Beautiful greyhound dog. Russian greyhound: characteristics and description of the breed. Russian Greyhound color

The Russian Greyhound dog is a type of greyhound dog. In Rus', the word “dog” meant wavy wool. The characteristics of the animal breed are considered to be a peculiar lean appearance, slender physique, thick and wavy hair.

History of origin

The Russian Greyhound is a breed with history. This is a hunting dog that can become a favorite family pet. Due to the considerable size of the greyhound, it is preferable to keep the dog in a country house. Even in apartments, the dog, thanks to its calm disposition, remains unnoticed.

The first mention of the breed occurs in the 17th century. Similar animals were used by humans when hunting animals. Dogs were valued for their ability to develop rapid speed in pursuit of game and the ability to drive the victim into a “corner”. The Russian Greyhound breed also reveals in its pedigree roots taken from English representatives of greyhounds, from oriental dogs, and representatives of mountain breeds.

In the 18th century, Russian greyhounds crossed with English and Baltic greyhounds. It is believed that the ancestors of greyhounds were husky dogs. The direct breed standard was approved only in 1888. Since this time, representatives of the genus have received characteristic standards that are still in effect today.

In Russia, during the time of the landowner way of life, every wealthy gentleman had at least one representative of the breed in his yard. Wealthy families owned hundreds of greyhounds. In the 19th century in Russia, hunting became a fashionable hobby. Each landowner kept dozens of greyhounds and hounds, irreplaceable assistants in catching animals. As a result, selected owners developed their own types of greyhounds, which had characteristic features in appearance. Each type was named after the owner's surname. Gradually, the differences were erased, the appearance of the Russian greyhound began to approach the present one.

Greyhounds were successfully shown at exhibitions held in the capital. Emperor Alexander II contributed to the establishment of pedigree books for representatives of the breed. In the first pedigree there were 15 Russian greyhounds. Before the start of the revolution, a number of volumes of pedigree books were published, but lists were kept exclusively for dogs located in Moscow. A considerable number of Russian greyhounds were owned by owners throughout Russia. The dogs were found in the Tambov, Saratov, and Lipetsk provinces.

Interesting fact: thanks to its innate grace, the Russian Greyhound dog breed has always been popular with artists. Noble landowners, kings and emperors are immortalized along with their noble pets.

Description of the breed

The description of the Russian Greyhound breed begins with the physique of the animals characteristic of the group. The height of the representatives is above average, the body is dry, strong with a lean belly, somewhat lean, but slender and long legs. The overall appearance creates the feeling that in front of you is an elegant and self-aware individual. The tail of a greyhound is long and thin, saber- or crescent-shaped.

The animals' heads are long and narrow. The nose is not pointed. Powerful jaw and a scissor bite give the greyhound an impressive appearance. The eyes are oval-shaped, slightly convex, large, brown. The ears are small, pointed, covered with long hair.

  1. Male height is 75-85 cm.
  2. The female's height is 68-78.
  3. Male weight 34-47 kg.
  4. Bitch weight 25-40 kg.

Despite large sizes, the dog is suitable for keeping in an apartment, however, it requires regular physical activity. Russian Greyhound dogs exhibit a calm character, sometimes noted aggressive behavior towards hunted animals. The process of hunting and pursuit turns calm representatives of the breed into zealous hunters.

Large curls are noticeable on the long, silky coat. According to canine standards, various coat colors are allowed, from light to dark. Specimens that display a white coat with yellow, red or brindle markings are considered valuable. Dark colors are characterized by a black muzzle. The wool is soft to the touch. Light waviness or large curls of the coat are acceptable.

Character of the breed

The Russian Greyhound shows excellent character. Affectionate and devoted to her owners. A dog loves only those who treat him with respect and understanding. Greyhounds require early socialization. They differ in intelligence and high abilities to learning.

As a rule, these are quiet and calm dogs. We are happy to spend time in our favorite place in the house. Russian Greyhounds prefer to spend time indoors, but activity is still necessary. Representatives of this breed show impressive sizes; it is not recommended to keep dogs in a house with small children. They are able to react negatively to the “games” of children. For older children, greyhounds will become companions and protectors.

Among the characteristics of the breed is intolerance to pain, real and imagined. Dogs are agile and fast. It is believed that the animal is capable of speeds of up to 90 km/h or 28 m/sec.

The earlier training for a Russian greyhound begins, the more effective it will be. The greyhound quickly learns its lessons. Frequent repetition of the material will lead to the fact that the greyhound will get bored and lose interest in classes.

The difficulty for owners will be the dog's passion for chasing other animals. When walking, the dog is always under control. At first, the puppy pulls hard on the leash. It is recommended to immediately rid the dog of bad habit using special hard collars. When the dog stops pulling, replace the device with a standard collar.

Despite the greyhound's passion for chasing, dogs get along well with animals if they live next to early childhood. If you bring it into the house already adult dog, conflicts are possible, mainly with cats.

Caring for the Russian Greyhound

Proper care of the Russian Greyhound means daily hygiene procedures, correct content. It is better to keep animals in a country house, where there is easy access to nature and fresh air. Acceptable to keep in apartments. But the inherent attraction of animals to nature will make it difficult for owners who will not be able to walk their pet often and for a long time.

Contrary to popular belief, greyhounds are very finicky to care for. In fact, dogs are clean animals, able to take care of themselves on their own - with the help of their owner.

You will need to brush your dog daily to keep its fur from getting tangled. During shedding, it is advisable to increase the frequency of brushing. You should not wash your animal frequently, only when necessary. Carefully monitor the condition of the animal’s ears and claws, clean and trim them on time.

