Scheme for applying anti-corrosion coating to pipes. Anti-corrosion coating of pipelines

Metal pipes do an excellent job with the functions assigned to them, but they still have one significant drawback: under the influence of a number of factors, their internal or outer surface. Anti-corrosion coating of pipes extends the service life of the pipeline, reducing the cost of its repair and maintenance.

Why do you need anti-corrosion pipe coating?

General information about corrosion

Corrosion is a physical and mechanical phenomenon in which metal, wood, concrete or building stone are destroyed under the influence of the environment, temperature, pressure and other factors. The process is accompanied by the formation of oxides and salts.

Accidents leading to loss of power to consumers and large losses of water are also a consequence of electrical corrosion of pipelines. Rust makes steel water pipes unsuitable for further use.

Depending on the corrosion rate of pipelines (mm/year), steel is divided into three categories:

  • slightly susceptible to destruction (up to 0.1 mm/year);
  • moderately corrosive (up to 0.5 mm/year);
  • aggressive (more than 0.5 mm/year).

The intensity of the metal corrosion process for products made of the same materials, but located in different conditions, sometimes differs quite significantly. Soil acidity 7.5-8.5 is considered the most favorable for galvanized steel pipes.

Corrosion-resistant pipes are used in the oil and gas industries to transport fuel. They can withstand temperatures from -40° to +45°, have increased hardness and excellent waterproofing properties. An example of such a material is 13HFA steel.

Causes of metal destruction

The outer shell of the pipe and its inner surface are susceptible to corrosion. Destruction from outside occur when soil interacts with metal. The soil contains dissolved salts - liquid electrolytes that corrode metal upon prolonged contact.

The higher the electrical resistance of the soil, the lower the soil corrosion activity. Knowing the level of electrical resistance of the soil, it is possible to determine its corrosiveness.

Low pH of water, a large amount of sulfates, chlorides, oxygen and dissolved carbon dioxide lead to corrosion of the internal walls of pipes.

Depending on the type of pipeline, above-ground or underground, active (electrochemical) or passive (insulating) protection is used. Ground communications are covered with a layer of zinc, aluminum or weather-resistant paints and varnishes.

Pipes laid near electric transport tracks are more susceptible to corrosion due to the action stray currents. Therefore, when laying communications, this circumstance must be taken into account.

Methods for protecting pipes from corrosion

External insulation not only maintains the temperature of the coolant, but also protects the metal from rust.

Pipe for main pipeline with internal and external protective coating. Polyethylene multilayer insulation – effective remedy protection against destruction of steel communications

  1. Cathodic protection. A negative potential is applied to the protected surface. The protected structure is connected to a current source, the pipe in this case becomes the cathode, and the inert electrodes become anodes. This method is often used to protect drill pipes from corrosion.
  2. Anti-corrosion pipe insulation made of polyethylene or fiberglass with a top layer of bitumen is used when the metal comes into contact with sandy, rocky or clayey soil. A two-layer polyethylene coating with a hot-melt adhesive inner layer provides good adhesion.
  3. Polymer tape insulation has high dielectric properties and a wider range of operating temperatures (from +40° to -20°). But for large-diameter pipes it turns out to be ineffective, since the material has reduced adhesion to steel. Under the influence of natural soil shear, the coating gradually slides off the pipe and cracks.
  4. Polyurethane foam insulation can be shell or liquid (injected between the pipe and the polyethylene insulation, after which it hardens).
  5. Bitumen-based varnishes are cheap and easy to use, but at too high (or low) temperatures they become brittle and quickly deteriorate. This material is not suitable for long-term protection.
  6. Coatings “Nerjamet”, “Nerzhalux”, “Aquametallic”, “Polymeron”, “Bystromet”, “Serebrol”, “Nerzhaplast” are popular due to their affordable cost, cost-effectiveness and ease of application. Before painting, the metal surface is degreased and cleaned of any remaining scale, rust and other substances that interfere with adhesion. Sometimes they add additional roughness to the surface. If there are welds, the surface to be treated is washed and sandblasted.
  7. Zinc-containing primers are intended for cast iron products operating in conditions of water-salt fog and oil vapors. When interacting with moist air, zinc is partially destroyed, and the decomposition products create a barrier that does not allow the aggressive environment to penetrate into deeper layers.
  8. For trunk lines and their individual elements(branches, shut-off valves) coatings based on epoxy or polyurethane are used, for example, “Permacor”, “Protegol”. For fittings and ball valves, “Frusis-1OOOA” is used. Depending on the methods and operating conditions, the corrosion protection of a pipeline treated in this way is 15-30 years.
  9. There are two types of inhibitor coatings: film-forming (the film creates a barrier to oxygen and carbon dioxide) and adsorbing (binds free radicals, slowing down the rate of oxidation).

