Menstruation and bleeding - differences and characteristic signs. How to stop heavy bleeding during menstruation

Bloody discharge from the vagina can be associated with normal natural phenomenon– menstruation, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the body as a whole and genitourinary system in particular. How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

Menstrual flow

The menstrual cycle averages from 21 to 35 days. The duration of discharge is from 3 to 7 days. Anything that goes beyond the specified time frame indicates pathology.

Menstruation begins with scanty discharge, which gradually intensify, reach their peak in the middle of the term and gradually end. At first, the blood is bright red, but towards the end it can turn brown and even almost black. The presence of red or brown clots in discharge is normal. As a rule, the arrival of menstruation is accompanied by slight discomfort. But if pain is felt not only on the first day, but also on subsequent days, and also if it interferes with normal everyday life, you should consult a doctor.

The consistency and volume of menstrual flow may vary. In some cases, heavy bleeding is an abnormal phenomenon, but not always. For example, if on critical days you suddenly stood up after prolonged sitting or lying down and immediately began heavy bleeding, don't worry. The fact is that while you were motionless, the blood had time to clot, some of it formed clots. When you changed your body position, the accumulated secretions were able to come out at once naturally. The only cause for concern is heavy bleeding throughout the entire period of menstruation.

If you have persistent heavy periods, you should consult a doctor.. A specialist will be able to distinguish menstruation from bleeding and will definitely determine the cause of abnormal menstruation. As a rule, heavy discharge may be caused by a tendency to thrombosis, pathological bending of the cervix, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, chronic diseases genitourinary system, diseases of the genital organs, abscesses, abortion, misuse intrauterine device and lack of B vitamins.

Doctors distinguish the following bleeding conditions during menstruation:

  • menorrhagia - heavy, prolonged discharge;
  • metrorrhagia - irregular bleeding between menstruation;
  • menometrorrhagia - irregular but prolonged discharge;
  • polymenorrhea - the onset of regular critical days earlier than 3 weeks after completion of the previous ones.

Types of uterine bleeding

Modern medicine distinguishes several types of uterine bleeding. Dysfunctional bleeding is most common. It can appear in a woman of any age and, as a rule, is associated with a malfunction of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands and ovaries. In most cases, this type of bleeding develops against the background of severe fatigue, chronic stress, disturbances in functioning endocrine system or sudden climate change.

Dysfunctional bleeding can be ovulatory or anovulatory. The first ones appear before and after menstruation. They affect women who suffer from infertility or have suffered multiple miscarriages. The latter replace menstrual flow, they take quite a long time and, if left untreated, can lead to the development of anemia.

Juvenile bleeding . This type of bleeding occurs in girls puberty and arises under the influence heavy loads on the body, deficiency of vitamins and minerals or diseases of the genitourinary system.

Bleeding during menopause indicates the presence of pathology. During the climatic period, reproductive female system loses its functions due to a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Your period is ending and any bleeding should be cause for concern.

During pregnancy There are two types of bleeding possible:

  • Implantation bleeding can occur for up to a week after the egg has been fertilized.
  • Obstetrics is the release of blood during the actual birth of a child.

Any other bleeding during pregnancy is a pathology. Blood may appear due to placental abruption or rupture of the uterine wall. These disorders can lead to fatal outcome both the child and the mother and require surgical medical intervention.

The most dangerous uterine bleeding is profuse. It is characterized by very heavy discharge and can appear on any day of the cycle.

Blood discharge accompanies postpartum period . After the baby is born, the mother begins to develop lochia. This is the result of the separation of the placenta from the uterus, contraction of the uterus itself and the process of involution internal organs. The duration of lochia is approximately 8 weeks. They require medical supervision only if they do not stop for more than 2 months and do not cause significant discomfort. Lochia should be accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. If there is no pain, something may be wrong. You also need to see a doctor if the lochia ends on time, but after some time it appears again. It is especially dangerous if the newly returned lochia is bright red. Also suspicious is discharge that has not changed its color from red to dark brown on the fifth day after birth. In addition, liquid lochia without lumps is a reason to contact a gynecologist. In other cases, it is enough for a new mother to follow the rules intimate hygiene, wear comfortable cotton underwear and regularly change special postpartum pads.

At reception hormonal drugs Bleeding, which is commonly called breakthrough bleeding, may also occur. Discharge during breakthrough bleeding is scanty and short-lived. Their appearance is due to the adaptation of the female reproductive system to hormones coming from outside. If you encounter this phenomenon, still consult a doctor as a precaution. Perhaps the wrong dosage of the drug was chosen and it needs to be adjusted.

The most dangerous uterine bleeding is profuse. It is characterized by very heavy discharge and can appear on any day of the cycle. Due to excessive blood loss, severe anemia may develop.

