Vibrocil for children: instructions for use and what it is needed for, nasal drops for a runny nose, reviews, price. Free breathing plus a gentle effect on the nasal mucosa - Vibrocil for children: price, release forms, dosage and rules of use

The flowering season of plants, the cold season, or an encounter with an animal that causes allergies almost always provokes a runny nose and nasal congestion in a child with increased sensitivity to such factors. Lack of necessary treatment leads to the development of the underlying disease, be it asthma or bronchitis. To stop the symptoms of the disease, pediatricians often prescribe the safe Vibrocil, a drug that has proven its effectiveness over the years of its presence on the market. To use the medication correctly, read the instructions.

What is Vibrocil

The therapeutic basis of Vibrocil is two active ingredients: dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine. The first eliminates itching, has an anticholinergic, soothing and anti-allergenic effect. The substance is effective in relieving allergy symptoms. Phenylephrine constricts blood vessels, which leads to easier nasal breathing. The combined effect of these active components makes Vibrocil a highly effective medicine for the treatment of rhinitis of various origins.

Release form

On the pharmacy market, Vibrocil for infants and older children is presented in three dosage forms. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. Nasal drops. They are a transparent solution that smells of lavender, has no color or has a faint yellow tint. The drops are bottled in dark glass bottles with a screw cap equipped with a pipette to make them easier to instill.
  2. Nasal spray. A yellowish or colorless transparent solution with a faint lavender odor. Sold in 10 ml plastic bottles equipped with a cap with a sprayer and a tamper evident device. The bottles are placed in a cardboard pack.
  3. Nasal gel. It has a homogeneous structure, slightly yellow color, and a slight lavender odor. Sold in 12 g tubes equipped with a plastic cap and tip. The tubes are placed in cardboard packaging.


The main active ingredients of Vibrocil are: dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine. In addition to the active ingredients, the drug formula includes a number of excipients:

Substance name

Weight, mg (for drops and spray)

Weight, mg (for gel)

Active components


dimethindene maleate

Auxiliary components


sodium hydrogen phosphate

benzalkonium chloride solution (50%)

lavender oil

citric acid monohydrate


Pharmacological action

Vibrocil is prescribed to children in different forms. The combination drug contains phenylephrine and dimethindene. The first component is a sympathomimetic, which, due to stimulation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors, exhibits a vasoconstrictor effect when applied topically. They are located in the veins of the nasal cavity. Dimetindene is an antiallergic component that is an antagonist of histamine H1 receptors, has an anticongestive effect (vasoconstriction) and eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa.

What is Vibrocil from?

  • vasomotor, chronic, acute rhinitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • acute otitis media;
  • runny nose with a cold;
  • preparation for surgery in the nasal area;
  • elimination of swelling after nasal surgery.

Instructions for use of Vibrocil for children

Three dosage forms of the drug are created to allow you to choose the most convenient option for use to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. The drug is used intranasally. Before using any dosage form of Vibrocil, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages. The application technique for drops, spray and gel is different. Before using medications, read the instructions carefully.


The dosage for instillation should be determined by the age of the child. To carry out the procedure, fix your head tilted back, then instill the medicine. Maintain the position for one to two minutes so that the drops can reach the deep part of the sinuses and do not leak out. Children over 6 years old are prescribed 3-4 drops of Vibrocil in each nasal passage, 3-4 times daily. For children from one to six years old, 1-2 drops are instilled 3-4 times a day. Children under one year old – one drop in each nostril 3-4 times daily.


Before use, place the bottle vertically, with the sprayer facing up. Keeping your head straight, insert the nozzle into the nasal opening, then spray the medicine once, with a sharp, short movement. Then remove the tip from your nose. At the same time as injecting, inhale a little through your nose. Vibrocil spray can be used to treat children from six years of age. The dose is equal to 1-2 injections into each nostril 3-4 times a day.


Vibrocil gel should be used right before bedtime so that the therapeutic effect lasts throughout the night. Squeeze a small amount of gel into the nasal cavity and lightly massage the nose through the wings. As a result, the gel will be distributed over the entire surface of the nasal mucosa. Vibrocil in this form is prescribed to children from six years old, 3-4 times a day.

Vibrocil for children under one year old

Vibrocil is prescribed with caution to children under one year of age, because due to very narrow nostrils, such babies suffer from rhinitis more severely. For this reason, in the first year of a child’s life, spray and gel cannot be used (only from the age of six). When treating newborns and infants, drops can be used. To determine the dosage and frequency of use, consult a doctor.

