Nuts before or after workout. Nuts are a valuable product for athletes. Special properties of peanuts

To achieve best results In bodybuilding, athletes must severely limit themselves in nutrition. You can’t eat sweets and starchy foods, various confectionery and many other products, but you can always find an alternative. One of the most delicious and healthy foods in bodybuilding are nuts. By themselves, they are not sweet, but if you add honey, jam or some kind of jam, you will get a quite tasty and very healthy dessert. In this article we will talk about the use of nuts in bodybuilding, consider their varieties and understand their usefulness of this product.

Nuts have mass useful properties, every athlete should have them at home. Why nuts are so healthy:

  • They contain healthy fats(omega 3-6-9). Read more about this at.
  • They perfectly suppress hunger.
  • They contain a lot of protein and are one of the main sources of protein for vegetarian athletes.
  • Combine with many other foods.
  • They do not require time-consuming processing and preparation.

There are many varieties of nuts, but the most popular types in bodybuilding are:

As we have already said, peanuts are the most popular type of nut among experienced athletes. Many people take peanuts because of their composition; if we compare them with other types of nuts, we will see that peanuts are not too high in calories and contain more proteins. Peanut butter is especially popular among athletes, which is consumed by many professional bodybuilders during mass gain.

When purchasing peanut butter, be sure to look at the ingredients. The butter that is sold in supermarkets in most cases contains a lot of sugar and oils, which in no way harmonizes with beautiful figure. Normal peanut butter can only be bought in some stores, most often vegetarian ones.

You can also make your own peanut butter. To do this, you need to roast and grind peanuts and add a little vegetable oil so that it doesn't turn out too dry. Whether to add sugar or other sweets is up to you. It all depends on your regimen, goals and taste preferences.

Is it possible to eat nuts while drying?

Nuts can be very useful during drying, because they contain healthy Omega-3-6 fats, which promote fat burning. But nuts are too high in calories; just 100g of almonds will bring you more than 600 calories, which is a third of the average daily calorie intake during the diet.

Therefore, nuts should be eaten in very moderate quantities during drying. No more than 50g per day, which is about 300 calories. Also, nuts are only without salt, as they retain water and interfere with maintaining muscle definition. We are still inclined to believe that nuts are preferable during recruitment muscle mass, and not during a diet.

How to make peanut butter at home

Achieving tangible results in bodybuilding is associated with dietary restrictions. This is especially true for those foods that have a lot of calories and can affect the growth of adipose tissue. Many athletes suffer greatly from this, but you can always find alternative option. Nuts are one of those products that in bodybuilding can replace a lot of products that are useless for an athlete. Of course, nuts themselves are not exactly conducive to constant consumption, but if you add honey, jam or preserves to them, you can get enough delicious dish. This article will help athletes prepare appropriate desserts, tell you about the types of nuts and how healthy they are.

Nuts contain mass useful substances, therefore, they should be present in every athlete, especially bodybuilders. So, what are the benefits of nuts:

  • They contain a sufficient amount of healthy fats such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9.
  • Their use suppresses the feeling of hunger.
  • They have sufficient protein content, as well as protein, which is very important for vegetarian athletes.
  • They can be used in combination with other foods.
  • You don't need to spend a lot of time to prepare a nut dish.

Types of nuts in bodybuilding

There are several types of nuts found in nature, but the following are considered useful for athletes:

  • Peanut- This is the favorite type of nut for most athletes, and even more so for bodybuilders. This type of nut activates the production of nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilation, which means that beneficial substances are transported to the body much faster. muscle tissue. In addition, peanuts do not contribute to weight gain. Peanuts are considered a healthy product that provides better job central nervous system, improves memory and relieves depressive state. 100 grams of peanuts contain 26 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and a total of 552 calories.
  • Almond It is considered the richest nut in protein. In addition, almonds contain a sufficient amount of healthy fats. Its consumption leads to a feeling of fullness and also stimulates the production of dopamine, a hormone that is associated with the development of the central nervous system. 100 g of almonds contain 18 grams of protein, 53 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates. Energy value product - 609 calories.
  • Walnut. This nut has a great effect on brain function and activity. It contains many beneficial fatty acids, including Omega-3. In addition, walnuts are a source of melatonin, a substance that helps normalize sleep. In 100 g walnuts contains 16 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat, 11 grams of carbohydrates. The energy value of the product is 656 calories.

