How to heal wounds on the face: we act quickly and carefully! Antiseptic ointment is your faithful friend! How to treat weeping wounds? Ointments for weeping wounds

Ointment for open wounds is used only externally; apply ointment to the wound thin layer, the procedure must be repeated several times a day, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the damage, the condition of the wound (clean, dirty, purulent, etc.). With deep, torn, purulent wounds ah, a gauze napkin soaked in ointment is applied to the damaged area. In case of suppuration, the ointment can be administered using a drainage tube and syringe. Dressings must be carried out daily until the condition of the wound improves.

Names of ointments for open wounds

For open wounds, ointments containing an antibiotic are suitable - Levomekol, Maramistinovaya, Betadine, Levosin, Nitacid, Streptolaven (usually prescribed for trophic ulcers and burns).

An ointment for open wounds with analgesic properties is also necessary for the treatment of such lesions - Trimecain or Methyluracil is most often prescribed for this purpose.

It is worth recalling that for the first 2-3 days, using ointment on open wounds is contraindicated, since the consistency of ointments interferes with the process of natural cleansing and separation of inflammatory fluid.

The following ointments will help speed up the process of skin restoration: Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Astroderm.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl stimulate cell growth and collagen synthesis due to the natural biological component included in their composition, as a result of which wounds quickly heal.

Wound healing ointments for open wounds

Most common wound healing agent Panthenol is considered. It contains many vitamins, which ensures normal metabolism in skin cells and helps tissue restoration.

Baneocin effectively destroys microbes; it contains 2 antibiotics that have a powerful bactericidal effect. The ointment is suitable for open wounds, burns, deep injuries, and is also used after operations to treat sutures.

Levomekol helps with inflammatory non-sterile wounds, the product penetrates well to the source of infection and destroys bacteria.

Solcoseryl, Actovegin - developed on the basis of calf blood, they help speed up tissue regeneration processes and also slightly reduce pain.

Eplan effectively destroys infection, helps reduce pain, and speed up the process of tissue restoration. A special feature of the drug is that it does not contain hormones or antibiotics, so Eplan can be used for diabetes mellitus, disorders hormonal levels, in childhood.

Fast healing ointment for open wounds

Eplan ointment is a universal preparation and can be used not only for wounds, but also for burns, ulcers, and dermatitis. The product has a powerful bactericidal effect, so it is recommended to apply it to fresh damage that has gotten dirty. But for bleeding wounds, this remedy is contraindicated, since the drugs included in the composition impair blood clotting.

Solcoseryl ointment for open wounds has a quick healing effect and is suitable for treating uncontaminated wounds. Apply the ointment several times a day, the product helps prevent wound infection and speed up recovery skin.

Levomekol also helps the skin recover faster; the product should be applied under the bandage. Used for non-sterile wounds with signs of inflammation. The active components of the ointment quickly penetrate the lesion, destroy the infection and relieve inflammation.

Baneocin also belongs to the series of fast-healing drugs. The ointment has a bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation and is recommended for wounds and burns to varying degrees gravity. The drug contains 2 antibiotics that effectively fight infection.

Ointment for open purulent wounds

When open wounds rot, ointments with an antiseptic effect that draw out pus help well.

Several drugs can be distinguished in this group:

  • Ichthyol ointment effectively destroys microbes and has an analgesic effect. The active component - ichthyol - draws out purulent contents and accelerates the healing process, but also removes unpleasant symptoms purulent wound (itching, redness, etc.). Ichthyol was obtained from the distillation of shale and has been used in medicine since late XIX century. It is recommended to apply the product in the form of compresses, which need to be changed every 8-10 hours - ointment is applied to a piece of gauze or bandage and applied to the wound, covered with parchment on top and secured with an adhesive plaster.
  • Vishnevsky ointment is a common remedy for purulent wounds, but the antiseptic effect of the drug is rather weak, the main effect is aimed at accelerating the “ripening” of the abscess and drawing out the pus. For open wounds, the ointment helps draw pus out and also helps speed up healing. The product should be applied in the form of compresses.
  • synthomycium ointment includes an antibiotic; it is recommended for poorly healing wounds, ulcers, boils, and burns. Also this remedy It is recommended to use after shaving to prevent the appearance of ulcers, however, with regular use, addiction may occur, so it is better to use the ointment only when necessary.
  • streptocidal ointment contains sulfanilomide, which has a bactericidal effect. The product cannot be used when renal failure, kidney diseases, pregnancy.
  • Levomekol contains an antibiotic and an immunostimulant and is a combined drug that accelerates tissue restoration. The ointment is used for wound decay and inflammation, ulcers, and boils.

Before applying any ointment, you should first treat the surface of the wound with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or other antiseptic.

Antibiotic ointment for open wounds

For difficult-to-heal wounds or the appearance of pus, it is recommended to use strong drugs, which contain antibiotics.

