Is it possible to breathe berodual? Inhalations with Berodual. Combined use of Berodual and Lazolvan

Having a paroxysmal nature and causing spasm of the respiratory tract. In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, doctors advise taking a drug called “Berodual” for bronchitis.

Important! It is worth noting that this medication should be taken only after consulting a specialist. Self-treatment of bronchitis with Berodual is unacceptable.

The effectiveness of this drug is due to the presence of two active components in it:

  • fenoterol hydrobromide - this substance helps relax the smooth muscle tissue of the bronchi and blood vessels and reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • ipratropium bromide - reduces the activity of impulses that cause contraction of bronchial smooth muscles, and also reduces excessive activity of the brochial glands,

These substances belong to the group of bronchodilators and together provide effective treatment for bronchitis.

In addition, the local effect of Berodual plays an important role - the medicine acts directly on the focus of the inflammatory process, so it is very effective in cases of obstruction of the airways, which often accompanies bronchitis.

Consequently, Berodual has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. When performing inhalations, the patient’s breathing is normalized, cough is eliminated and relieved.

When should you take Berodual?

Berodual is prescribed for coughs caused by various diseases of the respiratory tract, in which narrowing of the respiratory tract and spastic contractions of the bronchi occur.

This medicine is also indicated if there are bronchospasms caused by the influence of internal mediators (histamine, methacholine) and allergens.

According to the instructions, Berodual is used for the following list of diseases:

  1. Pneumonia.
  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  3. Bronchial asthma.

Treatment of bronchitis with Berodual

It is worth noting that Berodual should be taken for bronchitis only if the patient has bronchial obstruction. Its symptoms are breathing, accompanied by wheezing and difficulty breathing. If there are no such symptoms, then, as a rule, doctors prescribe medications based on ambroxol (Lazolvan).

During the severe stage of bronchitis, sometimes Berodual is taken first, then Lazolvan, or they are inhaled at the same time.

Berodual is produced in the form of a dosed spray and drops for inhalation. These drops are added to a special device -. Bronchitis is treated with inhalations with Berodual.

The inhalation mixture must be prepared before the procedure and used immediately. Treatment with inhalations should be carried out until the patient's general condition improves and the symptoms of bronchitis are relieved.

Important! Only the attending physician can select the dosage of the medicine used for inhalation!

♦ Berodual should not be taken orally (), and it is also necessary to avoid getting the drug into the eyes.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the drug depends on the stage of bronchitis and the severity of its exacerbation. Adults need to take a dose of 1.5-2 ml of medication, which must be diluted with saline to a volume of 4 ml. In severe cases of bronchitis, the dose of Berodual is increased to 4 ml.

Young patients usually need to take a dose of 0.5 ml of the drug. The required amount of Berodual is calculated taking into account the patient's age and weight.

Berodual can be taken during pregnancy. But in the end there may be a decrease in the activity of uterine contractions, and this must be taken into account in the run-up to childbirth.

A metered aerosol releases 1 dose of medication when pressed. It must be inhaled deeply so that the medicinal substance is well distributed on the bronchial mucosa. The doctor also determines the required number of presses.

Inhalations can be carried out regardless of food intake. However, it is best to take the medicine at least an hour and a half after eating.

How to properly carry out inhalations for bronchitis with Berodual?

  • measure the required amount of Berodual into a measuring cup;
  • dilute the dose with saline;
  • pour the medicine into the nebulizer;
  • connect the tube from the mask to the device. Press the mask to your face;
  • turn on the nebulizer and start the procedure;
  • you should inhale slowly and deeply;
  • hold the air in your lungs for a couple of seconds;
  • exhale through the nose;
  • continue inhalation until the medicine runs out;
  • Any remaining medication must not be used for the next inhalation. They must be disposed of.

The time of this procedure for an adult is less than 7 minutes. Inhalations for children with bronchitis are carried out according to the same scheme.


Berodual should not be taken if there is intolerance to its components,

The following side effects may occur during therapy:

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract - disturbance of peristalsis.
  2. Central nervous system – headaches, dizziness.
  3. From the heart - arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  4. On the part of the visual organs – blurred vision and impaired focusing.

