Drops for dry eyes. Moisturizing eye drops: varieties, best preparations, reviews

Load on visual organs modern man so high that the eyes require additional protection. One of the most common problems is increased dryness of the eyes, which causes discomfort and reduces visual acuity. Properly selected moisturizing eye drops can help cope with it.

Causes of dryness

The cornea of ​​the eye can dry out for several main reasons:

  • as a result long work at the computer, which contributes to rare blinking and, as a result, poor hydration of the cornea;
  • due to frequent long-term stay in rooms with polluted air, harmful volatile substances, as well as permanent job air conditioning and heating systems;
  • when reading small print (documents, books) and increased visual load;
  • at ophthalmological diseases accompanied by insufficient production of tear fluid (for example, keratoconjunctivitis sicca).

Wearing lenses in most cases aggravates the problem of dry eyes. Since the optical product is in close contact with the cornea for several hours, if natural moisture is insufficient, hypersensitivity eyes or poor quality lens care may cause a feeling of fatigue and burning. In such a situation, you cannot do without good moisturizing eye drops.

What are eye moisturizing drops?

Moisturizing eye drops are an ophthalmic preparation based on distilled water. It is close in composition to human tears, replenishes the lack of natural tear secretion, increases the degree of hydration of the cornea and improves the sliding of the eyelids over the eyeball. Using moisturizers eye drops relieves symptoms of dry eyes, eliminates discomfort that can be caused by wearing contact lenses.

Today, the choice of moisturizing eye drops is quite wide. Similar drugs Produced by many well-known brands. However, not every product is right for you, so be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before purchasing.

When selecting drops, the specialist will take into account the individual composition of the tear fluid of each patient, the presence of a tendency to allergic reactions, the required frequency of instillation, and the compatibility of the drug with contact lenses.

How to choose the right corneal moisturizer?

When choosing an ophthalmic drug in a pharmacy or online store, it is not enough to ask: “Please advise good drops, moisturizing the cornea." You need to clearly understand for what purpose you need this or that drug.

There are two main categories of moisturizing eye drops:

  • products that are specifically designed for contact lens users;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic drugs that are usually prescribed for dry eye syndrome to those patients who do not use contact optics.

If you wear lenses and expect to instill the drug several times a day, give preference to those moisturizers that can be instilled on top of optical products. These drops contain no components that can impair the quality of vision or the structure of contact lenses.

Having purchased necessary remedy, instill it twice a day: in the morning, half an hour before putting on lenses, and in the evening, after removing them.

It is also important to consider other factors when choosing drops:

  • their purpose (for soft, hard or all types of lenses);
  • presence of preservatives. Such substances extend the shelf life of the drops, but increase the risk of developing allergies;
  • release form. The most convenient is considered to be a bottle with a safe dispenser, which allows you to correctly calculate the dose of the drug and not damage the delicate tissues of the eye;
  • portability. Even the highest quality and proven drops may not be suitable for you if they contain a component that causes you an allergic reaction.

If you take into account all these factors and listen to the opinion of an ophthalmologist, you can easily choose a moisturizing product that will combine effectiveness and safety for the health of the visual organs.

Succinic and hyaluronic acids in moisturizing drops

Manufacturers of ophthalmic drops for moisturizing the cornea often include natural ingredients such as hyaluronic or succinic acid in their preparations.

Hyaluronate has the natural ability to attract and retain water molecules. For this reason, it is considered one of the best moisturizing ingredients and is present in many drops. Based on hyaluronic acid the drugs Optimed ProActive, Hilo-Komod, Oxyal, Avizor Moisture Drops and many others have been created. Hyaluronic acid provides deep and long-lasting hydration of the cornea, due to which drops based on it help get rid of dryness and irritation, relieve redness and eye fatigue. Hyaluronate is also able to activate regeneration processes in the eye tissues, due to which such drugs heal microscopic damage to the cornea well and are recommended for people who are forced to work in hazardous industries.

Drops based on hyaluronic acid have a viscous texture, due to which they stay on the cornea longer. They create on the surface eyeball a thin film that protects from damage when wearing contact optics and gives the eyes high-quality hydration and comfort.

