Home peeling with salicylic acid is a worthy and inexpensive alternative to salon procedures. The use of salicylic acid to eliminate cosmetic defects of facial skin

Peeling is one of the main procedures for caring for the face and neck, which allows you to renew the top layer, remove dead skin particles and start regeneration processes.

The peeling contains various acids, in particular salicylic acid. It does not cause skin irritation and acts on the upper layers without penetrating deep inside. This helps to clean the pores well without touching the deeper layers and without causing side effects. Salicylic peeling belongs to the group of superficial and mid-surface skin care products. Judging by the reviews, it can be used at almost any age, both at home and as a salon procedure.

Features of the salicylic peeling procedure

Salicylic acid has a huge amount useful properties, which have found application as part of peeling.

Salicylic peeling can also be used in adolescence, and in mature for skin renewal. The benefits of using peeling also include: non-toxic, easy to perform and the ability to use it to solve various problems.

As a result, the skin moisturizes and tightens, tone alignment and lightening occurs age spots, scars and pores narrow significantly, and cells begin to regenerate more actively.

  1. The acid dries the skin and regulates sebum production, which makes it possible to use the product for oily skin.
  2. It kills bacteria and dissolves blackheads, helping to cleanse the skin and prevent the reappearance of inflammation.
  3. The product helps get rid of traces of pimples and blackheads, as it activates tissue renewal.

Indications for use are:

  • acne 1 and 2 degrees of severity;
  • blackheads, pimples and inflammation, problematic skin at any age;
  • hyperpigmentation and acne marks;
  • seborrhea;
  • disruption of skin microrelief, first signs of aging;
  • rough skin on elbows and knees.

Contraindications include:

  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Individual acid intolerance or allergies.
  • Inflammation and rashes, damage skin, active form of herpes.
  • Cuperosis, a severe somatic disease.
  • Taking hypoglycemic drugs and sulfanyl urea derivatives, as well as some others medicines, information about which can be obtained from a cosmetologist.
  • Fresh tan and summer.

Salicylic peeling at home

You can perform salicylic peeling yourself at home or go to a beauty salon. In the first option, the peeling mixture will contain no more than 5% salicylic acid, which makes the procedure completely safe, but, as reviews indicate, the result will be less noticeable.

A mild salicylic peel is prepared at home to minimize side effects. Reviews for it are mostly positive, but still the result is often weaker than with salon care.

You can use ready-made solutions, for example, "Salicyclicpeel 15%" from Martinex or "Salicylic acid exfoliator 15%" from Professional Solutions. The process will take place in several stages:

  1. The face must be completely cleaned of makeup and dirt and blotted with a towel.
  2. Using a brush or cotton pad, apply the salicylic mixture to the face; after 1-5 minutes, apply a neutralizing solution on top.
  3. Next, the peeling is washed off a large number flow-through cold water, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. Use warm water This is not possible, as this will activate the acid.

You can also prepare the mixture yourself. For this you will need acetylsalicylic acid- not effervescent aspirin.

  • you need to crush four aspirin tablets to a powder and mix with 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • cleanse the skin and apply the mixture to it, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  • after 5-10 minutes you need to rinse off with running water cool water and wipe with a solution of soda (half a teaspoon in half a glass of water).

In both cases, a few days later the skin will begin to renew itself, the top layer will peel off and be covered with scales that cannot be touched or peeled off. The full course takes 4-8 procedures with a break of two weeks, it must be carried out every six months.

Salicylic peeling in the salon

Most often in beauty salons you can find products from the following countries: Spain (Mesoestetic, Toskani Cosmetics, Mediderma). Italy (Enerpeel, Natinuel). Israel (GIGI). Canada (Meillume, Oxygen Botanicals). USA (PCA Skin, Dermaquest). Russia (Mediccontrolpeel, Martinex). Ukraine (Kaetana) and Switzerland (Egia).

The cost of the procedure starts from 1.5 thousand rubles, and together with skin care cosmetics from 5 thousand rubles.

In beauty salons, when used on problem skin, peeling with an acid concentration of 15%-20% is used. This allows effectively dry the skin and get rid of shortcomings. To combat age-related changes and smooth the skin, peeling with 30% acid is used.

Peeling in the salon takes about 30-40 minutes and consists of several steps. Removing makeup and degreasing the skin: the cosmetologist cleanses the face of makeup and dirt and applies special remedy, softens the skin, after which it becomes more susceptible to peeling.

Before peeling the skin disinfected and disinfected. Next, the cosmetologist applies a salicylic solution or paste to the prepared skin. After 7-10 minutes, apply a neutralizer to the peeling and rinse with cool running water.

Some companies produce a salicylic mixture that does not require a neutralizer; in this case, it is simply washed off with water. If you feel burning or itching during the procedure, you should inform the cosmetologist immediately so that he washes off the composition before the end of the procedure.

After washing off the solution, apply a soothing cream to the skin for more quick recovery cells. They may also offer masks.

After salicylic peeling it is necessary follow some rules: use sunscreen even in cloudy weather, do not use the solarium, bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool.

