Indicators of the development of physical qualities include: Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators. Study materials for students

This is the process of changing the forms and functions of the human body under the influence of living conditions and upbringing.

There are three levels of physical development: high, average and low, and two intermediate levels above average and below average.

In the narrow sense of the word, physical development is understood as anthropometric indicators (height, weight, chest circumference, foot size, etc.).

The level of physical development is determined in comparison with standard tables.

From the textbook Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports:

This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change throughout the life of an individual of the morphofunctional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

  1. Physique indicators (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, amount of fat deposits, etc.), which characterize primarily the biological forms, or morphology, of a person.
  2. Health indicators (criteria) reflecting morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. The functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc. is of decisive importance for human health.
  3. 3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Until approximately 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development seems to be stabilized at a certain level. Subsequently, as we age, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and deteriorates; body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changes in these indicators throughout life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. Successfully managing physical development is only possible if these patterns are known and they are taken into account when constructing the process of physical education.

Physical development is determined to a certain extent laws of heredity , which should be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, must be taken into account when predicting a person's capabilities and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to law of age gradation . It is possible to intervene in the process of human physical development in order to control it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the human body in different age periods: during the period of formation and growth, during the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, during the aging period.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unity of organism and environment and, therefore, depends significantly on human living conditions. Living conditions primarily include social conditions. Living conditions, work, education and material support significantly influence the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a known influence on physical development.

Of great importance for managing physical development in the process of physical education are biological law of exercise and the law of unity of forms and functions of the body in its activity . These laws are the starting point for choosing means and methods of physical education in each specific case.

By choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law of exercise, one can count on the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a single whole. Therefore, when selecting exercises and loads, mainly selective ones, it is necessary to clearly understand all aspects of their influence on the body.

List of used literature:

  1. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: Proc. aid for students higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p.

As main means of physical culture should be called physical exercise. There is a so-called physiological classification of these exercises, combining them into separate groups according to physiological characteristics.

To FC funds also include the healing forces of nature (sun, air, water) and hygienic factors (sanitary and hygienic condition of places of activity, work, rest, sleep and nutrition regimes).

It has been noted that physical training, by improving a number of physiological mechanisms, increases resistance to overheating, hypothermia, hypoxia, reduces morbidity and increases performance.

People who are systematically actively involved in physical exercise significantly increase mental, mental and emotional stability when performing strenuous mental and physical activities.

The body's resistance to the effects of adverse factors depends on congenital and acquired properties. This resistance is quite labile and can be trained by means of muscle loads and external influences (temperature, oxygen level, etc.).

The healing powers of nature.

Strengthening and activating the body's defenses, stimulating metabolism and the activity of physiological systems and individual organs can be greatly facilitated by the healing forces of nature. A special set of health and hygiene measures (staying in the fresh air, giving up bad habits, sufficient physical activity, hardening, etc.) plays an important role in increasing the level of physical and mental performance.

Regular physical exercise during intense educational activities helps relieve neuropsychic stress, and systematic muscle activity increases the mental, mental, and emotional stability of the body.

Hygienic factors that promote health, increase the effect of physical exercise on the human body and stimulate the development of adaptive properties of the body include personal and public hygiene (body frequency, cleanliness of places of exercise, air, etc.), adherence to the general daily routine, routine physical activity, diet and sleep.

Physical development- the process of formation, formation and subsequent change in the forms and functions of the human body under the influence of physical activity and conditions of everyday life.

A person’s physical development is judged by the size and shape of his body, muscle development, functional capabilities of breathing and blood circulation, and indicators of physical performance.

The main indicators of physical development are:

1. Physique indicators: height, weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, amount of fat deposits, etc. These indicators characterize, first of all, the biological forms (morphology) of a person.

2. Indicators of the development of human physical qualities: strength, speed abilities, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities. These indicators largely reflect the functions of the human muscular system.

3. Health indicators reflecting morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. The functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc. is of decisive importance for human health.

The physical development of each person largely depends on factors such as heredity, environment and physical activity.

Heredity determines the type of nervous system, physique, posture, etc. Moreover, genetically hereditary predisposition largely determines the potential capabilities and prerequisites for good or poor physical development. The final level of development of the forms and functions of the human body will depend on living conditions (environment) and on the nature of motor activity.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unity of the organism and the environment and, therefore, significantly depends on the living conditions of man. These include living conditions, work, education, material support, as well as the quality of nutrition (calorie balance), all of which affects the physical condition of a person and determines the development and change in the forms and functions of the body.

The climatic and geographical environment and environmental living conditions have a certain influence on the physical development of a person.

Under the influence of systematic training sessions, a person can significantly improve almost all motor abilities, as well as successfully eliminate various physique defects and congenital anomalies, such as stoop, flat feet, etc., using physical education.

Psychophysiological foundations of educational work and intellectual activity. Means of physical culture in regulating performance

1. Objective and subjective factors of learning and the reaction of students’ bodies to them.

There are objective and subjective learning factors that affect the psychophysiological state of students.

