Methods for increasing the reliability and efficiency of technological and energy equipment for oil and gas production and transportation Evgeniy Anatolyevich Smorodov. Managing equipment reliability and integrity is an important tool for increasing business efficiency

Dudnikova, Vera Viktorovna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Place of thesis defense:


HAC specialty code:


Materials science (by industry)

Number of pages:


1.1. Amaliz of methods for ensuring a given fatigue life of machine parts.

1.2. Analysis of methods for determining the minimum fatigue strength of machine parts.

1.3. Analysis of methods for determining the maximum load of machine parts.

1.4. Conclusions, goals and objectives of the research.


2.1. Model for ensuring a given fatigue gamma-proc ithoeo resource of a cultivator stand.

2.2. Reliability model of a cultivator unit (group of stands).

2.3. al 1al ical determination of the parameters of the probable 1ioctijugo paci 1rndivision of the total volume of strength and service life according to their sample data.

2.4. algorithm and calculation of the efficiency of the cultivator by increasing its reliability

2.5. Conclusions.


3.1. Calculation and experimental determination of the minimum fatigue strength of samples (parts) for a set of finite volume based on sample data.

3.2. computational and experimental determination of the maximum load of parts.

3.3. Calculation and experimental determination of the gamma-percentage resource of a part.

3.4. Conclusions.


4.1. efficiency improvement technique functioning cultivator by increasing its reliability.

4.2. Ensuring the gamma-percentage resource of the cultivator stand.

4.3. Methodology and results of confirming the calculated gamma-percentage resource from the stand of the AKV-4 cultivator after implementing the recommendations.

4.4. Calculation of the economic effect of increasing the gamma-percentage resource of the cultivator stand.

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "Increasing the reliability and efficiency of the cultivator by increasing the service life of the racks"

The growth of labor productivity in agriculture is associated with an increase in the operating efficiency of agricultural machines due to an increase in their reliability. Increasing the efficiency of machines is of great importance initial stage agricultural production; These include, among other things, cultivators. When the timing of soil preparation is limited, cultivators are presented with high demands in terms of reliability. Failures of cultivators lead to downtime in repairs and damage from equipment downtime caused by a shift in the timing of the technological process of growing crops.

The group of parts that fail and limit the reliability of cultivators includes S-shaped spring struts. Increasing the reliability of cultivator stands, as well as optimizing their service life, will reduce the failure rate, repair costs, and reduce the time and economic damage due to a decrease in the duration of the technological cycle.

Research on the efficiency and reliability of agricultural machines was carried out by Androsov A.A., Belenkiy D.M., Groshev L.M., Dalalyants A.G., Ermolyev Yu.I., Zharov V.P. Polushkin O.A., Spichenkov V.V., Khozyaev I.A., however, the analysis of research in the field of efficiency and reliability of agricultural machines showed that there are reserves for further improvement of methods for increasing their reliability.

The purpose of this research is to develop a method for increasing the reliability and efficiency of the cultivator by increasing the service life of its racks.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following problems: develop a method for increasing the reliability and efficiency of the cultivator by increasing the life of its racks, taking into account the analytical transition from selective distributions of strength, load and life to aggregate distributions; develop a reliability model for a cultivator unit (group of stands); develop an algorithm for calculating the optimal probability of failure-free operation of a B-shaped cultivator stand; determine by calculation and experimental method the parameters of strength, load and service life of the cultivator stand at the design stage; optimize the gamma-percentage resource of the cultivator stand and confirm it with bench tests; calculate the economic effect of increasing the gamma-percentage resource of a group of cultivator stands.

The first chapter analyzes methods for increasing reliability, efficiency and ensuring the specified fatigue life of machine parts. Various approaches to determining the minimum fatigue strength and maximum load of machine parts are covered.

The second chapter of the dissertation describes a model developed to improve the reliability and efficiency of the cultivator and ensure the specified fatigue life of its parts.

The third chapter provides a computational and experimental determination of the parameters of strength, load and service life of parts at the design stage. The minimum fatigue strength of the 8-shaped cultivator strut for a set of finite volume is determined by the calculation and experimental method using sample data. The method of computational and experimental determination of the maximum load of parts is considered. A computational and experimental determination of the gamma percentage of a B-shaped cultivator stand is given.

The fourth chapter outlines a method for increasing the efficiency of the cultivator by increasing the service life of the racks. The characteristics of ensuring the gamma-percentage resource of the cultivator stand, AKV-4, produced by Krasny Aksai CJSC are given. A calculation of the economic effect from increasing the gamma-percentage resource of a group of cultivator stands is given.

In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the work done.

The scientific novelty of the work performed is as follows:

A model has been developed that allows us to establish patterns of increasing the reliability and efficiency of a cultivator by increasing the service life of its stands, which allows us to optimize the gamma-percentage value of the service life of the stands according to the criterion - specific total costs for the manufacture and operation of the cultivator stands. Analytical solutions are obtained to determine the parameters of the three-parameter Weibull distribution of strength and service life for a population of finite volume using sample data.

The practical significance of the performed analytical and experimental studies is as follows:

An algorithm has been developed for calculating the efficiency of a cultivator by increasing the service life of its racks;

The minimum fatigue strength of an 8-shaped rack for a set of finite volume but with selective data was determined by the calculation-experimental method;

The developed algorithm for computational and experimental determination of the gamma-percentage resource of a part is presented; An increase in the probability of failure-free operation of the cultivator stand has been achieved from 0.90 to 0.99 (optimal value), while the calculated gamma-percentage resource will be about 229 hours (P = 0.99), which exceeds the resource specified by the technical specifications of 200 hours.

The main provisions and results of the work were reported and discussed at scientific and technical conferences at the Rostov State University of Civil Engineering in 2001 - 2006.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Materials Science (by industry)", Dudnikova, Vera Viktorovna


1. A method has been developed to increase the reliability and efficiency of the cultivator by increasing the resource of its stands, which allows optimizing the gamma-percentage value of the resource according to the criterion - specific total costs for the manufacture and operation of the cultivator stands; An analytical transition from sample distributions of strength, load and service life to population distributions is obtained.

2. For the design stage, a model of the reliability of a cultivator unit (group of racks) is proposed, in which the specific costs of creating and operating racks are used as an optimization criterion, and the optimal value y for the resource is determined in the range of 0.9 - 0.94 with an a priori established range resource 11=40-60; The total failure rate for a group of racks has been determined. An algorithm has been developed for determining the parameters of a three-parameter Weibull distribution that describes the resource distribution of racks and calculating these parameters for the failure flow of a group of racks.

3. An algorithm has been developed for calculating the optimal gamma-percentage resource of the cultivator stand. The calculations showed that as a result of applying measures to increase the strength and reduce the load on the cultivator stand, the probability of failure-free operation increases from 0.9 to the optimal value of 0.99.

4. To calculate and experimentally determine the minimum fatigue strength for a set of finite volume, samples from 13 carbon and alloy steel grades used for the manufacture of parts of agricultural machines were tested using selected data. The values ​​of the relative magnitude of the discrepancy between the shear parameters for a set of finite volume and sample were obtained for these steels: for b>2 the discrepancy is S = 3-14%, for b

5. To approximate the effective stresses in the form of a weighted average stress, the Fisher-Tippett probability distribution was used, determined by analogy with the strength for a sample of parts. A probabilistic calculation was performed using the method of statistical testing of the rack life for various conditions (strength ranges = 1.1-1.5, load Rctcb = 1.16-1.5, y values ​​= 80-99.99%, population volume Nc = 103-105).

6. To increase the probability of failure-free operation of an S-shaped rack made of steel 55C2 from 0.9, it is necessary to improve the quality of its outer surface in the area of ​​the dangerous section by grinding, which will increase the coefficient taking into account surface roughness from 0.65 to 0.85, and endurance limit by 1.3 times, and also increase the moment of resistance with j

533 to 602 mm and the section of the part by 13% - this will lead to an increase in the probability of failure-free operation to the optimal value of 0.99.

7. As a result of the implementation of the proposed recommendations, an increase in the efficiency of the cultivator is achieved: a reduction in the number of rack failures, a reduction in repair costs, a reduction in downtime and time for preparing the soil for crops. Accelerated bench tests of S-shaped racks of the AKV-4 cultivator produced by Krasny Aksai CJSC confirmed the reliability of the gamma-percentage resource forecast.

8. Economic calculations showed that with a predicted increase in the probability of failure-free operation of the cultivator stand from P = 0.9 to P = 0.99, the effect from the implementation of research results will be 21,060 rubles with an annual production program of 500 cultivators.