An overdose of the medication can lead to side effects such as increased heart rate, nausea, hypertension, trembling fingers, and so on, so you must strictly follow the dosage of Berodual and the number of inhalations prescribed by your doctor.

Important! Berodual may affect the action of other medications, so you should inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

Berodual is an effective drug that can be taken in the complex treatment of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. The main thing is to follow the rules of use and be sure to consult a specialist.

Berodual is a drug that is classified as a bronchodilator and is used for prophylaxis and symptomatic treatment for the diagnosis of airway obstruction. The medicine is used to carry out inhalation procedures for adults and children. According to the instructions for inhalation, Berodual is not intended for self-therapy; the drug must be prescribed by a doctor. The product has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect and helps regulate mucus production. Under the influence of the medicine, drainage in the bronchi is normalized, wheezing and coughing gradually disappear, breathing becomes easier.

The annotation for the medicine notes the presence of 2 active bronchodilator components:

  • fenoterol;
  • ipratropium bromide.

Fenoterol is a beta-2 adrenergic agonist, and bromide is an anticholinergic blocker.

Many patients wonder whether Berodual is a hormonal drug or not. You need to understand that the hormonal group of drugs includes drugs with steroids - these are synthetic analogues of hormones produced in the adrenal glands. The composition does not contain such components, which means it is not hormonal.

What does Berodual do?

Pharmacological effect - combating obsessive suffocating cough due to relaxation of smooth muscles and relief of bronchial spasm. Berodual also has an expectorant effect; it expands the lumen of the bronchi, thins and promotes the removal of mucus, which accumulates in large quantities in the respiratory tract and lungs.

Fenoterol, when inhaled, blocks the work of inflammatory mediators, relieves tension in the bronchial muscles and prevents spasms from developing under the influence of histamine, allergens or hypothermia.

Indications for use

Berodual is used to prevent symptomatic treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by obstruction. These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • COPD;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • emphysema.

Inhalations of Berodual at fever are not carried out.


The medicine is prescribed for pathological changes in the patency of the lower respiratory tract. This happens with obstructive bronchitis. A specialist should prescribe the drug, since violation of the recommended doses or incorrect choice can seriously threaten health. Berodual for bronchitis relieves spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, helping to eliminate their narrowing, making breathing easier.


Berodual for pneumonia is prescribed for a nebulizer. It should not be taken orally or added to hot water to inhale the vapors. The procedure is carried out regardless of food intake. It is not carried out in a course longer than 2 weeks.

Each inhalation is carried out for as long as 200 ml of solution is enough. Begin therapy with two procedures per day. In case of severe damage, the multiplicity increases to 4 times.

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease; consultation with a doctor is required before using the drug.


Very often, for bronchial asthma, inhalations with Berodual are prescribed. This happens due to a number of advantages of the drug:

  • possibility of use at the stage of an attack;
  • ease of organizing the procedure even for people on mechanical ventilation;
  • more effective administration;
  • the ability to use a nebulizer with medicine even on the street and in transport if you feel unwell;
  • ability to breathe through the mouth and nose.

Berodual for asthma is used for the following indications:

  • younger children, when it is impossible to use a personal inhaler;
  • loss of consciousness by the patient;
  • the patient cannot independently control the number of breaths and compressions;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane due to the use of special anti-asthma devices;
  • long-term attacks;
  • status asthmaticus;
  • severe dryness of mucous membranes;
  • injection of a large dose of medication into the bronchi.

For which cough do inhalations with Berodual be used?

Inhalations for obstructive bronchial diseases and bronchitis with Berodual are usually prescribed for coughing caused by infectious and non-infectious etiological factors.

The main indication is the development of a bronchospastic reaction, which develops under the influence of the activity of the body’s internal mediators or external allergens.

Berodual instructions for use for adults

Therapy for adults is carried out under the supervision of a physician, often in an inpatient setting. Treatment at home is possible, but only after consultation with a specialist and taking into account all his recommendations.

The appropriate dose is calculated by the doctor individually for each patient. Inhalations begin with a minimum, the increase stops after achieving the expected reduction in the intensity of symptoms.

In case of obstructive lesions of the bronchi and pneumonia in adults and adolescents over 12 years of age with the development of an acute attack of bronchial spasm, you need to correctly select how many drops of Berodual are needed for inhalation. The dosage can vary from 1 to 2.5 ml (20 – 50 drops). In severe cases, the volume of the drug reaches 4 ml.