Russian Greyhound puppies are accustomed to procedures from childhood; an adult will not react calmly enough to unpleasant procedures, referring mainly to ear cleaning and nail trimming.

Representatives of the breed need an active pastime. The owner is required to monitor the dogs' physical condition. Long walks and outdoor games are a guarantee wellness dogs.

The Russian Greyhound is a dog breed that is widely known in the country and far beyond its borders. And not only for hunting lovers. Our ancestors used the word “greyhound” to mean “fast.” "Dog" was the name given to silky, wavy fur. For hundreds of years, these dogs have shown their rare qualities. And now it’s difficult to find a better hunting assistant.

The correct name of the dog and some types of greyhounds

Often non-professionals in conversation call the dog a greyhound. In fact, these are two different breeds, between which there are serious differences:

  1. The hound is similar in appearance to the English greyhound, but smaller in size. However, this similarity is only external.
  2. Dogs are used in hunting for various purposes. The greyhound is much faster. She grabs the prey, but the hound drives it.
  3. Hounds are better at tracking scents and have a well-developed sense of smell. Greyhounds have excellent eyesight. To chase, they must see the beast.

From the very beginning, the Russian greyhound was intended to hunt wolves. In addition to her “responsibilities”, she can become a great family friend. However, only if certain conditions:

  • It is advisable to keep away from children;
  • a team is needed;
  • requires time and an active owner;
  • not suitable for city life;
  • has an independent character: does not tolerate mistreatment and can be disobedient.

There are also others breeds:

Appearance of the Russian Borzoi

The Russian Greyhound is considered one of the most graceful breeds in the world. She is distinguished by her tall height and low weight. Males at the withers - on average 75–86 cm, females - 68–78. The weight of males is about 40–45 kg, females - 30–40 kg. With such proportions they look thin. However, under the thick fur hides a muscular body. Dogs are very active. The tail is long and thin.

Muzzle- narrow and elongated. Compared to her body, she looks disproportionately small. The eyes are large almond-shaped. The dog is smart and this is noticeable in his eyes. The nose is large, the ears are small. Long wool reliably protects from frost. It is usually smooth and wavy, sometimes a little curly. On the head and front of the paws - shorter. For many on the neck it is noticeably longer and thicker.

Color wool- any. The most common is white, with large red or fawn markings. Russian Greyhounds of the same color are now difficult to find and were less valued in the past.

History of the Russian Borzoi breed

The Russian greyhound has long been used not only against wolves. With its help they also hunted hares, foxes, and sometimes wild boars or deer. However, only wealthy people - landowners and nobility - could afford to maintain it. Such hunting was considered the best entertainment. Often one landowner had hundreds of such dogs. They were very much appreciated. Sometimes dogs were bought for a lot of money. There are cases when purebred puppies were even exchanged for serfs.

The origin is not fully understood and is controversial. It is not difficult to guess that the ancestors are the greyhound and long-haired breeds. There are several versions:

  1. The Russian greyhound was introduced by the Byzantines in the 9th or 10th century.
  2. Came with the Mongol-Tatars in the 12th century. This version is confirmed by the character of the “native” steppe terrain and the speed qualities of the greyhound dog.
  3. The Russian princes themselves took them with them from Persia in the 16th century. Animals were poorly adapted to our climate. Crossbreeding with other breeds was required. Hence the long hair of the second ancestor.

In Kiev's St. Sophia Cathedral you can find a drawing of a dog resembling a Russian greyhound. The image shows a deer hunt. The temple was built only in 1037. If this is a Russian greyhound, then it turns out that it appeared among us before the Mongol invasion.

Soviet scientists conducted their research. According to them, in Central Asia There were two main types of greyhounds:

  • Afghan;
  • Taigan (Kyrgyzstan).

They suggested that one of these breeds became the ancestor of the Russian greyhound. Of course, it was not easy for animals when the climate changed. If they could still survive in Kyiv, then to the north, for example, in Moscow or Novgorod, they could not. To increase resistance to cold, they were crossed with huskies.

Descriptions of the Russian greyhound have been known since the 17th century. An earlier name was Circassian Greyhound. Changes in gene pool occurred at the beginning of the 18th century, when it was crossed with the following greyhound breeds:

  • English;
  • Hortykh;
  • busty.

In the 19th century it was also mixed blood:

  • mountain greyhounds;
  • Crimean

Of course this led to emergence various types. Often the most famous breeders developed their own species. They were usually called by the names of the landowners. Over time characteristic differences Each type was erased, and a single breed appeared. In 1888, the standard of the Russian greyhound was described.

Moscow became the center of development of the breed. This is where genealogical books began to appear. The first volume was published in 1902 and included only 15 greyhounds. Five more were compiled before the revolution. The main number of dogs accounted for the following provinces:

With the outbreak of the First World War and the subsequent October Revolution breed has practically disappeared. People were in extremely difficult conditions; they had no time for breeding dogs. However, few enthusiasts managed to save the breed.

One of the ways was to find animals that had previously been exported abroad. So, in the USA the Russian greyhound is still quite popular. Although, these dogs have largely lost their hunting qualities, which cannot be said about domestic representatives. They are still being hunted.

Features of behavior

The Russian Greyhound has a friendly character. At proper education rarely harms children. Despite its impressive size, it is not suitable for guard work, as it lacks aggressiveness and is difficult to acclimate to a place.

Hunts, as a rule, in large packs. Their number can reach up to hundreds of animals. Large breeds usually have a hard time finding a common language with each other. However, this does not apply to Russian greyhounds. They perform well in a pack with other greyhounds, hounds, and terriers.

The hunter's instinct is very developed. Dogs chase any potential prey: squirrels, hamsters, other smaller animals, etc. For example, a dog of a smaller breed may be attacked. Able to get along with her domestic cat, but bite the neighbor's. Therefore, socialization is very important.