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Smorodov Evgeny Anatolyevich. Methods for increasing the reliability and efficiency of technological and energy equipment for oil and gas production and transportation: Dis. ...Dr.Tech. Sciences: 05.02.13, 05.26.03 Ufa, 2004 317 p. RSL OD, 71:05-5/160


1 Methods for monitoring and managing parameters for the reliability of technical systems in the oil and gas industry 18

1.1 Methods for obtaining and processing information in the oil and gas industry 21

1.2 Methods for modeling technical systems and prospects for their use to increase the level of reliability of oil and gas equipment 24

1.3 Diagnostic methods for monitoring the operational reliability of oil and gas facilities 36

1.4 Methods for increasing the reliability of energy supply and energy efficiency of oil and gas industry enterprises 50

Chapter 1 Conclusions 57

2 Development of methods for monitoring and diagnosing operational reliability parameters of oil and gas production equipment 58

2.1 Impact of operating conditions on reliability parameters of oil and gas equipment 58

2.2 Development of methods for monitoring and diagnosing the technical condition of oil and gas production facilities based on operational data 89

2.3 Failure modeling technological equipment oil and gas production 106

Chapter 2 Conclusions 125

3 Development of theoretical foundations and practical methods for monitoring and diagnostics of oil and gas transport systems 126

3.1 Development of methods for analyzing vibration diagnostics data of rotary machines 127

3.2 Diagnostics of shut-off valves of compressor stations main gas pipelines acoustic methods 151

3.3 Application of phenomenological models in diagnosing the technical condition of gas transportation equipment 157

3.4 Modeling the dynamics of changes in the technical condition of gas transmission equipment during the development of its operational life 171

3.5 Determination of the technical condition of gas pumping units based on a refined calculation of thermodynamic parameters

gas turbine unit 177

Chapter 3 Conclusions 182

4 Increasing the operating efficiency of oil and gas equipment based on optimal planning 183

4.1 Generalized characteristics of the field’s production well stock and assessment of the effectiveness of geological and technical measures 184

4.2 Development of methods for optimal planning of activities for maintenance of oil and gas equipment 193

4.3 Methods for reducing costs for emergency recovery measures at oil and gas industry facilities 213

4.4 Development of theoretical foundations for planning and placement of oil and gas production and transport facilities 234

Chapter 4 Conclusions 245

5 Increasing the energy efficiency of oil and gas complex facilities 247

5.1 Methods for determining and using energy efficiency indicators of oil and gas industry enterprises 248

5.2 Development of methods for reducing electrical energy losses at transformer substations in oil and gas fields... 264

5.3 Reducing the costs of oil and gas producing enterprises for energy resources based on the use of autonomous energy sources... 273

5.4 Methods for optimizing the placement of energy facilities according to the criterion of minimal energy losses 279

Chapter 5 Conclusions 291

7 List of sources used

Introduction to the work

Ensuring operational reliability and industrial safety of oil and gas industry facilities in modern society is the most important task. Technological processes for the extraction and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials are potentially dangerous in nature, which is associated with large volumes of combustible organic raw materials extracted in the fields and transported over long distances. Major accidents at industry enterprises lead to environmental disasters, the elimination of the consequences of which requires huge financial costs, and the restoration of the natural environment takes many years.

The level of operational reliability of technical systems in the oil and gas industry has a direct impact on production efficiency. The problems of increasing the efficiency of the oil and gas industry are closely related to the task of reducing production costs, in particular, on energy resources and carrying out repair and restoration activities. In turn, these tasks are determined by the technical condition of the industry’s equipment, and, therefore, their solution is possible by developing measures to increase the reliability of equipment and improve technical diagnostic methods.

Under these conditions, the need for scientific developments aimed at solving urgent problems associated with improving methods and technical means, used in the oil and gas industry. There is no doubt the role of scientific achievements in increasing the reliability and safety of the operation of production facilities, which becomes especially relevant given the environmental consequences of accidents in the oil and gas complex.

Work on the reliability of oil and gas equipment has a number of specific features. Huge spatial scale, exposure to harsh climatic conditions, features of equipment operation in constant

changing conditions of the productive formation - all these factors make it almost impossible to carry out full-scale experiments, which is a common practice for classical studies of equipment reliability parameters. Therefore, a large role in the study and prediction of reliability parameters is given to failure modeling methods.

The fundamental limitations imposed on the model within the deterministic approach have led to the increasingly widespread use of stochastic models, the behavior of which can be much more complex, which in many cases makes it possible to more adequately describe a real technical system. For the purposes of modeling and predicting the behavior of complex technical systems, an approach based on the concepts of self-organization, or synergetics, is increasingly being used.

The problem of equipment diagnostics is closely related to the study of reliability. Modern systems diagnostics are very advanced from a technical point of view. However, interpretation of diagnostic results still remains a major challenge.

An equally important aspect of the problems of the oil and gas complex is production efficiency. Efficiency is understood, first of all, as the level of expenditure of all possible resources, including energy, to maintain the functioning of the enterprise. Production costs, as one of the main components of production costs, are currently a serious obstacle to the competitiveness of Russian hydrocarbons on the international market. Therefore, recently there has been an urgent need for the development and implementation of energy- and resource-saving technologies.

The direct connection of production costs with the frequency of equipment repairs, and therefore with the level of its reliability, requires the development of methods for diagnosing the technical condition of process equipment and methods for reducing the costs of its maintenance. And finally, to reduce the cost of resources, primarily energy, it is necessary

7 It is necessary to develop measures to save resources and reduce the cost of consumed resources.

The development of methods for solving the listed problems should be based on the increased level of quality and volume of initial information provided by automated control and diagnostic systems widely used in industry enterprises.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to increase the efficiency and safety of oil and gas enterprises by developing methods for managing equipment operation reliability parameters and reducing production costs for maintenance and energy resources. Main research objectives:

    Development of methods for diagnosing and predicting reliability parameters of equipment operation based on building models of technological systems for the production and transportation of hydrocarbons.

    Creation of systems of diagnostic parameters to assess the current technical condition and residual life of equipment based on the integrated use of information from automated data collection devices.

    Development of theoretical foundations and practical methods for operational monitoring of the technical condition of oil and gas transport systems using statistical, phenomenological and dynamic models.

    Increasing the operating efficiency of oil and gas equipment based on optimal planning of repair and restoration activities.

    Development of a methodology for calculating the costs of maintaining repair and restoration services, allowing to minimize damage from accidents of technological equipment.

    Development of methods for increasing the reliability and efficiency of operation of power equipment, taking into account variable loads, which are

8 a consequence of changes in operating conditions and technical condition of energy consumers;

    Development of theoretical foundations for planning the territorial location of facilities and communications of oil and gas industry enterprises in order to increase the reliability of energy supply and reduce energy losses, equipment restoration time and capital costs during the construction of communication structures.

    Increasing the reliability of energy supply systems for fields based on the creation of principles for the placement of autonomous energy sources.

Methods for solving problems. When solving the problems, probabilistic and statistical methods, elements of the theory of deterministic chaos, methods of game theory, queuing theory, and methods for solving transport optimization problems were used. To confirm the conclusions and implement the methods and algorithms proposed in the dissertation, industrial information obtained by the Skat-95 information and measurement system at a number of oil fields in Western Siberia, databases of computer measuring and control systems of compressor stations of Bashtransgaz LLC, vibration data and gas-dynamic diagnostics of CPTL LLC Bashtransgaz, data from dispatch logs of OJSC Uraltransnefteprodukt and other production information.

Scientific novelty is as follows:

    The need for collecting and permanent storage of the entire volume of production and diagnostic information is substantiated, and it is shown that such information is of great value from the point of view of the development of promising diagnostic methods based on mathematical processing of large volumes of initial data, such as methods of mathematical statistics, dynamic chaos, development of simulation models, etc.

    The need to take into account the time dependence of the flow of equipment failures caused by changes in the characteristics of the field during its development is shown. The three-parameter model proposed in the work

9 predicting the uptime of oil and gas production process equipment makes it possible to more than double the reliability of forecasts.

3. It has been established that various types of equipment failures have determinants
nirovanny character according to the location of accidents and established statistically
highly significant relationships between failure types and process parameters
well operation.

    A technique for analyzing vibration diagnostics data is proposed, which makes it possible to take into account the destructive effects of stochastic processes in complex technical systems and ensures the recognition of developing defects in oil and gas transportation equipment that are inaccessible to traditional methods.

    A set of methods has been developed for optimal planning of the timing of repairs of oil production and gas transportation equipment, allowing to minimize the losses of the enterprise and based on a retrospective analysis of databases of automated measuring systems on the dynamics of the decline in well flow rates and numerical solutions obtained on the basis of a simulation model. The proposed methods make it possible to take into account not only the equipment reliability characteristics, but also the influence of factors such as current prices for raw materials and negative impact the maintenance activities themselves.

    Theoretical provisions are presented for determining the strategy for selecting the types and locations of autonomous energy sources on the territory of fields, which makes it possible to increase the reliability of energy supply to oil and gas fields and reduce the cost of consumed thermal and electrical energy.

Submitted for defense results of scientific developments in the field of modeling technological processes and improving diagnostic methods in order to increase the reliability of operation of technological equipment

10 mining and ensuring energy efficiency and industrial safety of oil and gas industry facilities.

Practical value and implementation of the work.

Methods and algorithms for predicting the timing of failures of underground oil production equipment, developed in the dissertation work, are included in the developed automated system for monitoring oil production parameters “Skat-95”. This system is intended for use at a number of enterprises in Western Siberia. The use of the proposed methods made it possible to increase the reliability of predictions of failure of ESP pumps by 2-5 times.

The methods for calculating the frequency of cleaning activities proposed in the dissertation were tested at OJSC Uraltransnefteproduct. The conducted studies showed the high efficiency of the method and the accuracy of the assessments sufficient for practical use.

The calculation results were used in planning cleanup activities for the Salavat-Ufa, Ufa-Kambarka, and Sineglazovo-Sverdlovsk oil product pipelines.

The methods for determining the technical condition and energy efficiency of gas turbine units developed in the dissertation work have been tested by the CPTL service of the Bashtransgaz DP and are used to monitor the technical condition of gas turbine units.

First chapter is devoted to the analysis of modern methods for modeling technical systems in the oil and gas industry, an analysis of methods for monitoring and regulating the reliability parameters of production and transport equipment is carried out

oil and gas and considers ways to reduce the cost of consumed energy resources.

The analysis showed that existing models for predicting the reliability of oil and gas equipment do not take into account the dynamics of changes in the characteristics of an object over time. At the same time, there are a large number of well-developed mathematical methods that allow modeling real physical processes in complex technological systems. Until recently, the implementation of these methods was hampered by the lack of a sufficient amount of initial information, which, as a rule, was used as data from dispatch logs. Thanks to the introduction of automation and computer technologies in the oil and gas industry and the accumulated large arrays of operational data, it has become possible to create and use algorithms and computer programs that implement modern modeling methods that can significantly increase the level of operational reliability of oil and gas industry facilities.

The main methods for diagnosing the technical condition of oil and gas transport energy equipment are considered and it is shown that they do not have the required reliability. Thus, an analysis of the results of vibration diagnostics of gas pumping units showed that in many cases the development of defects is not recognized using existing methods of processing vibration signals. It was concluded that it is necessary to expand the set diagnostic signs and improving methods for processing diagnostic data, allowing to adequately assess the current technical condition of power machines.

