Harder or softer – choose the hardness of the toothbrush. Toothbrush and hardness level

He who has thirty-two teeth laughs well.

Oral hygiene is one of the most important conditions good health and attractiveness. Discipline in cleaning procedures coupled with healthy eating and regular visits to the dentist can create such a famous phenomenon as the Hollywood smile.

Daily brushing is a simple task, but even this can be made even easier, more comfortable and faster with the help of electric toothbrushes. They are effective for several reasons: they penetrate into places where a manual brush cannot reach, act more evenly on tooth enamel, and more accurately maintain the recommended duration of the procedure. Quite a long experience in using such devices has provided reliable and reliable evidence of reducing the incidence of dental diseases and improving the appearance of teeth.

So what can modern electric brushes do and how do they differ from each other?

Types of electric brushes

The bristles perform oscillatory movements using a micromotor. Depending on their number, brushes are usually divided into several types:

In these models, the bristles make movements visible to the eye, for example, from side to side or reciprocally rotating, deviating either to the right or to the left, but without making a full revolution. The healing and cleansing effect is achieved through friction against contaminated areas. The number of movements of the bristles in such brushes is up to 10,000 per minute.

In advanced models, in addition to the main vibrations in two planes, there is vibration in the third plane, which adds loosening movements to the cleansing movements. This complex copes well with both solid deposits and bacterial plaque.


Models of this type oscillate with a small swing and several times higher frequency than subsonic ones. The effect is achieved due to the formation of a dynamic flow from vibration from a suspension of paste, saliva and water, which cleans the enamel surface. The number of movements of such models ranges from 10,000 per minute per minute.


Models of this type vibrate even faster (typical value is almost 200 million directed movements per minute). The healing and cleansing effect is based on the ability of ultrasound to create microbubbles, which, when bursting, destroy the chains pathogenic bacteria, removing plaque from the enamel. Some models combine ultrasound with the mechanical movements of very small span and low frequency bristles to scrub or sweep away dirt after ultrasonic treatment.
Remark: there is a persistent myth, not scientifically proven, however, and not scientifically refuted either, that ultrasonic models affect fillings and contribute to them accelerated loss. What can I say? Let's wait for real full-fledged studies. And half of all fillings already fall out, regardless of the technologies used for their installation and the materials used, and without any ultrasound, as evidenced by the standard warranty coverage of only one year for this procedure.


Progress is moving forward and ionization has reached dentistry. Inside such a brush there is a strip of titanium dioxide, which, when connected to an electrical circuit, releases negative ions. The cleansing and healing effect is associated with the fact that the components of the toothpaste have a better effect on the enamel due to ions, and disinfection also occurs oral cavity. A person can feel the work of such a brush by the appearance sour taste in the oral cavity. On at the moment There are more than enough supporters, at a minimum, of the uselessness of such an application of this technology, so such models are used more as a gadget or a toy. All that remains is to wait until the array of statistics of a large number of applications by different people puts everything in its place.

Operating modes

Modern models are able to change the options for their work, adapting to the current state of the oral cavity. Brushes in the lower price category usually have one, two, or less often three modes, while expensive ones have four, five, or even six.  This is achieved by changing the frequency of movements, the amplitude of deflections of the bristles, applying additional volumetric vibration or, conversely, turning it off, changing the timer operating time, etc. Various brands may call them either simply numbers or more understandable names, such as: everyday (ordinary), soft (gentle for sensitive teeth or getting used to the device), whitening (intensive), gum massage, tongue cleaning, etc. Most often, the most complete effect can be achieved only by simultaneously changing the nozzle with the appropriate purpose.


As the bristles in electric brushes wear out, only the brush head needs to be replaced. You can usually track the time of replacement by the disappearance of the colored layer on it. The average time of use depends on the frequency of use and most often is 3-4 months. It would be very irrational to use a rather expensive item alone, and most often the brush is used by several family members, replacing only their individual attachment when cleaning. Mix-up errors are eliminated very elegantly - with the help of multi-colored rings. Various manufacturers They complete their products with different numbers of attachments, so a box can have one, two, three, or even four pieces. In simple models, all nozzles are of the same type and are needed either as a reserve consumables, or as an individual kit for different people, and in advanced ones - different types of attachments for different operating modes. They differ in the hardness of the bristles, their number, angle of inclination, the presence of rubber inserts, etc. The full effect of using different types of attachments can be obtained by simultaneously changing the operating mode of the brush.

