Technological equipment of the sales area and utility rooms. Characteristics of the technological equipment of the sales area and utility rooms


State educational institution of higher professional education




in the discipline "Organization, technology and enterprise design"

on the topic “Trade equipment and the principles of its placement in the sales area using the example of LLC “TD Mikhailova Plus” in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory”


5th year student

group KM-07-12 Smolentseva L.T.

Scientific supervisor

Chestnova E.S.

Krasnoyarsk 2009


Chapter 1 Trade and technological equipment of stores

1.1 Furniture of sales areas

1.2 Trade inventory

1.3 Commercial refrigeration equipment

1.4 Commercial measuring equipment

1.5 Cash register equipment

1.6 Methodology for determining the need for commercial equipment

Chapter 2 Organizational and economic characteristics of TD Mikhailova Plus LLC

2.1 Organizational characteristics

2.2 Economic characteristics

2.3 Analysis of the store’s commercial and technological equipment

2.4. Store competitiveness

Chapter 3. Principles for placing commercial equipment in the sales area of ​​a store

3.1 Layout of the sales area

3.2 Location of product groups on retail equipment in the store of TD Mikhailova Plus LLC

3.4 Equipment efficiency indicators

3.5 Measures to improve the efficiency of use of commercial equipment




Equipment for the trading floor plays one of the main roles in the proper organization of the store, because the impression of customers about the retail facility and their desire or reluctance to make purchases largely depends on it.

The purpose of the course work is the creation of retail equipment that will create a comfortable, rational and conducive shopping environment in LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus".

The subject of the enterprise analysis is trade and technological equipment.

The analysis tasks are:

1 Consider the trade and technological equipment that equips our stores:

1.1 Furniture of trading floors;

1.2 Trade inventory;

1.3 Refrigeration equipment;

1.4 Trade measuring equipment;

1.5 Cash register equipment;

1.6 Methodology for determining the need for equipment.

2 Consider the enterprise from the economic side:

2.1 Organizational characteristics;

2.2 Economic characteristics;

2.3 Analyze trade and technological equipment;

2.4 Competitiveness of the enterprise.

3 Study of various principles of sales floor configuration:

3.1 Layout of the sales area;

3.2 Location of product groups on the equipment;

3.3 Calculation of the required amount of commercial equipment required by the store;

3.4 Indicators of efficiency of equipment use;

3.5 Measures to improve the efficiency of use of commercial equipment.

These issues will be discussed in more detail in this course work and presented using 30 information sources.

1 Trade and technological equipment for stores

1.1 Furniture for store sales areas

Furniture for retail businesses plays an important role in the rational organization of the trade and technological process in a store. It is widely used when performing various operations related to the receipt, storage and sale of goods.

Furniture for commercial enterprises is usually classified according to the following most important characteristics: place of application; purpose; product profile; designs. This is clearly shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Classification of furniture for retail establishments

The dimensions and design of retail furniture should be closely linked to the parameters of store premises, which is greatly facilitated by its typification, unification and standardization.

Typing is understood as a system of measures aimed at eliminating excessive diversity and selecting the most rational types of commercial furniture. It allows us to reduce the number of designs to a small number of technically advanced and cost-effective types that meet modern requirements and are subject to mass distribution.

Furniture for retail establishments is divided into the following main types: wall and island cabinets; sections of closed areas inside the sales area; other carriers of goods; counters; non-mechanical checkout booths for self-service stores; shopping baskets; hung for clothes.

The following are also used to equip stores: fitting booths, banquettes and stands for trying on shoes, tables for writing checks and packaging goods, tables for fabrics and large goods, mobile tables for TVs, podiums, podium tables.

The most common types of retail furniture are wall-mounted and island cabinets, which can be installed in the sales area in separate sections or as a continuous front.

There are universal slides, designed for displaying and selling various food or non-food products, and specialized ones (for shoes, hats). Wall slides are installed along the walls, island slides are installed in the middle part of the sales area.

The goods displayed on display cabinets can be viewed both from the sales floor and from the street. They are placed along window display cases.

Counters are used for dispensing various goods, placing selection baskets and customer bags, as well as for packaging goods.

Display counters, unlike counters, have a partially or completely glazed top.

Hangers are used to display and sell finished dresses. They are single- or double-tiered, stationary and mobile.

Cash booths are the cashier's workplace. They are equipped with a swivel chair with a lifting seat and a wire basket for small items.

To equip utility rooms, stock shelves, pallets, clothes hangers, chests for storing bulk goods, as well as equipment for rejecting and preparing goods for sale are used.

Unification - bringing to uniformity the shapes, designs and sizes of parts from which retail furniture is assembled. In the process of unification, the variety of parts that have the same functional purpose is reduced.

Furniture made from standardized parts can be easily installed both in the form of separate sections and as a continuous front, which leads to cost savings by reducing the number of racks and other elements. To assess the level of unification of commercial furniture, the following formula can be used

where Q1 is the number of standardized elements included in the product;

Q2 - the total number of elements included in the product.

Standardization of commercial furniture involves the establishment of regulatory requirements for sizes, materials, workmanship, rules of acceptance, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage of commercial furniture.

Furniture for retail premises should be easy to use, provide a wide display of goods and create maximum convenience when customers select goods. It should be easy to use, provide a wide display of goods and create maximum convenience when customers select goods. It must meet operational, technical, economic, ergonomic, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

This is clearly shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Requirements for commercial furniture

Operational and technical requirements. First of all, they provide for commercial furniture to have standard dimensions, which allows it to be assembled from individual elements using the aggregation method. The length, height and width of products must correspond to the parameters of the store premises and correspond to the various properties of the goods and standardized packaging sizes.

The highest performance and technical characteristics are achieved by universal commercial furniture assembled from a limited number of interchangeable standardized parts and assemblies. The versatility of furniture provides for its wide application for various groups of goods in various types of stores.

In addition, retail furniture must ensure rational use of the sales floor space, be suitable for prompt replenishment of goods, and ensure visibility of display and ease of selection by customers. This is achieved through the use of more capacious furniture, which has a larger display area for goods, equipped with floor and hanging baskets, other devices for displaying goods, and various types of container equipment.

An important technical and operational requirement for commercial furniture is its strength and stability, as well as the reliability of the connections of individual parts.

Economic requirements. When designing furniture for store sales areas, we strive to ensure that it is inexpensive and economical to operate. It should be made of a simple and lightweight design from inexpensive building and finishing materials using modern production technology. Important conditions for reducing the cost of retail furniture and increasing its efficiency are the organization of mass industrial production, the simplicity of the technological process, the possibility of replacing individual parts and assemblies during the repair process, as well as reconstruction and redevelopment of the store. It should occupy the smallest possible area of ​​the sales floor and utility rooms, but be capacious enough to ensure the display and storage of the required amount of goods

Ergonomic requirements. They provide that the basic dimensional ratios of furniture, i.e. its height, width and length, the height of shelves and other elements for displaying goods, must be set taking into account the height and proportions of a person’s figure and ensure minimal fatigue of the staff, as well as good visibility of goods and free access to them for buyers.

Aesthetic requirements. The shape, proportions and color of retail furniture must correspond to its functional purpose and the architectural and artistic design of the interior of the store's sales area. It should emphasize the unity of the store interior ensemble. In other words, the arrangement of commercial furniture should not play an independent role.

Therefore, the architectural and constructive solution of commercial furniture must meet a number of aesthetic requirements.

In color finishing it is necessary to make maximum use of the decorative properties of materials (wood, plastics). The finishing of commercial furniture should be linked to the overall solution of the equipment, i.e. with its shape and design. Furniture is painted in neutral, calm tones or in tones that contrast with the color of the product in order to identify and emphasize its main properties. The color of the furniture should be in harmony with the interior of the store and reveal the color properties of the goods on display. In this case, light sources should be positioned so as to highlight the product and draw the attention of buyers to it.

The color of the furniture should be selected taking into account certain features of the composition of its shape. For example, the larger the object and the more bulky its shape, the lighter its color should be. And vice versa, the smaller the object, the more saturated its color should be. Objects with clear and strict shapes are painted in low-saturated and light colors, with smoothed shapes and unclear edges - in relatively more saturated colors. To paint load-bearing elements of furniture (racks, brackets), paints of darker colors are used than for other surfaces. It is considered inappropriate to introduce multi-color paint into the decoration, which can disrupt the integrity of the furniture’s shape. The color scheme is significantly influenced by the surface texture of the furniture. Thus, matte texture is most suitable for calm, muted colors, glossy surfaces - for intense colors.

In addition to those listed, other aesthetic requirements are also imposed on the furniture of store trading floors, the main ones of which are as follows:

When designing commercial furniture, the possibilities of widespread use of modern materials and finishes must be taken into account;

When installing wall and island cabinets in a line, there should be no visual impression of sagging shelves. At the same time, all vertical divisions of furniture should be barely noticeable, and horizontal ones should be emphasized;

To give commercial furniture a compositional completeness, it is necessary that its assembled sections have a decorative design. For this purpose, side walls, cornices for lighting, and plinths at the base of the slides are installed. Decorative finishing can have an independent color, but it is desirable that it be repeated on separate products, as this gives all the furniture a uniform character.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements. The structure of commercial furniture, as well as the materials used for the manufacture of this furniture, should not make it difficult to clean during operation and cleaning of the premises. In this regard, the furniture must have a high-quality finish, with a smooth surface, without unnecessary recesses, gaps and protrusions.

Working surfaces of furniture that come into contact with food products must be made of materials approved for use in food engineering.

Surfaces covered with plastic are wiped with a damp swab. It is impossible to wash furniture with a generously moistened swab, since the liquid, flowing into the cracks between the parts, leads to swelling of the wooden parts and rusting of the metal parts. It is recommended to remove dirt from painted furniture surfaces only by dry cleaning.

1.2 Trade inventory

An important addition to the trade and technological equipment of stores is trade inventory, which consists of fixtures, tools and appliances. Rational use of inventory helps to speed up the trade and technological process, improve the culture of customer service, improve conditions and increase the productivity of sales workers, and reduce distribution costs.

The materials for making equipment are: metal, wood, glass, plastics. It should be simple, durable, not bulky, cheap, easy to use, and meet aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic requirements. The classification of trade inventory is clearly presented in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Classification of trade inventory

Along with the above, stores must be equipped with counting, auxiliary, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety equipment.