The issues of increasing the energy efficiency of the oil and gas industry are considered. To increase energy security of operation and reduce the cost of energy resources, many enterprises in the oil and gas industry are striving to use their own autonomous sources of electricity. A review of the characteristics and cost of industrial autonomous power plants of various types was carried out. The need for

12 feasibility study for choosing the type of such installations according to the criteria: “cost - capital costs - payback period - durability”.

Chapter two is devoted to studying the nature of failures and modeling the reliability functions of oil and gas production equipment. Based on the use of industrial data obtained using an automated data collection system, a classification of equipment failure types was made, the laws of failure distribution for each type were established, and the parameters of these laws were determined.

Based on the conducted research, it was established that the intensity of various types of equipment failures depends on its location on the territory of the field. A method is proposed for clustering well clusters based on their susceptibility to certain types of defects. A method has been developed for determining spatial zones of abnormally high equipment accident rates within the developed field.

The use of automated collection of production data from the oil field allows obtaining samples from hundreds and thousands of experimental points. Such sample sizes make it possible to reasonably apply both traditional methods of mathematical statistics and methods of the theory of nonlinear systems, pattern recognition, game theory, etc. In particular, the work established that chaotic changes in the flow rates of oil producing wells are of a deterministic nature, and it was shown that the fractal characteristics of time series of flow rate measurements make it possible to detect developing defects that are inaccessible to traditional methods.

Failures of field equipment are relatively rare events. Therefore, the task arises of modeling reliability parameters taking into account the small sample size of emergency events and the requirement of the highest forecast accuracy. The analysis showed that in conditions of small sample sizes, the most reliable predictions are made by the model recommended by the methods of fuzzy set theory.

13 Chapter Three is devoted to research into the dynamics of the development of equipment defects and the improvement of diagnostic methods for oil and gas transport systems.

An analysis of the reasons for the low reliability of vibration diagnostics of rotary power machines was carried out and it was found that one of the reasons is the phenomenon of modulation of the informative diagnostic signal by a stochastic low-frequency signal. Possible physical mechanisms of this phenomenon are considered.

Based on studies of the nature of stochastic processes in complex mechanical systems, a technique has been developed for analyzing spectral data of vibration diagnostics, which allows taking into account the destructive effects of stochastic processes in complex technical systems and providing recognition of developing defects in oil and gas transportation equipment that are inaccessible to traditional methods.

A critical component of the transport system are the elements of shut-off valves. Determining the current technical condition of this type of equipment without disconnecting a section of the pipeline is possible using acoustic diagnostic methods. The method of acoustic diagnostics of defects in shut-off valves of gas transportation systems developed in this work makes it possible to determine the presence of leaks and quantify the degree of development of defects.

An important task of monitoring the technical condition of equipment is research aimed at developing methods for calculating equipment operating parameters, which require additional measurements not provided by standard instruments. These include, in particular, methods for calculating the efficiency of pumping and compressor units. The work proposes the use of phenomenological models of gas pumping equipment intended for assessing the technical condition of gas compressor units based on measurement data from standard measuring devices.

14 One of the problems of equipment maintenance is planning the timing of repairs, taking into account the current technical condition. Such calculations require statistical data on reliability indicators throughout the entire operating life of the unit. The paper proposes a methodology for assessing the dynamics of the average operational characteristics of GPUs throughout the entire operating life. It is shown that, on average, there is a monotonous decrease in the operational characteristics of units during its aging process.

Significant difficulties arise when calculating the efficiency of energy units due to high measurement errors. This factor is especially important in the calculation method for determining the necessary parameters. For example, the absence of a standard thermocouple for measuring the temperature in front of the high-pressure turbine of a gas compressor, leads to the need to calculate it based on the temperature at the outlet of the turbine, which increases the overall error. The paper proposes an iterative method for calculating the technical condition coefficients of gas compressor units, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the technical condition coefficient of the unit by no less than 6%. Based on the studies conducted, it has been suggested that it is possible to increase the maximum power of worn-out gas turbines, without violating reliability standards, by increasing the maximum permissible temperature after LPT, which will increase the efficiency of the installation compared to the existing one by 11%.

Chapter Four is devoted to the issues of rational maintenance of hydrocarbon production and transport facilities.

The extremely exhausted life of oil and gas equipment necessitates its timely and high-quality repair and prevention. In the fourth chapter, the works are considered possible schemes organization of maintenance of oil and gas production and transportation facilities, allowing to minimize production costs and reduce damage from equipment downtime.

A method has been developed that makes it possible to quickly determine the timing of repair work, depending on the rate of decline in well production,

15 called a developing malfunction of pumping and power equipment. Calculations given taking into account the time between failures of pumping equipment showed that, provided that these recommendations are followed, the specific profit of an oil producing enterprise increases by 5-7%.

A similar problem arises when planning repair work on gas transportation equipment. The paper proposes a simulation model that allows, based on statistical data on gas transmission equipment failures, to calculate the optimal between-repair period for the operation of gas pumping units. The developed model can be used to plan calendar dates for scheduled preventative and major repairs of gas compressor units of any type.

Effective management of the repair and restoration services of an enterprise can significantly increase the efficiency of equipment maintenance and thereby reduce losses from lost profits. The paper proposes a methodology for calculating the costs of maintaining repair and restoration teams of oil production enterprises, which allows minimizing damage from accidents of oil production technological equipment. It is shown that the proposed methodology allows you to quickly manage emergency repair services, depending on the degree of deterioration of fixed assets and the dynamics of prices for extracted raw materials.

It is known that carrying out preventive maintenance, especially those related to stopping the equipment being serviced, leads to the danger of “running-in” failures. Therefore, the task arises of rationally reducing the number of such interventions in the operation of mechanisms while maintaining safe operating conditions. The paper proposes a solution to a similar problem using the example of optimizing the period between cleaning activities carried out on gas turbine engines of gas pumping units. In this case, the optimization criterion is to minimize the unit costs of operating the installation, including the cost of the repairs themselves and the additional benefit from increasing the operational characteristics of the unit.

At the conclusion of the fourth chapter, the theoretical foundations for planning the territorial location of facilities and communications of oil and gas enterprises have been developed, allowing to significantly reduce energy losses, waiting time for equipment repairs and capital costs during the construction of communication lines.

Chapter Five The dissertation work is devoted to the issues of ensuring the reliability of energy supply and energy security of oil and gas industry enterprises. The significant distance of energy consumers from energy sources creates a number of specific difficulties leading to a decrease in the reliability of energy supply and, as a consequence, to a decrease in the operational safety of oil and gas industry facilities.

In order to determine the reserves for saving energy resources, the structure of energy consumption of enterprises was examined, the main causes of irrational energy losses were identified and ways to reduce them were outlined.

The most adequate indicator of the energy efficiency of an enterprise is specific energy consumption. In the dissertation work, this indicator is examined using the example of an oil producing enterprise, and it is established that an increase in specific energy costs can serve as one of the criteria for assessing the pre-emergency state of process equipment. It is shown that within the same field, the difference in the volume of energy consumption for oil production can be 2... 4-fold.

To reduce irrational losses of electrical energy, it is necessary to ensure a rational load of transformer substations. This problem is solved in the dissertation work by developing a load calculation algorithm that allows optimizing the load distribution of transformer substations in oil and gas fields, taking into account changes in the actual power of energy consumers. The proposed algorithm makes it possible to increase the durability of transformer substations and power equipment by bringing their load level closer to the nominal one.

To increase the energy security of the operation of oil and gas production enterprises, increase the reliability of energy supply and reduce losses during transmission and conversion, as well as to reduce the cost of electrical and thermal energy, autonomous sources are now increasingly being used in the oil and gas industry. In this case, the task arises of choosing the type, power and location of autonomous power units, taking into account their reliability, working life, cost and minimal energy losses when transmitting it to consumers.

An analysis of the operational characteristics of industrial block energy sources of domestic and foreign production was carried out. It is shown that according to the criteria “durability - energy cost - reliability”, the priority for oil and gas producing enterprises are sectional gas piston power units with an electrical power capacity of about 1... 5 MW, operating on associated gas.

A methodology has been developed for the optimal placement of autonomous sources and other energy equipment on the territory of the field. It is shown that the proposed algorithm allows not only to increase the reliability of power supply to oil and gas field facilities, but also to reduce electricity losses in power lines by 2...5 times.

The author expresses his sincere gratitude to his scientific consultant Professor I.R. Baykov for invaluable help and support in solving problems arising during the work, professors I.R. Kuzeev, Yu.G. Matveev, V.A. Burenin, F. Sh. Khafizov, F.A. Agzamov, R.G. Sharafiev for discussion of the work and constructive criticism, which made it possible to significantly improve the structure of the dissertation. The author is grateful to candidates of technical sciences K.R. Akhmadullin, V.G. Deevu, V.Ya. Solovyov and S.V. Kitaev for providing data for calculations, useful consultations on production issues and active participation in the implementation of developments in production, and to the staff of the Department of Industrial Heat and Power Engineering at USPTU for their attention to the author’s work.

Methods for obtaining and processing information in the oil and gas industry

Methods for monitoring reliability parameters of technical systems are based on data from primary measurements of physical quantities - flow rates, pressures, temperatures, electrical quantities, etc. The accuracy and volume of measurements taken determine the maximum possible accuracy of the model built on their basis.

In the recent past, the main source of production information were entries in dispatch logs, in which the readings of standard measuring instruments were recorded at intervals from several hours to a day. With this method of recording information, the speed of response to faults that occurred turned out to be unacceptably low, in addition, many effective mathematical methods of information processing and modeling turned out to be fundamentally inapplicable due to the insufficient volume of samples of measured parameters. For example, it is known that to calculate such parameters as the correlation dimension of the attractor, entropy, the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents, and other stochastic characteristics, it is necessary to have a sample size of at least M M =102+0 4D ivi _ iviMHH iU j j where D is the dimension of the attractor.

If we accept D 2.8 for stochastic oil production processes, then the number of experimental points should be at least 1000. It is clear that such sample volumes can only be obtained using automatic measuring systems.

