How is menovazine solution useful? Unusual ways to use Menovazin

It is very important to thoroughly understand what Menovazin helps with. The increased interest in this drug is justified. This medication has been used for decades as a cost effective medicine that helps cope with a number of diseases. However, we must not forget that it has contraindications.

Menovazin - composition

This drug is intended for external use. It is important to take this point into account when understanding what Menovazin helps with. The drug is available in two variations:

  • solution;
  • ointment.

The solution is colorless with a menthol odor and packaged in glass bottles. Volume medicinal liquid can vary from 25 to 40 ml. The ointment is white in color with a menthol aroma and is available in aluminum tubes of 40 g. The concentration of the main substances in both forms of release of the drug is the same. Menovazine solution and ointment contain the following active ingredients:

  • menthol;
  • procaine;
  • benzocaine.

In solution auxiliary component is 70% ethyl alcohol. This is what provides the drug with a drying effect. The ointment contains the following excipients:

  • mineral oil;
  • white paraffin;
  • emulsifier T-2;
  • water.

What does Menovazin treat?

This drug has an analgesic effect on the area of ​​application. In addition, it has a calming and antipruritic effect, so it can be applied to irritated areas. Due to its alcohol content, the solution is used as antiseptic. To understand in more detail what Menovazin is used for, a detailed study of the pharmacological action of each of its components will help. The main substances of the drug have the following effects:

  1. Mento l – has a soft anesthetic effect. This effect occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels close to the skin and irritation of nerve endings. After contact with the cover, it envelops it with a slight coolness. In addition, menthol is an excellent conductor for the other components of the drug: it enhances their effect.
  2. Procaine is an anesthetic. It blocks sodium channels. As a result, the occurrence of pain impulses is prevented.
  3. Benzocaine– is also an anesthetic. It provides a long-lasting analgesic effect.

Thanks to this combination of the main components, the excitability of neurons is inhibited and the conductivity of axons fades. All this provides a distracting effect. In other words, after applying the medicine to the problem area, the pain intensity becomes less pronounced. This effect lasts for a certain time.

Menovazin - indications for use

This medication is different wide range applications. There is even an opinion that Menovazin treats 13 diseases. Considering pharmacological action this drug, it is quite possible that the number of diseases that such a medicine can treat is much greater. According to the instructions, Menovazine has the following indications:

  • neuralgia;
  • sciatica;
  • radiculitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • dermatoses;
  • dislocations and other mechanical damage;
  • scratches and abrasions;
  • colds accompanied by runny nose and cough;

Menovazin - contraindications

Although this drug It is widely used, but it is not indicated for use by everyone. In some cases it will have to be abandoned. For this reason, when trying to figure out what Menovazin helps with, we must not forget about its contraindications. The use of the medication is prohibited when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to develop vasospasms;
  • the presence of burns and open wounds on the skin;
  • acute pulmonary tuberculosis.

Some people are wondering whether Menovazine can be used during pregnancy. There is no consensus among doctors regarding the use of this medicine during pregnancy. Some experts believe that it is unsafe to use it, so Paracetamol is prescribed instead. Others recommend the drug for use by pregnant women. They base their judgments on what medicine does not affect the composition of the blood, but only has a local effect.

Since Menovazin is applied externally, it does not reach breast milk(does not affect its taste and aroma). In view of this this medication used during lactation. However, it is recommended to put the baby to the breast only half an hour after using the medicine: by then the specific smell of the medicine will disappear. The use of Menovazin by children over 7 years of age is not prohibited. If the kids are younger, you need to be more careful with the drug.

Menovazine - application

This medicine is used externally only.

Here's how to use Menovazine:

  1. The area of ​​the body where the drug will be applied is thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  2. The skin in the area where the problem is localized is rubbed well (this will enhance the penetration of the active substances of the medication).
  3. Apply the solution and lightly rub in the medicine.
  4. The duration of therapy depends on what Menovazine solution is used for in this particular case. It is recommended to continue treatment until remission occurs. However, the therapeutic course should not exceed 4 weeks. If necessary, take a 2-week break and continue manipulations.

