I dreamed of a wool sweater. Interpretation of the dream sweater in dream books

Symbolizes warmth and care.

Seeing a sweater on yourself: foreshadows someone's kind support for you.

Giving someone you know or receiving a sweater from him as a gift: a sign of a sincere relationship between you and this person.

A torn sweater: warns of a possible quarrel with a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Skirt, sweater, belt

Good afternoon Your dream suggests that you are now committed to a warm and trusting relationship with a man with whom you will be comfortable not only mentally and physically, but also materially (the man asks you to stay in the clothes he was given and gives you paper money). A good, vital and harmonious dream! But this is just a dream-dream that speaks of your intentions, and all you have to do is make your desires come true. All the best to you, Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt, sweater, belt

In fact, the dream is about something else... With the current man, the dreamer wants to maintain a certain distance. She doesn’t want to accept a man’s advances as quickly as she would like him to. This is because the dreamer has not yet decided whether this is her man. Therefore the feeling additional security Only distance gives her (“pants” under the skirt). In addition, some trace from the past does not allow the dreamer to relax and accept the man’s advances (a wallet on her belt that cannot be removed and because of which the dreamer almost took off all her clothes). Conclusion: the dreamer does not want intimacy until she gets used to the situation, makes sure that the past (of the man or her) will not come back and hit her on the head at the very moment inopportune moment. This is how this dream is interpreted from a psychological point of view. Best regards, Desdichado

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Did you wake up with a feeling of warmth and comfort and remember well that it is associated with the sweater you dreamed about? Let's get on specific examples dream plots, let's figure out what the sweater is for in dreams?

General transcript

A sweater seen in a dream symbolizes the warmth of human communication, affection and care in real life. Sometimes this dream can be interpreted and as follows: the person who dreamed of the sweater is lonely and in dire need of someone’s support; he lacks trusting relationships and friendly warmth.

A dream in which a sweater showed signs of wear or was torn may warn of a quarrel with one of your loved ones, so try to restrain your emotions when communicating with loved ones.

I dreamed about trying on a sweater

If in a dream you tried on a new sweater, then very soon the plans that have been incubated for quite a long time will come true. Moreover, for their implementation there will be good helpers that won't leave you alone.

The family dream book states that for men, trying on a new sweater in a dream can mean establishing warm relations with a woman. For a sweet lady, such a dream predicts the appearance of a new man in life and, perhaps, it’s time to read about it.

Knitting a sweater in a dream

Knitting a sweater in a dream means that you are devoting too much time and effort to household chores, from which it has become difficult to step away. Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that the interests of the housewife are limited to family and housekeeping.

But there are so many different reasons for joy in life, besides a deliciously cooked dinner and your husband’s ironed shirts! Maybe this dream is a reason to pay attention to them?

Why buy a sweater

The dream in which you purchased a sweater may predict some financial difficulties that await you in the coming week. Perhaps you made a major purchase the day before and are now worried about how to make it to payday.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Sweater in a dream?

Knit a sweater - Spin things up in such a way that you yourself will be surprised at your own intrigues.

Dreaming of a sweater - woolen, knitted - profitable relationships; very bright, catchy - claims, hopes for success.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu.Longo

Why dream that you put on or wore a sweater lovingly knitted by someone close to you - this means that they think about you and remember you. If you dreamed that you were walking in a sweater, you are mired in household chores and don’t know how to get out of them. It is possible that you like this way of life and living in the narrow interests of family and household is not so bad at all. But imagine how much passes you by and what joys you are deprived of so that your home is always clean, your husband’s shirts are ironed, and there is always a hot dinner on the stove.

Why do you dream of a sweater? If you try on a sweater in a dream, you will soon implement a plan that you have been thinking about for a long time. You will even have willing helpers and followers, so you won’t find yourself alone. Buying sweaters - this week you may have some minor financial difficulties due to the fact that you spent carelessly in the recent past and now you don’t know how to get out of this situation.

I dreamed about a Sweater at night, interpretation of the dream:

You dreamed of a Sweater - Putting on a sweater A dream you had in the spring - to illness; in summer - bad luck; in the fall - to melancholy; in winter - to an incident that will frighten you. Taking off a sweater A dream you had in the spring means you feel better; in the summer - to abandon the ridiculous idea; in the fall - to a joyful message that turns out to be unreliable; in winter - to a careless act. What does a Sweater mean in a dream - New - for a new thing. Old - to meet old friends. Imagine how good and comfortable you feel in your sweater, how soft and warm it is.

If you dream about a Sweater, what is this for?

