How to come to terms with a terrible diagnosis. A psychologist advises. The child was given a terrible diagnosis: what happens to the parent

The feed contains several posts in a row from friends: cancer diagnosis themselves or those closest to them. The emotional tone of these posts is clear: this news knocks you off your feet.

And since after it turned out that I had this very diagnosis, all these feelings were fresh in my memory, it seemed important to me to write a few things - what if my personal experience is useful to someone?

I will not write about the necessary medical actions- there are countless cases, everyone has their own recipe, but I want to talk about something else, about something that, perhaps, does not occur to everyone, that is, about important rules the behavior of the person who has been diagnosed, and the rules of behavior of his loved ones.

For the person himself: remember, the most emotionally unpleasant thing has already happened, you learned about your diagnosis. It will be easier in the future, because we need to do this, select treatment, console loved ones - this is also a big and important work, they are worse off now than you. This is what is very important to remember about loved ones. They are your main support group and support; they must be protected and saved, otherwise you will have no one to count on in the upcoming difficult moments of treatment. Therefore, treat this resource soberly and store it without squandering it on trifles - it sounds a little cynical, but it’s true.

Turn on your sense of humor, look at yourself from the outside and realize that your situation is not the worst - after all, no one is immortal, and an oncological diagnosis is not the worst thing in the world, there are a lot of more unpleasant things. If you look at your bald self with healthy self-irony, you may discover that you are a typical ancient Roman. And this gives some sense of pride :). There is no one hundred percent certainty that laughter cures cancer, but it gives you strength to live with cancer, and strength is exactly what you need now, right?

Under no circumstances, to the extent possible, disconnect from normal life: if you can, continue to work remotely, do not give up your hobbies and interests, as much as possible, drag yourself outside by your ears, even if you have no strength after chemotherapy or radiation. Try to keep your “diary” of achievements - I remember it was very important for me that I walked two blocks on Tuesday, and already four on Thursday. It's encouraging and very supportive. Be proud of yourself!!

Try to find someone who can be helped, who is worse off than you. There was an aunt in my room who was very scared, and she talked about it all the time. I was also scared, but I tried to distract her.

And in the end I discovered that wow, I’m not scared anymore! At the same time, the aunties calmed down :))).

And for sure, for sure, after the first shock you will discover your own methods of fighting yourself - and the fight against cancer is precisely the fight with yourself! Share them then, okay? And the most important thing, in my opinion, is that it is not in our power to know our life span, but in our power to spend this time in such a way that those around us would also envy.

But if suddenly you feel that you cannot cope emotionally with the situation, you should not think that you are Batman. You have the right to weakness, and to tears, and to periods bad mood- just remember that, generally speaking, if you go too far, these are your main enemies, and if these guests become more frequent, it may make sense to talk to a psychologist. This often helps. And be sure to remember - your job is to hold out: time is on our side, new methods and methods of treatment appear that were not available to people before.

And now two words to those who are close to a sick loved one, and to those who are close to them.

Please remember that cancer these days is not a death sentence. Or rather, this is the same sentence as life in general, which can be both terrible and beautiful at the same time. It is possible that during the course of your loved one’s struggle with illness, such depths of love and tenderness will be revealed to you that you could not even suspect. And ultimately, this is about happiness, no matter how blasphemous it may sound. Of course, you will need a lot of strength, patience and endurance, and a lot of discipline, because treatment includes very strict discipline, and this is difficult for such idiots as our family, for example - but it is really necessary.

Please never hide from an adult important details- from what the doctor told you. Your patient will still guess that you have something on your mind, but will not have the opportunity to discuss this important thing with you. This incredibly pulls the rug out from under your feet.

It is very important to know that your patient is now as emotionally dependent on you as possible. This does not mean that you are required to constantly smile and say that everything is bullshit, it’s just no good - it just means that you don’t have to leave him alone, it’s much better to hug, cry together, and then say, “ Well, yes, it’s bad now, but it will be better, God willing!” And really try to think like that.

You will have to come to terms with the change in lifestyle, and a large number inconveniences, and with mood swings of your patient - but these are just circumstances, the same as many others.

