How to calm down easily: self-regulation exercises in stressful situations. Techniques of psychological self-regulation aimed at maintaining positive mental states of soldiers

In practice, PSR most often represents a set of techniques for active mental self-influence on the stream of consciousness (current thoughts and images), skeletal and respiratory muscles. Subsequent, secondary, changes occur in blood vessels and internal human organs, including the brain. This achieves the so-called trophotropic state, which is the “energetic antipode of stress.” The term "trophotropic" means "promoting nutrition." We can say that in stress, energy is spent excessively and unproductively (let’s take for example a state of anxiety with restlessness and empty chores), and in a trophotropic state, energy expenditure is minimized, while the lack of energy is replenished. In this state, the stress-limiting (limiting) system of the body begins to prevail over the stress-realizing ("accelerating") system, which achieves constructive (harmless for the body) coping with stress and a return to a normal working state and reasonable activity. Simply put, overcoming an unbalanced state and regaining temporarily lost control over one’s own emotions and behavior are achieved. To achieve this, a person needs to reduce the activity of consciousness at least for a short time, disconnect from the surrounding reality through shallow autohypnosis. This form of RPS (let’s call it classic RPS) is available to everyone healthy people. But there are also methods and techniques of PSR used in the course of mental and physical activity(active PSR). Due to its complexity, we do not consider this form of RPS in this lesson.

Mastering the methods of mental self-regulation provides the opportunity to consciously and purposefully influence important mental and physiological functions body. A person acquires the ability for purposeful self-influence gradually in the process of performing special exercises under the guidance of a specialist - a doctor or psychologist. Subsequent exercises are performed independently or on the orders of the commander (chief).

The basis of PSR is self-persuasion and self-hypnosis - the main forms of communication between a person and himself. Initially, PSR methods were developed with purely medical purposes. Subsequently, numerous modifications were proposed, versions intended for psychoprophylactic purposes and addressed to healthy people. Special benefit brings the use of RPS methods within units (in a collective format) under the guidance of psychologists, doctors or commanders. This is exactly how they were used during the first counter-terrorism operation (CTO) in Chechnya, developed in Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov special techniques. They were used both before and after combat operations. In this regard, we note that the German psychoneurologist Nonne, during the First World War, was the first to hypnotize military personnel in the theater of operations in order to normalize their mental and physical state.

The methods of mental self-regulation described below are easy to implement, but they require long-term systematic practice in order to achieve the desired result. Thus, the trainee must practice actively, persistently and consistently, without losing patience. The choice of the specific PSR method that is most suitable for oneself or their combination is made on the recommendation of a doctor or psychologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual and somatic constitution (physique).

Methods of mental self-regulation are varied and are usually used in combinations. Not only the basic methods that we will focus on during the lesson deserve attention, but also others (for example, exercises based on yoga systems and other special physical exercises, acupressure self-massage, etc.).

Currently, hardware methods of mental self-regulation are being created for individual use. They can involve audiovisual, tactile, temperature and other types of sensory stimulation. For example, in Fig. Figure 1 shows a device for audiovisual (through hearing and vision) mental self-regulation.

There are computer games and other programs intended for the RPS. Unfortunately, not all of them are well substantiated scientific point vision.

PSR methods are a healthy alternative to alcohol, drug use and smoking. They have also been successfully used to treat mental disorders associated with substance abuse.

Classes on mental self-regulation are conducted in a collective form. The optimal group size is 8-12 people. If necessary, the group can be increased to 20 or more people. The training is conducted by a trained military doctor or military psychologist.

Methods of mental self-regulation are based on the phenomena of self-persuasion and self-hypnosis, characteristic of the normal psyche of every person. Note that the abilities for self-persuasion and self-hypnosis appear only in late childhood or in adolescence and require a minimum of average level of mental development.

Self-conviction. Self-persuasion is based on awareness, comprehension of facts and the construction of consistent conclusions. In an effort to convince himself of something, a person debates with himself, using arguments and counterarguments, based on logical evidence and inferences. Let's give examples. A person who is inadequately, painfully experiencing his mistakes and mistakes is recommended to mentally look at himself from the outside, evaluate his behavior “through the eyes of a benevolent and reasonable person” and analyze the mistakes made, taking into account the popular wisdom that “every cloud has a silver lining”, “there is no sorrow in sight” - there is no joy." Realizing real reasons mistakes, a mature person must draw appropriate conclusions for the future so that mistakes are not repeated. People who are overly sensitive and tend to worry unreasonably about minor things can be advised to recall and mentally recite passages from literary works imbued with a spirit of optimism. Uncontrollable cravings for foods prohibited due to health conditions can be extinguished by applying logically sound formulas. For example, with an irrepressible craving for sweets: “Sugar is a sweet poison! Man, unlike animals, can control himself! I realize that after a moment of pleasure, retribution will follow: my health will deteriorate. I can and must (must) overcome my weakness.” The use of self-persuasion by those people whose self-esteem is unstable and decreases for minor reasons is very important.

When the results of self-persuasion are insufficient (a person agrees with himself, but continues to act in the old way), self-hypnosis is activated.

Self-hypnosis (in Latin - autosuggestion) is the suggestion to oneself of any judgments, ideas, ideas, assessments, feelings without detailed argumentation, directively, almost by force. So, suggestion (from one person to another) and self-suggestion are forms psychological violence. But not all violence is bad. There are, for example, surgical violence, physical limitation violent mental patient, aimed at their own benefit. Likewise, self-hypnosis can be positive (helpful) or negative (destructive). Self-hypnosis leading to positive result, is nothing more than a manifestation of willpower. It is based on conscious self-regulation of activities aimed at overcoming difficulties in achieving a goal. Volitional activity is manifested in a person’s power over himself, controlling his own involuntary impulses. In this case, the mechanism of “pure” self-hypnosis is used, when a person listens and believes in what he claims.

