Integrated mechanization of a cattle farm. What technological processes can and should be automated? Data for selecting the control capacity of water towers

Petrozavodsk State University

Department of Mechanization of Agricultural Production

Course “Mechanization of livestock farms”

Course project

Mechanization of technological processes

on a cattle farm with 216 heads.



Object characteristics

1.1 Building dimensions

1.2 Materials used

1.3 Content technology

1.4 Diet for cows

1.5 Number of personnel

1.6 Daily routine

2. MTP brands on the farm

2.1 Milk receiver

2.2 Ventilation systems

3. Technological calculations

3.1 Microclimate calculation

4. Design development

4.1 Feed dispenser

4.2 Description of the invention

4.3 Claims

4.4 Design calculations


List of sources used


The design of livestock buildings should be based on production technologies that ensure high animal productivity.

Livestock farms, depending on their purpose, can be breeding or commercial. On pedigree livestock farms, they work to improve breeds and raise high-value breeding animals, which are then widely used on commercial farms to produce offspring used to replenish the herd. Commercial farms produce livestock products for public consumption and industrial needs.

Depending on the biological species of animals, there are cattle farms, pig farms, horse farms, poultry farms, etc. On cattle farms, livestock farming develops in the following main areas: dairy - for the production of milk, dairy and meat for the production of milk and beef, and beef cattle breeding.

Cattle breeding is one of the main livestock sectors in our country. High-value food products are obtained from cattle. Cattle are the main producer of milk and more than 95% of milk production valuable product accounts for dairy farming.

The cattle farm includes main and auxiliary buildings and structures: cowsheds, calf barns with a maternity ward, a room for keeping young animals, milking units, points artificial insemination, veterinary buildings, feed preparation premises, walking and feeding yards. In addition, engineering structures, sheds for roughage, manure storage facilities, sheds for storing equipment, and maintenance points are being built on farms.

Gipromselkhoz recommends that the technical characteristics of a livestock breeding complex be determined by three indicators: size, capacity and production capacity. The size of the complex and farm is determined by the average annual number of animals kept. Capacity shows the number of places to keep animals, and the production capacity of the farm shows the maximum possible output per year (milk, live weight, growth).

Object characteristics

Livestock farms are specialized agricultural enterprises designed for raising livestock and producing livestock products. Each farm is a single construction and technological complex, which includes main and auxiliary production, storage and auxiliary buildings and structures.

The main production buildings and structures include animal premises, maternity wards, walking and feeding areas, milking rooms with pre-milking areas and artificial insemination points.

Ancillary production facilities include premises for veterinary care of animals, truck scales, water supply, sewerage, electricity and heat supply facilities, internal driveways with hard surfaces and fenced farms.

Storage facilities include warehouses for feed, bedding and equipment, manure storage facilities, platforms or sheds for storing mechanization equipment.

Auxiliary structures include service and household premises - a zootechnical office, dressing rooms, a washroom, a shower room, and a toilet.

Dairy farms are designed from semi-detached buildings that combine main, utility and auxiliary premises. This is done in order to increase the compactness of farm development, as well as to reduce the length of all communications and the fencing area of ​​buildings and structures in all cases where this does not contradict the conditions of the technological process and safety precautions, sanitary and fire safety requirements and is advisable for technical and economic reasons. For example, a milking parlor with free-stall housing is located in a block with barns or between barns, and a pre-milking storage area is placed in front of the entrance to the milking parlor.

A walking and feeding yard and a walking area are usually designed along the southern wall of the livestock premises. It is recommended to place feeders in such a way that when loading them, vehicles do not enter the feeding yards.

Feed storage and bedding are placed so as to ensure the shortest path, convenience and ease of mechanization of feed supply To feeding places, and bedding - in stalls and boxes.

The artificial insemination point is built in close proximity to the cowsheds or is blocked with the milking department, and the maternity department, as a rule, with the calf barn. When keeping livestock tied up using linear milking machines, the conditions for placing farm buildings and structures remain the same as with free-stall housing, but the milking parlor is replaced by a milk parlor, and instead of walking and feeding yards, walking areas for livestock are installed at the barns. The technological connection of individual premises and their placement are carried out depending on the technology and method of keeping livestock and the purpose of the buildings.

1.1 Building dimensions

The linear dimensions of one barn are: length 84 m, width 18 m. The height of the walls is 3.21 m. The construction volume is 6981 m 3, per head 32.5 m 3. The building area is 1755.5 m2, per head 8.10 m2. Useful area 1519.4 m2, per head 7.50 m2. Main purpose area 1258.4 m2, per head 5.8 m2 Number of livestock places 216 heads. Load-bearing structures, floors and roofing are not changed. Feeders, vestibules, and milk block are being reconstructed. The supply chambers and the artificial insemination point are moved from the stall to the existing extension.

The dairy, washing, vacuum pumping and utility rooms are located at the end of the building. The gate openings and floors are being partially reconstructed, and vestibules are being added. Cows are kept tethered in stalls measuring 1.7 x 1.2 m.

The barn consists of: a stall room, a feed distribution room, a manure receiver room, a supply chamber, a washing room, a dairy room, a service room, an inventory room, a vacuum pump room, a bathroom, an arena, a laboratory, a room for storing liquid nitrogen, and a room for disinfectants.

1.2 Materials used

Foundation made of prefabricated concrete blocks in accordance with GOST 13579-78; the walls are made of silicate modular brick M-100 with mortar M-250 with a widened seam made of mineral slabs; coverings - wooden purlins on metal-wood arches; roofing made of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets over wooden sheathing; the floor is solid monolithic, made of concrete and covered with wooden panels, in the area of ​​manure channels - lattice; wooden windows according to GOST 1250-81; doors according to GOST 6624-74; 14269-84; 24698-81; wooden gates, double-leaf; the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slabs; the enclosing machines in the stalls are made of iron pipes; the harness is a metal collar with a chain; concrete feeders

1.3 Content technology

Tether housing of dairy cows.

Tether housing is used in farms that raise mainly beef cattle, and in recent years it has also been introduced in dairy cattle breeding. For the successful implementation of tether housing, the following main conditions are necessary: ​​a sufficient amount of varied feed to organize complete and differentiated feeding of groups of animals in accordance with their productivity; correct division of livestock into groups according to productivity, physiological state, age, etc.; proper organization of milking. Tethered housing of cows contributes to a significant reduction in labor costs for caring for animals compared to tethered housing, since in this case mechanization means are used more effectively and the work of livestock breeders is better organized.

Animals are kept indoors on deep, permanent bedding with a thickness of at least 20-25 cm, b without a leash. IN maternity ward cows are kept using tether housing technology.

Animals are fed in walking and feeding yards or special indoor areas, while the animals have free access to feed. Some of the concentrated feed is fed on milking platforms during milking. Cows are milked two to three times a day in special milking parlors on stationary milking machines such as “Yolochka”, “Tandem” or “Carousel”. When milking, the milk is cleaned and cooled in the stream. After 10 days, control milkings are carried out.

Cows are watered at any time of the day from group automatic drinkers (in winter with electrically heated water) installed on walking areas or in buildings.

Manure is removed from the passages of barns and from walking areas daily with a bulldozer, and from barns with deep permanent bedding - once or twice a year, with simultaneous transportation to fields or processing sites.

The farm must have a schedule of matings and expected calvings for all groups of cows. Animals are cleaned in a special room equipped with the necessary equipment.

For strict adherence daily routine, the farm must have reliable sources of electricity, cold and hot water. For the comprehensive mechanization of production processes, a system of machines is developed taking into account the specific operating conditions of the farm and the area where it is located.

1.4 Diet for cows

Cattle are capable of consuming and digesting large quantities of succulent and roughage feed, that is, feed containing a lot of fiber. Cows can consume 70 kg of feed or more per day. This feature is due to the anatomical structure gastrointestinal tract ruminants and the role of microorganisms that multiply in the pancreas of animals.

The effective use of nutrients is largely determined by the structure of diets, which is understood as the ratio of roughage, succulent and concentrated feed. When diets are saturated with succulent feed, the nutrients of all components included in the diet are digested and used 8-12% better than when they are not sufficient.

Diet for a cow with a live weight of 500 kg with a daily milk yield of 25 kg, table 1.4.1.

Table 1.4.1

1.5 Number of personnel

The number of personnel is determined depending on the type milking machine and the level of mechanization of processes on the farm, Table 1.5.1.

Table 1.5.1

1.6 Daily routine

6.00-6.30 - cash distribution.

6.30-7.00 - manure removal

7.00-9.00 - milking cows.

9.00-9.30 - washing of equipment and apparatus.

9.30-10.00 - distribution of hay.

10.00-10.30 - preparation of root and tuber crops.

10.30-11.30 - steaming feed.

10.30-14.00 - walking animals.

14.00-14.30 - distribution of silage.

14.30-15.30 - sweeping the aisles.

15.30-16.00 - distribution of root and tuber crops.

16.00-17.30 - animal rest.

16.30-17.00 - preparation of the milk pipeline.

17.00-17.30 - manure removal.

17.30-18.00 - distribution of silage.

18.00-20.00 - milking.

20.00-20.30 - washing of dairy equipment.

20.30-21.00 - distribution of hay.

21.00-21.15 - handing over the shift to the night cattleman.

2. MTP brands on the farm

2.1 Milk receiver

Milk receivers can be installed either in a corner or on a wall. Suitable for all types of rooms, including those with low piping, table 2.1.1

Table 2.1.1

2.2 Ventilation systems

Many years of experience show that one of the indispensable conditions for the healthy life of the herd is the creation of a ventilation system on the dairy farm that would correspond to its technical characteristics characteristics of the object. A high-quality microclimate has a significant impact on the health of cows and calves, and, accordingly, on all quantitative and qualitative indicators of the herd’s condition. Not only temperature and relative humidity data should be taken into account; complex optimization of microclimate components, namely ventilation, heating and cooling systems, is important.

Figure 2.3.6. Roof ventilation

The most energy-saving type of ventilation, using wind power. Ventilation is carried out through supply valves located on both sides and the roof ridge, without the use of fans.

Figure 2.3.7. Cross ventilation

It operates on the basis of natural ventilation, using the force of the wind, when conditions (direction and speed) adequate fans are turned off, which saves energy. When, while saving energy, the desired microclimate parameters are not maintained, it is possible to switch to forced ventilation by closing the windows on the fan side and connecting side fans that increase their speed in accordance with the incoming air.

Figure 2.3.8. Cross-combined ventilation.

It operates on the basis of natural ventilation, using the power of the wind. When, while saving energy, the desired microclimate parameters are not maintained, it is possible to switch to forced ventilation, close the curtain on the fan side and connect the side fans low power. If necessary, high-power fans are connected.

Figure 2.3.9. Roof diffuse ventilation

It operates on the basis of natural ventilation, using the power of the wind. When, while saving energy, the desired microclimate parameters are not achieved, it is possible to switch to forced ventilation, installing the side windows in the required position, switching to the operation of exhaust shaft fans.

