Games for learning to read. How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways. You started reading, but what next?

Our story with reading began a long time ago. From a very early age, or to be precise, from 8 months, Ksyu and I began going to developmental classes. Of course, they didn’t teach reading there :))) However, the first acquaintance with large tactile letters happened there. At about a year and a half, Ksyunya knew most of the vowels. We taught the remaining letters in different ways:

  1. We read a variety of alphabets and alphabet books;
  2. Played with cards;
  3. In kindergarten, sometimes Ksyusha studied in the Montessori room with various materials for learning letters + classical classes on speech development;
  4. Played in, etc.

Then in kindergarten, during Monessori classes, Ksenia learned to write. First your name, then other names, then small words. According to the Montessori method, children first learn to write and then read. This is a very reasonable approach. Thus, the child has a better understanding of the sound-letter system in his head, he begins to understand it, and therefore to love it.

Briefly about sensitive periods of writing and reading:

At the age of 3.5 – 4 years:

  • The child begins to use speech purposefully and consciously. This means that with the help of speech he solves his problems and can, for example, ask a friend to close the window rather than go himself. The child realizes the power of his own thoughts, correctly expressed through speech and therefore understandable to others.
  • Children of this age are keenly interested in the symbolic designation of sounds - letters, and enjoy tracing letters from rough paper, etc.
  • They can work with a moving alphabet, placing letters next to each other that denote individual sounds, their combinations - even simple words.

Therefore, at the age of 4 - 4.5 years, the next serious step in the child’s speech development seems completely natural: he begins to spontaneously write individual words, whole sentences and short stories. And this despite the fact that no one taught him to write by letter. There was indirect preparation of his intellectual and motor abilities (more on this in the next section).

Finally, at the age of about 5 years, a child learns to read independently and without coercion: the logic of speech development leads him to this. Because the process of writing is the expression of one’s own thoughts in a special way, and the process of reading presupposes, in addition to distinguishing letters and the ability to put them into words, also understanding the thoughts of other people that lie behind these words. And this is more difficult than expressing your own thoughts.

Let us note the main idea of ​​​​Maria Montessori, which must be constantly borne in mind: if children have to do something outside the framework of the corresponding sensitive period, that is, under duress (learn to read, write, etc.), then they reach the result later or do not achieve it at all "

I tried not to rush things. A little later, Ksyusha began to form individual words from cubes and magnets, then she began to read them. But I didn’t know how to move from letters and short words to reading. More precisely, in theory, I understood that I needed to read syllables more often, and the words would gradually begin to be read on their own. I didn’t want to force this process, so as not to overdo it and discourage Ksyuni’s natural desire. And then I came across books for the first reading. In my opinion, this is an invaluable invention! These little books give the child: a) the desire to read on his own, b) self-confidence, c) the conviction “I can read!” This is exactly what we lacked.

We started reading, but what next?

Now we really lack reading technique, especially when it comes to difficult words. Ksenia has a hard time with syllables, so she strings letters like beads: ma-, mak-, maka-, makar-, makaro-, macaroni-, macaroni!

This means that we urgently need to learn syllables and get used to reading them in different variations. In short, practice as often and as actively as possible. We don’t have a mobile alphabet or other specialized Montessori materials for teaching reading at home, so I decided to create my own convenient and multifunctional material. After analyzing the recommendations of Montessori teachers, I came to the conclusion that cards with syllables, letters and short words are exactly what is needed. You can create a lot of exciting games with this set and regularly practice your reading skills.

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Flashcard Games:

1. Take syllables or short words from the basket and read them.

3. Compose words starting with a given letter.

4. Invent words and collect them from cards.

5. Compose words from given letters.

6. Collect your name from scattered syllables and letters.

When developing this material, I tried to make it attractive and not too strict. I don’t like strict fonts and blue and red letters in red frames, which seem to say: “Sit down, let’s study! Well, let’s learn to read, who am I telling!” Having scoured all of Pinterest in search of games with syllables, I noticed that Americans strive to make materials for classes exciting, a little frivolous and, as it were, “inviting to practice unobtrusively.” I also adopted this style and this approach works wonderfully with my girls. They view card games as equal to board games and want to play them again and again. And the syllables are read faster and more clearly;)

We have other books by Angel Navarro, but I think it’s worth writing a separate post about them;)

This is how we slowly and confidently move towards reading and at the same time we do not lose our love for this activity for a minute. Ksenia really wants to read on her own, Sima tries her best to follow her. And yes, in the evenings we definitely read wonderful children's books. My latest hobbies include books about Pettson and Findus, as well as “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” from the “Chronicles of Narnia” series.

