Not worth it after the first one. What to do if He doesn't get up: causes and solutions to a delicate problem. The guy didn't get hard on me, that means

Every man can say that he has had moments when his penis does not get hard. The causes of impotence that comes on suddenly can be very different. Due to the modern rhythm of life, the problem can arise not only in a man after 45 years of age, but also in a young man of 18 years old. Sometimes the reason may depend only on the physical condition of the man, and sometimes on health problems. That is why it is very important to be examined in time and begin treatment.

Causes of sudden impotence. Why didn't he suddenly get up?

Impotence sometimes appears suddenly in a man. Erection problems can not only ruin a relationship with a girl due to unsuccessful sexual intercourse, but also cause serious psychological trauma to a man. There are many reasons why even at a young age erectile dysfunction can be observed, both short-term and long-term in nature. The main factors causing this disease are:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. A number of scientific experiments have proven that 1-2 glasses of red wine have a positive effect on the male genital organ and make it stand up during sex. However, with alcohol abuse, the opposite effect is observed;
  • smoking also affects blood flow. This is why it is not recommended to smoke 30 minutes before sexual intercourse;
  • constant fatigue and overwork. Chronic fatigue observed in every third man after 40 years;
  • excessive overvoltage resulting from heavy power loads;
  • the occurrence of any problems in the relationship. Frequent disorders lead to a decrease in sexual desire and erection strength. After conflicts are resolved, everything returns to normal. This category also includes situations when a girl “doesn’t get it” or she experiences painful sensations during the act. This problem is decided after a frank conversation with a partner and correction of mistakes;
  • use narcotic drugs. Upon admission narcotic drugs not only the sensitivity of the genital organs decreases, but also there is a decrease in interest in the opposite sex;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • sexual diseases that cause pain, burning, itching and other discomfort;
  • vascular diseases. This is due to the fact that blood will rush to the penis in insufficient quantities to bring it to full readiness;
  • Not proper nutrition, against which obesity developed;
  • long course of treatment various drugs, especially potent ones;
  • psychological problems. These include: bad experience, a state of apathy, loss of interest in a partner, indecision;
  • various diseases genitourinary system which can cause pain or poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • irregular sexual intercourse or frequent change partners;
  • age-related changes in the body. It has long been proven that the older a man is, the the end is near sexual life.

It is worth considering that the main sign that impotence is temporary is morning and evening erections. If it is absent, then this may be the first symptom indicating the need to see a doctor, diagnosis and treatment.

Before deciding what to do, you need to identify the reason why the decline occurred male power. The main types of problems affecting the decline are psychological and physiological, sometimes various organic diseases intervene.

What to do if your penis doesn't get hard?

In order to make the penis erect, guys and men take various stimulant pills. This should only be done as a last resort, because:

  1. The effect of the tablet is only enough for one time;
  2. many drugs cause addiction and inspire the idea that without them sexual intercourse cannot take place;
  3. Any pill affects the entire body, not just a specific organ. Blood flow increases not only in the genital organ, but throughout the entire body, which subsequently becomes the cause of the development of heart and vascular diseases.

The most in an effective way The solution to this issue will be to identify why the failure occurred and eliminate this cause.

If we are talking about psychological factor, then before sexual intercourse itself you should take a break, watch movies or take a walk. If the root of the problem lies deeper, then you need to talk to your girlfriend and fully talk about all the influencing factors.

Physiological reasons require a more thorough approach. To solve them you need to consult a doctor. It is he who will help solve this problem without negative consequences for the body. If we are talking about excess weight, then everything depends only on the willpower of the man himself. You can get rid of fat deposits on your own or with the help of specialists who can also help you choose a balanced diet.

