Should I wash my new toothbrush? How often should you replace your old toothbrush with a new one and how to disinfect it at home? Which brand of electric toothbrush should you choose?

The first toothbrushes appeared a long time ago. Ancient people took plant twigs, separated them into fibers, and used this device to clean their teeth. Since those times, there has been a colossal evolution of dental hygiene devices, and such a brush became the prototype of modern ones.

Which toothbrush is the best? There is no definite answer to this question, because all people are different, each with their own characteristics and problems of the oral cavity. But knowing the basic types and principles that a brush must comply with, it’s easy to choose the right one.

Types of toothbrushes:

  1. Standard toothbrush– a classic device for oral hygiene, which consists of a handle and a head with bristles attached to it. They happen different sizes, for adults and children. The main selection criterion is the stiffness of the pile. If there are no problems with your teeth and gums, choose medium-hard bristles - they clean your teeth well, without injuring them, but also without leaving behind plaque.
  2. Electric toothbrush– such a battery-powered device has firmly settled on the bathroom shelves of those who love comfort and high-quality teeth cleaning. The main difference between such a device and a classic brush is the reduced size of the working part, usually round shape. In this case, the head makes not only reciprocating movements, but also circular and vibrating ones. This allows you to remove contamination from all corners of the oral cavity.
  3. Ionic toothbrush– outwardly, such a device resembles a regular brush, however, the ionization function is activated using batteries. These can be small batteries or even batteries powered by the sun. The operating principle is based on a titanium dioxide rod located inside the brush. It has a negative charge, and when it comes into contact with hydrogen cations, attraction occurs microbial plaque and inactivation of the acidic effects of bacteria.
  4. Ultrasonic toothbrush- belongs to the variety electric brushes. This tool Hygiene during operation generates ultrasound, which helps eliminate not only soft deposits, but also prevents the formation of tartar. In addition, an ultrasonic brush is a good prevention of periodontal diseases due to its healing effect on the gums.

Which toothbrush should you choose?

To choose the best toothbrush for daily use, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  1. The material of the bristles is important. There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. According to dentists, natural brushes Due to the accumulation of water in the bristles, they are a breeding ground for bacteria, so choose products with artificial bristles.
  2. The head size of a brush that is suitable for an adult is 25-30 mm. A working part that is too small does not clean the surface well enough, and its bulky dimensions do not allow for a good treatment of the side areas and the area of ​​the chewing teeth.
  3. The handle of a good toothbrush should be comfortable. A handle that is too thin, flexible or bulky will result in rapid fatigue muscles of the hand and fingers.
  4. Study the labels on the packaging. Look at the indication of the degree of rigidity based on the dentist’s recommendations, choose the one that is right for you. In the absence serious problems In the oral cavity, purchase a brush with medium-hard bristles.
  5. The end part of each bristle should be rounded so as not to damage tooth enamel or injure soft fabrics.

The best toothbrush according to dentists

The best toothbrush, according to dentists, is the one that you use regularly and remember to change promptly. Doctors do not have a specific favorite among individual dental devices. It doesn't matter what brand is on the handle. The main thing is that the toothbrush meets the requirements listed above and is suitable for your specific case.

A product can be very expensive, have a great name, a famous manufacturer, and be good in all respects. But if a person suffering from loose teeth and increased bleeding gums chooses a toothbrush that is designed for absolutely healthy cavity mouth, then it cannot be called the best for this particular patient, even if it occupies a leading position in the ranking.

Rating of the best toothbrushes

Dental health starts with the right choice a good toothbrush.

The dental market offers large number different companies, both well-known and new. The rating of the best toothbrushes is:

  • Splat Ionic Brush– the device is activated when wet fingers touch the handle. The brush changes the polarity of the teeth and attracts negatively charged particles of bacterial plaque to the bristles.
  • Pro Gold Edition by R.O.C.S– a manual brush that is not only stylish appearance, but also with unique bristles, which have smooth tips thanks to the triple polishing system.
  • Colgate toothbrush– a well-known company has released a product whose bristles are impregnated with pine phytoncides, which improves gum health and influences pathogenic microflora.
  • Lacalut White– has a unique Tynex bristle, which gently and without damaging the enamel removes pigmented plaque. On the sides of the head there are microtwister bristles that gently brighten the surface of the teeth.

Toothbrush for those who wear braces

What toothbrush is needed for a patient whose teeth have a braces system installed in order to better clean the surface of the enamel and the clasps attached to it? At first glance, it may seem that a regular hygiene product will do.