The technical capabilities of modern measuring instruments and diagnostic devices make it possible to solve such problems. Standard automation devices, equipment and devices for technical diagnostics of power machines, oil and gas field information and measurement systems allow tens of thousands of measurements to be obtained and stored in memory.

New technologies have made it possible to overcome one of the significant difficulties that limit the reliability of statistical estimates and mathematical models of oil and gas technological processes - namely, the insufficient volume and low accuracy of industrial operation data.

Modern automatic computer systems, put into operation in most oil and gas companies, allow almost unlimited replenishment of databases on operational parameters, types and movement during operation of the entire range of equipment, the cost of energy resources for production and many other production data and indicators. The active implementation of computer systems in oil and gas companies began about 8-10 years ago (1990-1995) and by now the volume of accumulated information has reached a “critical mass”, allowing for a qualitative leap in approaches to the problems of reliability, diagnostics and forecasting in the oil and gas industry.

Let's consider a simple example from oil production, demonstrating the need for “deep” data accumulation over time. Let us assume that a medium-sized field operates 500 deep-well pumps with an average operating life of about 500 days. Thus, approximately 1 pump failure occurs per day. For an adequate statistical analysis of pump reliability, it is necessary to identify a specific pump size and brand, and also take into account the type of defect or failure. It is easy to calculate that with 30 different types of pumps, 5 aggregated failure types and a minimum sample size of 20 events, the required observation period exceeds 8 years. For the same period, information is needed on flow rates, water cut of products, injectivity of injection wells and other production data, without which it is impossible to take into account the influence of operating conditions on the reliability of pumps. The simple example considered shows that carrying out adequate calculations of reliability parameters is almost impossible without the use of computer technology.

On the other hand, methods for modeling technological processes and predicting equipment accidents also require a large amount of information, but obtained in a relatively short time, comparable to characteristic time development of defects or operating conditions (flow rates, liquid water cut, dynamic levels, impurity content, etc.). As practice shows, the duration of such periods is about 15...30 days. Thus, the need for daily measurements of operating parameters becomes obvious, which is only possible with automated data collection.

The impact of operating conditions on the reliability parameters of oil and gas equipment

One of important factors that influence the durability and reliability of oil and gas production equipment is a set of parameters and characteristics of the field. Obviously, the working life of completely identical equipment operating under different conditions will be different. Since these factors are determined regardless of the design features of the equipment, its type, brand and construction materials, we will call them conventionally “external” factors. The degree of influence of one or another external factor does not remain constant, but changes during the development of the field. A quantitative description of reliability indicators is made using the probability distribution function of random variables, such as device uptime, intervals between failures, etc. Taking into account the influence of external conditions leads to the need to take into account the time dependencies of distribution parameters.

Impact Study external factors on the operational reliability of oil and gas equipment is the most important condition for increasing the level of reliability of oil production and the reliability of methods for technical diagnostics of oil field facilities.

The most complete information about a random variable, for example, about the time between failures of equipment, is its distribution function. As was shown in the previous chapter, the parameters of the distribution function of the same type of technological equipment, and in many cases the nature of the distribution itself, depends on many factors, such as the size of the equipment and a number of operating parameters - properties of the formation and the produced product, well flow rate, methods of maintaining formation pressure, etc.

Therefore, the reliability parameters of the same process equipment depend on the characteristics of the field, which, in turn, change over time. This leads to significant difficulties when trying to build theoretical models to describe reliability parameters, even in cases where there is a significant amount of production data on equipment failures.

Therefore, to date, the most reliable method for determining distribution laws in studies of oil and gas production reliability is the construction of empirical distribution functions. The use of electronic databases, currently widely practiced by most oil and gas producing enterprises, can significantly increase the reliability of empirical models by increasing the volume of experimental data. In this case, as will be shown below, it turns out to be possible not only to construct distribution functions for each type of field technological equipment used, but also to take into account the time dependencies of the failure rate, as well as to identify the relationship between reliability indicators and operating conditions, which is expressed, in particular, in the correlation of the intensity failures with the location of equipment on the territory of the field.

Most often, in studies on the reliability of oil and gas equipment, a one-parameter distribution with a stationary failure flow (exponential), two-parameter (normal and Weibull distribution) are used. The use of three or more parameters to construct empirical models requires a significant amount of experimental material and is not widely used to date.

The distribution functions of reliability parameters can be presented in various equivalent forms - in the form of an integral law of distribution of the probability of failures over time F(t), distribution density f(t) = dF/dt, probability function of failure-free operation R(t) = 1- F( t) etc.

To empirically determine reliability parameters in this work, we used the probability function of failure-free operation R(t), which was determined based on information from operational databases on failures according to the relation:

Development of methods for analyzing vibration diagnostics data of rotary machines

Vibration diagnostics is currently one of the main methods for assessing the technical condition of complex and expensive equipment in the oil and gas industry - pumps, compressors, turbines. With the development of technology for recording and processing vibration signals, and especially with the transition to a digital form of data representation, the diagnostic capabilities of the method have increased significantly. Thus, it is believed that vibration diagnostic methods currently make it possible to obtain diagnostic reliability (the ratio of the number of correct diagnoses to the total number) of up to 90%.

The reliability of vibration diagnostics depends not only on the perfection of the technology for measuring and recording signals, but also on the mathematical methods that are used in their analysis. Thus, according to the data, the reliability of diagnosis based on the root mean square value (RMS) of vibration velocity is 60-70%, based on the spectra of vibration signals - 80%, using cepstral analysis (homomorphic filtering) - 83%. The full arsenal of methods (together with the use of analysis of synchronous spectra) increases the adequacy of assessing the technical condition of gas transportation equipment to 85-87%. Note, however, that such accuracy of diagnosis is possible only with highly qualified specialists, since automatic setting of parameters in such processing algorithms is very difficult.

In practice, diagnostic accuracy is much lower. As a statistical analysis of emergency failures of gas pumping units (GPUs) operated by the Bashtransgaz subsidiary has shown, traditional methods for identifying the technical condition of units allow predicting no more than 30% of accidents. In this regard, it is of interest to develop alternative methods of vibration diagnostics.

Recently, there has been a tendency towards the development of so-called modal analysis, i.e. calculation of the characteristics of natural vibrations of a structure based on the construction of a mathematical model of the entire mechanism or its components. A comparison of the theoretical and experimental spectra of the aggregate will certainly simplify the interpretation of the latter, but the theory of this method is currently insufficiently developed, which complicates its practical application.

A review of existing methods for processing and analyzing source vibration information shows that mathematical signal processing in almost all cases is limited to filtering, RMS calculation and Fourier transform. In this section, an attempt is made to increase the reliability of vibration diagnostic analysis taking into account the noise component of measurements, and also considers the possibilities of using methods based on the use of mathematical statistics, the theory of nonlinear phenomena and synergetics for diagnostic purposes.

Mechanical vibrations of components of rotary machines, such as gas pumping units and oil pumps, carry information about the technical condition of the unit in frequency range 10-1000 Hz, which is used for vibration diagnostics.

As the practice of vibration examinations shows, the vibration spectra of the same unit unit differ significantly, even if the period between recording the spectra is hours and even minutes. This fact cannot be explained by the manifestation of a defect or a change in the operating mode of the machine; therefore, there are oscillations with a large period that were not taken into account when recording spectra. Since low-frequency oscillations (LF) themselves cannot change the high-frequency (HF, meaning the informative range of 10-1000 Hz) spectrum, it can be assumed that the instability of the spectra over time is due to the nonlinear interaction of oscillations of high and low frequencies, which leads to HF modulation oscillations with the appearance of a number of combination total and difference frequencies.

Let's consider one approach to studying the nature of this phenomenon. Traditionally, spectra are usually presented as the sum of deterministic and random components of the frequency spectrum = (/) + (/), (3.1) where V is the vibration velocity amplitude; 0 is a function that describes the change in vibration velocity amplitude as a function of frequency in the HF range, which can be represented as a Fourier series i=m 0(/) = 0,(th) = S sin(+ Г І); i = 0 (f) is the noise component of the signal, which in the general case has an arbitrary distribution.

In our assumptions, function (f) does not describe noise, but is the result of nonlinear interaction of oscillations of different frequency ranges.

Function 0(f) is determined by the mechanical state of the rotary machine and it is by it that it is possible to determine emerging defects. However, to highlight this function in " pure form» it is necessary to have information about the dependence (f), or at least assess the degree of its influence on the informative HF spectrum.

Generalized characteristics of the field's production well stock and assessment of the effectiveness of geological and technical measures

Methods for diagnosing the technical condition of oil production equipment, discussed in the second chapter of this work, make it possible to construct a certain scale for assessing the technical condition of individual elements of the field (well, pump, reservoir, etc.). However, such information is insufficient to assess the level of technical condition of the field, considered as a single object.

In itself, constant monitoring of technical and technological characteristics equipment operated at individual wells is of interest only from the point of view of diagnosing equipment and preventing accidents at individual objects, but does not provide information about the technical condition of the object (field, workshop, group of wells) as a whole.

Even having determined many coefficients of the technical condition of various types of equipment installed in the oil field, you are faced with the problem of an integral assessment of the technical condition of the entire set of equipment installed in wells with different service lives, different water cuts in the produced oil, different gas ratios, etc.

In this regard, it seems relevant to develop methods for an integral assessment of the level of technical condition of all equipment operating within one field.

Let's consider one of the approaches that allows us to implement a comprehensive assessment of the state of the well stock. We implemented this approach in our works. The construction of the proposed comprehensive indicator of the technical condition of any set of oil producing wells is based on the use of the Gini coefficient.

The Gini coefficient - Ka - is used in sociology to describe the degree of uneven distribution of total income of society among various segments of the population. With complete equality of income, Kd = 0, but if society is sharply differentiated by strata (income), then Kd - 1.

Such properties of the Gini coefficient make it possible to quantify the contribution of individual components to the resulting product for the entire system as a whole.