To solve this problem you can also:

  • resort to methods alternative medicine, which offers many simple recipes. St. John's wort, rosehip, and immortelle have the best effect on male potency. Some herbs can be used to make special tinctures or simply add to tea;
  • eat plenty of seafood, fish and meat, as well as nuts and parsley;
  • do various exercises, whose actions are aimed at eliminating congestion in the pelvic part of the body. Make a program therapeutic exercises You can do it yourself or with the help of a specialist;
  • take a course drug therapy, which involves taking medications that affect potency. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

If problems arise due to taking medications, you should visit a doctor. He will help you choose other drugs that have less harmful effects on the body.

The member does not stand up completely. It seems to have stood up, but is “sluggish” at the base – what should I do?

Why can an erection be sluggish? The reasons for this problem are exactly the same as for the complete refusal of the penis to stand. The crux of the matter lies in the guy himself who encountered this. In this case, you need to fully examine your body, identify the real reason(a doctor will help with this) and, without wasting time, begin treatment, if required. The main thing is not to lose heart, not to despair and not to make hasty conclusions.

To get out of this situation, you need to contact a qualified specialist:

  • psychologist. If penile flaccidity is a consequence psychological impact, then with the help of a psychologist you can get rid of it forever. It will help you get out of depression, teach you to cope with stress, complexes and anxiety that can arise when you are close to a girl;
  • sexologist, urologist or andrologist. A visit to one of these specialists will help you identify the “root of all evil” and get rid of it. These doctors are based on the results of tests that are ordered at the first visit.

You need to fight flaccid erection based on the root cause of its appearance. Depending on the situation, you can:

  • completely unload your body and give it a rest. The method is suitable for exhaustion of the body;
  • give up bad habits, in particular alcohol and nicotine. They are the ones who influence male strength;
  • completing the full course of treatment. This will help with acute and chronic forms;
  • use various tinctures. Ginseng works best with flaccid erections. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself;
  • do prostate massage regularly. It is he who will help stimulate the appearance of a persistent erection even in adulthood.

In case of diabetes mellitus and other diseases that affect the quality of blood and its circulation, the problem can be solved only if they are completely eliminated. They can help with this special drugs or physical exercise, dispersing blood throughout the body.

If you experience any problems with an erection, you should immediately consult a doctor. It was he who after full diagnostics will help identify the true cause and prescribe competent treatment. Only timely treatment will help get rid of the negative consequences of temporary impotence. The examination is not as scary as a long course of treatment. To avoid this, you need to constantly monitor your body, eat right and exercise.

Potency has great value for every man, therefore, with any disturbances and changes in the work of the “best friend,” representatives of the stronger sex begin to smoke nervously and only a few of them run to the doctor. Why a guy doesn’t have a penis is less a question than a cry of despair from both sexes. reveals the reasons for the question being raised more than once, but still advises you to consult a specialist, and not to be treated by reading articles on the Internet.

Of course, there is nothing worse for a man than admitting problems with potency, and most of the stronger sex blame their partner for everything, not wanting to look for real reasons, why you shouldn’t contact a specialist for qualified help. However, this term has not been used in the literature in the last decade and is considered outdated - instead they talk about “erectile dysfunction” or “erectile dysfunction”.

Why doesn't He get up

Recognizing the problem of a man’s “weak” erection is already half the success. So, for example, if a man had a severe stress or anxiety, he was tired at work, did not get enough sleep, was irritated, arose conflict situation with a woman or- this can cause male weakness. If these reasons are eliminated, the erection will be normal again.

Vascular disease (endarteritis, aneurysm, varicose veins, atherosclerosis)- one of the common reasons in the question why. If you have pathologies in the incoming arteries or outgoing veins, the penis rarely gets erect and only after prolonged stimulation. With venous damage, the penis gets erect quickly, but the erection may disappear at the most inopportune moment. Vascular health is also affected by the presence of diabetes.

Consequences of taking medications incorrectly may also affect the function. The fact is that some substances included in medications block the functioning of sex hormones and disrupt the general hormonal balance. But when serious illnesses you have to make a difficult choice - take medicine or. It’s probably better to spend some time and recover than to satisfy a woman at the expense of your health.

