How to improve your studies and make it more successful. Question: Complete the project “Advice to yourself: How to improve your learning activities”


First you need to get rid of some factors that kill the incentive to study. The computer comes first, useless use of the Internet, endless games take up a huge amount of precious time. Often a person can sit at the computer “all day”. Try to spend less time on the computer, use it for self-development purposes. In second place is the TV, you can simply not turn it on. In third place is laziness; in order to stop doing nothing, you need to get together and do something useful. The list of factors may be different for everyone. Remember that there are plenty of other ways to have fun besides the computer and TV.
If you have already stopped being distracted and overcome laziness. Now you should conscientiously do all the work assigned at home at school. Try to do it perfectly, don’t limit yourself only to school textbooks, use additional literature. Strive to answer every lesson and earn grades. Over time you will enjoy positive ratings and you will become interested in learning, and learning will become much easier than before.
Try to be a conscientious student who wants to gain new knowledge. Good relationships with teachers never hurt anyone.
Your classmates are also your friends. Try to establish good relationships with everyone. If you can, help them with their studies, next time they will help you too.


1. During the lesson you should try to listen to the teacher. 2. Write and study additional literature during the holidays or free time time for you. 3. Do not be distracted by conversations with your desk neighbor. 4. Do all your homework on time and learn all the terms that the teacher spoke during the lesson. 5. Go to bed on time and don’t sit late watching TV or at the computer. 6. Don’t be late and come to class on time, as you can get 2. 7. In case of illness or for some other reason of missing school, try to learn homework from your classmates. Independently review the topic they covered in class at home. 8. News healthy image life because this is the key to success!


To improve your educational activities you need to: 1) Make full use of the time allocated for learning so as to enrich your knowledge; 2) Prepare systematically for lessons; 3) Listen to teachers without distractions, follow all instructions; 4) Work with additional literature in your free time; 5) Maintain a daily routine and lead a healthy lifestyle; 6) Plan your personal time correctly and do not leave your studies until late; 7) Learn to independently search for the necessary information using various sources: the Internet, libraries, encyclopedias, reference books; 8) Analyze the materials used, exchange information 9) Develop a sense of responsibility and the desire to bring things to their logical conclusion; 10) Learn to analyze and evaluate your own capabilities.

Activity is a person’s occupation, his work. It is divided into several types: play, work, learning. Many scientists believe that very important look activity is communication, because without it it is difficult to prove oneself fully human. What is an activity?

Entering school is a turning point in a person’s life. Learning, unlike playing, becomes a mandatory activity for the child. He has new rights and responsibilities. The student must make full use of the time allocated for learning, so as to enrich his knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons, listen to teachers without being distracted, and follow all their instructions. All these requirements not only contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also develop human qualities, contribute to the success of its activities. Study

Conclusion: To improve your learning activities you need to: 1) Make full use of the time intended for learning so as to enrich your knowledge 2) Systematically prepare for lessons 3) Listen to teachers without distractions, follow all instructions Conclusion

1. When starting any business, determine its goal. 2. Realize why you need it. 3. Consider everything possible ways achieving the goal. 4. Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or trouble to other people, be tactful in your actions 5. Choose best option, having weighed all the conditions. 6. Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately determine the time of each of them. 7. Constantly monitor your actions, try to determine how you are moving towards your goal. 8. Having finished the work, consider its results. 9. Think about what mistakes you made, try to avoid them in the future. 10. Try to understand why not all your actions gave you pleasure. We learn how to properly organize our educational activities.

Project on the topic: “Advice to yourself: how to improve your educational activities” Author: Elizaveta Runkova, 6A grade


What is an activity?
What motivates a person to act?
Learn how to properly organize your

What is an activity?

Activity is a person’s occupation, his work. She
divided into several types: play, work,
teaching. Many scientists believe that it is very important
type of activity is communication, because without
it is difficult for him to express himself fully

What motivates a person to act?

Human to activity
encourages transformation, because
only a person can
transform. This is what it is
the main difference between man and


A turning point in a person's life becomes
admission to school. Learning versus play
becomes a mandatory activity for the child. He has
new rights and responsibilities appear. Student
must make full use of the time,
designed for learning, so as to enrich
your knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons,
listen to teachers without being distracted, follow all of them
instructions. All these requirements not only contribute
acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also
develop human qualities, promote
the success of his activities.


To improve your educational
activities needed:
1) Make full use of time,
designed for training, so that
enrich your knowledge
2)Systematically prepare for lessons
3) Listen to teachers, without distractions, do everything

We learn how to properly organize our educational activities.

