own friends and colleagues.

A dream in which you are canning berries suggests that it is time for you to leave the memory alone. Leave those events that have so interfered with your life to the past and try to actively engage in the future. This will give you the opportunity to live fully.

Berries that have rotted on the bush indicate that you will soon part with your loved one, who was very dear to you just recently. Now you have lost faith in him and your relationship. The reason for this could be other people's gossip and other people's machinations. You may have been looking for opportunities to restore the relationship for a long time, but now it is no longer possible.

A dream in which you see black berries indicates that your health may soon deteriorate sharply, your life may worsen, you may lose your job, or have a strong quarrel with someone. In order to learn in more detail about the interpretation of sleep, it is important to remember the emotions that accompanied it.

If you saw black berries on a bush and did not pick them, you can still sidestep the problem and stay out of trouble. If those berries that you saw on the bush seemed appetizing to you, and you began to eat them, negativity and problems will become companions of your life.

If you begin to trample the berries, you will not take into account the clues of fate and will simply begin to neglect common sense. Try not to focus on your shortcomings and start actively working towards your own development.

If you dream that someone gave you black berries, such a dream may mean that this person is experiencing clearly negative emotions towards you. Try to limit communication with this person in the near future. If this is someone close to you, it means you have offended the person, and he is waiting for an apology from you.

Why do you dream of white berries? Such a dream can indicate very favorable events in your life. You can joyfully and actively engage in it and get a lot of pleasure from work and household chores. If you recently experienced difficulties in life, now they will completely disappear. If you were afraid of something, now you will be completely free from it and will live a calm and smooth life.

A dream in which you see a whole garden of berries suggests that you will soon receive unlimited opportunities in life, namely to expand your social circle, you will be able to more actively establish connections and you will be able to quickly achieve what you want. But with so many options, you don't want to lose yourself. Try to defend your previous habits and interests. You don't have to throw yourself headlong into the whirlwind of life events. It is enough just to accept new opportunities and take advantage of them.

Artificial berries on bushes are dreamed of as a symbol of unreal promises and imaginary desires. There is no need to be nervous, but there is also no need to let the situation take its course. Accept her for who she is, don’t try to distort reality. But strive to resolve conflicts and achieve your plans.

Berries that are in your refrigerator, and you took them out to defrost - such a dream speaks of your inner need to understand some situation that has long required your intervention. You could simply turn a blind eye to it and not be aware of the significance of what is happening.

Now life will present you with a choice. You will have to go back in time and restore the situation. If you dream that you are painting berries on a canvas, you are dreaming of a wonderful and successful life, but you are unable to realize your plans, because your actions do not move beyond your dreams. Try to think through all life changes in advance.

Why do you dream about berries according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that berries are dreamed of as a symbol of a happy and long-term relationship. If you dreamed about him being rotten, in reality you will face betrayal from a loved one. Don’t dramatize the situation, just be prepared for the fact that you will not be appreciated or understood. Your emotional experiences will remain unshared, because your other half will decide that your personal life is more important, and not your relationship with her.

Black berries in a dream can indicate a serious breakup in reality. If you see a dream in which the hand of an unknown person is extended towards you, and there are black berries in it, be prepared for the fact that your enemies will present you with an unpleasant gift. You won't expect it, but your enemies will negatively affect your love life. They can slander you, or even provoke your other half to cheat.

A dream in which you see washed, juicy, ripe berries laid out on a dish speaks of an approaching holiday. In your personal life, everything will be smooth, everything will be clear and transparent. If recently you experienced some discomfort in your personal life, now you can safely develop the relationships you already have and build new ones. You can afford to communicate with new men if you have not been in a relationship.

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she eats berries is a signal that it is time for her to take care of her health. She could have missed important body symptoms of a mild illness and now she will need to monitor her health even more closely.

Why do you dream about berries according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that berries dream of troubles and minor problems. If you see berries in a dream that you pick from the ground, your dreams and desires will not come true, the time for their realization has already been lost.

Why do you dream of blue berries - this is a symbol of wisdom and informed decisions. You can count on outside support and you can count on new opportunities in solving old problems.

Why do you dream of berries according to other dream books?