One of the most effective means is Iruksol ointment, which includes a broad-spectrum antibiotic (chloramphenicol), as well as a proteolytic enzyme.

Due to the combined composition, the drug cleanses, destroys microbes and promotes the restoration of damaged tissues. Iruksol can be used for wounds of any size that are difficult to heal. Indications for use are bedsores, varicose ulcers, necrosis, gangrene, frostbite, subcutaneous ulcerations.

Apply the ointment to the damaged area (it is recommended to slightly moisten the wound before applying). Others cannot be used with Iruksol medicines, because therapeutic effect may decrease significantly; it is contraindicated to use tetracycline and gramicidin drugs simultaneously. At severe irritations You can treat the edges of the wound with zinc ointment.

Ointment for healing open dry wounds

For open wounds that begin to become covered with a dry crust, it is recommended to use Solcoseryl ointment, which covers the wound with a thin film and prevents infection; the active components of the drug are also involved in the process of tissue regeneration.

A distinctive feature of Solcoseryl is that it allows you to avoid the formation of scars or scars at the site of damage.

The drug is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Ointment for open wounds should be applied several times a day, and if necessary, a sterile dressing should be applied over the wound.

Antiseptic ointments for open wounds

An ointment for open wounds with an antiseptic effect is indicated for purulent, difficult-to-heal skin lesions. Antiseptics not only help reduce unpleasant symptoms (itching, pain, redness, swelling), but also draw pus from the wound, cleanse it of infection and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

The most effective antiseptic ointments are ichthyol and streptocide.

Ichthyol ointment relieves inflammation well, relieves pain and prevents wound rotting, and is used topically for burns, eczema, neuralgia and joint pain.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, etc.); during feeding, it is important to ensure that the ointment does not get on the nipples.

The course of treatment is determined separately in each case, depending on the severity and nature of the damage.

Among side effects the development of allergic reactions is noted, incl. hives, itching, rash, this usually happens at the very beginning of use or when long-term use means.

If there is an increased reaction to the components of the drug, it is recommended to stop using the ointment; the product is also not prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

Ichthyol ointment is not used together with other agents of similar action, which include alkaloids, iodine salts and heavy metals.

Streptocide ointment is effective antimicrobial drug, with regular use suppresses growth pathogenic microorganisms.

Prescribed for purulent and ulcerative lesions skin, burns, wounds and cracks.

Do not use if you are intolerant to salfanilamide, have kidney problems, porphyria, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or in childhood.

Allergic reactions may develop during treatment.

Before application, the wound should be thoroughly cleaned; if necessary, a sterile bandage should be applied after application. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the wound.

Sterptocide ointment should not be used simultaneously with drugs that contain digitoxin, hydrochloric acid, phenobarbital, caffeine, metazone, or adrenaline hydrochloride.

Wound healing ointments for open wounds after surgery

Wound healing ointment for open wounds helps not only to restore damaged tissue, but also relieve inflammation and numb the wound. Such drugs improve tissue metabolism and promote rapid healing.

In addition, the use of drugs in this group reduces the likelihood of leaving scars.

IN home medicine cabinet best to have universal remedy, which can be used for various wounds - burns, cuts, abrasions or scrapes.

For example, Baneocin ointment with two antibiotics has a fairly strong bactericidal effect and is suitable for deep injuries and burns.

No less popular is Levomekol ointment, which helps heal non-sterile wounds, especially if the inflammatory process has begun. Active substances penetrate deeply into the wound and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Eplan ointment has good wound healing properties, which wide range Actions – ointment is used for open wounds, burns, purulent ulcers, dermatitis.

Wound healing ointments for open wounds for children

Children, due to their activity, curiosity and irrepressible vital energy can be easily injured. For minor wounds (abrasions, scratches), as well as minor sunburns or household burns, treatment can be carried out at home.

Deep (especially contaminated) wounds, animal bites, burns with an area the size of approximately 3 adult palms, especially with the formation of blisters, require examination by a specialist.

Before applying wound healing ointment for open wounds, you should treat the damaged area with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, miramistin solution, potassium permanganate).

The following drugs are suitable for children:

  • 10% Methyluracil ointment improves tissue metabolism, accelerates the growth of new skin cells, and relieves inflammation. The ointment is suitable for use from the first days of a child's life.

The active components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood and act exclusively at the site of application. The ointment is recommended for 1st or 2nd degree burns, shallow wounds (especially those that do not heal for a long time), inflammation of the skin, including diaper rash.

The ointment is applied 2-3 times a day, the duration of treatment is no more than 20 days. The remedy usually does not cause adverse reactions, sometimes allergies and dizziness are observed. If there is intolerance to the components that make up the ointment, use is contraindicated.

