Technological map of organized educational activities for the middle group. Technological map of organized educational activities. Ecology

middle group.

15th day 01st month 2013

Educational areas: Cognition

Section: Fundamentals of ecology

Subject: : “Who lives where”

Goal: 1) Continue to introduce children to the habitat, characteristic features, and methods of movement of different animals. Learn to compare, contrast, give ideas that animals need food, water, air, warmth to live. 2) Develop cognitive abilities. 3) Cultivate a love for the animal world.

Bilingual component:Januar Animals; forest-orman; nora-in; hollow-keuek; pets - y zhanuary; barn-kora; stable-at kora.

Materials: letter, poster with images of wild and domestic animals, ball.

Stages of activity.

Teacher's action

Children's actions.

Motivational and incentive

Surprise moment

I bring the letter into the group, and read out the letter from Dunno.

I invite the children to fulfill Dunno’s request and introduce them to animals and their habitat.

Children are interested.

Children agree with the teacher

Organizational and search

I make riddles

I'll tell you riddles, and you guess who it is.

She is more cunning than all the animals, she has a red fur coat. (Fox)

Grayish, toothy, prowling around the field, looking for calves and lambs. (Wolf)

Who goes to sleep in the den, a wolf, a bear or a fox? (Bear)

Children try to give the correct answer to the riddle

Questions for children about animals

Well done guys, you guessed correctly. And who can tell how you can call everyone in one word?

What is the correct name for these animals?

Where do wild animals live?

Guys, look carefully and tell me if the animals are similar to each other.

That's right, guys. Do you think wild animals have homes in the forest where they live?


Wild, domestic

Wild animals live in the forest

Children, listening carefully, say how the animals are similar (they have paws, a tail, fur, a muzzle, eyes, ears.)

Children answer and name who lives where.

Vocabulary work

Children try to remember new words. Januar animals; forest-orman; nora-in; hollow-keuek.

Let's play (physical minute)

Let's play. Imagine that you are not children but wild animals. Think about who wants to be which animal. I'll touch with a magic wand and each of you will turn into a wild animal. And I will try to guess what animal you have turned into.

And now I’ll touch you with a magic wand and you’ll turn into children again.

Children playing the game try to accurately portray the animal.

I make riddles about Pets

Hungry - mooing,

full - chews,

little kids

Gives milk. (Cow)

Who am I - guess for yourself.

I pull a sleigh in winter,

that glide easily through the snow,

in the summer I pull a cart. (horse)

Who lives in the chicken coop?

lays fresh eggs. (Chicken)

Children, listening carefully to the teacher, give the correct answer to the riddle.

Questions about Pets

Please tell me what animals were the riddles about?

What other pets do you know about?

Why are they called pets?

What kind of houses do they have?

About pets.

Children list pets.

Because they live next to people.

Barns, cowsheds, pigsties, stables.

Vocabulary work

They repeat the words. Pets - uy zhanuary; barn-kora; stable-at kora.

Game "Who does what"

I'll throw the ball and name the animal, and you catch the ball and say what does this animal do?

- Cow.

- Cat.

- Horse.

- Dog.

Tell me, is it possible to keep such pets at home in the city?

Why not?

What kind of pets can you keep at home?

Tell me guys, who takes care of wild animals in the forest?

Who takes care of pets?

The cow gives milk and eats grass.

The cat laps milk and catches mice.

The horse pulls the cart.

The dog guards the house.

Children's response

Children answer what animals can be kept at home.

They take care of themselves.

People taking care of pets


Who did we talk about in class today?

Did you guys enjoy today's lesson?

What exactly did you like?

Remember guys, we must take care of animals and nature, because they are interconnected.

Now all we have to do is write a letter to Dunno about today’s lesson so that he can learn more about animals

Children's answers to the teacher's questions.

Expected result:

Know: about the habitat, characteristic features, methods of movement of different animals.

That animals need food, water, air, warmth to live

Have: ideas about the life of plants and animals, about the relationship between the behavior of people in nature and the state environment

Be able to: compare, contrast,...

Answer the teacher's questions in complete sentences

Technological map organized educational activities For

middle group.

29th day 01st month 2013

Educational areas: Society

Section: Fundamentals of ecology

Subject: : “Winter is coming and calling” (excursion into nature)

Target :

  1. Continue to teach children to notice the simplest changes in nature, weather, flora, people's clothes.
  2. Establish cause-and-effect relationships.

3. Foster a desire to ask questions of a cause-and-effect nature, show interest in surrounding nature

Bilingual component:frosty-yazda; windy-zheldi; cold-suykty; ice-music; melts-eridi; It's getting colder - suyktady, nature - tabigat.

Stages of activity.

Teacher's action

Children's actions.

Motivational and incentive

Surprise moment

Guys, we received a letter, let us read what it says

The letter contains an invitation to take a trip to the land of nature.

Guys, let's go on a trip to the land of nature?

Show interest.

Realize the importance of travel – to learn something new

The children agree with the teacher.

Organizational and search

1.Excursion to nature

A) I suggest children go to nature

Guys, what time of year is it now?

How many months in the season is winter?

What is the first month?

Second month?

Is it winter in the last month of the year?

What are the signs of winter?

What's the weather like today?

Why did people start dressing warmer?

What happens to plants in winter?

What covered the ground and trees?

What color is our snow?

What are the qualities of snow?

Guys, tell me what would happen if it got warmer?

And then if it gets colder sharply, what will happen to the earth?

Why will it be covered with ice?

The children agree.

It's winter time of year now.

Three months in winter.

The first month of winter is December.

The second month is January.

The last month of winter is February.

Children name the signs of winter.

The weather is cold and windy.

Because it's cold outside.

Plants go to sleep for the winter.

The ground and trees were covered with snow.

Snow is white.

The snow is cold, loose, white, etc.

The snow would melt.

The earth will be covered with ice.

Children express their opinions

b) P/game “At the bear in the forest”

Children playing the game follow the rules of the game and repeat the words after the teacher.

Vocabulary work

Children repeat the words after the teacher; frosty-yazda; windy-zheldi; cold-suykty; ice-music; melts-eridi; it got cold; nature-tabigat.

2. Yes-no game

Do flowers grow in winter?

Do mushrooms grow in winter?

Are the clouds covering the sun?

Is the cold wind coming?

Are there fogs in winter?

Well, do birds build nests?

Does it rain often?

Are we getting boots?

Is the sun shining very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should you do?

Should we wear jackets and hats?

Children playing the game try to answer the question correctly.

D\Game “What is nature?”

Children, listening carefully to the teacher, guess what is natural and what is made by human hands.

Lesson summary

*Who did we visit?

*What do you remember?

*How should one behave in nature so as not to harm anyone?

Answer questions

Share their impressions


Expected result:

Know: and notice the simplest changes in nature, weather, flora, and people’s clothing.

And name the signs of winter

Have: ideas about the season winter.

Be able to:


Technological map of organized educational activities

for the middle group.

date of month 20

Educational areas: Cognition

Section: Basics of ecology

Subject: "Ecological pyramid"


1. Continue to teach children to establish the relationship between spring changes in wildlife, changes among the inhabitants of a corner of nature and an increase in air temperature.

2. Develop memory, thinking, interest.

3.Raise children who are able to understand nature, take care of it, and love it.

Bilingual component:Spring-koktem; forest-orman; desert-sholdi; whistle-yskyrads; chirp-bezekdeyd; growl-yryldayd;

Material: letter, subject pictures depicting living nature..

Stages of activity.

Teacher's action

Children's actions.

Motivational and incentive

Surprise moment

Guys, today I received a letter from Bear,The bear lives in the forest and does not know what happens to the plants and fauna in the spring. Then he decided to write a letter to kindergarten and find out.

Guys, let's help Bear and tell him what's happening to the plants and fauna?

Children are interested

The children agree with the teacher.

Organizational and search

Lesson topic

Guys, today we will talk about living nature in the spring and create an ecological pyramid..

“The snow is already melting, the streams are running
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter.
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's been a long time again"

What is this wonderful poem by the Russian poet Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev written about, guys?

That's right, about spring. It’s called “Spring”.

Has spring reached us?

What month is it now?

And what signs of spring are we seeing?

Yes, indeed, all these natural phenomena occur in the spring. We see some of them while walking. And in the group we have a corner of nature, observing and working in which we make sure that our plants and animals also enjoy spring and feel its arrival.

What did we notice?

Indeed, plant growth increased, many new shoots appeared, some bloomed.

But here everything is green, but not on the street. Why?

Yes, the most important thing is that there is not enough heat outside right now. How do we care for plants and birds in a corner of nature?