Figure 2.3.10. Tunnel ventilation

It operates on the basis of natural ventilation, using the power of the wind, when conditions (direction and speed) adequate fans remain off, which saves energy. When, while saving energy, the desired microclimate parameters are not maintained, it is possible to switch to the forced “Tunnel” mode. In this case, all side windows are closed and high-power fans are gradually turned on, thus achieving optimal cooling throughout the entire volume of the room, thanks to the air flow that appears.

The use of this type of ventilation is possible in combination with the previously mentioned options.

Figure 2.3.11

Figure 2.3.12

2.3 Equipment of stalls

The design of the stalls should provide the cow with space for comfortable rest and freedom of movement. Overall dimensions are usually standard. Width - from 1.10 m to 1.20 m, length - from 1.80 m to 2.20 m. Stall bars are made of seamless pipes with a diameter of 60 mm with anti-corrosion coating, which is applied by immersion in a hot zinc solution; there is also an alternative option for making stalls from ferrous metal. Galvanizing occurs after all mechanical operations (cutting, bending, drilling), taking into account the experience of European farms.

To optimize the feeding process, feed grates are installed between the stalls and the feed passage, thanks to which the cows do not interfere with each other when eating. Also, the self-locking mechanism does not allow the animal to lie down at this time - this greatly simplifies the task of veterinary procedures. Thanks to the modular assembly system and the ability to combine various elements, all farms can be equipped with feed grates.

2.4 Drinking systems and water heating systems

At any temperature, the cow needs large quantities water. Steel drinkers are designed for watering 40-50 cows. A strong water flow of 120 l/min allows it to be clean. Drinkers are placed in the barn depending on the number of cows in the group and the placement of the groups themselves.

Drinker length - from 1.00 m to 3.00 m Drinker height - 80 - 100 cm

Supply of drinkers warm water occurs through special system heating water. The unit is equipped with a temperature controller and an automatic temperature limiter. The length of the water pipeline is up to 250 m. The installation can be operated at temperatures up to - 40º. The housing of the circulation pump and platform is made of stainless steel. Heating element 3 kW.

3. Technological calculations

3.1 Microclimate calculation

Initial data:

Number of animals - 216 heads

Outside air temperature - - 15 0 C

Relative humidity of outside air - 80%

Let's determine the air flow to remove excess carbon dioxide CO 2 using formula 3.2.1:


where: K CO2 - the amount of CO 2 released by animals m 3 / hour

C 1 - maximum permissible concentration of CO 2 in the air;

Let's determine the air exchange rate using formula 3.2.2:

where: V is the volume of the room in m 3 ();

Let's determine the air flow to remove moisture using formula 3.2.3:


where: W - moisture release indoors;

W 1 - moisture released by the animal's breath W1=424 g/hour;

W 2 - moisture released from drinkers and floors, W 2 =59.46 g/hour;

φ 2, φ 1 - relative humidity of indoor and outdoor air;

m - number of animals;

Air exchange rate according to formula 3.2.2:

Determination of the amount of heat lost for ventilation using formula 3.2.4:

where: t in - indoor air temperature, t in = 10 0 C;

t n - outside air temperature, t n = - 15 0 C;

ρ in - air density, ρ in = 1.248 kg/m;

Determination of the amount of heat lost through the walls of the room using formula 3.2.5:

where: K about - heat transfer coefficient per 1 head;

m - number of goals;

Determination of the amount of heat generated by animals using formula 3.2.6:

where: m is the number of animals;

g is the amount of heat generated by one animal, found using formula 3.2.7:

where: t in - indoor temperature;

g m is the rate of heat release per animal;

Determination of the required heater performance to determine space heating using formula 3.2.8:

From the calculation it is clear that a heater is not needed.

Selection and determination of the required number of fans and exhaust shafts according to formula 3.2.9:

where: L is the required air flow;

Q - fan performance;

Sectional area of ​​mines with natural draft according to formula 3.2.10:

where: V is the air speed, calculated using formula 3.2.11:


where: h is the height of the exhaust shaft;

Number of exhaust shafts according to formula 3.2.12:

where: f is the cross-sectional area of ​​the exhaust shaft;

3.2 Machine milking of cows and primary milk processing

Daily milk yield per cow according to formula 3.3.1:

where: Pr - average annual milk yield;

Number of machine milking operators to service the milking machine according to formula 3.3.2:

where: m d - the number of dairy cows in the herd; τ r - the cost of manual labor for milking one cow;

τ d - duration of milking of the herd;

Number of milking machines serviced by one operator according to formula 3.3.3:

where: τ m - time of machine milking of a cow;

Operator performance according to formula 3.3.4:

Milking machine performance according to formula 3.3.5:

Productivity of the dairy production line for primary milk processing according to formula 3.3.6:


where: C is the milk intake coefficient;

K - number of dairy cows;

P - average annual milk yield;

Required capacity of the separator mud space according to formula 3.3.7:


where: P is the percentage of separate mucus deposition from the total volume of milk passed; τ - duration of continuous operation;

Q m is the required throughput of the milk purifier;


The working surface of the plate cooler is found according to formula 3.3.8:


where: C is the heat capacity of milk;

t 1 - initial milk temperature;

t 2 - final milk temperature;

K is the overall heat transfer coefficient;

Q cool is the required capacity, found according to formula 3.3.9:

Δt av - average arithmetic difference temperatures, is found according to formula 3.3.10:


where: Δt max =27 о С, Δt min =3 о С

Number of plates in the cooler section according to formula 3.3.11:

where: F 1 - area of ​​one plate;

Based on the data obtained, we select the OM-1 cooler.

3.3 Calculation of manure removal on the farm

We find the daily output of manure on the farm using formula 3.4 1:

where: g k - average daily excretion of solid excrement by one animal, kg;

g w - average daily output of liquid excrement by one animal, kg;

g in - average daily water consumption for draining manure per animal, kg;

g p - average daily litter rate per animal, kg;

m is the number of animals on the farm;

Daily yield of manure during the grazing period according to formula 3.4 2:

(3.4 2)

Annual manure yield according to formula 3.4 3:

where: τ st - duration of the stall period;

τ p - grazing period;

Manure storage area according to formula 3.4 4:

(3.4 4)

where: h is the height of manure placement;

D хр - duration of storage of manure;

q - density of manure;

Conveyor performance according to formula 3.4 5:

where: l is the length of the scraper; h—scraper height;

V - chain speed with scrapers;

q - density of manure;

ψ - fill factor;

Duration of operation of the conveyor, during the day according to formula 3.4 6:

(3.4 6)

where: G * day - daily output of manure from one animal;

Duration of one manure removal cycle according to formula 3.4 7:

where: L is the total length of the conveyor;

4. Design development

4.1 Feed dispenser

The invention relates to feed dispensers used on livestock farms and complexes. The feed distributor includes a rectangular hopper (RB) mounted on a fixed frame with unloading windows (VO) in its side walls. Inside (PB) there is a reversible feed conveyor, which is designed as connected to an eccentric mechanism using connecting rods and a bottom (D) on rollers. In (E) there are transverse slots in which split strips (RP) are placed with the possibility of rotation, which are rigidly fixed on axes, at the ends of which there are rods fixed with pins. The rods fit into the hole of the brackets mounted on the longitudinal strips (D). At the edges of the axes opposite the slats, there are levers that interact with stops installed on the surface (D) and thereby limiting the angle of rotation (RP) as they pass through the feed monolith and combing the feed, and the stops limit the direction of rotation (RP) on each of the halves ( D) towards the side walls (SB). The means for preventing feed from overhanging is made in the form of a set of -shaped longitudinal elements (PE) rigidly fixed above (D), with their base facing towards (D).

Ensuring the dispensing of various types of feed with different angles of natural repose is represented by ellipsoidal rollers. Their axes are connected by a rod through telescopic levers and pass through a trunnion mounted on a hopper, in the walls of which slots are made for moving the -shaped ones (PE). The combing working element is made in the form of a spring-loaded double-armed lever (DR.) hinged above (BO) with rakes that interact with the split strips (D) and clear them of feed. (DR.) is equipped with a spring mounted on the side wall (PB). The feed dispenser is driven from the rotating mechanism of the tractor through the cardan and transfer shafts and the gearbox. The design of the device makes it possible to configure it for different types of feed by changing the -shaped element mounted on the axes, which expands the operational capabilities of the device.1 h. p. f-ly, 6 ill.

4.2 Description of the invention

The invention relates to feed dispensers, in particular to dispensers of stem feed for animals, mainly young animals, used on livestock farms and complexes.

A feed dispenser is known that includes a hopper, one of the walls of which is made in the form of an L-shaped grip holder, with which the feed monolith is loaded by driving a self-propelled chassis onto a stack with the drive wheels turned across it. By subsequent rotation of the fork with the help of winches and articulated struts, the latter of which are connected to hydraulic cylinders, the feed monolith is turned over into a hopper onto fixed transverse knives and tiered longitudinal knives, which dump portions of feed onto the unloading conveyor. When installing a removable grid on the knives and connecting it to the fork drive, the feed monolith is transported to the unloading site (Author's certificate 1600654, A 01 K 5/00, 1990).

The disadvantages of this feed dispenser are the complexity of its design and the inability to dispense types of feed.

The closest thing to the proposed feed dispenser is a feed dispenser, which includes a hopper with an unloading window, a feeding reversible conveyor, made in the form of a bottom connected to an eccentric mechanism with transverse slots in which rotating bars are installed, rigidly fixed on the axes, a combing working element, a means of preventing overhang of feed in the form of a set of -shaped elements rigidly fixed above the bottom, with their base facing the bottom. The angle formed by the --shaped longitudinal element is less than two angles of repose of the feed. The combing working element is made in the form of a spring-loaded double-arm lever with rake hinges mounted above the unloading window (Author's certificate 1175408, A 01 K 5/02, 1985).

The disadvantage of this feed dispenser is that the angle formed by the A-shaped longitudinal elements is rigidly fixed. As a result, this feed dispenser does not have the ability to dispense feed with different angles of repose.

The technical objective of the invention is to ensure the delivery of feed having different angles of repose.

The task is achieved in a feed dispenser containing a hopper with an unloading window, a combing working element, a feeding reversible conveyor made in the form of a bottom connected to an eccentric mechanism, above which there is a means of preventing overhang of feed in the form of a set of --shaped elements, with their base facing the bottom with transverse slots in which split rotary strips are installed with the ability to move between the --shaped elements in the direction of the side walls of the hopper, where, according to the invention, the tops of the --shaped elements are hinged on the axes with the possibility of moving the latter in the slots of the side walls of the hopper, and installed inside the mentioned --shaped elements with the ability to interact with their internal surfaces, rotating elliptical rollers, the axes of which are equipped with telescopic arms, hinged on a common rod mounted on the wall of the hopper with the possibility of reciprocating movement.