Succinic acid is part of Optimed ProActive moisturizing eye drops from a Russian manufacturer. This component not only has moisturizing properties, but also has antiviral, regenerative, restorative effect and helps improve cellular “respiration”. Thanks to succinic acid, the cells of the cornea absorb oxygen faster and better, which is very important for maintaining eye health, especially when wearing contact lenses.

In addition to preparations with hyaluronic and succinic acids, manufacturers also produce large number good drops, which are based on other active components. Examples of such products for moisturizing the cornea are: Avizor Comfort Drops, Licontin Comfort, Sauflon Comfort drops. These ophthalmic drops are also effective in moisturizing and protecting the cornea, but they need to be instilled more often because they quickly evaporate from the surface of the eyeball.

Botanical moisturizers

Today, among the huge selection of drugs, you can find drops made with the addition of herbal ingredients. An example of such a product is the popular Oftylla moisturizing drops from the Italian brand Omisan. The solution is used to moisturize and protect the eyes, and it contains extracts of chamomile and mallow. Ophthalmologists often prescribe this drug to people who practice prolonged wearing of contact lenses, or to those whose eyes do not produce enough tear secretion. Also, indications for the use of Oftylla may be a long stay in the wind, in a dusty room or in other unfavorable conditions. external conditions. For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, drops with plant extracts will provide reliable protection against eye fatigue and discomfort. The solution maintains the natural tear film in a stable state, helps the eyes adapt to wearing contact lenses, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Even the best drops that moisturize the cornea may have contraindications. The main periods of pregnancy and lactation are considered for most drugs. childhood and personal intolerance to components.

Although eye moisturizers have a much smaller list of contraindications than other ophthalmic drugs, they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

If you start using any drops and notice symptoms such as itching, burning, or redness of the eyes, stop using them immediately and consult an ophthalmologist. Probably, this is how you have developed an allergy and you need to choose a drug with a different composition.

How to bury it correctly?

Good facilities, moisturizing eyes, contain detailed instructions, in which you can familiarize yourself with the rules of instillation. Be sure to read it before using the drug for the first time.

In most cases, the instillation procedure is standard and includes the following manipulations:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Tilt your head back and gently pull your lower eyelid down with your left hand.
  • Direct your gaze to the ceiling and fixate it.
  • Required quantity Squeeze drops into the conjunctival sac and wait about one minute.
  • Without lowering your head, blink so that the product is evenly distributed over the surface of the eyeball.
  • Repeat similar manipulations for the second eye.

If the drug cannot be applied directly to contact lenses, put eye drops at least half an hour before installing them.

If the product can be applied to contact lenses, then you can instill it during the day at intervals of 2-4 hours without removing the optical products.

The online store offers a large assortment of moisturizing drops and other products intended for users of contact optics. Solutions, storage containers, contact lenses themselves - you can purchase all this at favorable price with home delivery. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, consult your ophthalmologist in advance.

Dry eye syndrome is massive problem V modern world. We don’t notice how often we sit in front of monitors and screens, and at this time our eyes become overstrained, we blink them less and, as a result, dry eye syndrome appears. However, this is a secondary reason and in most cases far-fetched, because this syndrome is a pathology or a concomitant factor of the underlying disease. AND this pathology It is not easy to cure, however, dry eyes must be dealt with immediately, before the consequences become irreversible.

Causes of dry eye syndrome

Pathology can manifest itself due to a huge number of reasons, including:

  • Sjogren's disease syndrome;
  • hormonal changes in women;
  • neuralgic disorders;
    eyelid deformation;
  • taking antidepressants, hormones, antibiotics;
  • dust, dry climate, smog, smoke;
  • lack of vitamin A;
  • long time spending time at the computer.

How to get rid of dry eye syndrome?

Pathology, as a rule, does not go away in one day. She needs certain time, which will depend on one or more reasons.

Doctors first of all advise spending time on fresh air, sleep 8 hours a day, take breaks when working on computers and improve your immunity.

If you adhere to the listed rules, then you will be able to overcome this problem. But this is a rather lengthy process and you cannot do without auxiliary moisturizers during this period, so as not to aggravate the situation further.