As mentioned earlier, peanuts are the most... popular product, which is used by most experienced athletes. Basically, it is bought because of its composition, which is considered the most optimal. It has the fewest calories, but greatest number squirrel. Peanut butter is considered no less useful. It is used by many professional bodybuilders during periods of muscle mass generation.

When purchasing peanut butter, be sure to familiarize yourself with its composition. If you buy butter in a supermarket, then it probably contains a lot of sugar and other additives, which in no way contributes to getting a beautiful figure. The oil, which is quite useful for an athlete, is sold only in some stores that sell vegetarian food.

Good to know! Peanut butter is not difficult to make yourself. To do this, peanuts are roasted and ground with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil, otherwise the product may turn out to be dry.

When consumed, you can add a small amount of sugar or other sweets to the peanuts. In this case, it all depends on the nature of the diet, regimen and goals. Not least of all are the athlete’s taste preferences.

Is it possible to eat nuts while drying?

During the drying process, nuts are especially useful because they contain many healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, which take part in the fat burning process. Unfortunately, nuts contain up to 600 calories (per 100 grams), which is 1/3 of daily dose during a diet.

In this regard, it should be said that during the day, during drying, you can eat no more than 50 grams of nuts. It is advisable to eat nuts without salt, as it retains moisture and does not allow muscles to work.

Based on this factor, we can conclude: it is better to consume nuts during periods of increasing muscle mass, but not during the drying process.

Surely the overwhelming majority of adherents of active and healthy image Have you ever heard about the beneficial properties of omega-6 and omega-3 fats? The fact is that these substances are mandatory should enter the body not only of athletes, but also ordinary people.

Based on this, a completely logical question follows: what foods contain these fats? First of all, in nuts. Therefore, it makes sense to analyze the main benefits of nuts and find out whether they are really so healthy.

Almonds - beneficial properties for athletes

Almonds are an incredibly healthy product. It contains many healthy proteins- they account for 18%. In addition, almonds do not contain carbohydrates, therefore, they are an indispensable element in the diet of diabetics.

Oddly enough, it is even more useful for bodybuilders, because the structure of almonds is an ideal ratio of proteins and fats. After consuming it, the feeling of hunger instantly disappears, control over sugar levels is established, not to mention the fact that additional vascular support is provided due to increased cholesterol removal.

In addition, almonds contain protein, vitamins E and a number of useful elements, in particular iron, magnesium, zinc, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium. Athletes who are lactose intolerant can use almonds as a source of all of the above substances. This is especially true in light of the fact that studies are increasingly documenting poor absorption calcium from dairy products.

Almonds are a product with high level calorie content, but despite this, it is actively used by nutritionists in the process of formation healthy diet for the purpose of weight loss. This nut is able to control appetite and helps suppress the feeling of hunger.

Recently, studies have been conducted that have proven that people who include nuts, especially almonds, in their diet are much lighter in weight than those who do not consume them. In China, almonds are used medicinally to reduce inflammation and spasms, and are often used as a tonic. Almonds must be present in daily diet in athletes and those who adhere to a strict diet.

There is also almond butter; it retains its usefulness, just like whole nuts. But there are more variations in use in paste. When choosing such a product, it is important to pay attention to the components included in the mixture: only nut kernels should be present, only then can the product be considered dietary. Oil, sugar and water should not be used during production.

What are the benefits of peanuts?