As a standard, Vibrocil for infants is used 1 drop three times a day. Before eating, you can treat the nasal mucosa with the drug. One drop will clear the cavity of mucus and normalize breathing, which is especially important if the child has allergic rhinitis. The course of application lasts a week, then a break is taken. If you use the medication for too long, there is a risk of developing addiction and disruption of the nasal mucosa, which can only be eliminated by taking vasoconstrictor drugs.


Symptoms of an overdose of Vibrocil are a feeling of fatigue, stomach pain, tachycardia, insomnia and pale skin. Young children often exceed the dose by accidentally swallowing the drug. To eliminate signs of overdose, the doctor prescribes laxatives and enterosorbents; gastric lavage is not recommended. Children over 6 years of age can be given large amounts of fluid intravenously. There is no specific antidote.

Side effects

Vibrocil for newborns and older children has a number of minor side effects that occur in the first days of using the drug and go away on their own without requiring treatment. These include:

  • burning inside the nasal passages;
  • drying of the nasal mucosa;
  • headache;
  • sneezing;
  • nausea, gastrointestinal upset;
  • Sometimes (very rarely) mild nosebleeds may occur.


Vibrocil drops for children and other forms of the drug have several contraindications. The product should not be used for such conditions and diagnoses as:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • allergy to the composition of the medicine;
  • atrophic rhinitis, including fetid runny nose;
  • simultaneous use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • children under 6 years of age - for spray and gel.

In addition to contraindications, there are conditions and diseases in which Vibrocil is used in children with caution. These include:

  • heart and vascular diseases, generalized atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • severe reaction to sympathomimetics in the form of insomnia, cardiac arrhythmia, dizziness, tremor, increased blood pressure;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • epilepsy.

Drug interactions

The vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine is not used simultaneously with MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase) or within 14 days of their discontinuation. Vibrocil cannot be combined with tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers, and glucocorticoids. The product is used with caution in combination with antibiotics and antiseptics, especially local ones.

The instructions also describe special instructions for using the medicine:

  • Vibrocil should not be used for more than a week, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, excessive use of the drug can lead to tachyphylaxis (reduced therapeutic effect), rebound effect (medicinal rhinitis).
  • The gel form of the drug is indicated for dry mucous membranes and the presence of crusts.
  • Vibrocil does not have a sedative effect.

Buy Vibrocil in pharmacies

nasal drops

Novartis Consumer Health S.A. (Switzerland)

Alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulants

Active substance: dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine.


A drug with a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect for local use in diseases of the ENT organs. Vibrocil reduces nasal discharge and helps cleanse the nasal passages, without disturbing the physiological functions of the ciliated epithelium and nasal mucosa. Phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic amine. By selectively stimulating a1-adrenergic receptors in the cavernous venous tissue of the nasal mucosa, phenylephrine has a moderate vasoconstrictor effect. Quickly and permanently eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Dimetindene is an antagonist of histamine H1 receptors. Has an antiallergic effect. Effective when used in low doses, well tolerated. Vibrocil is intended for topical use, and its activity does not correlate with the concentration of active substances in the blood plasma.

- colds; - acute and chronic rhinitis; - seasonal (hay fever) and non-seasonal allergic rhinitis; - acute and chronic sinusitis; - acute otitis media (as an adjuvant); - preparation for surgical interventions in the nasal area and elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses after surgery in this area. Vibrocil in gel form is preferable in the following cases: - dry nasal mucosa; - presence of crusts in the nasal cavity; - conditions after a nasal injury; - to prevent nasal congestion at night.

- simple atrophic rhinitis; - atrophic rhinitis with foul-smelling discharge (ozena); - simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and a period of up to 14 days after their withdrawal; - pregnancy; - lactation (breastfeeding); - children under 12 years of age with low body weight; - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. There are no clinical and experimental data on the safety of Vibrocil during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, the drug should not be prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Local reactions: rarely - a transient sensation of burning and dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Phenylephrine (as well as other vasoconstrictors) is contraindicated in patients currently receiving MAO inhibitors or who have received them within the previous two weeks. Caution is required when taking tricyclic antidepressants or antihypertensive drugs, such as beta-blockers, at the same time.

Before using the drug, you should thoroughly clean your nose. Nasal drop solution is instilled into each nostril 3-4 times a day. For children under 1 year of age, a single dose is 1 drop. For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops. For children over 6 years of age and adults, a single dose is 3-4 drops. Nasal drop solution is instilled into the nose with the head thrown back. This head position is maintained for several minutes.