For above ground pipelines, blast clean and use epoxy coatings

Anti-corrosion lubricants are intended for temporary protection (during storage and transportation). The composition of insulating materials may include rust converters (contain hydroxycarboxylic acids, tannin, phosphorus, orthophosphate substances).

Internal corrosion occurs when metal interacts with water. To prevent corrosion of the steel, use a cement coating or a special varnish with a layer of 3-5 mm. Sometimes water is deprived of its corrosive properties before being sent through pipes.

Sequence of work:

  • preparatory procedures: heating, degreasing and drying operation;
  • corundum treatment to prevent magnetization of pipes;
  • application of powdered polymers;
  • heating for hardening;
  • coating quality control.

Equipment for anti-corrosion coating of pipes

Special units operate by spraying under high pressure, by pneumatic spraying method. Sometimes the pipes are doused or dipped in a protective coating. The UBR-3 installation for airless spraying applies a paint coating with its preheating. Spray gun SO-24 and SO-21 are used for applying coatings with a viscosity of more than 60 m

The principle of correct application of a protective coating using a spray gun

The higher the corrosive activity of the soil, the more load on the pipe, the thicker the insulation layer should be. Corrosion of water pipes increases operating and construction costs, so it is important to take measures that will protect communications from destruction.

Airless Spray Painting Machine

Video: applying a three-layer polyethylene coating

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Corrosion protection of steel pipes: 3 gifts from the “old lady” of chemistry

Metal pipes have the highest strength characteristics, but they are also subject to an incredibly destructive phenomenon called corrosion. Excessive humidity can destroy even the strongest steel. In this article I will tell you about what methods I used to protect my own iron pipeline from such a harmful effect, based on the knowledge of chemistry acquired in school.

General provisions

Corrosion processes are the oxidation of a metal, in which its atoms change from a free state, losing their electrons, to an ionic state. An underground pipeline is subject to two types of corrosion, the nature of which is worth understanding before starting to deal with them. Therefore, I will pay a little attention to their description:


As you probably guessed from the name and the accompanying diagram, soil corrosion occurs due to contact of steel with soil. In turn, it is divided into the following subspecies:

  • Chemical. Appears as a result of exposure to iron by gases and non-electrolytes of the liquid type. It is noteworthy that with it the material is destroyed evenly, and the formation of through holes is almost impossible, which makes this type of corrosion process the least dangerous for a highway laid underground;
  • Electrochemical. The metal acts as an electrode, and groundwater, of which there is an incredible amount in our climate zone, acts as an electrolyte. The ongoing process is very similar to the work of a galvanic couple and provokes the destruction of point areas on the surface of the pipes, which ultimately leads to their emergency condition;

  • Electric. It occurs due to the impact of stray currents on steel, which can “drain” from rails, substations and other electrified devices that fill modern cities. It is the most dangerous and destructive corrosion process.

Internal corrosion

If the transported liquid has a low pH value, but the content of oxygen, sulfates and chlorides is, on the contrary, high, then internal corrosion processes cannot be avoided, as a result of which:

  • Roughness level increases the inner surface of the wall, which leads to a decrease in water permeability;

  • The quality of the transported liquid deteriorates, because rust gets into it;
  • Over time a through hole may appear, which can cause a pipeline rupture.

Chemistry on guard

Protection of pipelines against corrosion according to SNiP includes many different comprehensive measures, but I want to give some specific methods, which great science so graciously “gives” to us, and which I was able to put into practice:

Gift #1: External insulation

We figured out above that most troubles occur due to chemical reactions that occur as a result of long-term contact of metal with the ground. Therefore, the simplest and surest step is to eliminate it completely. Moreover, in this case, it is also easy to protect pipes from freezing, that is, “killing two birds with one stone.”