Peanuts are not a nut, as many are accustomed to believe, but the seed of a herbal plant belonging to the legume family. Peanut butter is the main attribute of the diet for a professional athlete. It is worth noting that peanuts are considered indispensable during a course of weight gain.

Peanut butter is a source of protein, although there is slightly less protein in peanuts than in almonds. But it contains vitamins E and B3, as well as magnesium and arginine. Don't forget about dietary fiber.

Peanut butter contains a huge amount of calories - exactly what you need to gain weight. Professional bodybuilders include it in their diet even while preparing for competitions.

In the United States of America, the paste is considered dietary and is prescribed for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

Nutela is the only company producing natural peanut and almond butter, which is available to residents of the post-Soviet space. To buy the original, you will have to visit vegetarian stores. If you buy such a product in a supermarket, it will contain sugar or oil, and this is unacceptable for you. Prepare peanut butter you can do it yourself.

You will need peanuts as they are the staple. It needs to be fried, then ground so that the grind is as fine as possible - the consistency of the resulting mass will depend on this. If you can grind it to the smallest grains, the paste will be soft. But at home you will have to add a small amount of vegetable oil, without it the paste will be dry.

What are the benefits of walnuts?

This nut is the most common and inexpensive. But he, like his brothers, is rich in protein. About sixty percent of the nut is fat. The rest is given over to vitamins of groups A, E, B, P and C. Walnuts are generous with potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine and calcium. Special attention deserves phosphorus because it chief assistant for smooth operation human brain in progress mental activity.

Walnut is indispensable for professional athletes. It has a positive effect on internal organs, namely, on the liver and heart, which are strengthened in the process of consuming the product.

This nut can even relieve nervous tension. If you feel stressed, eat a dozen walnut kernels.

Pine nuts - benefits

This type of nut is very difficult to grow in a summer cottage, but it’s worth a try. Because this is a small goldmine of essential substances for the human body. Distinctive feature pine nuts is that the nut fat contains linoleic acid. It is also rich in protein, and the amino acid composition has an increased level of arginine.

If we talk about vitamins, there is a considerable amount of vitamin B, which is responsible for normalizing the nervous system, helps improve blood composition, and affects the growth of the body as a whole. Minerals such as copper, cobalt and zinc are present. The main advantage of pine nuts is its easily digestible configuration of vitamins and minerals.

Hazelnut - benefits

If we compare forest and walnut, then they differ in composition. Hazelnuts contain a small amount of protein, but they contain provitamin A and B vitamins. This type of nut is rich in microelements such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus.

Similar characteristics include the fact that hazelnuts are considered food for the brain. Eastern medicine I am sure that hazelnuts have the power to crush kidney stones. Therefore, such a nut will always find its place in your diet.

Benefits of cashew nuts

Let's get acquainted with the latest representatives of the nut family. We bring to your attention our favorite pistachios and cashews. Thanks to research, it is known that they contain standard sets vitamins and minerals. Cashews differ from pistachios in the presence of vitamin B6 - they contain the same amount of this element as in beef liver.

Pistachios struggle with extra pounds, like almonds. And for representatives of the stronger sex, this is an excellent product for increasing potency.

Cashew differs from its relatives in its considerable supply of carbohydrates, so it can be classified as dietary products impossible. Despite the fact that its use is undesirable for us, cashews are actively used in store-bought mixtures. Therefore, it is necessary to know about it.

IN medical field Cashews are great for toothache, and everyone knows that this is the worst kind of pain. The nut contains substances that fight bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. In countries where there are many poisonous snakes, this nut acts as an antidote.

In supermarkets you can find paste and whole cashew nuts; the first option is easy and simple to apply to bread. This representative is often included in cocktails and sauces.

This product can be consumed raw as a snack or as an additional supplement during breakfast or lunch. Don’t forget about all kinds of dishes where the main ingredient, a taste stimulant, is a nut. But this topic deserves a separate discussion.