The main practical techniques of self-hypnosis are:

  • self-order (ordering oneself) is widely used to mobilize will, self-control in extreme conditions, and overcome fear in difficult life situations. Self-orders come in the form of encouragement (“act immediately!”) or self-prohibition (“Stop!”, “Be silent!”). Self-order formulas play the role of a trigger for the implementation of immediate actions to achieve a goal;
  • “frontal attack” technique (anti-stress assault). With the help of specially selected verbal formulas, pronounced in a decisive tone with a tinge of anger, an active attitude towards the psychotraumatic factor - the source of distress - is formed. Thus, narcologists recommend that alcohol abusers indignantly repeat the formula many times: “I mercilessly suppress, destroy the past need for alcohol that I now hate. I have strong will and strong character, I have no doubt that I will completely overcome the craving for alcohol.” It is useful to use figurative comparisons, vivid metaphors, for example, “I am like an indestructible rock, and the urges to use drugs break against me into small splashes.”

Like self-persuasion, self-hypnosis is carried out in the form of a person’s mental dialogue with himself. However, this dialogue involves the volitional and emotional components of the psyche. By encouraging a person to engage in objective activity or inhibiting it, self-hypnosis plays the role of a link between the subjective world of the psyche and motor activity (behavior). Arising arbitrarily and purposefully in the form of a self-address statement, it then develops spontaneously, having a long-term aftereffect on the functions of the psyche and body. In the words of the outstanding Russian psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev, self-hypnosis, like suggestion, “enters consciousness from the back door, bypassing the intellect and logic.” Russian scientist I.P. Pavlov wrote that “self-hypnosis is not controlled by meaningful perception and is subject mainly to the emotional influences of the subcortex.” So, a person’s speech to himself controls and regulates his behavior both on a conscious and subconscious level. Self-hypnosis authorizes personal choice, supports socially normative behavior, and formulates positive and negative assessments of committed actions. As already mentioned, according to the impact on mental health, one should distinguish between negative and positive self-hypnosis. As a result of negative self-hypnosis, a person can lose self-confidence, fall into confusion and despair, feel helpless, and lose hope for the future (“Now everything is lost; now my personal life is destroyed”). This option is called catastrophizing. The mental demobilization it causes contributes to the deepening of stress and its transition into a mental disorder. Negative events for which a person prepares and leads himself are called self-fulfilling prophecies. On the contrary, positive self-hypnosis strengthens self-confidence, stabilizes the psyche, making it less vulnerable to stress and illness. All of the above applies to natural self-hypnosis, which is everyday mental function any person. Along with natural ones, there are also special psychological techniques, and self-regulation techniques designed for the treatment and prevention of mental disorders. Let's look at the main ones.

Brief description of the main methods of mental self-regulation

Voluntary self-hypnosis. The method of voluntary self-hypnosis was first proposed by the French pharmacist Emile Coue in 1910. The method allows you to suppress painful thoughts and ideas that are harmful in their consequences and replace them with useful and beneficial ones. E. Coue compared painful experiences to pins stuck on the periphery of consciousness (sometimes they are compared to paper clips), which can be gradually removed. Thus, the indications for the use of voluntary self-suggestion are very wide - from recovery from acute stress disorder before overcoming a deep personal crisis or an ingrained bad habit.

According to E. Coue, the formula for self-hypnosis should be a simple statement of a positive process, devoid of any directiveness. For example, “Every day I am getting better and better in every way.” At the same time, it does not matter, E. Coue believed, whether the autosuggestion formula corresponds to reality or not, since it is addressed to the subconscious “I”, which is distinguished by gullibility. The subconscious “I” perceives the formula as an order that must be fulfilled. The simpler the formula, the better healing effect. “The formulas should be “childish,” said E. Coue. The author has repeatedly emphasized that voluntary self-suggestion should be carried out without any volitional effort. “If you consciously suggest something to yourself,” he wrote, “do it completely naturally, completely simply, with conviction and without any effort. If unconscious self-hypnosis, often of a bad nature, is so successful, it is because it is carried out effortlessly.”

Formulas are developed for each student individually. A person who has mastered the method of self-hypnosis becomes able to compose new formulas that he will need.

The self-hypnosis formula should consist of several words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content (for example, “I am healthy” instead of “I am not sick”). The formula can be stated in poetic form. The famous German doctor and traveler H. Lindemann believed that rhythmic and rhyming self-suggestions are more effective than prosaic ones. Long formulas may be replaced by abbreviated equivalents. So, to strengthen faith in your strengths, you can use the formula: “I can, I can, I can.” In some cases, the formula may be more specific. We are talking about overcoming bad habits, unrealistic fears and other pre-morbid disorders. For example, “When I see a dog, I remain completely calm, my mood does not change.”

During the session, a person takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a low voice or whisper, without any tension, pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula 20-30 times. Pronunciation should be monotonous, without emotional expression. During the session, a person enters a trophotropic state, and at the end of the session, he voluntarily and without difficulty leaves it.

The training cycle lasts for 6-8 weeks. Classes last 30-40 minutes. are held 2-3 times a week. Starting from the second half of training, there is a gradual transition to independent practice. A self-hypnosis session with any one formula lasts 3-4 minutes. If it is necessary to use several formulas, it can be extended to half an hour. E. Coue recommended conducting sessions against the background of drowsy (drowsy) states in the morning after waking up and in the evening before falling asleep. In order not to distract attention from counting when repeating the formula twenty times, E. Coue advised using a cord with 20-30 knots that move like a rosary.