Inventory for warehouse and utility rooms of stores represents a wide variety of different devices. Let's look at their brief characteristics.

Equipment for opening containers and packaging. This group includes equipment for opening wooden, metal and soft containers. To open wooden containers, hoop pullers, cooper's heels, various nail pullers, household axes, hammers and pliers are used.

Hoop removers are used to remove the upper morning hoop from barrels. The puller handle is made of hardwood, the remaining parts are made of steel. The design of the puller allows it to be used as a cooper's heel, for which the non-working end of the handle has a steel ring - the striker.

The cooper's heel is used for attaching and removing hoops from wooden barrels. The heel is a steel nozzle with a wooden handle ending in a metal striker ring that protects it from splitting upon impact. The handle is made of hardwood. Tool steel is used to manufacture the nozzle and striker.

The scissor nail puller is a combination all-metal tool used for pulling out nails and cutting packing tape and wire. Working parts are made of tool steel. The handles are stamped from sheet material and, in a free state, are separated by a steel spring.

A nail hammer-scissors consists of a hammer with a slot for pulling out nails, scissors for cutting packing tape or wire, and has a slot in the handle for pulling out small nails. Used for grinding-free opening of wooden, cardboard and other containers.

The hammer and jaws of the scissors are made of tool steel, the handles are made of ordinary sheet steel, with linings made of vinyl plastic.

The hammer-hatchet-claw is used for opening large boxes, containers, lattice and other containers. Consists of a hammer, a hatchet and two slots for pulling out nails. Tool steel is used to make the hammer head and hatchet, and structural steel is used for the handle. The handle can be made of plastic or wood.

Household axes, hammers and pliers are used in the back rooms of stores and warehouses as auxiliary equipment.

A tool for opening metal containers is a key for metal barrels, which is used to open threaded metal plugs. The key is designed in the form of a metal rod, the ends of which are bent at right angles and have the shape of a square.

To open linen and paper bags, cardboard containers, and goods in packaging fabric, a knife is used to open soft containers. The knife is made of steel. The handles are made in the form of wooden overlays made of hardwood.

Inventory for checking the size and quality of goods. This includes templates, samplers, ovoscopes, and vinoscopes.

Templates are rectangular plastic or metal plates with holes with a diameter of 42,45,51,60,70 mm.

Samplers are used to take samples of goods.

Samplers for bulk products are a groove made of a metal plate, with a conical hollow tip and a wooden handle. The sampler for bulk goods is stored in a wooden case.

For watermelons and melons it is used from stainless steel sheets with a thickness of 1-1.2 mm. Made in the form of a groove with sharpened edges. A limiter is installed inside the trench to prevent the sampler from moving too far when taking a sample. Has a hardwood handle.

The sampler for butter and cheese has a metal blade in the form of a groove and a cross-shaped handle welded to it. The material for the manufacture of the sampler is stainless or ordinary steel, followed by nickel plating.

Checking the quality of eggs and wines through light is carried out using an ovoscope-vinoscope, which consists of a hemispherical body and two removable lids with holes for clearing eggs and wine packaged in bottles. A socket with an electric lamp is mounted in the lower part of the device. The number of holes in the lids is designed to simultaneously hold 20 eggs or 2 bottles of wine. The body and covers of the ovoscope-vinoscope are made of sheet aluminum 1.5 mm thick. The power of the electric lamp is 40 W.

Inventory for preparing goods for sale. This group of equipment includes devices for cutting, cutting and cutting meat, offal and fish, as well as for packaging goods.

Meat chopping axes are used for cutting carcasses of meat, fish and poultry. Available as solid forged or with a welded steel blade. The working part of the ax is subjected to heat treatment and grinding. Axes are mounted on ax handles made of hardwood.

Hacksaw saws are necessary for sawing large bones and frozen meat carcasses. The components of the saw are a hacksaw blade made of carbon steel, a base, a wing screw for tensioning the blade and a shaped plastic handle. The hacksaw blade is heat treated, the base and wing of the screw are coated with hammer enamel.

Slicing and cutting of gastronomic products is done using special knives of different designs. Knives are produced mainly with long and narrow blades. This group of knives includes gastronomic, fillet and kitchen knives, as well as knives for cutting ham, cheese and butter.

A gastronomic (sausage) knife is necessary mainly for cutting sausages and hard gastronomic products. It has a long, wide, pointed blade.

Fillet knives are used for cutting rolls, hams, brisket, fish fillets and other gastronomic products. The blade of fillet knives is slightly tapered. They are produced in three sizes - large, medium and small.

Kitchen knives are used for cutting semi-finished and finished meat and fish products. Available in three sizes - large, medium and small. Kitchen knives have a slightly curved blade.

A ham knife has a long, slightly tapered blade. Can be used for cutting cold and hot smoked fish.

Knives for cutting cheese and butter are available straight (with a curved knee) and with a zigzag cutting part of the blade for curly cutting of butter and cheese.

Bread-slicing knives are used for cutting bread, bakery and confectionery products. They come with a wave-sharpened blade. Boards are also used for cutting oval or rectangular bread.

Equipment for packaging goods includes scoops and a dispenser cup for bulk goods.

Scoops are used for packaging and selling bulk goods, berries, confectionery and other goods. They are made of sheet aluminum with a thickness of about 1.5 mm or aluminum alloy. There are also plastic ones.

The dispensing mug consists of an aluminum cylindrical body with a movable, adjustable piston. At the bottom of the housing there is a rotating disk, with the help of which the piston is adjusted to the height of the housing. The volume of the product corresponding to a certain weight is set by a rotary disk by moving the piston in height. The rotary disk indicates the coefficients for converting volume into weight for various bulk goods. Dosing accuracy is checked by control weighing. The surface of the poured product is leveled manually using a rotating knife hinged on the handle of the dispenser mug. The volume of the mug can be changed in the range from 0.5 to 1 liter.

Funnels are used to pour liquids into containers with a narrow neck. Available in various sizes in plastic, aluminum or tinplate.

Inventory for the sales floors of grocery stores includes the following groups: for checking the quality of goods (ovoscope-vinoscope), preparing goods for sale and releasing to customers, display and advertising, selection of goods by customers.

Inventory for preparing food products for sale and releasing them to customers. This group of equipment includes forks, tongs and commercial spatulas

Trade forks serve to lay out and dispense various food products to their customers. Gastronomic forks are made of stainless steel. Available with wooden, plastic or solid stamped metal handles.

Trade spatulas are used for dispensing confectionery, culinary and other products.

Trade tongs are made of stainless steel. They are divided into universal, confectionery, and for the sale of fish.

Display debarks are made entirely stamped from decapitated sheets or other high-quality steel, followed by coating with light glass enamel. Typically, steel enameled barks are oval and rectangular in shape. Designed for displaying fish, salads and other products.

To display bulk groceries and confectionery products, transparent stands made of organic or silicate glass are used.

Baskets and trays made of wire, wicker, and plastic are used for displaying fruits and vegetables.

Products packaged in bottles are displayed on multi-tiered stands.

Inventory for the selection of goods by the buyer. This includes baskets and carts for selecting goods by customers in self-service stores.

Inventory for the release of goods to customers. This includes equipment for packaging goods (packages).

Equipment for cleaning and sanitation of premises. This includes window washers, wall washers, brushes, dustpans, mops, vacuum cleaners, buckets, and garbage bins.

Fire-fighting equipment is used to extinguish fires. This includes foam and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, hydraulic remote control buckets, barrels of water, boxes of sand, as well as sets of fire-fighting tools (axes, shovels) placed on special panels.

1.3 Commercial refrigeration equipment

Commercial refrigeration equipment is a refrigerated device designed for short-term storage, display and sale of perishable goods in retail establishments. It is one of the links in a continuous refrigeration chain and is represented by refrigerated chambers, commercial refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated display cases, counters and display counters.

Commercial refrigeration equipment used to equip stores is divided into the following main groups (Fig. 4):

Figure 4. Classification of refrigeration equipment

In low-temperature equipment, goods are stored at a temperature not exceeding minus 180C or lower. Chilled products are stored at a temperature of 0-20C.

For commercial refrigeration equipment, conventional letter designations are adopted: K - chamber; Ш - wardrobe; P - counter; PV - display counter: B - showcase; X - refrigeration; C - medium temperature; N - low temperature; Yu - in the southern version. The numbers after the letters indicate the useful refrigerated volume in cubic meters.

Refrigerating chambers have a collapsible design. They are installed in store warehouses and food is stored in them for 3-5 days. Refrigeration chambers are produced in two types: KHS (for chilled products) and KHN (for frozen products) with a refrigerated volume of 6, 12 and 18 m3. Shelves are used for storing food, and hooks are used for hanging carcasses. Some refrigeration chambers are designed for storing goods in container equipment.

The refrigerated compartment of the refrigerator compartment is assembled from standardized insulated panels forming the walls, floor and ceiling. The panels are connected to each other at the assembly site with special ties. The outer cladding of the panels is made of sheet steel, the inner cladding is made of sheet aluminum. The space between the facings is filled with polyurethane foam. One or two (depending on the chamber model) refrigeration machines are installed on the ceiling panel of the chamber.

In the expected chambers the temperature is maintained from 0 to 80C, in low-temperature ones - no higher than minus 180C.

Refrigerated cabinets are installed at the seller’s workplace or in the warehouses of small stores. They have built-in refrigeration units. They are produced in two types: SHH (medium temperature) and SHN (low temperature). They may have different capacities of the refrigerated chambers, different cooling capacities of the machines and a different number of doors. Refrigerating cabinets ШХ-0 are distinguished by these characteristics; ШХ-0.80М; ШХ-0.80У; ШХ-0.71; ШХ-1.40. The refrigerated compartment of the refrigerated cabinets is assembled from prefabricated panels of two metal claddings, the space between which is filled with polyurethane foam insulation. Removable lattice shelves are used for storing goods.

The engine room occupies the top of the cabinet. In refrigerated cabinets the temperature is maintained from 0 to 80C, in low-temperature cabinets - no higher than minus 180C.

Refrigerated display cases are used for displaying and selling chilled and frozen products. For short-term storage, display and sale of pre-cooled and packaged gastronomic products in self-service stores, refrigerated medium-temperature display cases VHS-2-3.15 and VHS-2-3.15 VM are widely used. For the sale of refrigerated goods from packaging equipment, refrigerated display cases VHS-2-4K, VHS-2-4KM1 and VHS-2-4KVM are used.