Objective factors include the living environment and academic work of students, age, gender, health status, general academic workload, rest, including active rest.

Subjective factors include: knowledge, professional abilities, motivation to study, performance, neuropsychic stability, pace of educational activity, fatigue, psychophysical capabilities, personal qualities (character traits, temperament, sociability), ability to adapt to the social conditions of studying at a university.

Students' study time averages 52-58 hours per week, including self-study), i.e. The daily teaching load is 8-9 hours, therefore their working day is one of the longest. A significant part of students (about 57%), not knowing how to plan their time budget, engage in self-study on weekends.

It is difficult for students to adapt to studying at a university, because yesterday’s schoolchildren find themselves in new conditions of educational activity, new life situations.

The critical and difficult examination period for students is one of the variants of a stressful situation that occurs in most cases under conditions of time shortage. During this period, increased demands are placed on the intellectual and emotional sphere of students.

The combination of objective and subjective factors that negatively affect the body of students, under certain conditions, contributes to the emergence of cardiovascular, nervous, and mental diseases.

2. Changes in the state of the student’s body under the influence of various modes and learning conditions.

In the process of mental work, the main load falls on the central nervous system, its highest department - the brain, which ensures the flow of mental processes - perception, attention, memory, thinking, emotions.

A negative effect on the body of prolonged stay in a “sitting” position, which is typical for people with mental work, was revealed. In this case, blood accumulates in the vessels located below the heart. The volume of circulating blood decreases, which impairs blood supply to a number of organs, including the brain. Venous circulation worsens. When the muscles do not work, the veins become filled with blood and its movement slows down. Vessels quickly lose their elasticity and stretch. The movement of blood through the carotid arteries of the brain also worsens. In addition, a decrease in the range of movements of the diaphragm negatively affects the function of the respiratory system.

Short-term intense mental work causes the heart rate to increase, while long-term work causes a slowdown. It’s a different matter when mental activity is associated with emotional factors and neuropsychic stress. Thus, before the start of academic work, the students’ pulse rate was recorded on average at 70.6 beats/min; when performing relatively calm academic work - 77.4 beats/min. The same work of moderate intensity increased the heart rate to 83.5 beats/min, and with high stress to 93.1 beats/min. During emotionally stressful work, breathing becomes uneven. Blood oxygen saturation can decrease by 80%.

In the process of long and intense educational activity, a state of fatigue occurs. The main factor of fatigue is the educational activity itself. However, the fatigue that occurs during this process can be significantly complicated by additional factors that also cause fatigue (for example, poor organization of the daily routine). In addition, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that do not themselves cause fatigue, but contribute to its appearance (chronic diseases, poor physical development, irregular nutrition, etc.).

3. Performance and the influence of various factors on it.

Performance is a person’s ability to perform a specific activity within given time limits and performance parameters. On the one hand, it reflects the capabilities of a person’s biological nature, serves as an indicator of his legal capacity, on the other hand, it expresses his social essence, being an indicator of the success of mastering the requirements of a specific activity.

At each moment, performance is determined by the influence of various external and internal factors, not only individually, but also in their combination.

These factors can be divided into three main groups:

1st - physiological nature - state of health, cardiovascular system, respiratory and others;

2nd - physical nature - the degree and nature of room illumination, air temperature, noise level and others;

3rd mental character - well-being, mood, motivation, etc.

To a certain extent, performance in educational activities depends on personality traits, characteristics of the nervous system, and temperament. Interest in emotionally attractive academic work increases the duration of its completion. The effectiveness of execution has a stimulating effect on maintaining a higher level of performance.

At the same time, the motive of praise, instruction or censure can be excessive in its impact, causing such strong feelings about the results of work that no amount of volitional effort will allow one to cope with them, which leads to a decrease in performance. Therefore, the condition for a high level of performance is optimal emotional stress.

Installation also affects operating efficiency. For example, for students who are focused on the systematic assimilation of educational information, the process and curve of forgetting it after passing the exam is characterized by a slow decline. In conditions of relatively short-term mental work, the cause of a decrease in performance may be the fading of its novelty. Individuals with a high level of neuroticism were found to have a higher ability to absorb information, but a lower effect of its use, compared to individuals with a lower level of neuroticism.

4. The influence of the periodicity of rhythmic processes in the body on performance.

High performance is ensured only if the rhythm of life is correctly consistent with the natural biological rhythms of its psychophysiological functions inherent in the body. There are students with stable stereotypical changes in performance. Students classified as “morning” are the so-called larks.

They are characterized by the fact that they get up early, are cheerful and cheerful in the morning, and remain in high spirits in the morning and afternoon hours. They are most productive from 9 am to 2 pm. In the evening, their performance decreases noticeably. This is the type of students most adapted to the existing learning regime, since their biological rhythm coincides with the social rhythm of a full-time university. Students of the “evening” type - “night owls” - are most productive from 18:00 to 24:00.