Breathing rhythm control. Voluntary regulation of respiratory movements is described in ancient treatises of India and China. In the works of American psychophysiologists 1970-1980. given scientific basis some of the many hundreds of ritual breathing exercises. In particular, the patterns of influence of the phases of the respiratory cycle on the level of human mental activity have been established. So, during inhalation, the mental state is activated, and when exhaling, calming occurs. By voluntarily establishing a breathing rhythm, in which a relatively short inhalation phase alternates with a longer exhalation and a subsequent pause, you can achieve pronounced general calm. A type of breathing that includes a longer inhalation phase with some breath holding during inhalation and a relatively short exhalation phase (quite vigorously) leads to an increase in the activity of the nervous system and all body functions. Disturbances in the rhythm and depth of breathing are signs of stressful conditions. Deep abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing has the greatest health benefits. Correctly performed abdominal breathing has a number of physiological benefits. It involves all lobes of the lungs in the respiratory act, increases the degree of oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the blood, the vital capacity of the lungs, and massages the internal organs. During inhalation, the muscles of the anterior wall of the peritoneum protrude, the dome of the diaphragm flattens and pulls the lungs down, causing them to expand. During exhalation, the abdominal muscles retract somewhat, as if displacing air from the lungs. The increased curvature of the diaphragm lifts the lungs upward. Breathing exercises for mastering full deep breathing are carried out in standing or sitting poses and are accompanied by extension (as you inhale) and flexion (as you exhale) movements of the arms and torso. Students strive to gradually master the breathing cycle, consisting of four phases of 8 seconds each: 1) deep inhalation, 2) inhalation pause, 3) deep exhalation, 4) exhalation pause. This allows them to enter a trophotropic state. It is possible to perform breathing exercises while walking or running. The training cycle takes 4 weeks (2 half-hour lessons per week).

Active neuromuscular relaxation. The method includes a series of exercises for voluntary relaxation of the main groups skeletal muscles. It was introduced by the American physician Edmund Jacobson, who published a book on the subject in 1922. Distinctive feature The method is the alternation of voluntary tension and subsequent reflex (involuntary) relaxation of the corresponding muscle group. In a short-term (2-3 sec.) phase of tension, a person maintains the strongest static contraction of any muscle group (for example, clenching a hand into a fist). In the subsequent relaxation phase (up to 1 minute), he experiences sensations of softening, the spread of a wave of pleasant heaviness and warmth in the area of ​​the body being worked on (for example, in the hand). This is accompanied by a feeling of peace and relaxation. These sensations are a consequence of the elimination of residual, usually unnoticed tension in the muscles, increased blood flow to the vessels of this area and, accordingly, increased metabolic and recovery processes. To relieve emotional stress and fatigue, active relaxation is carried out in a certain sequence on all main areas of the body (legs, arms, torso, shoulders, neck, head, face). E. Jacobson rightly believed that all groups of skeletal muscles are associated with certain centers of the spinal cord and brain. Thanks to this, active muscle relaxation has a positive effect on large areas of the central nervous system, helping a person enter a trophotropic state, relieve tension and disharmony, and restore strength and energy. The progressive muscle relaxation method has a number of modifications. Neuromuscular relaxation is most indicated for prolonged stressful conditions with severe anxiety and insomnia.

For initial mastery of E. Jacobson's method, 8-10 lessons are required over 3-4 weeks. Relaxation of muscle groups throughout the body takes 20 minutes. The full course of training takes 3-6 months, subject to 2-3 lessons per week.

Meditation. The term “meditation” appeared on the pages of domestic popular and scientific publications only recently. Previously, it was not customary to talk about meditation, since it was believed that meditation was certainly a religious ritual. Indeed, meditation is associated with different areas of yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism. But today it has become known that meditation to strengthen one’s psyche, overcome internal contradictions and expand knowledge about oneself is possible without any connection with any religious or philosophical beliefs. For thousands of years, representatives of almost all human cultures have used some form of meditation to achieve mental peace and harmony. Its beneficial effect is not determined by its focus on religion, but by the basic properties of the human nervous system. Experience shows that meditation is effective technology mental self-regulation, which is in no way inferior to other methods.

The essence of meditation is the voluntary concentration of external or internal attention on any real, virtual or subjective mental object or process for a long time. As a result of this, a person distracts attention from all other objects and goes into special condition consciousness, which is a variation of the trophotropic state described above. Meditation has been successfully used for prevention and treatment arterial hypertension, others cardiovascular diseases. It helps get rid of obsessive states, anxiety, depression and increased aggressiveness, improves concentration. Meditation can also be used to find solutions to various psychological problems. Under its influence, a person’s ability to use creative potential and make his life more conscious and purposeful increases.

Techniques for switching attention to positive objects of external and inner world. To do this, it is recommended, being in a comfortable position and a relaxed state, to closely examine for 5-7 minutes any paintings, objects or other objects that cause positive emotions. In this case, you can hold the object in your hands without rushing to feel it. You can also, with your eyes closed, recreate the images that pop up in your mind, without focusing on them for a long time and moving from one to another. To distract attention from unpleasantly exciting, “stagnant” images and thoughts, people resort to reading books, viewing photographs, films, and television programs. They play computer games, listen to their favorite melodies and poems, look for exciting activities and hobbies, and communicate with interesting interlocutors. A variety of meditation objects can be found on the Internet.

So we see that meditation exercises are many and varied. Most of them require the practitioner to remain in a stationary position, but there are also those that involve movement. In one case, the student closely examines some object, in another, he closes his eyes and repeats certain sounds over and over again, in the third, he is completely absorbed in observing his own breathing, in the fourth, he listens to the sound of the wind in the branches of trees, in the fifth, he tries find the answer to difficult question etc.