Phew, this is a rather long article, but I really hope it’s useful. I would be glad if our experience helps you teach your child to read and, of course, improve this skill.

To regularly receive useful information and ideas for activities and games with children, feel free to subscribe to the blog news “Grow Smart!”

We wish you more good books and exciting reading!

In Soviet times, teaching reading was the concern of teachers. Today, first-graders who cross the threshold of school can read, write in block letters and begin to comprehend foreign languages. And although such an impressive wealth of skills and abilities is not a mandatory requirement for a future student, many parents from an early age are engaged in the education of their offspring so that he does not lag behind his peers and easily and quickly masters the complex school curriculum. How to teach a child to read syllables without pedagogical education and special knowledge? Let's turn into teachers!

Determining the level of training

In order to correctly set educational goals, you must first determine the child’s level of preparation and eliminate the “gaps” in a timely manner. Don't start learning to read if:

  • the preschooler’s speech has not yet formed, he cannot correctly compose a sentence, and is not able to reproduce a short story;
  • there are problems of a speech therapy nature (the baby must not only pronounce sounds correctly, but also maintain rhythm and melody in his speech);
  • the child confuses spatial concepts (right/left, up/down);
  • phonemic hearing is poorly developed (the ability to identify sounds in a word, their position);
  • concentrates on one object for less than 10 minutes.

First, we eliminate the existing problems and only then teach them to read. Otherwise, the process will drag on, the child will quickly get bored and will not bring good results.

“Refresh” the material in our head

Parents may have forgotten the sequence of letters in the alphabet and what they are correctly called. Therefore, we open the textbook and remember.

First figure out for yourself how a letter differs from a sound. For those who don’t remember: we see letters, we pronounce sounds. There are 33 letters, the sounds they represent are consonants and vowels. The former are also divided into hard and soft, voiced and voiceless. This is enough for now, repeat the rest when the child becomes a first grader!

Tune in psychologically to the process:

  1. do not expect quick results; for them to appear, systematic and consistent exercise will be required;
  2. be prepared to explain the same thing multiple times;
  3. You are constantly looking for new ways and means of learning.

Let's understand the methods

Today, a huge number of methods are available, suggesting different approaches to learning.

For example:

  • They teach syllabic reading - the child memorizes letter combinations and then composes words from them.
  • - suggests memorizing the spelling of whole words.
  • Rough ones help to learn the alphabet through sensory abilities.

It is difficult to call any method flawless, because they also have drawbacks. Therefore, it is better to turn to the good old sound-letter method, and Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev and other innovators will help diversify classes.

Where to begin

Now let’s decide on the manual we will use for training. “Primer” by N.S. has proven itself well. Zhukova, in which classical methods overlap with speech therapy content and unique author’s developments.

N.S. Zhukov, to the question: “How to quickly teach a growing child to read?” answers - together, and it is not necessary to know all the letters. A few vowels and consonants are enough, from which you can make letter combinations.

First we study open vowels: “A”, “U”, “O”, “Y”, “E”. Then sonorant consonants - “ M", "N". At this stage, using Zhukova’s ABC book, we begin to explain how syllables are made from letters. The colorful illustrations show how one letter rushes towards another, merging with it into a syllable. For example, " M"hurries to "O", we pronounce it together "M-m-m-o-o".

The main thing for a child is to understand the mechanism of their merging; with new letters he will be able to do everything mechanically. All learned syllables must be repeated often and regularly so that their reading becomes automatic.

Read not only simple open letter combinations in which a vowel follows a consonant (“MA”), but also complex “vowel-consonant” (“AM”), fusions of three sounds (“ARO”, “PRA”).

Let's take p. 18 from the primer as an example.

Name the first letter - the parent asks.
“X,” the kid answers.
- Which letter does “X” go to?
- To the letter "A".
- It turns out: “X-x-x-A”. While the letter “X” is running towards “A”, stops cannot be made - they sound together.

Having learned just a few of these examples, a preschooler will understand the principle of constructing syllables and will be able to apply it to other sounds.

Never pronounce sounds in a syllable separately from each other! For example, “N” and “O” - “BUT”. This method can delay the learning process for a long time. Teach your child to chant: “N-n-n-o.”