However, it is important to know not only what Menovazin helps with, but also how this medication interacts with other drugs. Otherwise there will be no positive dynamics, and general condition the patient will worsen. For example, when Menovazin interacts with topical medications, it increases therapeutic effect the latter. However, the tandem of this drug with antibiotics of the group weakens the power of drugs that fight pathogenic flora.

Menovazin for hemorrhoids

Before such therapy, you should definitely consult a proctologist. This is especially important in cases where Menovazin is used during pregnancy. This drug is used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids. However, if cracks are found or bleeding begins, such treatment is unacceptable.

Menovazine is used as follows:

  1. Dilute the solution with water (proportions 1:3).
  2. Moisten a tampon with this mixture and apply it to the anus. The drug should not come into contact with mucous membranes.
  3. Keep the lotion for about a minute.
  4. Remove the compress and wipe the hemorrhoid with a clean damp cloth.
  5. Therapy is carried out 2-3 times a day until inflammation decreases.

Menovazin for headaches

This drug helps cope with high blood pressure and migraine.

If you have Menovazin at hand, how to use it:

  1. Rub the solution on the back of your head or temples.
  2. Take a horizontal position.
  3. After 15-30 minutes the condition improves.

Menovazin for back pain

More often the attack is provoked by osteochondrosis. During treatment of this disease must be used integrated approach. In this case, a local anesthetic is also used.

Before using Menovazin solution, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications.

  1. Apply the medicine to the affected area and rub it in slightly.
  2. It is recommended to do similar procedures three times a day for 15-20 days.

Menovazin for cough

This medicine is effectively used in the treatment of colds. It is advisable to use it on initial stage diseases.

If Menovazin for colds is used when the disease has acquired running form, the drug helps to avoid the development of complications.

  1. It is recommended to rub your back with this solution and chest and wrap yourself up.
  2. The menthol present in the drug will reduce the sensitivity of cough receptors, improve blood flow and relieve inflammation. Already after 2-3 procedures, significant relief occurs.

Menovazin for sinusitis

This medication helps relieve nasal congestion and improve breathing.

It can be used as follows:

  1. Menovazin - a solution for external use is applied to the temples, bridge of the nose and the area above the upper lip.
  2. The drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and the nasal passages are lubricated with this composition.

Menovazine for insomnia

This medicine copes well with sleep disorders. It will help you fall asleep without sleeping pills.

The use of Menovazine solution provides for the following:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with it.
  2. Wipe with this swab occipital part(the area from one ear to the other).

Menovazin for acne

When fighting rashes, both ointment and solution can be used.

Treatment regimen:

  1. The affected area is covered with a thin layer of ointment. Rub it in lightly. It is recommended to do this procedure 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually.
  2. Menovazin solution for external use is applied pointwise using a cotton swab. Lightly rub the drug in with massaging movements. The procedure should be carried out a couple of times a day until the rash disappears.

You don't need to have a lot of money. Exercise, eat, don’t eat any nasty things, for example, and you will be happy.

Even if you are sick, you don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money on medicine. All expensive drugs that are advertised to you can be replaced as folk remedies, and inexpensive analogues.

The modern pharmacological industry produces thousands of medications that are designed to save a person’s life and prevent the development of diseases. Unfortunately, most medications are expensive and beyond the reach of people with average incomes. To afford medications, they have to cut back on food costs, and nutrition is no less important for maintaining good health.

There are constantly advertisements for expensive drugs on television and doctors prescribe a whole list of drugs for which you need to pay the lion's share family budget. Is any treatment really so expensive that the average resident of our country should give up the right to be healthy? Is there no alternative to expensive drugs? Of course there is. Let's remember the medicines that healed our parents and grandparents.

The pharmacy chain has a large selection of medicines that have low cost, But high efficiency. They do not need advertising because they are accessible to all segments of the population and can compete in effectiveness with expensive drugs. For pharmaceutical companies, cheap medicines do not bring much profit, but they are very valuable for human health.

I have already talked about, about what this cheap drug capable of miracles. In this article I will talk about menovazine solution, what it helps with and how it is used at home.

Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

Menovazin solution is intended for external use. It consists of several components, each of which complements and enhances the actions of each other.

Composition of menovazine:

  • Novocaine;
  • Anestezin;
  • Menthol;
  • 70% ethyl alcohol.