What if we stop doing this? What will happen?

Everything that lives in a corner of nature depends on us. The plant cannot water itself. We took them in and are obliged to take care of them, we must bear responsibility for them. And in nature, the rain, the sun, the wind themselves water and feed the plants and animals. Nature itself takes care of its “children” - animals and plants and gives them light, warmth, and water.
Listen to the riddle: “In spring it’s fun, in summer it’s cold,
Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter"
What is this?

Why did you decide that?

Now let's take a look into the forest. At first glance it seems deserted, just trees. In fact, if you look closely, you will realize that it is full of life and looks like a huge house inhabited by many residents. They chirp, chirp, whistle, squeak, growl. Everyone in this house has their own place and their own business. And now we will imagine this house in the form of a high pyramid, we will build it.

But before we build a pyramid, let's exchange a little.

Listen carefully to the verse.

About spring.

I've arrived. The month of April.

The snow has darkened, melted, become loose and wet. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. The sun is getting warmer. The sky is often blue, with cumulus clouds. Ice drift began on the rivers. The trees are waking up, the buds are swelling. –

Plants grow better.

There is not enough sun, water, heat.

We water, loosen, plant, wash, feed.

Everything will wither and die.

They listen carefully.


The forest is joyful in spring, cool in summer, in autumn the forest feeds its inhabitants with seeds and fruits, in winter the stoves are heated with wood (forest).

Children listen carefully to the teacher and try not to interrupt.

Physical education minute- game “Birds have flown.”

- Listen to the rules of the game. I name birds and insects. If I name a bird, then you will have to wave your hands, imitating a bird; if insects, then sit down and put your head to one side, showing that insects rest in winter.

Children listen carefully to the teacher, if the teacher names a bird, then the children imitate the bird by waving their hands, imitating a bird; if they name insects, they squat down and lay their heads to one side, showing that insects rest in winter.

D/game “Repeat correctly”

Children try to correctly repeat the words after the teacher in Kazakh and Russian:Spring-koktem; forest-orman; desert-sholdi; whistle-yskyrads; chirp-bezekdeid;

Yyrildaida growls;

Ecological pyramid:

Guys, what do you think, without which all living things cannot exist?

What does warmth and light give us?

Yes, the sun is the basis of life. What else is necessary for the growth and life of plants and animals?

Yes, you need soil and water, i.e. soil with moisture And then the plant world will grow.

But it’s difficult for plants to reproduce, there’s no one to pollinate the plants, and it’s not fun in the forest without...

Yes, we will populate the forest with insects that feed on the nectar of plants and pollinate them. And suddenly in the forest someone began to sing, click, and chirp.

Who is this?

That's right, birds. Let's populate the forest with birds So we have created a pyramid of life, a multi-story huge house in which all floors were populated in turn. And no one can be evicted from this house. Shall we check this? If we remove the sun, we destroy the pyramid. We will not cause disasters. In nature, everything is interconnected; one cannot live without the other. Our pyramid will be silent and will not tell you anything. Think about it and tell me what will happen if you remove the top floor - the birds?

What if you remove the insects?

What if you remove the plants?

Do we want this?

Let's put up a pyramid of life. And we will never destroy anything in it, because one cannot exist in nature without the other. And we will always try to protect and preserve everything that is created by nature.

Warmth, light.


Water, soil.



There will be a lot of insects that will eat the plants.

There will be no one to pollinate the plants.

There will be bare earth left, which without plants will also die.


D/game “Chain.”

In my hands I have an object picture depicting an object of living or inanimate nature. Passing the picture, first the teacher, and then each child in the chain names one attribute of this object, so as not to happen again. For example, a “squirrel” is an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnawing nuts, jumping from branch to branch, etc.

Children listen carefully to the rules of the game and try to correctly name the signs of a given object.

Lesson summary

Who sent us a letter today?

What is the bear asking us?

What time of year were we talking about today?

What signs of spring do you know?

What have we done today?

What new have we learned from this pyramid?

Did you enjoy the lesson today and what exactly did you like?


Tell what happens to plants and animals in the spring.

About the time of year spring.

Children talk about the signs of spring.

Ecological pyramid.

One cannot exist in nature without the other

Children express their opinions.


I praise and thank the children for a very interesting lesson.

Expected result:


  • and name the signs of spring.


Be able to:

Date _______month 20__

Educational areas: Cognition

Section: Ecology

Subject: "Concert in the swamp"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​some amphibians (frogs), reptiles (lizards), and their characteristics. appearance, behavior, habitat, sounds they make.

Bilingual component:Animal Januar; reptile -bauyrymen zhorgalaushylar


Material: Letter, Painting with reptiles and amphibians.

Stages of activity.

Teacher's action

Children's actions.

Motivational and incentive

Surprise moment

Guys, I received an envelope today. Let's see what's there?

I open the envelope and take out pictures and a letter from the envelope.

The guys sent us a letter and pictures. And all this was sent to us by Dunno. Znayka sent him pictures so that he could answer questions and tell him what they were. But the problem is that Dunno doesn’t know who they are.

Guys, Dunno asks us to help him cope with this task.

Guys, let's help Stranger?

Children are interested

Children tell what plants are.

The children listen to the teacher and agree to help Dunno.

Organizational and search

Lesson topic

- Guys, today we will talk about reptiles and amphibians.

Children listen carefully to the teacher


Guys, to find out who is depicted in the picture we must guess the riddles

Do you like to solve riddles? Then guess this riddle.

Non-aquatic animals

And not quite earthly

Floats beautifully in the water

But the land ones are quite

Who do you think this riddle is about? Let's try to figure it out together.

  1. What are amphibians?

Guess these riddles:

By the soft swamp hummock,

Under the green leaves

The jumper is hiding -


Of course, this is the frog that we will talk about today.

But in nature, when one encounters a frog, few people want to stroke it, because it has bare, slippery and cold skin, and is often considered a nasty, unpleasant, ugly creature. But this opinion is wrong. In fact, this is the most harmless, useful and necessary creature in nature. -Why?

Right. The frog belongs to the class of amphibians. People call the frog a frog and make it the good heroine of many fairy tales.

How can this animal be called in one word?

What does the word amphibian mean?

What two words does it consist of?

Why are they called that?

Amphibians do not drink water like we do; they absorb it through their skin. That is why this animal needs dampness or the proximity of a body of water.Frogs can be found in many places in the summer because they come in different varieties. They can live in swamps, lakes, rivers and grass. This is where their names came from. A marsh frog lives in a swamp,

And what about the lake?

In the grass?

In the river?

The color of the frog depends on the color of the environment. If a frog lives in the grass, on the ground its color is brown, the color of the earth, but in the water the frog is green, the color of algae, water lily leaves and other plants. This color makes it invisible from predators that can eat the frog.

Amphibians are also often called "amphibians".

  1. What are reptiles?

I want to ask you a few more riddles.

He lives at the equator.

And he has a huge mouth.

He swallowed the sun in a fairy tale.

Who? Did you guess it? – ……..

Rustle, rustle the grass,

A living cord crawls,

Curled up in a ball on the ground.

Guess what it's called?

Runs among the stones

You can't keep up with her.

He grabbed the tail, but - ah! –

She ran away with the tail in her hands.

It goes very slowly

She carries the house with her.

Scared of something

He'll go headlong into his shell

How can these animals be called in one word?

Reptiles got their name because they move by reptiles (crawling) on ​​the ground. They usually have four legs, but they only help move the body, like movable levers, because... located on the sides of the body, and not under it. The word "reptile" translated from Greek language means "to crawl on one's belly."

All reptiles have hard, dry skin covered with horny scales or plates. Turtles, for example, are covered with a bony shell. And the head and back of crocodiles are covered with hard bone plates.

Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs. They usually do this in secluded places, under rocks, under logs or in empty tree stumps. But in some reptiles, the young hatch from an egg in the mother's body and are born alive.

Children try to give the correct answer to the riddle.

It's a frog

Because the frog eats our pests: flies, mosquitoes, aphids. Frogs can live both in water and on land.

This is an amphibian animal.

Earth and water.

Amphibians are animals that spend part of their lives in water and the other on land.




Children listen carefully to the teacher.





These animals are reptiles.

Children listen carefully to the teacher and try not to interrupt.


We see them jumping along the edge of the forest

Two green frogs

Jump-jump, jump-jump

Jump from heel to toe

Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

Wash early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel

They stomped their feet

Hands were clapping

leaned to the right

Leaned to the left

That's the secret of health

Hello to all my friends!