What else will help you add syllables?

A great way to learn how to pronounce syllables together is to sing the sounds. This is often taught by kindergarten teachers. Chanting helps many children. Some, getting carried away, can sing a whole sentence or even a paragraph together.

Thematic material:

You need to constantly remind your preschooler about pauses between words and sentences. I sang a word, stopped, sang the next word, pause again. Don’t worry, the pauses will gradually become shorter until the reading becomes meaningful and expressive.

Children learn most easily through play. The alphabet in pictures will help you remember a new letter (the letter being studied is accompanied by images of objects in which it appears), three-dimensional letters (made of clay, wood, etc.), rough Montessori letters, cubes. We studied the letter, made a manual for it and added the syllables.

If the child is about 3-4 years old, and the learning process has been delayed (more than 6 months), do not rush, postpone classes until 5 years. At this age, an interest in reading will appear on its own, and the baby will master science in 1-2 months.

When reading books to your baby, constantly focus his attention on how well he can read.

First, it is advisable to introduce syllables with two vowels (“AU”), then with a voiced consonant with a vowel ( "BA", "RO", "WE"), in the end there are hissing and deaf ones ( "TA", "HE", "SHI") and vowel-consonant pairs ( "AM", "ER", "UN").

Having mastered the syllables, move on to reading the simplest words: MA-MA, WE-LO, RA-MA. Always start your classes by reviewing and consolidating the material you have covered. Make sure that the future student does not forget to pause between words, check that he has mastered what he has read.

Let's take an example from the above-mentioned primer (p. 58).

The photo shows the text “In the meadow.” We pronounce the syllables in a chant: “Here (pause) lu-zhok (pause). Here (pause) wanders around (pause) so-ba-ka (pause) Friend.” etc. After reading, we ask the child: “What is the text about? Where does the dog roam? What is her name?". If it is difficult for a child to answer immediately, we allow him to find the answer in the text.

The duration of the first lessons for preschoolers 4-5 years old is less than 15 minutes, then they are increased to half an hour.

Children 5-7 years old get tired quickly, so constantly change the type of activity: read - draw or print letters. It is advisable to use coloring books with images, so the preschooler will have a rest and practice his motor skills.

Interactive technologies

It is worth using online games and applications as an auxiliary (not the main!) means. Most of these programs are free for users and available on Android devices. For example, the Azbuka Pro program.

Some sites offer online exercises. For example, “The Cheerful Engine” or “Berylyaka Learns to Read.” If online learning is not convenient for you, you can download special CDs with ready-made lessons or educational videos for free.

Of course, such activities are very popular with modern children who adore high-tech devices. But do not forget that a child’s excessive interest in even useful online games and videos can affect their vision and emotional and mental health.

Therefore, it is better to use such learning tools to consolidate knowledge or while resting between sprinkling over a book.

10 useful games

Never force your child to learn letters. And to prevent home lessons from turning into boring and monotonous activities, diversify them with games.

With the right approach, teaching a child to read syllables is quite simple. It is much more important to instill an interest in reading, to make it thoughtful and regular. After all, as any teacher will confirm, a person’s literacy and the beauty of his speech depend on the amount of reading.

From syllabic reading to fluent reading

Remember! During the exercise, correct intonation, remind about logical pauses.

You can also select text with pictures instead of some words. The next stage is to exclude pictures from the text and insert the missing words, focusing on the meaning of the sentence.

It’s easy to teach a child when he has fun, so try to present the material in a way that makes it interesting. And it doesn’t matter what methods you use. Get creative and discover your own way of learning. After all, only you know the interests of your preschooler.

As a child grows up, he learns important and useful skills. Reading is one of the fundamental ones. Psychologists recommend taking into account the individual characteristics of children. This will help you understand whether the child is ready to learn letters and whether it’s time to start learning to read syllables. Children of different ages require an individual approach.

It is important to promptly recognize signals of readiness for learning:

  • the child creates the illusion of reading by moving his finger over the text;
  • shows interest in books and can look at them for a long time;
  • knows all the letters and can name them without difficulty;
  • his speech is understandable;
  • the child has a large vocabulary;
  • It is necessary to take an individual approach to a child with speech defects.

Features of learning at different ages

At 3-4 years old

A child at this age is active and inquisitive and is able to absorb a large amount of new information in a short period of time.