The solution is available in 40 ml glass bottles. Its cost does not exceed 30 rubles.

Menovazin is a budget drug of domestic production, which can be purchased in both large pharmacies and small pharmacy. The drug belongs to the group of local anesthetic drugs and is sold without a doctor's prescription. It has a sharp, specific odor that quickly disappears.

Properties of menovazin:

  • has a local anesthetic effect due to the content anesthetics(novocaine, anesthesin) – blocks nerve transmission from peripheral parts into the brain;
  • has a local irritant effect due to the menthol content - when applied to the skin, it has a cooling effect, reflexively eliminates discomfort and pain;
  • provides vasodilator effect at the site of application of the solution due to the content of medical alcohol - an increase in the lumen of small arterial vessels improves tissue blood flow in the application area;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect due to menthol, ethyl alcohol and novocaine.

We have reviewed menovazine, its composition and properties, now let’s move on to the indications and contraindications of the drug.

Use of the drug

Menovazin is used externally for pain relief and itching; this is indicated in the instructions for the drug. Few people know that menovazin can be used as symptomatic remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids and signs of a cold (cough, runny nose, nasal congestion).

Indications for use of menovazine:

  • neuralgia - pain syndrome due to inflammation of the nerve, which spreads along the path of the nerve bundle;
  • sciatica – inflammation sciatic nerve with pain in the buttock and leg;
  • myalgia – muscle inflammation with pain;
  • arthralgia – pain in large and small joints;
  • radiculitis – pinched nerves and pain syndrome in lumbar region spinal column;
  • skin diseases with itching;
  • colds and acute respiratory viral infections with respiratory manifestations (dry cough, congestion in the upper respiratory tract, runny nose);
  • hemorrhoids in the rectal area;
  • minor wounds, abrasions, scratches and other defects skin.

Menovazine can be used by pregnant and lactating women and children over 12 years of age. The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of allergies to the components of the solution (especially novocaine). The drug does not cause side effects. At misuse menovazine (for example, taken orally) may decrease blood pressure and cause general weakness and dizziness.

Recipes for treatment with menovazine

The medicine is widely used for healing at home. Recipes based on it are simple and accessible, positive result can be obtained after the first use of the coolant.

Recipe No. 1

Menovazin is used as a rub for colds. The solution is mixed with water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio and rubbed into the chest area, between the shoulder blades. After this, the body is wrapped in a woolen scarf and covered with a warm blanket. The cooling effect quickly gives way to sensation pleasant warmth. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, in the morning and always in the evening before bed until the general condition improves.

Recipe No. 2

Menovazin for muscle, joint, and neuralgic pain effectively relieves discomfort after the first use. The area of ​​pain can be rubbed with an undiluted solution or diluted with water in equal proportions. In addition, menovazin can be used as a compress. The solution must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2 (1:3 for children), moisten gauze with the liquid, and apply to the area pain syndrome, cover with polyethylene and a warm scarf. You need to keep the compress for 15-30 minutes, depending on how you feel. At strong burning sensation the compress should be removed. This method is also used for itchy skin rashes.

Recipe No. 3

Menovazine for a runny nose is recommended for nasal congestion and worsening nasal breathing. Apply a clean solution to the temples, bridge of the nose, and area upper lip, neck from the front. Dilute solution cool water in a ratio of 1:3 lubricate the nasal passages. It is necessary to ensure that the medicine does not get into the eyes and does not have a strong burning effect. If the undiluted solution gets on the mucous membranes, they must be rinsed with running water.

Recipe No. 4

Menovazin for hemorrhoids helps reduce the size of the nodes, reduce pain and facilitate the process of bowel movements. Sterile gauze, folded in 2 layers, is moistened with a solution diluted with water (concentration 1:3). A gauze swab is inserted into the rectum overnight and removed in the morning. If the burning sensation is severe, treatment should be abandoned.

We have looked at what is available and cheap remedy Menovazin, what it is used for and what recipes are used.

This medicinal product became worthy analogue expensive medicines, which are beyond the means of a person with a small salary. Thanks to menovazin, you can not only save your budget, but also improve your health without the risk of side effects and complications.

Listen to what people have to say about menovazine.