Each meditation session includes three stages: 1) relaxation, 2) concentration, 3) the actual meditation state, the depth of which can be different and depends on the experience of the practitioner and the duration of the session. The training cycle takes 4 weeks (2 half-hour lessons per week).

Autogenic training (AT) is the most well-known method of mental self-regulation. He has collected all the best that other methods have. Its essence consists of self-hypnosis and meditation against the background of passive neuromuscular relaxation. The method was developed by the German doctor I. Schultz in 1932.

Autogenic training helps reduce emotional stress, feelings of anxiety and discomfort, reduces the intensity of pain, and has a normalizing effect on physiological functions and metabolic processes in the body. Under the influence of AT, sleep improves and mood improves. The main indications for the psychohygienic use of AT: stressful conditions, psychovegetative dysfunctions, accentuations (psychological disharmonies) of the personality, especially in combination with hypochondriacal tendencies. We emphasize that autogenic training is the method of choice for psychovegetative dysfunctions.

The goal of autogenic training is not only to teach relaxation, as is sometimes believed, but also to develop skills to manage one’s state, to develop the ability to easily and quickly move from a state of activity to a state of passive wakefulness, and vice versa. We are talking about voluntary control of psychological and physiological processes, expanding the range of self-regulation of one’s own state and, as a result, increasing the ability to adapt to changing conditions of the physical and social environment.

There are a number of modifications of autogenic training, adapted, for example, to combat traumatic (extreme) stress or to treat various diseases. For initial mastery of the AT method, 8-10 lessons are required over 3-4 weeks. The duration of one lesson is 30-40 minutes. The full course of training takes 3-6 months, subject to 2-3 lessons per week.

PSR methods have a wide range of applications. They can be part of the psychoprophylactic system, and also be integral part medicinal and rehabilitation activities. With their help, you can achieve normalization of the psycho-emotional state and improve the functioning of internal organs. The main results of the application of autopsychotherapy techniques are: protection from damaging stress effects, activation of restoration processes, increase in the adaptive (adaptive) capabilities of the body and strengthening of mobilization abilities in extreme situations. All this ultimately contributes to the preservation and strengthening mental health. The RPS methods presented above have been tested many times in practice and have proven their effectiveness. However, achieving a useful result in any similar method requires long and continuous training. It can be assumed that systematicity and uniform rhythm in performing exercises is more important than their content. To strengthen mental health, it is important to choose the most subjectively acceptable and convenient method, and then persistently and methodically practice it for a long time. In this case, sooner or later success will be achieved.

The activities of extreme specialists are associated with the influence of various stress factors. The uncertainty of the current situation, the constant expectation of danger, the need for continuous logical and psychological analysis of rapidly changing situations, the intense work of attention, and working with human grief have a powerful and ambiguous effect on the human psyche, requiring the mobilization of all his physical and mental capabilities to effectively solve the problems at hand.

Extreme specialists perform their professional duties while being in constant contact with people in stressful situations, colleagues, often with minimal work experience, representatives of interacting bodies and services, and journalists. Human communication in similar situations often tests the psyche “for strength”, creates conditions for the emergence of tension, disruption of emotional balance. All this often leads to dissipation of attention, transferring it to internal processes and states, reducing volitional readiness for immediate action and negatively affects the performance of official tasks.

Caring for one’s own physical and psychological well-being is a professional responsibility of a specialist, which includes: activities that a specialist can carry out independently, activities that can be carried out independently, after preliminary training with a psychologist or other specialist, as well as activities carried out only together with a psychologist or another specialist.

Recommendations for management:Initial information about methods and techniques of self-regulation, performed independently, together with another specialist, as well as independently after training with a specialist, was given within the framework of the topic: “Professional health of a specialist.” Within the framework of this topic, methods and techniques of psychological self-regulation will be discussed in more detail. The proposed classes contain practical exercises.

Moving on to the description of self-regulation methods, the use of which is desirable after preliminary work with a psychologist, I would like to note that these methods include, to varying degrees, techniques for controlling breathing, attention, imagination, and muscle tone of skeletal muscles. The effectiveness of these methods is much higher than simple techniques that are aimed primarily at situational relief of the effects of stress. It is well known that the depth of the consequences of stress depends not only on the stress itself, but on the meaning that we attach to this event and on functional reserves. Complex methods of self-regulation solve not only the situational task of correcting the current mental state, but also change the system of relationships in a much broader context and serve to restore functional reserves.

There is a huge body of literature devoted to these methods, which requires independent study. However, only under the guidance of a psychologist can one safely bypass the pitfalls in teaching these methods and avoid unnecessary waste time, frustration and make the most of these methods.

Among the methods of psychological self-regulation, two groups can be distinguished. The first is associated with a change in emotional response to a stressful situation. This approach includes techniques aimed at:

a) changes in skeletal muscle tone and respiratory control;

b) attention control;

c) active inclusion of ideas and sensory images.

The second group includes techniques that change the subjective significance of the situation or the characteristics of the perception of the situation (the use of the programming and regulating function of words and images).

Combat training of security service workers Oleg Yurievich Zakharov

Chapter 2 Method of emotional-volitional self-regulation: how to learn to control yourself in extreme situations

Method of emotional-volitional self-regulation: how to learn to control yourself in extreme situations

Initially, the technique was developed in 1982 by Lieutenant Colonel G.N. Sobornov under the guidance of Dr. psychological sciences, professor, Colonel N.F. Fedenko and approved by the chief hygienist of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Major General medical service P.N. Kurpita for units of the USSR Ministry of Defense operating under conditions of increased neuro-physical stress.