Side turns

Stepping from toe to heel

Hands on the belt, half squats left and right

Perform movements in accordance with the text

Walking in place

D/game “Repeat correctly”

Children try to correctly repeat the words after the teacher in Kazakh and Russian: animal-januar; reptile -bauyrymen zhorgalaushylaramphibian - kos mekendiler

Kesirtke lizard; tasbaka turtle; frog-baka; Zhylan snake; crocodile-Koltyrauyn


“Which animal is gone?”

Children try to correctly guess which animal was not named.

Lesson summary

Who did we talk about today?

Tell me why amphibians are called amphibians?

What about reptiles?

What are they called differently?

Lists of reptiles

Now name the amphibians

About reptiles and amphibians

Children, listening carefully to the teacher, answer in complete sentences.

Crocodile, snake, turtle, lizard



I praise and thank the children for a very interesting lesson.

Expected result:


  • and name reptiles and amphibians.


  • idea of ​​the meaning of new words

Be able to:

  • answer the teacher's questions in complete sentences.

Technological map of organized educational activities for the middle group.

Date _______month 20__

Educational areas:Cognition

Section: Ecology

Topic: Insects

Target: Expand children's understanding of the life of insects;


1. Develop naming skills characteristic features appearance;

2.Develop cognitive interest in the living environment;

3.Continue to cultivate a love for nature and respect for it;

Bilingual component:insect-gendique; dragonfly-inelik; male butterfly; ant-kumyrska; grasshopper-shegirka; caterpillar-zhuldyzkurt;ladybug - kyzyl konyz.

Material: Letter; images of insects.

Stages of activity.

Teacher's action

Children's actions.

Motivational and incentive

Surprise moment

Guys, today I received a letter from Lesovik. Lesovik writes in a letter that he recently received a letter, and in the letter they wrote:

"Help! Help!

An evil fairy has bewitched us and we are now in danger.

To save us, we must solve riddles.

(signature) Insects."

And so Lesovik asks us for help because... he himself cannot solve the riddles.

Guys, can we help Lesovik?

How can we help him?

Children are interested

Listen carefully to the teacher.

The children, listening to the teacher, agree to help Lesovik.

Let's solve the riddles.

Organizational and search

Lesson topic

- Guys, today we will talk about insects.

Children listen carefully to the teacher


. We have four wings.

The body is thin, like an arrow,

And big ones big eyes,

They call her......

2. Look at the fellows,

Cheerful and lively.

Dragging from all sides

Material for construction,

One suddenly stumbled

Under a heavy burden

And a friend rushes to the rescue

The people here are good!

Without a job, for the life of me

Can't live...

3. This little violinist,

Emerald wears a cloak.

He is also a champion in sports,

He can jump deftly.

4. She is dearer than all the beetles,

Her back is scarlet,

There are circles on the back,

Little black dots.

5. She is bright, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged,

She looks like a flower herself

Drinks fragrant juice with a claw.

- That's how many little inhabitants of the clearing you have disenchanted.

- What great fellows you are!

- How can you call them all in one word?

- Guys, what are insects for?

- But you know that miracles happen to some insects. And miracles are manifested in the fact that flies, butterflies, and beetles are never babies. They are born immediately as adults.

Here, for example, is a butterfly.

- She laid eggs, some of the eggs will be eaten by birds or carried away by ants, but some will remain. The remaining eggs hatch into caterpillars. Time will pass and the caterpillars will turn into pupae.

And a butterfly will emerge from the pupa. The pupa will move, the skin on its back will burst, wings will appear, and then the whole butterfly will appear.

That's how a butterfly appears, guys!

- Look how beautiful the butterfly’s wings are – multi-colored. The butterfly also has antennae, a head, an abdomen, and legs.

All insects have a head, abdomen, antennae, and 6 legs.

-This is a dragonfly






- Serve as food for birds and pollinate plants.

Children listen carefully to the teacher and try not to interrupt.

Children look at a picture of a butterfly.

Physical education minute"Hares"

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She stretched, smiled,

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four, it flew away.

Children make movements in accordance with the text.

D/game “Repeat correctly”

Children try to correctly repeat the words after the teacher in Kazakh and Russian: insect-zhandik; dragonfly-inelik; male butterfly; ant-kumyrska; grasshopper-shegirka; caterpillar-zhuldyzkurt;ladybug - kyzyl konyz.

Didactic game“Who is missing?”

Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I removed, who is gone?

The guys try to guess correctly which insect is gone.

Lesson summary

- Guys, who can tell me which inhabitants of this small clearing we helped?

- How can you call them in one word?

But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, and birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you cannot kill insects, but only take care of them, love and protect them.

Children list insects.


Children listen carefully to the teacher.


I praise and thank the children for a very interesting lesson.

Expected result:


  • and name the characteristic features of the insect’s appearance;


  • idea of ​​the meaning of new words

Be able to:

answer the teacher's questions in complete sentences

cognitionChapter:ecologySubject: "Autumn has come" Target: Learn to see changes in nature.Dictionary:autumn, leaves, flying. Bilingual component:



Teacher's actions.

Children's activities.

Motivational and stimulating.

A hedgehog comes to visit the children

Hedgehog, hedgehog, where have you been?

I go to the autumn forest.

There he collected leaves and played the pipe.

Children say hello to the hedgehog.

Listen to a poem.



Children, where did the hedgehog go?

What was he collecting there?

Let's help the hedgehog collect leaves, first yellow, then red.

The hedgehog needs leaves; he will make a bed out of leaves for himself in his burrows, and in winter, when it’s cold, he will sleep.

And the hedgehog has friends. Who is this?

In autumn does a bunny change its coat from gray to white?

Let's play, it's cold in the fall, all the bunnies sat in a circle and warmed themselves.

The bunnies sat in a circle, digging a root with their paws, into which bunnies, the bunnies ran around.

It's cold for the bunnies to sit, we need to warm our paws. These are the kind of bunnies, runaway bunnies.

Bunnies stand cold, bunnies need to jump, that’s what bunnies are like, bunnies run around.

Why did the bunny jump?

It's really cold in the fall.

The sun is not warm enough, it is raining.

Let's hear the rain, get your palms ready.

How hard is it raining?

How about a little rain?

They answer: into the forest.


Children collect red and yellow leaves

They recognize the bunny.

Listen and remember why he does it

Children sit in a circle

Finishing the last words

They stand up and rub their palms against each other.

They jump.

The bunny is cold.

Children, as directed, clap hard or weak.

Reflexive and corrective.

Well done we are.

Let's tell the hedgehog and the bunny what time of year it is.

How should you dress in the fall?

When you go for a walk, what should you take with you?

Here I brought you an umbrella, let’s play “Sunshine and Rain”

Children answer autumn, repeat after the teacher.

They say you need to dress warmly.

You need to take an umbrella with you.

Children play a game.

Expected result:

Play:time of year autumn.Understand:understanding of seasonal changes.Apply:see these changes in nature while walking.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: cognitionChapter:ecologySubject: "Fruit" Goal : Introduce children to fruits (apple, pear), teach them to identify them by color and shape. Give knowledge that fruits grow on trees in the garden and how they are useful.Material:Examination of fruits - dummies.Vocabulary work:Fruits, apple, pear.Bilingual component: Zhemister, alma.



Teacher's actions.

Children's activities.

Motivational and stimulating.

They meet a forest boy who has lost his wonderful bag of fruit. Organizes a search for the missing bag.

Meet the forester. They show interest in the missing bag of fruit.



Introduces children to the fruits of trees in the garden (apple, pear), asks questions, teaches them to observe and notice similarities and differences.

The teacher asks the question: “What’s in the bag?” He invites the forester to answer. Makes riddles about fruits. “The rosy nesting doll is a delicious little thing, it fell from a branch and became even more rosy.” (apple)

The teacher asks the question - What are the benefits of fruits?

Children name fruits apple, pear, plum, lemon. With the help of the teacher, color and shape are determined. Find similarities and differences. (by color, shape).

Children find clues from the bag, show fruits - the clues.

They answer the question: Why should you eat fruit?

Reflexive and corrective.

Expected result:

Play:that fruits grow on trees have different shapes and color. Understand: about the importance of fruits in human nutrition.Accept:Come to the rescue, show attention, care, desire to compare them by color, shape.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area:cognitionChapter:ecologySubject: "Vegetables"Target: Learn to recognize vegetables in in kind and in the pictures. Pay attention to their color, distinguish the features of their shape (cucumber - long and green, tomato - red and round)Material:Vegetables, cucumber, tomato, red, green.Bilingual component:Kyzyl, zhasyl.



Teacher's actions.

