Can I undergo an IVB after abdominal surgery? View full version. What is VVK

17.05.2011, 23:14

Do any visible changes/deviations occur in the eye after laser surgery?
In a year I’m going to enter the FSB Border Academy. I have -2 (unfit). In my opinion, Lasic or PRK is the only way out. Thank you.

18.05.2011, 10:06

Happening. And I think you know which ones, since you are planning to make a laser for yourself)
Why hide it? Suitability restrictions are caused by insufficient visual acuity and the need for optical correction. You won't need it after surgery.
Or does it say somewhere that you can’t do anything after surgery?

19.05.2011, 08:03

That's exactly what the doctor says you definitely won't be fit for. But the question is what changes are taking place? And why? No one gives a clear answer

19.05.2011, 09:56

The order says:
When conscripted for military service or entering military service under a contract, citizens who have undergone optical reconstructive operations on the cornea or sclera are considered temporarily unfit for work, according to Article 36 of the disease schedule. military service, if less than 6 months have passed since the operation. After the operation, their category of suitability for military service is determined according to the relevant articles of the schedule of diseases, depending on the state of the functions of the eye and the degree of ametropia documented before the operation, taking into account the results of ultrasound biometry of the eyeballs.
Persons who have undergone optical reconstructive operations on the cornea are fit for admission to military educational institutions no earlier than one year after the operation in the absence of postoperative complications and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cornea and fundus, and also provided that before the operation the documented degree of ametropia was not higher than that provided for in section “d” of the TDT.
Those. if you did not apply for admission to the appropriate higher education institution before the optical reconstructive surgery, then after it you will still be unfit.

19.05.2011, 09:58

Something happens in different individuals in varying degrees, a decrease in the transparency of the cornea, which leads to a decrease in night vision function in terms of greater glare. As far as I know, in Germany, for example, people are not accepted into the police and fire departments after refractive surgery for this very reason.

20.05.2011, 09:22

Persons who have undergone optical reconstructive surgery on the cornea are eligible for admission to military educational institutions no earlier than one year after the operation in the absence of postoperative complications and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cornea and fundus, and also provided that the degree of ametropia is documented before the operation was not higher than that provided for in section "d" of the TDT.

Doesn't this mean that in a year it will be good? Or is section "g" a hindrance to this?

20.05.2011, 15:53

No, unfortunately it doesn't mean that. The article clearly states
and also provided that before the operation the documented degree of ametropia was not higher than that provided for in section “d” of the TDT.
In fact, this phrase suggests that there is no point in refractive surgery if the conscript was unfit before the operation. In my opinion, this is wrong. But dura lex, sed lex.

21.05.2011, 01:42

Thanks a lot! Now it's clear.

21.05.2011, 10:19

In fact, this phrase suggests that there is no point in refractive surgery if the conscript was unfit before the operation.
I may be looking at some other “section d”, but the one I’m looking at says:
myopia of any eye on one of the meridians more than 3.0 diopters and up to 6.0 diopters, farsightedness of any eye on one of the meridians more than 6.0 diopters and up to 8.0 diopters, or astigmatism of any kind in any eye with a difference in refraction in the two main meridians more than 2.0 diopters and up to 4.0 diopters

Our topicstarter has -2.

Presence of injury or functional disorder due to the previous acute illness– reasons for assigning a conscript category “G” (temporarily unfit for military service). The same applies to exacerbation chronic diseases and the postoperative period necessary for full recovery after surgical intervention.

The Regulations on the conduct of a military medical examination do not clearly define how long the deferment from the army after surgery lasts. In each case, the decision is made on the basis of the conclusion of the doctor who performed the surgery and the Schedule of diseases corresponding to certain fitness categories.

Deferment from the army after surgery

By general rule, upon completion rehabilitation period After the operation, the deferment from the army ceases to apply. This means that the military commissariat has the right not only to call a young man to undergo a military medical examination, but also to call him for military service if he is found fit in categories “A” or “B”.

If during a medical examination it is proven that the conscript’s disease corresponds to categories “B” or “D”, the military registration and enlistment office will release him from service (in peacetime or completely).

After what operations are they not accepted into the army or are they given a deferment?

