Why do my periods come in dark clots? Description of uterine bleeding with clots

Menstrual blood is kept in a liquid state by activating special enzymes that prevent it from clotting in the uterus and vagina. Blood clots are allowed during menstruation, if they are small strands or pieces. The appearance of large clots may indicate pathology.

During menstruation, the endometrium is separated, which is prepared to receive a fertilized egg. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus that is permeated a large number vessels. It is intensively supplied with blood, and during menstruation its separation occurs due to blood overflow and spasm of microvessels. That's why menstrual flow resemble blood, but are not it in its pure form.

The concept of norm

During an average menstruation, a woman loses from 80 to 100 ml of blood. This normal indicators, which can sometimes deviate. In the first day or two your periods are heavy, but subsequently they decrease. At the same time, the discharge that appears on the pad contains not only blood. They include:

  • endometrial remnants;
  • cervical mucus;
  • vaginal microflora;
  • waste products of microflora.

Anticoagulant enzymes keep secretions in a liquid state so as not to interfere with their excretion. By chemical composition The blood is closer to venous and therefore has a dark red-brown color.

With normal blood loss, iron is not excreted into large quantities. Therefore, women with good menstrual function anemia should not develop.

What do blood clots mean during menstruation?

Menstruation with small clots and mucus fits into the concept of normal. Similar discharge can be observed every cycle. Especially when using tampons, clotted blood and endometrial remains are not absorbed into them, but come out when removed.

But large clots blood during menstruation should be alarming. The following conditions may be the cause.

  • Bend of the uterus. The position of the uterine body can change dynamically. This happens by natural reasons- due to overcrowding bladder, rectum. Sometimes due to the location of the peritoneum and ligamentous apparatus. If the uterus bends forward, the outflow of blood may be disrupted. After a while, it will coagulate and come out in the form of a huge blood clot during menstruation. In this case, cramping pain may appear: the cervix has to stretch a little to allow a blood clot to pass through.
  • After abortions. During an abortion, the doctor must dilate cervical canal special metal expanders. All manipulations can come back to haunt you during your first menstruation. It does not arrive on time, the bleeding is profuse or, conversely, scant. And when the cervix spasms, the outflow of blood is disrupted, and it comes out later in the form of a dense, dark-colored clot.
  • After childbirth. It takes two months or more before the onset of menstruation after childbirth. It all depends on the woman’s desire to breastfeed. But the bleeding, which should stop within the first month, sometimes suddenly intensifies, the blood turns scarlet, and large clots appear in it. This is not a sudden menstruation, but the remains of the fetal place. This situation requires emergency assistance.
  • Lost pregnancy. Sometimes a woman does not even know she is pregnant, especially if her menstrual cycle is irregular. A delay of several days ends with the release of blood clots during menstruation, similar to the liver. A miscarriage may go unnoticed, since the fertilized egg at this stage is only a few millimeters in size. But the condition is dangerous due to the possibility of massive bleeding: the uterus is not always completely emptied, and the remaining parts will not allow it to contract normally.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg can implant in the cavity of the fallopian tube. Such a pregnancy cannot be maintained. It ends with either tubal abortion or rupture of the fallopian tube. In the second case, the risk internal bleeding much higher. Some of the blood will be released through the vagina in the form of clots.
  • Endometriosis. The cause of blood clots during menstruation in this case is the thickening of the endometrium in the uterus, as well as its desquamation in endometrioid foci. If adenomyosis forms, the mucous membrane grows into the muscular layer of the uterus, the structure of the organ becomes similar to a honeycomb. Each menstrual cycle they empty their bowels, but in the form dark blood and clots.
  • Intrauterine device. Intrauterine contraceptives can affect the amount of blood loss - periods lengthen and become abundant. But the spiral creates a mechanical obstacle, so blood can begin to clot in the uterus.
  • Uterine abnormalities. TO congenital anomalies refers to the intrauterine septum, which divides the organ into two parts. And also a partial septum, if the uterus has not completely fused during ontogenesis. Acquired intrauterine synechiae, which are the outcome chronic endometritis, also disrupt the outflow of menstrual blood.
  • Infection. Menstrual blood is a good breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, by the beginning of menstruation, some women note an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases. As a result of the activity of microbes, blood can clot and come out in clots.
  • Climax. Decreased ovarian function leads to hormonal changes that affect general condition health. In an aging body, blood clotting increases. Therefore, menstruation before the onset of menopause may have clots.
  • Pathology of the coagulation system. Congenital or acquired coagulation disorders (for example, thrombophilia) lead not only to increased risk formation of blood clots in blood vessels. Sometimes blood clots during menstruation indicate a pathology of coagulation, and not the uterus.