They go to bed late, often do not get enough sleep, and are often late for classes; in the first half of the day they are inhibited, therefore they are in the least favorable conditions, studying full-time at a university. Obviously, it is advisable to use the period of decreased performance of students of both types for rest, lunch, and if it is necessary to study, then in the least difficult disciplines. For night owls, it is advisable to organize consultations and classes on the most difficult sections of the program from 18:00.

5. General patterns of changes in students’ performance during the learning process.

Under the influence of educational and work activities, students’ performance undergoes changes that are clearly observed during the day, week, throughout each semester and the academic year as a whole.

The dynamics of mental performance in the weekly educational cycle is characterized by a sequential change in the working-in period at the beginning of the week (Monday), which is associated with the entry into the usual mode of educational work after rest on the day off. In the middle of the week (Tuesday-Thursday) there is a period of stable, high performance. By the end of the week (Friday, Saturday) there is a process of its decline.

At the beginning of the academic year, the process of fully realizing the educational and labor capabilities of students drags on for up to 3-3.5 weeks (the period of development), accompanied by a gradual increase in the level of performance. Then comes a period of stable performance lasting 2.5 months. With the start of the test session in December, when, against the backdrop of ongoing studies, students prepare and take tests, the daily workload increases to an average of 11-13 hours, combined with emotional experiences - performance begins to decline. During the exam period, the decline in the performance curve intensifies.

6. Types of changes in students’ mental performance.

Research shows that students' performance has different levels and types of changes, which affects the quality and volume of work performed. In most cases, students who have a stable and multifaceted interest in learning have a high level of performance; persons with unstable, episodic interest have a predominantly reduced level of performance.

According to the type of changes in performance in educational work, increasing, uneven, weakening and even types are distinguished, connecting them with typological features. Thus, the increasing type includes mainly people with a strong type of nervous system, capable of engaging in mental work for a long time. The uneven and weakening types include individuals with a predominantly weak nervous system.

7. Condition and performance of students during the examination period.

Exams for students are a critical moment in educational activities, when the results of academic work for the semester are summed up. The issue of the student’s compliance with the level of the university, receiving a scholarship, personal self-affirmation, etc. is being decided. An examination situation is always a certain uncertainty of the outcome, which allows it to be assessed as a strong emotional factor.

Repeatedly repeated examination situations are accompanied by emotional experiences that are individually different, which creates a dominant state of emotional tension. Exams are a definite incentive to increase the volume, duration and intensity of students’ educational work, and to mobilize all the forces of the body.

During exams, the “cost” of students’ academic work increases. This is evidenced by the facts of a decrease in body weight during the examination period by 1.6-3.4 kg. Moreover, this is to a greater extent characteristic of those students whose reactivity to the examination situation is increased.

According to the data, first-year students have the highest gradient of mental performance. In subsequent years of study, its value decreases, which indicates better adaptation of students to the conditions of the examination period. In the spring session, the performance gradient increases compared to the winter session.

8. Means of physical culture in regulating the psycho-emotional and functional state of students during the examination period.

The university provides students with three types of recreation, varying in duration: short breaks between classes, a weekly day of rest, and vacations in winter and summer.

The principle of active rest has become the basis for organizing rest during mental activity, where appropriately organized movements before, during and after mental work have a high effect in maintaining and increasing mental performance. Daily independent exercise is no less effective.

Active rest increases performance only if certain conditions are met:

Its effect manifests itself only under optimal loads;

When antagonist muscles are included in the work;

The effect decreases with rapidly developing fatigue, as well as fatigue caused by monotonous work;

The positive effect is more pronounced against the background of a greater, but not high, degree of fatigue than with a weak degree;

The more trained a person is for tiring work, the higher the effect of active rest.

Thus, the focus of classes during the examination period for the bulk of students should be preventive in nature, and for student-athletes should have a maintaining level of physical and sports-technical readiness.

The state of mental tension observed in students during exams can be reduced in several ways.

Breathing exercises. Full abdominal breathing - first, with relaxed and slightly lowered shoulders, inhale through the nose; The lower parts of the lungs are filled with air, while the stomach protrudes. Then, inhaling, the chest, shoulders, and collarbones rise sequentially. Full exhalation is performed in the same sequence: the stomach is gradually drawn in, the chest, shoulders and collarbones are lowered.

The second exercise consists of full breathing, carried out in a certain walking rhythm: a full inhalation for 4, 6 or 8 steps, followed by a breath hold equal to half the number of steps taken when inhaling. A complete exhalation is done in the same number of steps (4, 6, 8). The number of repetitions is determined by how you feel. The third exercise differs from the second only in the conditions of exhalation: pushes through tightly compressed lips. The positive effects of exercise increase with the amount of exercise.