What to do if it’s not worth it

To , you can go in several ways:

  • Give up bad habits and smoking;
  • Try the products for yourself traditional medicine;
  • Promote physical activity;
  • Begin ;
  • Drug treatment of erection;
  • Elimination of the pathology that causes decreased sexual function.

How to strengthen an erection - to achieve best result, approach increasing erection comprehensively, do not limit yourself to just one point, but combine them, “surrounding” the problem from all sides, without giving it a single chance. So, you can significantly improve the functioning of the reproductive system, and drugs, minimizing alcohol consumption. Special condition recovery becomes good rest- sleep at least 8 hours a day. Reconsider your outlook on life: get rid of unnecessary stress (we are sure that more than half of the problems around you are not worth even a fraction of the worries).

A sedentary lifestyle will not lead to anything good- it’s not surprising if a man sits at the computer all day and tries not to burden himself with unnecessary body movements, that everything has fallen down and he doesn’t want to get up. Walk more often, sign up for a swimming pool or gym. If your financial capabilities do not allow, take an extra walk instead of traveling 2-3 stops by bus. You can also walk to the store, rather than by car (unless, of course, the closest access to the store is 20 km from your home).

They are also effective in the matter of when your husband doesn’t have a penis or you want one. A caring wife can easily brew medicinal potions to improve erection and don’t want to force her husband to drink them!

Prepare the following brew: mix 500 g of honey, 500 ml of dessert wine and 500 g of finely chopped aloe leaves. Place the erection enhancement product in a cold place for 5 days. The medicine is taken three times a day before meals, 1 tsp. 7 days. Afterwards, the product is taken for 3 weeks, but only 1 tbsp.

They say that it does a good job of restoring an erection, plus it strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, many contain honey, which suggests an idea - eat honey, and you will have a surge of male power.

You should also pay attention to nutrition to improve erection or. All these fast foods, canned food, whites, semi-finished products, fatty and fried foods They haven’t brought any benefit to anyone yet, but they have done as much harm as they like. Switch to a normal diet: eat more cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, oatmeal, liver, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, garlic, seafood, herbs, bran bread, olives, nuts, fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables.

If things are really bad and the guy is not doing well, need to resort to drug treatment . Mindlessly swallow pills just because they are advertised famous actor on TV or you heard about a miracle cure on the radio, or read in the newspaper that some super-mega-cool organization has developed unique composition tablets that cope with the most advanced problems. In any case, you will have to go to the doctor, get tested, be examined, find the reason why you can’t get up, and only then get a prescription from the doctor with recommendations and go to the pharmacy.

Among the most popular medications for men are Levitra, Viagra and Cialis. The tablets act on the same principle - they increase blood flow to the penis and affect blood vessels. The products fully justified their purpose and effectively cope with the problem when a man does not get erect, but not in all cases. They will not produce results if erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological problems or illness.

Unstable erection for many men seems like a frightening unreality, but for those who have experienced sexual dysfunction themselves, it turns out to be a real nightmare. If we talk in simple language, the concept of unstable erectile function refers to the phenomenon when the penis stands up and immediately falls. Most often, during sexual intercourse, both partners are determined to receive pleasure, but for some reason, at the height of the erection, the erection may simply disappear.

And if for a woman this is just a reason to think about health and ways to solve the problem, then for most men this is the cause of stress, depression and the development of complexes. Neuroses and unstable psycho- emotional state leads in the future to disruption of many sexual functions, including impotence. Therefore, it is very important for everyone initial stage If dysfunction occurs, seek qualified help.

What does an erection depend on?

The term erection refers to the physiological increase in a man’s penis during arousal, both in length and width. Such changes occur due to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, as well as a reduced outflow from the penis. As a result of this, the tissues are filled with blood, the penis grows and becomes “combat ready” for the upcoming sexual intercourse. Important role plays in excitement and erection normal level testosterone.

Normal erection generally depends on normal operation circulatory system, namely the blood supply to the penis. And most often, it is because of insufficient blood flow to this area that the first erectile function disorders begin. This can lead to vascular disorders due to atherosclerosis, other cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Has a negative effect on blood flow sedentary image life.