The Schedule of Diseases contains a long list of diseases requiring surgical treatment and giving the right to a deferment from conscription.

  • Neoplasms. Any tumors are grounds for a delay. The deferment extends to the time of therapy (if possible) and rehabilitation, after which the conscript is again invited to medical examination. If the commission decides that the treatment was successful, young man may be assigned category “B” and sent to military service.
  • Defeats nervous system. A deferment is given for temporary pathologies of the nervous system (including those resulting from injury or surgical intervention). After 6 or 12 months, a re-examination is carried out at the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Eye diseases. Only a pronounced decrease in vision (myopia more than 6 diopters, farsightedness more than 8 diopters) and serious anatomical pathologies are grounds for exemption from conscription. After successful operations, conscripts are taken into the army (except in a number of cases, for example, individual species eye plastic surgery).
  • Hearing impairment. Successful treatment and recovery, the results of which do not reveal permanent hearing loss, do not provide grounds for deferment.
  • Hernias. Surgical treatment hernia requires a certain period of rehabilitation (set by a doctor), after which the young man can be drafted into the army.

There are situations when functional disorders(including after surgery) are quite serious, but doctors give a positive prognosis for recovery. In this case, the young man is assigned fitness category “G” and given a deferment from the army after the operation with the condition of undergoing a re-examination after 6 or 12 months.

In order to get a job in the fire department (precisely a service, a certified position), you need to pass the Higher Military Examination and not everyone succeeds. Perhaps this is the main authority for screening out potential firefighters.

What is VVK

This is a military medical commission, the main task of which is to determine the suitability of a candidate (employee) for service (further service) in the specified position.

Let's try to make the process a little easier and familiarize you in advance with what is necessary to pass the IHC.

Documents for passing

  • Firstly, it is necessary direction of the established pattern , which you need to obtain from the personnel department of the organization where you are going to get a job. The referral is valid for three months from the date of issue;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Military ID

Applicants, that is, candidates for study who have not completed military service in the Armed Forces, must have with them registration certificate , in which there is a mark A - fit for service.

Candidates whose registration certificate contains the mark B-3, B-4 are not allowed to pass the IVC; even minor restrictions on service are grounds for refusal to pass the IVC.

This requirement applies to boys; girls do not have a registration certificate.


  1. clinical blood test (with detailed leukoformula);
  2. general urinalysis;
  3. blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  4. certificate of vaccination against diphtheria (or a corresponding note on the vaccination certificate);
  5. fluorography of organs chest(in two projections). Please note that not only the conclusion is necessary, but also the photographs themselves;
  6. ECG with interpretation at rest and with load;
  7. study of vestibular function (for positions of the first and second purpose groups);
  8. chemical and toxicological testing for narcotic substances;

The examination results are valid for three months, fluorography – for 6 months.


  1. Outpatient card or detailed extract from an outpatient card for the last 5 years. If you have changed your place of residence over the past five years, then extracts are needed from all clinics where you were observed;
  2. Certificates indicating existing (if any) diseases and medical records;

Certificates of clinical observation from psychoneurological, drug addiction, dermatovenerological and tuberculosis dispensaries. As a rule, these certificates are paid, in a standard form, and are issued at the appropriate dispensaries.

Doctors who will need to be examined directly by the commission:

  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • dermatologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • therapist;
  • female candidates additionally visit a gynecologist.

Let us note that each doctor examines you very meticulously, and if the slightest doubt arises, as a rule, he refers you for additional examinations.

When extending service life

(The list is attached to the post using the download button)

  1. Sending the HR department for a medical examination.
  2. Service ID.
  3. Service characteristics.
  4. Outpatient card.

Certificates indicating existing diseases and deadlines dispensary observation according to them:

All certificates must be certified by the personal seal of the doctor and the seal of the relevant medical institution.

Preparing to pass the commission

Preliminary preparation is not necessary, but if a candidate is serious about serving in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and wants to have the maximum chance of passing the Higher Military Commission, a serious approach is required.

The document that was previously used by the Military Military Commissions when determining suitability for service is Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2010 No. 523 ( currently no longer valid).