The solution can only be used for inhalation procedures with a nebulizer; oral administration is strictly prohibited. The dose prescribed by the doctor is mixed with 0.9% saline solution so that the total volume is 4 ml.

Before each procedure, a new solution is diluted. The duration of inhalation with Berodual is until all the medicine is used up.

Berodual for inhalation for children

Inhalations with Berodual for bronchitis and other obstructive diseases, as necessary, can be prescribed to a child, regardless of age. Obstructive disease is very dangerous, so prescribing a remedy by a doctor is always justified. Due to a sharp bronchial spasm, the child begins to choke, and all organs and systems react negatively to the lack of oxygen, worsening the mental and mental development of the baby. Inhalation helps to relieve muscle spasm of the respiratory system in a short time, restoring the child’s ability to breathe normally.

If obstructive bronchial pathologies are not treated in early childhood, they will quickly turn into chronic ones. Due to the child’s age, his immune system is not yet developed enough to overcome the disease on his own.

Chronic inflammation increasingly worsens the function of the bronchi in children, exposing them to the strong negative influence of environmental factors, some substances that are produced in the body itself and provoke spasms.

The smallest complication of a child's health with obstruction is weight loss. Even for infants it is permissible to use Berodual, only in a smaller dosage. The harm from the consequences of the pathology is much higher than from the drug.

Doses for inhalation for children under 6 years of age during an acute attack are 0.1 - 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. 20 drops of solution is 1 ml.

For children from 6 to 12 years old, 0.5 - 2 ml is indicated.

How to breed Berodual

You need to know how to properly dilute the dose of the drug prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to dilute the medicine with saline to a volume of 3 - 4 ml. Inhalation is carried out until the medicine from the nebulizer is completely exhausted. It is forbidden to dilute Berodual with distilled water, and also to use the remains of the solution from the previous procedure. It is permissible to inhale only freshly prepared medicine.

Typically, the duration of inhalation depends on the nebulizer model. Some models support the function of setting the drug delivery rate - then you should set it to average values. The solution is prohibited for internal use without a device; a special aerosol for inhalation is produced for this purpose.

How long can you inhale with Berodual?

The time for one procedure depends on the prescribed dose, usually this period is 7 minutes. Accordingly, the speed is also affected by the model of the device and the speed of delivery of the medicine. It is important to inhale until all the solution from the nebulizer is used up.

The break between procedures should be at least 4 hours.

The maximum frequency of inhalation is 4 times per day. The average duration of a full course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Is it possible to take Berodual for inhalation?

The solution must not be used without a special device. It is forbidden to take the solution orally, as it can cause serious disturbances in the motility of the digestive tract.

Without a nebulizer, you are allowed to use a special aerosol form of the medication - Berodual N.


Inhalations in a nebulizer with the drug Berodual are an important component of an integrated approach in the treatment of obstructive pathologies of the respiratory system.

Any disease with obstruction requires an integrated approach, the use of different drugs with different purposes, in turn, inhalation with Berodual is one of the main stages of treatment, as it helps to prevent and eliminate dangerous attacks of suffocation, soften the muscles in the bronchi, preparing the body for normal perception of other methods therapeutic effects.

A mother often has to treat her child for a cough. Almost everyone uses inhalation for this. Only some use “grandmother’s” methods - brewing herbs, while others, more “advanced”, buy Berodual for inhalation. It helps children get rid of cough without complications. But how safe is it? We invite you to discuss this issue.

Can a mother herself “prescribe” Berodual to her child?

Today, many pediatricians prescribe Berodual for inhalation to children, and they prescribe it for very tiny patients and for any cough, even if it doesn’t “smell” of bronchitis or asthma. This is a new generation medicine, which is produced in the form of a spray and solution for inhalation. It includes exclusively chemical substances: anhydrous ipratropium bromide, fenoterol hydrobromide and several additional components.

The product acts very quickly (relief occurs within 15 minutes after the procedure), and the maximum effect is observed after 2 hours and is maintained for 6 hours. This drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi and eliminates bronchospasm, stimulates breathing and helps clear the airways of mucus. It can be used in complex therapy to treat diseases of the bronchi and lungs or act as an independent medicine to relieve cough in obstructive bronchitis or eliminate an attack of bronchial asthma.