Seeing a sweater on yourself foretells someone's kind support. Giving someone you know or receiving a sweater as a gift is a sign of a sincere relationship between you and this person. Why dream of a torn sweater - warns of a possible quarrel with a loved one.

Sweater - Trying on a very beautiful sweater in a store is a sign of renewal. Sweater – Dreaming of a sweater signifies a wardrobe update.

Taking into account the date of birth, what does a Sweater mean in a dream:

If you were born in the spring, why dream of knitting a sweater means a quarrel with your spouse’s family.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream of knitting a sweater - do not lend, you will be deceived.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of knitting a sweater - intrigues are being woven against you.

If you were born in winter, why dream of a sweater in a dream - it symbolizes spiritual warmth and care.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And it will help you understand what you dreamed even more accurately. lunar calendar dreams

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about a sweater” from professionals for people.

Waking up in the morning, stretching sweetly, did you remember that you owe the feeling of warmth and comfort to the sweater you dreamed about? Getting out of bed, you put it on yourself, and the warmth from your dream stayed with you in reality? Very cozy and good sleep, you might think. Will you be right? Is this dream as good as the sensations it gives? Very often in a dream we receive hints from our subconscious, expressed not in specific images, but in symbols. Well-known and not so well-known dream interpreters - dream books - know well the meaning of all these symbols from our heads. They know and can help. Do you want to know why you dream about a sweater? I suggest we figure it out together!

Pullover knitted by you

To see that you are trying on a sweater knitted by yourself - the dream book interprets the dream this way: in real life you are very lonely, you lack warmth and comfort. Perhaps you are too critical of others.

If you dreamed that you were knitting a men's sweater for yourself if you were a woman, or a women's sweater if you were a man, you were trying on an image that was not yours in reality. In order to capture the attention of others, you are ready to go to extreme measures.

You dream that you are knitting a white sweater from thick yarn - you want to protect yourself or the person for whom you are knitting a sweater in a dream from some problems in real life.

Knitting a lot of jumpers and giving them to friends means you are too carried away with the business. household, tells you Eastern dream book. Take a break from everyday problems, switch your attention to work, relaxation, and entertainment.

Seeing a pullover knitted by you on a man you like means that in the near future your chosen one will pay attention to you. Try to make the impression made on him pleasant, the dream book warns.

Buy a sweater

If you had a dream that you were buying a new beautiful sweater in a store - in the near future you will receive the help and support of friends that you need, but do not dare to ask.

Trying on an old stretched jumper in a dream with the aim of buying it means that in reality you will lose money. Don’t lend to anyone in the near future, don’t bet on the lottery - you’ll go broke.

In a dream, buying a new white sweater to give it to the person you like, and receiving the same as a gift in return - the dream indicates warm feelings between you. If you are married, your relationship is harmonious and pure; if not, there is a high probability that love relationship between you.

If you dream that you bought a men's jumper and gave it to a woman, this means deception. If the sweater is clean and beautiful, you will tell a lie to someone, if it is worn out and has holes, they will deceive you, Miller’s dream book warns.

Buying a warm jacket in a store and putting it on a child means waiting for a new addition to the family. Perhaps the child will be with you, or maybe with close relatives.

Color palette in clothes

Dreaming of a red or red pullover pink color- to the passionate and tender feelings between you and your partner.

I dreamed of a black turtleneck - to sadness and tears. You may hear news that will greatly upset you.

A white blouse dreams of good luck in family affairs, the dream book interprets this dream.

Seeing an orange or yellow light sweater in a dream means fun and a joyful mood, the dream book promises you. There is a high probability that you will have a noisy party with friends.

I dreamed of a green sweater or blue- to easy money. The amount will not be very large, but also not hard-earned, the dream book predicts. Most likely, it will be a small win in a bet or lottery.

A thick knitted gray sweater symbolizes despondency and boredom. Everything will seem faded and uninteresting to you in the coming days, the dream book reports.

Manipulations with a sweater

If you dream that you are tearing a beautiful woman’s jacket, in reality this dream means getting rid of an obsessive past or defeating your complexes, the dream book pleases us.

If you dreamed that you were washing a very dirty men's sweater, changing the water several times - you will achieve your goals, but after going through many difficulties and obstacles.

Ironing a smart blouse or shirt - in reality, you will have to correct your mistakes by “making amends” to the person you offended.

Unraveling a knitted sweater means in reality you will solve all the most difficult problems that life throws at you, the dream book promises.

