Reproductive medical center. Industry: reproductive medicine. Clinic of assisted reproductive technologies “Test Tube Babies”: high-class embryology

Message from the Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
about the project to create the Institute of Reproductive Medicine

Dear Colleagues!

Reproductive health is an area of ​​medicine that has traditionally focused the attention of endocrinologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, urologists and andrologists, and which is beginning to attract the attention of doctors of other specialties. Declining fertility and ultimately infertility is a common problem: among married couples, every 7th couple is infertile. Declining fertility in developed countries is leading to an aging population and increasing the financial burden of health care.

The problem of infertile marriage goes far beyond the various technologies for restoring fertility. A significant part of the causes of decreased fertility are formed in the prenatal period and early childhood and are potentially removable with timely preventive measures. Endocrine infertility inevitably entails a powerful trail of metabolic disorders, culminating in severe chronic diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and other systems and organs. In the older age group, the focus of medical science was on the problems of menopause and a new hot topic - andropause. In medicine, the eternal theme of “men and women” has received a new development.

Time flies quickly, and today humanity has a colossal amount and variety of information on the reproductive health of men and women. As might be expected, the revolutionary changes that have occurred in recent decades have resulted from the increased capabilities of diagnostic methods. Today, reproductive medicine must take a step from the stage of simple accumulation of facts to the introduction of the concept of evidence-based medicine and, in fact, reassess values.

The real problem of using world scientific experience in our country is that the principles of evidence-based medicine, widely used in clinical practice by therapists and surgeons, have not yet found a worthy place in reproductive medicine. Accordingly, the priority direction of our activity will be familiarization with global trends in reproductive medicine and assessment of the acceptability of new things from the perspective of evidence-based medicine. The acceptance criteria are the effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods and the validity of treatment methods.

In general, we present our task as the need to structure modern scientific data, introduce them into practice and make them as accessible as possible to a wide range of practitioners. The involvement of various specialists (endocrinologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians, andrologists, geneticists, epidemiologists, cardiologists, therapists, etc.) will allow for the integration of the efforts of specialists in the treatment of diseases associated with decreased fertility, and to determine the most effective strategy for prevention and treatment.

The Institute of Reproductive Medicine being created will make it possible to find solutions to any reproductive problem and at any age - from disorders of sexual development to the diagnosis and treatment of infertility or the treatment of menopausal disorders.
I express the hope that the continuity of medical care, timely prevention and correction of reproductive disorders will not only solve problems, but also effectively prevent them in the future.

Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
I.I. Grandfathers

Main activities of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine
  • monitoring the development of the reproductive system of children and adolescents
  • treatment of pathologies of gender and sexual development of children and adolescents
  • pregnancy planning
  • restoration of pregnancy in infertile couples (including IVF)
  • operative gynecology
  • andrology and operative urology
  • age-related deficiency of sex hormones: maintaining quality of life

What is reproductive medicine? Why is this branch of medicine needed, which has received such widespread use and rapid development in recent years?

What is reproductive medicine

Reproductive medicine is a branch of medical and biological knowledge that is designed to solve the problems of childbirth, birth control, and family planning. Reproduction is reproduction, which is one of the most complex biological phenomena, for the implementation of a program for preserving the species and procreation.

Reproductive medicine has synthesized the achievements of many sciences, such as gynecology and andrology, biology and genetics, cytology and cryobiology. Currently, there are several methods of reproductive medicine.

Common methods of modern reproductive medicine include:

  • Insemination with the sperm of the husband (donor) - ISM (ISD), which is performed in some cases of endocrine, immunological and male infertility. However, there must be patency of the fallopian tubes in order to introduce the husband’s or donor’s sperm into the woman’s uterine cavity on a favorable day for conception.
  • In vitro fertilization - IIV. The essence of this method is to obtain mature eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilize them with her husband’s sperm (or donor sperm). The resulting embryos are then grown in an incubator for 48-72 hours in order to subsequently transfer (implant) the embryos into the woman's uterus.
  • Injection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg (ICSI). This procedure is carried out in complex (severe) forms of male infertility or in certain cases associated with the individual characteristics of the reproductive health of both spouses. Fertilization of eggs obtained from the wife is achieved by introducing sperm directly into the cytoplasm of the egg.
  • Egg donation allows women in whom the egg does not mature in the ovaries, as well as those with a high risk of hereditary diseases in the child, to carry and give birth to a healthy baby. This is why eggs are obtained from a healthy female donor.
  • Surrogacy allows women who have had their uterus removed for a variety of reasons or who are contraindicated for pregnancy due to serious illnesses, to have a child. In this case, the eggs and sperm of a married couple are used, but the embryos are transferred into the uterus of a healthy woman, who then serves as a surrogate mother.
  • Embryo freezing is used for the storage and subsequent use of developing embryos in an IVF (in vitro fertilization) program. When the need arises, the embryos are thawed and transferred into the uterine cavity.
  • Donor sperm bank is used in cases of absolute male infertility or in the absence of a sexual partner, but if the woman wants to have a child.

Currently, antenatal clinics provide primary care for infertility, conduct diagnostics and consultations, although it is not always possible to make the correct diagnosis using traditional methods. Therefore, there are specialized clinics in which, thanks to the use of ultra-modern equipment and ART techniques and qualified doctors, the true cause of infertility is established.

Thanks to the latest reproductive technologies, the percentage of successful use of reproductive techniques is achieved at 20–30%, that is, every third couple eventually gives birth to a baby.