In addition, the task is achieved by the fact that the rod is equipped with a position lock, which ensures the angle of rotation of the ellipsoidal rollers corresponding to the type of feed.

Unlike the prototype in the proposed design, the -shaped elements have the ability to be adjusted to different types of feed, that is, to change the angle formed by them. The angle is changed using a mechanism that includes elliptical rollers mounted with the possibility of rotation on axes that are fixed in the walls of the hopper, telescopic levers by means of which the rollers rotate, a rod pivotally connected to the telescopic levers and passing through a trunnion fixed to the wall of the hopper and acting as a retainer.

Figure 1 schematically shows a feed dispenser, a longitudinal section; figure 2 - mechanism for changing the angle of the -shaped elements, node I in figure 1; Fig.3 - feed dispenser, cross section; Fig.4 - placement of rotary split strips on the movable bottom, node II in Fig.3; Fig.5 - the same, view A in Fig.3; Fig.6 - fastening the rotary split strips on the axes.

The feed dispenser includes a rectangular hopper 2 mounted on a fixed frame 1 with unloading windows 3 in its side walls. Inside the hopper 2 there is a reversible feed conveyor 4, which is designed as connected to an eccentric mechanism 5 by means of connecting rods 6 and a bottom 8 mounted on rollers 7 with transverse slots 9, in which split strips 10 are rotatably placed.

The split strips 10 are rigidly fixed on the axles 11, at the ends of which there are rods 12, fixed by pins 13. The rods 12 enter the hole of the brackets 14, fixed to the longitudinal strips 15 of the bottom 8. At the edges of the axes 11 against the split strips 10, levers 16 are fixed, interacting with stops 17 installed on the surface of the bottom 8 and thereby limiting the angle of rotation of the split slats 10 as they pass through the feed monolith and combing out the feed, and the stops 17 limit the direction of rotation of the slats 10 on each half of the bottom 8 towards the side walls of the hopper 2. Means for preventing writing the feed is made in the form of a set of -shaped longitudinal elements 18, rigidly fixed above the bottom 8, with their base facing the bottom 8. Ensuring the delivery of various types of feed with different angles of natural repose is represented by elliptical rollers 19. Their axes 20 are connected by a rod 21 through telescopic levers 22 and pass through the axle 23, fixed to the hopper 2. Slots 24 are made in the walls of the hopper 2 for moving the --shaped elements 18.

The height of the --shaped elements 18 exceeds the height of the split strips 10. The combing working body is made in the form of a spring-loaded double-armed lever 25 with rakes 26 that interact with the split strips 10 of the bottom 8 and clear them of feed. Lever 25 is equipped with a spring 27 mounted on the side wall of the hopper 2. The feed dispenser is driven from the rotating mechanism of the tractor through the cardan 28, transfer 29 shafts and gearbox 30.

The feed dispenser works as follows.

Rotation from the tractor PTO through the cardan 28 and transfer 29 shafts is transmitted to the gearbox 30. Then, through the connecting rods 6, the eccentric mechanism 5 reciprocates the movable bottom 8. When the movable bottom 8 moves, the split bars 10 on one of the halves interact with the material loaded into the hopper 2 on the fixed elements 18 with a monolith of feed, are introduced into it and rotated on the rods 12 of the axes 11 to the upper working position until the levers 16 contact the stops 17, after which the feed is combed out and dragged to the unloading window 3. The bottom exit with split slats 10 in the unloading window 3 outside the hopper 2 is determined by the magnitude of the eccentricity.

When the split slats 10 with food in the unloading windows 3 exit the hopper, they interact with the spring-loaded rake 26 and deflect it. During the reverse stroke, i.e. when the bottom 8 moves in the opposite direction, the split strips 10, when interacting with the feed monolith, rotate on the axes 11 in the opposite direction, occupy a position close to horizontal, and move freely between the -shaped longitudinal elements 18 under the feed monolith, while the feed remaining on the bottom 8 outside the hopper 2 interacts with the spring-loaded rake 26 and is dumped into the feeder. During the reverse stroke, the described actions are performed on the other half of the movable bottom. The processes are repeated.

During the operation of the feed dispenser, as the feed is combed, the feed located in the hopper 2 is constantly lowered on the elements 18 to the split slats 10, while the entire monolith of the feed located in the hopper 2 remains in place, and energy is spent only on combing and moving the combed portion.

When the feed dispenser operates with different types of feed, which have different angles of repose, you can change the angle of the --shaped elements 18 using ellipsoidal rollers 19. To do this, it is necessary to fix the rod 21 in the trunnion 23 with a pin 31, depending on the required angle of repose of the feed. By moving the rod 21, the axes of the elliptical rollers 20 rotate and cause the rollers 19 themselves to rotate, which in turn will change the angle of the -shaped elements 18.

The implementation in this feed dispenser of a mechanism for changing angles by formed -shaped elements makes it possible to distribute feed with different angles of natural repose of the feed.

4.3 Claims

1. A feed dispenser containing a hopper with an unloading window, a combing working body, a feeding reversible conveyor, made in the form of a bottom connected to an eccentric mechanism, above which there is a means of preventing overhang of feed in the form of a set of shaped elements, with their base facing the bottom with transverse slots, in which split rotary strips are installed with the ability to move between the shaped elements in the direction of the side walls of the hopper, characterized in that the tops of the shaped elements are hinged on axes with the possibility of moving the latter in the slots of the side walls of the hopper, and inside the said shaped elements are installed with the ability to interact with them the internal surfaces are rotating elliptical rollers, the axes of which are equipped with telescopic arms, hinged on a common rod mounted on the wall of the hopper with the possibility of reciprocating movement.

2. The feed dispenser according to claim 1, characterized in that the rod is equipped with a position lock that provides an angle of rotation of the elliptical rollers corresponding to the type of feed.

4.4 Design calculations

where: q is the daily amount of feed mixture per cow, kg;

m- number of cows;

We will find a one-time feed supply for the entire livestock using formula 4.2.2:

where: K p - feeding frequency;


Feed distribution system consumption according to formula 4.2.3:

t k - feeding time, s;


Consumption of a mobile feed dispenser according to formula 4.2.4:


where: V is the capacity of the bunker, m 3;

g - density of feed in the bunker, kg/m 3;

k and - working time utilization factor;

φ zap - hopper filling coefficient;


We will find the number of feed dispensers using formula 4.2.5:


The calculated linear density of feed is determined by formula 4.2.6:

where: q is the rate of one-time feed distribution per head, kg;

m o - number of heads per one food place;

l k - length of feed-place, m;


The required mass of feed in the bunker is determined by formula 4.2.7:


where: q- one-time feed supply, kg per head;

m is the number of heads in a row;

n - number of rows;

k z - safety factor;

We find the volume of the bunker using formula 4.2.8:

m 3

Let's find the length of the bunker based on the dimensions of the feed passage and the height of the gate using formula 4.2.9:

where: d b - width of the hopper;

h b - hopper height;


Let's find the required speed of the feeding conveyor using formula 4.2.10:

where: b is the width of the feed monolith in the bunker;

h - height of the monolith;

v agr - speed of the unit;


Let's find the average speed of the longitudinal conveyor using formula 4.2.11:

where: k b - tractor slip coefficient;

k o - feed lag coefficient;


The design speed of the unloading conveyor can be found using formula 4.2.13:


where: b 1 - width of the unloading chute, m;

h 1 - height of the feed layer at the outlet of the chute, m;

k sk - feed sliding coefficient;

k k - coefficient taking into account volume loss due to the pipeline circuit;


5. Occupational health and safety

The main condition for the safety of the personnel of livestock farms and complexes is the correct organization of equipment operation.

Workers servicing machinery must be trained in safety rules and have the technical and practical skills to perform work safely. Persons servicing equipment must study the manual for the design and operation of the machines they work with.

Before starting work, you must check that the machine is installed correctly. You cannot start work unless you have a clear and safe approach to the machine.

Rotating parts of machines and drives must have proper protective guards. Do not operate the machine with the safety guards removed or faulty. Repairing machines is only permitted when the machine is completely stopped and disconnected from the network.

Normal and safe operation of mobile transport and feed dispensers is ensured if they are in good technical condition and have good access roads and feed passages. While the conveyor is operating, it is prohibited to stand on the machine frame or open the casing hatches. For operational safety when transporting manure using scraper units, all transmission mechanisms are closed, the electric motor is grounded, and a floor is made at the transition point. It is not allowed to place foreign objects on the installations or stand on them.

Elimination of all damage to electric drives, control panels, power and lighting networks must be carried out only by an electrician who has a special permit for servicing the electrical network.

Switching switches of distribution points on and off is permitted only with the use of a rubber mat. Vacuum pumps with electric motors and a control panel for milking units are located in separate rooms and grounded. To ensure safety, closed-type starting equipment is used. Electric lamps in damp areas must have ceramic fittings.

Due to the fact that in recent years the mechanization of labor-intensive processes in livestock farming has become widespread, it is necessary not only to know the installation and maintenance of mechanisms and machines installed on farms, but also to know the safety rules when installing and operating these machines. Without knowledge of work procedures and safety regulations, it is impossible to increase labor productivity and ensure the safety of working people. Organization and implementation of work to create safe working conditions is entrusted to the heads of organizations.

To systematically train and familiarize workers with the rules of safe work, the administration of organizations conducts safety briefings with workers: introductory briefing, on-the-job (primary) briefing, daily briefing and periodic (repeated) briefing.

Introductory training is carried out with all employees, without exception, upon entry to work, regardless of profession, position or nature of future work. It is carried out for the purpose of familiarization with general rules safety precautions, fire safety and methods of providing first aid for injuries and poisonings, with maximum use visual aids. At the same time, typical industrial accidents are examined.

After the introductory briefing, each worker is given an accounting card, which is kept in his personal file. Instruction at the workplace is carried out when a newly hired worker is allowed to work, when transferred to another job, or when a technological process is changed. Instruction at the workplace is carried out by the head of this section (foreman, mechanic). The on-the-job training program includes familiarization with the organizational and technical rules for this area of ​​work; requirements for the proper organization and maintenance of the workplace; arrangement of machines and equipment that the worker is entrusted with servicing; familiarization with safety devices, hazardous areas, tools, cargo transportation rules, safe methods work and with safety instructions for this type of work. After this, the site manager issues permission for the worker to work independently.

Day-to-day instruction consists of administrative and technical workers supervising the safe conduct of work. If a worker violates safety rules, administrative and technical workers are obliged to demand that work be stopped and explain to the worker possible consequences, which these violations could lead to, and show safe work practices.

Periodic (or repeated) training includes general questions induction and on-the-job training. It is held 2 times a year. If cases of violation of safety regulations have been discovered at the enterprise, then additional periodic training of workers must be carried out.