If you dreamed that you were cutting an old sweater into pieces, in reality you will have to make a difficult choice between people, things or habits that are equally important to you.

Seeing yourself in a very long sweater that you are trying to make shorter - in reality you have a long and not very desirable trip ahead of you. Most likely, this will be a business trip or a business meeting in another city.

Did you wake up with a feeling of warmth and comfort and remember well that it is associated with the sweater you dreamed about? Let's use specific examples of dream scenes to figure out what the sweater is for in dreams?

General transcript

A sweater seen in a dream symbolizes the warmth of human communication, affection and care in real life. Sometimes this dream can be interpreted as follows: the person who dreamed of the sweater is lonely and in dire need of someone’s support, he lacks trusting relationships and friendly warmth.

A dream in which a sweater showed signs of wear or was torn may warn of a quarrel with one of your loved ones, so try to restrain your emotions when communicating with loved ones.

I dreamed about trying on a sweater

If in a dream you tried on a new sweater, then very soon the plans that have been incubated for quite a long time will come true. Moreover, for their implementation there will be good helpers who will not leave you alone.

The family dream book states that for men, trying on a new sweater in a dream can mean establishing a warm relationship with a woman. For a sweet lady, such a dream predicts the appearance of a new man in her life and, perhaps, it’s time to read about how to marry a man.

Knitting a sweater in a dream

Knitting a sweater in a dream means that you are devoting too much time and effort to household chores, from which it has become difficult to step away. Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that the interests of the housewife are limited to family and housekeeping.

But there are so many different reasons for joy in life, besides the perfect order in the house, a deliciously cooked dinner and your husband’s ironed shirts! Maybe this dream is a reason to pay attention to them?

Why buy a sweater

The dream in which you purchased a sweater may predict some financial difficulties that await you in the coming week. Perhaps you made a major purchase the day before and are now worried about how to make it to payday.

There is another interpretation of this dream. Perhaps soon there will appear in your life new person, long-awaited support or simply new trusting relationships will be established.

If in a dream you presented a sweater as a present or received it yourself as a gift, this indicates a high degree of sincerity in the relationship between you and the dreamed person.

Do you remember well that the sweater in the dream had a very bright color? This dream indicates your expectations and hopes for success. Sweet dreams!

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Sweater in a dream?

Knit a sweater - Spin things up in such a way that you yourself will be surprised at your own intrigues.

Dreaming of a sweater - woolen, knitted - profitable relationships; very bright, catchy - claims, hopes for success.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu.Longo

Dream Interpretation: Sweater

Why dream that you put on or wore a sweater lovingly knitted by someone close to you - this means that they think about you and remember you. If you dreamed that you were walking in a sweater, you are mired in household chores and don’t know how to get out of them. It is possible that you like this way of life and living in the narrow interests of family and household is not so bad at all. But imagine how much passes you by and what joys you are deprived of so that your home is always clean, your husband’s shirts are ironed, and there is always a hot dinner on the stove.

Why do you dream of a sweater? If you try on a sweater in a dream, you will soon implement a plan that you have been thinking about for a long time. You will even have willing helpers and followers, so you won’t find yourself alone. Buying sweaters - this week you may have some minor financial difficulties due to the fact that you spent carelessly in the recent past and now you don’t know how to get out of this situation.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

I dreamed about a Sweater at night, interpretation of the dream:

You dreamed of a Sweater - Putting on a sweater A dream you had in the spring - to illness; in summer - bad luck; in the fall - to melancholy; in winter - to an incident that will frighten you. Taking off a sweater A dream you had in the spring means you feel better; in the summer - to abandon the ridiculous idea; in the fall - to a joyful message that turns out to be unreliable; in winter - to a careless act. What does a Sweater mean in a dream - New - for a new thing. Old - to meet old friends. Imagine how good and comfortable you feel in your sweater, how soft and warm it is.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dream about a Sweater, what is this for?

Seeing a sweater on yourself foretells someone's kind support. Giving someone you know or receiving a sweater as a gift is a sign of a sincere relationship between you and this person. Why dream of a torn sweater - warns of a possible quarrel with a loved one.

Sweater - Trying on a very beautiful sweater in a store is a sign of renewal. Sweater – Dreaming of a sweater signifies a wardrobe update.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

Taking into account the date of birth, what does a Sweater mean in a dream:

If you were born in the spring, why dream of knitting a sweater means a quarrel with your spouse’s family.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream of knitting a sweater - do not lend, you will be deceived.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of knitting a sweater - intrigues are being woven against you.