Children's activities.

Motivational and stimulating.

The children go on an excursion to the vegetable garden and meet their grandmother.

Getting to know the vegetable garden. Meeting with grandmother. Children get acquainted, look at the garden.

Show interest in vegetables.



Organizes a tour of the vegetable garden “Visiting Grandma.” Grandmother asks the children to help her harvest. Introduces children to vegetables in the garden, asks questions, teaches them to observe and remember.

The teacher asks the question: “What grows in the garden? What color? What kind of cucumber?

The grandmother tells and shows what kind of crop she grew.

Question: “Are vegetables healthy?”

They walk around the garden, examine and name vegetables, and determine color and shape with the help of the teacher. They help their grandmother and collect vegetables in the garden.

Children look at vegetables in the garden. They name it and find it among the vegetables.

Repeat and remember.


Invites grandma to play with the children. Draws children's attention to how happy and cheerful the hero is.

Outdoor game “Collect a basket”.

They play a game, run around, have fun with their grandmother.

Expected result:

Play:the fact that vegetables grow in garden beds has different shape and color. Understand:about the importance of vegetables in human nutrition.Apply:Identify vegetables by color and shape. Come to the rescue, show attention and care.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area:cognitionChapter:ecologySubject : « Looking at autumn leaves" Target: make it clear that leaves have autumn different colors. Pay attention to the structure of the leaves; different trees have different leaves.Equipment:toy bunny, dry leaves (oak, birch, poplar, Christmas tree) pictures with trees, painted leaves.Vocabulary work:leaves, birch, oak, poplar.Bilingual component.Leaf – zhapyrak, tree – agash

I suggest you consider it.

Play "Find the same leaf"

Game "Find the tree"

Physics game

Game "Collect leaves"

Pay attention to the fact that they are different in color and shape. They tell everyone what color their leaf is. Repeat after the teacher. (oak, birch, etc.)

Children look at the teacher when they show him a leaf (nar), he runs to him and repeats which tree the leaf is from.

Children looking at their leaves find a tree and call them trees.

They run around the group and sing a song.

"The north wind blew

And he blew away all the leaves at once.

They flew and circled.

And they sank to the ground.

The rain began to patter on them

The hail then began to hammer,

The snow then fell.

Children collect leaves according to color (yellow, red, brown) into three baskets.

Reflexively - corrective.

The bunny takes the baskets with leaves.

The bunny asks which game did they like best?

Children thank the bunny with interesting games.

Children remember what they did and what they liked.

leaves grow on trees.Understand:that the leaves have different colors in autumn and have different structures.Apply:They find leaves and select them to the desired trees.

: known Section: Ecology. Subject : “Water - water, wash my face” Target: teach observation and introduce the properties and quality of water.(cold, hot, transparent, salty, sweet, pouring) Equipment: paper droplets, glasses of water, a cup, two vessels with hot and cold water, salt, sugar, spoons.Vocabulary work:pours, salty, sweet.Bilingual component: water - su.

Game “Sunshine and Rain” showing a glass of water.

Why do we need water?

Water droplets came to visit us and they will tell us what water is like.

They play a game. Pay attention to the glass of water.

Children tell why water is needed.

Examine droplets of water.

Organizational and search.

First drop Experiment: the water is clear.

Drop 2 Experience: water flows.

Drop 3 experiment: hot cold.

Drop 4 experiment what water tastes like

Children choose a drop to play with. They take their glasses of water and throw a small object into it, with the help of the teacher they determine that the water is clear, everything can be seen through it.

Select the next drop. Pour water into a cup. They make a conclusion with the help of the teacher. The water is pouring.

Children go to the table and touch two vessels in which one water is cold and the other is hot. They determine it by touch and tell what kind of water is in which vessel. They say why the water is hot.

Children pour sugar into one glass of water and salt into the other. Stir and taste how the water tastes. They say salty, sweet. With the help of the teacher, they analyze where the sugar is, the water is sweet, and where the salt is salty.

Reflexively - corrective.

The droplets want to know what you have learned about water.

Droplets treat children with tasty water.

The children remember what they did and repeat: the water flows, it can be hot, cold, sweet salty. She is transparent.

Children are treated to fresh water.

Expected result: Reproduce:quality and properties of water. Understand:desire to experiment. Apply:carry out actions according to instructions,examine the work done, the difference, hot - cold. They make a simple conclusion about why the water became sweet and why it became salty.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: Ecology.Subject : “We are watering the flowers” Target: To develop the ability to distinguish and name flowers, flowering plants in the room (ficus), to introduce proper care for a houseplant, include it in feasible activities (watering, wiping leaves).Equipment:Vocabulary work:watering can, water, flowersBilingual component:flowers - gү whether

They are surprised and say that they don’t hear.

Children tell their versions.

Organizational and search.

Touch the soil of the flower.

So why is the flower crying?

And if you don’t water them, what will happen to them?

I show you an illustration.

What are they watering with?

They pour under the root or edge.

I suggest watering all the flowers.

The children touch the ground and notice that it is dry.

It needs to be watered.

To make them grow, they drink water.

They will wither and die.

Looking at the illustration

They pour on the edge.

He takes a watering can with water and waters the flower. Other children watch the child's work.

Reflexively - corrective.

What do you think the flowers tell us?

They say thank you, we are good children.

The children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle and says: “Did burdocks grow in the garden in the city? We collected burdocks and played very happily.” Foma didn’t want to play the trick and dance.” the selected child dances and all the children clap for him.

Expected result:

Play:why do you need to water flowers?Understand: howHold the watering can correctly, do not overfill the water.Apply:ability to carry out assignments, water flowers.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knowledgeChapter: Ecology.Subject : “Find out by taste” Target: teach children to identify vegetables and fruits by taste (tomato, carrot, onion, apple, pear, lemon), to give an understanding of the usefulness of these products.Equipment:vegetables and fruits, chopped vegetables and fruits, forest toy.Vocabulary work:vegetables, fruits. Bilingual component: carrots – withә bі h, tomato -қ izғ anaқ , onion – piyaz, apple – alma, pear – almұ mouth, fruitsі With.

Meet the forester. Show interest in the missing bag

The children find the bag in the garden and are happy and interested.

Organizational and search.

Offers the game "Wonderful Bag"

Organizes the game “Where does what grow?”

The teacher offers to try them and determine their taste.

The teacher asks the question - What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits?

Why should you eat them?

Adds information with a story about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

They take objects out of the bag, name them (apple, pear, tomato, carrot, etc.), examine them, say what shape, what color. Notice similarities and differences.

They remember that vegetables grow in the garden, fruits grow on trees in the garden. They distribute the vegetables into the “garden”, find trees for fruits and name them (apple tree, pear tree, etc.)

They come to the table and taste the fruits, identifying an apple, a sweet pear, and a sour lemon. They try carrots - they are sweet, onions - bitter, tomatoes - sour.

They answer the question and tell the story. – Why you should eat fruits and vegetables.

They listen, they remember.

Reflexively - corrective.

The teacher invites the forest boy to play with the children.

D/i “What has changed?” for attention.

They join the game, repeat the words and movements, and thank the forester.

: practical actions in games.Understand:what vegetables and fruits are, where they grow, that each has its own taste.Apply:apply the skill of examining an object, determining the round, oval shape, as well as the taste of the proposed vegetables and fruits

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knowledgeChapter: Ecology.Subject: "Plant Parts" Target: Help children remember parts of a plant (stem, flower, leaf). Create a desire to care for plants. Material: plants.Vocabulary work:Flower, leaf, stem.Bilingual component:Guli, zhapyrak.

Considering a houseplant.

They accept the grandmother’s request and agree to help.

Organizational and search.

Tells how to care for plants.

Game “Name what I’ll show you!”

The grandmother shows the trunk, the children call the leaves. Asks the children to help water and wipe the leaves. Brings in a flower. Asks children to consider how they differ from each other (the presence of a flower). Asks the children to smell how delicious the flower smells. Offers to admire.

They remember how to care for plants: water them, wipe the leaves with a cloth.

Names the parts of a plant.

Helps care for plants: water, wipe the leaves with a cloth.

They look at the flower and smell it.

They rejoice in its beauty.

Reflexively - corrective.

Gives large bouquet flowers for children.

They admire. They put the bouquet in the water.

They promise to take care of the bouquet.

