Effective analogues of Kagocel - what can replace the drug? Cheap analogue of "Kagocel". Analogue of "Kagocel" for children Kagocel and its analogues are cheaper

Throughout life, every person gets sick for several years; the most common disease is the common cold. One of the most effective drugs Kagocel is considered to be the treatment for such diseases. All information about medications, if necessary, can be found on Wikipedia, on medical websites in Saint Petersburg, there are many pictures, photos, videos and advertisements on this topic. Kagocel has passed international tests, it is not prohibited in Europe, and is completely harmless to children.

Instructions for use Kagocel, dosage for children and adults

How to drink it, at what age can it be taken? The tablets must be dissolved and washed down with water. The drug can be taken from 3 years old, for a child 3-6 years old the following scheme is provided: the duration of the course is four days, the number of tablets is 6 pieces, in the first 2 days 1 tablet. 2 r. per day, for 2 next days– 1 more tablet. 1 rub. per day. For children over 6 years old, the duration of the course is the same, the number of tablets is 10, during the first two days - 1 tablet. 3 r. per day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. morning and evening every 12 hours.

How to take when swine flu?

At the first signs of en1 as1, it is recommended to start treatment with Kagocel; for swine flu, an adult patient is prescribed to take 2 tablets 3 times a day in the first two days, 1 tablet in the next two days; in 4 days, the drug allows you to completely cope with the disease.

How much to drink to prevent colds?

How, when, how to use correctly for prevention? Most often, the need for this occurs in the off-season; the dosage regimen in this case is as follows: for 2 weeks, 2 tablets every day. For prevention, the course of treatment depends on the immune system and can take from one week to several months.

Can I drink during pregnancy?

Is it possible to drink Kagocel during pregnancy and lactation? The drug is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers and should be avoided if breastfeeding.

How much does it cost, what does it help with, active substance?

The cost of Kagocel in different pharmacies varies between 187-283 rubles. How to take, the composition of Kagocel, what does it help with? It is recommended to take the drug when viral infection, for sore throat, for herpes, for influenza, ARVI, for colds. Does the drug reduce fever? Kagocel is available in tablets, the main active ingredient is Kagocel, auxiliary ingredients: calcium stearate, ludipres, potato starch.

Kagocel analogues are cheaper list

What can replace Kagocel? It can be replaced with cheaper analogues, the list of which is presented below. You can buy it cheaper in pharmacies the following drugs: amiksin, arbidol, cytovir, cycloferon, Tamiflu, remantadine, amizon.

What else can replace the drug? Other analogues include Lavomax, Oscillococcinum, paracetamol, Fuflomycin, Gossypol, Gripferon, Aflubin, Amoxiclav, Interferon, Azithromycin, Viferon, Nearmedic, Rinzu, Vidal, Anaferon Bioparox, Ergoferon.

Kagocel or ergoferon which is better?

Kagocel has a pronounced antiviral effect, it is recommended to take it for severe viral diseases. The drug causes allergies, so it is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Erogoferon and Kagocel are immunomodulators; the active substance of both drugs promotes the production of interferon, as a result of which the body begins to independently fight the infection. An important advantage of Kagocel in comparison with Erogoferon is that it is effective even when treating late stages. Both drugs have the same indications, but different composition, can be used as prophylactic. Kagocel has a bitter taste, it must be washed down with water, Ergoferon has a sweet taste, which a child may like. A course of treatment with both drugs requires the use of more than one package.

Effective and available substitutes Kagocel tablets

Kagocel is the leader in sales pharmaceutical market in the segment antiviral agents. Its task is to cope with influenza, acute respiratory illnesses and herpes infections. You can also use the product to prevent the development of the mentioned diseases. The price of the medicine is not high, but many domestic and foreign pharmaceutical factories have been able to produce more affordable generics.

Production form and active ingredient

The study drug is produced in tablet form. They have beige color. The active component of the medical product is the substance of the same name - kagocel.

Pharmacology properties

The medicine can actively stimulate the production of interferon. Thanks to this, the cells responsible for restoring the body’s immunity work effectively.