Mental self-regulation. Changing the direction of consciousness includes such options as switching off, in which, with the help of volitional efforts and concentration of attention, foreign objects, objects, situations are included in the sphere of consciousness, except for circumstances that cause mental stress. Switching is associated with concentration of attention and focus of consciousness on some interesting matter. Disconnection consists of limiting the sensory flow: staying in silence with eyes closed, in a calm, relaxed position, imagining situations in which a person feels easy and calm.

7. The use of “small forms” of physical culture in the educational work of students.

Among the various forms of physical activity, morning exercises are the least complex, but quite effective for accelerated inclusion in the school day, thanks to the mobilization of the body's autonomic functions, increasing the performance of the central nervous system, and creating a certain emotional background. For students who regularly perform morning exercises, the period of practice during the first training session was 2.7 times less than for those who did not perform it. The same fully applies to the psycho-emotional state - mood increased by 50%, well-being by 44%, activity by 36.7%.

An effective and accessible form of classes at a university is a physical education break. It solves the problem of providing active recreation for students and increasing their performance. When studying the effectiveness of using physical exercises of a dynamic and posture-tonic nature during micropauses, it was found that a one-minute dynamic exercise (running in place at a pace of 1 step per second) is equivalent in its effect to performing posture-tonic exercises for two minutes. Since the working posture of students is characterized by monotonous tension mainly of the flexor muscles (sitting, leaning forward), it is advisable to begin and end the cycle of exercises by vigorously stretching the flexor muscles.

Methodological recommendations for the use of posture exercises. Before the start of intensive mental work, in order to shorten the period of training, it is recommended to voluntarily additional tension of the muscles of the limbs of moderate or medium intensity for 5-10 minutes. The lower the initial nervous and muscle tension and the faster it is necessary to mobilize for work, the higher the additional tension in the skeletal muscles should be. During prolonged intense mental work, if it is also accompanied by emotional stress, voluntary general relaxation of skeletal muscles is recommended, combined with rhythmic contraction of small muscle groups (for example, flexors and extensors of the fingers, facial muscles, etc.).

8. Students’ performance in a health and sports camp.

A healthy lifestyle for students implies the systematic use of physical education and sports during the academic year. Active rest helps to successfully fulfill educational and work responsibilities while maintaining health and high performance. Among various forms of recreation during the holiday period, student health and sports camps (winter and summer) have become widely developed in universities.

A 20-day vacation in the camp, organized a week after the end of the summer session, made it possible to restore all indicators of mental and physical performance, while for those vacationing in the city, the recovery processes were sluggish.

9. Features of conducting physical education classes to improve students’ performance.

The structure of the organization of the educational process at a university has an impact on the student’s body, changing its functional state and affecting performance. This circumstance should be taken into account when conducting physical education classes, which also influence changes in students’ performance.

Based on the research results, it has been established that in order to successfully develop the basic physical qualities of students, it is necessary to rely on a regular periodicity of performance during the academic year. According to this, in the first half of each semester, in educational and independent classes, it is advisable to use physical exercises with a primary (up to 70-75%) focus on the development of speed, speed-strength qualities and speed endurance with a heart rate intensity of 120-180 beats/min; in the second half of each semester with a primary (up to 70-75%) focus on developing strength, general and power endurance with a heart rate intensity of 120-150 beats/min.

The first part of the semester coincides with a higher functional state of the body, the second - with its relative decline. Classes built on the basis of such planning of physical training facilities have a stimulating effect on the mental performance of students, improve their well-being, and ensure a progressive increase in the level of physical fitness in the academic year.

With two classes per week, the combination of physical activity and mental performance has the following features. The highest level of mental performance is observed when combining two classes at a heart rate of 130-160 beats/min at intervals of 1-3 days. A positive, but half as much effect is achieved by alternating classes with a heart rate of 130-160 beats/min and 110-130 beats/min.

Using two classes per week at a heart rate above 160 beats/min leads to a significant decrease in mental performance in a weekly cycle, especially for those who are not sufficiently trained. The combination of classes with this regimen at the beginning of the week and classes with a heart rate of 110-130, 130-160 beats/min in the second half of the week has a stimulating effect on the performance of students only at the end of the week.

In the practice of physical education for a certain part of students, a problem constantly arises: how to combine the successful fulfillment of academic responsibilities and the improvement of sportsmanship. The second task requires 5-6 training sessions per week, and sometimes two per day.

When systematically practicing various sports, certain mental qualities are cultivated that reflect the objective conditions of sports activity.

General characteristics successful use of physical education means in the educational process, ensuring a state of high performance of students in educational and work activities, are as follows:

Long-term preservation of performance in academic work;

Accelerated workability;

Ability to accelerate recovery;

Emotional and volitional resistance to disruptive factors;

Average intensity of emotional background;

Reducing the physiological cost of educational labor per unit of work;

Successful fulfillment of educational requirements and good academic performance, high organization and discipline in studies, everyday life, and recreation;

Rational use of the free time budget for personal and professional development.