Unstable erection: why does the penis rise and fall?

Reasons erectile dysfunction are disorders of the circulatory system - arterial or venous insufficiency. The first type of violation indicates insufficient inflow arterial blood to the genitals, the second - about insufficient blood flow from the penis.

In addition, the reason for unstable erection lies in hormonal system men, namely insufficient production of testosterone. This ultimately causes a decrease in libido, a weak or completely absent erection.

Not least important is the central nervous system, on the work of which the functions of the genital organs directly depend. If a man has previously been diagnosed congenital pathologies, available chronic diseases, as well as injuries, all this can cause an unstable erection.

For reference! The causes of erectile dysfunction can be an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits and poor nutrition. Lack of sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, tobacco and alcohol are common prerequisites for erectile dysfunction, why the penis does not get up and quickly falls.

What to do about it?

To find the right ways To solve erection problems, you need qualified consultation and diagnosis. For this man needs to visit , or sex therapist. In addition, it would be advisable to be examined by an endocrinologist and cardiologist to look for the causes of unstable erection.

In general, the course of therapy varies:

  1. If psychological disorders are the cause of unstable erection, you should visit a psychologist.
  2. If the reasons were physiological phenomena Most likely, the man will be prescribed physical therapy.
  3. A severe case is rare, but still ends with surgical intervention.

Only a doctor can select medications based solely on examination indications. Physiotherapy may involve procedures such as magnetic therapy, laser therapy, electrotherapy, pneumomassage, and functional biocorrection. Sometimes intracavernosal injections can be effective, and surgery usually implies the establishment of blood flow and outflow in the pelvic organs.

Drugs to stabilize erection

Most often, doctors treat unstable erection an integrated approach, combining reception medications with physiotherapy. These can be antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antimicrobial medicines. In addition, potency stimulants would be appropriate, but only the attending physician can prescribe the appropriate version of such medication.

Simulators for stabilizing erection - Sealex, Cialis and Viagra ( full review and comparison the best drugs For male potency read). These three drugs have long been proposed by the pharmaceutical industry and are popular and in demand among men. of different ages. Moreover, each of them has a number of contraindications, most often heart ailments are mentioned there.

Problems in bed overtake even those men who, until a certain time, did not notice any problems in intimate moments. For some men, these problems accompany them from the very beginning of their treatment. intimate life. Often a weak erection is not associated with age-related changes in the body of a man.

Causes of erectile dysfunction male body there may be many. In order to figure out why you can’t get up a second time and what to do to solve this problem, you need to analyze your physical and emotional state. Stress and mental disorders can have a detrimental effect on " men's health” and lead to awkward consequences in bed. It is stress and emotional shocks that often serve as the factor due to which a man does not get hard for the second time. Also, the reason for this development of events may be that after the first time the man receives complete satisfaction and he is unable to adjust his body for the second time.

If such an incident has happened to you for the first time, you should seriously think about it. If the problem is exclusively in the field of psychology, then relaxation or (if ordinary distraction does not help) a consultation with a sexologist or psychotherapist will help you. Often, only a specialist is able to understand the root causes of your failures and is able to help solve your problem in bed.

The penis does not get hard for the second time, possible reasons

In the event that the reason for your intimate failure lies not in the field of psychology, you should pay attention to your physical condition. Perhaps you have overweight and it is this factor that prevents you from enjoying physical intimacy with the opposite sex. To eliminate problems with physical fitness, you can resort to the services of a nutritionist and force yourself to exercise. Good support physical fitness Regular visits to the fitness club can help.

Of course, not all problems are solved in such an obvious way. In some cases, you will need to see a doctor and undergo a series of tests. It is research like this that will help answer the question: why doesn’t the penis get hard after the first time and what to do about it?

Doesn’t get up the second time - what to do?

Many men with similar problems help medicines. As practice shows, the drug - Generic Levitra helps to get rid of many negative aspects and failures in “ male line" This modern medicine has good reviews from buyers, which is his best characteristic.