IN Grishina's dream book It is said that one dreams of berries when a person is preparing for some changes. These can be both global changes and temporary changes in different directions. If the berries are white in a dream, a favorable outcome is guaranteed. If the berries are black in a dream, it’s time to prepare for difficulties and negativity.

If in a dream you see that the berries have dried up on a bush, it’s time for you to think about whether you are denying yourself the pleasures of life, perhaps you are not monitoring your emotions and allowing yourself much more than you could? Also, such a dream can speak of fading feelings - this is the interpretation given by Aesop's dream book.

It is also important to pay attention to the emotions that the dream evoked in you. If you wake up in a good mood and enjoy everything that happens in your life, then everything in your life will turn out great. If you woke up feeling depressed and very nervous, it means you are not ready to accept the life lesson that fate has prepared for you. Accept it and everything will work out.

Why do you dream about various berries? In a dream, they can promise both sensual pleasure and warn of negative events. Approximate interpretations of images and popular dream books will help you understand this complex issue.

Opinion of Mr. Miller's dream book

Seeing berries, especially red ones, in a dream means that you will have to sort out neglected matters. You will start reluctantly, but in the end you will even get carried away and enjoy it.

If a woman dreamed that she was eating sweet berries, then in reality she will have to prove her own innocence and refute unhealthy slander.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do you dream of berries according to this dream book? In a dream, they symbolize various kinds of temptations, in pursuit of which you will find yourself in an extremely uncomfortable position.

Did you dream about whole berry bushes? Your life and all your current affairs have fallen into complete chaos. Moreover, the reason for this disorder lies in the irrepressible craving for entertainment and a carefree existence.

Have you ever seen particularly juicy and ripe berries? A new feeling can turn your head and distance you from the real state of affairs. Did you dream that you got dirty with berry juice? In real life, take care of your own reputation and keep secrets better.

If in a dream you happened to pick perfect medium-sized berries, then there will be success. Sour and especially bitter fruits guarantee disappointment and frustration. Any poisonous berries, for example, wolfberries, warn of temptation, succumbing to which will derail your life.

Interpretation from the dream book for the whole family

Did the lady dream that she was eating ripe berries? In real life, they will envy her, without even suspecting that she got into an unpleasant business.

Eating sweet and red berries in a dream means a prosperous period on the love front. You will meet a person whom, even in the event of a possible separation, you will remember with warmth.

Why do you dream that you had to pick berries from the bushes? Very soon your work will bring well-deserved profit and success. If you are courting a girl, she will reciprocate. Overripe berries encourage you to spend more time with your household and loved ones.

But picking green, unripe berries in a dream is much worse. The dream book calls for patience and not to rush things. If you had such a dream on Monday night, you will have a headache or a quarrel with a friend.

Medea's Dream Interpretation - berries in a dream

Why do you dream about berry bushes during fruit set? Very soon in reality you will know the results of your recent deeds and efforts. But eating berries is worse. This means that others will not be able to appreciate your efforts.

For a more complete interpretation of the dream, Medea’s dream book advises at least approximately taking into account the type of berries. For example, everything sweet and red promises success, raspberries or blackberries guarantee financial success. All bitter and sour berries in a dream are harbingers of disappointment and bad luck.

Interpretation of the image according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book is sure that all berries, without exception, symbolize women's buttocks or breasts in a dream. Collecting, processing and eating fruits is a reflection of sexual intercourse.

If a man dreams that he is eating berries, then in reality he wants to sleep with all the pretty girls. Why does a woman dream of such a vision? This is a reflection of her penchant for promiscuous love.

If in a dream you stuffed your mouth with berries and felt the juice running down your face, then you desperately want to have a child. If you dreamed that you went to pick berries, but returned with nothing, then this is a clear indication of a cooling of the current relationship and an impending separation.

Why do you dream of red, green, rotten berries?

Did you dream about red berries? You will meet a person who seems ideal to you in everything. But be careful - behind a respectable guise there can be a very insidious person hiding.

Red berries traditionally symbolize everything related to amorous relationships. If in a dream the berries are ideal in appearance and taste, it means there will be good luck in love. If their taste turns out to be too sugary, then you should not believe the promises. If sour, be prepared for great disappointment.