To place goods in display cases, there are refrigerated compartments in which the temperature can be maintained from minus 2 to 60C or 0 to 80C. Products are laid out on sheet steel shelves, aluminum sheet trays or in container equipment.

The refrigeration supply for display cases, depending on their model, is carried out from a refrigeration unit located in the engine room of the display case, or a refrigeration unit installed outside the display case, in the engine room of the store.

Refrigerated counters are designed for short-term storage, display and sale of chilled gastronomic products in supermarkets. There are medium-temperature (MCS) and low-temperature (PHN).

Self-service stores use open counters with air curtains. The most common models are PHS-2-2.5; PCN-2-2.5; PHS-1.25; PHS-2-2. The refrigerated compartments are maintained at the same temperature as the refrigerated display cases. Refrigeration units are located in the machine rooms of the counters, or in the machine rooms of the store.

Products in refrigerated counters are laid out on removable lattice shelves or placed in cassettes or baskets (in closed counters).

Refrigerated display counters are used for short-term storage, display and sale of refrigerated products. The design of this type of equipment provides for the presence of two refrigerated compartments - a counter chamber and a display case. The counter chamber is designed for storing perishable goods. The display case displays goods intended for display and selection by the buyer.

In stores selling perishable products using the self-service method, display counters PVHS-1-0.4 (“Penguin-VS”) and PVHS-1-0.315 (“Tair-102”) are widely used.

To equip stores where the sale of perishable products is carried out through departments served by sellers, closed display counters PVC-1-0.5 (“Penguin-V”), PVC-1-0.315 (“Tair-106”) are used.

1.4 Commercial measuring equipment

To carry out operations related to the acceptance of goods, their preparation for sale and release, commercial measuring equipment is used: scales, weights, measures of length and volume.

Scales are a device for measuring the mass of goods. The main features of their classification are: operating principle; place and method of installation; type of pointing device; type of weighing readings; method of taking readings is clearly shown in Fig. 5..

Figure 5. Classification of commercial measuring equipment

Depending on the principle of operation, lever scales and electromechanical scales are distinguished. Lever scales are the most common in trade. Their mechanism consists of main, transmission and auxiliary levers connected by prisms, cushions, rings and rods. Electromechanical scales are designed based on the principle of automatically converting the force from the load being weighed into an electrical signal entering the electronic unit. From the electronic unit, information about the price, weight and value of the goods is displayed on a display unit with a digital display.

Based on the location and method of installation, scales are divided into tabletop, mobile and stationary.

Based on the type of pointing device, they are divided into pointing devices, scales, scale-weights, dials and digital electronics.

According to the type of weighing readings, there are visual readings and documentary recordings.

According to the method of taking readings, scales with local and remote methods of taking readings are distinguished.

The characteristics of the basic technical and operational data of various scales are included in their conventional alphanumeric indexing. For example, index RN-10TS13 (R-lever; H-desktop; 10-highest weighing limit - 10kg; C-dial; 1-with visual reading; 3-with local method of taking readings).

Stores are equipped mainly with tabletop dial scales and commodity scales. Table scales, ordinary and electronic, are also used.

The scales are subject to metrological and operational requirements. The most important metrological requirements are: weighing accuracy, sensitivity, consistency of readings and stability.

A scale should be considered accurate if it provides mass readings that deviate from the true reading within the acceptable error. Sensitivity is their property of leaving the state of equilibrium with a slight increase in load. The constancy of the readings is determined by the property of the scales to give the same readings when weighing the same load multiple times. Stability of scales is the ability, when unloaded, to independently return to its original position after being thrown out of balance.

The main operational requirements for scales include: reliability (the ability to properly and reliably perform its functions throughout the entire service life), clarity of indications (good visibility and readability of scale readings), maximum weighing speed (their ability to quickly reach a state of equilibrium) .

In addition, scales must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, which require their manufacture from materials that are neutral in relation to the goods being weighed and the environment. Their design and surface finish of parts should not impede cleaning and washing.

Let's look at the most commonly used scale models.

Tabletop dial scales RN-10TS13U are designed for weighing goods weighing from 100g to 10kg. They have sufficient clarity of weighing. The mass of loads ranging from 100 to 1000g is determined by the indications of the arrows on the dial, over 1000g - using weights and arrows.

Tabletop dial scales RN-3Ts13U have a weighing limit from 40 to 3000g. The value of the weight of the load being weighed is fixed using an arrow on the round scale of the dial.

Dial tray scales VCP-10M are designed for weighing vegetables and fruits, weighing limit is from 500g to 10kg. The weight of the load is determined by the indications of the dial arrow.

Electronic scales - tabletop single-area scales with a vibration-frequency sensor and a digital indicator of weight and cost. They are used to weigh goods and automatically determine their value. The design of the scales uses modern integrated circuits and contactless switches, ensuring high reliability of the scales and weighing speed.

Thus, electronic scales 9026 VN-3D13 are designed to determine the weight and cost of goods when they are packaged or sold. They are operated at indoor air temperatures ranging from 10 to 400C and relative air humidity of no more than 80 percent. They have the largest weighing limit - 3kg, the smallest - 2g. The unit of discreteness of the mass indication is 2g, the discreteness of price input is 1 kop., and the price input range is 4 digits. The time for measuring mass and calculating cost is 2s. The scales have the following errors during operation: when weighing from 20g to 1kg - ±2g; when weighing from 1kg to 3kg - ±4g.

The scales are very easy to use. They have good visibility and readability. Their display unit can be installed at different angles in relation to the weighing device.

To correct the tare weight when the cargo receiving area is unloaded or when there is tare on it, use the “Tare” button, after pressing which zero tare readings appear.

Commodity scales are used to determine the weight of heavy and bulky goods in stores. For example, on the RP-150Ts-13T scales, loads weighing from 7.5 to 150 kg are weighed, and on the RP-600Ts-136 scales - from 30 to 600 kg. Both brands of scales have dial indicators. Scale scales RP-100Sh-13 are used for weighing cargo weighing from 5 to 100 kg. When equipping stores, scale-weighted ones with a swinging platform and a rocker arm resting on a stand are also widely used. They have a scale with a movable built-in weight, a balance indicator and a weight holder with a calibration chamber.

To measure the mass of goods on scales, general-purpose and conventional weights are used. Trade weights are available in weights of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500g and 1, 2, 5, 10kg. Their shape, main dimensions and permissible deviations from the nominal weight are established by the standard. For each type of scale, a specific set of weights is produced. Conventional weights are used to determine mass on commercial scales. They are made in the form of flat cylinders with a radial cutout, which is used for putting weights on the weight holder of the scales. These weights have masses of 100, 200, 500g and 1, 2, 5kg. On their surface a mass is indicated that is 100 times greater than the nominal mass.

Trade measuring equipment must be verified and stamped in a timely manner. Measures of length and volume (except for glass measures of volume) are verified at least once every two years, weighing instruments and weights - at least once a year. Glass volume measures are stamped when they are released from production. During verification, technical inspection and control tests of measuring equipment are carried out to establish its suitability for operation. The procedure for checking scales of each type is determined by the corresponding standard. Scales that meet all verification requirements are branded. The mark is placed on the rocker arm, removable cups, mobile weight or on the seal (on dial scales). Branding of weights involves applying a verification mark to an aluminum plug, with the help of which the hole in the calibration cavity of the weights is pressed in after they have been verified.

Verification and marking of measuring equipment is carried out directly in laboratories of state supervision of measuring equipment and Gosstandart standards, where it is delivered by trade organizations and enterprises. Bulky stationary scales are branded on site.

Scales and weights that have not passed verification or with an expired stamp cannot be stored in the store.

1.5 Cash register equipment

Payment transactions with customers play an important role in the trade and technological process of the store. The time spent by buyers purchasing goods depends on their correct organization.

Settlements with customers can be carried out by accepting money directly by the seller, cashier or cashier-controller and simultaneously recording the amount received using a cash register. Cash registers provide clarity, simplicity and accuracy of calculations, control over cash settlement operations, and accurate accounting of cash receipts. At the same time, it significantly speeds up the process of settlements with customers.

The design of modern cash registers allows you to keep track of the cumulative total of money received from customers, print a receipt with various data, print the serial number of the check, the amount paid, code, and meter number on the control tape. At the same time, their indicators indicate the amount spent, the code and the counter number. The information received from cash registers can be displayed on magnetic or perforated tape, followed by data processing on electronic computers in order to study demand and determine the volume of sales of goods.

Cash registers consist of the following main mechanisms: installation, indicator, counting, receipt printing, transfer, drive, blocking and closing.

The setting mechanism, made in the form of a set of keys, is used to set money amounts transferred through the cash register, set a code and a counter on which the amount should be reflected, and turn on the electric drive.

The indicator mechanism is necessary to inform the cashier and the buyer about the amount collected, the set code of the receipt and the number of the sectional counter on which the operation was carried out.

The counting mechanism consists of a set of summing, control and operational counters.

Using a check printing mechanism, a check with the relevant details is obtained. It is used for printing control tape.

The transmission mechanism transmits the data typed on the setting mechanism to the summing counters, the printing device, and the data indicator.

All components of the cash register are activated by an electric or manual drive mechanism.

The locking mechanism is used to block (lock) the mechanism for turning on the machine in the event of a break or absence of a receipt or control tape.

The closing mechanism is used to close the entire mechanism of the machine or its individual components. With its help, the machine is switched on to a certain operating mode and operations for taking and clearing the readings of summing counters are performed. It consists of locks and a set of keys for them.

In trade, cash register machines are used, divided into the following types:

Figure 6. Types of cash registers

In stand-alone cash registers, expansion of functionality can only be achieved by connecting additional input/output devices controlled by the cash register using programs located in it. This type also includes portable cash registers that can operate without a permanent connection to the power grid.

A passive system cash register has the ability to operate within a computer cash register system, but it does not have the ability to control the operation of that system. It can also be used as a stand-alone cash register.

An active system cash register has the ability to work in a computer cash register system, while controlling the operation of the system. Active system cash registers also include computer cash terminals created on the basis of an IBM-compatible computer. They have capabilities for input-output, storage, processing and display of information. Can be used as passive systems or stand-alone cash registers.

The fiscal registrar is a cash register machine capable of operating only as part of a computer cash register system, receiving data through a communication channel.