It should be borne in mind that brush heads from one manufacturer will not fit brushes from another, so before choosing a specific model, you need to make sure that the necessary accessories are available and reliable.

Brushes for babies

Most manufacturers also produce children's models. They are lightweight and smaller copies of adult brushes, since it will not be very comfortable for a child to hold a 120-200 gram adult brush (although children's attachments most often fit adult brushes and vice versa). Also, most models for babies operate in a gentle mode with a reduced vibration frequency and they do not have additional whitening or other 3D modes, and the synthetic fibers themselves are much softer. During cleaning, music from popular cartoons plays, and exactly as long as the procedure itself should last.

Children's models begin to be used, depending on the design, from 3 to 8 years old and only after preliminary consultation with a specialized dentist. For infants under 3 years of age, it is better to use manual silicone finger tips (you should remember that even at this age a child can bite his mother’s finger hard)

Overpressure protection

Most advanced models require a pressure sensor. It measures the force of pressure on the tooth surface and, in case of excessive pressure, turns off the mechanism, saving the enamel surface from excessive friction (in some models, if there is excessive pressure, only additional 3D modulation is turned off). Most often the protection is completed mechanically, that is, when pressed hard, the springs stretch, disconnecting the power circuits or rotating gears. In expensive models, the sensor is visual, that is, there is a special indicator that clearly shows the operation of the protection.


To control correct use The brushes serve as an information display. It can show the level of battery discharge, phases of its charge, operating mode, connection with a smartphone, cleaning time, quadrant of the oral cavity, etc. The display can be either analog with multi-colored indicators (LEDs) or a full LCD, and advanced models are equipped with remote units with large screens.

Progress is moving forward and a smartphone is used as a screen and at the same time a specialized information panel, in which medical program monitors the time, duration and frequency of cleaning.

(Now Google will also know all your personal dental information).

Power type

The simplest models are powered by batteries, which usually last for 2-3 months. The type or size is usually the most popular - AA/AAA. They are easy to change and can be purchased at any store. Since the charger and all conversion circuits are absent, the cost of such brushes is noticeably less. Mid- and high-price models are battery-powered. As a rule, they are more reliable, since the battery itself is soldered and there are no spring connections. This also makes it possible to make the brush airtight and moisture does not get in there.

Modern models, as a rule, are charged by contactless induction, so there are no metal parts on the surface of the brush. To charge the battery, a special stand is used, which can be made in both desktop and wall-mounted versions. The design can be any, including in the form of a standard glass for ordinary hand brushes. In advanced models, charging can also be carried out in a travel case.


A new step in home dentistry - irrigators. These are devices that, using a jet of dental fluid or water, easily and without injuring the gums clean the interdental spaces, as well as any hard-to-reach places where the brush cannot penetrate. They are manual and stationary. The former have a small-volume liquid container built into the handle. For the latter, a large-volume container is installed separately, and the liquid is supplied through a tube. The peculiarity of irrigators is that not just a powerful stream of water shoots out of the nozzle, but mixed with air microbubbles, which gives such a stream strong cleansing properties.
The pressure created by the device is most often regulated. So for sensitive or inflamed gums, as well as for habituation, a low pressure is selected, with healthy cavity mouth is selected high blood pressure. The width of the stream can also be adjusted - narrow for cleaning interdental spaces, wide for massaging the gums to increase blood flow in them.

Remark: it should be borne in mind that the temperature of dental fluids, balms or just water must be very strictly controlled and correspond to body temperature, since a pulsating flow even at room temperature (only ~12 °C lower) into the interdental spaces can cause sharp pain, comparable to dental treatment without anesthesia.

Cost Ranges

(the division is very arbitrary)

up to 1,500 rub. - simple single-mode models with one (less often two) attachments and battery power; quite suitable for children and those who are starting to use electric brushes for the first time.
1,500 - 3,000 rub. - one- or two-mode battery models with a pressure sensor and two (less often one) attachments, for charging there is a stand and a built-in or separate miniature power supply; suitable for an absolute number of uses in the average family.
3,000 - 8,000 rub. - in addition to the previous groups, there are usually simple 1-2 color charge indicators, an additional nozzle, a more powerful engine, build quality without complaints, also in this group there are irrigators of both types; suitable for those who require more thorough oral care.
from 8,000 rub. - advanced models of battery brushes and stationary irrigators with several operating modes and several corresponding attachments, a visual pressure sensor, with many additional functions, both individually and in combination, such as: LCD display, high-capacity battery, ionization function, Bluetooth for connection with a smartphone, etc.; necessary for therapeutic and preventive care for problematic teeth and gums or the oral cavity in the treatment stage, as well as for all those for whom a “million dollar smile” is extremely important.