After 2-4 days, complete skin renewal will begin, accompanied by peeling. There is no need to fight this phenomenon, since after it ends, the skin will be pleased with its cleanliness and smoothness.

Side effects

No matter how good and low-traumatic salicylic peeling is, there are several side effects that may occur after it.

In most cases, side effects disappear after two to three days after the procedures.

If they do not go away or constantly get worse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Allergy to components.
  • Swelling, inflammation and redness of areas.
  • Skin tightness and excessive dryness.
  • Sensation of burning and tingling of the skin.
  • Exacerbation of herpes.

Salicylic peeling is a type of acid (chemical peeling). The procedure has been used in cosmetology for a long time, but has not yet lost its relevance. Experts believe that salicylic peeling is the most effective remedy for solving the problems of oily skin that is prone to acne. Those with problem skin have long loved it for its accessibility, simplicity and the ability to exfoliate at home. What is this method and why is it so popular?

Any peeling is a deep cleansing procedure. Its goal is to rid the skin surface of dead keratinized cells, make it smooth, cleanse it of impurities and stimulate the processes of regeneration and renewal of the epidermis. Salicylic facial peeling– a skin exfoliation procedure based on salicylic acid. To talk about the advantages of this method, it is worth taking a closer look at the properties and features of the main component.

Salicylic acid was discovered to the world in the 19th century in Italy. Researcher and scientist Rafael Piria synthesized this substance from willow bark. Salicylic acid quickly found application in the most different areas: medicine, pharmacology, food industry, and subsequently in cosmetology.

Such a wide scope of application is due to unique properties salicylic acid and its powerful antiseptic and keratolytic effects. Today, the physical and chemical properties of acid have been thoroughly studied, and its positive effect on the skin has been proven when used as part of cosmetic procedures.

Photo: Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a dibasic acid with lipophilic properties. In other words, it is able to fight intercellular lipids (fats) and eliminate excess oily skin. When used in cosmetology, the acid exhibits the following properties:

  • Dries out inflammatory elements on the skin well;
  • Has a keratolytic (exfoliating) effect, removing dead particles of the epidermis and cleansing the skin;
  • Shows pronounced anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Stimulates tissue renewal, increases skin tone and promotes rejuvenation;
  • Reduces sebum production, reduces skin oiliness, prevents clogging of skin pores;
  • Eliminates comedones (blackheads).

Indications for the procedure

  • problematic, oily skin with enlarged pores and a tendency to appear;
  • post-acne (blue spots and scars remaining at the site of acne);
  • acne, the appearance of comedones (blackheads);
  • pronounced pigmentation of the skin (including age-related)
  • with photoaging of the skin;
  • for symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis and folliculitis;
  • in the presence of rough areas of skin on the knees and elbows.

Depending on what cosmetic problem the procedure is aimed at, different amounts of the active substance are used. Therefore in beauty salons They offer two types of salicylic acid-based treatments:

  1. Superficial peeling– using a 15% solution of salicylic acid. Its purpose is to eliminate acne and limit the excessive work of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Medium peeling- performed with a 30% solution of the product. Ideal for smoothing skin texture, smoothing scars and porosity and eliminating post-acne marks.

Salicylic acid is a rather aggressive substance, so procedures based on it are not suitable for everyone. Before deciding to undergo peeling, a woman should consult a cosmetologist and find out possible contraindications.

Before proceeding with manipulations, the cosmetologist is obliged to warn the woman about contraindications to this type of peeling. These include:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • the presence of inflammatory elements on the skin in the acute stage;
  • mechanical damage ( open wounds, abrasions, scratches at the site of intended treatment);
  • taking glycemic medications;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • manifestations of rosacea;
  • sunburn;
  • age up to 14 years.

If none of the above restrictions apply to you, you can safely undergo a salicylic peeling procedure aimed at cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.

Despite its simplicity, salicylic chemical peel requires little preparation. In particular, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure before taking sunbathing. If in the coming days you are planning to go on vacation to hot countries, or spend it on the sea coast, it is better to postpone peeling. It is also worth holding off if you have recently returned from the south and have a fresh tan on your skin.

Two weeks before the session, it is recommended to avoid visiting the pool, bathhouse or sauna. It is strictly forbidden to exfoliate the skin by any other means (professional or folk remedies). It is useful to strengthen the day before visiting a cosmetologist drinking regime and drink at least 8 glasses of clean water. This measure will help the body more easily tolerate interaction with acids and prevent possible dehydration.

How does the procedure work?

Photo: Peeling with salicylic acid

The salicylic peeling procedure itself lasts about forty minutes and follows a clear protocol. However, it is quite simple and can be easily reproduced outside a cosmetologist’s office. This is why salicylic peeling at home is so popular. But when carrying it out, you should strictly adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

The very next day after the session, active peeling of the skin will begin, and after a week it will be completely renewed and become soft, smooth and fresh, like a baby’s. During this time, you must avoid exposure to the sun. That's why best time for this type of peeling – late autumn or early spring.