Black berries symbolize misunderstandings based on unreasonable jealousy. In addition, this same image promises troubles, minor troubles, as well as tears. Moreover, the more black berries you see, the louder and more inconsolable you will cry.

Unripe green fruits, as well as dried ones, can dream of illness. In a dream, they also reflect personal haste and imbalance. If you do not develop a sense of moderation and patience, you will never achieve success.

Why do you dream of spoiled, rotten or wormy berries? They hint that there is a person next to you who, without even realizing it, is doing a lot of harm. Rotten fruits also warn of problems that may arise in a fairly reliable and reliable business.

Did you dream that seemingly beautiful and ripe berries turned out to be wormy in the middle? Don't believe everything you see. In any question, you need to think several times before making final conclusions.

In a dream, pick and buy berries

In your dreams, did you happen to pick berries in the forest? In fact, you will have fun with new friends. Did you dream that you were picking berries in a basket, not caring much about the fact that they might choke? Good intentions will bring a lot of trouble.

The harvest of wild berries also marks the onset of significant changes. Did you dream that there were especially many berries in the forest? You will fall in love, forgetting about all decency. Why do you dream that there are few berries, and you literally have to pick them one at a time? There comes a time when you need to seriously think about the future and change something now.

Picking garden berries in the garden means that you will meet a person who will change your outlook on your usual life. Did you have to buy berries at the market or in a store? You will try to shift some of your direct responsibilities to the people around you.

What does it mean to make jam from berries?

Why do you dream that you are planning to make jam from the collected berries? In real life, you will go on a long journey and experience a lot of inconvenience. Did you happen to cook berry jam in a dream? You are probably trying to add some newness to an old relationship.

Did you dream that you were pressing berries into jam or wine? All endeavors will be successful. If you have not yet decided what you want, then listen to your intuition. Pressing the berries into juice means that you will waste your energy trying to force the debtor to repay the debt.

Why do you dream of berry liqueur or wine? Most likely, you will quarrel with a loved one due to misunderstanding. Did you have to dry berries in a dream? A period of constant irritability and decadent mood is coming.

I dreamed about eating berries

Eating berries in a dream is often good. The vision promises small joys that will make life more pleasant and easier. Eating dark-colored fruits is worse. The dream warns of exacerbation of chronic ailments and the acquisition of new diseases. This is also a hint from the subconscious that the body requires more vitamins and nutrients.

Why do you dream that you happen to eat red berries? This is a sure sign of sexual satisfaction and life's pleasures. If the berries are ripe and sweet, then a romantic date is coming with a continuation. If they are sour and bitter, then you will encounter the coldness of your loved one.

Berries in a dream - image options

To get the most accurate interpretation of a dream, you need to take into account not only your own actions, but also remember the color, quality, and even the aroma and taste of the berries.

  • a lot of berries - unjustified effort, love
  • red - tears
  • white - triumph, victory
  • blue - success
  • black – regret
  • raspberry – illness/reward
  • currant - surprise
  • blueberries - insult
  • cherry - secret, possibly illegal relationship
  • cherries - change for the better
  • rowan - lonely old age
  • sea ​​buckthorn - friendship
  • viburnum - fun
  • mulberry - disappointment
  • blackberry - disease
  • strawberries - well-being
  • strawberry – prospect, temptation
  • wolf berries - a rash act
  • generally poisonous - stupidity, fatal mistake
  • yes - good news
  • eating red berries is joy
  • black - disappointment
  • pushing with your feet is a wrong move
  • walking on them means victory over enemies
  • give away - sadness
  • giving a treat is a good memory
  • collect - beginnings, plans for the future
  • buy - expenses
  • selling - good luck in business
  • boil berries - debts
  • cook for baking - you will be appreciated
  • drinking tea is an infection
  • replanting berry bushes is someone else’s business
  • pulling them out is a journey
  • selling seedlings is bad luck

Why else do you dream about berries? To decipher the vision, you can use more specific meanings of a particular type of fruit.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Yagoda in a dream according to 34 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Berry” symbol from 34 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

See most berries, except bitter ones- a sign of success.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you make berry jam- this means you are trying with all your might to warm up the feelings of your chosen one that have begun to cool down.