This drug has a number of positive properties– antibacterial, immunomodulatory, antiviral and radioprotective.

At strict adherence instructions for the medicine, it is not capable of causing toxic effects.

After the patient takes the pill, no more than 20% enters the blood medicinal components. Complete elimination carried out during the act of defecation. Maximum therapeutic effect achieved 3 days after the start of treatment.

What does Kagocel help with?

Indications for use:

  • Treatment and implementation of measures to prevent ARVI and influenza;
  • Herpes therapy.


Do not use the product if:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Children under 3 years of age;
  • Hypersensitivity to the composition.

Parallel negative manifestations

In the form of negative effects on the patient’s body, only an allergy is possible, which does not carry serious consequences.

The medication must be taken orally.

The rules of engagement depend entirely on the diagnosed disease:

  • ARVI. The first two days – 2 tablets three times a day. In the next 2 days - one tablet in three doses. The total duration of the therapeutic process should be 4 days. During this period, the patient should drink 18 pills.
  • Preventive measures to prevent acute respiratory viral infection are carried out in weekly cycles. So, for 2 days you drink 2 pills per day. After this, you should take a break of 5 days, after which, repeat the cycle. In total, such a course can last no less than a week and no more than a couple of months.
  • There are particularities in treating children. At the age of 3 to 6 years, at the first stage the following regimen is recommended: 2 days, 1 tablet twice a day. After this, for the next 2 days - 1 pill once a day. The course of therapy should not exceed 4 days.
  • Herpes. Recommended 2 tablets three times a day. General period should not exceed 5 days. During this period, 30 pills are consumed.

Important points during the appointment

  • The medication is most effective when prescribed no later than the fourth day from the onset of the acute illness;
  • To carry out preventive measures, the medicine can be used at any time - after or before contact with a person with a viral disease;
  • We successfully combine the medicine with other pharmaceutical products, including antibiotics and immunomodulators;
  • Negative impact on embryonic development absent, but doctors do not recommend it for pregnant women.

How much does Kagocel cost: price at the pharmacy

Purchasing this pharmaceutical product can be carried out in any pharmacy. The price tag for it is 267 rubles (10 tablets per package, data taken from the resource apteka.ru, Moscow). The cost by region does not differ much.

List of inexpensive substitutes for tablets made in Russia and abroad

The list contains cheaper medications. Their overwhelming advantage is produced in the territory Russian Federation. Without exception, all medications have a single tablet form of production.

Analogues that are cheaper than Kagocel Apteka.ru price in rub. Piluli.ru price in rub.
Moscow St. Petersburg Moscow St. Petersburg
Anaferon246 256 207 190
200 211 184 168
Remantadine204 171 157
Hyporamine187 188 139
170 181 162 144
Arpeflu130 114

Anaferon – (a well-known Russian-made generic)

As a rule, it is used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as influenza ailments. Recommended for complex use against herpetic diseases.

It does not need to be used if the pharmaceutical product is individually indigestible. There is also an age restriction - you cannot take the medicine under 18 years of age. Regarding the use of medication by women preparing for childbirth and those who are in the lactation period, the instructions say that the final decision on this is made based on the risk-benefit rule.

At the same time, the patient may experience some negative reactions if the medication is taken in increased doses. Most often it is an allergy in mild form leakage.

Cycloferon – (effective domestic replacement)

It stands out among the other substitutes reviewed above in that it is indicated for the prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI and herpes not only in adults, but also in children.

Cycloferon should be categorically abandoned before preparing for childbirth, or already in the period of breastfeeding, for children under 4 years of age, as well as in case of cirrhosis of the liver and poor tolerance to the composition of this antiviral drug. Particular attention should be paid to treatment for people with disruptions in the stable functioning of the organs of the digestive chain and those who are prone to the development of allergic phenomena.

At the same time, taking pills can cause skin rashes, which is explained by the reaction hypersensitivity to the constituent substances.