It is very important - do not isolate yourself within the family. Write to friends on social networks, seek support from friends and acquaintances, speak out loud about your needs. People are usually happy to help, but they don’t always know how. Help those who help, they will be grateful to you. My husband and I would never have coped with the situation if it weren’t for real help from the whole world.

And forgive in advance those who will write to you - “hold on” and “everything will be fine.” These two phrases will infuriate you, but in a strange way, they will really create invisible but tangible support for you. A word is not a little, it is a lot. Verified :))

But nevertheless, to friends of relatives of sick people: if you can, try to offer effective assistance, because nothing demoralizes a patient’s relative more than the phrases “keep your tail up and don’t be sour!” He has the right to be sour. And the tail with a pistol may not work. But it’s just important for him to know that you’re nearby, without being too positive.

Long remission to all of us, and, if possible, complete victory. There are many of us, which means it’s not so scary anymore.

Hello dear readers of the portal site. When you first hear a doctor say about terrible diagnosis Confusion, shock, and a feeling of unreality of what is happening appears (I know from my own experience). Weeks and months of treatment for the underlying disease begin. And then, suddenly, a previously unknown person suddenly appears, everything around begins to be perceived differently.

Life seems to be divided into the one before the terrible diagnosis and the one now - full of pain and disappointment. And this one new life It changes not only thoughts and habits, it often spoils (or nullifies) communication with friends and loved ones. Because sometimes it begins to seem that few people care about your problems. But more often, it’s just very difficult to stop thinking about something other than this damned diagnosis, about that internal and physical pain that changed my life.

IN similar situation, I want to isolate myself, “clog myself into a capsule.” This is exactly what happened to me. Somehow, a revaluation of values ​​​​happened very quickly and I kept asking myself the same questions: “For what? How to live on? Why did this happen to me? What’s the point? For what?”..... This is where they begin bring to light “inner demons” - depression, stress, fears, anger. Life begins to dramatically change its colors from rosy to darker and sadder.

It is often said that loved ones who are nearby can help. But, there are situations when there are no loved ones, or when you become a burden for them. Little is written about this, but it happens quite often. But I won’t talk about that in this article. This is a separate topic and we will talk about it next time.

I already wrote in the article “How to Raise Broken Wings” that the help of a psychotherapist helped me return to life and this help was remote (we have now become good friends), and I want to say again that often the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist can really be the bridge that you need to start living on.

You can find such a specialist by entering the correct search query into Google: “psychologist Kyiv, psychotherapist Moscow or help from a psychologist”... Or, contact a free service psychological assistance in your city (similar services are now available almost everywhere). The main thing is not to be afraid and think that you will not be understood. This is not correct. Often it is to such a specialist that you can say what you cannot voice to your loved ones or friends.

In many cities there are support groups for people with similar diagnoses. You can go there for help.

We don’t know how long we will live, no one knows when our candle will burn out. But you shouldn’t extinguish it yourself. Life is worth fighting for, and for this you need to learn to see the meaning in your current situation again, rejoice in the day that has come and fall asleep with words of gratitude for the day you have lived, learn to be happy, even with a serious illness. Do you think this is impossible?

I used to think so too and argued many times with my psychotherapist friend on this topic. I couldn’t understand how you could enjoy life if you began to hate it, how to find beauty if you were tormented. constant pain. How can I be happy if I can’t get out of bed without help?... Similar questions tormented me constantly. Until one day I noticed that something had changed in me and I began to find meaning in life again...

Is it possible to be seriously ill and at the same time happy man? Is it possible to learn to find moments of joy in life in a state of despair, when you cannot see a way out of a dark tunnel? How to live if you want to do something like before, but you can’t? Are these questions familiar to you? Very familiar to me. This is where self-pity... depression... comes in.

There is so much negativity that you don’t know what to do. And this makes the situation even worse general condition. And here, you need to learn to get out of this negativity, interrupt the flow of negative thoughts. What is needed for this? Well, probably the most important thing: faith in your strength, desire and desire to accept YOUR ILLNESS, rethink your life. These are not just words, if you manage to do this, you will learn to find colors and pleasant moments in life again.