So, after we analyzed the nut family, we can come to the conclusion that these products must be present in the diet of every person, especially professional athletes.

Video about the benefits of nuts:

Nuts: great benefits for us!

There are probably no other products about which there is so much speculation and confusion! After all, in fact, among everything that we are used to calling nuts, only hazel (hazelnut or hazelnut) is a real nut. Because, scientifically, a nut is a dry fruit with a hard shell and a kernel that is not attached to it. And everything else is bones and seeds.

All varieties of nuts contain vitamins A, E and B, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Nuts are rich in valuable proteins, just keep in mind: in order to provide yourself with nut proteins, you must eat the most nuts throughout the day. different types. Nuts supply the body with unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, omega-9. They contain fiber, which is the most reliable "cleanser" for the intestines.

Cons of nuts: high calorie content and captivating taste. If you are too fond of nuts, you can get an enlarged liver; in addition, nuts cause allergies, and very serious ones: an allergy sufferer can get sick from even one crumb in ice cream. Nuts are difficult to digest, and in case of problems with fat metabolism and liver, they are generally contraindicated. For best absorption Just lightly toast the nuts and chew them very well! In order not to gain weight from nuts, you need to calculate your nut limit. 20-30 g of nuts in a small bag (about 120-140 kcal) is a snack. But 60 g (400 kcal) is already a replacement for a full lunch. And more than 100 g of nuts at a time are not digestible at all. So during the day we allow ourselves no more than 30 g of nuts; for those losing weight, 15-20 g is enough - for example, 6-7 walnut kernels. And we’ll eat them in the first half of the day! If you get carried away and chew twice as much, for the next two days we avoid nuts altogether. And do not combine nuts with other protein foods (meat, dairy products).

How to choose the right nuts?
When choosing inshell nuts, choose those that are heavier and do not rattle when shaken. They should not have cracks or holes. Buy nuts and seeds whole rather than chopped, ground or shelled, as nut kernels become rancid more quickly. When purchasing nuts and seeds, pay attention to their color. Old, rancid fruits usually have a yellowish tint. Moldy nuts are dangerous and harmful: under the influence of mold, aflatoxins are produced in the kernels - they have neither taste nor smell, they cannot be “tasted”, they can provoke the development of cancer diseases. Therefore, if, after cracking a nut, you notice a cloud of pollen above it, throw it away without regret. Peanuts are especially guilty of this.

How to store?
Nuts can be stored for a very long time. They were even found in excavated mounds and Egyptian pyramids– and at the same time they have not lost their taste. But the pyramids have a special regime of temperature and humidity, and in untouched mounds there is no access to oxygen for oxidation. In modern kitchen cabinets, fats oxidize quite quickly and nuts go rancid. Although frozen they can be stored for years without loss of quality. We put the nuts in the shell in a cool, dark place (a wooden box, cardboard box) and store for up to six months; it is better to put the peeled ones in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator - this way they can last for a couple of months. And now more about different nuts.

Walnut, in fact, is not a nut, but a seed. Its wrinkled kernel resembles a brain in appearance, as if nature were hinting: this nut is especially valuable for brain function. In terms of vitamin C content, walnuts are several times higher than black currants and citrus fruits. Therefore, it is indispensable during the cold season and is useful for people with low immunity. Walnut strengthens muscles and relieves fatigue after physical activity. In addition, walnut fruits have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. There is a myth that walnuts increase lactation in nursing mothers; in fact, they increase not the amount of milk, but its fat content, but they can be an allergen for the child. The daily norm is up to 5 nuts. Walnut grows in Northern and South America, as well as in Asia, from where it is mainly imported.

Walnut fruits contain up to 65% fat, rich in fatty unsaturated acids, lowers blood cholesterol levels, as well as vitamins B1, E, carotene, so they are very popular among vegetarians due to their nutritional value. Even when dried, walnuts retain all their qualities.