Marina Kuznetsova

If choosing a toothpaste can cause confusion, then when choosing a toothbrush, most people usually do a great job and choose something that is average in price and pleasant to look at. But there are so many brushes in stores! Among them are synthetic and natural, electric and ionic, with rubber and cross-positioned bristles... Let's talk about consciously choosing a toothbrush.

How often should you change your toothbrush?

The brush needs to be changed every 2-3 months. Also, its replacement may be justified after professional hygiene at the dentist, since there were various types microorganisms that have now disappeared; and also after suffering from a cold or bronchitis. However, there are differing opinions about the latter; some experts consider this measure to be optional.

Is it true that a toothbrush is a breeding ground for germs?

Sometimes found on the Internet disturbing articles that after the first use there remains on the toothbrush huge number bacteria, which makes all subsequent tooth brushing hazardous to health. The British company Dentii went further and released toothbrushes with disposable heads, and with them promotional video, which in all paints describes how harmful it is to reuse the same brush.

In case the wave of panic that has already gripped the British reaches Russia, I remind you that bacteria, in principle, are constantly present not only on our brushes, but also in our mouths and this is normal.

Firstly, the microflora of the oral cavity in any case does not become sterile after brushing your teeth, and secondly, toothpaste contains antibacterial substances that inhibit the proliferation of microorganisms directly on the brush.

The most important rule: each person must have their own toothbrush; you cannot use someone else’s!

It is important to brush your teeth properly

When choosing a toothbrush, you need to understand that what is most important is not so much its quality as the technique of brushing your teeth.

It is necessary to brush your teeth regularly, for at least 2 minutes, 2 times a day. Brushing movements should be vertical, up and down, from the gum to the tooth. With horizontal ones, you will only injure the gums and erase the enamel, but you will never achieve cleaning your teeth. It is necessary to pay attention to each tooth, brushing from all sides.

This is important to consider when purchasing a new brush.

  1. Try to choose the shape of the bristles that are rounded at the ends, rather than sharp, - this way the gums will be less injured.
  2. For most people, the recommendation is to choose brushes of medium hardness.
  3. Brushes with soft bristles are more suitable for people with sensitive teeth. The fact is that normally, enamel forms a protective layer on the more sensitive tooth tissue - dentin. If for some reason the enamel becomes thinner, then the dentin is exposed and when exposed to cold, sour, etc., pain occurs.
  4. People with sensitive teeth are not recommended to use hard brushes or pastes containing abrasive particles (usually bleaching agents), because they additionally wear away the enamel. In this case, you need soft and gentle cleansing, but you should remember that soft brushes remove plaque worse, which means you need to brush your teeth longer to achieve complete cleansing. Hard bristles can cause tooth sensitivity and gum damage.
  5. Brushes with cross-bristled bristles are better at cleaning between teeth.
  6. Rubber bristles on the sides massage the gums. It is beneficial for people suffering from gingivitis (bleeding gums).
  7. The bristle material should be synthetic. If the brush is made of natural bristles, it will create a breeding ground for bacteria.

What other toothbrushes are there?

This is the 21st century, the century of technology and advanced devices, which have not bypassed dentistry, so it’s time to understand modern analogues a regular toothbrush and find out if it makes sense to change it to something more advanced. So, today, in addition to conventional ones, there are electric, ionic and sonic toothbrushes. Let's look at each of them.

Electric toothbrush

This invention is perhaps the oldest of the new ones, and many have already heard about the brush, which cleans its own teeth due to the rapid rotation of the nozzle; you just need to bring it to your teeth. These brushes can be interesting and motivate you to brush your teeth regularly, but that's where their advantage ends.

The results of 29 trials involving more than two thousand people found that old-fashioned manual toothbrushes are just as good for cleaning as electric ones, as long as you brush your teeth thoroughly and regularly.