  • Solcoseryl (analogue of Actovegin) promotes rapid recovery epithelium, wound healing. Calf blood extract ( active substance drug) improves metabolic processes in tissues, blood circulation, increases oxygen supply. The drug is suitable for use from birth, recommended for the treatment of burns (including sunburn), frostbite, non-healing wounds, small ulcers, abrasions, scratches, cuts.

It is recommended to apply the ointment after drying and the appearance of bright red tissue at the wound site; in the first days it is better to use Solcoseryl or Actovegin in the form of a gel. The duration of treatment is on average 2 weeks (gel for 5-7 days and ointment until complete healing).

IN in rare cases Rash, itching, hives and other allergic reactions may occur. If any reactions occur in a child, it is necessary to stop treatment and give antihistamines according to age.

It is worth noting that when using two or more ointments with Solcoseryl at the same time healing effect the latter decreases.

  • Levomekol contains an antibiotic that is active against most pathogenic microorganisms, and a substance to accelerate tissue regeneration.

The ointment has a water-soluble base, thanks to which pus is drawn out of the wound.

Levomekol can be used after 1 year and is suitable for the treatment of burns, cuts, infected or festering wounds.

Directions for use: soak a sterile gauze bandage with ointment and apply to a cleaned and antiseptic-treated wound. The bandage needs to be changed daily, the course of treatment is determined in each case separately, usually the ointment is stopped after the appearance of red tissue at the site of damage or the disappearance of purulent masses.

Skin damage is one of the most common domestic injuries.

The skin can also be injured under the influence unfavorable factors external environment:

  • The air is too dry
  • Cold
  • Contact with irritating chemicals
  • Effect of heat

Due to the action of damaging factors, the skin dries out and flakes are formed on it painful cracks, which do not heal for a long time and periodically bleed. Such defects often appear in winter, when the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins and sunlight.

In order to quickly get rid of painful wounds, it is necessary to use healing agents.


The drug is based on calf components and is close in composition to the physical components of blood; for skin lesions, it is prescribed in the form of an ointment. Saturates cells with glucose and oxygen, accelerates the formation of granulations and rapid wound scarring. Suitable for treating not only scratches and cuts, but also.

The product accelerates collagen synthesis and prevents the formation of hypertrophied scars and keloids. The product must be used twice a day: do not apply to a cleaned and washed wound. large number Solcoseryl, then the wound is covered with a sterile napkin and fixed with a bandage or plaster. Can be applied to wounds on the face, as well as cracks on the lips that occur during the cold season.

Has a cooling effect, removes some pain.

The medication has virtually no contraindications, may cause or discomfort. In this case, the drug is replaced with another drug.

The cost of one tube of ointment starts approximately from 240 rubles, varies depending on the region.


The ointment promotes wound healing and also contains an antibiotic that prevents the damage from suppuration. Can be used for:

  • Purulent wounds on the skin
  • Burns and frostbite
  • Cuts and abrasions

Apply the product to the skin in a thin layer until three times knocks, including during acute inflammatory processes on the skin. When applying the product within long term or on large surfaces of the body, one should be aware of the possibility of accumulation of the antibiotic in body tissues and its toxic effects, It is especially important to remember the risks during pregnancy.

The drug may cause local allergy: skin rashes, hyperemia and, itching, burning, in rare cases, bullous lesions or erythema develop.

If an allergy occurs, the drug must be discontinued.

Ointments based on Panthenol

Panthenol regulates intracellular metabolism, increases collagen synthesis and accelerates scar formation. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, relieving pain and swelling at the site of injury.


Eplan not only has a healing effect, but also anesthetizes and kills microorganisms that have entered the wound. Effective not only in case of injury, but also in case of bites, development allergic reaction, inflammatory processes. It has a disinfecting effect, affects the blood clotting mechanism, accelerating this process.

Can be used to treat lips and facial skin.


An ointment based on vitamin A softens the skin and starts the regeneration process. Used in treatment thermal burns, cracks, erosions and ulcers.

Eliminates the effects of vitamin deficiency. Indispensable in case of seborrheic dermatitis.

Zinc-based ointments

There are a large number of ointments with the addition of zinc. Such ointments can quickly help when ulcers or abrasions occur: they kill pathogenic microorganisms, dry the wound, and speed up the healing process. Thanks to active component A protective film is formed on the surface of the wound, which does not allow microorganisms to pass through and protects against environmental influences.

Zinc ointments prevent suppuration of wounds, thus preventing the formation of rough scars.


Argosulfan is a powerful wound disinfectant that contains colloidal silver. Used to treat wounds and a variety of skin lesions, including:

  • erysipelas
  • trophic ulcers with thrombophlebitis and diabetes
  • burns
  • contaminated wounds

Treatment with ointment can last up to two months. The drug is not prescribed to children of the first year of life.

Vishnevsky ointment

An ointment based on xeroform, tar and castor oil has the ability to remove infiltrate from the wound.