Between the first and second: how to recover from orgasm

Surely every man wants the sensations of orgasm to last as long as possible. Partners love it too. That is why the desire to continue having sex almost immediately after the first orgasm is common to many.

Due to male physiology and a number of personal factors inherent in every man, not everyone succeeds in this. What to do if you can only do it once, but really want to continue?

Researchers from the French reflexology center led by Professor Francois Hutin came to the rescue.

If you touch me, I'll kill you!

This is exactly how the first method can be characterized quick recovery after orgasm. Under no circumstances should you allow the girl you are in bed with to touch your penis. The reason is simple: after ejaculation, the sensitivity of the penis increases. Now you need to relax and unwind. At least 5-15 minutes. After all, further stimulation will delay the period of relaxation.

Pose, pose, discord

Watch your partner carefully. Try to find a pose. In which the stimulation of the penis will be lower, but the woman’s sensations will remain at the same level. Experiment and you will definitely find the perfect combination. With repeated sexual intercourse, on the contrary, stronger stimulation is needed.

It's all about the root

Massaging the base of the penis would also be ideal. But not the barrel or head. This will allow him to relax and recover faster. In addition, it will improve blood flow.

Those 15-20 minutes that are required for recovery, you can simply distract yourself and watch a video, talk with your partner, give her a massage, or start a fun romp or pillow fight.

It all depends on your individual preferences.

For good sex, you need to choose the right diet with vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. We advise you to exclude from your diet harmful products and the result, believe me, will not keep you waiting.

No bad habits!

Bad habits– smoking and alcohol – can affect the speed of recovery after orgasm, as they damage the vessels supplying the penis with blood.

Or maybe sleep?

Surprisingly, this option is not excluded. Perhaps you need to take a nap for about 20 minutes, after which both your strength and desire to possess your partner will be restored.

How to recover faster after sex: secrets of sex marathons

High-quality and regular sex is the key to long and happy relationship. As many men age, their potency decreases. Asking a partner to repeat sexual intercourse immediately after the first one can seriously frighten any member of the stronger sex over the age of 25. Don't panic, anyone can arrange a real sexual marathon for their beloved. How to recover faster after sex without special medications?

Does it need to be repeated?

If you believe the data from anonymous questions, for many men one sexual act per day is enough. Many married couples and even prefer to have sex several times a week. That's the rhythm modern life with constant stress and worries. Sexologists say that each person has an individual sexual temperament. How much and how often to have sex is a question that every couple must decide for themselves. If at least one of the partners wants more, it makes sense to try. So, how to recover faster after sex?

You've done your job - rest!

The golden rule of a sex marathon is rest after each orgasm. Don't rush to turn on the TV or sullenly turn away from your partner. During a pause, you can casually chat with your significant other about something pleasant. It is better not to start serious conversations. But praising your partner or declaring your love at this special moment will be very appropriate. Don't feel like talking? Take a break for a massage or just cuddle. Smokers will be pleased to take a smoke break. And to the fans healthy image life - smoke a hookah or drink a glass of water. Many people feel energized immediately after orgasm. If this sounds like you, you can play cards or forfeits. And let the winner receive as a prize the fulfillment of his most obscene desire.

The whole truth about aphrodisiacs

Many women wonder why men feel sleepy after sex. Representatives of the fair sex, for the most part, on the contrary, are in joyful excitement after orgasm and feel a surge of strength. Drowsiness after sex in men is not difficult to explain chemical reaction. Immediately after sexual intercourse, our body produces the hormone of joy - serotonin. No wonder sex is called one of the best medicines from depression and bad mood. This hormone affects men and women differently. The former experience blissful fatigue, the latter feel a surge of strength. Here is the answer to the question why men feel sleepy after sex.