There is an opinion that the skin after peeling does not need additional care, and cosmetic products are completely contraindicated during this period. This is wrong! Despite the regeneration processes occurring in the epidermis, the skin needs help. In particular, it requires increased hydration. Therefore, you should not give up your daily moisturizing cream for external care and drink plenty of fluids to maintain water balance.

Skin exposed to an aggressive substance actually receives a chemical burn. Its severity largely depends on the concentration of salicylic acid and the individual characteristics of the skin. Therefore, after the end of the procedure, redness of the skin in the treated areas is observed and these manifestations may even increase. They are replaced by a feeling of excessive tightness and dryness of the skin. They can be removed by actively using moisturizing cosmetics (toners, creams, lotions).

2-3 days after the procedure, the most unpleasant stage begins - namely, increased exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. This process is inevitable, you just need to be patient to survive it. At this time, you should not attempt to speed up the cleansing and try to pick off dry crusts. They must fall off on their own, otherwise you can injure the delicate, renewed layer of skin. Peeling can be quite severe, so the duration of the procedure should be calculated in advance, so that during recovery you can stay at home and go out as little as possible.

After the peeling process is completed, the skin is miraculously transformed. It becomes elastic and smooth again, small wrinkles are smoothed out, the relief and complexion improves. If the procedure is carried out according to all the rules, then the rehabilitation period takes less time, and the risk possible complications is reduced to a minimum.

Salicylic acid, especially in high concentrations, is an aggressive chemical, so the peeling procedure should be performed by an experienced cosmetologist. In rare cases, if the acid solution is used incorrectly or the procedure is carried out independently at home, the following undesirable manifestations are possible:

  • chemical skin burn;
  • allergic reaction;
  • excessive dryness and dehydration of the skin;
  • swelling and inflammatory reaction skin in the treatment area;

If after the procedure there are undesirable consequences, you should take measures to eliminate them and seek help from a specialist (dermatologist, cosmetologist).

Salicylic peeling at home - popular recipes

The price of salicylic peeling in salons fluctuates around 2,000 rubles, but it is not at all necessary to go to a cosmetologist. The procedure can be carried out at home; for this, in addition to step-by-step skin care products, you need to purchase a ready-made peeling solution or prepare it yourself:

  • Based on aspirin. Pour 5 tsp into an aspirin tablet. water, wait for the formation of white foam, then mix the composition until a mushy mass forms. Next add any . It could be chicken yolk, honey, olive oil or your favorite. The resulting solution is applied to previously cleansed and degreased skin for at least five minutes. Afterwards, wash off with cool water. “Aspirin” peeling is done 1-2 times a week in a course of 8-10 procedures.
  • Aspirin, lemon and soda. This recipe home peeling is characterized by an increased degree of intensity of impact on the skin. To prepare it, 4 aspirin tablets must be crushed into powder and dissolved in 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the resulting paste to the skin for 10 minutes. Normal reaction- This is a tingling sensation. If the skin burns and feels strong burning sensation– the solution must be washed off immediately.

Photo: Salicylic peeling at home

Washing off peeling requires a special approach. You can wash off the composition with plain water, but it is not always possible to completely neutralize the acid. Regular baking soda will come to the rescue; you just need to prepare a solution (1 tsp of soda per 200 ml of water). Dip a cotton pad in the resulting solution and remove the peeling composition from the surface of the skin using circular movements. Finally, you can rinse your face with clean water.

Before choosing a salicylic peel recipe, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Side effects from home treatments often include skin tightness, dryness, persistent peeling, redness caused by mechanical stress or an allergic reaction. Therefore, cosmetologists warn that any acid-based peeling is a burn to the upper layers of the epidermis, and it is better to carry it out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Ready-made salicylic peels

You can make salicylic peeling yourself using ready funds from well-known cosmetic brands that are sold in specialty stores and pharmacies. Here are some of them:

When choosing a product for home salicylic peeling, do not be lazy to delve into the composition indicated on the package. In addition to the main active ingredient, a useful bonus will be the presence of additional fruit acids, which have a beneficial effect and are gentle on the skin.

Salicylic peeling can be done either once or periodically. The duration of the course is 3-5 procedures with an interval of 7 days in the case of superficial peeling, and once every 3-4 weeks in the case of medium peeling. Reviews about salicylic peeling are mostly favorable. Most see the effect after the first procedure and notice the prolonged effect of salicylic acid, which helps eliminate inflammatory elements and effectively tones and rejuvenates the skin.

The main active agent is salicylic acid, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. With its help, they get rid of age spots, wrinkles, and the face acquires even tone, pulls up.

Cosmetologists say that today this is one of the the best varieties acid peeling, which has a positive effect on the epidermis. You can improve your skin condition not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. When properly combined with mechanical grinding, facial rejuvenation and elimination of acne and comedones are ensured.

A few words about the use of salicylic acid in cosmetology

Over the past 2 decades, salicylic acid has held the palm in the fight against acne, post-acne whitening, and acne treatment.

