Questions regarding vision regime consultation. Consultations with an ophthalmologist online for free - hurry to get free help. When do you need the services of an ophthalmologist?

Dear guests of the Moscow Eye Clinic website!

On this page you can ask any questions you may have regarding your disease.

For example:

  • regarding your condition,
  • the capabilities of our ophthalmology center in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases,
  • cost of services provided
  • specialized ophthalmologists available on staff.
If you have medical reports, attach files (photos or scans of medical documentation), which will allow the ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) to more fully answer your question.

You will receive a notification of the response to your email address (the address is not published). As a rule, this takes from several hours to a couple of days.

Attention! This online consultation does not replace a face-to-face visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate - this can lead to serious consequences. Contact professionals for a quick and effective solution to the problem.

Please note that the information you send is posted in the public domain along with the doctor’s answer to the question; therefore, do not leave personal information such as phone numbers, email address (in the “Question” field), full name . and so on, if you do not want it to be available to other people.

Previously asked questions

Lens luxation

Dobry. There was a fight and a lot of blows to the head. After this incident, I underwent Lasek laser correction to improve vision. But the ophthalmologist said that the lens of the eye was knocked out of place. Do you think this could be the consequences of blows to the head?

Is surgery indicated?

Hello! my mother is 61 years old, second degree diabetes. Last year, the left eye lost clarity of vision, and later, due to timely assistance not provided (treated with drops), now the eye can no longer see. the right one is also not in the best condition, but our surgeon is in no hurry to perform the operation, he says that it is necessary...

Consultation on extracts from other clinics

Good afternoon. Attached are my extracts, which I have already completed at the New Look and Medsi clinic. I would like to clarify a few questions: 1) to what extent is surgery indicated in my case? 2) how much can my strabismus improve after the operation or is other treatment necessary? I don’t want glasses at all. 3) how much...

Trauma with fracture of the inferior wall of the orbit

Hello, I had an injury on September 22, 2019. According to CT: a fracture of the lower wall of the left orbit with prolapse of the fragment, retrobulbar tissue into the cavity of the left orbit by 15 mm and 12 mm, respectively. The inferior rectus muscle OS is somewhat pulled into the defect. Echoscopy using method "B" OS - single destruction of the vitreous...

Fog after lens replacement surgery


Promotion! 20% discount for an initial doctor's appointment for new patients of the clinic using the promotional code "FIRST20". Only until 30.09.

Prices for appointment


Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist 1 400 ₽

Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist 1 200 ₽

Computer perimetry 2 100 ₽

Selection of spectacle vision correction is simple 750 RUR

Choosing glasses for vision correction is difficult 710 ₽

Refractometry 720 ₽

Ophthalmotonometry 700 ₽

Diplopia study 400 ₽

Study of color perception 350 ₽

Fluorescein instillation test 350 ₽

Instillation of medicinal substances into the conjunctival cavity 160 ₽

Subconjunctival injection 650 ₽

Para- and retrobulbar injections 620 ₽

Retrobulbar injection 650 ₽

Rinsing the conjunctival cavity 550 ₽

Eyelash epilation 350 ₽

Medical eyelid massage (1 eye) 350 ₽

Removal of corneal foreign body 1,250 RUR

Load-unload tests to study the regulation of intraocular pressure 650 ₽

Measuring the strabismus angle 300 ₽

Convergence Research 300 ₽

Biomicroscopy of the eye 650 ₽

Removal of a conjunctival foreign body 650 ₽

Study of visual acuity with the selection of simple glasses and refractometry 1,050 RUR

Study of visual acuity with the selection of complex glasses and refractometry 1 210 ₽

Chalazion removal 800 ₽

Expand full price

Good vision is an opportunity to do what you love and see the world and your loved ones in bright colors. Vision problems appear for various reasons, and no one is immune from them. They have one thing in common - to stay healthy, you need to make an appointment and consultation with an ophthalmologist as quickly as possible.

What does an eye doctor treat?

