How to give an awesome massage. How to properly massage at home: valuable recommendations. How to give a man a back massage

The lower back is the part of the back that experiences a lot of heavy load every day. She has to bear the weight of most of her body every day. And due to a person’s low mobility (and often the lack of even preventative back training), the lower back can often suffer from a number of pathologies. At a minimum, with an incorrectly dosed load on it or a sedentary lifestyle, a person may feel pain in this area. Massage is an excellent way to prevent a number of diseases. It also helps eliminate pain in some cases, relax muscles and ligaments, and you can do it at home. How to properly massage the lower back if you don’t have time to go to massage rooms?

The amazing properties of various massage techniques have been used for relaxation and back relief for thousands of years. Massages were especially valued and continue to be valued by Chinese healers - big fans natural ways treatment. Now massage techniques are familiar to many and have spread throughout the world - now every self-respecting salon or medical center. The center has a good experienced massage therapist on staff.

The benefits of massage are obvious:

  • it will help to relax the entire body completely after work;
  • relieves stress and provides relaxation, improves mood, restores mental balance.

However, massages are primarily useful from a medical point of view, since:

  • improve heart function;
  • stimulate blood flow;
  • improve the condition of the back muscles;
  • help improve the condition of the spine;
  • stimulate material metabolism, improve the speed and quality of delivery useful substances in the tissue of the back;
  • improve the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and firm;
  • eliminate pain, relieve tension;
  • normalize blood pressure.

Note! As a rule, it lasts only 30-40 minutes, but during this time you can really have a beneficial effect on the body. If you massage regularly, you can completely forget about pain and strain in your back.

Indications and contraindications

Massage is recognized by doctors as therapeutic and prophylactic against a number of diseases. Indications for its implementation in the lumbar region may be:

However, in some cases, massage can cause harm. It cannot be done when:

  • oncological diseases;
  • serious problems cordially- vascular system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • first weeks of pregnancy;
  • high temperature;
  • skin diseases.

Important! Under no circumstances should a massage be performed on a person who is in a state of alcohol intoxication or under the influence of drugs. With pronounced pain syndrome The session should only be performed by an experienced specialist.

Techniques and types of massages

Massage is not just stroking the skin. All movements of the massage therapist must be carried out using a specific technique that will have a special effect on the body.

Table. Some massage techniques.

Massage equipmentCarrying out

Any massage session begins with this technique. Stroking is necessary to relax the body. They will prepare him for other, more intense techniques, warm up his skin and muscles. Performed with the palms of a massage therapist. They can be gentle and light or more intense.

Performed from the spine to the surface of the sides and in the opposite direction. Help eliminate muscle tension, relieve swelling.

They are made with palms folded into the shape of a spoon or open. The movements are springy, short, carried out only through the muscles. Improve blood flow and stimulate blood circulation.

They are done with two hands, grasping small folds of skin. At the same time, the hands alternately move in the direction from the spine to the sides. The technique improves the functioning of blood vessels and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Performed with fingertips or edges of palms. Help muscles relax and improve metabolism.

Note! Any massage should be completed with soft and relaxing movements.

Types of massages

Now massage therapists can use the most different massages. It can be medicinal, classical, Thai and many others. Each of them has its own characteristics and pursues specific goals.. However, you should not try complex massage techniques on your own at home, as this can cause harm to the body.

It is recommended for the prevention of a number of diseases, helps relieve fatigue and improves the condition of the body as a whole. The session usually lasts no more than 20-30 minutes. The person lies on his stomach, and it is recommended to place towel rolls under him and in the area of ​​the ankle joint. Bottom part the body is usually covered with a blanket.

A classic massage begins with stroking your palms (about 20 times), then you need to rub the skin well until slight redness appears. Then the muscles are kneaded with careful work on both sides of the body. A series of palm pats is also performed, which in no case are performed in the area of ​​the kidneys or bones. After this, the massaged area is subjected to vibration movements - light tapping, chopping, tapping with fingertips. To complete the massage, you need to stroke the surface of the person’s body with your hands.