Bleeding from the vagina may also occur in newborn girls. This is a natural phenomenon. It accompanies the process of normalizing hormonal levels in the body. Typically, bleeding in newly born babies goes away by the seventh day of their life.

The main differences between menstruation and uterine bleeding

You can distinguish menstruation from bleeding by the signs presented below.

  • The discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant, putrid, pungent odor.
  • My health has noticeably worsened. When bleeding along with elevated temperature body, chills, general weakness, lightheadedness, severe headache, dizziness, increased heart rate and other manifestations of ill health, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Anemia is possible.
  • Very copious discharge, at which it is necessary to change more than 2 sanitary pads large size or 2 highly absorbent tampons in 1 hour.
  • The time interval between menstruation does not exceed 20 days. If the discharge during menstruation is heavy, it is likely that intrauterine bleeding is observed.

At the first sign of bleeding, call immediately ambulance. While waiting for medical attention, lie down, drink an herbal drink that has a hemostatic effect, and apply ice wrapped in a cloth to your lower abdomen. Reception pharmaceuticals without the consent of a doctor is strictly prohibited.

How to distinguish periods from bleeding when bloody discharge from the vagina is normal, and when it is a pathology and requires medical care, perhaps urgent?

To understand this, it would be correct to consider the most common situations as a result of which such questions arise.

The main differences between uterine bleeding:

  • too short a time from the start last menstrual period, less than 21 days, when there were no gynecological manipulations, surgeries, or taking hormonal medications;
  • heavy periods lasting more than 7 days and with blood loss of more than 120 grams (you need to change pads more often than once every 2-3 hours, they get wet through), starting on time or with a delay - this should be regarded as bleeding. This is where the difference lies.

Exactly the same signs distinguish cyclic spotting from bleeding in women during menopause. After the onset of menopause (this is the absence of menstruation for 12 months), there can be no menstruation. The ovaries are gone. And all spotting is uterine bleeding, most often associated with precancerous or cancerous diseases.

Discharge after an abortion or miscarriage can be considered menstruation and a new cycle can be counted from this day. The next critical days will be in about 1-1.5 months.

Blood during pregnancy

A pregnant woman cannot have any periods. Remember this! If you are sure that you are carrying a child, and you start bleeding or spotting, you should regard this as a pathology.

Possible options.

  1. Threat of miscarriage. In the early stages, miscarriages occur very often. At least every eighth expectant mother loses a child in the first trimester. This cannot always be prevented. Sometimes progesterone medications help. But if the embryo has severe developmental defects, miscarriage in any case will happen. This is how nature has programmed it so that the strongest survive.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. In addition to blood, the woman notes pain from one of the ovaries. Deadly dangerous condition, if you do not have surgery and remove the fertilized egg. Possible rupture of the fallopian tube (most frequent place localization of the fertilized egg).
  3. Frozen pregnancy. If the embryo dies, sooner or later, the fertilized egg will be rejected and bleeding will occur. But wait, at least in Russia, spontaneous miscarriage they won't. The woman will be referred for curettage to avoid infectious process and for psychological comfort.

Discharge after childbirth

Normal postpartum discharge lasts 4-6 weeks. Immediately after birth they are very abundant. But after 3-5 days they become similar to moderate menstrual ones. After which they normally decline.

It’s bad if the discharge stops after short term, while it is noticeable that the uterus has not yet returned to its original size (the tummy remains). This means that there is still lochia in the uterus, it’s just “lazy”, it doesn’t want to contract, or maybe cervical canal spasmed and does not release them. An ultrasound will help figure this out. Often in such a situation, blood still appears, but it is very dark (since it has been in the uterus for a long time, it has had time to oxidize and darken), there may be large clots. This is not menstruation, and not the norm. If there is subinvolution of the uterus (slowing down of the reverse development of the uterus), intramuscular injections of Oxytocin for three days are usually sufficient, even if they were previously given in the maternity hospital. When diagnosed inflammatory process, endometritis - antibiotics are required.

Another situation is when the uterus seems to have contracted, the lochia has almost stopped, but suddenly it begins to pour. Moreover, less than 5 weeks have passed since birth. This is real bleeding. And it is most likely caused by a placental polyp - a piece of placenta remaining in the uterus. Diagnosis is made using ultrasound examination, and is confirmed by histological material. It is taken during hysteroscopy or curettage. Unfortunately, we can’t do without them.

The earliest time real menstruation can begin after childbirth is 6 weeks. Moreover, regardless of whether there was a caesarean section or the woman gave birth naturally. At breastfeeding(HB) menstruation usually begins later than with artificial or mixed menstruation. But not always.

