Proper organization of balanced nutrition. Radiation and nutrition. Three basic principles of rational nutrition

Rational human nutrition

2. Basic principles of rationality, balanced nutrition

Throughout life, the human body continuously undergoes metabolism and energy. Source necessary for the body building materials and energy are the nutrients coming from external environment mainly with food. If food does not enter the body, a person feels hungry. But hunger, unfortunately, will not tell you what nutrients and in what quantities a person needs. We often eat what is tasty, what can be prepared quickly, and do not really think about the usefulness and good quality of the products we eat.

Rational nutrition-- this is nutrition that is sufficient in quantity and complete in quality, satisfying the energy, plastic and other needs of the body and providing required level metabolism. Rational nutrition is based on gender, age, character labor activity, climatic conditions, national and individual characteristics.

The principles of rational nutrition are:

1) compliance of the energy value of food entering the human body with its energy expenditure;

2) the intake of a certain amount of nutrients into the body in optimal proportions;

3) correct mode nutrition;

4) variety of food products consumed;

5) moderation in food.

The adverse consequences of excess nutrition against the background of low physical activity suggest that one of the basic principles of rational nutrition during intellectual work should be a decrease in the energy value of food to the level of energy expenditure or an increase in physical activity to the level of caloric content of food consumed

The biological value of food is determined by the content of essential nutrients necessary for the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts. For normal human life, it is necessary not only to supply him with an adequate (according to the needs of the body) amount of energy and nutrients, but also to observe certain relationships between numerous nutritional factors, each of which has a specific role in metabolism. A diet characterized by an optimal ratio of nutrients is called balanced.

A balanced diet provides the optimal ratio for the human body of proteins, amino acids, fats, fatty acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins in the daily diet.

According to the balanced nutrition formula, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1: 1.2: 4.6. At the same time, the amount of protein in the diet is 11 - 13% of the daily energy value, fat - on average 33% (for the southern regions - 27 - 28%, for the northern - 38 - 40%), carbohydrates - about 55%.

Sources of nutrients are animal food and plant origin, which are conventionally divided into several main groups.

The first group includes milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, cream, etc.); the second - meat, poultry, fish, eggs and products made from them; third - bakery, pasta and confectionery, cereals, sugar, potatoes; fourth - fats; fifth - vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs; sixth - spices, tea, coffee and cocoa.

Each group of products, being unique in its composition, is involved in the primary supply of certain substances to the body. Therefore, one of the basic rules of balanced nutrition is variety. Even during fasting, using a wide range plant products, you can provide the body with almost everything necessary.

Not in nature ideal products foods that contain a complex of all nutrients, necessary for a person(exception is mother's milk). With a varied diet, that is, mixed food consisting of products of animal and plant origin, the human body usually receives quite enough nutrients. A variety of foods in the diet has a positive effect on its nutritional value, as various products complement each other with the missing components. Besides, varied diet promotes better absorption food.

The concept of diet includes the frequency and time of food intake during the day, its distribution according to energy value and volume. The diet depends on the daily routine, the nature of work and climatic conditions. For normal digestion great value has regularity in eating. If a person always takes food at the same time, then he develops a reflex to excrete at this time gastric juice and conditions are created for better digestion of it.

It is necessary that the intervals between meals do not exceed 4-5 hours.

The most favorable is four meals a day. At the same time, breakfast accounts for 25% of the energy value of the daily diet, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack (or second breakfast) - 15%, dinner - 25%.

Poor eating habits play a negative role in health. It manifests itself in a decrease in the number of meals per day from four to five to two, incorrect distribution of the daily diet into separate meals, an increase in dinner to 35-65% instead of 25%, an increase in the intervals between meals from 4-5 to 7-8 hours. The commandments are forgotten folk wisdom about nutrition: “Shorten your dinner, lengthen your life”; “Eat wisely, live long.”

Developed by many years of practice following rules rational nutrition.

1. Fresh food. Fresh plants are the most useful. Stale and dried out things are less valuable. Do not leave cooked food even for several hours. The processes of fermentation and decay begin to take place in it. Therefore, it must be eaten immediately.

2. Raw food diet. It has long been believed that raw plants contain the greatest life-giving force.

3. Diversity of food: the more different foods included in the diet, the more physiologically active substances enter the body. This is especially important due to the fact that with mental stress the need for them increases, and appetite is often reduced.