If illness is not perceived as a punishment or as an evil accident, as something bad and terrible, then it can be perceived as an opportunity to change something in yourself. But for this you need to learn to use your internal mental reserves.

Try not to look in the past for a reason for the question “Why did I get sick? Why was I given this punishment?” Try to live in the present. Read the stories of people from the "" section, there are a lot of examples of how people coped with terrible diagnosis and what they were able to achieve. You can't live in the past. Try to learn to live in the present and don't forget to look into the future!

Try to perceive the disease as a kind of chance to change something in yourself, to change your life. Believe in yourself! You strong personality and you will succeed. Force your internal reserves to fight the diagnosis, the disease, make them work for yourself!

Health to you and your loved ones!
See you soon on the pages

I'm not afraid of anything! [How to get rid of fears and start living freely] Pakhomova Anzhelika

Terrible diagnoses...

Terrible diagnoses...

But fear of getting the flu is one thing, and AIDS or cancer is another. Many people are subject to this fear, because previously it was customary to hush up terrible diagnoses. Now this has changed, and almost everyone knows that many of our favorite artists have passed away due to cancer. The newspapers are full of advertisements: “ Help raise money for the operation!»

Many people have the feeling that everyone will eventually die from incurable diseases... According to one survey by the Health publication, eight out of ten people answered the question “What are you afraid of?” This is exactly what they called – the fear of contracting an incurable disease.

Well what can I say? Instead of being afraid, let's think about how to live so that such a disease does not occur. If you do not have a hereditary predisposition, only psychological reasons. Doctors are increasingly talking about the psychological background of serious illnesses, and psychotherapists are simply screaming.

If you want to stay healthy, don't forget that any negative emotions have a detrimental effect not only on our mood and nervous system, but also on the body as a whole. If you think about it, you can even remember how it happens.

We think intensely about something unpleasant - and we get a headache. We are offended and feel pain in our chests, in our hearts.

We get angry and our hands begin to shake, a hot wave runs through our body... All these are physical reactions of our body to unwanted emotions. Experiencing them time after time, the body reacts with diseases. It seems to signal us: don’t torture me, master! Stop! But when a person gets sick, he has negative emotions it gets even bigger, and more often than not it doesn’t stop...

So, it turns out that if not everything, then a lot is in our hands! We have the power to protect ourselves from emotions that lead to illness! After all, we hope you don’t think that emotions are the result of the activities of others? No matter what happens, it is up to you to decide how to react to the situation. What emotions should you be afraid of? like fire, so that later you won’t be afraid of diseases?

Self-criticism. It’s not for nothing that psychotherapists working with cancer patients say: cancer cells are cells that are “offended” at us. Because the person carried negativity inside himself. Not sparing himself, he engaged in self-flagellation, analysis of his flights, in short, he ate himself from the inside. Therefore, if you have such a habit, know that it is very harmful! If, during attacks of self-flagellation, you experience gnawing melancholy, you have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, and your stomach hurts, it means that undesirable processes are slowly but surely occurring in your body. Is it worth it? Change your tactics! Not only stop reproaching yourself, but, on the contrary, repeat seven times every morning: “I'm pleased with myself! I'm great! I’m starting everything from scratch, and I don’t regret the past!”

It is very important not to regret, even if you made a mistake. It is in this habit of punishing oneself for the past that lies the essence of self-criticism, which literally “corrodes” our soul.

Resentment. No less harmful than being offended by yourself is holding a grudge against others. When we are offended, we take on bad emotions, which we then “grind” within ourselves. It’s not for nothing that it seems to us that the offender “hit” us with a look, a word... A feeling arises in the chest. It's a dull pain, which seems to come from within. This is how resentment is experienced! And in exactly the same way - oddly enough - we experience a feeling of guilt when we have offended someone. Ask for forgiveness for your words or actions. Forgive the one who offended you. And you will immediately feel that discomfort left the body, you felt easy and good. Shouldn't you think about living like this forever? To prevent yourself from being offended at all?

Of course, only enlightened people and monks and holy people have achieved the ideal so far. But at least by getting rid of the habit of instantly reacting with offense to everything unwanted that happens, you will do a good deed for yourself.