The goals of salicylic peeling can be very different - from skin cleansing to smoothing deep wrinkles

In dermatology, the composition is indispensable for the following diagnoses:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • warts;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • demodicosis

As for cosmetology, the acid in question is included in shampoos, creams, lotions and gels. Due to its rapid solubility in fats, the substance instantly penetrates into sebaceous glands, pores and epidermis, eliminating pathogenic microflora and activating regeneration at the cellular level.

From the point of view of use in cosmetology, salicylic acid has a number of advantages:

  • does not affect the functioning of the immune system;
  • slows down the natural aging process of the skin;
  • does not increase the level of photosensitivity of the skin, which is typical for acids in general;
  • the composition is universal, i.e. can be used for both dry and oily skin;
  • the components of the medicine differ in the direction of their effect - they eliminate pathogens and do not affect the natural microflora;
  • the drug quickly dissolves even the most stubborn sebaceous plugs and regulates the secretion of the corresponding glands.

Salicylic acid quickly loosens and softens the stratum corneum of the epidermis, so it is indispensable for peeling. Thanks to this effect, the preparations used for skin resurfacing penetrate more intensively into the dermis, thereby providing an excellent result.

Salicylic acid peeling – what is it?

Salicylic peeling differs from other varieties in that it is not aimed at mechanically removing the “dead” layer of cells, but at dissolving them. The composition is different soft action, it is not able to penetrate the lower layers of the epidermis, which eliminates the risk of complications characteristic of the post-peeling period.

The severity of the result is determined individual characteristics human skin, its reaction to active ingredients composition, because actually we're talking about about a minor chemical burn.

Upon completion of the procedure, local redness is observed in the areas of exposure to the substance. Over the next 4-6 hours, inflammation increases and decreases. Then the surface of the dermis becomes dry, and a feeling of “tightness” occurs. During this period, it is better to use moisturizing lotions and tonics.

On the 3-4th day, the treated areas of the skin begin to peel off, which is quite unpleasant, but this stage must be endured. The main rule for this period is to protect the delicate epidermis from ultraviolet radiation. On the street in daytime It's better not to go out.

You should not pick off keratinized crusts with your own hands. Patience is the key to success; dead dermal cells should fall off on their own. Haste in in this context is fraught with unpleasant injuries and longer rehabilitation. Experienced cosmetologists recommend planning peeling with salicylic acid in such a way that the recovery period takes place at home.

At the end of the difficult period of getting rid of peeling, the skin is transformed before our eyes. Small folds are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, the relief and elasticity of the epidermis is restored.

Types of salicylic peels

Compositions for peeling with salicylic acid are presented as a paste and a special solution. The first is used to combat manifestations age-related changes on the skin of the hands by exfoliating “dead” cells. Cosmetologists recommend using the paste to care for rough areas of the epidermis (elbows, knees).

As for solutions, depending on the concentration of the active agent, there are 2 types of procedures.

Surface treatment

For superficial effects, a 15-20 percent consistency of salicylic acid is used, which causes a gentle treatment of the dermis, and therefore the method is considered gentle. This type of peeling is preferable in cases where the patient has oily or problematic skin prone to acne, comedones. The duration of the session does not exceed 20 minutes.

Cosmetologists focus on the incompatibility of salicylic acid and resorcinol, zinc oxide. It is better to stop taking the appropriate medications 1 month before the cosmetic procedure to minimize possible complications.

Superficial action effectively eliminates facial and shallow wrinkles and lightens problem areas, but in the case of deep defects this method is ineffective.

Mid-surface impact

For a more pronounced and deep effect, a 25-30 percent essence with a pH level of 1.3 to 2 is used. The corresponding procedure not only smoothes wrinkles and the dermis as a whole, but also increases the concentration of turgor. Specialists use this type of processing for prompt elimination the first manifestations of age-related aging, whitening of the dermis by several tones.

Salicylic acid peeling procedure

Peeling with salicylic acid - common and in demand cosmetic procedure. The corresponding services are provided in almost every cosmetology office, not to mention beauty salons. It's about chemically effects on the skin, which eliminates the risk of side effects and eliminates microtrauma to the epidermis. The acid activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, tones the cells, making the face fresh and youthful.

Protocol for salon peeling

Procedures carried out in salons are more effective because... The specialist selects the composition taking into account the characteristics of the skin, monitors the patient, and controls his condition. Peeling takes from 20 to 40 minutes. In most cases, we are talking about 4 successive stages of processing the epidermis.

At the end of the session, you should not go out into cold air or direct sunlight for 2-3 hours. sun rays. After cleaning, the sensitivity of the dermis is very high; it requires some time to recover.

Application results

The results of using salicylic acid depend on the professionalism of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, the condition and characteristics of the skin.

If the protocol was followed extremely precisely, you can count on the following results:

  • after the first session, the number of acne in the treatment area is reduced;
  • stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen;
  • small folds and wrinkles are eliminated;
  • natural facial tone is restored;
  • scars left after acne dissolve and level out;
  • regeneration processes are activated.

Experts emphasize that the final results depend on the patient himself, or more precisely, on the correctness of his skin care after the procedure.