Let us consider the physical meaning of the Kd coefficient in relation to the problem of assessing the technical condition of the production well stock.

Figure 4.1 shows the results of processing data on the accumulated flow rates of individual wells in the fields of the VatOil joint venture of the Koga-lymneftegaz type of LUKOIL-Western Siberia LLC, obtained from the SKAT-95 IIS database for the VatOil joint venture.

When constructing Fig. 4.1, the flow rates of individual wells were preliminarily ranked by value relative to their contribution to the total production volume within the field. Geometrically, in the coordinates “total production volume - production rate of the well (or “cluster”)” Kd is equal to the ratio of the areas of the OABSO to the area of ​​the OBD triangle.

Obviously, if all the wells were identical in parameters and would make an equal contribution to the total daily volume of oil production in the field, then the envelope of the OAV would degenerate into the bisector of the corresponding coordinate angle, and the coefficient Kd would be equal to zero.

In real conditions, uniform distribution of production well flow rates is an almost impossible event. The actual distribution of production is always described by a curve similar to the OAV (with varying degrees of curvature), which is called the Lorenz curve.

Such a presentation of information about daily flow rates allows us to assert that the Gini coefficient, which characterizes the degree of uneven flow rates of individual wells, is within the limits of O Kd 1 The value of Kd = 1 corresponds to the limiting case when only one well provides production of the entire field.

Let's consider the proposed method for assessing the technical condition of the stock of production wells using the example of processing the information database of the VatOil joint venture.

At the same time, in accordance with the research results, we will assume that the most informative parameter that most fully characterizes the current technical condition of oil production equipment is oil production.

V.F. Rezinskikh, A.G. Tumanovsky
OJSC "All-Russian Twice Order of the Red Banner of Labor Thermal Engineering Research Institute", Moscow


Some of the most significant low-cost technical proposals of JSC VTI are presented, aimed at increasing the reliability and operating efficiency of installed thermal power plant equipment.


One of the main tasks of the institute is to ensure reliable and efficient operation of existing equipment. More long time equipment installed at power plants in the 60-80s of the last century will be used. Despite its advanced age, resources to improve its reliability and operational efficiency have not yet been fully exhausted. Below is a description of some quick-payback technical solutions developed by JSC VTI, which will allow generating companies to operate thermal mechanical equipment of thermal power plants more efficiently.


A significant part of the costs associated with the production of thermal and electrical energy falls on the repair of thermal and mechanical equipment. When carrying out repairs, two goals are pursued: maintaining equipment reliability and its efficiency at an acceptable level. The timing of repairs and their volumes are regulated by industry regulations, which establish uniform requirements for standard equipment without taking into account its technical condition. As a rule, these requirements are conservative. For specific equipment, it is possible to reduce repair work and/or shift repair schedules. At the same time, a situation cannot be ruled out when, for equipment that has exhausted its assigned life, the timing and volume of repairs prescribed by the system of scheduled preventive maintenance will no longer ensure the reliability and efficiency of its operation. In this case, it will be necessary to reduce the time between repairs and increase the volume of repair work.

The purpose of this work is to optimize the costs of the generating company when operating thermal mechanical equipment of thermal power plants for repairs.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

Assessment of the technical condition of equipment at thermal power plants based on data on equipment failures, diagnostic results and repairs performed;

Technical audit of power plants with a forecast of degradation of their performance indicators during the period between repairs;

Assessment of risks associated with changes in regulations for metal control and equipment repair;

Economic justification for the transition to new regulations for the repair of thermal mechanical equipment;

Development regulatory documents on metal control of the main elements of boilers, turbines and pipelines and regulations for their repairs.

Today, the experience of JSC VTI in carrying out this work at a number of power plants with power units with a capacity of 200-800 MW has so far made it possible to increase the service life between major overhauls to 50 thousand hours.


In connection with the depletion of the operating life of the units, their modernization seems promising, which can be done by:

Dismantling and replacement of IGU;

Modernization of the steam-gas cycle. To ensure that this modernization is as

effective, JSC “VTI” proposes to implement this project in the following sequence:

1) development of an investment project;

2) development technical requirements for equipment;

3) optimization of thermal and starting circuits and control algorithm;

4) improvement of water treatment and water chemistry regimes;

5) development of environmental protection measures;

6) commissioning and warranty tests.


Due to economic changes in the country, many power plants are forced to use non-design fuels.

When converting existing boilers to burn off-design fuel, problems arise that can only be successfully overcome if

their comprehensive solution: development of measures to prepare fuel for combustion (fuel supply, drying and mill systems), organization of combustion in the boiler furnace, purification of flue gases from harmful emissions, ensuring the reliability of equipment operation and achieving the required standards for environmental and economic indicators

As a result of the implementation of these measures, it is possible to ensure the operability of boilers, reduce harmful emissions to the required standards, and increase the reliability and efficiency of the operation of specific boilers.


In many power systems of the European part of Russia and the Urals, pulverized coal boilers operate at natural gas and only 2-3 months are forced to burn solid fuel. For such boilers, for economic reasons, it is irrational to construct installations for cleaning flue gases from NOX, even in cases where atmospheric gas pollution from other sources is high.

Significant reductions in emissions can be achieved by three-stage combustion with NOX reduction by creating a local reduction zone in the combustion chamber.

JSC "VTI" proposes the implementation of a project that allows minimum costs using energy systems to reduce emissions from coal combustion by 75%.


When operating boilers using high-sulfur solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, corrosion of combustion chamber screens, steam superheaters, economizers and tail heating surfaces is observed. The main compound that causes corrosion of combustion screens (hydrogen sulfide) is formed in the active combustion zone when there is a lack of oxidizer. Eliminating the formation of H2S in the flare greatly reduces the corrosion rate.

Superheaters can be subject to intense high-temperature gas corrosion due to aerodynamic uneven flow of hot gases and hydrodynamic uneven flow of the medium through individual coils. The tail heating surfaces are subject to sulfur corrosion, the rate of which is determined by the temperature of the metal and the concentration of sulfuric acid vapor in the gases

It is proposed to reduce the corrosion rate of screens by:

Intensification of mixing of dust and gas flows in the volume of the combustion chamber and at the exit from the burners;

Optimizing the excess air ratio of burners;

Rational choice of temperatures in the active combustion zone;

superheaters due to:

Elimination of uneven gas flows from the outer surface of the pipes and the flow of the steam-water medium between individual coils - from the inner surface;

air heaters due to:

Rational choice of metal temperature, its quality, passive protection (enamel, etc.)


Slagging of heating surfaces is a common problem with coal boilers. JSC "VTI" has developed recommendations for reducing slagging of heating surfaces on coal-fired boilers.

Reducing slagging of screens and convective heating surfaces is achieved by intensifying the ignition of coal dust particles at the outlet of the burners, optimizing the temperature regime in the active combustion zone, and eliminating zones with a reducing gas environment. The intensity of slagging and the strength of deposits can be reduced by 2-5 times.


It has been established that with the existing built-in separators of boilers of SKD units, water is thrown into the steam superheating heating surfaces, which sharply reduces their reliability. When using full-bore separators, the starting unit is significantly simplified with the elimination of complex fittings. (VZ; Dr-1 and Dr-3).

For specific objects, it is proposed to develop new designs of separators (full bore and built-in with top steam outlet). When using full-bore separators, the hydraulic circuits of the steam-generating part of the path will be improved to allow launches at sliding pressure throughout the entire path.


Start-ups of 300 and 800 MW SKD units at sliding pressure throughout the entire boiler path from various thermal states, in contrast to startups according to standard

The instructions showed, for example, on 800 MW units with TPP-804 boilers the following main advantages: increased reliability, reduced start-up time from various thermal states and simplified starting operations, fuel savings, the ability to start units with “own” steam

JSC "VTI" proposes the development of new standard operating instructions for the introduction of starting modes on sliding pressure throughout the entire boiler circuit, as well as task schedules for optimizing such starts from various thermal states.


Existing designs of self-cleaning automated filters, ball-catching devices, unloading chambers and other equipment have shortcomings discovered during operation, which negatively affect the reliability of their operation.

JSC "VTI" offers the development and implementation of improved structural elements of ball cleaning equipment using a hydraulic drive for the filter; development of working documentation, supervision of production and installation.


When operating heating turbines with completely closed control diaphragms, in order to ensure an acceptable thermal state, a certain ventilation passage of steam is provided in the LPC, the design value of which is 20-30 t/h. If the condenser is cooled with circulating water, the heat of this steam is completely lost. A set of measures is proposed to increase the available heat load of turbines with a capacity of 50-185 MW by reducing this steam loss by 5-10 times. The set of measures includes the modernization of the control diaphragms in order to seal them and the installation of a new exhaust cooling system. These measures have been tested on a number of turbines. Their introduction increases the available heat load by 7-10 Gcal/h and allows for fuel savings of at least 1 τ y. t/h. At the same time, the economic effect is achieved without reducing reliability, maneuverability and available electrical power

JSC "VTI" is ready to develop technical documentation for sealing the control diaphragm and cooling system for district heating turbines with a capacity of 50-185 MW, as well as organize its implementation.


The leading edges of the working blades of the low pressure parts (LPP) are subject to significant erosive wear not only in the last, but also in the first stages of the LP. This wear is associated with the peculiarities of operation in variable modes of the first stage of the low pressure pump, which has a regulating rotary diaphragm. The actual process in it differs significantly from the throttling process, which leads to an increase in the thermal drop per stage and, as a consequence, to an increase in the degree of humidity in the stages of low-pressure heat transfer. Analysis of the actual operating modes of turbines at a specific thermal power plant (in terms of pressure in the lower outlet, heat load, degree of diaphragm opening, etc.) makes it possible to organize such modes and specific measures, the implementation of which reduces the weight amount of moisture in the low pressure stages of different turbines, which ensures more reliable and long lasting performance

JSC VTI is ready to analyze turbine operating modes and develop recommendations for their optimization, as well as prepare technical documentation for design measures.