Draws out suppuration, promotes the breakthrough of purulent formations with their subsequent accelerated healing. Used in the presence of old or new wounds with traces of infection, pustular rashes, infectious inflammatory processes.

Natural creams and ointments

There are many products available for sale plant based, such as Ai-bolit or Rescuer - such preparations contain plant extracts:

  • Sea buckthorn oil
  • Vitamin complexes

Such ointments will help fight not only wounds, but also hematomas formed from bruises. Ointments containing vitamin E are recommended for use in winter time to protect the skin from cold and dampness.


Ointments with methyluracil have a stimulating effect on regeneration, stimulate the immune system and prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

The active component is built into reproductive system bacteria and prevents their reproduction. Apply to wounds, cracks and areas of suppuration. Suppress the inflammatory process.

Ointments with antibiotics

Ointments with the addition of antibiotics are used to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Common pathogens skin infections are considered:

  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Staphylococci of the saprophytic group
  • Streptococci
  • Escherichia coli

These microorganisms are dangerous when they enter a wound, both for people with normal immunity and for patients with a deficiency of immune cells. Preparations with the addition of antibiotics will help avoid purulent infections, remove microbes that have entered the wound and ensure rapid healing of the defect without the formation of a scar.

Hormonal ointments

Products containing corticosteroid hormones are widely used for allergic skin lesions, as well as for the occurrence of autoimmune lesions, such as psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Suppressing the activity of inflammatory mediators, hormonal drugs reduce the symptoms of inflammation: relieve pain, swelling, prevent peeling and excessive keratinization of the skin. Relieves swelling of an allergic nature, fights the manifestations atopic dermatitis and urticaria.

Possible contraindications

You should be careful when choosing ointments for treating injuries: some components can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. It is necessary to test the product before use: apply a drop of ointment to the skin at the wrist or elbow.

  • If itching, burning, redness of the skin or swelling occurs, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor - he will help you choose a substitute that is more suitable for your skin type and individual characteristics of the body.
  • You should cleanse the skin before applying the product, remove pus and dirt.
  • It is not recommended to combine various drugs, since the therapeutic effect may be reduced.
  • Hormonal drugs can lead to thinning of the skin, stretch marks, and atrophy of the skin. Preparations with corticosteroids are not prescribed for purulent skin infections, boils, or open wounds.
  • It is possible to combine methyluracil with ointments containing antibiotics to enhance the therapeutic effect.
  • During pregnancy, any medications should be used carefully, consult with your doctor for possible complications, especially for ointments and creams containing antibiotics and hormones.
  • If during breastfeeding treatment was required, the drug should be applied to the skin, avoiding contact of the ointment with the breast area. You should not use ointments immediately before feeding your baby.

In order to quickly get rid of the disease, it is necessary to properly care for the wounds:

  • Carefully maintain skin hygiene around the damaged area
  • Use gentle soaps and gels
  • Wipe the skin only with soft towels or napkins, without rubbing
  • If it becomes necessary to apply a bandage, use only sterile bandages and do not use inappropriate fabrics, rough, synthetic or non-sterile materials.
  • It is necessary to use only personal hygiene items: towel, soap, washcloth

Care depends on the specifics of the disease.

Wounds – damage to the integrity of the skin varying degrees heaviness, can be cut, bruised, torn, punctured, etc. No one is safe from such damage, superficial or deep. Wounds, wounds, and abrasions are always painful and bring a lot of trouble to the victim.

But the main danger is that they become an open gate for infection, which can cause the development of various diseases, and also significantly complicates wound treatment. Therefore, it is so important to treat the resulting damage as quickly as possible, and then begin treatment.

If the wound is deep, it is observed heavy bleeding, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Small wounds, cuts and abrasions can be cured at home using folk experience.

How to properly treat damage, healing skin wounds at home using folk recipes, how is it carried out? I'll tell you about this today:

Primary processing

Healing wounds at home should begin with cleaning them. The first step is to carefully rinse the damage with clean warm water. It’s even better to use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or furatsilin. If there are stuck particles of dirt, glass, wood, etc. remove them with tweezers, previously wiped with alcohol. Treat the edges with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

Cover the treated wound with a bandage. To do this, use a sterile bandage and gauze pad. Do not forget that the bandage must be changed to a fresh one every two hours.

If you noticed what started severe inflammation, go to the emergency room immediately. If the wound is not deep, there is no bleeding, there are no signs of inflammation, proceed to further treatment at home folk remedies.

During the treatment process, continue to regularly treat the affected skin surface. This will help activate regeneration processes, which promotes faster healing.

Wound healing with folk remedies

A very effective remedy for fast healing For skin wounds, freshly squeezed perennial aloe juice is used. Squeeze the juice of the leaf through gauze, then gently lubricate the damaged skin. The juice of this plant has a pronounced bactericidal effect, eliminates minor inflammations, and accelerates regeneration processes.