The application of the methodology when performing combat missions (special forces units of the USSR Ministry of Defense and other units), performing combat duty (strategic missile forces, air defense, etc.) showed it high efficiency and ease of use.

However, after the collapse of the USSR, the technique of Lieutenant Colonel G.N. Sobornov was forgotten and is currently not used. There is no information about its use in ministries and departments whose employees and officers are forced to work under stress or extreme situations (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, SBU of Ukraine, etc.)

Taking the methodology of Lieutenant Colonel G.N. Sobornov as a basis, the author in 2002 significantly changed, edited and adapted the method of emotional-volitional self-regulation (EVS) to the specifics of professional activity employees (managers) of non-state security services. At the same time, specific terminology was introduced and the principle of “keys” itself was used for the first time in this methodology as the simplest and most accessible to assimilation.

The method of emotional-volitional self-regulation (EVS) was developed with the aim of developing high emotional-volitional stability and other important factors in future security service managers. psychological qualities necessary for the successful completion of the tasks assigned to them, adequate response and effective action in extreme situations that arise when ensuring the safety of business activities.

The EVS technique significantly improves attention and the ability to memorize new things in a short period of time. educational material, mastering the skills of upcoming actions and complex coordination movements, significantly contributes to the restoration of physical and nervous strength, TEACHES YOURSELF CONTROL.

Emotional-volitional self-regulation (EVS) is a system of techniques for consistent self-influence in order to increase emotional-volitional stability in tense and dangerous situations that arise when ensuring the safety of business activities.

EMU develops and improves a number of important psychological qualities: self-control, self-confidence, attention, imaginative thinking, memorization skills. At the same time, EMU prevents mental and physical fatigue, helps strengthen the nervous system and increase mental resistance to negative influences, and increases performance.

The essence of EMU is the development in a person of the ability to independently influence his own regulatory psychological and nervous mechanisms through certain exercises and techniques.

Most exercises and training involve temporary muscle relaxation (relaxation), since the bodily expression of negative emotions is muscle tension(distorted face, shortness of breath, nervous tremors, numbness or fidgetiness). The ability to relax (lower) muscle tone will help you prevent or relieve fear and other negative emotions.

Mastering the EMU technique requires some effort and consistency in learning and applying techniques and exercises. Therefore, the entire EMU system is structurally divided into three levels according to the principle of accessibility of training. Each degree of EMU includes certain techniques and exercises to regulate one’s psychophysical state. At the same time, for each degree, appropriate instructions are given on the order of their application, taking into account the assigned tasks.

Techniques and methods of EMU of the previous (first or second) degree are used in EMU of the subsequent (second or third) degree. The time to master the degrees of EMU depends on the personal preparedness of the student (NSB employee), but on average for EMU of the first degree it is 3–4 weeks, for the second degree – 5–6 weeks, for the third degree – 3–4 weeks with daily self-training two to three times a day (auto-training ) for 5–9 min. The entire EMU self-study course lasts 2–3 months. Studying EMU techniques and conducting regular training are possible both during working hours and during breaks between classes. For practical application EMU should take advantage of every opportunity during their studies or labor activity, including break times, travel time, etc.

When mastering EMU techniques, pay attention to the key phrases used for self-hypnosis (the so-called “KEYS”). These phrases, like visual images, are selected strictly individually, since there are no two identical personalities. Each person is very individual. Of course, there are universal “keys” to the consciousness of different people (we all live in a society, and we may have stereotypical responses to similar stimuli), but if they do not work, then you should “look for” “synonymous keys” . Here, a lot depends on your lifestyle, biography and upbringing, laid down in childhood.

However, despite all the diversity of the “keys,” their essence and hidden meaning remain unchanged and the pattern of performing the exercises DOES NOT CHANGE.

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Being in a negative emotional state has a destructive effect on the body; people have been looking for ways to control their mental state since ancient times. Methods of self-regulation of emotional states are being actively studied; today a number of techniques have been developed to manage stress. Self-regulation is a system of certain actions aimed at managing one’s psyche. Regulation techniques make it possible to consciously manage your behavior.

Approaches in psychology

In domestic psychology, the definition of emotional regulation is found in the following contexts:

  • self-regulation of personality;
  • regulation of behavior;
  • mental self-regulation;
  • self-regulation of states.

The mechanism of self-regulation and regulation of emotional states was considered by F.B. Berezin. In his works, the regulation of the body is associated with mental adaptation. Berezin claims that anxiety and stress can be resisted psychological defenses. The research conducted led Berezin to the conclusion that there are individual personality characteristics that help to successfully adapt to stress. This is the level of neuropsychic stability, self-esteem, emotional response in conflicts and others.

The well-known approach of R.M. Granovskaya. She divides all methods of emotional regulation into three groups:

  1. Eliminating the problem.
  2. Reduce the intensity of a problem by changing your perspective.
  3. Relieve the impact of a negative situation using a number of methods.

Regulate the condition of R.M. Granovskaya suggests using weakening motivation. For example, you can reduce emotional tension when achieving a goal by concentrating not on the final result, but on tactics.

General principles

Row mental states leads to disorganization, so they need to be regulated. There are two ways:

  1. Using external influence on the psyche.
  2. Self-hypnosis.

The concept of self-regulation relates to the second point, that is, a person helps himself to independently cope with a tense situation. Techniques of psychological self-regulation presuppose volitional participation; the person’s personality matters.

Mental self-regulation is the management of the emotional state by influencing oneself using words, images, muscle tone, and changes in breathing.

