Massage of fingers for various diseases and conditions. Treatment with finger massage

No one will deny the fact that massage has a very beneficial effect on human health. Ordinary classic massage has already entered our lives quite a long time ago and is widely used. But another variety of it - massage of the palms and fingers is not so popular, but completely in vain!

It has long been proven that if you massage your fingers, you can influence everything. internal organs person and even

Well, are you interested? But in order to be truly good effect, you need to know how to do such a massage correctly and which finger on the hand or point on the palm is responsible for which organ. It’s not difficult to remember after reading this article to the end!

How to properly massage your fingers - video lessons and useful tips

The fingers are always massaged in the direction from the nail to the base of the finger. This massage should be performed slowly, without haste, carefully and carefully stretching your fingers.

You can use circular, spiral movements, or press directly on the nail plate.

What does the thumb do?

What is the little finger responsible for?

Well, we've reached the very small finger, but very important from the point of view of alternative medicine.

The little finger is directly related to anxiety, nervousness and overwork. It is massaged for problems with the heart, kidneys, and severe nervous disorders.

In addition, by massaging your little finger you can get rid of the feeling of fear. It is useful to perform a thorough massage of the little finger every day. This greatly strengthens vascular tone, normalizes heart function, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.

As a result of massage of the little finger, a person begins to react more calmly to stress and conflict situations.

In addition, massage of the little finger helps with pain, improves blood circulation in the legs, and relieves fatigue accumulated during the day. Massaging your toe joints is also very beneficial. This helps fight and.

If, during a massage, pain suddenly occurs in any part of the finger, then this is a direct signal that you have a problem in the corresponding organ. This finger needs some attention increased attention and massage it as often as possible until it disappears pain.

Palm massage

There are also biologically active points on the palms of a person, skillful manipulation of which affects human health. For example, the point in the very center of the palm is, according to Eastern healers, the energy center of the entire human body.

Try pressing hard on it. If you are pierced sharp pain, then this is a bad signal indicating that your body has problems.

If you feel pain when you press the tubercle between your middle and index fingers, then most likely you have diseases related to the genitourinary area.

Study this diagram carefully, it contains everything biologically active points, located on the palm of a person. By influencing them you can influence certain organs.

Palm massage is carried out along 3 lines:

  1. from the inner edge of the palm to its base
  2. from the outer edge of the palm to its midpoint
  3. along the midline from fingers to wrist

Of course, massage of palms and fingers is not as common in our country as, for example, in China, but why not try it? Perhaps you will like it and get a taste for it? Isn’t it okay to stuff your body with pills?

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Many of us are familiar with the concept of “ oriental medicine" We can be skeptical about it, we can deny it healing effect, but the fact remains that there are quite a lot of people who use different techniques alternative treatment helped get rid of diseases. We do not take into account, of course, charlatan practices, when pseudo-healers promise healing from all diseases at once, you just need to purchase magic remedy from a unicorn horn for a huge amount of money.

Everything can be much simpler and faster.

Consider, for example, reflexology. It would seem like a banal touch of hands on the body - no magic, miracle pills or anything else, but doing one and only easy exercise per day, minor ailments can be cured. We do not advise you to wrinkle your nose contemptuously, but to try to do simple exercises- it really works, and works great. The only thing that matters is the right attitude and even, calm breathing.

The Japanese who practice reflexology substantiate its therapeutic effect as follows: our hands guide vital energy, which, like a river, passes through our body, feeding it with its energy.

You just need to place your palms on special places on the body, and form your fingers into special gestures (or, as the Japanese say, mudras), and the flow of energy will rush to the diseased organ that requires healing.

Why is it so important to place a certain finger? The Japanese believe that each finger on our hands is responsible for a specific organ and emotion. By the way, acupuncture is based on the same teaching, when special points are marked on the human body with a sharp needle, stimulating nerve endings.