Productive learning of any skill should combine:

  1. An interesting form of presentation, i.e. Training is best done in the form of a game. Monotony and monotony can scare away the baby and discourage the desire to learn for a long time.
  2. Select a task depending on the individual characteristics of the baby. Even at the age of 3, the development and abilities of two children can differ dramatically. It is necessary to select educational games so that they are suitable for the child and are not too difficult for him.
  3. Monitor the reaction of the little student so that he does not overexert himself.
  4. Consider his mood. You should not start training if your child is not in the mood for classes.

At 4-5 years old

The child’s brain begins to actively work and process information. It is much easier for him to structure and analyze everything that is happening around him. Training should also be carried out in the form of games to make it easier and more interesting for the child to learn new knowledge. A small student needs to be able to concentrate on classes for a long time, otherwise the result from them will be minimal.

At 5-6 years old

The child is entering a new stage of intellectual development. He begins to actively show interest in reading, because he himself wants to delve into the learning process.

The child receives more positive emotions from learning to read. The little person’s brain actively develops certain areas that are responsible for attention, helping to better structure, analyze and remember information.

At 6-7 years old

Adults do not like to do routine things that make them bored. And it is simply contraindicated for a child to do something boring. Classes should be fun and interesting.

To do this you will need:

  • educational material with capital letters;
  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • do not overtire the child.

You should not take into account only books; it is better to use the talking alphabet, cards, cubes and other educational material.

Classical training at home

The right start

In order to successfully and efficiently teach a child to read syllables, it is necessary to set the right beginning. Psychologists and pediatricians advise using certain methods to reduce a young student’s resistance to the learning process.

Among them:

  1. Conduct classes when the child is in a good mood and shows no signs of illness. This rule also applies to the teaching person.
  2. At the beginning of school, the child often experiences rapid fatigue and difficulty concentrating. It will be best to reduce your practice time in the first few days.
  3. The golden rule of any teaching for children is playful presentation. This way the child learns the necessary things in an easy and interesting way.
  4. When teaching a child, there is no need to pretend to be a strict teacher. This form of presentation can forever ruin his desire to acquire new knowledge.
  5. The baby definitely needs to be supported and rejoiced at his successes. This will help strengthen the child's self-confidence and ability to achieve success faster.
  6. The more varied games there are, the easier and more interesting it will be for the baby to learn to read syllables. For children, it is also necessary to switch from one game to another in a timely manner. This helps maintain the interest and attention of the little student.

Stages of training

  1. First, explain in a playful way that speech consists of sounds.
  2. Teach your child to distinguish between consonants of different hardness (soft and hard). Determine the vowel on which the stress falls.
  3. Then the little student needs to learn to isolate sounds in small words.
  4. Show the letter in a playful way and pronounce its sound designation.
  5. Then, together with your parents, add the syllables.

Game forms of learning letters.

For children, the modern world offers many different techniques that help teach them to read syllables.

To teach a child to read syllables, it is recommended to start by learning letters. It is better to buy the alphabet for children 2-3 years old, where each letter is associated with an object

Among them:

Learning the correct pronunciation of sounds

It is better to divide training into several stages. This will help your child learn correct pronunciation faster.

  1. Stage 1. Aimed at developing organs that are involved in speech: lips, tongue, cheeks. At this stage, easier sounds are mastered, i.e. vowels and simple consonants.
  2. Stage 2. The child learns complex consonants. As practice shows, these are whistling and hissing sounds.
  3. Stage 3. This stage should be given special attention, because it is one of the most difficult when teaching a child correct pronunciation. At stage 3, you need to teach how to correctly pronounce complex sounds (hissing and whistling) so that the baby does not confuse them.
  4. Stage 4. When the little student learns to pronounce complex sounds individually, the next stage begins. The child will need to learn to separate mixing sounds, for example, [Ш] and [С].

Composing syllables and moving on to their pronunciation

Syllables can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Consonant + vowel A. This is the easiest syllable for a child to learn. For example, syllables: MA, BA, PA, etc. He needs to explain how syllables are composed and learn to read them correctly. Let the little reader not try to learn the syllables quickly, because the main thing is that he understands the essence and does it correctly. Over time, he will learn to do this much faster.
  2. Consonant + other vowels. First, it is better to study a syllable with simple consonants, but a vowel other than [A]. Once he has mastered this lesson, you can move on to the next one. Alternate simple consonants with complex consonants (whistles, etc.) and any vowel. For example, syllables: DI, SCHA, CHE, etc.
  3. The syllable is reversed. When the little reader understands the essence, pediatricians recommend switching to closed syllables. Those. the syllable ends with a consonant. For example, syllables: IR, YASH, AR, etc.