Although the eyes are a very small organ, there are quite a few ophthalmic diseases. Each of them has its own characteristics, they have different reasons. Problems in the endocrine, circulatory, and nervous systems may be hidden behind eye pathologies. To treat a patient, an ophthalmologist uses knowledge from various medical fields. Eye doctors have narrower specializations: retinologist, surgeon, pediatric ophthalmologist.

The classification of eye diseases is carried out taking into account the place where the pathology occurred: cornea, sclera, lens, retina, optic nerve. Main diseases:

  • Farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism are disturbances in the clarity of vision at a distance.
  • Infections, inflammations – conjunctivitis, blepharitis, uveitis.
  • Age-related changes, cataracts, glaucoma.

When do you need the services of an ophthalmologist?

Scheduled eye appointments are a good, healthy habit. A number of eye diseases begin unnoticed by a person. And we attribute even such obvious signs as rapid eye fatigue and discomfort to lack of sleep, poor-quality cosmetics, and general ailments.

In order to notice the danger in a timely manner, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. This is especially important for people with a lot of eye strain (schoolchildren, those who work at the computer for a long time), the elderly and those with a complicated family history. If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, making an appointment with an ophthalmologist is necessary for the dynamics of changes and the periodic selection of new correction means.

Reasons for urgent consultation:

  • Pain, burning, discomfort in the eyes.
  • Deterioration of visual acuity, appearance of distortions (double vision, flickering spots, fog).
  • The eye or part of it is red, watery, swollen eyelids.
  • Foreign body in the eye, eye injuries, burns.
  • Photophobia, frequent headaches.

Treatment methods

As in other medical fields, diagnosis comes first. The initial appointment with an ophthalmologist begins with a detailed questioning of the patient about complaints, existing diseases, and family illnesses. Visual acuity is checked using ophthalmological tables (with letters, pictures), and a full examination of the visual organs is carried out using the following methods:

  • Tonometry.
  • Computer perimetry.
  • Slit lamp examination.
  • Laboratory diagnosis of discharge.

The doctor will measure intraocular pressure, examine the condition of the eyes, and determine the type of pathogen in the infection. The ophthalmologist will tell you the order of the procedures, their purpose, price, if examinations are needed.

Treatment is individual. The scheme is drawn up by an ophthalmologist or together with other doctors, if the deterioration of vision is a consequence of other diseases. In ophthalmology they use:

  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs.
  • Correction of visual acuity with glasses and lenses.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods, sets of therapeutic exercises.
  • Surgeries to remove tumors, treat cataracts, detached retina and other pathologies.

Consultation with an ophthalmologist in Moscow

The Kutuzovsky Treatment and Diagnostic Center is a place where experienced ophthalmologists are ready to help with any questions. We offer eye examinations using modern equipment, work seven days a week, convenient location of the clinic, attentive staff. Don't self-medicate; seeing an ophthalmologist is affordable and can save your vision for years. You can make an appointment for a fee with an ophthalmologist by calling the clinic. Waiting for you!

Don't self-medicate! If you have any health problems, undergo the necessary examination. All answers from site consultants are only recommendations and an alternative view of the problem and are for preliminary informational purposes only and cannot replace a face-to-face consultation with a doctor! Before taking any action, be sure to see a doctor.

Consultants work on the site absolutely free of charge and spend their personal time, so the Administration cannot guarantee the exact time frame within which you will receive an answer to your question.

Anna | Heaviness in the eyes - I don’t know which specialist to turn to

Hello. I don’t know which specialist to contact anymore. I visited a neurologist, an endocrinologist, an ophthalmologist, a psychotherapist. I had an MRI of the head, an MRI of the eye, a cord and all kinds of examinations - no one can explain the condition and tell me what to do? I have been going to doctors for three years now. I am concerned about pressing pain in the eyes, heaviness in the forehead and eye sockets. I want to close my eyes, rub my hands, I always want to sleep, I suffer and struggle with this condition throughout the day. Examinations do not reveal any pathologies. I see poorly, the sunlight and daylight put a lot of pressure on my eyes. The ophthalmologist says that visual acuity is not reduced, and I don’t see the faces of people passing on the street. Doctors only refer each other and there is nowhere to wait for help. The most important thing is which specialist to go to Don't know.