In fact, orthodontic design makes brushing your teeth very difficult, and it also serves as a place for food debris and soft plaque to accumulate. With regular, poor-quality cleansing, gradual demineralization of the enamel occurs. After removing braces, a person can expect unpleasant surprise– all the front surfaces of the teeth are painted with white chalky stains.

For complete cleansing when straightening teeth, you will need:

  • mono-beam brush;
  • V-shaped brush;
  • special brushes for cleaning braces.

A brush with a recess has a special arrangement of bristles on the head. When viewing it from the end, you will notice that in the central part the fibers are shorter and seem to be beveled in the shape of the letter “V”, hence the name of this product. This design helps to simultaneously clean both teeth and installed braces.

A mono-tuft brush is a product with a long handle, on the working part of which there is only one bristly tuft. In this case, the head is located perpendicular to the body. The brush allows you to clean the areas between the clasps, and also easily penetrates under the orthodontic arch and ligatures.

It is most convenient to use brushes to clean the space under the metal arc. Such devices are not sold in every pharmacy, so it is better to purchase them in a specialized store.

How to properly care for your toothbrush

Not only the quality of the toothbrush plays a big role, but also how its owner cares for it.

Rules for using and caring for a toothbrush:

  1. A toothbrush is an individual hygiene product. This means that the product should only be used by one person to prevent it from spreading infection.
  2. Follow storage rules. After use, rinse the brush thoroughly with water and place it vertically, head up, in a glass. According to the rules, each family member should have their own to avoid any overlap of microflora.
  3. Do not store the brush in a closed case, because it must be dry so that bacteria do not multiply. The device cannot dry completely in the case.
  4. Change the hygiene product as it wears out, but at least once every three months. This rule also applies to removable heads for electric brushes.
  5. If the villi are deformed, do not use the product - this can scratch the enamel and mucous membrane.
  6. Wash the brush with soap to remove any remaining toothpaste and plaque.

When choosing individual funds To care for your teeth and gums, it is better to consult a dentist. Based on individual characteristics he will recommend suitable hygiene products. Knowing which toothbrush is best for brushing your teeth is necessary for every person who closely monitors the health of not only the oral cavity, but also the entire body.

Useful video about toothbrushes

Researchers from England and the USA have confirmed that the toothbrush is home to a number of microbes. The latter include not the most pleasant individuals, such as E. coli and staphylococcus. But there is one important nuance: Most of these bacteria transfer to the toothbrush directly from us during its use.

How does pollution happen?

  • oral cavity;
  • Toothbrush storage places.

The oral cavity is home to thousands of bacteria and microorganisms. Natural germs and bacteria in the mouth are one of the main reasons why everyone needs to brush their teeth. Some of them cause dental caries unless they are removed during brushing. The second place where a toothbrush gets dirty is where it is stored. Most people leave their toothbrushes in the bathroom. It is there that microorganisms simply teem. Flushing the toilet pushes bacteria into the air, and bathing also contributes to its spread. Eventually, germs will end up on your toothbrush.

Note! Hundreds of millions of microorganisms can become trapped in brush bristles, including those that cause colds, viruses and infections.

Table. List of bacteria that can be found on a toothbrush.

Name, photoBrief description

Bacteria that causes erosion of tooth enamel, tooth decay and caries

Causes diarrhea

Calls acute pharyngitis

Bacteria that are contained in aquatic environment, soil, vegetation and feces

Causes skin infections

Bacteria that causes gum disease

Fungus that causes thrush in babies

Herpes virus

The viruses of these diseases are found on toothbrushes, and the causative agent of hepatitis B can survive for several months

Can a toothbrush cause illness?

Everyone knows that germs live on your toothbrush. Some of them can harm us. True, no one has yet proven that a toothbrush full of bacilli will make someone sick. When immune system the person is fine, she fights off the usual microbes that, as a rule, live in the mouth. Defensive forces The body is activated and stops microbes before they lead to illness. More often they get onto the toothbrush from the oral cavity, which means they are the same microbes that the body fights every day.

At certain diseases there is a risk reinfection from a toothbrush. For example, if you are diagnosed with strep throat, your doctor will advise you to throw away your old toothbrush after the antibiotics begin to work. If your immune system is not functioning properly due to any disease/disorder, it increases the chances of getting an infection or re-infection after using a toothbrush.

Important! For most people, hygiene and storage conditions are all that is needed to ensure good condition brushes and the safe process of using them.

