Klerasil is the best line of skin care products. Klerasil for acne

Products for external use from the Clearasil line stand out against the background of all identical drugs. The advantage of a number of products is that Klerasil for acne is not only medicinal, but also prophylactic and even cosmetic preparations. If they suit your skin type, then this line alone is enough to forget about problems with acne on your face forever.

To accurately determine the benefits of these funds, you need to analyze each of them separately. The line consists of four main drugs. They can be used individually or together, combining them correctly and following clear instructions. Remember that you can achieve results only if you use the company's products correctly.

If you have particularly problematic skin, dry or fatty type, one instruction in the box with drugs may not be enough. To fully ensure that products are safe for your skin, be sure to consult a cosmetologist before use. Also make sure that you have no contraindications to these medications. Especially sensitive to certain components.

Let's analyze all the positions of Klerasil:

1. Cream Klerasil for acne

This special product, which distinguishes the entire line of products on the cosmetology market. Its main feature is the speed of action on pimples, blackheads and skin in general. Statistics show that on average the drug needs about four hours to completely relieve inflammation or at least stabilize its function. sebaceous glands.

Benefits of the cream:

  • Efficiency. The drug completely removes and removes acne.
  • Impact on the source of the problem. If acne is not caused internal diseases body, the cream is enough to completely eradicate the pathology.
  • Economy. You don't need to treat all of your skin to be effective. It is enough to apply the cream precisely to pimples or affected areas.

How to use the cream correctly:

  1. Pre-cleanse and dry your facial skin. To do this, you can use other products from the Klerasil line.
  2. Apply the cream to problem skin or the pimples themselves, depending on the level of their spread.
  3. Leave the product on the skin and wash your hands after the procedure.

2. Gel Klerasil for washing

The speed of action on the skin, as in the case of cream, is one of the main features of the drug. But here it is also worth considering the long-term nature of its work. Unlike most other face washes, Klerasil protects your skin from harmful bacteria for 12 hours. That is, until the next wash.

Benefits of the gel:

  • Deep cleaning. The product penetrates into the sebaceous canals, due to which not only the epidermis is cleansed, but also the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is therapeutic as it helps eliminate the cause of acne.
  • A specially selected composition ensures that the gel has a positive effect on regulating the functioning of the glands secreting sebaceous secretions.

How to use the gel correctly:

  1. Moisturize your skin as usual warm water.
  2. Apply the gel to your face in circular motions.
  3. However, avoid the area around the eyes.
  4. After half a minute, rinse off the resulting foam with warm water.
  5. Wipe your face.

You can also choose one of these alternatives.

3. Clearasil anti-acne cleansing lotion

This product helps keep your skin in order between washing procedures using a special gel. Its properties primarily contribute to the removal of oily reflections. This does not damage the protective film of the skin. Thanks to the right components, this lotion is the best option for people who have .

Lotion benefits:

  • Impact on sebaceous canals. In addition to the epidermis itself, the product penetrates the pores and cleanses them. This prevents new pimples from appearing.
  • Fighting bacteria. Harmful microorganisms cannot withstand the effects of lotion. At the same time, the habitat of bacteria is destroyed.
  • Impact on the sebaceous glands. Like the cleansing gel, the lotion stabilizes the sebaceous glands and prevents excessive secretion.

How to use lotion correctly:

  1. Apply lotion to a cotton pad and wipe your face.
  2. DO NOT rinse off the product with water.
  3. Repeat the procedure twice – in the first and second half of the day.

4. Scrub Klerasil Ultra for acne

The last item from this line. The scrub affects the pores, cleansing the sebaceous glands, provoking a normal amount of sebum, and bacteria, destroying them. Already from the name it is clear that the product is also produced under the auspices of “Fast Action”.

Scrub benefits:

  • Deep penetration. The product penetrates the pores without critically damaging the epidermis.
  • Reduced fat levels. After the scrub your skin for a long time will not become covered with an unpleasant greasy sheen.