Due to availability minerals(potassium, magnesium, iodine) along with unsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended to include them in the diet of patients with ischemia, heart disease and hypertension. Walnuts are very useful for anemia, because... contains compounds of iron and cobalt. Used as a multivitamin and medicinal product.

Hazelnut- the only nut “in law”, they began to collect it in the Neolithic: archaeologists often find its petrified shells during excavations. Presumably, the birthplace of hazelnuts is Greece. In the past, hazelnuts were a symbol of marriage, family happiness, abundance, health and wealth. Unlike other nut trees, the hazelnut tree does not bloom in the spring. Hazelnuts are one of the fattest members of the nut family. But the fats in it are “correct”, so it is good for the prevention of atherosclerosis, helps with hypertension, kidney stones, varicose veins. Hazelnuts help with chronic fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins and inflammation of the veins. Daily norm– 10 pieces.

Hazelnut characterized high content fat (60%), protein (20%), vitamin E, minerals: potassium, iron, cobalt. Like a product dietary nutrition used for diseases cardiovascular system and anemia, increased prostate gland, with varicose veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers shins and capillary hemorrhages.

Peanut- this is not a nut, but a bean, a seed herbaceous plant legume family. Most of all nuts are rich in protein. Wonderful resource folic acid, improves memory and attention, in addition, it is necessary for normal functioning nervous system, heart, liver. It is better not to overuse raw peanuts, as they can cause poisoning. Peanut skin is a strong allergen, so you need to eat roasted and peeled nuts. Compared to other nuts, peanuts are very cheap and are often mixed into them to reduce the price. The daily intake of peanuts is 30 g (20 pieces). It is believed that it does not make you fat, because... Peanuts contain cholesterol-lowering substances. Boiled peanuts are a traditional delicacy in southern states USA - not only tasty, but also healthy, because it contains 4 times more antioxidants than dried or fried nuts. The origin of the peanut is unknown; all that is known is that it was first discovered 950 BC. It is believed that peanuts were first discovered in Brazil and Peru, and then were taken to Africa by missionaries, from where they were brought to North America by slave traders. Peanuts were introduced to Europe in the 16th century, but did not become widespread until the 19th century.

Peanut not only very tasty and nutritious, but also has many beneficial properties. Peanut It is useful to include in the diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system. It contains B vitamins, which add shine to hair and have a calming effect on hair. nervous system, and vitamins of group “E”, which stimulate muscle activity and function of the gonads.

Almond- this is actually a seed; its relative is the peach. Contains a lot of calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B2 and B3, essential for healthy teeth, hair and skin. Almonds are rightfully considered champions in calcium and vitamin E content. Almonds are very useful for anemia and visual impairment. The daily norm is just a couple of grains. Almonds are considered an elite nut because, according to legend, they were especially loved by royal courts. “Royal nut” can be bitter and sweet. In the confectionery industry, sweet is used, and bitter is added for taste (60 fresh bitter almonds cause fatal poisoning: they contain hydrocyanic acid). Almonds come from the Middle East, were known to the ancient Jews, and now grow from the Mediterranean to Central Asia, in California, South Africa, in southern Australia.

Almond extremely rich in all components necessary for nutrition. This is an excellent source of vitamins and microelements. Almonds have medical properties, Galenic preparations are produced from it. It contains necessary for the body protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins B2 and B3 promote metabolism and are indispensable for maintaining healthy condition teeth, hair and skin.

Pine nut- this is a seed. It is known that cedar is in fact not cedar at all, but Siberian pine. Real cedars grow in Lebanon, and ours were named so in the 15th century, when the Russians penetrated into Siberia and, struck by the beauty of an unknown tree, likened it to the cedar from the biblical books. Pine nuts contain tens of times more vitamins than all others, and twice as many minerals. It also contains very important amino acids - more than in milk and meat. The daily norm is 20-40 g. They are completely free of fiber, these are the most tender and delicate nuts. Russia is not the only country where cedar grows. Cedar grows widely in North America, whose residents have been familiar with it since ancient times, as well as in China. Pine nuts also grow in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and even Switzerland.