Currently there are 2 documents in force:
  • “On the requirements for the health status of citizens entering service in internal affairs bodies Russian Federation, and employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, lists of additional mandatory diagnostic studies“conducted before the start of a medical examination, forms of documentation necessary for the activities of military medical commissions, the procedure for conducting a control examination and re-examination and the recognition of certain normative legal acts as invalid”;
  • (lost its force, in exchange: Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 30, 2018 N 356 ) “On the requirements for the health status of citizens entering service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, lists of additional mandatory diagnostic tests carried out before the start of a medical examination of citizens entering service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service fire service, and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, the procedure for conducting a control examination and re-examination based on the results of an independent military medical examination and forms of documentation necessary for the activities of military medical commissions in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.”

Pay attention to the section: additional requirements for citizens who have not served and are entering the service and (or) educational organizations.

Now you can preliminary assess the state of your health and its compliance with the requirements. It is clear that this will only be a rough estimate, but in some ways it is possible to be proactive and take action. There are health problems that are an obstacle to service, but can be corrected. Therefore, it would be more advisable to come to the commission, having treated and corrected everything that can be corrected and treated.

What needs to be done before passing the commission? It is worth estimating the ratio of your height and weight and the compliance of your parameters with the norm (Table No. 2 to the appendix to the Requirements of Order No. 190), it is quite possible to lose extra or missing kilograms in advance or, conversely, to eat up. It is worth contacting your dentist in advance for sanitation. oral cavity, caries can play a cruel joke. In general, it is worth treating in advance everything that can be treated and corrected, so that doctors do not have unnecessary reasons to focus their attention. But please note - if the correction requires surgical intervention, you need to undergo a commission no earlier than 6 months after the operation; if you come before the expiration of six months, the verdict will be “temporarily unfit.”

Is it possible to hide any health problems and pass contrary to existing rules? Of course, nothing is possible. Now, with the active development of paid medical institutions, many prefer them to budget clinics at their place of residence, preferring comfort, the absence of queues, and appointments. At the same time outpatient card at the place of residence, accordingly, will be clean, without records of treatment.

You also don’t have to answer the whole truth to standard questions from specialists about the presence of complaints in your profile - not all diseases can be identified by a doctor without additional examinations, therefore, when determining the need for these surveys, it will still be guided by your words and the card data.

Therefore, if you set a goal, it is, of course, possible to hide (or try to do so) the presence of problems, but you should think hard - who will you ultimately deceive? It wouldn't work out like that of yourself. The commission's health requirements are extremely high, but this is due to the serious stress on the body when performing duties in this position. And some insignificant feature, which does not interfere in any way in ordinary life and does not cause absolutely any trouble, in extreme conditions can play a fatal role and turn into disaster not only for the employee himself, but also for those for whose lives he is responsible.

How to pass the CPD

When hiring, it is important not only physiological health, but also psychological. That's why special attention is devoted to psychodiagnostics, which is carried out by specialists from the Center for Psychology and Education. The abbreviation CPD means nothing more than a psychodiagnostic center, where candidates for service undergo a psychological examination.

You can also prepare for passing the CPD. First, you need to carefully analyze your appearance. Yes, and in such serious organizations you are greeted by your clothes, so they should be clean, tidy, and remember that you are still going to a reputable institution for a very specific purpose, so you should not shock others. Resist the temptation to show up in shorts and flip-flops, no matter how hot it is.

If you have tattoos or piercings, be prepared to answer additional questions. If there are scars, be prepared to answer questions about their origin.

Try to look at yourself from the outside. Psychologists draw conclusions not only on the basis of testing, they evaluate the candidate comprehensively. Believe me, nothing will go unnoticed. Bitten nails, dirty shoes, the aroma of a just smoked cigarette - all these are “hooks” that a specialist can “catch onto”, so you shouldn’t give him an extra reason.

Immediately before the day on which the examination is scheduled, you must:

  • Get some sleep. Lack of sleep will definitely affect your psychophysiological state;
  • Don't be hungry. Provide in advance the opportunity to satisfy hunger and thirst;
  • Be prepared that the examination will take a lot of time. Don't plan anything else for this day, so as not to be nervous and not to rush.

Well, it would be useful to remind you that it is completely unacceptable to appear for examination in a state of residual alcohol intoxication(with smell). Even if you have good reason in the form own wedding or the anniversary of your beloved mother-in-law - refrain.