How to use the scrub correctly:

  1. Moisten your face with warm water.
  2. Using circular movements, apply a thin layer of product to the skin.
  3. Use twice a day - morning and evening.

This complex of drugs will allow you to maintain beautiful and healthy skin for a long time. In addition, you gradually get rid of problems with fatness and... Sebaceous glands after just a few procedures they will work correctly, releasing only the required amount of secretion.

The most important advantage of each product is its antibacterial effect. Thus, thanks to Klerasil drugs, you prevent the appearance of many pathologies in the body.

Klerasil for acne is one of the best skin care lines. The product, as practice shows, fully justifies its cost.

Good afternoon, dear readers. When I suffered in my youth teenage acne, there were very few means to fight them. Now all sorts of skinorens, differins, bazirons and other quite effective drugs. At that time, none of this existed, just as there was no Internet, where you can always find information of interest. There were only annoying advertisements for Clararasil lotion on TV, which said that it would clear your skin in no time. Out of desperation, I bought this lotion (although it was quite expensive at that time).

I used this “miracle remedy” for about 4 weeks. By the end of this period, I realized that I had wasted my money: there were absolutely no improvements, but from the regular interaction of the skin with alcohol, dryness and irritation appeared in some places. And in some places the skin even began to peel off. Maybe this result was only in my individual case? Let's try to understand clearasil in more detail.

Clearasil - composition:

In order to understand whether Clearasil can help against acne at all, you need to understand its composition. The main substances in the lotion that can somehow fight acne are:

  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an antiseptic, used in medicine for disinfection. medical instrument. Destroys acne-causing bacteria.
  • Extract. A separate article on this site is already devoted to aloe. From natural remedies for acne this is perhaps the most powerful.
  • Sodium chloride is a common table salt, which also has some antiseptic properties, but very weak.
  • . There is also a separate article about this substance. Another antiseptic widely used in the fight against acne.
  • Ethanol. Everything is clear with it - it partially cleanses clogged pores and burns out bacteria.

That's it. The remaining substances have very dubious properties in relation to acne: mitrimonium bromide, cetyl stearyl ether, disodium cocoadiacetate, allantoin, tartaric acid. It’s unclear why this is all mixed into an anti-acne lotion. The manufacturer was probably guided by the principle “the more, the better.”

However, let’s return to the listed antiseptics. They are more suitable for preventing acne than for actually combating it.. After all, bacteria is only one of the causes of acne. Or rather, it’s more of a consequence than a cause.

Thus, Clearasil is nothing special and absolutely does not live up to the loud claims of advertising. Do you want to cook inexpensive alternative Clearasil right at home? Take 50 ml of salicylic alcohol and the same amount of chlorhexidine bigluconate. Mix all this well and the lotion for problem skin is ready! Only it will cost much less than the vaunted product called Clearasil.

Clearasil for acne reviews

Maybe it's me who is so biased towards this known remedy? Perhaps it was only in my case that it had no effect? Let's listen to the reviews:

Diana, 36 years old, Krasnodar:

I once bought Clearasil blue liquid as soon as it appeared in the 90s, started using it and... oh horror, I had something like that with my face that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy, some kind of streptoderma began, the skin just started to rot, about appearance I’m generally silent, and it started immediately after the first application. I thought that maybe this was the reaction, then it would get better. After a while I applied it again, and it got even worse. So I spooled it straight from the balcony into the trash can onto the street with all my might. I still don’t know what it was. I barely recovered. And I’ve been using zenerite relatively recently, at first the drug gave amazing, excellent results, for about 3 years I looked like a person, it helped instantly, I applied it in the evening, and by the morning I was practically beautiful. And suddenly, this year, having bought another treasured box, I discovered that it stopped working on me (((((I also tried the vaunted cream Clearasil, which, like, removes redness in 4 hours - it works for me positive impact did not provide. I tried to “wet” the reptiles with Todicamp, but it also didn’t do much. Now I’ve decided to tackle the problem from the inside, I’m drinking a second package of lactofiltrum and still need to cleanse my liver. Yes, I also smeared myself with skinoren, it’s also a complete g... as for me, I don’t know why it burns, it turns red even more.