General rules for post-peeling care

All efforts aimed at combating age-related skin defects can easily be nullified. Just one day spent outside without sunscreen can cause the reappearance of wrinkles and age spots in “old” places. In this regard, cosmetologists strongly recommend not to be in the sun without first protecting the skin with an appropriate product. This rule applies primarily to patients struggling with pigmented tumors.

Despite the fact that peelings are often carried out in the fall and winter, in many salons the procedures are practiced in the spring and summer. Regardless of the time of year the procedure is performed, the skin mandatory protect with lotions and creams. But it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium.

After salicylic peeling, until the epidermis is restored, it is not advisable to visit the pool, gym, water procedures, because There is a risk of the appearance of a pustular rash.

It is not recommended to get rid of scales coming from renewed skin on your own. Under these keratinized particles of the epidermis, favorable conditions for skin regeneration. If you get rid of scales ahead of time, the skin will high probability will turn red, and then another layer of hard crust will appear.

Salicylic peeling: before and after photos

The effectiveness of the procedure is best demonstrated by photos before and after peeling using salicylic acid. It is worth noting that the corresponding results are achieved subject to professional exposure to the skin in a specialized salon. Home sessions are associated with certain risks and complications.

Salicylic peeling smoothes forehead wrinkles
Chemical peeling with salicylic acid provides skin rejuvenation
An example of eliminating age wrinkles using salicylic acid peeling
A striking example results of salicylic peeling

Salicylic facial peeling: video

In the video below, a cosmetologist talks about the features of salicylic facial peeling. We strongly recommend viewing this material.

Salicylic peeling is a skin regeneration procedure. The effect of salicylic acid belongs to the category of chemical peels with a superficial-medium effect. Removing the stratum corneum of the skin activates the formation of collagen and elastin. This promotes new cell growth and rejuvenation.

Properties of salicylic acid

The substance is known for its bactericidal effect. It manifests itself as a result of cauterization. As part of solutions, the acid can be used externally as an antipyretic at high body temperatures. As an analgesic substance, in microdoses it is included in some synthetic preparations for internal use.

In cosmetology, its property of dissolving the stratum corneum is used. Salicylic acid is an antiseptic and disinfectant and acts as an antimicrobial, locally irritating substance. Included in ointments and creams for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Used in the production of powders, callus plasters and liquids.

Main results of application medicinal compositions with acid:

  • Drying of the skin. Used for spot cauterization of acne;
  • Elimination of comedones. Black dots dissolve or become discolored;
  • Removing acne spots. When applied locally, the acid penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and activates blood circulation and tissue regeneration;
  • Prevention of acne. Used in lotions and gels for daily care;
  • Regulating sebum production. External use reduces oiliness and cleanses pores;
  • Skin rejuvenation. Used in dry cleaning products that renew surface layer.

For results, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist before starting the procedure, find out your skin type, possible reactions, methods of care. Also know how to maintain the achieved results.

Who benefits from salicylic facial peeling?

The procedure can be performed at any age. For adolescents it is usually prescribed in medicinal purposes. External changes are expressed in a decrease in pigmentation, a decrease in scars, narrowing of pores, and smoothing of the skin texture.

Salicylic peeling has the following indications:

  • Acne (grade 1,2);
  • Inflammation, black spots;
  • Consequences of acne;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Rough skin on knees or elbows;
  • Lumpiness or first signs of aging;
  • Porosity;
  • Hyperkeratosis.

It is not recommended to use salicylic peeling:

  • Herpes;
  • Allergies;
  • Intolerance to components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Fresh tan;
  • Skin damage;
  • Somatic diseases;

In beauty salons, several components are included in the cleaning composition. Interacting, they work comprehensively and show significant results. It is safe, but the effect is correspondingly less pronounced.

Types of peeling

For oily skin, superficial peeling is used with a 15% solution. It copes with skin defects. Mid-superficial peeling is carried out using a 25% solution. It is necessary for more serious problems with the skin and promotes smoothing, renewal of the skin, and elimination of scars.

How to prepare for peeling

Two weeks before cleaning, cosmetologists recommend starting preparation. It consists of excluding trips to the solarium, sauna, and swimming pool. Also limit sun exposure and use of scrubs. To combat pigmentation, the preparatory course includes bleaching agents. Against sagging - compositions with a lifting effect, such as coral peeling. Creams that soften the epidermis help a lot.

There is no need to change your diet or rhythm of life much. New diets or foods that are unusual for the body can cause allergic reactions or inflammatory processes on the face. Other cosmetic procedures should also be postponed.

Advantages of salicylic peeling procedure

Ease. The cleaning procedure is not difficult if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Efficiency. Eliminates rashes, blackheads, and other skin defects. Peeling is also a means to combat the signs of skin aging.
Safety. Salicylic peeling is a non-toxic procedure. Cleaning does not affect deep layers. Resolution is minimal.

Versatility. Cleansing can be used for different areas of the body for patients of different ages.