Reading whole words

Learning to read syllables is an intermediate stage, after which a difficult but interesting period begins for children - reading whole words. The fewer words that come into the child’s field of vision, the easier it will be for him.

  1. It is best to start with words that have repeating syllables. For example, MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BA, etc.
  2. Next, children most easily perceive words with repeated (uncomplicated) consonants. For example, MI-MO, etc.
  3. Then you should choose a different combination of syllables, but with simple consonants. For example, SA-LO, KI-SA, etc.
  4. Then it is better to pay attention to words with one complex consonant. For example, RO-SCHA, PI-SCHA, etc. Then you can select both complex consonants: CHA-SCHA, etc.

With a gradual increase in difficulty, the child will be able to read even the most difficult words.

Teaching reading fluency

Learning to read fluently will help your child learn to read quickly. It is important to choose the text for classes in accordance with age. It is necessary to record the initial result in order to know how successfully the training is going. To do this, just let the child read the text and first time it. At the beginning of training, you should not overtire him; 1-2 minutes will be enough.

  1. Understand the meaning. It is necessary that the child can assimilate and remember the meaning of the text read. When the little student reads the part, you need to ask him questions and check whether he understood the meaning of the text.
  2. On the search. The beginning reader is asked to quickly find a certain word or phrase in the text (but this also depends on the age of the child).
  3. It's a tough fight. Experts say that children have difficulty reading words with several consonants in a row. You need to make a list of difficult words with consecutive consonants. It is best to practice such words daily so that the child does not lose skill.
  4. Tongue Twisters. Speaking tongue twisters helps improve pronunciation, distribute breathing correctly, and increase reading speed.

Popular methods for teaching reading

Zaitsev cubes

The main difference between Zaitsev’s technique is the unit of language, i.e. warehouse instead of the generally accepted syllable. For example, “pi-ro-g” instead of “pi-rog”.

The cubes have many features:

  • size;
  • color;
  • quantity;

Differences help the child remember a certain rule. In addition to the cubes, tables with warehouses are included. Zaitsev's technique is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Syllable reading

This method consists of tables with syllables. A huge set of syllables is good because it is impossible to remember and memorize, so one table can be studied many times. Syllabic reading helps you learn a variety of syllables and prepare for reading difficult words.

Glen Doman Method

This method is recommended for use from 6 months. The set contains cards with words printed in red letters.
The essence of the method is to show the child cards with words, pronouncing them clearly and clearly. Using this technique, a child can learn to read without memorizing syllables and letters.

Methodology of Nadezhda Zhukova

For this method, the child must be introduced to the letters in advance. Nadezhda Zhukova claims that it is more difficult for children to isolate individual sounds and easier to isolate syllables. The baby first needs to be introduced to the simplest letters, vowels. Help him understand that they can be sung. Then you need to explain how 2 vowels are added, then he will be able to understand the basics of adding syllables.

“The Magnetic Alphabet” by Nadezhda Zhukova will help a child learn to determine by ear how many letters and sounds are pronounced, and in what sequence the sounds sound.

Chaplygin cubes

The technique is based on dynamic cubes. These are cubes connected in a special way that can be twisted. By turning them, the baby receives new words. From 2 cubes you can collect 20 words, and from 3 cubes - 25 times more (i.e. 500 different words).

Self-taught ABC

The self-taught alphabet allows your child to learn the alphabet without outside help. The electronic alphabet will help you learn the basics of reading - letters in a playful way, with virtually no help from adults.

Video lessons for learning to read

There are a huge number of video tutorials, both simple and intricate. It is sometimes difficult for parents to choose from such a variety what is really suitable for their child.

Video lessons can be divided into:

  • according to the age;
  • by gender of the child;
  • by level of training (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

You should select video lessons according to these parameters.

What are the advantages of video lessons on teaching reading:

  • distance learning;
  • independent learning without adult participation;
  • easy accessibility;
  • interesting learning format;
  • big variety.

For successful learning it is important to demonstrate:

  • persistence;
  • patience;
  • methodical;
  • attentiveness;
  • love and care.