Alena, 21 years old, Moscow:

I remember I suffered with acne, everyone said you seemed pretty, but your acne was just terrible, and I myself understood this and hid it under all the time. foundation, which caused even more acne. I tried a lot various means, including Klerasil, but alas, the acne was still there, only getting smaller while I was using this or that product. And literally half a year ago I tried klenzit s. I liked the reviews about it, so I decided to try it. And this gel actually helped me. Now I only regret the wasted money and the fact that I didn’t find out about klenzit earlier.

Ksenia, 19 years old, Moscow:

The bottle claims 2 main properties of this gel: cleansing the skin and preventing acne. The first is true, the gel foams easily and quickly and thoroughly cleanses oily skin. Particularly suitable for hot weather, because... I couldn’t use it in winter: it was too drying and tight on my face. In general, Clearasil has a very convenient dispenser, and thanks to the transparency of the plastic bottle, you can monitor the consumption of the product. Perhaps this is where the advantages end. I didn’t like its color: unnaturally blue. On mine problem skin the appearance of inflammation only slightly reduces. In general, with regular use I did not notice any significant improvements. Those. at real problems– this gel is ineffective.


Before you buy Clearasil, think about whether this product can help you. Is it worth the money spent on it? And time? In my opinion, this drug is another big scam designed to get as much money out of you as possible. Finally, I suggest you watch a video about the safety of cosmetics:

Brands that were once famous all over the world, which were actually intended for the current younger generation, are completely unknown to them. According to a recent survey, only 50% of teenagers know what Klerasil is.

Klerasil is the first world brand, whose products were created intentionally for a teenage audience in order to rid the younger generation of problem skin.

The popular company "Klerasil", created back in 1950, celebrated its 63rd birthday this year.

Quite a lot of time has passed since then, but Klerasil still remains a fairly popular brand due to its popularity. The Klerasil brand produces special means to delete various types rashes and acne from the skin of the face. In addition, she creates gels and scrubs to keep facial skin healthy and clean.

Standard line

The standard line "Clerasil" consists of creams and gels, lotions and scrubs that effectively cope with acne and acne. In addition, the series is used as a prophylaxis, which helps prevent new acne and keeps the skin clean.

Cleansing gel from the Klerasil series is suitable for any skin type. In addition, there is a series specially designed for sensitive skin.

Any of the presented gels is assigned for three particularly important tasks.

  • The first task of the gel is deep cleansing of the face, which occurs due to the presence of salicylic acid, which penetrates very deeply into the pores. This component will help remove all redness and any inflammation from the face.
  • Second, no less important task, is the fight against bacteria found in the pores. Certain microorganisms stimulate the appearance of rashes and pimples, and Klerasil gel destroys every single one of them - irrevocably.
  • The third, and perhaps the most serious task is exfoliation of dead skin, due to which the renewed skin becomes very soft and tender to the touch.

I would like to note that clerasil gel does not contain harmful fats or impurities, so it can be used daily. Using the gel regularly, you will certainly open up the pores and clogged sebaceous plugs called comedones. Daily use of the product will easily cope with any rash. Your skin will be forever free of acne, which will never appear again!

Apply the cleansing gel only to the damp surface of the skin, no more than twice a day. Apply the gel using gentle circular movements with your fingertips. The skin around the eyes should remain untouched. Rinse off the product with warm water.

Klerasil gel does not dry out the skin, but it will be better if you additionally use a moisturizer of the same brand as the gel. Standard Klerasil cosmetics involve the use of all drugs in combination.

What is Klerasil Ultra?