The most dangerous thing that blood clots during menstruation can signal is a tumor of the uterus. But in this case, they can appear during the intermenstrual period. They can be jelly-like or hard, depending on the degree of coagulation. Sometimes changes in the properties of menstrual bleeding occur under the influence of stress.

5 warning signs

Periodic release of small blood clots is normal. But there are situations that require urgent medical care. Watch for five warning signs.

  1. Duration. Menstruation lasts for a suspiciously long time, and there is no tendency to reduce bleeding. If seven days have passed and the discharge does not stop, you need to be examined by a doctor.
  2. Abundance. The pathology is indicated by an uncharacteristic volume of blood loss, which leads to a feeling of weakness, dizziness, and tachycardia. And also profuse bleeding, when the pad lasts no more than two hours.
  3. Smell. An unpleasant odor, uncharacteristic of normal menstruation, indicates a possible infection. Additional symptom can act high temperature.
  4. Abdominal pain. Pulling or sharp pain, which is accompanied by bleeding with blood clots, indicates possible internal bleeding.
  5. Lineup changes. If clots appear with white streaks or purulent impurities, you should immediately consult a doctor.

An incorrectly diagnosed cause of bleeding with clots threatens severe complications. Endometriosis often leads to infertility. And after ectopic pregnancy there is a high risk of losing the pipe. Or adhesions form in this area, which also prevent you from getting pregnant.

If blood clots appear during menstruation, it is necessary to exclude all factors that could have a detrimental effect on reproductive health. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor based on the causes of the pathology. Sometimes you can limit yourself to homeopathy and folk remedies, and in some cases surgical treatment may be required.

Each menstrual cycle begins with the renewal of the uterus, which starts the process of preparing it for fertilization. The discharge consists of blood, endometrium and an unfertilized egg. The endometrium peels off from the wall of the uterus, and a wound surface forms at this site and blood is released. For some women, periods are accompanied by the appearance of clots. Are such conditions dangerous? Not always. Sometimes this may not be a signal of a disease, but a feature of physiology. However, the emergence of unusual bloody discharge requires increased attention. Blood clots during menstruation - causes, normal limits, methods of elimination - we will consider further.

Normal menstrual flow

In addition to the endometrium, blood is present in the discharge. It remains liquid due to active work substances that prevent clotting - anticoagulants. If their work is disrupted, a woman may observe lumps called clots.

They appear when staying in a static position for a long time without changing position. Why do clots come out in this position? Prolonged immobility provokes stagnation and coagulation of blood in the uterus, as a result of which they are formed. Clots are released after lying or sitting for a long time.

Average number of discharges at critical days ranges from 80 to 150 ml. Such blood loss is considered normal and does not cause inconvenience. The duration of the entire menstruation is 5–6 days. Lungs painful sensations may occur on the first day of the cycle, but subsequently no unpleasant symptoms there shouldn't be. Is it normal for clots to appear during menstruation? If there is no deterioration in health during blood clotting, then they should not bother the woman.

Know! The most abundant bleeding observed on days 2–3 of the cycle. Later, the damage to the uterine wall heals and stops bleeding as much.

Causes of clots

Clots are clotted blood and in this state take on a dark red hue. They look like jelly and are usually small in size - less than 10 mm. Usually their appearance does not affect the entire process of menstruation: they do not make it more painful or longer.

For the occurrence or intensification of this phenomenon, there are a number of various reasons, which include:

  1. Colds. With the development of flu and colds, as a rule, body temperature rises, which leads to intense blood clotting.
  2. Puberty period. Teenagers are just beginning to be active hormonal changes, which sometimes leads to heavy bleeding. The peculiarity of this period is that such intense discharge sometimes gives way to scanty discharge. For stabilization menstrual cycle usually takes at least 2 years.
  3. Age-related changes. The premenopausal state, which is typical for older women, can also affect the presence of clots in the discharge. During this period, this phenomenon occurs frequently.
  4. Congenital pathologies. Bicornuate uterus and other anomalies reproductive system may cause blood stagnation and increased clotting. Also, during menstruation, the ability of the uterus to contract is impaired, as a result of which the bleeding becomes stronger and clots are observed in it. Because of anatomical features they may be black.
  5. Termination of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is interrupted for some reason at 1–2 weeks, the fertilized egg is released during the first menstruation. In this case, large clots are observed in the discharge, similar in consistency to liver.
  6. Blood diseases. Diseases increase the viscosity of the blood, which interferes with its normal clotting.
  7. Childbirth. After childbirth, heavy bleeding appears for 3–10 days and is accompanied by clots. Their size can be different: very small or huge. If they continue to be released for a long time in large quantities, this is a reason to seek medical advice.

In addition to these reasons, there are various diseases, at which similar phenomenon will be considered unfavorable symptom. To diagnose them, you need to contact a specialist; only he can understand the real reason appearance of clots. Your doctor will also determine whether these symptoms are dangerous.

Know! The size of clotted blood can range from 2–4 mm to 12 cm.

Diseases that require compulsory treatment, are:

  1. Iron deficiency anemia. The disease is characterized by a low amount of iron, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin. Cell oxygen saturation decreases. As a result, a gradual decrease in performance and fatigue develops. Symptoms in a woman: weakness, nausea, change in taste preferences, tendency to frequent illnesses. Iron deficiency anemia develops against the background of heavy, painful menstruation. In this case, blood with small clots (less than 4 cm) is observed in the discharge.
  2. Uterine fibroids. Nodes that represent benign tumors, are formed in the uterus and prevent the natural detachment of the endometrium. In women, severe bleeding is observed, and there may be huge clots, resembling liver.
  3. Endometriosis. A disease in which the endometrium grows in atypical places, which leads to severe pain. Characteristic feature endometriosis – heavy periods, which are accompanied by clots from the first days
  4. Ovarian cysts. Expressed in painful sexual contacts, lengthening of the entire menstrual cycle, irregular periods. Without proper treatment, the cyst promotes the appearance of clots along with heavy bleeding, which means that the disease is progressing.

Such pathologies, if treated inadequately or without it, can lead to serious consequences.

How can you stop heavy periods?

There are several ways to regulate the menstrual cycle. This:

  • oral contraceptives - when used, the duration of menstruation and the amount of blood loss are reduced;
  • hormonal pills - help to adjust the cycle schedule, allow bleeding to pass faster and not so profusely;
  • complete, proper nutrition;
  • active physical exercise;
  • regular sexual intercourse.

Important! If the appearance of clots is accompanied by pain, severe menstrual bleeding, weakness, high temperature, you need to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor

Consultation with a gynecologist is required in the following situations:

  • there is a lot of discharge, and it continues for more than 7 days in a row;
  • bleeding did not start at the beginning of the cycle;
  • the smell becomes unpleasant and pungent;
  • attacks of tachycardia and shortness of breath occur;
  • weakness and constant fatigue appear;
  • there is a pronounced pain syndrome.

All these signs can be a signal of serious blood loss, and therefore require prompt medical attention.

Important! Abundant prolonged bleeding, in which more than 150 ml of blood is lost, can be dangerous to the life and health of a woman.

If you have been experiencing clots in your periods for a long time, you should not worry and give yourself terrible diagnosis. This condition is often normal and does not require drug therapy. However, if clinical picture complements severe pain and other manifestations, consultation with a specialist is required. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment.

Heavy and profuse bleeding occurring during menstruation, accompanied by clots, should be considered a sign serious problems. About what are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to combat it further.

Causes of heavy bleeding during menstruation, with clots. There can be many reasons that provoke bleeding with clots:

  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • endometriosis of the uterus;
  • climacteric condition.

It is very important to determine why similar problems, because this is what will help in the treatment process. Competent diagnostics is possible only at an appointment with a specialist who will not only conduct all the necessary examinations, but also prescribe the appropriate treatment course. Ways to treat heavy bleeding during menstruation:

If we are talking about pathology, in 80% of cases it is impossible to do without surgical treatment. In this case, the damaged area of ​​the uterus is removed or any other pathology that provokes heavy bleeding and clots is eliminated.

If the ultrasound failed to identify any pathologies, then the gynecologist prescribes an examination, which is aimed at identifying neoplasms in the urogenital system. We are talking about magnetic resonance imaging computed tomography. If no tumors are observed, then for recovery after hormonal disorders a specialist will prescribe these medicines that contain gestagens.