4. A certain rotation of products. It follows from the previous one and indicates that you cannot use the same dish or product for a long time.

5. Seasonality of nutrition. In spring and summer you need to increase the amount plant food. In cold weather, add foods rich in proteins and fats to your diet.

6. Food restriction. Research shows that those who eat a lot are less productive and more susceptible to fatigue.

7. Maximum pleasure from food. To do this, first of all, you need to give up rushing, although 6s during meals. In addition, you should forever abandon the habit of sorting things out over food, as well as reading.

8. Certain combinations of products. There are incompatible dishes, and this should definitely be taken into account. With unfavorable food combinations, increased fermentation and rotting of food develop in the intestines and poisoning occurs with the resulting harmful substances.

9. Avoid dietary stress ( abrupt changes diets that cause significant stress on adaptation mechanisms), i.e. You can’t eat from hand to mouth one day and eat to your heart’s content the next.


The calorie content of food should be increased by 700-1000 kcal per day. The total caloric content of the diet should be 3200-3500 kcal. The diet must include: 1 liter of milk (in any form); 150 g of meat or fish; 20-30 g of cheese, 100-150 g of cottage cheese...

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In the human body, different chemical and physical reactions occur every second: hormones and enzymes are produced, cells are renewed, cells are born and die. All this requires energy and nutrients, the source of which is the food we eat. So that our body works properly for many years, everyone needs to organize a balanced diet. Find out more about the concept, clarify what its principles and foundations are. Compare approximate diet proper nutrition for adults and children different ages and familiar in your family.

Principles and foundations of rational human nutrition

Let's give a simple definition of what rational nutrition is. This is a power supply system that provides normal development, growth, human activity, contributing to the maintenance of health and the prevention of diseases. Age, gender, occupation, and physical activity must be taken into account. A person himself creates a daily menu, taking into account:

  • your lifestyle;
  • funds;
  • presence of diseases;
  • loads;
  • body weight.

The main principles and rules of rational nutrition:

  1. Maintain moderation: it is necessary to avoid overeating, calculate the daily caloric content of food. A person who works physically should receive more food with high energy value compared to someone who sits most of the time.
  2. Avoiding fasting and fast diets- they do not provide the opportunity to receive required quantity nutrients.
  3. Complete, balanced nutrition.
  4. Reducing consumption junk food. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of semi-finished products, canned food, all spicy, smoked. It is not advisable to fry food - it is better to steam it.
  5. Compliance with diet. It is useful to eat at one time, 3-4 times a day. Breakfast should account for 1/3 of the daily ration, less than 2/3 for lunch, and dinner for the remainder.

Sample healthy diet

A proper diet for every day includes fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, low-fat fermented milk products, grains, meat, bread. It's better to choose fish fatty varieties– they contain 3-omega acids. Each meal should include one of the following: rice, pasta, cereals, potatoes, bread. It is important to eat nuts and legumes more often. You should limit the consumption of baked goods, sugar and products containing it, salt, fats, fast food, sausages, sausages.

Sample menu for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast: milk or water porridge, fruits, dried fruits, whole grain bread.
  2. Lunch: soup, salad with herbs or vegetables, omelet, portion of meat or fish. Additionally, you can eat a piece of dark chocolate and nuts.
  3. Snack: fruit, cheese, nuts.
  4. Dinner: dishes containing carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes), salad, soup.

One week for weight loss

If you are for healthy eating, it is recommended to create a menu for every day for weight loss based on the preferences and benefits of the dishes. The diet must be selected so that different foods are used for food. To lose weight, you should be creative in the way you prepare dishes. For example, if you had boiled pasta for breakfast, stewed meat for lunch, choose cottage cheese for dinner. Let's write down the diet for a week for weight loss.

  1. Breakfast options:
  2. omelette with 2 eggs, vegetables (except carrots, eggplant);
  3. 300 g of fruit, wholemeal bread;
  4. 200 g cottage cheese, 100-300 g berries.

2. Lunch options:

  • 300 g of fresh broccoli, soup with meat broth (without potatoes);
  • steamed vegetables, chicken or boiled fish;
  • vegetable soup, fresh salad, porridge on the water.

3. Dinner options:

  • 300 g of any porridge with water;
  • salad with herbs and cucumbers, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 300 ml light vegetable soup.