When introducing other animals, you need to respect caution. But even if you already have a habit, instincts can take over. For example, it is better for a domestic cat not to run away. Even the most disciplined and trained dog sometimes it is difficult to cope with emotions. At such moments, they may not listen to commands. It's unlikely to catch up. The pet's speed reaches 70–90 km/h, the fence is not a hindrance. Therefore, it is better to prevent trouble and be careful.

Game with other dogs often involves chasing, grabbing and holding the neck. This is not aggression, but typical behavior - a tactic used in hunting. Despite its universal character, the main prey of the Russian greyhound is the wolf.

This was the original purpose of breeding the breed. Hunting techniques have been developed by the dog's ancestors for hundreds of years. They are laid down at the genetic level and work automatically, even in puppies. When hunting, Russian greyhounds usually catch up with a wolf. Then the bravest members of the pack attack him and restrain him. These are not wolfhounds whose goal is to kill a predator. Russian greyhounds must detain him until a man with a weapon approaches.

Russian greyhounds are distinguished by their rare mind. They are able to remember tricks consisting of several sequential actions. This is often used in the circus, etc. In terms of training, they are considered one of the most capable hunting dogs.

However, they often show character and try to do everything at their own discretion. The desired behavior can be achieved through encouragement and patience. Rudeness should be excluded. Similar methods traumatize the dog’s psyche and are ineffective due to its characteristics.

Required loads

Due to their temperament and physiology, animals are in dire need of exercise. Give special attention motor activity important for two more reasons reasons:

The dog is very active and in the absence of the necessary load, seeks compensation. Considering the size of the pet, its athletic build and restless nature, this often results in serious damage. The interior of the apartment can change a lot. If it is not possible to take care of the animal, load it, it is better to get another breed.

Otherwise, Russian greyhounds compare favorably with other dogs by their exemplary behavior. They bark or howl very rarely. In terms of personal hygiene, they can easily compete even with cats.

Care and health

One of the features of the breed is long hair. It needs to be combed out periodically. Although, paradoxically, special attention is not required here. Grooming is carried out only occasionally. You can do without it.

There is a lot of fur left on furniture pieces. Allergy sufferers should especially remember this.

Washing can be a big job. However, the dog is very clean, so frequent repetition of the procedure is not necessary.

The Russian greyhound does not belong to centenarians. The sentence allotted to her is only 7–10 years.

The most common diseases:

  1. Volvulus is the most common. Only urgent surgery or prevention can help.
  2. Heart disease and cancer are common only in recent years. Before this they were considered rare. It is characteristic that the same diseases have become much more common in dogs of other breeds.

Large dogs tend to be prone to dysplasia hip joint. This disease is rare in Russian greyhounds.

Due to their extremely low amount of fat, greyhounds are very sensitive to medications. This is especially true for anesthetics. The veterinarian should know about this. Not recommended walks where chemicals were used: pesticides, fertilizers, etc.

Proper nutrition is very important, especially for puppies. Particularly intensive growth is observed in the first two years of life. Concentrated feeds with a large number energies are not suitable. They cause damage to bones and joints. It is worth remembering that the composition developed for large breeds is not recommended in this case.

The point is in the characteristics of the body, physiology. There are a lot of Russian greyhounds moving. They don't need as much fat and muscle as other breeds of the same size. Therefore, such food does not take into account their needs.

Better fit raw stern. To confirm this, we can recall that a close relative, the Hortaya greyhound dog breed, has a similar diet. Traditionally, she is recommended to eat a diet of meat scraps and oats.

It is better to purchase a Russian greyhound puppy from a trusted kennel. Here you have a higher chance of getting a healthy dog. With the right content, it can bring a lot of joy and benefit.

Greyhound dogs were bred specifically for hunting, which is carried out over long distances without the use of firearms. They are characterized by an athletic physique, magnificent proportions, aristocratic appearance and extraordinary grace. The Russian Greyhound is capable of independently driving in prey and bringing it to its owner.

Russian Greyhound - description and photo

In Russia, the breed was selected by the Russian nobility during the monarchy. Russian greyhounds were used to hunt animals (especially wolves). IN North America dogs of this breed showed excellent performance when driving coyotes. But they have also gained immense popularity as pets.

By nature, the Russian Greyhound is a very calm dog, however, at the sight of prey it suddenly becomes incredibly excited.

Although outwardly these dogs look fragile and thin, in reality they are quite strong and hardy animals. Thin and tall the build is very similar to English greyhounds. But they differ from them in having longer hair, consisting of hard or soft silky hair. The color can be any, but more often it is white with spots.

Possible color variations:

At the same time, fawn spots are very undesirable. Animals dark colors have a characteristic black mask.

The Russian Greyhound has such qualities as aggressiveness towards other animals, excellent eyesight, and when running the dog can develop enormous speed (especially at short distances). This is an elegant dog with a strong build and tall . In males, the height at the withers can reach 75-86 cm, in females - from 68 to 78 cm. The elongation index for females is approximately 102, for males - 102.

The average life expectancy of greyhounds is 12-14 years.

For your agility and high performance speed, the Russian Greyhound has gained popularity in certain circles, however, owners should take into account that dogs of this breed are known to be intolerant of any type of pain, be it perceived or real. Puppies need to be trained from the very beginning. early age . They learn easily and quickly, but they need to be interested in this and diversify their activities as much as possible, otherwise the animal will get bored and become stubborn.


Owners of Russian greyhounds living in urban areas may be faced with the problem of these animals' increased passion for chasing and chasing. That's why the dog needs special attention and control during free walking, otherwise the dog, noticing interesting object, can easily chase him completely without paying attention to possible dangers.