And as always, wonderful music from me to you.

I wish you happiness and health.

See you soon.

Hello, dear blog readers. Recently on social media I saw information on networks about how to use menovazine. And although I'm pretty long time I worked in a hospital, I didn’t even realize how widespread the use of menovazine was at home. If you read this article to the end, you will learn several more non-standard ways to use it. Most of us know that menovazin is an excellent remedy for reducing pain in osteochondrosis, radiculitis, various arthritis, and myalgia. But this is far from full list diseases where it helps.

I would like to note right away that Menovazin is not a medicine that can solve any health problem and cure it. Yes, the substances included in its composition help in reducing pain. This drug helps perfectly if it is one of the components complex therapy. But without eliminating the main cause of the disease, this drug alone will not be able to help.

Composition of the product "Menovazin"

Menovazine is sold in our pharmacies in two dosage forms: in solution or ointment. As aid the solution uses 70⁰ alcohol, and the ointment uses an ointment base.

100 ml of alcohol solution contains:

  • 2.5 g menthol (racementhol)
  • 1.0 g benzocaine (anesthetic)
  • 1 g procaine (novocaine)
  • and up to 100 ml 70% ethyl alcohol

Menthol, when applied to the skin, causes a feeling of coolness, irritates nerve endings and expands the lumen of capillaries, resulting in a decrease in pain and itchy skin. It enhances the effect of anesthesin and novocaine, and also helps relieve inflammation at the site of application to the skin.

Anesthesin prevents the transmission of pain impulses along nerve fibers, thereby providing a pronounced analgesic effect.

Novocaine also prevents the generation and conduction of pain impulses, but its effect is less pronounced than anesthesin.

The ethyl alcohol included in the solution has disinfectant properties.

In general, menovazin has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is menovazine used for?

The instructions for use state that menovazine is a drug for external use only. The drug perfectly helps relieve pain in diseases such as myalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis. Perfectly relieves itching in various itchy dermatoses.

For sprains, injuries, bruises, before applying pressure bandage, if there is nothing else, smear the skin with menovazine.

You can apply a compress to the sore joint. But to avoid skin burns, it is necessary to dilute the alcohol solution of menovazine with water in a ratio of 1:1 or dilute it sunflower oil. Gauze or cotton cloth is moistened with this solution, applied to the sore joint, wrapped with cling film or plastic wrap on top, and then with a warm scarf. Leave it overnight. If you felt severe pain and burning, the compress should be removed immediately.

Traditional methods of using menovazine

It turns out that our people are quite inventive in the case of using menovazine. Its analgesic, distracting, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect is still widely used.

The use of menovazin for hemorrhoids

In addition to other medications, on the recommendation of a proctologist, menovazine can be used to treat hemorrhoids. For quick removal pain, unpleasant sensation and itching in the anus, it is recommended to apply a lotion with a cotton pad soaked in menovazine or apply a small amount of ointment with menovazine to a cotton pad.

When carrying out such a procedure, a burning sensation may occur, so you should not continue the procedure for a long time. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day until inflammation is relieved and pain disappears.

This procedure is contraindicated if there is hemorrhoidal bleeding, anal fissures, proctitis and paraproctitis, thrombosis hemorrhoids. You cannot insert tampons with menovazine inside the rectum - a burn to the delicate mucous membrane is possible.

For cough and runny nose

Some pediatricians recommend rubbing with menovazine for a cold accompanied by a cough. Rub your back and chest, then immediately wrap yourself in a warm scarf or put on wool sweater and go to bed. 2-3 procedures are enough and you can get rid of the cough and you will not get sick.

In this case, menthol, which is part of the medicine, has a warming and distracting effect, reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors, and also improves blood flow, thereby relieving inflammation.

If you have a sore throat, then in addition to the medications prescribed by your doctor, rub the throat area with menovazine and wrap yourself up too. If you have a runny nose, all you need to do is sniff menovazine, closing first one nostril and then the other.

For herpes on the lips

Usually, a cold on the lips can be felt even when nothing is visible outwardly. The first signs of herpes (burning, pain and swelling on the lips) should already alert you.

Hold a cotton pad moistened with menovazine solution in this place. Can be spread possible place herpes with menovazine ointment.