How to make a peeling solution

You can buy the solution at the pharmacy or make it yourself:

  1. Recipe for gentle peeling: crush a regular aspirin tablet and mix with a small amount of rich face cream (7 ml). You need to keep the solution on your face for an hour. This recipe is for dry skin;
  2. Another recipe option for oily skin: dissolve an aspirin tablet in water (15 ml), add a little soda, natural honey (5 ml). Mix well and apply to skin. You can keep this mixture on your face for only five minutes so as not to damage it. Honey can be replaced olive oil or aloe juice.

You can try egg yolks. If you have very problematic skin, it will be better to use two tablets. This will make the mass more homogeneous, and you can easily apply it evenly to your face. Peeling should be applied in a circular motion. Do not apply the solution to sensitive skin lips and around the eyes.

Choose home or salon peeling

It would be better to visit a salon. The salicylic peeling procedure traumatizes the skin, although not deeply, so you need to comply with all hygiene and safety requirements. If you carry out the procedure at home, you should not undertake it without consulting a cosmetologist.

Carefully read all instructions for the creams and solutions you will use. Although this is simple procedure, it’s still better to pay a little more and have it done by a cosmetologist. It is worth knowing that a procedure carried out at home will not give the same effect as a salon cleaning performed by a cosmetologist.

Salon peeling

As preparation, the skin is treated with a solution to remove makeup and oil. The essence of the procedure itself is to apply a salicylic mixture to the skin. Sometimes 2-3 layers are required. Of course, only a doctor can determine the strength of the effect based on the condition of the skin.

Salicylic facial peeling splits and loosens the surface layer. This promotes its natural removal. Acid, penetrating into deep layers, actively affects hair follicles, launching cell regeneration processes. After the drug dries, a white coating forms on the face.

It is removed with a neutralizing composition, which prepares the skin for a new stage - nutrition. Various masks, creams, gels saturate cells nutrients, moisturize and accelerate the formation of a new young layer. During the renewal process, new collagen and elastin fibers begin to be actively produced. The tissue frame of the face is strengthened, the skin is renewed and becomes elastic and fresh.

Salicylic peeling uses a 15-20% concentration. It is suitable for young or oily skin. This solution is effective for comedones or acne. Mid-superficial peeling is carried out with a 30% composition. It is relevant for leveling the relief and combating facial wrinkles.

One session lasts about 3-10 minutes. During it, compositions are applied to the face. Popular drugs from the companies Martinex, Mediderma, Beautymed.

Acid cleaning at home

For home use it is better to use ready-made solutions of known cosmetic companies. They are sold in pharmacies or beauty salons. To prepare the mixture yourself, it is recommended to carefully study the effect of the individual components, consult with a specialist and test the finished solution on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body.

Salicylic peeling consists of:

  • Preparation. Gather hair under a cap. It is better to wear clothes with a deep neckline for comfortable washing;
  • Cleansing. It is necessary to remove makeup and wash, using products to deep cleanse the skin. Dry your face with a cloth;
  • Application of the solution. The salicylic mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad or applicator brush. After drying, after about 3-5 minutes, a layer of neutralizing solution is applied;
  • Washing. The face should be washed with cold running water. Do not use warm or hot water to avoid burns;
  • Nutrition. Apply nourishing cream with light pats.

A full course usually consists of 4-6 procedures. They are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks. It is worth recording the results by photographing the problem area before the peeling and after each stage.

For cleaning at home, there are very convenient complexes with a set of products. For example, EnerPeel SA offers wet wipes impregnated with lotions for cleansing and neutralization in addition to the main composition.

Careful care

Salicylic peels may cause redness and flaking. These are common occurrences that should not be surprising. After a few days, active exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin begins. You cannot tear off or remove the scales. Rejection should happen naturally.

The recovery period usually lasts one week. Salicylic peels can sometimes contribute to signs of side effects:

  • Dryness and tightness;
  • Irritation;
  • Peeling;
  • Slight swelling;
  • Redness;
  • Allergy.

It is not recommended to use decorative products until peeling is complete. cosmetics. You should not attend procedures with an aggressive effect on the skin. Swimming pools with chlorinated water and hot steam baths should not be planned in rehabilitation period. Before going outside, you must apply sunscreen.

For washing, use milk and micellar water. Moisturizing lotions with antioxidants have proven themselves well. At home, you can use caring masks using folk remedies with herbal ingredients.

Salicylic peeling can be classified as a universal body care product. It can be used for peeling feet, elbows, knees. Excellent for removing corns and the effects of calluses. It is necessary to carry out several sessions and additionally apply moisturizing and nourishing products. To obtain a significant rejuvenation effect, it is advisable not to stop at using external procedures and products. It is necessary to lead healthy image life, exercise and eat right.

Salicylic acid is used in beauty procedures and is included in products, because its effect is complex. In modern cosmetology, the substance is used due to its ability to dissolve the surface layer of dead cells covering the skin. Salicylic peeling is prescribed for acne, melasma, manifestations of photoaging, lentigo. What do you need to know about this procedure?

What is good about salicylic peeling?