Ways to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

The methods are quite simple and many of us probably already do most of the following on a daily basis. Here are care guidelines from the Dental Association.

  1. Never share your toothbrush with anyone else. The microbes that another person’s body is used to fighting probably won’t be able to overcome yours.
  2. Rinse your toothbrush with water after brushing your mouth, then let it air dry. Most people use a vertical holder for this purpose (be sure to clean it regularly).
  3. Do not store the brush in an airtight container where it cannot dry out, as this will cause more rapid development microorganisms.
  4. Change the brush at least 3-4 times a year. This recommendation is more about the effectiveness of the brush in terms of cleaning your teeth, but it will also help reduce the number of germs living on it.

Professional dentists will probably advise you to follow a few additional recommendations.

  1. Wash your hands before and after brushing your teeth to prevent the spread of germs.
  2. Buy a new toothbrush after a cold or other illness.
  3. Use two toothbrushes alternately. This should be done to ensure that each bristle has a chance to dry completely before being used again.
  4. Do not share toothpaste with a sick person.

Also, under no circumstances should you put a toothbrush in a microwave oven or put it in boiling water for disinfection. Using these methods, most bacteria can be destroyed, but the toothbrush will suffer.

Disinfecting a toothbrush

Some additional measures will help reduce the number of microorganisms living on your toothbrush.

  1. Change your toothbrush more often.
  2. Rinse it with an antibacterial mouthwash before and/or after brushing your teeth. However, experts warn that the same product used by multiple people can actually lead to cross-contamination and cause more harm to health than good.
  3. Use disinfectant for toothbrushes. It can kill a large number of microorganisms, but it is not a fact that it completely destroys them.

Important! Ultraviolet (UV) light is one of the most common ways to disinfect a toothbrush. Typically, the bristles are stored in a small plastic container where they are targeted with UV light for 6-8 minutes before and after brushing.

Effervescent disinfectant tablets can also be used to disinfect toothbrushes. Water interacts with the tablet. Bubbles soon appear, disinfecting the toothbrush as it absorbs the solution (about 10 minutes).

There is no strong evidence to support the fact that bacteria in the mouth have any adverse effects on human health, but it is best to clean your toothbrush to prevent their proliferation.

Step 1: Rinse the bristles in hot water after use to remove any toothpaste, food, or anything else left on them.

Step 2: Fill a clean glass with undiluted white vinegar. Place the toothbrush there, head down.

Glass filled with white vinegar

Step 3. Let it soak for a couple of hours. Vinegar kills most bacteria and germs.

Step 4: Remove the toothbrush from the vinegar, rinse it under running water and hang it upright to dry.

There are many various methods toothbrush disinfection, ranging from special ultraviolet lamps and ending with the use of bleach, dish soap and dishwasher. Fortunately, cleaning your mouth with a toothbrush and avoiding infection is quite achievable. In fact, you most likely have all the ingredients you need in your refrigerator.

Place your toothbrush in the dishwasher. You wash dishes in it, so the device will not be damaged. However, if you are concerned about the bristles softening, be sure to wash them at a lower temperature. That's enough unusual way and it may seem strange to many, but the bacteria actually become much smaller.

A dishwasher is another possible option.

Soak the head of your toothbrush in rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol kills all germs. If you let the bristles air dry or rinse them with water, you can immediately begin brushing your teeth. Alcohol does the job pretty quickly, but for good disinfection, you need to leave the toothbrush in a glass or bowl for at least a minute.

You can also prepare a special antimicrobial agent. Here are the three ingredients you will need:

Pour 1/2 cup or 120 ml of water into a container. Then add 2 tbsp. l. or 30 ml white vinegar and 2 tsp. or 10 mg baking soda. Mix well. Place the toothbrush in the glass and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse.

Note! Vinegar and baking soda are effective antimicrobial ingredients and, in addition to disinfecting toothbrushes, can be used anywhere as an alternative to toxic cleaners.

You should also stop using your toothbrush every few months or when you notice wear and tear. It becomes less effective at cleaning teeth and should be thrown away.

Storage location

Proper storage of your toothbrush is an important part of disinfecting it. Here are some guidelines to follow.