Ordinary brushes also cope no worse with plaque and gum inflammation. Only brushes with a cleaning head rotating in different directions showed better results than from classical cleaning, but even here the advantage is small, 6–11%.

Ionic toothbrush

The handle of such a brush has a built-in battery, and inside there is a metal rod that, interacting with the battery, releases negatively charged ions. They normalize the acid-base balance (after all, it is acids that destroy tooth enamel, which leads to caries) and removes plaque. These brushes have also been subjected to numerous tests.

For example, for one of them, 59 people who were not inclined to brush their teeth thoroughly and regularly were selected. The subjects were divided into 2 groups and one was given regular brushes, the other – ionic brushes. Plaque levels and gum condition were assessed before the study and after 2 and 6 weeks. As a result, in both groups the indicators improved approximately equally, and all just due to regular cleaning, so the ionic brush is sent to the company for an electric one.

Sonic toothbrush

She cleanses by sound vibrations. At the same time, the bristles move more quickly, creating approximately the same effect as a regular brush, but a little faster. Due to more Vibrations in the mouth create a flow of liquid that penetrates into hard-to-reach places. If we refer to research experience, then again, they do not highlight a significant advantage of a sonic brush; it is 10% more effective.

In general, I am of the opinion that plaque can be removed just fine with a regular manual toothbrush, as long as you do it carefully.

Another thing is the question of your motivation. It’s always more pleasant to use something high-tech and beautiful, then routine duties can turn into joy. Moreover, it may suit someone, for example, electric brush, and for some it will increase the sensitivity of the teeth and inflame the gums. Everything is very individual, so when choosing a toothbrush it’s also a good idea to consult a dentist. In any case, none of the existing brushes eliminates the need professional cleaning once every six months.

It began many centuries before the birth of Christ. Even in ancient times, people understood that teeth needed care. For example, the inhabitants of Babylon used chewing sticks as toothpicks, and in Egypt, toothbrushes were made from special wood. In Rome, the process of brushing teeth was considered part of religious rite, therefore carry out hygiene procedures noble citizens were assisted by specially trained slaves. It is also known that in Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible, a toothbrush was a stick with a tuft of bristles at the end.

The invention of the toothbrush is believed to have occurred in China in 1498. It looked something like this: on a bamboo or bone handle, there was bristles from the neck of a Siberian boar. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and fortunately, the design of the toothbrush has undergone significant changes. The market is overcrowded with various models, and among such variety it becomes increasingly difficult for the buyer to understand which toothbrush to buy that is right for him. Don't lose hope! Our article will help you understand the features of toothbrush models and prices, as well as which toothbrush to choose so that your teeth are beautiful, like in the picture.

The best toothbrush. Why is it so important to choose her?

It is believed that the effectiveness of brushing your teeth largely depends on two factors: the first is whether you know how to brush your teeth correctly, and the second is what kind of toothbrush you use. The wrong choice of “cleaning tool” can cause a lot of harm: damage to the enamel, microtrauma of the gums, development of stomatitis and other troubles. Therefore, before you start choosing the best toothbrush for you, first of all, evaluate the condition of your gums, the amount of plaque on your teeth and the presence of orthopedic structures, such as veneers or crowns, as well as dental implants.

Having determined on your own, or better yet with the help of a dentist, the problems that need to be dealt with, you can begin to search for a suitable toothbrush. There are a great variety of manufacturers: Phillips Sonicare, Braun Oral B and others. They all offer a variety of models and modifications of toothbrushes. Let's find out how an ultrasonic brush differs from an electric one, and an ionic brush from a regular one, and how they affect oral hygiene.

Types of toothbrushes

Today there are a wide variety of mechanical and manual toothbrushes. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Ordinary toothbrush

When choosing a regular or manual toothbrush, pay attention to the stiffness of the bristles. Information about how much hard brush, indicated on the packaging: they come in soft, medium and hard. A soft brush is needed for children under five years of age and people with hypersensitive teeth and gums. For example, Curaprox toothbrushes, thanks to their nylon bristles, are particularly soft. For children under twelve years of age and adults, a medium-hard toothbrush is suitable. As for hard brushes, it is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription, as they can seriously damage the enamel and gums.