Developed and implemented at a number of thermal power plants ASKVD, ensuring compliance with all requirements of PTE and GOST standards for monitoring the vibration state of turbine units. Using network technologies, ASKVD includes automated workplaces for vibration maintenance and equipment monitoring. Many years of operating experience at seven turbine units at Konakovo State District Power Plant have confirmed the effectiveness of using ASCVD for identifying developing defects, preventing emergency situations, and carrying out vibration adjustment work.

OJSC "VTI" is ready to supply systems, put ASCVD and automated workplace into operation on a turnkey basis on the basis of existing standard vibration equipment or as a set in a new one; adapt the system to existing equipment (monitoring programs, diagnostics, balancing, analysis of archived data, etc.); perform system maintenance and technical support, personnel training.


Replacing a steam pipeline that has exhausted its service life is a very expensive and time-consuming operation. Timely and correctly carried out restorative heat treatment (RHT) can completely

ability to restore the resource of the metal of the steam pipeline. JSC "VTI" has many years of positive experience in conducting WTO.

As part of this work, VTI OJSC is ready to determine the feasibility and modes of conducting WTO, organize WTO, and determine the service life of the restored steam pipeline. Reductive heat treatment approximately doubles the service life of the steam pipeline.


Erosive wear of the inlet and outlet edges of the blades of the last stages of condensation and heating turbines is the main reason for their premature failure and subsequent replacement with new ones. Existing methods for protecting the leading edges of blades are unreliable. Titanium blades, due to the specific properties of titanium alloys, have no protection at all from the erosive effects of steam-droplet flow.

JSC "VTI" has developed and successfully applied for about 10 years a technology for applying anti-erosion protective coatings to steel and titanium blades of steam turbines, based on the technology of electric spark alloying. The technology makes it possible to restore blades without unblading the rotor during a turbine overhaul.

The VTI experience accumulated to date makes it possible to increase the service life of the blades of the last stages by at least 2 times. Currently, more than 20,000 blades of the last stages of turbines K-200-130 LMZ, K-300-240 KhTGZ, K-300-240 LMZ, K-220-44 KhTGZ, K-800-240 LMZ Stavropol State District Power Plant are in operation , Kostroma State District Power Plant, Ryazan State District Power Plant, Berezovskaya State District Power Plant-1, State District Power Plant-24, Zainskaya State District Power Plant, Iriklinskaya State District Power Plant, Kola Nuclear Power Plant, etc.


The operating conditions of the water supply units of many thermal power plants have changed significantly; new materials, reagents, and ion exchange resins have appeared on the market. Their implementation makes it possible to obtain a significant economic effect without reconstructing the water treatment facility.

Specialists of OJSC "VTI" carry out inspections of the air pumps, develop low-cost measures to optimize the work of the air pumps and provide assistance in their implementation. The results of the measures taken are new equipment operating schedules and revised operating instructions.


The use of steam-oxygen treatments of power boilers and power units in general makes it possible to simultaneously solve the problems of partial cleaning of heating surfaces and the flow path of turbines, passivation and preservation of equipment practically without the use of chemical reagents.

JSC "VTI" has developed methodological instructions (MU) for the use of this technology both for pre-start and operational cleaning of equipment. Due to the fact that the nature of operational deposits can be extremely diverse, the technology and treatment scheme must be selected in relation to each facility. For a specific facility, technological regulations and a technological diagram are developed. Technical assistance is provided in the implementation of technology.


JSC "VTI" offers methods for preserving power and hot water boilers with film-forming corrosion inhibitors or air.

Preservation with film-forming inhibitors

The advantages of preservation with these inhibitors are as follows:

preservation is carried out at room temperature;

the preservative solution can be reused, i.e. equipment can be preserved one after another with the same inhibitor solution, which provides significant savings;

After creating a protective film, the preservative solution can be drained (this makes it possible to repair or replace equipment) or left until the end of the preservation period.

JSC "VTI" offers conservation of power boilers with low-toxic corrosion inhibitors N-M-1 and D-Shch and preservation of hot water boilers with non-toxic inhibitor Minkor-12.

The period of protective action of inhibitors when draining solutions is 6 months; if the inhibitor solution remains in the volume for the entire conservation period, it is up to two years.

Air preservation

This technology allows:

preserve equipment from the first day of shutdown;

protect internal surfaces from atmospheric corrosion using a reagent-free method on long period downtime;

implement current renovation work on mothballed equipment;

reduce the time for restoring the water chemistry to PTE standards during startup after downtime.

OJSC "VTI" offers ventilation air-drying units of the VOU type and ventilation drying-heating units of the BONU type, intended for the conservation of boilers and turbines, as well as its services during conservation.


JSC "VTI" has been developing MPE projects for thermal power plants for many years with an inventory of pollutant emissions and approval by the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and Rostechnadzor.

Reconstruction and modernization of thermal power plant equipment is accompanied by an environmental justification and adjustment of existing documents on the regulation of pollutant emissions. In addition, it is possible to adjust the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone if, according to environmental indicators, taking into account the commissioning of new equipment, this is necessary. When adjusting the MPE volume, standards for specific emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are established according to the methodology developed by VTI and recommended by the Ministry of Natural Resources for use in 2009.

The introduction of new, more efficient ash collection equipment makes it possible in many cases to justify a decrease in the coefficient of ash deposition in the atmosphere and to adjust the MPE standard towards its increase without violating environmental requirements. This is especially relevant in connection with the increasing share of solid fuel in the structure of the fuel balance.


Electrical precipitators installed at coal-fired thermal power plants of morally and physically obsolete types PGD, DGPN, PGD, PGDS with electrode heights of up to 7.5 m have now exhausted their service life, have insufficient dimensions to ensure regulatory emissions of fly ash into the atmosphere and require significant reconstruction in order to repeatedly reduce fly ash emissions. Newer devices of the UGZ, EGA, EGB and EHD types with electrode heights of 9-12 m, as a rule, also do not provide the design cleaning parameters and need modernization, which will ensure a reduction in fly ash emissions by 2-3 times. In this regard, it is necessary to develop technical solutions that make it possible to reduce ash emissions and increase the reliability of equipment operation without increasing dimensions and at reasonable costs. Such solutions include:

Installation of a microsecond discharge attachment to power units;

Installation of a system for automatic control and optimization of power supply modes and shaking off electrodes;

Installation of an automated ash unloading system.

The result of the work will be technical documentation for the modernization of electrostatic precipitators; configuration, delivery and commissioning of equipment. It is expected that fly ash emissions will be reduced by 2-3 times and water consumption for hydraulic ash removal by 2 times.


Submitted technical solutions do not exhaust the entire package of proposals from JSC VTI, aimed at increasing the reliability and operating efficiency of installed TPP equipment. We are ready to carefully study the wishes of customers and find optimal solutions to the identified problems.


Source: PROneft magazine

Management of reliability and integrity of equipment is an important tool for improving business efficiency

UDC 338.45:622.276

V.R. Amirov
PJSC Gazprom Neft

Key words: reliability, integrity, equipment, risk, costs, efficiency, budget, planning, industrial safety, operational management system (OPS)

V.R. Amirov
Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg

The article is devoted to improvement of operational efficiency of oil and gas fields and examines one of the key direc- tions of the operational management system (OMS). This direction is the management of reliability and integrity of equipment – ​​implemented by the Deming cycle. A prerequisite of effective management of reliability and integrity is a correct assessment of the current condition of the asset through the risk assessment and registration costs and damages. The risk-based approach allows for comparable levels of direct costs for management of reliability and integrity, to improve the total economic result (direct costs + damage) while reducing the number of failures. In conclusion, the assessment of the current state of management of reliability and integrity in Upstream Division of GPN

Keywords: reliability, integrity, equipment, risk, cost, efficiency, budget, planning, production safety, operational management system (OMS)

DOI : 10.24887/2587-7399-2018-1-10-15


The objective of the “Etalon” program (operational management system (OMS)) of Gazprom Neft PJSC is to ensure maximum operational efficiency of the company through reliability and safety production activities and involving all employees in the process of continuous improvement. Equipment reliability and integrity management (ERI) is a set of measures that ensures uninterrupted operation of oilfield equipment throughout the entire period of operation. The importance of this area of ​​production activity is reflected in its separation into a separate element of the OMS.

Direct costs and total economic result

In conditions of objective deterioration of operating conditions in the oil and gas industry (depletion of fields, increase in water cut in well production, etc.), it is advisable to evaluate with a “fresh look” the structure of costs for maintaining the current activities of assets. A significant share (up to 20) is occupied by the costs of the research center. They are allocated to various asset budget items and can be divided into the following areas (direct costs):

1.1. current equipment repair;

1.2. major repairs (or replacement) of equipment (partially carried out through capital investments);

1.3. diagnostics of equipment condition (including examination of industrial safety of equipment with expired service life, corrosion monitoring measures, etc.);

1.4. equipment protection (including selection of materials, application of protective coatings, corrosion inhibition, etc.).

In addition, in the course of operating activities, additional costs arise for the research center, which also affect the cost of oil production:

2.1. costs of eliminating equipment failures and eliminating the consequences of these failures;

2.2. fines and payments related to violations of integrity and equipment failures.

The third group of costs, or rather losses, that affect the financial performance of the asset for the reporting period includes:

3.1. product losses associated with integrity violations and equipment failures. These three groups of asset costs relate differently to equipment integrity risks. Costs 1.1., 1.2., 1.4. reduce these risks (both probability and consequences), costs 2.1., 2.2., 3.1. arise as a result of realized risks. Costs 1.3. provide an assessment of these risks and do not affect the magnitude of the risk. The effectiveness of the research center is assessed by the total economic result, which is the sum of all the above costs. Management of the overall economic result forms the basis of the UNCO and includes: planning, implementation, monitoring of implementation and performance evaluation and updating of the approach to the UNCO.

Risk and damage

Valuation of risk and damage are values ​​that characterize the predicted and actual results of activities related to the scientific and scientific center.