Remantadine – (Latvia)

The inexpensive Baltic medicine is distinguished by the fact that it is intended to prevent the occurrence of influenza diseases, as well as their treatment. The use of Remantadine for preventive purposes is effective in direct contact with patients, especially in a group and confined space, which increases the risk of disease. Admission to people with reduced level immunity and susceptibility to influenza infection. It may also help prevent encephalitis.

Prohibited for those with liver or kidney problems, those under 7 years of age, or those who are pregnant. The instructions note that the patient may experience an aggravation of concurrent chronic diseases while using Remantadine. First of all, elderly patients are at risk. They may experience a hemorrhagic stroke. In addition, for influenza type B, this pharmaceutical product may cause an antitoxic effect.

Differs more harmful influence to the central nervous system. Sleep problems arise, attentiveness and concentration decrease. In addition, vestibular disturbances, headaches, excessive emotional tension and rapid fatigue may begin. Negative Impact may affect the digestive system - there are cases of dry mouth, weight loss, and the urge to vomit.

Hyporamine – (a worthy substitute produced in the Russian Federation)

Copes well with influenza A and B, lesions and intoxication upper paths breathing. In addition, his competence covers adenoviral, respiratory syncytial and other acute viral infections, including herpes and chicken pox. Also effective for sore throat, which is accompanied by a runny nose.

It is not prescribed to patients who do not absorb this medicine well.

When taking Hyporamine for long period, especially in excessive dosages, problems with blood clotting may occur.

Arbidol – (high-quality and inexpensive Russian analogue)

Effective in the fight and prevention of influenza and other respiratory infections acute form. In combination with other prescribed medications, it can provide auxiliary therapy for bronchitis, pneumonia and herpetic diseases. One of the differences is the ability of Arbidol tablets to help fight intestinal infections acute forms in children. In addition, it helps normalize and strengthen the immune system.

Do not use before reaching 2 years of age.

Rarely, the patient may experience harmful effects medicine. As a rule, they are limited to exclusively minor allergies.

Arpeflu - (the most affordable Russian analogue)

Considering the significantly different price tag, the medical product can also effectively cope with influenza, ARVI with further deterioration of the condition, both in adults and in children. In addition, it can be used without problems healthy faces, pursuing the goal of preventing the disease, especially being in close proximity to those suffering from the previously mentioned diseases.

Contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

Arpeflu, very in rare cases, may cause mild allergies.

Conclusions on inexpensive synonyms

A large number of pharmaceutical manufacturers from Russia took care of low-income categories of citizens by producing a sufficient number of antiviral analogues medications located in an acceptable price range. Thanks to this, patients can save a certain amount on the purchase of medicines. At the same time, you should not rush to the pharmacy prematurely and buy a medicine with the most attractive price tag. Diseases caused by viruses require special attention and mandatory, preliminary medical diagnosis. Based on it, a specialist medical institution will be able to prescribe the most suitable pharmaceutical product, taking into account individual characteristics the patient and his financial capabilities.

Instructions for use Kagocel is necessary during therapy viral diseases except for HIV infection. The drug is approved for use in children over 3 years of age. According to ICD 10, the drug has the code J05AX, international generic name INN has not been assigned. According to the RLS system, it is not homeopathy and an antibiotic, but belongs to the group of interferon inducers.

Kagocel is an antiviral agent

Release form and composition of Kagocel

The drug is available in tablet form. Not appearance"Kagocel" is a biconvex tablet without a dividing chamfer. Color varies from cream to light brown. Possibly interspersed with dark shades of brown. This is not a sign of damage. The tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pcs. IN cardboard box 1 blister.

Patent holder and manufacturer – Russian pharmaceutical company"Nearmedic Plus" You can see what the medicine looks like in the photo.

Packaging of the drug Kagocel

Main active ingredient medicine is Kagocel in the amount of 12 mg. Excipients– lactose, starch and calcium stearate.

Price and analogues of antiviral agent

The cost of packaging ranges from 220 to 290 rubles. Complete analogues or generics with the same active substance are not produced. In consultation with your doctor, you can use cheaper medications with an effect similar to Kagocel.