Attention! During classic massage a person should not experience discomfort! If there are any, this indicates an incorrect massage technique, and the session should be stopped.

It is carried out not for prevention, but for solving already existing problem. This technique can only be prescribed by a doctor; you cannot decide to conduct such massage sessions without authorization. It should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Therapeutic massage is always done on a hard surface - you will need a couch or bed with a thick mattress. The session begins with light preparatory movements, and then you can use more intense ones.

Massage can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. To understand how to do a back massage, it is useful to master its basic methods and principles.

All movements when treating the back should be in the direction of the lymph flow:

  1. The session begins and ends with relaxing superficial strokes;
    • From the lower back to the groin lymph nodes;
    • From the bottom thoracic to the armpits;
    • From the upper thoracic region to the supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  2. Classic massage techniques include superficial (stroking, rubbing, continuous vibration) and deep techniques (kneading, squeezing).

In addition to the general rules, there are also specific recommendations and techniques that can teach you how to properly massage the back and individual muscle groups.

Massage technique

The person being massaged lies on his stomach, his arms are extended along the body, slightly bent at the elbows, and there is a small flat pillow under his head. If the massage cannot be performed in the prone position, it can be done with the patient lying on his side.


First, apply broad superficial stroking. Then deep ironing back side brushes from the crests of the iliac bones, rise up to the collarbones. Having reached the supraclavicular fossa, they smoothly return to the sacrum.

The palms are moved some distance from the spine and movements are made upward towards armpits. Return with the same movement to the inguinal folds. Massage movements should be used to treat the entire back. On the lateral surfaces, grasping stroking is performed.


A deeper technique - squeezing is performed along the flow of lymph. It runs slowly. They affect not only the skin, but also the deeper layer. For better effect Squeezing is performed with weights. To do this, one hand is placed on top of the other. Begin by treating the long back muscles. Gradually move on to the latissimus muscles. Reception is carried out along three lines.


Before starting deep treatment, prepare the muscles by rubbing. The technique is performed with skin displacement. On long muscles, rubbing begins from the sacrum. Use semicircular movements to treat the area of ​​the spinous processes upward to the neck. Having reached the hairline, return to the sacrum in a reverse movement. The technique can be performed 5-6 times.

You can cut with both hands or use the elbow surface of the hand. Start from the lumbar region. You can perform the technique with the phalanges of your fingers spaced apart.

“Intersection” is used on the side surfaces. It is performed using the radial surfaces of both hands. Start moving from the pelvic area to the armpits.

Rubbing the intercostal spaces is performed from spinal column to the sides. Apply straight-line rubbing with fingers placed in a rake with one or two hands. You can perform the technique alternately.

In order to rub the inner edge of the scapula, the patient's hand is placed behind the back and the elbow is lowered. With one hand you need to lift the shoulder girdle, and with the other you need to rub it. In the area between the shoulder blade and the spinal column, you can use the pads or ridges of your fingers.

Finish with general broad rubbing of the entire surface of the back. As a rule, it is performed with both hands. Be sure to do a few strokes.


For the greatest effort during kneading, one hand is placed on the other. They start by treating the long muscles. Depending on the purpose of the massage, this area can be the following types kneading:

  • The thumb of one hand. The finger presses the muscle to the bone and makes rotational movements upward along the paravertebral zones.
  • With both hands. Performed alternately with thumbs on both sides of the spine.
  • Use the pads of four fingers in a circular motion.
  • Using the phalanges of the fingers in a circular motion.

Having treated the long muscles, they begin to warm up the latissimus. Movement from the iliac crest to the armpits. During the execution of techniques, the muscle is grabbed, pulled and massaged in a circular motion.

In order to knead the muscles of the scapula, you should place one hand under the shoulder joint and lift it slightly. Proper massage includes treatment of the shoulder joint. Rubbing is carried out in a circular motion along the back, front and middle surfaces of the joint.