Wash the aloe leaf and remove the thorns. Cut it in half and apply it to the wound with the wet cut side. This should be done immediately after treating the damage. Apply a sterile bandage on top. Leave this compress on all night. The juice of the plant disinfects, draws out accumulations of pus and covers damaged skin with a thin film.

At home, you can prepare a tincture from calamus root. This remedy is also used for speedy healing skin lesions. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed, dried root into a clean jar. Pour a glass of vodka. Place the jar in a dark place. Let it sit there for a couple of weeks.

Pour the finished strained tincture into a bottle. Use for abrasions and wounds. Just moisten a cotton swab with it and treat the edges of the damage. This will prevent infection and speed up healing.

Antique, very effective remedy– pine balsam, you can also prepare it yourself. This remedy quickly heals abrasions, open wounds, fistulas and boils.

When going to the forest, collect pine resin (resin). At home, mix it with the same amount of natural rustic butter(can be replaced with fresh baked chicken or goose fat). Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate damaged skin. Store the balm on the refrigerator shelf.

If the injury is bleeding, use fresh burnet grass or nettle leaves. To do this, the plant is steamed in boiling water, cooled, and then applied to the damaged skin. This will help stop the bleeding.

St. John's wort oil is a good healing agent. It is also easy to prepare at home. To do this, collect fresh, young shoots of the plant. Chop them finely. Fill a clean half-liter jar about a third full. Pour in up to your shoulders olive oil, set to boiling water bath. Keep it for half an hour. Then put the jar in the kitchen cabinet and let it sit there for 3 days. Keep the finished strained oil in the refrigerator. Use to lubricate shallow wounds and other skin lesions. Carry out treatment several times a day.

If suppuration occurs, use this home remedy: Collect fresh leaves plantain, wash them, dry them on a paper towel so that no water remains. Scroll through a meat grinder or simply cut finely with a knife. Mix with the same amount of natural honey. Lubricate several layers of bandage generously with this product, apply to the wound, and secure with a napkin. Such homemade ointment perfectly disinfects and heals.

When treating wounds with folk remedies, pay attention to such a simple home remedy as baked onions. Just peel a fresh onion and pierce it with a knitting needle. Heat over an open fire until the surface is baked but not too black.

Peel off this layer and discard. And divide the middle into layers, which are applied to the wound. Secure with a bandage. Change the compress to a fresh one every 2 hours. It’s good to leave it overnight and change it in the morning.

During the treatment process, take care of the area of ​​the body that is damaged. Protect from unnecessary stress and friction so as not to cause re-injury. Be sure to treat the wound thoroughly and do not pick off the crust that appears to avoid infection and suppuration. If signs of severe inflammation are observed, stop self-treatment, consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Muscles human body, when integrity is violated, they are capable of self-recovery. If an open wound on the leg is treated in time to remove dead cells, new healthy tissue begins to grow in their place, gradually closing the wound opening.

The healing process of an open wound on the leg takes place in three stages:

  1. Independent primary cleansing, in which blood flows abundantly into the wound cavity.
  2. Inflammation that begins after injury provokes tissue swelling. Leukocytes are formed en masse, helping to cleanse the wound area of ​​dead cells.
  3. The final stage is characterized by the formation connective tissue, which gradually tightens the edges of the wound, forming a scar.

Classification of injury

Wounds on the leg are divided according to the following characteristics:

  • Violations of the tissue surface (penetrating and non-penetrating). The first are characterized by damage to the integrity of the joint membrane; in the second case, the skin and subcutaneous muscles are susceptible to injury.
  • The presence of an infection of unknown, purulent, aseptic origin.
  • Changes in the wound cavity depend on the type of object that caused a violation of the integrity of the tissue.

Open wounds are:

  • Stab - the depth of penetration is greater than the diameter of the superficial wound.
  • Cut - characterized by a wide entrance, but shallow depth.
  • Chopped - characterized by a deep wound, often with bone damage.
  • Torn - obtained when the skin and muscle layer are torn. The wound surface is characterized by uneven edges, and in some places the epidermis is absent.
  • Firearms - the degree of damage to muscle tissue depends on the type of weapon.

First aid

If received laceration on the leg, it is advisable to take the victim to a doctor, having first provided first aid. From the right ones pre-medical actions The speed of injury healing, the prevention of purulent inflammation of the wound cavity, and sometimes even a person’s life depend.