How is the examination carried out? First you will be tested. Standard tests used for CPP are not difficult to find, they are all available, and you can even take them in advance.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Read the questions carefully, highlighting the words always, sometimes, never, often, occasionally.
  • Don't try to seem perfect. All tests contain questions that determine the so-called sincerity scale, based on which the degree of your truthfulness is assessed. You will not pay for luggage transportation in empty bus in the absence of a conductor? So don’t be afraid to admit that you won’t.
  • Remember your answers. There are a lot of questions, often they are repeated, with slight changes in wording. Don't get confused.

IQ testing. These tests can also be found and familiarized with them in advance, with the correct answers, respectively. But still, do not rewrite the answers, but solve the problem first so that you can demonstrate your train of thought, if necessary.

There will be a lot of tests, with a large number questions, please be patient. After testing, you will have a mandatory conversation with a psychologist. And here, try to remember that you are talking with a psychologist and he is assessing your suitability for service. Don’t relax, be on your guard, although the task of a psychologist is exactly the opposite.

During a conversation, you should not take a “closed” pose - cross your arms and legs, hide your eyes, and often touch your face with your hands. Based on the results of the conversation, the specialist may send you for additional examination.

The results are not given to the candidate; they are taken by an employee of the HR department.

In what other cases is it necessary to undergo VVC and CPD?

In case transfer to position, the purpose group of which is higher than the one for which you passed the commission.

It is worth noting that the health requirements for current employees in this case are somewhat different from those imposed on candidates.

It is somewhat easier to pass the transfer commission than initially for the position. So in some cases, if a candidate did not pass the first group of assignment, but passed, for example, the third, it still makes sense to apply for a position in the group in which he passed. And later, already as an employee, try again to apply for the position for which you were originally planning.

If an employee is transferred to a position with an increase in the assignment group, he also needs to undergo the CPT.

In the event of an insured event. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are insured mandatory, that is, when an insured event occurs, the employee is paid a certain amount. The amount of the insured amount depends on the severity of the injury. And it is precisely the severity of the injury that is determined by the military medical commission. You can read more about it in our article.

It is necessary to collect all certificates, all doctors’ reports, all photographs - all this will be useful at the commission.

Full list of required documents:

  1. Referral for medical examination. The HR department issues the referral; it must be indicated that the employee is being sent to determine the severity of the injury. The referral is valid for three months from the date of issue;
  2. The conclusion of the official investigation (injury certificate) is signed by the head of the unit. It indicates the circumstances of the injury and must necessarily contain a conclusion in the following wording - “the injury was received during the performance of official duties” or “the injury is not related to the performance of official duties.”
  3. Medical characteristics (written by the attending physician).
  4. Outpatient card.
  5. A copy of the sick leave certificate.
  6. A copy of the certificate confirming that you have passed the Military Military Test for fitness for service from your personal file.

If, when you received an injury, you went to another clinic other than the Ministry of Internal Affairs medical institution, then you must additionally provide:

  1. certificate of initial application to the state or municipal institution healthcare (original);
  2. an extract from the medical history of an outpatient (inpatient) patient;
  3. discharge summaries and other medical documentation(certified copies).

All medical documents must be certified with a corner stamp and the seal of the health care institution to which you applied.

IMPORTANT! Do not delay the registration; the period from the moment of injury to the moment of insurance payment should not exceed three years.

When extending service life

(reaching the age limit)

When reaching the age limit (currently it is 45 years for employees whose rank is not higher than lieutenant colonel) and extending their service life, the employee needs a commission opinion on the possibility of continuing to serve.

Upon dismissal

Upon dismissal, the employee is asked to undergo an IVC, which he has the right to refuse. If the VVK recognizes an employee as unfit for further service or fit with restrictions, then the basis for dismissal may change. You can read about it in our article.

Also, an employee must be sent to VVK if the total duration of days of incapacity for work is 4 months a year or more.

This is a relative innovation, please note that previously people were referred to the IVC if they had continuous sick leave for 4 months, now all sick leave during the year is counted.

The employee is directed to undergo the CPD by the department psychologist based on the recommendations of the previous report and examination results.