After 6-8 weeks, you can expect your period for those who breastfeed their babies according to the schedule, once every 3-4 hours and with long breaks at night. Those who feed very often, on demand, should expect their critical days a few months after the introduction of complementary foods. Sometimes they are not present until the very end of lactation, even if it lasts 2 years or more. This is due to hormonal levels.

Blood after obstetric manipulations and operations

With any invasive gynecological procedure associated with penetration into the tissue of the cervix or body of the uterus, vagina, there will be bleeding due to the formation of a wound surface. But in different ways.

Cervical biopsy

After this procedure, bloody or bloody discharge occur for 2-5 days, but in volume no more than menstruation. They take her to inpatient conditions and leave the woman under observation for several hours. If heavy bleeding suddenly opens, this happens if the large vessel, it is coagulated (“cauterized”) or the woman is given a hemostatic sponge (to stop bleeding). There is no need to remove it; it dissolves itself into the vagina. But on top of the sponge, so that it holds better, insert a cotton swab. You need to get it yourself after a few hours.

Typically, a cervical biopsy is performed in the middle menstrual cycle. After this, bleeding occurs that is not related to work reproductive organs and hormonal levels. And menstruation, essentially a new cycle, begins approximately two weeks from the day of the procedure.

Cauterization of erosion

It should be done immediately after menstruation so that the wound has time to heal before the next menstruation. The discharge after cauterization is usually sanguineous - that is, like blood diluted with water. However, sometimes severe bleeding occurs, then doctors use it to stop it. hemostatic sponges and coagulate bleeding vessels.

Approximately 10-14 days after cauterization of the erosion, bloody or spotting discharge may occur again. But they stop within 1-2 days (if they are not the beginning of menstruation). They occur due to the removal of a scab (a crust from a wound).

Sometimes minor spotting persists for longer than 1-2 weeks. This is understandable. For example, after diathermocoagulation (cauterization electric shock) the cervix heals in 6-8 weeks. The same amount of discharge can be observed if there is no other reason for its appearance.

Conization of the cervix

This is the removal of the affected part of the cervix in the form of a cone. The intensity and duration of bleeding depends on the area of ​​the wound surface. There is usually light red discharge for a couple of weeks.

Conization is usually performed immediately after menstruation, in the first half of the menstrual cycle. That is, you need to wait for your period on the normal days of your cycle. If the discharge from conization remains by the time it starts, you will notice an increase in it. Don't be alarmed, everything is normal.

Curettage or hysteroscopy

They are done on the last day of the menstrual cycle, but before the start menstrual bleeding so as not to disrupt the cycle. The day on which the procedure was performed can usually be considered the first day of a new cycle. The discharge is bloody, the same in abundance as normal menstruation, lasting up to 7 days.

If the procedure was performed urgently, for example, on the 10-14th day of the cycle, then the woman will first expect postoperative bleeding (similar in nature to menstruation), and then, 2-3 weeks later, again, but now menstruation according to the calendar.

Discharge when taking birth control pills

In the first months of taking a contraceptive (meaning regular, regular contraception with pills), women may experience light bleeding before the pills in the package run out, that is, before the break. In this way, the body “gets used” to the drug. But if this continues for more than 3-4 months, it makes sense to change the contraceptive to one that has a different composition.

Normally, in women taking oral contraceptives according to a regimen that does not skip pills, discharge begins during the break between packs of the drug. This is not even real menstruation, but so-called withdrawal or menstrual-like bleeding. However, despite the menacing name - “bleeding”, blood loss during it is less than during normal menstruation. All thanks hormonal action pills that block ovulation and prevent the endometrium from growing too much.

If a woman stops taking pills without finishing the pack, she will experience spotting within 7 days. This is also withdrawal bleeding, which should be regarded as menstruation. Even if it started 2 weeks after the previous one. It is provoked by your actions - premature termination of taking the pills. But it usually lasts no more than 5-7 days, not too much.

A reader contacted us with the following problem: “I started getting spotting while taking hormonal medications. I thought it was my period. I quit taking pills. Two days later the bleeding started. What to do?"

The gynecologist’s answer: “Initially it was discharge associated with “getting used to” the drug. But since the woman stopped taking the pills, she experienced withdrawal bleeding (menstruation began). Thus, the cycle is broken. But it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t happen again in the future. If no more than 5 days have passed since the start of bleeding, you can start taking pills. But don’t stop taking them until the end of the package, even if a spot appears.”

When taking an emergency contraceptive drug (for example, Escapelle or Postinor), many women experience menstrual-like bleeding after 1-3 days, which gynecologists consider to be a new menstrual cycle. Even if it started 2 weeks after your period. See a doctor if it lasts more than 7 days and is unusually heavy. Due to such cycle disturbances emergency contraception should be used as little as possible.