The Klerasil Ultra series of products appeared on sale relatively recently. Its difference from the standard series is that in just three hours it removes newly formed pimples, and restores old skin problems in three days of use. This series is intended for quick treatment, both acne and acne. The ultra set consists of morning wash gel, skin cleansing lotion and Klerasil-ultra cream.

With the help of the presented lotion you will cleanse your skin of excess sebum. This procedure will be very easy and pleasant, since the lotion contains sufficient volume acetylsalicylic acid and alcohol, ridding the skin of all kinds of bacteria.

To reduce the secretion of sebum, oily shine and bring your skin back to normal, milk protein was added to the lotion. With daily use of such a lotion, visible results will be noticeable already on the third day of use: the pores will gradually narrow, all oily shine will begin to be removed, the skin will become clearer and acquire healthy looking. In addition, the lotion effectively exfoliates the skin.

In order to apply this drug, you should wash thoroughly before applying it to the skin. Pre-cleanse the skin of dirt and dust, and then lightly blot the surface with a soft towel or cosmetic napkin. Then, squeeze a little gel onto your fingertips and begin rubbing it into your skin in a circular motion. Continue rubbing until completely absorbed.

After completing this procedure, be sure to wash your hands. The first couple of days of using Klerasil for acne may be accompanied by some unpleasant sensations associated with exfoliation of dead skin. After deep cleansing the skin and removing dead cells, the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

Let us note the fact that each drug in the Klerasil series has only the most positive reviews. The products have been repeatedly tested by more than one generation, therefore, you can safely use any product from this company.

You can buy Clerasil freely in any city and not only in specialized cosmetics stores, but also in regular pharmacies. Products for the care of problem skin are very popular and are always in stock.

During pregnancy, you can freely use any line of Clerasil. Most girls claim that the use of drugs from this brand has significantly improved the condition of their skin without causing side effects. It is believed that during pregnancy you should not use preparations containing alcohol and salicylic acid, but they are included in almost all skin care products today.

Unlike other drugs, clerasil is not hazardous to health and has almost no contraindications.

Absolutely anyone can use the products of this company, with the exception of those who experience individual skin sensitivity and intolerance to its components.

In this article:

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the statement that advertising is the best engine of trade. Thanks to the funds mass media We all know that by using Klerasil for acne and other rashes, you can make your skin clean and healthy. How do the products of this brand work, and which line of cosmetics should you choose?

Basic information about the Clearasil brand

A brand called Klerasil was first introduced in the United States in 1950. The main purpose of the products produced under this brand is the treatment and prevention of acne, boils, blackheads, as well as excessive oiliness of the epidermis. The main consumers of Klerasil preparations are considered to be teenagers and people under the age of 30, that is, such cosmetics are adapted primarily to eliminate the shortcomings of young skin. All company products can be divided into two subgroups:

  • Stayclear (prevention of rashes);
  • Ultra (for treatment existing acne on various stages. Within this subgroup there are also two directions: day and night).

Prevention line

Preventive cosmetics called Stayclear Clearasil are intended for daily use to eliminate impurities and bacteria, moisturize the epidermis and normalize its oil content.

The first product in this line is a cleansing gel. The composition, applied twice a day, will help you cleanse your pores as much as possible, get rid of bacteria and correct the secretion of sebum. You can use the product in two ways:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of the composition onto your palms, lather, and then wash with the resulting foam. This technique is more gentle and suitable for dry and normal skin;
  2. It is recommended to treat the most problematic areas as follows, the concentrated gel is applied to the face, then rubbed and washed off with water. This will reduce excess oily skin.

Be as careful as possible when using this gel: despite the soft texture claimed by the manufacturers, reviews from real users indicate that it dries out the skin.

After the initial cleansing, you can use the Stayclear Clearasil acne scrub. Its main component is salicylic acid and special microgranules. Their delicate impact allows you to eliminate dead cells and impurities, moisturize the dermis and give it more healthy color. According to the instructions, the composition is used once a day, daily, however, according to real users, treatment with its help should be carried out no more than twice a week.