Exfoliation, which can be superficial or mid-superficial, is effective, safe and has few contraindications. Peeling with salicylic acid will delight you with the following advantages:

  • universality, since it is suitable for different parts of the body (for comprehensive rejuvenation it is also necessary to treat the neck, décolleté and back side palms);
  • the ability to carry out the procedure even with dark skin;
  • effectiveness for patients of all age categories.

Chemical exfoliation based on salicylic acid does not eliminate pronounced defects: for deep wrinkles, severe photoaging and acne scars, you will have to look for potent products. Still main component falls into the group of beta hydroxy acids, known for their ability to exfoliate dead cells.

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The substance also has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect, reducing the risk of inflammation. It is accompanied by a rejuvenating effect, since the component prevents destruction hyaluronic acid, so necessary for natural moisturizing of the integument.

Thanks to these features, exfoliation is carried out in the presence of the following skin problems:

  • acne and rashes;
  • melasma;
  • post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • mild to moderate photoaging;
  • superficial wrinkles;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • freckles, lentigines and age spots;
  • uneven texture of the integument.

The effectiveness of the procedure is confirmed by independent dermatologists, including Paula Begun, an American beauty expert. It confirms that salicylic acid penetrates into the pores, eliminating acne and blackheads. However, you need to remember about contraindications, which include the following:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • dermatitis on the treated area;
  • having a strong tan;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of infections or herpes virus in acute form;
  • increased sensitivity covers;
  • recent use of isotretinoin.

To reduce the chance of side effects, consult a qualified dermatologist. After all, despite the apparent safety of the procedure, it is a controlled chemical burn. An ordinary cosmetologist does not have sufficient understanding of the processes or the ability to recognize signs of potential complications in a timely manner, so it is not worth saving on facial peeling.

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Skin condition at 1st and 4th week after peeling

Features of the options

The concentration of the component depends on the tasks to be solved:

  1. For oily skin with sebaceous plugs and acne, the dermatologist uses a 15-20% solution. In this case, peeling is superficial and does not require long-term recovery period. The procedure is called "lunch break exfoliation" because you will be able to resume your normal activities. By looking at the photos taken before and after salicylic peeling, you will be convinced that it returns healthy color face and improves the texture of the skin.
  2. The mid-superficial procedure is carried out if it is necessary to eliminate the results of photoaging, age-related changes, and post-acne. The concentration of the component is 30%.

Stronger solutions stimulate the production of collagen and elastin - proteins that give elasticity to the skin. It must be taken into account that the component has an aggressive effect at high concentrations, so it is combined with fruit acids.

According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, cleansing should be done regularly for optimal results. The frequency of procedures is determined taking into account the condition of the skin and the characteristics of daily care, but on average 5-7 visits to the salon with a break of 7-14 days are sufficient. With seborrheic dermatitis and hyperpigmentation, the number of exfoliations increases to 8; if you suffer from hyperkeratosis, 5 repetitions with a break of 1 week are enough.

Pre-peeling preparation: what you need to consider

Salicylic facial peeling, although a relatively harmless procedure, requires preliminary preparation. The more intense the impact, the more careful care should be taken. At this stage, you will evaluate the qualifications of the dermatologist, because he must do the following:

  • study the condition of your skin;
  • find out if there are contraindications;
  • describe in detail the results achieved;
  • make sure that the patient's expectations correspond to the effect that can be obtained;
  • warn about complications.

An obligatory part remains the assessment of the condition of the integument according to the Fitzpatrick classification and the level of photoaging according to the Glogau scale. The dermatologist then asks about your medical history and finds out what procedures you have used in the past.

To reduce side effects, products containing tretinoin, hydroxy acids, hydroquinone and kojic acid are used. They are applied 2-6 weeks prior to your scheduled procedure to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the thickness of the layer of keratinized tissue;
  • accelerate the production of new cells;
  • improve penetration active substances during exfoliation.

You will be asked to stop smoking, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and use cream with SPF filters. If you follow the rules, the procedure will become more effective: so that the results correspond to the improvements after salicylic peeling in the photo , do not neglect the recommendations of a dermatologist.

Exfoliation stages: step-by-step description

Exfoliation itself consists of the following stages:

  1. Cleansing means removing decorative cosmetics. Then the doctor treats your face with a composition that softens the upper layer of the epidermis.
  2. Sebum removal and disinfection are intended to prevent side effects. The result depends on the thoroughness of the stage, because the active components must penetrate the skin evenly.
  3. The dermatologist treats the skin with a solution of the substance, usually resorting to a concentration of 20-30%. Techniques may vary, but often doctors apply the mixture to the cheeks first, then around the mouth, chin and forehead. The face is covered with an acid solution in 2-3 layers, then allowed to act for 3-5 minutes. If clients complain of a burning sensation, the symptoms are relieved by directing a stream of air onto the face.
  4. If you look at the photos before and after salicylic peeling, you will notice that the duration of the recovery period depends on the intensity of peeling. And their appearance is associated with the formation of frosting during the procedure - a white crust resulting from acid crystallization. This is how salicylic peeling differs from exfoliation using TCA, because in the latter case, frosting is associated with a protein reaction in the cells. Only a qualified dermatologist can control the appearance of a white crust: it is necessary when treating photoaging, and when fighting melasma or age spots, the mixture is removed in advance.
  5. The solution is washed off with water or special means.