Implantation bleeding, ovulation or periods

Around the middle of the menstrual cycle in women reproductive age Ovulation occurs - the follicle ruptures in the ovary and releases a mature egg, ready for fertilization. This is accompanied by a short-term drop in progesterone levels, which in some women causes short-term spotting.

About a week after ovulation or 3 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period, you may start to bleed a little again. This happens with implantation bleeding, that is, when an already fertilized egg tries to penetrate the mother’s tissue for further development.

At late ovulation Implantation bleeding can begin on days when your next period was expected or even occur when there is already a slight delay. This happens with late ovulation, with an irregular cycle.

How to distinguish discharge during implantation from normal menstruation? The volume of discharge differs significantly. When pregnancy begins, this is literally a few drops. The woman thinks that she is starting to have red days, but the discharge suddenly stops and does not return. And another 3 days after this, you can take a pregnancy test, since the hCG hormone will already be produced. In this case, the test done earlier, on the first day of the delay, as recommended by gynecologists, may be negative.

How to stop bleeding

Since it leads to iron deficiency anemia, in addition to the enormous inconvenience experienced by a woman who is forced to constantly change tampons and pads, urgent measures are needed.

The method to stop the bleeding will be chosen depending on its cause. Earlier in the article, we briefly reviewed them, as well as the measures that doctors take.

Let’s summarize everything point by point and add additional information.

  • Scratchy healthy woman does not require treatment, as most often it is a reaction to hormonal contraceptive drug(if taken), ovulation or implantation of the fertilized egg.
  • If there is a pathology according to ultrasound, for example, placental polyp or endometrial polyp, endometrial hyperplasia - curettage is performed with simultaneous removal histological material. Thus, the bleeding stops, and the exact cause of what happened is clarified.
  • If bleeding is associated with endometriosis (adenomyosis), hormonal drugs are prescribed.
  • If the cervix bleeds, a thorough examination and treatment is carried out. In turn, treatment in the form of cauterization, conization, or even amputation of the cervix again leads to bleeding. But this is absolutely normal and does not last long.
  • Strong postpartum hemorrhage usually associated with poor uterine contractility. Treatment - intramuscular injections"Oxytocin."
  • Bleeding during pregnancy is a sign of a threatened miscarriage. Requires hospitalization in a hospital, the prescription of progesterone and hemostatic drugs.

A good article on the topic - the most modern hemostatic drugs, folk remedies and dosage regimens. .

Menstruation is a regular natural process in a woman's body. childbearing age. Monthly allocations may have an individual character, but in general they have a number of common features. Typically, menstruation occurs at the same time natural bleeding lasts no longer than a week, and during menstruation the woman experiences unpleasant but tolerable sensations. If the bleeding differs significantly from the characteristics described above, you need to sound the alarm. It is extremely important to recognize the signals and be able to distinguish alarm bleeding from normal menstruation, since the former is very dangerous factor for women's health.

The nature of discharge during menstruation

The menstrual cycle is individual for all women, but on average it lasts 21-35 days, and menstruation lasts for 3-7 days. Menstruation begins with slight discharge, by the second or third day it becomes more intense, then its amount decreases to spotting, and it gradually stops. The blood at the beginning of menstruation is bright red, after which it turns dark red or brown. It is normal to dark clumps blood. Total quantity discharge ranges from 60 to 120 ml.

The above symptoms are considered normal. Deviations require medical intervention to determine whether bleeding is a threat.

To distinguish menstruation, which is normal, from uterine bleeding, you should listen to your body every period and keep a menstrual calendar, which will help determine the exact cycle. You need to monitor your sensations before and during your period, and it would also be useful to know what other discharge can be considered normal, in addition to regular menstruation.

Other types of discharge, such as implantation bleeding or postpartum lochia, which are not dangerous in themselves, are often confused with menstruation.

Implantation discharge can occur when an egg is fertilized and attaches to the wall of the uterus. Microdamage to blood vessels provokes the release of pink or light brown blood, which can be released for several hours and has a spotting character. Very often this phenomenon is confused with normal menstruation, however, implantation discharge can indicate pregnancy earlier than the hCG test. This completely normal process is not accompanied painful sensations and discomfort.

Other blood losses in gynecology are considered pathological phenomenon and can threaten the health and life of a woman. In order to prevent severe consequences, you should know how to distinguish dangerous uterine bleeding from menstruation, and what measures to take first.

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What is the difference between menstruation and pathological bleeding?