An interesting fact is that the fat content of American pine nuts is 13% higher than the fat content of European cedar. There are cedar trees that begin to bear fruit only after 25 years.

Pine nut has high nutritional value, it contains many vitamins and minerals, which is why it is very popular. It has found its application in various areas industry. Cedar oil is made from pine nut grains, which has unique medical properties (promotes healing of wounds in gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the surface of the skin). It has a rejuvenating effect, helping to accelerate cell regeneration.

Cashew- these are also seeds, they are located in a fruit similar to an apple or pear. Cashew strengthens immune system, good for the heart. Cashews used to be considered a delicacy of the rich because separating them from the shell was a very labor-intensive task. And you need to separate it carefully: the shell around the seed contains a very caustic oil. Remember in history books there is a certain “ink nut”? – this is cashew; ink for laundry marks is made from its oil. Cashews are rich in vitamins A, B2, B1 and iron, daily norm- a dozen things.

In 1558, the cashew tree was discovered by the Portuguese in Brazil. The Portuguese took this tree to the South African continent, where it took root very well. Currently it can be seen in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania, Benin, Kenya, Madagascar, India and Brazil.

Cashews contain 17% protein, 45% fat, vitamins B1, B2, V3, A and microelements. Vitamins promote protein metabolism and fatty acids in the body and lower blood cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and ensure normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Coconut- The origin of the coconut palm is unknown, it grows in many countries, and dried coconut comes mainly from Thailand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Coconut has medicinal and medicinal properties, good remedy from diseases such as diarrhea. Contains vitamins B and C, as well as essential to the human body mineral salts, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, as well as up to 5% glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Pistachios- also seeds, “living” inside the fruits that appear on a tree that grows very slowly, but lives up to 400 years, and its roots go 15 meters deep! Pistachios are useful for those recovering from illness, as well as for liver diseases, nausea (toxicosis of pregnancy), jaundice and as a preventive measure for heart problems. Green kernels indicate ripeness: the greener the pistachios, the tastier they are. These nuts are considered the best snack not for beer, but for champagne and dessert wines. To do this, they are fried and served in lemon juice. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and are very high in calories. The daily norm should not exceed 10-15 cores, otherwise dizziness and nausea may occur. Here is such an amazing nut: it both causes nausea and cures it. Wedge with wedge.

The homeland of pistachios is the Middle East and Central Asia. Currently, the main importers of nuts are countries such as Iran, Turkey, Syria, Greece, Italy, and Afghanistan.

Pistachios are used as food coloring and for cooking various dishes, both savory and in the manufacture of confectionery products such as nougat, for example, or ice cream.

This nut contains quite a lot of protein, vitamin E and minerals. Vegetable fat has a stimulating effect on the body's defense mechanisms, thereby strengthening the immune system. Proteins satisfy the body's need for essential amino acids. Vitamin E normalizes muscle activity, neutralizes oxygen metabolism products harmful to the body, and reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Brazil nut Overall a strange plant! The fruits are large boxes with a lid, weighing as much as two kilograms, inside which seeds and nuts are stuck like a fan. In appearance Brazil nut looks like large peanuts, but tastes like pine nut. Reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes blood sugar, helps children grow and nervous people cope with stress, since it contains a lot of selenium. It is enough to eat one nut to feel energetic and capable of feats! Tall and beautiful Brazil nut trees grow in the jungles of the Amazon and Orinoco (Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guiana), and they come from Brazil. The leaves of the tree are shaped like leaves bay leaf, and the panicles of white flowers, after a certain time, become denser and turn into thick, brown oblong casings, inside which hide a dozen or more nuts, similar to orange slices, in their own hard shell and a tasty white core.

Brazil nuts contain 66% fat and 14% protein. Even when stored without the shell, Brazil nuts do not lose their properties for two years.