I will describe to you the option that I used myself, as well as alternative ways insulation of the pipeline being laid:

  1. Petroleum bitumen. It was this material that I took as the basis for protecting metal from rust in underground conditions. Its price fluctuates around 18-22 rubles per kg, which is quite favorable to family budget. Workflow:
    • First thing I do is shine cleaned the surface pipeline with a steel brush;

    • Then I diluted some of the purchased bitumen with gasoline to obtain bitumen primer in the following proportions:

    • Thoroughly treated the metal surface with the resulting solution water main;
    • Next on fire prepared bitumen mastic with the addition of crushed asbestos to enhance the strength characteristics of future insulation. Cement and kaolin are also suitable for this purpose;

    • I applied the first layer of hot mixture, after which I wrapped the pipeline with waterproofing. I used a model with the following characteristics:

    • Then he repeated the procedure two more times. For your region, you may need less or, conversely, more layers of bitumen with waterproofing, depending on the corrosive activity of the soil, which is affected by its moisture level, chemical composition, acidity and structure;

  1. Polyethylene. It is worth noting two completely different situations:
    • The first includes the personal execution of the plan. This method can be called the easiest to implement, since you just need to wrap the pipe in several layers with polyethylene cloth and secure it with mounting tape. But this material itself has low strength characteristics, so I would be careful not to use it to protect long sections of the highway;
    • In the second, we are talking about the factory application of reinforced extruded polyethylene. That is, you buy metal pipes that have a special protective layer. Of course, such products will cost more, but they will provide quite effective protection against corrosion;

  1. Polyurethane foam. Here you can also take two roads, but in any case it is worth immediately noting the very high thermal insulation qualities of the finished anti-corrosion protection:
    • Use special polyurethane foam shells. They are two halves of a cylinder, which are put on both sides of the pipeline and are joined to each other, creating a connection;

    • Injection of liquid polyurethane foam between the pipe body and a pre-installed sheath of extruded polyethylene or other suitable insulating material. After the substance hardens, the seams are completely absent, which, of course, significantly improves the quality of the insulation, although the process itself is more labor-intensive to implement.

External insulation is not limited to the above options; here you can use many more moisture-resistant materials that can take a cylindrical shape. Therefore, in any case, also be guided by the current offers of a specialized store located near you.

Gift #2: Internal Insulation

As I noted above, liquid transported through pipes can also provoke the occurrence of corrosive processes, and here things are somewhat more complicated. The fact is that without special equipment at home, high-quality internal insulation is impossible. Then all that remains is to order the appropriate services from specialists or immediately buy already protected products.

The most common option today is applying a cement-sand mixture to the internal walls of the pipeline followed by crimping it using a special pulled device. The result is a smooth, non-corrosive coating.

When I ordered this type services, I was offered the following prices:

It is noteworthy that the instructions allow processing of both new metal pipes and old ones.

In addition to cement it can also be petroleum bitumen used. In this case, products with a large cross-section are dipped in liquid solution, and then I process the joints by hand. And samples with a small diameter are coated after welding, passing a mixture with a hollow copper cylinder through them under the influence of constant electric current. Due to the influence of electricity, bitumen particles adhere tightly to the iron, creating a thin, reliable film.

Gift #3: Active Insulation

This includes electrical protection methods, which I was quite able to implement on my own. Here is their description:

  1. Cathodic protection:
    • We apply a negative potential to the pipeline, transferring it to the cathode zone;
    • Near the pipes burying iron pipes, pieces of rails or other ferrous metal products that will take on the role of an anode;

    • We connect a source with negative direct current to the pipeline;
    • We connect a source with positive direct current to a rail or other product that you used as an anode;
    • So a closed circuit of electric current is formed, which flows from the positive pole to the anode grounding, spreads over the ground, hits the pipe and then to the negative pole;

    • Because from the rails the current comes out in the form of positive metal ions, then it is gradually destroyed, and not the pipe. So much for chemistry;
  1. Tread protection. Much easier to implement because does not require an external power source. This is the option I prefer to use:
    • We place a metal rod next to the water supply, having a negative chemical potential, which exceeds that of steel. This may be a product made of zinc, magnesium or aluminum;
    • We connect it to the protected structure using;

    • The entire impact will fall on the anode protector, excluding pipe corrosion;
    • Once the zinc or magnesium rod is completely destroyed, it must be replaced;
  1. Drainage. With its help, pipelines are protected from stray currents:
    • We connect the pipe with a cable to the nearest electrified source, through which the currents that fall on it return back;
    • Metal ions stop going into the soil, due to which corrosion processes stop.