Symptoms will help identify the problem in a timely manner. Abnormal bleeding usually differs from menstruation in the following ways:

  • discharge occurred prematurely or with a significant delay;
  • their duration exceeds a week;
  • the amount of blood lost during discharge is more than 120 ml, there is a need to change hygiene products hourly;
  • the blood is bright red, liquid, without clots;
  • uncharacteristic smell of discharge;
  • constant thirst;
  • weakness, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, headache, excessive sweating, fainting, nausea, fever;
  • pale skin, brittle nails;
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse is also a pathology.

Uterine bleeding, unlike menstruation, is accompanied by significant blood loss, which is fraught with serious consequences, so any manifestation of the above symptoms requires immediate medical intervention.

In gynecology, there is such a thing as postpartum lochia. These are bleedings that occur as a result of the natural cleansing of the uterus after childbirth, and unlike menstruation, they last quite a long time - up to 6 weeks. It is important for every woman to know how to distinguish menstruation from completely normal bleeding after childbirth in order to save herself from unnecessary worries. Postpartum lochia is accompanied by blood only in the first 10 days, then the discharge has a bloody structure, after which it becomes yellowish-white and spotting. If blood continues to come out after two weeks, accompanied by unpleasant smell, you need to apply for medical assistance. In other cases, postpartum lochia is a normal phenomenon that does not pose a danger.

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Other types of bleeding that can be confused with menstruation

All possible bleeding is divided into three types:

  1. Normal – monthly menstruation.
  2. Conditionally normal include implantation bleeding and postpartum lochia.
  3. Pathological – caused by diseases, neoplasms, blood clotting disorders.

There are several types pathological discharge, which are easy to identify, since they differ from bleeding during regular menstruation in profuseness, protracted nature and irregularity:

  1. Dysfunctional – associated with hormonal imbalance. Such a deviation can occur due to problems with the adrenal glands, ovaries, and pituitary gland.
  2. Juvenile - so-called seasonal bleeding often occurs in adolescence. These discharges are not particularly painful, but lead to anemia. They are due to the fact that the uterus has insufficient contractility.
  3. Profuse - accompanied menstrual pain. They differ from menstruation due to heavy blood loss and scarlet color. Profuse bleeding poses a serious threat to health and requires hospitalization and surgery.
  4. Breakthrough - most often provoked by taking hormonal contraceptives or the uterine device. This bleeding indicates that the IUD needs to be removed, and birth control pills should be replaced or a more appropriate dose selected.
  5. Menopausal heavy bleeding occurs due to neoplasms (polyps, fibroids), which often occur during this period. A sign of pathology is pain during sexual intercourse and long delays.
  6. Discharge during pregnancy is also abnormal and poses a serious threat to both the fetus and the mother. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. Only prompt action will help save the unborn child.

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Possible causes of formation

Unlike menstruation, uterine bleeding has pathological causes associated with serious disorders or diseases. First, you need to distinguish between relatively normal bleeding, such as implantation bleeding, and regular menstruation. If there is still heavy discharge pathological character, you should consult a doctor and find the underlying causes, as they may cause various diseases, discomfort in everyday life, painful sexual intercourse and other deviations:

  • ovarian pathology;
  • endometriosis;
  • various neoplasms;
  • bleeding disorders;

  • infection and inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • termination of pregnancy;
  • eating disorders (strict diets);
  • intensive physical activity;
  • depression, constant stress.

A gynecologist can identify the exact cause through an examination and, if necessary, refer you for an ultrasound and blood test. additional tests. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment is selected. Most often it is conservative in nature, but in some cases it may be necessary surgery. The main thing is to listen to your body in order to identify the problem in time, then the treatment will pass much faster.

Monthly uterine bleeding is normal for women of reproductive age. However, vaginal bleeding can also be pathological.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation indicates the development of pathological processes in the female body. In such situations, it is important to know how to stop bleeding at home.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation can be easily distinguished from normal menstrual flow. At pathological process bleeding is prolonged and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • heavy discharge does not stop for a week;
  • necessity frequent changes hygiene products – up to 8-10 times a day;
  • presence of blood clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is nagging in nature;
  • headache and dizziness.

Blood loss during menstruation in a healthy woman averages 60 ml over the entire menstrual cycle. The first days of discharge are accompanied by mild aching pain in the lower abdomen caused by contractions of the uterus. Heavy menstrual bleeding is defined as bleeding from the uterus of more than 80 ml per cycle.

Causes of severe bleeding

Heavy menstrual bleeding may have the following causes:

Such processes causing disturbance menstrual cycle and quantity uterine discharge, require compulsory treatment. However, it is important to know how to stop heavy periods at home in order to provide first aid before contacting a specialist.