Culinary dream book

There are wine berries- joy; dried or boiled - well-being and success in the undertaking.

See red berries- tears.

Seeing a lot of berries and walking on them- gaining victory over the enemy, whatever it may be.

There are wineberries boiled in milk- to reduce coughing, start a new business from which you cannot expect any other benefit other than momentary pleasure.

Maly Velesov dream book

Berries - success in business / tears, illness; eat - illness; black - tears of grief, sadness; red - tears of joy / not good, illness; white - success; dried - disease; dried, boiled- self-interest; tear white - defeat the enemy.

Muslim dream book

Wine berry means livelihood obtained through permitted, pure and legal means.

If someone sees in a dream that he has eaten a wine berry- will receive either a thousand gold dinars or a thousand silver dirham coins.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Berry in a dream?

Berries are a gourmet's delight.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Berries - symbolism of sexual pleasure or disappointment (unripe berries).

Russian dream book

Berries - to tears; currants - great grief; blueberries - bitter tears due to resentment; there are black berries- to disappointment; eat red berries- to joy.

Symbolic dream book

Eating or seeing many berries in a dream, especially dark ones- as practice shows, it very often signals a person about future illnesses, exacerbations of chronic diseases and various painful sensations. The following associative anticipatory logic is possible: the patient needs natural vitamins. So, in order to heal, a sick wild animal looks for some kind of grass or berry to eat in nature.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing berries is a sign of tears; eating them dried or boiled in sugar means profit; but there are raw berries- portends harm and illness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Berry?

See yourself in a clearing with an abundance of berries- to improve things, recovery.

Collect berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they may get wrinkled- this dream warns: your good intentions will turn into misfortune.

If you see a lot of berries, but they are still completely green- this means you don’t need to get ahead of yourself and rush things, this will not speed things up and will create confusion.

Azar's Dream Book

Black berries mean tears, red berries mean joy.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

See a lot of berries- a lot of work, little gain; big tears.

See different red berries- tears.

See white berries- victory, triumph, success.

Black - regret.

To collect is to prepare something that will lead to tears.

Giving to others is a sign of sadness.

Eat with more or less appetite- cry more or less.

Dream book for the whole family

Picking berries is a symbol of upcoming stupid troubles and minor troubles.

If in a dream you ate berries- this is a good sign; in the near future, pleasures, a pleasant pastime and little joys await you.

Green (unripe) berries or dried- symbolize your imbalance and impatience in matters in which this is unacceptable.

Wormy berries - indicate that in your environment there is a person who wishes you harm, or who, willingly or unwillingly, harms you.

Selling berries in a dream- denotes troubles related to money.

Dream book for a bitch

Berries - successful business awaits you, fulfillment of your plans and receiving good material profit.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Berries in a dream symbolize temptation and pleasure.

Seeing ripe, juicy berries in a dream- a sign that feelings can turn your head.

A good dream - in which you see or pick ripe berries that are not very large and not too juicy.

Picking berries or eating them- symbolize sexual intercourse.

If a man eats berries in a dream- he strives for numerous sexual contacts, but only with very attractive women.

If a woman eats berries in a dream- she seeks sexual contact with other women.

If your mouth is full of berries and you are smeared- this symbolizes your desire to have a child.

If you were picking berries and didn’t find anything- your sexual partner has lost interest in you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Berries - tears; there is a disease.

Ukrainian dream book

Berries - success in business.

Dried berries - before illness.

Esoteric dream book

Picking berries is a very good dream, promising fate’s favor towards you.

Press if for the purpose of making wine or jam- the dream is favorable for all your endeavors; if the goal is not defined, then difficulties await you, since you do not trust your intuition and do not follow your destiny.

Erotic dream book

If in a dream you saw a growing berry- the dream promises you a new relationship, which you will be very happy about. You will be surprised and pleasantly pleased by the intimate side of your new romance.

Picking berries means experiencing the joy that your new sexual partner shares your passions.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Berry according to the dream book?

Glade strewn with berries- a symbol that you can improve everything in your life.

More interpretations

If they were immature- then the situation should be released, because not all circumstances are clear yet.

I dreamed that they were collecting them- there will be more than enough fun in your life.