1. Highest competition rank:
world championship
Olympic Games

2. The best indicators of human performance are characterized by the following values ​​of the Ruffier index:

3. With an increase in the value of the Ruffier index, performance:
is decreasing

4. To develop speed qualities, running is used:
sprint and acceleration

5. Explosive strength is characterized by tests:
long and high jump
long jump and rope
long jump and shuttle run

6. With increasing weight-height index:
body weight deficit increases
excess body weight decreases
excess body weight increases
body weight deficit decreases

7. Indicators of functional readiness characterizing physical condition include:
weight and height
blood pressure and heart rate
strength, endurance, speed

8. If at noon you stand with your back to the sun, then (in front, behind, right, left will be:

9. Fastest Run:

10. Indicators of physical development include:
body mass
heart rate

11. Physical development, weight and height index:
does not characterize

12. To develop general endurance, running is used:
sprinting, with accelerations and repeated running at maximum speed

13. Physical development of a person can be represented by indicators:
weight and height
weight-height and strength

14. Functional status tests include:
breathing rate and strength
strength and heart rate
heart rate and breath holding time

15. Indicators of physical development include:
weight and height
blood pressure and heart rate
breath holding time and chest circumference
strength, endurance, speed

Other entries from the category

Indicators of physical development

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT is a natural process of age-related changes in the morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life.

The term “physical development” is used in two meanings:

1) as a process occurring in the human body during natural age-related development and under the influence of physical culture;

2) as a state, i.e. as a complex of signs characterizing the morphofunctional state of the organism, the level of development of physical abilities necessary for the life of the organism.

Features of physical development are determined using anthropometry.

ANTHROPOMETRIC INDICATORS is a complex of morphological and functional data that characterizes age and gender characteristics of physical development.

The following anthropometric indicators are distinguished:

Somatometric indicators include :

· Height– body length.

The greatest body length is observed in the morning. In the evening, as well as after intense physical exercise, height may decrease by 2 cm or more. After exercises with weights and a barbell, height may decrease by 3-4 cm or more due to compaction of the intervertebral discs.

· Weight– it would be more correct to say “body weight”.

Body weight is an objective indicator of health status. It changes during physical exercise, especially in the initial stages. This occurs as a result of the release of excess water and the combustion of fat. Then the weight stabilizes, and later, depending on the focus of the training, it begins to decrease or increase. It is advisable to monitor body weight in the morning on an empty stomach.

To determine normal weight, various weight-height indices are used. In particular, in practice they widely use Broca's index. according to which normal body weight is calculated as follows:

For people 155-165 cm tall:

optimal weight = body length – 100

For people 165-175 cm tall:

optimal weight = body length – 105

For people 175 cm tall and above:

optimal weight = body length – 110

More accurate information about the relationship between physical weight and body constitution is provided by a method that, in addition to height, also takes into account chest circumference:

height (cm) x chest volume (cm)

Study materials for students

Valeology test. Part 1

1. Physical culture usually means:

a) the level of physical fitness of the population ensured by physical exercise;

b)part of general culture associated primarily with the physical

c) a mass form of physical exercise aimed at
to improve public health.

2. Physical development is

a) the process of developing a person’s physical qualities;

b) the process of mastering motor skills;

V) changes in the morpho-functional properties of the human body in
the course of a person's life;

3. Indicators characterizing the physical development of a person include:

A) indicators of physique, health and development of physical qualities;

b ) indicators of the level of physical fitness and sports results;

c) the level and quality of formed vital motor skills
skills and abilities;

4. Physical education means include:

a) physical exercise;

b) mode of work, sleep, nutrition; sanitary and hygienic conditions;

5. Health can be defined as

a) absence of diseases and physical defects;

b) the quality of the body’s adaptation to environmental conditions;

V) state of complete physical, mental and social

6. Health is more dependent

a) from heredity, from environmental factors;

c) on the state of the healthcare system;

7. Lifestyle is determined

a) level, quality and style of life;

b) human constitution;

8. A healthy lifestyle involves

a) actively developed reflection; giving up bad habits, culture of communication and sexual behavior;

b) rational motor mode, occupational hygiene, rest and nutrition;

9. Optimal motor mode of a student

a) characterizes the level of movements that is necessary for
normal functional state of the body;

b) must warn against excessively high loads, which
can lead to overwork, overtraining, decreased

10. A physical break is more conducive to

b) accelerated adaptability of the body;

c) emotional and volitional stability;

11. Ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time
in the global functioning of the muscular system is called

a) physical performance;

c) general endurance;

12. Which of the physical qualities with its excessive development
negatively affects flexibility:

a) the presence of a system of additional incentives;

b) response to external influences;

  1. Self-improvement is a process that involves

a) self-knowledge, self-determination, imitation, self-education, self-education;

b) self-observation, self-comparison, self-affirmation;

  1. Indicate sports that are not directly related to the use of physical exercise as the main means of preparing for sports achievements.