In case of heavy bleeding, directly related to the onset of menopause, it is necessary to take hormonal medications that contain progesterone.

It may also be necessary to take so-called monophasic contraceptives, which are prescribed if uterine fibroids are diagnosed.

Monophasic agents:

  • normalize the ratio of hormones;
  • have an effect on reducing bleeding.

In cases where treatment is ineffective, they are used to get rid of fibroid nodes. surgical method. If the disease is not treated appropriately, the entire uterus may need to be removed. Today, embolization is used to treat fibroids. Submitted modern technique ensures maximum blocking of blood flow to nodal formations in the fibroid. As a consequence of this, tumor cells complete the process of reproduction and growth and soon die completely.

If, based on the test results, it becomes obvious that bleeding is caused by a low ratio, then it is necessary to take certain medications containing iron. It's about, for example, about “Tardiferon”.

Then, when menstruation passes accompanied by clots, but no diseases or pathologies have been identified, the specialist prescribes medications such as calcium gluconate or Ascorutin. However, what to do if the bleeding becomes more and more severe, and there is no way to wait for a specialist or undergo an examination.

Hemostatic agents. So, when the bleeding is very severe and it is necessary to stop it as soon as possible, you should use a remedy such as, for example, Dicinon. This effective means It is also good for stopping bleeding because it can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

It should be used exclusively in moments of heavy bleeding, but should not be used regularly. It is important to note that there are contraindications. Thus, “Ditsinon” cannot be used for thrombosis. At heavy discharge blood with clots, you need to take it twice a day, one tablet. You can make the effect of the drug stronger if you take it three to four times a day. However, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will determine whether the use of such large dosages is advisable.

Another remedy that helps in the fight against heavy and severe bleeding, as well as clots, is Vikasol. This medicine can be used no more than two tablets within 24 hours. The degree of its effectiveness is not as great as some other means, but it is excellent for first aid. In the same case, when the bleeding does not become less intense, more strong remedies, for example, “Dicinon” or others approved by the gynecologist.

Very often, women do not pay attention to bleeding until it becomes really heavy and strong. This approach to one’s own health is fundamentally wrong because it can cause serious harm health. This is why it is very important to implement timely treatment without self-medicating, which can be very harmful.

Treatment of heavy and painful periods with horsetail. One of the menstrual cycle disorders is menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea), manifested by heavy bleeding that lasts more than 7 days. In this case, the total volume of discharge is over 100 ml. Helps normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce pain during menstruation horsetail. For this, 1 tbsp. Steam a spoonful of herbs with 500 ml of boiling water. Let the mixture sit and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of infusion every 2 hours until bleeding decreases, after which the medicine can be taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Treatment of menorrhagia with a collection of oak bark, yarrow herbs, cinquefoil, and raspberries. For the treatment of heavy and prolonged periods - menorrhagia, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe for preparing the decoction. Mix 20 g each of crushed oak bark, yarrow and cinquefoil herbs, wild strawberry and raspberry leaves. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of mixture in a glass of cold boiled water and let the herb brew for 4-5 hours, then bring the liquid to a boil and simmer over low heat (without boiling) for 5-7 minutes. After filtering, the broth is drunk in several doses per day. The course of treatment is 5-8 days. The decoction is also good for inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

Treatment of bleeding caused by abortion with a decoction of a mixture of medicinal herbs. To stop bleeding caused by abortion, mix 100 g of nettle herb and shepherd's purse, crushed burnet roots. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture into an enamel pan and pour 3 cups of boiling water, simmer on low heat under the lid for about half an hour. Strain the broth and divide into 4 parts. When consuming each serving, you can add honey to taste.

Treatment of painful periods with infusions of medicinal herbs. At painful menstruation– dysmenorrhea, traditional healers use herbal tea from 20 g of buckthorn bark, 20 g of white birch leaves, 20 g of peppermint leaves, 20 g of yarrow herb, 20 g of valerian root and 20 g of blackberry leaves. Grind all ingredients and mix well. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and leave until cool, then strain and drink in small sips throughout the day. When taking this decoction, your periods will pass without pain.

Over time, menstruation becomes something ordinary for every woman, something that comes once a month, and you just need to get through it. But when clots appear during menstruation and other changes, many women begin to sound the alarm.