Symptoms When Vibrocil was accidentally ingested by young children, no serious side effects were observed. In most cases, there were no symptoms of overdose, but sometimes symptoms such as fatigue, pain in the stomach, mild tachycardia, increased blood pressure, agitation, insomnia, and pallor were reported. Treatment. For cases of overdose caused by a combination of a vasoconstrictor and an antihistamine, there is no specific antidote. In younger children, activated charcoal and possibly a laxative may be indicated. Children over 6 years of age and adults are advised to administer large amounts of fluid.

Prescribe Vibrocil with caution to patients with severe reactions to sympathomimetics, such as insomnia and dizziness. If it is necessary to use Vibrocil for more than 1 week, or if symptoms of the disease persist despite treatment, the patient should consult a doctor. Longer or excessive use of the drug may cause tachyphylaxis, swelling of the nasal mucosa and nasal congestion. Do not exceed the recommended doses of Vibrocil. Otherwise, symptoms of systemic action of the drug may appear. For children under 6 years of age, only nasal drops are used.

Nasal drop solution and nasal spray should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30°C; protect from exposure to heat and light.

Reading time: 8 minutes

If a child develops symptoms of an allergic runny nose or congestion of one or both nostrils of a different etiology, pediatricians advise buying Vibrocil - the instructions for use for children indicate the permissibility of using this medicine even in babies under the age of one year. How does the drug work, is it really safe for infants and how to use it correctly?

Vibrocil for children

Among the drugs that provoke compression of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, there are few that have an antiallergic component, especially those approved for the treatment of infants, so Vibrocil drops for children quickly gained popularity in pediatrics. Other forms of the drug are not used in the youngest children - their use according to the instructions is allowed only for children over 6 years of age. Among the advantages of this drug, which helps stop children's runny nose (do not treat), are:

  • the ability to fight swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • minimal risk of addiction (compared to other vasoconstrictor drops);
  • rare adverse reactions;
  • the possibility of using drops even in newborns.

Composition and release form

Vibrocil contains phenylephrine and dimethindene, which are active substances, and several auxiliary components that create a dense or liquid (depending on the form) consistency. The color of all variants is white or pale yellow, the smell is weak, and the packaging contains instructions in addition to the bottle/tube. Nasal drops (15 ml) have the following composition:

There are 2 more dosage forms of Vibrocil, which have also found use in pediatrics for diseases of the ENT organs in children: a spray (10 ml) and a gel (12 g). The spray has a composition similar to that given for the drops. The gel is characterized by less water and the presence of hypromellose. The active substance phenylephrine, as well as the component dimethindene, which is present in a smaller volume, has the same dosage in all dosage forms of Vibrocil.

Pharmacological action

According to the official instructions, Vibrocil is a combined drug that has an antiallergic effect and has a lesser vasoconstrictor and anticongestive effect. Pharmacodynamics must be considered for each active component separately:

  • Dimetindene, which is one of the histamine H1 receptor antagonists, is responsible for eliminating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The activity of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane does not change when used.
  • Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect (via stimulation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors), suppressing the symptoms of the common cold. Additionally, it helps fight swelling of the nasal mucosa and sinuses.

Indications for use

Pediatricians and the instructions for the drug claim that it is advisable to use Vibrocil as a component of the treatment of the runny nose, which affects the symptoms, since it does not affect the cause (if it is not an allergy). Indications for the use of drops in children may include:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • cold runny nose;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • otitis media in the acute stage;
  • preparation for ENT surgery;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery.

Directions for use and dosage

The instructions indicate the need to clean the nasal cavity before using any form of the drug: after this procedure, the components of Vibrocil will work better. You can rinse your nose, you can use wet swabs to soften the crusts and remove them. The duration of use of Vibrocil in children should not exceed a week, so as not to provoke a drug-induced runny nose. The dosage must be strictly followed according to the instructions.

Vibrocil drops

The most used form of this medicine is drops, since only this Vibrocil for infants can be prescribed by a pediatrician. Local application, the duration of treatment of rhinitis is determined by their nature and form, determined by the doctor. According to the instructions, you need to drip like this:

  • Vibrocil for children under one year of age is prescribed in the amount of 1 drop for each nasal passage before feeding, no more than 4 times a day.
  • For children aged 1 to 6 years, the instructions allow more active use - 2 drops with the same frequency.
  • In children over 6 years of age, 4 drops are administered into each nasal cavity at a time.