Anger. Oh, what harmful emotions these are for health! They say, however, that there is a feeling of “healthy anger” that helps in work. But this seems to be the same phantom as “white envy” - no one knows for sure whether it exists or not. When we are angry, everything inside us bubbles and shakes. We, figuratively speaking, “lose our temper.” The result is stomach diseases, because the person does not seem to “digest” the situation, does not accept the events or people who surround him. As a result, his anger did not make anyone worse, only himself. Because the person caused energetic damage to his body and became ill. Avoid anger like fire! It is unproductive, meaningless and does not bring anything good. Avoid open conflict—screaming, swearing, accusing someone to your face—until the last moment. Because it will bring you nothing but harm.

As soon as you feel yourself getting excited, remember something good. Remember how good it is to just live!

And your offender or “circumstances” have nothing to do with this process. Remember self-preservation!

By the way, it was precisely those people who realized that the disease signals us about the need to change our lifestyle, who were ultimately cured.

For example, the famous writer Daria Dontsova, who, having heard the “verdict” (the fourth stage of breast cancer), did not bury herself, but was distracted by creativity. It was the illness that forced her to write books, including about what happened to her.

The writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn also defeated this disease and professed the same principle: “Don’t be offended by your illness! Don't complain! Think about what you need to change about yourself?”

TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev went to church before the operations and there he realized that he had treated his loved ones too cruelly. Having changed his behavior, he noticed that he no longer had anyone to be angry or offended with, he believed in his healing, and the disease receded...

In general, you shouldn't think too much about serious illnesses. But you should think about how to protect yourself from what could be their cause.


No matter how afraid you are of getting sick, becoming infected, falling ill - don’t talk about it. Try to deceive the disease that in your mind is guarding the victim. She prefers people who are insecure.

When you get sick, think not about illness, but about recovery. If your environment is trying to make you sick, reassure

tell him that everything is fine with you. Don't be angry at your pain, but don't give it too much attention.

Do not take pills for every minor ailment. It’s better to think about why the problem arose and change something in your lifestyle.

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Most terrible diagnosis

... The session was going on. A student I knew stopped by with a textbook under her arm. Her eyes were large and frightened. “Oh, girls, I just read Oncology. And it seems to me that I have cancer of everything!”

