Fleet-style pasta technological map. Cooking naval pasta: basic rules, technological map for naval pasta with minced meat. Homemade Navy pasta

Strange as it may sound, even for such a simple dish as boiled pasta, you need clear cooking instructions, in other words, a technological map. This is a mandatory document for those who work in the food industry, in particular in catering establishments, institutions or stores that have their own culinary department.

The technological map of a given culinary dish provides an indication of the proportions of the necessary products for its preparation, as well as a description of the sequential actions of the work itself.

If you are guided by basic standards, you can take the flow chart below as a sample.

Technological process of preparation

Bring salted water to a boil, add and cook until tender. Cooking time can range from 4 to 20 minutes, depending on the total number of servings, type and size of pasta. As the pasta cooks, it expands approximately 3 times in size and requires constant stirring to avoid sticking. After they are cooked, they are thrown into a colander and seasoned with half the norm of melted butter, mixing thoroughly. The rest of the oil is added immediately before serving.

The shelf life of the dish is 2 hours from the moment it is prepared.

If it is customary for an establishment to prepare a certain type or grade of pasta, then the technological map for boiled pasta indicates a more precise cooking time.

Added a product - changed the dish

Even if you make minor changes to the dish, you get a new masterpiece. This feature is very important to take into account when drawing up menus and developing new technological maps, since this affects not only the taste (for the consumer side), but also the material side - costs (for the seller or performer side).

In particular, the technological map for boiled pasta with butter and boiled pasta in terms of ingredients are one and the same. But depending on the purpose of their use in the future, the cooking process itself will differ.

So, there are drain and non-drain methods. The first is used when pasta is prepared as an independent side dish. The second is used when cooking pasta for pasta dishes and casseroles.

Technological map of boiled pasta with vegetables

If you add vegetables to the dish, it turns out more satisfying, fresh and has a pronounced aroma.

How to cook

All vegetables, except peas, are peeled, washed and cut into strips. Sauté in a heated frying pan until golden brown. After this, add tomato puree and sauté for another five minutes. At the same time, warm up the green peas. Add sautéed vegetables and warm peas to fresh prepared pasta (the technological map for boiled pasta is presented above) and mix. The dish is ready to serve.

It should be taken into account that any changes to the components of the dish must be included in the technological maps.

Everyone has probably heard about such a dish as naval pasta. Their recipe cannot be called complicated. It's very tasty and satisfying. And preparing this dish is simple and easy if you know some of the features and study the recipe.

Some people think that such pasta was invented by sailors during long voyages. And there is some truth in this. It is believed that it was the coquis (ship's cooks) who invented and first began to use such a recipe.

It is known that conditions on the ship are not the best (especially during long voyages). Ordinary people who are not accustomed to constant motion may experience seasickness. There is one more feature: while modern ships may have refrigeration units, older ships did not have them. This means that it was simply pointless to make large supplies of a variety of food. Yes, sailors could catch fish periodically, but it was simply impossible to eat it all the time. And such a product does not go well with every side dish. But you can eat meat with cereals, pasta, and vegetables.

How to store meat? On ships, this was done in large barrels, cutting the pulp into pieces and filling them with a large amount of salt. This dish was called corned beef. This same corned beef was what the sailors had to eat. And then one day a cook started cooking pasta and thought about what to serve it with to make such a meal nourishing and tasty. And it occurred to him to use salted meat from barrels. He fried it and mixed it with boiled pasta. And to slightly overcome the excessive saltiness, a large amount of spices was added. This is how this recipe came about.

Since then, the dish has been often prepared on ships. They allowed us to get enough. And the sailors did not argue over the fact that someone got more meat (after all, it was all distributed evenly). Today, such a simple recipe helps housewives if they need to cook something tasty and quick. This dish is served in canteens and even restaurants.

The first ingredient is pasta. Almost everyone knows how to boil them, there’s nothing complicated about it. But it is important that they do not boil or break, otherwise the dish will not be beautiful. Most often, pasta in the form of tubes is used for cooking, but you can use others: noodles, horns or ears. This will not affect the taste, but you can experiment with the appearance. Cook pasta in salted water.

It can be pulp or minced meat. As for a certain variety, beef or pork was originally used, but if you wish, you can also use chicken, lamb or something else.

The meat is fried in vegetable oil with onions and carrots. You can experiment and add other vegetables (tomatoes are often used). If there is no minced meat or meat, then ordinary stew is quite suitable.