Thus, all active methods of protection come down to preventing the loss of metal ions due to “sacrifice” or getting rid of stray currents.

I recommend using integrated approach to waterproofing your pipeline. That is, combine external, internal and active protection.
This will give the most effective result, making it possible to extend the operational life of the highway by decades.


When installing a water supply system on my own suburban area, I ordered treating its internal walls with a cement-sand mixture, then on your own covered it with bitumen insulation on the outside and for greater confidence buried a magnesium blank connected by a cable nearby. Now I have no reason to doubt the durability of the created structure, since the existing knowledge of chemistry guarantees the absence of corrosive processes, taking into account all the precautions taken.

The video in this article contains some additional information which is directly related to the topic presented.

If you have any questions after reading the material, you can ask them in the comments.

July 25, 2016

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Metal pipelines in natural conditions susceptible to complex negative factors, reducing their quality and service life. Progressive protection of pipelines from corrosion makes it possible to level out destruction and extend their service life.

Let's consider ways to combat metal "rotting", the types of materials used and regulatory requirements for such protection.

Corrosion problem

Oxidation (corrosion) of a metal is the formation of chemical and ionic bonds from its free atoms. Accompanied by the transfer of electrons from such atoms to the composition of oxidizing agents.

Oxidation damages pipes and leads to losses

The process occurs on external and internal surfaces due to the influence of external aggressors and the characteristics of the transported raw materials. Comprehensive measures prevent material and economic losses associated with premature wear of structures, forced repairs, and leaks of transported products.

Oxidation is divided into types:

  • superficial;
  • local;
  • slotted;
  • ulcerative;
  • intercrystalline;
  • "fatigue" cracking.

The need for anti-corrosion protection of pipelines arises for a number of reasons related to climate, soil conditions, and conditions of use:

  • air and soil humidity;
  • chemical composition of earth and air (salts, organics, alkalis and acids);
  • acidity;
  • soil structure;
  • thermal loads (internal and external);
  • harmful microfauna and microflora;
  • stray currents.

These factors lead to the formation of through fistulas and ulcers on metal surfaces, rendering pipelines inoperable.

Methods of anti-corrosion protection

There are 4 types of anti-corrosion protection for pipelines:

  1. Isolation (prevention of contact with aggressive media).
  2. Use of oxidation-resistant materials in the manufacture of structures.
  3. Reduced aggressiveness external factors.
  4. Electrical protection of underground structures made of metals.


Insulation is a passive method that involves the application of protective coatings, special technologies for laying pipelines, and processing special solutions.

Insulation is a radical passive way to prevent corrosion

Metal-inert and inert coatings are used. external environment mastics, paints, enamels, plastic compounds and varnishes, other metals with less susceptibility to corrosion (zinc, chrome, nickel). The resulting film prevents the wire from breaking.

Heat-stabilized, powdered polyethylene, fiberglass, polyvinyl chloride, and bitumen coatings are used. Welded joints and connections are insulated using heat-shrinkable sleeves, couplings, and polymer tapes with an adhesive coating. Paints and mastics (epoxy or powder), coal and bitumen compounds are also used.

The joints are insulated using heat-shrinkable fittings (cuffs, tapes and couplings)

In industrial zones and urban areas, installers use a collector installation method to protect underground pipelines from corrosion (the structures are placed in channels; due to the air cushion between the surfaces, oxidation does not occur).

Solutions that form a film of poorly soluble salts on metal walls - aluminum oxide for aluminum products, phosphating for steel structures. Sometimes for transition metal surface in the passive state, solutions of passivators are used (mixtures that reduce the intensity of the transition of metal ions into solution). Passivators reduce speed corrosion damage.

Passivation of pipelines prevents oxidation due to the impermeable film of the insulating solution

Pipelines made of corrosion-resistant materials

The method consists of introducing into the metal composition substances that increase the resistance of pipes to oxidation or elimination harmful additives, accelerating this process. Such protection of pipelines of engineering systems from corrosion is carried out at the stage of their manufacture, during thermal and chemical treatment of products.