You should not start exercising if you are in a bad mood and/or feeling bad. The rule applies to both the child and the parent. Negative emotions should not be shown during training: irritability, anger, aggression. If difficulties arise during the learning process, it is better to postpone classes for a while.

Video on the topic: how to teach a child to read

Trainer for beginners. Simple words.

The book is wonderful. But kids don’t want to strain themselves and put the letters into words; it’s much easier to look at the picture and guess from the very first letter what is written under the picture.

Therefore, I suggest downloading these sheets. They have a lot of words and no explanatory pictures. Nothing will distract your child from the reading process. And since each word has only three letters, reading them will not be very difficult.

How many of them are words consisting of three letters? There are more than a hundred such words on these leaves. So the child will have something to read.

New cards for practicing reading skills. This time the selection contains words of 4 letters, but with one syllable.

That is, words have only one vowel letter.


More than 100 words consisting of 4 letters and 1 syllable are collected on two sheets.

When reading, a child must not only form a word from letters, but also comprehend what he read. Ask your child to explain each new word.

We continue to practice our reading skills.

The next selection is already two-syllable words of 4 letters. On the first card are words with the so-called “open syllable”. They are easy to read. Ma-ma, ka-sha, ne-bo, re-ka, lu-zha and similar words.

The second card is more difficult. The words on it contain both open and closed syllables. Ma-yak, ig-la, u-tyug, yah-ta, o-sel, yol-ka and so on.

Each card has over fifty words. So the child will have to work hard until he reads all the words.

We read new words syllable by syllable. Words already consist of 5 letters. Va-gon, baby, tu-man, mar-ka, re-dis, lamp-pa. And so on. If your child confidently reads these hundred and fifty words, you can assume that your baby HAS LEARNED how to read! Or rather, he learned to put words together from letters.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Every parent dreams of teaching their child to read. After all, without this skill in the modern world it is impossible to become an educated person who can freely navigate the sea of ​​​​various information.

In the past, the process of learning to read and write was much simpler than it is today. All the children learned from the ABC book, mastering well-known texts. But today many new techniques have appeared. These are Zaitsev’s cubes, and the cards of the American scientist Doman, and the Tyulenev method. And they are all designed to teach kids to read before they can walk. So inexperienced young mothers run to specialists, afraid of being late in teaching their beloved child such an important matter.

Early reading develops a child's intelligence

When can you start training?

Early literacy training appeared in Russia relatively recently. And therefore, it is premature to draw any conclusions regarding the benefits or harms of teaching a child to read before the age of five. However, many psychologists are inclined to believe that the social development of children who start reading too early is not without problems. In other words, it is difficult for such kids to join a children's group. This is not at all due to their high intelligence. It’s just that at the time when communication skills should have been developing, the brain was busy learning letters.

In addition, experts have noticed that children who start reading before the age of 4 do not understand and do not retell the meaning of what they read. They just put letters into words.

Zaitsev's cubes help you quickly master reading

Of course, there were always children who themselves asked to be taught to read as quickly as possible, pestering their mother or grandmother with the demand that they name an unfamiliar letter. In this case, reading, being their own task, had no effect on the acquisition of other important skills. But today, parents, frightened that after three years it will be too late to teach their child, are trying to introduce their child to reading almost from the cradle.

Psychologists have identified several signs by which one can judge a child’s readiness to accept learning to read.

  1. Good conversational language, using whole sentences rather than individual words. If a child speaks poorly, teaching him to read, for example, using Zaitsev's cubes, is dangerous. Instead of speaking with words, he can start communicating with blocks.
  2. Sufficient development of phonemic hearing. A child aged 4 years should clearly hear and separate sounds.
  3. No serious problems with pronunciation.
  4. Formed orientation in space. The baby must distinguish between right and left, up and down. Otherwise, he will not understand that he must read from left to right and can even start reading with any letter he likes.

4 years is the optimal age to start learning

Practice shows that most children develop such skills at the age of four.

Learn and play at the same time

In order for a child to develop correctly and fully, all preschool time should be spent in games. Without play, it is impossible to teach a child not only reading, but nothing else. A good teacher will come up with lots of games to make the lesson fun. Otherwise, the baby will not sit for even five minutes. You can build a train out of letters, or set up a store and “sell” goods with one letter, etc.

Learning to read should be fun for a child

During the game, both learning and development of the child occur simultaneously.