If you were born in winter, why dream of a sweater in a dream - it symbolizes spiritual warmth and care.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Waking up from sleep, stretching with pleasure, you remembered that you owe the feeling of softness and comfort to the dreamed sweater. Having risen from the bed, you tried it on your body, and the warmth from the dream remained with you in reality. A wonderful dream, you think.

Is this really so? Often in a dream we receive certain clues transmitted to us by the subconscious. They are expressed in the form of symbols. Popular dream books are able to interpret such symbols without difficulty. Do you want to know why you dream about a sweater? Let's take a look together!

Pullover knitted by you

Consider how you try on a sweater knitted yourself - in reality, you are experiencing loneliness, you need the warmth of others. Maybe you are particularly critical of the people around you.

If you dreamed that you were knitting a pullover that was not suitable for gender (male for female, and vice versa) - you are in reality trying to enter someone else’s image. To get the attention of strangers, you will have to take serious action.

I see how you started knitting a pullover white, and at the same time using thick woolen threads - you are trying to protect yourself or a person close to you from real troubles.

Link large number jumpers and give them as gifts to your friends - you are too busy with household chores, says the Eastern Dream Book. Do not delve into everyday problems, take time for relaxation and fun.

Seeing a hand-knitted sweater on a man in a dream for whom you feel sympathy means that he will soon look at you from a different perspective. Try to impress your chosen one positive impression, informs the dream book.

Buy a sweater

I had a dream in which you acquire a new attractive knitted sweater V shopping center. In the upcoming future, your friends will provide the support that you need at this time.

Trying on a worn sweater in a dream that you then want to buy - in reality you will lose cash. You should not lend money to anyone in the near future, they will not be returned.

In a dream, purchasing a brand new pullover as a gift to someone you like, and receiving a similar surprise in return - the dream expresses sincere love between the chosen ones. If you married couple- your union is harmonious, if not, a romantic connection will soon arise between you.

It seems like you bought a men's sweater and gave it as a gift to a representative of the fair sex - to hypocrisy. If the item is clean and attractive appearance- you will lie to someone, if worn and full of holes - they will mislead you, Miller’s dream book warns.

Buy a thick blouse in a store, and then put it on a child in a dream - expect an increase in the family. Maybe the baby will appear with you, or with someone from your family.

Color palette in clothes

Dreaming of a reddish or pinkish sweater means passion and tenderness in the relationship between lovers.

I dreamed of a dark-colored turtleneck - to chagrin and sobs. You will probably receive unpleasant news, which will make you sad.

A white jacket is seen as a sign of success in the family, the dream book explains.

Seeing an orange or yellowish sweater in a dream means joy and good mood, the dream book promises. Perhaps you will attend a noisy event that will take place among close friends.

If you dreamed of a green or blue pullover, you will get the money without effort. The amount of funds will not be large, but you will get it for free. You will win the lottery the fastest.

A thick knitted sweater of gray color - to melancholy and chagrin. Everything will displease you in the near future, the dream book prophesies.

Various actions with a sweater

If you see a dream where you tear an elegant blouse on your body - in reality this means that you will get rid of intrusive past life events and stop having complexes, the dream book prophesies.

I dreamed that you were trying to wash a soiled sweater in a dream, changing it many times clean water- you will achieve what you want, but you will go through many obstacles and troubles.

Seeing yourself ironing a holiday blouse - essentially, you will need to correct past mistakes by making amends for the person you offended.

Unraveling the pullover you previously knitted means that you will be able to resolve all the difficulties, despite their complexity, the dream book promises.

If you dreamed about cutting a worn-out pullover into small pieces, you have to choose between two personalities dear to you, or valuable things.

Consider yourself as if you are wearing a long pullover that you are trying to shorten - in reality, you have a long journey ahead of you. Perhaps you will go on a business trip, or you will have a business meeting.

Dream interpretation sweater

When analyzing why a sweater is dreamed of, the dreamer is not always able to find a definite answer. Getting out of bed, it’s so nice to remember the feelings of warmth and comfort experienced in a dream. How to decipher such a good and cozy dream?

Where to start?

The subconscious never stops its work, but only continues to make certain hints to the sleeping person.

I dreamed about warm clothes

If he can correctly perceive the received signals, then his life will definitely change in better side. However, the dreamer must understand that it is not always possible to find an identical interpretation, since details that are often ignored play a big role.

Typical interpretations

Trying on a knitted sweater is a symbol that visits lonely people. As a rule, it shows that they lack human love and affection.