The introduction of more durable metals into pipes will reduce the cost of additional insulation

The essence: alloying a metal that is not prone to passivation with a similar metal with high performance passivation under specified conditions. As a result, the alloy acquires the characteristics of the alloying component. Stainless steel interspersed with nickel and chromium, aluminum and titanium alloys, additives of concrete, ceramic compounds, asbestos cement, and glass are used.

The disadvantage of this method is its high cost.

Reducing the aggressiveness of operating conditions

The third option is anti-corrosion protection of pipelines, aimed at improving external conditions. Possible solutions:

  1. Deactivation of oxidative processes - introduction of inhibitors and removal of harmful components from the environment (drying and purification of air from impurities, deaeration of solutions).
  2. Treatment with poisons and active chemicals to get rid of microflora and microfauna, the activity of which leads to biocorrosion.
  3. Hydrophobization, soil deaeration (if the structure is located underground), neutralization with alkaline and acidic compounds, introduction of special compounds into the soil. impurities.

Microorganisms, along with moisture and active currents, lead to oxidation

Electrical protection

Algorithms for actively combating oxidation:

  • tread protection from corrosion of pipelines (coating the structure with metals with a negative electrode potential, for example, magnesium);
  • static or periodic cathodic polarization of structures in an electrically conductive environment to change their thermodynamic characteristics;
  • electrical drainage (prevention of the appearance of stray currents and removal of existing stray currents).

Protective work will allow the surface of the structure to actively resist oxidation

Requirements for protective measures according to SNiP

According to SNiP, anti-corrosion protection of pipelines must comply with a number of standards:

  1. Measures aimed at preventing corrosion of structures must guarantee their trouble-free operation within the time period stated by the manufacturer.
  2. Underground structures require complex measures (use of coatings and electrochemical agents).
  3. The intensity of protection is determined by the degree of aggressiveness of the operating conditions of the structure (normal or enhanced).
  4. Corrosion protection of pipelines is carried out in accordance with GOST 25812 - 83.

Requirements for the materials used

Terms of Use metal structures are diverse, therefore the industrial market offers a variety of coatings. The materials differ in application methods, chemical and mechanical characteristics.

Having a choice allows you to solve the oxidation problem regardless of operating conditions. But corrosion protection of pipelines, according to SNiP, can only be carried out using materials that have regulatory properties:

  • integrity of the coating (absence of pores and electrolytic cells);
  • water resistance - preventing metal from contacting the electrolyte through moisture;
  • electrochemical neutrality - the composition should not enter into cathodic reactions;
  • high adhesion to prevent insulation delamination and electrolytes from entering the work surface;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • resistance to mechanical loads during operation of the structure;
  • resistance to currents;
  • heat resistance (for objects operated at extreme temperatures for the metal and insulating coating used; if transported substances are distilled at high temperatures or insulation is carried out in the cold season);
  • chemical and corrosive neutrality in relation to the working structure.

Also, materials for protecting pipelines from corrosion cannot be in short supply; the advantage is the ability to automate the application of coatings in the field and factory, and cost-effectiveness.

None of the known insulating materials meets all the listed requirements, therefore the choice of coating depends on the construction conditions, use of the pipeline, raw materials, economic and technological base.

Corrosion is an inevitable, natural process. Only timely and competent protection can preserve the functionality of the pipeline system.

Video: anti-corrosion protection of pipelines

All steel pipelines of heating networks and pipeline elements must be protected from external corrosion using protective anti-corrosion coatings that are applied to the outer surface of the pipes, with the exception of cases: when the pipelines of heating networks are laid using heat-insulating structures of high factory readiness (for example, pipelines with insulation made of polyurethane foam and a pipe-shell made of polyethylene high density, equipped with an operational system remote control(ODK), signaling damage and the presence of moisture in the insulation, as well as for pipelines with other types of thermal insulation structures that are not inferior to the above structure in operational properties).

The protective anti-corrosion coating must have high protective properties and maintain them under operating conditions (exposure to heat, moisture, simultaneous exposure to heat and moisture, aggressive environments, stray currents), ensuring protection of pipelines during the design service life.

The choice of protective anti-corrosion coatings for newly constructed heating networks should be made depending on the method of laying heating networks, the type and temperature of the coolant.