Instructions on how to treat an open wound at home:

  1. If there is bleeding, then it is imperative to stop it. The injured leg should be elevated so that the foot is higher than the level of the head. If an artery is damaged, it is recommended to pinch the vessel with a finger and apply a tourniquet, recording the time of manipulation.
  2. The wound on the leg should be disinfected using antiseptics: 3% hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution (1 tablet per 100 ml boiled water), a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can crush the Streptocide tablet into powder and sprinkle it on the affected area. As a last resort, you need to treat the wound with brilliant green or apply a thin layer of anti-inflammatory ointment to it.
  3. The fragments of a foreign object present in the wound cavity must be removed with tweezers treated with alcohol. If the fragment is large and the wound is deep, it is better not to touch anything and leave assistance to a specialist.
  4. Cover the injured surface with a sterile napkin and apply a tight bandage.
  5. If a bone in the leg is broken, or a joint is damaged, it is necessary to ensure that the limb is immobile by applying a splint from available material.

How to bandage correctly

It is recommended to change the bandage on your leg daily; to do this you need to:

  • Remove the dressing material. If the bandage sticks to the wound, you should soak the scab with boiled water with the addition of any available antiseptic: furatsilin solution, hydrogen peroxide and others.
  • Wash the edges of the wound on the leg with warm boiled water, disinfect with brilliant green or alcohol solution calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. If the surface is contaminated with auto-lubricating mixtures, it should be used for hygiene procedure refined gasoline. Treat with gauze balls. Iodine should not be used because high danger burn.
  • Inspect the inflamed cavity for the presence of pus, fragments foreign objects. It is not recommended to remove large, deeply located fragments yourself. It is safer to contact medical institution to provide qualified assistance.
  • If purulent contents have formed on the surface, it is recommended to clean the wound with gauze swabs, blotting each one only once.
  • If there is suppuration inside, cleaning should be entrusted to a surgeon in order to eliminate the consequences of inflammation, including blood poisoning and death. Only a doctor who will make a prescription, combining medications for external and internal use, can know how to properly treat a purulent injury.
  • After cleansing, cover the wound surface sterile material and secure with a gauze bandage.

In what cases is it necessary to visit a doctor?

The patient should be shown to a specialist if:

  • the integrity of blood vessels and tendons is compromised;
  • it is necessary to stitch up a deep wound;
  • puncture wound with infection;
  • damaged bone, damaged joint;
  • the leg does not perform functional movements;
  • the person is in shock.

If the wound surface is contaminated with soil, it is necessary to treat the leg with an antiseptic to prevent suppuration. You should definitely get a tetanus vaccination.

The formation of a purulent wound is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • throbbing pain at the site of inflammation;
  • the occurrence of a tumor.

Treatment of an open wound on the leg must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, strictly following all his prescriptions and recommendations. A deep cut injury should be sutured no later than six hours after the injury. If there is a suspicion that the wound is infected, stitches are not recommended. Zones high risk infection - the upper third of the thigh, the sole of the foot.

What to do at home to speed up the healing of an open wound on the leg:

  • daily dressing, each time treating the injured area with an antiseptic and applying a sterile napkin;
  • lubricate the treated area wound healing ointments, having first consulted with your doctor.

It should be remembered that medicinal ointments fat-based, applied to the wound surface in a thick layer, can cause inflammation and the formation of pus.

Trophic ulcers that occur with varicose veins are considered a type of open wounds on the leg. lower limbs. Provoke the formation of weeping injuries endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus. People suffering from these diseases should take special care.

Why do open wounds take a long time to heal?

As a rule, the following reasons prevent rapid healing:

  • high sugar content in tissues;
  • subcutaneous layer of fat;
  • decline vitality with anemia, iron deficiency;
  • skin diseases.

Traditional methods for treating and treating open leg injuries

It happens that in time to receive timely medical care fails. In this case, you can begin to treat the open wound using traditional recipes.

When choosing what to treat the wound surface with, it is recommended to use medicinal plants with a disinfecting effect. These include:

  • Water decoction or alcohol tincture calendula, birch buds, wormwood.
  • Leaflets indoor plants- aloe or kalanchoe. Remove the thin skin and apply the fleshy side to the wound, securing with a bandage or plaster.
  • Bee honey, spread a thin layer on the wound surface, place a sterile napkin on top and bandage it.
  • Yarrow greens should be chewed until smooth and applied to a cut or punctured shallow wound.
  • Treat the affected area with celandine juice.

The following folk remedies help speed up the treatment of a wounded limb:

  • Ointment made according to the recipe of Valentina Seimova. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the injured surface overnight. Do not apply a bandage.
  • St. John's wort. Fill a dark glass container ¾ full with dry or fresh flowering herb St. John's wort. Fill to the brim with refined sunflower oil, leave in warmth and darkness for three weeks. Apply the resulting mixture to the wound 3-4 times a day until healing.
  • White wormwood, coltsfoot, plantain, calendula. Make lotions on the wound surface using infusion of water.
  • Plantain leaves. Apply to the wound with the smooth side, securing with a gauze bandage.

