Why do men get erect? Why there is no morning erection and how a man can get his boner back after sleep

Erection in the morning

Morning boners or morning erections are not associated with sexual arousal. We can clearly see this in very young children: newborns, babies up to a year old, when such a baby is lying in bed, he has just been unwrapped from diapers, he is like a kitten, straightening his arms and legs, like a rose is blooming, and he has an erection there. This little one has 3-6 one month old baby erection or such a sleepy child of 4-5 years old, getting ready for kindergarten, cannot pee because he has an erection. This condition, I repeat, is not associated with sexual arousal.

By the way, to be fair, it would be fair to say that morning erections can occur not only in men, but also in women. Women may also experience morning swelling of the labia and clitoris due to blood flow to these places. What is this connected with? Where does this blood flow to these places come from?

1. Bladder overflow. Remember we talked about the symptom in the article blue eggs that during abstinence, the pelvic organs become overfilled: with secretions, juice, blood - biological fluids. This overflow of fluids leads to pressure on the capsules and excess fluid and pressure on the capsules of the organs leads to a feeling of excitement. There is even an experience where the brains of frogs were removed and their seminal vesicles were filled through special capillaries. saline solution, they swelled and an erection occurred. There is no brain - there is an erection. Because the pelvic organs are full. Same thing in the morning bladder filled. It puts pressure on the surrounding organs: the prostate, seminal vesicles, even if there is no stagnation of blood or stagnation of secretions there. Let's say you had sex in the evening, but in the morning you still have an erection, why? Because this bladder puts pressure on the prostate, puts pressure on the bubbles, even what is there, it is all distributed barely or tightly. It puts pressure on the capsule and a state of excitation occurs. This is one of the theories.

2. When you sleep alone vascular-hormonal background When you wake up, you move from a passive-relaxed state to a standing-active-combat readiness for action. This the whole complex hormonal regulation which occurs in a person the moment he awakens. What is the vascular response upon awakening? When you sleep, the vessels are relaxed, that is, the diameter of the vessels is wider. When you stand up, the diameter of the vessels narrows, sharply narrowing vessels lead to disruption of the outflow of blood from the penis (being on the outside, it is on the penis that vascular spasm is most clearly visible). Vascular spasm has led to the fact that the volume of blood that accumulated there while the vessels were relaxed does not quickly leave, which is why an erection occurs. An erection is a vascular reaction, I hope you remember this?!

3. Hormonal reaction . A simple question: when is the best time to get tested? In the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening after dinner? Morning, morning, morning... Why? Because in the morning, biologically active rhythms tell us that hormones are most active in the morning. What hormones exactly are we interested in? Testosterone, growth hormone, cortisol. This mass of hormones ensures our activity after waking up and we measure hormones such as cortisol and testosterone in the blood in the morning. Testosterone production peaks from 7 to 11 am. Naturally, where there is testosterone, there will be an active libido and a good, convincing erection. Therefore, those of you who use the morning erection to solve your family problems and fulfill your marital duty are not doing so wrong. They actually put their erections to good use.

An erection occurs by various reasons: vascular, hormonal, full bladder, sleep phase, we don’t care where the erection came from, the main thing is to use it for its intended purpose.

And a few words about erectile dysfunction. Indicator morning erection, is generally an indicator of whether erectile dysfunction is vascular or psychogenic. If erectile dysfunction is psychogenic, due to some internal problems in the head, if there is a morning erection, then it means vascular mechanism not involved. Only the head is to blame for the presence of an erection, or at least there is a mixed mechanism. But if there is no morning erection in men, then most likely the vascular mechanism is disturbed. And this means that such a person cannot perform sexual intercourse until the vascular problems are eliminated (in solving vascular problems FED-5 type has proven itself well). So morning erection in men is a very informative and useful phenomenon, of course not fully understood by scientists, which makes it easier for doctors to diagnose erectile dysfunction.

From adolescence, every member of the Adam family experiences a morning erection. It is a sign of a man’s sexual health and indicates that his erectile function is fine. Women who observe this usually suggest that the morning hard-on is associated with dreams of an erotic nature or male sexual fantasies. But morning erection is based on physiology and occurs regardless of male desire. This occurs spontaneously and is not subject to control, which is different from an erection in a state of sexual arousal.