The fingers are responsible for control of fear, anger or anxiety. Therefore, by massaging your fingers or special points on the body, you can enter a kind of trance, when you yourself can stimulate one or another state.

Lightly squeezing your fingers in special ways, you can remove bad emotions and negative moods, and slightly improve the functioning of some organs of your body.

The following are several practices that help good health– choose the one you like best and get started immediately, it’s so simple. You can do this at any time, even at work or school.

Thumb ( headache, feeling of anxiety)

This finger is closely associated with negative emotions - depression, depression, frequent neuroses. In addition, it is “responsible” for the proper functioning of the stomach and spleen.

Squeeze with the palm of your other hand for 3-5 minutes. The pressure should be normal, but do not overdo it; it is important that the grip does not cause pain.

Index finger ( renal colic, fears)

Scientists from the University of Massachusetts have proven that daily massaging of the index fingers has a beneficial effect on the treatment of kidney disease. Plus, it will relieve back pain and strained muscles.

Middle finger (anger, irritation, feeling overwhelmed)

Similar to practice with thumb, you need to squeeze your finger with the palm of your other hand and wait 3-5 minutes. Negative emotions will go away on their own, and will also decrease blood pressure, and the state of anxiety will disappear.

Ring finger (diseases) gastrointestinal tract, negative attitude to life)

Remember to pay attention to this finger, and after a while you will be surprised how your view of the world has changed. In addition, massage has a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the respiratory system.

Important: when performing practices, you need to breathe evenly, measuredly, and maintain a calm mood.

Little finger ( low self-esteem, stressful state)

Massage your little finger, ensuring proper flow of blood and energy to it, and then the feeling of inferiority will disappear from you. Get a massage, abstract yourself from everything, focus on good thoughts.

A separate advantage is that this practice has a beneficial effect on chest pain and relieves diseases of the nervous system.

Palm (nausea)

Use your index finger to press down on the center of your palm. Now take three deep breaths in and out, slowly. Then the pressure needs to be released. Repeat the exercise a couple more times and you will feel how poor condition retreats.

This practice removes unpleasant feeling nausea, and will also relieve you of diarrhea or constipation.

Palms pressed together (stabilization of blood flow, clear thinking)

Surprisingly, this particular gesture is found quite often in religions. And it’s no coincidence - palms folded in this way help you quickly enter a meditative state.

You can even start your exercises by folding your palms together, pressing them tightly against each other, and staying in this state for a couple of minutes.

Your thinking will become clearer, blood flow to your organs will increase, thereby stabilizing their work.

Just five minutes a day- not as much as we spend in gyms or in the offices of various doctors and massage therapists. Nevertheless, these exercises really work, otherwise no one would remember them several thousand years later. Eastern practices Sometimes they are difficult for us to understand, but it’s still worth making the decision so that such an exercise will become firmly established in your life.

Relatively new look massage, Japanese shiatsu technique, the mechanism of action is in many ways similar to that of thousand-year history classical acupuncture. Both techniques provide healing effect due to the impact on biologically active points that are located throughout the surface of the human body.

There are especially many such points on the palm, where several thousand nerve endings are located.

Simply applying pressure on the desired areas can provide excellent tonic or relaxing effect.

It can serve as a means of preventing diseases, as well as help get rid of pain. Main, what you need to know, is the location of the active points and correct technique performing a massage.

Acupressure massage of fingers and palms

Directly on the palm there are points that are projections of internal organs. Thus, pressing on the little finger allows you to improve the functioning of the heart, while working with the ring finger interacts with the liver.

Middle finger massage makes it possible to return blood pressure to normal and get rid of intestinal disorders. The index fingers are considered a projection of the stomach, and the thumbs on the hands are a projection of the brain.

In addition to the reflex effect on internal organs, massage of the arms and hands also allows relieve pain V lower limbs, relieve the feeling of fatigue, serve as a preventive measure for hand diseases.

Active points on the fingers located at the beginning and end of each phalanx.