Healthy eating for every day

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle involves special mode. Breakfast should contain fats and carbohydrates, but not proteins. It may consist, for example, of an omelet, some kind of porridge, a sandwich with cheese, cottage cheese, tea. For lunch, be sure to have a vegetable salad and soup (fish soup, cabbage soup, milk soup, potato soup, cereal soup, okroshka). For the second course - potatoes (porridge) with vegetables. Dinner is light: fish dishes are recommended, vegetable stew, salads, fermented milk and curd products are desirable (the latter are mandatory for pregnant girls and athletes).

For children

Nutritious food children - the main condition for their growth, proper development, good health. Best performance observed when the child eats 4-5 times a day. Food should be appropriate for age and be well digestible. It is important not to allow monotony in food: no one product has everything necessary for the child substances. The following are contraindicated for children:

  • everything is peppered;
  • very salty dishes;
  • fast food.

Preschool age

It is important for preschoolers to eat at least 4 times a day. The hot dish must be eaten at least 3 times. It is advisable to create a menu for several days in advance to ensure variety. You need to eat dairy products and fruits every day. For breakfast, it is useful for preschoolers to give some hot dish and a warm drink (tea, cocoa, milk). During the day, a soup based on vegetable or meat broth, salad. Eggs are good for you. Dinner may consist of fruit, cereal, and dairy dishes. It is advisable to stew, boil or bake products for dishes.


Children school age most of the time they are in educational institution, where they eat several times a day. Unfortunately, all the needs of children are not always taken into account, so parents need to try to establish proper nutrition for the child. Students must eat at home before leaving for school. It could be porridge, omelet, cottage cheese, fish, eggs. It is important that your child eats something hot at lunchtime. If he eats at home after school, you need to provide him with a nutritious meal. Daily norm milk and dairy products - at least 0.5 l.

For the elderly

Due to age problems For older people, a properly organized diet is important. It is recommended to consume more heavy food(fish, meat) in the morning or daytime, and for dinner choose vegetables and dairy products. A special place should be cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, dill and other greens. It is important for older men and women to:

  • avoid fried, very fatty foods, marinades, spicy foods;
  • give preference to vegetarian soups, stewed, steamed foods;
  • To reduce cholesterol levels, be sure to follow a healthy diet.

Correct diet chart

All recommendations for proper nutrition are shown schematically in one table. Its name is the pyramid of rational nutrition. The figure is divided into several tiers, at the very base of which is “daily exercise and weight control.” Each subsequent tier is occupied different groups products. At the top of the pyramid are sweets, sausages, rice, white bread, soda, butter. These foods should be consumed less frequently than others. But whole grain products are recommended, vegetable oils, vegetables, nuts, berries.

Video about organizing healthy nutrition

What to eat during the day to lose weight? Start with a full breakfast - oatmeal on water or milk. It is allowed to add fruit or honey to it. For second breakfast, it is good to eat 1 piece of fruit (with the exception of banana). For lunch, you should choose soup or some side dish with cutlet (chicken). You can read more about the correct nutrition system in the works of L.I. Nazarenko. Get all the best valuable recommendations in the video.

Basic principles of rational nutrition

Basic principles of rational nutrition:

  1. The calorie content of the diet should correspond to daily energy expenditure and be determined depending on age, gender, and physical activity.
  2. The ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates should be: 1:1:4. Vegetable fats Animals in the diet should be treated as 1:3.
  3. To ensure complete chemical composition a diet that includes not only proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but also vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes, etc., the diet should include variety of products food (meat, fish, dairy, cereals, vegetables, fruits).
  4. Proper culinary and technological processing of products is important to preserve biological and nutritional value and high digestibility of nutrients.
  5. Strict compliance power mode (4-5 one-time appointment food at the same time).
  6. Compliance with these rules ensures the harmony of the body with the conditions environment, protects against its negative effects.

If it is impossible to comply with the principles of rational nutrition and a complete nutritional diet, it is necessary to use biologically active additives, enriching the diet necessary substances, contributing to the harmonization of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as the normalization of functioning various systems body.

Currently, most people eat a diet that is not entirely adequately balanced nutritional value not only essential, but even replaceable food substances. Violations are observed both in the direction of their decrease and increase. Enough long time this has almost no effect on health, but when nutritional deficiency becomes significant and adaptive mechanisms are reduced, it can manifest itself as chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate, weakness, insomnia, and ultimately in the form of the development of certain diseases. In such cases, taking supplements in the form of vitamin complexes and complexes of mineral substances is necessary not only as a preventive, but also as a therapeutic measure.