Moisturizers are designed to minimize discomfort in the eyes and help protect against irritation. IN recent years visual stress and atmospheric microparticles entering the eyes are forcing people to use them more and more often. And special drops that can be found in any pharmacy help with this.

Thick drops act much longer than liquid ones, but can exert unpleasant pressure on the eye. Liquid ones are usually enough for 1-2 hours of working at the computer. If dry eye does not go away, then the patient is prescribed more persistent gel preparations, however, some can cause addiction to the eye.

The best eye moisturizers

Oxial is a medium-priced drug that moisturizes the eye well when wearing contact lenses. Relieves the effect of fatigue and irritation. Main substance: hyaluronic acid.

Artificial tear(analogues: Hypromelose, Hypromelose) - cheap drugs that protect, quite thick. Softens when used painful sensation, used for weak functioning of the lacrimal glands, burns, conjunctivitis, toxic lesions eyeball. Soften negative impact external factors by eye. Main substance: Hypromellose.

Slezin (analogue: Natural Tear) is a drug in the cheap segment. Replenishes the lack of fluid. Medium thick consistency. One-time moisturizing is enough for one and a half to two hours. Main ingredients: Hypromellose and dextran.

Oftagel (analogue: Vidisik) is a drug in the middle price category. After instillation, it forms a viscous protective film that moisturizes. Compatible with others medicines and drops. Drops are ideal for dry eyes when there is insufficient tear production or irritation. It is often prescribed after eye surgery as a restorative agent. Some patients experience short-term vision problems and a burning sensation. Main substance: Carbomer.

Hilo-komod - moisturizing drops in the high price segment. After instillation, they form a protective tear film that lasts very well for a long time. Does not slip or roll off with constant blinking. Does not reduce vision clarity. Prescribed after operations on the cornea, for burning and a feeling of dryness in the eye. Main substance: sterile solution of sodium hyaluronate.

View-chest of drawers - drops of the middle price segment. Recommended for prolonged eye strain and when wearing lenses. Main substance: Povidone.

Systane Balance - reduces the evaporation of eye fluid and forms a film that retains it. Multicomponent drug.

Systane Gel – protects the surface of the eye for a very long period the cost is high. Multicomponent drug.


The samples of drops for dry eyes presented above are just some of the few that are sold in pharmacies. When purchasing, focus on the main substance from which the drops are made. Perhaps in your case there is a syndrome of common, which is relieved by the cheapest Levomycetin.

The article presents the most popular ones that are bought by Russian residents, but we ask you to special attention treat your vision and not self-medicate.

This can lead to blurred vision and many other problems. Buy eye drops responsibly and never skip treatment! Be healthy!

Today, a large number of people choose contact lenses. First of all, it's convenient! Unfortunately, people who wear contact lenses for a long time are familiar with the expressions “dry eye” and “red eyes” firsthand. These problems, as well as fatigue, are easily solved by moisturizing lubricating drops for lenses.

The action of this product is as follows: a film is created on the cornea of ​​the eye, which in its properties is close to Thus, the eyes are constantly moisturized, and unpleasant sensations disappear.

It's not always the lenses that are to blame

There is an opinion that any discomfort that appears while wearing lenses is due to poor-quality or incorrectly selected means of vision correction. This conclusion- not a fiction or “black PR” of glasses manufacturers, but not always. Using lenses or glasses all day long, no matter how high quality they are, can lead to eye fatigue and any other unpleasant sensation. This is evidenced by the comments of “bespectacled people”, their comments and reviews on the websites of online optical stores. Moisturizing drops for lenses are created specifically to solve these problems.

Therefore, before blaming the lenses for everything, change packaging after packaging different manufacturers, or look no further, you should try eye drops.

First, it’s worth figuring out what they are?

Types of eye drops

The classification of types of eye drops is directly related to the purpose for which they are used and what ailment they will have to fight.

We can distinguish the following manifestations of diseases and unpleasant sensations, and the remedies corresponding to these sensations:

Redness and inflammation of the tissue of the anterior part of the eye - antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drops;
. allergic manifestations(tearfulness, redness, swelling, itching) - antiallergic drops;
. bacteria, virus, cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases - special drops that are prescribed by a doctor, most often strictly according to the prescription;
. redness and swelling of the eyes - vasoconstrictor drops;
. dry eye syndrome and the associated feeling of discomfort - moisturizing drops.