What is a morning boner?

To be completely precise, involuntary constant swelling of the penis cannot be called a morning erection. It occurs about 5 times at night and lasts about half an hour. Morning erections occur due to the fact that blood rushes to the penis, the veins of the penis contract, and its hardening occurs. If a man experiences spasms as a result of illness blood vessels, then this causes a certain difficulty in the flow of blood to the penis, therefore, the erection weakens or disappears altogether.

Morning vigor

Waking up with a good boner is the norm for male body. This hardening of the penis cannot be controlled, since the centers located in the cerebral cortex rest during sleep and are not responsible for how the body functions.

In the morning the level male hormone testosterone increases and reaches its maximum level. That is why there is a boner in the morning. This feature of the male body is an indicator that reproductive system works within normal limits. Morning erection is in no way the result of any deviations or promiscuity of a male representative. Similar phenomenon observed in newborn boys and in the fetus during the period of development in the mother’s womb.

What are the reasons for an erection in the morning?

There is another theory that is connected with his love for life. This is what they say in the countries of the East and Asia. In the morning the sun rises, nature wakes up, and the male body is filled with the energy of life. This blissful energy gives him the opportunity to exist fully and assists in the birth of another life using the male seed.

Reasons for lack of morning erection

If the morning boner is absent for only a few days, then you should not pay attention to it special attention. But the lack of erectile function in the morning for a long time should make a man worry and go for a consultation with a urologist. If morning erection does not occur, this may indicate the presence of serious illness. To rule this out, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The reasons for the disappearance of morning erections can be divided into 2 groups.

  • Psychological in nature. When such causes are eliminated, the erection returns immediately
  • Physical. It's more serious reason, speaking about disorders in the body itself. But don't be scared right away. The absence of an erection does not always indicate a serious illness.

What causes a psychological reason?

This is facilitated by chronic fatigue And stressful situations. In order to eliminate these reasons, you need to stick to a daily routine, set aside more time for relaxation and have a little fun.

What are the causes of physical causes?

If a guy wants to restore erectile function, then he will have to give up bad habits.

As a rule, in order for a man to get his penis erect, an external stimulus is needed, manifested in visual, auditory or tactile form. However, there are times when arousal appears involuntarily. Such cases include the so-called morning erection, which occurs in men regularly.

Many women are interested in the question of why men get up in the morning. In general, this phenomenon is normal and indicates that a man’s erectile function is in perfect order. Should I worry if a man has no involuntary arousal in the morning?

Why do men have cramps in the morning?

In general, morning erection is more of a conditional name, since involuntary erections in men can appear at night, and more than once. This phenomenon is absolutely normal for men; sometimes boys can also get an erection. As a rule, such involuntary arousal goes away after 20-30 minutes. In sexually mature men, erections regularly appear both at night and in the morning. With age, or in the presence of diseases or other problems in the reproductive system, morning erections begin to periodically disappear.

There are many reasons why men feel sick in the morning:

Morning involuntary erection - normal phenomenon for a healthy sexually mature man. Moreover, this process very useful for reproductive system, because during arousal in a man, arterial blood is renewed in the vessels of the pelvic organs. Blood circulation of all organs genitourinary system during an erection it intensifies. This process is a good prevention against congestion and diseases. prostate gland and impotence.

Do men always have it in the morning?

Since morning erections occur regularly in men, most representatives strong half We are accustomed to considering this process an obligatory phenomenon, which shows that everything is in order in the body. This is why many people begin to panic if they notice a lack of erection for one to two days. You need to understand that an erection may not always occur.. Pay attention this violation should only be done if there is no erection for longer than one and a half to two weeks. If you don't have an erection for a week, don't worry.

A temporary absence of morning involuntary arousal can be caused by the following factors:

  • Fatigue of the body due to heavy physical exertion.
  • Fatigue caused by increased brain activity.
  • Stress and constant tension.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Starvation.

If the reason for the lack of morning erection is one of the listed factors, then you don’t have to worry. It is enough for a man to return his lifestyle to its usual course, restore sleep and eating patterns, get rid of worries and leave for a while hard work, and the morning hard-on won’t take long to arrive.

You should be concerned if a man does not have an erection, despite the fact that obvious reasons for violation no. Then it is advisable to contact a urologist or andrologist and undergo an examination. Erectile function can be affected by many factors, including infections and inflammation in the body.