The patient chooses how to treat an open wound on the leg, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before so as not to harm your health. During treatment, it is advisable to provide the diet with vitamins to speed up the healing process. It is recommended to take additional multivitamins.

Ointments for wound healing should always be in your home medicine cabinet, because it is very easy to damage the skin. A cut while shaving, an abrasion from a fall on the asphalt, or a deep scratch received while playing with a pet cat can easily become an entry point for infection and lead to suppuration and other unpleasant consequences.

The use of external agents with a healing effect will help the wounds heal faster and prevent penetration pathogenic bacteria into the body. The best ointment for wound healing should combine antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating properties.

Any wounds associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin must first be cleaned of contaminants, stop bleeding, disinfected with any antiseptic agents (iodine), and only then apply ointments with a healing effect.

They are applied to the injured surface (abrasions, scratches), then a sterile bandage is applied on top. This treatment allows you to avoid infection and the development of complications, helps speed up tissue regeneration processes and prevent the formation of scars in the area of ​​damage.

Ointment for healing wounds on the skin is used for the following injuries:

  • cuts, scratches, open and purulent wounds;
  • various types;
  • damage caused by skin diseases;
  • excessive dryness, cracks in the skin;
  • trophic ulcers.

External agents with a healing effect are widely used in postoperative period and is used to prevent the formation of scars.

Ointment for healing open wounds

Open wounds on the skin begin to be treated with healing ointments after the tissues have dried slightly after application antiseptics. Medicines for the treatment of open wounds should combine antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and promote accelerated recovery skin.

Most often these are ointments containing an antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic component. Popular remedies for treating open wounds:


Ointment for rapid wound healing based on deproteinized dialysate isolated from the blood of dairy calves. The drug activates metabolic processes in the epidermis, improves tissue trophism, enhances the production of collagen fibers and accelerates cell regeneration and restoration.

The drug can be used to heal trophic ulcers on the legs, as well as in the treatment of various wounds - from bedsores to burns. The product is used twice a day, applied in a thin layer to a previously cleaned wound (under a bandage). In addition, Solcoseryl can be used for accelerated healing cracks on the hands and small wounds on the face. The price of the drug is from 200 rubles.

Ointment for healing wounds and cracks, deep cuts, scratches, burns and other damage to the skin. The healing properties of the drug are provided by almost the same components from the blood of young calves that form the basis of the previous drug.

Like Solcoseryl, this product activates tissue regeneration and normalizes the course of metabolic processes in tissues and promotes their accelerated recovery in case of various injuries (wounds, cuts, burns, trophic ulcers). The limitation for use is individual intolerance components, edema, heart failure. Average cost drug - from 100 rubles.

Bepanten (Panthenol, Dexpanthenol).

Preparations based on active substance- dexpanthenol has a pronounced regenerating, softening and some anti-inflammatory effect. They are used to treat abrasions, scratches, open and weeping wounds and other damage to the skin (from diaper rash to chronic ulcers).

These are completely safe products that are used even in newborns and pregnant women. Ointments based on dexpanthenol can be applied long time, since they do not cause addiction or other side effects. The average cost of Bepanten is from 250 rubles.


Cream for wound healing with analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. The drug not only effectively eliminates pain, but also perfectly disinfects wounds, preventing the addition of a bacterial infection.

Moreover, this medication is effective both against bacteria and against some strains of pathogenic fungi. The cream does not contain antibiotics or hormones, so it can be used even by pregnant women and children to treat open wounds and burns. Average price- 230 rubles.

Ointment with silver with healing, bactericidal and antiseptic effects. Silver particles protect the wound surface from infection and exhibit a powerful antibacterial effect, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Due to the hydrophilic base, the ointment has a moisturizing effect, reduces the severity of pain and accelerates the wound healing process. Argosulfan is recommended for use in the treatment of household injuries (cuts, scratches), burns of various origins and other skin damage caused by concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, dermatitis, varicose veins, eczema). The price of the ointment is from 300 rubles.

Another popular drug based on silver - Sulfargin ointment, which is recommended for the treatment of wounds and burns in children and adults. Also on the list best ointments for wound healing there are drugs such as Rescuer cream, zinc ointment, calendula ointment or aloe liniment based on natural plant components with healing properties.

Preparations for healing purulent wounds

A combined ointment with the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methiuracil actively fights against a wide range of pathogens and helps clean wounds from purulent-necrotic wt. Indications for the use of ointment are any purulent-inflammatory processes on the skin.

Levomekol prevents infection from spreading to surrounding healthy tissue, helps reduce swelling, inflammation and accelerates the restoration of skin cells. The drug is absolutely non-toxic, but during pregnancy it should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

A contraindication to the use of ointment is increased sensitivity to the components childhood(up to 3 years), psoriasis and fungal infections skin. The average price of Levomekol is from 120 rubles.