To perform a massage It is enough to press the thumb and forefinger of the other hand on the active points simultaneously on the back and outside of the palm, as well as on the lateral surfaces of each finger.

It's worth starting with thumbs and move from their base to nail plate. One pressure can last 3-7 seconds, and you can press on each point 3-5 times.

Thumb pressure lasting 3 seconds worth repeating 3 times. Such simple actions will help balance the work of internal organs.

If you have health problems, you can additionally massage some active points:

  • For a cold massage the points at the base of the ring and middle fingers on both hands. Massage with the thumb using soft circular movements in any direction for 2 minutes.
  • For problems with the spine and pain in the lumbar region– alternately carefully massage the thumbs on both hands, starting from the palms and ending with the tip of the nail. The finger on each hand must be completely massaged at least 4 times.
  • If your shoulders hurt– special attention is required to the area at the base ring finger and little finger. It is important to massage this area on each hand for at least a minute.
  • For severe headache It is worth massaging the pad of the thumb on each hand with special care.
  • If you have digestive problems, the massage should be carried out along a curved line from the little finger to the base of the thumb.

Impact points on other parts of the hand

Areas on the forearm and shoulder most often massaged to avoid fatigue and pain. This is especially true for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or writing work, or who often experience stress professional activity or in everyday life.

  • 8 points with inside arms, in the middle, along the forearm, as well as 8 points on the right and left of the forearm bone in the area from the elbow to the wrist joint;
  • 9 points in the area shoulder joint on the outside of the shoulder;
  • in the area from the forearm to the shoulder joint - 6 points each, running along the outer and inner surface hands;
  • 8 points along the central axis of the arm, along the outer surface, starting from the elbow bend and ending with the wrist joint.

The technique of shiatsu hand massage is so simple that anyone can master it at home. This procedure will not help get rid of serious chronic diseases, but it will serve the ideal remedy prevention the appearance of pain in the arms and hands.

How to do it right acupressure hands look at the video:

Chinese finger massage is an interesting technique that allows you to solve specific health problems by applying pressure to certain points on your fingers. You may have heard of Chinese finger jing or acupressure? These are all different names for the same method. In ancient times, such massage was one of the main ways to cope with various diseases, today his popularity has undeservedly passed. The massage technology itself can be different (from light stroking before acupuncture) - depending on the result you want to achieve. Today we invite you to find outwhich points to massage for weight loss, which for a runny nose, liver disease and other health problems.

Acupressure for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you need to massage the tip of the little finger of your left hand. The directions of massage movements for men and women differ. So, before noon, men should have a massage in the direction against the clock hand, and women - vice versa. In the afternoon, we change the direction of the massage movements to the opposite. You can’t do a weight loss massage at noon.

Finger massage for liver diseases

To identify and treat liver diseases, Chinese healers massaged the index fingers. How can you tell if you have liver problems? The following method will help with this! Spread your palm, straighten and tense your fingers. Without relaxing your fingers, squeeze your index finger; the remaining fingers should remain in their original position.

If the other fingers bend along with the index finger, then you need to pay attention to the condition of the liver. To strengthen the liver, you need to do a 2-3 minute massage of the index fingers of both hands several times a day. This massage can also be done as a preventive measure.

The following exercise will also be beneficial for the liver: clasp the index fingers of both hands opposite chest and forcefully pull your hands in different sides as you inhale, as you exhale, relax your arms. 5 minutes of this exercise daily will significantly improve liver function.

Acupressure for a runny nose

In order to use Chinese massage to get rid of a runny nose, find a painful point in the middle of the upper phalanx of the thumb of your left hand. Attach a small grain to this place using a plaster ( best option- buckwheat). During the day at any convenient opportunity try to press on this grain. By stimulating the point using this method, you will not only cure a runny nose, but also protect yourself from colds and viral diseases in the off-season.