For ear pain

If nothing is at hand, menovazine will help relieve ear pain. I found a lot of reviews where menovazin helped in this situation.

It is enough to moisten a cotton swab with an alcohol solution and apply it to the ear 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

For headaches

If you experience headaches caused by high blood pressure, you can rub your head from the back of your head to your ears with an alcohol solution.

For varicose veins

Use of menovazine for varicose veins veins relieves the feeling of pain and heaviness in the legs, reduces swelling. It is necessary to apply the solution light movements from the feet upward, stroking in a circular motion.

For insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, just soak a cotton swab in alcohol solution menovazin and rub it on the neck from the back of the head from ear to ear. You can quickly fall asleep without any sleeping pills.

For injections

As disinfectant Menovazin can be used for injections at home, when you need to urgently administer some medicine, but there is no alcohol or alcohol wipes in the house. As you remember, it contains up to 95 g of 70⁰ethyl alcohol.

This drug is very popular among older and old age. And not only for what he provides good effect during use, as well as for its small price. Its price differs in different regions, but everywhere menovazine costs no more than 15 rubles per bottle. If you use, for example, fastum gel, you will have to spend more than 400 rubles.

You can buy this drug at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. But still, before use, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of its use.

Contraindications and side effects of menovazine

When applied to the skin, regardless of whether it is a solution or an ointment, the drug does not penetrate into the blood. Therefore, menovazine can be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children, but it is better, of course, after consulting a doctor. But it is still better for pregnant women and young children to use folk remedies.

When using menovazine you need to be careful in the following cases:

  1. Possible individual intolerance some components of the drug.
  2. You should not apply ointment or rub the skin with menovazine if there is any damage to the skin (wounds, burns, dermatitis, eczema).
  3. At long-term use menovazine may decrease blood pressure, and as a result, dizziness appears.

The drug does not have any negative action for management vehicles or engage in activities that require increased concentration attention.

Dear readers, you have learned how to use menovazine. And I believe that similar drug must be in your home medicine cabinet.

"Menovazin" - complex drug, which doctors prescribe for neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain and as an antipruritic remedy for skin diseases. But its use is not limited to this list.

This is being released medicine in two forms: solution and ointment for topical use.

Menovazin contains several components that determine the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.


After contact with the skin, it penetrates deep and reaches the nerve endings, as a result of which it has a cooling effect and effectively relieves itching. Menthol also helps to dilate blood vessels, which allows other active substances to penetrate to the nerve endings and relieve pain.


A local anesthetic that prevents pain impulses from developing in nerve endings. Procaine
It has strong anesthetic properties, which dulls pain.

All three in combination active substances irritates nerve endings. The patient initially feels a slight cooling effect, this distracts from pain, then the itching and superficial pain go away. After some time, when procaine blocks impulses in the nerve endings, the pain disappears completely.

"Menovazin" for external use

Despite the fact that Menovazin is drug, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, it has long been a tool traditional medicine and is used not only according to the instructions in the instructions.
The appropriateness of such treatment can be questioned, but people's reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Let's consider ways to use this drug in non-standard situations.

For sinusitis

During the cold season, the problem of a stuffy nose is more pressing than ever. Sinusitis is inflammation paranasal sinuses nose, which appears due to repeated deep runny nose or cold.

The instructions say nothing about the treatment of sinusitis. Nevertheless, this remedy has been prescribed by otolaryngologists for many decades to relieve pain symptoms accompanying the inflammatory process.
Despite the fact that this drug is not able to cure sinusitis, it can significantly ease breathing and reduce the amount of purulent and mucous discharge.
"Menovazin" helps alleviate the symptoms of the disease and has an effect on maxillary sinuses analgesic, antipruritic and warming effect.

Therefore, treatment of sinusitis with Menovazin is completely justified, but, as a rule, as part of complex therapy. To use Menovazin, it is necessary to build a structure that allows you to secure cotton wool soaked in the solution on your nose overnight. The compress should be adjacent to the nostril in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus.

Rubs for colds

Menovazin solution can be used for rubbing for the purpose of treatment individual symptoms colds. It is applied to the chest and back, quickly rubbing with your palms, as if rubbing the composition into the skin.
A compress is also moistened with the drug and applied to the neck area. In the same way, it is successfully used for sore throat, as well as bronchitis.