Expected result: Reproduce: Name indoor plants: its parts are living plants.Understand:Ideas about how to care. How are they different?flower from a houseplant.Apply:Come to the rescue, show attention and care. Perform simple work assignments. Remember the parts of the plant.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knowledgeChapter: Ecology.Subject : "Plant care" Target: consolidate children's knowledge of how to care for plants. Create a desire to care for them.Equipment:indoor plants, water cans, aprons, picture “Children watering flowers”Vocabulary work:watering can, water, flowersBilingual component:flowers - gү whether

Someone is crying in our corner, do you hear?

And I hear, it’s a little flower, it’s crying, why do you think?

They are surprised and say that they don’t hear.

Children tell their versions.

Organizational and search.

Touch the soil of the flower.

So why is the flower crying?

Why do you need to water the flowers?

And if you don’t water them, what will happen to them?

Let's see how other children do it.

I show you an illustration.

What are they watering with?

They pour under the root or edge.

I choose a child to show me how to water a flower.

I suggest watering all the flowers.

Children touch the ground and notice that it is dry.

It needs to be watered.

To make them grow, they drink water.

They will wither and die.

Looking at the illustration

Children water flowers from a watering can.

They pour on the edge.

He takes a watering can with water and waters the flower. Other children watch the child's work.

Children take watering cans and water the flowers.

Reflexively - corrective.

How do you figure out what the flowers are telling us?

You've worked hard, now you can play. Game “In the garden or in the city” (Simplified version)

They say thank you, we are good children.

The children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle and says: “Whether burdocks grew in the garden or in the city, we collected burdocks and played very happily. Foma didn’t want to play the trick and dance.” the selected child dances and all the children clap for him.

Expected result:

Play:information about, why do you need to water flowers?Understand:how to hold the watering can correctly and not overfill the water.Apply:ability to carry out assignments, water flowers.

Educational area: knownChapter: Ecology.Subject : Where do the birds fly? Target: introduce children to migratory birds (duck, goose), their structure, and give an understanding of why they are called migratory.Vocabulary work:geese, ducks, swallow, rooks. Bilingual component:

I take out the pictures. Who are these guys?

Winter is coming. What's the weather like in winter?

That's right it's cold in winter it's snowing, the sparrow and the crow will spend the winter with us.

And there are birds that are afraid of frost and fly to warmer climes in the fall. There will be nothing for them to eat here; they eat worms and grass.

Pinocchio brought us their illustrations

Maybe you know them, I’m showing them

Are geese and swans big birds or small ones?

How do they flap their wings?

And this is a swallow bird, she is very afraid of the cold and is the first to fly away.

What kind of bird is it, small or large?

Here is another rook bird, the rook looks like a crow.

Let's describe her, what does she have?

Let's name all the birds

These birds fly away to warmer climes.

The children say it's a sparrow and a magpie.

It's cold, it's snowing.

I challenge the children to get to know them.

Children recognize a goose, a swan, repeat several times.

Children speak big.

Children show wing flap (wave their arms)

Children look at the swallow and name it.

The children say that this is a small bird.

Children remember the name of the bird.

Children describe the bird has a head, body, tail, wings, beak

I call the children geese, swans, rooks, swallow.

Children repeat the definition after the teacher.

Reflexively - corrective.

Game "Geese Rooks"

Children are divided into two teams: one team is geese and the other is rooks.

To the command “The rooks fly away,” they run in groups and flap their wings. At the command “the rooks have flown away,” they sit down on a chair. To the command “geese fly away” a team of geese flies around the group

Expected result:

Play:Name migratory birds, goose, swan, rook, swallow.

Understand: an idea of ​​why birds fly to warmer climes.

Apply: mindThey can name and recognize birds and talk about their structure.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: Ecology Subject : « Pets » Target: Identify and name domestic animals (cat, dog, cow, horse, goat, pig, cockerel, chicken, goose, etc.) Vocabulary work: Goat, pig, cat, horse. Bilingual component: tauq, kaz, at, siyr, eshki.

Makes riddles about pets (with pictures displayed)

- How to call everyone in one word?

They solve riddles.

The answer is pets.

Organizational and search.

Let's find common signs (legs - paws, tail, covered with hair).

The “Guess” game uses a description to name any signs of the animal and asks you to guess who we are talking about.

“Who eats what?” - pronounces the name of the feed.

“Who has who?” - offers to choose a picture. (Adult animals - babies).

“Who is screaming?” - asks to imitate the animal in a voice.

"What's missing?" - covers one part of the animal's body.

They determine that all animals have the same characteristics (appearance) and draw a conclusion.

They can guess who they are talking about.

Present the corresponding picture.

They select pictures and name the baby.

They pronounce the sound - imitation.

Name the missing parts correctly (no ear, etc.)

Reflexively - corrective.

To reinforce the names, he plays the game “Who Went Home?”

Read a poem.

They remember which animals are on the table. Guessing "Who Left"

Listen to a poem.

Expected result: Reproduce: Names of domestic animals and their cubs.Understand: An idea of ​​where domestic animals live, what they eat, what sounds they make, how people care for them. Apply: Recognize and name domestic animals.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: Ecology Subject : « About a small drop." Target: clarify children’s understanding that water is very important for all living beings; plants, animals, and people cannot live without it (people need water for eating, drinking, washing the body and all objects that are in the room). Develop motor activity in children. Vocabulary work: spring, stream, river, sea. Bilingual component: water - su,

Early in the morning at dawn, little mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders wash themselves.

He asks: what do they do in the morning?

You need to wash your face in the mornings and evenings. And to unclean trumpet players - shame and disgrace, shame and disgrace!

- What do you need to always be clean?

Children listen carefully to the poem and answer the question of what they do in the morning and why.

Listen to the poem further. Answer: soap, washcloth, towel, water.

Organizational and search.

Guys, where does the water come from when we wash ourselves?

But to get to our house, water travels a long way. Shows a model of a fontanel and talks about the fontanel.

How does a person use water?

Water is needed by plants, fish, birds and all other inhabitants. Without water there is no life on earth.

How water comes into the house.

(a pump pumps water from the river into huge tanks - settling tanks, where the water is purified and filtered.

Shows how to filter water through cheesecloth.

Proverb: “Don’t waste water, know how to value water!”

Talks about caring for water.

They remember what came from the tap. They wonder how it gets into the tap.

They watch and listen.

He drinks and washes.

They remember. They examine the gauze - it is dirty, but the water in the glass is clean. They open the tap and see water flowing - clean.

“Wash, wash, don’t be afraid of water.”

Reflexively - corrective.

He asks what they learned about water.

Riddle: “Without what can mom neither cook nor do laundry?”

The children answer that they know about water, where it comes from, and how it gets into the house.

No water.

Expected result: Reproduce: what water is needed for.Understand: that water comes into the house through pipes. Which way does the water travel?Apply: skills for conducting experiments with water.

(The fontanel is small, it flows out of the ground. And from the fontanel a cheerful stream flows. The stream flows, flows and ends up in the river. The river is small at first, and then it becomes bigger and bigger. The river flows into the sea. The sea is very large, the waves beat on shore. The water in the river is fresh, but the water in the sea is salty, it is bitter and tasteless. The sea salt that is dissolved in it gives sea water a bitter taste. Sea salt– large, grayish, bitter, you can’t eat it. We put other salt in our food. It is small, white and not bitter. Fresh water in rivers and lakes.

Water has a great concern - to give water to all the inhabitants of the Earth.)

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: Ecology Subject: « Who eats what? Target: broaden children's horizons, the ability to name an animal, know what it eats. With the help of toys, consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals and birds: cats, dogs, chickens, cockerels, cows and their young.Material: Looking at pictures.Vocabulary work: Cat, dog, cow, rooster, hen, etc. Bilingual component: Atesh, mysyk, it, tauyk, siyr.

Show interest and name animals and birds.

They solve riddles.

Organizational and search.

1.What do they look like? Examination of toys of animals and domestic birds.

2.Who takes care of them and how?

3. Asks to name common and distinctive features.

4. Offers to consider toys. Talks about their habits.

5.D/ game “Who has who?” asks to pick up the cub.

6 Game “Who eats what?”

Consider calling them body parts.

Listen to the teacher, share their impressions, look at the illustrations

Name the common and distinctive features.

They examine and talk about their habits.

Select appropriate toys.

Children treat and name what animals eat. Repeat after the teacher: the chicken pecks, the cow chews. Etc.

Reflexively - corrective.

He asks what was interesting and clarifies the name. Offers to play with toys.

They answer questions and assign names.

They play with toys.

Expected result: Reproduce: The names of domestic animals and birds and their young that they live next to a person, he cares for them.Understand: Ideas about domestic animals and birds and their young. Apply:Identify the main parts of the body, what they eat, what sounds they make, etc.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: EcologySubject: Wild animals. "The Fox and the Wolf"Target: introduce wild animals and their structure. Material: Examination of illustrations, conversation.Vocabulary work: Wild animals: wolf, fox. Bilingual component: Tulki, kyskyr.