The drug is highly effective and is prescribed for serious pathologies of the respiratory system. It is not intended for independent symptomatic treatment if the child catches an acute respiratory infection or catches a cold and starts coughing.

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It is better for parents not to use this drug without consulting a doctor, and this is especially true for children under 6 years of age, since the instructions indicate that Berodual for inhalation is approved for children over this age. In the case of children under 6 years of age, its use as a solution for inhalation is allowed only under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

Dosage and dilution methods

If the doctor has prescribed inhalations with Berodual for children, the dosage for the first procedure should be minimal - it is better to start with a couple of drops. During the treatment process, if intolerance to the components and adverse reactions is not detected, it can be increased. The solution should be used immediately after dilution, and for a new procedure it is necessary to prepare a fresh portion.

The recommended dose is diluted with 0.9% saline solution (distilled water is not suitable for such purposes) so that the final volume of the drug is 3-4 ml. This entire portion must be used at one time.

How many drops of Berodual a child needs for inhalation depends on his age:

  • For children under 6 years old, 2-10 drops are enough. for one procedure (on average, take 5 drops). You can do 3 inhalations per day. The number of drops is calculated according to how much the child weighs;
  • For children aged 6 to 12 years, doctors recommend using 10-15 drops per procedure. You can arrange 4 inhalations per day;
  • if the child is over 12 years old, then take 20 drops for inhalation. The number of procedures remains the same - 4 rubles. per day.

How to do inhalations correctly?

For treatment, it is most convenient to use a compression nebulizer. It “breaks” the medicinal solution into tiny drops, which are able to penetrate into the most remote corners of the bronchi and lungs. The medicine will act directly on the source of the disease, without affecting other organs and systems.

There are several main rules on how to do inhalations with Berodual for children, namely:

  • Inhalation should be done an hour before or the same time after eating;
  • The method for preparing a solution for a child under 6 years of age is as follows: pour 2 ml of physiological NaCl 0.9% solution into the nebulizer reservoir, pour 5 drops into it. Beroduala (for older children add 10-20 drops per 3-4 ml of saline solution);
  • the first inhalation is best done at half the dosage;
  • you need to inhale the solution for 5 to 7 minutes;
  • the prepared solution must not be stored;
  • the interval between inhalations should be at least 2 hours.

To form an objective opinion, let's consider what mothers say about their experience of using Berodual for inhalations intended for children. Reviews are mixed. There are quite a few positive ones among them. Mothers note that with obstructive bronchitis, improvements are noticeable after the first procedure. The cough ceases to be so painful, annoying and noisy, the child coughs up sputum more easily (it becomes less viscous). The effect lasts a long time. A dry cough gives way to a wet cough. Mothers note that Berodual quickly relieves spasms. For many, only 2 procedures per day are enough. In general, the duration of inhalations with the drug reaches 3-5 days.

This remedy, according to parents, really helps to completely cure bronchitis. It is convenient and simple to use, and there is no need to fool your head with decoctions and infusions.

However, not all mothers are ready to use this remedy to treat their children, as they believe that it is too strong and can seriously harm the child. What exactly? They believe that the drug has too many dangerous side effects and contraindications. It can cause serious consequences on the bronchopulmonary system (bronchospasm) and provoke disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Among the adverse reactions, parents note increased heart rate and darkening of the child’s eyes, which seriously frightened the little patients, as well as their mothers and fathers.

The medicine costs 280-290 rubles. Parents are ready to pay this amount for a drug that will help their child recover from bronchitis and cope with attacks of bronchial asthma.


Pulmonologists and pediatricians recommend a modern remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases - Berodual. It belongs to the bronchodilator drugs and has several release forms. The drug is convenient to use, it acts quickly, and has an affordable price - a little more than 300 Russian rubles. How to dilute Berodual for inhalation, how many times a day to use - you need to know all this. This popular remedy is one of the best-selling drugs among similar drugs.