End of session

Finish the back massage with vibration techniques. Vigorous striking movements with the palm of the hand or fists are used over the entire surface of the back. You can “chop” using the elbow edges of the hand. It should be performed along muscle fibers.

After shock techniques, vibration stroking is performed. Finish the massage with general broad strokes of the entire surface of the back.

A classic back massage usually takes about 20 minutes. Half of this time is devoted to kneading.

Massage at home

When performing a massage at home, prepare workplace. The surface must be level, hard and stable. You can carry out the procedure on the floor. Under ankle joints there should be a small cushion or pillow. There is a flat pillow under your head. You can ask the patient to place his hands under his head.

The room should be warm enough. Otherwise, you will not achieve normal patient relaxation. Massage is best performed using special means.

You should adhere to the general rules for classical massage.

  1. You need to do a back massage correctly, using light, gentle techniques in the first sessions.
  2. During the session, techniques are performed that act superficially on the tissue, then move on to deeper techniques.
  3. Impact techniques should not be used in the area of ​​the kidney projection.
  4. In the area of ​​the projection of the heart, gentle percussive techniques are performed.
  5. Finish the session with calming superficial techniques.

Massage is popular and pleasant procedure, good for health. It's no secret that many professional massage techniques are used for... various diseases and for prevention against them.

Modern massage has many types and techniques, providing positive influence on different organs human and tissue. But the question is how to properly massage the back and neck?

Back and neck massage - benefits and effectiveness

The benefits of back and neck massage are undeniable

The back and neck are quite vulnerable areas of the body that require special treatment. Therefore, massage of these areas is the most common. It is recommended for all people, especially those who have a disease such as osteochondrosis.

At correct use massage benefit from him is huge:

  • relieves pain from pinched vertebrae;
  • perfectly relaxes and has a pronounced sedative effect;
  • Great relieves fatigue and helps you relax at the end of a hard day at work;
  • restores skin elasticity and prevents premature aging;
  • eliminates symptoms of spinal curvature, relieves excessive muscle tone and prevents the appearance of migraines;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves blood flow and helps fight cellulite on the back;
  • restores the tone of weak muscles;
  • effective in combating salt deposits.

Massage cervical spine especially useful for people with sedentary work. Due to lack of neck movement during the working day, pain in this area and cracking in the joints appear.

Relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and insomnia, eliminates irritability, calms. Improves metabolic processes and blood flow. Suitable as a strengthening agent against diseases of the spine and salt deposits .


There are contraindications for back and neck massage

Before doing a back and neck massage, it would be correct to familiarize yourself with the basic contraindications regarding the conduct of these procedures. These include:

  • bleeding and injury, presence of open wounds;
  • heavy infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • purulent infections;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • serious mental illness;
  • burns in the massage area;
  • atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • skin diseases, the presence of moles, warts, ulcers, etc.

Types of massage

To properly massage the back and neck, it is worth finding out what the purpose of this procedure is. Depending on this, they distinguish types of back massage:

  1. Medicinal– applies if available diseases of the spine and cardiovascular system , gets rid of swelling ;
  2. Relaxing – the most common type of massage. WITH relieves muscle tension, increases blood flow, increases immune system body and improves skin condition;
  3. Reflex – has a pronounced analgesic property . Used to improve performance internal organs with the help of a massage therapist on special points of the back that are interconnected with them.
  4. Sports– designed primarily for athletes. Conducted after or before the competition to relieve muscle tension or fatigue. Increases endurance and has the desired effect. It can be preliminary, training and restorative.
  5. Cosmetic anti-cellulite, improves skin condition .

Types of massage in the neck area:

  1. Classical – includes standard massage techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing, squeezing, vibration;
  2. Relaxing – applies to relieve muscle spasms;
  3. Spot – local impact on acupuncture points on the neck, responsible for internal organs;
  4. Cosmetic – applies to get rid of fat deposits in the cervical-collar area, improving the condition of the skin, restoring its elasticity;
  5. Wellness or treatment – used for various diseases of the cervical spine, salt deposits.