Do not rush to bring a greyhound straight into the house - first you should introduce the dog to all household members, pets (especially cats), children and carefully observe the dog’s behavior. Greyhounds Able to get along well with other animals if they grow up with them from an early age, even despite their tendency to pursue street “prey”.

At first glance, it may seem that animals of this breed need any special care, but this is not so. This is explained by the fact that Russian greyhound loves to feel well-groomed and is even ready to take on some of the worries. But this does not mean that you can forget about care completely.

The dog is the proud owner of a luxurious long coat that needs to be brushed regularly (at least once a week). Since dogs really like to keep themselves tidy, they do not need frequent bathing. Important part of animal care is taking care of the limbs - regularly trimming the hair between the toes. A disadvantage of the breed is the tendency to heavy shedding, which may serve as a reason for more frequent combing.

The active temperament of these animals does not allow them to sit idle, so the greyhound needs constant games and fun exercises. The dog should always be in good condition physical fitness, so the owner must provide his pet with enough exercise. The dog will be very happy to accompany its owner on bike rides and jogging.

Due to the fact that the Russian greyhound has a bone structure and is a fairly muscular animal, it it is necessary to provide high-quality food, paying special attention to diet. To improve your pet’s well-being and digestion, you should separate daily norm not for 1-2 doses, but several fractional ones. After eating, let your dog rest and do not plan any active activities during this period.

Modern greyhound breeds

Modern breeders are also familiar with other greyhound breeds. There are quite a few of them, the most popular of which are the following:

The Greyhound is a dog breed that is perfect for easy-going and cheerful people. Very smart and kind the dog will become a great friend and companion for those who love long walks, jogging and lead a fairly active lifestyle. For pensioners and people with poor health, it is better to choose another, calmer breed.

The Russian Greyhound is a loyal and intelligent hunting dog bred in Ancient Rus'. With sufficient physical activity, the breed is quite suitable for keeping in a city apartment. At first glance, the dog is captivated by its grace and flexibility; its luxurious coat gives the breed solidity.

The ancestors of modern Russian greyhounds, who lived with the Celts, were massive and large, but inferior in running speed. The first descriptions of dogs similar in appearance to the modern breed date back to the 17th century. For several centuries, Russian greyhounds were owned exclusively by nobles. Hundreds of greyhounds kept on estates took part in hunting drives. Hunting with Russian greyhounds turned into a real show.

In 1873, an imperial association of breed lovers was organized in Russia. Russian greyhounds began to be bred at the royal court. In 1988, the first Russian Borzoi standard was adopted. The first pedigree book describing the breed was started at the beginning of the 20th century by the Moscow Society of Hunters.

However, all representatives of the breed faced a sad fate in the years October Revolution 17th year. The Bolsheviks began to destroy the Russian greyhound breed, declaring it the heritage of the bourgeoisie, and it was saved only thanks to the puppies given away to foreign guests.

The dog population has been restored. The Russian greyhound breed officially received its name in 1936. The dog is quite popular in the USA, but is used there exclusively as a pet. In Russia, the dog is still used as a hunting breed.

Appearance and breed standard, photographs

The Russian Greyhound is a large dog with a narrow, long, lean body. The height of the dog is from 68 to 86 centimeters, the weight of the Russian greyhound is from 30 to 55 kilograms. The elegant appearance of this dog inspired artists, sculptors, and poets.

Photo. Russian greyhound

Two Russian greyhounds in the photo

The Russian Greyhound breed standard has the following characteristics:
  • Head wedge-shaped, elongated, with a narrow muzzle. The forehead is narrow, convex, with a smooth transition to the muzzle. The bridge of the nose is straight or with a slight hump. The lips are thick, tight, and pigmented black.
  • Bite scissor-shaped. The jaw is powerful, with large teeth.
  • Nose convex, mobile, with oblong nostrils, black
  • Eyes slanting, almond-shaped, with a slight convexity. Brown color of varying intensity.
  • Ears small, triangular, broken at the top. The ear set is narrow.
  • Body strong, graceful. The neck is narrow, with a pronounced scruff and muscles. The chest is moderately wide and convex. The back is short and narrow. The croup is sloping and powerful. The stomach is taut. The groin line is lower than the abdomen.
  • Limbs long, half the height of the dog, smooth, with developed muscles. The shoulder blades are flat and elongated. Hind legs wider apart than the front ones. Hips sloping, well developed. Paws oval, with with strong fingers. The claws are long, curved, and black.
  • Tail strong, thin, sickle or saber-shaped. When working, it is raised, but at rest it can fall between the hind legs.

The following deviations are considered to be disadvantages of the breed:

Aggression towards humans is considered a vice in the Russian dog.
  • Body too light or too massive.
  • Being stocky or being too tall.
  • Pronounced stop, wide forehead, pronounced cheekbones.
  • Deep-set eyes.
  • Short neck.
  • Narrow back, narrow croup, flat chest.
  • Rounded paws.
  • Dull, tousled fur, shaggy.

The following are considered disqualifying defects:

  • Aggression towards people.
  • Overshot or undershot.
  • Profitable fingers.
  • Blue eyes.

Coat type and color

The coat of the Russian Borzoi is wavy and silky, hence the name “canine”.

The color of the Russian Greyhound is divided into two types:

  1. Piebald - against the main background of black, red, gray colors there are piebalds - white areas on the head, limbs, chest, tail.
  2. Spotted - the main color is white, with black, red, gray spots near the eyes, on the body, ears, and at the base of the tail.