Nutmeg- seed of the tropical fruit nutmeg. In grated form, nutmeg is used in cooking as a spice, adding to milk sweets, vegetable dishes and drinks. In case of overdose (only 1-2 nuts), it causes long and severe intoxication.

Now a few rules for “handling” nuts that you need to remember and never ignore:

1. Walnut kernels are most easily digestible only in highly crushed form. Otherwise, the stomach simply cannot cope with their processing, and their beneficial properties will not be fully used.

2. Since nuts are protein foods, eat them in medicinal purposes only needed at night or before nap, since protein is better absorbed when the body is resting.

3. For 1 appointment maximum quantity nucleoli should not exceed 7. This is the maximum permissible norm. Ideally, 4–5 nucleoli.

4. It is generally not recommended to give nuts to children under 3 years of age! It is better to give nuts starting from school age, when enough enzymes are already produced for their complete absorption. Great care should be taken when introducing nuts into the diet of children over 3 years of age, as nuts are highly allergenic foods. However, the products baby food with nut additives for babies without allergic reactions are allowed, since the nuts in them are ground into dust. Children over 3 years old can be offered nuts and seeds in the form of dessert in the amount of 50 g 1-2 times a week, as well as muesli with nuts and seeds. Some mothers give their children early age halva and kozinaki, motivating their actions with the benefits of nuts. The nuts and seeds in these products have been subjected to heat treatment, so they do not contain useful substances. But halva and kozinaki are oversaturated with sugar, empty calories and low-quality fats. Almonds, cashews and peanuts should never be given to children raw; these types of nuts contain toxic substances. Despite all the attractiveness and wonderful taste qualities nuts, you need to remember that their protein is strong allergen, which can cause allergic reactions in the form skin rash, coughing, sneezing, indigestion or even anaphylactic shock, especially in children and adults susceptible to food intolerance.

Interesting facts about nuts:

Coconut liquid from young nuts can be used as a blood plasma substitute. This was discovered by Fiji doctors during World War II.

According to the observations of nut sellers, the most popular in Russia are cashews, pine nuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

If the walnuts are dry, they need to be kept in salted water for 5-6 days. And in order for the skin of almonds to be easily removed, you need to put them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and then rinse cold water and dry.

Priests in Ancient Babylon they forbade commoners to eat nuts, believing that these fruits strengthen the mind, and the mob has no use for this!

Where did the expression “give a damn” come from? Since prehistoric times, nuts have been a favorite treat for children and are cheap. Therefore, the usual gift from the father of the family, who returned from work, was a couple of kopecks for the children for nuts. And if the children behaved badly in the absence of their father, then the mother would say promisingly: “If father returns, it will be bad for you! If you pour in such roasted nuts, you will never forget them.”

Chemical composition and calorie content of nuts.

The point is how often you eat and how many calories you consume per day. And we need as much as possible. That is, food was available whenever and whatever was available. But in weight gain, carbohydrates are more important; there should be plenty of them and preferably slow. Nuts can be very useful during drying, because they contain healthy Omega-3-6 fats, which promote fat burning.

In this article we will talk about the use of nuts in bodybuilding, consider their varieties and understand the usefulness of this product. Nuts have a lot of useful properties; every athlete should have them at home.

Many people take peanuts because of their composition; if we compare them with other types of nuts, we will see that peanuts are not too high in calories and contain more proteins. If you train hard, you can indulge in nuts while drying, I love them very much). The food may be almost the same, but the portions are larger? You can make a list of foods you need to eat yourself.

Is it possible to eat nuts while drying?

That is, it is difficult to find a ready-made list of products, because everyone has different goals and different initial data. I also see a lot of protein and few carbohydrates in your diet. Eating delicacies is not at all necessary. If the weight still stays the same, then you can even resort to sweets, mayonnaise and other harmful things. The timing of food intake matters little. Try to eat more carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and proteins in the second.