Integrity risk is the predicted amount of damage from failures and damage to the integrity of equipment over the planned period. Quality of assessment given risk determined by comparing this estimate with the amount of damage incurred during a given period, taking into account the damage prevented. Since currently the amount of damage from failures and violations of the integrity of equipment is not fully taken into account, the quality of the assessment of the corresponding risk is not easy to determine due to the lack of a comparison base.

In these conditions, the justification for the activities associated with the UNCO can only be the certainty that the costs (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4.) are significantly less than the damage that they are supposed to prevent. For new growing assets, this assumption is usually true, but as margins decrease

business, the question of the validity of these costs is raised.

In general, activities related to the scientific and educational center make economic sense if

where Зi are costs in areas 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4. for the reporting period; Y – damage from failures and violation of the integrity of equipment during the reporting period (2.1., 2.2., 3.1.); Control – damage prevented during the reporting period.

In order to economically justify the costs of the research center, it is necessary to take into account costs 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4. for the reporting period, damage from failures and violation of the integrity of equipment (costs 2.1., 2.2., 3.1.), as well as damage prevented during this period.

These tasks are solved within the framework of the organization of appropriate reporting: on direct costs of the scientific reporting center, on damage from equipment failures and violation of the integrity of equipment, on the effectiveness of direct costs on the scientific reporting center.

Risk-based approach to managing equipment reliability and integrity

Currently, the oil and gas industry mainly uses two approaches to the scientific evaluation center.

1. Repair and replacement of equipment is carried out to a minimum extent upon failure. Equipment diagnostics are carried out in accordance with legal requirements (technical examination in accordance with safety regulations, industrial safety examination for equipment with expired service life, etc.). The total economic result of this approach is presented in the figure, and in the form of a red diamond and is far from optimal in terms of the number of prevented failures (green circle). This approach is typical for mature assets at a late stage of field development with significant operating costs.

2. Repair and replacement of equipment are carried out in accordance with regulatory deadlines, manufacturer’s recommendations, taking into account the results of technical examination. Equipment diagnostics are carried out in accordance with legal requirements (technical examination in accordance with safety regulations, industrial safety examination for equipment with expired service life, etc.).

Cumulative economic result of implementing approaches 1 and 2 (a) and the risk-based approach (b)

This approach is typical for developing assets with growing production. The overall economic result of this approach is shown in the figure, with a yellow diamond and is also not optimal. In addition, the amount of direct costs for the control center in this case is greater than the damage and in order to fulfill the above condition it is necessary to estimate the amount of damage prevented, which, as already noted, is quite difficult.

An alternative is an approach based on assessing the risk of failures and damage to the integrity of equipment (RBI - Risk Based Inspection, RCM - Reliability Centered Maintenance), which is called risk-based. The result of implementing this approach is presented in Figure b. It should be noted that with this approach, the shape of the curve characterizing the damage from failures differs from that shown in Figure a. This is due to the fact that with a risk-based approach, costs are primarily directed to preventing failures with the most negative consequences(damage to people, the environment, company reputation, significant production losses), i.e. unacceptable risks. On the segment of the curve corresponding to 70–100 prevented failures, failures with minor consequences remain. Comparison of the curves in Figure a, b shows that the risk-oriented approach allows, at comparable levels of direct costs for the scientific and technical center, to improve the overall economic result while simultaneously reducing the number of failures. The optimal cumulative economic result is shown in figure b with a green circle. This approach is especially effective in companies with different assets (new, developing, mature).

To use a risk-based approach to the scientific and research center, it is necessary to solve two problems.

1. Perform a qualitative assessment of the risks of violation of the integrity of various types of equipment for the planned period, including the development and implementation of a calculation model:

– probability of equipment failure depending on key (internal and external)

influencing factors, which include service life, results of technical examination, state of equipment security, material of manufacture, conditions and history of its operation, etc.;

– consequences of equipment failure depending on its performance, operating parameters, cost, installation location (in relation to other equipment, personnel locations, populated areas, water protection zones, etc.), time interval for response to critical deviations of operating parameters, state of equipment maintainability , state of external protection and response systems, etc.

2. Generate automated reporting for a certain period

– on the direct costs of the research center by type of equipment (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4);

– about the realized risks of failures and violation of the integrity of equipment (2.1, 2.2, 3.1).

The presented approach is used for short-, medium- and long-term planning of activities related to the scientific center.

Current status and prospects of the exploration and production unit of Gazprom Neft PJSC

To solve the first task, the Production Directorate (PD) of the Exploration and Production Block (EPB) of Gazprom Neft PJSC has developed and is implementing a program for the reliability and integrity of oilfield equipment (OPE), including:

– assessing the risk of violating the integrity of NGOs through filling out and analyzing assessment sheets by type of NGO;

– development, based on this assessment, of a cost planning methodology for the UC R&D Center;

– formation of subdivisions for scientific and educational center in subsidiaries;

– assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the NGO maintenance and repair program.

The Directorate for Gas and Energy (DG&E) is currently implementing a pilot project “Creation of a unified system for planning and monitoring scheduled maintenance of energy equipment”, the main objectives of which are to reduce the number of repairs and the costs of them by determining the type and volume of repairs based on an assessment technical condition of power equipment (RBI) and the balance between the required level of reliability and the cost of maintaining it (RCM). In addition, in the near future, DGiE plans to begin implementing a pilot project “Testing predictive analytics systems on the main equipment of power plants and gas transportation facilities,” the task of which is to increase operational reliability, reduce the time of unscheduled equipment downtime by preventing and eliminating faults at an early stage (RBI) .

The second task in terms of damage assessment is expected to be solved through the implementation of the methodological document MD-16.10-05 “Methodology” developed at Gazprom Neft PJSC financial assessment damage from incidents in the field of industrial safety" by isolating from existing information systems incidents according to KT-55, which are classified as violations of equipment integrity (all failures, pipeline ruptures, etc.).

The organization of reporting on direct costs of the research center should be carried out on the basis of:

– implementation of the fundamental standard of Gazprom Neft PJSC at the educational center, the development of which is being completed by the OMS Development Center in 2018;

– analysis of the existing automated management reporting system.


1. The overall economic result is a key indicator of the effectiveness of activities related to the scientific and educational center.

2. The introduction and analysis of reporting on costs and damage from failures and violations of the integrity of equipment makes it possible to prioritize costs for the scientific and technical center.

3. The risk-based approach ensures the most efficient distribution of direct costs for the research center.

4. The current state of the scientific reporting center in the BRD in terms of both procedures and the provision of normative and methodological documentation makes it possible to implement the fundamental standard for the scientific reporting center without significant changes to existing documents.

The concept of effectiveness includes the relationship between the results of activities and goals, which some researchers call “target effectiveness.” The relationship of the result to the goals is a certain measure of the correspondence between the result and the goal. This compliance is considered to be reliability. Thus, if the system functions reliably, that is, the result of its activities corresponds to the goals, then the ratio of the result to the goal is close to the maximum.

If, when determining efficiency, we consider the limiting case, setting a high priority for a particular criterion characterizing the relationship of the result to the goals, then we obtain the identity of efficiency and reliability. In general, an increase in reliability can affect an increase in efficiency in various ways: the latter can remain unchanged, increase or decrease - here much depends on how costs increase, i.e. what happens to economic efficiency, and how value and need behavior behave efficiency component. In general, an increase in efficiency does not inevitably lead to an increase in reliability. The former can occur independently of the latter, by increasing other ratios that determine efficiency. However, recently it is reliability, expressed in relation to results and goals, that is beginning to play a dominant role in determining effectiveness. There are enough arguments to support this.

Let's find out where we should go "in search of effective governance." Let us take here the advice of the authors of the book of the same name, who made their conclusions based on a study of experience best companies. Their advice is: “Quality first!” What do they mean by quality? It turns out that this is what it is - defect-free (error-free) work, the absence of defects both directly at the product stage and at all other stages of the production process. But errorlessness is one of the main conditions for reliability. This means the first and main requirement for effective management today, its, so to speak, necessary condition, as the experience of the best companies shows, is reliability as a property that ensures that the system’s functioning process corresponds to its norm. The second requirement for effective management, according to the authors, is a participatory management style, which they define as “mutual responsibility in the system of relationships between managers and subordinates.” So, the main requirements for effective management are reliability and responsibility, or, as formulated by T. Peters, R. Waterman, J. Harrington, W. Deming, quality and responsibility.

We mentioned that in management the concept of “quality” began to be used independently later than the concepts of “efficiency” and “reliability”. Its appearance was largely due to the fact that the quantity of products produced, the so-called shaft, no longer guaranteed success in the market, which ultimately did not make it possible to ensure an appropriate “quality of life” and the security of the country. Therefore, quantity has been replaced by quality. It was this that became the new ideal, towards the achievement of which it was supposed to devote all the main forces and resources. Quality work was declared the subject of professional responsibility of managers. The main content of the concept of “quality” in management has become defect-free. Why did this content become the main one in the concept of quality in management? The desire to satisfy the growing demand, which after the Second World War significantly exceeded supply, led to the expansion of production both in the area of ​​increasing production space, purchasing new equipment, and in attracting a new, often insufficiently trained workforce. All this, together with increasingly complex technology, led to a large number of defects. For a time this was considered natural. Therefore, when planning production, areas for detecting and correcting defects were provided in advance. These areas were staffed with the most qualified workers, since it is always much more difficult to redo something than to do it right right away. Quick elimination of defects was considered preferable to the development of long-term measures to prevent them. This situation was considered normal as long as it brought success.

But the increase in the supply of goods and services on the market has led to the fact that consumers stopped buying products with even minor defects, even at reduced prices. Empirical studies have shown that “high-quality products generate approximately 40% more return on investment than low-quality products.” Therefore, investors sought to invest funds where the quality of the products was higher, thus stimulating a different attitude towards the presence of defects in manufactured products. After all, it was higher quality that led to increased demand for Japanese goods around the world and ensured Japan's success in competing in the global market for goods and services.

When supply exceeds demand, the consumer dictates his terms to the manufacturer. First of all, he begins to worry about “quality and reliability at a reasonable price,” which is indirectly confirmed in the content of the advertisement. “Quality” and “reliability” have become some of the keywords used for advertising purposes.