In children over 6 years of age, the spray is used to treat a runny nose up to 4 times a day, performing 2 injections for each nasal passage. An important point is the position of the bottle at the time of use: it should stand upright, and the child’s head should be tilted back slightly so that the openings of the nasal passages look forward. Pressing is carried out after inserting the tip into the cavity, the action should be sharp. At the same time, you need to take a slight breath. The tip must be removed before the sprayer is released. The spray is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

Vibrocil gel

The use of this form of the drug is justified if there is dryness of the nasal mucosa, constant formation of crusts, injury to the nasal septum, or if the child does not sleep well at night due to congestion (the gel gives a longer lasting effect than drops). Nasal gel Vibrocil - instructions for use for children imply its use only in patients over 6 years of age - thinly distributed along the walls of the nasal passage at the maximum possible depth up to 4 times a day, you must first clean the nasal cavity.

Vibrocil for newborns

The instructions advise discussing the possibility of using this drug in children under one year of age with a pediatrician (as well as use while breastfeeding), although reviews from young parents confirm the absolute safety of such therapy in newborns. However, it can only be carried out with the help of drops - other forms are aimed at older children. The instructions do not indicate the dosage for infants, so it is discussed with the pediatrician.

Drug interactions

A conflict can only be created by the simultaneous use of Vibrocil and beta-blockers or tricyclic antidepressants. This also applies to MAO inhibitors, but Vibrocil must be taken with them for 2 weeks or more. Since the medicine has a moderate vasoconstrictor property, with other medications aimed at treating a runny nose (not eliminating symptoms), it is worth making an interval of 2-3 hours.

Side effects

Even short-term use of Vibrocil according to the instructions can cause a burning sensation in the mucous membrane and provoke dryness (due to its vasoconstrictor properties). If the drug is used for more than a week, the following may occur:

  • systemic vasoconstrictor effect of the drug;
  • medicinal rhinitis (nasal congestion due to the use of drops);
  • tachyphylaxis.

If the dose of Vibrocil is exceeded repeatedly, children may complain of insomnia and dizziness. They will be noticed;

  • severe dryness of the nasal mucous membranes;
  • pallor of the skin (if the drops were accidentally taken orally);
  • tachycardia.


The use of Vibrocil is local, the effect is the same, so it can be used even in a newborn, a pregnant woman or a nursing mother. However, doctors advise caution for people with:

  • thyroid problems;
  • hypertension;
  • closed-angle glaucoma.

The official instructions prohibit the use of the drug in those who take MAO inhibitors (you need to wait 2 weeks after discontinuation), or have:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of Vibrocil;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Terms of sale and storage

You can purchase any of the forms of Vibrocil freely, since its use is permitted without a medical prescription. The gel and drops will be stored for 3 years, the spray has a shorter shelf life - only 2 years. It is advisable that the air temperature next to them does not exceed 30 degrees, and that the bottles are not exposed to direct sunlight. The gel can also be kept in the refrigerator door after opening.


The not-so-budget price of this medicine prompts the desire to find a replacement, but there are few structural analogues of Vibrocil in pharmacies: of drugs with identical composition, doctors single out only:

  • Farmak Milt. Also presented in the format of nasal drops, recommended for allergic, vasomotor, cold and chronic rhinitis. It has a dispenser pipette, can be used in infants, does not provoke addiction, therefore it outperforms other drops with a vasoconstrictor effect.
  • Babyfrin. Similar nasal drops, approved for infants and nursing mothers, but not used for diabetes. Treatment should be short-term (up to 3 days). The disadvantage is that the drug is new and difficult to find.

There are no more structural analogues for Vibrocil, so a replacement must be selected according to the principle of action: antihistamine drops (i.e., used for allergic rhinitis), or with an exclusively vasoconstrictive effect on the nasal passages. Pediatricians advise taking a closer look at the following medications:

  • Allergoferon;
  • Diacin;
  • Okumetil;
  • Orinol;
  • Nazivin;
  • Femizol;
  • Nazol;
  • Naphthyzin.

Vibrocil price

The cost of this medication is determined by the form of release and the level of the pharmacy: the gel has the lowest price - about 200-220 rubles, drops and spray will be more expensive - in the range of 230-300 rubles. If you purchase online, shipping costs will be added. In Moscow pharmacies, the price range will look as follows.