For hemorrhoids

It should be noted right away that Menovazin is not a method of treating hemorrhoids at all, but a tool that allows you to temporarily minimize painful and uncomfortable sensations.

How to use the product? First you need to lubricate a cotton swab with ointment, and then apply it to the affected area for 5-7 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, there may be a slight burning and itching in the area. anus, but usually these manifestations disappear quickly.
It is worth noting that introducing ointment into the anus is strictly prohibited. The product is intended for external use only. "Menovazin" for hemorrhoids should be applied to the affected area 2 times a day - morning and evening.
Numerous reviews from patients who were treated with Menovazin indicate its high analgesic properties, which is important in such a situation. intimate problem like hemorrhoids.

How to apply the remedy for herpes

Menovazin solution is quick and effective way getting rid of herpes symptoms. Moisten a cotton swab with Menovazin and wipe the area where the herpes has formed. If the herpes still does not go away, repeat this procedure several times. One bottle is enough for for a long time. Just keep it with you and know that you can use the medicine at any time.

For cervical osteochondrosis

It is necessary to understand that osteochondrosis can be cured only through complex treatment, which includes a physiotherapeutic part. When it comes to Menovazin, the medication is used as a local anesthetic.
It is applied to the area cervical region spine, which causes slight numbness and a feeling of cold. To relieve pain, rub the solution into sore spot three times a day for several weeks.

During pregnancy

With each week of pregnancy, the load on the spine, joints and muscles of the body increases. Often expectant mothers complain of pain in the back and lower back. Menovazin is great for relieving these unpleasant symptoms.

For headaches

In order to get rid of a headache, you need to apply the Menovazin solution to the temples, forehead and back of the head, after which the pain disappears.

Contraindications and side effects

Intolerance to one of the components of the product. Skin disorders open wounds. Breast-feeding.
"Menovazin" is a complex drug that has proven itself positively among doctors and patients. Affordable price is also a nice bonus, because many painkillers are expensive.

This drug is cheap, accessible - sold in any pharmacy and is excellent for many diseases. The composition of "Menovazin", for those who do not know, is as follows:

  • menthol - 2.5 g,
  • "Novocaine" - 1.0 g,
  • "Anestezin" - 1.0 g,
  • alcohol - 70 g.

What does Menovazin help with?

Radiculitis- lubricate the back of the neck and the area of ​​the body along the sciatic nerve, the spine. This guarantees significant relief.

Salt deposition in joints can be completely cured by rubbing it into sore spots for a long time.

For pain in the heart that radiates to the shoulder, for headaches, for dental pain- the composition should be lubricated around the ear circumference 2 times a day.

In the years when your legs don’t obey at all, you need to lubricate your feet and popliteal grooves once a day. The result should be wonderful.

It is good to soak turundas with menovazine for ears, relieves pain and inflammation;. make mini-compresses on acne(wet the cotton wool and press it with your finger for a while, as if warming it up), you can use it to place jars; disinfect. I always keep menovazine in my medicine cabinet.

One woman was greatly tormented headache . She was advised to rub her forehead and temples with Menovazin ( pharmaceutical drug). Bigger head she didn't have any pain. Menovazin also helps with hemorrhoids. In the morning after bowel movement, wash yourself, wrap it around index finger bandage, moisten it in Menovazin, insert a finger into the anus and quickly roll it in the rectum. It will be very painful, but you have to endure it. After 5 such daily procedures, hemorrhoids will disappear forever.

I advise women to use Menovazin. As soon as you feel any pain or tingling in the mammary gland, immediately rub the sore spot with this drug. The pain will quickly go away and the inflammation will subside. Do not use for oncology!

For a cold accompanied by a cough, do rubbing with Menovazin. Rub your back and chest, then immediately wrap yourself in a warm scarf or put on a woolen sweater and go to bed. 2-3 procedures are enough and you can get rid of the cough and you will not get sick.

If you have a sore throat begins, then in addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, rub the throat area with Menovazine, and also wrap yourself up. If you have a runny nose, just sniff Menovazin, closing first one nostril and then the other.