Hope | Is it possible to practice orienteering with high myopia?

Marina | Discomfort when wearing contact lenses

Hello! Yesterday, at an appointment with an ophthalmologist, I was prescribed Aviara lenses (1 month, -3.50. BC 8.5. 14.2), before that I wore Bausch+Lomb PureVision2 (-3.75, BC 8.6. 14), but for some reason my eyes stopped accepting them - wearing them was accompanied by discomfort, pain, etc. Having put on Aviara, I didn’t feel any discomfort, my vision improved, but there was absolutely no sharpness and everything was blurry, today the effect is the same. Tell me, please, what could this be connected with?

Dmitry | My girlfriend has complete loss of vision in one eye

Hello. My girlfriend had an injury as a child. She is now 18 years old. And since that time she has seen practically nothing without glasses. Even a person’s face is very difficult to see if he is not close. Not long ago she was hospitalized after being poisoned. And after coming out of it, she now has complete loss of vision in one eye. That is, she used to see with difficulty with two eyes. And now 1 doesn’t see at all. Please tell me. Is it possible to fully restore vision? And most importantly, how much will it cost?

Elena | My eye is inflamed, it looks like stye, what eye drops do I need?

Dear doctor!
I would like to ask you the following question:
The eye seems to be inflamed, looks like a stye, but not a stye. a week later the other eye also became inflamed. The patient is 77 years old, cannot get out of bed, we cannot get to the hospital. what drops are needed for the eyes?

Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures related to the treatment of eye diseases are not extremely simple activities. Often in the process of their implementation, even the most theoretically savvy people have many questions, the answers to which cannot be found in available sources.

In order to resolve existing problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor, but what to do if this is not possible? One solution to the problem is online consulting, which will help anyone find answers to their questions.

By the way, you can also get free online consultations with ophthalmologists on our resource if you fill out the appropriate form and explain the essence of the issue. For general information, let's talk about the benefits of such consultations, their necessity and some features.

The Internet plays an important role in the life of a modern person. According to official statistics, about half of the world's population periodically uses the Internet to get answers to questions of interest.

Perhaps one of the most popular areas in the information space is medicine. Since ophthalmology refers specifically to it, the frequency of questions in user search queries regarding the treatment and diagnosis of eye pathologies is quite high.

Unfortunately, not all sites provide all the information that people need. If the information supply is insufficient, it is better not to take risks and visit an ophthalmologist to get answers to your questions. However, if this is not possible due to circumstances, you can resort to online consulting.

Naturally, the answers received from an ophthalmologist online cannot be exclusively reliable, since the doctor does not see his patient. But, if the latter describes the current state of affairs in sufficient detail and clearly formulates the question, then, most likely, the answer will be really useful.

In the last 5-7 years, online consultations with doctors have become very popular on the Internet. This is due to the fact that online consulting:

  1. firstly, it does not require a personal visit to an ophthalmologist at a given time;
  2. secondly, it allows the patient to receive answers to his questions as quickly as possible;
  3. and thirdly, it eliminates some other inconveniences that are associated with the need to visit a specialized institution.

On the pages of our website, everyone can get the information they need not only from fairly high-quality articles, but also through the described online consulting. We assure you that the answers received will be as reliable and qualified as possible.

About the usefulness of consultations

Online consultations with an ophthalmologist are convenient, but a “live” examination will not replace

As noted above, the usefulness of ophthalmologist consultations on the Internet directly depends on how clearly and efficiently the patient formulates his question.

The maximum effect from online consulting can be obtained if:

  1. the person described his problem in great detail and did not exaggerate or lie in any aspect;
  2. accurately reflected information about previously suffered pathologies;
  3. provided the necessary list of knowledge about himself (gender, age, etc.);
  4. formulated his thoughts competently and clearly.