So, since the consumer is increasingly becoming dissatisfied with the presence of defects in products, and corporations are losing quite a lot of money on defective products (for example, in 1984, the United States lost over $7.8 billion on this), then the main content of the concept of “quality “In management it becomes precisely the absence of defects, correctness, errorlessness. The latter, as we noted, are one of the conditions for reliability. Therefore, in essence, this content of the concept of quality was narrow and turned quality into one of the criteria of reliability.

On the other hand, the indicated content of the concept of “quality” coincides with that which Kotarbinski put into the concepts of correctness and efficiency, since it corresponds to the criteria he introduced of usefulness, accuracy, skill and purity. Consequently, the concept of quality that has developed in management becomes identical to the concept of efficiency introduced by Kotarbiński.

However, the most common point of view regarding the relationship between quality and efficiency in management is the recognition that quality is one of the efficiency criteria. “One of the best ways to improve efficiency is to improve quality in every possible way.” A new approach has been formed in management theory - “quality management”, the main representatives of which are F. B. Crossby, W. E. Deming, A. V. Feigenbaum, K. Ishikawa, J. M. Juran, J. Harrington and others. The methodological basis of this approach is the recognition of the following two principles as the fundamental principles of the company’s activities:

1. Employees performing the work assigned to them must understand its essence and bear responsibility for the quality of the results of their activities.

2. It is necessary to create a mechanism for monitoring the labor efficiency of each performer with the simultaneous right to make changes in the labor process and providing him with the means to constantly improve the quality of work.

In short, they proclaimed quality and responsibility to be the key points of any activity, and they considered responsibility as a necessary condition for ensuring quality.

It should be noted that supporters of this approach did not fundamentally strive for a unified interpretation of the concept of “quality”. They proclaimed the “first basic rule”: “Quality is a subjective concept, and everyone defines it in their own way.” So, for example, F. Crossby defines it as “compliance with requirements”, W. Deming believes that quality is “compliance with market demands”, J. Juran considers quality as “fitness for purpose”, A. Feigenbaum calls quality “a set of complex market technical, production and operational characteristics of a product (or service), thanks to which the product (or service) used meets the consumer’s expectations,” J. Harrington defines quality as “meeting or exceeding the consumer’s requirements at a price acceptable to him,” etc.

It is important to emphasize the following. Despite the variety of formulations when defining the concept of “quality” in management, the goal of improvement, formulated in the “third basic rule,” is the same for everyone - eliminating errors. Such unity of purpose is quite natural. Since quality is always defined as compliance with something, “not quality” is defined as “inconsistency,” and inconsistency is then interpreted as an error. Thus, eliminating errors is eliminating inconsistencies; it is eliminating “non-quality”, i.e. improving quality.

The concepts of “error” and “failure” are often equated, or at least errors are considered the main cause of failure. This tendency has its roots in the identification of human functioning and technology. It is on this basis, for example, that the traditional for social psychology problem of errors in professional activity was included in the problem of reliability that arose much later. Based on this, we can state that the problems of quality in management, associated primarily with the elimination of errors, are included in the more general problems of reliability.

The following fact should be especially emphasized. In the theory of reliability, the objective nature of errors is recognized, errors are considered as a “normal” phenomenon, thereby indirectly postulating the principle that there is no error-free activity, “he who does nothing does not make mistakes.” Therefore, in reliability theory, the main emphasis is on how, in the presence of errors in the functioning of individual elements of the system, to achieve the required functioning of the system as a whole. This leads to the fact that eliminating the consequences of errors, rather than the causes, begins to play a special role in ensuring reliability.

In management, in theoretical developments on the problem of quality, the emphasis is completely different. This is due to the fact that it recognizes the predominantly subjective nature of errors. Therefore, it is more appropriate to eliminate the causes of errors rather than deal with their consequences. "It may be human nature to make mistakes, but only God can pay him for it. Our business world took mistakes for granted." But the business world was forced to change this attitude towards errors as soon as it became clear that it was not economically profitable. The principle “quality requires money” has become obsolete and has been replaced by another principle - “quality brings money”, the meaning of which is that the costs of improving quality pay off handsomely.

If in reliability theory it is assumed that it is possible to build a reliable system from unreliable elements, then in developments on quality management, special importance is attached to the fact that it is not enough to talk about product quality (some holistic characteristic of the company), it is necessary to demand high quality from each element of the system. Only high-quality work of all elements can truly ensure product quality.

Based on the impact of errors on quality and reliability, it can be argued that both the quality and reliability of a system are significantly related to error-free performance. However, the theory of reliability and the theory of “quality management” take opposite positions both in relation to the main causes of errors and in relation to the influence of errors of individual elements on the errors of the entire system. This makes them methodologically different and mutually complementary. Reliability theory professes the holistic principle that “the whole is greater than its parts”; quality management is based on the fact that “the quality of a system consists of the quality of its elements,” i.e., it is guided by the principle of reductionism. The differences we have identified are largely determined by the fact that these theories developed within the framework of various areas of management research. Reliability theory was originally formed in the field of technical systems management, and quality management was developed in management. The difference in management objects, research subjects and established methodology determined the significant differences noted in relation to errors in the theory of reliability and in quality management.

It can be admitted that developments in the field of quality management have brought certain practical results, on the basis of which attempts have been made to draw a conclusion about its theoretical significance. In general, the theory of quality remained developed very unsatisfactorily, which subsequently led to the fact that the next fashion in management gradually faded away.

First of all, this dissatisfaction, in our opinion, is associated with a very limited interpretation of quality, which was essentially reduced to error-free work. Attempts to control quality at every workplace and behind every production process initially achieved certain results, but then they became less and less noticeable. This is understandable. This fully demonstrates the principle of consistency (a team of stars is not a team of stars). Improving the quality in individual elements of the system does not always lead to an increase in the quality of the system as a whole, and sometimes even reduces it, since changing the quality of an individual element requires a restructuring of the entire system, which cannot be carried out instantly. Moreover, such a restructuring can lead to a significant change in the quality of other elements, which is not always possible to foresee and evaluate and which can reduce the quality of the system as a whole. The use of the concept of “quality” in management should be significantly based on a philosophical and methodological analysis of the category of quality, which identifies such necessary signs, which, on the one hand, express the universal connections of things and phenomena of the objective world, and on the other hand, allow us to understand all the shades of meaning various situations, in which this concept can be used. Dracheva E.L., Yulikov L.I. Management: Textbook. - M.: Academy, 2005.

Hegel defined quality as a certainty identical with being. Despite the abstractness of this definition, it allows us to draw a number of conclusions that characterize the most significant aspects of quality. Quality, being a certainty identical with being, is inseparable from the existence of the corresponding object, therefore it separates it from all other objects and thereby is the boundary of its existence. Losing quality, an object becomes something else. Therefore, quality characterizes an object from the point of view of maintaining its certainty. Since one of the essential aspects of management is functional, the qualitative certainty of both the management system and its elements is primarily associated with the functions that they perform. It is through functions that the quality of a management system is expressed. The system remains a given system, that is, it has its quality, only insofar as it fulfills its function. In management, therefore, the self-identity of an object is associated with its ability to perform given functions, and not with other manifestations of its existence. Thus, special interest in functioning in management led to the identification of the functional aspect of system quality. (Note that this again reveals the “technical” orientation of management.) Analysis of qualitative certainty in its functional aspect allows us to introduce the concept of efficiency. This is possible on the grounds that functionality presupposes the presence of a very specific effect (action) in those interactions in which the qualitative certainty of the object is manifested. Thus, the connection between efficiency and quality becomes easily discernible. It is the quality of the elements that fundamentally limits the functioning capabilities of the system synthesized from them. A certain quality of the system as a whole and its individual elements determines the effectiveness of both the system itself and its individual elements. The very possibility of changing the efficiency of a system depends on changes in the quality of its elements or its structure.

Since the specified functioning of the system can only be ensured by a very specific quality, the problem of quality in management must be solved in unity with both the problem of efficiency and the problem of reliability.

A major role in quality research is played by the transition to quantitative assessments. It can be noted here that among all the works related to research into efficiency, reliability and quality, the vast majority are devoted specifically to quantitative assessment methods.

Hegel defined quantity as a certainty indifferent to being. Thus, he expressed in general form the relative independence of quantitative certainty from the quality of the same objects. This definition captures the double aspect of the independence of quantity from quality. Firstly, the same quantitative certainty is inherent in qualitatively different objects. And, secondly, quantitative certainty can make sense and be logically thought of even in cases where there are no objects with such qualitative certainty.

However, the relative independence of quantitative certainty from corresponding quality cannot be overemphasized. There is a certain unity of quality and quantity, which Hegel called measure.

Measure as the unity of quality and quantity has several aspects, which are reflected in the three laws of measure, which can be briefly formulated as follows. According to the first law, any quantitative change is a qualitative change. It follows from the second law that any quantitative change does not affect the many properties of a given object, and that is why it is quantitative. The third law is that quantitative changes in any property of a material object necessarily have an upper and lower limit. In the general case, this boundary is defined as a surface separating the space of measures for the corresponding quality and the space of measures of other qualities. The transition from one qualitative state to another itself forms a certain space of states. Therefore, the question arises about identifying a certain feature that characterizes the types of object states. One of these characteristics is stability.

Thus, stability is the result of the development of the concept of measure. The universality of the concept of measure leads to the universality of the concept of stability. That is why any science that studies its field from the point of view of a natural connection between quantitative and qualitative changes necessarily encounters the concept of sustainability. Resilience characterizes the ability of objects to resist external influences when they are small enough. It is interesting to note that the problem of stability acquired significance in a specific science only when the basic laws that describe the behavior of objects in a given field of study were discovered. When considering the qualitative certainty of objects at the level of stability, we reach the level of integrity. This indirectly reflects the fact that the concept of sustainability plays the final role in the system of categories of measure. Dracheva E.L., Yulikov L.I. Management: Textbook. - M.: Academy, 2005.