They go on a trip to a forest clearing. The children get into the cars and drive into the forest.

They show interest and get used to the character.

Organizational and search.

In the clearing, the children are met by a fox: he asks the children who is this? Asks the children to look at the fox, what is it like? They ask the fox what the names of your children are? (fox cubs).

Where does the fox live?

Asks the children to repeat. They say goodbye and move on.

They meet a wolf, etc. The dialogues are similar. They say that wild animals take care of themselves and get their own food.

Children's answers.

They are considering.

They tell their impressions.

In the hole.

They look at the hare. Remember the baby's name

Repeat after the teacher.

Reflexively - corrective.

All animals are invited to the clearing to play and dance with the children.

Invites all children back to the group.

Playing with toys.

Dance with animals in a clearing.

Expected result: Reproduce: What are the names of wild animals and their young. Where do wild animals live? Understand: The idea that they have to take care of themselves. Apply:Identify wild animals.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: EcologySubject: "Birds" Target:Identify and name birds (sparrow, crow, dove)Preliminary work: Bird watchingVocabulary work: Birds, sparrow, crow, dove. Bilingual component: қүstar, tөrғai, қaraқarғa.

Show interest. They solve riddles.

Organizational and search.

Comparison of crows and sparrows (size, color, habits, sounds made).

All birds are alike. – How are birds similar? - How many paws and wings? – What are they covered with? - How do they eat, how do they fly?

Exercise "Butterfly"

Exercise "Airplane". - How is a plane different from a bird?

Reads a poem about birds and watches the children's actions.

Look at the pictures and name the distinctive features.

They answer the teacher’s questions and find common signs.

Perform actions with your fingers.

Perform “airplane flying” movements. Find the difference between an airplane and a bird.

They listen to the poem and fly to the feeding trough.

Reflexively - corrective.

He asks what was interesting in the lesson, what was memorable.

Praises children for being active.

Perform actions with fingers. They answer questions and share their impressions.

Expected result: Reproduce: Name of birds.Understand: Ideas about the features of the appearance and behavior of birds. Apply: Identify and name birds, compare and observe.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: EcologySubject: "Spring is red" Target: To form children's ideas about the most characteristic features spring: learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, use verbal statements. Preliminary work: Observations on walks. Vocabulary work: Spring, melting, swollen, buds, drops. Bilingual component: koktem, zhyly, keldi.

Organizes gaming technique read the telegram together with the children with an invitation to an excursion into nature “On a visit to Spring”

They show interest and help read the telegram.

They respond to suggestions.

Organizational and search.

While walking, he suggests remembering what was written in the telegram and finding these signs in nature; feel the smells, aromas of spring, see its colors.

Reads poems. Offers to look at the icicle.

-What is the shape?

-What does it feel like? By color? - What will happen to her if you keep her in the house?

Activates the dictionary.

They remember the signs of early spring.

They are found in nature. Inhale the aroma of spring (fresh, cool, spring) and call colors (blue, sunny, bright).

Listen to poems.

They examine it, answer questions, repeat the words (transparent, slippery, sharp, icy, dripping).

Reflexively - corrective.

He asks why children like spring. Asks you to repeat new words. He proposes to launch boats into streams.

They share their impressions and repeat new words.

They launch boats into streams.

Expected result: Reproduce: those changes that have occurred in nature: the sun is warming, the snow is melting, birds are returning, streams are flowing.Understand: the most characteristic signs of spring.Apply:knowledge when telling the simplest changes in nature, weather, people's clothing. Reflect the results of observations in nature in speech statements.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: EcologySubject: "Seasons" means Goal: To notice the change of seasons in nature (spring - summer, autumn - winter) and their characteristics (in winter - cold, snow in summer - hot, the sun is shining, icicles melt in spring, fall in autumn yellow leaves etc.) Distinguish between seasons by external signs and name them.Preliminary work: viewing albums “seasons”. Vocabulary work: Autumn, winter, spring, summer. Bilingual component: kuz, kys, koktem, zhaz.

He tells a fairy tale along the way, asks the children questions, shows landscapes of all seasons: notice the changing seasons in nature, and their features (in winter - cold, snow; in summer - hot, the sun is shining; in spring icicles melt, streams run, etc.)

Physical exercise "Droplets" Pronounces words with children perform movements.

We pay attention to the beauty of the changing seasons in nature.

They listen carefully to the story, look at the illustrations, answer questions, and share their impressions.

Perform movements in accordance with the text.

They admire beauty and draw conclusions.

Reflexively - corrective.

He asks. What season do children like best and why? What in the fairy tale was especially interesting?

Praises children for being active.

Answer questions. They share their impressions.

They talk about their favorite places in the fairy tale.

Expected result:

Play: The main signs of all times. Understand:Auditory attention. Apply:Distinguish the seasons by external signs and name them. Pay attention to weather conditions.

Technological map First junior group. Educational area: knownChapter: EcologySubject: "Let's go for a walk in the forest " Objectives: learn to name parts of a tree, distinguish and name trees. Equipment: pictures of trees, pine branch, cones, birch bark, rowan berries, toys - hare, squirrel, mouse, fox. Vocabulary work with a bilingual component: agash tree, birch, spruce, pine (Christmas tree), rowan, trunk, branches.

I invite you for a walk in the forest. Showing an illustration of a forest.

What grows in the forest?

They look at the illustration, answer questions, and show the trees.

Organizational and search

I suggest looking at a picture of a pine tree - trunk, branches, needles, cones.

I suggest looking at a picture of a birch tree, encouraging you to show the trunk, branches, name the color of the bark.

Similarly, we consider the image of a rowan tree - trunk, branches, berries.

Physical exercise - “trees, grass”

D/i “Hide the bunny from the fox” - learn to find a tree by name, name it.

They answer questions, repeat after the teacher, name and show parts of the tree, feel the needles, smell them, examine the cones. find a pine tree in a forest illustration.

They show the birch trunk and branches, examine the bark, name the color.

They show the trunk of the rowan tree, the branches, name it, taste the berries.

perform game movements - show the height of the tree, grass, flowers.

They choose the named tree and place an animal under it - a hare behind a birch tree, a squirrel on a pine tree, a mouse under a rowan tree - they name who is hiding where.


I encourage children to imitate the movements of a hare, fox, mouse, and squirrel.

They show how a fox walks, a bunny jumps, a squirrel jumps from branch to branch, and a mouse hides.

Expected result:

Reproduce: a tree, its parts - trunk, branches. Understand: examine the branches, needles, berries - name the signs Apply: an idea of ​​the size of the tree, the diversity of trees.

Technological map of classes implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson “Planet Earth in Danger”

Teacher additional education

Baumova Lidiya Dmitrievna

G. Orel, 2016

Technological map of classes implementing the Federal State Educational Standard


Form: lesson

Class - 1st class

Subject: Planet Earth is in danger

Target : formation of environmental consciousness and thinking junior schoolchildren based on an active life position, instilling in students a love of nature and correct behavior in the forest.


- development of reasoning skills;

Formation of skills to argue your point of view;

Expanding children's horizons, their knowledge of the world around them, revealing the importance of rational use and protection of the environment;
- fostering an ecological culture, caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, a desire to take care of it;
- fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s actions in relation to natural objects.

Planned educational results




The student will learn:

Highlight main idea from statements;

Answer questions about the content of the event;

Formulate simple conclusions;

React emotionally to the events of the event;

Express your thoughts in a monologue, conduct a dialogue;

Answer questions from the teacher and classmates;

- comprehend moral life values;

- express your opinion on people’s statements and actions;


The student will learn:

Accept and save the learning task;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:


The student will learn:

Analyze the objects under study, highlighting essential and non-essential features;

Use signs, tables, diagrams, models, diagrams.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:



The student will learn:

Construct statements that are understandable to your partner;

Expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- allow for the possibility of the existence of different points of view, including those that do not coincide with one’s own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction.


Feelings of belonging and pride in one’s homeland;

Expanding one's horizons, knowledge of the surrounding world, revealing the importance of rational use and protection of the environment.

-adequate differentiated self-assessment based on the criterion of successful implementation social role“good student”;

Ecological culture, careful attitude towards the surrounding nature, desire to take care of it;
- a sense of responsibility for one’s actions in relation to natural objects.

Dictionary : antonyms of the Russian language

Resources: Information resources.

Equipment: sheets of format A - 4.