A) synchronized swimming;

16. The main motto of the Olympic Games

B) stronger, fairer, more honest;

17.Indicate the dimensions of the volleyball court:

18.Number of players on the court during a volleyball game:

19. Indicate the type of sport that is most appropriate for
improving the cardiorespiratory system

a) water slalom;

20. When playing volleyball, a ball that hits the side line is considered:

21. Of how many games is 1 volleyball game played?

22. Until how many points is the first game of volleyball played?

23. When the ball touches the net during a serve in volleyball, the game:

B) stops with the transfer of service to another team;

B) a held ball is counted

24. How many touches of the ball can players of one team make during one play in volleyball?

25.Sport is:

A) type of social activity aimed at improving a person’s health and developing his physical abilities;

B) competitive activity itself, special preparation for it, as well as specific relationships in this area;

C) a specialized pedagogical process built on a system of physical relations and aimed at participation in sports competitions;

26. A sport is:

A) a specific competitive exercise;

B) specialized competitive activity in which two or more competitors strive to defeat each other;

IN) historically formed during the development of sports, a type of competitive activity formed as an independent competition.

27. Players move across the court in volleyball when:

B) when winning the ball from your serve

28. The transition of players across the court in volleyball is carried out:

B) counterclockwise;

B) front line players change places with back line players

29. Serve in volleyball is served with:

A) any point of the free zone, without stepping beyond the front line;

B) from the middle of the front line;

B) in a limited area of ​​the front line

30. In volleyball, a double touch is a player’s mistake in which:

A) 2 players touch the ball at the same time;

B) the player hits the ball twice or the ball touches different parts of his body sequentially;

B) the ball hits the court, then is returned by the player

  1. If during a game of volleyball a player touches the net, then:

A) the game is stopped when the serve passes to the opposing team;

B) a dropped ball is played;

B) the game continues

  1. In volleyball, how is the ball put into play?

B) 3 passes by players of 1 team

  1. Indicate with numbers the arrangement of players in zones in volleyball:

A person’s physical health is determined by a complex of interrelated factors that characterize the physical state of the body:

1) functional state of organs and systems; 2) level of physical development; 3) the degree of development of physical qualities (strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility).

Assessment of the functional state of organs and systems is usually carried out by examining basic physiological parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure, ECG, vital capacity and others.

The state of physical health, as well as other criteria for its aspects, can be established on the basis of the subjective feelings of a particular person in conjunction with clinical research data, taking into account gender, age, social, climatic and other factors.

Physical development is a set of morphofunctional indicators that characterize the development of the body, an important criterion of health. To study it, the method of anthropometric research is used (from the Greek anthropos - man, metreo - to measure, to measure).

During an anthropometric examination, body length (height) is measured,

Body weight,

Chest circumference,

Dimensions of limbs and individual parts

Torso, muscle strength of the hand - dynamometry,

Vital capacity (VC) - spirometry

And other indicators.

An assessment of an individual's physical development is made by comparing his anthropometric data and other development indicators (puberty, dental formula, etc.) with the average data for the corresponding sex and age.

The study of the physical development of children and adolescents is of great importance. Systematic observations make it possible to identify early signs of deviations in physical development, which may indicate an incipient disease.

Thus, physical health is a state of absolute physical and mental comfort, not accompanied by deviations in the activity of organs and systems, with normal physical development, high performance and adaptation.

Physique (constitution, from Latin constitutio - structure, state) is a set of features of the structure, shape, size and relationship of individual parts of the human body and is one of the criteria for physical development. It has gender, age, national and individual characteristics.

Human height, weight and body proportions are the main constitutional characteristics.

Human growth is completed by the age of 18 - 25 and can range from 140 to 210 cm in healthy people (depending on individual and other characteristics).

For approximate control of body weight in everyday life, the Broca index can be recommended:

Determining normal body weight is a rather difficult task, since uniform criteria have not been developed for this. Currently, many tables and formulas have been created that take into account age, gender, length and actual body weight, body type, thickness of skin folds, etc.

Each person should know their individual body weight norm. Exceeding the upper limit calculated using the formula given above by more than 7% is considered to be overweight.

According to the World Health Organization, about 30% of residents of economically developed countries have a weight that exceeds normal weight by 20% or more.

The problem of excess weight has become a serious threat for many people. In overweight people, the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, joint diseases, hypertension and gallstone disease are more likely to develop, and life expectancy is shortened by 10-15 years.

Reducing excess body weight and maintaining it at a normal level is a rather difficult task. It depends on the regime, the nature of nutrition, physical activity, and the emotional status of a person.

A harmonious physique is determined taking into account constitutional characteristics.

Constitution (from Latin constitutio - establishment, organization) is a complex of individual, relatively stable morphological, physiological and mental properties of the body, determined by the hereditary program, as well as long-term, intense influence of the environment.

The doctrine of the human constitution originated in ancient times. Each era put its own ideas into the definition and classification of the constitution. All currently existing classifications do not contradict each other. Their authors give preference to individual functional systems or are based on a set of morphological characteristics. A common drawback of all these classifications is the lack of an integrated approach.