Let’s figure out together whether it’s normal or pathological during menstruation, and at the same time decide what to do in such a situation.

Most women know that menstrual discharge is the secretion of the uterine gland and blood. In addition to these components, menstrual fluid contains pieces of the endometrium and vaginal epithelium.

When a woman moves, secretions and blood are released regularly. If female body is in a state of rest (sleeping, sitting, lying, etc.), then the blood begins to leave the vagina more slowly, collects there and coagulates. This is what causes clots to form during menstruation. These accumulations are waste material from the egg.

Basically, menstrual flow is heavy and thick because the enzymes responsible for thinning the blood do not have time to do their job. This is how clots appear during menstruation, a small amount of which in menstrual blood doctors consider normal.

Blood clots appear during menstruation and in those women who have inserted these clots. These clots are part of the egg that was fertilized, but are washed away during menstruation.

Along with not as much blood as it might seem at first glance. In addition, all of it is compensated by the body, so there cannot be much blood loss. The color of the clots is usually dark red, darker than menstrual blood.

But if the clots are abundant and are accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a gynecologist, as these signs may indicate endometriosis. This female disease, the cause of which can be smoking, abortion, alcohol, hormonal imbalance, inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and much more. Blood clots after menstruation can also be a symptom of this disease. Only a doctor can recognize this disease if you visit him in a timely manner. Timely analysis of swabs, blood and urine taken from you, ultrasound examination will help the gynecologist correctly diagnose your illness, prescribe timely treatment and procedures so that deviations in your health do not become chronic. It is possible that a blood clotting test will also be needed. At early diagnosis your illness can be guaranteed complete cure.

If the appearance of clots is also accompanied by a feeling severe fatigue, heavy bleeding, loss of strength, then your first step is to see a doctor for examination and examination.

Bend of the uterus, blood clots, and an excess of B vitamins can also cause bleeding with clots during menstruation.

If you suddenly have previously unseen clots during your period that look like “liver”, bad smell, performance has decreased, there is a reason to visit a gynecologist. After all, these signs can indicate a serious pathology of the body as a whole and the reproductive system in particular.

Clots during menstruation may also indicate a miscarriage. early when pregnancy is still difficult to determine. Then their color may be slightly yellow or gray, since the fertilized egg, which was rejected by the body, is released with the clots.

So, let's summarize our conversation. If your periods are regular, with small blood clots in the discharge, there is no need to ring the bell. You should consult a doctor if menstruation is accompanied by heavy bleeding, severe pain, irritability and fatigue.

Normally, women should not experience excessive uterine bleeding with clots even during menstruation. The reasons may be inflammatory diseases, hormonal dysfunction.

The main causes of uterine bleeding with clots

Uterine bleeding with clots and heavy discharge during menstruation are often confused; women do not know the danger this pathology poses. Most women think that this is normal phenomenon and thus the body is cleansed. In fact, uterine bleeding not only spoils the quality of life, but is also dangerous to a woman’s health.

Unusual discharge in the form of uterine bleeding often occurs in women before menopause and in young girls during the formation of the menstrual cycle. IN childbearing age Uterine bleeding is a deviation from the norm and indicates that something is going wrong in the body.

All spotting that is not menstruation is divided into types according to the cause of occurrence, signs of manifestation and danger. IN medical practice There are many types of uterine bleeding, but there are those that occur most often and have characteristic features differences.


Occur between natural menstruation and are not always pathological. But the occurrence of bloody discharge with clots indicates the development of pathology. This manifestation of symptoms may be associated with the development of endometriosis, fibroids or cysts. But it may also indicate a serious inflammatory process in the reproductive system.


They differ from others in the absence of any symptoms except bloody discharge. The amount of fluid may be barely noticeable and sometimes continuous. The cause of this pathology may be infectious diseases, previous abortions and taking hormonal medications.


Occurs when the appendages malfunction. This pathology especially often appears after long absence normal menstruation. Hormonal imbalance provokes untimely rejection of the lining reproductive organ, as well as spontaneous opening of the cervix. provokes uterine discharge with clotted blood.


The reason for such bleeding lies in the low tone of the myometrium. After surgical interventions, abortion or miscarriage, the uterus is not able to retain the mucous layer and it comes out in the form of various nature bleeding.