The final stage of care is the use of lotion. It acts as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent, tightens and cleanses pores, slightly mattifies and softens the epidermis. The lotion is applied to the face using cotton pads; there is no need to wash your face afterwards. You should treat your skin with it twice a day. Reviews about the composition are quite contradictory; for some it is ideal, but for others it provokes the appearance of new rashes. In any case, when using this remedy, do not forget about regular breaks (use for 10 days, rest for three days).

It is believed that for greatest effect All products in the line must be used comprehensively, in the sequence indicated above. However, to achieve desired result It is also possible using one of the listed compositions. Concomitant use Such powerful drugs can have a negative impact on any type of skin.

A universal product is Stayclear Klerasil cream-gel. Its action is aimed not only at cleansing, but also at active moisturizing. Using the cream-gel is quite easy: apply it to your face, gently massage, focusing special attention problem areas, leave the mixture on for a couple of minutes and then rinse with water.

Medical line

The treatment line for acne Klerasil Ultra is more effective and powerful composition. The main objectives of the products in this line include: destruction of bacteria, normalization of sebum, elimination existing inflammations. Ultra day care products are represented by the following products:

  • Gel. Acts as universal antiseptic. It helps to deep clean pores, minimize oily shine, moisturize the epidermis and eliminate inflammation. The gel is applied to damp skin (except for the eye area) and then washed off. The manipulations should be repeated once every 12 hours.
  • Scrub. It has a light texture and soft granules. Helps smooth out skin and deep cleanse pores. Reviews from real users contain information that this drug is more preventive than therapeutic. Do not forget that it should be used no more than a couple of times a week, and only in the absence of active inflammation.
  • Lotion. The main active ingredients are salicylic acid and milk protein. According to the instructions, the composition is used to treat healthy and problematic skin twice a day. Its main task is to eliminate bacteria and optimize the release of oil to the surface of the skin.
  • Cream. The action of the composition is aimed at reducing acne and inflammation. Use it twice a day, directly on areas with acne, boils and other formations. Before applying the cream, you must first cleanse the skin. According to the manufacturers, the composition will get rid of acne in 4 hours.
  • Cream mask. Universal remedy, designed for young problem skin. The composition can be left on the skin for up to 5 minutes and then rinsed off thoroughly. The product promotes hydration and nutrition, as well as relieving inflammation and treating acne.

Treatment line for evening care

Klerasil helps against acne even when you are sleeping. The specially developed Ultra night line consists of three products, the effective and delicate action of which literally transforms your skin.

The night gel from this line has very positive reviews. The product has a soft texture, foams easily, and is used to remove impurities and excess sebum. In addition, it dries out pimples perfectly. The gel is applied once a day (if necessary, not at night, but during the day).

The second stage of evening care for problem skin is lotion. Apply it with cotton pads and do not rinse off. The main objectives of the tool are:

  • skin regeneration;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • disinfection of the epidermis;
  • preparing the skin for applying the cream.

The final, third stage is represented by a light cream. It is perfectly absorbed and allows you to relieve redness, inflammation, and also reduce the size of rashes in just 10-12 hours. The composition is used only once a day to treat previously cleansed problem skin. Don't forget to remove any remaining cream from your hands after applying it.

Choosing funds from acne Clearasil, please note that the Stayclear line is preventative, and the Ultra line is curative. Having decided on the direction of cosmetic products, decide on the use of specific products. It must be remembered that comprehensive care is considered more effective and efficient. Those with oily skin can easily afford to use several Klerasil formulations at once, but if the epidermis is dry, it is recommended to use one, the most gentle product.

Klerasil is a series of cosmetic products for the care of problem skin.

Description of Klerasil products

The Clearasil brand has currently released three skin care series:

  • The Ultra series is intended for problem skin.
  • The Stayclear series is designed to prevent comedones, acne and pimples.
  • Series “Ultra. Night care" has a strengthened composition. This series is intended for additional care over the skin of the face before bed.