On labor safety negative impact provide unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Sanitary and hygienic working conditions provide for the creation of a normal air and thermal regime in the workplace, compliance with the work and rest regime, the creation of conditions for maintaining personal hygiene in production and use individual funds protection from external influences on the human body, etc.

Creating a normal air-thermal regime in livestock buildings is especially important. Slots, loosely closed doors and windows create drafts; heat is not retained in the room and a normal microclimate is not maintained. As a result of unsatisfactory ventilation, air humidity increases. All this affects the body and causes colds. Therefore, livestock buildings for the autumn-winter period must be insulated, windows installed, cracks sealed, and ventilation equipped.

5.1 Safety measures when operating machinery and equipment in livestock buildings

Only persons who have studied the instructions for the design and operation of the equipment are allowed to work on servicing machines and equipment. knowledgeable about the rules safety precautions, fire safety and first aid rules for electric shock. It is strictly forbidden to allow unauthorized persons to work with the equipment.

All work related to technical care and troubleshooting equipment, are carried out only after disconnecting the engine from the network. Working on equipment with safety guards removed is prohibited. Before starting the unit, you must ensure that all components and control devices are in working order. If any component malfunctions, the machine is not allowed to be put into operation.

A vacuum installation with a magnetic starter must be located in a special isolated room, in which there should be no foreign objects or flammable substances. When using strong detergents and disinfectants It is necessary to use rubber gloves, boots and rubberized aprons.

Do not place any objects in the area of ​​operation of scrapers and conveyor chains. While the conveyors are operating, it is prohibited to stand on the sprockets and chain. Operation of conveyors with bent or broken scrapers is prohibited. You must not be in a mine or overpass while the manure removal trolley is operating.

All electrical power installations and starting equipment must be grounded. The insulation of cables and wires of electric power plants must be protected from mechanical damage.

The pipeline connecting the drinkers is grounded at the extreme and middle points directly at the drinkers, and when entering into buildings, the water supply system is equipped with a dielectric insert of at least 50 cm in length


After making calculations for the farm, for convenience, you can summarize all the data obtained in Table 7.1 and, if necessary, compare it with any similar cattle farm. Also, based on the data obtained, it is possible to outline the upcoming amount of work on the preparation of feed and bedding.

Table 7.1

Name For one cow For one farm
1 2 3 4
2 Milk
3 per day, kg 28 11200
4 per year, t 8,4 3360
5 Total
6 watering, l 10 4000
7 milking, l 15 6000
8 manure flush, l 1 400
9 feed preparation, l 80 32000
10 just a day 106 42400
11 Litter
12 per day, kg 4 1600
13 per year, t 1,5 600
14 Stern
15 hay, kg 10 4000
16 hay per year, t 3,6 1440
17 silage, kg 20 8000
18 silage per year, t 7,3 2920
19 tuber crops, kg 10 4000
20 root crops per year, t 3,6 1440
21 conc. feed, kg 6 2400
22 conc. feed per year, t 2,2 880
23 Manure
24 per day, kg 44 17600
25 per year, t 15,7 6280
26 Biogas
27 per day, m3
28 per year, m3

1. Hygiene of farm animals. In 2 books. Book 1 under. ed. / A.F. Kuznetsova and M.V. Demchuk. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1992. - 185 p.

2. Mechanization of livestock farms. Under the general editorship / N.R. Mamedova. - M.: Higher School, 1973. - 446 p.

3. Technology and mechanization of livestock farming. Textbook for the beginning prof. education. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: IRPO; Ed. Center “Academy”, 2000. - 416 p.

4. Mechanization and electrification of livestock farming / L.P. Kortashov, V.T. Kozlov, A.A. Avakiev. - M.: Kolos, 1979. - 351 p.

5. Vereshchagin Yu.D. Machinery and equipment / Yu.D. Vereshchagin, A.N. Cordial. - M.: Higher School, 1983. - 144 p.

Mechanization of livestock farming can significantly reduce the cost of livestock production, as it simplifies the procedure of feeding and manure removal. By applying comprehensive measures to automate farming, the owner will be able to receive impressive profits, while fully recouping the costs of modernization

Livestock farming is an important segment of the economy, providing the population with such necessary products food, such as meat, milk, eggs, etc. At the same time, livestock farms supply raw materials for light industry enterprises that produce clothing, shoes, furniture and other material assets. Finally, farm animals are a source of organic fertilizers for crop production enterprises. In view of this, an increase in the volume of livestock production is a desirable and even necessary phenomenon for any state. At the same time, the main source production growth in the modern world, primarily the introduction of intensive technologies, in particular automation and mechanization of livestock farming with the basics of energy saving.

Status and prospects for mechanization of livestock farming in Russia

Livestock farming is a fairly labor-intensive type of production, so the use of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress through mechanization and automation of work processes is an obvious direction for increasing the efficiency and profitability of production.

Today in Russia, labor costs for producing a unit of output on large mechanized farms are 2-3 times lower than the industry average, and production costs are 1.5-2 times lower. And although the level of mechanization of the industry as a whole is high, it lags significantly behind developed countries and is therefore insufficient. Thus, only about 75% of dairy farms have comprehensive mechanization of work, among beef producers there are less than 60%, and among pork producers - about 70%.

In Russia, livestock farming remains highly labor-intensive, which negatively affects production costs. For example, the share of manual labor in servicing cows is about 55%, and in sheep breeding and reproductive shops of pig farms - at least 80%. The level of production automation in small farms is even lower - on average, it is 2-3 times behind the industry as a whole. For example, only about 20% of farms with a herd of up to 100 heads and about 45% with a herd of up to 200 heads are fully mechanized.

Among the reasons low level mechanization of domestic livestock farming can be called, on the one hand, low profitability in the industry, which does not allow enterprises to purchase imported equipment, and on the other hand, the lack of domestic modern means of integrated mechanization and livestock farming technologies.

According to scientists, the situation could be corrected by the domestic industry mastering the production of standard modular livestock complexes with a high level of automation, robotization and computerization. The modular principle would allow unification of designs various equipment, ensuring their interchangeability, facilitating the process of creating livestock complexes and reducing operating costs for them. However, this approach requires targeted intervention in the situation by the state represented by the relevant ministry. Unfortunately, the necessary steps in this direction have not yet been taken.

Technological processes subject to automation

The production of livestock products is a long chain of technological processes, operations and work related to the breeding, keeping and slaughter of farm animals. In particular, industry enterprises perform the following types of work:

  • preparation of feed,
  • feeding and watering animals,
  • manure removal and processing,
  • collection of products (eggs, honey, wool shearing, etc.),
  • slaughtering animals for meat,
  • animal mating,
  • execution various works to create and maintain the necessary indoor microclimate, etc.

Mechanization and automation of livestock farming cannot be continuous. Some types of work can be fully automated by entrusting them to computerized and robotic mechanisms. Other works are subject only to mechanization, that is, they can only be performed by a person, but using more advanced and productive equipment as tools. Very few jobs today require entirely manual labor.

Mechanization and automation of feeding

Preparing and distributing feed, as well as watering animals, is one of the most labor-intensive technological processes in animal husbandry. It accounts for up to 70% total costs labor, which by default makes it the first “target” for automation and mechanization. Fortunately, outsourcing this type of work to robots and computers is relatively easy for most livestock industries.

Today, the mechanization of feed distribution provides a choice of two types of technical solutions: stationary feed dispensers and mobile (mobile) feed distribution devices. The first solution is an electric motor that controls a belt, scraper or other conveyor. Feed is supplied from a stationary dispenser by unloading it from a hopper onto a conveyor, which then delivers food directly to the feeders. In turn, the mobile feed dispenser moves the hopper itself directly to the feeders.

Which type of feeder to use is determined by making some calculations. Usually they come down to the fact that it is necessary to calculate the implementation and maintenance of which type of distributor will be more cost-effective for housing a given configuration and a given type of animal.

Mechanization of watering is an even simpler task, since water, being a liquid, is easily transported by itself through pipes and gutters under the influence of gravity (if there is at least a minimum angle of inclination of the gutter/pipe). It is also easy to transport using electric pumps through a pipe system.

Mechanization of manure collection

The mechanization of production processes in livestock farming does not bypass the process of manure removal, which, among all technological operations, is in second place in terms of labor intensity after feeding. This work must be done frequently and in large quantities.

Modern livestock farms use various mechanized and automated systems manure removal, the type of which directly depends on the type of animals, their housing system, configuration and other features of the premises, the type and amount of bedding material. In order to achieve the maximum level of automation and mechanization of this type of work, it is highly desirable to provide for the use of specific equipment at the stage of construction of the premises in which the animals will be kept. Only then will comprehensive mechanization of livestock farming become possible.

Manure removal can be done in two ways: mechanical and hydraulic. Systems mechanical type actions are divided into:

  • a) scraper conveyors;
  • b) rope-scraper installations;
  • c) bulldozers.

Hydraulic systems are distinguished by:

  1. By driving force:
    • gravity flow (manure moves along an inclined surface under the influence of gravity);
    • forced (manure moves under the influence of external force, for example, water flow);
    • combined (part of the “route” manure moves by gravity, and part is forced).
  2. Based on the operating principle:
    • continuous action (manure is removed around the clock as it arrives);
    • periodic action (manure is removed when accumulated to a certain level or after certain periods of time).
  3. By design:
    • floatable (manure continuously moves along the channel due to the difference in its level at the top and bottom of the channel);
    • gate valves (the channel blocked by a valve is partially filled with water and manure is accumulated in it for several days, after which the valve is opened and the contents descend further by gravity);
    • combined.

Dispatching and comprehensive automation in livestock farming

Increasing production efficiency and reducing the level of labor costs per unit of production in livestock farming should not be limited to automation, mechanization and electrification of individual technological operations and types of work. The current level of scientific and technological progress has already made it possible to fully automate many types of industrial production, where the entire production cycle from the stage of raw material acceptance to the packaging stage finished products packaging is carried out by an automatic robotic line under the supervision of one dispatcher or several engineers.

Obviously, due to the specifics of livestock farming, it is impossible to achieve such automation levels today. However, you can strive for it as a desired ideal. There is already equipment that allows you to abandon the use of individual machines and replace them with production production lines. Such lines will not be able to control absolutely the entire production cycle, but are capable of completely mechanizing the main technological operations.

Production production lines are equipped with complex working parts and advanced sensor and alarm systems, which allows achieving a high level of automation and control of equipment. Maximum use of such lines will allow moving away from manual labor, including operators of hotel machines and mechanisms. They will be replaced by dispatch systems for monitoring and controlling technological processes.

The transition to a modern level of automation and mechanization of work in Russian livestock farming will reduce operating costs in the industry several times.

Recently produced by our industry, it is intended for complex mechanization of farms for both tethered and loose housing of animals. Based on the level of equipment of the farm milking machines and others equipment for livestock farms Projects for the construction of livestock buildings are also being developed. Theoretical calculations and practical experience show that it is economically feasible to create farms with a livestock of at least 200 cows. The existing mechanization is mainly used to equip such farms (for example, milk line for 200 heads), however, it can be successfully used in barns for 100 heads (other types milk pipeline, herringbone milking platform).