Models of cash register machines that are included in the State Register of the Russian Federation are allowed for operation.

To equip large self-service stores, the RUMS-1 settlement unit is designed, consisting of a controller-cashier cabin, a mechanism for automatically issuing change in small change, a conveyor for moving goods and other devices that can significantly speed up settlement operations with customers and the throughput of the settlement unit.

The most modern and promising are computer cash registers. A computer cash register is a computer with special interfaces for a cash drawer, a display of two or three lines of text for the buyer, access restriction keys and a special fiscal board that records daily revenue. A computer cash register connected to the network can be programmed to take into account the specific requirements of the store (color, size, item number). It can process magnetic and microprocessor cards, as well as the store's own prepaid discount cards, and allows you to gain complete control over the actions of employees. The process of servicing customers is significantly accelerated, since the cash register reads the barcode and only due to this, the speed of service increases by 5-20 percent, and turnover during rush hour by 2-10 percent.

However, implementing a system with computer cash registers requires significant costs. Therefore, you can use cheaper devices that are connected to a computer and, thanks to this, can perform approximately the same functions as computer cash registers.

1.6 Methodology for determining the need for commercial equipment

The need for other types of commercial and technological equipment is determined on the basis of approximate standards for the technical equipment of stores or by calculation.

Thus, the number of weighing instruments in the sales area of ​​a store is determined by the number of workplaces where scales are needed. In addition, you need to have a reserve to replace broken scales, as well as to organize the sale of goods outside the store. The need for packaging scales is determined by the number of workers employed in this operation. When determining the control quantity of commodity scales, they proceed from the volume of the store’s daily turnover and the throughput of the scales. They are selected in such a way that they ensure high labor productivity, the necessary accuracy of accounting for goods by weight in the store, as well as when distributing them to recipients and during packaging.

Determining the need for weighing equipment.

where T is turnover per shift,

Determining the actual need for scales


where NB is the number of weights,

Stores are equipped with cash registers at the rate of one cash register for each cashier-controller workplace. It is recommended, regardless of the type of store, to have one backup cash register.

Determining the need for cash register equipment.

1) determination of turnover per 1 m2 of retail space

P - retail area.

2) determination of turnover per 1 shift per 100 m2 of sales floor


where Kc is a coefficient taking into account the duration of work per shift,

Kd is a coefficient that takes into account the duration of the store’s operation during the reporting period in days.

3) determining the number of purchases per shift

4) determination of the total time spent on settlements with the buyer per shift, per 100 m2 of retail space


5) determining the need for cash register equipment per 100 m2 of area

N100= f1/ (f2* CI),

6) Calculation of the number of cash registers


where P is the retail space.

When determining the need for commercial refrigeration equipment, the volume of sales of perishable products and their shelf life, methods of selling goods are taken into account.

Determination of the required quantity in refrigeration equipment.

The need for commercial equipment is determined on the basis of current standards for the technical equipment of stores, which are differentiated by type of store and the size of their retail space.

2 Organizational and economic characteristics of the object


2.1 Organizational and legal characteristics of the store

In this course work, commercial equipment was analyzed in LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus" - the department store "Baltiysky", which is located at the address: Russia, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, on Kurchatova Street 2. Opening hours: from 8.00 to 23.00 hours, seven days a week and lunch break. List number of employees as of 01/01/2009. is 13 people.

The owner of this store is an entrepreneur formed as a legal entity, who is registered with the tax authority TIN 002452026086.

LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus" is a built-in and attached premises of a residential building, occupying 16 apartments (utility rooms, two locker rooms, an administration room, warehouses).

The main principle of the company is high quality of service and products offered.

General Director - Manager of the department store chain of TD Mikhailova LLC - Morgunov Gennady Semenovich.

LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus" is a legal entity and organizes its activities on the basis of the Charter of the Federal Territory of the Russian Federation, has a round seal containing: the full company name and an indication of its location, city name, INN, OGRN, store number.

In accordance with the Charter, the main activity of the company is retail trade.

The type of this store is a department store, where goods are sold through self-service.

By specialization, TD Mikhailova Plus LLC is a general store, because... sells all groups of goods and services. All premises located inside the store meet technological, architectural, construction, economic, sanitary and hygienic requirements. Total area - 372.3 sq.m., retail area - 234.5 sq.m.

The existing departments are located conveniently for customers and satisfy their needs.

To improve consumer demand, the store began to cooperate with the computer club Smiles LLC and the Egoistka household chemicals department.

TD Mikhailova Plus LLC uses various forms of sales: over the counter, self-service, and by samples. For the convenience and efficiency of work, TD Mikhailova Plus LLC has modern equipment - computers, printers, copying machines, fax machines, bill counting machines and a paper shredding machine.

Every year, Baltiysky carries out a lot of work to improve the trade and technological process. Sections are being “technically re-equipped”, equipment is being purchased, and display cases are being modernized. The department store offers customers a wide range of services: providing information about products; current discounts; conducting tastings.

The department store actively promotes new and existing products by demonstrating new types of products.

TD Mikhailova Plus LLC has very strict discipline towards employees, and especially towards sellers, cashiers-controllers and security guards. Separate uniforms are provided for summer and winter, which gives the store an aesthetic appearance.

For salespeople, the department store opens at 7:45 a.m. as technicians clean the area and clerks and cashiers prepare for the day. Goods arrive from suppliers and warehouses evenly and, therefore, sellers put them on the shelves throughout the working day.

LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus" is not a large modern trading enterprise that is ready to compete with other stores. In the long term, there is an intention to create more profitable and comfortable conditions for customers and improve the level of service. Such a universal grocery store as TD Mikhailova Plus LLC is very convenient for customers because:

There is a fairly wide selection of goods presented at various prices;

Located in one of the prestigious areas of the city;

Open seven days a week and without lunch breaks.

At TD Mikhailova Plus LLC, great attention is paid to safety precautions. In accordance with regulatory documentation, work on labor protection is carried out; each section has a logbook for recording instructions, which is carried out 2 times a year by an occupational health and safety engineer. To ensure fire safety, a system with automatic activation in case of fire is used. There are fire extinguishers and signal buttons, an evacuation plan in case of fire.

The organizational structure of TD Mikhailova Plus LLC is characterized by the hierarchy of the management apparatus, i.e. mutual subordination of bodies, where members of the lower level of management are directly subordinate to a manager at a higher level. It is more clearly presented in Fig. 7.

Figure 7. Organizational structure of TD Mikhailova Plus LLC

The management of the enterprise is carried out by the general director, he is the sole executive body that is responsible for the management of current activities. Subordinate to him are:

the chief accountant, who in turn controls the work of the central accounting department, the financial and settlement operations and control department, the goods accounting department, packaging and a group of cashiers.

commodity experts.

Deputy for commercial work, subordinate to the sales department.

HR Deputy

Store staff as of 2008 is 23 people. There are job descriptions that operate in accordance with the charter approved by the manager in accordance with the staffing table.

In order to understand whether Baltiysky needs to improve the qualifications of its employees, it is necessary to conduct all kinds of analyzes of the enterprise’s personnel: by length of service, level of education. Also analyze labor productivity, both for the entire team and for each person. What is analyzed in tables 1, 2.

Table 1 - Main indicators used in the analysis of enterprise personnel

Classification sign Types of labor resources
1. By type of activity In retail trade.
2. By organizational level of management Labor resources of the industry as a whole; labor resources of trading systems and associations; labor resources of trading enterprises
3. According to technological characteristics Administrative and management personnel; sales and operational personnel; support or service personnel

4. According to functionality


Managers; specialists; workers
5. By gender and age composition

a) men: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 30 years old.

b) women: up to 20 years old; from 20 to 55 years; over 55 years

6. By experience in trade

Employees with work experience: up to 1 year; from 1 year to 3 years;

from 3 to 10 years; over 10 years

7. By educational level Workers with higher education; workers with secondary specialized education.
8. By the nature of professional training Employees who have graduated from universities; workers who graduated from trade technical schools and colleges.
9. Depending on the form of ownership of the enterprise’s property Property owners; attracted employees

For a more complete analysis, the staffing table of the enterprise was analyzed, highlighting administrative and managerial, trade and operational and junior service personnel (Table 2.). The staff has been selected correctly, but there is still a shortage of workers

Table 2 - Characteristics of the personnel of a trading enterprise

Analysis of the length of service and educational level of employees of a trading enterprise, at the same time made a conclusion about the level of qualifications and professionalism of employees, etc., about the possibility of employees solving assigned tasks and achieving the goals of the enterprise (Tables 3, 4).

Table 3 - Analysis of enterprise personnel by level of education

Analysis of labor productivity of staff and one employee over time.

Table 4 - Analysis of enterprise personnel by length of service in trade

Table 5 - Analysis of labor productivity of personnel of a trading enterprise

TD Mikhailova Plus LLC employs quite experienced workers, guiding the enterprise towards success. Almost everyone has an education, but mostly staff with specialized secondary education (technical schools, colleges) work. The entire administration and some salespeople have incomplete higher education. Compared to the previous year, the level of education of personnel has increased quite decently. People constantly come to work with their own worldview, which is different from the rest of the already well-established team, which helps to see the exhibition of a new product differently.

The quality of customer service is significantly influenced by the qualified and general educational level of store employees. Therefore, one of the areas for improving labor organization is training and advanced training of personnel (certification).

A qualification profile is developed for each position and contains three sections: general requirements, what an employee must know for each position. The personnel department is responsible for working with personnel. The sales schedule for work is drawn up by administrators and approved by the manager.

Administrators must strictly adhere to the working time schedule established for the summarized recording of working time. The accounting period (month) should not exceed the normal number of working hours. Daily working hours are 8 hours. Lunch break time is from 11:30 to 14:30. The duration of the lunch break is 15 minutes. Weekends are assigned to different days of the week according to the schedule.

The range of goods sold is quite wide, from essential food products to exclusive products.

The store consists of 5 departments: wine, dairy, gastronomic, confectionery, fruit and vegetables and bread. The wine and vodka department is licensed to sell all alcoholic beverages, except for drinking alcohol. Almost all alcoholic products, with the exception of expensive wines, cognacs and some types of vodka, were withdrawn from sale for replacement, since a law on replacing old excise stamps recently came into force.