  1. Install a flush guard: You may have heard that flushing a toilet releases particles into the air. They settle on all surfaces in the bathroom, including your toothbrush. Keeping the latter out of reach or in a special container will prevent the penetration of potentially harmful microorganisms from the toilet.
  2. Don't forget about ventilation. Store your toothbrush in a ventilated area to allow it to dry completely between brushings.
  3. Place vertically: Keep your toothbrush upright to avoid cross-contamination from other surfaces.
  4. Take care of proper lighting, low humidity, and a comfortable temperature - microorganisms prefer dark, damp and cool places.

Where should you not store your toothbrush?

Never store toothbrushes near the toilet. Remember the vintage ceramic mounts that were popular in homes built in the 1950s and 1960s? They matched the appearance of the tiles and were almost always placed on the wall to the left or right of the toilet. It doesn't look terrible so much as it is unhygienic. After some time, people realized that all germs from the toilet move into oral cavity at least twice a day.

Also, don't put your toothbrush in your medicine cabinet. If you're so used to keeping it there that you can't wean yourself off, place a toothbrush holder inside. This is the most safe way block the way for germs from the toilet.

How often to disinfect

Do you need to clean your toothbrushes often? No. If you wash them in hot water after each use and store them properly (away from the toilet), you can clean them about once every month or so. Hot water really helps remove potentially dangerous germs from the sink.

Sanitation vs. Sterilization

When shopping for toothbrush sanitizing products, it is important to understand the current lingo. The concept of "disinfect" means to remove disease or infection, but the rate of this process in each individual case can vary greatly. “Sanitation” means reducing bacteria by 99.9 percent. “Sterilization” is the process of destroying all living organisms. It is important to know that there are currently no commercially available toothbrush cleaners that can sterilize or sanitize them. Don't believe promises of complete destruction of all bacteria, because this is just a marketing ploy.

You can buy toothbrush cleaner, but no evidence suggests that these products clean them any better than plain water and drying. If you decide to purchase a disinfectant, look for a product that has been approved by the FDA food products and medicines.

The bad news is that germs are everywhere and there is no escape from them. Good news- most of them are actually incapable of harming us. So, don't try too hard to change your toothbrush routine, if at all. Most people have very little chance of ever getting sick from their own toothbrush.

Video - How to care for a toothbrush

A campaign to launch a new startup has begun on Kickstarter Amabrush. Another promising development is devoted to the issue of hygiene, or more precisely, oral hygiene. Amabrush is completely automatic toothbrush, which can clean all the teeth in your mouth in just 10 seconds! Structurally, Amabrush is a flexible dental tray with many traditional bristles, the development of which took more than three years. To start the teeth cleaning process, you need to press a button, after which the device begins to vibrate.

The body of the flexible mouth guard is dotted with numerous microchannels through which it is delivered to the teeth. toothpaste. The product is made of antibacterial silicone that kills 99.99% of all bacteria. The body is filled with three-dimensional bristles to simultaneously clean teeth from all sides, bottom and upper jaw. The material is soft enough to prevent damage to your gums, but tough enough to thoroughly cleanse your teeth of dirt and germs. To clean the innovative Amabrush toothbrush after use, simply rinse it like a regular toothbrush.

10 seconds of brushing your teeth with Amabrush is enough for results that are superior in quality to more long-term cleaning using a traditional toothbrush. Even if you brush your teeth for the recommended 120 seconds with a regular manual or electric toothbrush, each tooth is ideally exposed to only 1.25 seconds (assuming each tooth has three surfaces and there are 32 of them in your mouth). Accordingly, Amabrash increases cleaning of all surfaces by 8 times, but at the same time reduces the duration hygiene procedure 12 times.

The built-in mechanism foams the toothpaste and delivers the optimal amount to the teeth. The capacity of the built-in battery is enough for 28 cleaning sessions. So if you go on holiday without a charging station, you can brush your teeth with Amabrush for at least two weeks, twice a day.

Toothpaste capsules simply fit into the Amabrush's push-button tip. The product measures the ideal amount of toothpaste for one brushing session every time. The capacity of one capsule is enough for more than a month and it costs $3. Three paste options are available: extra-fresh, whitening and for sensitive teeth without fluoride. Amabrush requires a special toothpaste to work, as it is thinner than regular toothpaste for optimal passage through the microchannels. The Amabrush bristle tray itself costs just $6 and needs to be replaced every 3 to 6 months.

More details about the startup on Kickstarter.

Video | Amabrush: perfect teeth cleaning in just 10 seconds

Most of us use regular manual or, as they are also called, manual toothbrushes. But oral care product manufacturers offer several alternatives, including an ionic toothbrush. And while many people have already heard about electric and even ultrasonic devices, the ionic brush is not so popular yet. What is it, what is the principle of its operation and is it really effective? new technology, you will learn from the article.