Water supply to most farms is carried out by equipping wells with a depth of 50 to 120 m, with casing pipes with a diameter of 150-250 mm. Water from wells is supplied by submersible deep electric pumps of the UECV type. The type of pump and its performance are selected depending on the depth, diameter of the well and the required amount of water for the farm. Water towers installed near wells are used as a reservoir for receiving and storing water. The most convenient and easy to operate is the all-metal tower of the Rozhkovsky system. Its capacity (15 cubic meters) ensures an uninterrupted supply of water to the farm (up to 2000 animals) with periodic pumping and filling of the tower with water from the well. Currently, towerless water pumps, small-sized and with full automation of control, are increasingly being used.

For watering cows in barns with tethered housing, the following is used: equipment for dairy farms: single-cup valve individual drinkers T1A-1, one for every two cows. The drinking bowl is small in size and easy to maintain. When animals are kept loose, AGK-4 drinking bowls with electric heating are widely used. They are installed in open walking areas at the rate of one per 50-100 heads. The AGK-4 drinker ensures heating of water and maintaining the temperature up to 14-18° at a frost of up to 20°, consuming about 12 kW/h of electricity per day. To feed animals on walking areas and pastures in the summer, you should use a group automatic drinker AGK-12, which serves 100-150 animals. For watering animals on pastures and summer camps, 10-15 km away from water sources, it is advisable to use the PAP-10A automatic drinking bowl. It is mounted on a single-axle trailer with pneumatic tires, has 10 drinkers, a water tank and a pump driven by the tractor power take-off shaft. In addition to its direct purpose, the drinking bowl can serve to pump water with a pump installed on it. The PAP-10A drinking bowl is aggregated with the Belarus-Rus tractor; it provides water to a herd of 100-120 cows.

Feeding animals when kept in a tether is also carried out using equipment for dairy farms, in particular - mobile or stationary feed dispensers. In tethered barns with feed passages up to 2.0 m wide, it is advisable to use a feed dispenser—a PTU-10K tractor trailer—to distribute feed into feed troughs. This feed dispenser is aggregated with all brands of Belarus tractors. It has a body capacity of 10 cubic meters. m and distribution productivity from 6 to 60 kg per 1 shoulder strap, m feeder. The cost of the feed dispenser is quite high, so equipment for dairy farms It is most profitable to use it on farms with a population of 400-600 cows or on two or three closely located farms.

If the farm uses ground silage or laying silage in trenches that have access roads, then it is most convenient to load silage and straw into the PTU-10K feed dispenser using the PSN-1M mounted silo loader. The loader separates silage or straw from a pile or stack, chops it and delivers the chopped mass to the body of a feed dispenser or to other transport. The loader is aggregated with MTZ-5L and MTZ-50 tractors; it operates from the power take-off shaft and tractor hydraulics. The loader is equipped with a bulldozer hitch BN-1, which is used for raking the remains of silage and straw, as well as for other economic works. The loader is serviced by one tractor driver, with a capacity of up to 20 tons of silage and up to 3 tons of straw per hour.

In cases where the silage mass is stored in underground storage facilities, pits or sectional trenches, instead of the PSN-1M loader, it is advisable to use the EPV-10 electrified intermittent loader. It is a gantry crane with an inclined beam, but through which a carriage with a vibrating grab is moved. The loader's productivity is about 10 tons per hour, serviced by one worker. The advantage of the electrified EPV-10 loader is that it can be used to remove manure from buried manure storage areas, replacing the working element. Its productivity for unloading manure is 20-25 tons/hour.

If the barn has a low ceiling (less than 2.5 m) or insufficient width of the feed aisle between the feeders (less than 2 m), it is advisable to use a stationary transporter—TVK-80A feed dispenser—to distribute feed in the stalls. It is installed along the entire length of the barn on one row of cows along the feeding front. The receiving loading part of the conveyor is located in a special room, and its loading is carried out with the conveyor turned on from the trailed tractor feed dispenser PTU-10K. Feed sensors TVK-80 and PTU-10K operate simultaneously in a given mode. The rate of distribution of feed to animals is regulated by changing the feed rate of feed dispenser PTU-10K.

In loose housing, a mobile feed dispenser is most effective for feeding on a walking area, although in some cases, in particular when keeping animals in boxes, the TVK-80A feed dispenser can be successfully used. IN summer time mowing, chopping and loading of green mass into the trailed feed dispenser PTU-10K is carried out by the mower-chopper KIR-1.5; in autumn-winter, silage and straw are loaded into the feed dispenser using the mounted loader PSN-1M.

For milking cows kept in a tether, two types of milking machines are used: “Milking set 100”, DAS-2 and DA-ZM for milking in buckets and sludge plant“Daugava” for milking into the milk pipeline, “Milking set 100” is intended for a barn for 100 heads. It consists of 10 Volga milking machines, vacuum equipment, a device for washing milking machines, an OOM-1000A milk purifier-cooler with a frigator box, a TMG-2 tank for collecting and storing milk, a VET-200 electric water heater, and OTsNSh milk pumps -5 and UDM-4-ZA. The milking kit provides milking, primary processing and storage of milk, so it is advisable to use it for equipment milking machines remote barns, where it may be necessary to store milk for one or two milk yields for a short time. The load on the milkmaid when using the kit is 22-24 cows.

For farms located in close proximity to dairy plants; drainage points or transport routes, the DAS-2 milking machine or milking machine YES-ZM. The DAS-2 milking machine is equipped with a two-stroke milking machine "Maiga", vacuum equipment, a device for washing milking machines and a cabinet for storing replacement rubber. The DA-ZM milking machine contains the same equipment, but is equipped with Volga three-stroke milking machines or mobile milking machines. PDA-1. Milking with portable machines increases labor productivity by 1.5-2.0 times and significantly facilitates the work of milkmaids compared to manual milking. However, when using portable milking machines, manual labor is not completely eliminated. They manually carry milking machines with buckets from cow to cow, and also carry milk. Therefore, on farms with more than 100 cows, the cost of manual operations milking, including work with milking machines, increase somewhat, and therefore it is more advisable to use “Daugava” milking machines with a milk pipeline, with the help of which one person can milk up to 36-37 cows.

The Daugava milking machine is produced in two versions: “Molokoprovod-100” for equipping farms with 100 cows and “Molokoprovod-200” for farms with 200 cows. The set of the milking machine "Molokoprovod-100" includes 8 push-pull milking machines "Maiga", a glass milk line with a device for measuring milk during control milking, a device for circulating washing of milking machines and milk lines, a vacuum equipment, milk cooler, bath for washing dairy equipment, milk pumps OTsNSH-5 and UDM-4-ZA, water centrifugal pump, water heater VET-200. The milking machine "Molokopro-vod-200" has the same units, but with milk pipeline, designed to serve 200 cows. In addition to the listed equipment available in each Milk Pipeline installation, the set includes equipment supplied at the request of the farm. For example, for farms that do not have sources cold water, a compression-type refrigeration unit MHU-8S can be supplied, the refrigerant in which is freon. The cooling capacity of the unit is 6200 kcal/hour, which, with the possibility of cold accumulation, ensures cooling of 4000 liters of milk per day to a temperature of 8°. The use of a refrigeration unit allows you to improve the quality of milk due to its timely cooling equipment for dairy farms.

Also, at the request of farms, for farms where it is necessary to store milk of one or two milk yields for a short time, a TMG-2 tank is supplied. If such a tank is not needed, then the milking machine is equipped with two or four vacuum-sealed tanks with a capacity of 600 liters each. In this case, the UDM-4-ZA milk diaphragm pump is excluded from the kit. The use of the “Milk Pipe”, compared to milking in portable buckets, in addition to making labor easier, allows you to improve the quality of milk, since the milk from the cow’s udder to the milk tank goes through pipes and is isolated from the environment. When using a milk pipeline, it is necessary to regularly wash it after milking (using a device for circulating washing) with warm water and solutions of washing disinfectants: powder A and powder B. The collection of applications and the sale of these chemical detergents is carried out by the All-Union Associations "Soyuzzoovetsnab" and "Soyuzselkhoztekhnika"

On many farms, cows are kept on pastures in the summer. If pastures are located in close proximity to the farm, it is advisable to carry out milking on the farm with the same milking machine that is used in winter. However, pastures are often remote from farms, so driving livestock to the farm for milking is unprofitable. In this case, a pasture milking machine UDS-3 is used. This milking machine has two sections, each with four pass-through machines, 8 Volga milking machines, a milk line, a cooler, a milk pump and equipment for heating water, electric lighting, washing the udder and cooling milk, the vacuum pump of the milking unit is driven in operation in pasture conditions from a gasoline engine, but it also has an electric motor, from which it can operate in the presence of electrical energy. Serve milking machine 2-3 milkmaids, milking machine productivity 55-60 cows per hour.

To remove manure from premises when livestock are kept in tethers, as well as from pigsties and calf houses when pigs and calves are kept in group cages, they are also used. equipment for livestock farms: conveyors TSN-2 and TSN-3.06. The horizontal and inclined part of the TSN-2 transporter consists of one spatial chain, which is driven by a drive mechanism from an electric motor. The TSN-Z.OB conveyor consists of a horizontal part with a drive and an inclined part also with its own drive. This design allows, if necessary, to use each part of the conveyor independently. The use of manure for cleaning greatly facilitates the work of livestock workers and increases their productivity, allowing them to combine manure removal with other work on the farm. To remove manure in loose housing from walking areas and from premises, various types of tractors with bulldozer attachments are used (BN-1, D-159, E-153 and others). In some farms, mainly in the northwestern regions of the country, electrified VNE-1.B trolleys are used for removing manure from the barn to a manure storage facility.

Application equipment for livestock farms on farms provides a significant reduction in labor costs for production. Thus, only about 6 man-hours are consumed for 1 quintal of milk. On the Kalinin collective farm, Dinsky district, Krasnodar region, the introduction of comprehensive mechanization on a farm with 840 cows freed up 76 people for other work. Labor costs using equipment for livestock farms for the production of 1 quintal of milk decreased from 21 to 6 man-hours, and the cost of 1 quintal of milk decreased from 11.2 to 8.9 rubles. Another example. On the Mayak collective farm, Dunaevetsky district, Khmelnytsky region, before the introduction of comprehensive mechanization on the farm, one milkmaid served 12-13 cows, the cost of maintaining 100 cows with partial mechanization of processes amounted to 31.7 thousand rubles . per year, the cost of 1 quintal of milk was 12.8 rubles. After implementation of the application equipment for livestock farms production processes, each milkmaid began to serve an average of 26 cows, the cost of maintaining 100 cows decreased to 26.5 thousand rubles. per year, the cost of 1 quintal of milk decreased to 10.8 rubles.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Altai State Agrarian University









student 243 gr

Shtergel P.P.