Red berries- you will be faced with prudence and self-interest.

Black - your jealousy can damage relationships that are important to you.

According to the dream book, berry jam- a sign that you will go on a promising journey.

Wine made from them promises you to suffer from cooling in your personal relationships.

If you eat them, your mood may fade.

Traded berries in a dream- you can behave badly with those who value you.

If you dried them, certain events will seriously ruin your mood.

If you dream of small but already ripe berries- this is a reason to look into the future with optimism; you will be successful in everything you undertake.

If in a dream you saw black berries- this promises you failures and problems on the love front, you will not be able to find mutual understanding with your chosen one, it will be especially difficult in your intimate life. But it is also important to take into account the general symbolism of the vision; it is this that largely determines the interpretation.

According to the dream book, picking berries in the forest- in reality, if you receive a lucrative job offer, you will quickly climb the career ladder.

If you do it haphazardly, then, guided by the kindest and most selfless motives, you will incur someone’s displeasure and create a lot of problems.

Video: Why do you dream about Berry?


Did you dream about Yagoda, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Berry in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed that I had arrived somewhere and didn’t know where I said, oh, there’s so much chokeberry, I wish we could collect so much, and my father said to me, take buckets and we’ll collect them. I then said, but we don’t have anything to put them in, and these were our berry pickers like a glass of kefir and a jar of mayonnaise, but he still insisted on his own and said that we should go collect, I took and threw the buckets, they scattered and crumpled and I didn’t collect them after that

    I saw three berries in a dream. Two are ripe. and one was completely red. I wanted to pick it, but I don’t remember, I don’t think I picked it. I've seen this before. The first two were ripe, and the third was half. I picked it, I wanted to bite off the red one, but I felt sorry for it, it could have ripened, but it won’t ripen now, but I picked it. I had such thoughts in a dream.

    I dreamed that I was picking and eating red berries from a tree. I have never seen such berries before. They were somewhat similar to raspberries, only they grew on a tree. Then I picked and gave some berries to my ex-boyfriend's mom.

    the berries were light blue, oval in shape. They grew on a bush among bright greenery.
    and before I ate the berries, I was walking next to the train (roughly speaking). My boyfriend and his family were traveling on the “train” slowly.
    The train carriage is not covered, on the train platform (which is moving) there were some kind of benches, and my young man and his family rode on these benches with their legs dangling.
    They called me to sit down, I sat down, the train began to speed up, and I seemed to be balancing the carriage with this, in the end it went off the rails, no one was hurt, we moved to another carriage, the same story
    Then we walked in some forest, not very dense.
    I saw the berries (described above)
    I saw my boyfriend and dad nearby and ate a berry
    and woke up

    Hello. At first I dreamed of school and teachers, then one teacher and I went to interview some professor. The professor led us into the forest, and behind the forest there was a wide river, the water was clean and transparent and not deep, just above the ankle. I walked on it barefoot. Then I see that after the interview I went to see my friends. I go into the fence, and there the floor of the fence is filled with berries, ripe strawberries, everything is strewn. I had eaten a little, and an owl and a titmouse were walking between the berries collected in a bag, for some reason the cat came out with a mouse on its back and one kitten was sleeping. All were in gray and white colors, except for the titmouse, which is how it was in nature.
    Sincerely, Tatyana.

    I was picking berries in the forest, first I picked strawberries, they were very large, but unripe, then I picked blueberries, of which there were a lot. I also cleaned my grandmother’s house. It was dirty and dusty, as if no one had lived there for a long time; I was going to wash the floors, but I didn’t.

    I dreamed that I was walking through the forest on a narrow and very well-trodden path. sometimes I walk along the path itself, sometimes I go down the path to let those who are in a hurry behind me pass. sometimes just to look around. the forest is dense and green. trees grow very close to the path. The trunks are powerful, healthy, smooth, dark brown. I remember feet running past me in bright striped socks. I didn’t see the people themselves. but they were very cheerful and in a hurry. then I saw an old woman standing on the path, picking berries from a creeping plant that hung from the wall. came up and asked what she was doing. she replied that she was collecting orange grass. I shouted “girls, let’s help.” and we picked berries with 9 hands. they were like raspberries, only very, very large, grainy, white-pink-green in color. I also asked why she collects alone? The old lady replied that she had a husband, I don’t remember exactly, but I think she called him Svarog. they say he will only break everything here, he is so strong. but she is very good, and their family is strong and loving.
    and then the alarm clock rang.