The functions of a department store are varied, ranging from accepting goods from other stores and ending with the supply of its products to other points, not only in our city, but also to nearby sales points. The entire trading and technological process of the store can be divided into 3 main parts:

Operations with goods before they are offered to consumers (unloading, delivery of goods to the receiving area, acceptance, storage, preparation of goods for sale (for example, wrapping and packaging bread, frozen products, packaging of various cereals, sugar, flour));

Operations related to customer service (meeting the buyer, offering and selecting goods, paying for selected goods, providing additional services (for example, offering the buyer to pack the goods in a bag));

Additional customer service operations.

A visual diagram of the trade and technological process of the analyzed enterprise is presented below in Fig. 8.

Figure 8. Scheme of the store’s trade and technological process

The established store routine ensures: fulfillment of trade turnover, maximally satisfies the needs of the population for trade services and creates the necessary conditions for this - increasing labor efficiency, creating a psychological climate in the team.

The store administration uses economic, administrative, legal and socio-psychological methods in managing work.

It is necessary to increase the level of professional activity of staff, conduct various conversations and trainings to improve their skills.

2.2 Economic characteristics of the enterprise

For a more complete analysis of activities, it is necessary to analyze the main economic indicators of a trading enterprise over time, which are presented in table. 6.

Table 6 - Analysis of the main economic indicators of the trading enterprise for 2007-2008

Indicators Unit change 2007 2008
A B 1 2 3
Trade turnover (retail sales turnover) excluding VAT thousand rubles 3000 4000 1000
Trade area m2 234,5 234,5 0
Trade turnover per 1 m2 of retail space thousand rubles/m2 127,9 170,6 +43
Number of employees, total people 36 23 13
including TOP employees people 17 14 3
Labor productivity per employee 288 184 104
Labor productivity of one TOP employee 160 112 48
7. Gross profit (gross income) thousand rubles 155 143,5 11,5
Indicators Unit change 2007 2008 Deviation (+;-)
- level (to trade turnover excluding VAT) % 16,6 22,2 5,7
8. Distribution costs thousand rubles 5000 3500 1500
- level to turnover % 2,9 3,9 1,0
- labor costs thousand rubles 90000 90000 0
- level to turnover % 2,9 3,9 1,0
9. Average monthly salary 1 worker. thousand rubles 7000-7500 7000-7500 0
10. Profit (loss) from sales (return on sales) thousand rubles 150000 140000 10000
- profitability of sales % 1,5 1,4 -1,0
11. Income from participation in the activities of other enterprises thousand rubles 150000 170000 20000
12. Interest receivable thousand rubles 1500 2000 500
13. Interest payable thousand rubles 1000 1000 0
14. Other operating income thousand rubles 50000 65000 15000
15. Other operating expenses thousand rubles 19000 17500 1500
16. Other non-operating income thousand rubles 300000 350000 50000
17. Other non-operating expenses thousand rubles 17500 16000 1500
18.Profit before taxes thousand rubles 246000 399000 153000
19.Profitability of the enterprise % 44,8 37,5 7,3
20. Income tax and other similar mandatory payments thousand rubles 540000 300000 240000
21. Profit from ordinary activities thousand rubles 900000 1500000 600000
- profitability of ordinary activities % 44,8 37,5 7,3
22. Net profit (loss) of the reporting year thousand rubles 700000 935000 235000
- profitability of final activities % 44,8 37,5 7,3

Having analyzed the main performance indicators of the trading enterprise, it was noticed that the changes occurred due to low wages, so the staff was reduced. The increase in turnover occurred, on the one hand, due to a change in the store director, and on the other, due to the attraction of new specialists, including a new merchandise specialist, who last year held the position of store manager from the department store chain TD Mikhailova Plus LLC. Also, the changes were due to a large part of the change in product suppliers. Suppliers were attracted not only from local manufacturers, but also from other cities, such as from the cities of Tomsk, Abakan, Minusinsk, etc.; near nearby villages. The management also resolved the problems of storing goods, so that now the goods are delivered directly to the store, without being delivered to warehouses.

The next stage of economic characterization is the analysis of retail trade turnover by structure in current prices. It is recommended to compile the following table (Table 7).

Table 7 - Analysis of retail trade turnover by structure in current prices

Product groups 2007 2008 Absolute deviation
amount, rub specific gravity, % amount, rub specific gravity, %
Confectionery 600000 20 850000 21,2 250000


nal products

400000 13,3 550000 13,8 150000
Wine and vodka products 1000000 33,3 1200000 30 200000
Milk and dairy products 250000 8,3 350000 8,8 100000
Fish and fish products 158000 5,3 200000 5 42000
Canned food 192000 6,4 250000 6,2 58000
Fruits and vegetables 400000 13,3 600000 15 200000
Total: 3000000 100 4000000 100 1000000

At this point, it is necessary to study the impact on changes in the volume of retail sales of goods, quantities, resources used and the efficiency of their use.

It is known that an increase in turnover can be caused by extensive factors (an increase in the number of sellers, an increase in retail space, an increase in the amount of working capital) or intensive factors (an increase in labor productivity, an increase in turnover per 1 m2 of retail space, an acceleration in the turnover of working capital).

The next indicator of the enterprise research is the analysis of the development of retail trade turnover and the use of certain types of resources, which is shown below based on the data in Table 8.

Table 8 - Indicators of retail turnover and use of certain types of resources in the store

in comparable prices

According to the table. it can be seen that the retail turnover of the store increased over the year by 666 thousand rubles. Due to a decrease in the number of employees by 4 people, the increase in trade turnover amounted to 1,152 thousand rubles (288 Ch 4), and due to an increase in labor productivity (trade turnover per employee) - by 3,328 thousand rubles. (104H 32). The share of the increase in retail turnover due to the intensive factor is 3.3% (3328 / 1000 H 100). This means that the store reduced the efficiency of its use of labor resources in the reporting year. Due to this factor, a slight increase in trade turnover was ensured. A good result is considered to be the achievement of a 50% increase in trade turnover due to the intensive factor, and a higher figure indicates predominantly intensive development.

A similar approach is used to link the development of trade turnover with the availability of retail space. According to the table. 8 it follows that due to an increase in retail space by 24 m2, the retail turnover of the store for the reporting year increased by 163 thousand rubles. (6.759 Ch24), and due to the increase in turnover from 1 m2 of retail space - 164 thousand rubles. (0.067 H 2 444). The share of the increase in turnover obtained by increasing the efficiency of use of retail space is 50%.

2.3 Analysis of the store’s commercial and technological equipment

Calculation of installation and exhibition areas, determination of the equipment capacity coefficient (Table 9).

Table 9 - Calculation of installation and exhibition areas in the store

Equipment name Quantity Size, cm Number of shelves Installation area, m2 Exhibition area, m2


Wall mounted


100 5 20,5 1,0
Mesh containers 4 160 4 2,7 0,1
Superstructures 8 100 2 3,4 0,1
Showcases 6 100 1 2,55 0,02

Refrigeration equipment:

Wall-mounted refrigerated counters;

Refrigerated cabinets;

Chest freezers

120 7,7 0,6
Weighing equipment 5 - - 5,5 -
Cash register equipment 3 - - 5,5 -
Total: 79 580 22 47,85 1,82

Having analyzed the material and technical equipment of the trading enterprise LLC TD Mikhailova Plus, it was concluded that for such an area there is quite a lot of equipment, and it is used quite well for displaying goods. But one gets the feeling that sometimes trade and technological equipment is overloaded with goods and the buyer does not really pay attention to all the goods displayed on it.

2.4 Competitiveness of the trading enterprise

The service area is citywide. The layout is mixed - linear and island.

The population serving the population is diverse: from residents of areas with a low level of income to people for whom it is important to make a purchase quickly, without paying attention to the price.

LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus" is located in the very center of the city, close to it there is a small market "Central" and a supermarket "Central".

Commercial competitiveness conditions include the following:

Prices at the department store TD Mikhailova LLC range from very high for such goods (such as cognac and expensive wines), average (essential goods) to low (packaged products);

TD Mikhailova Plus LLC cooperates with suppliers who supply quality goods at a time convenient for the store and at less inflated prices.

This store cooperates with a fairly large number of suppliers not only from our city, but also from other cities, districts, regions;

In the department store LLC TD Mikhailova Plus, each seller is assigned his own specific department, which he monitors, and for which he is responsible in case of breakdown or loss of the product.

Organizational conditions include the following:

Ensuring that sellers of goods are as close as possible to indicators that affect the reduction of distribution costs;

Delivery of goods to the department store is carried out directly, without delivery to warehouses;

Competent use of transport charters, codes, transportation rules, transport tariffs and other fundamental documents in this area;

Expansion of after-sales service provided to consumers with warranty and post-warranty service.

A study was conducted at the enterprise "TD Mikhailova Plus" LLC on the level of competitiveness, the results of the study are shown in tables 10 and 11.

Table 10 - Enterprise assessment based on commercial competitiveness conditions

Table 11 - Assessment of the enterprise by organizational conditions of competitiveness

Options Competing companies
LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus" Market "Central" Shop "Central"
1 ensuring that sellers of goods are as close as possible to indicators that affect the reduction of distribution costs. 5 3 4
2 delivery of goods to the point of consumption not only in large wholesale quantities (transit), but also in small quantities through warehouse enterprises 4 4 4
3 competent use of transport charters, codes, transportation rules, transport tariffs and other fundamental documents in this area 5 3 4
4 expansion of after-sales service provided to consumers with warranty and post-warranty service. 4 4 4

Having analyzed the main indicators, it was concluded that TD Mikhailova Plus LLC is a competitive enterprise and is a worthy competitor for other trading enterprises.

In order to remain a worthy competitor, it is necessary to conduct marketing research more often and constantly improve the level of qualifications of the employees of this enterprise.

3 Principles for placing commercial equipment in the sales area


3.1 Layout of the sales area

As you know, priority seats on the sales floor are located depending on customer flows. In a store, there are natural directions of customer movement, which depend on many factors: the location of the entrance, commercial equipment in the hall, cash registers, etc. The flow pattern is formed in such a way as to present the maximum number of products to the buyer.

Marketing specialists talk about a certain “path” along which the buyer moves to the place where he can buy the product. Building a “path” and guiding the buyer along it is one of the main tasks of merchandising.

Here it is necessary to note the following fundamental patterns:

80-90% of buyers bypass all sales points located along the perimeter of the sales floor, moving counterclockwise; and only 40-50% of visitors bypass the inner rows.