Alexandrov I.Yu



In this course work, the main production buildings for housing standard type animals were selected.

The main attention is paid to the development of a scheme for mechanization of production processes, the selection of mechanization means based on technological and technical-economic calculations.


Increasing the level of product quality and ensuring that its quality indicators comply with standards is the most important task, the solution of which is unthinkable without the presence of qualified specialists.

This course work provides calculations of livestock spaces on a farm, selection of buildings and structures for keeping animals, development of a master plan, development of mechanization of production processes, including:

Design of mechanization of feed preparation: daily rations for each group of animals, quantity and volume of feed storage facilities, productivity of the feed shop.

Design of feed distribution mechanization: required in-line productivity technological line feed distribution, choice of feed dispenser, number of feed dispensers.

Farm water supply: determining the water requirement on the farm, calculating the external water supply network, choosing a water tower, choosing a pumping station.

Mechanization of manure collection and disposal: calculation of the need for manure removal products, calculation vehicles for delivering manure to a manure storage facility;

Ventilation and heating: calculation of ventilation and heating of the room;

Mechanization of cow milking and primary milk processing.

Calculations of economic indicators are given and issues related to nature conservation are outlined.



The density of development of sites by agricultural enterprises is regulated by data. table 12.

The minimum building density is 51-55%

Veterinary institutions (with the exception of veterinary inspection stations), boiler houses, and open-type manure storage facilities are built downwind of livestock buildings and structures.

Walking and feeding yards or walking areas are located near the longitudinal walls of a building for keeping livestock.

Feed and bedding storage facilities are built in such a way as to ensure the shortest routes, convenience and ease of mechanization of the supply of bedding and feed to places of use.

The width of passages on the sites of agricultural enterprises is calculated based on the conditions for the most compact placement of transport and pedestrian routes, utility networks, dividing strips, taking into account possible snow drift, but it should not be less than the fire safety, sanitary and veterinary distances between opposing buildings and structures.

In areas free of buildings and coverings, as well as along the perimeter of the enterprise site, landscaping should be provided.

2. Selection of buildings for keeping animals

The number of cattle places for a dairy cattle enterprise, 90% of cows in the herd structure, is calculated taking into account the coefficients given in Table 1. page 67.

Table 1. Determination of the number of livestock places at the enterprise

Based on calculations, we select 2 barns for 200 tethered animals.

New-born and deep-pregnant calves with calves of the preventive period are in the maternity ward.

3. Preparation and distribution of feed

On the cattle farm we will use the following types of feed: mixed-grass hay, straw, corn silage, haylage, concentrates (wheat flour), root vegetables, table salt.

The initial data for developing this question are:

farm livestock by animal groups (see section 2);

diets for each group of animals:

1 Design of feed preparation mechanization

Having developed the daily rations for each group of animals and knowing their population, we proceed to calculate the required productivity of the feed shop, for which we calculate the daily ration of feed, as well as the number of storage facilities.


q days i =

m j - livestock of j - that group of animals;

a ij - amount of feed of i - that type in the diet of j - that group of animals;

n is the number of groups of animals on the farm.

Mixed grass hay:

qday.10 = 4∙263+4∙42+3∙42+3·45=1523 kg.

Corn silage:

qday.2 = 20∙263+7.5·42+12·42+7.5·45=6416.5 kg.

Legume-cereal haylage:

qday.3 = 6·42+8·42+8·45=948 kg.

Spring wheat straw:

qday.4 = 4∙263+42+45=1139 kg.

Wheat flour:

qday.5 = 1.5∙42+1.3·45+1.3∙42+263·2 =702.1 kg.

Table salt:

qday.6 = 0.05∙263+0.05∙42+ 0.052∙42+0.052∙45 =19.73 kg.


Q days = ∑ q day.

Q days =1523+6416.5+168+70.2+948+19.73+1139=10916 kg


Q tr. = Q days /(T work. ∙d)

where T slave. - estimated operating time of the feed shop for dispensing feed per feeding (finished product dispensing line), hours;

T slave = 1.5 - 2.0 hours; We accept T work. = 2h; d is the frequency of feeding animals, d = 2 - 3. We accept d = 2.

Q tr. =10916/(2·2)=2.63 kg/h.

We choose a feed mill TP 801 - 323, which provides the calculated productivity and the adopted feed processing technology, page 66.

Delivery of feed to the livestock building and its distribution inside the premises is carried out by mobile technical means RMM 5.0


Q tr. = Q days /(t section ∙d)

where t section - time allocated according to the farm’s daily routine for feed distribution (finished product distribution lines), hours;

t section = 1.5 - 2.0 hours; We accept t section = 2 hours; d is the frequency of feeding animals, d = 2 - 3. We accept d = 2.

Q tr. = 10916/(2·2)=2.63 t/h.

3.1.5 determine the actual productivity of one feed dispenser

Gk - load capacity of the feed dispenser, t; tr - duration of one flight, hours.

Q r f =3300/0.273=12088 kg/h

t r. = t h + t d + t c,

tр = 0.11+0.043+0.12=0.273 h.

where tз,tв - time of loading and unloading of the feed dispenser, t; td - time of movement of the feed dispenser from the feed shop to the livestock building and back, hours.

3.1.6 determine the loading time of the feed dispenser

tз= Gк/Qз,

where Qз is the supply of technical means during loading, t/h.

tз=3300/30000=0.11 h.

3.1.7 determine the time of movement of the feed dispenser from the feed shop to the livestock building and back


where Lср is the average distance from the loading point of the feed dispenser to the livestock building, km; Vav - average speed of movement of the feed dispenser across the farm territory with and without load, km/h.

td=2*0.5/23=0.225 h.

tв= Gк/Qв,

where Qв is the feed dispenser feed, t/h.

tв=3300/27500=0.12 h.в= qday Vр/a d ,

where a is the length of one feeding place, m; Vр - design speed of the feed dispenser, m/s; qday - daily ration of animals; d - frequency of feeding.

Qв= 33·2/0.0012·2=27500 kg

3.1.7 Determine the number of feed dispensers of the selected brand

z = 2729/12088 = 0.225, accept - z = 1



The water requirement on a farm depends on the number of animals and the water consumption standards established for livestock farms.

Q avg. day = m 1 q 1 + m 2 q 2 + … + m n q n

where m 1, m 2,… m n - the number of each type of consumers, heads;

q 1 , q 2 , … q n - daily rate of water consumption by one consumer (for cows - 100 l, for heifers - 60 l);

Q average day = 263∙100+42∙100+45∙100+42∙60+21·20=37940 l/day.


Q m .day = Q average day ∙ α 1

where α 1 = 1.3 is the coefficient of daily unevenness,

Q m .day = 37940∙1.3 =49322 l/day.

Fluctuations in water consumption on a farm by hour of the day are taken into account by the coefficient of hourly unevenness α 2 = 2.5:

Q m .h = Q m .day∙ ∙α 2 / 24

Q m .h = 49322∙2.5 / 24 =5137.7 l/h.


Q m .s = Q t.h / 3600

Q m .s =5137.7/3600=1.43 l/s


Calculation of the external water supply network comes down to determining the diameters of the pipes and the pressure losses in them.


where v is the speed of water in the pipes, m/s, v = 0.5-1.25 m/s. We take v = 1 m/s.

section 1-2 length - 50 m.

d = 0.042 m, take d = 0.050 m.


h t =

where λ is the coefficient of hydraulic resistance, depending on the material and diameter of the pipes (λ = 0.03); L = 300 m - pipeline length; d - pipeline diameter.

h t =0.48 m


The amount of losses in local resistances is 5 - 10% of losses along the length of external water pipelines,

h m = = 0.07∙0.48= 0.0336 m

Head loss

h = h t + h m = 0.48 + 0.0336 = 0.51 m


The height of the water tower should provide the required pressure at the most distant point.


H b = H st + H g + h

where H St is the free pressure at consumers, H St = 4 - 5 m,

we take H St = 5 m,

Hg is the geometric difference between the leveling marks at the fixing point and at the location of the water tower, Hg = 0, since the terrain is flat,

h is the sum of pressure losses at the most remote point of the water supply system,

H b = 5 + 0.51 = 5.1 m, take H b = 6.0 m.


The volume of the water tank is determined by the necessary supply of water for domestic and drinking needs, fire-fighting measures and the regulating volume.

W b = W r + W p + W x

where W x is the water supply for household and drinking needs, m 3 ;

W p - volume for fire prevention measures, m 3;

W r - regulating volume.

The supply of water for household and drinking needs is determined based on the condition of uninterrupted water supply to the farm for 2 hours in the event of a power outage:

W x = 2Q incl. = 2∙5137.7∙10 -3 = 10.2 m

On farms with a livestock of more than 300 animals, special fire-fighting tanks are installed, designed to extinguish a fire with two fire jets within 2 hours with a water flow of 10 l/s, so W p = 72,000 l.

The regulating volume of the water tower depends on the daily water consumption, table. 28:

W р = 0.25∙49322∙10 -3 = 12.5 m 3 .

W b = 12.5+72+10.2 = 94.4 m3.

We accept: 2 towers with a tank volume of 50 m3


We select the type of water-lifting installation: we accept a centrifugal submersible pump for supplying water from bore wells.


The performance of the pumping station depends on the maximum daily requirement in water and the operating mode of the pumping station.

Q n = Q m .day. /T n

where Tn is the operating time of the pumping station, hours. Tn = 8-16 hours.

Q n =49322/10 =4932.2 l/h.


N = N gv + h in + N gv + h n

where H is the total pump pressure, m; N gv - distance from the pump axis to lowest level water in the source, N gv = 10 m; h in - pump immersion value, h in = 1.5...2 m, take h in = 2 m; h n - the sum of losses in the suction and discharge pipelines, m

h n = h sun + h

where h is the sum of pressure losses at the most distant point of the water supply system; h sun - the sum of pressure losses in the suction pipeline, m, can be neglected

farm balance performance equipment

N g = N b ± N z + N r

where H r is the height of the tank, H r = 3 m; N b - installation height of the water tower, N b = 6m; H z - the difference in geodetic elevations from the axis of the pump installation to the elevation of the foundation of the water tower, H z = 0 m:

N gn = 6.0+ 0 + 3 = 9.0 m.

H = 10 + 2 +9.0 + 0.51 = 21.51 m.

According to Q n = 4932.2 l/h = 4.9322 m 3 / h, N = 21.51 m, select the pump:

We take the pump 2ETsV6-6.3-85.

Because If the parameters of the selected pump exceed the calculated ones, the pump will not be fully loaded; therefore, the pumping station must operate in automatic mode (as water flows).


The initial data when designing a technological line for manure collection and disposal are the type and number of animals, as well as the method of keeping them.