Psychological self-regulation allows you to eliminate, weaken signs of fatigue, and increase psychophysiological reactivity.

Modern self-management of the condition is a kind of psychohygienic method that increases the body's resources.


In psychology, there are several approaches to classifying state self-management. L.P. Grimak identified the following levels of self-regulation:

  • motivational;
  • individual-personal;
  • information and energy;
  • emotional-volitional.

Motivational level

Any self-regulation mechanisms begin with motivation. Regulation and self-regulation of mental states are closely related to achievement motivation. Motivation is what motivates a person, and mental self-regulation is the ability to maintain the desired level of activity.

Individual-personal level

The level is mobilized when it is necessary to “remake” oneself, one’s attitudes and personal values.

Qualities that promote regulation:

  • responsibility;
  • self-criticism;
  • determination;
  • willpower.

Information-energy level

The level provides the necessary degree of energy mobilization for optimal mental functioning. Types of self-regulation at the level:

  1. Catharsis. The shock of viewing works of art frees you from negative thoughts.
  2. Reacting reaction. Strengthening mental and motor activity.
  3. Ritual actions. The ritual is designed to set a person up for a good outcome of the event and provide emotional support.

Emotional-volitional level

Volitional self-regulation makes it possible to control one’s feelings and the ability to consciously maintain one’s well-being in extreme situations.

Emotional self-regulation is divided into two forms:

  • voluntary (conscious);
  • involuntary (unconscious).

Involuntary regulation allows you to relieve stress and anxiety intuitively. Conscious regulation is associated with targeted activities, the person applies special methods to restore emotional strength.

What methods are used

Methods of mental self-regulation were used in ancient times; for example, the technique of self-hypnosis went down in history as a practice of Indian yogis.

Known methods of self-regulation of emotional state:

  • self-hypnosis;
  • autogenic training;
  • desensitization;
  • meditation;
  • reactive relaxation.


Relaxation techniques can be voluntary (relaxation when going to sleep) or voluntary. Voluntary technique is evoked by adopting a relaxed posture and imagining states corresponding to peace. Self-regulation skills allow you to perform a number of tasks:

  • removing muscle tension;
  • restoration of the body's energy balance;
  • getting rid of the consequences of negative interpersonal communication, restoration of mental strength;
  • healing of the body.

Autogenic training

Techniques for emotional self-regulation using auto-training were proposed by the German doctor Schultz. Autogenic training is self-hypnosis; techniques are learned through systematic exercise.

Most people can master the technique; under the influence of training, it normalizes. emotional sphere, stress goes away, volitional capabilities increase.

Examples of self-regulation using autogenic training:

  1. The exercise is aimed at mastering the rhythm of breathing. A feeling of warmth and heaviness is first evoked, and it is suggested that the heart beats easily and evenly. After preparation, a suggestion occurs: “I breathe completely calmly,” “I am calm.” Phrases are repeated 5-6 times.
  2. Muscle relaxation is caused by a feeling of heaviness, filling of capillaries with blood skin- feeling of warmth.


Methods of psychological self-regulation using desensitization can reduce fear and anxiety in frightening situations. This could be a fear of heights, flying, or memories of past traumatic events.

Habitual regulation techniques are the elimination of anxiety through relaxation. Having plunged into a state of complete peace, a person imagines alarming situations. It is necessary to alternate between approaching and moving away from the voltage source.

An effective technique is working with breathing. By holding your breath freely when faced with an alarming situation, you can regain your freedom of action.

The principles of self-regulation using desensitization are the elimination of anxiety through a positive attitude. An example of this would be when a child sings a cheerful song about how a lion devoured a man. The sound and tone of speech eliminates fear. (Song from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye"). A general cheerful mood eliminates stress. In this film you can find effective methods of self-regulation and removal psycho-emotional stress in children.


The foundations of self-regulation are laid in meditation. The process of meditation allows you to fully relax and relieve fatigue. 15-20 minutes a day is enough. There are two types of meditation:

  1. Deep thinking (meditation on something).
  2. Meditative state.

Meditation has health benefits and may reduce symptoms physical illnesses, has a beneficial effect on physiology. After practice, metabolism and breathing rate improve.
Video: webinar “What is self-regulation and why is it needed?”

Natural regulation methods

Methods of mental self-regulation are not only conscious, but also natural. These include:

  • walks in the forest;
  • visiting cultural events;
  • classical music;
  • positive communication with interesting people;
  • physical exercise, for example, intense training;
  • writing a diary entry detailing the situation that caused emotional tension;
  • literary evenings.

Natural regulation helps prevent neuro-emotional breakdowns and reduce fatigue.

A person uses some basic natural methods of mental regulation intuitively. This is a long sleep, communication with nature, delicious food, bathhouse, massage, sauna, dancing or favorite music.

People use many of these methods unconsciously. Experts advise moving from spontaneous use to conscious management of your condition.

To avoid nervous breakdowns, it is worth using regulation methods. Self-management of your condition can become a prevention of cardiovascular diseases and a condition for calm well-being. The main advice is regular use.

Video: webinar by psychologist Nina Rubshtein “Addiction, counter-dependence and self-regulation.”

To quickly switch from one emotional or mental state to another, you can use many methods: self-control, self-hypnosis, sports or sleep (active and passive discharge), tears, switching or turning off attention, rationalization, situation analysis, auto-training, attitude change, meditation, relaxation and more. And even prayers from the perspective of psychology are a method of self-regulation. This is how they help, because they allow a person to come to consciousness and find rational decision. What other methods of self-regulation are there? Let's figure it out.

Direct methods

Direct methods of influencing the psyche include music. Yes, its effectiveness was experimentally proven back in the 19th century by V. M. Bekhterev, although intuitively music has been used for treatment purposes since ancient times.