List of substitutes:

  1. Altabor is a drug for plant based. Not used in the treatment of children under 14 years of age. The effective dosage is 6 tablets per day. The cost of the drug is from 100 rubles per package.
  2. Amizon is an antiviral agent. Used to treat adults and children. Dosages are selected individually. The cost ranges from 300 to 450 rubles, depending on the dosage of the main active ingredient.
  3. Arbidol - used to treat children over 6 years of age and adult patients. The maximum dosage for adults is 800 mg active component per day.

Arbidol is an analogue of Kagocel

Indications for the drug Kagocel

The annotation indicates the following readings for prescribing Kagocel:

  • flu;
  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • herpetic infection, including the genital form;
  • urogenital chlamydia;
  • for the prevention of influenza.

Kagocel helps with flu

The description does not indicate that Kagocel is indicated for rotavirus infection. Therefore, the question of its use when stomach flu The doctor must decide after examining the patient.

Pharmacological action

The mechanism of action of the drug is to stimulate the production of its own late interferon. This is a complex of α-, β-γ-forms of interferon, which has high antiviral activity.

The drug has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, which helps destroy the virus and improve the patient's condition. It does not affect the thermoregulation center, therefore it does not reduce temperature like antipyretics.

When taking 1 dose of Kagocel, the peak concentration of interferon is observed in the blood after 48 days, and in the intestines – after 4 hours. The body's response to stimulation continues for 5 days from the moment of taking the drug.

The active substance is removed from feces and urine.

Instructions for use Kagocel

The drug is administered orally. It is forbidden to dissolve or chew, or crush in other ways. Before or after meals, it doesn’t matter, but drink plenty of liquid.

The dosage is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition, his age and the course of the disease.

How to take for adults

  1. For colds - for the first 48 hours you should take 2 tablets 2 times a day. Then another 2 days - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The total course dose is 18 pcs.
  2. Herpes, including the genital form - 2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is at least 5 days.

Instructions for children

For children effective dosages determined by the doctor.

  1. For colds, patients over 6 years old take 1 tablet every 8 hours for the first 2 days, but no more than 3 per day. Then for another 2 days, 1 tablet 2 times a day. The total course dosage is 10 tablets.
  2. For patients from 3 years to 6 years, the first 2 days are recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day. In the next 2 days - 1 pc. per day.

In the first days of illness, the child should be given 1 tablet every 8 hours

Kagocel during pregnancy and lactation

The antiviral drug is prohibited for use during the gestational period and while breastfeeding.

Method of use for the prevention of colds and flu

For preventive measures, 7-day courses of Kagocel are used.

The dosage regimen depends on the patient’s age:

  1. Adult patients - the first 2 days should take 2 tablets 1 time per day, then a 5-day break. Then repeat the course. The number of cycles is not limited.
  2. Children from 6 years old – 2 days, 1 tablet per day, then a break of 5 days. Afterwards repeat the course.

Interaction with other drugs

Treatment with Kagocel can be combined with antibiotics, antibacterial agents, immunomodulators. In this case, the active substances enhance each other’s effects.

Contraindications and side effects

The interferon stimulator is well tolerated by patients. Their side effects may include an allergic reaction.


  • individual intolerance;
  • gestation period;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • malabsorption and intolerance to polysaccharides.

You should not take Kagocel during breastfeeding.

Which is better?

There is a wide selection of antiviral agents on the shelves of pharmacies. What is better and what to choose? This issue should be discussed with your doctor. The tables present comparative characteristics Kagocel with other popular tablets of this group.

Kagocel or Arbidol

The cost of the drugs is approximately the same, but Arbidol has more indications for use. The dosages and composition of the drugs are different.

Active substance
Naturalness Synthetic antiviral drug
Indications ARVI, flu, herpes ARVI, herpes, influenza, other immunodeficiencies, chronic forms bronchitis and pneumonia.
Who is prescribed Children from 3 years old and adults Children from 6 years old and adults
Pregnancy, lactation Prohibited Prohibited
Duration of treatment 4–5 days From 10 days to 3 weeks
Side effects Allergic manifestations Allergic manifestations

Kagocel or Cycloferon

Cycloferon is available in tablet form and as a solution.