An easy way to teach your baby to read

Having decided to teach your child to read on your own, you need to first of all pay attention to the fact that it is not the letter that should be named, but the sound. A letter is what is written, a sound is what is heard. Abstract thinking of a 4-year-old child is poorly developed. Therefore, you should say “letter L”, not “EL”, letter “S”, not “ES”. All correct letter names can be postponed until school time, and at this stage the sounds should be pronounced and learned.

Learn vowel sounds

To learn to read, you don't have to learn all the letters at once. At the first stage of training, you should learn only vowel sounds. Circles with a diameter of about 15 cm are cut out of cardboard and vowels are written on them with a bright felt-tip pen or paint. Let the circles be called “beads” or “droplets”. Each such “droplet” sings its own song, for example, “a-a-a...” or “o-o-o...”. This will introduce elements of play into learning.

Learning letters using cubes

Circles with letters can be pasted all over the house in different places, and from time to time you can ask the child to remind you what song this or that “droplet” sings. After some time, swap the letters and continue learning until all vowel sounds are memorized. Since there are only 10 vowels, the baby will learn them quickly and easily.

When the child has already memorized the letters in the usual circles, you can ask him to find a vowel in a word from the book. Of course, you need to pick up the book in advance.

The words in it should be written in large font and diluted with interesting pictures.

While on a walk, you can strengthen your knowledge by looking for familiar letters on billboards or store signs.

Learn to read syllables

After all the vowels have been learned, you need to start reading syllables and short words consisting of three, maximum four, letters. You can take the Primer or ABC as an additional aid.

When getting to know a new letter, for example, “P,” you don’t need to go into detail and explain to your baby that this is a consonant letter, and it can be soft or hard. He will not understand this information and will not remember it. It's better to ask your child to think about what the letter looks like, or have him think of the most famous "P" word, such as "dad."

Learning syllables with fairy-tale characters

Then the learned letter is substituted for vowels. The adult reads the syllable and asks the child to repeat it. You can write signs with syllables and ask the child to show the syllable that is depicted. The main thing is to remember that you should play with words for no more than 10 minutes, and then switch to other activities.

When several consonants have already been mastered, you can move on to composing short words. Let the child figure out which letter should be put at the end of the word. All that remains is to show him what a word with this letter looks like on paper or a magnetic alphabet.

Reading words

Now you need to write on strips of paper several words well known to the child, the number of letters in which does not exceed six. Read them aloud and hang them in different places around the house. It would be nice to decorate the signs with pictures depicting the object whose name is written.

Shared reading develops a child's interest

Several times in between, you need to re-read the words with the child, and then collect the signs and, showing one of them, ask the child to read what is written there. You can swap pictures, read things that are obviously incorrect, so that he will happily notice the mistake. There are many ways to achieve memorization of a word. Having learned one group of words, proceed to another.

This method will allow you to quickly teach a 4-year-old child to read syllables, and even whole words. After all, you can always find 10 minutes a day to teach your beloved child.


This short test will help parents determine whether their child is ready to start learning to read or if they should wait. It includes 18 questions. If the answer is yes, one point is awarded.

Does your child love books?
  1. Does your child ask you to tell a story?
  2. Can he retell them himself?
  3. Does your child often look at books on his own?
  4. What is more interesting to a child in a book - pictures or content?
  5. Does your child ask you to teach him to read?
  6. Does he sometimes pretend to be “reading” a book?
  7. Is the child trying to “write” the book himself?
  8. Does he listen carefully to others' readings?
  9. Does your baby take care of his books?
  10. Does he have a rich vocabulary?
  11. Do you like reading books more than watching TV?
  12. Will the child be able to find a word that begins with the last letter of the word “table”?
  13. Trying to connect familiar letters?
  14. Does your child have serious problems with pronunciation?
  15. Does he distinguish between similar sounds, for example, Ж and Ш?
  16. Does he speak in sentences or separate words?
  17. Is your child learning to read with pleasure?
  18. Does he know a lot of songs and poems?


If the child is under 4 years old, then there is no need to rush into reading. But the future first-grader, who is already 6 years old, needs to be interested in the process of reading. To do this, you should offer him more interesting books with large print and pictures.

This result indicates the average reading ability of a 4-year-old child at this stage. You need to pay attention to the books surrounding the baby. Sometimes thick books frighten children with their volume.

Does your child have his own books?

13-18 points

The child is completely ready for learning and wants, having learned to read, to independently learn a lot of interesting things from books.