The classic recipe involves the use of spices, so don’t skimp on them. Variations and innovations are welcome. So, you can add basil, ground pepper, oregano to the dish. Add more greens to make the navy pasta flavorful. Add garlic or green onions.

The decisive stage of preparation is combining the pasta with meat. This should be done at the moment when everything is ready. Boiled pasta is added to the frying pan with the fried minced meat, after which everything is thoroughly mixed and heated over the fire for a minute.

Boil the pasta. To do this, put a pan of water on the fire, add salt and after boiling, add the pasta. Stir the pasta constantly to prevent it from sticking. Make sure that the products do not overcook, otherwise they will turn into porridge. Once ready, drain the pasta in a colander, rinse with cold running water and toss with butter (this will prevent it from sticking until mixed with the meat).

Now get to the meat. You can first boil it a little (so it will be softer), then fry it with finely chopped onions and grated carrots, but you can limit yourself to just frying. At the end, add salt and spices, and then add the pasta, mix everything well. Fry everything together for another 1-2 minutes, and then remove the pan from the heat. It is better to cover it with a lid so that the pasta is soaked in the sauce and the dish does not get too dry.

  • 250 g minced meat,

  • 200 g pasta,

  • 2 tomatoes

  • 1 onion,

  • ground pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

Boil the pasta in salted water, drain in a colander, then rinse and add a little oil, mixing everything. Now move on to preparing the sauce. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute (no need to boil them!), then cut the peel and remove it. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Fry the minced meat with onions until golden brown. Then add the tomatoes, fry for another 7-10 minutes, then cover the pan with a lid and simmer until everything is ready. Don't forget to add chopped herbs, salt and seasonings at the end. Now you can mix the pasta with the sauce, lightly fry everything together and serve the dish.

  • 1 medium sized eggplant

  • 3 tomatoes

  • 1 carrot,

  • 1 onion,

  • 4 cloves of garlic,

  • 2 bunches of basil greens,

  • 1 pinch ground black pepper,

  • 30-40 g butter,

  • salt to taste.

Prepare all ingredients. To do this, cut the eggplant into cubes, grate the carrots, peel the onion and cut into half rings. Peel the tomato (to do this, first pour boiling water over it) and cut into pieces. Boil the pasta, rinse and season with butter. Finely chop the basil greens and chop the garlic using a garlic press. Now fry the minced meat with onions and carrots in a frying pan with heated oil. After 3-5 minutes, add the eggplants, and after another 7 minutes, add the tomatoes. Stew all the vegetables until tender, add herbs, garlic, pepper and salt, and then mix everything with the pasta.

  • 200 g pasta,

  • 200 g minced meat,

  • 1 onion,

  • 50-70 g hard cheese,

  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil,

  • herbs, salt and spices (all to taste).

Boil the pasta, remembering to rinse it with cold water and season it with oil to prevent sticking. While the pasta is cooking, you can start making the sauce, but do not overcook the pasta and stir it occasionally. For the sauce, peel and finely chop the onion and fry it with the minced meat until golden brown, then add a little water and simmer until done. Add spices, salt and herbs at the end, and then pasta. Grate the cheese and also place it in the pan after the pasta. Continue stirring until the cheese melts. Turn off the heat and serve the dish.

  • Salt the water before adding pasta to it. For every liter of water you will need approximately 1.5 teaspoons of salt.

  • You need to cook the pasta in a lot of water, otherwise it will stick together.

  • Pasta should not be too soft after cooking.

  • To keep the meat (or minced meat) juicy and soft, first lightly fry it and then simmer with a little water.

  • Use your favorite spices and seasonings to give the dish an original taste and mouth-watering aroma.

  • If you use lean meats (or minced meat), add lard or fat when frying. Then the meat will not turn out tough and dry.

  • Add salt and spices at the end of cooking, about 3-5 minutes before cooking. Then the taste of the dish will be more rich.

We can only add that naval pasta is an easy-to-prepare and very tasty dish, so take note of it.