It is the latter that are most in demand.

How to choose drops

It is perhaps obvious how necessary moisturizing drops are when wearing contact lenses. But here a new question arises: how to choose them?

For those who choose long-term or continuous wear lenses, who both work and rest in them, best option- drops, when instilled, there is no need to remove lenses. It is worth paying attention to the drugs from the following manufacturers:

. "Hilo-chest of drawers" - "Avisor".
. “VIZIN. Pure Tear - Johnson & Johnson.
. "Oxyal" - "SANTEN".
. Lens-Chest of drawers - “Ursapharm” and others.

When using other products, it is necessary to remove the lenses from the eyes; often they can be put on only 15-20 minutes after instillation:

. "Systane" - "Alcon".
. "Oftagel" - "SANTEN" and others.

Everyone chooses their own, and ultimately prefers those moisturizing drops for lenses that are better suited and more comfortable to use.

Are lens drops suitable for everyone?

How to moisturize your eyes with lenses? Which lens drops are exactly right? These questions sooner or later arise before people who are faced with the choice of drops for the first time.
The main thing is not to be mistaken that moisturizing eye drops are medicine. For the eyes, they only relieve discomfort, but in no case are they able to solve any serious problems, diseases (allergic, for example).

The drops consist mainly of special physiological preparations, which, in principle, are already present in the tissues of the human visual organs. Therefore, there are practically no restrictions on the frequency of use and age; they can often be used constantly, “by both young and old,” as they say.

Of course, there are cases of human intolerance to certain components. Therefore, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist when initially choosing drops.

Properties of lens drops

Moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses contain hyaluronic acid, which can bind 1000 times more water than the weight of the drops in the bottle. This substance also has an increased viscosity property, which helps moisturize the surface of the cornea for a long time.

Besides this this remedy has bioadhesive properties, providing reliable protection lenses from drying out. It is soft contact lenses, so popular today, that have the disadvantage of drying out in hot and windy weather.

The drops also contain cleaning agents that can remove large cluster harmful deposits that arise when long-term wearing lenses

Lens drops have viscoelastic properties. Therefore, in order to quickly distribute them over the surface of the lens, you only need to “blink”, and your vision will not become blurred.

One more thing important property drops - calming function. They not only moisturize, but can also relieve eye irritation.

Composition of drops

Any solutions intended for the care of contact lenses are divided into saline, cleansing, disinfecting and moisturizing (eye drops when wearing lenses).

Saline is an isotonic solution used for the purpose of rinsing and storing contact lenses using a disinfection system (thermal) in its composition, sometimes containing preservatives. How longer term use, the greater the number of preservatives in its composition. The shelf life of the solution determines the effect on the rate of spread and prevention of the development of microorganisms.

Essentially, moisturizing drops when wearing contact lenses are the same saline solution, but with additional lubricating, cleansing and moisturizing substances.

For example, 2 active cleaning components Tetronic and Clens-100 have been added to “Alcon” drops “Clerz Plus”, which provide effective removal protein deposits from the surface of the lens. Allergan offers Refresh Contacts drops containing hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Thanks to this component, the drops are able to lubricate the surface of the lens and cornea of ​​the eye for a long time, preventing them from drying out.

Choose the best moisturizing drops for yourself when wearing contact lenses - you will definitely feel the effect!

Review of eye drops when wearing lenses

On Russian market Ophthalmic products offer moisturizing eye drops for wearing lenses, both hard and soft.

Contact lens manufacturers often produce lens solutions and eye drops as related products. The easiest way to select these products is to choose the same manufacturer as the lenses.

Drop manufacturers USA

1. Bausch Lomb is a company that not only produces contact lenses, but also all kinds of care products for them (solutions and drops).

Oxyal drops have increased moisturizing properties and help cope with a number of unpleasant sensations of dryness and burning of the eyes. This discomfort is often associated with a violation of the lens replacement period or external factors influences (computer, air conditioners, heating devices etc.).