Buyers don't like to start in the middle rows, they don't like to go back and they like to cut corners.

The hottest areas in this case are the places where the customer flow begins and the checkout areas (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Customer flows in the sales area and sales areas

Strong areas: Right side, Side shelves of racks, Intersections of “shopper paths”, Protrusions in racks, places where the buyer “rests his gaze”

Weak areas: Left side, Middle rows, Dead ends of rows, Corners of the sales floor, Area adjacent to the entrance

Moreover, the inquisitive behavior of the buyer at the checkout is due to the fact that he is forced to spend some time waiting in line, and is not busy with anything during this time. Therefore, the checkout area is most attractive for those goods that are most often purchased under the influence of impulse (chewing gum, sweets, drinks, etc.) It is also beneficial to place newspapers and magazines in this area - the buyer can take them to view and then buy . The following diagram (Fig. 10) shows the division of goods on the sales floor into product groups:

Everyday goods. The purchase of these goods is the goal of almost every customer visit to a retail outlet. They are often called store-forming product groups.

Periodic goods. The purchase of these goods is planned once every several visits.

Impulse products. The purchase of these goods is usually not planned.

Figure 10. Distribution of goods in the hall by product groups.

Since everyday goods are in demand by the largest number of visitors, a fairly large number of buyers accumulate around these points of sale. Therefore, these product categories should be located along the outer perimeter of the sales floor to make shopping more convenient.

For compact trading floors, the “golden triangle” rule is very illustrative (Fig. 11). The bottom line is that the product we want to interest the buyer in must be located in the “golden triangle” - the area located between the front door, the cash register and the most popular product in the store.

Figure 11. Golden triangle rule.

The concept of additional sales points, which increase the likelihood of purchasing a product, is of great importance. Additional points of sale are an effective tool for increasing sales, because... allow you to increase the number of impulse purchases.

At the same time, they are organized both for goods of impulse demand and for goods with high turnover (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. Additional sales locations.

3.2 Location of product groups on retail equipment in

store LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus"

At TD Mikhailova Plus LLC, the equipment occupies an area of ​​47.85 m2. Each product takes up a certain amount and type of equipment. Let's consider all the equipment used by the store and the product groups located on it:

o wall-mounted refrigerated counters - intended for short-term storage, display and sale of chilled products (dairy products, fruits and vegetables), equipped with special lamps for better lighting, universal counters - intended for display of bakery products;

o Islands - intended for short-term storage, display and sale of frozen products (meat products, fish products);

o wall racks - designed for displaying wine products, baby food, diabetic products;

o superstructures - intended for the exhibition of mayonnaise and sauces;

o island racks - designed for short-term storage, display and sale of groceries;

o mesh containers - designed for short-term storage, display and sale of seeds, nuts, pistachios, chips, instant noodles;

o refrigerated display counters - intended for short-term storage, display and sale of refrigerated products (confectionery and gastronomic products);

o chest freezers - intended for the sale of ice cream;

o refrigerated cabinets - intended for displaying beer products;

o shelving - for displaying other small products.

Each equipment is used to display certain product groups.

3.3 Calculation of the required amount of retail equipment for the analyzed store

In order to understand whether the sales area is being used effectively, it is necessary to calculate the efficiency ratio of the total area of ​​the store. The higher the value of this coefficient, the more efficiently the store area is used.

Calculations of the effective area of ​​the store.


The total area of ​​the store is 372.3 m2, of which the retail area is 234.5 m2.


In this case, the coefficient is 0.6, which means that the area is used efficiently.

Installation area of ​​the equipment. It is determined by the dimensions of the external boundaries of retail equipment or auxiliary structures (fitting booths, etc.). It can be used to judge the effectiveness of equipment placement on the sales floor.

Experts have come to the conclusion that an indicator of the effectiveness of equipment placement on the sales floor is the installation area coefficient (Ku), defined as the ratio of the installation area to the total area of ​​the sales floor.


The optimal value of Ku: in self-service stores is 0.3-0.2.

The total sales area of ​​your store is 372.3 m2, and the equipment occupies a total of 47.85 m2.

Ku=47.85/234.5=0.2 (max.0.4).

This means that the equipment optimally fills the entire sales floor of the analyzed enterprise.

Calculation of the optimal amount of equipment for a given store area:

1. Determining the need for weighing equipment.


where T is turnover per shift,

P is the throughput of the scales per shift.

2) determination of the actual need for scales

NB= NBP+NЗ+NK=3+5+2=10,

where NB is the number of weights,

NBP - number of jobs,

NЗ - number of reserve scales,

NK - number of control weights.

Therefore, the store requires 10 weighing equipment.

2. Determining the need for cash register equipment.

1) determination of turnover per 1 m2 of retail space


where P is turnover for the quarter,

P - retail area.

2) determination of turnover per 1 shift per 100 m2 of sales floor


where Kc is a coefficient taking into account the duration of work per shift = 1,

Kd - coefficient taking into account the duration of the store’s operation for the reporting period in days = 90.

3) determination of the number of purchases per shift


where C is the average purchase cost.

4) determination of the total time spent on settlements with the buyer per shift, per 100 m2 of retail space


where NP is the number of purchases per shift,

KN - coefficient of time spent (0.3),

Df is the cashier’s time spent on paying one customer.

5) determination of the need for cash register equipment per 100 m2 of area

N100= f1/ (f2* CI)=2124/(25000*0.4)=0.2=1,

where - f2 is the total fund of cashier time per shift (3600*7=25000 sec),

CI - coefficient of use of cashier's working time.

6) Calculation of the number of cash registers


where P is the retail space.

Consequently, the store requires 3 positions for cashiers and 3 cash registers.

3. Determination of the required quantity in refrigeration equipment.


where G1 is the mass of one product taking into account storage,

c is the density of this product,

g - coefficient taking into account the mass of the container in which the products are stored.

Therefore, the store requires 11 refrigerators.

The calculation shows that in this store, with a sales floor area of ​​234.5 m2 and an installation area of ​​47.85 m2, the following should be quantitatively used: 10 scales, 3 cash registers and 11 refrigerators.

And in the analyzed store, less commercial equipment is used than required, as can be seen in Table 12.

Table 12 - Trade equipment used in LLC "TD Mikhailova Plus"

From the table discussed above, it can be emphasized that 5 weighing equipment is missing, but the amount of refrigeration equipment has been increased. This means that more refrigeration equipment is used than required. For the required quantity for this store, 11 refrigerators are enough. So that they do not stand idle in vain and do not waste electricity, they either need to be sold or used for long-term storage of goods that require special temperature conditions in warehouses. Weighing equipment is used in smaller quantities, and constant overloads and breakdowns occur, since 10 scales are required for use, and the store has only 5 of them.

3.4 Equipment efficiency indicators

When analyzing the efficiency of using commercial equipment (Table 13), it is necessary to calculate the efficiency coefficient of equipment use

Table 13 - Cost characteristics of used trade and technological equipment in 2007-2008.

Kef for 2007 = Net Profit/Equipment Cost=700000/112349.8=6.2

Efficiency for 2008 = Net Profit/Equipment Cost =935000/112349.8=8.3

Based on the analysis of the utilization rate of commercial equipment calculated above, it is clear that the equipment is used inefficiently.

3.5 Measures to improve efficiency of use

commercial equipment

The level of customer service, the creation of optimal working conditions for sales workers and ensuring high economic performance of the store largely depend on how rationally it is equipped with commercial equipment. When deciding on the technical equipment of stores, special attention should be paid to the selection of types and models of commercial equipment and determining its optimal set.

The above analysis of the use of trade and technological equipment showed its ineffective use. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures

1. Increase net profit by increasing other income and reducing other expenses, which will reduce distribution costs and increase the organization’s profit;

2. Reduce the use of trade and technological equipment that is not used for its intended purpose, which will reduce investments in repairs and electricity;

3. The introduction of new technologies will increase the volume of store turnover

Carrying out a number of measures to improve the efficiency of using commercial and technological equipment using the example of the equipment of the analyzed store:

· For refrigeration equipment -

§ creation of switching sensors to lower temperatures in case of overheating;

§ use of refrigeration units of special modes in one equipment (freezer, refrigerator for confectionery);

§ use of electronic price tags on refrigeration units - for clarity of prices and goods by buyers.

Weighing equipment

§ creation of special scales with several control tapes;

§ introduction of product range, price and code into the scales when weighing directly by the buyer.

· Cash register equipment

§ Use of automated technology (credit card readers, data collection terminals);

§ Introduction of chips with banknote authenticity detectors into cash registers;

§ Use of scanning devices.

Conclusion: the use of all of the above operations will greatly facilitate and speed up the trading and technological process in the store, as well as increase the use and implementation of commercial equipment of various brands and models. Which will lead to an increase in profits, competitiveness and a reduction in the distribution costs of this enterprise.


In the process of completing the course work, a number of stages were completed:

1. Trade and technological equipment was considered, which represents various structural equipment of the store, namely: furniture, equipment, etc. items and tools that are necessary to ensure the most efficient operation of the store and its departments (without which effective (full) work is impossible store).

2. The enterprise and its organizational, legal and economic characteristics were examined. Form - limited liability company. The enterprise is a network of constantly expanding retail stores, which indicates a very stable financial condition of the object in question. The conducted economic analysis revealed the following points: key indicators such as turnover, net profit increased, and indicators such as production costs and operating expenses decreased, which indicates the efficient operation of the enterprise.

3. Various principles of the configuration of the trading floor were studied, which gave a complete picture of the effective organization and optimal configuration of the trading floor with various options for its execution (structural and technological features of the construction).

The work carried out allows us to judge the correctness of the strategy chosen by the enterprise and the principles of placement of commercial equipment and shows that both were chosen correctly and are optimally suited for this organization.

The knowledge gained will further help improve the efficiency of sales floor planning.


Law of the Russian Federation “On the use of cash registers when making cash payments to the population” dated June 18, 1993 No. 5215-1.

Arustamov E.A. Equipment of enterprises (trade): Textbook. allowance / E.A. Arustamov. - M.: Publishing House "Dashkov and K", 2000. - 451 p.

Blank I.A. Management of a trading enterprise. - M.: Association of Authors and Publishers. TANDEM. EKMOS Publishing House, 1998.- 416 p.

Vinogradova S.N. Organization and technology of trade: Textbook. - Mn.: Higher. School, 1998.-224p.