The cost of a livestock farm or complex and, consequently, the product significantly depends on the adopted technology for manure collection and disposal.


G 1 = α(K + M) + P

where K, M - daily excretion of feces and urine by one animal,

P is the daily norm of litter per animal,

α is a coefficient taking into account the dilution of excrement with water;

Daily excretion of feces and urine by one animal, kg:

Milk yield = 70.8 kg.

Dry = 70.8 kg

Novotelnye = 70.8 kg

Heifers = 31.8 kg.

Calves = 11.8


G days =

m i is the number of animals of the same type of production group; n is the number of production groups on the farm,

G days = 70.8∙263+70.8∙45+70.8∙42+31.8∙42+11.8·21=26362.8 kg/h ≈ 26.5 t/day.


G g = G day ∙D∙10 -3

where D is the number of days of manure accumulation, i.e. the duration of the stall period, D = 250 days,

G g =26362.8∙250∙10 -3 =6590.7 t MOISTURE OF LITTER-FREE MANURE

W n =

where W e is the humidity of excrement (for cattle - 87%),

W n = = 89%.

For normal operation mechanical means of removing manure from the premises must meet the following conditions:

Q tr ≤ Q

where Qtr is the required performance of the manure harvester under specific conditions; Q - hourly productivity of the same product according to technical characteristics

where G c * is the daily output of manure in the livestock building (for 200 animals),

G c * =14160 kg, β = 2 - accepted frequency of manure collection, T - time for one-time manure removal, T = 0.5-1 hour, accept T = 1 hour, μ - coefficient taking into account the unevenness of the one-time amount of manure to be collected, μ = 1.3; N - quantity mechanical means installed in this room, N = 2,

Q tr = = 2.7 t/h.

Select the conveyor TSN-3,OB (horizontal)

Q =4.0-5.5 t/h. Since Q tr ≤ Q - the condition is satisfied.


Delivery of manure to the manure storage facility will be carried out by mobile technical means, namely the MTZ-80 tractor with trailer 1-PTS 4.


Q tr. = G days. /T

where G day. =26.5 t/h. - daily output of manure from the farm; T = 8 hours - operating time of the technical device,

Q tr. = 26.5/8 = 3.3 t/h.


where G = 4 t is the lifting capacity of the technical equipment, i.e. 1 - PTS - 4;

t r - duration of one flight:

t r = t h + t d + t c

where t z = 0.3 - loading time, h; t d = 0.6 h - time of movement of the tractor from the farm to the manure storage facility and back, h; t in = 0.08 h - unloading time, h;

t p = 0.3 + 0.6 + 0.08 = 0.98 hours.

4/0.98 = 4.08 t/h.


z = 3.3/4.08 = 0.8, take z = 1.


For storage of bedding manure, hard-surfaced areas equipped with slurry collectors are used.

The storage area for solid manure is determined by the formula:

S=G g /hρ

where ρ is the volumetric mass of manure, t/m3; h - height of manure placement (usually 1.5-2.5 m).

S=6590/2.5∙0.25=10544 m3.


A significant number of different devices have been proposed for the ventilation of livestock buildings. Each of the ventilation units must meet the following requirements: maintain the necessary air exchange in the room, be, possibly, cheap to install, operate and widely available to manage.

When choosing ventilation units, it is necessary to proceed from the requirements uninterrupted supply animals with clean air.

At air exchange rate K< 3 выбирают естественную вентиляцию, при К = 3 - 5 - принудительную вентиляцию, без подогрева подаваемого воздуха и при К >5 - forced ventilation with heating of the supplied air.

We determine the frequency of hourly air exchange:

K = V w / V p

where V w is the amount of moist air, m 3 / h;

V p - volume of the room, V p = 76 × 27 × 3.5 = 7182 m 3.

V p - volume of the room, V p = 76 × 12 × 3.5 = 3192 m 3.

C is the amount of water vapor released by one animal, C = 380 g/h.

m - number of animals in the room, m 1 =200; m 2 =100 g; C 1 - permissible amount of water vapor in the room air, C 1 = 6.50 g/m 3,; C 2 - moisture content in the outside air in at the moment, C 2 = 3.2 - 3.3 g/m 3.

we take C2 = 3.2 g/m3.

V w 1 = = 23030 m 3 /h.

V w 2 = = 11515 m 3 / h.

K1 = 23030/7182 =3.2 because K > 3,

K2 = 11515/3192 = 3.6 because K > 3,

Vco 2 = ;

P is the amount of carbon dioxide released by one animal, P = 152.7 l/h.

m - number of animals in the room, m 1 =200; m 2 =100 g; P 1 - maximum permissible amount of carbon dioxide in the room air, P 1 = 2.5 l/m 3, table. 2.5; P 2 - carbon dioxide content in fresh air, P 2 = 0.3 0.4 l/m 3 , take P 2 = 0.4 l/m 3 .

V1so 2 = 14543 m 3 /h.

V2so 2 = 7271 m 3 /h.

K1 = 14543/7182 = 2.02 because TO< 3.

K2 = 7271/3192 = 2.2 because TO< 3.

We calculate based on the amount of water vapor in the barn; we use forced ventilation without heating the supplied air.


Calculation of ventilation with artificial air stimulation is carried out at an air exchange rate of K > 3. DETERMINING THE FAN OUTPUT

de K in - number of exhaust ducts:

K in = S in /S k

S k - area of ​​one exhaust duct, S k = 1×1 = 1 m 2,

S in - required cross-sectional area of ​​the exhaust duct, m2:

V is the speed of air movement when passing through a pipe of a certain height and at a certain temperature difference, m/s:


h - channel height, h = 3 m; t in - indoor air temperature,

t in = + 3 o C; t out - air temperature outside the room, t out = - 25 o C;

V= = 1.22 m/s.

V n = S to ∙V∙3600 = 1 ∙ 1.22∙3600 = 4392 m 3 /h;

S in1 = = 5.2 m2.

S in2 = = 2.6 m2.

K v1 = 5.2/1 = 5.2 take K v = 5 pcs.

Kv2 = 2.6/1 = 2.6 take Kv = 3 pcs.

= 9212 m 3 /h.

Because Q in1< 8000 м 3 /ч, то выбираем схему с одним вентилятором.

= 7677 m 3 /h.

Because Q in1 > 8000 m 3 / h, then with several.


where V t is the air speed in the pipeline, V t = 12 - 15 m/s, we accept

V t = 15 m/s,

= 0.46 m, take D = 0.5 m.

= 0.42 m, take D = 0.5 m.


where λ is the coefficient of air friction resistance in the pipe, λ = 0.02; L pipeline length, m, L = 152 m; ρ - air density, ρ = 1.2 - 1.3 kg/m 3, take ρ = 1.2 kg/m 3:

Htr = = 821 m,


where ∑ξ is the sum of local resistance coefficients, tab. 56:

∑ξ = 1.10 + 0.55 + 0.2 + 0.25 + 0.175 + 0.15 + 0.29 + 0.25 + 0.21 + 0.18 + 0.81 + 0.49 + 0 .25 + 0.05 + 1 + 0.3 + 1 + 0.1 + 3 + 0.5 = 10.855,

h ms = = 1465.4 m.


N = N tr + h ms

H = 821+1465.4 = 2286.4 m.

We select two centrifugal fans No. 6 Q in = 2600 m 3 / h, from table. 57.


Frequency of hourly air exchange:

where, V W - air exchange of the livestock building,

- volume of the room.

Air exchange by humidity:

m 3 / h

Where, - air exchange of water vapor (Table 45,);

Permissible amount of water vapor in the indoor air;

Mass of 1m3 of dry air, kg. (tab.40)

Amount of saturating moisture vapor per 1 kg of dry air, g;

Maximum relative humidity, % (tab. 40-42);

- moisture content in the outside air.

Because TO<3 - применяем естественную циркуляцию.

Calculation of the required air exchange based on carbon dioxide content

m 3 / h

where P m is the amount of carbon dioxide released by one animal per hour, l/h;

P 1 - maximum permissible amount of carbon dioxide in the indoor air, l/m 3 ;

P 2 =0.4 l/m3.

m 3 / h.

Because TO<3 - выбираем естественную вентиляцию.

We carry out calculations at K = 2.9.

Exhaust duct cross-sectional area:

, m 2

where, V is the speed of air movement when passing through the pipe m/s:

Where, channel height.

indoor air temperature.

air temperature from outside the room.

m 2.

Productivity of a channel having a cross-sectional area:

Number of channels

3.4.3 Calculation of space heating

4.3.1 Calculation of room heating for a barn containing 200 animals

Heat flow deficit for space heating:

where, heat transfer coefficient of enclosing building structures (Table 52);

Where, volumetric heat capacity of air.

J/h. Calculation of room heating for a barn containing 150 animals

Heat flow deficit for space heating:

where is the heat flow passing through the enclosing building structures;

heat flow lost with removed air during ventilation;

random loss of heat flow;

heat flow released by animals;

Where, heat transfer coefficient of enclosing building structures (Table 52);

area of ​​surfaces losing heat flow, m2: wall area - 457; window area - 51; gate area - 48; attic floor area - 1404.

Where, volumetric heat capacity of air.


where, q =3310 J/h is the heat flow released by one animal (Table 45).

Random losses of heat flow are assumed to be 10-15% of .

Because The heat flow deficit is negative, then heating the room is not required.

3.4 Mechanization of cow milking and primary milk processing

Number of machine milking operators:


Where, number of dairy cows on the farm;

pcs. - number of heads per operator when milking into a milk line;

We accept 7 operators.

6.1 Primary processing of milk

Production line capacity:


Where, milk supply seasonality coefficient;

Number of dairy cows on the farm;

average annual milk yield per cow, (Table 23) /2/;

Milking frequency;

Duration of milking;


Selection of cooler based on heat exchange surface:

m 2

where is the heat capacity of milk;

initial milk temperature;

final milk temperature;

overall heat transfer coefficient, (Table 56);

average logarithmic temperature difference.

Where temperature difference between milk and coolant at inlet and outlet (Table 56).

Number of plates in the cooler section:

Where, working surface area of ​​one plate;

We accept Z p = 13 pcs.

We select a heating device (according to Table 56) of the OOT-M brand (Feed 3000 l/h, Working surface 6.5 m2).

Cold consumption for cooling milk:

Where - coefficient taking into account heat loss in pipelines.

We select (Table 57) the AB30 refrigeration unit.

Ice consumption for cooling milk:


where is the specific heat of melting of ice;

heat capacity of water;


Table 4. Calculation of the book value of farm equipment

Production process and machines and equipment used

Car make


number of cars

list price of the machine

Charges on cost: installation (10%)

book value

One car

All cars

















Table 5. Calculation of the book value of the construction part of the farm.


Capacity, heads.

Number of premises on the farm, pcs.

Book value of one premises, thousand rubles.

Total book value, thousand rubles.