Not all dentists recognize the effectiveness of rubber inserts in the bristles of a regular or special toothbrush. Some say that the inserts help to better clean the enamel, while others consider the rubber bristles just a tribute to fashion. Also, some experts seem doubtful about the use of brushes with natural bristles. Dentists unanimously criticize them for their fragility and tendency to form a large number of microbes. However, such specimens will appeal to lovers of all things natural, and if such brushes are changed on time, then problems with bacteria will not arise.

Electric toothbrush

Toothbrush The electric one enjoys well-deserved success and has positive user reviews. If you take simple brushes or battery-powered brushes, then ordinary brushes clean your teeth only with the help of back-and-forth movements. Typically, electric toothbrushes use a combination of pulsing and rotating motions. The first of them soften plaque, and the second removes it, which is much more effective.

The most popular among all models are electric dental Oral-b brushes Professional Care 5000, Sonicare HealthyWhite, etc. Thanks to their ability to change speed, you can individually customize the cleaning mode, taking into account the characteristics of your teeth and gums. The intensive mode of the toothbrush is good for cleaning teeth, and when low speeds It is convenient to clean your tongue and gums using special attachments for an electric toothbrush.

Photo of the mechanical toothbrush Oral b Professional Care 5000

Ultrasonic brush

The most modern and popular type of toothbrush at the moment is the ultrasonic toothbrush. An ultrasonic toothbrush has therapeutic effect on the gums, is a good prevention of the appearance of tartar and eliminates inflammatory phenomena which often lead to periodontitis.

In addition to ultrasound, some toothbrushes have a sonic frequency that allows them to make 18,000 strokes per minute. They are sometimes called sonic toothbrushes. For example, thanks to the presence of two frequencies, Sonicare, Ultrasonex and Megasonex toothbrushes turn into powerful tools for combating plaque. Ultrasound destroys chains of plaque microbes, and the sound wave, forming foam, allows you to gently remove it.

Photo of Megasonex ultrasonic brush

Toothbrushes for braces

For those who wear braces, there are special orthodontic toothbrushes. Unlike regular ones, they have a V-shaped cut in the bristles in order to more effectively clean the surface of teeth and braces. Orthodontic toothbrushes are produced by Miradent, CURAPROX and other companies. It will not be easy to find them in a pharmacy, so it is best to order from specialized online stores.

Care instructions: cleaning and replacing your toothbrush

In order for toothbrushes to help us effectively care for our teeth, they must be kept clean and replaced periodically. How to clean a toothbrush is a question that worries many. This can be done using regular soap and water. Do not expose the bristles to strong detergents. For greater efficiency, you can use a toothbrush sterilizer. However, this does not cancel the replacement old brush to a new one. Many people today know how often to change a toothbrush - according to the recommendations of experts, this should be done once every three months.

How much does a toothbrush cost: the price depends on the type

In our online store you will find many varieties of brushes in different price segments. The average price for manual and orthodontic toothbrushes with V-shaped bristles is from 50 to 1,000 rubles. Ionic brushes are also in approximately the same price segment. Their cost averages from 100 to 1,000 rubles. The price of brushes with ultrasound ranges from 2,500 to 6,000 rubles. Electric toothbrushes can be found for 1,000 – 5,000 rubles.

Which toothbrush is better?

Your dentist will always tell you which toothbrush to choose, based on the state of your oral health. A somewhat universal solution is a toothbrush with artificial bristles and a small head, soft or medium hard. As for the brush model, there is no consensus; everyone will answer this question for themselves. The main thing is to remember that when choosing a toothbrush, you need to take into account the sensitivity of your teeth and gums. And, of course, important factor the price remains. In short, choose a toothbrush that suits your teeth and don’t forget to use it!

A toothbrush is an essential attribute everyday life person. Everyone has been using this device since childhood. However, not everyone knows how to choose and use it correctly so as not to harm the gums and teeth.

Dentists identify several characteristics to classify them. One of the main ones is the stiffness of the bristles.

For people who celebrate large number plaque on the teeth, doctors recommend buying a brush with increased rigidity. Such a tool should be used with caution so as not to damage the gums and enamel. To slightly soften the villi before the procedure, you should hold them under running hot water.

Conventional toothbrushes have medium-hard bristles. This instrument is intended for healthy people in whom plaque forms slowly. Its use will lead to high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity. There is also a combination type with mixed bristles. They alternate rows of hard and soft fibers.