    In a dream, I saw that I was collecting very large, red raspberries in a bucket, but the berry was in something white, as if it was being protected. I collected it with my colleagues in the large garden. The dream was very clear. In general, I am afraid of dreams, I rarely see them and they always come true. Thanks for the clarification

    I went up to the counter to buy carrots, I saw them, but they said they weren’t on sale. I ordered dark burgundy beets, and they put on 2 kg. but I didn’t find it later. I decided to buy a tomato, they were partially mint, when they poured it into a bag, there were berries there. I saw blueberries, a berry unknown to me on a small branch, bright red, and underneath there were white-yellow currants. I return it, they put it in another bag, I look there, I open the box and in the middle there are just a few strange berries, covered with a transparent plastic box.

    I had a dream about my aunt’s garden (I don’t communicate with her at the moment) I saw a lot of large black and red berries, even in the dream my aunt fried large black berries in a frying pan and they looked like dried prunes.

    I am walking through the forest with someone in search of a specific man and along the way I see many years of ripe ones and eat both strawberries and wild strawberries. then I see the man I was looking for with someone walking to the side and he has a bag full of fish on his shoulder and a bag full of fish in his hand. and he shows this fish, it’s large and wet and fresh

    Hello Tatyana! Please tell me what this dream means, I had it today:
    My parents and my brother’s family went to the Braslav Lakes (I’m from Minsk), on the way I saw through the window that large, large currant berries were growing in the clearing. I asked my brother to stop the car, I got out myself, and my brother, when I came out, did not wait for me and set off. I was left alone in the field, began to eat these berries. Then I saw an abandoned house, such berries were also growing there. While I was eating the berries, some kind of animal of unknown size and physique came running to me similar to a gopher, but with teeth like a wild dog. He pounced on me, I managed to grab him by the throat. Then a lion approached. He didn’t attack me, but just looked. Thinking that he would attack, I threw this creature at the lion, which held me by the throat and quickly walked away from that place. Coming out of this abandoned building, I saw a lioness who was looking at me just like a lion, as if she wanted to eat me. Leaving the lioness, she followed me, at that moment I felt a seizure breathing (this dream felt like it was real for me). As a result, leaving the lioness, she did not jump on me, although I was waiting for her to jump on me every second.

    Please tell me what this dream could mean for me. Thanks in advance!!!

    I saw a tree that looked like sea buckthorn with green leaves, the tree was all strewn with black berries, similar to blueberries, like honeysuckle, the berries were large, among them there were large grapes, I picked the berries and ate them.

    Greetings! The dream was colorful. Sunny day, garden, some people nearby, 2-3 people. They were present, but I didn't see them. Both they and I are in a wonderful mood. I was treated to oblong red berries, similar in shape to fresh dates, something like that. I've never seen anything like this live. In the dream, I knew that they were very tasty, although I had never tried them! And I didn’t try! As soon as I pulled them out of my pocket to eat and treat others in the same way, black and thick worms immediately crawled out of the berries. I threw everything on the ground. All the fruits were spoiled! This is such a dream.

    Hello, I don’t know what kind of berries they were, but they were sweet and very ripe red, I picked several of them from the bush at a time. The berries were simply delicious, I’ll say about myself right away that I’ve had a cold for the last three days.

    Hello! the dream was very strange, as if in my house and on the veranda there were a lot of buckets of berries, in my opinion cranberry, some buckets of berries were filled with water, I spilled a little and began to remove the berries from the floor and as if it was in a hurry, as if I was waiting someone.