Body support nutrients during stress, it is directly aimed at normalizing the work of the adrenal glands, which control many functions of the body and play decisive role in resistance to stress.

The composition of biologically active food additives includes many biologically active substances necessary for normal operation nervous system.

In a state of stress, nervous and endocrine system require increased consumption of all biologically active substances, especially vitamins. When stress occurs, it is recommended to consume higher than normal amounts of water-soluble vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin C, and minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium. To normalize adrenal function (during periods of stress, the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases, and subsequently there is depletion of the sympathoadrenal system), it is important to consume pantothenic acid(vitamin B5), vitamin BG and vitamin E.

Vitamin B2, folic acid, methionine, the formation of which is promoted by vitamin B, as well as vitamin C, are involved in the production of so-called monoamines - nerve regulators that determine the state of the psyche.

B vitamins are closely interrelated in the metabolism of the body, which gave rise to combining them into one group. B vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, depression, and fatigue. They are playing important role in the transformation of food into energy, in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, they help improve energy production in the body, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the liver, stomach, and intestines.

B vitamins are water-soluble, the body cannot store them for for a long time, therefore their quantity must be replenished daily with the help proper diet nutrition or in the form of biologically active food additives.

Vitamin-like substances: lecithin, choline and inositol improve the condition nerve tissue, liver and gallbladder function, contribute to the normalization fat metabolism and prevention of atherosclerosis. Inositol (“sleep vitamin”) relieves tension, relaxes, and normalizes blood pressure. Choline and inositol are two important lipotropic factor, help remove cholesterol, participate in the transmission of nerve impulses.

One more an indispensable condition, as mentioned above, active reduction of the effects of stress on the body is regular exercise.

Regular physical activity heal the body and increase its performance. Physical exercise is extremely important component healthy lifestyle and programs to combat the effects of stressful conditions. They restore and normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, promote the removal of carbon dioxide and other metabolic products. The body gets rid of excess weight, cholesterol levels in the blood are normalized, and immunity is increased.

With regular physical activity, tension and anxiety are reduced, symptoms of depression are reduced, mood is restored, and the desire for creative activity appears.

Research shows that physical exercise leads to the activation of mood-enhancing substances, endorphins (morphine-like compounds), and receptors (perceiving irritation) for them have been found in the brain.

Thus, active physical activity is necessary to improve health and is very important in the fight against the negative manifestations of stress.

It is known that many nutrients - milk, bread, chocolate, hot pepper and others - also lead to increased production of morphine-like substances and, ultimately, to an increase in mood and harmonization of the internal environment of the body. That is, biologically active substances, produced by the body itself, participate in its regulatory mechanisms. It has been proven that depression and anxiety are associated with a decrease in beta-endorphins in the blood and an increase in stress hormones. Therefore, a person himself can regulate his mood and general condition, knowing the mechanisms of this effect: active physical exercise, rational nutrition.

Rational nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, helping to improve his health and prevent diseases.

Balanced nutrition involves:

1. Energy balance;

2. Balanced diet;

3. Compliance with the diet.

First principle: energy balance. Energy value The daily diet should correspond to the body's energy expenditure. Energy consumption of the body depends on gender (in women they are lower on average by 10%), age (in older people they are lower on average by 7% in each decade), physical activity, professions. For example, for people engaged in mental work, energy consumption is 2000 - 2600 kcal, and for athletes or people involved in heavy physical labor, up to 4000 - 5000 kcal per day. diet therapy body health improvement

Second principle: balanced diet.

Each organism needs a strictly defined amount of nutrients, which must be supplied in certain proportions.

Proteins are the main building material of the body, a source of synthesis of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and antibodies.

Fats have not only energy, but also plastic value due to their content fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, phospholipids.

Carbohydrates are the main fuel material for the body's functioning. The category of carbohydrates includes dietary fiber (fiber), which plays an important role in the process of digestion and absorption of food.

IN recent years Dietary fiber receives much attention as a means of preventing a number of chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis and cancer.

They are important for proper metabolism and the functioning of the body. minerals and vitamins. According to the principle of balanced nutrition, the provision of basic nutrients implies the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the body in a strict ratio.

Proteins should be provided 10 - 15% daily calorie content, while the proportion of animal and plant proteins should be the same. The optimal amount of protein should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight.