With this approach to obtaining the information of interest, any visitor to our resource will be able to:

  • find out information on an existing or potentially existing illness;
  • receive advice and recommendations on organizing the diagnosis and treatment of pathology;
  • understand the danger of a potentially existing disease and the need for prompt contact with an ophthalmologist in real time.

That is, by asking any question regarding ophthalmology on our website, each person, in fact, will receive the same consultation as when visiting an ophthalmology office in person.

Of course, our specialists will not be able to conduct an examination, but based on the etiology of the disease described in detail, they will be able to conduct a competent, professional consultation with the patient. In addition, readers of the resource will be able to get all answers to questions and advice absolutely free.

Procedure for receiving answers to questions

It is not always possible to make a correct diagnosis at a distance!

To receive answers to questions regarding the ophthalmological field of medicine, readers of our resource need to fill out a short form. In the fields, according to their names, you must indicate the relevant information.

The specified data must:

  • be reliable;
  • presented in Russian;
  • reflect the general essence of the appeal;
  • do not contain profanity or offensive language.

Compliance with spelling rules is definitely welcome, but is not a mandatory parameter. It is much better if the basic rules for constructing sentences and using words are followed.

The greatest attention should be paid to the aspects of the formation of the question being asked. In addition to following the handling rules presented above, it is advisable to:

  1. describe the essence of the problem as concisely as possible, but with clarification of its significant features;
  2. try to maintain structural literacy of the address;
  3. formulate an exact question or several precise questions.

Naturally, most of the noted rules are not required to be fully observed, but their use when drawing up an appeal will be useful specifically for the reader who wants to receive a free consultation. Don’t forget, the more competently and correctly the appeal is drawn up, the faster and more clearly the answer will be received.

Perhaps, on this note, the story on today's issue can be completed. We hope that the material presented and the consulting on our website will be useful to many. Good health to you!

This video will introduce you to one of the online doctor consultation services:

My mother is 80 years old. The diagnosis is mature cataract. What tests need to be taken before surgery? Can this be done at your clinic or do you need to take the answers with you?

In addition to vision diagnostics, preoperative preparation at the Excimer Ophthalmology Clinic also includes a consultation with an anesthesiologist. This allows a detailed study of the patient’s general condition to select an anesthetic treatment, exclude any complications from the cardiovascular system and guarantee excellent visual indicators after surgery. Before the operation, you will need certificates (with stamps) about taking tests: clinical blood test + platelets + coagulation; blood sugar test; blood test RW, HIV; blood test for HBsAg (hepatitis B), anti-HCV (hepatitis C); ECG with interpretation, fluorography. These studies can be done at the Excimer clinic (*additional service, paid separately).

An 8-year-old child has incipient myopia (probably hereditary). Is it possible to stop the process and avoid wearing glasses or contacts? If your clinic has this option, how long will the treatment last?

Myopia (myopia) is a very insidious condition that can remain stable for a long time. However, this does not mean that you need to fold your arms. Nowadays, many methods have been developed to stabilize myopia and, in addition to home exercises and the baby’s vision hygiene regime, hardware treatment occupies the first place among them. The Excimer Clinic has a complex of devices for hardware treatment, which are based on different principles and mechanisms. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 20 sessions, it is advisable to conduct treatment every 6 months. An ophthalmologist can provide detailed advice.

Is it possible to diagnose any eye disease yourself?

Unfortunately, not many people follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists that examinations of the visual system should be carried out regularly. But the reasons for decreased vision can be different. With cataracts, it is caused by partial or complete clouding of the lens; with glaucoma, it is caused by poor circulation due to increased intraocular pressure; with keratoconus and other diseases of the cornea, the cause lies in a change in its shape, and so on. But in any case, without timely detection, these and many other diseases can lead to very serious deterioration of vision, and often to blindness. Of course, for an accurate diagnosis, a complete diagnostic examination is necessary, but some changes can be determined in yourself using