The second method is libropsychotherapy, or treatment with special literature. Books draw a person into a fictional world, make them experience the emotions of the characters and distract them from their own experiences.

Indirect methods

  • Work and sports are the most effective indirect methods. They provide relaxation, charge with positivity and distract from worries.
  • Imagotherapy, or role playing games– a method of correcting a condition through personal changes. In the process, new features are formed, and the experience of problems also changes.
  • Suggestion and self-hypnosis. The spoken words are not criticized, but are accepted by default and become a person’s internal attitude, which corrects his activity.

As you may have noticed, these methods do not necessarily relate to self-regulation, but there are methods exclusively for independent use that develop the ability to self-government. For example, autogenic training. You will also learn about this from the article, but a little later.

By functional focus

Three groups of methods can be distinguished:

  1. Methods of conscious control over emotions: elimination of external signs, muscle relaxation and tension, breathing techniques.
  2. Intellectual methods: switching attention and comprehension.
  3. Motivational-volitional methods: self-persuasion, self-approval, self-order, self-soothing, self-hypnosis.

Psychotechnicians for behavior correction tasks

Decreased arousal

Effectively use:

  • distraction and switching of attention;
  • goal setting (consider different options);
  • physical relaxation;
  • psychomuscular and autogenic training;
  • breathing exercises for relaxation.

Resource Activation

Effectively use:

  • autogenic training for mobilization;
  • increased motivation;
  • breathing exercises for activity;
  • plot performances;
  • memories of active emotional states and the situations that caused them;
  • mental and sensory stimulation;
  • heterosuggestion.

Mental desensitization


  • presentation of successful behavior;
  • self-hypnosis of confidence and neutral attitude towards harmful factors;
  • intentional passive attitude.

Relieving Emotional Stress


  • listening to music;
  • relaxation;
  • substitution;
  • rationalization;
  • fantasy.



  • meditation;
  • suggested dream;
  • self-hypnosis for quick recovery.

Regulation of the autonomic system


  • auto-training;
  • heteroregulation;
  • breathing exercises.

Autogenic training

The method was developed in 1930 by the German psychotherapist I. G. Schultz. In Russia, the method has been used and studied since 1950.

At first, auto-training was used only for treatment nervous disorders, but gradually began to be used for preventive purposes. Today this is a popular method of unloading the emotional and mental state in all areas and activities: study, work, relationships, and so on.

Auto-training in the modern sense even has its own subtypes:

  • psychomuscular training (PMT);
  • psychotonic training (PTT);
  • psychoregulatory training (PRT).

But the basis of any auto-training is a relaxation mechanism, that is:

  • mastering muscle relaxation techniques;
  • development of skills for sensing heat and cold in the body;
  • increasing concentration and volitional attitude towards general condition body.

The purpose of auto-training is to relieve muscular and emotional tension, to instill in a relaxed state the development of volition.

I suggest you get acquainted with morning auto-training, which will charge you with energy and positivity for the whole day. You can perform it at any time, even immediately after waking up, while lying in bed. You just need to say the following words (installations). It is very important to speak on your own behalf in the present tense.

The text can be saved and printed as a reminder


In fact, the technique described above is self-suggestion. With the help of these words, your faith in your own strength and the implementation of your plans increases. You get set up for success and understand that everything depends only on you.

Self-hypnosis is always positive statements in the first person, spoken in the present tense. You can come up with your own relevant and relevant settings. Self-hypnosis directly affects the psychophysiology of the brain, forces it to concentrate on the goal.

There are several principles for constructing phrases. You are addressing the subconscious, so it is imperative to follow them.

  1. Use positive and affirmative phrases, avoiding “not” and “never”. For example, instead of “my head doesn’t hurt,” say “the pain has left my head.”
  2. Maximum specificity. Don't skimp on your words and sentences. Big goal break it down into small ones. For example, “I am successful” is a common phrase. Decipher what this means in your mind.
  3. Try to replace abstractions. For example, not “the head has passed,” but “the forehead has cooled.”
  4. Don't complicate the wording, use simple words, most importantly, understandable to you.
  5. One phrase – maximum 4 words.
  6. Always only the present tense. The subconscious perceives this as having already happened, and what is said actually happens.


Meditation involves working with attention: relaxing it or, conversely, increasing concentration. The purpose of meditation is to relieve emotional stress and develop the ability to stop the flow of thoughts.

Focus on the score

Count slowly from 1 to 10, concentrating on each number. You shouldn't think about anything else. If you realize that your thoughts have again “fled away” into your problems, then start counting from the beginning. Count like this for a few minutes (without losing your way).

Focusing on emotions and mood

  1. Record your inner thoughts, inner speech.
  2. Stop her.
  3. Catch your mood and focus on it.
  4. Rate it: good, bad, sad, happy, average, upbeat.
  5. Now focus on your emotions. Imagine yourself in an elevated, joyful state. To do this, remember a joyful event in life, a pleasant image.
  6. Get out of the state of relaxation.
  7. Go through reflection, that is, evaluate your state and thoughts now and during the exercise.


Perhaps the most popular psychological technique to date. There are many trainers and people willing to undergo training. Trainings are divided into separate profiles covering narrow topics. For example, training to improve stress resistance is popular. Most often they are directed:

  • to increase self-esteem (or decrease to the correct level if necessary), emotional stability, self-confidence;
  • formation of motivation to achieve success and behavior strategies under stress.