2. The Johnson & Johnson brand has been on the market since 1886; more than one generation has grown up on the products of this brand, from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals. Having gained popularity all over the world, the company expanded the range of products offered and actively began to develop new directions, occupying completely different market niches. Having won many awards and certificates confirming the high qualifications of specialists and excellent quality of products, vision correction products were also released. In particular, Johnson & Johnson contact lenses and their care products.

The most popular drops are Visine Pure Tear. Excellent for swelling and allergic reactions, they can relieve irritation and redness of the eyes.

3. Alcon Ciba Vision drops and other means of cleaning and moisturizing contact lenses are truly recognized as one of the most popular on the market. Manufacturer famous brand Constantly carries out research in the field of ophthalmology, therefore it manufactures products in accordance with the latest scientific developments and the needs of modern society.

Alcon Opti-Free drops are suitable for all types of soft contact lenses and are designed specifically for sensitive eyes.

Maxima Revital Drops are moisturizing drops designed to care for the eyes and provide comfort when wearing contact lenses.

Spanish drop manufacturer

Drops and solutions for contact lenses from Avizor International are designed to clean, disinfect, moisturize and store soft contact lenses.

Moisture Drops and Comfort drops relieve excessive dry eyes, which is common problem when using contact lenses.

Russian drop manufacturers

1. Medstar is a research and production enterprise that was formed in 1994. Currently, being one of the leaders Russian manufacturers drops and solutions for contact lenses, has occupied a niche market for inexpensive but high-quality products.

Drops "Licontin Comfort". Suitable for all types of lenses, can be instilled directly onto the lens, have moisturizing and lubricating functions.

2. Company "Optimedservice". Under the Optimed brand, it produces contact lenses, as well as related products, such as universal multi-solutions for lenses, eye drops and microsurgical systems.

Optimed or Optimed Pro Active drops are additional sources eye moisturizers containing succinic acid.

In this article, we reviewed and compared the most popular drops for eye fatigue.

The causes of tiredness and redness of the eyes can be very diverse: this and excessive loads, and impact unfavorable factors, and wearing contact lenses.

Some eye diseases cause more severe symptomspurulent discharge, veil or “floaters” before the eyes, strong burning sensation are signs of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, corneal damage and other diseases.

In addition, colds and heart diseases can affect the condition of the eyes, diabetes mellitus and disorders in the circulatory system. Reason constant fatigue and it is better to check redness in the ophthalmologist’s office. Independent choice the wrong drug can aggravate the situation - the symptoms may disappear at first, but the cause will not go away.

Eye fatigue cannot be ignored.

Who should use eye drops

The use of drops that relieve fatigue and irritation of the eyes can significantly alleviate the condition if you:

  • Spend a lot of time on your PC;
  • You work in hazardous areas (for example, as a welder);
  • Over 40 years old;
  • You use contact lenses;
  • Are you suffering from allergic reactions and increased sensitivity of mucous membranes;
  • Constantly use decorative cosmetics.

Most residents major cities You simply cannot do without drops - dust and polluted air cause dryness and redness of the eyeballs.

What are the differences between eye drops?

Like any medicine, eye drops act specifically on the cause of discomfort. To select the right product, you need to know what causes redness and fatigue.

Main types of drops

  • Antibacterials fight various infections,
  • Vasoconstrictors tidy up the blood supply to the eyes,
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (nonsteroidal and corticosteroids) relieve the inflammatory process,
  • Antihistamines are used for allergic reactions,
  • Healing agents help with eye damage,
  • Medications are prescribed for eye diseases (for example, for glaucoma, drops are used to cleanse the lens),
  • Vitamins and moisturizers are a preventive measure eye diseases and are used to eliminate temporary discomfort (dry mucous membranes, “sand” in the eyes).

The most common eye drops

Let’s say right away that without consulting a doctor, you can only use moisturizers and vitamin compositions. In all other cases, it would be a good idea to visit an ophthalmologist who will select the ideal drug for you, taking into account all the indications.

Most often you can find the following names in pharmacies:


Average cost 350 rub.

blue eye drops based on natural ingredients(chamomile, cornflower, witch hazel, elderberry and sweet clover). The French product is well suited for people who use contact lenses. With it, the lenses become less noticeable, and the gaze becomes clearer and more natural.