As soon as a woman realizes that she has severe uterine bleeding, and there is a deterioration in her condition, she should call an ambulance. Before arrival medical workers You can try to reduce the intensity of uterine bleeding on your own.

  1. It is necessary to take a horizontal position so that your legs are higher in relation to your body. To do this, you can put a pillow under them.
  2. Apply a cold object to the lower abdomen for 15 minutes. An ice pack will do. Cold constricts blood vessels and can reduce blood loss.
  3. You need to drink plenty of fluids to replenish your fluid balance. You can drink water, juices, sweet tea.

This table presents the main hemostatic drugs used for severe uterine bleeding.

Drug name Pharmacological properties Directions for use
Calcium glucanate Available in the form of an injection solution and tablets, it increases blood clotting The woman is administered intravenously from 5 to 15 ml of calcium glucanate, after which tablets are prescribed - up to 6 pieces per day after meals.
Askorutin Has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces capillary fragility Take up to 2 tablets several times a day
Oxytocin Has a contractile effect on the uterus, increases the excitability of muscle fibers It is administered into a woman’s body intravenously or intramuscularly. At intravenous method administration of oxytocin, the effect of the drug occurs instantly
Aminocaproic acid Removes increased activity blood Can only be used in a hospital setting; it is available in the form of powder and sterile 5% solution. Powders are prescribed 2-3 g up to 5 times a day, 100 ml of solution is administered intravenously every 4 hours
Vikasol Normalizes blood clotting processes. This synthetic drug developed as a replacement for vitamin K Available in the form of ampoules of 1 ml solution and tablets. Tablets are taken 4 pieces per day, solution - up to 2 ampoules. The effect occurs 12-14 hours after administration of the drug

All these medications may only be used under specialist supervision.

It is important to know how to stop bleeding during menstruation at home. In gynecology, two drugs are widely used for these purposes - Dicynon and Tranexam.

Action and use of Dicynon

Dicinone activates blood clotting and has a vasoconstrictor effect. Therapeutic effect occurs approximately 3 hours after administration of the drug into the body. At intravenous administration The effect of the medication occurs after 20 minutes.

In case of severe blood loss, a single dose can consist of 3 tablets, or can be prescribed for a course of up to 10 days. In gynecology, Dicinon is also used for prophylaxis against a tendency to uterine bleeding.

There may be such side effects Dicinona:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic reactions - itching and rashes on the skin.

Dicinon is not suitable for all women for menstrual bleeding. The drug has the following contraindications:

  • glucose-lactose deficiency;
  • blood diseases;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • increased blood clotting.

Tranexam for bleeding

Tranexam has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effect. The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 4 days. Daily dose– 6 tablets in 2-3 doses. Tranexam is administered intravenously every 8 hours.

Tranexam has the following contraindications:

  • thrombosis;
  • color vision impairment;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney diseases.

When using Tranexam, the following side effects are possible:

  • vomiting, dizziness, nausea;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • tachycardia;
  • chest pain;
  • allergy.

In addition to Dicinon and Tranexam, you can reduce menstrual flow using such means as:

  • Lagochilus tincture - dissolved in water 1:5, taken 3 times a day;
  • water pepper tincture - take 3 times a day, 30 drops.

IN home medicine cabinet Every woman should have at least one of the drugs that have a hemostatic effect.

It is also possible that menstruation ends, but bleeding soon begins after menstruation. A specialist will tell you how to stop blood loss after full examination patients. Bleeding that begins after menstruation and is not associated with it is referred to in gynecology as “metrorrhagia.”

This pathology may have the following reasons:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic infections of the pelvic organs;
  • rupture of a cyst or ovary;
  • presence of erosion, polyps;
  • reception oral contraceptives.

The exact cause of pathological bleeding from the vagina, a specialist will be able to determine it after an examination. Before contacting a specialist, a woman can take hemostatic drugs or medications traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for severe bleeding

Traditional medicine will also help stop bleeding.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation can be stopped using the following means:

  1. Lemon. At heavy menstruation can you eat lemon in pure form or with sugar. You need to eat two lemons a day.
  2. Water pepper. This remedy increases blood clotting, relieves pain and has a wound healing effect. To prepare the medicine, 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse water pepper for half an hour and take 1 tbsp. l. every two hours.
  3. Cuff. The plant has an effect on female body astringent, wound-healing, hemostatic and analgesic effect, widely used in pharmacology. To prepare tea, pour 30 g of dry herb into 1/2 liter of boiling water. Infuse the drink for an hour and take it three times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  4. Shepherd's purse. This medicinal plant has a hemostatic effect on the body. You can use baths prepared from the plant or drink it as tea. To cook medicinal tea, pour 20 g of herb into two glasses of boiling water, leave for an hour, divide into 3 doses and take before meals. To prepare a sitz bath for 1 liter of boiling water you will need 2 tbsp. plants. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, the course is 5 days.
  5. Nettle. The plant is good remedy to maintain uterine tone. 1 tbsp. l. Nettle leaves pour ½ liter of water, strain after 20 minutes, and take 100 ml at a time.
  6. Cinnamon. The spice will help reduce the intensity of bleeding during heavy menstruation. In a glass warm water stir 3 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon. This remedy should be taken every half hour until the heavy bleeding stops.