Ionic brush: working principle

Externally, the ionic brush resembles a traditional manual brush with some design differences:

  • inside the brush head, near the bristles, there is titanium rod, which, in the presence of a power source (battery or solar panel), produces ions with a negative charge;
  • on the brush handle in the area where your brush is usually located during the brushing process. thumb, a metal plate is located, the release of ions will occur if it is moistened;
  • At the end of the handle there is a light bulb - this is an indicator of the battery charge; if it lights up, it means that ions are being released.

The principle of operation of the hygienic device is as follows: negatively charged ions enter saliva during brushing and promote better effective removal dental plaque.

Ionic brush handle.

According to the manufacturers of ionic brushes, this effect is achieved due to the fact that the ionic brush changes the charge of the enamel. Tooth enamel a person has a negative charge, and the bacterial plaque that forms on it has a positive charge. Since opposite charges tend to attract each other, plaque adheres to the surface of the enamel and is firmly held on it. When brushing your teeth with an ionic brush, the charge of the enamel becomes positive, and plaque plaques are repelled from it, as their charge becomes the same. The negatively charged bristles of a toothbrush attract positively charged plaque. This ensures better cleaning of teeth and removal of bacterial deposits even from hard-to-reach places - dental spaces, surfaces of distant molars.

We owe the appearance of ionic toothbrushes on the market to Japanese specialists; it was in Japan that this technology was invented.

Is ion technology effective?

The principle of operation of the brush has been criticized by dentists.

Both consumers and dentists were skeptical about ionic technology. The principle of operation based on changing the polarity of teeth was perceived by many with irony. There is no reliable evidence that plaque is attracted to the enamel by creating an electrostatic or electromagnetic connection between them. It is known that the attachment of dental plaque to the enamel occurs thanks to enzymes that are produced by soft plaque bacteria. Simply by bringing the bristles, which release ions, to the enamel, plaque will not begin to come off and be attracted to the brush. Its removal is possible only through mechanical action - cleaning.

Reviews from dentists regarding the ionic toothbrush have different character. But the main message is this: it’s not how fancy your brush is, but how you use it. In order for all bacterial plaque to be removed during brushing, the bristles must make the correct “sweeping” motion from the gum line to the cutting edge of the tooth. Even if negative ions do come from the bristles, they can only make the plaque removal process easier, but the quality of cleaning depends on your efforts.

Manufacturers of ionic brushes claim that the process of brushing teeth normalizes acid balance occurs faster in the oral cavity. In addition, the ions released from the bristles contribute to faster penetration active ingredients toothpaste in tooth tissue. That is, the positive effect of brushing will be achieved faster than when using a regular brush, which is especially important for people who devote less than 3 minutes to the hygiene procedure, recommended by dentists.

Descriptions of ionic brushes compiled by product manufacturers indicate that brushing teeth produces the following effect:

  • removes bacterial plaque;
  • improves gum health;
  • eliminates ;
  • reduces enamel sensitivity;
  • leads to normalization of the pH of the oral cavity.

However, to be fair, it should be said that all these effects can also be achieved by a regular brush if you use it in combination with a good toothpaste and clean using the correct technology.

The nozzle needs to be replaced with a new one every 3 months.

Features of using ionic brushes

You need to brush your teeth with an ionic brush in the same way as with a regular manual brush, with the exception of some points:

  • before starting the procedure, the metal plate on the brush handle must be moistened with water, this will activate the process of ion production;
  • During the hygiene procedure, it is recommended to hold a wet finger on metal panel so that the process of ion production does not stop;
  • moisten the bristles, squeeze a pea of ​​paste onto it;
  • brush your teeth for about 3 minutes, moving the brush from the gum to the edge of the tooth;
  • then proceed to cleaning the chewing surface;
  • rinse your mouth with water, rinse the bristles from any remaining toothpaste;
  • Store the brush in an upright position with the head up.

Important: according to manufacturers, “dry” cleaning without paste will also be effective. In principle, you can remove plaque with the dry bristles of a regular brush, without ionic technology. But the paste helps to mineralize the enamel, strengthen it and protect teeth from. In addition, after wetting the bristles and applying paste to it, cleaning occurs more softly, without damaging the enamel.

Similar to a manual brush, the bristles of an ionic brush wear out and become colonized with bacteria. To ensure effective and safe brushing, brush heads should be changed every 3 months.