Anti-corrosion coatings intended to protect pipelines of water heating networks from external corrosion must meet the following requirements:

– heat resistance: 1875 hours at a temperature of 145-150 °C;

– thermal and moisture resistance: 50 “wetting-drying” cycles (one cycle includes one complete moistening of the thermal insulation applied to the coated pipe, followed by drying at a temperature of 75-80 ° C for five days);

– resistance in aggressive environments: preservation by coating protective properties under the influence of an acidic solution pH = 2.5 for 3000 hours and an alkaline solution pH = 10.5 for 3000 hours (for metallized aluminum coatings at pH = 4.5 and pH = 9.5);

– resistance to the effects of applied electrical potentials: anodic plus 0.5 V and plus 1.0 V for 1500 hours at each value and cathodic minus 0.5 V and minus 1.0 V for 1500 hours at each value.

Coatings intended for use in ductless installations of heating networks must, in addition, be resistant to abrasion.

The suitability of the coating for protection against external corrosion of heating network pipelines should be assessed based on the following main indicators:

– specific volumetric electrical resistance;

– continuity;

– impact strength;

– adhesion;

– flexibility;

– water absorption.

Note. When choosing protective anti-corrosion coatings, it is necessary to take into account their application technologies to preserve maximum performance the above characteristics when applying coatings in the field.

#G0Name of protective coating Type of coverage Coating structure by layers, GOST, TU for materials and products (see Appendix Yu) Total thickness, mm Degree of purification Laying method. Type of coolant Type of thermal insulation Maximum permissible coolant temperature, °C
1. Organosilicate coating OS-51-03 (with heat treatment)* Varnish and colorful Three layers of organosilicate paint OS-51-03. TU 84-725-83. Heat treatment at 200 °C 0,25-0,30 First and second
2. Organosilicate coating OS-51-03 with hardener Varnish and colorful Four layers of organosilicate paint OS-51-03 (TU 84-725-83) with hardener (natural drying) 0,45 First and second Underground in impassable channels. Water All types of suspended thermal insulation
3. Epoxy coating EP-969 Varnish and colorful Three coating layers of epoxy enamel EP-969. TU 6-10-1985-84 0,1 Second Underground in impassable channels. Water All types of suspended thermal insulation
4. Silicon - organic coating KO* Varnish and colorful Three top coats of silicone composition KO with hardener (natural drying). TU 88.USSR.0.88.001-91 0,25 Second Underground in impassable channels. Water All types of suspended thermal insulation
5. Complex polyurethane coating "Vector" Varnish and colorful Two primer layers of mastic "Vector 1236" TU 5775-002-17045751-99. One covering layer of mastic "Vector 1214" TU 5775-003-17045751-99 (see note 3) not less than 0.13 Second and third Underground in impassable channels; underground channelless. Water All types of thermal insulation
6. Silicate-enamel coating made of primer-free enamel 155T* Silicate-enamel Two layers of 155T enamel. TU 88-106-86 BSSR (glass enamel granulate of primer-free grade 155T BSSR), (TU 1390-001-01297858-96 0,5-0,6 First All types of thermal insulation
7. Silicate-enamel coating made of MK-5 enamel* Silicate-enamel Two layers of top enamel MK-5. TU 2367-002-05282012-2000 0,5-0,6 First Underground in impassable channels; underground channelless. Water and steam All types of thermal insulation
8. Metallized aluminum coating* Metallization Two cover layers of metallized aluminum coating. #M12291 1200014731GOST 9.304#S 0,25-0,30 First Underground in impassable channels and tunnels, underground channelless; on the walls outside of buildings, in technical undergrounds. Water All types of thermal insulation
9. Aluminum-ceramic coating* Metallization One layer of plasma coating from a mixture of aluminum powders - PA-4 (or PA-3) GOST 6058 - 85% (by weight) and ilmenite concentrate TU 48-4236-91 -15% 0,2-0,3 First Underground in impassable channels; underground channelless. Water and steam All types of thermal insulation

Almost 4% of metal products are removed from service every year. The reason for this is the results of corrosion. In order to stop this process, our company has developed a range of services for treating pipes against corrosion. The effectiveness of the applied anti-corrosion protection technologies, special equipment and equipment has been tested during operation at large quantities industrial or civil facilities.