Massage for knee pain

If your knees don't bend well and you're in pain painful sensations, massage of the middle phalanges of the middle and ring fingers will help you (for the right knee you need to massage the joint on the ring finger, for the left - on the middle finger). Just like with a runny nose, you can fix the seeds at the desired point, only this time we choose carrot or red pepper seeds. This way the points will be stimulated more often and the knee pain will subside faster.

Hand massage to combat fatigue

If your activity involves intense mental stress, you experience frequent stress and get tired quickly, then acupressure of your hand can help you relax. It helps to quickly and effectively cope with fatigue and restore your vigor.

The massage is very simple, you can perform it anywhere - at work, at home, in transport and any other place. And it won’t take up much of your time.

You need to start by massaging the little finger of your left hand simultaneously with the thumb and index finger of the opposite hand. Movements should be directed from the tip of the finger to its base. Then massage the thumbs on both hands in the same way.

In addition to calming and relieving fatigue, this therapeutic massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of various organs.

In any case, when doing such a massage, listen to your body's reaction. If painful sensations appear, it means that you are doing something wrong, and perhaps you need to reconsider your massage technique.

Be healthy!


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often do not pay attention to constant voltage and fatigue. But the most basic massage of the fingers can return us not only vigor, but also lift our spirits! Try taking a few minutes for yourself right now.

It is recommended to massage your fingers, like your hands, at any free moment, and especially if your hands are cold or sweaty. The fact is that according to Tibetan medicine, the areas of the fingers and the points of the palms are unique windows of health. Each finger is responsible for its own organ, and thanks to this massage the entire body is healed.

The thumb reflects the state of the lungs, bronchi (has direct energetic connections with bronchopulmonary system, and therefore massage of this finger is useful for inflammatory and allergic diseases this system, such as tonsillitis, vasomotor rhinitis, bronchial asthma) and liver. By massaging it, you can soften and even relieve any coughing attacks.

The index finger directly sends signals to the entire area digestive tract. Massage index finger allows you to relieve functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, constipation, improves emotional state, softens stress reactions, has an analgesic effect for pain in the fingers and hand, and even for toothache.

The middle finger conducts a dialogue with the entire circulatory system. Massage of the middle finger improves the condition of neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type, alleviates and sometimes prevents the occurrence of hyperadrenal paroxysms characteristic of this disease.

Massaging the ring finger helps overcome nervous disorders, stress and bad mood. It is good to use it for vascular spasms, elevations blood pressure, loss of strength, visual fatigue, joint pain.

The little finger is connected to small intestine. By rubbing it you can get rid of chronic constipation. Little finger massage is used for manifestations functional disorders cardiac activity - cardialgia, palpitations of neurotic origin, with neuralgia, hearing impairment, dysfunction of the small intestine.

In the very center of the palm there is an activity point. By pressing on it, you can relieve palpitations and fatigue, restore vigor and a cheerful mood.

The good thing about hand massage is that it can be performed anywhere and anytime. Sitting at the computer or lying on the couch. Taking a bath or reading the newspaper.

First, you just need to rub your brushes in a circular motion for a minute, as if you were soaping them. The skin temperature will rise and your hands will warm up. Then you should vigorously stretch your joints.

Sharply and quickly clench your fingers into a fist and slowly unclench them 10 times.

Slowly clench your tense fingers into a fist and quickly fan them out 10 times.

Then each finger is massaged from tip to base on all sides. Special attention you need to pay attention to areas of organs that cause concern.

Massage of the fingers should be carried out with the thumb, index and middle fingers of the other hand in the direction from the nail to the hand, using stroking, and then rubbing and kneading until the massaged finger is well warmed up and the effect intended for this procedure is achieved.

To increase mental performance and strengthening memory it is recommended to carry out next complex exercises: fold the tips together thumb one and the index hand of the other hand and forcefully press them together, bending them in outer side. The same is done sequentially for the remaining fingers of each hand. Then, with the tip of the thumb, press firmly on the base of all the others in turn. This complex is repeated 20 times.