Average cost 450 rub.

An Italian product containing hyaluronic acid and electrolytes. The drops effectively eliminate irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane and restore corneal cells.


Average cost 240 rub.

Keratoprotector that protects the eye from harmful effects. The product is used as a tear fluid substitute for dry eye syndrome.


Antihistamine with decongestant and vasoconstrictor effects. Drops are effective for allergic conjunctivitis and corneal damage caused by chemical and physical factors(dust, smoke, chlorinated water, bright light).

Natural tear

Average cost 200 rub.

Most famous drug, replenishing the deficiency of tear fluid. The drops increase the stability of the tear film, thereby improving the hydration of the cornea.


Average cost 400 rub.

A modern analogue of natural tears. Thanks to its pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, it quickly eliminates redness and dryness of the eyes.


Average cost 499 rub.

Helps speed up metabolic processes that nourish and protect the cornea. Multifunctional drops can be used for age-related changes, heavy loads, as well as in the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts.

When using drops, do not neglect hygiene. Cleanly washed hands will protect your eyes from infection.

Where to go for help

Eye drops will be prescribed by an ophthalmologist at the clinic after examining the condition of your eyes. You cannot prescribe drops for yourself. This can only do harm. You can go to a clinic where they will thorough examination and exclude the presence of serious problems.

Folk remedies for moisturizing the eyes

Now about folk remedies, moisturizing the eyes and protecting them from drying out.

A well-known herb, eyebright, is used to prepare medicinal infusions for the eyes. They not only wash the eyes with infusions, but also take them orally - they are prepared a little differently.

Pour dry eyebright herb into a saucepan - 1 tbsp, pour a glass of clean cold water, bring to a boil on the stove and immediately remove. You need to leave for about 10 minutes, then strain and drink 2 times a day, 1/2 cup.

Rinse the eyes with almost the same infusion, but filter it more thoroughly, through several layers of gauze, and add sea ​​salt– 3 crystals per 200 ml of liquid. The infusion is poured into a convenient container - a wide bowl or bowl, and the face is lowered into it. The eyes are washed in turn: first, open one eye, carefully blink it for about a minute and close it; then do the same with the other eye.

The eyes can be washed with various infusions that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects: calendula, chamomile, green tea, etc.

People who, due to vision problems, are forced to use contact lenses, certainly face the need to use special moisturizing eye drops. What means of the presented nature deserve attention? What are the features of their use? What criteria should you follow when purchasing? So, let's look at the most effective eye drops when wearing contact lenses.

The need to use drops

The need to use special moisturizing drops when wearing lenses is associated with the likelihood of inflammation of the membranes of the eye and a feeling of discomfort. Similar manifestations may make themselves felt due to the selection of low-quality vision correctors or their misuse. You can also note wearing lenses for too long or violating recommendations for their storage.

Sometimes moisturizing eye drops are required when wearing lenses due to increased eye sensitivity. After all, any vision corrector, no matter how high-quality it is, remains a foreign object. Contact even the most good lenses with the retina leads to mechanical irritations.

Instructions for using contact lenses

When using eye drops while wearing lenses, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant. It is necessary to adhere to the rule, since the tissues of the visual analyzer are extremely sensitive to the effects of all kinds of infections.
  2. Make sure the medicine has not expired and is still safe to use. The contents of the container should not have sediment or cloudy structure.
  3. Tilt your head back slightly and then pull back your eyelid. When instilling the product, you must ensure that the bottle dispenser does not touch the eye. For the same reason, it is recommended to keep the container at a distance of about 1-2 cm from the eyelid.
  4. During the procedure, look up, fixing your gaze on one point.
  5. Drop the drug into the corner of the eye. Required quantity The amount of liquid used at a time must be determined by a doctor.
  6. Close your eyelids for a couple of seconds, then blink several times. Remove any remaining drops using a sterile cloth.

Types of drops

There are several types of moisturizing eye drops for lenses. Thus, preparations that contain hyaluronic acid can be used. The presented substance has a lubricating effect on tissue. Therefore, the use of such moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses helps to increase the time during which vision correction products can be used without discomfort.