The colors of the Russian Greyhound can be varied:

  • White.
  • Floor with an admixture of different shades: red, gray, silver.
  • Burmatty – sexual with a dark coating.
  • Murugii is red with black hair.
  • Gray of varying intensity.
  • Chubary - sexual, red, gray with dark stripes.

Russian greyhounds can come in a wide variety of colors.

Dark colors have a mazurina - a muzzle painted black. Disadvantages of color - specks of bright shades that do not match the main color, chocolate and blue colors.

Character of the breed

The Russian Greyhound is a dog with an easygoing character, which is combined with tenderness and a sharp mind. The behavior of these dogs is adequate and quite predictable, so they can be kept in a home where there are small children. But the adult Russian greyhound cannot tolerate noisy children's games.

The Russian Greyhound becomes attached to the owner and the inhabitants of the house, therefore, in adulthood, a change of environment is not recommended for them. The dog is affectionate and even flattering, polite with strangers.

The dog will perceive other animals as prey, so it is not recommended to keep it in a house with rodents, birds, or cats. A greyhound can get along with a domestic cat, but a foreign cat that enters its territory will catch up and bite to death.

You should not let your greyhound off the leash while walking to avoid harm to its teeth. small dogs and cats. You can let your dog off the leash only in a special fenced area or in an open area in the village.

Russian greyhounds are calm and affectionate dogs, but when they see their prey they transform and begin to pursue it furiously.

The Russian Greyhound has a trait that must be taken into account - it is a vulnerable psyche. You cannot neglect a dog, go about your business without paying attention to it. In this case, the greyhound becomes angry and even vengeful.

Breed training

The Russian Greyhound is not trained, but rather raised. She has a complex mental organization, the dog is sensitive to the mood of the owner and demanding of the nature of the relationship with him. You need to talk to your greyhound calmly, in a firm, but not rude tone. The pet needs understanding and respect, then in return you can get obedience and understanding.

The Russian Greyhound quickly learns basic commands and fulfills them unquestioningly. At the same time, the breed does not like various tricks; rather, they do not see the point in them and are in no hurry to perform them. It is difficult to force a greyhound to bring slippers or a newspaper - this dog does not like to serve.

IMPORTANT. The personalities of individual representatives of this breed are very diverse, so it is difficult to give recommendations for their training. Each individual must be carefully studied and approaches to training and education must be found. If the owner can adapt to the dog, it will become obedient and completely controllable.

The main purpose of the breed instinct of the Russian greyhound is the pursuit of prey. Trophies in greyhound hunting are obtained without shots, exclusively by dogs.

The Russian canine reaches speeds of up to 60 km per hour.

This is possible thanks to the incredible speed that dogs can develop when running. The speed of the Russian greyhound in running is one of the main working qualities of the breed as a hunter. This breed can run at speeds of 50 to 60 kilometers per hour.

A dog's high speed depends on heredity and proper training. But still, the basis of speed qualities is genetically inherent agility. You can develop the qualities inherent in nature with the help of proper training. Full realization of potential also depends on proper feeding and injury prevention.

To develop running speed while walking, explosive and speed exercises are needed. Running after a thrown ball or stick helps develop necessary qualities. Natural instinct helps train a dog to run after a person riding a horse. vehicle. Gradually increasing the speed of movement helps the dog learn to distribute forces when running.

The original purpose of the Russian Greyhound breed is hunting. To use a dog for its intended purpose, special training is required. First of all, physical training of the puppy is necessary. He must constantly run and play in order to develop dexterity, agility, and dexterity in his grip.

The greatest effect can be achieved if the games are accompanied by a companion of a different breed - the element of competition will make the training more effective.

The puppy is taught to use a whistle and a horn, the sounds of which will indicate commands, "to me." Jumping behind a horse or bicycle is carried out with a tied carcass of a hare or fox. This technique teaches the dog to pursue prey by distributing own strength when running.

Russian dogs are allowed in packs to search all the animal's roosting areas.

Next, the Russian greyhound is matched with a hare or fox. Wolf training is carried out when the dog is at least 12 months old. If the greyhound does not have good physical qualities, it is better not to take risks. Baiting a wolf is a difficult task, so it is not recommended for a hunter to carry it out alone. Young greyhounds are baited accompanied by adult dogs.

IMPORTANT. A dog is taken on a hunt only after it has completed a full course of training and follows all commands.

Hunters go hunting with Russian greyhounds in groups of three or four people. The dogs are sent out in packs to search all the animal's roosting areas. In the pack there is a leading dog that catches up with the animal and slows down its movement; the partners arrive in time and take the animal.

The Russian Greyhound is quite suitable for keeping in a city apartment, but not in a one-room apartment, since the size of the dog requires sufficient space. In a country house, you shouldn’t keep a dog on a chain, since it won’t make a watchman anyway.

Keeping in an enclosure or apartment

The ideal place for a Russian greyhound is a spacious enclosure with an area of ​​20-25 square meters. You can keep a couple of greyhounds in it.

The Russian dog can be kept both in an enclosure and in an apartment.

The height of the fence in the enclosure and yard where the dog will walk should be at least three meters, since dogs jump well and can escape. The enclosure must be positioned in such a way that it is in the shade towards noon and until the evening, so that the dog is not exposed to the sun in hot weather.

For sleeping in the enclosure, a warm booth with a height of at least one meter is arranged. The area of ​​the booth is 1.5 square meters, and for two dogs 2 -2.5 square meters. The roof is removable so that the booth can be cleaned and disinfected. A straw cushion is placed inside the booth. In winter, straw is laid outside and inside the walls of the booth. The entrance to the booth is covered with a felt curtain.

The greyhound feels quite normal in the apartment. The dog will happily lie on the sofa and watch TV with its owner, but only after an active walk. The breed was born for fast and long running; it needs to be provided for on walks.