Soft villi are not effective enough for adults, but are indispensable for children under 8 years of age, pregnant women and people suffering from periodontal disease and many other diseases of the oral cavity. Everyone else should not use brushes with soft bristles, as they can lead to the appearance of age spots on the teeth.

According to the stiffness of the bristles, they are divided into:

  1. Very soft – SENSITIVE.
  2. Soft – SOFT.
  3. Medium degree of hardness – MEDIUM.
  4. Hard – HARD.
  5. Very hard – XHARD.

Number of beams and shape working area depends on the age, number of teeth and condition of the person’s enamel. For example, dental hyena instruments with 23 bundles are intended for small children under 6 years of age. Older children and teenagers are recommended to purchase brushes with 30–40 cleaning elements. For adults, good brushes with 40–55 tufts are recommended. For wearers of braces, special mono-beam instruments have been developed that can carefully get inside the structure and remove plaque and food particles from there.

Brushes for small children have about 23 tufts
Teenagers have about 30-40 tufts
Adults have more than 40 fascicles
Mono-beam - for braces

The location of the beams also plays a role important role during the cleaning process. Based on this feature, the following types of toothbrushes are distinguished:

  • hygienic;
  • preventive;
  • special.

Hygienic instruments are made with straight, even bundles, the length of which is absolutely the same. These types are made for children’s brushes; there are practically no options for adults.

Preventive ones can be purchased at any supermarket. They contain beams of different lengths and stiffness, which are located in different directions. Some elements are designed to gently clean plaque near the gums and the base of the tooth, others are necessary to get rid of dirt between the molars “eights” and “sevens”.

Special ones are used to clean plaque on implants, between braces and uneven teeth. Most often, they can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

What's the best toothbrush for you?


Progress does not stand still, and this also applies to tools for dental hygiene. There are various models and devices that make the cleaning process easier. However, due to the mass of features, they are not suitable for everyone.

The most common are electric. They have earned their popularity due to their attractive design and versatility. It has been proven that such a toothbrush removes plaque better than a regular mechanical one.

Anna Losyakova


Manufacturers offer customers various functions and capabilities. For example, you can adjust the speed of the head movement or view the battery charge level. Since electric toothbrushes themselves are expensive, models with replaceable heads have been developed that significantly reduce the cost of using them.

However, the use of such devices has severe limitations. They should not be used by those who suffer from periodontal disease or have recently undergone cancer surgery in the oral cavity. Contraindications also apply to those people who suffer from gingivitis and stomatitis. Healthy people It is not recommended to use an electric brush more than 2 times a week, as it quickly wears away the enamel.

Types of working heads of electric brushes from a popular manufacturer

Ultrasonic and ion

Ultrasonic hygiene instruments have appeared recently, so they have not yet gained due popularity. According to numerous testimonies from experts, these devices are more effective in removing plaque. The principle of operation is low-frequency vibration of sound waves, which provide an excellent effect.

The use of ultrasound type is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women. Also, the devices should not be used by people suffering from oncological diseases oral cavity, and those who have a disrupted process of keratinization of epithelial tissues of the mucous membrane.

Ultrasonic looks similar to electric

Ionic, like ultrasonic, have been invented recently. The operating principle of the tool is based on the operation of a rod coated with titanium dioxide particles. When combined with a liquid, including saliva, the substance attracts hydrogen ions, which destroy harmful bacteria and eliminate the acidic environment that is harmful to the oral cavity.

This device can be used without toothpaste. Ionic should not be used by smokers, since nicotine, when interacting with ions, destroys the walls of the mucous membranes. The ban also applies to those who suffer from cancer, as well as people with rapid drying of the oral cavity.

How to choose the right toothbrush

When choosing, you should consider the following parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • location of the bristles;
  • length.

The shape, length of the handle and cleaning surface depend on personal preference. Individual indicators(age and oral health) also play an important role in this.

Before choosing a toothbrush, you should consult your dentist. After the doctor examines the condition of the gums, he will advise you to purchase an instrument of suitable rigidity and shape. You can find out which toothbrushes are best from a specialist and try out several of the proposed options for yourself.

Anna Losyakova


The most common option in terms of accessibility and efficiency remains a regular brush with bristles made of synthetic material - nylon. Bundles of natural fabrics can become ideal breeding grounds for bacteria.

The dental hygiene tool should have slightly rounded bristles. This is necessary for the gums, since straight sharp tufts will constantly injure them.