There are also products on the market that do not contain hyaluronic acid. Preparations of this type are intended to moisturize the eyes when wearing hydrophilic, soft lenses. Compared to the above category of moisturizing drops, such solutions have a limited effect. For this reason, they have to be buried more often.

Features of choice

How to choose moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses? This issue should be given attention increased attention, since not every drug is equally positively tolerated by a particular person. To avoid problems with the use of drops, it is better to initially seek advice from an ophthalmologist. If you don’t have time for this or you don’t have such an opportunity, then it is recommended to rely on the following criteria:

  1. Purpose. As noted above, there are eye drops for long-term lens wear, as well as solutions for soft vision correctors. To avoid inconvenience, it is better to give preference to moisturizing preparations that have a universal effect.
  2. Contains preservatives. Products containing them look good choice for people who need a drug with a long shelf life. However, when purchasing liquids with preservatives, there is a slight danger of all kinds of allergic reactions.
  3. Individual tolerance. You don't have to suffer if moisturizing eye drops cause pain, a burning sensation and redness of the eyes when wearing lenses. In such cases, it is worth testing another drug.
  4. Ease of use. It is necessary to stop at those drops that are produced in bottles with the safest and most convenient dispenser.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome may develop as a result of decreased blinking frequency. Its symptoms manifest themselves in a feeling of insufficient natural hydration of the cornea, burning, and redness of the tissues. Drugs such as Artelak, Vizomitin, and Cationorm can help eliminate this problem. The effect of their use is aimed at normalizing the functions of the lacrimal glands, regulating metabolic processes. The course of therapy for the development of dry eye syndrome is about 20 days. The above solutions are instilled into the eyes every 5 hours.


The main active ingredient of the product is carbomer. The substance has moisturizing and protective properties. When used along with other drugs, the effect of delayed absorption of the solution may occur.

"Oftagel" is effective when wearing regular contact lenses. However, it is not suitable when using soft vision correctors.

"Natural tear"

The drug is identical chemical composition real human tears. These drops contain no preservatives. Therefore, the product is safe even for newborns. Women can also use it during pregnancy.

The composition of the “Natural Tear” product has a gentle effect on the cornea. It is recommended to use it when wearing lenses daily, instilling a few drops into each eye.


Represents effective remedy to moisturize the eyes, which contains hyaluronic acid. The main advantage of the drops is the absence of preservatives. The drug eliminates any discomfort associated with the need to wear lenses, in particular, prevents the appearance of dry eyes, burning, stinging and pain.

“Hilo-chest of drawers” ​​is produced in the form of a plastic bottle with a dispenser. The product is suitable for people who feel discomfort when using both hard and soft, hydrophilic lenses.


Main active substance The product is tetrizoline hydrochloride. This component has a constricting effect on blood vessels and relieves swelling during the development of conjunctivitis. As the instructions for use show, Visin drops have no contraindications. The only limitation for use is individual intolerance components of the product, caused by a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

The drug is effective not only when it is necessary to moisturize the eyes when wearing lenses, but is also prescribed to people who suffer from eye fatigue due to long stay in front of a computer monitor. What other benefits do Visin drops have? The instructions for use indicate their gentle action and the absence of side effects.


The basis of the drops is herbal ingredients. It's about about extracts of chamomile, elderberry, cornflower and sweet clover. The main effect that has this drug, is to relieve the feeling of eye fatigue.

The solution has a bluish tint that can stain lenses. However, the use of drops will not lead to their damage. Still, it is recommended to wear vision correction products only 5-10 minutes after instilling the product into the eyes.


One more effective drops for the eyes, popular among people who have to wear contact lenses. The drug is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. The solution relieves the feeling of eye irritation, eliminates dryness, restores damaged corneas, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes.


Here we have considered the most effective solutions for use when wearing lenses. Among them it is impossible to single out the best and worst means. This is due to individual characteristics use of a specific drug. The same drops are capable of providing different effect when used by certain categories of people. Therefore, the most reasonable decision when choosing an eye product is to follow your doctor’s recommendations. This is especially true when choosing drops for a child. After all, children are recommended to use drugs that contain less concentrated and safest active substances.