If heavy menstrual bleeding occurs, measures should be taken to reduce blood loss. To determine the cause of the pathology, you should seek help from a specialist.

A woman's periods occur as a result of physiological processes occurring in the reproductive organs. Normally, they are repeated at approximately equal intervals, last several days and are practically not bothersome. But in some situations (after childbirth, during menopause), when blood discharge appears, doubts arise about their origin. Uterine blood loss has a very dangerous consequences. You need to know how to distinguish it from menstruation in order to prevent complications and find out the cause of the pathology.

  1. Period. Their duration is 3-5 days, volume 50-80 ml. They occur regularly with a deviation of 2-3 days. The interval between them is 21-35 days. The color of the discharge ranges from red (at the beginning) to burgundy or dark brown (on the last day), the consistency is mucous with clots of coagulated blood.
  2. Minor spotting in the middle of the cycle. They occur when the follicle ruptures.
  3. Implantation bleeding. Appear if conception occurs. They are caused by slight damage to the endometrium at the time the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Scanty discharge this kind appears on the 7th day after fertilization. If they intensify, this indicates detachment of the fertilized egg and the threat of miscarriage. If a woman is looking forward to pregnancy, then such discharge should alert her and force her to urgently go to the doctor.
  4. Obstetric – bleeding during childbirth.

It is important to know how to distinguish menstruation from pathological bleeding in order to take action in time and start treatment.

Addition: Any deviations from the norm, as well as increased pain in menstruation, are a pathology. IN in rare cases deviations are due to the characteristics of the body and heredity. Most often the cause is serious illness.

Dysfunctional bleeding

This is uterine bleeding resulting from hormonal imbalance associated with dysfunction of the ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Menorrhagia. This is the name for regular, long and heavy periods with a short gap between them. The bleeding continues for more than a week. During this time, blood loss is 100-150 ml or more, which leads to anemia.
  2. Metrorrhagia. This is irregular bleeding between periods. They have nothing to do with the processes of the menstrual cycle. Their duration and volume are variable.
  3. Menometrorrhagia. Irregular long periods.
  4. Polymenorrhea. Frequent periods less than 21 days apart.


There are functional, organic and iatrogenic causes.

Functional. These include diseases of the ovaries, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, which lead to disruption of hormone production. This includes inflammatory diseases genital organs, ovarian dysfunction, hypothyroidism and others.

Organic. Associated with diseases in which not only the production of hormones is disrupted, but also the structure of organs (tumors, cysts, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, fibroids, uterine cancer, as well as liver cirrhosis, pyelonephritis, hematopoietic disorders).

Iatrogenic. The reasons are medical manipulations or reception medical supplies (hormonal drugs, antidepressants, anticoagulants).

Types of dysfunctional bleeding

Factors that contribute to the occurrence of dysfunctional bleeding include: emotional stress, physical overload, bad living conditions, poor nutrition. Besides this, important factor is age and general condition body and its functioning.

Video: Uterine bleeding. Types and reasons

Juvenile bleeding

It occurs in girls during puberty, when hormonal levels become established. The development of reproductive organs in adolescents is influenced by living conditions, emotional and physical stress, and nutritional patterns. The appearance of unusual uterine blood discharge is promoted by malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

On puberty And reproductive health Past infectious diseases (measles, mumps, whooping cough, rubella), and the presence of liver and other organ diseases are also affected. Juvenile bleeding is anovulatory and may be distinguished by the fact that it occurs primarily in winter and spring.

Dysfunctional bleeding of the reproductive period

They occur in women of reproductive age when endocrine disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, endometriosis or uterine tumors, as well as as a result of stress and physical fatigue. This group also includes bleeding that occurs only in women who are sexually active.

Ovulatory. They appear during menstruation. In this case, ovulation occurs. Characteristic fluctuations in the intervals between menstruation. They are abundant and long lasting. The cause is usually inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, the formation of adhesions. Often, in addition to heavy periods, a woman also experiences spotting. brown discharge before them and after them. Such discharge is associated with impaired ovarian function, leading to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. They are typical for young women.