Main production buildings:

1 Cowshed

2 Milk block

3 Maternity ward

Auxiliary premises

1 Insulator

2 Vet point

3 Hospital

4 Office premises block

5 Feed shop

6Veterinary inspection room

Storage for:

5 Concentrated feed

Engineering networks:

1 Water supply

2Transformer substation


1 Green spaces


Chain-link mesh

2 walking areas

Hard surface

Annual operating costs:

where, A - depreciation and deductions for current repairs and maintenance of equipment, etc.

Z - annual wage fund for farm service personnel.

M is the cost of materials consumed during the year related to the operation of equipment (electricity, fuel, etc.).

Depreciation deductions and deductions for current repairs:

where B i is the book value of fixed assets.

Depreciation rate for fixed assets.

The rate of deductions for current repairs of fixed assets.

Table 6. Calculation of depreciation and deductions for current repairs

Group and type of fixed assets.

Book value, thousand rubles.

General depreciation rate, %

Rate of deductions for current repairs, %

Depreciation deductions and deductions for current repairs, thousand rubles.

Buildings, structures


Tractor (trailers)

Machinery and equipment


Where - - annual volume of milk, kg;

Price per kg. milk, rub/kg;

Annual profit:


Man, displacing all natural biogeocenoses and establishing agrobiogeocenoses through his direct and indirect influences, violates the stability of the entire biosphere. In an effort to obtain as much production as possible, a person influences all components of the ecological system: on the soil - through the use of a complex of agrotechnical measures including chemicalization, mechanization and land reclamation, on the atmospheric air - by chemicalization and industrialization of agricultural production, on water bodies - due to a sharp increase in the number of agricultural runoff.

In connection with the concentration and transfer of livestock farming to an industrial basis, livestock and poultry farming complexes have become the most powerful source of environmental pollution in agriculture. It has been established that livestock and poultry complexes and farms are the largest sources of pollution of atmospheric air, soil, and water sources in rural areas; in terms of the power and scale of pollution, they are quite comparable to the largest industrial facilities - factories, plants.

When designing farms and complexes, it is necessary to timely provide for all measures to protect the environment in rural areas from increasing pollution, which should be considered one of the most important tasks of hygienic science and practice, agricultural and other specialists dealing with this problem.


If we judge the level of profitability of a livestock farm for 350 heads with tether housing, then the resulting annual profit shows that it is negative, this indicates that milk production at this enterprise is unprofitable, due to high depreciation charges and low animal productivity. Increasing profitability is possible by breeding highly productive cows and increasing their number.

Therefore, I believe that building this farm is not economically justified due to the high book value of the construction part of the farm.


1. V.I.Zemskov; V.D. Sergeev; I.Ya. Fedorenko “Mechanization and technology of livestock production”

V.I.Zemskov “Design of production processes in livestock farming”

Taking into account the seasonality of the reproduction of animals and the maturation of their hair, the production year on the farm is divided into the following periods: preparation for the rut, rut, pregnancy and whelping, rearing of young animals, the rest period of adult animals (for males after the rut, for females - after 2-3 weeks after jigging before preparation for the rut begins). Depending on the period, a certain daily routine should be established.

The shed system for keeping fur-bearing animals makes it possible to mechanize water supply, feed distribution and manure removal and dramatically increase labor productivity in cage fur farming.

Mechanization of labor-intensive processes on the farm makes it possible to serve animals without opening the cage door. It is opened only a few times a year during zootechnical work with the animal (grading, weighing, transplanting).

Mechanization is applicable only in sheds with double-sided cages with a large number of animals.

Farm water supply

A large amount of water and steam is consumed to water animals and for household needs.

The quality of water must meet the general requirements for water intended for drinking and household needs. It should have no odor or unpleasant taste, and should be transparent and colorless. The content of harmful chemicals and bacteria in it should not exceed acceptable standards.

Watering animals can be mechanized in several ways: using auto-drinkers, using stream watering and filling the drinkers with water from a portable flexible hose.

By automating watering, the yield of puppies increases, the quality of fur improves, and the labor productivity of fur breeders increases by 15%.

For reliable operation of automatic drinkers, it is necessary that the system have a constant water pressure recommended for this design and a filter to capture mechanical impurities. Constant pressure is ensured using a reducer or pressure tank located at a certain height. The intake pipe should be located 80-100 mm above the bottom of the tank to settle mechanical impurities not captured by the filter. Automatic drinking bowls are usually installed on the back wall of the cage. To water animals during frosty periods, use a regular two-nipple drinker.

For watering ferrets, there are several designs of automatic drinkers. The AUZ-80 automatic drinker designed by OPKB NIIPZK consists of a bowl with a capacity of 80 ml with a horn that enters the cage through a mesh cell. A valve body with an oscillating valve is screwed onto the fitting passing through the bowl opening. For reliable sealing, the valve is equipped with a rubber sealing washer and is spring-loaded with a plastic spring. The drinker is pressed against the mesh and fixed obliquely or horizontally with a fastening spring. Water is supplied through a hose with a diameter of 10 mm. During automatic watering, the animal, lapping from the horn, touches the valve rod, deflects it, and water flows into the bowl. The design and location of the valve device ensures that the feed that gets into the bowl is washed out with a stream of water when the valve is opened.

Automatic drinker AUZ-80

1 - hose; 2 - bowl; 3 - sealing washer; 4 - plastic spring; 5 - washer; 6 - valve body; 7 - swing valve; 8 - fitting

Lever-float and float-type automatic drinkers PP-1 are easy to use and work well both on hard water and on water with mechanical impurities. On block cages for young animals, one such automatic drinker is installed on two adjacent cages. A lever-float automatic drinker can also be installed on two adjacent cages of the main herd. The disadvantage of drinking bowls is the need for periodic (once a week) cleaning and washing, for which you have to remove the plug in the PP-1 drinking bowl.

1 - fitting; 2 - body; 3 - float; 4 - two-horn drinking bowl; 5-bolt with nut

For stream drinking, two-horned drinkers (aluminum or plastic) are inserted into the mesh cells at a height of 20 cm from the floor and secured with wire. A polyethylene pipe is attached above the drinkers using wire forks, in which holes are made from below (opposite the middle of each drinker). Water enters the drinking bowls through these holes. Since the pressure in the pipe decreases with distance from the main water supply riser, the holes above the first drinkers are made smaller than those above the last. This drinking system works reliably, but water overflowing over the edges of the drinking bowls is inevitable.

Float automatic drinker PP-1 (a) and its installation on a cage (b)

1- plug; 2- body; 3 - float; 4 - cover; 5 - bowl edging; 6 - bracket for attaching the drinking bowl to the cage; 7- rubber valve; 8, 9 - pipes; 10- lock; 11 - fitting

Drinkers can also be filled using a flexible hose up to 50 m long (half the length of 1 unit) with a pistol-shaped tip. The hose is placed on the edge of the water riser, the valve is opened and, passing along the cages, water is poured into the drinking bowls.

Feeding mechanization

One of the most labor-intensive operations on a fur farm is the delivery and distribution of feed.

To distribute feed in shads, mobile feed dispensers with internal combustion engines or electric motors powered by batteries are used.

The country's animal farms use feed dispensers with internal combustion engines and mechanical and hydraulic transmissions, as well as electric feed dispensers with a semi-automatic system for regulating the dispensed dose. The capacity of the feed dispenser hoppers is 350-650 l, the engine power is 3-10 kW, the movement speed (steplessly adjustable) for feed dispensers with a hydraulic gearbox is 1... 15 km/h.

The productivity of feed dispensers depends on the skills of the worker and is 5-8 thousand portions per hour. Experienced workers dispense feed with the pump always on and dispense only by moving the feed hose up and down. This technique allows you to increase labor productivity by at least 15% and facilitate the distribution process.

Since all feeders can distribute feed at the same speed both forward and backward, it is advisable to distribute feed to one side of the shad when moving forward, and to the other when moving backward.

Feed kitchen

Preparing feed on fur farms is a very important and responsible job, primarily because the animals are fed perishable meat and fish feed mixed with concentrates, succulent and other feeds. In this regard, special requirements are placed on machines used in animal farms and feed processing processes.

  1. The feed must be crushed before feeding; the particle size should be 1-3 mm. In this form, the feed is better absorbed, and its losses are minimal.
  2. The components of the feed mixture must be thoroughly mixed, and microadditives must be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, i.e. the mixture must be homogeneous. The unevenness of mixing should not exceed more than twice the permissible percentage deviations from the mass of the diet components.
  3. The duration of mixing the mixture in the mince mixer after adding the last component should not exceed 15-20 minutes.
  4. Immediately after mixing, the food should be distributed to the animals.
  5. Poor-quality and all pork products (conditionally suitable feed) are subjected to heat treatment (cooking). This is done in accordance with the instructions of the veterinarian according to a certain regime (temperature, duration, etc.) that guarantees reliable sterilization of the feed.
  6. When cooking, fat loss is unacceptable, and protein loss should be minimal.
  7. Grain feed should be cleared of chaff. Flour can be fed raw in a mixture with other feeds, but mixed feed and cereals can only be fed in the form of porridges.
  8. Ready-made feed mixtures should be sufficiently viscous and adhere well to the mesh cage. The required viscosity of the mixture has a positive effect on the process of eating it by animals.

Meat and fish feed coming from the refrigerator is defrosted, washed and crushed using various machines. Frozen food can be ground without prior thawing, by then adjusting the temperature of the mixture and adding hot broth, porridge, water, or passing steam through the mince mixer jacket. When cooking fatty pork offal, crushed grain feed is poured into the mixing kettle to bind the broth and fat. Brewer's and baker's yeast and potatoes can also be boiled. The crushed feed is mixed in minced meat mixers until a homogeneous mass is obtained. They add liquid feed (fish oil, milk) and vitamins, previously diluted in water, milk or fat. After mixing, the feed is further crushed by the paste maker and delivered to the feed delivery unit for delivery to the farm.

Considering that the main type of food for fur-bearing animals is perishable meat and fish feed, a feed shop is usually built in a block with a refrigerator. The construction site must be dry and have a topography that allows for surface water drainage with a groundwater level less than 0.5 m from the base of the foundation. The feed shop must have good access roads, it must have reliable water, electricity and heat supply, as well as sewerage.

When placing equipment in a feed shop, it is necessary to remember the safety requirements and plumbing requirements (maintaining the interval between machines and building structures and between the machines themselves, installing fences, preferably tiled walls, floors, etc.).

Manure removal

On farms with shads that have a raised floor in the passage, and where feces under the cages are regularly covered with peat chips and lime, it is recommended to remove it twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Removing manure from under cages is still the least mechanized process on fur farms. In most farms, manure is raked out from under the cages by hand, placed in heaps between sheds, from where it is loaded onto dump trucks using a tractor loader and transported to a manure storage facility or to the fields. For this purpose, you can use a light wheeled tractor with a bulldozer attachment, which pushes manure from under the cages into the driveways.