    My daughter and I were picking black, ripe berries, then I saw a large ripe apple, we picked that too…. the dream was psychologically difficult and at the same time joyful…. the day before my daughter and I had a fight

    hello, yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, in a dream I lost a wedding ring with a brill, which in my life I wear the second ring of a set, I found both lost, I scold my husband that the ring was stolen by his sister, then his sister appeared and I picked berries from the tree, currants large as an apple, what does this mean? in life with my husband there was a scandal beyond conversation

    Hello. I saw in a dream a house from my childhood, destroyed and not inhabitable, there was some kind of fire under the floor, I tried to open the boards to douse the fire. It turned out that there was a small light bulb burning under the floor. as if my mother and brother had died. roared. then I looked from the porch of this house at the part where we had a vegetable garden - everything there was covered, as if the floor of a veranda was made of nice, beautiful dark varnished boards. I wondered where the beds were. We always had raspberries growing on the edge near the fence. I went to show some men (they looked like work colleagues about 50 years old) these raspberries, in the garden the floor from the veranda made of dark boards had disappeared and there was just dirt there. It was autumn, the leaves had fallen off the trees and the soil in the garden was simply damp, sometimes there were tufts of grass sticking out there. only on the raspberry branches there were not raspberries hanging, but well-preserved large and, as it seemed to me, very sweet (not as usual, but sweeter) beautiful large black currant berries. I was surprised: how such beautiful currants could survive on the branches at the end of October. and kept asking: Lord, don’t take my mother and brother from me

    in the village in the winter evening, it was dark... my aunt, who died less than forty days ago, poured a liter bucket of berries into my bucket... The berries were large, red and very juicy (strawberries and raspberries)

    Hello, I dreamed of a strange woman who told me to read the letter of Peter, saying that it would help my mind
    after talking with her, I went outside and saw a small tree with berries, the closer I got to them, the larger they became, I began to pick them and eat them at the same time, collecting them in my pocket

    We picked ripe, red berries with our whole family in the forest, where besides us there were other people (crowds of people), partly, we hid from them, and when we collected several baskets of berries and began to leave, some people chased us

    The dream takes place in my old house. Behind our house there was a small forest. and I decided to go there. As soon as I stepped into the forest, I heard a voice in my head “Get out of here, you don’t belong here.” Then I looked down and saw footprints similar to human ones, but they were of a strange shape, the foot was elongated in width less than 3 cm and probably about 50 cm in length. I got scared and decided to run away, I ran up to the tree (Mulberry) and saw a creature similar to a man appear from behind it, he was very tall, his skin was boiling white. the hands were long; the fingers were thin and very long. I was scared of him. He held something in his hands and handed it to me. I stretched out my hands and he poured out the berries for me, they were red as blood. I don't remember anything else

    I dreamed that I entered an apple orchard with ripe apples, there was a clearing, I walked into it and there were huge ripe strawberries, I started eating them, then some girls came out from school and one girl came to me, I showed her these berries and we they ate them and then went to the apple trees, she and I ate apples and I told her which red and yellow ripe apples tasted better

    Hello Tatyana. Last night I dreamed that I was picking strawberries in the forest, and they were very large and red. Then I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend (he is now deceased), but before there was love between us. I dreamed of him alive, as if he saw me by chance and stayed with me. saying that he won’t let me go anywhere else. He was initially undressed from the waist up, then I saw him lying on the bed. He was in good spirits and glad to meet you.

    first dream 23/2-15 I saw myself naked - AT THIS TIME I FELT MYSELF embarrassed and ashamed and I also immediately saw a naked man (it was the priest from our church, he said something but I don’t remember what) all this was either in the bathhouse or Is it in some room where there are cabins like showers in locker rooms that are locked, like in kindergartens. second dream 01/3-15 in the afternoon, an acquaintance brings me black berries in a bag (T-shirt) less than half the berry looks like a ripe yarga, but as if in the form of a brush, like grapes, the berry was withered, wilted and a little moldy. what is this for?

    I dreamed of large strawberries and large blueberries, I spread the leaves and see a lot of berries, but my friend stands nearby and doesn’t see them, I pick them and give them to her and wonder why she doesn’t see……. I’m interested in why there is such a quantity of berries... the berries are all ripe...