Gorin M.A. Technology of retail sales of goods and customer service. Textbook. - M., MKU Publishing House, 1991.

Gusev B.K. Equipment of enterprises (trade): Textbook. allowance / B.K. Gusev, G.A. Utkina; Krasnoyarsk state bargain. - econ. int. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006. - 300 p.

Dashkov L.P., Pambukhchiyants V.K. Organization, technology and design of commercial enterprises: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: IVC "Marketing", 2000. - 336 p.

Dashkov L.P., Pambukhchiyants V.K. Organization, technology and design of commercial enterprises: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: ICC “Marketing”, 2008. - 523 p.

Dashkov L.P. Commerce and trade technology: textbook / L.P. Dashkov, V.K. Pambukhchiyants. - 3rd ed. reworked and additional - M.: "Dashkov and K", 2002. - 594 p.

Jones G. Trading business: how to organize and manage: Trans. from English - M.:INFRA-M.- 1996.- 304 p.

Ipatko L.I. Some aspects of the problem of shoe safety / L.I. Ipatko, Yu.V. Garanina // Ecological and economic problems of regional commodity markets: materials from interregion. scientific-practical Conf., April 23, 2004 / Krasnoyar. state trade-econ. int. - Krasnoyarsk, 2004. - pp. 37-39.

Kashchenko V.F., Kashchenko L.V. Trade equipment: Training manual. - M.: Alfa-M; INFRA-M, 2006. - 398 p.

Furniture for retail premises TM-90. Catalog. - M.: Wholesale equipment, 2005. - 220 p.

Equipment for trade and public catering enterprises: Full course: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Gulyaeva. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 543 p.

Organization of trade in food products: Textbook. for bargaining universities/ P.G. Goncharov, V.F. Egorov, S.D. Zhdanova and others; Hand. auto Team - P.G. Goncharov. - M.: Economics, 1989. - 335 p.

Pambukhchiyants O.V. Organization of commercial activities: a textbook for students of secondary vocational education institutions. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2008. - 448 p.

Pambukhchiyants O.V. Organization of commercial activities: a textbook for students of secondary vocational education institutions. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006. - 448 p.

Russian Trade Encyclopedia: 5 volumes / Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation; Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship of Russia; Ch. ed. Ya.L. Orlov - M: ROON and P “for social protection and fairness of taxation”, 1999.-T.3.-480p.

Modern supermarket. A textbook on modern forms of trade. M: Zhigulsky Publishing House. 2001.-347 p.

Trading business: economics and organization: Textbook/Under general. ed. prof. L.A. Bragin and Prof. T.P. Danko.- M.: INFRA-M, 1997.- 256 p.

Uleysky N.T., Uleyskaya R.I. Equipment of commercial enterprises: A textbook for students of vocational colleges and lyceums. (Ser. “Textbooks of the XXI century”). - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2001. - 416 p.

Utkina G.A. Calculation and control equipment: textbook. allowance / G.A. Utkina. Krasnoyarsk state trade-econ. Institute - Krasnoyarsk, 2007. - 138 p.

Fedko V.P. ,Fedko N.G. Commodity market infrastructure: Textbook for universities. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2000. - 235 p.

Shchur D.L., Trukhanovich L.V. Basics of trading. Retail trade: a handbook for managers, chief accountants and lawyers.-M: Business and Service, 1999.-704p.

Shchuk R. How to become a professional businessman: Trans. from English - St. Petersburg: Peter Press; M. - Kharkov - Minsk, 1996. - 224 p.



Characteristics of the technological equipment of the sales area and utility rooms. To reduce operating costs, modern chain stores need to use reliable, modern retail equipment, since maintenance and repair costs will be felt as part of the costs.

The technological equipment of the store's sales area includes furniture, trade equipment, refrigeration, weighing and cash register equipment.

Furniture for retail businesses plays an important role in the rational organization of the trade and technological process in a store. It is widely used to perform various operations related to the receipt, storage and sale of goods. The most common types of retail furniture are wall-mounted and island cabinets, which are installed in the sales area in separate sections or as a continuous front.

An important addition to the store's trade and technological equipment is trade inventory, which is devices, tools and devices used for displaying and processing goods in the process of serving customers, as well as various auxiliary and business operations. This includes knives, shopping baskets and carts, clothes hangers, etc. Commercial refrigeration equipment is a refrigerated device designed for short-term storage, display and sale of perishable goods.

This includes refrigeration chambers, display counters, etc. Trade measuring equipment is used to carry out operations related to the acceptance of goods, their preparation for sale and release. This includes scales, weights, measures of length and volume. Payment transactions with customers play a very important role, since the time spent by customers on purchasing goods depends on their correct organization.

Payments are made by accepting money by the cashier and simultaneously recording the amount received using a cash register. Cash registers provide clarity, simplicity and accuracy of calculations, control over the conduct of cash transactions, and accuracy of accounting for cash receipts. At the same time, the process of settlements with customers is significantly accelerated. Along with cash registers, to speed up payment transactions in the Comet store (as in other stores of a similar format), scanners are used to read barcodes from goods.

The level of customer service, the creation of optimal working conditions for sales workers and ensuring high economic performance of the store largely depend on how efficiently it is equipped with retail equipment. The selection of types of equipment and the configuration of its set should be based on the following basic principles: 1) compliance of the equipment with the product profile and the size of the store’s sales area; 2) equipping stores with commercial equipment should take into account the methods used for selling goods. 3) the equipment must ensure efficient use of the store’s sales area.

Properly selected and arranged equipment allows you to expand the offer of goods, create more convenience for serving customers, increase turnover per square meter of retail space and thereby achieve higher efficiency indicators in the use of retail space. 5.

End of work -

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To carry out the operations of the trading process, various equipment is used, which can be classified into groups:

  • a) mechanical equipment;
  • b) trade and technological equipment (trade furniture in the hall, trade equipment for storing goods);
  • c) general technical.

There are several types of trade and technological equipment for stores that are available in the Five Five store No. 22.

  • 1. Furniture, which is classified by:
    • - place of application (for sales areas, utility rooms);
    • - purpose (for acceptance of goods, preparation and sale, display of goods, display and sale, transportation and sale, settlements with customers, customer service);
    • - product profile (universal, specialized);
    • - structures (non-removable, collapsible).
  • 2. Commercial refrigeration equipment - refrigerated devices intended for short-term storage, display and sale of perishable goods. Classified by:
    • - purpose (for storing goods, displaying and selling goods, demonstrating goods);
    • - temperature conditions maintained in the refrigerated container (low temperature, normal).
  • 3. Trade measuring equipment - scales, weights, measures of length and volume.
  • 4. Cash register equipment.

The right choice of trading floor equipment:

  • - stimulates sales growth;
  • - increases the efficiency of employees;
  • - has a positive effect on the image of the institution, making it more attractive to the target audience;
  • - ensures the safety of goods;
  • - increases the attractiveness of goods by presenting them in the most favorable light.

Examples of technological equipment in the Five Five store No. 22 are presented in Figures 1-7.

Figure 2. - Retail rack (modern equipment in food and non-food stores that allows you to effectively present goods to customers. They make the work of store employees easier, making the display of goods more convenient and reducing the percentage of product spoilage due to improper storage):

Figure 3. - Boneta (island low-temperature and medium-temperature swing chests with ventilated cooling. They are used for display and storage of pre-frozen and packaged food products):

Figure 4. - Cash register (Checkout boxes for stores are models from 1.5 to 4.2 meters. There are boxes with wide or narrow storage, with simple panels for displaying goods, as well as with conveyors):

Figure 5. - Refrigerated display case (The refrigerated display case is designed for storing and selling meat products, fish products, sausages, etc.):

Mesh module. One of the most common equipment in checkout areas is mesh modules. In just a few minutes, they allow you to change any space beyond recognition - expand, reduce the area, divide it into several necessary zones. Trading mesh modules for checkout areas are a kind of construction set from which, using special connections, you can assemble racks of any configuration, displaying the necessary groups of goods.

Figure 6. - Mesh module:

Figure 7. - Electronic scales with label printing:

They are designed for weighing goods during trade, accounting and technological operations that require cost calculation, generation of the appropriate bar code and printing of the results on self-adhesive labels.

Refrigeration chamber.

It is designed to maintain a given temperature inside, created by refrigeration units. Refrigerators are used for storing food products in the back rooms of stores and catering establishments.

Figure 8. - Refrigerating chamber:

- Podtovarniki designed for storing large goods in hard or soft packaging.

The design is non-separable, the material of manufacture: wood and metal. Main components: upper racks, frame, cover (solid and lattice).

- Pallets designed for storing goods and transporting them in the form of a package throughout the warehouse. Types: flat, box, rack. By material of manufacture: wood, plastic, metal.

- Shelving designed for storing unpacked, piece goods or goods in small packaging, or goods placed on pallets. Types: shelf, cage, non-dismountable and collapsible, stationary or mobile. The main components: vertical racks, couplers, shelves, can be divided into sections by partitions.

2. Trade inventory - these are various tools, devices, devices, devices used in the trade and technological process. According to their purpose, trade equipment is divided into groups: for opening containers, checking the quality of goods, preparing them for sale, displaying and advertising, dispensing goods, servicing customers, paying customers, cleaning the premises, auxiliary operations and personal hygiene, and for extinguishing fires.

3. Commercial refrigeration equipment - refrigerated devices intended for short-term storage, display and sale of perishable goods at retail establishments. It is one of the links in a continuous refrigeration chain and is represented by refrigerated chambers, commercial refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated display cases, counters and display counters.

4. Trade measuring equipment.

A scale is a measuring device for determining mass by comparing it with the mass established by a government unit.

5. Cash register equipment.

Equipment placement system:

The level of customer service, the creation of optimal working conditions for sales workers and ensuring high economic performance of the store largely depend on how efficiently it is equipped with retail equipment. When deciding on the technical equipment of stores, special attention should be paid to the selection of types and models of commercial equipment and determining its optimal set.

The selection of types of commercial equipment and the configuration of its set is based on the following basic principles:

Compliance of retail equipment with the product profile and size of the store’s sales area;

Equipping stores with commercial equipment should take into account the methods used for selling goods;

Determining a rational set of retail equipment and the nature of its placement have a significant impact on the efficiency of using store space.