Indicators Cycloferon
Active substance Acridoneacetic acid, N-methylglucamine
Naturalness Synthetic antiviral drug Synthetic antiviral drug
Indications ARVI, flu, herpes Influenza, herpes, HIV infection, hepatitis, neuroinfections of viral origin, acute intestinal infections, cytomegalovirus, dystrophic joint pathologies, chlamydia
Who is prescribed Children from 3 years old and adults Adult patients only
Pregnancy, lactation Prohibited Prohibited
Duration of treatment 4–5 days Depending on the diagnosis, up to several months
Side effects Allergic manifestations Allergic reactions

Cycloferon is prescribed for complex and dangerous diseases when treatment with less aggressive drugs has failed.

The cost of Cycloferon is higher than Kagocel. A plate of 20 tablets will cost 400 rubles, a pack of 2 ampoules for injection costs about 350 rubles.

Kagocel or Ergoferon

Ergoferon is complex drug based on antibodies to interferon and with an antihistamine component. It should be absorbed and not washed down for some time after administration.

Indicators Ergoferon
Active substance Antibodies to interferon, histamine
Naturalness Synthetic antiviral drug Non-synthetic drug
Indications ARVI, flu, herpes ARVI, flu, various types herpes, rotavirus, intestinal infections, meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis
Who is prescribed From 3 years and older Six months old children, adult patients
Pregnancy, lactation Prohibited Prohibited
Duration of treatment 4–5 days Until complete recovery
Side effects Allergic reactions Allergic reactions

The cost of Ergoferon ranges from 295 to 415 rubles, which is comparable to Kagocel.

Kagocel or Acyclovir

Acyclovir is a highly specialized drug for the treatment of herpes infections. Therefore, if herpes of any origin is diagnosed, then it is better to prefer Acyclovir. If the patient has the flu or an acute respiratory infection, then Kagocel.

Acyclovir - effective remedy from herpes

The price of a pack of Acyclovir tablets is 225 rubles. The course of treatment depends on the course and type herpetic infection and can range from 5 to 7 days. The drug is approved for use in children over 2 years of age.

During periods of epidemics of viral infections, antiviral and immunomodulatory agents, for example, Kagocel, are used to prevent and treat acute respiratory viral infections. The original drug, as well as cheap analogues of Kagocel, the list of which is widely available in pharmacies, increase the production of interferon in the body, forcing the immune system to react and fight various viruses.

Composition and effect of the drug

Kagocel is a stimulator of the synthesis of interferon, a specific group of proteins that are produced by the body in response to the penetration of viruses into it. The active ingredient of the drug - kagocel (a substance from the polyphenol group) - triggers the production of interferon in almost all cell populations that participate in the body's antiviral response.

Indications for use of Kagocel:

  • Prevention and treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children over 6 years of age.
  • Treatment of herpetic infections in adults.
  • Complex treatment of urogenital chlamydia in adults.

The greatest effectiveness is achieved when you start taking it no later than 4 days from the start acute stage diseases.

As a means of prevention, Kagocel can be used at any time: before or during an epidemic, after direct contact with a patient with ARVI or herpetic infection.

Kagocel can be combined with other drugs (antibiotics, immunomodulators, antivirals) within complex therapy to obtain an enhancing effect. The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but prescribe it, determine exact dosage and the procedure for admission can only be done by a specialist.


Besides original drug Its cheap analogues are also sold in pharmacies, a list of which is given below with brief description their properties. As in the case of Kagocel, only a doctor should prescribe other means and methods of treatment!


An antiviral drug based on an isonicotinic acid derivative, which inhibits the proliferation of influenza viruses and other acute respiratory viral infections, improves immunity, and has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.


Stimulator of interferon production, contains tilorone. Prescribed for viral infections (ARVI, influenza A and B, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus), improves immunity, suppresses viral reproduction.