Manual massage

The skin is a continuous field of receptors. Impact on specific points allows you to correct the functioning of the brain:

  • When tense and excited, it is useful to stroke or knead the skin with deep movements for a long time.
  • In case of depression and low activity, on the contrary, sharp and strong awakening pressing or rubbing is indicated. We all know about the technique of slapping or pinching.

Breathing exercises

Options breathing technique There are many, but it is a mistake to believe that they are all aimed at slowing down mental reactions. On the contrary, there are exercises that activate the brain.

Relaxation exercises

The goal is to master conscious natural breathing, relieve muscle tension and tension, and calm emotions. I want to introduce you to some exercises.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten up, and inhale. As you exhale, bend down, relax your neck and shoulders (as if they were hanging calmly on their own). Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Breathe deeply, watch your breathing. Slowly straighten up.

"Conscious Breathing"

Sit comfortably and relax, but keep your back straight. Take your first shallow breath in and out. Then inhale and exhale a second time, but deeper. And for the third time, inhale with your whole chest, but exhale very slowly (one in three).

"Breathing under stress"

Breathing is rhythmic and combined with walking. The scheme is as follows: two steps - inhale, two steps - exhale. Gradually increase the duration of exhalation, that is, then it will be: two steps - inhale, three steps - exhale, and so on.

Arousal exercises

The purpose of the following exercises is to increase neuropsychic activity and activate resources.


Sit up straight, place your hands on your knees and clasp them together. Inhale and at the same time raise your arms up (palms facing up). Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, exhale sharply through your mouth and “drop” your hands on your knees.

"Getting ready for work"

You need to breathe according to a certain pattern described below. The first number is inhalation, the second (in brackets) is retention, the third is exhalation.

2(2)+2; 4(2)+4; 4(2)+5; 4(2)+6; 4(2)+7; 4(2)+8; 8(2)+5; 9(4)+5; 10(5)+5.


The goal is to realize, find and relieve muscle tension; learn muscle control.


Stand up straight, focus on your right arm and tense it. After a few seconds, release the tension. Do the same with your left hand, then with both at the same time. After - with right foot, left leg, both legs, lower back, neck.

"Muscle Energy"

  1. Bend as much as possible index finger right hand (do not damage it).
  2. Feel where the tension goes. The finger itself, the hand, the elbow, the neck?
  3. Now try to gradually ease the tension: in the neck, shoulder, elbow. But the finger is still bent and tense.
  4. Release tension from your other fingers. We don't touch the index finger.
  5. Was it successful? Release the tension from your index finger.
  6. Do the same with your left leg (press your heel into the floor, do not overdo it).
  7. Where does the tension go? Gradually relax, as in the case of a finger.
  8. After this, tense your back. I’ll make a reservation that this exercise is not suitable for people with a bad back (hernia, osteochondrosis). If your back is healthy, then bend over and imagine that a box is placed on your back.
  9. Where does the tension go? Gradually relax your whole body, last but not least your back.

Involuntary visualization

The goal is distraction from stressful situations and obsessive thoughts by means of involuntary attention against the background of relaxation.

  1. Close your eyes and look as if at the back of your eyelids. In a couple of minutes you will see dots, spots, lines.
  2. After some time, these spots may begin to form into some images, faces, objects.
  3. It is important to do this in a state of relaxation, then gradually obsessive thoughts will come out through these barely noticeable images.
  4. Keep your face and body relaxed. Don’t try to draw something yourself, but just look, as if from the outside, at what appears.
  5. This exercise requires skill. During the first practices, attention often slips; you need to consciously return it to the points.
  6. Then open your eyelids and assess your condition.

"Anchoring" method

Self-regulation technique associated with conditioned reflexes, that is, the “stimulus-reinforcement” scheme. Surely it has happened to you that a song or smell evoked specific memories and... This is your “anchor”, which can be positive or negative. Someone's voice or gesture can also be an anchor.

Self-regulation in the form of anchoring involves the conscious setting of “anchors” and their reasonable use, that is, the release of the necessary resource in a stressful situation.

  1. Identify a situation in which you need resources.
  2. Determine specifically what resource is needed (confidence, courage, determination, etc.).
  3. Ask yourself: “If I had this resource now, would I really use it?” If the answer is yes, then you made the right choice and you can move on. If you make a mistake, then select a new resource.
  4. Remember a situation when you had this resource.
  5. Choose three “anchors”: what you hear, what you feel, what you see.
  6. Change your position in space, reproduce in your memory the situation when you had the resource, achieve a peak state.
  7. Exit it and return to your original place.
  8. Recreate the situation again and attach three “anchors”. Hold them as long as needed.
  9. Check the success of the operation: “turn on the anchors”. Are you getting into the desired state? If yes, then everything is fine. If not, repeat the previous point.
  10. Identify the signal that will hint you in difficult situation that it’s time to “drop anchor.”
  11. If necessary, immediately create a complex of evoked states, emotions, and feelings.


Self-regulation really works. The body and brain are one, as has long been evidenced. Therefore, you should not be skeptical about exercises that seem to have little to do with psychology.

But you need to approach the development of self-regulation carefully and following a number of rules:

  • clearly see the goal and stick to it;
  • the process of developing a skill must be consistent and purposeful;
  • be prepared for high energy costs, especially at the beginning of the journey;
  • despite consistency and purposefulness, adhere to diversity in the development of self-regulation methods.

It is impossible to create one set of self-regulation methods for a lifetime, since the very ability to self-government is associated with such changeable elements as needs, personality and character traits, motives, and more. You can read more about the intricacies of developing self-regulation and what it is in the article.

The techniques presented in the article were borrowed from the book by T. G. Volkova “Workshop on the psychology of self-awareness and self-regulation: methodological materials for the course.” You can find this literature and learn more about other techniques and methods of self-regulation.