Preparatory stage: preparing equipment for class.

Stage (+time)


Activities of a teacher

Student activities

Stage 1. Organizational moment

Dear guys, I invite you to an unusual lesson.

Listen to the teacher. Consider the design of the board. They try to formulate the topic of the lesson internally.


The student will learn:

Accept and save the learning task.

Stage 2. Motivation

1) Stimulates students' interest in the lesson.

Guess the riddle.

She is the richest in the world
Children are running and rushing along it.
And in spring it’s all in color,
And so beautiful at dawn.
And feeds all the people in the world.
What is this? Tell me, children. ( Earth )

- What will we talk about in today's lesson?

Children guess.


The student will learn:

Accept established rules in planning and controlling the solution method;


Focus on a variety of ways to solve a learning task;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- generalize (deduce what is common to a number of proposed objects);

Main - awareness of the arisen intellectual difficulty, contradiction, lack of knowledge,

Grand total motivation stage – students formulate the intended topic of the lesson.

Stage 3. Updating knowledge

Listen to the ecological fairy tale “Doctor Planet Planetovich”

A very smart doctor, Planet Planetovich, lived on the Red Dwarf Star. He pondered how on the planets solar system it is possible to create life, such as on planet Earth. He was distracted from the most difficult work phone call. - Who's calling? - This is planet Earth! I urgently need help! - What's happened? - I’m all cut up, scratched by jars, flasks and bottles that people throw around. - I'm flying out immediately. The doctor arrived on Earth very quickly, in just 20 minutes. Having examined the poor thing, I thought: should I bandage the wounds with a colored bandage or a white one? Having decided that such a beauty as the Earth deserves better, he took out 100,000,000,000 km of colored bandage and bandaged the cuts. Having cured the planet, the doctor turned to humanity, sharply jerking his hand upward so that he almost fell from the Earth: - You need living planet! - People! Live in peace with the planet! Your destiny is in your hands!

- What do you think and why does Dr. Planet Planetovich make us think about? (children's answers)

Children listen to a fairy tale.

Children answer the question and give reasons for their opinion.


The student will learn:

Accept established rules in planning and controlling the solution method;

Take a role in educational collaboration.


The student will learn:

Use signs, symbols, diagrams proposed by the teacher;


The student will learn:

Use funds adequately oral speech to solve various communication problems;

Control your actions in group work.

Stage 4.

Goal setting

and planning

Goal setting – formulation of lesson goals through types of student activities (planned results).

Planning - discussion with students of the lesson plan (determining the content and sequence of actions to solve the assigned tasks)

To make it clear that Planet Earth is now in danger: in many places the water, soil, and air have become dirty. It became difficult for everyone to breathe. People and animals get sick. How can we help our Planet?

Let's try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

The topic of our lesson: “Nature and creativity” (a colorful note on the board is shown).

Read the topic of the lesson.

What do you think is the key word in our topic?

Let's try to set tasks for our lesson.

Well done! You have correctly identified the topic of the lesson and set the tasks.

The topic of our lesson: “Planet Earth is in danger” (a colorful note is shown on the board).

Keywords in our theme: “Planet”, “Earth”, “in danger”

I believe that all words are key because they are all important.

Objectives for the lesson topic:

Find out why Planet Earth is in danger;

Think about how we can help her;

Learn to ask questions and find answers to them;

Let's learn to reason and search for information.


The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- based on the results of solving practical problems, draw theoretical conclusions about the properties of the facts and phenomena being studied in collaboration with the teacher and classmates.

Stage 5. "Opening" new knowledge (studying new topic)

The stage of “discovery” of new knowledge involves the organization by the teacher independent work students when studying a new topic, as well as accompanying (primary) consolidation.

- Organizes the work of students in searching and processing information.

So let's learn reason and search for information.

I am handing out sheets of information to you. Each group searches for information on a topic.

Information sheets.

1st group.

Over the course of a year, 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide alone are released into the atmosphere. As a result, the Earth's ozone layer is depleted, so-called ozone holes appear: over Antarctica, the Arctic, Europe, Moscow (shows on the map.)

Oxygen on Earth is becoming less and less, and exhaust gases from road transport more and more metallurgical plants and chemical factories, thermal power plants, more and more transport.

2nd group.

Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so much water enters water bodies. harmful substances that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even in the waters of the Arctic, remnants of washing powder were found.

As a result of human activity, many rivers are no longer suitable for swimming.

3rd group.

Over the past 20 years, people have cut down as much forest as was destroyed during its entire previous existence, not to mention the fires that occur due to the fault of people.

For many animals the forest is home. And there are fewer and fewer forests on Earth. This means the animals are losing their home. This means they are doomed to death.

4th group.

No one will argue that oil is necessary for humanity. And he will not argue that it is deliberately thrown into the sea, that they deliberately cause accidents in oil fields or set fire to ships carrying oil. As a result, millions of tons of oil end up at sea for one reason or another.

Man is dangerous to nature not only through fires and oil spills, but also through the thoughtless destruction of all living things.

- Let's draw a conclusion from the information we listened to.

Work with different sources

information (special worksheets, teacher explanation, dictionaries)

Work in groups to find a solution

educational task.

- Record their “discovery” on sheets of paper.

Work according to an algorithm or draw up an action plan

algorithm and perform training actions

Draw conclusions about the completeness and correctness of the information.

Enter into dialogue

Complete teacher assignments

Offer their generalization and answer options for

educational problem.

After presentations by group representatives, children draw conclusions.

- People themselves are mostly to blame for environmental disasters.

- Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our relationship to the environment, with the place where we live, work, and study. Do we like it here? Do we feel comfortable here?


The student will learn:

Accept established rules in planning and controlling the solution method;

Take a role in educational collaboration.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- based on the results of solving practical problems, draw theoretical conclusions about the properties of the facts and phenomena being studied in collaboration with the teacher and classmates.


The student will learn:

Use signs, symbols, diagrams proposed by the teacher;

Focus on a variety of ways to solve a learning task;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- generalize (deduce what is common to a number of proposed objects);

- carry out comparison, series and classification of studied objects on independently identified grounds.


The student will learn:

Focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

Take into account other opinions and positions;

Adequately use the means of oral speech to solve various communicative tasks.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- use speech to plan your activities;

Stage 6. Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system (consolidation)

At this stage there is

- repetition and reinforcement


- training of use skills

new knowledge,

- establishing connections between new

and previously studied material.

- Let's start small. How can we help our planet?

The recording of school noise is turned on during recess.

Have you ever listened to how noisy it is in the corridors of our school?

- How can we solve the noise problem?

- Which other problem can we solve?

I suggest playing the game “Through the mouth of a baby, or don’t rush to throw away your future (waste)”

Task one:

1. It is produced by an ordinary cow.

2. In small quantities it is very useful as a fertilizer.

3. When there is too much of it, it becomes a real disaster.

4. When it gets into water bodies, it is destroyed, fish and other aquatic animals begin to suffocate.

5. It must be composted.

Task two:

1 . I have a lot of toys made from it.

2. It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.

3. Items made from it weigh very little.

4. If you set it on fire, black acrid smoke will appear.

5. It cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature.


Task three:

1. It is made from sand.

2. Most often it is transparent.

3. When it falls, it breaks.

4. If you heat it up, it becomes sticky like dough.

5. If abandoned in the forest, it can cause a fire.

Task four:

1. It happens when it gets old or breaks down.

2. This can be seen everywhere: in the city, in the countryside, even along the roads.

3. You can turn it in and get money.

4. It can be melted down to make something new.

5. It comes in color, and you can also turn it in for melting down and get money.

(Scrap metal).

Task five:

1. It was invented by the Chinese.

2. In our country it is obtained from wood.

3. It burns easily.

4. It produces a lot of garbage.

5. People usually draw or write on it.

Task six.

1. There is a lot of it in the city, but little in the village.

2. It is especially strong in an industrial city, where there are many plants, factories, and machines.

3. It makes people sick. They get nervous a lot, scream loudly, and it gets even bigger.

4. It is produced by various devices and machines.

5. It causes environmental pollution. And when there is a lot of it, it causes a state close to intoxication in people and acts like a drug.

Generalization based on keywords that appeared on the board during the completion of tasks.

Let's do the task “What can one do when Planet Earth is in danger?”

The task is to complete the phrases:

1. Try to buy drinks in glass bottles that can be...(used many times, returned to the store.)

2. Clothes that you don’t wear can...(give to those in need.)

3. Don’t throw away old toys and books: they may...(someone will need them.)

4. Find out where there is a waste paper collection point nearby, and ... (hand over unnecessary paper there.)

5. Repair and fix the thing instead of...(throwing it away.)

6. Try to carefully handle glass containers that you can... (hand over.)

7. Try not to use polystyrene foam, as it practically ... (does not decompose in nature.)


How can you and I help our planet?