An attack of cancerophobia (“fear of cancer”), familiar to many medical students, overtook the girl just before the exam. Before that, to be honest, she rarely looked at the textbook. And then it’s written there...
But for mere mortals, not knowledgeable in medicine, it is even worse - under the veil of mystery that is usually used to cover this diagnosis, everything only looks worse. Doctors have special words and designations for it that are incomprehensible to patients. “Look, just be quiet,” says the teacher to the students crowded into the room. And after 5 minutes everyone in the room knows that the old lady is doomed. Except herself.
It is difficult to say what more harm or benefit has come from the custom in our medicine of hiding the terrible truth. In the West, there was a different point of view on this matter: the patient must know everything in order to put in order, firstly, the papers, and secondly, the relationship with God. But despite these differences, humanity is united in its determination to defeat cancer. Since oncological diseases as a cause of death they rank second after cardiovascular diseases. So, if anyone is unlucky enough to die from a heart attack, then...
But there is no need to panic. Cancer is not a predator that suddenly attacks you from ambush. Knowing what it is and where it comes from, you can minimize the risk of the disease.
As you know, all cells of the body are constantly renewed. A tumor begins when one of the cells breaks down in the part of the genetic apparatus that regulates reproduction, and it gets out of control. The main cause of DNA damage is chemical carcinogens(substances, causing cancer). “Terrible and terrible” radiation lags far behind them in this regard.
On initial stage the tumor hardly shows itself at all. Therefore, they often turn to a doctor when it’s too late... As the tumor grows, changes in the cells continue, they seem to “fall into childhood”, they stop fulfilling their normal function and respond to body signals. The connections between them are weakened, some of them, breaking off, are carried through the blood and lymph to other organs - metastases (secondary tumor foci) occur. A growing tumor compresses nearby organs, sometimes grows into them, and in addition, absorbs like a parasite. necessary for the body nutrients, poisons him with the products of his vital activity and, in the end, simply “eats” the person.
Well, enough horror. Of course, all this time immune system is not idle. The vast majority of "wrong" cells are destroyed immediately after they appear. Can you imagine, according to WHO, every 8 minutes a cancer cell. What would we do if it weren't for our immune system? It’s not for nothing that it was at a seminar on immunology that the thought that God exists for the first time occurred to me. It’s hard to imagine that such an ingenious mechanism arose on its own...
In general, the first thing you should do for prevention is to strengthen your immune system. How? Moreover, at school we took: healthy image life, sports, hardening, balanced diet. By the way, it is now considered very harmful to “roast” on the beach for a long time - solar radiation reduces immunity and has a bad effect on the skin. Doctors advocate wide-brimmed hats and sunscreen.
Secondly, it is better to load the body less with these same carcinogens, and this is everything smoked and fried (especially in reusable fat), as well as the notorious nitrates, not to mention smoking - the Ministry of Health constantly warns... True, in some countries instead Dry inscriptions are printed on photographs of smokers dying of cancer. They say it's impressive!
Among the factors leading to cancer, tobacco accounts for 30%, poor nutrition- 35%. This means that by eliminating them, you reduce the risk of getting cancer by 3 times! Occupational hazards, geophysical factors, food additives etc. lead to cancer much less often. Alcohol itself is not a carcinogen, but enhances their effects. In terms of diet, it is also recommended to refrain from eating too hot, fatty and spicy foods, but instead eat plant fiber.
Huge value vitamins are used to prevent cancer - primarily beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamins C and E. They, being antioxidants, “correct” the effect of carcinogens and increase immunity; Vitamin C also sharply inhibits the synthesis of carcinogenic nitrosamines from those same nitrates. By the way, expensive imported fruits are far from holding the record for vitamin C content. Rose hips, young walnuts, sea buckthorn, black currant, bell pepper, sprouted grains, as well as in dill, parsley, fresh and sauerkraut, and even in potatoes, only properly cooked.
Vitamin E is found in any vegetable oil, rose hips, soybeans and other legumes. It, unlike vitamin C, is not destroyed by culinary processing. Beta-carotene is found in everything red and orange - carrots, pumpkin, rose hips, etc., as well as parsley and dill. Consuming a small amount of fat with such foods ( vegetable oil, cream, sour cream) increases the digestibility of beta-carotene by 10 times. So improve your diet, and if you crave smoked lard unbearably, snack on it with at least a bunch of greens.
It is also considered very beneficial fasting(by the way, it doesn’t cost any money at all). At the same time, the body, thinking about what to eat, destroys, first of all, defective, incorrect cells. You just need to fast correctly and after consulting with your doctor.
Early referral is vital medical care. In Japan, for example, after the introduction of universal annual gastroscopy, stomach cancer is almost always cured by early stages- relatively easy and complete. Women need regular visits to the gynecologist and monthly self-examination mammary glands. Often cancer occurs against the background of previous chronic diseases, so you can't run them. You need to monitor the condition of your skin. If a fast-growing mole appears, with uneven edges and uneven coloring, you should definitely see a doctor (melanoma is dangerous because it metastasizes very early).
By the way, of all cancers, the most common is stomach cancer, followed by lung cancer, skin cancer and cancer in men. lower lip, and in women - uterine cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer. Most of these diseases can either be prevented or at least detected in a timely manner. So draw conclusions and take action instead of just being afraid.
What, is it still scary? And rightly so. To be honest, I don’t understand how people manage to live without God in a world where there is cancer and death. How can they “rely only on themselves” and “manage own life"? "For what is your life? A vapor that appears for a little while and then disappears" (James 4:14).
Therefore, it is probably not very wise to make caring for health the meaning of life, to worry about own body, which will still turn to dust, sit on unimaginable diets and sleep in a pressure chamber, like Michael Jackson once did.
The other extreme is also bad - negligent attitude towards one’s own health is not approved by either medicine or the Bible. The Bible calls our body God's temple and says that “whoever destroys the temple of God will be punished by God.”
It’s probably ideal to keep a balance between these extremes, take care of your health if possible, and rely on God for the rest. And this hope will not let you down, even if you are faced with that same terrible diagnosis...