Name: Vibrocil

Indications for use:
Symptomatic therapy for respiratory colds (swelling of the nasal mucosa);
spicy and ;
acute or polysinusitis;
preparation before diagnostic or therapeutic manipulation in the nasal cavity;
preparation for surgery and postoperative elimination of edema during operations in the nasal cavity.

Pharmacological action:
Refers to anti-congestive products. Vibrocil is a vasoconstrictor for the nasal mucosa. Combination product (sympathomimetic phenylephrine and H1 receptor antagonist). Provides an immediate and long-lasting vasoconstrictor effect on the venous plexuses of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Reduces pathological exudation, improves the functions of the ciliated epithelium. Combination with dimethindene provides an antiallergic effect.
Vibrocil is a local product, so its effectiveness does not depend on the concentration of active ingredients in the blood.

Vibrocil method of administration and dosage:
Vibrocil drops in pediatrics: for children under 1 year of age – 1 drop in each half of the nose, 3-4 r/s. From 1 to 6 years – 1-2 drops in each half of the nose, 3-4 r/s. Adults and children over 6 years old – 3-4 drops in each half of the nose, 3-4 r/s.
Vibrocil-gel is used for children from 6 years of age and adults (squeeze out a small amount of gel and inject deep into the nasal passages 3-4 times per second).

Vibrocil spray is intended for adults and children over 6 years of age. The product is injected into each nasal passage 1-2 times 3-4 r/s. It is recommended to carry out injections in a vertical position of the head, after introducing the product, take a shallow breath. The bottle is held with the tip up, one injection is provided by lightly pressing the sprayer.
The duration of treatment is 7 days.

Vibrocil contraindications:
Increased susceptibility to vibrocil components;
Taken with products from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO);
Vibrocil-gel and spray are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age.

Vibrocil side effects:
Rarely – burning sensation and dryness in the nose.

Cases of ingestion of the substance by children were not accompanied by any severe symptoms. Very rarely, high fatigue, abdominal pain, palpitations, hypertension, sleep disturbances, agitation, general pallor of the skin and mucous membranes are observed. There is no specific antidote. Treatment is symptomatic (enterosorbents, laxatives, drinking plenty of fluids).

Use with other medications:
The drug contains phenylephrine, so combination with MAO inhibitors is contraindicated. If the patient has taken a similar product, Vibrocil can be used no earlier than 14 days after taking the MAO inhibitor.
Prescribe with caution to persons taking tricyclic antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs of the beta-adrenergic blocker group.

Release form:
Vibrocil nasal drops – 15 ml bottles.
Vibrocil-spray – bottles with a 15 ml sprayer.
Vibrocil-gel: 12 g in tube.

Storage conditions:
In a place protected from light sources, away from heating devices. Storage temperature - 30°C.

Vibrocil composition:
Vibrocil drops:

Vibrocil spray:
Active ingredients: phenylephrine 2.5 mg, dimethindene maleate 250 mcg (per 1 ml).
Auxiliary components: preservative (benzalkonium chloride), anhydrous disodium phosphate, citric acid monohydrate, lavender deterpene extract, sorbitol, purified water.

Active ingredients: phenylephrine 2.5 mg, dimethindene maleate 250 mcg (per 1 gram).
Auxiliary components: methylhydroxypropylcellulose, preservative (benzalkonium chloride), anhydrous disodium phosphate, citric acid monohydrate, lavender deterpene extract, sorbitol, purified water.

Use for more than 7 days may cause addiction (tachyphylaxis) or (rebound symptom). If the dosage is exceeded, a systemic effect may occur. It should be prescribed with caution to patients with angle-closure glaucoma, people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and thyroid pathology. Vibrocil does not affect the ability to control complex mechanisms and driving.

Before using the medication "Vibrocil" you should consult your doctor.
The instructions are provided for informational purposes only. Vibrocil».

I first became acquainted with Vibrocil drops about six months ago; a doctor prescribed them to my son, who was 8 months old at that time. The runny nose was terrible, the child could not sleep at night, he could only breathe through his mouth.

The doctor prescribed Isofra spray (for treatment) and Vibrocil (to ease breathing).

Vibrocil drops are prescribed even to infants. However, it should not be used without a doctor’s recommendation!

The cost of Vibrocil nasal drops is from 250 to 300 rubles.

Volume 15 ml.

Production: Switzerland.

There are no age restrictions for drops! However, spray and gel are available (be careful, for children over 6 years old).