The palm is kneaded and massaged along three massage lines: from the inner edge to the base, from the outer edge to the midpoint of the palm and along the midline from the fingers to the wrist.

Then use your fingers and circular movements to warm up your wrists. The massage ends with rubbing the hands, which can be rubbed with a nourishing cream. It will be perfectly absorbed into the skin warmed up by massage.

The total massage time does not exceed 7-10 minutes. You can repeat it up to 5 times a day. But the most effective massage is in the morning, before breakfast.

And finally, try another method of dealing with a depressed state - massaging points in the popliteal fossa. They take him to sitting position while simultaneously massaging points on both legs. The massage is done with light circular movements of the index finger. The duration of the procedure is up to 5 minutes.

For immediate relief from some types of pain, you can try simple self-help techniques:


To relieve the symptoms of a cold or hay fever, find the “sore spot” located on the palm of your hand between the base of your middle and ring fingers. Using the thumb of your other hand, massage this point well in circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise for two minutes. This massage works especially well if you have headaches in the eye and nose area due to sinusitis. To clear a stuffy nose, press the tips of all your fingers together tightly for a few seconds and then release them. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.


Thumb right hand With strong pressure, move along the entire thumb of your left hand, starting from the very base and ending with the tip of the nail. This part of the hand corresponds to the spine. By massaging it, you help relieve tension and relax the muscles that support the spine. Take turns on both hands, massage this section several times, find the solar plexus point (see. general scheme) and massage it gently. This will help relieve tension from your back and whole body.


Find the “shoulder point” on your palm at the base of your ring and little fingers. Using the tip of your thumb, massage the point for a minute on each hand. Shoulder pain is most often associated with poor posture, so first you need to find out what is causing your pain. If you suspect that the reason is an inconvenient workplace, try to sit firmly in a chair so that the backrest provides good support for your lower back. If, while sitting firmly in a chair, you still cannot reach the back, place a thick pillow under your back.


Often when we are nervous, we finger something with our hands - this natural reaction. To get rid of stress, under the influence of which we are in difficult times, massage your palms, as shown in the photo. Also massage the solar plexus point, located in the middle of the palm (see general diagram). Using the tip of your thumb, massage this point in a circular motion for two to three minutes.


To feel instant relief, do this simple massage - feel the tip of your thumb and determine its most sensitive point, then massage this place with a confident movement of the other thumb. Repeat the same with the other hand. If the headache does not go away, then its cause is probably due to back problems - poor posture, tension in the back. If you often suffer from headaches, it is better to consult a doctor to determine the real reason problems.


Stimulate points that affect digestion by drawing a curved line along the contour of the palm from the base of the thumb to the little finger. Massage for 2 minutes, then repeat the same with the other hand. Another effective way to get rid of indigestion - stimulation of the corresponding points on the feet. To do this, place a tennis ball on the floor, step on it with the center of your foot and roll in circles for 3 minutes.


Massage your palm diagonally from the base of the thumb to the little finger - the “intestinal points” are located here. Massage one palm for one minute, repeat the same with the other palm.

With these simple massage techniques, you can replenish your collection of methods for self-regulation of your health. And use it to your advantage healing power hands


A couple of simple movements with your fingers, and your life will sparkle with new colors! It just happened!

Gently press your left thumb into the middle of your right palm and rotate it in a circle for a minute. Do the same with your right thumb on your left palm. This will relieve tension in the neck area and redirect your attention.


Tap the fingertips of both hands vigorously against each other. Then, with the tips of the thumb and index finger of your right hand, squeeze your left thumb and move them from the base to the tip. Do the same with the thumb of your right hand.


Lightly squeeze the thumb of your left hand with the index and middle fingers of your right (like pliers) and “screw” it into this clamp from tip to base. Do the same with the right big one. This massage improves blood flow to the brain.