When starting any business, determine its goal.
Realize why you need it.
Consider all possible ways to achieve your goal.
Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or
will cause trouble to other people, be tactful in your
Choose the best option after weighing all the conditions.
Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately
determine the time of each of them.
Constantly monitor your actions, try to determine
how you are moving towards your goal.
After finishing the work, consider its results.
Think about the mistakes you made, try to avoid them
in the future.
Try to understand why not all your actions were successful
your pleasure.

8. Lead a healthy lifestyle as this is the key to success!

1. During the lesson you should try to listen to the teacher.
2. Write and study additional literature during the holidays or in your free time.
3. Do not be distracted by conversations with your desk neighbor.
4. Do all your homework on time and learn all the terms that the teacher spoke during the lesson.
5. Go to bed on time and don’t sit late watching TV or at the computer.
6. Don’t be late and come to class on time, as you can get 2.
7. In case of illness or any other reason for missing school, try to find out homework from your classmates. Review the topic they covered in class on their own at home.
8. Lead a healthy lifestyle as this is the key to success

To improve your educational activities you need:
1) Make full use of the time allocated for learning in such a way as to enrich your knowledge;
2) Prepare systematically for lessons;
3) Listen to teachers, without distractions, follow all instructions;
4) Work with additional literature in your free time;
5) Maintain a daily routine and lead a healthy lifestyle;
6) Plan your personal time correctly and do not leave your studies until late;
7) Learn to independently search for the necessary information using various sources: the Internet, libraries, encyclopedias, reference books;
8) Analyze the materials used, exchange information
9) Develop a sense of responsibility and the desire to bring things to their logical conclusion;
10) Learn to analyze and evaluate your own capabilities.

First you need to get rid of some factors that kill the incentive to study. The computer comes first, useless use of the Internet, endless games take up a huge amount of precious time. Often a person can sit at the computer “all day”. Try to spend less time on the computer, use it for self-development purposes. In second place is the TV, you can simply not turn it on. In third place is laziness; in order to stop doing nothing, you need to get together and do something useful. The list of factors may be different for everyone. Remember that there are plenty of other ways to have fun besides the computer and TV.
If you have already stopped being distracted and overcome laziness. Now you should conscientiously do all the work assigned at home at school. Try to do it perfectly, don’t limit yourself only to school textbooks, use additional literature. Strive to answer every lesson and earn grades. Over time, you will enjoy positive grades and you will become interested in learning, and learning will become much easier than before.
Try to be a conscientious student who wants to gain new knowledge. Good relationships with teachers never hurt anyone.
Your classmates are also your friends. Try to establish good relationships with everyone. If you can, help them with their studies, next time they will help you too.

Project topic:"Advice to yourself: How to improve your learning activities"
Project goal: introduce students to the need to improve educational activities, formulate advice on ways to improve educational activities for yourself.
Project Definitions:
1. What is an activity? Activity is a person’s occupation, his work. It is divided into several types: play, work, learning. Many scientists believe that communication is a very important activity, because without it it is difficult to express oneself as a fully human person.
2. What motivates a person to activity? Transformation motivates a person to action, because only a person can transform. This is the main difference between a person and an animal.
3. Teaching. Entering school is a turning point in a person’s life. Learning, unlike playing, becomes a mandatory activity for the child. He has new rights and responsibilities. The student must make full use of the time allocated for learning, so as to enrich his knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons, listen to teachers without being distracted, and follow all their instructions. All these requirements not only contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also develop human qualities and contribute to the success of his activities.
4. We learn to properly organize our educational activities. When starting any business, determine its goal. Realize why you need it. Consider all possible ways to achieve your goal. Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or trouble to other people, be tactful in your actions. Choose the best option, weighing all the conditions. Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately determine the time of each of them. Constantly monitor your actions, try to determine how you are moving towards your goal. After finishing the work, consider its results. Think about what mistakes you made, try to avoid them in the future. Try to understand why not all your actions brought you pleasure.
To improve your educational activities you need:
1) Make full use of the time allocated for learning in such a way as to enrich your knowledge;
2) Prepare systematically for lessons;
3) Listen to teachers, without distractions, follow all instructions;
4) Work with additional literature in your free time;
5) Maintain a daily routine and lead a healthy lifestyle;
6) Plan your personal time correctly and do not leave your studies until late;
7) Learn to independently search for the necessary information using various sources: the Internet, libraries, encyclopedias, reference books;
8) Analyze the materials used, exchange information
9) Develop a sense of responsibility and the desire to bring things to their logical conclusion;
10) Learn to analyze and evaluate your own capabilities.