The video below shows how to brush your teeth correctly and, accordingly, incorrectly:

The brush should have an additional rough surface behind the cleaning head. Thanks to it, additional cleaning of the tongue and cheek walls will be carried out. Thus, general condition the oral cavity will be much better.

Anna Losyakova


The toothbrush you choose must be with different levels beam locations. Tools with the same length of bristles do not remove plaque well.

Please read the description carefully before purchasing. It should contain all the information about the product, including markings of hardness, location of bristles, material and other factors. If information about the characteristics of a toothbrush is incomplete, then it is better to refrain from purchasing.

In the video, Roskontrol tested several brushes from well-known manufacturers for compliance state standards, and gave advice on how to choose a toothbrush:

Now you know which toothbrush is better.

Rules of care

Just like any personal hygiene product, a toothbrush has special storage rules:

  1. Each family member should have a separate cup for storing brushes so that the working heads do not come into contact with each other and germs are not transferred from one hygiene product to another.
  2. You should not store them together with razors and other personal tools, as this increases the possibility of contracting various diseases mucous membrane.
  3. You should not use a toothbrush for more than 3 months. After the expiration date, it must be replaced. In addition, it is necessary to buy a new one after suffering from infectious diseases, since the bacilli long time remain on personal hygiene items.
  4. Each time after brushing your teeth, the bristles must be treated with soap, preferably laundry soap, and left in it until the next brushing.

Compliance simple rules storage and a responsible attitude towards choosing a toothbrush will help ensure the health of your teeth.

Let's look at the types of modern toothbrushes, highlight their pros and cons, and provide recommendations for selection and use.

How often should you change your toothbrush?

But first, let's answer this question. It is really important, because the condition of teeth depends on the frequency of replacing tools for cleaning teeth. It is necessary to change the brush or attachment (if we are talking about an electric model) at least once every 3 months. Dentists also recommend changing it after professional oral hygiene. infectious disease(bronchitis, sore throat). This will reduce the risk of the spread of “old” microbes and prevent the development of caries and inflammatory processes on the gums.

Types of toothbrushes with their pros and cons

There are many more types of brushes than you might imagine. The first classification criterion is functionality and operating principle tool.


This is a manual model without any special features, with even bristles of a certain rigidity. It is inexpensive and suitable for everyday use.

Treatment and prevention

Improved models that allow you to spend less time on cleaning compared to classic ones. Unlike the latter, their bristles consist of tufts, each of which affects a specific area of ​​the oral cavity.


Became popular in lately, and there are many opinions about their usefulness. On the one hand, they effectively clean teeth, are easy to use and can cope with even small deposits (tartar).

On the other hand, when misuse and powerful mode of operation can damage enamel, and therefore are not recommended for people with sensitive teeth. In addition, the original nozzles are not cheap at all, and provided that they need to be changed regularly, the maintenance of such a device will be expensive.

When choosing an electric model, you should give preference to those equipped with several operating modes (speed regulator), and ideally, a pressure sensor on the teeth that prevents injury to the enamel.

There are contraindications to the use of such brushes: high mobility of teeth, stomatitis, previous surgery in the oral cavity.


The rarest and most expensive tools that work without paste or with a minimum amount of it. Inside the handle there is an element made of titanium dioxide. The effect of ionic brushes is based on the principle of negative charge of tooth enamel and positive charge plaque that forms on it. Negatively charged bristles attract food debris and germs. When using such a tool, you must touch the handle with a wet finger.

In general, the invention is cunning and has already acquired its own circle of fans. But there are also nuances: for example, it is contraindicated to use the device for those who smoke. The ions of the brush interact with nicotine, which leads to a destructive effect on the enamel and its demineralization.

The next important criterion is hardness level . You may be surprised, but it is determined not by the material and density of the bristles, but by their diameter. The thicker the bristles, the stiffer the tool will be. Types of stiffness, and how according to this criterion:

  • Sensitive – ultra-soft. Designed for people with diseases of the teeth and gums: periodontitis, high mobility of teeth, severe damage to the enamel, including its abrasion. Prescribed by a doctor.
  • Soft - soft. Suitable for very sensitive teeth, recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, people with diabetes and severe bleeding gums
  • Medium – medium in hardness. The best option for people with healthy teeth and oral mucosa. The most common.
  • Hard - tough. Important condition to use them: strong teeth, no problems with enamel. Especially suitable for cigarette and coffee lovers.
  • Extra-Hard – very hard. Not intended for everyday use. When brushing sensitive teeth with such a brush, you can get serious problems with the enamel. Extra-hard brushes are designed for the care of removable and fixed dentures and braces.