Sometimes a timely visit to a specialist allows you to get rid of diseases, as well as prevent the development of prostatitis and other unpleasant disorders.

Many men are seriously concerned about the lack of erection in the morning. If the usual morning erection has not been observed for several days, you should pay attention to your lifestyle and diet. It is unlikely that an erection will appear if a man is going through a difficult period in his life, is nervous and worries a lot. In addition, lack of arousal can also be caused by physical fatigue, for example, if there is heavy loads. It could be a competition or just physical work associated with heaviness.

Sometimes an erection disappears as a result of mental stress. As a rule, the reason is failure at work or passing exams at the university. Also common reasons for lack of morning arousal are illness, injury, general serious condition body. As a rule, in such cases, the erection returns as soon as the disturbances in the usual way of life that are unusual for the body are eliminated.

If an erection does not appear for a long time, then objective reasons for absence no, it is necessary to determine whether this phenomenon really becomes a problem for a man. In the presence of sexual arousal and normal erection before sexual intercourse, in most cases it turns out that the morning erection simply goes unnoticed.

If, in the presence of natural stimuli that should cause sexual arousal, there is no erection, the problem probably lies in the pathology of the genitourinary system. In this case, you should not put the problem on hold. Sometimes men note that there is an erection and arousal, but there is no previous stamina, and the arousal lasts less time. This phenomenon may be a signal for the beginning of development male impotence. That is why it is important to consult a urologist when you detect the first signs of erectile dysfunction.

As a rule, in the absence of obvious causes of disorders, the doctor prescribes a number of procedures that will help diagnose the disease. In general, it is recommended to visit a specialist at least once a year for a routine examination in order to diagnose pathologies in time and take measures to eliminate them.

In the pre-dawn hours, men often experience an erection. Most often, even men, let alone women, cannot explain why the penis gets erect in the morning. Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why do men have erect penis in the morning?

There are several reasons for spontaneous morning erections in men:

  1. Humans have two phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. These phases replace one another. In phase REM sleep a person’s heartbeat and breathing quicken, and the flow to the genitals increases, which causes an erection in a man. If a man wakes up during fast phase, then he sees his genital organ in a “combat” position. In this case, it makes no difference whether you had an erotic dream or not.
  2. Bladder fullness. When enough urine accumulates in the bladder, it begins to put pressure on its walls. From them nerve pathways the impulse enters the nerve center located in spinal cord and responsible for urination. Strong excitation of this center leads to excitation of the erection center located next to it, which is the cause of morning erection.

Why do boys have erect penis in the morning?

Not only men and boys, but even male infants often experience spontaneous erections in the morning. The reasons for erections in boys are exactly the same as in adult men and are in no way related to sexual stimulation or erotic dreams (the latter are unlikely to occur at all) infant). As you can see, spontaneous erection in boys is a physiological phenomenon and therefore parents should not be afraid of its appearance. But parents of boys should pay attention to ensuring that their sons do not delay timely emptying of the bladder in order to achieve sexual arousal (even unconsciously). Boys should be taught to empty their bladder as soon as they wake up. After urination, the erection quickly fades away.

Many women, observing a morning erection in a man sleeping next to them, believe that they are the cause of it. Do such thoughts correspond to reality? A morning erection does not at all demonstrate a man’s excitement and readiness for sex. Doctors believe that an erection in the morning is a reflection hormonal levels male body, which gains its maximum in the morning hours.

The mechanism of morning erection

Despite the fact that representatives of the stronger sex remember sex at least 15-20 times during the day, morning episodes are not at all noted as obvious sexual arousal. An erection before waking up is of a more prosaic nature.

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The concept of “erection” includes the natural process during which the penis, consisting of spongy and cavernous bodies, is filled with the help of paired deep arteries arterial blood. At the same time, the ischiocavernosus muscles, which are located at the base of the penis, are connected to this process. They contract and prevent blood from flowing out of the penis. This is how male arousal arises.

What does a morning erection mean?