Instructions for use of the solution for inhalation

The drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi and normalizes mucus production in the lower respiratory tract. The effect of the medicine is due to the active components in its composition - fenoterol and ipratropium bromide. Pharmacokinetics is as follows: 16% of the drug remains in the respiratory tract, the rest is swallowed, the concentration in the blood plasma is 500-1000 times less than after administration of doses that have the same therapeutic effect, not through an inhaler. The effect occurs faster after inhalation.


A quarter of an hour after inhalation of Berodual, the patient’s breathing becomes easier. The period of maximum effect of the medicine is 2 hours, and it lasts up to 6 hours. The drug fights a suffocating cough, dilates the bronchi, is an expectorant, and helps remove phlegm. The active components in the base of inhalation drops do not interfere with the natural process of gas exchange.

Indications Berodual

Doctors write a prescription for Berodual in the following cases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary emphysema;
  • bronchospasms with pneumonia;
  • obstructive syndrome due to tuberculosis of the bronchi and lungs;
  • a suffocating, hacking cough that accompanies a number of diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis.

The absolute indication for the use of nebulizer treatment with Berodual is the inability to deliver the medicine to the respiratory tract by other means. Inhalation for asthma allows you to relieve an attack, do it quickly and effectively. Inhalations are effective for coughs, the cause of which is a disease of the respiratory tract, upper and lower.


The annotation for the drug indicates cases in which Berodual for inhalation should be used with caution:

  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • bladder neck obstruction;
  • pregnancy, third trimester, breastfeeding period;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

The product cannot be used:

  • with tachyarrhythmia, coronary insufficiency, after myocardial infarction;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

When using the drug, negative side effects are not often observed, but they are possible. The most common:

  • feeling of dryness in the throat, mouth;
  • tremor of skeletal muscles (involuntary shaking).

Rare side effects include:

  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • irritation in the respiratory tract, causing severe coughing;
  • allergic rash;
  • increased sweating, general weakness.

Negative side effects are often associated with a violation of the dosage of the drug. In case of an overdose, symptoms due to the action of fenoterol appear, tremors are noted, blood pressure increases or decreases, and the heart rate increases. If this happens, sedatives are prescribed. Sometimes they mention addiction to Berodual, but doctors note that the use of this word is incorrect. There is no addiction to the drug, but there is a temporary lack of positive effect due to an overdose of the drug. When you return to normal, the effect will resume.

How to do inhalations with Berodual

Solutions for the nebulizer are prepared according to the instructions. How to properly prepare Berodual for inhalation: the dose prescribed by the doctor is dripped into saline solution, bringing the volume to 3-4 ml. Remaining liquid cannot be reused; a fresh composition must be prepared each time. Berodual is used with saline solution for inhalation; distilled water cannot be taken for this purpose. Sometimes the doctor prescribes inhalations with Berodual and Lazolvan at the same time (10 drops of the first and 2 ml of the second, all diluted with 2 ml of saline solution).

For children

When inhaling with Berodual, a child begins treatment with a test dose, the minimum, monitoring the reaction of the little patient. The break between inhalations should be at least 4 hours. How many days to do the procedure depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient, but the average course is approximately 5 days. For children under 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed according to individual indicators. Depending on age, the proportions are as follows:

  • children under three years old:

    6 drops Berodual + 2 ml saline;

  • 3-6 years:

    8 drops of medicine + 2 ml of saline solution, daily dose – no more than 30 drops;

  • over 6 years old – 10 drops + saline solution.

For adults

The dosage of Berodual for inhalation for adults and children over 12 years of age depends on the severity of the disease:

  1. If it is necessary to stop attacks, large doses are required, 1-4 ml, or 20-80 drops.
  2. When bronchospasm is moderate, the therapy is not emergency, for example, inhalations are given for bronchitis, 10-20 drops + saline are prescribed. Inhalation through a nebulizer continues for 6-7 minutes until the entire composition is sprayed.

Video: inhalation with Berodual for a child

If the instructions are followed, the use of Berodual in the complex treatment of diseases in children is safe. Pediatricians advise using an inhalation solution; this form of treatment is more gentle on the child than therapy using an aerosol can. It is important to properly prepare the solution for inhalation. This process is shown in detail in the video.

Among all calls to pediatricians, the number of childhood colds always takes the leading place. And most often these ailments are associated with infection of the respiratory system. Treatment for children is prescribed in the same way as for adults – it is complex. It includes drug therapy and physiotherapy, including inhalations.