Finally, a soothing mask or cream with aloe extract is applied to the face, accelerating regeneration and protecting against aggressive influences. You can learn more about salicylic peeling using the video:

Post-peeling period and skin care

Because the procedure is a controlled chemical burn, you will experience a feeling of tightness and dryness. With superficial-medium peeling, redness is possible, and the severity of symptoms depends on the characteristics of the body and the concentration of acids. To reduce manifestations, use cleansers without fragrances or aggressive ingredients, and apply moisturizer.

48-72 hours after the procedure, the desquamation process begins, when dead layers of skin peel off. It is important not to tear off the rags, otherwise scars will form; instead, apply topical steroids as prescribed by your doctor, which reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

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After the recovery period, the condition of the integument improves compared to the initial one:

  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • unevenness and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • acne and rashes are noticeably reduced.

Thanks to these features, salicylic peels do not lose popularity even after the advent of laser technology.

Complications and side effects

Possible side effects after exfoliation:

  • abnormal redness of the skin, called erythema, in 8.8% of cases does not disappear within 48 hours or more;
  • severe dryness of the skin makes itself felt in 32.3% of patients, but the manifestations can be reduced by applying moisturizers;
  • excessively deep exfoliation is accompanied by peeling for 7-10 days and the formation of crusts; later the problem disappears without additional measures.

In some cases, there are complaints of age spots, swelling, and a burning sensation. If the doctor did not ask you about your medical history and did not carry out appropriate prevention, exacerbations of herpes are possible.

If the procedure is carried out correctly and proper restorative measures are taken, side effects can be avoided, and the effectiveness is not satisfactory.

Prices and brands in showrooms

The cost of exfoliation ranges from 1,300-5,500 rubles, and you will also have to purchase preparations for the preparation and regeneration period. They are more expensive: 5,000-12,000 rubles. In total, the course will cost 25,000 rubles.

The salons will offer you the following brands of peeling products:

  1. Mediderma has developed products that relieve skin problems, but the post-peel care cream leaves much to be desired due to its density, reminiscent of Vaseline. If you have severe skin defects, choose pyruvic or almond peeling from a Spanish manufacturer.
  2. Medic Control Peel offers a wide range, including salicylic peels. But, according to reviews from professionals on forums, preparations for this type of cleansing stand out unfavorably compared to other products from the Russian company.
  3. Egia will delight you with a line of expensive, but effective means for exfoliation. In addition to the main ingredient, compositions from Swiss brand includes lactic acid, which provides hydration, or fruit acid, which dissolves the bonds between dead cells.
  4. Enerpeel has earned praise from dermatologists due to its composition and ease of application. But preparations from the Italian manufacturer cannot be left on the skin, so contact only professionals. You can verify the effectiveness of the products by looking at reviews and photos before and after salicylic peeling.

With the right choice of drugs and adherence to technology, the procedure will delight you with results. You can verify this by studying the reviews on the forums: if patients follow the recommendations and do not tear off the scabs, the improvement in every sense is obvious.

How to do the procedure at home

Although dermatologists advise against experimenting on your own, brave beauties are getting down to business. If you are one of them, purchase the 15% acid solution from Amazon.com. Don't make the common mistake of betting on a high concentration in hopes of getting best result! During the first procedures, a 15% solution will give the same effect as a 30% solution with regular use.

Frequent superficial peels are safer and more effective than infrequent and aggressive peels.

At first, the exposure time will be 1 minute, but after a couple of exfoliations, begin to increase the duration. Even in the absence of redness and irritation, it is impossible to exceed the limit of 5 minutes. The interval between procedures will be 2 weeks, which will allow for a cumulative effect. Once you complete the 3-month course, maintain results by exfoliating your face with salicylic acid every 30 days.

Follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Wash and dry your skin. Wipe it with a degreaser (you can use an alcohol solution).
  2. Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, area around your mouth, and nostrils.
  3. Pour a small amount of peeling liquid into a glass container. Apply over skin using a brush. Try to act quickly to ensure even exfoliation. Start with the T-zone, as this is one of the most problematic areas, then work on your cheeks.
  4. Avoid contact with eyes; make sure the product does not drip. Also avoid the area around the lips and neck.
  5. Count the time from the moment you start applying the peeling liquid.

Observe the reaction of the skin in the mirror and remove the product if you notice severe redness. Pinching will be a normal reaction, and it will decrease after 30 seconds. This doesn't mean you need to add more acid! When the time is up, treat your face with a pre-prepared soda solution (pour 1/2 cup with 2 cups of water). All that remains is to apply a moisturizing and soothing agent, which can be coconut oil.


Salicylic peeling is a type of chemical exfoliation. It is used for superficial and superficial-medial cleansing, eliminating minor age-related changes, photoaging and acne. Perfect timing There will be a period of low solar activity for the procedure, so go to the salon in autumn or winter. In some cases, peeling is done at home, but products with high concentration acid should be avoided.