How to overcome drowsiness and gain strength to repeat your feats in bed? Have a snack during your break. Pick up the right products, which are stimulants of desire. They are also called aphrodisiacs. Among the pathogenic foods, the most powerful are shrimp, mushrooms, chocolate, nuts, strawberries, bananas, onions and garlic. Prepare snacks or a fruit and nut bowl ahead of time. Remember: the meal should not be heavy or rich, otherwise, instead of a night of love, you will simply fall asleep from heaviness in your stomach.

Water treatments

One of the most effective invigorating remedies is a shower. If you are still wondering how to recover faster after sex, be sure to try it water procedures. The water temperature should be cool and refreshing. Use shower gels with toning effects. You can also take a shower with your partner. Not a bad idea - joint adoption warm bath. If you know exactly how much time it takes for you personally to recover after sex, you can spend it with pleasure in the foamy water.

Secrets of real men

Don't be shy about discussing intimate issues with your partner. Most mistakes in bed are the result of simple sexual illiteracy. For example, many women like to continue caressing their partner in the most explicit way immediately after orgasm. But in fact, many men are uncomfortable with any touching of the penis at this moment. The thing is that after ejaculation, sensitivity increases significantly. At this moment, even the most gentle touches can bring not the most pleasant emotions. But there is one amazing way to recover faster after sex, which also concerns manhood. Ask your loved one to massage the base of your penis. And then you will want new sexual exploits very soon.

Organize a sex marathon according to all the rules

A whole night of love is a serious undertaking that requires thorough preparation. Start by choosing a day. It's best to have a sex marathon on the weekend. Make sure that no one disturbs you. If you have children, it is better to send them to visit their grandmother. Turn off phones and doorbells. Warn your significant other about the surprise in advance. Negotiating about sex is not romantic; hints about a pleasant dinner with a sequel will be enough. On the appointed day, you can tease your partner a little. Send him an erotic SMS message in the middle of the working day, write a frank note. Prepare everything you need: snacks and drinks, romantic attributes of the evening, and maybe even new toys for adults.

Remember that it is easier for a woman to recover from sex than for a man. Any representative of the stronger sex will need certain time. This means that you need to come up with several options for a pleasant pastime during breaks in advance. As soon as you meet your loved one, try to relax and have fun. Don't criticize your partner or force them to do anything. If someone in a couple has self-doubt and recognizes it by saying, “It takes me a long time to recover from sex,” be patient and gentle. It is quite possible that this night will be the beginning of great sexual victories.

My boyfriend can't get hard for the second time - why can this happen?

Sexual relationships in young couples are of great importance. The existence of this couple often depended on how they managed to establish intimate contact. If everything is not going well with young people in bed, this can lead to the girl’s withdrawal and young man from each other. After all, they are not yet connected by luggage living together, children, etc.

The guy's penis doesn't get hard after the first time

Girls often ask questions: why doesn’t my boyfriend get hard for the second time and what can be done to solve this sensitive problem?

At first glance, the problem does not look so threatening. But - only for the first one. This is because failures in bed usually affect both partners. The guy begins to get angry with himself and has complexes about his “failures”; he may also lash out at his girlfriend. In turn, the partner begins to look for the reasons for the man’s “intimate failures” in herself, which gives rise to phobias and complexes in herself.

Of course, drastic measures are not the best best solution problems. It is possible to break up and run away from difficulties, but in life it is not always possible to hide from problems. You need to learn to overcome your fears and ailments, or over time they can consume you, dragging you to the very bottom of life.

It is necessary to figure out why the guy did not get hard a second time and how to correct this situation, the sooner the better. Prompt identification of the causes of erectile dysfunction will help quick elimination negative and undesirable moments in a man’s life.

Relevant specialists, such as a psychologist, psychotherapist and sexologist, will help you cope with stress and emotional devastation. In most cases it is emotional disorders and other psychological aspects become the reason why a guy doesn’t get hard after the first time. Young age, high expectations, little experience sexual relations– all these factors do not contribute to liberation in intimate moments and can take a toll on the body young man excessive load.


Lack of erection with a new partner, why does this happen?