An antiviral and immunomodulatory drug, it contains the substance umifenovir, which is active against influenza A and B viruses and other acute respiratory viral infections. Stimulates the body's immune response, increases resistance to viruses, and reduces the likelihood of complications.


Contains rimantadine, an antiviral substance that suppresses the proliferation of viruses, including influenza A and B, arboviruses (tick-borne encephalitis). Not used in combination with aspirin and paracetamol, which reduce its effectiveness.


An antiviral drug based on oseltamivir, suppresses influenza A and B viruses, stops their spread to cells respiratory tract and reduces the likelihood of complications (bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia).


Immunomodulatory drug prescribed for treatment acute infections upper respiratory tract, influenza viruses, herpes infections. It has an anti-inflammatory, antitumor effect, suppresses the growth of pathological cells.


An immunomodulator based on bendazole and sodium thymogen, which enhances it, supplemented with vitamin C. Prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and other infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract caused by unspecified viruses, including influenza A and B.


Taking Kagocel can lead to allergies, so it is prescribed with caution to people prone to such reactions. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of Kagocel (Kagocel, lactose and other excipients).

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited when breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Has restrictions for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Kagocel – antiviral medicine, which has a pronounced immunostimulating effect. Contains the active substance of the same name. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on stimulating the production of interferon and suppressing the production of prostaglandins (a mediator of inflammation).

Kagocel is prescribed to adult patients and children from 3 years of age for therapy and from 6 years of age for for preventive purposes. Suitable for the treatment of pathologies caused by herpes viruses types 1-2. Prescribed as part of complex therapy for urogenital chlamydia.

The medication should not be taken if you are allergic to the components of the composition, during the gestational and lactation period, with lactase deficiency, or lactose intolerance. Medication therapy should be started within the first four days from the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide choice antiviral drugs, which can replace the medication in question. A list of analogues that are cheaper than Kagocel, but are no less effective, is given below.

Kagocel is dispensed in the form of tablets for oral administration. Absolute structural substitutes there is no medicine. Instead, you can use substitutes that are similar in their effect. The list and prices of cheap analogues of Kagocel are given in the table.


Arbidol – Russian analogue Kagocel containing methylphenylthiomethyl-dimethylaminomethyl-hydroxybromindole carboxylic acid ethyl ester hydrochloride monohydrate (arbidol). The drug is dispensed in the form of capsules for oral administration. The medicine belongs to the group of antiviral and immunostimulating agents.

Arbidol inhibits the activity of influenza A and B viruses. It is also effective for secondary immunodeficiency. It is taken for influenza A and B viruses. It is also prescribed to prevent the development of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS), including those complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia. The drug is indicated for patients with secondary immunodeficiencies. As additional means used in treatment chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and recurrent herpes.

Arbidol is prescribed in postoperative period to prevent the addition of a secondary viral infection, as well as for the purpose of correction immune status. Suitable for complex treatment intestinal infections in adults and children over 6 years of age.

Restrictions on the use of capsules include:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • gestation;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 6 years of age.

For the treatment of ARVI or influenza, 100 mg of the drug is prescribed to children 6-12 years old. Adolescents over 12 and adult patients are advised to take 200 mg of Arbidol. The frequency of use in both cases is 4 times/day. The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days.

The drug is generally well tolerated by patients. Occasionally, allergic reactions may develop. If they appear with low intensity, discontinuation of the drug is not required.

The main differences between Arbidol and Kagocel are the composition and form of release. The cost of drugs also varies.


Anaferon – homeopathic medicine, which has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Medicine contains antibodies to human interferon gamma.

Anaferon is prescribed for:

  • flu;
  • chickenpox;
  • herpes.

The drug effectively fights the virus tick-borne encephalitis, enteroviruses, rotaviruses, coronaviruses, caliciviruses. Anaferon is prescribed as an auxiliary medication for secondary immunodeficiency conditions. The drug is also used to prevent the above diseases.