Working part

The type of distribution of bristles over the working surface of the toothbrush is important. There are single-level, two-, three- and multi-level models. The more levels on the alkaline field, the more effective the cleaning. Multi-level ones are even used for cleaning braces. The specific pattern on the working surface allows you to clean even the spaces between your teeth.

Choosing a toothbrush

How to choose the right individual tool for caring for teeth and gums? You need to choose a toothbrush depending on the condition of the oral cavity, the presence of gum and enamel diseases, tartar, and even the location of the teeth relative to each other. The presence of fillings, braces, implants, and dentures in the oral cavity is also important.

Classic models suit most people. The effectiveness of their use depends on the cleaning technique and its duration. Everyone can learn how to brush their teeth correctly: in every dental office there are stands with detailed instructions. Classic brushes are quite compact, convenient to carry in your purse or take with you when traveling.

Treatment-and-prophylactic products are suitable for people with weak gums. They provide additional stimulation, improving blood circulation and normalizing the condition of the mucous membrane.

If you have problems with your bite, periodontal disease or dentures, it is better to entrust the choice of brush to a specialist. There are auxiliary tools that allow you to most effectively and safely perform oral hygiene in such cases.

In electric models, the speed of movement of the working part is important. It makes sense to purchase a brush with several operating modes. When choosing nozzles, pay attention to their shape and rigidity. Many manufacturers produce several types of attachments for different condition tooth enamel.

Choosing a toothbrush based on its bristles

A few tips to help you choose the perfect toothbrush:

  • the longer the working part, the more effective the cleaning;
  • to avoid accidentally damaging the mucous membrane, choose models with a semicircular head;
  • give preference to models with artificial bristles: natural brushes have short term services and poor hygiene;
  • the complex shape of the working field ensures more effective cleaning;
  • instruments with a flexible neck are more convenient.

By structure we mean the stiffness of the bristles and their arrangement. First, the bristles should be straight and even. On some models different areas tufts of bristles have different lengths. This is necessary in order to better clean the spaces between teeth. In any case, the bristles of each working area should be even.

Now about the toughness. On the one hand, the tool must be rigid enough to effectively remove plaque. On the other hand, too hard bristles can damage the enamel of sensitive teeth and gums.

For those adults who don't have serious problems with the oral cavity, dentists recommend choosing medium hardness. It will ensure safe and effective cleaning. Soft bristles are suitable for children and adults with periodontal disease and sensitive teeth. Hard brushes are the choice of happy owners of strong and healthy teeth.

The color of the bristles is not particularly important. Bright colors are good because they allow you to monitor the need to replace the brush as they fade.

Rules for choosing a toothbrush for a child

What kind of toothbrush does a child need? Depends on age and condition of the oral cavity.

General rules:

  • Comfortable handle. Not as long as on adult models, but thicker and non-slip. This is especially important when choosing your first dental care tool. It’s good if the handle is rubberized and has a curly shape.
  • The bristles should be soft.
  • No more than 20 bunches on the working surface. Along with soft rigidity, such models provide gentle cleaning and prevent aggressive effects on enamel and gums.
  • Optimal size working surface – 2 cm.

Many parents are guided by the principle “best = natural.” And although this rule is more than true in relation to nutrition, it should not be applied to the choice of a toothbrush. Rare models with natural (usually wool) bristles quickly accumulate bacteria and are difficult to clean. They should be abandoned.

R.O.C.S. toothbrushes: choose by effect and age

In the R.O.C.S. catalog Teeth brushes are distributed according to age and effect.

For ease of selection, children's brushes R.O.C.S. grouped by age. For the little ones (from 0 to 3 years) – BABY and PRO BABY models with extra-soft bristles and a comfortable biting handle. When using such models, the safety of the baby and the prevention of problems with teeth and gums are guaranteed. The brush for children from 3 to 7 years old has a longer handle, but its bristles are still soft. intended for children and teenagers from 8 to 18 years old. Her stubble has a non-standard shape - a model multi-level haircut, and provides professional hygiene oral cavity of adolescents.