This happens to many - a long-awaited moment of solitude for a guy with new girl, but at the most crucial moment this naughty organ suddenly did not stand up! Anxiety overcomes, and all attempts go down the drain.

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Excitement, shame, resentment overwhelms her, and even a short break for a new attempt cannot help improve the situation. Which is a shame - after all, before, on the other hand, everything was fine, the only concern was the thin walls behind which her mother sleeps. But it was the first time with a new girl - I didn’t get up! It’s a pity for the lost opportunity to have fun, and I’m embarrassed in front of the girl!.. Let’s talk about what a guy should do if he’s not into a new girl and how she should behave in this case.

What should a girl do if a guy doesn’t get hard?

In such a delicate situation, the girl also feels uncomfortable. She is tormented by doubts, a feeling of guilt appears, and, at times, anger. A lot of unpleasant thoughts are running through my head. And the speculation begins:

The guy didn't get hard on me, which means:

  • I don't excite him;
  • He's not interested in me;
  • I have a bad figure;
  • he loves another;
  • he has health problems.

The list of concerns can be continued endlessly. In fact, you need to remember that there is nothing wrong with this; this happens to many people. Especially at the first intimate meeting, because even a very confident man can be wildly worried, and the more worries, the worse it turns out.

What should a girl do if a guy can't get hard?

First of all, there is no need to look for someone to blame. For many guys, the first time with a new partner is unsuccessful; he may simply get nervous. The reason for this is anxiety, increased demands on oneself and the fear of “disgracing ourselves.” Further relationships will provide an opportunity to fix everything. If they are interested, you just need to calm him down and pretend that nothing bad happened and not focus on how to excite him right this second. And in the future, under no circumstances remind anyone of what happened. Kiss the guy and tell him everything is fine. And just stay in each other’s arms, it’s quite possible that a surge of male power will come!

Advice: It's no secret - oral sex helps to get aroused and cause an erection much more effectively than ordinary sex, “with penetration”. If a guy can’t get hard on a girl, then oral sex is a woman’s sure “weapon”, sometimes it works worse than any “Viagra”! This will add a sense of confidence to the guy and seriously stir him up.

The young guy didn't get hard - what to do?

The reason why young guy If your dick doesn't get hard with a new girl, you usually get nervous. Perhaps he once experienced failure in bed with someone else, or maybe this was his very first sexual experience. These are the most common reasons why a young guy may not get erect.

What to do? Just don’t worry, self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex definitely won’t make you feel any better. This is how an inferiority complex can begin to develop. Statistics show that this happens to many people.

Good to know! How can a man understand that he is sexually healthy? The main sign of the absence of impotence is involuntary morning erection. If it does not happen, then this is the first symptom that you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis.

What to do if a guy gets worried and doesn’t get hard?

Many men note that, despite the fact that everything was fine in sex before, the first time with a new girl is more difficult. This is not always the case, but really - it’s one thing if this happens for the hundredth time with your wife or beloved, and another thing when in front of you new person. Here " best friend“and didn’t get up, because the guy was overly worried and all the excitement disappeared. Perhaps it’s a bad day: tired, overworked, stressed. Sometimes, in order to get a girl’s consent, you have to make a lot of effort, drink too much alcohol with her, and in the most main point It turns out that there is no strength left. If a guy was nervous before sex, his penis may get erect, but not at full strength. Or, to be “lethargic”. What to do at such a moment?

To impress the lady of your heart, you don’t have to show off your powerful erection. When you hug a girl, you tell her nice words- this may work better than all the Kama Sutra poses.

Didn't get up because you were worried? Remember for the future and try:

  • relax;
  • take your time;
  • tune in to the right wave;
  • get rid of thoughts that are bothering you.

A walk together will help you have successful sexual intercourse, and after that you can take a relaxing bath. And it's better to do it together.

And if, nevertheless, sex doesn’t work out, you don’t need to get the thought into your head: “When I’m worried, I can’t get hard”. Each new meeting is different from the previous one. Moreover, if this is the girl with whom this will not be the first night!