Anovulatory. Cycles without ovulation occur when there is insufficient progesterone and excess estrogen. This leads to pathological growth endometrium (hyperplasia, endometriosis), the appearance of benign and cancerous tumors. Such bleeding is characteristic of menopause, and also occurs in adolescents. At the same time, menstruation comes with a delay. The intensity of blood loss may be too great, and the duration of menstruation exceeds 7 days. This affects the woman’s well-being, as anemia occurs.

Breakthrough bleeding. It occurs as a result of taking hormonal oral contraceptives. Usually, spotting and spotting appear in the first months after starting to take the pills due to the body’s adaptation to the changed hormonal levels. They can be scarce. Their volume may increase if the drug is abruptly stopped. If the patient complains of breakthrough bleeding, the doctor changes the dose or recommends another contraceptive.

Profuse bleeding. This is the most dangerous look internal or external heavy bleeding. It can occur both during and between periods. Leads to anemia, hemorrhagic shock (acute blood loss). Occurs due to injuries to the genital organs (for example, during curettage, removal of fibroids). Often, such bleeding can only be eliminated through surgery.

Video: How dysfunctional bleeding occurs

Features of bleeding during pregnancy

Normally, once a woman becomes pregnant, she should not have periods until she gives birth. The only exception is scanty implantation bleeding.

In rare cases, on the days of normal menstruation, pregnant women may experience spotting brown discharge in the first months, which must be distinguished from menstruation. Their reason is reduced level progesterone. Gradually the condition returns to normal.

Blood discharge during pregnancy can appear as a result of various pathologies.

Miscarriage. Accompanied by profuse bleeding and spasmodic pain lower abdomen. A miscarriage is considered to be spontaneous termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks inclusive.

Ectopic pregnancy. Abundant dark discharge with clots. A woman appears sharp pains on one side of the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. In case of rupture fallopian tubes urgent surgery is needed.

Contact damage to small vessels. May occur with pseudo-erosion of the cervix, sexual contact, gynecological examination, due to vaginal ultrasound.

Placenta previa. Bleeding appears in the 2nd or 3rd trimester due to too low position fetus and placenta, as a result of which the growing fetus is not retained in the uterine cavity. Detachment may begin, which is accompanied by heavy loss of blood. There is a threat of death of the child.

Uterine rupture. Occurs in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy due to abdominal trauma, increased tone uterus or fetal activity.

Warning: In any case, if bleeding occurs, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor in order to eliminate dangerous blood loss and possibly maintain the pregnancy.

Video: How to find out if a miscarriage has occurred in early pregnancy

Bleeding after childbirth

Within approximately 8 weeks after birth, the uterus is restored in size and cleared of blood and placental debris. At this moment, the woman develops so-called lochia, red discharge. After 4-10 days they lighten, become less abundant and slimy. Total loss blood in the first days is approximately 500 ml, with caesarean section– about 1000 ml. The timing of a regular period depends on how long a woman breastfeeds her baby.

Bleeding during menopause

After 40 years, women experience a gradual decrease in the level of sex hormones. Hormonal disorders increase the risk of tumors and other pathologies in the uterus. It is important for women to know exactly how to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding during this period.

Any bleeding that occurs after you have not had a period for 1 year cannot be menstruation because the ovaries have stopped functioning. Bloody discharge now acts only as a sign of the disease. How rather a woman Consult a doctor, the greater the chance of avoiding serious complications.

Video: Features of blood discharge during menopause

How to distinguish menstruation from pathological blood loss

There are signs that will indicate how to distinguish menstruation from bleeding of a pathological nature:

  • bleeding is indicated by bleeding that does not stop for more than a week;
  • the intensity of the discharge is such that the pad has to be changed every 1-2 hours;
  • there are many clots in the blood;
  • symptoms of anemia appear (nausea, weakness, headache, rapid heartbeat);
  • there are pains in the lower abdomen that are constant or cramping in nature;
  • blood discharge appears after sexual intercourse;
  • increased bleeding appears after long delay or much earlier than usual, perhaps between periods;
  • spotting begins a few days before menstruation and continues for another 3-4 days after the cessation of menstrual bleeding;
  • If there is bleeding, the discharge may have an unpleasant odor.

The nature of the discharge helps to distinguish bleeding from menstruation after childbirth. When several weeks have already passed after the cessation of lochia and bright red profuse discharge appears again (while the woman is breastfeeding), this is not menstruation.

What to do if there is heavy or suspected bleeding

If signs of blood loss are detected, a woman should definitely consult a doctor; if there is severe bleeding, call an ambulance.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to lie down and remove the pillow from under your head. Your feet should be higher than your head. On bottom part the abdomen must be iced. You can drink a decoction of nettle or yarrow, which have a hemostatic effect.