Navy pasta, 1 kg

Technological map No.Navy pasta, 1 kg(CP-recipe No. 154)

Publishing house Kyiv "A.S.K" 2005


This technical and technological map applies to Navy pasta, developed into the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking navy pasta, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Pasta290,0 0,00 290,0 269.00 swelling780,0
Water1800,0 0,00 1800,0 100,00 0,0
Salt12,0 0,00 12,0 100,00 0,0
Minced meat assortment, semi-fine210,0 0,00 210,0 32,38 142,0
Peeled onions, semi-finished100,0 0,00 100,0 50,00 50,0
Vegetable oil40,0 0,00 40,0 30,00 28,0
Ground black pepper1,0 0,00 1,0 100,00 0,0
Exit 1000 g
  1. Cooking technology

Pasta (pasta, noodles, etc.) is cooked in a large amount of boiling salted water (for 1 kg of pasta, take 6 liters of water, 50 g of salt). Cook pasta for 20-25 minutes, noodles for 18-20 minutes. During the cooking process, pasta swells, absorbing water, as a result of which its mass increases by about 2.5-3 times, depending on the variety.

Place the cooked pasta in a colander and rinse with boiling water.

While the pasta is cooking, cut the peeled onions into 5x5 mm cubes. The frying pan is placed on the stove. Heat it up, pour in vegetable oil, lay out the chopped onion and fry, stirring until the onion becomes transparent.

Then put the minced meat mixture on the frying pan. Mix with onion and fry, stirring until the minced meat is browned. During frying, you need to break it up with a spatula so that the minced meat remains crumbly and fries evenly. At the end of cooking, the minced meat is brought to taste.

Cooked pasta is mixed with prepared minced meat.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product

Appearance– cooked pasta is mixed with fried minced meat. The products retain their shape.

Taste– typical for cooked pasta, fried minced meat, fried onions, without any foreign taste.

Smell– typical for cooked pasta, fried minced meat, fried onions, without foreign odor.

  1. Requirements for registration, sale and storage

Navy pasta prepared according to the menu. Heat treatment is carried out immediately before delivery.

Everyone has probably heard about such a dish as naval pasta. Their recipe cannot be called complicated. It's very tasty and satisfying. And preparing this dish is simple and easy if you know some of the features and study the recipe.

Some people think that such pasta was invented by sailors during long voyages. And there is some truth in this. It is believed that it was the coquis (ship's cooks) who invented and first began to use such a recipe.

It is known that conditions on the ship are not the best (especially during long voyages). Ordinary people who are not accustomed to constant motion may experience seasickness. There is one more feature: while modern ships may have refrigeration units, older ships did not have them. This means that it was simply pointless to make large supplies of a variety of food. Yes, sailors could catch fish periodically, but it was simply impossible to eat it all the time. And such a product does not go well with every side dish. But you can eat meat with cereals, pasta, and vegetables.

How to store meat? On ships, this was done in large barrels, cutting the pulp into pieces and filling them with a large amount of salt. This dish was called corned beef. This same corned beef was what the sailors had to eat. And then one day a cook started cooking pasta and thought about what to serve it with to make such a meal nourishing and tasty. And it occurred to him to use salted meat from barrels. He fried it and mixed it with boiled pasta. And to slightly overcome the excessive saltiness, a large amount of spices was added. This is how this recipe came about.

Since then, the dish has been often prepared on ships. They allowed us to get enough. And the sailors did not argue over the fact that someone got more meat (after all, it was all distributed evenly). Today, such a simple recipe helps housewives if they need to cook something tasty and quick. This dish is served in canteens and even restaurants.

The first ingredient is pasta. Almost everyone knows how to boil them, there’s nothing complicated about it. But it is important that they do not boil or break, otherwise the dish will not be beautiful. Most often, pasta in the form of tubes is used for cooking, but you can use others: noodles, horns or ears. This will not affect the taste, but you can experiment with the appearance. Cook pasta in salted water.

It can be pulp or minced meat. As for a certain variety, beef or pork was originally used, but if you wish, you can also use chicken, lamb or something else.

The meat is fried in vegetable oil with onions and carrots. You can experiment and add other vegetables (tomatoes are often used). If there is no minced meat or meat, then ordinary stew is quite suitable.

The classic recipe involves the use of spices, so don’t skimp on them. Variations and innovations are welcome. So, you can add basil, ground pepper, oregano to the dish. Add more greens to make the navy pasta flavorful. Add garlic or green onions.

The decisive stage of preparation is combining the pasta with meat. This should be done at the moment when everything is ready. Boiled pasta is added to the frying pan with the fried minced meat, after which everything is thoroughly mixed and heated over the fire for a minute.

  • 300 g beef or pork pulp (if beef is used, it is better to combine it with lard or bacon),

  • 300 g pasta,

  • 1 onion,

  • 1 carrot,

  • 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (you can also use butter),

  • seasonings and salt to taste.