The Klerasil acne “Ultra” series includes:

  • Cream-gel for washing (it moisturizes skin, evens out skin color, and can also be used as a face mask).
  • The washing gel has an antiseptic effect (eliminates oily shine and removes inflammatory process).
  • Lotion for cleansing facial skin (cleanses pores, regulates the function of the sebaceous glands and has an antibacterial effect).
  • Klerasil for acne in the form of a cream (instantly relieves redness and inflammation, provides antibacterial effect, penetrates deeply into the pores).
  • Scrub (helps eliminate oily shine, has an exfoliating effect, and cleanses pores after using a gel or cream-gel wash).

The Klerasil "Stayclear" series includes:

  • Cream-gel for washing (cleanses pores, moisturizes and softens the skin).
  • Scrub for daily use (exfoliates dead cells, designed for deep cleansing of pores).
  • Cleansing gel (it can be used instead of cream gel, as it removes oily shine, has an antibacterial effect and cleanses pores).
  • Deep cleansing lotion (promotes skin hydration and additionally cleanses pores).

In addition, they produce cream-gel and lotion “Stayclear” for sensitive skin. These products have a pH-neutral composition.

Klerasil “Ultra” series. Night care" includes:

  • Night cream (it relieves inflammation and stimulates cell growth).
  • Lotion (this product has disinfecting, soothing and regenerating properties; for additional cleaning of pores, it is advisable to use it after the cleansing gel).
  • Night gel for washing (it softens the skin, moisturizes it, relieves inflammation, and also instantly eliminates impurities that appear on the face during the day).

Composition and pharmacological action

Main active substances These products are: aloe extract, allantoin, salicylic acid, glycerin and coco-glycoside.

Aloe extract, which is part of the above-mentioned products, has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Allantoin is a substance widely known in the cosmetic field that accelerates the process of cell renewal, retains moisture in the skin, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Coco-glycoside, which is part of the night series products, is designed to tighten pores.

Salicylic acid helps dry out acne and eliminate redness and irritation.

Glycerin is also included in the night series. It is designed to provide maximum skin softening.

Indications for use

The Klerasil “Ultra” series is designed to cleanse the skin of blackheads, pimples, and care oily skin, which is prone to acne, as well as the treatment of juvenile acne. Reviews of Klerasil "Ultra" indicate that products from this series can be used even in emergency situations(when in as soon as possible it is necessary to reduce the severity of inflammation and relieve redness).

According to the instructions, Klerasil from the “Stayclear” series is ideal for adolescents during puberty - as prophylactic against the appearance of comedones, blackheads and pimples on the skin.

As for Klerasil from the “Ultra. Night care”, then it can be supplemented with the “Stayclear” or “Ultra” series. “Ultra” products Night care" are intended for enhanced care for problematic oily or combination skin that is prone to acne and irritation.

Directions for use

All products from the Stayclear series can be used both morning and evening. They are applied in this order: wash the face with cream-gel or gel, then cleanse the skin with a scrub, and finally wipe it with lotion. According to the instructions, Klerasil products should not be applied to the skin around the eyes. The scrub and gel should be washed off thoroughly with warm water. As for the lotion, there is no need to wash it off. After using it, you can use your regular night or day cream.

All products from the Ultra series are used daily, in the same order as products from the Stayclear series. According to reviews of Klerasil, this integrated approach promotes maximum cleansing of the skin from acne and blackheads, and also makes it possible to achieve high results very quickly.

Cream-gel “Ultra” can also be used as a face mask. That's why it's called combined agent: two or three times a week, the cream-gel does not need to be washed off while washing – it needs to be kept on the face for about a minute. Such use this tool promotes maximum deep cleansing of the skin.

Series “Ultra. Night care" is used exclusively before bed, in the same sequence as the previous series: gel, lotion and cream. Klerasil cream has a light texture and no stickiness after use.

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