According to modern ideas, both the external environment and heredity take an equal part in the formation of the constitution.

The main features of the constitution are determined hereditarily - the longitudinal dimensions of the body and the dominant type of metabolism, and the latter is inherited only if two or three generations of a given family constantly lived in the same area.

The secondary features of the constitution (transverse dimensions) are determined by the living conditions of a person, being realized in the features of his individuality. These signs are most closely related to gender, age, profession, as well as environmental influences.

According to the classification of E. Kretschmer, the following types of constitution are distinguished:

General developmental physical exercises have a strong impact on the physique, which allows not only to achieve a proportional physique, but also to strengthen muscles and develop correct posture.

Posture is the primary relaxed position of the body that a person maintains at rest and when moving. With correct posture, the physiological curves of the spine are uniform, the head is positioned vertically, the field of the upper and lower extremities is symmetrical, the shoulder blades are at the same level and fit snugly to the chest. If a person with healthy posture, without changing the usual body position, presses against a flat wall, then the points of contact will be the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks (Fig. 3.4).

Rice. 3.4. Test for correct posture

If these provisions are violated, then we speak of pathological posture, which can manifest itself in the following forms (Fig. 3.5):

Lordosis - anterior curvature (occurs in the lumbar spine);

Kyphosis - posterior curvature (in the thoracic region);

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature.

There is such a deviation from the norm as stooping - a position in which the thoracic region protrudes significantly backward, the head is tilted forward, the chest is flattened, the shoulders are drooping, the stomach is protruded and there is a sluggish posture.

B in Fig. 3.5. Poor posture a - scoliosis, b - kyphosis, c - lordosis

The causes of incorrect posture are poor development of the back muscles, habitual incorrect body position, unilateral physical stress on the musculoskeletal system or its congenital deficiencies.

Most often, postural disorders occur at school age as a result of prolonged incorrect position at the table, improper transfer of weights, eating disorders, lack of physical activity and various diseases.

To prevent postural disorders, every person needs to learn to control the position of their body.

When sitting at the table,

Standing and walking

Follow the rules for carrying heavy objects,

Sleep on a hard bed

And also constantly work on strengthening the muscular corset of the back.

It must be remembered that preventing the occurrence of incorrect posture is much easier than correcting it. Posture begins to form effectively in the process of growth, development and education and continues throughout a person’s life.

Correct posture makes a person’s figure beautiful and contributes to the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the entire body. Regular physical activity, athletic and rhythmic gymnastics exercises, outdoor and sports games, and dancing help in shaping the human constitution according to the laws of beauty, preserving the individuality of the figure and movements.

A b c d e A. Sitting position: a, c - non-physiological design of the chair, causes rapid fatigue and back pain; b, d - rationally equipped workplace; d - physiologically optimal chair.

A b c d B. Standing position: a - incorrect posture; b - optimal position, alternating placing your feet on a low bench relieves fatigue and back pain; c - incorrect posture; d - physiologically correct position, in which bending forward is minimized, the back is straight.

A b C. Methods of carrying weights: a - correct, b - incorrect.

D. Posture during work: a - diagram of correct (+) and incorrect (-) body positions in different postures;

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT is a natural process of age-related changes in the morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life.

The term “physical development” is used in two meanings:

1) as a process occurring in the human body during natural age-related development and under the influence of physical culture;

2) as a state, i.e. as a complex of signs characterizing the morphofunctional state of the organism, the level of development of physical abilities necessary for the life of the organism.

Features of physical development are determined using anthropometry.

ANTHROPOMETRIC INDICATORS is a complex of morphological and functional data that characterizes age and gender characteristics of physical development.

The following anthropometric indicators are distinguished:

b - correct (+) and incorrect (-) homework;

c - correct (+) and incorrect (-) carrying of the child; d - correct (+) and incorrect (-) position of the spine when reading. Rice. 3.6. Measures to prevent incorrect posture.


Somatometric indicators include:

· Height– body length.

The greatest body length is observed in the morning. In the evening, as well as after intense physical exercise, height may decrease by 2 cm or more. After exercises with weights and a barbell, height may decrease by 3-4 cm or more due to compaction of the intervertebral discs.

· Weight– it would be more correct to say “body weight”.

Body weight is an objective indicator of health status. It changes during physical exercise, especially in the initial stages. This occurs as a result of the release of excess water and the combustion of fat. Then the weight stabilizes, and later, depending on the focus of the training, it begins to decrease or increase. It is advisable to monitor body weight in the morning on an empty stomach.

To determine normal weight, various weight-height indices are used. In particular, in practice they widely use Broca's index Physiometric;

For people 155-165 cm tall:

optimal weight = body length – 100

For people 165-175 cm tall:

optimal weight = body length – 105

For people 175 cm tall and above:

optimal weight = body length – 110

More accurate information about the relationship between physical weight and body constitution is provided by a method that, in addition to height, also takes into account chest circumference:

· Somatoscopic., according to which normal body weight is calculated as follows:


– volumes of the body in its various zones.