Stroking is the first stage of back and neck massage

Despite the popularity of this procedure, not many people know how to do it correctly. back and neck massage . It should be remembered that it carried out two hours after eating . No later than an hour before the massage, you are allowed to drink water.

The massage therapist needs to thoroughly Prepare for the session:

  • nails should be briefly cut off;
  • in advance Prepare a clean towel and moisturizer for massage;
  • room where the session is held, and the massage therapist’s hands must be warm to ensure a person's relaxation;
  • back massage is performed V supine position on extremely hard surfaces . Ideally, a special massage table should be used;
  • need to take care of hygiene. The procedure should be carried out with clean hands on clean skin to avoid infection;
  • for massage of both back and neck, apply correctly massage oil to make your hands softer and easier for them to glide over the skin. It is necessary to rub it intensively between your palms to make them warmer;
  • session time lasts more than half an hour , since the back and neck are the most problematic areas;
  • hand movement should go along the blood flow ;
  • should avoid grazing lymph nodes.

Massage for beginners

Cosmetic neck massage

Many people want to carry out their own this procedure, but they don’t know how. Proper back and neck massage is not difficult. To achieve a certain result, it is enough to use standard massage techniques. It includes techniques:

  1. Stroking – usually the session begins with this hand movement. In this way, the skin is prepared for more active influence at her. Stroking is carried out with the entire palm along the surface of the back across and along, around the shoulder blades. Light movements should be combined with more intense ones.
  2. Trituration– movements are made from the side of the back to its center. Special importance is given to the shoulder and neck area. It is this technique serves good remedy in the fight against salt deposits .
  3. Kneading– grasp the fold of skin with your hands. Movements are carried out from the spine to the sides of the back. The reception is carried out for each of its parties in turn. He has a good effect on the condition of the heart and vascular system, increases blood circulation.
  4. Patting - carried out with both hands exclusively on the muscles. The movements are short and springy. The procedure should not be painful. She promotes good muscle contraction, improves blood flow .
  5. Vibration- from lumbar region circular rhythmic movements are made to the neck area with the fingertips, which promotes gradual muscle relaxation .

The back massage should be completed with gentle pressure. They are best performed rhythmically, emphasizing hand movements on more tense and painful areas.

Massage of the cervical-collar area includes approximately the same techniques. But their technique has some differences:

Back massage technique
  1. The massage begins with stroking the middle part of the neck and collar area , then goes to the side. The massage therapist's hand should be positioned in such a way that stroking is carried out in the middle part of the neck with the thumb, and on the sides with the rest. Movements should be continuous, slow and rhythmic.
  2. The next technique is called “squeezing.” Its essence is to provide a certain pressure on the cervical spine . The hand is placed on the side of the spine at the nape line on the hairline side. Movements are carried out from top to bottom to the shoulder and deltoid muscle.
  3. Kneading - the longest reception. Here you need to grab the muscles with your palms on both sides of the spinal column. In this way, make movements towards the back, then towards shoulder joint. All actions should be carried out slowly and painlessly. They can also be done with tips thumbs, massaging the muscle in a circular motion.
  4. Trituration — its essence consists in vigorous stretching and displacement of the skin. This technique is best performed alternately with both hands.
  5. Vibration It is performed by oscillating movements with the entire surface of the palms or fingertips. The technique can be intermittent or without taking the hands off the body.

How to do a back massage correctly: step-by-step description

  • Preparatory. Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare everything you need for it and prepare yourself.
  • The massage should start with light stroking of the lumbar area with a gradual transition to the shoulders. All movements at this stage should be soft, preparing for more active actions. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes . Gradually it is necessary to increase the pressure. Run the edges of your palms along the spine from the lower back to the shoulder area. Rubbing over the entire surface of the palm.
  • Then the hands should be moved to lateral areas of the back and implement exciting hand movements from bottom to top. Then focus on the shoulders. Knead with smooth and painless circular movements.
  • At this stage more intense massage. You need to grab small folds of skin, moving from bottom to top, in one part of the back, then in the other. The shoulders should be massaged more strongly, using point pressure. The procedure must be painless! Massage well with fists top part back, keeping a short distance from the spine.
  • In conclusion, commit light pats palms or fingertips.