Advantages of working with our company for anti-corrosion protection of metal structures:

    • Guarantee high quality preparation of surfaces and application of coatings according to the norms and requirements of ISO standards, which ensures the unconditional quality of coatings and, as a result, economic benefit customer.
    • When cleaning and preparing structural surfaces, we use only high-performance machines and devices made in the USA and Europe, which ensures reliable and trouble-free operation on site.
    • Due to the fact that the work mainly uses the method industrial mountaineering, the customer will not have to incur additional costs for lifting equipment and scaffolding installation. In cases where the method of industrial mountaineering is not possible, our own scaffolding, towers, and cradles are used.
    • The use of modern, powerful coating equipment made in the USA allows for high-quality and quick application of polymer materials of almost any viscosity, both hot and cold application.
    • Quality control of painting with anti-corrosion paints and varnishes is carried out visually or using special devices in accordance with ISO standards. All devices undergo regular verification government agencies metrology.
    • Organized at a high level internal control quality. Work is handed over to the customer only after our own quality inspectors have completed the necessary control measures.
    • The work is carried out by high-level specialists who have all the necessary qualifications and permits to carry out the work.
    • The company provides a warranty for anti-corrosion protection of 5 years.
    • The company is design organization. Our designers will be able to select best option material in terms of price/quality, depending on the capabilities and wishes of the customer.
    • All work is accompanied by the development of work production projects, technological regulations, as well as technological maps control of work production.

Purpose of anti-corrosion protection

To prevent metal pipes from reducing their service life, they must be protected from corrosion. Surely everyone knows that under the influence of corrosive processes, metal loses its properties, which leads to its destruction. Therefore, anti-corrosion treatment of pipes is a fairly popular service. Internal anti-corrosion coating of pipes is required in many industries: food, gas, pharmaceutical and others. In each type of industry, certain conditions must be created for the longevity of pipes, so that subsequently you do not have to spend money on their replacement or repair. Anti-corrosion protection is the solution to this problem and guarantees the durability of metal products.

Materials for processing

At the moment, there are many methods of anti-corrosion protection. Their essence boils down to the fact that a protective coating is applied to the metal surface to prevent its destruction. Anti-corrosion treatment of pipes is due to the use of various varnishes, enamels and paints, which are easy to apply. They are suitable for processing pipes of various diameters. The materials used by our company to increase the service life of pipes combine high level protection against corrosion processes and affordable cost. Carrying out processing of varying complexity, for each individual case we select a separate paint coating of imported (TEKNOS, JOTUN, TIKKURILA, PPG, HEMPEL, STEELPAINT) or domestic (EKOR-NEVA, ATTIKA, VMP and others) production. As many years of practice have shown, the composition of protective coatings makes it possible to create a durable anti-corrosion barrier.

In addition, the paints of these brands have a number of advantages:

  • are well applied to metal products of various configurations;
  • provide a protective and decorative function;
  • differ in availability in terms of price.

The materials used by the company meet the following requirements:

  • high penetration rate into cracks or microgaps;
  • efficiency of impregnation of corrosion products;
  • formation of an elastic protective film on the surface of the object;
  • contains substances that inhibit corrosion;
  • ability to withstand mechanical deformation and temperature influences;
  • resistance to peeling and cracking.

The choice of coating is based on the conditions of use of the object, its size and surface features.

Processing stages

However, the quality of coating materials is not a priority indicator in the process of protecting pipes from corrosion. An important component of this process includes the preparation of the surface for processing and the quality of application of the protective layer. Anti-corrosion treatment of pipes includes the following steps:

  • surface cleaning;
  • pre-processing;
  • painting.

At the first stage, mechanical, sandblasting or hydroblasting of the pipe surface is carried out. For this purpose, the latest technological equipment and tools are used. The preliminary preparation stage involves priming the pipes, which can be done either using sprayers or manually, depending on the working conditions. The painting stage has technical parameters similar to priming. All stages of processing are carried out at strict adherence technological process, starting from the competent selection of effective protective materials and ending with the method of applying the coating layer. This allows the protective coating to exhibit its best properties.

Professional work

Anti-corrosion treatment of pipes begins with diagnostics of the surface of the object and its operating conditions. Due to the fact that corrosion can be chemical, electrochemical, under the influence of radiation or microorganisms, treatment methods are selected. Choice correct method by our specialists is the key to the success of the entire process of applying the protective layer. Experienced specialists select the best option from a range of protective coatings with many properties, taking into account operating conditions. Next, the thickness of the coating is determined. It should be noted that this procedure requires knowledge and experience in the technology of applying a protective coating, as well as high-quality and fast execution of work.