Integral and important tool A high-quality toothbrush is essential for proper and effective care of your teeth and oral cavity. With its help, during the cleaning process, food debris trapped in the space between the teeth is removed, soft plaque is removed and subsequently eliminated bad smell from the mouth. Failure to comply with this daily hygiene procedure can cause enamel destruction, caries development, tartar formation and tooth loss.

How many months can you use one toothbrush?

In order for a toothbrush to cope with its task efficiently, it must be updated in a timely manner. A brush that loses its shape, becomes shaggy and its bristles begin to stick out in all directions, is no longer able to clean the teeth of plaque, bacteria and penetrate into the required places. In this state, it can damage soft tissues due to the hardness acquired over time. In addition, microcracks appear on old bristles, which serve as an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

According to dentists' recommendations, the service life of a toothbrush is three months. However, this time indicator is relative. It depends more on the quality of the brush and its manufacturer. If she has good characteristics, then when proper care, disinfection and storage can last much longer and will not need to be changed too often.

It is important to monitor the condition of the stubble. If your toothbrush wears out quickly, you need to replace your old toothbrush with a new one more often than expected to maintain the effectiveness of brushing your teeth.

Rules for using a brush and storing it

Instead of brushing your teeth after eating or eating fruit, it is advisable to simply rinse your mouth with plain water or mouthwash. This will help clean your mouth of food debris and eliminate bacteria.

You need to brush your teeth for 3-5 minutes, using a small amount of toothpaste (see also: how to brush your teeth and when exactly should this be done - before breakfast or after meals in the morning and evening?). Important point teeth cleaning involves correct technique using a toothbrush. The entire procedure can be divided into several stages:

Caring for it also plays an important role in the long service life of your toothbrush. It is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • rinse it thoroughly after the procedure;
  • do not leave wet for a long time;
  • store in an upright position, thus allowing it to dry well;
  • Avoid contact with other toothbrushes to avoid transmission of infection from a sick person.

Holders with holes are best for storing brushes. For travel you should get a special case. Only put a completely dry brush in it.

When do you urgently need to change your toothbrush?

Most frequently asked question associated with toothbrushes is how many times a year it should be replaced with a new one. However, the more pressing question is not after what time to throw out the old brush, but how to understand when it’s time to do it. Naturally, this hygiene product should be changed even before the stubble becomes shaggy.

Why the period recommended by dentists is three months is explained by research data. After this period, with twice daily brushing, lasting about three minutes and with an average load, the toothbrush will wear out. True, this could happen much earlier.

Manufacturers of some brands simplify the task for the consumer by coloring the bristles. When it changes color, it means it's time to change your brush. Without such a color indicator, relying on the configuration of the bristles in this matter. As soon as they start sticking out different sides, then it’s time to buy a new hygiene instrument.

Ways to disinfect a toothbrush at home

Another important nuance in caring for a toothbrush comes down to its disinfection. After purchase and after a certain period of active use, it is necessary to disinfect and disinfect the brush. There is no way to disinfect a toothbrush that can be done at home. You can disinfect and treat hygiene products using:

Features of using a children's brush

Children's brushes have the softest bristles, since children's gums and enamel are still very sensitive to external influence. Parents can brush children's teeth up to the age of six. This should be done carefully, making circular movements, without pressing too hard on the brush so as not to cause injury. However, it is important from the very early age teach your child to brush his teeth regularly and teach him how to use a toothbrush correctly.

The quality and effectiveness of the teeth cleaning procedure itself depends on the choice of toothbrush, so you need to treat this issue very carefully. Below is a series useful tips that will allow you to do good choice without making mistakes, and will save time on shopping:

  1. The quality of the bristles. There are bristles varying degrees rigidity. In accordance with this criterion, toothbrushes are intended for different age categories people. The very soft bristles are intended for very young children, but it is important to take into account the fact that they wear out quite quickly and should be replaced frequently. For a child, an elderly person or a person with sensitive gums, soft bristles are suitable. Medium hardness is relevant for adults and children over 12 years of age who have healthy teeth and gums. It is better not to buy a toothbrush with high rigidity, as its use can lead to injury to the gums, palate and damage to the enamel.
  2. A comfortable handle that is easy to hold in your hands makes brushing your teeth comfortable.
  3. Additional practical features. For example, the presence of rubber coating reduces the brush’s slipping in the hands, thereby preventing the risk of injury. Ribbed surface on back side The heads allow you to clean the tongue from bacterial plaque.