If there is a shortage physical activity the dog will get bored and begin to behave destructively, then the apartment may be seriously damaged. In rural areas, the dog is kept in warm booths or barns.

Care of fur, eyes, ears, claws

Despite the long hair, caring for the dog is not so difficult, since the breed is clean. She will not wallow in the mud, she tries as much as possible to get around dirty puddles on a walk. In order not to cause discomfort to the dog, in slushy weather it should be taken for a walk in a special overall.

The coat should be brushed once or twice a week. The combing procedure is carried out carefully, removing all dead hair and carefully removing any tangles that have formed. After a walk in the forest or going hunting, you need to comb out all the blades of grass and burdock that have gotten into the fur: they can cause skin irritation.

During the molting period, dogs are combed daily, the rest of the time - once a week.

Some disadvantage of the breed is frequent and heavy shedding. During these periods, you have to comb your pet daily. It is not recommended to bathe them often. In principle, this is not necessary, since there is no dog smell from this dog.

IMPORTANT. From frequent washing, the hair begins to fluff, the dog looks shaggy. For this reason, show dogs are washed 5-6 days before the event, so that by the time they go out into the world, the coat will smooth out and become more adjacent to the body.

Once a week, the dog's ears, eyes, and teeth are wiped. Nails are trimmed once a month. Every month the dog's fur is treated against ticks and fleas; for this you can use the following preparations: , . You should inspect your greyhound's coat after every walk to prevent tick and flea infestation.


A dog needs quality balanced diet. Flaw nutrients and vitamins immediately affects the condition of the animal’s coat. A dog's muscles need enough protein, and bones will not develop properly if there is a lack of calcium.

The situation is aggravated by picky eating. The Russian Greyhound is a true gourmet and will not eat food that it does not like. You need to feed your dog more often than other breeds, this will help normalize its digestion. . Fractional meals 3-4 times a day and rest after eating is a guarantee of the dog’s normal well-being.

The Russian dog should not be fed food from the table: baked goods, fried and salted foods, smoked meats.

You can feed a Russian greyhound natural products or or ( , Brit, ).

Natural food for the Russian dog

Natural food must be freshly prepared. The food should be a semi-liquid porridge with pieces of meat added to it. The bowl is washed hot water after each feeding.

The diet should consist of products:

  • Lean meats.
  • Cereals (buckwheat, rice).
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • A spoon of vegetable oil once a day.

You should not give your dog fatty meat and lard, smoked foods, sweets, legumes, tubular bones, baking and white bread, spicy and fried foods.

ATTENTION. Under no circumstances should you feed your dog before upcoming physical activity, as there is a risk of developing intestinal volvulus, even with fatal consequences.

Breed health

The lifespan of a Russian greyhound is 7-10 years. Overall this healthy dog, but still suffers from some ailments.

Russian canines have enough good health, but live only 7-10 years.

The most common diseases that affect Russian greyhounds are:

  • Wobbler syndrome.
  • Retinopathy (retinal atrophy).

The physical activity of the Russian greyhound often leads to various injuries: bruises, dislocations, abrasions on the paws. When walking through fields and forests, the dog may be subject to snake or predator bites. In this regard, it is extremely important to vaccinate your dog against rabies and infectious diseases.

If after a walk a snake bite is found on the dog’s body, you need to make a small incision, squeeze out the blood from the wound and put a compress with a cold solution of potassium permanganate on it. A little vodka is given to the dog internally.

Choosing and purchasing a puppy

A Russian greyhound puppy can be purchased at the age of 1-1.5 months. By this time, they are already taken away from their mother and transferred to independent feeding. When selecting a baby, first of all, attention is paid to the compliance with the breed characteristics of his parents and their qualities as hunters.

Photo. Two Russian Borzoi puppies

Russian greyhound puppy in the photo

The puppy must have the following breed characteristics:
  • Dry and long head with a smooth stop.
  • Long legs.
  • Lean belly.
  • Long, silky, elastic and shiny coat.
  • Correct bite.

You should not adopt a puppy with signs of rickets and other signs of poor development:

  1. Crooked limbs.
  2. Swelling on the wrists.
  3. Thickening on the ribs.
  4. Sagging back.
  5. Hanging belly.
  6. Shaggy wool.

Buy purebred puppy Russian Borzoi can be purchased in the following cities:

  • Moscow – price from $100 (,
  • St. Petersburg - price from $150 (,

You should only buy a Russian Greyhound puppy from a breeder who has good reviews.

Representatives of the Russian breed today are in great demand and valued all over the world. The graceful, graceful, noble features of this pets cannot leave anyone indifferent. But it’s not just external data that convinces you to buy this one. It is also worth taking into account the character, thanks to which the Russian greyhound will become a faithful companion for both experienced hunters and simply dog ​​lovers.

Performance evaluation and information

The Russian greyhound is characterized by an aristocratic appearance. Its colors are varied: plain and with spots, tan marks. The most common is white along with brown (it can also be red, brown). Also sometimes there are representatives of the breed with gray and black tones. The black color may have a mask on the face and light-colored spots on the paws. Dogs of the Russian Greyhound breed are tall, have a strong, dry build with some elongation. Males at the withers are from 75 to 85 cm, females - from 68 to 78 cm.

Origin of the breed and purpose

The Russian greyhound or hound dog has been known for a long time. The “dog” received its name due to the high density of its coat; it was previously called “dog”. Information about this breed was first found in the 17th century. They brought her out for hunting. At first, its representatives hunted wild animals in groups; later they were perceived as hunting partners without the use of weapons. Dogs of the Russian Greyhound breed developed high speed in pursuit of a hare or skillfully driving them into a dead end.