Anaferon is not prescribed to patients who have an individual intolerance to its components. There is no categorical prohibition on taking the medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it cannot be used during these periods without consulting a doctor.

The drug is taken 1 tablet approximately half an hour before or after meals. It is important to consider that the drug is intended only for the treatment of adult patients. For children there is Anaferon Children's.

It is not recommended to chew and swallow the tablet - you need to keep it in your mouth until completely dissolved. Taking Anaferon should be started immediately after the first symptoms of the pathology appear or in order to prevent their occurrence. To treat influenza or colds adhere to the following treatment regimen:

  1. During the first 2 hours, take the tablets every 30 minutes. The result is 5 pieces. in 120 min.
  2. Then, during the day, you need to take 3 more tablets at equal time intervals. Thus, the dosage of Anaferon in 24 hours will be 8 tablets.
  3. Starting from day 2, the drug is taken one tablet three times a day until complete recovery occurs.

If no improvement is observed after 3 days from the start of therapy, Anaferon should be discontinued. The use of the drug can provoke allergic reactions, manifested by itching, hives, and skin rashes. The intensity of such side effects different - it all depends on the reaction of the immune system to the components of the drug.

Anaferon differs from Kagocel not only in price and composition. The drugs belong to different pharmacological groups. Anaferon is homeopathic remedy, while Kagocel belongs to the category of antiviral drugs of synthetic origin.

Remantadine - tablets containing active substance rimantadine hydrochloride at a dose of 50 mg. The drug belongs to the group of antiviral agents for systemic use. Rimantadine is an amidantan derivative. The medicine shows high effectiveness in the fight against influenza virus types A2 and B.

Remantadine is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of influenza, colds, acute respiratory infections or ARVI. Tablets are prescribed to patients suffering from acute or recurrent forms of cold sores or urogenital herpes. As part of complex therapy it is used for infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus. Suitable for carrying out preventive measures to prevent the development of tick-borne encephalitis of viral etiology. Remantadine is prescribed to children from 7 years of age.

Rimantadine should not be prescribed to patients under 7 years of age or to patients with hypersensitivity to rimantadine or auxiliary components of the drug. The medicine is contraindicated for hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, severe violations liver and kidney function. During pregnancy and lactation, tablets can be used only as prescribed by a doctor!

Remantadine, provided the patient follows all the instructions of the attending physician or the drug dosage specifications prescribed in the instructions, is well tolerated by patients. Less commonly, ailments in the form of tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, headaches, irritability, and increased fatigue are possible.

The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days. When treating influenza or ARVI, it is recommended to take the medicine according to the following regimen:

  1. On the first day – 2 tablets 3 times/24 hours.
  2. On the second and third days - 2 tablets 2 times a day.
  3. 4-5 days inclusive – 2 tablets 1 time.
  4. Children from 7 to 11 years old – 1 tablet twice a day.
  5. From 11 to 14 years – 1 tablet/3 rubles. per day.
  6. Dosage for patients 14 years of age and older is calculated as for adults.

Important! If flu symptoms are intense, the initial dose for adults can be changed to 3 tablets 2 times, or 6 pieces. for 1 appointment. Next, you need to take the tablets according to the previously described scheme.

The main difference between Rementadin and Kagocel is its composition. There are also significant differences in the cost of both drugs.


Acyclovir is a drug known primarily to patients who suffer from different forms manifestations of herpetic infection. The medicine is available in the form of oral tablets and cream for external use. Contains 200 mg of the active component acyclovir. It has a pronounced antiviral, antipruritic, wound-healing effect (mainly cream).

Acyclovir in any form is intended exclusively to combat herpes virus infection. The active ingredient is effective primarily against HSV types 1-2. These are viruses herpes simplex, causing the appearance of a herpetic rash on the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and its mucous membranes, skin and mucous membranes of the genitals.

The drug is prescribed to children starting from 2 years of age. Acyclovir is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets or cream. Oral administration or cutaneous application of the medication is possible during pregnancy, but during lactation the tablet form of the medication cannot be used. If necessary systemic use Acyclovir, breastfeeding should be suspended until the end of treatment.