I want to start my review of the Remedy clinic by expressing my deep gratitude to the entire team for their work! I came to Remedy on the recommendation of a well-known figure in the field of motherhood, they recommended that I contact Elena Sergeevna Mladova. However, due to the fact that we had no indications for IVF, and the clinic is aimed more at this, we made an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist for a standard examination with a request to draw up a plan for planning pregnancy naturally (that is, what tests are needed pass, ultrasound, etc.). It was important to outline the planning scheme for us, since six months earlier we had a sad experience with our first pregnancy, which froze in the early stages; no one, unfortunately, was able to determine the reason. Then, by the way, I was observed in the general order in a local free housing complex, and accordingly, I also had a “cleaning” done in the conditions of a general reception center under compulsory medical insurance (hence the ignorance of what happened, since there were no offers to examine the fetus, and we didn't know it was possible). Having decided with my husband that such carousels were not to our liking, we ran to Remedy, where we fell into the hands of our wonderful, caring, gentle, very humane and professional doctor Maria Viktorovna Selikhova. Three months later, after the first examination, the pregnancy occurred, as soon as they found out about it, they ran to take the necessary tests and came for an examination. Everything was going great, and at 8 weeks we signed a contract to manage the entire pregnancy, which means that we will now have to go often, and this is almost the other end of the city, but in order to feel in good hands, you won’t go for this. In general, my entire pregnancy went as if in God’s bosom, under the strict control of Maria Viktorovna. Everything was planned on time, no queues, no conflicts or misunderstandings. All examinations were carried out in the clinic, the necessary tests + NPT were also taken there, a pleasant environment where you are not pushed around or driven like Sidorov's goat in queues, etc. All appointments and ultrasounds were in the presence of the spouse. The ultrasound room is super strong, Alla Igorevna Spravtseva is an expert from God, she sees everything absolutely. It was very important to stay in touch with the doctor, as questions often arose that needed to be resolved in order to avoid unnecessary stress, and there was such an opportunity. Thanks to all these factors combined, the pregnancy flew by unnoticed, I didn’t even notice how my baby ended up in my arms. I would like to separately highlight the school for training future parents, which is also run by our wonderful Maria Viktorovna. Thanks to this school, we were fully prepared for the arrival of the baby, we bought everything we needed and, most importantly, we knew what to do with the baby, how to feed, how to bathe and care for him, and we, for a second, had never held a baby in our hands. A very strong psychologist at Remedy, Esther Babylonskaya, after meeting with her, accepting motherhood became a little easier, not so scary. 🙂 To sum up, I want to say that I wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly recommend this clinic as a guarantee of a wonderful pregnancy, a stable psyche and, in general, becoming a parent. Thanks a lot! Low bow and keep it up! Irina Zhuravleva.

REMEDI Reproductive Health Center helps couples of any age to have a long-awaited child. We offer innovative tests and modern treatment methods, and thanks to the attentiveness and responsiveness of our staff, you will feel cared for and supported at every stage of IVF and during pregnancy. At REMEDI - Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Moscow, we will do everything possible to improve your health and achieve your goals. If you want to undergo an examination, are planning a pregnancy, if you are interested in the treatment of male and female infertility, IVF, ICSI, genetic diagnostics before and during pregnancy - we will help you!

Contrary to the stereotype that the causes of problems with conception lie in the woman’s body, both sexes account for approximately equal numbers of cases, so come for a diagnosis together with your spouse. The polite and sensitive specialists of our Center for Reproductive Medicine will not let you feel awkward during the examination and treatment process. Our team has a high level of professionalism, the necessary knowledge and many years of experience in the treatment of pathologies of the uterine cavity, cervical diseases and the correction of endocrine disorders. We use modern methods of pregnancy management and expert-class ultrasound examinations both during and outside of pregnancy. Your comfort and safety are important to us, so we have an individual approach to each patient. Our doctors are in touch with patients of the clinic 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Services of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine REMEDI:

  • Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Gynecological Department
  • Andrology department
  • REMEDI Polyclinic (Consultation with a therapist, mammologist, endocrinologist, geneticist, gastroenterologist, urologist-andrologist, psychologist, neurologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, ECG, ultrasound, fetal Doppler, CTG)
  • st. Budaiskaya, 2, bldg. 1 Moscow, NEAD

    M VDNH (2.2 km) M Botanical Garden (2.3km) M Sviblovo (2.7 km)

    Official name: LLC "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine"

    The medical center “Clinic of Reproductive Medicine” on Budaiskaya is located in Moscow, in the Rostokino district. This is a highly specialized institution that operates on a hospital basis. The organization provides highly qualified assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of female and male infertility.

    The company “Clinic of Reproductive Medicine” on Budaiskaya employs a galaxy of experienced and talented doctors. The team is headed by Yu. V. Klimov. Patients are admitted by appointment, which is made by phone or through an online application.


    In the organization "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine" on Buda, services are provided in such areas as obstetrics, gynecology, urology, andrology, reproductology and embryology. The doctors of the institution carry out the following types of procedures: examination of the male and female body, treatment of identified diseases, artificial insemination using the ICSI method, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, assisted hatching and sperm cryopreservation.


    The most convenient way to get to the “Reproductive Medicine Clinic” on Budaiskaya is by bus No. 195, 286, 496. You need to go to the “Hospital” stop. After leaving the vehicle, you need to walk along Budaiskaya Street towards building No. 2, bldg. 1. If you use the metro to travel, the closest station to the medical center is Rostokino (1.2 km).