A remedy for healing wounds and preventing purulent complications based on a combination of antibiotics (neomycin and bacitracin). The drug is used to treat purulent wounds, non-healing abrasions, cuts, burns, as well as skin damage due to inflammatory diseases dermis (eczema, dermatitis).

The ointment should be applied to the wound in a thin layer up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment takes on average 7 days. The price of Baneocin is from 350 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment

Intended for the treatment of festering wounds. The drug is applied to an open wound under a bandage, which is changed every 10-12 hours. The ointment quickly draws out pus and cleanses the surface of the wound.

The principle of action of the drug is based on improving the blood circulation process problem area, due to which necrotic contents are removed. Additionally, the ointment has an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect, and exhibits antiseptic and wound-healing properties. Price - from 40 rubles.

Provides a bactericidal and analgesic effect, promotes rapid cleansing of the wound from purulent contents, and has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

In addition, the drug accelerates metabolic processes and helps speedy recovery and skin regeneration. At purulent complications just apply ichthyol ointment on the open wound and cover it with a bandage, which should be changed twice a day. An improvement in the condition of the wound is noted within 24 hours from the start of using the drug. The cost of the ointment is from 60 rubles.

In addition to the above drugs, the doctor may prescribe syntomycin, tetracycline, methyluracil ointments and other external agents with an antibacterial component for the treatment of purulent wounds.

Ointment for wound healing after surgery

The choice of drug for wound healing in the postoperative period is made by the attending physician. These may be products with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components, ointments Solcoseryl, Actovegin and their analogues, as well as dexpanthenol-based medications that improve tissue regeneration and repair.

Zinc-based ointments have good healing properties; they quickly dry wet wounds and accelerate tissue restoration.

For processing postoperative sutures Levomekol, Baneocin ointments are used; Alfogin ointment based on chlorophyll or preparations with silver ions (Agrosulfan, Sulfargin) are well suited for the treatment of bedsores. For healing postoperative wounds in gynecology ointment with methyluracil or safe drugs based on plant components (aloe, calendula).

For resorption of scars and scars left after surgical intervention, Dermatix silicone gel is suitable. It contains organic and inorganic silicon compounds, which prevent the growth of keloid tissues that form a scar, and maintain water balance in the skin, so that it always remains moisturized and soft.

Dermatix is ​​intended for the treatment of fresh postoperative scars formed immediately after wound healing. It should be applied to the surface of the scar in a very thin layer so that after complete absorption the skin remains dry. If you use too much gel, it will not be completely absorbed and the excess will leave stubborn stains on your clothes.

When using Dermatix, it should be borne in mind that the gel does not have an anti-inflammatory or antiseptic effect. The cost of this product cannot be called budgetary; for a package of gel with a volume of 15 g you will have to pay about 2800 rubles.

This is a very affordable option that will help. Its main component is sodium heparin, which has pronounced anticoagulant and analgesic properties and promotes the resorption of scars. The drug should be used immediately after the wound has healed. Its cost is from 55 rubles.

Ointment for healing wounds and cracks

Such products do not contain potent components - hormones, antibiotics, but have softening and healing properties, which helps treat minor skin damage - cracks in the corners of the lips, on the palms and soles, abrasions and scratches. The basis of the ointments are nutritional, softening and moisturizing components, as well as vitamin complexes.

Balm "Ambulance"

Phytocream intended for healing cracked heels and feet and superficial wounds. Contains extracts of aloe, hops, calendula, steppe herbs and oils tea tree, olives and sea buckthorn. It has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, normalizes cellular metabolism and stimulates skin regeneration.

This is quite safe remedy, which can be used in pregnant women and children. The only contraindication is intolerance to one of the components. You need to apply the cream to cracks and wounds, without rubbing, up to three times a day. The cost of the drug is from 150 rubles.


Ointment for nourishing and softening the skin based on vitamin A. Stimulates regeneration processes and accelerates the healing of minor skin damage (cracks, abrasions), thermal burns. Can be used to heal minor erosions and the consequences of seborrheic dermatitis.


Ointment for the treatment of abrasions, fresh cuts and minor burns. It is often used to treat diaper rash in infants and eliminate skin symptoms allergies. The advantage of the drug is its safety.

The softening, nourishing and restorative properties of the ointment allow it to be used during pregnancy, as well as for treating cracked nipples during breastfeeding. The drug should be applied to a previously dried and washed wound surface. The ointment is used under a bandage or left to dry on the wound for 20 minutes (if a bandage is not used).

To heal wounds and abrasions in children, doctors recommend keeping the following medications in your home medicine cabinet:

  • Bepanten;
  • Eplan;
  • Panthenol;
  • Olazol;
  • Sulfargin;
  • Ointment with calendula;
  • Radevit;
  • Rescuer;

When treating extensive skin lesions or purulent wounds, preparations for external treatment should be selected by the attending physician.