Occurs in young girls even before the onset of puberty. Call them strong physical activity, stress, poor nutrition And frequent illnesses. Such bleeding is dangerous due to the occurrence of anemia.


Occurs in women during menopause and in girls during puberty. Due to the lack of ovulation, the balance of hormones is disrupted, the follicles do not mature, and progesterone is not produced in required quantity. Without treatment, such manifestations are dangerous for the formation of malignant tumors.

Only a doctor can say exactly what is causing uterine bleeding and how to stop it. full examination. Any manifestation of bloody discharge cannot be ignored, and if symptoms appear, it is important to consult a gynecologist.

To know when to sound the alarm, it is important to recognize bleeding. Very often it is confused with natural physiological process, the signs of pathology are very similar. Few people know how much blood they lose during menstruation, and it can be very difficult to see a significant difference.

In order to understand whether the discharge is heavy and whether it can be attributed to bleeding, you need to try to estimate the amount of fluid. This is done using personal hygiene products. If a pad or tampon is completely wet within an hour, this means it is not just menstrual flow, but dangerous uterine blood loss.

The duration of such manifestations cannot exceed a week and if blood loss increases, you should immediately consult a doctor. may take a long time to build up, so it is important to pay attention to other symptoms.

To other signs pathological discharge include:

  • the appearance of small clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen of various types;
  • unexplained weakness;
  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • pallor of the skin.

Major blood loss leads to iron deficiency anemia, which is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin in general analysis already after 2-3 days of heavy discharge.

Causes of pathology

To eliminate the pathology, it is important to understand the nature of this manifestation. Uterine bleeding with clots, the causes of which are unknown, cannot be stopped and recurrence cannot be prevented. The treatment regimen and prognosis for the future depend on this. favorable outcome. The cause of bleeding can be not only serious disorder reproductive system, but also diseases of other organs, external and third-party factors.

Among the extragenital causes are:

  • infectious processes;
  • blood abnormalities;
  • disruption of the urethra;
  • liver diseases, cirrhosis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Genital causes are usually associated with pregnancy and childbearing. Among them are:

  • pathologies of embryo development;
  • pregnancy outside the uterus;
  • scars on the uterus after previous births;
  • placental abruption;
  • cervical damage;
  • destructive processes in the uterine cavity;
  • ruptures and injuries during childbirth;
  • delayed or partial release of placenta;
  • endometritis;
  • fibroids and malignant tumors;

If pregnancy is excluded, blood clots in the uterus are caused by the occurrence of pathological formations ovaries and uterus. Often spontaneous bleeding may occur when integrity is violated fallopian tubes, ovarian apoplexy.

Genital bleeding can also be caused by any injuries to the uterus and external genitalia due to violence or careless attitude towards one’s health. Violate reproductive functions can various drugs and hormonal contraceptives.

Assisting with uterine bleeding

Before the ambulance arrives heavy bleeding from the uterus, it is important to provide first aid correctly. With breakthrough blood loss, every minute is important, because it could be the last.

What you can and should do yourself at home:

  • take a horizontal position and raise your legs above head level;
  • apply cold to the lower abdomen for 15 minutes, then break for 5 minutes;
  • Replenish fluid loss by drinking plenty of fluids.

Regarding medications, you need to be careful and not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription. There are a number medicines which are used to deal with clots, but without knowing correct dosage you can not only call side effects, but also harm the body even more.

But it is also prohibited to use heating pads or douching. The solution may be harmful, and the plastic of the procedure tip may damage the mucosa. It is important to exclude drugs that can lead to contraction of the uterine walls, which will only increase blood loss.

How to detect bleeding during menstruation

The appearance of discharge in the middle of the cycle is alarming to any woman, but if it occurs during the expected period of menstruation, then it is quite difficult to distinguish between menstruation and blood loss.

You can track it by character, color and consistency. If the pad has to be changed more often than once every two hours, and due to blood clots, the discharge is not completely absorbed, then this indicates a pathology.

Due to the fact that menstruation is a normal physiological process, a woman should not feel severe discomfort and pain during menstruation. Such symptoms, together with weakness and fatigue, indicate a disorder.

A big misconception among women is the impossibility gynecological examination during menstruation, and they just wait for it to end. If there is heavy discharge, you can go through ultrasound examination to exclude hazardous phenomena in the form of an ectopic pregnancy or formations and this will not cause discomfort.

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