Pregnant and lactating women do not recommend use.

About the composition indicated on the bottle label.

Active ingredients: phenylephrine 2.5 mg, dimethindene maleate 250 mcg

Excipients: benzalkonium chloride 50% solution (in terms of benzalkonium chloride) - 0.2 mg (0.1 mg), citric acid monohydrate - 2.6 mg, sodium hydrogen phosphate - 4.4 mg, sorbitol - 35 mg, lavender oil - 0.2 mg, water - up to 1 ml.

Expiration dates also indicated on the label (3 years):

Tinted glass bottle, protecting the contents from light. Vibrocil is sold in a cardboard box, I didn’t take a photo of it - I had no plans to write a review - I threw it away.

The bottle is translucent, you can clearly see how many drops are left. This is very convenient; in the plastic white “flasks” it is not clear whether there are more drops or not. You have to “chat” or try to determine the weight. Vibrocil - just look at the bottle.

Vibrocil nasal drops - indications for use:

  • acute rhinitis (including colds)
  • allergic rhinitis (including hay fever)
  • vasomotor rhinitis
  • chronic rhinitis
  • acute and chronic sinusitis
  • acute otitis media (as an adjuvant)
  • preparation for surgical interventions in the nasal area and elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses after surgery in this area.

And contraindications:

Method of use, dosage.

Vibrocil liquid is collected by “suction” with a pipette. At some moments it is convenient, but sometimes it creates difficulties. Having collected Vibrocil into a transparent pipette, and then dripped (and I would call this process - pouring) into the child’s small nose, it is clearly visible that the drops achieved their goal - they got into the nose, because the “pipette nose” remained empty. For example, with a spray or drops without a pipette, it is not always clear, but the child cannot yet tell due to his small age.

By the way, you can easily overdo the dosage, again thanks to the pipette. Never fill a pipette full - you will definitely pour it all into the child’s nose (by the way, it’s unlikely to happen to yourself) - this is already out of the question - There is nothing to be sorry for the child, you have a “liter” of Vibrocil on and breathe freely!

The dosage of Vibrocil is measured in: 1 drop, 2 drops. But, again returning to the pipette, dropping this drop (pun intended) is very difficult. When lightly pressed, almost everything that was collected in the pipette flows out. Therefore, be careful.

In general, the pipette has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Nasal drops are instilled into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.
For children under 1 year of age, a single dose is 1 drop.
For children aged 1 to 6 years, 1-2 drops.
For children over 6 years of age and adults 3-4 drops.

and very small:

Infants are given drops in their noses before feeding.

By the way, no no side effects from overdose were found, according to the manufacturer.

Vibrocil is vasoconstrictor drug, so do not overuse and do not drip for more than 7 days.

My experience.

The first acquaintance with the drops took place when my son was 7-8 months old (I don’t remember exactly) - the child had a severe runny nose. On the doctor’s recommendation, I purchased Vibrocil and dropped it once at night so that the baby could sleep. But freeing the nose from swelling due to rhinitis was not enough for the whole night, for a maximum of three to four hours.

Vibrocil drops are unlikely to be a treatment for a runny nose. Rather, it is easier breathing.

Not long ago, my son again had a severe runny nose; he was saved by Vibrocil, Aquamaris, Protargol and Isofra.

I also got sick, so I bought myself a separate bottle of Vibrocil. Snot flowed like water from my nose - here Vibrocil did not help at all, “water flow” both for me and for my son, - stopped Protargol (Sialor). But Vibracil relieved the swelling in the nose perfectly, but it only lasted me literally an hour and a half and again I could not breathe. For example, Tizin freed up the nose for a longer period, but it had its own drawback (terrible addiction, 10 years of “friendship”...).

Vibrocil has a pleasant, rich lavender aroma. And it has a specific taste, but not unpleasant. Again, for the “amateur”.

Dries the mucous membrane not much, but not pleasant.

At one time, I was a fan of nasal drops and sprays (sinusitis plus a cyst in the sinus), and I tried all sorts of remedies. And I want to praise Vibrocil - even if the liberating effect did not last long and I had to pour it in 7-8 times a day - NOT ADDICTIVE! The runny nose has gone away, and the “craving” for the drops is gone.

From the above it follows that Vibrocil drops have not economical consumption.

And yet I rate Vibrocil 4 stars, although I wanted to give it five. But the short effect of clearing the nose and the high price stopped me from giving the maximum rating.

Be healthy!

Thank you for your attention to the review!