With the effective technological equipment of the enterprise, commercial equipment ensures the effective use of the store's selling space with a modern interior of the trading floor of a technological and artistic nature. Properly selected and arranged retail equipment allows you to expand the supply of goods, create more convenience for serving customers, increase turnover per square meter of retail space and thereby achieve higher efficiency indicators in the use of retail space.

46. ​​Display of goods: principles, options, size of optimal display, basic concepts for presenting goods, rules for arranging goods on the shelf.

Basic principles of modern product display.

The psychology of the person looking at the goods is taken into account (the gaze moves as when reading - from left to right, from top to bottom)

The movement of the main flow of customers counterclockwise, within the “golden triangle” (checkout, bread, chilled goods - milk, sausage, etc.)

Arm's length rule - the best products are on the shelves at eye level, where they are easy to see and reach without any extra effort

Related products (beer chips) are placed together, incompatible products (household chemicals - food) are placed separately.

Classic rules for display - availability of price tags, cleanliness, etc.

There are several types of product display:

Vertical display- homogeneous products are laid out on shelves vertically, from top to bottom (dairy products: one vertical strip is yoghurt, the other is cottage cheese, etc.). Such a display contributes to good visibility, better orientation of buyers when choosing a product and speeds up the sales process.

Horizontal display- this or that product is placed along the entire length of the equipment, and each product occupies completely 1-2 shelves. For example, one shelf - tomato sauces; another shelf - other sauces; third shelf - mayonnaise. This method is also effective when selling large items and goods in cassettes.

Display in bulk- placement of goods using various types of containers or base stands (shopping carts, wire baskets, bins, tables or sets of containers supplied by product manufacturers).

Frontal display- one sample of the product is displayed in full size, the rest (behind it) are partially visible or not visible.

The display of goods is divided into commodity and decorative (demonstration, exhibition).

Product display serves in self-service stores for both display and dispensing of goods.

Decorative display (made using means of volumetric-spatial composition) is used to decorate display cases and shelving in stores or departments where sales are made over the counter.

Basic concepts of product presentation in a store

Pricing concept. It is known that price is one of the strongest motivating factors, even for wealthy buyers. When products are offered at low prices, customers can forgive the store for various shortcomings. As soon as the price in a store becomes higher, the role of emotional ways of influencing customers increases. The store floor should be more comfortable, products should be more skillfully presented, and the information that the buyer receives from sellers and reference tools should be extremely clear.

Theater concept. More attention to the interior and visual merchandising, increased quality of service and entertainment are the main features of “theater” concept stores.

Time saving concept. The main advantage is the convenient location. Most of the goods purchased in such stores are consumed within an hour of purchase.

Information and awareness concept. As a rule, these are specialized and/or brand stores, including branded outlets of manufacturers. The main goal of such stores is to become a kind of encyclopedia and consultant on the product category for the buyer, constantly telling about what is new and interesting and what they can happily spend money on.

Rules for placing goods on the shelf

We begin to examine the shelf in the same way as reading a book - from left to right, and the gaze moves along a diagonal path, picking out figures on the shelf against the background. Everything that is highlighted in contrasting color, shape and other ways will be noticed.

Eye level and arm level.

Priority places on shelves.

The product must be in its product category (product proximity must be observed).

The product must be in its price category. Actively promoted and popular products must also be placed together, otherwise other products without advertising support may be damaged.

- “Facing the buyer” - the product must always be positioned with the label or the front side facing the buyer.

Required number of faces. Facing is a unit of product standing directly on a shelf and displayed in such a way that the side containing the brand name and basic information is fully visible. That is, the product is on the shelf itself, and not on another product; in the first row closest to the buyer; and the goods do not block each other at all.

Never cover items with a price tag.

When introducing a new product into the assortment, it is necessary to optimize, and not worsen, the display of existing products.

Small items should be placed closer to the buyer (closer on the shelf and closer to eye level).

Commercial furniture must be clean, free of dust and stains (especially on glass). You should monitor the integrity of labels and packaging of goods, since a damaged appearance spoils the image of both the product and the store.

The shelves on the rack should be positioned so that there is 3-4 cm left from the edge of the product to the edge of the top shelf (you can stick two fingers through).

47. Organization of the trade and technological process in the store and customer service: content, organization and technology of operations for the receipt and preparation of goods for sale.

The technological process in a store is a set of interconnected and sequential operations that ensure the delivery of goods to end consumers with full quality, minimal labor costs and a high level of trade service. An operation is a part of a technological process performed by workers using a set of methods and techniques.

Technological operations of the store include unloading, transporting goods, receiving them in terms of quantity and quality, storage, preparation for sale, and sale.

All technological operations of the store can be conditionally divided into main and auxiliary.

To the main include operations related to the sale of goods and customer service, selection, measuring, payment for goods, etc.

Auxiliary Operations include acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, unpacking, delivery to storerooms, storage, preparation for sale, delivery to the sales floor, placement and display of goods on the sales floor, organization of storage and delivery of containers.

In trade practice, three main schemes of technological processes have developed.

First scheme includes the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, and their delivery immediately to the sales floor for sale. It is the most progressive and is possible only when the goods are delivered in packaged equipment, fully prepared for sale, which eliminates the most labor-intensive operations from the technological process.

By second scheme The technological process includes the acceptance, storage and sale of goods. In this case, there is a need for special storage facilities.

The most complex and less economical is third scheme, in which goods received at the store require preliminary preparation for sale (packing, ironing, cleaning, etc.).

Before being delivered to the sales floor, goods must be fully prepared for sale. Preparing goods for sale consists of unpacking, sorting, cleaning, packing, packing, ironing, labeling, etc. The number of preparatory operations in the store depends on the degree of preparation of goods for sale at the time of arrival at the store, the complexity of the assortment and other factors.

When unpacking, goods are freed from external transport containers, sorted, i.e. grouped according to assortment characteristics (size, style, etc.), cleaned of dust, dirt, anti-corrosion lubricants, and minor defects are eliminated. It is advisable to carry out all these preparatory operations in special premises with appropriately equipped workplaces.

Before delivery to the sales floor, goods are labeled and placed in trays, baskets, boxes, carts or packaging equipment.

The secret to the success and rapid “promotion” of a grocery store lies not only in a carefully selected and varied assortment and a staff of professional employees, but also in the effective layout of the sales area and correctly placed equipment. The attractiveness of a grocery store for customers directly depends on how logically and competently the goods are placed and how comfortable it is to move around the store and make purchases.

In foreign stores, the layout of the hall and the placement of equipment are the responsibility of merchandisers. However, in Russia, such a direction as merchandising is still developing, so the responsibilities of specialists often include thoughtful display of goods. The director arranges everything necessary, if possible together with the designer. This takes into account factors such as:

  • area and shape of the sales area;
  • store specialization;
  • requirements for storage of goods;
  • requirements for the operation of the necessary commercial equipment.

The type of store also plays an important role - today three of them remain the most popular.

1. Self-service stores

Regardless of whether you plan to arrange equipment in a large supermarket or a small local grocery store, the task in this case is the same: to ensure a logical and accessible arrangement of goods for customers and competent regulation of customer flows. This takes into account the size of the room, the need to create aisles wide enough for carts, and full access to all shelving. For self-service stores, the following equipment layouts are most often used:

  • “Grid” - arrangement of racks along a long wall in parallel rows. It is most often used in large stores, as it provides the most acceptable regulation of customer flows.
  • “Rake” - arrangement of racks parallel to a shorter wall. Along the long wall there is enough space for display cases, pastry refrigeration cabinets and chest freezers.
  • “Diagonal” - placing equipment at an angle to the wall in parallel rows. Requires more space, but in this case the sales area looks more stylish and the product seems more accessible.

The choice of equipment placement method can be influenced by both the area and the range and quantity of products offered.

2. Counter-type stores

The countertop system remains popular even in large cities - although it often offers fewer options for arranging equipment. The most common and optimal option is to arrange shelves, refrigerators and islands in two tiers along the perimeter of the hall. The second tier also includes a cash register - thus creating a closed service system.

3. Convenience stores

Such stores are also known in Europe as convenience stores. They are distinguished by their small size and not too extensive range of groceries and everyday products, which include milk, bread, sweets, sausages, and in some cases fruits and vegetables. Many modern stores also feature unique interiors and original design, but more often the main task for home store owners is to provide compact, yet at the same time accessible and visible placement of goods for customers. There is no typical arrangement of equipment in this case - it all depends on the area, assortment and plans of the owner.

However, a store is not only a sales floor, but also warehouses, production workshops, and premises for receiving goods. All of them must be not only functional, but also comply with the requirements and standards of fire safety and sanitary services. To be sure of everything and not be afraid of missing any detail, you should contact professionals who will develop a competent grocery store project for you!

Designing a grocery store: stages

The arrangement of equipment in the store is carried out after developing a plan, which is created in several stages:

  • Analysis of the BTI plan. The area of ​​the room, the presence of protrusions, slopes, openings, and window sizes are taken into account.
  • Room measurements. Professional measurements of the retail space and utility rooms are carried out, because... Often the BTI plan does not indicate various modifications to the premises that arose during construction or finishing.
  • Development of a design project. A plan for the placement of commercial equipment is being thought out, taking into account the Customer’s preferences. A 3D visualization is created to provide a more detailed representation of the equipment of the entire retail space and utility rooms. The work takes from 1 to 3 working days.
  • Professional selection of commercial equipment. Designers and technical specialists select shelving, refrigerators, chest freezers taking into account the customer’s budget, his wishes and needs, as well as in accordance with the specialization of the store. Includes the mandatory preparation of detailed specifications, indicating prices and delivery times for selected commercial equipment for your store under the approved version of the design project. We are also developing technical specifications for related contractors for the communications project and LAN taps.

We offer you to carry out all of the above work absolutely free of charge within 3 working days from the date of your request!

Our advantages

Our online store presents commercial equipment for grocery stores from domestic and foreign manufacturers. We provide comprehensive turnkey equipment for stores. In addition to a wide range of products, our advantages include:

  • the ability to manufacture equipment to order for a specific store project;
  • development of a design project within three working days after application;
  • preparation of detailed specifications for any project;
  • reasonable prices;
  • Documentation of all agreements and guarantees of compliance with the deadlines for the launch of the retail space.

Reliability, responsibility, experience - all this gives you reasons to trust our company. We try to do everything in our power to ensure that your store opens as soon as possible - and, of course, becomes a profitable enterprise for you!