The pedigree of this breed contains the genes of English, Baltic greyhounds and eastern mountain breeds (since the times of the Golden Horde). It is generally accepted that the ancestors of the Russian Borzoi are dogs of the breed. The standard, which is still relevant today, was approved in 1888. Since that time, representatives of the breed have been assigned characteristic standards that are still in effect today.

Did you know? Under the landowner system in Russia, a gentleman who considered himself wealthy had to own at least one Russian greyhound. In the 19th century, hunting was quite a fashionable hobby, so very rich families owned several hundred of these dogs.

As a result, almost all owners developed their own versions of these, slightly different in appearance. Each type bore the surname of their owner. Gradually distinctive features leveled out until the appearance of all representatives of this breed became what it is today. They were presented at various metropolitan exhibitions, and with the assistance of Alexander II, pedigree books were compiled for some dogs of this breed. The breed was bred in Russia, and it is a Russian national treasure.

Appearance of the Russian Borzoi - standard requirements

When describing the Russian Greyhound breed, it should be noted that this dog has elegance, nobility and aristocratic appearance. In her entire appearance one can see an intelligent, graceful, graceful beauty, reminiscent of a trot. FCI breed standard No. 193 (01/22/1999); FCI classification: group No. 10 “greyhounds”; section No. 1 “long-haired greyhounds”.

The coat of animals of this breed is characterized by silkiness, softness, wavy or short curl, and the skin is elastic. The fur on the neck is different longer, creating a kind of muff that adorns all Russian greyhounds. The animals are tall, strong, and have a harmonious, but slightly elongated physique. The back is arched, the stomach is retracted.

Did you know? Dogs are aware of up to 250 different words and gestures, can count within five and even solve the simplest math problems. Their intellectual development- at the level of a 2-year-old child.

The bones are strong, the muscles are characterized by dryness and excellent development. The head is characterized by a narrow elongation, through skin veins are visible. The lips are narrow; the ears are small, located closer to the back of the head, and are characterized by mobility; the eyes are large, oval-shaped, slightly bulging, brown in color; the teeth are strong and of considerable size. The neck of animals is elongated and large; the chest differs in volume and length; saber-shaped tail. The limbs are strong, straight, the hind limbs are more spaced than the front; the paws are oblong, the toes are pressed against each other, the claws practically touch the ground cover.

The character of this hunting breed

Characteristics of the Russian Greyhound breed has a number of features. Its representatives are characterized by complaisance and balance of character, they are distinguished by devotion, constant readiness to caress in the hands of the owner. But they are distrustful and even aggressive towards strangers. These animals recognize a single owner and are loyal to him; they cannot be a “passing pennant.” They are at the same time stubborn, independent, proud and sensitive, vulnerable.

Russian dogs demand respect for themselves: any rudeness or disrespectful thoughtless movement - teeth bared. They are easily irritated, so in families with children this point must be taken into account. In a kind, attentive, caring, affectionate home environment, animals turn into true friends of their owners and members of their family, creating a harmonious aura of peace and love. They usually get along well with other pets, but there may be exceptions.

In the description of the Russian Greyhound breed, it is noted that these animals are calm, silent, do not tolerate noisy and fussy environments, prefer to watch everything from the side, and are not big fans of games. But everything changes at the sight of the beast - then the greyhound quickly comes into an excited state, becomes energetic and attentive, because it is characterized by lightning-fast reactions and sharp vision. In a calm home environment, she moves at a light trot, but when catching prey, she moves at a rapid pace with sweeping leaps. The look of animals is distinguished by sparkle, attentiveness, and intelligence; he says that these are loyal and kind animals.

Which owner is it suitable for?

Before you decide to purchase this animal, you first need to think carefully about whether you will be able to cope with it. Russian Greyhound - therefore, its owner must be an avid hunter or a hardy, strong and patient person who has free time to walk and sufficiently exercise the pet. She will happily lie on the sofa and watch TV with family members, but for this, the greyhound must be tired from walking and moving.

She must move, run, and quite quickly. If an animal experiences boredom and lack of necessary movement, it can become uncontrollable and cause damage to the room where it is located, and the owners will have a hard time dealing with it. When training and the animal because of its independent character the owner will need a lot of patience, endurance, calmness and determination.

When buying a greyhound, it is important to consider its purpose; it cannot be an entertainment or pet. It is necessary to take seriously the fact that she enjoys the hunting process, and not even try to change it.

Did you know? A wet nose helps a dog determine where the smell is coming from.

Training and education

Representatives of the Russian Greyhound breed must be trained almost from birth. They will never follow commands like service dogs, because greyhounds have a love of freedom and independence, but they must know the basic skills.

It may seem that these are absolutely indifferent and apathetic melancholics, until they find themselves hunting. Therefore, the training of these animals is aimed at developing either hunting skills or the ability to participate in exhibitions. It is inappropriate for Russian greyhounds to develop guard or guard skills. If neither hunting nor exhibitions are the owners' goal, the dog still needs to be taught the most necessary commands and skills.

The main thing in raising a Russian greyhound is to give even a puppy the opportunity to learn the differences between everyday life and play and hunting. The “Nearby” command will help to avoid the dog’s constant desire to rush at everything that moves near it during a walk. A little edible encouragement will help you complete this task faster. If an inexperienced dog does not know how to react correctly to nearby objects, then the “Otryshch” command (the genetic memory of dogs will help recognize the team of the first greyhound breeders) will help the owner in this matter.