Boil the pasta. To do this, put a pan of water on the fire, add salt and after boiling, add the pasta. Stir the pasta constantly to prevent it from sticking. Make sure that the products do not overcook, otherwise they will turn into porridge. Once ready, drain the pasta in a colander, rinse with cold running water and toss with butter (this will prevent it from sticking until mixed with the meat).

Now get to the meat. You can first boil it a little (so it will be softer), then fry it with finely chopped onions and grated carrots, but you can limit yourself to just frying. At the end, add salt and spices, and then add the pasta, mix everything well. Fry everything together for another 1-2 minutes, and then remove the pan from the heat. It is better to cover it with a lid so that the pasta is soaked in the sauce and the dish does not get too dry.

  • 250 g minced meat,

  • 200 g pasta,

  • 2 tomatoes

  • 1 onion,

  • ground pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

Boil the pasta in salted water, drain in a colander, then rinse and add a little oil, mixing everything. Now move on to preparing the sauce. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute (no need to boil them!), then cut the peel and remove it. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Fry the minced meat with onions until golden brown. Then add the tomatoes, fry for another 7-10 minutes, then cover the pan with a lid and simmer until everything is ready. Don't forget to add chopped herbs, salt and seasonings at the end. Now you can mix the pasta with the sauce, lightly fry everything together and serve the dish.

  • 1 medium sized eggplant

  • 3 tomatoes

  • 1 carrot,

  • 1 onion,

  • 4 cloves of garlic,

  • 2 bunches of basil greens,

  • 1 pinch ground black pepper,

  • 30-40 g butter,

  • salt to taste.

Prepare all ingredients. To do this, cut the eggplant into cubes, grate the carrots, peel the onion and cut into half rings. Peel the tomato (to do this, first pour boiling water over it) and cut into pieces. Boil the pasta, rinse and season with butter. Finely chop the basil greens and chop the garlic using a garlic press. Now fry the minced meat with onions and carrots in a frying pan with heated oil. After 3-5 minutes, add the eggplants, and after another 7 minutes, add the tomatoes. Stew all the vegetables until tender, add herbs, garlic, pepper and salt, and then mix everything with the pasta.

  • 200 g pasta,

  • 200 g minced meat,

  • 1 onion,

  • 50-70 g hard cheese,

  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil,

  • herbs, salt and spices (all to taste).

Boil the pasta, remembering to rinse it with cold water and season it with oil to prevent sticking. While the pasta is cooking, you can start making the sauce, but do not overcook the pasta and stir it occasionally. For the sauce, peel and finely chop the onion and fry it with the minced meat until golden brown, then add a little water and simmer until done. Add spices, salt and herbs at the end, and then pasta. Grate the cheese and also place it in the pan after the pasta. Continue stirring until the cheese melts. Turn off the heat and serve the dish.

  • Salt the water before adding pasta to it. For every liter of water you will need approximately 1.5 teaspoons of salt.

  • You need to cook the pasta in a lot of water, otherwise it will stick together.

  • Pasta should not be too soft after cooking.

  • To keep the meat (or minced meat) juicy and soft, first lightly fry it and then simmer with a little water.

  • Use your favorite spices and seasonings to give the dish an original taste and mouth-watering aroma.

  • If you use lean meats (or minced meat), add lard or fat when frying. Then the meat will not turn out tough and dry.

  • Add salt and spices at the end of cooking, about 3-5 minutes before cooking. Then the taste of the dish will be more rich.

We can only add that naval pasta is an easy-to-prepare and very tasty dish, so take note of it.

Naval pasta is prepared quickly and easily, and turns out very tasty and satisfying. A great dish for a family lunch or dinner! My dad loves this dish very much.


To prepare delicious naval pasta you will need:

400-500 g pasta;
400-500 g minced meat;
2 carrots;
3 onions;
parsley - to taste;
salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Place pasta in boiling salted water and boil until almost done, drain in a colander, rinse with cold water and leave to drain excess liquid.

Finely chop the peeled onions and carrots.

Place minced meat in a deep frying pan with heated vegetable oil.

Fry the minced meat, stirring constantly, until light.

Then add the onion and fry until the onion is soft.

Add the carrots and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until the carrots turn golden brown.

Salt and pepper the minced meat with vegetables and add pasta.

Mix the pasta with the minced meat and fry for 5-7 minutes under the lid, stirring occasionally.

Decorate the cooked navy-style pasta with chopped herbs and serve hot to the table. Simple, satisfying and very tasty!

Bon appetit!