Creative work in groups. All children are proactive.

Presentation of mini-projects of each group.

A prepared student speaks.

“Curbing” noise is one of the the most pressing problems 21st century. Back in 1955, one American magazine wrote about “the element of noise overwhelming the streets, factories, houses and sky.” According to scientists, the United States has already reached dangerous level. “Noise,” said American noise expert Kludsen, “is just as slow a killer.”

- Behave calmly, try not to make noise.

Information (student). It has been noticed that noises of natural origin: the sound of the sea surf, the sound of rain, the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream - have a beneficial effect on the human body: they calm and relax. But industrial or transport noise tires, oppresses, and prevents a person from concentrating.

- Garbage in nature: on the streets, in the forest, on playgrounds.

Children's performances in dialogic or monologue speech.

Answers to the “word” tasks are posted on the board.


- We need to protect the environment.

- Thoughtful about waste disposal.

- Do not create unnecessary noise.

- Follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

Answers to assignments "What can one do when Planet Earth is in danger?"

Generalization. Children's answers in short form.

To help our Planet, we must learn to love nature, to love it from childhood.

Learn to understand how all living beings live: birds, bugs, animals, flowers, blades of grass. This is done by people called ecologists.

We need to help environmentalists preserve our Planet.


The student will have the following:

Understanding the moral content of one’s own actions and the actions of people around them;

Interest in the lesson material;

Prerequisites for readiness to independently evaluate the success of one’s activities based on the proposed criteria;

Knowledge of basic moral norms and the projection of these norms onto one’s own actions;

Orientation in behavior towards accepted moral standards;

The student will have the opportunity to form:

-adequate differentiated self-esteem based on the criterion of successful implementation of the social role of a “good student”


The student will learn:

Take a role in educational collaboration.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- based on the results of solving practical problems, draw theoretical conclusions about the properties of the facts and phenomena being studied in collaboration with the teacher and classmates.


The student will learn:

Use signs, symbols, diagrams proposed by the teacher;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

- generalize (deduce what is common to a number of proposed objects);


The student will learn:

Focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

Take into account other opinions and positions;

Adequately use the means of oral speech to solve various communicative tasks.

Stage 7. Reflection and evaluation

The main tasks of the teacher:

Formation of the ability to objectively assess the extent of one’s progress towards the goal of the lesson and emotional attitude towards one’s educational activities.

Offers to name the topic and goals of the lesson, correlate it with the lesson plan and evaluate the extent of your personal progress towards the goal and the success of the class as a whole.

Let's remember the purpose of our lesson!

What tasks did we set for ourselves?

Reflection “Complete the sentence”

What I remember most about the lesson was...

I was surprised that...

I'll tell you at home...

I encountered difficulty with...

I found out...

I did well...

I would also like to know...

I can use the knowledge gained in class...

Did the best job in class...

I understood the lesson material, but...

Determine the degree of compliance with the goal and

performance results: name the topic and lesson objectives,

mark the most difficult and the most liked

episodes of the lesson, express value judgments.

Determine the degree of progress towards the goal


Mark successful responses interesting questions

classmates, group members ( mutual assessment).

Children name the tasks and answer whether we achieved them in class or not.

Analyze activities to achieve the goal

Personal... - explain to yourself what they do with pleasure, with interest, and what they don’t;

- evaluate your achievements, your own educational activities, the degree of independence.

- express your emotions and mood.

Regulatory: awareness of the quality of the level of mastery and mastery of educational activities.

- carry out final control


- ability to build interaction with the teacher and students.

- openly express your opinion and attitude to phenomena in life, argue your position.

Stage 8. Homework

If you want to draw a picture on the topic, then you can do it with pleasure.

Children do as they wish creative works on the topic of the lesson and share their impressions with parents.


The student will learn:

Adequately use the means of oral speech to solve various communicative tasks.

for execution practical lesson № 1
in discipline " Ecological fundamentals environmental management"

Topic: Forecasting the consequences of human interaction with nature.
Job title: Solving environmental problems.
Purpose of the lesson: Learn to analyze and predict environmental consequences various types activities.
Time limit: 2 hours.
Workplace equipment: Workbooks, instruction cards.
Venue: office No. 215
Basic workplace safety rules:
follow the teacher’s instructions accurately;
Literature: Arustamov E.A. Ecological foundations of environmental management. – M.: “Dashkov and K”, 2007.-247 p.; Galperin M.V. Ecological foundations of environmental management. – M.: FORUM-IFRA-M, 2008. – 256 p.; Konstantinov V.M. Ecological foundations of environmental management. – M.: Academy, 2010. – 208 p.

Security questions for admission to work:

Give the concept - nature.
Why does ecology matter? important role in the modern world?

Contents of the work
Interaction between man and nature (socio-economic aspect) - policy and strategy in use natural resources and in managing society’s reactions to changes in the resource capabilities of the planet and its individual regions. For society, nature has enormous social, industrial, economic, scientific, and health significance. The socio-economic development of human society should be entirely aimed at adapting humanity to the conditions of a changing environment. The correct approach in modern conditions is limited rational transformation nature for the needs of human development, which must also modify its tools in accordance with the resource capabilities of the Earth.
Due to the development productive forces society, the mass of substances and materials involved in economic circulation increases. Man intentionally and unintentionally influences the conditions of existence, going against the laws of nature.
Man has learned the laws that allow him to create modern machines, but he has not yet learned to understand that there are other laws that he may not yet know, that in his relationship with nature there is a forbidden line that a person has no right to cross under any circumstances. circumstances. There is a system of prohibitions, by violating which he violates his future.” Even the already discovered laws of development of the biosphere and society are constantly violated by people for the sake of momentary gain, causing numerous local and regional disasters, bringing a global environmental crisis closer.

Diagram 1. Global environmental problems

Task 1. Solve environmental problems:

1. As a result of the release of dust from a factory chimney, an aerosol cloud was formed, which after 8 days fell to the ground with rain. What path did the cloud take if the wind blew at a speed of 2, 5, 10, 15 m/sec.
Rate economic consequences from an oil spill as a result of a tanker accident, if 10, 20, 30 and 40 thousand tons of oil leaked from the hole:
a) calculate the area of ​​the sea surface covered with oil;
b) determine the quantity sea ​​water, deprived of oxygen, if 1 thousand tons of oil covers an area of ​​20 km2; if 1 kg of oil closes
access of oxygen to 40 m3 of sea water.

Task 2. Answer the test

1. Science studies the patterns of occurrence of adaptations to the environment:
2. All components natural environment, affecting the state of organisms, populations, communities are called:
abiotic factors;
biotic factors;
environmental factors;
driving forces of evolution.
3. The intensity of the action of the environmental factor, within which the vital processes of organisms proceed most intensively - factor:
4. The set of living organisms (animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms) inhabiting a certain territory is called:
species diversity;
5. The number of individuals of a given species per unit area or per unit volume (for example, for plankton)
species diversity;
population density;
all of the above.
6. Diversity of food relationships between organisms in ecosystems, including consumers and the entire range of their food sources:
food web;
food chain;
trophic chain;
power circuit.
7. Lowest plant biomass and productivity in:
the tropics;
8. The ability to restore and maintain a certain number in a population is called:
population density;
population productivity;
self-regulation of the population;
restoration of the population.

9. The signal for seasonal changes is:
day length;
amount of food;
relationships between organisms.
10. For the winter, plants deposit reserve substances:
all of the listed substances.
11.Highest productivity:
mixed forests;
deciduous forests;
coniferous forests;
tropical forests.
12. Assimilate carbon dioxide, involving it in the cycle of substances
13. A series of interconnected species, of which each previous one serves as food for the next:
food chain;
food web;
nutritional level;
pyramid of numbers.
14. The ability of organisms to respond to alternating periods of light and darkness of a certain duration during the day:
biological rhythms;
biological clock;
biotic factors.
15. Adaptation of animals to endure the winter season:
winter rest;
stopping physiological processes;

Security questions:
List global environmental problems.
What are environmental factors?

Teacher: Zhilyaeva I.N.

13PAGE 14215

Global environmental problems

Contamination of the environment with toxicants

Radioactive contamination

Depletion of the ozone layer

Greenhouse effect

Acid rain

Soil degradation


Ocean Pollution

Photochemical smog

Waste problems


Reduction of the gene pool

Human ecology

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