Greyhounds have a sharp mind, They quickly remember and repeat complex actions, which is why they often perform in the circus. They are one of those dogs of the breed that are highly trainable. But their independence and stubbornness, the desire to do not what they were ordered, but what they want, often become the basis for the use of numerous awards, encouragements and an approach with a great degree of gentleness in the training process. Russian greyhounds get scared and nervous when their voices are raised; harsh training methods are not for them.

How to choose a puppy and their price

The Russian Greyhound is a special breed. When choosing them, it is best to first consult with experienced hunters - they will advise you and provide the coordinates of reliable owners and nurseries. A Russian greyhound puppy must be from verified purebred representatives with established origin ( best option- presence of a pedigree) with registration in the hunters’ society, test diplomas and exterior assessment.

A certificate of origin is the main condition for purchase. Healthy puppies at one or two months of age must have all the characteristic features of the breed and a special body structure. They are characterized by: healthy looking, well-developed physique, elasticity of the coat, excellent appetite. It is also necessary to check height, weight, chest volume, and dental condition for compliance with standards. You need to pay attention to signs of rickets, which a healthy puppy should not have (curvature, sagging). The puppy must be active and mobile.

You need to buy a puppy from a trusted nursery, where animals with hereditary abnormalities will be identified and only proven ones will be kept, who are properly raised and vaccinated. It is better to pay more, but you are guaranteed to get a healthy representative of the breed with a stable psyche.

The price of purebred puppies varies from 300 to 1000 US dollars.

Living conditions

A proven purebred Russian greyhound puppy is an opportunity to obtain a real hunting dog, also suitable for breeding use. But for this you need to properly raise, educate, train, and catch up with the future full-fledged hunter. Without proper living conditions and a competent maintenance regime, it is impossible to ensure the necessary performance and proper formation of the exterior of its breed. Greyhounds love to relax on the sofa with their legs thrown upside down, their body needs maximum comfort to feel true comfort.

So, when purchasing such a dog, it is necessary to provide a similar place for it (even a sofa with an orthopedic surface is better). In general, for greyhounds, whose size cannot be called small, it is best to live outside the city, in rural areas, which are ideal for them.


Representatives of the Russian Borzoi are demanding, but within reasonable limits. They love hygiene procedures and take care of their appearance. Their fur has no undercoat and is capable of cleaning itself.

Did you know? The Russian Greyhound is a specially bred, neat hunting breed with a coat capable of self-cleaning, as foreign odors contribute to the alertness of wild animals and can scare them away.

Owning Russian greyhounds will require serious financial investments. Sufficient amount of feed daily training sessions, long walks, special supplements and vitamin complexes- all this helps the proper formation and development of animals. A special area should be provided for running with them.


The main thing in caring for dogs is, naturally, grooming. The length of the coat of greyhounds sometimes contributes to the formation of tangles in places where the dogs themselves cannot cope (for example, the ear area). Therefore, it is needed almost every other day, and during the molting period - daily. If the fur is so tangled that it cannot be combed, you need to cut it off, but not at the root, so as not to impair its growth in the future.

The fur between the toes of animals grows quite quickly, dirt gets stuck in it, which causes irritation to the dog, and sometimes infection of the tissues. Therefore, wool is required here systematically. Due to the presence of reagents on the road surface in winter, after a walk, you must not forget to thoroughly wash the dog’s paws.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Dogs' teeth should be brushed every day or two using a special brush (put on your finger) and toothpaste designed for dogs. The ears also require care and must be regularly checked and cleaned. The animal's eyes need to be washed regularly and the formations removed. The nails are trimmed as they grow, because long nails prevent dogs from running and even walking, and this is unacceptable for a greyhound.


Professionals offer somewhat contradictory recommendations regarding bathing: Some argue that greyhounds should be washed regularly once a quarter, others that this should be done as needed. But they are united in one thing: this must be done using special means for dogs.


Walking is important for dogs of this breed, and they need to walk a lot, at least twice a day: an hour in the morning and a couple of hours in the evening. The dog needs to be provided with a place for physical activity and exercise, and it also needs freedom of movement. You should run and play with her; Following her owner on a bicycle is great fun for her. But greyhounds should not be let off the leash in unexpected places: they can chase someone and even jump over a fence.


Feeding Russian greyhounds- an important point. They are often picky about food. They need special balanced plant and animal foods. To ensure that the dog’s digestion and well-being remain in good condition, it is better to give her food in small portions. Contraindicated after eating physical activity, rest is recommended.

Naturally, they love meat most of all, but there is no need to abuse it. When feeding natural products, it is necessary to systematically add fish, fruit and vegetable dishes to the diet. Vitamins and mineral complexes and supplements will not be superfluous. It is better not to train dogs to homemade food, do not give sweets or bird bones. It is recommended to feed at the same time.

Important! Chocolate is deadly for nervous system and heart muscle of dogs (due to theobromine content).

Health and characteristic diseases

Russian greyhounds have excellent health; correct mode day and nutrition only contribute to its strengthening. Also the optimal means protection from various are and the correct schedule for planning them. Vaccinations are made from:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.
There are often tests that need to be taken regularly, once a quarter. Cardiopulmonary filariasis, transmitted by mosquitoes, is especially dangerous for dogs, which can lead to the death of the animal. They experience intestinal volvulus, compression of the cervical vertebrae, and retinal atrophy.

Russian greyhound - amazing breed. Its representatives are smart, quick-witted, efficient, hardy and extraordinarily beautiful. The appearance of such a pet in the family will bring a lot of joy, happiness and pleasure, but also worries. To be prepared for such changes, before purchasing a dog you need to talk to knowledgeable people, study all the nuances that will become the rules for the entire duration of the coexistence of people and dogs. Only with complete moral, physical and material readiness can you purchase a pet such as a Russian greyhound.