Usually the circumferences of the chest, waist, forearm, shoulder, hip, etc. are measured. A centimeter tape is used to measure body circumference.

· Chest circumference is measured in three phases: during normal quiet breathing, maximum inhalation and maximum exhalation. The difference between the sizes of the circles during inhalation and exhalation characterizes the chest excursion (ECC). The average EGC size usually ranges from 5-7 cm. Circumference of waist, hips, etc. are used, as a rule, to control the figure.


· – the width of the body in its various zones. Physiometric indicators include

Vital capacity of the lungs (VC)

- the volume of air obtained during the maximum exhalation made after the maximum inhalation.

Vital vital capacity is measured with a spirometer: having previously taken 1-2 breaths, the subject takes a maximum breath and smoothly blows air into the mouthpiece of the spirometer until it fails. The measurement is carried out 2-3 times in a row, the best result is recorded.

Average vital capacity indicators:

For men 3500-4200 ml,

For women 2500-3000 ml, Athletes have 6000-7500 ml.:

To determine the optimal vital capacity of a particular person, it is used

Ludwig's equation

Men: due vital capacity = (40xL)+(30xP) – 4400

Women: due vital capacity = (40xL)+(10xP) – 3800

· where L is height in cm, P is weight in kg. For example, for a girl 172 cm tall and weighing 59 kg, the optimal vital capacity is: (40 x 172) + (10 x 59) – 3800 = 3670 ml.

Breathing rate

· – the number of complete respiratory cycles per unit of time (for example, per minute). The normal respiratory rate of an adult is 14-18 times per minute. Under load it increases 2-2.5 times.

Oxygen consumption

- the amount of oxygen used by the body at rest or during exercise in 1 minute. At rest, a person on average consumes 250-300 ml of oxygen per minute. With physical activity this value increases. (The greatest amount of oxygen that the body can consume per minute during maximum muscular work is called).

· Dynamometry– determination of the flexion strength of the hand.

The flexion force of the hand is determined by a special device - a dynamometer, measured in kg.

Right-handers have average strength values right hand:

For men 35-50 kg;

For women 25-33 kg.

Average strength values left hand usually 5-10 kg less.

When doing dynamometry, it is important to take into account both absolute and relative strength, i.e. correlated with body weight.

To determine relative strength, arm strength is multiplied by 100 and divided by body weight.

For example, a young man weighing 75 kg showed a right hand strength of 52 kg:

52 x 100 / 75 = 69.33%

Average relative strength indicators:

In men, 60-70% of body weight;

In women, 45-50% of body weight.

Somatoscopic indicators include:

· Posture- the usual pose of a casually standing person.

At correct posture in a well-physically developed person, the head and torso are on the same vertical, the chest is raised, the lower limbs are straightened at the hip and knee joints.

At incorrect posture the head is slightly tilted forward, the back is hunched, the chest is flat, the stomach is protruded.

· Body type– characterized by the width of skeletal bones.

The following are distinguished: body types: asthenic (narrow-boned), normosthenic (normal-boned), hypersthenic (broad-boned).

· Chest shape

The following are distinguished: chest shapes: conical (the epigastric angle is greater than the right angle), cylindrical (the epigastric angle is straight), flattened (the epigastric angle is less than the right angle).

Fig 3. Shapes of the chest:

a - conical;

b - cylindrical;

c - flattened;

α - epigastric angle

The conical shape of the chest is typical for people who do not engage in sports.

The cylindrical shape is more common among athletes.

A flattened chest is observed in adults who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Individuals with a flattened chest may have decreased respiratory function.

Physical exercise helps increase the volume of the chest.

· Back shape

The following are distinguished: back shapes: normal, round, flat.

An increase in the curvature of the spine backward relative to the vertical axis by more than 4 cm is called kyphosis, forward - lordosis.

Normally, there should also be no lateral curvatures of the spine - scoliosis. Scoliosis is right-, left-sided and S-shaped.

One of the main causes of spinal curvature is insufficient motor activity and general functional weakness of the body.

· Leg shape

The following are distinguished: leg shapes: normal, X-shaped, O-shaped.

development of bones and muscles of the lower extremities.

· Foot shape

The following are distinguished: foot shapes: hollow, normal, flattened, flat.

Rice. 6. Foot Shapes:

a – hollow

b – normal

c – flattened

g – flat

The shape of the feet is determined by external examination or by foot prints.

· Belly shape

The following are distinguished: belly shapes: normal, saggy, retracted.

A saggy abdomen is usually caused by poor development of the abdominal wall muscles, which is accompanied by prolapse of the internal organs (intestines, stomach, etc.).

A retracted abdomen occurs in people with well-developed muscles and little fat deposits.

· Fat deposition

Distinguish: normal, increased and decreased fat deposition. Besides, determine uniformity and local fat deposition.

produce measured compression of the fold, which is important for measurement accuracy.