And one more thing, I heard somewhere that supposedly abdominal exercises do not remove the stomach! Moreover, it is better to pump up the abs during the mass gain phase so that they grow a little and then after drying there is relief. What should I do if I don’t want to lose weight, but rather gain it, and at the same time, so that fat is not deposited on my stomach? Personally, enhanced protein helps me remove fat and maintain muscles, but everything should be in order with my health, because I eat restrictions.

To achieve the best results in bodybuilding, athletes must severely restrict themselves in nutrition. You cannot eat sweets and flour, various confectionery products and many other products, but you can always find an alternative. They contain a lot of protein and are one of the main sources of protein for vegetarian athletes. Peanuts are the favorite nut of many professional bodybuilders. Almonds are one of the richest nuts in protein, contain many healthy fats, provide a feeling of fullness and help regulate the production of dopamine (a hormone responsible for brain development).

Foods for gaining muscle mass

Walnut is considered the most useful look nuts to improve brain function and activity. As we have already said, peanuts are the most popular type of nut among experienced athletes. The butter that is sold in supermarkets, in most cases, contains a lot of sugar and oils, which does not harmonize with a beautiful figure. Normal peanut butter can only be bought in some stores, most often vegetarian ones.

No more than 50g per day, which is about 300 calories. Also, nuts only without salt, since salt retains water and interferes with maintaining muscle definition. About 2 hours before training you need to eat a portion of the product, rich in protein and slow carbohydrates.

Within 3-4 hours after training to restore strength after it and replenish glycogen stores in the muscles, it is important to consume a portion fast carbohydrates. However, preference should be given useful products with high glycemic index, and not “lean” on buns, snacks and sweets.

The success of building a beautiful, strong, healthy body is the right balance between literate physical training And balanced diet. Beginning athletes make a big mistake by relying only on protein products. The point is that portion size is not that important. The simplest option is that at one time you should eat no more than fits in the palm of your hand.

Training 3 times a week in the gym is enough to get the desired result. Good afternoon, we have a dilemma: I need to lose weight, but my husband, on the contrary, needs to gain weight. The workouts are naturally tailored for everyone, strength training 3 times a week.

Peanuts in bodybuilding

Hello, Alesya. Food products for weight gain and weight loss are not much different. Your husband needs more calories than you. And then see for yourself whether he will receive them by increasing the volume of portions. Hello! How to create and what nutrition table should I do? I work, I don’t have time for the gym, I only work at home with my weight on the horizontal bar and push-ups every day after work.

I don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym three times a week, but I can exercise at home with my own weight, I have a horizontal bar. My height is 176 and my weight is 73. Please help me create a diet to gain muscle mass. Will it be possible to type it at all with this routine? Eat 5-7 times a day, as in your example I can manage. Hello Lev. You will most likely have a very difficult time gaining weight.

In general, everything was described very clearly and intelligibly about correct mode nutrition! And at lunch? The fact is that I, for example, cannot stand any porridge except rice and buckwheat. If the goal is to gain weight, then you need to: in the morning, be sure to eat foods containing slow carbohydrates and proteins to give the body energy.

By and large, lunch will not be much different from breakfast, except that you can add more proteins. For example, a guy who is more inclined to be overweight also needs to eat a lot during the mass gain phase, but avoid fast carbohydrates. A skinny person, on the contrary, needs to lean on almost everything, maybe even sometimes throw in candy and other sweets to try to slow down the metabolism.

The important thing is what exactly you eat, how many times a day and how you live, everything is supported. To eat or not to eat after the gym, and what should I even eat? Thank you! In the evening, we remove carbohydrates or eat less, but you can eat more proteins, in the form of cottage cheese. Therefore, nuts should be eaten in very moderate quantities during drying. In addition, in 2-3 years everything can change dramatically and you will need to look for a way to lose weight. Any product contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a number of vitamins and minerals, so there are a number of products whose regular consumption will saturate the body with many benefits.