Perhaps a critical attitude towards others has a negative impact on the construction interpersonal relationships. Without starting to work on your own shortcomings, you can remain in the company of yourself.

As the popular dream book describes, knitting a sweater for yourself means you are constantly trying to take on the role of another person. This approach is unlikely to lead to anything good, so try to learn how to capture the attention of other people only through your own exclusivity and spontaneity.

Which one did you buy?

As the dream book predicts, a sweater in a dream can be in any condition, and therefore you will have to restore this image in your memory.

Choosing new clothes in a store in a dream


Buying a sweater in an expensive store - to be received free assistance from family and friends. The main thing is to learn to ask without putting everything on the back burner.

As the dream book predicts, a white sweater high quality, which they decided to give to someone, speaks of the development of a warm relationship with the recipient of an unusual gift. The dream interpreter advises learning not only to take, but also to give pleasant emotions.

When you see a white sweater, try to relate it to your current situation in society:

With defects

If you decide to give a men's sweater to a representative of the fair sex, then in real life a big deception awaits you. A popular dream book advises critically evaluating incoming information, since there may be a lot of untruths in it.

It is important to pay attention to the condition in which you happened to see the knitted sweater:

  • extended - you share false information with someone;
  • in holes - you will have to become a victim of deception.

A man dreamed of an old jumper that he wanted to buy - to the loss of a large sum of money. Interpreters strongly recommend abandoning any gambling, bringing complete disappointment. It is also worth noting that borrowing free money will affect financial stability, and therefore it is better to refuse such an adventure.

Dress a child in a sweater in a dream

Buy a warm woolen sweater and put it on your child - for the upcoming addition to the family. If the baby was not planned, then try to be extremely careful and use protective equipment. Perhaps the child will not be born into the dreamer’s family, but with friends.

Color palette

You just want to show off your new sweater to others, but few people pay attention to the color. Dream interpreters pay great attention to this detail.


Why do you dream of a pink or red sweater? Such a dream predicts the beginning of passionate and tender relationship arising with a new partner. The main thing is not to open up completely to a new person, because he can hide a lot of interesting information.


We bought a black turtleneck in a dream - a negative symbol that predicts the beginning of grief and sadness. You will have to hear news that will simply throw you out of your psychological balance.

I dreamed of a black turtleneck


If a woman saw a white blouse in a dream, family affairs will go uphill. However, you should not literally interpret the dreamed symbol, since any improvements are possible only with daily work.


Women's sweater orange or yellow- a symbol of fun and joy. The dream book suggests that the dreamer will definitely be invited to some significant event where he will be able to relax.

You can find new company at a noisy party.


Seeing in a dream warm clothes green

See the green sweater in night dream- to get easy money. Of course, the amount is unlikely to be significant, but a minimal amount of energy will be spent. Most likely, you will be able to get a small inheritance.


A gray down jacket is a symbol of boredom and despondency, which will soon overwhelm the sleeper. The dream book reports that the dreamer will have to attend boring and uninteresting events.

What manipulations?

In each dream you can see key actions that influence further decoding, and therefore the dreamer will have to recreate them in memory.


Washing warm clothes in a dream

The dreamer tore his jacket in a dream - a positive sign, telling that the sleeping person finally managed to get rid of painful memories of the past and start new life. The dream interpreter can also please the fact that the dreamer can expect victory over his own complexes and fears that prevent him from developing normally.

To tear apart an old product means you have to make a difficult choice between things of equal importance. The Dream Interpretation does not advise rushing to answer, but rather analyzing the current situation in more detail.

I had a dream in which I had to wash a dirty sweater - to achieve my goal. However, you must understand that obstacles and difficulties will accompany you throughout your journey.


Ironing a woolen product in a dream

If you dreamed that someone was knitting a product that was too long, but you wanted to make it shorter, it meant the beginning of a long and not very pleasant trip. It is possible that such travel will be connected with work matters, and therefore it is unlikely that you will be able to think about rest.

You decide to iron your dress sweater - you must correct your mistakes by smoothing out your guilt. The dream books tell you that all your actions must be sincere, otherwise the situation will worsen.


Unraveling a knitted item is a very good solution complex tasks that life will throw at you. If you attribute this to character flaws, you may be right.

What have you forgotten?

When deciphering what a white sweater made of thick yarn means in a dream, the dreamer may immediately suspect something is wrong. The fact is that some problems await the sleeper, and he is trying to isolate himself from them.

Knitting a lot of jumpers and distributing them to loved ones means being overly enthusiastic about housework, and this is what the Eastern dream interpreter is trying to suggest.