So, for a person weighing 70 kg, the daily protein intake is 70 g. In this case, half of the protein (30 - 40 g) should be of plant origin (sources - mushrooms, nuts, seeds, cereals and pasta, rice and potatoes). Second half daily norm proteins (30 - 40 g) should be of animal origin (sources - meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese).

The optimal amount of fat consumption is 15 - 30% of calories. A favorable ratio of vegetable and animal fats is considered to be one that provides 7-10% of calories from saturated, 10-15% monounsaturated and 3-7% polyunsaturated fatty acids. In practice, this means consuming an equal proportion of vegetable oils and animal fats contained in foods.

The optimal amount of fat should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Considering that half daily requirement animal fats are found in products of animal origin; it is rational to use vegetable oils (30 - 40 g) as “pure” fat. For your information: 100 g of doctor's sausage contains 30 g of animal fat - the daily requirement.

Saturated fatty acids are found mainly in hard margarines, butter and other products of animal origin. The main source of polyunsaturated fatty acids are vegetable oils - sunflower, soybean, corn, as well as soft margarines and fish.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are found mainly in olive, rapeseed, and peanut oils.

Carbohydrates should provide 55 - 75% of the daily caloric intake, the main share of which falls on complex carbohydrates(starch-containing and non-starch-containing) and only 5 - 10% for simple carbohydrates (sugars). Simple carbohydrates dissolve well in water and are quickly absorbed by the body.

Sources simple carbohydrates- sugar, jam, honey, sweets. Complex carbohydrates are much less digestible. Fiber is one of the indigestible carbohydrates. Despite the fact that fiber is practically not absorbed in the intestines, normal digestion is impossible without it.

The effect of fiber: - increases the feeling of fullness; - promotes the removal of cholesterol and toxins from the body; - normalizes intestinal microflora, etc. Dietary fiber found in most types of bread, especially wholemeal bread, cereals, potatoes, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Eating enough fiber-rich foods plays an important role in normal bowel function and may reduce symptoms chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, and also reduce the risk coronary disease heart and some types of cancer.

Thus, rational nutrition implies that proteins provide 10 - 15%, fats 15 - 30%, carbohydrates 55 - 75% of daily calories.

In terms of grams, this will amount to an average of 60 - 80 grams of protein, 60 - 80 grams of fat and 350 - 400 grams of carbohydrates for different calorie intakes (simple carbohydrates should account for 30-40 g, dietary fiber - 16 - 24 g) .

Proportions: Proteins - 10 - 15% Fats - 15 - 30% Saturated fatty acids (SFA) - 7 - 10% Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) - 10 - 15% Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) - 3 - 7% Carbohydrates - 55 - 75% Complex carbohydrates - 50 - 70% Dietary fiber - 16 - 24% Sugars - 5 - 10%.

Third principle: diet. Meals should be fractional (3 - 4 times a day), regular (at the same time) and uniform, the last meal should be no later than 2 - 3 hours before bedtime.

Chapter Conclusions

Rational nutrition- this is, first of all, a properly organized and timely supply of the body with well-prepared nutritious and tasty food.

It is very important to pay attention to the formation and education of rational eating habits with early age so that in adulthood a person will no longer have health problems related to nutrition.

Health itself is nothing without its content, without health diagnostics, means of ensuring it and the practice of ensuring health. The most important means of ensuring health include proper balanced nutrition. Food is one of the the most important factors environment, affecting the state of health, performance, mental and physical development, as well as on human life expectancy.

Poor nutrition is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system, diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

3.9 out of 5

Organizing a balanced diet helps prevent the development of many serious illnesses such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, gouty arthritis, obesity, etc. With the help of a balanced diet, it is easy to control your weight. Those who eat rationally, as a rule, do not need to diet every now and then to lose weight.

A balanced diet is based on a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats entering the body with food, as well as a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Basics of rational nutrition

The amount of calories consumed in food must correspond to energy expenditure. Unfortunately, in recent years, a dietary tradition has developed in which too much food is consumed from simple, easily digestible carbohydrates: white bread, pasta, potatoes. The amount of sweets and animal fats in our diet is too high. This leads to the fact that we consume more energy every day than we can spend. As a result, unspent energy is deposited on the body in the form of fat, causing serious health problems over time.

You can reduce the calorie content of your diet by replacing white bread with rye, bran or whole grain bread. You should use porridge more often as a side dish, especially buckwheat. White rice It is advisable to replace it with brown. Meat should be preferred to low-fat varieties.