Stages of neck massage

Kneading is one of the back massage techniques

How to do it right massage of the neck and collar area? Firstly, the duration of this procedure for osteochondrosis should be about 20 minutes. Secondly, massaging can be carried out both in the supine and sitting position .

  • After preparing for the session, at the very beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to light stroking neck.
  • Then warm up the sides neck muscles rubbing , gradually moving to the shoulder area.
  • Carry out kneading muscles in the neck and collar area. The procedure is carried out circular movements whole palm and thumbs. It should generally be painless.

Impact on the spinal column should be avoided.

  • Session ends light pats and stroking .

There are many techniques for performing cervical spine massage. It all depends on the severity of the disease and its type. Ordinary massage is carried out based on classic techniques, described above.

Self-massage of the neck

A back massage always requires another person, but a neck massage is easy to do yourself. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations as accurately as possible so that the procedure is effective.

  1. Convenient to start with sit down, brush your hair, warm your palms massage oil.
  2. Slightly lower your chin and start the procedure with stroking from the hairline to the shoulder area.
  3. Then you should do circular rotational movements fingertips in the neck area. They can be alternated with more intense stroking.
  4. Along the spine produce light tingling skin.
  5. Raise your chin and do stroking movements in the larynx area .
  6. Commit circular movements from below from collarbone to chin index and thumb. Make stroking movements with your palms and repeat the procedure again. This stage can last from 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. You need to complete the procedure soft strokes the entire surface of the palm.

Regular self massage neck helps to avoid lethargy and sagging muscles. It tones, relieves fatigue and improves well-being.

Features of baby massage

Baby massage has its own nuances

Some children from the very early age A massage of both the back and neck is required. It should be done correctly, painlessly, so as not to cause fear in the child.

Baby massage usually can be healing, tonic and relaxing . Relaxing is characterized by a more gentle, calm effect. A toning massage involves a more intensive use of all basic techniques.

At home, children's entertaining massage is very often performed, which is performed under a funny rhyme. Children usually really like it. It is both a game and useful procedure. Example of children's play massage:

  1. "Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers" - alternately draw transverse and longitudinal lines along the back with your hands;
  2. "The train is coming late" - use the fingertips of one hand to follow the line of the spinal column from bottom to top, simulating a train. The movement should be soft, stroking.
  3. “The peas are spilling out of the last carriage” - use your fingertips to massage your entire back;
  4. “The chickens came and pecked” - soft “pecking” with fingertips on the back;
  5. “The geese came and nibbled” - slight tingling;
  6. “The elephant came and trampled” - gentle pressure with fists along the entire back;
  7. “A little elephant ran after him” - fast chaotic pressure with the knuckles;
  8. “A squirrel came running and swept everything with its tail.” - final stroking of the back with palms.

Learning how to massage your back and neck is more useful than ever at any age. Its correct use will bring great benefits to the body, tone muscles, relieve fatigue and relieve many diseases.

You can learn more clearly how to properly massage your back and neck from the training video.

With this publication, the website begins a series of articles about home massage. All of us, urban and office workers, need this procedure so much. A sedentary lifestyle, always sitting and tapping on keys, lying in front of the TV in the evening (I simply don’t have enough strength for anything else after sitting at the office)… I don’t even have time to go to a massage therapist. So, there is nothing difficult or scary about giving your significant other a massage yourself, for example. The main thing is to know general techniques massage to do proper massage at home. This type of massage will not replace a professional massage therapist, but it will definitely reduce his workload :)

The series will contain detailed articles on how to do the right massage of the back, shoulders, feet, as well as anti-cellulite massage and self-massage at home. All articles will contain a thematic training video.

What you need to know about massage

In classical massage there are 5 main massage movements:

  • stroking
  • trituration
  • kneading
  • pat
  • vibration

The principle of performing the techniques is clear from the name. Using each of them will affect your body differently.