When treating the acute phase of herpetic infection, 200 mg of acyclovir (1 tablet) is prescribed 5 times a day. The drug should be taken every 5 hours. Duration of therapy is 4-5 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be prolonged by the attending physician.

For patients with severe immunodeficiency, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 400 mg 4 times a day. In this case, the duration of treatment may be more than 5 days.

Note. Acyclovir tablets can be prescribed by a doctor to children under 2 years of age. In this case, it is necessary to use half the daily dosage.

Acyclovir ointment is worn thin layer on the area affected by herpetic rashes 3-5 times a day. Ointment needed light movements rub into skin, while avoiding disruption of the integrity of the herpetic vesicle. The course of therapy is from 5 to 7 days. To achieve quick results from therapy, it is recommended to combine both dosage forms Acyclovir.

Acyclovir is well tolerated by both adults and children. In rare cases, gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia, and abdominal pain may occur.

Allergic reactions may occur - rash, burning, hyperemia or peeling of the skin, and swelling. Typically, these symptoms specific treatment not required.

Acyclovir differs from the main drug Kagocel in its therapeutic purpose, composition, price and effectiveness in the treatment of herpetic diseases.


Amizon is a derivative of isonicotinic acid. The drug is an antiviral drug direct action. At the same time, it has an immunostimulating and restorative effect. Tablets contain enisamium iodide (amizon) 125 or 250 mg per 1 piece.

Amizon is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of influenza caused by different strains and ARVI. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of rubella, measles, chickenpox, and mumps. As auxiliary component tablets are prescribed for complex therapy of viral and viral-bacterial throat pathologies.

Amizon is contraindicated:

To avoid adverse health consequences, taking Amizon is not recommended for adenoma or other tumors localized in tissues thyroid gland. The drug should not be prescribed to pregnant patients and nursing women.

The medicine is taken after meals. The tablets are not chewed, crushed or dissolved in liquid, but are swallowed whole. Single dose can reach a maximum of 1000 mg, daily – 2000 mg.

Amizon tablets are intended for the treatment of influenza and other viral diseases in patients over 6 years of age. Dosage regimen for ARVI:

  1. From 6 to 12 years – 125 mg 3 times a day maximum.
  2. Children over 12 years of age and adult patients – 250-500 mg 2-4 times a day.

The course of therapy can be continued from 5 to 7 days.

It is recommended that children from six months to the age of 5 be given the children's version of Amizon - Amizonchik syrup.

The most common side effects hypersensitivity reactions occur from taking pills, skin rashes, itching, stomach pain, nausea, headaches, erythema, angioedema etc. Very rarely the drug causes shortness of breath, bronchospasm, asthenia, vomiting, sudden rise blood pressure. Such symptoms require immediate discontinuation of the drug.


Cycloferon is an antiviral medicine from the group of cytokines and immunostimulants. Contains acridoneacetic acid as an active ingredient. Dispensed in the form of tablets for oral administration.

For adults, the drug Cycloferon is prescribed for:

Cycloferon is prescribed for children for the treatment of:

  • acute or chronic viral hepatitis;
  • herpes;
  • flu;
  • acute diseases of the respiratory system of viral etiology;
  • acute infectious diseases intestines.

Cycloferon is not prescribed to patients with liver cirrhosis who are in the stage of decompensation, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The tablet form of the medication can be taken by children only after they reach 4 years of age.

Important! The drug is not prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding patients!

The drug is taken half an hour before meals. The tablet must not be chewed or crushed. When taking a therapeutic course for ARVI or influenza, you must adhere to the following dosage regimen. You need to take 2-4 tablets. for 1 time. Reception is carried out on days 2, 4, 6 and 8. Treatment should begin immediately after the first manifestations alarming symptoms pathology.

Taking Cycloferon can lead to allergic reactions, constipation, flatulence, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea. Cycloferon differs from Kagocel in its composition, number of indications for use, method of administration and price.