Caloric intake norms depend on the gender, age of a person and his lifestyle. So, men usually spend from 2500 to 3000 kcal, women - from 1800 to 2500 kcal. During active activities exercise energy costs increase, and accordingly, the norms of rational nutrition increase, which must necessarily be reflected in the preparation of the menu.

The next most important principle of rational nutrition is the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the diet. It should be something like this: 1: 1: 4. This ratio is optimal for people leading a moderately active lifestyle. For those who lead sedentary lifestyle life, the ratio should be: 1: 0.8: 3.2 People who are actively involved in fitness, sports or devoting a lot of time to physical labor should have the following ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in their diet: 1.2: 1: 8. This must be taken into account when creating a balanced diet menu.

Rational nutrition presupposes the presence in the diet large quantity vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber and vitamins.

It is believed that a person should consume 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. For example, a person weighing 80 kg should eat 80 g of protein per day. And half of them should be proteins of plant origin: nuts, legumes, seeds, cereals.

Fats should also be included in a balanced diet. daily ration at the rate of 1 g of fat per 1 kg of human body weight. Moreover, half of the fats consumed should be of animal origin, and the second half should be vegetable oils.

Carbohydrates should be between 55 and 75% daily diet. Of these, most should be “complex” carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables, fruits. Simple carbohydrates and sugar should account for no more than 10%.

The third principle of rational nutrition affirms the importance of eating patterns. It is believed that 4-5 meals a day would be optimal. The interval between meals should be at least 3, but not exceed 5 hours. Breakfast should account for approximately 30% of your daily caloric intake. Or: 20% - breakfast, 10% - second breakfast. Lunch includes 35-40% of the daily diet, 10% is an afternoon snack. And dinner accounts for 20-25%. Moreover, when organizing a balanced diet, dinner should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

You need to eat regularly, at the same time.

The next principle of a balanced diet states that nutrition should be as varied as possible in order to provide the body with all the substances necessary for its functioning.

And of course the rational nutrition menu completely excludes fast food, chips, and sweet carbonated drinks and other, of course, harmful products.

Another important point– combine products in such a way that they enhance useful qualities each other and digested well.

Rules for combining foods for a balanced diet

In order for healthy and high-quality products to be brought to the body maximum benefit, they are recommended to be combined as follows:

  • Protein foods (meat, fish) are best consumed with side dishes or salads made from non-starchy vegetables and herbs;
  • Vegetables and fruits should not be combined in one meal;
  • It is better to eat fruits between main meals, for second breakfast or for an afternoon snack;
  • Products rich in starch are best eaten with herbs, vegetables and fats, but should not be eaten with sugar and proteins;
  • whole milk, like melon, cannot be combined with anything; these products are best eaten separately, say, 1-2 slices of melon for a second breakfast, and a glass of milk for an afternoon snack;
  • You should not drink during meals or immediately after meals, this will slow down the digestion process. You should drink either 10-20 minutes before meals, or 1.5-2 hours after meals.

Approximate daily menu of balanced nutrition

There are many examples of healthy nutrition menus.. As an example, you can use a diet that includes simple and nutritious foods.

Breakfast. A serving of crumbly buckwheat porridge with 1 tsp. butter, tomato and cucumber salad, slice rye bread with a piece of cheese (20-30 g) fat content not exceeding 45%, coffee with 1 tsp. sugar or unsweetened, without milk.

Lunch. Apple and pear. Or persimmon and 1-2 kiwi.

Dinner. Cabbage soup from sauerkraut on low-fat beef broth, without potatoes; boiled beef (100-150 g), vegetable stew, sliced fresh vegetables(no salt).

Afternoon snack – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 150 ml natural yogurt. As a treat - a handful of dried fruits or nut kernels.

Dinner. Oven-baked pollock with a side dish of cauliflower or stewed white cabbage. You can eat 1-2 slices of whole grain bread.

Based on the basics of a balanced diet, you can create other diets, trying to include as many local, seasonal fruits and vegetables as possible, as well as your favorite foods.

When organizing a balanced diet, you should definitely provide the opportunity to pamper yourself with your favorite dishes, even if they are not considered “proper” food. It is only important to observe the principle of moderation.

Alcohol, in accordance with the norms of rational nutrition, can be consumed in quantities of no more than two servings per day. A serving is considered to be the amount of drink containing 10 g of pure alcohol.