Why do men have involuntary erections in the morning? This phenomenon does not at all indicate promiscuity or concern of a representative of the stronger sex. In addition to the fact that in the morning the concentration important hormones reaches its peak in a man’s body, there are several other versions of why an erection occurs during awakening:

  • With a large share the probability of the manifestation of arousal is influenced by the brain processes of the REM sleep phase, which increases brain activity;
  • During the night, a man’s bladder fills with fluid that requires release. In this regard, the nerve endings of the vertebrae receive a corresponding signal from the brain, which causes a reflex erection;
  • Some sexologists believe that the morning filling of the penis with blood checks normal work the entire reproductive system and the man’s readiness for sexual relations during the day;
  • vessels transport blood to the penis for prevention purposes. Sexologists suggest the following: in calm state The cavernous and spongy bodies of the penis are not filled with blood. The penis is supplied with blood only during an erection; it is precisely these morning moments that serve as a factor in the renewal of blood in the sexual organ;
  • calm deep sleep relaxes a man who is unable to control all the functions of his body. Because of this, the morning begins with an involuntary erection;
  • Perhaps the erection in guys in the morning occurs due to the accumulation of testosterone. In the morning hours, the largest amount of the main hormone, testosterone, accumulates in a man’s body, which causes an erection.

Any of the reasons for the manifestation of a persistent erection is an excellent reason to take advantage of the situation and start the day with such a pleasant and positive action, that is, to have sex with the woman you love.

Erection in the morning

Arousal in the early hours, which is not accompanied by sexual intercourse, does not threaten a man’s health at all and practically does not cause him any inconvenience or discomfort. They say that getting out of bed in the morning with an erection fills them with a feeling of victory, gives them vital energy and strength.

Urologists call morning arousal an excellent exercise for the male body and an indicator of body health. At what age do such morning surprises begin? The phenomenon of penis swelling with blood occurs even in boys who are still in the womb. Pictures ultrasound examinations Women expecting the birth of a son are often shown such sweet surprises.

Adolescents aged 14-16 years experience the peak of involuntary morning arousal every day. It is considered normal if a phenomenon such as an erection in the morning continues regularly until the age of 50. After 50 years, most men gradually begin to decrease the frequency of penile stimulation. And over the years, these parameters continue to decline. However, if a representative of the stronger sex conducts regular sex life and keeps himself in healthy athletic shape, morning moments of excitement are observed even after 70 years.

Normal physiology

Normal erection, including morning erection, is considered the main indicator of physical and mental men's health. Morning or night (spontaneous) erection occurs during sleep, or in the morning when waking up, for everyone healthy men from the very early childhood. At night, during sleep, a representative of the stronger sex has up to 3-5 erections.

Night and morning swelling of the penis sometimes worries teenagers and their parents, who consider this process a deviation from the norm. Don't worry - this is the correct physiological reaction of the male body. It is considered normal if a guy or man experiences this condition several times during the night and morning hours. But the regular absence of morning (night) erection often indicates problems with potency.

Also, this process is not observed in men suffering from psychological erectile dysfunction. Sex therapists warn that if suddenly morning or night arousal begins to periodically disappear, you should look for the cause of this phenomenon. Most probable cause is a violation of the psycho-emotional state, hormonal diseases or insufficient vascular function.

Main Factors

Isolated irregular cases of disappearance of erection in morning time should not bother a man too much. The cause is stress, neuropsychological tension, bad holiday or short time sleep. If the excitement in the dawn hours disappears seriously and for a long time, you need to think about the factors of this situation.

Possible reasons for the loss of morning erection besides age category:

  • increased blood pressure is common cause body failure;
  • hormonal diseases, e.g. diabetes mellitus, pathology of activity thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders;
  • heart failure and vascular diseases significantly reduce the number of morning awakenings with involuntary erections;
  • negatively affects the male body bad habits, for example, reception narcotic drugs, smoking and alcohol;
  • chronic prostatitis, past sexually transmitted infections may also be the answer to the question why an erection at night or before waking up has ceased to appear;
  • oppress this reaction male body is bad night rest, depression, nervous overload.

In addition, regular erections in the morning disappear in those men who take antidepressants, tranquilizers or drugs that affect the condition of the genitourinary system.

It will help to return the morning erection, which was lost not as a result of diseases and pathologies. good rest, positive attitude, ability to relax. Doctors also recommend that men undergo systematic sports training, yoga classes, hiking on fresh air and regular sex.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...