Inhalations, if done according to instructions, observing all proportions, help well against infections of the respiratory system, minimize serious consequences and do not cause complications.

Benefits of Berodual

Berodual is one of the five best modern medicines for the treatment of serious illnesses associated with pathologies of the bronchi and lungs; it quickly gained popularity due to its effectiveness, speed of action and the ability to use it not only for adults, but also for children.

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in two convenient forms:

  • Aerosol used to treat bronchial asthma;
  • Means for inhalation (in the form of a solution).
Within the first 15-20 minutes after use, the sick child becomes much better, and after 1.5-2 hours the effect of Berodual becomes maximum. The effect of the drug after inhalation lasts in children for up to 6 hours.

The main advantages of using the drug:

  1. The inhalation solution quickly relieves bronchial spasms;
  2. Relaxes and normalizes the muscles of blood vessels;
  3. Activates and stimulates breathing;
  4. Reduces gland secretions.

In addition, Berodual belongs to the group of drugs for children, which does not produce side effects and does not aggravate processes associated with breathing. Recently, in pediatrics, this solution is also used as a mono inhalation agent for children, mainly for isolated attacks of bronchial asthma or a type of obstructive bronchitis.

Features of use for children

Berodual is used for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis or asthmatic cough. Most often, for children, the solution is diluted in combination with a drug such as Lazolvan. This will have a special effect in treating coughs - it will help to quickly liquefy and remove phlegm. Your doctor will definitely tell you how and how long the procedure should last. He will definitely prescribe a treatment regimen and indicate how many days and sessions the child needs to take, determine the required dosage taking into account the age, weight and general well-being of the baby.

It is better for children to inhale Berodual using a nebulizer. In this case, be sure to take into account the features that you may encounter when using this device:

  • Dosage and proportions, how to dilute correctly and how many minutes to breathe depend on the method of carrying out the procedure;
  • Between sessions, the child must take a break of at least 3-5 hours;
  • Berodual solution must be diluted with saline, but in no case should you use pure distilled water;
  • Everything that remains in the nebulizer after the manipulation is thrown away and should not be reused. It is also not safe to store the solution.

Dosage and dilution methods

Since the solution can be classified as a potent substance, its use as inhalation for a child should be started with small doses, and then gradually increased. The final dose for children is 3-4 ml, and it is necessary to understand that this is the dosage of a ready-to-use product - Berodual with saline solution. It is necessary to use the solution completely during inhalation.

  1. From one year to 5-6 years, a child can be prescribed from 2 to 8-10 drops 3 times a day. The dose depends on the baby's weight;
  2. From 6 to 12 years old you can do inhalations, increasing the number of drops to 10-20. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day;
  3. Patients over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed a dose of 20-25 drops, which must be used at least 4 times a day.

Of course, be sure to consult with a doctor who monitors the baby’s disease and, at the slightest deviation from the predicted result, will quickly adjust the number of days, minutes and how often inhalations should be performed.

And one more rule - saline solution is not recommended for use in small patients without a nebulizer. Inhalations should only be done as prescribed by a doctor, 90-120 minutes after eating, strictly observing the proportions. The solution is prepared in a 1:1 ratio (Berodual and saline solution). The doctor will determine how many times you can perform the manipulation.

Side effects and actions

Like any medicine with a strong therapeutic effect that is used every day, Berodual has side effects:

  1. Headaches, nausea, dizziness;
  2. Allergy to a number of active substances in the form of redness, pimples or rashes;
  3. Increased blood pressure and increased heart rate;
  4. Lethargy, fatigue.

If your child uses inhalations for treatment often and for many days in a row, be sure to take a break. This will save the child not only from possible side effects, but also from the body becoming accustomed to the solution. The product cannot be purchased in a pharmacy chain without a pre-written prescription.

If your child knows and understands how to do inhalations using a nebulizer, be sure to clarify a number of basic rules with him. The solution vapors should be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. After the procedure, you cannot go for a walk or talk for 40-60 minutes. After the procedure, if there is any solution left in the device, it is necessary to avoid getting it into the eyes.

And remember that even if you use Berodual inhalations with saline solution as prescribed by a specialist, the dosage can be changed only as prescribed, monitoring the results achieved and possible side effects.