    My sister gave birth to twins, and all the relatives gathered. They gave me clothes and a horse for equestrian sports. I went for a ride. When I arrived, everyone was gathered at the table, I sat down and began to eat a huge, slightly unripe blackberry. it was all on the street near the river, and for some reason they planted vegetables and berries next to us

    hello, I dreamed that my mother and I came to her friend, she gave me beautiful red flowers in a jar so that I could take a picture, they withered in their place, beautiful lilies of the valley smelled so strong, in their place, delicious berries, instead of berries, small beautiful fish appeared in the same jar they wanted to eat, so I fed them, changed the water and woke up

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream in the morning “I think I’m eating grapes or plums and one berry is large and soft, I bite it, and it falls and breaks and white, fat worms crawl out of it. They are spreading. My friend and I begin to crush them, but they turn into bees, and I’m afraid that they’ll bite me and I wake up. Bees, I know why I dream

    my husband and girlfriend were driving, like a trolley - a platform on wheels, and to the left of us there were a lot of red, large raspberries, my husband and I collected them in liter jars. Then the villagers ran up to us and began to offer to exchange raspberries for blackberries, I agreed, since I had not even tried blackberries. And in the dream I felt that it was a dream.

    I was still little when I dreamed about him. I also slept with my parents.

    I was lying in bed. Someone started knocking on the door, and footprints began to appear on it. Dad stood up and opened the door with sleepy eyes and went back to bed.
    I looked out of bed. Standing in the doorway was a catfish the size of an adult.
    I got very scared and woke up.

    I was collecting white mulberries from the garden bed, they were large, I remember four of them in my hand, and I put their cut bottom from under a bottle, and this bottom was held by a man I didn’t know, and there was a field with beautiful beds, they were all planted with different plants, and on In the first bed, I remember well some flowers were planted, a lemon bush with four large lemons, they were all yellow, and a bush with a white mulberry and there were also four berries on it!

    that I collect large red berries (lingonberries, cranberries), I don’t collect them with my hands, but with a scraper the leaves of the twigs fall into the berries, there are a lot of people collecting everything, it’s as if the wedding ring on my hand has slipped, I take it off and it breaks in half. In general, in a dream, I got to the place of picking berries, not alone with my mother’s relatives (she is no longer with us), the journey was interesting, water, rain, forest, wooden houses made of timber, etc. . help me what is this dream about?

    I saw a bucket of strawberries and a bucket of beets, it happened in the village with my grandmother, who is no longer alive, and she offers me to wear a white scarf and I put it on my head, I also see how I put shoes on clean feet, leaving the gate I see the animal is a pig, and that’s where my dream ended.

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed of a forest, we were walking with someone. A huge overripe berry grew, I picked it. I gave away two of them and treated them to someone, and I think I tried the third one myself. And I also picked one small raspberry, it had already been picked by someone and there was half a berry on the bush. What does it mean? Thank you.

    I dreamed of my late aunt (the dream was colorful). She was lying on the bed on her stomach, turning in my direction. Her back was a pleasant chocolate color and she offered me to eat a very large red-pink raspberry.

    It turns out that the people in my dream knew the place of these berries... a long time ago... but I only found out today... There were all berries there... and all sorts of berries... everything berries... and somehow I saw a red berry... inedible...

    I took a bite of a berry that looked like a dogwood only the size of an apple, and my friend said there were a lot of worms in there, I broke it in half and there were little pink worms swarming inside (((((((((((I threw it away. Why have such a dream?

    In the forest, my mother and youngest daughter, I, and I were picking strawberries; there were a lot of large raspberries. it even looked more like a blackberry. We picked a full bucket of berries. Some grew over some kind of abyss and we leaned over and carefully tore them

    I collected black-red, large berries (similar to currants)... with my sister and aunt.. I saw a lot of them and tried to collect them. But they allegedly did not see this berry. Then we ended up in some college, where we tried to steal something (and I understood that there were video cameras everywhere) I was very afraid that we would be noticed and punished. The feeling was terrible.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was walking with an acquaintance not far from home, near the school where I studied, and there was a bright star shower, the stars were flying slowly and I was making wishes. Next came a dream where the bright sun was shining, and I was harvesting orange nictarines and rose hips, and next to me was a fair-haired guy who looked like a Russian hero, then I rode on a boat and dived into the clear blue sea.

    driving past, I saw a large clearing of berries... but it was winter, we stopped, although we were going for something else... we began to collect, eat, then even stayed overnight in this clearing, there were a lot of people, but there were enough berries for everyone (strawberries)