For example, by using stroking, you influence the nerve endings. It is better to start and end the massage with this technique. And also use stroking after using each of the other techniques.

Rubbing is often used to massage the back. It is done with energetic movements of the hands, tightly adjacent to the body.

In a classic massage there must be kneading. By making kneading movements, you will have a positive effect not only on the area of ​​​​the body that you massage, but also on the entire body.

When tapped, the muscles reflexively contract, and the part of the body that is tapped is provided with an increased flow of blood. Patting movements are made with the back of the hand.

Vibration causes frequent small shocks to the massaged area of ​​the body. Movements are made along the nerve endings. If you use vibration to massage your abdominal muscles, you will improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract.

Massage rules

Before you try each of the basic movements of classical massage in practice and give the right massage to your “experimental” person, take note of the important rules.

  1. Always start massaging larger areas of the body first, and then smaller ones. This will speed up blood and lymph circulation.
  2. Each massage must have a certain tempo and rhythm, which is observed from beginning to end. Approximate “speed” is 24-26 movements per minute.
  3. Learn to perform all the techniques of classical massage with both hands. After all, pauses when changing movements are unacceptable. And your hands will get tired, and alternating them is a way out of the situation.
  4. The lucky person you will be giving a massage to should lie as comfortably as possible so that the body is relaxed. The air temperature in the room should not be below 20 degrees.
  5. Massage is performed only on clean skin, so send the person to take a shower. You definitely need to rub yourself with a towel after a shower.
  6. It is best to do a massage without oil or other lubricating substances.
  7. None of the massage techniques should be painful for the person being massaged. Be careful and monitor the reaction of the person being massaged.

The theory has been mastered. Now we will do the right massage in practice. Good luck in your massage endeavors!

The human body always needs a massage. It would be nice to learn this art on your own, because turning to professionals is not always possible. Let's learn the basics of proper massage together and delight our loved ones with our skills.

We have already mastered the rules of massage thanks to the article ““. Let's start practicing and start by learning how to do a proper back massage.

Firstly, every person can handle it without accidentally causing harm to the person being massaged. The skin on the back is quite dense and has few biologically active points.

Secondly, it is the back that most often needs a massage. Especially those who lead sedentary lifestyle life, slouches, mostly sits at work. Their muscles are constantly tense, which often causes back and lower back pain.

Thirdly, this massage does not require complex technical movements. Doing a proper back massage is not at all difficult, at least technically. Even simple stroking (which is also a massage technique) can help you relax.

Fourthly, back massage is the only type of massage that cannot be done by self-massage.

So find someone to practice on and let’s get started.

Doing a back massage correctly

1. We start with superficial stroking.
From the lower back to the shoulders and back, we make stroking movements with the entire palm. When moving from top to bottom, apply more intense pressure, and when moving from top to bottom, on the contrary, lightly touch. Now we stroke the shoulders with movements from the neck to the forearms.

2. Now we move from superficial to deep stroking.
The movements during this stroking are intense and are performed with the ribs of the palms. Keep your arms parallel to each other, spread them apart different sides. The trajectory of movements should be diagonal, from right to left and from left to right.

3. Let's start rubbing. The movements are similar to superficial stroking, but are done from the sides to the spine. Rub your shoulders and neck especially intensively. It will be better if you rub one side first and then the other.

4. The next stage is kneading. Grab the folds of the skin of the back with your fingertips, about 4-5 cm each. But not very tightly, otherwise it will be more of a tingling rather than kneading. The spine should not be touched; knead each side of the back separately, but with both hands.

5. Now apply pressure. Thumbs place on your back on each side of the spine 3 cm and apply pressure. You need to press lightly. Count to 5 and remove your fingers. Walk this way up and down your entire back.

6. Vibration. Lightly touching the back muscles, make circular movements with your fingertips, moving from the lower back to the neck.

7. The massage is almost finished. Finish it with the first point, that is, superficial stroking.